#{lol you made me bust out my divinian dictionary for this haha}
thenexusofsouls · 1 year
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{for Leeloo}
It felt a little strange for Thor to be on a throne, dressed like she used to, waiting to meet someone new. She’d been Snapped, yes, but to another universe, one where she was queen. She was incredibly lonely, but she had a purpose: to serve her kingdom.
If there was one reason Thor had ever wanted to rule, it was the people. They were so lively and joyous, and she’d always loved that about Asgard. Being back here should’ve been a dream come true, yet she was unfulfilled and forlorn.
Apparently, they’d found someone new on Asgard. She was unlike anything anyone else knew of, and naturally, Thor was the one who would have to meet her. She looked young, and Thor couldn’t help but see herself in her: a scared, confused, angry young girl with nowhere to go.
“Hello,” Thor said, warmth in her tone and a smile on her face. “I am Queen Thor, goddess of thunder and daughter of Odin. What brings you to Asgard, Miss…?”
Although Leeloo had been “born” with all the knowledge necessary as to her greater purpose and an ability to learn anything else she might need, that didn’t mean she would immediately know where she was or why she’d crashed there when it did happen. If she had been awakened, then there was a great dark evil somewhere that she had to thwart, but… was it here? Elsewhere? Where even was here? She didn’t know, and that made her very unsettled. The ones she’d been with, the Mondoshawans who took care of her, were killed in the crash. Her heart hurt when she thought of them. Maybe they regarded her as more of a key or tool than a living being, but even so, they had taken care of her, and she’d liked them. She was sorry they were gone.
Leeloo heard the woman as she spoke, but to any onlooker she appeared distracted, looking all around the grand room with a slight frown on her face. “Icoulay o me…? Me o so ma’oolzi… (Where am I…? I am so confused…)” she mumbled to herself, feeling a sense of urgency to complete her purpose and yet having no clue where or how to begin.
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When the woman stopped talking, Leeloo stopped looking around at her surroundings and her gaze snapped back, wondering what was expected of her. From the way she had trailed off, it almost sounded like the woman was waiting for an introduction? Or a name? Maybe? “Mino sossian? (Myself?)” Leeloo asked, pointing to herself with her index finger on her chest. “Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat, (Precious chosen stone of the earth, defender of light and life, and the higher honor,)” she rattled off matter-of-factly.
It was not a name so much as it was a title, a designation. She didn’t really have a name, because she was a created being. She hadn’t had any parents or guardians to name her. However, seeing the woman’s expression, Leeloo supposed it was a mouthful for anyone trying to identify her, especially with the language barrier. So… she took it upon herself to simplify. “Leeloo, (Gem, Jewel, or Precious,)” she said simply. She had always liked that, frankly. It was short and sweet and she thought it suited her.
“Me achta akina soun tokemata, (I need to learn your language,)” she said with a bit of frustration, her brow furrowing as she tapped the center of it with her finger and then made a speaking motion with her hand, outward from her mouth. She could learn it really fast if someone had a dictionary or something related to their language that she could study, but she didn’t know how to get that point across.
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