#monitoring community based restoration efforts
cognitivejustice · 4 months
The Community-Based Restoration Monitoring System (CBRMS)
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Well-designed monitoring programmes can improve the effectiveness of restoration efforts. Monitoring can measure progress toward restoration goals, and further improve the efficacy of the restoration process itself. Monitoring an ongoing project can also directly enhance restoration outcomes and improve future restoration decision making.
Restoration monitoring does pose challenges and frequently faces constraints, including limited funds and human resources. Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring systems are available for doing so, but their coverage is limited, and they are unable to show restoration impacts on a local scale.
Accordingly, we developed the Community-Based Restoration Monitoring System (CBRMS). This CIFOR-ICRAF flagship product offers the capacity to work offline, is compatible with more affordable smartphones, allows safe storage on cloud systems, is transparent and accessible, and facilitates local community involvement.
It is designed as an organized system for collecting, processing and validating data necessary for measuring implementation progress and impacts, while empowering communities to participate in monitoring processes.
The mobile application is designed to be user friendly and reliable, and offers high flexibility for modification to suit user requirements.
This book outlines the monitoring system framework and provides guidelines for its application.
We hope it can help practitioners and facilitators in monitoring progress made in restoration efforts on the ground.
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gumjrop · 10 months
The Weather
The CDC has finally released their own wastewater dashboard with state-level and regional trends. After public pressure to expand wastewater surveillance in September, including from all of us, it’s great to see some progress. The CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) landing page now includes dashboards to check national wastewater viral activity for COVID and Mpox. Additional dashboards for National and Regional trends, State and Territory trends, a wastewater viral activity map, and variants in wastewater are available.
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As of 11/25/23, the Current Wastewater Viral Activity Map shows viral activity by state. Many states are reporting high to moderate COVID levels with very few reporting low levels. Approximately 350 sites delayed testing since September 15, 2023. After these sites have resumed testing for six weeks, their data will be added to the dataset. However, we’d suggest the CDC reconsider its color choices, as the calming blue shades they’ve chosen for “high” COVID transmission are misleading at best. They can refer to our red-shaded transmission map for reference.
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Also updated 11/25/23, the national wastewater viral activity level is high and seems to be trending upward. The West is in decline while the Midwest, South, Northeast and National levels are at an incline. As with Biobot data, the most recent two weeks (indicated by gray shading on the graph) are subject to change due to reporting delays. Trends mentioned in this text are based on the areas before the shaded area shown in the graph. As we enter the cold and flu season, many in-person gatherings are held. We encourage you to continue monitoring local reports for a more accurate measure of levels. Also, please continue to, and support others in using, layers of protection. And as we continue to report on advocacy successes, remember that our actions and voices can enact change!
Weekly hospitalizations are trending upward in the last three weeks according to the CDC’s COVID data tracker, with over 19,000 weekly admissions reported 11/25/23. Since we last reported deaths on 10/28/23, there have been an additional 3731 deaths reported, for an average of almost 750 deaths per week. Remember that these numbers are an undercount related to reporting delays in place since the Biden Administration ended the Public Health Emergency. Remember also that COVID deaths follow hospitalization numbers, so we expect these numbers to increase in the weeks to come.
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COVID remains the third leading cause of death according to the CDC in the US. We mourn all those who have died due to COVID, and in that mourning, call you to take measures to prevent death and disablement for yourself, your loved ones, and your communities. 
Early this month, school districts across the United States will be able to order free Covid-19 rapid tests from the national stockpile to be distributed to schools with the HHS encouragement to share them with, “students, staff, family members and others in the community.” While this school project of the Biden Administration feels long overdue, we hope new access to free tests aids in preventing the spread of Covid-19, if used correctly.  If your household has not placed a new order for more rapid tests from the federal government through covidtests.gov, you can still place an order for 4 free rapid covid tests here. The Horward Zinn Book Fair this weekend is requiring masks indoors, and outdoors, within 15 feet outdoors of the venue.  Increasingly progressive groups in this country are connecting the dots between our governments’ attempts to erase the ongoing pandemic in an effort to restore business as usual and the necessity of centering public health and disability justice in our social movements. Send them a note of thanks here. 
Take Action
We urge you to take a moment to read and sign on to this letter, authored by public health and medical professionals, demanding CDC Director Mandy Cohen reject HICPAC’s (Healthcare Infection Control Practice Advisory Committee) Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings. Current draft guidelines are incredibly insufficient, inappropriate, and fail to protect both patients and healthcare workers.  Letter can be found HERE. You also still have time to sign on to the National Nurses United letter urging the CDC “to reject HICPAC’s weak draft and create a new one that protects health care workers and their patients!” Sign-on deadline for both letters is this Friday, December 8, 2023.
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dandelionsresilience · 5 months
Good News - April 8-14
(Actually 8-12 due to irl obligations)
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content! (I'm new to taking tips on here; if it doesn't show me your username or if you have DM's turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Interior Department Finalizes Action to Strengthen Endangered Species Act
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“These revisions, which will increase efficiency by reducing the time and cost to develop and negotiate permit applications, will encourage more individuals and companies to engage in conservation benefit agreements and habitat conservation plans, generating greater conservation results overall.”
2. Young Puerto Ricans Restore Habitat Damaged by Hurricane While Launching Conservation Careers
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“Corps members help restore the island’s environmental and cultural assets and volunteer in hard-hit local communities. They also gain valuable paid work experience and connections to possible future employers, something many young Puerto Ricans struggle to find.”
3. Australian-born cheetah released in Africa for the first time ever. Watch the heart-warming moment Edie is set free
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““The Metapopulation Initiative will bring in appropriate males, probably two initially, to breed with Edie,” King says. “It’s those future cubs, and their cubs, that will ensure the legacy of spreading Edie’s genetics across the southern African metapopulation. And we will have also provided Edie – a wild animal, let’s not forget – with a chance of a life in the wild.””
4. Baby Bald Eagles Confirmed in 2 of 4 Nests in Will County Forest Preserves
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“A pair of fuzzy eaglet heads were spotted popping up out of one of the nests this week, officials said. Two weeks ago, monitors noticed adult eagles feeding an unseen hatchling (or hatchlings) in a different nest.”
5. New Hope for Love for Japanese Children Needing Families
“The new system, established by a 2022 law, offers private childcare institutions financing to transform their business model into “Foster Care Support Centers” that recruit, train, select, and support foster parents, and assist the independence of children living in foster families. If a childcare institution becomes a Foster Care Support Center, the government will fund full-time staff members based on the number of foster households they cater to.”
6. Nexamp nabs $520M to build community solar across the US
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“Nexamp, a community solar developer and project owner, has secured a whopping $520million to install solar arrays around the nation in one of the largest capital raises to date for this growing sector. Community solar gives renters, small businesses and organizations the chance to benefit from local solar power even if they can’t put panels on their own roofs.”
7. A natural touch for coastal defense: Hybrid solutions which combine nature with common “hard” coastal protection measures may offer more benefits in lower-risk areas
“Common “hard” coastal defenses, like concrete sea walls, might struggle to keep up with increasing climate risks. A new study shows that combining them with nature-based solutions could, in some contexts, create defenses which are better able to adapt.”
8. Rewilding program ships eggs around the world to restore Raja Ampat zebra sharks
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“A survey estimated the zebra shark had a population of 20 spread throughout the Raja Ampat archipelago, making the animal functionally extinct in the region. […] Researchers hope to release 500 zebra sharks into the wild within 10 years in an effort to support a large, genetically diverse breeding population.”
9. Forest Loss Plummets in Brazil and Colombia
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“New data reveals a decline in primary forest loss in Brazil and Colombia, highlighting the significant impact of environmental reforms in curbing deforestation. According to 2022-2023 data from the University of Maryland’s GLAD Lab and World Resource’s Institute (WRI), primary forests in Brazil experienced a 36 per cent decrease in deforestation under President Inácio Lula da Silva’s leadership, reaching its lowest level since 2015. Colombia nearly halved (by 49 per cent) its forest loss under the administration of President Gustavo Petro Urrego, who has prioritised rural and environmental reform.”
10. New Agreement Paves the Way for Ocelot Reintroduction on Private Lands
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“With the safe harbor agreement in place, partners plan to begin developing a source stock of ocelots for reintroduction. Over the next year, they plan to construct an ocelot conservation facility in Kingsville to breed and raise ocelots. Producing the first offspring is expected to take a few years.”
April 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Fort Belknap Indian Community celebrates reintroduction of locally extinct swift fox.
Aaniiih and Nakoda communities have organized the restoration of local native prairie ecosystems in this landscape of the northern Great Plains just north of the Missouri River. In 1997, Fort Belknap Indian Community organized the first-ever reintroduction of locally extinct black-footed ferrets to occur on tribal land. Fort Belknap has also organized the reintroduction of bison. Since 2020, the reservation has also organized the Fort Belknap Grassland Restoration Project, a program designed for Native youth to collect native grass seeds, practice plant identification, and learn about ecology, traditional stories, and Indigenous place names. Swift fox, an indicator species closely tied to the Great Plains, had been eliminated and driven extinct across the northern Great Plains due to US-government-supported wolf- and coyote-killing programs in the twentieth century. Beginning in autumn 2020, Fort Belknap released 27 swift foxes on tribal lands. Now, as of September 2022, there are over 100 swift foxes in this prairie landscape. Between September 2020 and September 2022, Fort Belknap has observed the swift foxes pairing and breeding at 4 den sites, and the birth of 20 swift fox kits. In the next few days, Fort Belknap will release another 28 swift foxes.
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From a press release, September 2022.
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Today the Fort Belknap Indian Community commemorated three years of its swift fox recovery program with the release of three swift foxes on Tribal lands, bringing the total to 103 recovered back to these prairie grasslands. Based on post-release monitoring efforts, the native species is reproducing in the wild, which is a critical measure of success for a self-sustaining population.
“After being absent for more than 50 years, the swift fox has returned to the grasslands of Fort Belknap and our people could not be prouder,” said Harold “Jiggs” Main, director of the Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department.
Over the last four years, the Nakoda (Assiniboine) and Aaniiih (Gros Ventre) Tribes of Fort Belknap have worked in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, Aaniiih Nakoda College, Defenders of Wildlife, American Prairie, World Wildlife Fund and Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo on this five-year reintroduction effort.
This week, three of 28 foxes trapped in Wyoming will be released during a special ceremony held by the Fort Belknap Indian Community. The remaining 25 foxes will be released later this week. [...]
Monitoring efforts via GPS collar tracking show some foxes traveled long distances, including one documented over 200 miles away, while most have settled on Fort Belknap and the surrounding areas in Phillips and Blaine counties in Montana. At least four females and males (four dens) have been documented pairing up or “denning” and 20 kits have been born in the wild since the original reintroduction of 27 foxes in fall 2020. [...]
“It has been an honor for Defenders to play a role in the Aaniiih and Nakoda effort to bring back swift fox to their lands, and also as a long-term partner to recover buffalo and endangered black-footed ferrets back to their lands,” said Chamois Andersen, Rockies and Plains senior representative at Defenders of Wildlife. “Fort Belknap is truly a model in native plains wildlife conservation.”
The swift fox is the latest extirpated species to return to Fort Belknap, joining other iconic prairie species successfully reintroduced to Indigenous lands under the leadership of the Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department. Historically, swift foxes lived across much of North America’s Great Plains.
“The vast grasslands on Fort Belknap provide a home to a variety of avian and terrestrial wildlife [...]. With support from numerous partners [...], the Aaniiih and Nakoda people have been bringing Indigenous wildlife back to these native grasslands for over three decades,” said Tim Vosburgh, wildlife biologist with Fort Belknap Fish and Wildlife Department. [...]
“Since its inception, American Prairie has taken inspiration from the land stewardship and rewilding efforts of the Fort Belknap Community. We are proud to stand with our neighbors and support the repatriation of swift fox to their home in Montana's Great Plains,” said Beth Saboe, senior public relations manager for American Prairie.
Swift fox numbers declined precipitously in the late 1800s, mainly due to poisoning intended for coyotes and wolves and the loss of grassland habitat. During this same time, they were also eliminated from the northern portion of their range. Swift foxes made a comeback after successful reintroduction efforts began in 1983 in Canada and on the Blackfeet and Fort Peck Indian communities in Montana. However, these reintroduced populations have yet to reconnect with populations in the southern portion of their historic range. Establishing a population of swift foxes on Fort Belknap’s lands will expand the species’ occupied range in the north and help bridge the distribution gap between existing populations to the north and south.
Headline, photos, captions, and text published by: Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. “Tribes Successful with Swift Fox Reintroduction Program at Fort Belknap.” 28 September 2022.
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afrondlykelp · 1 year
Deep Dive Papers: Bright Spots in Coastal Marine Ecosystem Restoration
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Picture Source
Key Findings:
This paper aimed to identify areas where coastal marine ecosystem restoration efforts have been particularly successful and to explore the factors contributing to their success.
The authors analysed 97 case studies of restoration projects from around the world and identified 15 "bright spots" where restoration efforts had led to significant improvements in ecological and socioeconomic outcomes.
The 15 bright spots included a range of ecosystem types, from seagrass meadows and coral reefs to mangroves and oyster beds.
Key factors contributing to the success of these restoration projects included strong community engagement and participation, collaboration among stakeholders, adaptive management practices, and a focus on addressing the root causes of ecosystem degradation.
The authors also identified several common challenges to successful restoration, including lack of funding and resources, limited political will, and inadequate monitoring and evaluation of project outcomes.
Lastly, the paper suggests that focusing on "bright spots" of success can provide valuable insights for future restoration efforts and can help build momentum for wider-scale ecosystem recovery.
URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982220315992
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.10.056
Master-list: https://afrondlykelp.tumblr.com/post/714841484500877312/deep-dive-papers-masterlist
I doubt I’ll post these often, but if you don’t want to see them then feel free to block the tag #deep dive papers.
General notes under the readmore:
Hello and welcome to Deep Dive! Since I got quite a bit of positive feedback from when I asked if people wanted to see some interesting papers I’ve read (which surprised me in a good way), I figured I’d start with something a bit more positive! 
I’ll probably start with this layout (minus all this introductory text) and then change it if I think it’s not working, but I’ll make a master-list of all the papers I share here in case anyone wants to see them all. I’d also maybe like to come up with a better way to show the key findings so that it’s not just a giant block of text, so if anyone has any suggestions I’d be very open to them!
Also worth noting, I’ll try and find papers that are open access, but if I ever post something that’s behind a paywall I’ll be sure to mention it in the post. If people don’t know how to get around paywalls then please feel free to leave a comment in the notes and I’ll help you out. 
Lastly, this paper a bit more management based than I imagine some people are interested in, which is perfectly understandable. I want to find a good mix of all sorts of marine subjects, so if you’re more of a shark person or you prefer super specific ecosystems then I hope as we go along I’ll find some things that are a bit more varied!
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Restoring order is ‘first priority’ – ex-foreign secretary of Bangladesh
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/restoring-order-is-first-priority-ex-foreign-secretary-of-bangladesh/
Restoring order is ‘first priority’ – ex-foreign secretary of Bangladesh
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Shamsher M. Chowdhury, the country’s former senior diplomat, has spoken to RT about the road ahead after regime change
Resolving the concerns of the nation’s youth is key to addressing strife in Bangladesh, a former Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh and a senior diplomat, Shamsher M. Chowdhury, has said in an interview with RT.  The former government minister, who also served as ambassador to Sri Lanka, Germany, Vietnam and Russia, shared his observation days after deadly demonstrations in Bangladesh against discriminatory job quotas forced the country’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to resign and an interim government to be sworn in.  The “main force” driving change in the country’s electoral politics, Chowdhury noted, is the youth, which constitutes around 50% of the population. Hence, every effort has to be made to provide them with “a sense of safety and security” of “jobs, economic opportunities, and a “more fair” distribution system for wealth, he added. The first priority is to restore order, calm, and peace in society, the diplomat said, noting that sporadic incidents of violence are still being witnessed in the strife-torn nation. Over 400 people, mainly students, as well as dozens of police officers, have been killed in the protests, according to media reports.  The head of an interim government, economist Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner and globally known as the “banker to the poor” for founding a robust micro-lending model in Bangladesh, was sworn in last week. 
Read more
The Bangladesh government did not survive the wave of protests and killings. What does the future hold for the country?
“Elections in Bangladesh do not enjoy the public trust anymore because of the polarization of the main political parties,” Chowdhury explained, referring to the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and the recently ousted Awami League, led by now-ousted Sheikh Hasina. He advised that a non-party interim government should conduct the next election, to restore the people’s trust in the election process. Chowdhury also questioned Hasina’s allegations that foreign countries were behind her ouster from power. Hasina was earlier quoted by the Economic Times as saying that she could have retained power if she had agreed to host a US military base on Saint Martin Island in Bangladesh. Notably, she has long blamed the United States for attempting to unseat her. After the last general election, the White House alleged that the polls were neither free nor fair. However, Chowdhury insists that the recent protests that led to a change of government were rather “organic.” Following the resignation of Hasina, reports of violence against Hindus, the largest minority in Muslim-dominated Bangladesh, emerged. At present, Hindus constitute around 8% of Bangladesh’s population. On Wednesday, Yunus met some members of the Hindu community at the Dhakeshwari Temple in the capital, Dhaka. He had condemned the alleged attacks and described them as “heinous.” Meanwhile, neighboring India has set up a special panel to monitor alleged atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh and turbulence along the country’s 4,000-kilometer long border with Bangladesh.
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parvathyseo · 2 months
Comprehensive Approach to Recovering from a Google Penalty
Recovering from a Google penalty involves a multifaceted approach that starts with identifying the penalty type and its specific impact on your website's visibility and rankings. Conducting a thorough audit of your site's content, backlinks, and technical SEO elements is crucial to pinpointing areas that require improvement.
Once identified, addressing content issues may involve rewriting or consolidating pages to ensure they provide unique, valuable information to users. Removing or disavowing low-quality or unnatural backlinks helps to clean up your site's link profile and mitigate penalties related to link schemes or spammy practices.
Optimizing technical SEO aspects such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, and ensuring proper indexing of pages by search engines are essential steps in enhancing overall site performance and user experience.
Submitting a well-prepared reconsideration request to Google involves clearly outlining the actions taken to rectify any violations of Google's guidelines. It's important to provide evidence of efforts made, such as before-and-after screenshots, and to communicate your commitment to maintaining high-quality standards.
Post-submission, monitoring your website's performance closely through analytics tools allows you to track improvements in search engine rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics. This ongoing monitoring enables you to make timely adjustments to your SEO strategies based on feedback from Google algorithms and user behavior trends.
Staying informed about Google's latest algorithm updates and SEO best practices is essential for preventing future penalties and ensuring sustained growth and visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). By adhering to ethical SEO practices and continuously improving your site's content and technical infrastructure, you can mitigate risks of penalties and maintain a healthy online presence.
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lcacommunuty · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Help Apheresis for Long Covid
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Understanding Help Apheresis
Help Apheresis is a cutting-edge medical treatment gaining prominence in the realm of Long Covid management. This therapy, also known as H.e.l.p. Apheresis, offers renewed hope to individuals grappling with persistent symptoms long after recovering from Covid-19.
What is Help Apheresis?
Help Apheresis involves a specialized procedure where blood is extracted from the patient and processed through a device that separates specific components, such as plasma or harmful antibodies. These components, believed to contribute to ongoing inflammation and symptoms in Long Covid patients, are selectively removed before the purified blood is returned to the patient's circulation.
How Help Apheresis Works
During a Help Apheresis session, the patient's blood undergoes a filtration process aimed at targeting inflammatory markers and immune system components implicated in Long Covid. By reducing these factors, the procedure aims to alleviate symptoms and promote recovery.
Benefits of Help Apheresis
Symptom Relief
Help Apheresis has shown promising results in alleviating a range of persistent Long Covid symptoms, including fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive issues, and muscle weakness. By targeting the underlying inflammatory processes, patients often experience significant improvements in their quality of life.
Enhanced Recovery
For many individuals struggling with prolonged symptoms of Long Covid, Help Apheresis offers a pathway to faster recovery. By restoring immune balance and reducing inflammation, this treatment supports the body's natural healing mechanisms, potentially shortening the duration and severity of symptoms.
Personalized Treatment Approach
Each Help Apheresis treatment plan is tailored to the individual patient, considering their specific symptoms and health status. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive optimal care and support throughout their treatment journey.
Is Help Apheresis Right for You?
Eligibility Criteria
Determining eligibility for Help Apheresis involves a thorough evaluation by healthcare providers specializing in Long Covid management. Factors such as the severity of symptoms, overall health condition, and response to previous treatments are taken into consideration.
Consultation Process
Before undergoing Help Apheresis, patients undergo a comprehensive consultation to assess their suitability for the procedure. This includes a review of medical history, physical examination, and possibly additional tests to gauge the potential benefits of the treatment.
Treatment Protocol
Help Apheresis typically involves a series of sessions based on the patient's response and symptom severity. The treatment frequency and duration are adjusted as necessary to optimize outcomes and ensure ongoing monitoring of progress.
The Role of LCA Community in Long Covid Care
Support and Advocacy
The LCA Community plays a crucial role in advocating for awareness and access to Help Apheresis and other innovative treatments for Long Covid. Through education and support initiatives, the community empowers patients and their families with valuable resources and information.
Research and Development
Ongoing research efforts within the LCA Community aim to further advance the understanding and effectiveness of Help Apheresis in treating Long Covid. By supporting research initiatives, the community contributes to enhancing treatment options and improving patient outcomes.
Promoting Access to Care
Raising awareness about Help Apheresis is essential to ensuring equitable access to this beneficial treatment for individuals affected by Long Covid worldwide. The LCA Community continues to advocate for expanded healthcare coverage and resources to support comprehensive Long Covid care.
In conclusion, Help Apheresis represents a significant breakthrough in the management of Long Covid, offering hope and relief to those experiencing persistent symptoms post-Covid-19. By addressing immune dysregulation and inflammation, this innovative therapy provides tangible benefits in symptom management and recovery.
For individuals considering Help Apheresis as part of their treatment plan, consulting with a specialized healthcare provider is crucial to exploring whether this therapy aligns with their healthcare needs and goals. Together, we can continue to advance Long Covid care and support, ensuring that every patient has access to effective treatments that promote healing and wellness.
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white-label-services · 2 months
Staffing Your SOC: Essential Roles for MSPs and MSSPs
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Building a robust Security Operations Center (SOC) is critical for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) tasked with safeguarding their clients' digital assets against evolving cyber threats. The effectiveness of a SOC hinges not only on advanced technologies and processes but also on skilled personnel who play essential roles in monitoring, detecting, analyzing, and responding to security incidents. This article explores the essential roles within a SOC for MSPs and MSSPs, emphasizing the importance of each role in maintaining strong cybersecurity defenses.
Core Roles in SOC Staffing
1. SOC Manager
The SOC Manager oversees the entire SOC operations and is responsible for strategic planning, resource allocation, and ensuring alignment with organizational goals. They manage SOC analysts, set performance metrics, and liaise with clients and senior management to communicate security posture and incident response effectiveness. A SOC Manager should have strong leadership skills, cybersecurity expertise, and the ability to coordinate incident response efforts effectively.
2. SOC Analysts (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)
SOC Analysts are the frontline defenders who monitor security alerts, investigate incidents, and perform initial triage to determine the severity and impact of threats. They categorize alerts based on priority and escalate critical incidents to higher-tier analysts or incident response teams. Tier 1 analysts handle initial incident detection and basic triage, while Tier 2 and Tier 3 analysts conduct in-depth analysis, threat hunting, and coordinate response efforts. Analysts should possess strong analytical skills, knowledge of cybersecurity threats, and proficiency in using security tools such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems.
3. Incident Response (IR) Team
The Incident Response Team consists of specialists who manage and mitigate security incidents that escalate beyond the capabilities of SOC analysts. They conduct forensic analysis, contain breaches, and implement remediation strategies to restore normal operations. IR Team members need expertise in incident handling, digital forensics, malware analysis, and crisis management. Their swift and decisive actions are crucial in minimizing the impact of cyber incidents and preserving the integrity of client systems.
4. Threat Intelligence Analysts
Threat Intelligence Analysts gather and analyze threat data from internal and external sources to identify emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and attack trends. They provide actionable intelligence to SOC analysts and incident responders, enabling proactive threat detection and response. Threat Intelligence Analysts should possess strong research skills, knowledge of threat actor tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and proficiency in threat intelligence platforms and tools.
5. Security Engineers
Security Engineers design, implement, and maintain the technical infrastructure that supports SOC operations. They configure and optimize security tools, develop automation scripts for incident response, and conduct security assessments to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities. Security Engineers collaborate closely with SOC analysts and management to ensure that security solutions align with organizational needs and enhance overall cybersecurity posture.
6. Compliance and Governance Specialists
Compliance and Governance Specialists ensure that SOC operations adhere to industry regulations, standards, and best practices. They conduct regular audits, assess security controls, and develop policies and procedures to maintain compliance with frameworks such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc. These specialists play a crucial role in helping MSPs and MSSPs navigate regulatory requirements and demonstrate adherence to clients and regulatory authorities.
Challenges and Considerations in SOC Staffing
1. Skills Shortage
The cybersecurity industry faces a significant skills shortage, making it challenging for MSPs and MSSPs to recruit and retain qualified SOC personnel. Investing in training, professional development programs, and partnerships with educational institutions can help address this challenge and build a pipeline of skilled cybersecurity professionals.
2. Retention
Retaining talented SOC staff is another critical challenge for MSPs and MSSPs. High-demand for cybersecurity professionals often leads to job-hopping and increased turnover rates. Implementing competitive compensation packages, career growth opportunities, and fostering a positive work culture can help mitigate turnover and retain top talent.
3. Continuous Training and Development
Cyber threats evolve rapidly, requiring SOC staff to continuously update their skills and knowledge. MSPs and MSSPs should invest in ongoing training programs, certifications, and participation in industry conferences and workshops to keep SOC personnel abreast of emerging threats and cybersecurity trends.
4. Integration with Managed Services
For MSPs, integrating SOC operations seamlessly with existing managed services is crucial. This includes aligning SOC monitoring with client SLAs (Service Level Agreements), ensuring clear communication channels, and demonstrating the value of SOC capabilities as part of comprehensive managed security offerings.
In conclusion, SOC staffing with skilled and dedicated personnel is fundamental for MSPs and MSSPs aiming to provide robust cybersecurity services to their clients. Each role within the SOC plays a crucial part in maintaining effective threat detection, incident response, and overall cybersecurity posture. By investing in recruiting, training, and retaining talented cybersecurity professionals, MSPs and MSSPs can build a strong SOC team capable of mitigating risks, protecting client assets, and ensuring operational resilience in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. Strategic alignment of SOC operations with business objectives, regulatory requirements, and client expectations is essential for delivering value-added managed security services and fostering long-term partnerships with clients.
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arshhospitals · 3 months
Best Cardiology Clinic in Gaya — Arsh Hospital
When it comes to heart health, choosing the right cardiology clinic is essential for ensuring you receive the best care possible. In Gaya, Arsh Hospital stands out as the premier destination for comprehensive cardiology services. Whether you’re seeking routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or emergency care, Arsh Hospital provides top-notch cardiology care to meet all your heart health needs.
Why Choose Arsh Hospital for Cardiology?
Expert Cardiologists
Arsh Hospital is home to a team of highly skilled and experienced cardiologists who are dedicated to providing exceptional heart care. These specialists are well-versed in the latest advancements in cardiology and are committed to delivering personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The hospital is equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment facilities that enable accurate diagnosis and effective management of various heart conditions. From advanced imaging technologies to modern catheterization labs, Arsh Hospital ensures that patients have access to the best tools for heart care.
Comprehensive Cardiology Services
Arsh Hospital offers a wide range of cardiology services designed to address different heart health concerns:
Routine Heart Check-Ups
Regular heart check-ups are crucial for maintaining heart health and early detection of potential issues. Arsh Hospital provides thorough cardiac evaluations, including blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol testing, and stress tests.
Diagnostic Services
Accurate diagnosis is the foundation of effective treatment. Arsh Hospital offers comprehensive diagnostic services, including:
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Holter Monitoring
Cardiac MRI and CT Scans
Interventional Cardiology
For patients requiring interventional procedures, Arsh Hospital provides advanced treatments such as angioplasty and stenting. These minimally invasive techniques help restore blood flow to the heart and improve patient outcomes.
Cardiac Surgery
In cases where surgery is necessary, Arsh Hospital offers a range of cardiac surgeries, including:
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)
Valve Repair and Replacement
Congenital Heart Defect Repair
Heart Failure Management
Managing heart failure requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. Arsh Hospital provides specialized care for heart failure patients, including medication management, lifestyle counseling, and advanced treatments like implantable devices.
Patient-Centered Care
At Arsh Hospital, patient care goes beyond medical treatment. The hospital focuses on creating a supportive and compassionate environment for patients and their families.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Each patient receives a customized treatment plan based on their specific condition and health goals. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive the most effective and appropriate care.
Post-Treatment Support
Recovery and rehabilitation are crucial for heart health. Arsh Hospital offers comprehensive post-treatment support, including:
Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
Diet and Lifestyle Counseling
Regular Follow-Up Appointments
Community Outreach and Education
Arsh Hospital is committed to promoting heart health in the community through various outreach programs and educational initiatives. These efforts aim to raise awareness about heart disease prevention and encourage healthy lifestyle choices.
Arsh Hospital is the best cardiology clinic in Gaya, offering expert care, advanced facilities, and a patient-centered approach to heart health. Whether you need routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or emergency care, Arsh Hospital provides comprehensive cardiology services to ensure the best possible outcomes for your heart. Choose Arsh Hospital for your cardiology needs and take a step towards a healthier heart.
Arsh Hospital
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Guardian of Giants: Conservation Efforts at Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary
I. Introduction
Located in Kenya's southern coast, the Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary is a critical haven for the preservation of elephants. Established to address human-elephant conflicts, this sanctuary plays a vital role in Kenya's wildlife conservation efforts.
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II. History
The sanctuary was founded in the early 1990s as a community initiative to reduce conflicts between local farmers and elephants. This collaboration between communities, conservation organizations, and the government has stabilized the elephant population and minimized conflicts.
III. Flora and Fauna
Mwaluganje's diverse habitats range from lush forests to open grasslands, supporting a variety of plant and animal species. Key flora includes baobab, mahogany, and acacias. Besides elephants, the sanctuary hosts antelopes, leopards, over 200 bird species, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous reptiles.
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IV. Elephant Conservation Efforts
Key conservation strategies include anti-poaching patrols, research and monitoring initiatives, and community engagement to mitigate human-elephant conflicts. Despite challenges, these efforts have led to stable and thriving elephant populations.
V. Visitor Experiences
Visitors can enjoy guided tours, wildlife viewing, and nature walks, providing educational insights and up-close encounters with wildlife. The sanctuary also offers educational programs and cultural experiences to deepen understanding of conservation efforts.
VI. Community Involvement
Local communities are integral to the sanctuary's success. Community-based projects, ecotourism initiatives, and educational programs empower residents and promote sustainable development, creating economic and social benefits.
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VII. Conservation Challenges
The sanctuary faces challenges such as habitat loss, human-elephant conflicts, and poaching. Strategies to address these include habitat restoration, conflict mitigation measures, and enhanced law enforcement against illegal activities.
VIII. Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborations with government agencies, NGOs, research institutions, and local communities are crucial for effective conservation. These partnerships enhance resource management, research, and community engagement efforts.
IX. Future Plans
Mwaluganje aims to expand its conservation programs, promote sustainable livelihoods, and enhance research and monitoring. These efforts focus on adapting to emerging threats and ensuring the long-term sustainability of its wildlife and habitats.
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X. Conclusion
Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary stands as a testament to successful conservation through community involvement and strategic partnerships. By supporting and advocating for these efforts, we can all contribute to preserving Kenya's natural heritage for future generations.
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Nature Conservation Initiatives: Hyderabad Infra prioritizes conservation efforts aimed at preserving the natural environment surrounding its area. This includes reforestation projects, wildlife habitat restoration, and sustainable land management practices to ensure the long-term health and biodiversity of the ecosystem.
Educational Programs: The establishment offers a range of educational programs geared towards fostering environmental awareness and appreciation. These programs may include guided nature walks, workshops on sustainable living, and interactive learning experiences designed for visitors of all ages. Adventure Tourism Development: It is dedicated to promoting adventure tourism while maintaining a strong commitment to safety and environmental responsibility. This could involve the development of adventure trails, rock climbing facilities, zip lines, and other thrilling outdoor activities suitable for adventurers of varying skill levels.
Community Engagement: It actively engages with the local community to promote environmental stewardship and community well-being. This may include organizing community clean-up events, partnering with local schools for educational outreach, and collaborating with indigenous communities to promote cultural preservation and sustainable livelihoods. Infrastructure Development: The project involves the development of sustainable infrastructure that minimizes its ecological footprint while enhancing visitor experiences. This may include eco-friendly accommodations, energy-efficient facilities, and thoughtfully designed visitor centers that blend harmoniously with the natural landscape. Research and Conservation Partnerships: It collaborates with scientific institutions, conservation organizations, and local stakeholders to support research initiatives aimed at better understanding and conserving the region’s biodiversity. This may involve biodiversity surveys, ecological monitoring programs, and the establishment of research stations within the nature valley. Tourism Promotion and Marketing: The project includes comprehensive tourism promotion and marketing strategies aimed at attracting visitors from diverse backgrounds. This may involve the development of promotional materials, digital marketing campaigns, and partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators to showcase as a premier destination for nature-based tourism.
These project highlights illustrate commitment to environmental conservation, sustainable tourism development, community engagement, and educational outreach, all aimed at creating a positive impact on both the natural environment and the local community. www.plots4sale.co.in #jbinfracontactnumber #jbnaturevalleycontactnumber #jbserenecitycontactnumber #jbserenevillascontactnumber https://highwayopenplots.blogspot.com/2024/06/open-plots-in-choutuppal-call-us.html
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cacmsinsitute · 4 months
Data Analytics to Combat Climate Change: Innovations in Environmental Sustainability
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our day, endangering ecosystems, economies, and livelihoods around the world. Addressing this complicated challenge necessitates innovative solutions, and data analytics is emerging as a valuable weapon in the battle against climate change. Researchers, politicians, and corporations are creating techniques to reduce environmental impact, adapt to changing conditions, and promote sustainability by leveraging massive volumes of data. This article delves into the unique uses of data analytics in combating climate change and achieving environmental sustainability.
Monitoring and predicting environmental trends:
Data analytics allows for the collecting, analysis, and interpretation of large datasets from a variety of sources, such as satellite imaging, weather stations, and sensors. Researchers can use complex algorithms and machine learning approaches to monitor environmental trends in real time, such as deforestation rates, sea level rise, and air quality. These insights aid in identifying places most sensitive to climate change and predicting future environmental difficulties, allowing for preventive interventions and resource allocation.
Optimal Renewable Energy Production and Distribution:
Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are critical to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Data analytics is critical for optimizing the generation and distribution of renewable energy. By analyzing weather trends, energy consumption patterns, and infrastructure data, energy suppliers may estimate energy demand, optimize power generation, and increase grid efficiency. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms can optimize the location of renewable energy installations to maximize output and cost-effectiveness.
Improving Climate Resilience and Adaptation:
Climate change is already affecting communities all around the world, resulting in more frequent and severe weather events, rising temperatures, and shifting precipitation patterns. Data analytics can improve climate resilience and adaptation by identifying sensitive areas, assessing risk factors, and devising tailored mitigation methods. By analyzing historical climatic data, socioeconomic indicators, and infrastructure vulnerabilities, policymakers may prioritize investments in resilient infrastructure, disaster preparedness, and community resilience programmes.
Enhancing Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management:
Agriculture is both a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Data analytics can provide significant insights into sustainable farming methods and land management plans. Farmers may improve productivity, reduce environmental impact, and optimize resource use by analyzing soil health, weather patterns, crop yields, and market trends. Advanced analytics can also help discover opportunities for reforestation, land restoration, and biodiversity conservation, hence boosting ecosystem resilience and carbon sequestration.
Empowering Citizenship and Environmental Advocacy:
Data analytics enables individuals and communities to participate in environmental advocacy and climate action efforts. Citizen science programmes, mobile apps, and internet platforms enable citizens to collect environmental data, monitor local ecosystems, and participate in community-based research projects. Data analytics encourages cooperation, knowledge sharing, and collective action by democratizing access to environmental data and technologies, resulting in positive grassroots change.
Data analytics has significant potential in combating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. We can use data to monitor environmental trends, optimize renewable energy generation, increase climate resilience, improve agricultural practices, and empower communities to take action. However, realizing this promise necessitates collaboration across disciplines, sectors, and countries, as well as a dedication to ethical and transparent data practices. With sustained innovation and investment, data analytics can play a critical role in ensuring a more sustainable and resilient future for future generations.
Are you prepared to make a difference in the fight against climate change? Join CACMS Institute for a thorough data analytics training programme in Amritsar. Our hands-on practical training and flexible schedules ensure that you get the skills required to innovate in environmental sustainability. For more information, contact us today at +918288040281 or visit the link below
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cryptooooo · 4 months
Title: Coinbase Reports Widespread Outage, Confirms Ongoing Investigation
Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, recently experienced a widespread outage, leaving users unable to access their accounts and trade on the platform. The outage prompted Coinbase to launch an investigation into the root cause of the disruption.
The outage, which affected a significant number of users, raised concerns among traders and investors relying on Coinbase's platform for their crypto transactions. This incident comes at a time when the crypto market is experiencing heightened volatility and activity, amplifying the impact of service disruptions on traders' activities.
Coinbase's swift response included acknowledging the outage and assuring users that an investigation is underway to identify and address the underlying issues. The exchange's transparency in communicating the outage and its efforts to resolve the issue are crucial in maintaining trust and confidence among its user base.
Service disruptions like these highlight the importance of robust infrastructure and contingency plans for cryptocurrency exchanges, especially during periods of heightened market activity. Traders and investors rely on platforms like Coinbase for seamless and reliable access to crypto markets, making downtime a significant concern for market participants.
As Coinbase continues its investigation and works to restore normalcy to its platform, users and industry observers are closely monitoring developments and assessing the impact of the outage on Coinbase's reputation and market operations. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges and complexities involved in operating a cryptocurrency exchange amidst a rapidly evolving and dynamic market landscape.
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aedleader · 4 months
Beyond Walls: How Outdoor AED Cabinets Extend Emergency Response
In the realm of emergency medical response, time is of the essence. When someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), every passing moment significantly impacts their chance of survival. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have emerged as crucial tools in these critical situations, capable of delivering life-saving shocks to restore normal heart rhythms. However, while AEDs are commonly found in indoor settings like offices, schools, and public buildings, their accessibility in outdoor environments has been limited. This is where outdoor AED cabinets come into play, revolutionizing emergency response efforts beyond the constraints of indoor walls.
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Understanding the Need for Outdoor AED Cabinets
Sudden cardiac arrest can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. It does not discriminate based on location, and often occurs in outdoor spaces where people engage in various activities such as sports events, parks, beaches, or remote hiking trails. In such scenarios, the absence of immediate access to AEDs can be fatal. Recognizing this need, outdoor AED cabinets have been designed to bridge the gap between cardiac emergencies and timely intervention.
Securing Accessibility in Outdoor Environments
Outdoor AED cabinets serve as secure enclosures for AEDs, strategically placed in high-traffic outdoor areas. These cabinets are constructed with durable materials to withstand harsh weather conditions and vandalism, ensuring the functionality and integrity of the AEDs within. Equipped with features such as weatherproof seals, tamper-proof locks, and temperature control systems, these cabinets provide optimal protection for the life-saving devices they house.
Enhancing Community Resilience
By installing outdoor AED cabinets in public spaces, communities significantly enhance their resilience against sudden cardiac arrest incidents. These cabinets democratize access to AEDs, empowering bystanders to become immediate responders in emergency situations. With proper training and awareness campaigns, individuals can confidently utilize these AEDs to administer timely defibrillation, potentially saving countless lives before professional medical help arrives.
Addressing Challenges and Considerations
While outdoor AED cabinets offer invaluable benefits, their implementation also presents certain challenges and considerations. Maintenance and routine inspections are essential to ensure the functionality of AEDs and the integrity of their cabinets. Regular monitoring of battery life, electrode pad expiration dates, and environmental conditions is crucial to guarantee readiness for emergency use. Additionally, community education initiatives are necessary to raise awareness about the presence and proper utilization of outdoor AEDs, fostering a culture of proactive emergency response.
Promoting a Culture of Safety and Preparedness
Beyond their immediate life-saving capabilities, outdoor AED cabinets play a pivotal role in promoting a culture of safety and preparedness within communities. By making AEDs readily available in outdoor environments, individuals are encouraged to prioritize cardiac health and emergency readiness. Furthermore, the presence of these cabinets sends a powerful message of care and concern for public well-being, instilling confidence and reassurance among community members.
In the realm of emergency response, accessibility and speed are paramount. Outdoor AED cabinet represent a significant advancement in extending life-saving interventions beyond the confines of indoor environments. By strategically placing AEDs in high-traffic outdoor areas, communities enhance their capacity to respond effectively to sudden cardiac arrest incidents. These cabinets not only democratize access to AEDs but also foster a culture of safety, preparedness, and community resilience
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evoldir · 5 months
Fwd: Job: StateUNewYork_Oswego.FishGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: StateUNewYork_Oswego.FishGenomics > Date: 24 April 2024 at 07:01:49 BST > To: [email protected] > > > The SUNY Oswego Biological Sciences Department, in collaboration with the > USGS, USFWS Northeast Fishery Center, and Ontario Ministry of Natural > Resources, seeks a research scientist to lead the development of a > high-throughput genomic monitoring and parentage-based tagging (PBT) > panel for Cisco (*Coregonus artedi*) and Bloater (*Coregonus hoyi*). This > urgent work directly supports the active restoration of these ecologically > and culturally important fish species. To learn more about coregonine > research in the Great Lakes, visit https://ift.tt/yw1jxFf > to learn more about ongoing efforts. > > This project will develop and optimize a novel microhaplotype-based > GT-seq panel for genomic monitoring and PBT applications in coregonines > (Cisco, Bloater). It will assess the panel's accuracy in tracking changes > in genetic diversity over time, estimating demographic parameters, > and reconstructing pedigrees. This panel will generate crucial data to > effectively manage coregonine broodstock, hatchery-rearing practices, > and stocking strategies. > > The successful applicant will work at the forefront of conservation > genetics with an exceptional collaborative team. They will gain experience > in genomic techniques, data analysis, and the application of science to > management problems. A competitive salary and benefits package is offered, > and remote work is negotiable. > > > > *Qualifications* > MS. or Ph.D. in ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, genomics, or a > related field (start date) > > Demonstrated expertise in molecular biology lab techniques and > bioinformatics. > > A commitment to collaboration and science communication. > > A strong publication record is preferred. > > > Applications will include 1) A cover letter describing research interests > and their alignment with the project's goals; 2) a CV highlighting relevant > coursework, research experience, and publications; 3) A Diversity, Equity, > and Inclusion Statement; 4) Contact information for three professional > references. > > > > Please submit applications at > https://ift.tt/8kBld1Z > > Nicholas Sard
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