#mondern day au
Modern day! Liu'er Macaque 🙊 ✨️ 💕
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Liu'er is unbelievably happy to be reunited with his human 🫂 💗
Poor little carebear looks like he's been put through the ringer since Crepe last saw him. He's a little half & half little guy now ☯️
Liu'er surprisingly handled Crepe's absence a lot better than Wukong-
Wukong: IM NOT DEPRESSED! *still in pajamas at 3pm*
Liu'er: *Deadpan* sure, sure.... of course... *looks at messy room & disheveled appearance* ...of course
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wesleysniperking · 4 months
Head High | Chapter 23 excerpt (not yet published)
“Do they always do that?” Luffy asked. “Did they start doing that now?”
Usopp laughed. Just lie, Usopp. He doesn’t need to know how much of a whimp you are. You’re a burden. “That was a one time thing.”
Luffy wouldn’t let go of Usopp's hand. His eyes narrowed. “You’re lying.” He'd seen everything.
“No, I’m not.”
“You’re lying!” Luffy’s grip was hard; an iron-like (almost) death grip. “I should’ve done more than break his ribs.” He meant it. He really meant it.
“No, Luffy,” Usopp insisted, his hand started to throb. But if Luffy needed to hold his hand to not go and get into another fight. So be it. “You taught them a lesson, and I’m pretty sure they won’t be hurting me anytime soon.” Usopp laughed.
“But I didn’t notice when I should have,” Luffy said frustratedly. “I’m so stupid.”
Usopp shook his head quickly. “No, no you aren’t,” he adamantly said. “It’s not your job to protect me– “
“But you’re my friend,” Luffy insisted. “I’m not gonna stand here and do nothing.”
Maybe if Usopp really took the time to think about it, he’d finally understand that people’s definition of friendship was a lot more simple and nice than others. Why couldn’t he wrap his head around the fact that people genuinely took the idea of friendship seriously; with their full commitment? Of course, he’d never want to stop hanging out with Luffy and the others, but he didn’t have as much of a big head to think they’d want to keep him around for long. Maybe…maybe they’d start to realize he was an imposter. Or maybe Heracles was still paying them to be his friend. He’d never asked Heracles if he’d paid Nami–
“Wait,” Luffy said, even more pissed. “You don’t think I want to hang out with you?”
Usopp blanched. Was he that readable?
He could hear the bell ring in the background. Maybe that was his cue to leave. “No, it’s not like that…” He turned to walk off, but Luffy wasn’t having it. After all, he was still holding his hand.
“C’mon, talk to me.”
Usopp laughed nervously. He needed to divert his friend’s attention. “Luffy, um, if Heracles paid you and the others to be my friend…um, you can just lie to him. You don’t have to keep doing this if– “
“What the hell are you talking about?” Luffy pushed him. His facial expression was beyond angry. “Is that how you see us? Me?”
fanfic found here
Usopp fan club (join if you like)
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10- Pegging
Now I know, again, I'm like literally a week late. BUT. I got more Final Fantasy 15 Magic and Miracles Modern AU goodies for you.
This time featuring Tedd Furia and Stella Nox Fleuret, who is actually now, in this moment in time Stella Nox Fleuret- Furia. Yes, the cousin on their father's side to Ravus Nox Fleuret and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from the Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive universe.
But in my AU- where only a few people die but otherwise EVERYONE LIVES AND GETS A HAPPILY EVER AFTER DAMN IT. It's where Sylva is still alive and a BAMF. Who OWNS a hospital in addition to being a doctor and a surgeon herself (hello, oracle and healer= doctor and CEO and owner of a state of the art hospital).
And instead of in the Kingsglaive universe where Tredd is a traitor. (Granted in the beginning of Magic and Miracles- there's a nod to this in canon) But in my AU- no, he's actually just really smart, a realist, but opportunistic with childhood trauma, a pyromaniac which has since been channeled into him being a firefighter. With untapped potential that Sylva sees and she adopts him and brings out the best in him and helps him be the best version of himself that he can be. And she lets hiim legally play with fireworks and teaches him how to also be a healer (EMT) and a helicopter pilot. Both for the hospital and for the fire department where he can make BANK. Because Stella- is herself- a trust fund doll. Which is why Stella's parents initially HATE Tredd cause he thinks he's after her trust fund. But we know that's not the case. And to quote Deadpool "Your crazy matches my crazy". Which is SO THEM. Because just because you're rich, doesn't mean you too can not have trauma too. Which Stella, Ravus, and Lunafreya all have and deal with it in different ways.
And for those of you that have been following my Magic and Miracles and BEYOND storyline, you'll notice the easter egg that is the mention of Selena's accident. (I promise I have not forgotten or abandoned it, life is just being really mean to me right now and I don't wnat to take it out on anyone in that story any more than I already have (I'm sorry Selena))
But you don't have to know or follow any of that to enjoy this juicy lemon of Tredd getting railed by his wife, Stella and they are the epitome of kinky. And when I saw this prompt I IMMEDIATELY knew "oh yeah, that's Tredd and Stella. Stella is gonna peg Tredd and he's going to LOVE IT".
Everything else is under the cut because I don't want to get flagged by censors.
Again, a million and one thanks to @starsandskies for sharing kinktober. Yes I feel like I'm cheating with pulling pairings from previous stories. But that's simply to keep it short and sweet and get to the good part already.
Now, because of the graphic nature of this particular prompt. The moodboard is under the cut along with the story. Also You'll notice that I'm using the actual actor who did the motion capture and was the face of Tredd Furia in Kingsglaive. Stella I had to cast as Dakota Fanning. Enjoy!
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Kinktober Day 10- Pegging
Tredd woke up to the smell of his wife making breakfast and a smile spread on his face because his wife Stella, being French, was hands down the best cook he had ever known and while she used almost heart clogging levels of butter. It was still delicious and amazing. 
And while his shift as a firefighter was exhausting, he had come home and happily crashed into bed. But he was getting the next two days off. Which he had gotten off because today was the day before his anniversary. And he knew that Stella surely had some amazing plans for their anniversary. 
She too had taken the same days off of school. Considering she was currently in medical school to become a doctor. The fact that thier busy schedules lined up that they both had the days off, was damn near a miracle. But one he was grateful for. He got out of bed and made it down the stairs of the condo that they had gotten while thier house was being built. 
Honestly Tredd had lucked out. Because not only was Stella hot as fuck. Her crazy matched his. And before she came into his life, he was sure he was going to probably end up just like his mom. A homeless junkie. Or like his dad, a damn near alcoholic who barely had enough money to make ends meet and spent more on alchohol and cigarettes than he did food for him and his son. 
And then Stella came along and everything changed. And for the better.
Because for once, they both found another person who understood them. Sympathized with them and they could be safe being vulnerable with. And while Stella’s parents had hated his guts- at first. Because to them, he was just a no good son of a bitch who played decent football but was otherwise a gold digger out to take their daughter's trust fund. And honestly, in beginning, yeah that was an appealing factor. But now, her trust fund meant nothing to him because he could afford to take care of both of them without it.
And that was because Stella’s aunt Sylva Nox Flueret- Caelum- saw potential in him. And instead of dismissing said potential. She invested in it. She invested in him and saved him from hemself and all the other horrible influences in his life. And adopted him like she had practically adopted all of her children's friends. Like Luche Lazarus. And Noctis, who she actually really did adopt. Along with Ignis, and Prompto, and Gladdio, and Nyx, who was now her son in law. And Selena, her daughter in law.
Sylva was the one that helped get him into being a firefighter because he had already been a bit of a pryro anyway. And he loved it actually. He never thought he would ever have a job he actually liked and loved and got paid decently for it too. And the positive changes didn’t stop there. Stella and Sylva helped him get clean. Get him off of smoking and other drugs. 
And then when their friend Selena got into a near fatal car accident, he threw himself into becoming an EMT too. And becasue Sylva owned Miracles Hospital, she had the means to also get him holicopter flying lessons.
So now between being a firefighter and an EMT. He was primed to become both a helicopter pilot for the hospistal. And also work with forest fires by flying helicopters to hold either water or fire retardant. And Sylva always put him in charge of all the fireworks she set off for all the weddings and the all the other functions she hosted. Which he downright got giddy for because he had the license and the proper training for it too.
And to top it all off. He was also young enough that he got roped into going into the elementary schools to teach fire safety. And for some reason- kids flocked to him. And he could use that to see all the other kids that had the potential to be great, but just had shitty homelives and no one else to give them the chance and opportunity to show off that potential. Which he used to help get those other kids the help they needed and the stability and resources to succeed. The same way Sylva had done with him. And that felt really awesome as a way to pay it forward because there was no way he could ever pay Sylva back for all that she had done for him. But Sylva never wanted to be paid back, but him paying it forward was all she could ever want in return.
It was a second chance to redeem himself and prove to both himself, his family and especially his inlaws- that in the world of who could have married their daughter, they could have done worse. And they were slowly but surely easing up on him. Especially when Stella and him officially got married and she stayed in medical school and was not currently pregnant.
Even though it seems all their friends were getting pregnant and having kids left and right. But once his friend Crowe had her baby Raven. When he got to hold her, something inside of him changed. It was the first baby he had ever hold that he felt was beautiful and the one that got him to realize that he needed to be a better man if he wanted one of his own and being her adoptive uncle made him beam with pride. 
Of course, at the time, he had jokingly cussed Crowe and Libertus out for making such a precious little angel and Libertus damn near had to arm wrestle him to get his daughter out of his arms as Tredd cried, granted cried happily all the same. But swore all the same that if anything happened to her, if anyone ever dreamed of hurting her, he'd kill them himself. Which gave Stella the assurance that underneath everything, that Tredd was a good guy. Even when no one else but her and Sylva could see it at first.
But today, was the day before their two year anniversary. He got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to see Stella still finishing up the last little bits of breakfast. 
“Good morning Gorgeous.” He cooed as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight and kissed the crux of her neck and shoulder before giving it a teasing bite which got her to squal. 
“Good morning Handsome.” She cackle in response before she turned the stove off and turned around to kiss him good morning properly. 
“So, how early do you want to start our celebrating for our anniversary this year?” She asked when they pulled apart when they needed the air to catch thier breath. 
“As soon as you want to.” He answered with a happy and excited smile. 
“Good, eat breakfast, and get some good food as fuel. You’re gonna need it.” Stella teased licensiously. 
“Yes Ma’am.” He growled as he grabbed each of her butt cheeks in her hand and gave them a hard but appreciative squeeze before he helped her gather all the components of an amazing breakfast onto thier table as he practically wolfed it down because he knew he’d be spending the rest of the day in bed and banging his smoking hot wife. 
He even helped put all the dishes in the dishwasher before he practically picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her like that up their stairs again as she laughed heartily at his over eagerness. 
He used his hold on the back of her legs to heave her from over his shoulder to the bed as she bounced off the mattress a few inches which got her to whoop and holler in delight. 
“Before we get to caught up. I want to try something new.” She said as she stopped his hands from stripping her pajamas off of her. 
“Like sex toys new?” He guessed hopefully.
“Like the triple A, double A, C, or D battery variety? Or the two stroke engine type?” He asked, trying to guage just what size of toy she had in mind. 
“Double A.” She answered before he rolled off of her to grab for the drawer that she liked to keep her sex toys she used for herself. 
“Nope, not that one.” She said before he went through them all and she just kept smiling wider and wider as she shook her head no. 
“So you got something new.” He realized.
“I did. And it requires a harness too.” She hinted. 
“Yes!” Tredd cheered before he got off the bed and got into the drawer in a dresser where they put the really fun toys and the harnesses before she openned a different drawer to pull out a new set of harnesses. 
“Put this on.” She told him before he obeyed and was too caught up in putting it on before he noticed that she had put one on herself and put a special dildo into it so that she had a vibrator inside herslf but could change out the cock she could put into the harness to mimic herself having a cock too. And she was currently wearing a literall horse cock in her harness and suddenly that’s when he seemed to realize what she had in mind. 
“Uh, what, what’cha got there?” He asked a bit nervously when he saw the literal horse sized horse cock she had put into that harness. 
“Your surprise. Happy Early Anniversary Baby.” She cooed. 
“No.” Tredd immediately shook his head adamantly. Becuase sure they had played around with stuff in any and every oriface they both had but he had never let her peg him with something that big before. 
“Ok. So how about we start out small and work our way up.” She ventured as she pulled it out and changed it out for one of the smallest ones they had first used and started out with. 
“Ok, that’s better.” Tredd offered.
“But not before you put this on.” She said as she attached a new cock sucking and swirlling thing on his own cock and secured it into the harness he was currently wearing and turned it on for him with her own remote.
“Oh fuck.” He had to bend over and steady his hands on his own bent knees as this thing had to of cost a few hundred dollars but was worth every penny. Becuase it felt like-he couldn't describe it as anything other than fucking amazing.
“On the bed, ass in the air and spread em.” Stella ordered before she got him into position and used him getting into position to get her variety of toys ready for him and lubed up his pucker before she eased the first one in and knew she got that prostate when he moaned and shuddered and after a few strokes and he had relaxed and openned up more for her. And that’s when she traded the smaller one for the medium sized one and began to fucking him with it as she scratched hard down his neck and smacked his ass before she grabbed his hips and pounded her own dildo into him. 
“Oh Jesus Fucking Christ.” Tredd graoned and moaned before he came in the toy currently sucking and swirling around his cock but it seemed she wasn’t done because then she switched out to the larger one. And Tredd was on the verge of becoming overstimulated, especially when she turned on the vibration settings as strong as they could go and just as he was about to come again, she pulled out, leaving him whining and wanting more. She then changed into her latest purchase and eased it inside of him and then rather torturously turned on the vibration settings and Tredd came again in the toy that was using his own cum as lube. 
Then she turned her own up to it’s highest setting thanks to her remote and turned his onto it’s highest setting and Tredd came and then his cum overflowed it the sleeve as he felt like he could feel this horsecock into his colon through his stomach. But he loved it. He loved all of it. He loved his wife most of all though. 
“Beavus, Beavus!” Tredd finally yelled, since that was her cousin’s nickname that they- as more of a sick twisted joke, made that nickname thier safeword for when they were done and didn’t and couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Ok Babe.” Stella relented and turned the vibrator off and pulled out of him and helped get his harness and put the toys in the bathtub for a thorough cleaning before they would be put away. 
“Fuck.” Tredd groaned as he laid on his side and tiredly took off his own harness and this wonderful thing that sucked and swirled on his own cock off and handed it off to her so she could clean it out while she traded it for a pack of cottonelle wipes so he could clean himself off and the mess on the bedspread. 
“See! You could take it. It just took a bit to work up to it.” Stella cooed as she came back with the now clean huge thing in her arms.
“Tonight- it’s your turn with that monster thing.” Tredd insisted. 
“Oh I know, I can’t wait.” Stella giggled gleefully as she put it away along with the others. 
“Thanks for indulging me though.” Stella thanked him. 
“You’re…you’re welcome.” Tredd smiled tiredly as he tried to recover.
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forestgoblinvibes · 2 years
Chapter 4: count down begins (task force 141 x Male!shifter reader)
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Authors note: hello! Loves! Here is to another chapter!! A few things I’d like to say! To start, thank you. Starting this AU I didn’t believe it was going to get much attention but I was proven wrong! I hope everyone loves the the chapters to come! And speaking of, I have so many great/fun/heart wrenching/agonizing ideas for future chapters. But I want to know what my readers would enjoy. I know this is a Mondern Warefare AU so it’s ok for things to be different. This story is based in my own universe, but I want my readers to enjoy it. So please, send some feedback! What do y’all think? What would you like to see? I need ideas for filler chapters or one shots so this story doesn’t end to quickly. And with that! I think I will start taking one shot request as well so send them in!!!
Warning: this chapter includes mentions of nightmares,breaking bones, and fighting
Three days before the mission.
The night before, when the mission was first announced the nightmares started. Different scenarios of losing the team. Being captured and tortured agin. Or losing control and betraying them, killing Dennis.
All this plagued your mind when trying to sleep, all different ways you could fail. You didn’t tell anyone, no not now. Not when the mission was the most important topic.
The morning of the count down you woke up in a cold sweet and tense. It been a while since you’ve had nightmares. But you brush it off as nerves and continue with your day. Shower, eat and get to the briefing room.
You reach the mess hall and are immediately greeted by two things, the smell of coffee and a bone crushing hug from none other than, Dennis.
“Mornin’! I already got you a cup of coffee and plate of food, eggs, toast and sausage. Come on, it’s just us eating, seems we both slept in a bit” she said while dragging you to one of the many tables.
“Well good morning to you to bugs. Sleep well?” You ask while sitting and sipping the coffee. Humming as the warm liquid helped you wake up.
Dennis gave off this bright and excited aura, it was contagious even if you wished it wasn’t. She wore a huge smile while sipping on the hot contents, it smelled like cocoa. She’s never been a coffee person.
“Mhmm, I slept well. It’s nice having my own room, beds not to bad. But I’m a bit sore, sparring yesterday was rough. How ‘bout you? Sleeping well?” She spoke quickly, she was exciting for the days to come. To finally get back on the field.
“I slept fine, not to sore” your answer was short and simple. And half a lie, you slept terribly but that was for another day. Today was breifing and training, welcomed distractions from the nightmare that replayed itself.
For a few minutes you both ate in a comfortable silence. Both of you soaking in each others company until it was Dennis who once agin broke the silence.
“So, what was it that the lieutenant told you yesterday? He seemed pretty pissed off. Or was it something else?~” she asked with a sly grin and dramatic wiggle of her eyebrows, a skill you were oddly jealous off.
“Get your head clear bugs” you snort and half choke on the sausage you’d been eating. Making the woman laugh at the comidic timing.
“He was just yellin’ at me that’s all. Seeing as I almost ripped Soap to shreds. Wants to make sure I’m in control” you shrug your shoulders. But even she knew how the topic of control made you feel.
Always being told. ‘Control it’ or ‘control yourself’ every time you turned around was frustrating. It was a constant reminder that people around you didn’t trust you enough to not remind you, that you were dangerous. An animal.
Dennis nods and goes quiet for a moment before gaining a shit eating grin. The look of mischievousness in her eyes.
“If we have time, wanna go out? There’s a forest close to base, we can get the rest of the team to come along of “training”. Play a hunting game?” She suggested and it was quiet tempting. You used to play hunting games with your old team and recruits.
It was like hide and seek or tag with paintball added in. You of course were the hunter, the rest of the team had to work together to either survive the set amount of time, or ‘kill’ you. It tested their survival skills and teamwork. And gave you on outlet for tension, being out in the forests always calmed you down. So you nod and grin.
“Deal, if they agree. Let’s see if you can keep them alive” you taunt and stretch a bit and hum, it coming off half growlish. “Let’s get to the briefing yeah? Not trying to be late for anything” you added while standing up.
Dennis followed and grins.
“Race you to the briefing!” She announced, almost ahead of you. You couldn’t help but laugh and chase after her.
You let her win, enjoying seeing the triumphant smile she gained while reaching the meeting room. You following at her heels inside, loyal like a guard dog.
All eyes were on the both of you, gaz smiled when Dennis entered and you could have sworn you heard his heart skip a beat. He watched her take a seat before pulling his focus back to Price.
Ghost as usual sat towards the back corner, cold eyes glaring at you, a silent warning. You take your seat beside Dennis and sigh. The only person you all seemed to be waiting on was Soap.
And if on que, the Scotsman came into the room with a bright grin and took the seat beside you.
“‘Mornin’” he said rather happily, his already vibrating energy felt contagious as you couldn’t help the small smile that formed on your lips. And once everyone was settled price began the briefing.
“Alright, In three days we are shipping off to Mexico. Agin, we will be linking up with the Mexican special forces. Alejandro and his men. Russians have taken place of Valeria and are moving around chemicals in the remount mountains.”
The captain turns in the projector and starts flipping through different slides. Some were surveillance footage of a large and well guarded a base. Others were trucks carrying large vats of an unmarked chemical.
“Now, the Russians seem to have a few shifters of their own. From intel, a lion pride and bear. Could be more or less and we don’t have an exact number. But what we do know, the lions seemed to be spending they time as well, lions. Intel is spotty still” as price spoke he was looking at you, seeming to gauge your reaction.
You picked at your hands under the table, but hide any reaction that they could see. But you’d never fought other shifters. Play fought with your sister or partner when you were younger yes. But nothing that could be dangerous.
“If their spending most of their time as lions, they could be nomads. But if their working with the Russians there could be something in it for them as well…sir I have no training against other shifters. It’s..rare for us to be fighting against each other” you spoke your concern truthfully while keeping your eyes on Price. And he nods thoughtfully.
“I’ll see if I can pull some strings, get you some training then. But you’ll be fitted for a vest. Similar to the K-9 units. If they are nomads I want you to be shifted once we get to the mountains for this mission to help fight them off if the need arises.” He spoke and you physically tensed but nod anyway. He continued after that.
“Our job will be to infiltrate that base, identify the chemically they have and find out why they have it. And figure out who their ringleader is. Alejandro and his men will be at our side and we will be staying at their base. Once we land in La Almas we will make a game plan. Until them I want everyone training, separately and together is that understood”
There was a string of quick ‘Yes sir’s
“Any questions?” price asked and looked around the room. Gaz raised his hand and spoke out.
“How long will the mission last? Once we get to the mountains?” He asked while leaning forward against the table.
“Well, the mountains are a large area, and it’s covered with dense patches of forest. We know the base is located in the mountains but not exactly where so probably a few weeks at least” price answered confidently. And looked at the rest of the team. Soap spoke up with a laugh.
“Aye, best be we get to trainin’ then I wanna rematch with the cat here” he laughed and nudged your shoulder, your forced out a light chuckle. Dennis was the next to speak, standing up with a shit eating grin.
“Well, if we are to go up against lions. Y’all need to know how to take down a shifter! I say we play a game then. It’s still training though, but I saw that there’s a forest behind base. And I say we play a hunting game. All of us versus Y/N” she suggested excitingly and you role your eyes. Though she seemed to have gathered everyone’s attention. Ghost included as his eyes finally left you.
“Go on dagger, what’s this game” it was price, looking amused and interested seeing as 141 did indeed need the teasing.
“See we’ll need paint balls, few different colors and definitely a lot of red. But anyway the game’s simple. Kitty is going to hunt us, while a panther. Our job either together or on our own is to take down and “kill” him. And he’s to do the same to us. We win by killing him, he wins by killing all of us. It’ll teach y’all how to listen for him, and how to fight a shifter. You won’t survive in a real fight if you don’t know how to pin them down” she explained while looking around the room excitedly.
The first to agree, much to your surprise was Ghost. Who nods and spoke gruffly.
“It’s not a terrible idea, we do need the training. Can get some recruits in on it to” he agreed and Price nods along. Gaz was the next to agree and then Soap soon after.
“Alright. Tomorrow we will play this hunting game, gives time to get the paint ball guns and so on. Today I want everyone training and observing in hand to hand. Dagger, Y/N I want you to to show the rest of us some sparing while your a panther. Give us some ideas for tomorrow for it? Good, dismissed. Be on the mats in 15 minutes” Price orders, leaving little to no room for questions or agurments.
He’s the first to leave, followed by soap and gaz, then ghost who gave you one last glare before leaving. You and Dennis were the last to leave.
“Hey bugs, im going to go shift. Come get me in ten yeah?” You asked to which she grinned and nods.
“Yeah yeah kitty, I’ll come open the door for your no thumb having ass” she teased before leaving the breifing room and heading to her own to change.
You did the same, heading to your room and shutting the door before sighing and beginning to undress.
When you had first joined the army they issued your a special made skin tight suit to wear under your basic clothing and gear. It hugged your body and when shifting it shifted with you, acting like a second skin under your fur. And it wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable but still at times you chose not to wear it. Like today, where you stripped bare naked to shift.
And unlike other days where you had to shift quickly today you let it sink into your bones. Allowed yourself to fill your bones twist and break, or your muscles tighten and tear before reforming. Allowed yourself to feel every aspect of the shift and while it wasn’t extremely paining it was harsh to say the least.
Within several minutes you’d shifted to a large panther, not your largest but also not your smallest. You stretch, joints popping and you growl with satisfaction before patiently sitting on your bed for Dennis to come open the door.
And two minutes later she did, with a cheeky grin as she walked into your room and carefully held out her hand. You knew what she was wordlessly asking and nodded ever so slightly.
She came forward and gently ran her hand through the fur behind your ears. You growl contently and she seemed to let go of tension neither of you seemed to know she was holding.
After one of your first missions together you’d both found that it was quite relaxing to set together as she pet through your fur. Neither of you spoke, nor that you could. And just enjoyed the comfort. Dennis was the only person you allowed to pet you.
“ C’mon kitty, let’s go show off” she hums and gave you one last scratch behind the ears before leading yku out of the room and closing the door behind her.
You followed Dennis closely, in this form you stood about the same height at her. Which of curse drew some fearful looks from those who passed by and had never seen a shifter.
But in any case you both make it to the traing ground where the rest of the team was already waiting. Beside the day of your rescues this was the only other time they’d seen you shifted. There was a varying amount of looks.
Soap looked surprised, gaz was in awe and price seemed impressed. And ghost, for a moment you could have sworn his eyes held admiration before going neutral. You chose to ignore these looks and step to the mat and wait for Dennis to get her hand wrapped by gaz. You watched them both closely.
She was smiling like normal but had a slight flush to her cheeks as they spoke quietly, you chose not to listen in. And even after her hands were wrapped Gaz let his fingers linger against her wrist. You growl loud enough to gain her attention and once she looked at you, you tilt your head, eyes flicking between her and Gaz.
Dennis sighed and walked towards you, grumbling mainly to herself and you give her another soft growl. She knew what you where asking and her blush deepened a shade.
‘What’s goin on with you two?’ Was your unspoken question and she just shakes her head.
“ ‘Tis nothin kitty. Now com’on. Their watching” she whispered while bracing her stance, and you stood up. Growling lowly as you circled around her and she watched your every move.
And like she said the rest of your new team was indeed watching intently. Even price, despite his years of knowledge seemed to be taking mental notes.
You make the first move, lunging forward and swiping at Dennis’ legs. You were sure to keep your claws sheathed, not wanting to draw blood or giver her stitches. But she was quick to step back before you could knock her over. And so when you took a step back to reevaluate she stepped forward and tried to get her arms wrapped around your neck, attempting to put you in a choke hold.
Which she failed at as you pull your head away and quickly head butt her, knocking her back and you were quick to tower over and very carefully held her neck in your jaws. You kept this position for a few seconds before stepping back and well chirping, it was more a series of soft growling clicks but it’s how you called a win.
Dennis groans and rubbed her head while sitting up.
“Dirty move kitty” she huffed and slowly stands up before looking at the team. Instead of being upset about the loose she decided to use her failure to teach the others.
“So, what do y’all think I did wrong? And what do you think I was trying to do?” She questioned as you moved to stand beside her, another soft growl coming from you.
“You were overconfident and didn’t asses your actions fully” Soap was the first to speak and gaz followed after with a question.
“You were going for his neck? Why?”
She smiles and nods, gently scratching behind your ear before stepping forward
“Good observations. Yeah, I did get cocky. Can’t be doing that while fighting a shifter, their smarter then normal animals. And yes I was going for his neck. One of your best options his to choke out a shifter, or in leathal cases snap their neck. But of course how you take them down all depends on what animal they take after and their size”
You looked around the room, knowing you’d have to spar with each of them today and tried to make a game plan as Dennis spoke.
“Now of course on an actual field you won’t be unequipped. A knife or a gun means the difference between life and death. And just pray to whatever you may believe in that you don’t get caught unarmed” she said with a slight chuckle.
“There is more to learn but I’ll leave that for Y/N to explain. So until then who would like to go next? Remember the goal is to pin him down. If he can get back up he can kill you. I’ll be calling out wins or losses and certain points of contact. Feel free to use the fake knives to make it more interesting” after she finished speaking Gaz was the first to raise and step forward to get his hands wrapped. He grabbed one of the fake knives before entering the matted area.
The fake knives where a thick and hard plastic. No sharpness to them but could still cause some pain and discomfort if used correctly.
You watched Kyle, growling and barring your fangs. Hoping to throw him off by fear. But he stood his ground and made the first move.
He launched forwarded holding the knife with the flat of the blade against his wrist and moved into a slide when you moved forwards. It took you by surprise, he had more years on you and it showed. But still you managed to avoid the blade as he swung for your throat.
And yet Kyle still was faster and quickly switched the blade to his right hand and swung for your right shoulder. It hit bluntly and made your muscles immediately ache as you jumped to the side to create some distance.
“That’s a hit! But he’s not dead yet! Shifters of dense muscle mass.” Dennis called out causing Gaz to look towards her and you wasted no time launching forward and jumping at him.
But what you thought what him being distracted wasn’t very true. And as your body made contact with his you felt the blunt knife punch into your gut, at the same time though you managed to get your fangs to his throat as you both hit the mats. The air being punched out of you as you land on your side and for a moment you just lay there as does Kyle.
“Your both dead! Gaz your throat as been partially ripped out, Y/N you’ve been stabbed in the gut. Internal bleeding” Dennis informed rather harshly. She was always tense when training.
You growl and stand up, taking slow deep breaths to steady yourself as you look to Gaz. Gently nudging his arm to insure he was fine, to which he laughed and sits up.
“Good move Y/N. I’ll win eventually” he said confidently while standing and walking off the mat.
The next in the ring was soap, who chose to use no weapon and wore a cocky grin was he looked at you.
“Show me what you got pussycat” he taunted playfully and you roles your eyes while circling around the scot.
You both watched each other, trying to wait each other out. But much like his favorite explosives, soap was a ticking time bomb and moved first.
Going for a full tackle which you brace for, allowing the older man to force you both into a roll. Which you get out of first and pin the Scotsman on his stomach. But as you move for the “killing blow” his elbow connects with the side of your head with a rather loud crack. Effectively sending you off of him and slumping to your side with a low hiss.
Soap used this to his advantage and moved quickly to get his arms around your neck and head ass if he’d snap it.
“Y/N! Your dead, should have watched his arms. Good job Soap” Dennis called and sighed.
You stand slowly after soap released you taking deep breaths to steady yourself. Now you were getting frustrated, holding back proved unsuccessful. You had underestimated the rest of 141 and their abilities to take you down. With a low snarl you turn and face your next competitor. Ghost. Price was talking with Dennis, your paid no attention to their conversation.
He chose a fake knife and stepped onto the mat. You take a few steps back while watching the large man. The mask kept you from gaging his mood and his eyes were cold. You didn’t plan on holding back this time.
You make the first move, running forward and going for his knife hand. If you could disarm him first that would make things easier in the long run.
Ghost anticipates your moves and instead of dodging his brings his leg forward and kicks you in the side. Effectively sending you rolling back. But you are quick to get moving agin and launch forward, once close enough you change direction and quickly get behind the man. Wasting no time to jump onto his back and use your weight and momentum to force Ghost to his knees.
Agin he works with your attack and as his knees hit the mats he reached up. At first you feel the knife make contact with your back between your shoulder blades
“That a hit! He’s still kicking though” Dennis calls
And then your feel his hand grab the scuff at the back of your neck trying to pull or throw you off of hun. But this time you play dirty, you growl, growing arger and heavier in only a few seconds and his hands lose their grip. He changes tactics, as did you.
And as your jaws wrap around his head, he swings his right arm back and you feel the fake blade connect with your rib cage. She calls it.
“Ghost, your heads been crushed, Y/N, punctured lung. Your both dead. Agin kitty, watch their damn arms!” she calls as you step of off of ghost and she walks towards you.
You stood at your full height agin, 7ft. Taller then the Ghost himself who stands and stared at you. But this time you didn’t see anger or hate. But impression.
“Dirty trick soldier….good job” he said gruffly before stepping of the mat to join the rest of the team. You watch him in surprise before your attention is brought back to the sunshine her self. Who now wore a grin while winking at you.
“Alright! Good first spar but the only one to survive was soap. Ghost lost, because Y/N grew larger rather quickly. Shifters can vary in sizes, normally they have two main sizes. One is their true size” she points to you and you straighten up a bit with a proud huff.
“And then the animal size, which is self explanatory. But with training and practice they can fluctuate between those two sizes. Or like just now, go from one size to the other effortlessly” she explains as price comes back in. Having disappeared for a phone call.
“I got the paint ball guns and paint. Should be here first thing tomorrow.” He informed to which everyone nods.
“Alright any questions before we continue?” Dennis asked as you shrunk down back to a five foot tall form.
“Aye! So do you have any other forms? Like half ones or something?” It was soap who asked and you both tensed. Looking at each other, you shake your head, now wasn’t the time to go into different forms. You both knew the answer, she’s seen it before.
“That’s a question for him to answer…let’s get back to training” she said quickly and that’s what you all did, trained for most of the day. Winning, losing and perfecting techniques.
And so the missions count down begins.
And here’s another chapter! I’m stopping it here because it started to feel like it was dragging on but In any case I hope you all enjoyed!! Feedback is deeply appreciated and I looked to sending out more chapters soon!!
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@jasperthechaosgremlin @rasberry-jupiter
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
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(Shipping meme template from here; OC image made using this picrew)
ForageShipping meme with (Warden)Ingo and my OC Kana Kageyama.
As with her younger sister, Reina, there will be a full introductory post for Kana in the near future~ Until then...
(More info under the cut.)
Normal Verse (”Courier”)
Kana and Warden Ingo meet in the Highlands of Hisui, about a year or so after his arrival.
While making his rounds, Ingo finds a strange (non-Hisuian) young snealsle, wearing a collar engraved with the name “Scamp.” Upon eventually visiting Melli to see if the other warden knows who the sneasle belongs to, Ingo is introduced to a young Diamond Clan woman named Kana - who, as it turns out, is both a forager and a courier for the clan, and makes frequent trips across the region.
She is overjoyed to be reunited with Scamp and thanks Ingo profusely. Kana holds none of the animosity or mistrust for Pearl Clan that the rest of Diamond Clan does, and so, much to Melli’s chagrin, offers to extend her services to Ingo as well whenever she passes through the Highlands. Ingo, secretly starved for human interaction, readily accepts.
Kana and Ingo strike up a friendship over time, and begin spending at least one evening a week visiting one another for dinner. Eventually, Kana and Ingo grow close enough that Kana confesses that she, too, is a skyfaller.
Fifteen years before, while traveling between mondern-day Sinnoh and Kanto, Kana had the great misfortune to run into the mythical pokemon Hoopa  - who decided it would be funny to send a human back in time.
She landed in Hisui and was helped by the Diamond Clan, eventually marrying into it and settling down with her husband as foragers and couriers between the clan settlement and the wardens. Despite this, she never once lost the feeling of being wholly out of place, and desperately missed the two younger sisters (Reina and Hina) she’d left behind in modern day Kanto.
So, after her husband’s death six years prior, Kana moved further away from the settlement to live alone with her pokemon, though she also deliberately settled slightly closer to Melli, whom she has formed an almost sibling-like friendship with.
The events of PLA continue as usual, with Kana helping Akari/Rei where she can alongside Ingo. Eventually, once Arceus has been defeated, Kana finally returns to the future with Ingo and Akari/Rei. (...And maybe Melli, too.)
Other Verses
There really aren’t any full AUs for Kana, other than possible non-PLA versions where she and Subway Master Ingo meet in Unova somehow.
For the Age Gap/Gear Station/SilverFox!Emmet Au mentioned in Reina and Emmet’s ship meme, the only thing different is that Ingo is now a few years older than Kana rather than the other way around.
General Relationship Stuff
Clingy: Kana has a mix of separation anxiety and a fear of letting anyone too close - lest she then lose them. She genuinely cares about those around her, but she tends to hold them at arm’s length unless they really worm their way into her heart, like Ingo (or Melli.) She tries not to get too clingy with Ingo, but the both of them are desperate for any kind of meaningful connection, so the ensuing clinging is mutual.
Horny: Kana very much enjoys sex and the intimacy it offers. She isn’t interested in casual lovers, but she had a healthy sexual relationship with her husband while he was alive. After entering into a relationship with Ingo, the two of them find as many opportunities as they can to take comfort in one another - physically, as well as emotionally. (Kana is the one to make the first move.)
Trust/Jealousy: Kana isn’t really a jealous person. She can get frustrated at times, especially when Ingo is being utterly oblivious, and there have also been a few occasions where Ingo being too polite to tell someone no has rubbed her the wrong way, but she knows he’s an honorable man and so trusts him completely. (Not always so much other people.) Ingo, on the other hand, does sometimes get jealous of other people taking up Kana’s time. He’s finally found someone that makes him feel less lonely (other than his adopted daughter/son) and having to share Kana’s attention irritates him every now and then. He trusts her, he’s just gone so long without consistent human interaction that he’s loath to give it up again. (He hates that he feels this way, but it still happens.)
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💫 WIP Game 💫
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you to everyone who tagged me in this!!!
Papa Mia! (Jegulus inspired Mamma mia AU)
Cregslist>personal>help wanted (Mondern day Wolfstar)
Bad Luck love Series (a series of meet uglies with the marauders)
I am kinda cheating with the series, but I do not have titles for them yet, they are just under different chapters. But feel free to ask any questions about 'falling for you in a pile of dicks' which is the first one shot in this series 😊
No pressure tags:
@not-rab @daliyla. and anyone else who wants to do this 🖤 (all my mutuals have already tagged me)
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romxnticdreams · 5 months
paring(s): poly!marauders x reader ft. peter
warnings: one (1) use of y/n, bad writing, not proofread so there may be mistakes.
word count: 1049
authors note: mondern au cause i have no idea when go fish became a thing lmao. i absolutely HATE this but i’ve been working on this for a few days and i don’t want this to rot in my word doc lmao. super self indulgent cause i got my braces off thursday 😁😁
Imk if you liked this!! asks are always welcome. requests are closed!
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You can hear them before you’ve even made it to the door.
They’re very loudly playing Go Fish, a muggle game you taught all of them – even Remus, who surprised you when he said he had no clue what it was – that Sirius called stupid and even said “It doesn’t even seem like fun!” but for some reason.. can’t stop playing it. You open the door right as Sirius loses to Peter it seems like.
“You had a 2 the whole time?!”
“No! I barely picked it up!”
“Am not!”
“Are to-” Sirius ends his rant as soon as the front door slams shut. You can hear the clatter of what sounds like cards being thrown to the ground as Remus shouts in protest. “I just cleaned, Pads!!”
“My sweets!!” Sirius ignores Remus and rounds the corner with his arms held open, a dramatic pout on his lips as he meets you in the middle and wraps his arms around you. “Tell Peter over there to stop cheating and to start playing fair.” The pout is evident in his voice, his hand playfully petting your head and likely messing up your hair as Peter whips his head in your direction.
“I was-” he cuts himself off, cheeks tinged pink and hair slightly sweaty as he levels Sirius with a look. “Well y/n, tell your boyfriend,” his voice holds false malice as he sends Sirius a dramatic side eye, a faux grimace on his face as he looks him up and down, “To stop being dramatic and to suck it up.”
There's a loud dramatized gasp in your ear as Sirius whips his head in Peter's direction, sending him a dirty look back as he cradles your head to his chest. “They shall do no such thing!” The two quip back and forth, hardly listening to each other as you laugh loudly.
You remove your head from Sirius’ chest, sending Peter a sorry smile. He gasps, dropping his cards to the ground – ignoring Remus’ annoyed groan as James pats him on the shoulder – to point a finger at you. All he yells is “Teeth!” before all eyes are on you.
You shrink in on yourself, smile dropping as you suck in your lips and bite down on them. It's silent, everyone frozen in their spots before James gets up and slowly stalks towards you. “Lovie..” He’s closer now, standing to the other side of Sirius who still has you tightly wrapped in his arms. “Show us your teeth.”
You slowly shake your head, looking between the two nervously as you see Remus randomly slink next to Sirius as Peter stands hides behind them.
“Dove,” he puts a hand on your cheek, thumb dangerously close to your mouth. As soon as you melt into his hand Sirius pounces, hand springing up and finger darting into your mouth. Your yelp of his name is all garbled as you feel his finger rub along your teeth before he's retracting his finger from your mouth and pointing it at you accusingly. It’s covered in your spit and you cringe at the string of saliva connecting his finger to your mouth.
“Your braces are gone.” he states, raising a brow and tilting his head. You hum, eyes nervously flitting between the three before you send Peter a glare. He throws his hands up, shuffling behind Remus some more to stay hidden from your gaze.
Your eyes quickly flit back towards Sirius who still has his spit covered finger pointed towards you, with James and Remus both studying you before a big grin spreads across James’ face.
“Your braces are gone!” he shouts, retracting you from Sirius’ hold and pushing him to the side, ignoring his yell of protest as his hands cradle your face. His hands are warm where they carefully cup your cheeks, thumbs rubbing just under your eye. “How’s it feel? Did it hurt when they took ‘em off? Oh! How were the molds..? I know you hated those last time-”
He stops his rambling as you smile, teeth free of braces showing and shiny with your retainer still on. He all but melts, hands squishing your cheeks together as he bounces on the balls of his feet. He mumbles something along the lines of “You look adorable, my heart!” before he’s springing forward and placing his chapped lips on yours, humming a small squeal like noise from the back of his throat. The kind you’d make when you see a cute video on the internet.
He presses two, three more chaste kisses before pressing his lips against yours harder, tongue expertly licking past the seal of your lips and shamelessly rubbing against your teeth. He pulls away, brows furrowed as he smacks his lips.
“Slimy.” Is all he says before he leans in for more, kissing your cheek instead when you turn away from him with a disgusted – and embarrassed – groan. He laughs against your cheek, nose squished against your temple as he teasingly nips at the fat of your cheek.
It’s not long before Sirius composes himself and pulls James off of you, hands gripping your shoulders as he shakes you back and forth. “Lemme see! Lemme see how adorable you look!”
You sheepishly smile, face growing warm at the loud and over exaggerated cooing noise he makes while Remus’ face brightens. Sirius and James continue to coo nonsense at you as Remus walks up, placing a gentle hand on your cheek, fingers slinking into the hair at the back of your neck to gently scratch at your scalp.
“You look beautiful, dove.” he all but smiles lovingly at you, leaning forward and pressing a light kiss on your forehead. "I feel beautiful."
You smile, leaning against him as you bring an arm around his waist. The small, sweet moment you two share is short lived at the sound of Peter's desperate screeching and Sirius’ manacle laugh. Remus turns around as you look forward to seeing Sirius flicking the pile of cards at Peter’s head while James is watching from over Sirius’ shoulder.
“C’mon,” Remus sighs at the mess before looking away and dragging you towards the hall leading to the bedroom. “Let me go kiss you and your slimy teeth in peace.”
He snorts at your resulting groan.
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romxnticdreams © 2024 do not copy, post on other sites, translate, or claim any of my works as your own.
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Baby you're purrfect just the way you are
by Lor_Lupin
31 days of fluff day 2: First Date
Mondern Day AU!
The one where Wee John works at a cat cafe and Frenchie picks him up for their first date.
Words: 724, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, Israel Hands
Relationships: Wee John Feeney/Frenchie
Additional Tags: Fluff, Modern Era, Romantic Comedy, Fluff and Crack
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42086271
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la-sopa · 2 years
Mondern day Au? Yeah.
Siri: do you wanna tell us what happened at school today, ferus?
Ferus:(about to leave the house) ummm. Oh, umm. I flunked my math test...
Siri: No the other thing
Obi wan: what other thing
Obi wan: what happened at school today?
Ferus: oh the school shooting?
Siri: Yes! The school shooting!
Anakin: oh yeah some kid shot up the school.
Obi wan: who shot up the school-
Obi wan: was it you
Anakin: No
Obi wan: did you get shot
Anakin: No.
Obi wan: oh.
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emmymaehereeeeee · 2 years
Very detailed ask! Mondern day AU! Slight angst request!
Elvis is about to propose to reader, but he's called off to an emergency meeting. The interviewer ask Elvis the big question about marriage. Elvis says he has a person in mind. Reader watching the interview thinks Elvis is talking about another woman. By the time Elvis makes it back to reader. Reader is in a depressive episode and bagged all of Elvis' stuff. Elvis trys to explain the situation, but reader doesn't listen. Instead reader is head strong on her belief that Elvis has another woman. Elvis leaves reluctantly. Time skip to another interview where Elvis is asked again about marriage. Elvis looks at the camera and confesses his love and devotion for reader. Initially proposing on TV. And then it ends
hey nonnie! This is an amazing ask, I personally just am struggling to figure out and write this! I am sorry!
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meili-sheep · 3 years
Ok hear me out hear me out. Zhongluc OK zhongluc modern au(chiluc has enough love already it's zhongluc's turn) , OK so diluc has a like a favor on aether right, so aether said"hey I have still have that favor right" looking at his phone typing something" The bartender then respond"yes of course you've help me many times" cleaning the glass, "why are you planning on using it" then aether said "yeah, I want you to wear this" showing the phone to diluc, when diluc saw the pic he almost drop the glass, blushing really hard "and you can't refuse me" Diluc calming he's nerves "out of all the you've could've said to me, why that" pointing at the phone, Aether just shrugged "why it's merely a Sailor Mars outfit and besides your personality and hers is almost the same, you just have to cosplay it" Diluc signs like an employee that was given a too much work to their supervisor "must I really wear it?" looking at aether embarrassingly, Aether just grins" Yep! You gave me a favor after all! " Diluc signs heavenly" I'm starting to regret giving you that favor. Fine i'ii do it". Aether then smirk, claps his hands "Great! I'II meet you at my studio" aether walks away waving goodbyes " I'm gonna have a lot of money" walking away to the bar.
Aether hearing a knock on the door, thinking "oh his early" walking to the door opening it "Good noon Diluc" Aether greets, Diluc signs" Good noon to you Aether" Aether really likes diluc sense of fashion, Diluc wearing a gray over size sweater, black pants, and some black shoes diluc was in a low ponytail . Aether grinning saying "Are you ready?" saying excitedly. Diluc looking at him with a deadpan face sighs "do I have a choice?" Aether just laugh "No, back just saying now come in go to the guest room it's on left side" Diluc coming in going to the guest room. Aether then ready the equipments the camera. Aether waiting for a how many minutes " Diluc you've been there on how many minutes now come out" Aether then hears the door click he then saw Diluc blushing really hard, Aether then thinks oooohhh his pretty and more money for me hehehehe. "isn't the skirt to short" touching the hems of the skirt to pull done diluc had flawless white pearl long legs and beautiful thighs. Then Aether thinks hmm that old man(a nickname for Zhongli because of how he behaves likes an old man sometimes"is one lucky bastard " Now let your hair down" Diluc must have heard wrong "what? " Aether then repeats while ready his camera "let your hair down, it's part of Sailor Mars thing her hair isn't a ponytail that's Sailor Jupiter's thing she has her hair down. Diluc then signs and let his hair down" can I borrow a brush" aether then said "yeah sure" giving a brush. Aether has his equipments ready "you ready" Diluc responds "yes" Aether just there smiling "OK then let's start".
"Hey old man I got something for you meet me at the cafe" Zhongli looking at the text his been busy for a while now because of the company(yes he's a CEO it's mondern setting he's how society works) zhongli then replies" Why? " Aether texted back" I have a surprise for you" with a wink emoji. Zhongli was curious on what it must be " What time?" aether then replies "how about lunch is that okay for you?" Zhongli texted back "Yes, my schedule this afternoon is free actually" Aether replies "Great! I'ii see you then" thats the end. Zhongli was thinking "I wonder what the surprise is" Zhongli smile amused of what is it.
"Zhongli here" Aether waving his hands up, tall man walking towards him, he then sits and ask " What might be the surprise?" Aether looking at him grinning "Oh quite eager are we, ok won't keep waiting" he then take out the dozens of photos that he toke on that day when Diluc was cosplaying. Zhongli was bewildered and quite smitten because of how pretty and cute his phoniex is, He then ask "How much is it" Aether smirks "Ah this is why I like doing business with you 5000 mora for 12 photos but if you want them all 9k mora would be" (its expensive because of the equipments and things that he did and he took a lot of photos, its Diluc duh) Zhongli then said "I'ii take them all, I'ii have someone put it in your bank account" Aether grinning " Nice doing business with you zhongli" Zhongli then questions "How did you convinces Diluc to dress this outfit, he's not the type of person who would wear this" Aether then replies smiling "I have my ways".
I SAW A FANART OF DILUC WEARING SAILOR MARS OUTFIT AND I JUST HAD TO SHARE IT(I'ii probably make a fanfic of this or something) oh off topic I can't join your discord it's seems.
Ok Well Here is the link for the discord. If that does not work, you can message me again with your discord and i'll send you the invite through there.
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Moving on.
I already kinda headcanon that Diluc has a fan club in Mondstadt. And Aether/Lumine makes a quick buck by selling photos of Master Diluc to fan club members. They have gotten very good at snapping quick photos of relaxed Diluc (which is his peak handsomeness) or Diluc in battle. And they sells like hot cakes.
Diluc is unaware of any of this.
So I love your idea. (Also i'm currently wearing my sailor Jupiter shirt so lmao good timing) Also the Zhongluc is a little nice refreshing breeze.
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writtingfiction · 3 years
Claude and a fake dating au please
Please enjoy this mondern version of them cast with the fake dating au! School starts in three days, lets see how many stories I can write before then, enjoy!!
pairing: Byleth x Claude
words: 1.7 k
Now when Claude had received the invitation to the corporate annual party he wasn’t expecting much, just the usual black and white suit and talk about how things are going well within the company. Maybe brag a little about how they got the upper hand in sales for the first quarter of the year. Nonetheless, as cunning as he was, he wasn’t expecting to show up at the party with his former boss from back when he was an intern with the Seiros Inc. Not only did he show up with his former boss, but he’s also said to everyone, within his company and rivalling companies that the two of them are together.
So, imagine everyone’s surprise when the two enter the room all eyes on them. Byleth has half a mind to pat his arm gently in a way to comfort him. Claude wants to crawl into his own skin the way Edelgard and Dimitri look at him. Never mind how Seteth absolute seethes as he sends daggers towards him ready to rip him apart the second, he’s left alone. He thinks the only person to not be surprised by this was his own assistant. Although, he didn’t have the heart to tell him that this wasn’t exactly real.
When the pair had separated his close friends swarmed him. There were a lot of comments and many, many questions. He needed a drink. Hilda was incessantly poking his side, demanding for answers as Lorenz was lecturing him about something, he’s not paying attention.
“If you keep asking me all at the same time, I can’t answer you.” Claude said annoyed. Just barely making it to the table to grab a drink. The small crowd goes silent before they all speak up again. He shoots them a look before he hears one voice clearly through all the voices.
“Ok, ok, ok, I just need to know how.” It was Lysithea. Claude looks her in eye and then towards the rest of his friends. He’s now very glad that the two of them talked about this beforehand and came up with a story. Claude clears his throat.
“Well,” He starts off, trying to give off a vibe of mysteriousness and he is doing it well. “It started after Byleth got back from her overseas trip— “
“That that was 8 months ago!!” Hilda let out a whispered cry. Claude sends her a glare.
“Yes—As I was saying, after the overseas trip she had. We got back into touch as she was looking for a new job. I told her she could apply at Leicester Alliance and things went on from there.” Claude said, sipping his sweet drink. Rapheal lands a rough hand on his shoulder congratulating him.
“I have half a mind to scold you Claude, getting together with a former colleague like that? Do you even know what this could do to the company?” Lorenz started off with his lecture and Claude tried his hardest not to eye roll.
“Hence why we kept hidden for so long. We also hid it well mind you.” Claude said. Pointing a finger to no one in particular. Lysithea shakes her head.
“You haven’t answered my question.” Lysithea was a very smart girl for her age. Even though he constantly teases her for it, he couldn’t help but curse at how she knew he avoided the question. He had hoped his friends would carry the conversation away when they knew the least amount.
“What was your question, again?”
“How. How did you manage to convince Byleth to get with you?” Claude hums. His way of buffering so he can recall what him and Byleth discussed.
“I charmed her. Impeccable planning if I might say so myself.” Claude says. Grin as wide as possible to show off how cocky he was. He could see the very visible eye roll from Hilda.
“Totally Claude, now will you stop and just tell us?” Hilda whines out.
“Tell you what?” It’s a new voice. Everyone turns to see Byleth standing at the edge of their little circle. She’s dressed in smooth black dress that hugs her figure comfortably. There’s some gold jewelry on her wrists and neck. A matching pendent with Claude with his own necklace. Byleth’s outfit compliments Claude’s nicely, a couple picked straight from a magazine.
“Byleth! They were asking about how I managed to get you under my arm.” Claude said. Approaching her, smoothly wrapping an arm around her waist.
“If I remember correctly, it was you who was caught like a deer in headlights when I had asked you out for dinner.” Byleth said. Voice flat with a hint of teasing to it. The cat-like smirks that appeared on half of his friends faces had almost made him loose his composure. It didn’t help either that what Byleth said was true. When things first started out, Byleth suggested a dinner to chat about things and it honestly caught him off guard.
“Well, now they don’t need to know that.” Claude let out a nervous chuckle. He thought he had everything under control but this woman had him rethinking all his plans in under a second. She was just as or more cunning than him. A rare smile appeared on her face.
“No need to hide what happened. Have you told them about how you almost fell down the stairs earlier?” Byleth teased as Claude went red, choking on his words.
Claude trying to save himself and barely in doing so. Byleth was ready to crumble the reputation he had as cool lover and was trying too. Not with fake information either, he didn’t know if it was worse. However, while trying to keep it together he was catching things. People were relaxing around him for once. His close friends and coworkers were smiling and sharing stories from their lives. His rivals weren’t so tense around him, Seteth stopped glaring at him throughout the night. The old man was more focused on his sister than him tonight.
Byleth was making everyone around him more comfortable by telling them a side that only she would see. Claude shook his head with a small smile on his lips. Perhaps she was more cunning than he was.
The rest of the evening goes on without a hitch and he’s very happy with himself. Byleth noticed the change in demeanor. She wouldn’t let him off the hook so easily. However, she’s stopped in her tracks by two familiar faces. Edelgard and Dimitri approach her before they leave for the night.
“Byleth, if I may,” Dimitri speaks up, long blonde hair tied back nicely. There’s a small braid on the side of his hair leading to the bun. “Would it still be too late to offer you a position within the Faerghus Knights?” There’s an eye roll from Edelgard.
“What he means to say, even though you’re with Claude would you be open to a new and better position? Preferably with the Adrestian Corp.” Edelgard said. Byleth can only smile, a small part of her is glad they haven’t given up the friendly rivalry she only hopes it doesn’t end in an ugly way.
“I’m sorry, my loyalty goes to Claude. Not just because he’s my boyfriend.” Byleth felt something twist at her heart. It felt strange to call him that openly. She had spent the last month or two coming to terms with the deal that the two of them made. The two leaders of their respective company's sigh.
“We’ll get you one day, Professor.” Dimitri said a large smile on his face. Byleth only shook her head at the old nickname. Yes, she was their boss and taught them how to do their jobs to the best of their abilities but she didn’t deserve that title. She bids them fair well and goes to rejoin Claude. She knew the man was getting weary with how the others questioned him relentlessly about company issues now that pleasantries were over.
She grabs both of their coats before she reenters the room. A clear sign that they were leaving for the night and no one would stop them for a chat. It was one thing she was grateful for; they knew when people wanted to leave and would let them. It takes Byleth a moment to find him even with everyone who has left. When she does spot him, he’s surround by those greedy slimy men who would do anything to get ahead. Unfortunately, Claude is the only huge target left. Edelgard and Dimitri left, Seteth and Rhea left two hours into the party. First to arrive and first to leave, mused Byleth.
Byleth appears at Claude’s side in a matter of moments. One hand resting on his back, a comforting gesture. There’s a stretched smile on Claude’s face and cruel grins on the faces surrounding him. Byleth is quick in saying hi as she places Claude’s coat in his arms, cementing the fact that they were leaving and no one would be stopping them. Only one or two men tried to keep Claude longer but Byleth was quick to interject. Coats on and pulling him away from the crowd by the hand. When the doors of the building were closed behind them, they let out a breath.
There’s a shared look between the two of them, before they let out a small laugh. Byleth is the first to move from their spot at the door. Hand reaching in to her coat pocket and taking the keys out, waving them in the air.
“Ready to head home?” Byleth said.
“Couldn’t speak sweeter words for my ears to hear.” Claude said.
The drive home was nice, the music was just loud enough to drown out overwhelming thoughts. However, as Claude checks his phone looking at new emails a smirk appears on his lips.
“Good news, we have more shareholders because of our appearance tonight. I have a feeling there’ll be some more cameras following us around more than normal over the next couple weeks.” Claude said. “You ready for this?”
“I’m ready. The company will come out on top for the end of the year, just get ready for the speed bumps along your path.” Byleth replied. Claude let out a chuckle.
“We’ll defeat anything coming our way. I won’t let them win.” Claude said, knowing the year ahead of them will be difficult but he had Byleth by his side. What could go wrong?
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shell-shell0511 · 5 years
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Jonsa Dream of Spring - Day 5: Mondern AU
Jon Snow, lead vocalist for the punk rock group The Crows, shouldn’t like pop princess Sansa Stark. She represents everything about the music industry that he despises, but her brother is his best friend and lead guitarist so the always seemed to be thrown together.
After working on a collaboration together, he sees another side to her he never knew was there, and he finds himself unable to resist the draw to her that has always been there, just under the surface.
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honeyandfiregame · 5 years
I have some random questions about Werewolf!Day, hope you don't mind me asking. Would he be living in a more modern setting or a fantasy world like HoF? What would Day do as a job, if he has one? How would he have met MC, and how would they have started a relationship? Would he pursue them more or would MC have to pursue him? Would he tell them straight away that he's a werewolf, or would he wait? What does his werewolf form look like? Does he have three different forms like James?
Ofc I don’t mind!
Both the werewolf AU and vampire AU are set in modern times, possibly even a version of our world so not quite like the magic modern world HoF’s will turn out to be in the future. This is because I have an easier time writing a mondern setting, I think it’d be fun, aaand to keep it more blatantly removed from HoF’s canon.
Probably the only option available to Day is to be a mercenary, so I can see him doing that, most likely for both humans and supernaturals tho the humans don’t know what they’re getting into with this shady guy. But he’s good at it.
As for him and the MC, I think there’s enough possibilities there I’m going to leave it up to individual headcanons and ya know, whatever fits your MC. I can at least tell you this much from my personal headcanon; I was going to write a fic about it, I still probably will but I just woke up so I’m not thinking about that yet. Anyway, the fic was about meeting this strange grungy man in a bar, the sexual tension is off the charts while you talk, and it eventually ends in a one night stand exactly as everyone has been talking about; running through the woods and getting caught by him. For some reason you agreed to this. It’s all very horny, but I’m not going to give away too much because like I said I’m probably gonna write it eventually.
ANYWAY, the way I see it in my own headcanon of that being how they met, it could progress to MC continuously returning to him, drawn in by him, unable to help themselves, and they just get closer that way (probably with a lot of sex) I don’t think I’d call it either of them pursuing each other like it’s a conscious decision. They just end up together. Like maybe they’re meant for each other.
Telling them… I don’t think Day really hides it, but he doesn’t say it either, just in general. That first encounter I described would definitely tip MC off to the fact he’s a little… off and probably more than they think he is. But I don’t think he’d ever tell them (probably forgot), I think the suspicions would just culminate until The Reveal (w/e way that happens) and by that point they’re not even surprised. Just, “yeah, that makes sense.” Possibly, anyway.
And his werewolf form… I haven’t decided. Burwick’s werewolves have three forms because I’m indecisive, so maybe he will too, but… idk. I’m still indecisive so rn I’ll leave that to individual headcanon lol.
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marzipanrose · 6 years
I had a dream that couldve been a discworld novel.
Okay so I had my first discworld dream last night. It was really interesting in that I could actually kinda imagine it being a real discworld book...
Okay so here goes.. first off for some reason while it was still the Disc it was kinda like mondern au disc. All the fantasy stuff was there but they also had cars and tech and stuff.
It was a regular ank morporky day on the Disc when all of a sudden aliens landed. Now these aliens that showed up weren't actually aliens really but some sort of ancient human civilization that was really advanced and had left the Disc for reasons unknown. They were a bit aztec inspired with for some reason.
Anywho the aliens landed and they seemed like nice enough people ( maybe a bit condescending but okay) right up until they said " oh and not to be rude or anything but we own this planet now"
Turns out they had decided that since they had originally been the planet's inhabitants they were entitled to come and take it all back right out from under everybody.
Now obviously this wasn't going to fly with the ank morpork crowd. And so in a moment if political brilliance there was a huge conference called between all the rulers of the Discworld and the aliens. My main character was the moderator of this debate. We invited everyone the Patrician, Diamond king of trolls, the low king of the dwarves, lady margolotta ECT.
As moderator/ chairperson I remember having to give the opening remarks for this big conference to decide the world's fate. And while I don't remember exactly what I said I did end it with the quote from granny Weatherwax where she talks about how " sin is treating other people like objects"
The aliens were actually impressed with my speech and thought it was very noble and valient until I pointed out to them that they were treating us like objects and then they got indignant.
Anyway after that the dream ended but it was enjoyable! I might recycle the plot into a discworld fan fiction? If I ever find the time to write it that is..
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justanartsysideblog · 7 years
Hey! re-tumblr-eating-asks: I was curious if there are any celebrations/ festivals that were associated with your Forgotten Ones (like Fen'Sulahn's Dye Festival, but in the Forgotten Ones' territories)? Also was curious if that same dye can be found in the mondern!AU?
There are! 
There is the Storyteller’s Festival in Henne’thel’s lands. People from all around gather to tell stories and sing songs. hahrens tell old myths, and actors and acrobats and musicians entertain and act out well-known legends. It is a festival meant to bring people together to share history, and every new story is told to Henne’thel, who remembers them all, to pass down to the younger generations. It is a great honor to have a new tale or legend, or a new version of an old one, and to be able to recount it to Henne’thel herself.  While Dirthamen is said to be a Keeper of secrets and knowledge and to have a vast library in which he kept his lore, written down for the ages to come, it was Henne’thel who sang and told the stories to all, and did not keep them to herself. She is the progenitor of the oral history traditions of the Dalish. The Dalish that worship the Forgotten Ones say this festival was the first Arlathven, though the Dalish that worship the Evanuris claim otherwise. 
Anaris has many tournaments and festivals, as games and luck and chance are his purview. He is also known for his love of drink, and so there is a grape festival that is associated with him, with a night full of parties and dance and gambling.
After the fall of Arlathan, many festivals sprung up among the Dalish. There is the Day of Truth, associated with Oranani, in which no one lies or is allowed to lie, and has turned often into a day of vow renewal, as it is known that no lies are uttered, and therefore all words and promises are sincere. It is a taboo to lie on this day.
The Festival of Memory is an interesting one. It is a far more solemn festival than most. It is a time to reflect, and remember, and delve deep into what once was. This festival has been attributed both to Geldauran and to Oranani.
The Festival of Dreams begins in the morning, when nets are woven out of special vines from the dreamweaver plant, found only in the Tirashan. These nets are hung in the doorways of all the aravels in the evening, to trap nightmares, ill will, and harmful spirits. The nets are then burned the next morning. This is to start every year with a new, clean, and safe place to rest. It is associated with Daern’thal.
Snakes are associated with Melarue, the Cunning One/Clever One, and are also associated with the idea of renewal and healing. There are no specific festivals, per se, but seeing a snake or finding a snake skin is considered good luck and a sign of Melarue’s favor. Also, Melarue is one of the only Forgotten Ones who is known among the non-Dalish in the Tevinter Imperium. The symbol of a coiled snake has become a sign of safe houses for runaway slaves, an image hidden in plain sight as snakes are also well-known among the Magisters, and so it is a safe symbol to place in doorways or carved up the arms of statues. While they are not known as a Dalish God, per se, they are known as an entity that outwits slavers and Magisters. 
And I don’t know if Adahlan’s red dye still exists in modern AUs. I imagine there are many synthetic versions of it, and likely the river snail that held the pigments used to make Adahlan red is extinct now, or endangered. It can only thrive in very clean environments, which was not a problem with magic, but likely when the veil was lifted this hurt the ecosystems greatly and it likely disappeared. 
Thanks for the ask!
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