#mommy travels
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babyandthetoddler · 8 days ago
How to Travel With Kids in Style on The Train
Let's face it: We want to travel but do not trust planes. Well, read why trains are the best way to travel! #travel #travelwithkids #forgettheplane #travelinstyle #amtrak
As parents, we constantly seek the best ways to travel with our little ones. While various forms of transportation are available—cars, planes, and buses—traveling by train has grown increasingly popular among families. Especially now since air travel is uncertain. Here are some reasons why train travel is the quintessential choice for parents traveling with children. Space to Move One of the…
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poetry-protest-pornography · 3 months ago
Today, my 14 year old told me about a café and bar in Osaka that features muscley strong women who if you earn enough in-store points will princess carry you.
So, just so you all know, February is generally the cheapest time to travel to Japan from the US.
(you can also act as their trainer, watch them work out, tip your favorite muscles. the website says that it's a hit with "fitness enthusiasts" and I'm just like... that. that is not who is frequenting this establishment.)
(the kid has requested a mother daughter trip to Japan next year lmao)
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bitsybunbun · 1 year ago
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A mommy as sweet as strawberries 🍓
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charlotte-of-wales · 7 months ago
Do you know something about this?
oh damn. MM was supposed to be in Paris with Haakon today but they later on confirmed she was only arriving later this week. I figured it was because of her health.....but guess not.
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Seems like Marius was arrested last Sunday in Oslo after a "serious incident of violence". Oslo police haven't confirmed it was him, but the press is saying what happened is unclear but he is said to have attacked a woman "psychologically and physically" and she had to be hospitalized.
He was in police custody for 30 hours and is now at Skaugum with his mother.....
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izzywinterzxx-blog · 6 months ago
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A body made to be called mommy 🥰
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soyscoutsmasher · 18 days ago
Let's play again (Prologue)
This is a prologue to a story I intend to write once chapter 5 has actually been released, im waiting until then in case there is some plot twist like Poppy was the Prototype the whole time.
This prologue contains the initial run through the actual game, minus chapter 5, and a brief moment after the time rewind.
What would happen if you got a chance to try the whole thing again, from the moment you entered the decrepid toy factory?
Would you be able to remember enough to change things, would anyone else remember at all?
When you first returned to the toy factory, you didn’t have any idea what was waiting for you. The letter you were sent wasn’t exactly informative, but still, your curiosity was piqued enough for you to at least see if that dreaded building was still standing.
It was, of course, and when you decided going a little further wouldn’t hurt, you entered the main lobby for the first time in a decade. You didn’t realise that was the point of no return, you wouldn’t ever be stepping out of those doors again.
Progressing through the top floor of the factory was a quick process, the puzzles which were apparently the factories security system were a breeze. It didn’t take long for you to realise something else was going on though, the various notes and VHS tapes you found made that clear.
Huggy Wuggy disappearing and later chasing you also made it clear there was more to this place than you initially thought. When you finally managed to rid yourself of the murderous toy a pang of regret filled you. Huggy wasn’t your favourite toy by any means, but seeing him tumble down into that dark abyss was enough to make you question if what you did was the right choice.
You moved on quickly regardless, eventually finding yourself face to face with the toy who, unbeknownst to you, brought you here in the first place. Opening her box was an instinct, you just wanted to get a closer look at the doll, having never seen her so close before. The fact she was alive and had been trapped this whole time was just a secondary benefit.
Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, and you quickly fell to the red gas which filled the room. Waking some time later and seeing the doll gone you briefly considered the idea that someone else had taken her, that was quickly debunked when you ran into her in another room and she spoke to you. Apparently Huggy wasn’t the only toy which had some semblance of life in them.
Following your meeting with the face of the company, an alliance was made, with the goal of helping you escape this hellhole of a factory before things went from bad to worse. Not that you knew things were that bad to begin with, your discovery of the horrors lurking inside had only just began after all.
So when your newest companion was snatched up by the pink hand of Mommy Long Legs, you quickly followed, determined to save the porcelain doll and hopefully get some answer to the quickly building questions.
This led to a trip to the fabled game station, a place you had only ever heard of through co-workers. It was an interesting place, filled with play areas and games. Not long after you entered the place had you run into Mommy again, Poppy held in one of her hands, bound by web.
And thus, the games began. Musical memory being the first, a Simon-Says kind of game, with the caveat of a murderous bunny, Bunzo, slowly approaching with the promise of an immediate demise if he caught you. Luckily you managed to keep up with the rapidly increasing difficulty, until Mommy decided to cheat of course. At which point you managed to find a fail-safe to let you escape, much to two of the three watching toys disappointment.
Wack a Wuggy followed that, which you also managed to get through, with some more difficulty than the previous. Dexterity was not your strong suit. You also felt some pang of guilt upon seeing the miniature versions of a toy you not so long ago sent down into some dark void.
The last game was statues, featuring the adorable yet somewhat creepy PJ Pug-A-Pillar. This game was the hardest of the three, the constant feeling of the dog caterpillar hybrid breathing down your neck, the fear that any time you had to stop he was mere moments away from catching up, only to be avoided once the lights turned off again.
Once reaching the end, you once again realised that Mommy had cheated, there was no way out of here. At least there wasn’t until you smashed through a window, making your own exit.
Mommy had been very angry with this fact, calling you a cheater, it taking all your willpower and a smidgen of fear to not retaliate calling her the cheater. Not that it mattered in the long run anyway, and boy was it a long run. The chase with Huggy barely lasted a third of the time you were being pursued by Mommy.
A dead end was where the chase reached its conclusion, though not for you surprisingly. The lever you pulled in a hurried state once entering the room did not open the doors like you expected, it started the industrial sized grinder. It just so happened to be the same grinder Mommy had gotten her arm stuck in, upon entering the room.
Her screams echoed through your mind for a while after that experience, watching her slowly be mulched by the shredder, ranting and raving about someone making her part of him, whoever him was. Well that question was quickly answered when a metallic hand reached out from under a door and snatched up Mommy's corpse.
Deciding you had enough of whatever this place was by this point, you reached the train in record time and quickly inputted the code to activate it. Unfortunately, this place clearly wasn’t done with you as Poppy apparently decided you were too perfect to lose and derailed the train in an attempt to make you stay.
Attempt isn't the right word, since she succeeded in the end the train being an unfortunate casualty of the whole thing.
When you woke up, it was to the sensation of being carried and subsequently dumped into a trash chute. Once you managed to get out of it and make your way through the next couple rooms, you eventually made your way to the wreckage of the train, which clearly told you that it was not going to be the way you got back up.
It was at that point when you met Ollie, a new supposed ally to your cause, what cause was that? Killing something called the Prototype. You weren’t sure when you had been enlisted to this cause yourself but you were too sore and tired to argue at this point. You were also pretty peeved at Poppy by this point, if she needed you to stay surely she could have just talked with you and not wrecked the only way out of this hellhole to trap you here.
Not long after this, you made your way to Playcare, another part of the factory, if you could even call it that anymore, which you had never visited before. It was pretty awe inspiring when you first saw it.
You continued making your way through the area, eventually leading you to home sweet home, which despite its name, was not very homely. The broken down area inspiring a whole lot of fear and a whole lot of tripping hazards. Luckily you didn’t have to stay there too much longer and you managed to activate a generator and get your relatively quickly.
Following that expedition you made your way to the school, which apparently was something they just had down here. Honestly the whole idea of this place being an orphanage was very freaky to you. Keeping kids down here indefinitely, waiting for supposed adoptions which in reality would never come. Thanks to some more notes and VHS tapes you discovered the disturbing fact that these toys in reality were children, transformed by some sick science.
Suddenly the deaths of Huggy and Mommy haunted you immensely more.
The school housed another horror for the collection in the form of Miss Delight, apparently she was the teacher of this place. There had been more at one point, but thanks to some dire circumstances, the rest were gone by now. Unfortunately for you, the generator in the school was destroyed, which meant you had to go to the only place you hadn’t so far. Not before having to commit another murder obviously, Miss Delight falling victim to a safety hazard of a door.
Playhouse had a similar aesthetic to the game station, though clearly more aimed at smaller children, and made singularly for fun and not testing. Unfortunately this place also housed much more hostility than game station, and that’s saying something. The Mini Smiling Critters were vicious and relentless. A flare gun being the only thing keeping them away long enough to keep going.
Eventually you managed to reach a prison of some kind, its single inmate being half of a DogDay. After listening to what ended up being his last words before he was used as a puppet by the mini Critters you made a dash to escape, barely managing to get away this time. The effects of this whole night were taking their toll, you soldiered on regardless. Your previous mindset of just wanting to get away from this place being replaced with a desire to see this place freed from the tyranny which apparently was running rampant.
Next came your trip to the councillors office, where unfortunately you ran into CatNap, who stripped you of your only protection from the dreaded red gas, leaving you to face nightmares of the guilt eating away at you. Why he kept toying with you instead of just killing you outright was a mystery.
Eventually you managed to get out of the office and continued trying to return power to the facility. This errand led you to another encounter with CatNap, whom you barely managed to escape, before being cornered in a safe-room, though the safety of the room was very questionable.
This led to your final encounter with the Cat, culminating in the beast being set alight by the violent shocks of the green hand. Following what appeared to be his impending demise, a hand reached down from a hatch above, the same one which stole away with Mommy's corpse, the Prototype, Catnaps god.
You hadn’t expected his god to pierce his head with his razor hand and lift him away and out of sight. Not sure what to think of all that, you decided not to. Simply moving on and continuing with your mission of liberation and revenge.
It was only when you reached the elevator which would supposedly take you down further into the facility, further towards the Prototype, that Poppy decided you deserved some information. The Hour of Joy was what they called it, the moment in which the toys of this place rebelled, killing almost every human in the facility.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement, but honestly at this point with everything you knew about this place, you didn't know if you could blame the toys for what they did. Not that you think it was justified, even if they only killed the guilty ones it wouldn't be right, but the fact they killed everyone. Well your feelings on all the toys you had inadvertently killed were getting more complicated by the moment.
There wasn’t any time to ponder though, you had to keep moving, lest everything that has happened so far catch up with you and finally make you break. Unfortunately as usual it wouldn't be easy, As you and Poppy rode the elevator down you heard the sounds of a fight and the screams of Kissy.
Upon reaching the bottom of the elevator, Poppy elected to go back up to help and instructed you to keep going, the plan couldn't stop. And that’s what led you to what seemed to be a dumping ground for the Mini smiling critters, thousands of corpses littered the whole area. Paying them as little mind as you could, you kept on moving entering the apparent prison this place had, cause why wouldn’t it.
Making your way through the prison was a very unnerving experience, it just so happened to be the first place you actually saw human corpses, something about seeing someone just like you, dead, was more unsettling than the toy corpses you'd seen previously.
Meeting the doctor was also not exactly a fun experience, he was a horrible man in life from what you could tell, and whatever he was now clearly made it worse. Even worse yet was the fact that he clearly had no intention of getting his own hands dirty and instead set his attack toy on you, Yarnaby. A toy who would otherwise be absolutely adorable, but considering he was trying to kill you, that cuteness was much harder to appreciate.
Luckily you also started to meet someone else, someone more helpful. At first it was just hands without a face, helping in small ways like telling you where to go and what to do. And finally he gave a real helping hand when you almost met your end against Pianosaurus. Doey was an interesting guy from what you could tell, his personality was very mixed, likely from the fact he was made up of three separate children, a fact you only found out later on as you continued to explore the facility.
As you followed Doey to a supposed safe haven, with Poppy and Kissy following, the latter being injured from her encounter with whatever attacked her. Safe haven was an interesting place, mainly due to the amount of toys which were passive towards you, previously the amount of passive toys could be counted on one hand, and now there were more than thirty of them. Still not a lot but considering the circumstances, you'd take it happily
It was once you were inside the generator room with Doey, you realised the different ideas of what has to be done to the factory. Poppy wanting the whole place gone while Doey is much more considerate to all the toys remaining in the factory.
You decided that choosing who you wanted to help more could wait, you had to deal with the doctor first anyway. Everyone agreed that he had to go, regardless of what came afterwards.
After leaving the safe haven and going to continue with your journey to find and defeat the doctor, you found yourself moving through the vast caverns, and oh so luckily for you, you got to have Yarnaby for company during the whole thing too. At least you did, until the chase out of no mans land. Unfortunately Yarnaby was a lot more flammable than he thought he was, and that was his eventual undoing, as a chain hung him above a pit, his yarn fur searing him alive as it burnt.
Unfortunately Yarnaby being gone didn’t stop the doctor being a nuisance, his next inconvenience for you was a series of tests, more like lectures, as you slowly went through the last section of the lab. Having to destroy a set of human organs held in odd chambers, at one point there was even a live critter in the chamber, though luckily you didn't have to kill that one to progress.
All this eventually led to your confrontation with the doctor, where he showed that Yarnaby wasn’t his only muscle, strange robots with TVs for heads filled the underground chamber, as you slowly managed to move power around to different terminals to make your way back up to the doctors physical form.
A brain in a jar was the only thing left of the original doctor, and upon reaching the culmination of his being, a terminal lay just before him. Knowing what had to be done, you overloaded the system, destroying his life support system and gifting him a swift death. Perhaps too swift for someone who did as much evil as he did.
Following his defeat, you managed to acquire the omni-hand, a key upgrade which was needed to fix safe havens generator and to continue through the facility.
Luck wasn’t on your side though. Upon reaching safe haven again finding yourself in the generator room, ready to fix said generator, there was an alarm and a frantic call from Ollie. The prototype had found safe haven, Doey had to leave to keep him away. Poppy had to leave to try and gather the survivors and keep them safe. Leaving you to fix the generator, with Ollie’s help luckily.
Fixing the generator didn't take long, but any moment where it was off meant safe haven wasn’t safe. Nothing seemed to go wrong at first, Poppy returning to you and congratulating you. Doey was nowhere to be found at first, and considering time was likely of the essence, Poppy instructed you to go down to the foundation and plant some explosives.
At first you weren’t sure if it was wise, especially without first talking to Doey like you wanted to. But Poppy reassured you that the explosives didn't have to be set off immediately, and a discussion with Doey about if it was truly a good idea could still happen, and with that in mind, you quickly moved down to the foundation.
Planting the explosives and making sure to correctly mix the compounds you finished your work and quickly moved to return to safe haven. Running into Doey on the way back, who had the very unsettling news that he didn’t know where the Prototype was anymore, having lost him in the tunnels.
That’s when an explosion went off, shocking the both of you. It wasn’t from the foundation, it was from safe haven. Both of you made your own ways back, Doey through a pipe and you through an elevator.
Everyone was dead by the time you got there, somehow the Prototype had gotten into the area, despite everything done to try and keep it out. To say that Doey didn’t take the news well would be an understatement. It was at this moment that it truly became clear that he was an amalgam of multiple people, the different voices fighting with each other about who’s fault it was. Jumping between blaming you and blaming himself.
Eventually it’s clear the voices blaming you won over, and he lost control of himself. His form becoming monstrous as he chased you throughout the caverns. Eventually finding yourselves in a very large cave, clearly meant for mining. Equipment laying around, fortunately for you though, it could be repurposed to deal with Doey, more now than ever you didn’t want to kill the toy, but he was giving you no choice.
It all culminated as you tried escaping through a door, the scanners not working fast enough as Doey catches up to you, grabbing you and clearly having murderous intentions. Leaving you with no choice but to put him down. The large mining bore digging deep into his frozen body.
It was only after you managed to catch a breather that you stopped, sitting down to get your bearings, before realising you didn’t even know if Poppy had survived. You began to search around, finding yourself going through an air vent, just so happening to run into Poppy and Kissy.
At first she blamed you for what happened, yourself having no energy to fight anymore. It was all interrupted by the phone ringing. And that's when it unravelled, Ollie had been the prototype the whole time. To say that you were all scared would be an understatement, especially Poppy, when she realised what was in store for her, another box. Clearly it was too much for her, as she decided to run. Abandoning you and Kissy.
All that your remember after that, is an explosion and Kissy trying to save you, unfortunately her arm clearly wasn't up for the challenge, breaking away from her body.
You found yourself even deeper in the Factory, apparently there existed even deeper labs It was only here that you finally started seeing where the name Poppy came from, the flowers being seen all over the place. Despite your injuries you kept moving, eventually finding yourself in a room with heavy bulkhead doors on both sides, and a VHS player with one lone tape.
The contents of the tape were once again something which would not bring you any rest. Talking about how you were not meant to be here, and how security had been alerted to your presence.
What that security was, quickly revealed itself.
Huggy Wuggy himself. At least now you didn't have the conflicting feelings about killing him by accident.
*Will be continued when Chapter 5 is out lol*
It happened so suddenly that you almost fell flat on your face, stumbling forward and barely catching yourself. Taking a moment to get your bearings and push down the nausea plaguing your stomach, you look around. You’d just been down in the deepest parts of the factory, how did you manage to get back to the lobby. Confusion wracked your brain as you looked around, suddenly your head hurt and everything felt so foggy you had to sit down.
What happened? Why were you here?
The letter, that’s why, you’d come back to investigate what happened to your co-workers over a decade ago. Right, you were here to find out what secrets this factory held, but wait. No you’d already been here, you’d already gone through the whole factory. Why couldn’t you remember, you were so certain this had already happened, the deja-vu making your head pound.
Surely you hadn’t imagined it all, everything that happened, all the death all the pain you’d gone through. Why was it like you were back at the start. Why couldn’t you remember what happened before.
Slowly standing, you make your way through the lobby, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Finding yourself back in the room which was meant to hold the Huggy Wuggy statue, but he wasn’t there. He was there before wasn’t he? Maybe you weren’t back at the start, maybe you'd just come back up here without realising. Then why was the security room locked again, why was everything locked again.
This couldn’t be the first time you’d been here, you remembered the code to the door, opening it immediately. The grabpack was there though, the same place you vaguely remember it being before.
What was happening, why was everything so familiar, why did you feel so strongly that you’d already done this.
You should just leave, you knew what horrors awaited you in this place, the hell you’d have to go through again. But was any of that real, was it all a bad dream, did you imagine it all. No surely not, but did it really matter? Either none of it was real and this place was actually just an old abandoned factory, or everything was real.
That meant all the toys were still down here, suffering, everyone you’d met was still stuck here, Poppy was still in her box. Safe haven was still on the brink of collapse. DogDay was still being tortured by CatNap.
The prototype was still running the place like a tyrant.
No you couldn’t leave, you knew what you had to do. You had to do it all again, you had to save these toys, these kids.
But you could just leave, the exit wasn’t out of reach yet, you didn’t owe anyone here anything, you’d already gotten your answers, you knew everything that happened.
But could you really believe yourself, what if it was all in your head, a defence mechanism to stop yourself from diving down the rabbit-hole.
The nausea returned, alongside the headache, and you found yourself sliding down to the floor, curling in on yourself.
“What do I do?”
Breaking down into sobs as your vision darkens and a restless sleep takes over your body.
A blue figure curls in on itself, silent cries leaving its body as it shakes relentlessly. What was happening, why did everything hurt when they were completely fine, why did it feel like they’d been tortured again, why wouldn’t the pain go away.
They’d ran away from where they’d woken, in the main lobby, it wasn’t like anyone was coming, no one would know.
No one would come for him.
He was alone.
A doll stands perfectly still within its box, though its mind is anything but. Thoughts of the last moments before now rushing through its head. What happened, why were they back here. Everything was going so well, they were winning. Then something went wrong, and the next thing they knew, they were back here.
Was it all a bad dream, a hallucination.
They had to calm down.
She had to calm down.
If she was back in the box, that meant nothing had changed, it was back to how it was before.
It meant she had time, to think, to plan.
So that’s what she’d do.
Frantic breathing came from the pink creature, their elongated limbs carrying them through the vents of this god forsaken factory. They had to see, what happened, the world was black for so long and then suddenly they were back.
They didn't want to be back, they were happy it was over, the nightmares the torture.
Why was it happening again, what did they do wrong.
She knew some of the things she did were cruel but it was all for their benefit, the children wouldn’t learn if they were coddled.
She had to be strict, she had to be.
She was a good mother, she was.
Unlike the others, this creature felt no fear, no desperation.
But confusion did wrack their brain, why were they back here.
Had their god granted them a second chance, a chance to right the wrongs it had done before. Yes that must be it.
The Cheshire grin grew, this time it wouldn't make the same mistakes as before.
His god would smile upon him, he would act out his will perfectly this time.
Though he did wonder, if he was granted this second chance.
Why hadn’t he been told about it, why was he being left in the dark, surely he would act better if he knew what had happened.
It must have been a test, to see if he would be able to enact his gods will properly this time, to make sure he wouldn't hesitate to do it all again.
Red seeped from the open wounds of the brown creature. Their breathing was ragged and laboured.
Why, were they back, why couldn’t they be allowed to rest.
Had their tormentor brought them back, had he not decided that they had suffered enough.
But that would mean that their Angel had failed.
That couldn’t be it, he couldn’t let that idea enter his mind, something else had happened, he had been granted a second chance, whatever happened before wasn’t real.
He knew their angel would find him again, he knew they would free everyone.
He had to believe it, because if he didn't, he wouldn’t last much longer.
The multicoloured beings mind was in a state of chaos than before, their thoughts were jumbled, shouting over each-other.
All trying to be in control, all trying to find out what happened.
Hadn’t they died, hadn’t they been killed, hadn’t everyone been killed?
Then how was everything alright now, how was safe haven, safe?
He can’t think about that now, it was safe, it was back to normal.
He had a second chance, to right what he did wrong.
And he wouldn’t let anything go wrong ever again.
The organic machine whirred to life, it couldn’t feel drowsiness, yet somehow its thoughts felt sluggish.
What was wrong, what had happened.
Luckily this creature, being machine in nature, did not share the same limitations as organics.
It had access to files, to records, to solid concrete data.
But if it was solid concrete data, why was it missing.
Nothing had happened, nothing of note at least. Years of a stalemate, years of no change.
But that couldn’t be right, he knew something had happened. He wasn’t a foolish organic who dreamt, he didn't hallucinate.
Something happened, and yet it didn't.
Perhaps the other one would know.
Strange, no response.
Usually it would respond within seconds, it was linked to the communication device it used after all.
But even after hours, nothing.
Strange, but no matter, he had no need for that abomination anyway. He was smart enough to figure it out on his own.
The sleep you fell into on the flood was not as refreshing as you’d hoped it would be.
Waking up in pain, aching joints and still a pounding headache. But no nausea, so that was a plus.
Standing up, you see that you’re still in the security room, the same place you were before.
That meant this wasn’t just a dream you could wake from, this was real. Whatever happened before was still unknown, perhaps it was real or perhaps it was all in your head.
Regardless, your mind had been made, you couldn’t leave this place, not yet.
There was at least one person you knew you could save, after that, it was anyone's guess as to what happens.
This place had chewed you up and spat you back where you started, whether it was a good or bad thing, it happened. And you wouldn’t squander this second chance, a chance to do better.
With that last thought, you strap on the grabpack, and begin your descent back into the depths of the factory.
Not seeing the beady eyes watching you fearfully from the dark corner of the room.
Hopefully you enjoyed this read because I enjoyed writing it.
It's gonna be a while before I can actually continue this, waiting for chapter 5 after all. But I may write some other Poppy Playtime stories in that wait, time will tell.
Hope to see you in the full story If I manage to keep my inspiration til then.
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scrion7 · 2 years ago
today on parallel ships
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stay-pos-cos · 10 months ago
Anyone else get a little sad when they remember how the only thing Mary wanted was to be normal and both of her boys wound up carrying that with them after being forced into the life she left behind by the love of her life.
Sam left the life to be a lawyer, Dean left to be a father but in the end neither of them could escape their calling, just as Mary couldn't live her applepie life without everything coming down around her. You don't leave hunting, it ends when you die, usually bloody.
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vegasqueenbee · 8 months ago
BikiniHoney.com 🍯
IG: LoveQueenBee
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surr3al1sm · 10 months ago
I very much enjoy the contrast between how I write Wanderlust and his parents and Jack and Night Swan.
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koshka-sova · 1 year ago
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alex-guerin · 8 months ago
I leave for Michigan tomorrow morning. Hoping to be on the road by 9am...which is the absolute ass-crack of dawn to a second-shifter. But it's a 5.5 hr drive to where I'm staying...so, ass-crack of dawn it is. I have everything packed up. I've showered. I got the lawn mowed like my mom wanted. The litter box cleaned and changed for my boys. I think I'm ready to roll.
Only thing I did NOT count on, was when I transferred money over to my checking from my other savings account...I had one $200 payment come out, followed by another $160 payment, followed by gas and ordering supper tonight and getting the last few little things I needed...the money I transferred over that was supposed to be for my hotel *zAp* gone. Eaten up. But, it's okay. I got my paycheck today, not as good as I would have liked, but whatever, it was still pretty decent, and I had shoved $700 away in a DIFFERENT savings account, so between the two, plus what I had left in my checking, should be fine on my trip.
Plus, I've already decided fuel and occasional food is going on my credit card. So there's that.
I'm excited, though! I've never driven this far by myself before! Two summers ago, I drove myself to the Field of Dreams in Iowa, which was a 3-ish hr trip one way, but that's it. I don't usually long distance travel by myself. Or if I do, it's by plane and I am going to the West Coast to visit @ralkana and @ladytian (BTW- I need to plan a trip out to you two again soon, too!!!)
Not only that, I'm staying at a hotel by myself, that I booked myself, AND getting a tattoo for my bday!
Lookie me doin' the fun Big Kid Stuff, finally!!
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iamyaell · 1 year ago
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Sorry I cannot hear you I’m kinda busy
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17kay83 · 8 months ago
Holy Shit.
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SHES SO FREAKIN PRETTYYY. At first I was sceptical but then I saw her in game, in the plot, and suddenly I was like ’DAMN’. I love her design, but her little front braid things are throwing me off.
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She tied her hair up to loop around rings. Now those rings have hair weaved around them then braided. THE HOOPS ARE THROWING ME OFF. Don’t get me wrong her hair is beautiful, the gold elegantly highlights her hair making it look soft.
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lesbiankoby · 5 months ago
from the twins perspective they’re both genuinely horrified at the story eva awkwardly relayed to them— that she didn’t know she still had a sister, a twin, until a few days ago. just for sheer maximum irony. they might fight and bicker and bite but neither of them can really imagine a world where his brother isn’t sleeping on the other side of the room— not yet, anyway. they’re only eight.
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leekeyrouz · 1 year ago
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