#monk i could stretch and Maybe.
fatcowboys · 1 year
hrg ok i was gonna have arcane be a fighter but someone else has selected fighter and like yes ok there can be two fighters but. at level one. too similar. i wanna be a special guy. gotta figure out plan b
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diorkittys · 1 month
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yoga lessons ˚ ♡ ⋆。 teacher!ramattra + [human] reader
synopsis : being late to your teachings with your bhikkhu wasn’t unbeknownst to either one of you. though, maybe you should’ve studied up a little more on your poses. it’s okay, your teacher will remind you lazy work does not go unpunished. maybe that’s not a punishment in itself.
—TW : smut , female body parts , mentor and student (not an age gap, i promise) , size difference , hittin it from behind , dom! ramattra , exhibitionism , slight dumification , slight overstimulation , yapping
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‘sleeping in’ was a foreign concept in the monastery of the monks. you were expected to be up ‘before the arrival of surya’—the sun himself. Although, that wasn’t necessarily a problem anyone there faced; an unspoken rule of awaking at 4:00, meditation until 5:00, and chanting before 6:00… all to be fulfilled to begin your day.
early mornings didn’t phase you anymore, it was to be assumed regarding the fact you live with the monks. And so whilst everyone finished their routine, you had an extra step: teaching. Bhante Ramattra took you under his wing as his novice 6 months ago, when you had fled to the monastery in search of spiritual guidance and inner peace… as most do. He was a stoic mentor with a gentle soul; and he was always gentle with you. you figured he, as a bhikkhu, however, was like that to most. it was still nice to perceive it as your own.
“Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa.” you finished your daily prayer, taking in a deep breath, and standing from your place on your cushion. in about 5 minutes you would be late to your lessons with your bhikkhu.
you hurried to put on your robes and make your way to the gardens of the monastery. you passed by various monks walking the halls, taking a quick bow with your hands together to each one. you finally reached the scenic path to the gardens, feeling the cold cobblestone nipping at your socks. bhante ramattra sat on an intricate-patterned mat in a clearing of grass. his back straight and turned against you. you approached quietly, seemingly tiptoeing on the meadow.
“late again, my lotus?” you cringed, scrunching your nose. how could you sneak up on someone who’s practice is higher understanding? and his endearing nickname only seemed to make you more awkward.
“only by a minute or two this time. you can’t blame me if my reasoning is prayer.” you sat on the mat draped in front of him, noticing his loose robe showing off his chest plate. you let your eyes wander for a brief second.
“a moment delayed is an opportunity for patience and reflection… have you practiced either of the sort during your travel here?” if ramattra’s eyes shown, they would be staring deep into yours, quizzical and smug.
“well, what about you? you weren’t very patient for my arrival..”
“in questioning, we uncover the path to wisdom. in your case, i see no benefiting outcome in questioning me, besides a failing grade.” ramattra folded his arms.
“since when am i graded?” you giggled.
“i am your mentor; i grade you by progress, not by numbers.” at this point, ramattra has begun his dhyana mudra practice, joining his thumb and index together as a way to get rid of the headache in front of him. “now, have you rehearsed your yoga poses i gave as homework. i would hope you took this seriously as today’s lesson encompasses the custom.”
“yes, i think i have them all perfected.” you started on your warmup stretches, pulling your leg, then the next, to your sides. “excellent. are you confident to demonstrate your teachings?” you nodded and even with an expressionless face, ramattra seemed pleased.
you started with a simple locust pose to begin—balancing on your stomach, neck bent upwards, and hands stretched behind your back. your bhikkhu hummed in contentment, “very well, my lotus. now form into a cobra stance.”
again, the pet name only made your body stutter and for a moment you had blanked on how to do such a pose. ramattra is observant, he was taught about even the smallest body language from an early start of his own teachings—he noticed.
your black out didn’t last more than a second, though, and you pressed your pelvis to the floor, steading your weight on your hands. the omnic watched as you faced the sky, adam’s apple bobbing when you swallowed. 
again, ramattra hummed, watching the muscles of your back push together. “you’re doing well. i see my instructions didn’t fall on deaf ears. switch into fish pose.”
“you know,” you strained, falling onto your hands and rolling on your back. “these names don’t have any correlation to the pose itself. who came up with them?” you propped yourself on your elbows and awaited a response.
“matsyasana. that’s the original sanskrit name. we haven’t fully completed your language lessons yet, so we will stick to the westernized name of the position.” the omnic looked a bit displeased with the naming himself, but he was considered more traditional, so you assumed he didn’t like the newer adaptation.
“but how does it resemble a fis—er.. matsyasana? all i am doing is arching my back—what matsyasana have you seen do that?”
ramattra let out a raspy chuckle, and it brought a sense of pride that you could get that out of him. you liked the sound… even if it was a bit robotic and rough; almost like it was new to him too.
“you seem to keep ahold of your humanistic, logical ideals; embrace the current of life’s flow with a light heart.” your bhikkhu sighed, “but, if you must know, the pose resembles the graceful arch of a fish jumping out of water.”
ramattra stood to sit at your side, placing a metal hand under the palm of your back; he put his other on the cavity of your chest, gently forcing your rib cage to stick out. “like this.”
you looked up at your mentor, he looked down at you… and for a moment you could’ve sworn you both couldn’t look away. but in the second he was above you, he was now back to where he sat. it was probably—most likely, in your head.
the pose was difficult and hard to keep. your breathing wasn’t very steady as your body contorted in almost 180 degrees. “try not to focus on the position, instead focus on each exhale, releasing your struggle.”
“…easier,” you huffed, eyebrows furrowed, “…said than done.” ramattra tried to think of another way he could find you strength, but something in front of him was blurring his thoughts…
your breasts were perked up by the way your back stretched, laying on your chest oh, so perfect, and so vulnerable. something inside ramattra was whirring—electronic signals zapping circuits and tangled his wires.
he’s never… he’s never felt so hot before; maybe it was a malfunction.
but your chest kept heaving as your breathing deepened. your mouth was slightly agape as you tried to hold together, on a tiny thread. and your little noises were only stirring on this… feeling inside him even more. no, it couldn’t be a malfunction; he knew his sensations were purposeful. but, by devine presence, what kind of monk would he be? still holding onto the chains of lust, how foolish.
and yet, here he was, allowing himself the pleasure of watching you, watching you struggle, watching your body with desire. so lost in his own selfishness, he didn’t even hear your pleas.
“bhante ramattra? bhikkhu? please… am i finished?”
you were so strained. maybe this was a test? why else has your bhikkhu let you hurt without lesson?
ramattra snapped out of it, now feeling slightly guilty for letting you writhe in pain. “my apologies, lotus. you may lay out of pose.” he didn’t have to tell you twice. letting your body drop to the floor in exhaustion.
“i’m sorry.”
“for what?”
you let yourself calm down before continuing, “i’ll admit, i didn’t practice that position as much as i should have.” your mentor shook his head. “learn from this experience, and with a sincere heart, your efforts will blossom.” although, ramattra knew it shouldn’t be you to take the blame.
“are you restful enough for another demonstration?”
you nodded. ramattra was satisfied.
“marjaryasana.” he spoke, finding your readiness to speak more sanskrit endearing.
you remembered from previous teachings that ‘marjaraha’ meant ‘cat’ and you understood it to start a cat pose.
you planted yourself on the ground with your hands, balancing on your knees and lifting your head to the sky. you expectingly awaited your bhikkhu’s approval… but he said nothing.
“you’re missing something.”
“this is a cat pose, is it not? marjaraha?” what could you possibly have done wrong? you may have messed up your last instructions, but you were certain you had this simple one down. your continuous practice the night before being a witness.
“your sanskrit is correct; i’m proud of your remembrance—but your posing is lacking.” ramattra stood from his spot to come kneel behind you. “allow me to help.”
the large omnic loomed over you. from an outside perspective, it looked as if a wolf engulfing it’s prey.
but ramattra wasn’t a ravenous creature, at least, from your understanding.
he took two big hands and gripped your waist, bunching up the fabric of your thin sanghati; ramattra would have to have a word with you next time on wearing the correct number of robes.
“bend.” he commanded. gesturing to the small of your back. you obliged. you were warm all over besides the chill of his metal holding you in place, which hardened your nipples through your clothes.
you wondered if this explicit position was all but innocent… surely, your wise mentor didn’t have any further intentions; you couldn’t hold yourself to that high regard… that didn’t stop your lustful thoughts. and anyone with common sense could stumble into the garden and most certainly view it just as suggestive as you… right?
you kept silent, letting the bigger man behind take the lead and guide you. he pressed against your skin until your arch was just to his standards.
you were almost positive that you could feel warmth radiating from how close his crotch was from your ass… that is, if a robot could emit such a thing.
“perfect.” he finally spoke. the bhikkhu admired his work from above.
you were afraid to respond… partly because you didn’t want to scare him away, and partly because you felt that if you opened your mouth, a long, suppressed moan would come out instead.
so you sat there, on all fours, back arched, unmoving, trying—desperately trying to squeeze your thighs together as best as you could to maybe satisfy this need you craved.
biting your lip, you stifled a pathetic whimper as ramattra’s thigh grazed over yours. how wrong this must be. a novice lusting over their bhikkhu… in a place of respect and religion. siddhartha, guide you now…
ramattra noticed your quietness, bending down closer to your head. had he made you uncomfortable? were the tensions thick for you too? he’ll admit his grip on your waist was rather tight; the plush skin beneath your garments was enticing.
you were… small compared to him. you allowed him to touch you and you obeyed his words. very obedient. and now comes the remembrance that you were practically all his. his novice. his responsibility. his student.
and you were a very good student.
“what’s wrong, my lotus?” he asked, hovering over you. “is this pose too much for you than the last? i would’ve expected this one to be easier.”
you shook your head. your shoulders were stiff now, especially with that whirring, raspy voice his speakers emitted behind your ear.
“in silence, we give, but in words, we convey. should we revisit that lesson again?”
his words were teasing. ramattra slid his metallic fingers up your torso, just enough for the skin of your back to peak out.
you shook your head again. he squeezed.
“no…” you shivered, berating yourself for the unsteadiness of your words.
“no, what? perhaps a deeper dive into honorifics sometime the-“
“no, bhante ramattra.” you blurted before he could finish. “…sorry, bhikkhu. i didn’t mean to come out disrespectful.”
“mistakes are life lessons. now listen to your teacher once more and bend down on your arms.”
this craving could not be denied any longer. ramattra should listen to his… perhaps, vile instincts and have you here, right beneath him. how foolish he has accepted himself to be in this moment of need, because he did, in fact, need you. his star novice; much to learn, but he knew you had so much to give.
where in his circuits he’d be wired to lust, who knows. but after all, sentience was a gift to be held… and to be cherished. no amount of enlightenment could take the selfishness out of living.
it was clear now to the both of you that this was not so unrequited. that this back and forth game, that no other monk and apprentice shared, was not out of the blue, but a slow burned 6 months.
of course, you did not disobey your bhikkhu. you, ass up, face covered by elbows, awaited ramattra’s instructions, or actions.
the large omnic let his hands travel down the small of your waist, down below your naval. his other hand let way, bunching your beige attire into a fist. but he stayed a second longer, observing.
“tell me, lotus, are humans naturally this sensitive? i’ve barely touched you and you’re quivering as if it were snowing.” ramattra chuckled.
it was true. a simple graze was enough for you to be fully at his mercy. embarrassing, really, but one look from this monk could have your knees buckling. did he not realize how enticing he truly was? you can only imagine how many yearn for his attention—but no villager has ever had it; he’s been to busy teaching you.
“just… cold.” what a believable response.
“cold? the sensors in my fingers speak otherwise; you’re burning up.” he continued, “a lie is temporary refuge for a simple answer. you’ve been rather deceiving today—something you did not learn from me.”
“how have i? i know better.” you furrow your brows. this is… frustrating. speaking when all you want to do is scream the omnic’s name. waiting when he knows exactly what he’s doing. was this really a time for discussion?
“you should have told me sooner that you have had selfish thoughts. these are things that will lead you astray from your higher path.”
“i-“ he cut you off.
“i am no fool; i see how you look at me. how you react to the small things i do. how you stutter and play with your fingers when i look down at you.”
ramattra slowly slides his middle fingers along your slit, coating himself in your arousal. you stifle a whimper, burying your head in your folded arms.
“for thoughts like those, you could be casted out of the monastery. it is frowned upon to hold a bhikkhu in such low regard.”
long fingers split you open and felt you inside. each circle on your swollen clit was a jolt of hot pleasure through your body. your sounds were lewd—moans rolling off your tongue like your prayer this morning.
“it’s a good thing i like you so much; otherwise, your consequences wouldn’t be so… nice.”
does he ever stop talking? isn’t it apart of monk code to be listening instead of boastful? his voice is sexy though, you thought. as long as he keeps reassuring this was not at all one sided, it’s not a problem.
ramattra was toying you, using your venerable feelings as a way to touch you the way he wants. touching and pressing—and you could’ve sworn his robotic fingers had a sort of buzz to them. but this was torture, and he knows it; you needed him elsewhere.
“bhikkhu… please.”
“please what, lotus?” his movements were slower now, giving you just enough to want more.
“what do you need?”
“you,” you huffed, “inside me… please.”
ramattra dragged his long digits across your pussy, stopping at your hole and pressing down. you let out a guttural moan, shoving your ass forward for him to continue. he slowly pushed himself inside you, basking in the way you choked on your voice. whole body tensing and then relaxing all in a second.
“right here?”
“right there.”
he pumped in and out, curling into the spongy spot that had your hairs sticking up. his other hand pushed your garments out of the way, feeling you up—goosebumps littering your skin from the cold.
you slightly swayed from his movement, fingernails pressing into the rug below you so hard it almost hurt. but, you couldn’t focus on anything besides the full feeling you got from his fingers knuckle deep inside you, and then that empty, needy—pleading feeling your pussy sent all the way to your head when he pulled out. a back and forth that eventually fried any coherent thought you could have formed; sensory overload that made your skin buzz and toes curl.
your previous nervous and shameful scenarios of anyone being able to find you like this—to see one of the most disgraceful acts performed inside a sacred monastery, still stuck somewhere in the back of your mind. by divine presence, how awful! you would surely be cast out—you and your bhikkhu, just like he said. could even buddha be enough to guide you back astray?
and yet, here you were almost worry-free. for some reason that hadn’t been discussed, you felt as if… protected—safe with your bhikkhu behind you. as though bhante ramattra truly wouldn’t allow anything to happen to his precious student—and you were the most precious in this moment.
ramattra’s free hand moved from the fabric of your robe to the mound of your breast. he lingered beneath your nipple for a minute, almost like hesitation… too much for his artificial hormones to handle. after all, this was fairly new to omnics—like testing the waters to see how far he could make it before short-circuiting.
he let the quiet air sit still for a brief second, hearing the ever-present squelches sounding from beneath the two of you, and your breathless noises, before speaking.
“i would be deceitful to say you were the only one sneaking lustful glances, my novice… i have… wondered… how you must look coming out of the shower, or behind closed doors when we say ‘goodnight’. i’ve pictured you bare, as dishonorable as it sounds.”
another pump inside you.
“although, you leave nothing to the imagination when you don’t wear your proper attire—i assume there’s more than just me whose thought of you like that… but, i wonder… if you dress like that just for me.”
his voice lowered; it sent a new chill down your spine, and a new whimper out your plush lips. ramattra leaned even closer to your ear, hunched over you.
‘ramattra wasn’t a ravenous creature’, you thought, but right now, you worried he might actually devour you.
his movements slowed. again, keeping that tortuous pace that barely gave you what you need. just enough for you to whine and groan.
“i wouldn’t put it past you; i’m surprised you haven’t begged me onto you before now—so needy, you are… practically clung to me.”
he lowly chuckled, in his own robotic, whirring way.
“and my teachings can’t be that good, no… my lotus… you’ve needed me.” “ah!” you sharply gasped, teeth digging into your lip when your bhikkhu hit a particularly sensitive spot.
the monk’s hand now pushed past his previous hesitation, coming to grope your breast, fondling the plush skin. you heard the slightest grunt come from his speakers, if at all. his middle and index capturing your nipple and pinching.
“oh, fuck!” you moaned, furrowing your brows.
ramattra, again, chuckled, “i haven’t heard you curse since the beginning of your teaching… might i add that to the list to revisit?”
you groaned, “is this really—erugh!—the time for judgement?” the monk shook his head, “there is no place for judgement at any given moment; i do not judge you, my lotus, far from it. i admire you.”
ramattra curled metal into the tip of your cervix, slightly spread his fingers, then curled again.
“is that not obvious?”
maybe you were see-through—had he made that comment in a normal circumstance, you surely would’ve stumbled on your words. picturing it now with heat blooming across your pretty cheeks, nervously toying with your pinkies as if that’s the highest regard anyone could’ve held you at.
prized student, but now also, ramattra’s worship.
the omnic switched from fondling your sensitive breasts to trace his hands over the skin of your chest… then your waist, then below your navel, pressing ever-so-slightly to feel the indent of himself inside you. it was almost like he was trying to remember you; perhaps, scared that this might be the last of this lesson—that he’ll never get to see his student like this again, so he will savor it.
the metal of his thumb stretched out to your clit, pushing on the bundle of nerves to see how’d you react, which you would respond with a mewl of his name and he’d take that a sign to continue.
he started carefully, then gradually began the same pace he was fucking you with. ramattra huffs and holds onto you a little tighter when your once coherent moans turned into a mess of crying, whining, and blurts of ‘bhikkhu!’.
you felt a familiar, sickly sweet feeling bubbling in your tummy, flowering to your chest, and burning your inner thighs. your desperation had a mind of its own, and you arched your back farther than you thought you ever could. your pretty ass pressing more into your mentor’s crotch, fingernails bracing yourself. your blissful noises shortened and choked on each other as your mouth hung agape.
with another teasing pull of ramattra’s fingers, coming almost all the way out before shoving back inside your dripping cunt, you tipped over. that sweet, hot, white feeling coating your entire body, prickling the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. you orgasmed… hard, coming undone right beneath your bhikkhu, all for him to see.
your knees quivering, body too heavy to carry now, but ramattra had a firm hand to your navel, keeping you up for him to pump his, now cum-coated, fingers through your high. and when the slightest graze to your g-spot had you jolting, he stopped, setting you down gently and running his hands down the sides of your waist once more before sitting back on his knees.
you heaved your breaths, sweat glistening in the sunbeams through the trees, clothes tousled almost purposefully around you. ramattra would mutter a comment about how you look celestial, astrology hanging from the droplets in your hair.
it took a moment to get your bearings, and even 5 minutes later, you’re still tired and sore and hung up on the fact your teacher, who you no idea reciprocated your feelings, had fucked you so hard and passionately next to a statue of aurora ten feet away.
ramattra placed a hand on your back—the same one used to pleasure you, would you ever look at it the same?—but, nonetheless a hand and you were grateful it was made of metal, cool to the touch.
“yathā tvaṁ mām āvaśyakaṁ, tathā aham api tvāṁ āvaśyakam.” ramattra muttered, quiet and soft. you wondered how an artificial intelligence could muster up something so human sounding.
you peek up at him, the side of your face still pressed against the mat. he dragged a finger down the disks of your spine, tilting his head. you question, “i’m sorry, bhante ramattra, i haven’t gotten that far in my studies; i don’t understand.”
“and i wouldn’t expect you to, my lotus. but in unknowing lies the seed of understanding—soon, lotus, you’ll be able to read between my lines—like a flower holding the promise of fruit. i will teach you much more.” he promised. you stare at him; he stares back.
suddenly, you pushed yourself up with your hands, gathering your disorganized fabric to cover your chest. you were in the middle of the gardens of the monastery. you fucked in the middle of the gardens of the monastery. “oh, siddhartha—oh, shit!”
“what is it, novice?” ramattra watched as you frantically dressed yourself in your sanghati. you turned to him with wide eyes and a flustered face. “we just fucked in the gardens!” you whisper-yelled.
your bhikkhu did not respond in the panicked way you thought he would’ve. no. instead, the monk began to laugh, more of a chuckle—well, more of a buzz—whatever noise equates an omnic laugh.
“i assure you, lotus, i will not let harm or discrimination come your way. you’re safe with me. besides… the clock strikes the time for afternoon prayer; no one must have walked our path.”
and that lifted a weight off your shoulders. was your entire public display lewd and dishonorable? absolutely. but something tells you this is one of many more lessons to come… and you’ll simply have to get used to it.
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notes: “yathā tvaṁ mām āvaśyakaṁ, tathā aham api tvāṁ āvaśyakam” - “i’ve needed you as much as you’ve needed me”
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Any fics where Stiles and Lydia are siblings? I've tried finding some but it's only vaguely mentioned and never talked about after that so I was wondering if you had or could find any fics where it focuses on that more
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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back again (for the first time) but hot_damn_louis (6/6 | 73,083 | Teen | Sterek) “There was a—” Stiles shook his head, unable to believe it himself, “— a ghost.”
It had been years since Stiles had seen a ghost with his own two eyes, and not through a fancy camera or on pictures. He saw it, the column of light, at the end of his bed. If he wasn’t frozen, scared to even move, he might have been able to stretch his leg out and kick it. He was that close to it. 
aka Stiles is house sitting with his sister Lydia for the summer on a farm in the middle of a ranch in Texas. And even though he's a retired ghost hunter, the rumors of the Mad Monk ghost on the Hale ranch are too enticing to stay away from.
The Last Chills of Winter by LeeHan (1/1 | 42,525 | Explicit | Sterek) “He didn’t magically charm me,” Derek shot back in his defense.
“Oh, so he just regular charmed you?” Laura said with a smirk.
“What? No,” Derek growled.
“Was he hot?”
“No! He just—“ He just had a laugh like a sun shower. Fuck.
Better Fortunes by SmallBirds (1/1 | 39,618 | Not Rated | Sterek) When a group of sinister men attempt to kidnap Stiles Stilinski from the Brooklyn apartment he shares with his stepsister, Lydia, Stiles is forced to activate a spell that translocates him to where he'll be safest.
Derek Hale isn't sure what to do about the soaking wet young man he finds wandering down a Beacon County roadside during the middle of a thunderstorm, but he feels compelled to help him. There's something about Stiles that Derek finds fascinating, and before long the two become embroiled in each other's lives.
Despite the threat to his life and the sudden upheaval of everything he's ever known, Stiles is having a hard time feeling too upset about that.
Studying the Blade by never_love_a_wild_thing (10/10 | 16,420 | Teen | Sterek) Figure Skater Derek Hale is going to the Olympics for the last time. Age and an old injury are finally starting to get the better of him, but a number of fresh faces on Team USA, or maybe one face in particular are enough to keep him going.
Stiles Stilinski and his sister Lydia are going to the Olympics for the first time. Between nerves and drama, he's worried that they may be in over their heads, but a veteran skater reluctantly takes them under his wing.
In other words: leave it to Sterek to fall in love in the middle of the Olympic Games.
Memories by idratherwrite (1/1 | 15,739 | Teen | Sterek & Lydia/Jackson) AKA, Lifestyles of the Rich and Oblivious
Rich cousins Derek and Jackson are ready to spend a summer sailing across the Mediterranean. Rich step-siblings Stiles and Lydia are planning to have a great summer traveling Europe on their yacht. Nothing goes as planned, but it gives Lydia and Jackson (and Theo, and Meredith) the perfect excuse to play some matchmaking.
I Need A Hero by sapphireginger (1/1 | 9,501 | Explicit | Steo) Stiles Stilinski and Theo Raeken have been together for almost four years. They're mates but something happens that causes everything to implode. They're no longer together. Why?
Political Animals by FiccinDylan (1/1 | 8,109 | Teen | Sterek) It's the worst day in Stiles' life and the last thing he wants is to deal with Derek Hale's bullshit.
Derek feels pretty much the same.
Red by ZainClaw (1/1 | 4,371 | Mature | Sterek) They’re close now, only a few feet between them, and Stiles can already feel the heat coming off the werewolf’s body. He smells like the forest, a layer of the wilderness forever etched into his skin. Stiles is drawn to him like a moth to a flame, the sound of his pumping heart maddening in his ears as he moves even closer. Desperate to close the final distance between them.
“If you try anything,” the alpha warns him, “I’ll rip your throat out. With my teeth.”
Stiles laughs drily, tilting his head to the side.
Man of Honor by Inell (1/1 | 3,454 | Teen | Stiles/Derek/Kira) When Stiles attends Lydia’s wedding, he doesn’t expect to meet two people who are perfect for him. He definitely doesn’t expect them to suggest an unorthodox solution to the dilemma, either.
the odds are in your favor by elisela (1/1 | 1,739 | Teen | Lydia/Parrish) “He was jogging,” she says morosely a week later, kicking her heels off at the door and sinking into the couch after depositing the bag of takeout on the table. “Shirtless. There was sweat.”
“Shoulda licked it,” Stiles says. There’s a movie on the television, something she doesn’t know or care about, and he shoots her a dirty look when she grabs the remote and changes the channel. “Christ, not this again.”
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
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SUMMARY : You flirt with Raiden all the time but he’s to shy to do anything about it. You are part on the Lin Kuei. Your power is Poison Ivy and you wear all red
WARNING : MATURE MINORS DONT INTERACT. soft!dom, slight breeding, “good boy”, slight dirty talk
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Kung Lao wanted nothing more than to smack the shit out of Raiden. Raiden would miss his chance with you every single time you delivered it on a silver platter. Sometimes it could be questionable on what you would mean but most of the time you would downright flirt with him and it would go over his head every time.
It wasn’t just Kung Lao that was annoyed, it was Johnny Cage and even Kenshi. They could all not believe Raiden was that clueless you were flirting with him.
They also couldn’t believe you were even flirting with him. You were waaay out of Raiden’s league. Completely. You were a powerful warrior from the Lin Kuei with your power being able to control the poison and other powers. There was no way you were actually flirting with Raiden of all people.
But you were. There was something about Raiden that pulled you to him. He wasn’t like most guys. He respected you to the fullest and admired how good at fighting you really were. You loved when men admired you.
Raiden did have a crush on you from his months being with the monks, training for the tournament. He found you unlike any woman he had ever met. However, he himself felt as if he was out of your league.
You watched Raiden as he defeated all the monks at one time. Your eyes widen. That was impressive. I mean, you weren’t expecting that. That made you want Raiden even more.
After Raiden bowed to the monks, they started to walk away. You took it as your opportunity to walk over to him. “Okay, hotshot. That was good.”
Raiden turned to you. Immediately butterflies were erupting from his stomach but he ignored them and gave you a smile. “I try. I haven’t seen you in a minute, Poison Ivy.”
You chuckled at the name you had been given since birth. “Please, Raiden. You know you can call me (Y/N).” You close the distance between you two. “Help me stretch?” You didn’t bother to wait for a response. You hoisted your leg over his shoulder and stood there on your other.
Raiden didn’t know why he was impressed with your flexibility but he smiled none the less. He obviously wasn’t going to say it out loud but your leg over him gave him a very dirty scenario and he practically cursed at himself for even thinking of you in that way. “Sure. So, what have you been up to?”
The truth is you had been searching for your father. Your mother died at a young age and you had been in the Lin Kuei ever since but you didn’t want to burden Raiden with your family problems. “Thinking about you.”
Usually your flirting would go over Raiden’s head. Now, he had finally caught it in real time and he was the least bit prepared for it.
He couldn’t understand why you would want to even flirt with him. He wasn’t anything special. You were worth so much more than him.
When he looked over your shoulder, he had seen Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi in hearing distance behind you. They were motioning him to go for it. It looked like Kung Lao was about to pop a blood vessel if he didn’t make a move.
He sucked it up. I mean, what was the worse that could happened? You were already flirting with him. “I think about you too.”
You were kind of taken aback at this. Raiden never had flirted back. It was part of your game but maybe he was done playing and wanted to give in. “Oh really?” You switched your leg to come in contact with his shoulder and gave your other one a rest by standing on it. “What do you think about?”
‘Abort! Abort! Abort!’ Was all that was running through Raiden’s mind but he was in too deep. If he back peddled right now it would be severely awkward. “What do you think I think about?”
Your hands feel up against his chest. They travel down all the way to his stomach. You do this in a continuous motion, not looking in his eyes. “You want to know what I think?”
“Enlighten me.”
“I think…” You put your leg down. You grabbed his hands and placed them on your hips. “You want me in the dirtiest way imaginable but you’re too scared that I’ll reject you.”
That was exactly what Raiden was thinking. He wasn’t a very prideful man but he was a man at the end of the day and he did not want to admit this. When he looked over your shoulder he once again saw the gang telling him to keep going. The only difference was that Johnny Cage made a motion to his neck “slitting” his own throat with his thumb as of to say to Raiden that if he didn’t go for it that he would end him.
Raiden focused his attention back on you. “That could be.”
You leaned in closer, your lips were almost touching. You looked deep in his eyes but you had to look up at his slightly since he was taller than you. “Don’t play with me, Raiden.”
“I would never.”
You let out a chuckle. You back away slightly. “Just remember. You asked for this.”
Raiden didn’t quite understand what you meant by that. That’s when he watched green smoke surround the two of you. He closed his eyes out of instinct.
When Raiden opened his eyes, he realized he was in a room. You had teleported him to your room in your home. He didn’t see you though. “(Y/N)?”
You teleported behind him. He felt your presence and he turned around. You didn’t say anything. You just walked up to him and kissed him.
Raiden was only slightly surprised by this. It made him have enough time to kiss you back. He cupped your face with his left hand and his right was on your waist.
He kissed with passion and thirst. Like he had been waiting forever for this moment. You kissed him back just the same.
You pulled away and then shoved him on the bed. He landed on it looking at you in awe. You used your powers to make yourself invisible for a moment.
Raiden looked around confused to where you could’ve went. He was about to call your name but you appeared again standing in front of him. This time you were wearing your red lingerie set.
His mouth was watering. He didn’t know he wanted you this bad. He felt his dick grow bigger and out of instinct, felt embarrassed.
You sat on top of him and pulled him in a sloppy kiss. While you two kissed, you took off his hat and threw it somewhere in the room. Raiden placed his hands on your hips while yours were on his neck.
This was it. He was finally having you. There just was one slight problem.
“(Y/N).” He said in the kiss. You didn’t care what he had to say, you kept kissing him. “I don’t really have that much experience.” Raiden wasn’t a virgin but he had only slept with two women in his life. He was not skilled by any means.
You pulled away from his lips. You looked deep in his eyes to make sure he was understanding what you were saying. “You really think that matters to me?” You unclipped your bra and tossed it on the bed, revealing your breasts.
Raiden was in a trance. You were absolutely perfect by all definitions. He felt himself get even harder and you giggled because you could feel it.
You grabbed his hands and placed them on your breasts. You encouraged him to play with him and he did. When he did, he made sure to play with your nipples which caused you to let out light moans.
You pulled the shirt over Raiden’s head leaving him shirtless and went back to kissing him.
Raiden didn’t want you to feel like you were doing all the work. He overpowered you and laid you at your side, continuing to kiss you. Then he did what you didn’t expect him to do.
He slipped his hand inside of your panties and played with your clit. You let out a sharp gasp and threw your head back.
Raiden took his chance to kiss your neck. He gave you sweet kisses on your neck before sucking on it. He rubbed your clit in circles at a nice steady speed.
You never had the pleasure of a man willingly playing with you. Usually you’d have to ask but Raiden was doing it like he’s always wanted to.
His lips went to your breasts and he kissed all over them. He took his time with each one. Then he sucked on the left nipple sweetly. This causes you to moan louder. “Oh. Raiden.”
Nothing made him turned on even more than you saying his name. It encouraged him to take the next step.
Raiden removed his fingers away from your swollen clit. He then took your underwear off slowly. Raiden then forced you to spread your legs and he started to eat you out.
He sucked your pussy like it was his favorite thing to eat. Your instincts were to pull on his hair which he didn’t seem to mind. “No experience my ass.” You said.
Raiden chuckled a little but continued to suck your clit. He licked all the parts that would make you squirm.
You rolled your eyes in the back of your head when you felt his tongue constantly lick your clit. It was the best thing in the entire world.
You didn’t want to cum like this though. You forced Raiden’s head up which he immediately stopped. “Did I do something wrong, love?”
The nickname gave you butterflies. You never had intimacy like this but this felt so personal. “No. I just want you.”
Raiden understood what you meant. And he wanted you too. “I don’t have anything.”
“It’s fine.” You pulled Raiden in for a kiss and he gladly kissed back. As you two kissed, you started to pull off Raiden’s bottoms.
Raiden broke away from the kiss and he pulled them off along with his underwear. That’s when you raised your eyebrows in shock. You were not expecting Raiden to be that big. “Is that suppose to fit in me?”
You could tell that made him flustered. He covered his face but you removed it and gave him a kiss.
Raiden allowed you to flip him over. You wanted to be on top. You wanted to show him how much you had wanted him.
You slid carefully on his dick. You internally thanked him that he had did foreplay as he was so big, he stretched you out.
Raiden grabbed your hips at the pleasure of you sinking down on him. You didn’t even give him a chance. You immediately started to move on him.
You started with a slow speed so you could get the hang of it. Raiden was not quiet at all and felt like putty in your hands.
Your hands rested on his chest. You began to move faster on him. “Oh, (Y/N). Yes.”
You wanted to mess with him. You took his hand off of you. “You’re not allowed to touch.”
Now that was impossible. Him? Not touch you? “But I-“
You silenced him with a quick kiss before pulling away. “Be a good boy and maybe I’ll let you.”
Raiden never had sex like this. The last two times he would have to be dominant. (Which he wasn’t the best at.) So he wasn’t used to this. He wasn’t complaining though.
You continued to bounce up and down on him. Raiden placed his hands behind his head to prevent him from touching you. “(Y/N). It feels so good.”
Your hands rubbed all over his chest. He was so attractive like this. You figured Raiden was the submissive type. “Aw, like this baby?”
“Please don’t stop.” Raiden had the instinct to grab you but he couldn’t. He couldn’t just not do anything though. He started to fuck up into your pussy.
You were startled by this and let out a yelp. “Raiden!” The pleasure was so good that you could barley move on your own.
Raiden noticed this and ignored your orders. He gripped your waist and helped you ride him which you didn’t object.
He hissed at your pussy clenching on him. “(Y/N). Let me get on top.”
You didn’t argue with him. He laid you down on the bed and entered your pussy like it was nothing. He went even faster than you did. “Oh god.” You yelled out.
“You look so good like this.” Raiden told you. His fingers found your clit and he rubbed it in circles as he fucked you.
You never felt this overwhelming pleasure before. It excited you that Raiden could make you feel like this. Your nails dug deep in his biceps but he didn’t let up. He continued to move in your pussy like his life depended on it.
“Tell me I’m yours.” He whispered in your ear.
Oh god you didn’t think he could get any hotter. “You’re mine, Raiden. All mine.”
Raiden kissed your lips lightly. The kiss told a thousand words.
Him playing with your clit and fucking your pussy was more than overwhelming. “I can’t take it.”
“Yes you can. You’re doing so good.” Raiden didn’t let up from your clit. He instead kissed your neck like you were Heaven.
Tears were in your eyes. Raiden removed his lips from your neck and looked you in the eyes. He kissed your tears away. He knew you were enjoying it, you were just overstimulated.
Raiden felt the knot in his chest. He was close. Very close but that didn’t matter if you weren’t close. He rubbed your clit just slightly faster.
He watched as your chest heaved up and down. This was amazing to him. The girl that was flirting with him over and over again, claiming to have a dominant personality was being so submissive to him.
He loved it.
Raiden watched your reactions to his change of pace. You muttered curses which made him want to cum even more. You started to hit his chest slightly. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Raiden please.”
He didn’t break his pace as he looked at you. “Yes, lovely?”
“Please let me cum. Please.”
“I would never deny you to.” Raiden stopped playing with your clit and continued to fuck you at the same pace. “I think I’m close too.”
“Do it in me. Please, please, please. I want it all inside me.” You said, playing with your breasts.
Raiden didn’t know if you meant it or if it was just the sex talk. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Please. I want to cum together.”
Raiden felt his release close. Too close. He didn’t want to do it though unless you did it either before him or at the same time. “(Y/N), I’m close.”
Your hands snakes up his neck. You would’ve pulled him closer to you if it were even possible. “Raiden. Yes. I’m cumming. Yes. Raiden. Yes.”
Raiden felt your release which triggered his. The two of you swore as he was riding your orgasms out.
Once the two of you were done, he lifted your chin for a sweet kiss. Then he pulled away and pulled out of you.
Raiden laid next to you. It was silent for some time. Not an uncomfortable silence. Just a normal silence. “You know…” Raiden started to speak. “For someone so dominant in personality- your quite submissive in bed.”
This made you grab a pillow and throw it at him and he laughed. “You’re terrible.”
Raiden pulled you in close to him. “Where does that leave us now?”
“Where do you want us to be?”
“I want to be with you.”
You smiled at his statement. You placed a kiss on his head. “Than you are with me.”
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Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi all stood before Liu Kang. Liu Kang looked around confused slightly. Raiden was never late to training. “Where is Raiden?”
“Shacking up with Poison Ivy.” Johnny stated simply.
Kenshi checked his watch to look at the time. “It’s been forty five minutes.”
Kung Lao chuckled at the realization. “Oh he will never hear the end of this.”
The four heard a noise. They looked behind them to see that you and Raiden had teleported there. “Sorry, dad.” You started off jokingly to Liu Kang. “Had to borrow your fighter for…something.”
“Anyways. Bye.” You said. You winked at Raiden and disappeared from the area.
Raiden looked at his three friends that had smug faces. “What?”
They all gave each other the same look. Like they knew what they were all going to say. Then they turned back to Raiden and sung; “Ivy and Raiden sitting in a tree-“
Raiden rolled his eyes. “By the Gods…” He turned to his guide, Liu Kang. “Please make them stop.”
Liu Kang was about to tell them to knock it off until he had looked at Raiden’s neck. “Is that a hickey?”
The three of them continued to sing in the background while Raiden facepalmed himself. At least he finally got you.
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
🔆 you’re popping off. your writing rocks brah.
I was hoping maybe you could do Raiden and Kung Lao fighting over readers (fem/afab) attention. Like back and forth jabs. And like Kung Lao trying to show off, kinda talks down on raiden in front of her. where as Raiden takes a more gentle approach with helping the reader with their training, helping her with her form he’ll glance at Kung Lao knowingly. It builds a small wedge between them, so reader decides to invite both over one night. And like you know that movie challengers? Like the zendaya scene where she’s got the two guys kissing her? Like THAT. LIKE THAT. If you can do this. I’ll piss rainbows. 🌈
Are You Challenging Me?
Prior notes: I had only the trailer to work off of so I hope I got things right. Also what a statement from you at the end. It’s not bad it’s unique and I like it.
Pairings: Kung Lao x Afab reader x Raiden
Warnings ‼️: Suggestive at the end
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Even those who have been friends for so long can end up fighting over something. That something could be a girl. That girl would be you.
No one has ever seen Raiden and Kung Lao turn a friendly competition into a serious one. Constant bickering and jabs at each other that turn to hisses from nasty remarks. You would only see this kind of tension from middle school boys or some cheesy teen movie from the 2000s. Ah but boys will be boys. Who can blame them?
You are the prettiest girl they’ve ever seen. Not just that but you are tough and always willing to learn more. That’s why you train with them so much. Well, it used to be training. Things have changed since you came around. Mostly their attitude and their closeness.
You knew Kung Lao was cocky and boastful, even for a Shaolin monk. The things he did in front of you made the other monks groan in frustration and caused Raiden to shake his head in disapproval. He was always calling for your attention.
“Hey! Hey! Look! I can spin as fast as a tornado!” “Check this out! I can beat up five guys at once!” “I bet Raiden can’t strike as fast as I can! What do you think?”
That was the usual stuff you would hear. Though comparing himself to Raiden was mostly common. He would put Raiden down the moment he had the chance. It would go beyond fighting and go into ridiculous stuff.
He can eat more than Raiden. He can jump higher than Raiden. He can stay up later than Raiden. Everything Raiden could do, Kung Lao could do better. He’ll prove it again right now.
Kung Lao ran up to you and Raiden, almost crashing right into him.
“Hey Raiden, how about another fight? Whoever loses has to pay the next time we visit Madame Bo’s.” Kung Lao was hoping he would say yes just so he could beat Raiden up.
“I can’t, Kung Lao. Can’t you see we are busy?”
“Oh I see. You’re afraid of losing again. Bet you’re afraid of embarrass yourself in front of her. Don’t worry, I get it.” He patted Raiden on the back before letting out a laugh like he successfully humiliated him.
“That’s not it,” he rolls his eyes before speaking, “I’m helping her with training right now. We can fight soon just let me finish up here.”
Raiden loved to help you and you were grateful for that. Though it always seemed like you needed adjusting when it came to your form or help when stretching. Even if you are a centimeter off he had to correct you. Guess he is a perfectionist. Or maybe he is sneaky.
Raiden came behind you and placed his hands on your waist. His foot tapped yours to make it move to the side more. You didn’t notice but he gave a light squeeze to your waist. He wished he could wrap his arms around you but now is not the time. Though it would upset Kung Lao a lot.
His hands traced up your arms till they were at your head. Your face was so soft he wanted to kiss it. But all he can do now is adjust it. Raiden glanced at Kung Lao and saw he was almost seething with rage. For once he decided to be a little cruel to his dear friend.
He went down till his face was inches away from your thigh. His hands grabbed at the tantalizing piece of flesh before him and turned it slightly. Now your form was perfect.
Kung Lao couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Though Raiden’s straw hat was concealing his eyes it could not conceal that smirk on his face. He knows exactly what he was doing. He’s just too good at hiding his devilish intentions behind a sweet, kissable face.
It seems that no matter how many time Kung Lao shows off, Raiden will always be the winner here. He’s the one who gets to touch you.
You’re not dense you can feel that something is wrong. There is tension in the air and it only appears when Kung Lao and Raiden are in the same vicinity.
You have been keeping a close eye on their relationship. They have been drifting apart for some time now. Everyone can see that. What you didn’t get was why. You were missing the signs. You missed the glances Raiden would give to Kung Lao. You missed the fact that Kung Lao would only call for your attention, not anyone else’s.
You had to do something about this. It would be a shame if their friendship crumbled over something silly. Whatever that silly thing was.
Inviting them over to your place was a great start. Though they might be shocked when they see each other at your place. You might have left that out on purpose.
“What the—what are you doing here, Raiden?”
“What am I doing here? I should be asking you the same thing, Kung Lao.”
They both stared at each other with mouths agape. They were confused as if the possible reason was outlandish. It’s not like there is a universal rule that you can only invite one person to your place.
“What are you two standing there for? Come inside, you’ll catch your deaths out there.” You called for them.
They didn’t even realize you opened the door. But now that they do they were racing to get it. Kung Lao pushed Raiden out of the way, leaving him with a disappointed expression.
Your place was well decorated and well kept. It’s only you living in this small house. That doesn’t make it any less of a home. Your house expresses you which the boys really like. They followed you closely but realize you were heading in the direction of your room. There was hesitation, especially from Raiden. Why not just stay in the living room? What gives?
You don’t have time for this stupidity. You grabbed their hands and dragged them into your room. They always imagined being in your room , of course that fantasy always involved you on the bed and the other one not being there. Clearly none of that good stuff will happen, right?
“Alright, sit down, I need to ask you guys something.” You plopped down on your bed.
The bed is off limits in their minds. The chairs? No. The bean bag? No. The floor? Probably a safe bet.
They sat in front of you, looking up at you like loving puppies waiting to be loved by their master. That’s not the first order of business tonight. Don’t be fooled by their eyes. There is still a wedge between them.
“Mind telling me what’s got you two so bothered. Don’t act like I haven’t noticed your strange behavior recently. I’m concerned about you guys.”
They can tell that you really care just by the tone of your voice. But a silence still hung in the air. Kung Lao nor Raiden wanted to speak the truth. It’s awkward, especially with your bro there. Kung Lao’s cockiness got to him though, reminding him of who he is. He shouldn’t be afraid so he’ll say it.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He declared.
Well that was a shock. You know what else shocked you? Raiden.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He said as well.
They glared at each other after saying that. They don’t even acknowledge the fact that you were sitting there with a confused expression. It’s not usual for two men to ask you out at the same time, in the same way. It was at least straight forward. You snapped your fingers at them to bring their attention back to you. Like the good boys they are they obey.
“How often does this happen? Going after the same girl?” You asked.
“Not as often as you think.” Raiden responded.
“We usually have different types.” Kung Lao chimed in.
This is weird. Somehow you were the connection between them when it came to types yet at the same time being the wedge between them.
“So…are you saying I should be flattered?”
“Aren’t you everybody’s type?” Kung Lao said it so innocently that it was smooth. He does good when he’s not trying too hard.
Think about this for yourself now. It’s no lie that you like them both. They have their own quirk that draws you in. You love Raiden’s kindness yet ability to be brutal while in battle. He works hard and is willing to guide others to try hard as well. Kung Lao’s cockiness can be annoying to others but it enriches you. It gives him confidence and the ability to think of new ideas. That razor-rimmed hat didn’t come out of thin air. There is so much you can say and love about them. But which one do you choose?
Alright, you have an idea. A weird one but it’s an idea.
“Come here.” You motioned for them to join you on your bed.
“Which one of us?” Kung Lao asked but Raiden was already up and running to your bed. Kung Lao got there just as quick as he did.
Nothing else was said from you. You only had actions. You leaned into Raiden first, bringing his head closer to yours. Your lips captured his in a passionate kiss. It was just like everything he imagined. Your lips were soft and had the slightest hint of vanilla that came from your favorite lip balm. He was practically melting in the palm of your hands as he wished this could last forever. But you pulled away, you have someone else to get to.
When you turned towards Kung Lao he has an upset expression on his face. It turned to shock the moment he felt your lips against his. That softness and the taste of vanilla enchanted him. He almost turned the passionate kiss into a whole make out session. That desperation to have you and touch you himself was building up for quite a while. He doesn’t want to hold himself back. But just like with Raiden you pulled away.
From the kisses you gave to them you came to the conclusion that you like them both equally. You don’t want to break either one of their hearts since it will break yours as well. So why not have both men. This can do good in bringing their friendship together again. It might even make it stronger. Yeah, this can work out. And you would have told them but they came to a similar conclusion as well. That will be discussed later.
For now you are more focused on their lips that are leaving kisses all over your neck. It makes your body heat rise up and causes a stir between your legs. Their hands are all over you. Kung Lao’s reaches for your neck to hold it still while Raiden’s reaches for your chest. You whimper at the sensation of their tongues lightly licking your skin. Kung Lao thinks it best to stay leaving hickeys on you. It will show everyone who you belong to. Raiden should do the same so that all know that you belong to them.
They lightly push you back against your bed. There is a hunger in their eyes. One that has built up for days. Raiden just can’t wait to hold you close as Kung Lao goes to town on you.
There is no shame is wanting this as well. Don’t hide that devious smirk from them. It will let them know to keep going.
You know what they say. Sharing is caring. And they care for you a lot.
After notes: If you’re gonna piss rainbows do it in the ditch I dug. If a skittle don’t fall out imma be disappointed. I have a sneaking suspicion that imma be asked of more from this. I didn’t want to push it beyond anything I’m sorry if you wanted more. Now I must finish eating before I mentally prepare myself for my class tonight. Adiós!
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iliketangerines · 6 months
dude, ur like…really good at writing I’ve been reading so muchhh of your work. love it. i was hoping maybe if it were possible….(bit of an ask…—i’m a h0rn d0g)(and an attention wh0re LMAO)
could you do a one shot maybe of mk1 raiden and kung lao x f!reader? Like both the boys really have a crush on said reader and try to impress her during training,like Lao is either trying to drag her away to show off his new skills, or share his prepped lunch with her…or raiden pulling her away to ‘help teach’ her with her stance etc. anything to have her away from the other. (and during the process they also try to one up each other, yk a little bit competition Tehehe >:3, but also kinda cutely embarrassing themselves) so after a long day of trying to get the attention of reader, they both decide to just flat out tell them about their feelings,(Laos idea) expecting reader to choose one of them. only for the reader to exclaim that she can’t choose, that she actually really likes both of them, so with this being said…the two silently agree on what they must do next. So naturally…they both end up sharing her (aka clapping cheeks, aka fucking me silly, I’m talking pussy eating, fingering hickeys biting team work to make reader cum, praise and if you have some more you wanna add then please dooooo😼) I hope this is a good enough prompt for you to work with. I’m a mess I hope it was comprehensive 🥲
choose me!
a/n: don't worry, i too am a horn dog, clearly
pairing: dom!kung lao x afab!reader x dom!raiden
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), praise kink, slight degradation, blowjobs, creampies, double penetration, spanking
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Raiden glares at Kung Lao as he feeds you something from his packed lunch with his fingers
you smile in delight as you take a bite of Kung Lao’s food, lips brushing against his fingers, and Raiden can feel electricity crackling around him as his anger rises
he wants to take you for himself, away from Kung Lao especially because the other shoots a sneaky wink at Raiden, as if saying that he was going to win you first
Raiden won’t have that
later when you stretch in the courtyard, Raiden offer to help you stretch, and you gladly take him up on the offer
you lay back down on your back and have him sit on one leg while he presses the other toward your body
you groan out at the stretch, but Raiden can only stare at the way your pussy is separated from him by two thin layers of fabric
you have him keep you in that position for a minute before having him stretch out your other leg the same way, and Raiden’s head spins at your flexibility
you wave him off to have him do his own stretches, and you easily slide into a split and you bed your back leg and grab onto your foot, stretching out your quads
Raiden nearly drools at the sight of your chest pushing out into the air as you stretch
he averts his eyes and focuses on his own stretching as you switch to the other leg, and when you’re finally feeling loose and ready to warm-up, Raiden comes up to you and offers to warm you up
you easily take his deal and train with him, and Raiden guides you through the stances and moves, warming up your muscles
he can feel Kung Lao boring holes into the side of his head, but he doesn’t care because you’re so pliant underneath his hands as he helps you
the next day Kung Lao brings you chocolate-covered strawberries
Raiden lets you use the amulet the day after
it’s an endless catfight between the two, and you start avoiding the two, tired of how they bicker and constantly hiss at each other
Kung Lao approaches Raiden underneath a cherry blossom tree and sits down next to him and tells him that they should both just confess their feelings for you
Raiden raises a brow at Kung Lao in confusion, and the monk continues, saying that you’ve started avoiding them with how much they fight and that he doesn’t want that
Raiden hums but finally nods, and the both of them get up to find you
you’re sitting in your bed, taking a day off from training, and you have a book in your hands and a thin t-shirt on to battle the heat of the summer
Kung Lao knocks first, and you tell them to enter
they both enter and share a glance between each other before Kung Lao blurts out that they both like you and that they’ve been trying to impress you all week
Raiden glares at Kung Lao, saying that they’ve been too much and it’s been driving you away and so they wanted to chance to come clean and possibly have a chance with you
you glance between the two of them and set your book down and put your reading glasses down on the dresser next to you
you ask that you have to choose between the two of them?
Raiden and Kung Lao nod, and you look between the two of them in silence before quietly saying that you can’t really make a decision, that you like them both for different reasons
Kung Lao looks over at Raiden, and it seems they have the same thought as Kung Lao closes the door behind them and Raiden approaches you on the bed
Raiden crawls over to you and presses his body into you as he tilts your head and up and kisses you
you grip onto his shoulders as Raiden presses his tongue into your mouth, and he feels like he’s in heaven as you moan into his mouth
he grabs onto you and flips you both over so that you’re on top of him, and he grabs onto your hips
your shirt rides up, showing how you have no panties on, and Kung Lao groans at the sight of your naked pussy and climbs onto the bed and settles in between Raiden’s legs
Kung Lao grips onto your ass, squeezing roughly and spreading them apart to see your pussy better and you whine into Raiden’s mouth at the sensation
Kung Lao mutters under his breath how you’re such a slut for not wearing panties, and he smacks your ass, enjoying how it jiggles at the force of the impact
your hips jerk and grind into Raiden’s clothed cock, and the champion underneath you groans at the stimulation
he moves you upward so that he has access to your neck, and he grips onto your waist tightly as he kisses and sucks hickey into your neck
Kung Lao behind you slides his fingers through your pussy folds and tells you that your cunt is already drooling for them and asks you if you've’ been wanting this
you whine and try to grind your pussy into Kung Lao’s thick fingers, but he retracts his hand and slaps your ass and tells you to answer him
you cry out a yes, and Kung Lao laughs, saying you really were such a whore
he slides his fingers along your pussy folds against, and this time he pushes his fingers in, groaning at how your pussy sucks him in
you whine at the stretch and buck your hips backward, and Kung Lao grins and starts fucking you slowly on his fingers, grinning as you whine desperately for more
Raiden nips at your neck and tells you to be patient and to be good for Kung Lao and take what he gives you
you whine but listen and clutch onto Raiden’s shoulders as he continues to lavish your neck with attention
Kung Lao continues to pump his fingers in and out of you slowly, laughing at your pathetic and needy whimpers
he watches as your pussy drools on his fingers, the wetness dripping down and staining Raiden’s pants, and Kung Lao removes his fingers from your wet cunt
you whine at the loss, but Kung Lao tells you to turn around and sit on Raiden’s face
Raiden perks up at the prospect, and he helps you turn around so your pussy hovers over Raiden’s face
you shift your weight on your thighs, unsure if you should put the entirety of your body on his head, but Raiden grabs onto your thighs and pulls you down, burying his tongue into your wet cunt
he laps at you desperately, trying to taste every sweet part of you, and you whine as he fucks you on his tongue
Kung Lao tells you to clean up your mess and points at the stain in Raiden’s pants, and you lean down until your mouth is only an inch away from Raiden’s crotch
your clit grinds into Raiden’s chin, and you whine at the stimulation and grip onto the sheets
Kung Lao tells you to hurry up and crosses his arms despite the tent in his own pants, and you stick out your tongue to give a hesitant lick to Raiden’s pants
Raiden moans into you as he laps your cunt, and you whine as the vibrations travel through your spine and make your head spin with pleasure
you mouth at Raiden’s clothed crotch, licking up every spot that your wetness leaked onto, and Raiden moans and bucks his hips up into your face
you groan and keep licking, desperate to have him cum first before you do, but Raiden grips onto your thighs as he loses himself in your taste
little shocks of electricity run through your legs, and you let out a whimper and a loud moan as you cum on Raiden’s tongue almost immediately
you grind your hips into his face as he moans into your face, and you fist the sheets in your pleasure
as you ride out your high, Kung Lao grabs onto your hair and lifts your head up so that he can kiss you, and you moan into his mouth as he presses his tongue into your mouth
Kung Lao pulls you away from him and tells you to get up and take off your shirt and get on your knees
you get off of Raiden’s face, and he whines at the loss of your sweet cunt
but he quickly loses that disappointed thought as he sees your bare chest presented to him and you on your knees before the two of them
Kung Lao strips off his clothes, and Raiden quickly gets out of bed and gets rid of his clothes as well
you drool at the sight of their bare bodies, muscles flexing in the sunlight, and Kung Lao smirks as he notices how your gaze focuses on their heavy cocks slapping against your stomach
Raiden guides his cock toward your face, and you eagerly take it into your mouth and suckle on the tip, pressing your tongue into the slit
he groans and grips onto your hair as you bob your head up and down his cock, and your hand reaches up to pump at Kung Lao’s cock
you moan as you look up at Raiden through wet eyelashes, and the champion coos at you, telling you that you look so beautiful for them on your knees
you whine at the praise and try to take Raiden even deeper, his tip hitting the back of your throat, and you breathe through your nose and push through the pain as your nose hits his pelvis
Raiden groans at your warm mouth enveloping his mouth entirely, and his hips buck into your face
you gurgle at the sensation, but you keep your head down as drool drips down your chin
Raiden says you’re so good to him, and he starts fucking into your face slowly, enjoying how your lips stretch and drag along the length of his cock
Kung Lao is doing no better
your hand is wrapped around his dick and spreads his pre-cum all along the shaft
you press your thumb into the slit every time you pump up, and Kung Lao has his head thrown back as fucks into your hand
he’s getting close, but he doesn’t want to waste his seed on your hand
and so he pulls your hand away, and Raiden reluctantly pulls his dick out of your warm mouth
you whine at the loss, but Kung Lao drags you up and lays down in the bed with you laying on top of him, chest pressing into his
Kung Lao aligns himself with your dripping pussy, and he slides in, groaning at the feeling of your wet cunt squeezing around his fat cock
you whine at the feeling as your hips jerk, too full and stretched, and Kung Lao slaps your ass and tells you that you can take more
you then feel Raiden notch his dick right next to Kung Lao’s, and you say you can’t, you’re already so full, you can’t, fuck, it’s too much
Kung Lao purrs out that you can, and Raiden agrees as he slowly slides into you, saying that you can be a good little slut and take their cocks, right?
you sob at the stretch, but you blabber out incoherent nonsense that you can be good for them, that you’ll be a good whore for them
Raiden hums happily and starts thrusting in and out of you slowly, and Kung Lao follows soon after
their pace quickens soon enough, and they’re soon abusing your poor pussy, the sound of wet slaps echoing in the air and mixing with the sound of your moans and whines
you’ve never felt so full, and your clit grinds into Kung Lao’s pelvis with every thrust
you’re slowly losing your mind to the pleasure and you can only clench onto the sheets and whine
Kung Lao has one hand gripping onto you waist hard enough to leave bruises, and his other hand cups the back of your neck and brings your lips to his
Raiden has his hands squeezing your ass, hands sending little shocks of electricity through the plushness as he becomes consumed by pleasure
your head spins as you moan into Kung Lao’s mouth and cum on their cocks
they groan at the feeling of your pussy clenching down on them, but neither of them cum
rather they fuck into your pussy even rougher, slapping your ass and spreading your cheeks to see how your pussy drools and how a creamy ring of your release form at the base of their cocks
your mind goes blank as they make you cum on their cocks over and over again, and the overstimulation soon sets in as you hips attempt to jerk away
Raiden coos and tells you to take one more, to be good and cum just one more time for them, you can do that, right?
you whine and nod dumbly, and Kung Lao laughs at how cockdrunk you are
but neither Raiden and Kung Lao are doing any better as their hips start to lose their pace and their pants and moans grow louder
their grip on you tightens, and they leave bruises in your skin as you throw your head back and cum on their cocks as they spill their seed inside of you
they fuck you through your orgasm and theirs, and Raiden moans at the sight of their cum leaking out of your puffy pussy
finally, they both come to a stop, and Raiden pulls out first
Kung Lao pulls you off his lap and lays you on your bed before cuddling up close to you
he tells you that you did so good for them, that you’re such a good little slut for them, taking both of their cocks so well
you whine at his words, and Kung Lao chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead while Raiden slides in next to you, pressing his chest into your back
Kung Lao rests a hand on your hip and rubs soothing circles into you as you slowly fall into sleep, mind drowsy with pleasure, while Raiden whispers praise into your ear
you’ve got both of them wrapped around your finger, and you don’t even know it
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hippiepowrs · 7 months
he's a goner
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eddie munson x gn!best friend!reader
a/n: this is the first fic i'm ever posting on here i'm so nervous plz don't eat me guys
warnings: pining. yearning. longing, if you will. just eddie being totally whipped. swearing. weed use/vague descriptions of being high. d&d terminology. one line from gareth. no use of y/n or reader's pronouns. eddie's pov.
wc: 571
Eddie’s in way too fucking deep.
Maybe this is salvageable?
No, he’s a goner.
It’s not like this is a scene he hasn’t watched before–his best friend laughing, giggling, and smoking with the rest of the older Hellfire boys–hell, it happens every week. But there’s a certain point where the high starts to hit him just right, and he can’t help himself from staring at you. Despite his typical loudness, the usual brash and joking demeanor that overtakes him, he just sits in his chair, quieter than ever. It’s not unheard of for him to get quiet, so nobody thinks anything of it.
You’re the prettiest person to ever exist, he thinks. He finds himself thinking that a lot. The way one corner of your mouth lifts a little more than the other when you smile, the way your eyes crinkle, the way you sparkle as you giggle; he loves it all. He loves the way you look when you blow smoke through your lips. He’s never been more honored to roll in his life. He’d buy all the weed in Indiana if it meant he got to watch you smoke it. 
Eddie often finds himself wanting to write about you or draw you, but he’s nervous he won’t capture you correctly. You’re the kind of beauty that only the Greeks could capture. He wishes he could sculpt like them, just to be able to sculpt you.
A nudge to his arm breaks him out of his trance. He sees you smiling up at him from the floor. It’s a sight he hopes he’ll get to see for the rest of time.
“Ed,” You say, voice soft and a little tired, “Can you back me up here? Can you please tell these nerds that fighter isn’t the best class?” 
“What?” He mumbles, still out of it. “Guys, literally any class is as good as you make it. Except monks.”
“Fuck off.” Gareth responds, throwing a handful of chips in his mouth.
Eddie zones back out after that. Whatever B-horror movie Jeff brought continues to drone on in the background as you and the guys continue to argue, but he can’t be bothered to listen to any of the words he hears. By the time he zones back in, the guys are standing up and brushing themselves off, clearly ready to leave. They say their goodbyes and Eddie waves them off, leaving him alone with you. 
“Is it cool if I sleep over tonight?” Your voice is his favorite thing to hear. Even better than Hetfield or Dio.
“‘Course.” He says, voice more grumbly than he expected. “You know you’re always welcome to.” 
He watches you stand up, watches the way your shirt rides up as you stretch, admires the sleepiness in your eyes. He wants you in his bed, next to him, he wants to wake up to your face in the morning. He wants the smell of your shampoo to overwhelm him. He wants to kiss you, soft and sweet.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He mumbles under his breath, running a hand over his face before standing back up. Your footsteps are already trailing down the hall to his room, and he quickly follows. You’re halfway through throwing one of his shirts on, which you do every time you sleep over. He’ll never get tired of the way his worn-out shirts hang off your body. He’ll never get tired of you. 
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
of daisies and collisions
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ now playing: thelonious monk - "green chimney's"
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summary: nanami kento felt a little out of his element, with a small bundle of flowers sitting in his lap and brooding in the dark corner of the jazz bar. yet, you play that song he likes again, and nothing else matters. (nanami x you)
wc: 1.9k
cw/tags: strangers to lovers (??), first meeting, banter-driven fluff with a little bit of angst at the beginning, gojo cameo
note: FIRST TIME WRITING FOR NANAMI RAHHHHHH. thank you to @yutaleks for donating as a part of @ficsforgaza !!! also,,, threw in a little reference for @mididoodles my og nanami lover. i hope you like this :))
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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Nanami Kento considered himself a simple man. 
A week ago, he would have clocked out of work and driven home alone, maybe throwing a baking show on the TV while he made pan-fried dinner in solitude. Nothing got past Nanami’s walls because he didn’t let them. Simple, easy, boring–that was his life since leaving Jujutsu society. Nothing exciting and nothing new, life passed him by and he allowed it to slip through his fingers like water, letting himself become pulled into the mundane pushing-and-pulling tide of everyday life. He wasn’t a sorcerer anymore; just a working man with too much time on his hands, seeing shadows no one else could. Yet, the thought lingered in his mind: who was benefiting from his efforts?
That was his existence, up until a week ago when a novice driver scraped the hood of his car in just the right way to make the engine go completely kaput. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, sir!” 
“I am aware of your remorse. Kindly give me your information so we can handle this in a timely manner.” 
“Yes, sir. Of course, sir!” He exhaled through his nose. The boy couldn’t have been older than eighteen and any other decent adult would have sympathy for the kid. Nanami, however, couldn’t be bothered and took down the teenager’s license and registration with as minimal words as possible. Soon enough, his phone was pressed to his cheek as he called a cab, the nearest one being at least fifteen minutes away. Before he could slip his phone back into his pocket, he senses a body rushing toward his seconds until an inevitable impact. He tries to pivot so that the figure brushes past his arm instead of colliding, but it’s no use. Your shoulder rams into his and you stumble, briefly aware of his hand brushing your forearm to catch you. 
“Sorry about that!” You’re giving him an apologetic smile, still continuing in your current direction. You’re clutching a small stack of papers and you grasp at them as they start to slip from your arms. He gapes unexpectedly, meeting your eyes from over your shoulder. His silence seems to concern you and you take a few steps back toward him with drawn eyebrows. “A-Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” he forces out after a moment, taking a disorienting amount of time to regain his bearings. Why was he so startled by you? “Are you–”
“Okay, great! I have to,” you stutter, gesturing the opposite way, “I have to go. I’m so sorry about running into you, again. Have a good one!” Nanami finds his hand acting on its own, stretching out to grab your attention before you’re gone. He’s a millisecond too late and realizes with a weight in his stomach why he couldn’t stop staring at you. There was something attached to you, something inhuman. It was nearly imperceptible because of your normalcy and any other sorcerer would have missed it, but he saw it, the grotesquely snake-like Curse winding its coils around your neck. The question comes into the forefront of his mind again: who was benefiting from his efforts?
He trails after you without thinking, without any regard as to whether he would miss the cab or get home after the sun disappears. You’re texting someone frantically while still shuffling around your papers, checking street signs every so often before taking a sharp turn right into a brick building Nanami had never entered before. MIDI’S: JAZZ AND DRINKS, read the neon yellow sign, and he pushes through the door without another moment’s hesitation. 
“How are we feeling tonight, ladies and gentlemen?” Cheering, a few hoots and hollers. It’s comfortingly warm in the dark space, dimly lit by a few dandelion lanterns and a tasteful amount of plain candles. There’s a bar tucked into the left wall with two bartenders chatting up distinguished-looking customers. Crowded tables and attendees lounging in creaky chairs litter the space, sipping from honey-colored bottles and crystal glasses. It’s homey, Nanami thinks. Not necessarily his usual crowd, but he could find solace in it. “We’ve got a lot more music up for you tonight, featuring our very own pride of Midi’s.” Nanami’s eyes are drawn to the circular stage at the center of the room, where the announcer gestures behind her to a person seated at the piano. He blinks once, then twice, before realizing that it’s you. You smile into the darkness, wincing a bit when the snake Curse around your shoulders squeezes tauntingly. You had no idea of the danger you were in, which Nanami figured was the reason he orders a glass of bourbon and finds a less-crowded corner of the club. 
Your fingers dance on the keys of the piano, gliding and crossing over each other lighter than touching a paintbrush to a canvas. Your movements are smooth and unrestrained, flawless except for the momentary constriction of the Curse attached to you. The Curse’s eyes find Nanami’s and it seems to smile, constricting harder than it had previously while maintaining eye contact. You cough hard enough that your song is interrupted and the other musicians around you quickly cover for you as you struggle for a drink of water. The Curse was restricting your ability to play, and his body again reacted before his mind. 
He focuses a significant amount of Cursed Energy into his balled fist–not enough to be noticeable to non-sorcerers, but enough to serve as a warning for the Curse blocking your airway. It recoils like a vampire caught in direct sunlight, slinking away into the darkness behind the piano. It was still attached to you, but he knew it wouldn’t pester you for the rest of your performance. Exorcizing the Curse himself was risky, since you’d recognize Nanami as soon as he was in close proximity. As the last step in his quiet plan to keep you safe, he opens his messages and scrolls through the endless amount of heart-emoji texts he left unanswered, sending his location to the one contact in his phone that isn't involved with being a salaryman. 
“That’s them? That’s why you send me to a jazz bar at 7:00 P.M. on a Thursday?” 
“Don’t call them ‘that,’ Gojo. It’s crass,” Nanami mutters, another sip of bourbon burning down his throat. The blindfolded sorcerer beside him shrugs indifferently, considering you again. You’re playing with more life than you were the week prior, when the Curse was snug around your neck like a deadly scarf. He might have imagined it, but Nanami could have sworn you caught his eye and winked at him. Gojo insists those winks were for him, though. “But, yes. They are the reason I sent you that message.” 
“Why’d you do it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why’d you follow them and get involved, anyway? It’s not like you to get concerned with things that don’t benefit the collective. At least, not since you left,” Gojo replies. It’s harsh, a little blunter than Gojo’s usual lackadaisical comments, but he’s right. Nanami hadn’t been worried about a single person besides himself in a long while, however much he didn’t like to admit it. He was fine protecting his own simple, boring existence, until he realized just how much he wanted to protect your existence too. Nanami Kento was a selfish man, inside, and he considered his actions to keep you safe not altruism, but an extension of his selfishness. That’d be too hard to express to Gojo, though, so he settles for mirroring his former colleague’s indifferent shrug. 
“Felt like the correct path to follow,” he answers. The small bundle of daisies sitting in Nanami’s lap weighs heavier than a dumbbell, and it occurs to him just how out of his element he was. He was used to things being clean-cut and easy, but his recent interest in getting to know you had thrown off his entire livelihood. “We are to keep people safe, are we not?”
“I’m supposed to keep those people safe. I don’t really know what you’re doing anymore,” Gojo drawls. “Though, I will say, they’re really pretty. You think I can pull them?”
“The only thing pulling you is my arm out of this establishment if you don’t be quiet,” Nanami deadpans. “Plus,” he looks down at the stray flower petals sprinkling his dress pants, “I have first dibs.”
You smile at him when he approaches you sidestage after your set, visibly more relaxed without the Curse on your back. Gojo was long gone doing who-knows-what, leaving Nanami to deal with the unwanted fluttering in his gut. 
“You’re back again. Enjoy the show last week?”
“Yes,” he affirms, “You are incredibly talented.” 
“Thank you.” Your eyes flick down to the flowers in his fist, comically small in comparison to his large hands. “Those for me?” 
“Y-Yes, of course,” he sputters, handing you the bunch more stiff than he planned. A silent understanding hides behind your expression; you can see through him like glass. Somehow, he doesn’t mind. “Were you–”
“Are you–” You both speak at the same time and abruptly trail off, insisting that the other goes first. “Please,” you concede with a wave of your hand, “go ahead.”
“I was going to ask if you were playing here for the first time when we ran into each other, last week.” 
“Was it that obvious?” You rub the back of your neck with your hand, your smile turning playfully embarrassed. “I had this weird cough that was messing with my health, so that’s why I was running late. It was also probably why I collided with you on the sidewalk,” you chuckle. 
“I am unbothered,” he admits. His thoughts slip out from his mouth without thinking. “I wouldn’t mind if you collided with me again.” Your eyes widen and Nanami can feel his face begin to burn, Gojo’s devilish grin at the back of his mind accusing him of being terrible at relationships. “I-I’m not sure why I said that–”
“It’s Kento, right?” You’re peering at him curiously, as if you were trying to hold in a laugh. The sound of his name on your lips is more intoxicating than any amount of alcohol from the bar. 
“Yes, how did you–”
“The blindfolded guy came up to me during my break and said he was with you,” you state, the corner of your mouth still quirking like you were hiding a secret. “You have weird friends.” You didn’t know half of it. 
“Right,” he forces out. You didn’t seem to mind how goofy Nanami was acting; in fact, something in his head told him that you liked it. “Well, I-I apologize for such a bold–”
“You know,” you cut in as the back of your hand delicately brushes the tiny flowers in your hand. “My set tomorrow night ends early and there’s a really good sandwich shop just up the street. Maybe I could collide with you there?” 
“That would–Yes, I would like that,” he barely replies. You tear a corner from your sheet music and scribble something onto it. You press it into his palm as you head backstage, your touch electrifying every single nerve you made contact with. 
“See you tomorrow,” you wave with that same small smile he was losing himself to. For better or for worse, something about meeting you made Nanami unwilling to go back to that simple, easy way he was living before. 
here’s that song you like, it’s the one you smile at every time <3 
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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johnkahner · 11 months
A Stray Cat in a Strange Place [Part 2]
AN: Part 2 of the story I started to write. I gave the cat a name because Fujin wouldn't actually know your name. It's not mentioned often, but I just wanted to let you know before reading. Also I imagine Fujin being really protective of his newly adopted cat. I had fun writing this, so I hope you all enjoy it! Not proof read.
Notes: Platonic Relationships, Gender-Neutral! Cat! Reader, fluff
Part 1 - Part 3
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“The little one doesn’t seem to like any of these names, Fujin.”
The elder brother noted to the younger brother. Who knew coming up with a name for a pet would be so hard!? Fujin wanted his new family member to have a wonderful name, but he also wanted you to like it too! He was wondering if you were even listening to him now that made him pout a little. 
You stretch your body out and yawn. Looking at your new friend you move to nuzzle him. Raiden watches how the two of you interact with one another. He wants to pet you, but he doesn’t want to in front of his younger brother. He felt like Fujin would jest with him about his demeanor change towards you. 
Fujin picks you up to walk over towards the window, and opens it so you both could enjoy the pleasant breeze. His eyes widened. Like a new inspiration shot him. He looks down at you. Tilting your head to the side and responding with a questionable meow. He laughs at your reaction. He thought it was so cute. 
“I thought of a new name!”
“You have now?”
“Yes! I think it would suit this little one quite well!”
Raiden raises an eyebrow to Fujin. Fujin turns around to see his reaction, having a wide smile on his own face. 
“Haruka! Or maybe Haru for short? What do you two think?”
You meow at him. You don’t mind the name. It has a nice ring to it. You look over to see Raiden’s reaction. He appears to be in thought. 
“It seems they like the name, and I think it does quite suit them as well.”
Fujin pulls you into a tight hug, thankfully it wasn’t too tight to hurt you any. Raiden stiffens when he sees that you could be distraught now.
“I’m overjoyed that you have a name now, Haruka!”
“Fujin, perhaps you shouldn’t be squeezing Haruka like that. They don’t seem too… comfortable right now.”
Panic filled his eyes. He didn’t want to hurt you. He just wanted to show you the affection you deserve. He lays you down on the bed. You feel an instinct to attack something, and your victim is the bedding on Fujin’s bed. You can’t control your cat urges. Swatting at the covers, and rolling around on them, has the two chuckling lightly at your performance. 
That was until someone came knocking on the door. A brand new face appears, you wonder how many people lived here exactly and where exactly were you. The new man looks at you slightly confused. 
“Lord Raiden, Lord Fujin the monks said there was something they needed to discuss with the two of you.”
Maybe this is your chance to roam around and see what the rest of your new home looks like. The two men sigh, just when things were getting right on track. Raiden looks at the young man. 
“Liu Kang, could you watch over Haruka for us?” 
“Yes I can, Lord Raiden.” He bows, then he rises to look at you.
So this man is named Liu Kang. At least it didn’t take long to learn his name. Wait. Did he call the grumpy man ‘Lord’? What the hell? This just adds to your questions about this duo. You look at the three of them and release a little meow not sure what to do now. 
Fujin goes to pet your head. You nuzzle into the palm of his hand purring. 
“I’ll return as fast as I can.” 
He smiles at you gently. While Raiden only nods at you. They leave the room to go see what the monks needed. Liu Kang and you are now left alone in the room. You head towards the door, turn to look at him, and meow indicating for him to follow you. He grins at you with a light chuckle. 
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Walking around the temple was quite the adventure. However, not long during the trip Liu Kang decided to pick you and carry you around. He walks by the training grounds, and soon a voice is shouting at Liu Kang. When he turns he sees a man wearing a funny looking hat, but it’s different from the one you’ve seen Raiden wear. This man’s hat seems more dangerous with the blade that is around the rim of it. It scares you a little, causing your ears to go back. Liu Kang pets you trying to calm your nerves.
“When did you get a cat?”
“This is the cat that Lord Fujin brought with him when he returned.”
You still try to hide from the man. Liu Kang speaks again.
“I think you’re scaring them, Kung Lao.”
“Huh? How am I even scary?”
He seems baffled at his friend's words. You want to run away right now. You want to be near Fujin, or maybe Raiden. You feel uncomfortable right now. Maybe if you hiss, Liu Kang would set you down on the ground, but you don’t want to cause him any harm if you were to scratch him. 
When you hiss and growl at the two, and just as you hope Liu Kang sets you down on the ground. As soon as your paws are on the ground, you bolt off. They are shocked by your actions. Liu Kang shouts and runs after you in a panic. Kung Lao is just confused by what happened. Not long after he follows after the two. 
The two ran past you. Thankfully you were able to quickly hide from them. You want to be by yourself for a moment, so it would hopefully be easier for you to calm down. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Carefully looking both ways you try to find Fujin. 
As the two men were running looking for you. They failed to notice that some of the monks were staring at them. Unfortunately for them, they failed to notice that Fujin was also staring at them. Fujin walks over to them. 
“What are you two doing?”
They look at each other. Liu Kang gulps. 
“Lord Fujin, I can explain!” 
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As you were wandering around, someone approached you to pick you up. Your body tenses at the contact then tries to wiggly away not knowing who this was. You weren’t familiar with how you were being held, and you also had your eyes closed.
“Relax, little one.”
Perking up at the voice of who held you. You open your eyes to see none other than Raiden. Well, he wasn’t Fujin, but he did hold you gently. You meowed at him.
“What are you even doing out here? And where’s Liu Kang?” 
He looks around not seeing him anywhere in sight. He looks angry. You wish he wasn’t, it wasn’t Liu Kang’s fault but your own. However, you can’t exactly tell Raiden that though. You look at him and begin to purr hoping it may calm his anger. He sighs, letting you nuzzle his hand. 
“Now let’s go find that brother of mine, shall we?”
You meow in agreement, excited to see Fujin once again. You hope that Liu Kang won’t get into too much trouble, and you honestly don’t know if that other guy would get in trouble. You’ll just have to wait and see. 
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As Raiden approaches his brother, you can see him yelling at someone. Unfortunately it is Liu Kang on the receiving end of his anger. Liu Kang’s head is down listening to Fujin’s angry words.
“Brother, that’s enough.” 
Fujin turns around to see you in Raiden’s arms. He forgets about Liu Kang, and runs over to Raiden. He grabs, hugs you, and gives you little kisses on your head. You were purring. Looking over to Liu Kang you feel bad. You try to struggle out of Fujin’s grasp. Succeeding you walk over to Liu Kang meowing sadly. You want to apologize for your actions. 
Liu Kang bends down to pet you. You hope he understands what you were trying to say. He smiles gently at you. 
“It’s okay, Haruka.” 
“What happened, Liu Kang?”
Raiden inquires about the events that transpired after they left. Liu Kang begins to explain what happened to the two men. Before, when he was on the receiving end of Fujin’s anger he barely got a chance to explain what exactly happened.
“We were on a walk. I think they wanted to see what was outside Lord Fujin’s room. During our walk, we encountered Kung Lao, and they seemed to be scared of him. Not long after that they ran off. We were looking for Haruka. When Lord Fujin caught us, Kung Lao went off to go find them while I stayed here.”
The brothers were looking at Liu Kang then at you. You nodded your head at his words. 
“Why were they afraid of Kung Lao though?”
“Haruka seemed scared when they saw his hat.”
Liu Kang’s words caused Fujin to laugh. He never thought you would be afraid of a hat. Your afraid reaction at the mention of the cat only seemed to prove his theory. Fujin picks you up again trying to soothe you. Telling you that you are safe, and that Kung Lao’s hat wouldn’t get you. 
You felt your stomach rumble. You nibble on Fujin’s hand to try to give him the hint. He chuckles, and it seems that the anger he felt earlier had all disappeared now. He walks off to the kitchen area to prepare some food for you. Raiden and Liu Kang follow not too far behind him. 
You wonder if this will be how your life will be now. As long as Fujin is there to help you, you don’t mind. You like the people you’ve met so far. Maybe next time you meet Kung Lao, you’ll try to get to know him better.
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lo1k-diamonds · 3 months
Too Sweet 💜 Chapter 3 - But then you wake up for the sunrise
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PAIRING: Demon!Yoongi x (f)reader
SUMMARY: Coming from unabashed wealth has its perks — like never having to lift a finger in your life. When that suddenly changes, you end up at a crossroads: how far will you go to have everything you want?
GENRE: Crossroad Demon AU (Sloth), smut, angst
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: implied trauma and abuse, including neglect growing up, unprotected sex, biting, pain mixing w/ pleasure, choking and breath play, anal play, degrading thoughts, nipple play, blowjob + face fucking, subspace and aftercare, crying, fighting
A.N. Getting attached to your demon comes with perks... and vulnerabilities. Here's to my favorite part 💜
Masterpost | Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad | < Previous Chapter : Next Chapter >
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The high yet soothing ringing of the Tibetan Singing Bowl along with the water streaming down a gentle creek permeated your ears and all around you. You were lying face down on a massage table, naked with your hair carefully tied in a bun so your masseuse could spread the perfumed oils all over your back. As the wooden cushion striker rolled on the bowl to emit the healing verberations, you tried not to twist your nose at the recording of the rivulet. You supposed your money could get you anything but not a natural brook at that spa and resort you owned.
Your masseuse finished after removing the excess with a warm towel and bowed deeply before exiting the room. A moment later, the bowl stopped ringing as that person left as well, and you got up languidly. You let the towels that once covered you fall to the floor without much thought and reached for the warm robe waiting for you. This session had become something of a routine for you and as such, you knew exactly where to go to return to your suite up on the last floor.
You supposed you could just buy another spa and resort somewhere where there was a creek. Maybe in Tibet or Nepal; someplace untamed and breaming with healing energy. Not that it would solve anything, you mused as you got in the elevator. Those massages were good but they didn’t fix you and you didn’t believe a natural brook or even a monastery full of monks could help with that. You chuckled to yourself and brushed the bracelets around your wrists gently; you wondered how they would take the company if you ever engendered such a situation.
Truthfully, despite your searches, you were convinced that there was only one way to actually relax. To the best of your knowledge, there was no treatment or experience you hadn’t tried, and all they ever did was push the tension. You could feel it going from one corner to the other, one muscle to the next, tight within you without ever releasing. So far there had only been one way to accomplish that and you were starting to not care for any other way.
You thought getting high could have been a way but you wouldn’t make that mistake twice. After he had healed you a month back, you hadn’t touched anything but tobacco and alcohol. This was an accomplishment for you, but the real achievement was what you had found to replace your former addictions.
It started with touching your bracelets and wondering until you wished him to your presence and were startled when he came. You still remembered his piercing eyes just staring from across your suite, wondering why you would have called him when you had nothing you could possibly want.
Nothing except for him.
“I need a private jet,” you had pouted, unable to look away from him. As usual, he was all in black, looking like an executive about to have a neat whisky and fuck his secretary senseless. 
The way his black shirt stretched when he chuckled and shrugged entranced you. “You have endless money, just buy one.”
“But I don’t have endless time,” you rebutted, a sly smile ebbing as you congratulated yourself for thinking so fast on your feet. “Buying takes time, asking you is way faster.”
His eyes squinted ever so slightly as if seeing through you, “Even if it costs you?”
You grinned, “It’s a fine balance.”
He had said nothing, only stood there looking at you, but you were daring. You walked up to him, gave him a cheeky nod, and got on your tiptoes to kiss him, just like you had days before to be healed of your addictions. Your heartbeat was now as strong as then, and while you were unsure whether the warm buzz in your bones was from the excitement or the expense, you couldn’t help the fluttering inside your chest. Because he didn’t push you back, nor did he break up your kiss.
Your phone started ringing and so you parted ways yourself, only to be told that the jet purchase had finally gone through and everything had been handled. You had laughed then and thrown your arms around his neck to kiss him again, and that was the beginning.
At first, you asked for simple things, most of which just filled you with curiosity: a secret, the answer to a current dilemma, the draft or script of a book or play you wanted to have access to beforehand. Every time you would use your time as an excuse, knowing very well that by doing so, it was only making it even shorter. Yet you did it with a wide smile because it earned you a kiss every time, sometimes even more than one, until it led to the real high you craved ever since you met him.
“You’re keeping tabs, right?” You would joke immediately, before he was even soft inside you, the sting still on your asscheeks as he rolled his eyes and moved away.
Regardless of his demeanor, he’d always show, take your kiss, and deliver. And all you could do was laugh and sigh because nothing compared to that. The thrill, the victory, the validation, the sleep — everything that came with him gave flare to your existence, and nothing compared.
You strutted across your suite to your bedroom, taking a deep comforting breath. You drew the black curtains to your luxurious bedroom and opened the windows to let the warm summer breeze invade the space. Your lips twitched in a mischievous smile at the thought of screeching at the top of your lungs for the whole building to hear.
You let the robe pool on the floor before you got on the bed. You took a deep breath and bent down in a downward dog pose, stretching yourself to retain a semblance of relaxation and maybe warm up a bit. After a couple of long breaths, you lowered to your forearms before collapsing your chest and knees into a puppy pose. That was when your neck finally stretched the way you liked, and when you brushed the bracelets around your wrists with a deep desire.
“What the fuck do you want this time?”
A shiver ran up your spine, mixing with the breeze puckering your skin. Your eyes were closed but you could just imagine the scene: you, with your hair up in a bun naked over the black silk sheets with your ass up while your chest pressed to the mattress, and him, behind you with a privileged view of exactly how ready you were for him.
“What are you doing, kitten?”
“Stretching,” you voiced calmly, resisting wiggling your ass. Teasing him was a tricky game; you couldn’t risk him leaving. Even if he never had without hearing you out first, you didn’t want it to ever happen. “And waiting.”
Silence stretched aside from the breeze billowing the curtains, but you didn’t break form to turn and see. You were confident he had his eyes on you just by the way your guts started slowly churning.
“Come on,” you beckoned, voice low and seductive. “Come make me feel—”
A whimper cut you off and blended with your smugness quickly. 
You didn’t need to ask anymore; it was as if he could read your thoughts. That had to be why he was pushing a finger inside you crudely, unbothered by how unprepared you were. 
Maybe because he knew how ready you already were. “Again?”
A quiet whine left your lips as they parted, “I want to relax.”
You just knew he could feel it — the way your muscles were relaxing as though a wave was washing over them. Inch by inch, from your core to your extremities — decompressing, releasing your tension slowly as he probed your wet hole with a single finger.
“Time… is ticking,” he said calmly and you cried, toes curling with how utterly surrendered you were. He had pushed in another finger almost hiddenly until he parted them inside you to grossly stretch you. “And you still haven't lifted a finger.”
Blood rushed to your cheeks with your moan, forcing you to grab the sheets as you hid your face. It was extremely difficult to acknowledge a word he was saying when both your mind and body were screaming for pleasure.
“You speak— as though— I have no time,” your voice thinned with every movement of his fingers with your nails gripping onto the sheets.
“It’s not that you have no time,” he acceded calmly despite your loud and long outcry — he was pushing his fingers into your wet walls until you were almost curling and breaking position. “It’s that you don’t value the time you do have.”
You were starting to sweat; both the physical effort and his fingers pressing a familiar spot inside you were creating an uncontrollable fire in your gut. You parted your lips and only a breath made it out as you shut your eyes and let the blazing wave engulf you. It was easy to become adrift with the sensations, but the threat of his receding fingers pushed you to speak.
“I value it. I value it so much—” He pressed harder, maybe to break you, and you moaned, bucking your hips to both alleviate and intensify the feeling.
He hummed, “Maybe.”
You didn’t answer because you could feel the switch in his tone. It had happened before, in other encounters you two had, and it lit up a secret flame inside you. His free hand groped the swell of your ass, squeezing it roughly as you burned from his touch, his eyes, and his ministrations. You had noticed it before and you suspected it was the reason you got away with it — he wanted you. You couldn’t quite pin down why it was that he didn’t turn his back on you or that he gave you what you wanted each time, but you had the theory that he wanted it just as much. That somehow, you did something for him too. You didn’t know if it was because he got a bit of your soul every time, because you were bratty, or just because he wanted to fuck you, but you enjoyed it either way.
You let a pleasure wave shake you as you bit on your lower lip; his fingers stretching you, pressing squelching sounds out of you could only mean he was preparing you, and the thought alone melted you. That was until his fingers twisted inside you and you felt something change on the outside and press your puckered hole.
You whimpered, both wanting whatever would come next and bordering overstimulation when his thumb pressed and got in. You immediately tightened as much as possible on a reflex and he actively bypassed your efforts by pushing in roughly. His thumb settled inside up to the node all while his other fingers curled and pressed on your walls, making you jolt. You wiggled, wanting to escape only for him to slide in and out with every movement. He ended up deeper than before and you cried out with the pressure sparking pleasure that had you throbbing in a vicious cycle.
Your eyes were shut and your nerve endings were on fire as your body utterly relaxed under his touch, “Please.”
You didn’t know what you were asking for, if anything for him to continue, maybe for him to even ruin you. And as always, he seemed to read your mind.
You felt something wet and cold drip down on your ass, going around his finger only for him to take it and press it in. The sensation unnerved you and had you jolting forward despite the odd angle on your neck, but he didn’t let you go far. He gripped your hair bun with his free hand and forced you to get on your forearms and fall back into him, and that drew a guttural moan out of you.
His thumb was all the way inside you, but the rest of his hand was replaced by his cock. It was the only thing that could push into you, stretch you so painfully well in its entirety until he was tucked to the hilt. You had tears in your eyes and whimpered when he swelled inside you, purposefully pressing to your cervix so you knew what would come. And you knew and still wanted it even if you’d cry the whole time. Though you suspected you wouldn't. It turned out you loved the sting and the way you felt full and relaxed under his touch.
You were so at ease you were spasming around his dick, sighing with his grip on your hair that was keeping your back taut, and maybe he didn’t like that. He let your hair go and you didn’t slack off, but he still smacked your ass so strongly it echoed in the room. It sparked a whiny moan as the pleasure shot through you, and again and again with every hit. Your hips swung to tease him, ask for more, ablate the sting, and feel him even deeper, and he kept going. He pushed you to euphoric levels as you fucked yourself on him; it was paradise.
“Is this what you wanted, kitten?”
A laugh bubbled out of you before you could think — yes, yes it was. But as you moaned and kept going, despite the respite from his slaps, you thought you could push him a little.
“Actually— I wanted a mirror as the head of the bed or— to cover the wall— right there, you see?”
You tried raising a finger and pointing at the wall above the headboard but it fell quickly. He had snapped his hips into you as if he wanted to push your soul out, imposing the rhythm he wanted. You fought the urge to curl onto yourself, so melted by the impact of every thrust, that you couldn’t find your form. Not until he pulled you by the hair to meet his thrusts viciously, pulling your head up simultaneously.
Your eyes crossed in the mirror in front of you and your senses jolted awake. The head of the bed was now just a mirror from the mattress to the ceiling letting you see everything: you on all fours with your tits bouncing with every plunge, your red asscheeks, your hair in a ball inside his fist, his other hand busy with what you guessed was a full thumb inside your asshole, him fully clothed in black, snapping his hips to your hips to drive you nuts, and finally his eyes.
His dark piercing eyes locked with yours and they caught your insides on fire. You weren’t just a secretary he was fucking senseless, you were so much less. You were not worth getting his clothes off for, nor had a worthwhile touch. You were a body with a set of holes that he wanted to use, to make gush, and it twisted your guts, the wet sounds superposing almost to the slap of his hips. The hunger inside you to become more while knowing that he was fucking you because he wanted to use you, no matter how worthless you were, almost drew you to your peak but you waited. You waited, with eyes never parting from his through the mirror, for him to deny it, enforce it, or do something. 
Yet all he did was feed into that perversity, “Fucking greedy cunt.”
You clenched and you could have laughed if he wasn’t so deep inside you, stretching you to the point you couldn’t articulate, let alone react. Whether he was calling you a cunt or saying your core was greedy for his cock, you loved it — both were true.
You arched your back even more for him, needing to feel him kissing your sensitive cervix. It shook you with the sting of every poke, but then you stopped breathing. You stood still, letting him rut into you. He fucked you, not desperately, but without hesitation, with sweat dripping down his neck as his Adam's apple bobbed. He used you and abused you but he was right there for you.
You whimpered and got your hand to rub your clit as soon as possible before that wave could wane, and it crashed. You cried your pleasure as if you had to proclaim it to the world, with a particular pitch to account for the stinging, only to feel his hips stuttering. Your eyes shot open so you could see his squinting, focused on himself disappearing between your ass cheeks until he shot his load inside you with a groan.
Your lips curved in a smile, pleased with the way you milked him right. You sighed, letting your face hit the mattress with the relaxation finally settling, even as his cum started to drip down your thighs.
You felt him move a little but didn’t bother thinking about it. Only when something touched your lips did you open your eyes quizically. His fingers were wet with a white fluid and you stuck your tongue out immediately, inviting him inside your mouth. 
You moaned and clenched around his cock and thumb still inside you. The taste of your cums together was a unique type of drug that left you breathless and stupid on the spot. You suckled on his fingers, moaning the dopamine discharge lighting up your brain until he pulled away, and you whimpered. But not too much; you sighed to yourself. He’d keep on feeding you that unique blend — you trusted him.
“Was that all you wanted?”
You chuckled, “No.”
He cursed and rolled over; in a flash, you were lying with your back over his chest. Your ass was stretched and would slowly shrink back to normal, but his hard dick was still inside you. You chuckled as he heaved a deep breath, crossing his arms behind his head. You didn’t move a muscle.
“What is it this time?”
You pressed your lips, “Well, I was thinking about… an exotic place. An untamed, brimming with energy place. With a creek. You could get it for me.” He was silent behind you but you could feel him breathing. You chuckled, “Bonus points if it comes with a monastery full of monks.”
You jolted with the piercing pain of him pinching your nipples. You reached for his hands to incentivize him to loosen the squeeze, but he didn’t let up at all.
“Why would you need that?”
His voice was rougher and you imagined there was a hint of annoyance with your suggestion. You laughed quietly and he pinched harder, making a cold torrent tase you from head to toe. You held on to his wrists and pressed your heels to the mattress, but otherwise stayed absolutely still.
“For my meditation and healing.”
“You have money; just buy a place like that.”
“Can you imagine how long that will take? It took centuries with the jet, imagine in a foreign place like that?” You were pouting, “You can do that for me.”
One hand of his let go and you sighed and squirmed, thinking he was warming up to you. Only said hand wrapped around your throat, jolting you to press even more into him. You were even more vulnerable.
“Thought you said you valued your time.”
“And I do,” you rasped, heart beating with adrenaline. Your core throbbed around him in reaction, and you closed your eyes. He was so hard inside you. The way he was keeping you from riding him was such an unspeakable waste. “Can’t you tell?”
You tried rolling your hips and he pulled you by the neck harder, stretching you til your vertebrae popped. His hand pinched around your tits before he sank his teeth into your neck, making you writhe and moan uncontrollably. You were at the edge again, overwhelmed, unable to relax and release unless he guided you there.
He started moving and you sighed, fusing back into him without a trace of resistance. He had parted his legs and taken support on the mattress to swing his hips to fuck you slowly, stealing your breath away. You could only stay in place, whimpering and crying out your delight as he used you to his liking.
Even as he sped up, turning your insides to mush, you were still curious. Your wetness and his cum were dripping down your ass and you were burning with the lack of oxygen. The way his teeth were sinking into your skin had you gritting your teeth, and bliss was a moment away. But you wanted to feel it for yourself.
You let go of his wrist and traced down your body all the way to your core, touching lightly around your entrance only to quiver. Fuck, was he big and hard, no wonder you were burning so finely under his stretch. You moaned, both from the feeling of him pistoning inside you and the wet thick length brushing your fingers to use you, until his hand caught your attention. His fingers sank under your jawline just a bit to coax you to look up, and you gasped.
Above you, the ceiling had become a mirror and the view was breathtaking. Your sweaty and abused body was red and glowing, but what destroyed you was him. The sight of his cock ramming into your messy folds, glistening with every stab, and of his dark eyes set on you as he bit down your neck, not letting go of you, pushing you to your finish line. 
He saw it and acted on it, and you thought maybe it was the plan all along. The hand squeezing your nipple was over your clit in a second, rubbing it perfectly and with every thrust a little more, until he let the blood flood through your brain again. You burst like a firework, arching even more into him. His teeth sank deeper, as did his cock, and his fingers kept you cumming. You trashed your legs, seeing white with such bliss, unable to come down for a while.
By then, he was licking your neck, stuffed inside you to keep his cum in while he took whiffs of your sugary white raspberry scent. You could have mentioned it or thought about it, but the lethargy spreading across your body didn’t let you.
You were ready to fall asleep when he moved to have you look up at him. He was sweaty and beautiful, with an intense gaze that gave you goosebumps. His eyebrow twitched and you sighed.
“I take it back.”
Your eyes were heavy so you didn’t catch the curve on the corner of his lips, “Good girl.”
Your haze was imposing but something perked your attention, making it impossible to fade into unconsciousness. His arms were keeping you above him, and he wasn’t leaving. You were normally too exhausted to even think and would wake up in to empty room, so you didn’t know what happened immediately after. You always assumed he just vanished without glancing twice but he was still there this time, with his arms around you. 
You didn’t want to miss the opportunity. You sighed, “How did you… end up like this?” You were mumbling, fighting sleep. He stayed quiet and immobile, but you could hear him breathe near your forehead. “Were you… born one?”
You finally felt him shifting a bit under you, though his arms stayed firm, keeping you in place. “One?”
Your lips trembled before you whispered, “Demon.”
You were fearful but he chuckled, “I was born one; we all are. Reborn one,” he admitted and you furrowed your brow ever so slightly despite your closed eyes. 
“How?” You breathed. It could be a dream.
You didn’t dare open your eyes and break that spell; you imagined he was thinking, his mind wandering off.
“I made a deal, same as you, a long time ago.”
“How long ago?”
“I don’t know,” he smirked and shrugged. “Time has different meanings in different places.”
“Sounds interesting,” you cooed before nibbling on your lip. Your heart was beating fast with the thrill of that simple exchange.
It shook even more with his quiet laugh near your ear, “That’s because you’re ignoring the obvious.” His voice lost humour and you could imagine the detached eyes looking down at you. “None of this is good.”
You opened your eyes instantly, eager to catch that spark before it could vanish. His sharp eyes were set on yours and you almost wavered, but he had you. He was showing and saying more than ever before and for the first time in months it felt like you could have a conversation.
“How can it not be good,” you whispered, eyeing the straight line of his lips. “When it helped me so much?”
The line showed apprehension, “Are you sure it did?”
You almost scoffed, “Absolutely certain. No one has ever been so kind to me.”
“This isn’t kindness.”
You started laughing, despite your best efforts. Even though his demeanor screamed severity and his eyes showed sternness, you just couldn’t help yourself. Your laugh wasn’t mocking, it was almost jolly.
You cuddled more into his embrace, “It is. What? You’re toying with me? Of course you are, everyone is,” you shrugged, pulling his arms more around you. “It’s all everyone has ever done. Toy and use. You’re no different, but you are.” You paused, trying to put into words the nuance you had experienced only with him. “‘Cause at least you give me something in return. You’re the only one that has ever given me something in return.”
Your eyes lowered with the scattered recollections of what you had once sought to forget, but quickly they were back up. Your heart shook with what they found — there was a hint of emotion on an otherwise objective and unphased marble expression. At that moment, you were certain that your connection was not imagined.
“What was your deal?”
He didn’t even blink but you stayed put, still calm and relaxed, not just from your previous activities, but also because you were still together.
“What did you sell your soul for?”
Your insistence tipped the scales somehow because he sighed, “A way out. A way to leave and live out my dreams.”
Your eyebrows twitched curiously, “Did it work?”
He smirked and you finally saw a trace of emotions behind his eyes, “Yeah, but not really. That’s why details matter.”
Come now, kitten.
His entrancing voice still enchanted your spirit to this day. You nodded, “You didn’t know what you wanted and just said a way out?”
“I knew what I wanted,” he said, shifting under you but not with discomfort. He sounded assertive and you had a hunch that he was proud of himself. Your eyebrows twitched quizzically and he continued, “I wanted to be a musician, but I didn’t know what that meant.”
Your expression soured as your eyes lowered and you gave him a detached nod. 
Your mind was about to pull you into the very dread you had been running from for years when he said, “It was my fault.”
You frowned, looking for the reason why he was telling you this. 
The subtlest line sunk between his eyebrows, “I let myself go down that road. Others might have pushed or joined me along, but it was my life. My decision.”
You wondered then for the first time, with seriousness, if he could read your mind. Could he know your secrets? What you had been through? What you once dreamed and how it had all turned to shambles?
You pursed your lips, denying that idea. No matter how well he fucked you, that was probably impossible. Besides, it wasn’t your fault. What had happened to you, regardless of your stupidity, was not your fault. Whatever he was talking about, it was certainly only about himself.
Which made you wonder, “Is that why you keep telling me to figure myself out?”
He didn’t answer, he only clenched his jaw.
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You sighed as you glanced up at the ceiling from your black silked bed. You were feeling down today and not even peeking up cheered you up. The mirrors were gone, sadly, so you could only remember how good it had been to feel him and talk to him right there, on your bed.
It had been months since you last asked for him; way more than you would have liked. It was your own doing, however. You were the one who decided to not call him so soon and actually try to do something with yourself. It turned out that it was easier said than done. There was only one thing your soul ever sought doing and you avoided it like the devil would a cross. Because of this, you were aimless and the temptation to feed your mind something else so you’d stop ruminating on old thoughts and pains was becoming hard to resist.
You missed the validation. You thought of your parents and the very little they had done for you in that regard, and it irritated you. They were something else you should avoid thinking at all costs for your well-being, and yet now that they popped up, you were annoyed. And since you couldn’t and wouldn’t ever get their validation, you thought of the one you did get.
Without words, just demonstrations — he had always shown up for you. He disagreed with your lifestyle and thought your wishes were futile and shallow, but still showed up every time. The last time had been the closest you had felt to being cared for, even though your storylines didn’t match completely. But they didn’t have to — he showed it in the way that he cared enough to prevent you from losing yet another piece of your soul. And you needed to feel that again.
You brushed your bracelets and heard a voice before your fingers lost contact, “Really?”
You sat up with giddiness, as if he had just surprised you, then got up and across the bedroom to reach him.
“What could you possibly want this time?”
There was a hint of exasperation but it didn’t phase you, “Is this really you?” You were inquisitive as you neared him, eying him from top to bottom. His typical black suit always made him look refined and now his hair was a bit longer, kept tucked behind his pierced ears. “Or is this something you show to me? Like a mask?”
You stopped in front of him and he chuckled, “Does it bother you?”
“Fuck no,” you scoffed. What kind of question was that? “It pleases me a lot. Hence, why I’d like it to be real.”
“This is the real me. I can change it but,” he shrugged and you raised your hands to cup his cheeks.
“Don’t change it, I fucking adore it.”
You pressed your lips to his and thought nothing of the way he took a second to kiss you back. It had happened before and you were just too eager to think twice. Just seeing him awakened you, talking sparked your interest, and brushing your lips together shot you up into the clouds. His taste inebriated you and the more his tongue pressed the exchange, the more the desire lit up inside you.
You buried your fingers in his hair and he reciprocated, pressing you close until your feet stopped touching the ground. He carried you back toward the bed and you sighed into his kiss — validated a hundred times over.
So when your calves touched the bed, you broke the kiss and gave him one look before switching places with him. You fell to your knees and searched for the black trousers’ zipper and bit your lip when you found it. Despite previous failed attempts at taking charge, you were pleased that he was letting you get on with it, feeding that flame within you.
You could have made it hot and slow by undressing him, pumping him softly until you closed your grip, licking softly around his sensitive balls, and maybe even nibbling on his thighs before flicking your tongue up his shaft and suckling on the tip. But you couldn’t be bothered to play it slowly when you had nearly obsessed about what he would taste like without your cum’s interference. He liked to give you that particular taste, like a last high before you fell asleep, but you had wondered how it would be if it was just him. And now you were about to find out.
You were happily getting his hard dick out and watering at the sight with your tongue sticking out when a strong grip by your hair roots stilled you in place. You looked up, batting your eyelashes innocently and quizically only to notice a hint of annoyance pulling his lip. You didn’t wonder if he wanted to stop — you knew he liked being with you and enjoyed your times together. Whatever it was, it was preventing you both from finding enjoyment in each other and you didn’t want that.
You gave him a nod and a smile, hoping he could read in your eyes how much you wanted this. You didn’t want to just fuck this time around. It wasn’t even just about learning his taste, it was so much more than that.
He released the grip on your hair and you knew that he was, as always, letting you do what you wanted. It was frankly refreshing. You set your eyes on his furiously red cock pointing at your face and nodded to yourself. For all the demon talk and lore you found online, one of the things that seemed real was that he was always honest with you. He never forced you into things, if anything he even pushed you to do better and have better. It just made you burn inside and want to give him everything even more.
And today that meant pressing your lips to the tip of his cock right before you let the hot plush skin part your mouth into an o. You knew, as you lowered your head, that you’d never take him fully. You didn’t even think you could get too much in without choking too soon because of how thick he was. But none of that was an issue for quite a few reasons: you were going to enjoy yourself and do whatever you liked, you’d look and feel hot doing it, you’d make him feel good partially just on those simple truths, and finally, he could always just use you.
You moaned with his cock sliding inside your mouth at the pace of your choosing and his grip around your hair tightened. Your tongue lapped at his tip, searching for his taste and having no qualms about getting it out of him with a bit of pressure. Your hallowed cheeks created a vacuum for just a second, yet he groaned and you tried again. His taste hit you with the force of a thousand flavors and your mouth slacked. You moaned deeply, your mind floored and overwhelmed with the sweet richness searing into your taste buds, and you drooled. Your spit was flowing down his shaft, dripping down his balls in a testament to how far gone you were. Until his nails sank into your scalp and he groaned.
That was when you tauted your lips again and decided that if his precum was a nectar, then his cum would be like an elixir from the gods and you had to have it. You cupped and caressed his balls as you got accustomed to his girth stretching your lips, tentatively sliding up and down to see how he’d react. 
You were clenching around nothing, lewdly drooling and moaning over his cock as if you had reached an oasis, but his groans got to you. They sent shivers down your spine and puckered your skin down your nape as he gripped your hair tighter without ever forcing your head. It made you only want to work harder and as you got ready with a deep breath, instantly the musky scent added to the sweetness in your mouth. It lit up your brain like a Christmas tree, twinkling with every drop of precum dissolving on your tongue, and you whimpered.
After that, things became messy. Your hands favored his round asscheeks to press him closer as you sought to have as much of him as possible. You pressed him in so hard, trying to swallow him whole, but that just wouldn’t be possible. Even then, you angled your head better, slid lower, and took him deeper, again and again with masterful control of your breath and his thrusts.
At first, you wanted to please him, but the more the idea of him using you resurged, the more you found yourself hoping he’d grip you and fuck your throat numb. You had no idea where all that unrestrained hunger came from but you weren’t sure you had ever been like that with anyone else. With him, your emotions were raw while he reached within you deeply, poking a nerve that you didn’t think anyone had access to. You craved his unrestrained care and attention, even if it bled, because at least he would come back for you. He’d hold you to sleep and come back every time.
You looked up with watering eyes to find him looking at you. His gaze was intense, completely focused on you with his lips slightly parted. A thin shin of sweat was making his forehead and neck glisten and it tightened you up even more. You wanted that m— that demon, or whatever he was. You didn’t care if you’d burn in hell for it — it was worth it to feel alive and real.
You whimpered and pressed him into your face harder and wished with your whole soul that he knew what you wanted. His nails grazing your skin made you look up and you blinked at him almost pleadingly. A low growl passed through his gritted teeth and a moment later you saw white.
You knew pain didn’t work for you the same way as it did for others, especially when sex was involved. You also knew because of him that lack of oxygen was a powerful catalyst for you and that most importantly, you were safe with him. You could have wondered why but it never occurred to you, the same way there was no point in questioning why water is wet and the sunlight is yellow. All you knew was that you were safe to feel the sting, the roughness, his scent mixed with the sweat and sheer sex aroma all around you, the sweetness of his precum mixed with the salt of your tears, everything in a whirlwind that swept you off your feet, beyond getting you to your knees. And when he finally came, it propelled you into bliss.
You moaned around him, trying to swallow every drop of his release as though you were a woman starved for a week. The more you quaffed, the more you craved, drinking until you almost choked. He pulled you back by the hair to release his cock and beyond his cum trickling down your chin, you realized you were moaning. Your mind was lit up like a billboard sign and it took you a beat to recognize that you were spasming around nothing, worn out on both ends from his release and yours.
You were taking deep breaths to rebalance yourself when they somehow became shaky. He pulled you up by the hands and you did as instructed, unable to control the trembles and sobs now shaking you.
He observed you, sliding his hands on the sides of your neck under your long strands of hair only to grab you there and press his fingers into your skin. It felt surprisingly soothing and tears started flowing from your eyes. You could only stare at him, without a thought that could justify this until he leaned in to kiss you. Then your breath hiccuped and you squeezed your eyes shut, letting the tears fall with that deep emotion. He could probably taste himself in your mouth, his cum was still on your chin, and yet he licked your lips and pushed inside your mouth without reservations. His lack of hesitation shook you and had you reaching to grab him close. You felt as though you were a ball of wool of which he had finally found the loose thread, only to pull it and watch it unravel. 
You didn’t stop crying, however, despite not realizing exactly why. You were ready to clean your face and step away, but as soon as your mouths parted, he was already sweeping you off your feet. You were in no condition to complain so all you did was hold on to his neck and let him carry you.
He had been there so many times but never to your ensuite bathroom. Still, he acted like he had been there a thousand times. He started the water to fill your bathtub with one hand before setting your feet down on the floor. He gently took your silk pajamas off as the water slowly pooled in your big tub. You watched him and let him, seeing him brush the strips down your arms and pull your shorts along with it. Your nudity didn’t bother you or him as he made sure to put everything away before he grabbed you once more and gently laid you inside the rising bath.
You didn’t let go of his hand, your heart was scared of him abandoning you. Instantly, you recognized that maybe that wasn’t the best course of action, but he surprised you. He crouched to your eye level and squeezed your hand, and you settled. You trusted him — that was the absolute truth.
You leaned back and let the warm water envelop you as he reached to grab oils and petals from the nearby counter. Your eyes were becoming heavy with the lull of the perfumes and dripping water, and when you opened them again, he was getting naked. Despite your lethargy, your heart still jumped at the sight and the implication. He did it slowly, or maybe your mind was just sluggish. You wondered why he didn’t just snap his fingers to get naked, but then you almost chuckled at the silliness of your thoughts.
The bathtub was big and could even fit three people if needed. You didn’t mind sharing it and didn’t expect what he did next — he reached around you and hugged you to him. Your last sob exited your lips then, only soothing deep breaths following suit. You were safe and you finally drifted asleep.
You inhaled a sharp breath when you woke up, startled to be immersed in water only to look up to your side with a dropped chin. He was still there, his arms keeping you firmly in place against his soft chest under your ear. He glanced at you, with your glistening sleepy eyes and puffy cheeks.
Then he raised a hand and rubbed your chin.
You blushed, still dazed not only by your nap, but by the whole situation. Was he wiping drool off your chin?
“You never told me what it was that you needed.”
His voice rasped quietly, yet your heart picked it up as if he had screamed it atop his lungs. It shook you unbearably, adding to your flushing cheeks that you pressed hastily. Water splashed lightly on your heated face and you swallowed. You never told him because… there was nothing you wanted. You only wanted to see him and be with him.
You couldn’t possibly tell him that.
“I… wanted… a new phone,” you said slowly before chuckling and rubbing your face a bit more.
“A phone?”
His tone was dry but you were too busy making up something to notice, “Yeah, Apple has this new upcoming—”
He got up from the water, the sudden splashing cutting you off as you watched him go. The corners of your lips pulled; you couldn’t hide the sadness — you hadn’t even enjoyed that moment properly.
He gripped his hair for a second before facing you, “Why can’t you see further than this junk?”
You frowned, a bit confused, “What junk?”
“All of it,” he almost hissed, disgust clear on his features. “A jet, a building, money— I get it. You need comfort, sure, but a phone? Fuck! Why are you wasting your life away on junk?”
As he talked, you sat up straight until your lips pulled in a scowl, “Waste? Yeah, right.”
You got up, ignoring the dizziness, and stepped out carefully to reach for a towel. His eyes were so intense they could have been marking you like a branding iron.
You couldn’t have imagined how furious you were making him, “Yes, waste! You have time. Don’t you want to do something with it?”
You wrapped yourself in a towel and laughed, “Not all of us are meant to amount to something.”
He snickered, “Is that right?”
“Well, not all of you have everything money can buy, safety, and health,” he pointed out gravely and you raised your chin. 
“It doesn't matter.”
“No?” He sneered.
“No,” you said, dryly and confidently. “When you’re proud of nothing, attached to nothing, and have no meaning… you lose purpose.”
His expression softened for the first time and you looked away. You were not afraid to tell him what you felt deep down, but you were conscious about him seeing your demons. By the look on his face, you wondered if he had all along.
“You have things you’re passionate about,” he voiced simply, all anger gone.
Your mouth filled with bile, “No. I tried,” you admitted bitterly, crossing your arms over your chest. “It was maybe the only thing I tried doing for myself aside from summoning you. My parents didn’t approve. A music career is not exactly at the level of an Ivy League degree,” you smirked, shaking your head at the memory of that fight. “I thought I could prove them wrong. I thought I could become a big shot, with or without their support. I couldn't.”
You stopped talking; a huge lump in your throat was filling your eyes with tears. The memories you would like to forget were resurfacing and you hugged yourself. You could have asked for him to take them away… but you didn’t.
“They hurt you.”
You looked at him and your eyes filled to the brim. Yet you chuckled, “Isn’t that what everyone does? Use and abuse?” You rubbed your face harshly before you could break, “Isn’t that what you experienced as well?”
“Yes, but that was not what ruined me.”
You overlooked the surprise at the fact that he answered you and that you were even having this conversation. “What was?”
“Drugs and alcohol.”
You chuckled and nodded; those had been your escape and they certainly made you pliable, stupid, and vulnerable.
“But you… You’ve given up before trying.”
His voice was the gentlest you had ever heard from him but you still frowned, “I tried.” 
Your anguish was threatening to asphyxiate you, but he added, “And gave up.”
You grimaced, you couldn’t breathe, “You have no idea—”
A sob cut you off and you trembled with the unspoken agitation repressed deep inside you.
He nodded, “I know. I know it broke you, but don’t let it. You’re not defined by how a few assholes treated you in the past. You’re more than other’s opinions, more than a period you’re not proud of, more than any addiction.”
You gritted your teeth so hard as he spoke that they clicked, “How would you know that?”
“You sold your soul to me,” he said calmly, eyeing your trembling figure knowingly. “What do you think I bought?”
You quivered under his gaze and wiped your cheek off the runaway tears. Beyond the turmoil that topic created inside you, you were aware of what he was saying. Aware that he knew you inside and out, that he would own you, and that he wouldn’t have this conversation if he didn’t see more for you. But you couldn’t have hope, you couldn’t believe it. It would shatter you if you did and you weren’t ready — you had just found such a precarious balance. You couldn’t unravel and let it all go to waste.
“If not a phone, then I have another request,” your voice cracked but in a second your eyes were void of emotion as your features stiffened. You couldn’t grasp how far he could see inside you, or how much he knew you, but as he straightened his shoulders, you assumed it was a lot. He knew of your nightmares extensively, so when the thought came to your mind, he knew you meant it. His cold eyes told you he knew what it was before you opened your mouth, “I want my parents to suffer.”
As soon as you said it, anger shook your balling fists. You let yourself blame them, hate them for your circumstances, for your story, for your pain. You never asked to be born. Was it so hard to support their only daughter in this hell of a world? If they had been there—
“Destroy their estate.” You said with a stiff jaw, remembering the number of times they had chosen work over you. Every time you had gone to them to be dismissed, every time you tried voicing a dream and were laughed at, and every time after that they just let you do shit freely. “It’s time they lose the only thing they care about.”
“They care about you.”
“They threw me away,” you countered with venomous eyes.
“Maybe they didn’t expect you to summon a demon and have all of your problems swept away…” he leaned back against the sink; his air of nonchalance didn’t soothe you one bit.
You were already triggered, “They didn’t expect it?” A sardonic laugh passed your lips, “Sure, I guess they didn’t. So isn’t it weird they didn’t contact me all this time?”
“Maybe they don’t know how to.”
“They just have to fucking google my name!” You exploded, throwing your fists in the air. “They don’t do it because they don’t care!”
“Or maybe because you wouldn’t welcome them.”
Your fists fell numb beside your legs and you eyed him with bloodshot eyes. He was a demon; maybe this was part of the torture. “I wouldn’t, but it shouldn’t matter. You think they should only reach out on the premise they can be white knights and save my pathetic life? No. Caring about someone is—” Your voice shook, realizing what you were about to say to the very demon that taught you that. He waited for you to finish speaking your mind. “Letting them live on their own terms. Helping them go through it, maybe preventing them from making some shitty decisions, but sticking by them regardless because—”
Tears streamed down your face and you had to turn around. You couldn’t say those things to his face, you were afraid he’d see through you. See who you were thinking about.
You sniffled and wiped your face before turning again, “They should care. Whether I’m fucked, alive or dead, they should fucking care and they don’t.”
He took a second to consider what you said, or maybe he was just giving you time to calm down. “Caring isn’t only shown by reaching out. People make mistakes in trying to demonstrate their feelings, especially when they’re hurt and desperate.”
His dark eyes were piercing you to your soul and your tears overflowed again. You smirked for a moment before hiding your face to clean them again. This bastard was not going to make it any easier for you.
“They had my whole life to show they cared. Instead, they left me alone.”
“Why were you alone?”
You blinked your heavy and wet lashes with the memory of being shooed away. Your mother was lying on a bed with lines attached to her and with people in white coats all around her.
“My mom was sick for a long time,” you remembered. “She… she couldn’t have more children.”
You looked down; your stupidity echoed behind your eyelids.
Maybe you should have had more kids.
You heaved a deep breath and rubbed your eyes. What a dick you were. It didn’t matter that you were high, you were such an asshole. They had been bastards too for staying absent your whole life, and you guessed the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Maybe more kids would have meant you wouldn't be the only one screwed up. You chuckled, that might have been better.
You looked up at him and wondered if things could have been different. If you had summoned him earlier, you could have wished for your mother to be healthy. Maybe that would have changed everything.
His impenetrable eyes didn’t blink once while you considered all this, and you looked down again. You wouldn’t have ever been at a crossroads selling your soul if things hadn’t gotten so shitty. There was nothing you could do about that now.
“Not their entire estate. Just— A branch of the family business.”
“It will cost you.”
You nodded, “It should.”
He sighed, “I’ll see what I can do.”
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juhbebbie · 4 months
Really stupid and nerdy X Men as dnd classes post because I like dnd and have been getting into x men lately
Storm: Storm Sorcerer - This is already an obvious choice, but the subclass abilities also just fit extremely well (it even gives you some limited flying!)
Wolverine: Path of the Beast Barbarian - Barbarians are known for their raging ability in battle. The Beast subclass allows you to manifest claws when you are raging. Not much else to say here, other than maybe giving him a dip into Ranger for the tracking ability
Rogue: Way of the Long Death Monk - So Monks are known for being very good at punching people, no weapons needed, which is pretty much most of what Rogue does in battle. (They also aren't necessarily religiously affiliated in terms of the dnd class, just as a side note to anyone not familiar with the game.) The subclass is a bit of a stretch imo, but it has an ability that allows you to siphon life from others when you take them out, which was the best stand in I could think of for Rogue's powers. The emphasis on necrotic damage also works well for the effect her powers have on other people
Nightcrawler: Way of the Kensei Monk - Although Monks are typically best with their unarmed strikes, the Kensei subclass emphasizes the use of weapons, so it works well for Nightcrawler, who uses his swords and his fists. Monks also good at hitting and dodging out of the way, which definitely fits Nightcrawler's crazy agility. Throw in a Swashbuckler Rogue multiclass for fun, or better yet some ability that gives him the spell Misty Step (literally just a bamf spell) and you've got pretty much a one to one recreation
Jean Grey: Abberant Mind Sorcerer - Literally the telepaths of dnd. There technically are some other options that function similarly, but this subclass' features fit Jean the most by far
Cyclops: Way of the Sun Soul Monk - this one was a pretty hard fit. Monk usually wouldn't really work for Cyclops because he's not big on hand to hand combat, but the subclass centers entirely around giving you the ability to unleash literal searing bolts of light, so it was kind of hard to not go with that. Also nothing else really fit the guy
There is more where this came from, I have brain worms👍
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nekohime19 · 3 months
Mini Mac # 23 : Monkey King wagging tail
They meet Zhu Bajie and Wukong has trouble hiding his feelings for our lil guy.
Sun Wukong was looking down at the monkey slumbering in his heart-pocket with a fond expression, often than not, he caressed the top of his head with the pad of his finger. His lil ears always fluttered when he did so. The sage was so focused on Macaque he didn't realize Sanzang and Ao Lie were looking at him with curious expressions.
“You really like Macaque!” Sun Wukong startled at the sudden exclamation and turned towards the pearl-white horse. It was difficult to see what Ao Lie was feeling when he was wearing the face of a horse but the golden-furred monkey believed he saw a flicker of amusement in those jade-eyes. Sanzang seemed to be equally as curious but seemingly too nervous (and perhaps too afraid) to ask, simply occasionally glancing his way.
“He's my friend.” Replied Wukong, trying to be nonchalant about it.
“Your tail was wagging though.” Pointed out Ao Lie.
“N-no, it was not.” Refuted the sage.
“I'm pretty sure it was.” Answered Ao Lie, what was the most infuriating about his tone for Wukong was the fact the dragon-horse wasn't even trying to be smug, he was simply pointing out the evidence. Wukong would never admit it though.
“You're blind then.” Huffed Wukong as he crossed his arms.
“I didn't know monkeys’ tails wagged when they were happy. That's cool.” Chuckled the dragon-horse.
“That's not–my tail was not wagging.”
“It was.”
“It wasn't.”
“It was.”
“It wasn't.”
“It wasn’t.”
“It was!” Then Wukong frowned and took some time to understand he was tricked. “You little-”
“'l-look at that! A village! Let's go.” Interrupted Sanzang with a nervous chuckle as he pulled the reins to go faster.
Before entering the village they crossed paths with Gao Cai, a youngster looking around for someone strong enough to kill a demon. According to Gao Cai the village was called Gao, and he was sent by the elder of his family, Old Mr Gao, to look for someone powerful. Old Mr Gao was tricked into marrying his daughter to a villainous fiend after the fiend in question disguised himself as a handsome fellow. Sanzang felt compelled to help them and as such Wukong promised he would take care of this matter. They went to Old Mr Gao's house and met the daughter married to the fiend.
Macaque stretched and woke up as the golden-furred monkey was prying information from the daughter.
“What's going on?” Asked Macaque, his lil eyes dropping from drowsiness.
“Demon problem.” Briefly replied Wukong, he entertained the idea of disguising himself as the daughter and tricking the demon but then he looked down at Macaque and bit his lips… No, he didn't want to do that, especially not if Macaque could watch. He couldn't disguise himself as someone else's spouse, what if Macaque got the wrong idea? Sun Wukong decided instead to confront the demon upfront.
The golden-furred monkey carefully took Macaque and gave him to Sanzang. The monk took the lil monkey and gulped at the sage heavy gaze.
“You protect Mac… and Master I guess.” Said Wukong as he turned to Ao Lie. The dragon-horse (who returned to his human form) straightened and nodded, but then his feet got caught in his overly long robe and he fell face first on the floor. Wukong pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“You're okay?” Called Macaque with an amused smile.
“Ouch, I just fell down and bonked my brain cage.” Chuckled Ao Lie with a good-natured smile.
“Well… You sound okay.” Snorted Macaque, he then turned towards Wukong. “Don't go overboard.”
“I never go overboard.” Replied Wukong, he shrinked a little at Macaque's heavy gaze. “Maybe I did go a little overboard with the Guanyin Hall on fire incident buuut, technically, I wasn't the one who put it on fire. But, okay, I will not go overboard, I promise.”
“Good. I'll groom you after, you need good grooming.” Sun Wukong chirped happily at the prospect of Macaque grooming him, his tail wagged a bit.
“The tail is wa-” Sun Wukong put his tail on Ao Lie's mouth to stop his blabber.
After this, Wukong waited for the fiend and attacked him at first sight. It was a pig welding a rake. He was a surprisingly sturdy foe, even if he tried to flee when he first caught sight of Wukong. Somehow, after battling for hours and chasing after the pig, they both realized the pig was also chosen by Guanyin as a companion. Wukong doubted Guanyin's taste in companions but he pulled the pig by the ear in front of Sanzang nevertheless.
Zhu Bajie, as the pig was called, joined the pilgrims and gave up on his wedlock. He whined about it the whole time they left the village.
“Ah, my poor wife. I will miss her.” Whined Bajie as he clutched his rake in misery.
“I doubt she'll miss you.” Grumbled Wukong under his breath.
“What's that, Monkey? You got something to say?” Replied Bajie with a glare.
“I'm saying your ex-wife will not miss you.” Answered Wukong with a smug smile.
“What do you know about a wife's feelings? You’ll never get married.” Snorted Bajie. Wukong narrowed his eyes, angry, because he did want to get married, just not with a wife. But the sage didn't reply, instead he turned away with a huff and enjoyed Macaque's grooming. The lil monkey was sitting on top of his head, grooming his fur with his lil paws. “Your tail is wagging.” Pointed out Bajie with a raised eyebrow.
“Ah ha ! The tail is indeed wagging.” Exclaimed Ao Lie with a smug smile, Sanzang hid his snorts with one of his sleeves.
“Don't worry, Wukong. Wagging tails are cute.” Reassured Macaque as he patted Wukong's forehead.
Wukong just hid himself in his hands, embarrassed by his treacherous wagging tail.
+ memes
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+ cut scenes
Bajie *seeing Wukong wagging tail and how Wukong is more kind to Mac* : Ohhh, I see how it is now 😈
Wukong : why do I have chills? 😅
Ao Lie *to Wukong* : Can I braid you like Macaque does?? 😆
Wukong : no 🙄
Macaque *to Wukong* : Can I teach Ao Lie how to make braids with your fur?
Wukong : yes 🥰
And so Ao Lie learn how to make braids with Macaque by using Wukong's fur.
Sanzang : Ah, now with one more companion things will get easier! 😊
Wukong and Bajie bickering and running after one another, causing chaos.
Sanzang : 🥲
Macaque : don't worry kiddo. With a bit of luck they'll tire themselves before going to bed. 😌
Sanzang : They're treated like children. 😭
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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aemonds-wifey · 2 years
One shot requested by the lovely @moonchildrenandflowercrowns
Summary: Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric find out Osferth is no longer their timid baby monk
Finan held up his tankard of Mead and swirled it before sitting on the table in the long house, he scratched his head “Uhtred when are we going for another hunt ?”
“Soon Finan. So eager to get away from Ingrid already?” Uhtred teased
Sihtric took a gulp of Mead “He’s not meant to be tied down eh.”
Finan pointed at him playfully “Your turn soon ya runt.”
Uhtred laughed as Finan looked around “Speaking of runts Where is the baby monk? He’d usually chip in with something about now. And ask where we would venture for our hunt…”Uhtred folded his arms “He might be checking on Y/N . See how her injuries are. I said she could heal at the villa when she felt well enough to go.”
Sihtrics eyes darted back and forth before Finan saw
“Something you want to share boy?” Finan said curiously
Sihtric inhaled “they went to the villa already Uhtred….He is not here …they went Two nights ago.”
Finan”: eyes widened in surprise “He took her up there…and he has not returned ?” He grinned like a giddy school boy.
Sihtric grinned too, Uhtred couldn’t help but smile a little too “She must be feeling better then.”
Sihtric mused “Maybe Osferth has a secret to healing battle worn Vikings ?! “ he jokingly said.
“Our baby monk and the Norse warrior.” Finan almost cooed “Gosh I hope she was gentle with him.”
Sihtric almost spat his mead at Finan’s comment
“I’m only saying! He’s our baby monk and she’s a seasoned fighter , remember how twitchy he was when we first met him? And he’s bedded a ferocious Viking!”
Uhtred tutted slightly “She’s not a wild wolf Finan “
Finan out stretched his arms “I’m just saying…she hardly spoke two words when we found her and brought her back and our baby monk is..well…”
Sihtric laughed “I knew he was full of surprises but this is so unexpected.”
Uhtred spoke next “Is it? Soon as he laid eyes on her I knew he was smitten.”
Finan nodded “True…he was determined to change her.”
Sihtric exhaled “Seems it worked …look at how she spared Haesten. Osferth said she altered her goal because of him.”
Finan laughed “Maybe he learned a trick or two on taking Vikings at the monastery?”
Uhtred nudged hun “Come on now boys we need to - “
Just as he began to talk the doors to the longhouse opened and Osferth’s head appeared. Almost in sync all the men watched as Osferth came in, closing the door behind him. His hair was slightly ruffled and his hands clasped together and over his front. He approached his friends and sat beside Sihtric.
“Osferth.” Uhtred said.
“Lord.” He said
Their eyes all watched him as he got comfortable , he noticed and almost blushed
“What is it?” He asked nervously .
Finans giggled which extended into a joyful laugh as Osferth’s ears went pink
“Enjoy your stay at the villa?” Sihtric said as he nudged him.
To their surprise Osferth did not deny this he simply only smiled and nodded. With his face turning into a smirk that stretched from ear to ear.
Finan patted him on the back and lifted his tankard “Well done Os. “ he looked at the others “Our man here is no longer a baby monk! “
Sihtric raised his tankard too “They grow up so fast.” He pressed his hand to his chest feigning innocence. Osferth smiled as Uhtred squeezed his shoulder “Does she make you happy Osferth?”
He opened his mouth to answer but Finan spoke first “The way he is grinning I’d say that’s a yes.”
Osferth nodded “I’m going to Marry her someday…Lord.”
Sihtric and Finan’s smiles turned to those of genuine approval and happiness.
Uhtred held his arms out , Osferth stood up and embraced Uhtred - as if brothers in arms.
“You are good for each other Osferth.” Uhtred said as he let go.
Sihtric hugged him next, patting him on the back . Finan got to his feet “You are a dark horse baby monk. Although I won’t make any more jokes…I’m happy for you my lad.”
Osferth smiled with genuine settlement in his face “Thank you…I am happy.”
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kikizoshi · 4 months
Hello, Kizo! you've also mentioned some of the interesting aspects of Gogol's personality I haven't thought about before. Like his pessimism. He is so constantly and desperately wants to seem excited, amused, thrilled, that he's managed to fool me. But it makes sense. "The only salvation from emotions is mine or smn else's death". He is quite pessimistic, just like Dost. And he's a perfectionist. He wants an absolute perfect freedom and nothing in between. Why is he like this, maybe trauma?
Thanks for the interesting asks!
It's neat to me that Nikolai manages to fool you. What I love especially there is that, like you said, while putting on that act he's so energetic, vivacious, and drawn very enthusiastic and animated. But when he breaks character, there's a stillness to him. His shrill tone softens into a meditative tenor; his grand gesticulations withdraw into intimate gestures; his stretched mouth and squinted eyes relax into the visage of a quiet, thoughtful, introspective young man. Harukawa expresses all of this beautifully with their drawings, and I just love it so much. The glimpses we see of the Nikolai under his mask are what made me fall in love with him in the first place--it's what makes his character for me.
One thing I really love expressed in characters like Nikolai is the 'sad clown paradox', which I think fits him pretty well. It's the playful jester character who's internally cynical. Nikolai creates a persona of a spontaneous, silly, horrifically brutal psychopath, but the scant few glimpses we get of him, we see a thoughtful and caring person, so much more and so much opposite just under the surface. I absolutely adore that duality.
I'm not gonna talk about potential backstories for Nikolai; I feel like speculation there is kinda pointless for me, since it could be literally anything. But, I can talk about Gogol's influence on him a bit.
Regarding this:
"The only salvation from emotions is mine or smn else's death". He is quite pessimistic, just like Dost. And he's a perfectionist. He wants an absolute perfect freedom and nothing in between. Why is he like this, maybe trauma?
I see a lot of Gogol's influence here. I'm not sure how much you know about Gogol as a person, so sorry if this is reiterative, but it's important context (and please take my cliffs notes version with a teaspoon of salt; I'm by no means a Gogol scholar). Gogol, at the end of his life--though probably during too--was very concerned with the purity of his soul. Why isn't something I can really comment on, but it seems to have culminated in him going to a radical priest, who advised him to undertake an extreme fast (meant for monks, I believe). Gogol then burned his manuscript for the second part of 'Dead Souls', and starved himself to death over the course of about twelve days (whether or not he meant to die isn't agreed-upon as far as I can tell, but that he died as a result of this fast is). All to reach a purity of soul he felt he didn't have, and couldn't get without drastic actions.
I genuinely have no idea if this story inspired Nikolai's, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did. There are a lot of parallels, and if you replace Gogol's 'religious purity' with Nikolai's 'freedom', you get a similar tragedy. Both seem based on the belief "my mortal/inherent failures/limitations are holding me back from what I need". And rather than go inwards and seek clarity through introspection, both externalise their problems and try to "fix" themselves via grand--and painful--proofs of their "faith/conviction".
There's also the parallel with Gogol's priest and Fyodor, though I'm not sure how much it tracks. Fyodor does seem to have some influence on Nikolai, but it sounds like Nikolai was already on his path when they met... that's all backstory stuff though, so who knows.
Then there's still the missing piece of 'why', with Nikolai. Why does he feel he needs to free himself from his emotions? Gogol's motive makes sense several ways: fear of Hell, self-hatred, a deep, spiraling depression. It's understandable, it's human, it's relatable. But Nikolai's freedom?
That Asagiri chose 'freedom from emotions' to be Nikolai's pursuit isn't something I've ever managed to understand. I just don't get it. I can't connect it to anything. You hear about people wanting to be numb, sure, but Nikolai's wants seem more about being capable of doing anything, or proving that he can... And he said (paraphrasing) "in spite of happiness I choose free will," so at the very least Nikolai thinks he's capable of happiness, and it's just not as important to him as his "freedom."
Yeah, idk. There's definitely something interesting there, though, that Nikolai's Ability gives him the freedom to do pretty much whatever (as Atsushi said in Sunday Tragedy), but he's so wrapped up in his own mind that he either can't see the freedom he has, or physical freedom is ultimately meaningless to him--which would make him seeking freedom through external actions an interesting failure to understand himself.
Then again, I don't know how honest Nikolai's being with himself, honestly. His whole "freedom" thing is an ever-moving goalpost. First it was torture people to death and kill himself. Then it was kill his best friend. Then it got so convoluted I won't even try to summarise it. And now he just seems lost. Giving Asagiri the benefit of the doubt and assuming this is intentional characterisation (and not just giving him plot-convenient reasons to take certain actions), Nikolai seems at best very confused (and trying to appear like he very much isn't). And, well, I'm confused too.
So yeah, all that's very interesting. Not sure how much of it was intended. Hard to tell with a character that gets like one scene every two years. And hard to tell where he'll go, considering how rarely BSD characters stay true to who they were past their debut.
Regarding the pessimism thing: ironically, I'd say Fyodor's pessimism is more optimistic in nature than Nikolai's. Because Fyodor believes in a world that can change. Fyodor believes he can make the world a better place, and is doing everything he can to achieve that. Nikolai, however, in his best case scenario, proves that it's technically true that complete freedom exists. But his world is still comprised of people in cages. It's cynical and oppressive, and his grandest hopes don't come close to changing anything for the better. I think that fits mostly very well with some differences I've observed between Dostoyevsky and Gogol.
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liaromancewriter · 4 months
It Happened One Miami Night (5/5)
Series Premise: A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they?
Fandom: Choices Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,125
Series Masterlist
A/N: Finally we come to the end of this series (the longest I've ever taken to write one). If you've read it so far, thank you! I appreciate it. If you haven't, see the series masterlist link above 👆🏻😉
Submission to @choicesmaychallenge24 prompt "Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. (The Illiad)"
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What did it mean when a man went from depriving himself on a moonlit balcony to aching for a lover’s scent in the dark? That, for a few heavenly moments, he’d been willing to take the risk, steal the girl, even when he knew he shouldn’t?
Unable to sleep as useless thoughts crowded his brain, Ethan Ramsey folded one arm behind his head and stared at the shadows dancing on the dark ceiling.
He bent his knee and pulled his bare feet back under the covers. The pull-out couch in the living room wasn’t designed for tall frames, and his feet hung off the edge whenever he stretched his legs.
The silence in the hotel suite was deafening. But Ethan was also hyperaware of Cassie Valentine sleeping on the other side of the thin wall separating the living space from the bedroom.
He turned on his side, punching the pillow, and watched his reflection in the glass pane of the door leading to the balcony — the scene of his downfall. A reminder of his weakness.
Never before had a woman tempted him like this. In recent years, he’d become particular about who shared his bed. But he certainly wasn’t a monk. He enjoyed sex and, depending on the woman, the intimacy that followed.
What was that line from The Illiad? Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed.
And that was the real kicker. Despite his early rationalizations, Cassie wasn’t the right woman. Maybe once she finished her residency — and if she stayed in Boston — they could have a chance. Once they were peers. Equals.
But as long as she was in the running to join his team…. He sighed.
Even if she didn’t get the fellowship, he wanted to be responsible for her professional development. When he observed her around the hospital, often from a distance to preserve his objectivity, he saw a doctor who could be great with the proper guidance.
She’d told Delarosa she chose Edenbrook because of him. He’d selected Cassie because he’d seen the potential in her application. He owed her the best of him.
That was that, as far as he was concerned. From now on, he would keep things professional. He was an attending and had to set an example.
First thing tomorrow, he was going down to the reception desk and forcing the issue until the hotel gave them separate rooms. Ethan exhaled, closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.
He had a plan. He could do this!
The sun was high in the sky when Ethan’s eyes drifted open. Groggy from oversleeping and late-night musings, he yawned loudly and shoved the covers aside, feet falling onto the carpeted floor.
He grabbed his wristwatch from the coffee table and stilled at the envelope with his name scrawled across the front. His lips were pursed as he removed the notepaper tucked inside. Stunned, he read the hastily written words, his mind in shambles again.
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Cassie sipped coffee from her to-go cup and watched the view from the window of her new hotel room. It was definitely not as lovely as the couples’ suite—there was no balcony either—but it was the safer option.
During a restless night, she’d come to a decision. She couldn’t avoid Ethan forever; that would be counterproductive to her goal of becoming a doctor. But she needed space from him for what remained of this trip.
Knowing hotels always kept inventory for last-minute bookings, Cassie pulled up the property’s website and reserved the first available option. The room was small—barely the size of her bedroom in Boston—but it was hers, and hers alone.
When she saw Ethan next, she’d be strictly professional (even if it killed her) and pretend that she hadn’t felt his hardness when she straddled his thighs. It might be cowardly, but faking temporary amnesia never hurt anyone.
For a moment, everything between them had been legendary, from one kiss to almost going all the way. And then it had come crashing down, like the waves below, washing away everything in their wake and leaving behind flotsam.
Cassie knew it wouldn’t be easy. But she couldn’t break down now. She’d already done that last night, and it was enough.
In a few days, she’d look back and know it wasn’t hopeless, that it wasn’t their time yet. She wouldn’t be a resident forever, and his excuses wouldn’t hold up then.
Just get through today, tonight and tomorrow, she repeated to herself like a mantra.
Her phone pinged the arrival of an email. Her breath caught in her throat as she glanced at the screen, only to release it when she realized it wasn’t Ethan. Check-in for the return flight was now open.
Cassie thought about it, clicked on the email, waited for the website to load and logged in to complete the process. She quickly changed her assigned seating, likely beside Ethan’s, selecting a single seat at the back of the first-class cabin.
She reminded herself that it was better this way and, as a precaution, took a screenshot of the confirmation message.
That done, she grabbed her bag, checked that her conference pass was tucked inside, and left the hotel room with her morose mood behind.
She could do this, she consoled herself as she stepped into the elevator. She was a Valentine, for Christ’s sake! Perseverance was practically the family motto!
Ethan glanced surreptitiously at Cassie. This was the first time he’d been alone with her since that night on the balcony. He’d caught glimpses of her weaving through the crowds, but aside from texts to coordinate their departure, she’d been out of touch.
They were in the back of a cab heading to the airport for their early morning flight, dawn breaking through the rain clouds that had moved in overnight. She was staring out the window; her face turned away from him, lost in her thoughts.
He’d worried about seeing her as they met in the lobby after check-out. Concerned that she’d mention what had happened between them. Demand that they discuss it or reproach him for taking advantage of her, something.
But she hadn’t done any of those things; she just gave him a small smile and walked out the revolving doors.
His gaze had sharpened at her calm, practically indifferent attitude. As if twenty-four before, he hadn’t cupped her breasts in his palms, thumbed her nipples or devoured her lips.
Ethan thought it was for the best. They didn’t need to say anything that hadn’t already been said. This time away from time was coming to an end. When they returned to Boston, things would go back to normal.
He was an attending. She was a resident. Strictly professional.
A/N2: Want to know what happened once they returned to Boston? Check out Words We Never Say.
When I planned this series, I wanted to ensure it fit within the narrative of previous Miami-adjacent fics: Out of Control, SOS: A Text Fic (last section) and Words We Never Say. This way, it's a continuation and not a stand-alone.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter
@lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb
@quixoticdreamer16 @justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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lukerycyja-reblogs · 1 year
Morning softness
I crave fluff
And I am sure, that if Ramattra was in a relationship with a human, he would be the sweetest and most caring partner.
But relationship had to happen pre canon for it to even make sense. So here u go.
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Soft sun rays made its way through sleepy buildings, thick snow reflecting the light, quickly lighting up every nook and corner of the monastery. Some monks already got up and were slowly going through their morning routine.
As he sat outside and watched the sunrise, his sensors picking up on the warmth spreading on his metal body. Sparkles reflected off of him, creating bright spots on the nearby walls, making him look at if he was the one emanating the light, like a small star that came down to earth.
He liked the serenity. The calmness of the new day and feeling connection with the living. Like the world was singing despite the silence.
He heard soft footsteps coming closer to him. His sensors picked up slow breaths, slight shaking and rustling of the clothing. From the pattern of footsteps he deduced who was going near him, but even without that, there weren't many options anyways.
"You are shining like a second sun, Ram" your soft morning voice cut through the tranquility of the morning.
He hummed quietly, acknowledging her presence. It was one of the few human beings that brought peace and warmth with them. Usually, humans were scared of him or outright aggressive towards his bulky build. He understood the caution, especially towards him out of all the omnics, and yet, it still chipped at his soul. Doubts, fears, frustrations.
Soft and warm hand touched his cold metal shoulder. He automatically started generating more heat from his body to accommodate to your human presence. Since organic life was so delicate, and he had no intention of being even more unwelcoming by adding cold to his sharp edges.
"Good morning. How did you sleep?" He asked, his voice box emitting soft sound, almost as if he was whispering.
"Good. Although I would prefer to wake up with you" you smiled and stretched your limbs.
You were dressed in mix of monk robes and your clothes. You also had a big, soft blanket draped across your shoulders.
You lived in the monastery along with some other humans that were taking care of it before the omnics were gifted the temple. Most of them moved away, going to the monastery during the day. You were the only one who stayed and lived among the monks. Your presence was welcome, and many omnics, especially new ones liked interacting with a human who treated them like their own. It allowed them to discover human customs and behaviours, so once they left the monastery, they wouldn't join humanity going in blind.
He put his big hands on your hips and guided you onto his lap to sit down. His arms then sneaked around you and held you firmly close to him. His ribcage started moving, imitating breathing, as his systems started warming him up.
"You also should try to sleep sometimes. I know that omnics don't need it, but who knows? Maybe you could dream?" You asked him, snuggling into his warmth.
He looked down on your curled up figure, wrapped up in the blanked and sigh.
"I presume it would be as a deep meditation."
You giggled at him and poked his metal cheek.
"You should try new things Ram. Maybe some of the silly human things aren't that bad, are they?" You giggled.
He made a sound akin to a sigh and put his head on top of yours. He was after all, engaging in typical human thing right now, and he liked it.
"I presume they are not."
And so you two sat there, watching the sunrise, unaware, that Mondatta watched you with Zenyatta, feeling more hope than ever that humans could live peacefully with the omnics.
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