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idmimagineering · 1 year
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terakopian · 2 years
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SciFi meets theoretical physics, meets science, with robots, medicine and film memorabilia thrown in. Most importantly, with some interesting questions posed for the future of humanity. Science Fiction: Voyage To The Edge Of Imagination at the Science Museum (exhibition runs to 4th May, 2023). Captions: 1) Inkha, a reactive robotic head by Matthew Walker. 2) A Dr Who Dalek in the foyer 3) A Mondoshawan from The Fifth Element. 4) A model of the U.S.S. Enterprise. 5) Lt Uhura’s costume from Star Trek. 6) A selfie reflected in the camera lens of a CHEOPS Satellite. #scifi #science #robot #robotics #startrek #inkha #dalek #mondoshawan #fifthelement #ussenterprise #uhura #selfie #CHEOPS @sciencemuseum #sciencemuseum #sciencemuseumlondon @leica_camera @leicauk #leica #leicam10d #summilux @startrek (at Science Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvWqW3ISXj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Shan Jiang - The Fifth Element (2017)
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silveragelovechild · 2 months
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Mondoshawans from “The Fifth Element” (1997)
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ekbatdesebat · 2 years
META + music
Meta/Headcanon Prompt | accepting
Music is a incredibly important aspect of Mondoshawan culture with Mondoshawan children often taught to read and write music as well as sing before going on to more formal education. This holds true for Leeloo's education as well. She's very adept musically and has continued her education in that arena since coming to Earth.
It's something she and Ruby have bonded over since he evens of the film. And she'll often have a musical instrument with her when crashing at Korben's apartment or stashed away at Father Cornelius'.
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nerdherderette · 2 years
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Drive Me Into the Night
Satomi directs Derek’s attention back to the scroll. “Everything in life is about balance. Life and death. Good and evil. Wolf and human. Even the elemental forces of nature have a push and pull, although severe disruptions can threaten the ecosystems currently in place.
“Ever since there was sentient life, an ancient race known as the Mondoshawans have used their knowledge to help maintain that balance. But just as there is good, there is evil. Those who thrive on chaos. So the Mondoshawans created a Fifth Element—a Supreme Being—as part of a weapon to help anchor the elements in place and counter evil’s destruction.”
“Stiles?” Derek asks, his voice pitching higher in disbelief. “You expect me to believe that Stiles—skinny, defenseless Stiles—is the Fifth Element?”
A Sterek The Fifth Element AU. For the lovely (and very patient) @kalika999 as part of @fandomtrumpshate. Cover art by the brilliant @seanchaidh7
Rating: Explicit (for explicit sexual content and canon-typical violence)
WC: 27k
Read on AO3
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directory-98 · 9 months
Leeloo "Dallas"| The Fifth Element( 1997) | Sci-Fi
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Leeloominaï Lekatariba-Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat de Sebat (aka "Leeloo") is one of the Supreme Beings of the Universe. She was sent to Earth in corporeal form to become the Fifth Element, the final piece of a powerful weapon needed to destroy Evil.
In 1914, a race of aliens in heavily armored spacesuits arrive at an ancient Egyptian temple to collect the four elemental stones and a bronze sarcophagus containing the body of the fifth element in human form. Knowing that the weapon was designed to defeat a dark entity known as Evil every 5,000 years, the aliens — the Mondoshawan — promise the temple's current human priest that they would return the weapon's components to Earth before Evil arrived three centuries later. They leave the priest with a single bronzed key, which is to be used to open the secret room in the temple for arrangement of the weapon. The priest promises to keep it safe, passing his knowledge on to his successors until they return.
Three centuries later, the current priest, Father Vito Cornelius, preserves the key in his apartment. Along with his apprentice, David, he patiently awaits the arrival of the Stones and the Fifth Element. The Mondoshawans, as promised, are en route to Earth to return the stones and sarcophagus, when their ship is attacked by a brace of Mangalores. The Mondoshawans and their ship are destroyed, leaving nothing but a mangled right forearm from the sleeping Supreme Being in the wreckage. Discovered by Earth scientists, the severed forearm is transported to a laboratory in New York and analyzed, and its DNA isolated and studied. The DNA, far superior to human DNA which contains 40 "memo groups", contains over 200,000 "memo groups." The scientist describes the DNA of the being as being "tightly packed, with infinite genetic knowledge. Almost as if this being was … engineered." He continues to describe the cells as being "perfect."
Being that a few cells were still viable in the arm, the lead scientist begins reconstructing the being using the isolated DNA and a complex machine that puts the being together part by part, beginning with the skeleton, followed by the muscles and organs, and finally exposing the body to slightly greasy solar atoms (ultraviolet radiation), forcing the body to take measures to protect itself from UV damage by growing skin and hair. The entire process is explained by the lead scientist to a skeptical General Munro, who is less than enthusiastic about the being's revival. He informs the scientist that he hopes the the being is "friendly", stating his intent to destroy the being with a card-activated destruction system inside the machine if he is not.
When the shield covering the being during its immersion in UV light is removed, General Munro appears to be awestruck when he sees a perfectly-formed human woman. The lead scientist orders the woman clothed in 'thermal bandages', and she is awakened by the flash of a remote-control camera on an overhead fixture. She starts gasping and panics when she can't find an exit from her confinement in the reactor chamber. Taking note of the humans watching her, she attempts to communicate with them, speaking rapidly in an unknown language. As General Munro approaches her, she speaks again, this time clearly a warning in the unknown tongue. Tapping on the window, Munro tells her that if she wishes to leave the chamber, she would need to improve her communication skills. Angered, the woman stares at him menacingly, growling deep in her throat, before finally putting her fist through the supposedly unbreakable glass chamber wall. Knocking Munro down, she grabs the general's multipass and quickly accesses the controls outside the chamber, escaping the laboratory through the ventilation system. The dumbfounded scientist simply stares ahead, uttering only one word: "Perfect."
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It is unknown what Leeloo looked like before the accident with the Mondoshawans. She is blunt and straightforward in words and actions. Leeloo is also shown to be quite emotional; she is horrified by the violence she sees while viewing clips and pictures of human wars and sheds tears of shock and sadness. Also, during the diva's operatic performance, she has flashbacks of the night she and the Mondoshawans were attacked, shedding tears but then quickly becoming angry and swiftly defeating the Mangalores she encountered. Furthermore, she becomes depressed and unwilling to complete her mission, plaintively asking, "What's the use of saving life when you see what you do to it?" referring to the death and violence humans seemed so willing to inflict on others. However, she seemed happy and overwhelmed with emotion when Korben confessed his love for her. Overall, she is shown to be kind to her companions.
“Everything you create, you use to destroy.”
Skills & abilities
Superhuman strength:
Enhanced Durability: 
Enhanced Learning: 
Enhanced Agility: 
Enhanced reflexes: 
Regenerative healing factor: 
Elemental Channeling: 
Hand to Hand combat
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chihok · 1 year
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My figure work. The Mondoshawan from The Fifth Element.
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dragonflylady77 · 5 months
My knees hurt so bad atm i walk like a Mondoshawan...
(Feel like i look like one too sometimes)
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leanstooneside · 1 year
Double drop toe-hold
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thenexusofsouls · 1 year
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{for Leeloo}
It felt a little strange for Thor to be on a throne, dressed like she used to, waiting to meet someone new. She’d been Snapped, yes, but to another universe, one where she was queen. She was incredibly lonely, but she had a purpose: to serve her kingdom.
If there was one reason Thor had ever wanted to rule, it was the people. They were so lively and joyous, and she’d always loved that about Asgard. Being back here should’ve been a dream come true, yet she was unfulfilled and forlorn.
Apparently, they’d found someone new on Asgard. She was unlike anything anyone else knew of, and naturally, Thor was the one who would have to meet her. She looked young, and Thor couldn’t help but see herself in her: a scared, confused, angry young girl with nowhere to go.
“Hello,” Thor said, warmth in her tone and a smile on her face. “I am Queen Thor, goddess of thunder and daughter of Odin. What brings you to Asgard, Miss…?”
Although Leeloo had been “born” with all the knowledge necessary as to her greater purpose and an ability to learn anything else she might need, that didn’t mean she would immediately know where she was or why she’d crashed there when it did happen. If she had been awakened, then there was a great dark evil somewhere that she had to thwart, but… was it here? Elsewhere? Where even was here? She didn’t know, and that made her very unsettled. The ones she’d been with, the Mondoshawans who took care of her, were killed in the crash. Her heart hurt when she thought of them. Maybe they regarded her as more of a key or tool than a living being, but even so, they had taken care of her, and she’d liked them. She was sorry they were gone.
Leeloo heard the woman as she spoke, but to any onlooker she appeared distracted, looking all around the grand room with a slight frown on her face. “Icoulay o me…? Me o so ma’oolzi… (Where am I…? I am so confused…)” she mumbled to herself, feeling a sense of urgency to complete her purpose and yet having no clue where or how to begin.
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When the woman stopped talking, Leeloo stopped looking around at her surroundings and her gaze snapped back, wondering what was expected of her. From the way she had trailed off, it almost sounded like the woman was waiting for an introduction? Or a name? Maybe? “Mino sossian? (Myself?)” Leeloo asked, pointing to herself with her index finger on her chest. “Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat, (Precious chosen stone of the earth, defender of light and life, and the higher honor,)” she rattled off matter-of-factly.
It was not a name so much as it was a title, a designation. She didn’t really have a name, because she was a created being. She hadn’t had any parents or guardians to name her. However, seeing the woman’s expression, Leeloo supposed it was a mouthful for anyone trying to identify her, especially with the language barrier. So… she took it upon herself to simplify. “Leeloo, (Gem, Jewel, or Precious,)” she said simply. She had always liked that, frankly. It was short and sweet and she thought it suited her.
“Me achta akina soun tokemata, (I need to learn your language,)” she said with a bit of frustration, her brow furrowing as she tapped the center of it with her finger and then made a speaking motion with her hand, outward from her mouth. She could learn it really fast if someone had a dictionary or something related to their language that she could study, but she didn’t know how to get that point across.
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suzycreamcheeze · 1 year
vids l8r but Mondoshawan just played their first show in over two years (with a new keyboard/third guitarist/backup vocalist) and my heart is so happy
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acid-lich · 2 years
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Still so happy with how this recent cover came out for Mondoshawan
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alphamecha-mkii · 3 years
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Mondoshawan spaceship, Fifth Element
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neocurio · 3 years
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