#mom got so mad last time i brought up wanting to drop out. theres no way she would let me
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void-chara · 3 months ago
like genuinely i just dont think i can do this shit. im not fucking built for it and im tired of hurting myself in the process of trying. but also i dont have any other option. im so fucking tired and itz never gonna end and i wish someone would like, at the very least be able to even see how hard it is for me. i just want someone to fucking believe me when i say this isnt good for me and that my best isnt enough to make it through this. is it really so bad to want it to be Okay and Fine and Understood that my disabilities do in fact disable me.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 4 years ago
Okay so last week was a shitkicker and was literally so bad I spent the better part of the week trying to delude myself into thinking it was a good day. Like, we're talking, "the sun is shining and I'm here to see it so today is a good day" and "I'm having a bad day- fuck me I am not haveing a bad day- I'm having a good day- I'm not having a bad day". Denial is a powerful tool for mental health, apply judiciously. I get that everyone on earth is kinda having a shitty year but it feels like things just kinda escalated in my little corner
The 7th had a huge snow storm that brought traffic to a stand still. No one could leave the house and university class was online anyway. Batshit customer demanded to pick up her gear anyway. I drove in because I was the only person with keys to the shop that could get to the building. It took me a solid 2 hours going 15mph on the highway. The snow in the parking lot was up past the fenders of my truck. Crazy lady gets 10 out of 18 of her survival suits back but the other 8 still have holes in them because our only repair tech is also the only one who answers the phone or runs the computer or handles customers or cleans or disinfects anything or stores gear. I'll give you one guess who that person is.
Did you guess me? Good for you. Fun fact this was not the case in October.
Crazy lady swans off through the snowed in parking lot and because she cant find the exit, blasts straight through the ditch and onto the road.
I say fuck it and leave. I've been at work for 2 hours. I have made 24 dollars for my trouble. It takes me another hour to get home.
The 8th is Saturday and I'm supposed to be at work. No one can drive. There was another 10 8nches of snow last night. I say fuck work and go to dig out the plow truck. The canopy over the plow truck collapses as I walk out to clear the snow of it.
I do not scream.
My partner and I get the truck running and go plow people out of their driveways and then go do the shop.
We come back home and the heater doesn't work. We just spent most of last week frantically trying to limp the thing along because no heat at -20°F is in a word fucking unpleasant. At least now its 40 degrees warmer because if the snowstorm. We take it apart again. The house smells like diesel. The house smells like exhaust. The house is not cold because the wood stove can keep up at 20 above zero but it won't keep us through the winter.
There is no saving the oil heater. We need a new one.
Its 730 and neither of us have eaten. I start rice in the pressure cooker so I can throw a tasty bite on top and call it dinner and that dies too. Explosively.
Dinner is half cooked rice and microwaved curry.
Sunday is spent finding a way to stretch our increasingly thin budget to buy a new heater. Between us we actually have 2275$ and we will still cover the mortgage. Somehow. All our Christmas gifts will be hand made this year. The next thing that breaks will stay broken.
Monday, power outages due to snow storm. No wifi, no zoom meetings. Another 8 inches of snow. This is now more snow than my city gets for the full year.
My boss calls sobbing. The dog died. Joey, an 11 year old, 130lb mastiff with a tumor the size of a football on his liver has been her constant companion for at least 8 years. The pandemic has confused the bejesus out of him because while he loves the lock down and going out to play every hour or so he doesnt really like the concept of strangers in masks. Hes a guard dog and doesnt understand that men in masks coming into the shop are not here to kill mom they're wearing masks so they don't kill mom.
Mondays the shop is closed anyway and I spend it installing the new heater. It doesn't quite fit in the space the old heater came out of but its warm.
Tuesday, I go to work, everyone cancels class, I once again gently explain to a regular that eugenics is bad. I would like to curse him out. I cant. He drops a grand on scuba gear and leaves, talking about how great his trip to Mexico will be.
I do not scream.
A friend calls to ask how I'm doing. Not great. Yea, her niether. She asks if I want to go out to the backcountry with her over the weekend. I explain that my leg physically does not move and I'm downing copious amounts of advil to remain upright. The doctor sent me in for an MRI but has not yet called back. Plus I'm supposed to go to Valdez for the weekend and actually go diving. That I can do with limited use of my leg.
She says yikes, take it easy, take care of yourself, I love you.
I say, yikes, I'm tired of taking it easy, I wanna play, I love you too.
Hit me up if your plans open up and we can do something gentle on your leg. She says.
God yes. The cold woods away from people sounds like paradise. I dont even care that it will cause me rending physical pain to get there. I need a break.
Its Wednesday. I go to school. I get pulled over. Miraculously I dont get a ticket. I'm white female and conventionaly attractive, maybe not so miraculous. I rolled through a stop sign but I'm pretty sure I couldn't afford a ticket.
I get a text in class. One of the instructors who works with the dive shop has tested positive for covid. I haven't seen the man in 2 months. I needed a spare instructor but he was nowhere to be found. But hey, evidently that's a good thing.
I go to work. I vacillate between doing the job a 4 people and having nothing to do.
I go to the grocery store because I misjudged my last monthly grocery run and even though I'm increasing my exposure I'm out of cheese and tea damnit.
The store is packed. Pandemic who?
My partner and I haven't had a date nite in a while and this week has been shitty. I want a nice dinner. I pick up a couple boxes of the carton sushi which isnt terrible and is about as nice as I can justify on the new budget. I grab a gallon of milk and a few other things. I forgot my wallet in the truck and the cashier is chill and sets my stuff aside while I grab it.
I pay and take my stuff home and realize I left one of my bags at the store. No cheese or tea for me.
Thursday. 10am my phone goes off with an emergency alert. The govoner has grown a spine in light of recent elections and is instituting a voluntary lock down. My state has 500 new cases a day. That might not sound like a lot but theres only 300,000 people in Alaska and we've got poor medical infrastructure.
Unfortunately Alaska is full of Alaskans and nobody can tell us what to do. Nothing changes. 7pm rolls around and I'm teaching scuba classes in the pool.
I load a few hundred pounds of scuba gear into the back of my truck. In a wet wetsuit. In the snow. In a fabric facemask. 6 feet apart. In the pool.
I dont get paid for pool time.
Over the summer we had 6 dive masters including me, all big burly dudes, much better suited to picking things up. Its November and I'm the only one.
The kids I'm teaching are going to Hawaii. They're 10 and 13 and so wildly excited about breathing underwater its beautiful to watch. And they're traveling to an island. In a pandemic.
Unload scuba gear so it doesnt get stolen out of the back of my truck while I'm at class. Were doing a make up lab today. Hey of the five student in my class only one of us has covid so theres that.
My boss calls an let's me know that shes left for Valdez without me. If I'd like to make an 8 hour drive by myself in a snowstorm I'm welcome to follow.
I'm in class till an hour before shop closing. I'm not driving across town so I can run on the open sign for half an hour.
The shop stays closed on Friday.
I explained to everyone we had business with that the shop would be closed over the weekend and Friday. I planned on being in Valdez. Hell I canceled plans to be in Valdez.
I open the shop and immediately field calls about why we werent open. I start to explain about the Valdez trip and logistical difficulties and then I realize that shes not mad about that. The woman was here before I opened early this morning. We have never been open that early. The hours are on the door.
A regular comes in. Hes also confused as to why I'm here.
Sunday finds me curled up in bed, reluctant to leave. Getting out of bed has not played out well for me recently.
A friend comes over to chat with my partner about specialist rifle parts. This isnt that wierd, he works at a gun shop and they've been discussing upgrading my partners current rifle set up.
He is wearing a full Scottish kilt. Red tartan. Looks very lovely.
I make zucchini bread and my proportions are a little off because I have too much zucchini so it's a little over moist but it's good. I'm recovering from an asskicker of a week and next week will be better.
Monday morning:
Baby brother has covid
Dads getting the results of his rapid test tonight.
Mom isnt getting tested because she says she doesnt have symptoms but that's not the fucking point mom.
So, I'm not going home for thanksgiving. I'm not diving in Valdez. I'm not skiing backcountry.
I'm not sick. I'm not flat broke yet. I dont have a ticket. I have a job. I have people who care about me. Im managing my physical and mental health as best I can. Im just fucking exhausted.
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the-gay-cryptid · 5 years ago
Okay, I'm super pissed right now and I dont want to bother my friends with this, theyve got shit of their own, I just need to get the angry out of my system.
I want to shave my head. I want to because it would give me a feeling of control and it's the much safer, less permanent, and less painful of my three options: shave head, get piercing, get tattoo. Since whatever I picked would be self done, I naturally went with shaving my head.
I'm no fucking idiot though, I've done my research. I know that, because of my hair type and my own preferences, I dont want it too short. I would first get a #8 attachment, which it the longest you can get. That's what I would use. I looked up a video of someone comparing the lengths of each attachment when actually used on hair, so I have a better idea of what it would actually look like since I'm not good at visualizing lengths.
I was going to tell my mom all this, show her that this isnt a sudden decision, and that I've actually done research and know what to do/expect. It was still entirely possible she'd say no, but this approach was my best chance to convince her.
I told me dad this morning, "I want to shave my head. I think I'd have to order attachments since your clippers are too short, but its definitely doable." I said it this way because I've never had to prove to my dad that I know what I'm doing, like I'm writing a damn research paper.
He wasnt a fan, because he thinks I'll look like a man. He doesnt want me to look too masculine. That's a problem to revisit at a later time. I pointed out that I already look like a boy when I wear hats, my hair grows out fast, and that how he wants me to look isnt my problem. He conceded to all three points, though he still wasnt a fan. He wouldnt stop me, but we both knew I had to convince mom before I even picked up the clippers.
Mom came in, and we said good morning and so on. Then Dad says "she wants to shave her head." Which was the absolute worst possible way to introduce that to my mother.
To her credit, she handled it well. She said she didnt think it would suit my head shape, but if I wanted to I couldn't but if I did it she wasnt going to pay for my hair appointments anymore, even if I grew my hair out again. I wouldnt really mind paying for my own cuts and colors, it's just that it's kinda expensive and I have 10$ and no income until August assuming we're back on campus next semester. I figured I'd think about it.
I took a shower, did makeup, and finished making some earrings I started last night. Then I went to show my parents, because i was proud and I thought they looked cool.
Dad loved them, mom definitely thought they were tacky, but I'm used to that and she's given up trying to convince me that tacky jewelry is bad.
She was making a face that screamed "not a fan", and I asked her why she was making said face. I expected a comment about how people would judge me, and I was totally emotionally prepared for that and ready to let it roll off. But instead, she says
"This doesn't seem like a good use of your time. I just dont feel like enough work is getting done"
I dont know if any of you know this about me, but I'm very sensitive about my work ethic. I've had problems in the past, but I've worked fucking hard to learn the self discipline and time management I have today. It's not perfect, but I'm better than I was. So when people imply that I'm not doing enough, or I'm lazy, or that I'm wasting my time instead of working, I take it a little harder than most.
I didnt linger, because it wouldnt help anyone. I just left and waited in the kitchen to vent to my dad.
"I just wanted to show her something cool." I said. I kept my voice low, because mom has a habit of walking in when I'm venting about her and then getting overly offended and turning it into me being disrespectful. "And she just ignored it-" at which point my dad cut me off. He doesnt like when I complain about mom. He doesnt like the confrontation that occurs if she over hears, and he doesnt like seeing her upset that her kid is implying shes a bad mom. She isnt, but she's not perfect, and as a grown ass woman who lectures me about the same flaw, she should be able to take criticism.
I'm still a bit pissed, so I just grabbed my laptop and went upstairs to do schoolwork. I dont have much to do, since, contrary to my mother's suggestion, I'm very on top of my work, and even ahead on some of it.
Just now, I went down stairs to take a break and grab my house shoes. I talked to my dad a little bit about some netflix shows. Then, because I thought maybe I could sway him a little, I showed him the video of someone comparing all the attachments and how short they actually cut.
I also pointed out that mom wouldve reacted better if hed let me explain what I wanted. He disagreed, so I told him how I'd present the idea:
"I have something I want to do, and I've done a lot of research, so I understand what to do, what I'd need, and how to do it the way I have in mind. I'd like to shave my head, not super short though. I'd use the longest attachment..." et cetera, et cetera.
Basically I'd just prove to her this wasnt decided on a whim. And then I'd ask her opinion. She'd hate it, but at least she'd probably consider it. Even Dad admitted it might have worked.
I started telling him why I wanted to do it, the whole needing to feel in control thing. But he was putting away clothes and heading his and Moms room, and if mom heard me talking through all this she'd get mad and double down on the "fuck no" stance. So I dropped it for now.
But then my dad thought hed be real fucking funny. I was standing in the bathroom with him, and he turned on his clippers and started to reach for my hair. I grabbed his arm to stop him. I knew he was joking, it was just my knee jerk reaction since his clippers have NO attachment and would actually buzz my head completely.
He then said, very smugly, that that's the reaction of someone who doesn't actually want to shave their head. I told him that wasnt funny, and started to explain that I stopped him because it wouldve been the wrong length.
But mom, being in the bedroom right fucking next to us, got PISSED. She then informed us, mainly me, that I wasnt allowed to shave my head, and that she'd be so furious if I did it. And now i was mad with both of my parents.
Since I couldnt be delicate about it anymore, I told her point blank the whole conversation this morning wouldve gone better if dad hadnt said anything, and that I was going to actually explain myself before telling her I wanted to shave my head.
She listened to my whole explanation. I'll give her that. But when I finished, she just hummed and went back to her work. Which is mom for "fuck no, and this is a stupid idea."
As all conversations with my mother inevitably go, I went to the kitchen to talk to dad. I told him he shouldnt have done any of that, and that now, because of him goofing off, mom wasnt taking anything of said seriously.
He told me he was sorry he did that, but that he didn't want me to do it anyway. I reminded him, in far less polite terms than usual, that I dont care what he thinks and that it's my hair and my choice.
He agreed and apologized again, still just as insincere.
Since I didnt have the patience or calmness to try and talk about it further, I went back upstairs. I heard him calling me a little bit ago, probably to talk again, but I'm still fucking angry.
Because of him not only taking away my ability to bring this up with my mom on my own terms, and then ruining any chances of her taking me seriously, theres no way in hell I'm going to be able to do what I wanted. I know shaving my head isnt that big of a deal, but the amount of bullshit its brought out of them both is infuriating.
If he'd just kept his fucking mouth shut this morning, all this could've gone so much better.
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iceprincessmiyu · 5 years ago
Off on a New Adventure
Just a little short story I wanted to write as an in between for the two fics I'm working on with my OC and the SwSh cast! (The first story is when they are all young and taking part in the Gym Challenge, and the second is many years later, just before the events of the game take place!) This story takes place two years after Leon becomes champion and they are all around 12 years old.
Hiki paced around as she waited for each of her friends to arrive. She asked them to meet her in their old "hideout" in the Wild Area where they used to meet with each other and camp together during their gym challenge. She had news to tell them, but she wasn't quite sure how they would take it.
Finally, they arrived. "Alright, we're all here. What did you need to tell us, Hiki?" Raihan asked. "Hope it's important! I was in the middle of training Flygon for my next match with this guy!" He lightly punched Leon's arm as he said this.
Hiki kicked a rock that was in front of her, something she did often when she was nervous. "Well… I'd say this is pretty important."
"Then you have our full attention!" Leon responded with a bright smile. 
She took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay… well you see… all of you have been working so hard lately chasing after your dreams, and I… still have no idea what my dream is."
"That's okay, Hiki! You don't have to know right away! We're still kids, so you have plenty of time!" Sonia said. 
"Yeah, but the thing is, I'm just not sure I'm going to find it here in Galar." Hiki lowered her head. "I called my mom last night and she offered to buy me a ticket to come back home to see her and sign me up for the Johto Pokemon League this year."
Leon felt his heart drop to his stomach. "Wait… you're leaving?? You won't be here to see my Champion Cup battle this year?" But she was his best friend! She had been there for every battle since he had become champion!
"I'll still be able to stream it live! I'd never miss it for anything! I know how importa--"
"It's not the same. You promised you'd always be there to cheer me on." He shook his head, the disappointment very clear in his voice.
"Lee…" Sonia started and placed a hand on his shoulder but he just shrugged it off and stormed away. She then turned to Hiki, with a worried expression on her face. "Hiki, I'm so sorry… I don't know what's gotten into him."
Raihan chased after Leon, and Hiki and Sonia could hear him shouting at him in the distance. Hiki sat back on a rock and sighed. "No, it's okay. I should have seen this coming…" 
"Don't worry about it, okay? He will be fine. Just give him some time! He'll realize what a big step forward this will be for you and I just know he'll support you! He's probably just sad that we won't be able to see you for a while, which is something we are all feeling." Sonia hugged her friend, tightly. "We are going to miss you, but you've gotta do what's best for you!"
Hiki returned the hug with a thankful smile on her face. "Thank you, Sonia."
Over the next few days, Hiki hadn't heard a single word from Leon and grew very worried. It was almost time for her to board the train that would take her to the airport in Wyndon and only Sonia and Raihan had shown up to see her off. 
"You have everything you need, right?" Sonia asked. 
"I think so," Hiki responded, a little distracted as she searched through the crowd, hoping Leon was only running late because he got lost again. "Do you think he's coming?"
Raihan sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, Hiki. I tried… He didn't answer his phone."
"This is the final boarding call for the 2:00pm train to Wyndon. Final boarding call."
Hiki groaned before hugging the two of her friends. "I guess we're out of time. Just… tell him I said goodbye, okay? I'm really going to miss all of you!" She grabbed her bag and hurried to the gate, quickly turning her back to her friends so they wouldn't see the tears in her eyes.
She got to her seat and wiped her eyes. She knew he was upset, but would it really have killed him to at least say goodbye? 
Not long after the train began moving, Hiki heard whispers throughout the train car. "Is that who I think it is??" "Was he supposed to board the train or something?" "I heard a rumor that he gets lost all the time, so maybe he missed the train!"
"Hm?" Hiki peered out the window to see an unexpected scene; a Charizard flying alongside the train! But not just any Charizard…
"You're right! It's Champion Leon!" "Someone get the conductor's attention! I think he's trying to get on!"
"Y-You're kidding!" Hiki said to herself as she stared out the window in disbelief. What did he think he was doing??
Before long, the train came to a halt and many passengers on the train pulled out their Rotom phones and snapped pictures, cheering as their new passenger recalled his Charizard and boarded the train.
"Sorry, excuse me. Uh, thank you! That's very kind of you but there's someone I need to see," Hiki heard him say as he pushed through the crowd. He stopped in front of her with an apologetic look on his face.
"...you're late," she told him once the car quieted down, unable to hide the disappointment she had been feeling. "I thought you hated me for leaving."
"Hate you? You're my best friend, I could never hate you!" He sat down next to her, fiddling with something in his hand. "Honestly, I had every intention of coming to see you off with Sonia and Raihan, but I… might have forgotten where the station was."
Hiki couldn't help but crack a laugh. "I should've known better… I'm just glad you made it. I would have been so mad at you if you didn't say goodbye!" She smacked his arm playfully, before crossing her arms and sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.
"I know, I know…" He didn't want to tell her that Sonia and Raihan noticed her crying as she boarded the train. "But hey! I brought you a going away present! Just don't open it until you get to Johto, okay? It hatched last night!"
He handed her a Pokeball with a ribbon tied around it. "A Pokemon? Really?" She stared down at the ball in her hands. "Thank you, Leon! I promise I'll take really good care of it!"
"I trust that you will!" he responded with a wide grin. A moment later, however, the grin faded and he sighed. "Listen… I'm really sorry for the way I reacted the other day in the Wild Area. I guess I just never expected you to want to go so far away, but it wouldn't be fair to ask you to stay if you weren't happy here."
"I won't be gone forever, silly! I just want to get out and see the world… discover the type of trainer I'm really meant to be! I'm just not cut out to be a champion like you or a researcher like Sonia, and as much as my mother would want me to I can't see myself as a gym leader like Raihan is training to be. I want to do my own thing, you know?" 
"Yeah, I understand! And no matter what that ends up being, I'll be rooting for you the whole way!" he told her, while pumping a fist in the air. "But there's just one favor I want to ask of you."
"Hm?" Hiki tilted her head. "What is it?"
"Don't forget to call! All the time!! Even if I'm busy, I want to hear what you're up to! I just know you'll have lots of exciting adventures out there!" he exclaimed. 
"I promise! And you try your best not to lose your title to Raihan," she said with a giggle. "He would be unbearable as champion!" she joked.
"Please, theres no way I'm going to lose my title to anyone! I bet I'll still be undefeated by the time you get back!" he said with his hands on his hips. He sounded so confident! But then again, this was how he always was.
When the train arrived at the station, the two young trainers stepped outside and turned to face each other. Hiki had a sad smile on her face and almost had second thoughts about leaving. She really didn't know if she would make any new friends when she got back to Johto. It could be lonely.
Leon wrapped his arms tightly around his friend and hugged her tightly. "You're going to be great out there! I believe in you!"
Tears filled her eyes again for what felt like the hundredth time that day upon hearing him say those words. They meant so much more to her than even she understood. He was such a good friend. "Thank you, Lee. I won't let you down!"
She grabbed her things and walked toward the airport entrance, but before going inside she turned and waved to him one last time.
Hours later when she arrived in Johto, she sat on the bed in her old bedroom and held the Pokeball Leon had given her as a gift. He said it had just hatched recently… Did that mean this was from an egg he had received? Her curiosity was too strong to wait any longer and she released the creature from the ball.
"Char?" it cried. What sat on the floor in front of her was none other than a baby Charmander! How on earth did he get ahold of a Charmander egg?? Either way, she felt so much love for the small Pokemon instantly.
"Welcome to the team, Charmander. I'm your new trainer, Hiki! It's nice to meet you!"
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hyucksxxgirl · 5 years ago
Making me his.
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[11:16PM] You’ve been ignoring Haechan for the past few days because an old “friend” of his was back in town who happened to be named Rose, he had been completely ignoring you for her just because they were childhood friends. That was the last straw for you, you and him have had a kind of thing for each other and you guys were getting closer you guys even had sex together and were just enjoying yall selves having fun. You decided to not care and ignore him as well. You’ve been hanging out with Jeno trying to get distracted and it was surprisingly working. 
“Hey Y/N why don't you forget about him after how he just decided to ignore you once she came along, especially after what ya’ll been through”, He said.
 “I don't care at all, that's him and if he wants to be a dog then he can go ahead, I wont let it get in my way of having a good time my senior year”, you said.
 Even though you said you didn't care deep down you did and you were just so jealous it broke your heart but you didn't want Jeno to think something was wrong.
 “Why don't we go to this back to school party my friend Jaemin & Renjun are throwing tonight, everyone is going and they throw the best parties”, He said. 
“Actually you know what yea lets go, lets have fun like theres no tomorrow !”, you said. 
You were planning on hopefully getting drunk and maybe just have fun with a hottie there, since Haechan wanted to have fun why couldn't you ? 
Later on that night around 9 PM
You decided to let Jeno pick you up for the party, you decided to wear something that would defiantly get Haechan jealous. When you entered the party all eyes were on you and Jeno so you searched the crowd to see if Haechan was there and of course he was, looking hot as ever but with Rose. You actually wanted to burst out laughing because the face he had said it all, he was BIG MAD lol. After getting drinks completely ignoring Haechan you got tipsy, while dancing with Jeno you noticed how he was so close it was like yall were gonna kiss so for the chance to avoid it you said you had to go use the restroom.
 “I have to use the restroom real quick Jeno sorry”, you said.
 “Oh its ok don't take long Y/N”, he said.
 On your way to the bathroom you get pulled into a room and mesmerized the smell of cologne that hit your nostrils, Haechans cologne. You turn around to see him and indeed it was him, now the reason you aimed for jealousy with Haechan was because that's his main weakness, seeing the one that's “his” even getting touchedby another guy.
 “WTF Haechan !”, you screamed. He corners you to the wall and puts both arms against it trapping you. 
“I see you came with Jeno today ? I thought you were mines ?” he claimed. 
The tipsy goes to the back of your head real quick so you can bark back “ Oh so now its Jeno, what about litte Ms.Strawberry Shortcake out there huh? How can you tell me something when you started everything with her, I thought we were fine. It doesn't even matter you can focus on that cuz Im done with you, plus im sure Jeno can entertain me better than you” , you said laughing knowing you were enjoying how mad he was getting but aside was now the tipsiness also talking.
 He grabs you bringing you into a deep kiss having his tongue interact with yours literally giving you the best experience of a kiss, you try to pull back but you could never beat his strength. Aside from that you actually missed him even though it was not even a week you missed him so much and just wanted him to take you right there. He starts feeling on your body as he slips his finger into your panties going in between your folds, you let out a soft moan with your knees shaking like if they were jelly. He then starts to move in and out making you wet by how much you missed it you surely could see it. He picks you up wrapping your legs around him laying you on the bed, he removes his fingers and bends down to eat you out.
 “I bet you were planning on having sex with Jeno weren't you ?” he said.
 “No”, you squeak back. 
“Quit lying... you know that its only ME that makes you feel this good, that knows how exactly you like to be eaten out”, he says while sucking on your clit. Trying not to squirm and moan you fail knowing hes enjoying it, with Haechan you know you can never be in control but at a point you decide to suck him off just to show that you can control him too.
 You slip his partner in your mouth and lick all over giving it to him sloppy but with you messing with his head tasting the saltiness from his precum. You can hear him grunting and moaning as well “Fuck, you always knew how to suck me off baby”, he said.
 He then flipped you onto the bed taking full control, he slips his partner into you and you cant bear how good it feels you have to scream his name “HAECHAN”, saying how good he feels inside you. Good thing that you had told Jeno you weren't feel good and had went home because he would've been looking for you.
 “Damn your so tight just for me and only me baby girl”, he says while nibbling on your ear.
 He’s thrusting you so bad that your scratching all over his bac leaving so many marks and some were even bleeding, of course he couldn't feel it since he was so distracted by how good your pussy felt. You couldn't hold it anymore and told him how you were about to cum, “cum with me baby cum !”, he groaned. You both came and with that you licked every bit of his cum trying to take it all while sucking him just to make sure you got every drop. 
“Y/N”, he says, I want you to be my actual girlfriend.”
 “What?”, you exclaim, “What about-” he stops you and says “My mom just wanted me to show her the school cause her and her family will be here only for this week and they’re leaving tomorrow  that's why I brought her to the party, plus she knows about us, don't tell me you were jealous”, he states.
 “What of course not”, you shout back. 
“Yea I didn't even have time to explain to the guys either, but what do you say Y/N I mean I really like you and I think I actually love you, be mines please and give us a chance”, he says with the cutest face he’s showed you of the century.
 “Of course Haechan I actually think I might love you too, just being with you is all I need”, you say. He gives you a deep kiss hoping you guys get another round later at his house..<3
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bugheadspoby · 6 years ago
We're both crazy. (pt. 2 of Obsessed with my Stalker)
*Frequent changes of POVS*
29th August
Forsythe Pendelton Jones Jr. got arrested for Jason Blossom’s murder and the whole town sighed in relief except for the girl next door. She haven’t slept a wink since the news broke out. Who can possibly plant the murder weapon in his locker? and where did they find it? She buried them in the ground, this was one of the few things she learned from her favorite mystery series but the questions kept on spiraling in her mind. Was it her stalker? She haven’t received a note since that discovery. What could possibly be cooking up for her?
Jughead saw her tension visibly. He knew she haven’t slept in days and he didn’t either because he was busy observing her through the red head’s window and he had all the answers she craved but he wanted to feel the tension she felt inside her because he was crazy for when she contracts her little self and her body tenses up, lost in thoughts, trying to make things right by committing more sins. They both were equally crazy and psychopathic, both about each other and the little world of sins they created in disguise. The summer camp in school she joined for extra credit was finally over, which meant no more locker notes for a few weeks but her window was still open for them and she anxiously waited for them to come. She craved answers and only from him. On the other hand he loved watching her loose her mind over the arrest of his father. He was a creep and she was equally sinful, this is what made them a perfect power couple in Jughead’s mind. — 6AM in the morning she woke up by the sound of alarm clock and with her I woke up too because the sound was loud enough to wake someone who is a normal human being and not Archie. She stretched and yawned and then got up from her bed making her way to the semi closed blinds of her window and there it was! an answer I bestowed her. She picked it up and read it and suddenly she smiled creepily and her body breathed. Her shoulders relaxed and a soothing expression covered her face. It was just like the expression of my dreams when I finally let her come and it is oh so good. Oh how I love it when she looks like this but I love it even more when she is angry and tensed, that’s just hot on a different level.
“I got you covered babygirl, now you owe me”
She threw the paper away and laid down again on the bed facing the roof and I could perfectly see her curves, with her chest heaving up and down. My inner pervert was screaming at the sight of her never ending legs and the tight shorts that barely covered her ass was making me hard again. The cow named Archie shifted in his bed just when I was about to reach for my little one. He knows perfectly how to ruin a moment and he never have to put any effort, he just exists and boom! it’s ruined. He woke up and saw me at the window and without any suspicion, which requires a brain, he just greeted and walked into the bathroom. I turned around and she was gone too. I guess my little one has to wait more. I sighed and picked up my bag and rushed to the school where all the B&G staff was having a meeting, well it was just me and Kevin until I got to the office and to my surprise I found someone special waiting, in a perfect pink tank top and tight jeans that blew me away the moment I saw them on her long legs.
“Betty Cooper? What are you doing in the Blue and Gold staff meeting?” I asked, trying not to stare at her legs. “Jughead! Actually Kev called me here but he had to cancel. Today is my first day at the Blue and Gold” she said with a smile. “You’re-what?” I asked surprisingly. The one thing I was good at was writing and now she came here too to destroy me with her sexy little freaky self. How am I supposed to do stuff when she is literally sex on legs and constantly forcing me to push her down on Kevin’s nice little coffee table and give her a feeling she will never forget. “Yeah..I know you don’t like working with other students but I really need this for some extra credit and also to take my mind off of some things too” —
“Betty Cooper? What are you doing in the Blue and Gold staff meeting?” I heard his voice and a current ran in my body. An electric shock that turned me on instantly. God! why does he have that effect on me? Why him? Why a loner, dangerous Serpent King who probably cuts people down in his free time turns me on so bad and I feel things that I never even knew existed within me. This is unfair on so many levels but BETTY! you gotta stay focused, come to the point real quick. “Jughead! Actually Kev called me here but he had to cancel. Today is my first day at the Blue and Gold” I said awkwardly and he just looked at me with his signature smirk smile and the next thing I know was that I was wet downstairs. Can’t he feel the tension in the air? Can’t he just take me right there on Kev’s table? This is so bullshit. “You’re-what?” he asked surprisingly. “Yeah..I know you don’t like working with other students but I really need this for some extra credit and also to take my mind off of some things too” I blurted and regreted instantly. TOO MUCH INFORMATION FOR SOMEONE WHO IS PROBABLY YOUR STALKER BETTY! my mind yelled at me and he just kept on looking at me with creepy eyes. “What’s wrong Betty?” he asked in a dead serious tone and his voice turned cold. “Nothing just..typical family drama” I said fidgeting with my fingers. “I-Its fine Betts! You’re welcome to join!” he said after an interval and I smiled at him. “oh and theres this article that I’m working on and I was hoping Kevin will edit it but since hes M.I.A and you are newly recruited..you have to do it for me!” he commanded handing me a file and I was dying to say YES SIR but that would be awkward. “Yeah I will edit it till tomorrow” “Oh actually no! I want it in the next paper so tonight is the deadline” his expressions changed from soft to I don’t know what but he definitely had some mischief in his mind being all bossy. “Oh-um okay I will just drop it by then. Where will you be at night?” OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW BETTY! DUH. “Whyte Wyrm!” he spurted and my veins sparked. “Wh-wyrm? You know I can’t be there Jug!” “Why the hell not?” he asked. “Last time I was there at your crowning some freak threatened me because I’m a damn northsider” I said going down the awful memory lane. “Tall Boy? he won’t be a problem this time and.. since my dad..” he said and then stopped in between looking at the ground and I felt utter guiltiness in my veins. I was the damn reason his father was behind bars for something I did and my crazy stalker covered it up for me by sending the father of the boy I’m nuts for, to jail! How fortunate I am! “He’s not..around much since then” he completed. “Oh..I’m sorry Jug!” Okay Betty! time to get on point. Remember why you’re here in the first place. I took his hand and he looked up to me. “How are you holding up?” Perfect! I give perfect fake gestures of sympathy despite of the fact that I was having multiple wars inside my head, drowning in guilt and angry about my stalker but still.. looking at him, the feeling was getting stronger and I was two steps closer to my next mistake. He always makes me do things that my fake perfect self would never even think about. I was dangerous and it was all because of him and God knows what kind of drastic effect he has on me. “I’m okay..I guess” he said “he was never a good father or a good husband and he actually found his place.. Where a criminal like him belongs.. He’ll be at peace now for the rest of his life” once again my mind shouted at me. How about you use him to get to that skank? Would that be selfish? Who cares? I’m doing it. It’s time to play his dirty game my way. You’re doing good Betty just keep going. — “Last time I was there at your crowning some freak threatened me because I’m a damn northsider” she blurted. I remember that day clearly. She was standing far off with the Lodge bitch and I gifted Fangs a punch for flirting with Betty. Sweet Pea’s father the oldest living serpent scumbag gave me the crown and she stood there smiling as I wore it. She looked like a walking sex in the blue satin shirt and tight pink skirt with her hair down. I was so happy looking at her when my father brought a pink haired bitch in front of me and pronounced her my Queen without even asking what or who I want. The next day she was found dead in her trailer.
“Tall Boy? he won’t be a problem this time and.. since my dad..” I stopped in between to observe her reaction. I could see her guilt through her eyes and I was loving it. If only she knew what effect she has on me. She makes me go all crazy but what I hate the most is that I’ve had enough of suffering the madness all alone. I want her in it too. I want her to feel the same things I’ve felt. “He’s not..around much since then” I completed.
He’s not around because of me and nobody knows what went down in the wyrm the night Tall Boy came out to me about my plans and her crimes.
“I know what you’re doing boy” he shouted at me while a cigarette hung in between my lips. “You can’t pin all this on your father! You bastard!” “Easy Tall Boy. You don’t wanna mess with the king!” I smirked. “He is the one who made you King and you’re doing this bullshit to him?! To your father?” he shouted again. “Yeah I know..He is the one who dragged me in the serpents, he is the reason my mom left me and he is the damn reason JB died so yeah he deserves it!” I shouted back. “And you can’t possibly do anything to change my mind because THAT TIP has already been sent to the sheriff” I said and turned around until he spoke again. “I know who killed that Blossom boy and I know you’re doing this for that Cooper bitch” he spurted as my eyes turned red in anger. “I know she is the one who poisoned my niece and then her bitch mother published it as an Overdose of Jingle Jangle in her newspaper” I punched him before he could say more. Blood splattered from his face as he tried to maintain his balance. “Don’t you fucking dare disrespect your queen Tall Boy” I said and walked away trying to control my anger and planning to get rid of him. And the next day he was missing.
“I’ll see you tonight Betty!” I said patting her back and leaving the room before I do something stupid because boy Archie is having a deep influence on me nowadays. Half of my days pass by thinking about Betty and her legs and the other half goes thinking that how can a man be possibly as brainless as Archie is. I guess I’ll never know.
After leaving school I went straight to Tall Boy just to make sure he’s still alive for a fresh punch because that bastard doesn't even deserve to die this soon after disrespecting Betty. I turned on the lights of the abandoned trailer and saw him awake, still struggling to let himself out of the chains I tied him with. “Are you ready for your final punishment Tall Boy? Do you have any last wish?” I smirked. “You’re not gonna get away with this!” he said. “Oh come on Tall Boy! last time I was here you were pleading for your life. Why this change all of a sudden?” “You will pay! Just wait and watch! she’ll slit your throat the way she did to the Blossom boy and then send your chopped up body to the serpents” “You have no idea what I’ll do to her once I’ll get her Tall Boy! She’s gonna be my perfect queen” I whispered. “But too bad you’re not gonna be there to see it when we’ll have the ceremony after the night I mark her” I laughed and took out my pocket knife. “Say goodbye to the world you worthless snake” “Before you kill me! Remember that JellyBean died because of you! not because of FP” he blurted as my eyes turned red once again and I slit his throat twice just to make sure that bearded bitch dies painfully and left not knowing why my eyes were raining all of a sudden. All the way back to Archie’s home I couldn't stop thinking about what he said but to distract myself I tried thinking about the night I’ll get my hands on her. Oh Betty! You have no idea..I will woo you in a dark place but unlike him you’ll be lying in my bed instead of a grave and screaming my name instead of screaming for mercy. — I was pretty nervous while getting ready for the Wyrm with the intention of getting laid tonight and I’m not complaining when it comes to the boy of my sinister dreams..I’ll let him do anything he wants to do to me even if its on a snooker table in the Wyrm.. What a fantasy Betty! I want everything to be perfect. I want to look irresistible and I want to bring his inner perv out and then I’ll make him go even more crazier.
I did the right thing! Toni was never the right one for Jughead and he surely doesn't know what I did to her little faux pink bitch. 
I was, I am and I will be the perfect one for him no matter what happens. He needs a woman like me who is deadly, sinful and head over heels in love with him, drowning in his lust and craving him since the day she found out that he likes to see her naked. He is such a beautiful emerald eyed, raven haired walking sin that with every look he makes me want to rip off that snake skin from his body and cherish him by tasting every inch of him.
Oh Juggy! I’ve committed so many sins for you and now I’m gonna take what’s rightfully mine. YOU. TONIGHT!
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taenamseok · 6 years ago
The Case of Her Heart
Summary: A damaged man that just wants to feel alive again. A detective who doesn't understand people's emotions. Can they work together to bring down a criminal mastermind?
Warnings: mentions of drug use
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Chapter Six
"You're sure the text was sent from here?" Namjoon asks, looking at the brick building, his hands in his pockets. "Positive. Come on. I'm done playing games. Let's find out what's going on." Y/N huffs, starting across the street. Namjoon jogs after her, rolling his eyes as she rings the bell. "Don't you think this is a little reckless?" He sighs. Before Y/N can defend herself, the door opens, a young man rubbing his eye. He looked somewhat familiar, and when he moved his hand and saw who was on his doorstep, his face lit up. "Miss Y/N! What a pleasant surprise!' He beamed. "Kim Taehyung. What are you doing here?" Y/N asked. Namjoon remembered that name, and realized it was the guy that Hoseok brought by the lab. "What do you mean what am I doing here? This is my house. What are you doing here? Are you here to take me up on my offer? Oh boy, is that's the case I wish you texted me first, I would've cleaned up and gotten dressed better." The young man chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. He was dressed in a plain t-shirt and baggy pajama pants. "Oh please, come in! Oh." His face drops as he notices Namjoon. "I guess you too." He pouts.
Taehyung leads Y/N and Namjoon to the second floor, which was a bit messy. Empty pizza boxes laying around, empty soda cans, a complete disaster. "Sorry it's a little messy, I wasnt expecting any company. I should hire a maid or something, cleaning is so much work." Taehung chuckles, brushing crumbs off the couch. "You have a party last night?" Namjoon asks, grimacing at the mess. "Oh, no, I just don't like to clean up. Luckily my dad and his buddies keep downstairs." Taehyung smiles, scratching the back of his head. "Well, have a seat! Make yourselves comfortable! I'll put something on the TV." Taehyung smiles.
They all sit on the plush couch, Y/N squished between the two men. "So, your father, he stays here?" Y/N breaks the silence. "Oh, the great detective Min Y/N, interested in my father? What, is he a part of your investigation or something?" Taehyung chuckles. "I'm not at liberty to say." Y/N says, monotone as usual. "Well, I want to help! What do you need to know?" Taehyung asks excitedly, turning his body to face Y/N. The look on his face and his mannerisms remind Namjoon of an inquisitive child. "That would make this a lot easier." Y/N sighs. "Does your father stay here with you?"
"My dad's work is here, he doesn't live here. My family is pretty rich so they live in a big house just north of the Thames. I didn't want to live in that house anymore though, that area is so boring, no fun people. So, my dad got this place, pays for it, uses downstairs for his little business venture hes working on." Taehyung explains. "Here? If hes a wealthy man wouldnt you think he has somewhere closer to him and nicer than here?" Y/N asks. "Well this spot was easier for all of his friends so he picked here."
"And what is this little 'business venture' that he's got?" Y/N asks. "Oh, well, this isn't gonna go public, right? My mom isn't really supposed to know about it." Taehyung asks cautiously. "This will not be public. The police are not involved so no articles." Y/N assures him. "Ok, good. So, my dad, his main job is that he's the VP at Brigham Co. You know, the tech company? It's starting to really get a foothold in the market right now. But, that's not where his heart lies. He has a smaller business that he created, that he calls Kim Industries. He distributes high end sex toys. He's got a lot of women he hooks up with without my mom's knowledge, and toys are kinda his thing, and you know what they say, its not a job if you love what you do. He's a salesman. He puts out ads, they contact him, he shows them how to use it and boom, sale." Taehyung says.
"You know, if you're interested, Y/N, you could tell your puppy to run home and I could maybe sell you something. I know how a lot of these work and my dad keeps a ton downstairs. I could give a nice demo too." Taehyung smirks. "Hey, I'm not a puppy, and she's not interested." Namjoon objects. "How do you know? She might wanna try something new. And I mean, when I met you guys you were with her and now look, you're here with her again, holding onto her arm like you own her! She's a grown woman, she can do what she wants." Taehyung points out. Namjoon hadn't even realized, but his fingers were wrapped around Y/N's wrist tightly. "Namjoon, it's fine. No thank you, Taehyung. I'll pass." Y/N rolls her eyes at the bickering men.
"Well, is that all you wanted to know? What my dad does?" Taehyung asks. "What's your father's name?" Y/N asks. "Kim Eujung." Taehyung answers. "Well then, looks like it's time to go. Thank you for your cooperation." Y/N says, standing up. "Aw, leaving so soon? Why don't you hang out for a while? I could order a pizza and we could watch a movie!" Taehyung smiles. "Sorry, we really have to go." Y/N sighs. "Oh, well alright. Come by again soon! It'd be cool to hang out with you." Taehyung chuckles. "Unlikely. Thank you for your hospitality though. Namjoon, let's go."
"So, what now?" Namjoon asks, looking over at Y/N. "Well, everything he said checks out. Also, he seems too draft to ever lie properly. Right here, Kim Eujung, Vice Presidential of Brigham Co. Theres a picture too." She says, holding her phone to Namjoon. He sees a photo of a man, with the name they were given. "But why is this information true when Jungkook's wasn't." Y/N asks herself. The cab pulls up to Baker Street, and the two climb out of it and go inside.
"Oh, Y/N! Namjoon! I'm glad you're here. Someone is here to see you." Seokjin shouts. "Someone here to see us?" Namjoon asks. They step into Y/N's flat, and Jungkook is examining the books in the bookcase. He turns and smiles at them when he hears their footsteps. "Y/N! You're home!" He smiles. "Yes, I am. Why are you here?" Y/N sighs, taking her coat off. "Well, I wanted to see you! Also I have a question." He sighs. "What is it?" Y/N asks, rolling her eyes. "How long have you been using?" Y/N stops in her tracks at the question, completely paralyzed. "It must be a long time since you've hidden it pretty well. In a hollowed out book? That's pretty clever. Well, I expect nothing less from Min Y/N." The young man chuckles.
"Using? What do you mean?" Namjoon asks. "And why were you snooping through my stuff?" Y/N spits. "Y/N, what does he mean 'using'?" Namjoon asks. "Well, I wanted to read while I waited for you to get home. Picked up a book and found it. Why do you do it?" Jungkook asks. "Get out." Y/N mutters. "I'm sorry?" "I said get out! Leave! First you lie to me about the papers for your case, then you rummage through my flat after showing up uninvited? Out!" Y/N shouts. Jungkook quickly runs out, leaving Namjoon absolutely bewildered. "Y/N, what's going on?" Namjoon asks softly.
Y/N only sighs, sitting down in her chair. "Its none of your business." She mumbles, rubbing her temples. Namjoon's jaw tightens, and he goes to the bookcase, pulling out a random book. As he opens it, he gasps internally as he finds syringes. "How long?" He asks. "Years. Why does it matter?" Y/N sighs. "Why does it matter? What do you use?" Namjoon mumbles. "Oh for fucks sake, you're a bloody doctor, you can see what's in there for yourself." Y/N groans irritably. Namjoon only grows angrier as he flips through the books. "Morphine? Cocaine? Are you kidding? Why?" He asks.
"I don't have to explain myself to you! I don't have to explain myself to anyone!" Y/N snaps. "Put all of my stuff back! Now!" "You know what? No." Namjoon says, slamming the book shut. "I'm not going to sit back while you destroy yourself. You're too smart for this, Y/N." He huffs. He stomps to the kitchen, grabbing a garbage bag from under the sink. "Namjoon, stop it. Don't do it." Y/N warns, standing defensively. He ignores her, walking past and straight to the bookshelf, throwing all of the hollowed out books into the bag. "Namjoon stop!" Y/N cries, rushing over to him. "What the hell is going on?" Jin shouts, rushing into the room.
"Namjoon! Leave those alone! Stop!" Y/N shouts, grabbing at his shirt. "Jin, hold her!" Namjoon shouts. Jin moves quickly, picking up Y/N like a rag doll, pulling her away and holding her tightly as Namjoon finishes throwing everything out. He passes the screaming Y/N as he carries the garbage bag out to the dumpster. When he comes back he nods towards Jin, signaling or him to let Y/N go. They all catch their breaths, Y/N shaking violently. "What the hell Namjoon?" She screams.
"Like I said, Y/N, I'm not gonna sit here while you destroy your body. Your mind is too brilliant for that. I can't sit by and watch that happen." Namjoon says. "Well then, you can get out too. Both of you. I don't want to see either of you." She mumbles. "Y/N, you can't be mad at us for caring about you." Namjoon sighs. "I don't need anyone to care for me! I'm a grown woman that can make my own decisions! Christ, get out! I don't need you to care for me! I'm fine on my own!" She cries. Namjoon gulps loudly, his heart practically breaking at her harsh words. "Fine, but no matter what you do, you can't stop people from caring about you." He says before leaving, going to his own flat to be alone.
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ayyoitsalex · 5 years ago
Chapter 9 - Yes Chef!
Ooh! It's finally my turn to talk! We've never formally met, you've only read about me. Well anyway, my names Elizabeth Brooke Ryan. I go by a few names that my friends and family have come up with, so just pick one of those. Those names are; Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzy, Beth, Eliza, E.B., E.R, E., E. Ry, Ryan, and I think that's it. As you already know I'm youngest of my Ryan family siblings, I'm five foot five, blonde hair, green eyes, and I wear glasses. I didn't do sports like my siblings when I was in high school, I found a different kind of skill that I was good at. Instead I would learn cooking and baking at different rec centers and take classes wherever I could. I just found the whole thing so interesting, and it just came so natural. Despite my reputation as a picky eater. Hey I'm working on it! At this point I'd like to consider myself the best cook in my family. My siblings love being my taste testers and always have been ever since I made my first batch of cookies with mom when I was like..eight. Even though theres a pretty significant age gap between us, we're all close. I'm not any closer to one sibling more than another, I love them all equally. They all took time to take care of me growing up and in different ways. I study at a culinary school in San Diego, and my parents were gracious enough to pay for my entire tuition, but I do work at a restaurant for experience and y'know ya girl needs some spending money. I work at kind of a fancy-ish french restaurant, but I only do prep work. So I'm cutting lots of onions, carrots, potatoes, and crushing a whole mess of garlic. My dream is really to be a chef at a restaurant I love. Simple I know, but I'm a simple person. A lot of people think cooking is a chore or a hassle, but it's something I do that makes me happy and makes me feel creative and special. I live in a small-ish apartment near the school so on occasion I'll walk to school and work, but sometimes I'll feel weird walking around toting around a briefcase looking bag of knives. When I made the decision to go to culinary school it wasn't until I'd already done a year at a traditional college. I wasn't passionate about anything I was taking, and nothing seemed to make me want to dedicate my life to it. It was a real internal struggle since I didn't wanna feel like I was disappointing my parents in going an unconventional route. Though when I did finally tell them they were supportive. I don't know why I expected anything else from them, they're the best! Word got to my siblings on my decision and they all chipped in together to buy me my knives to show their support as well. They were Henckel knives that I'd walk by in Sur la Table all the time and just pine for. Can you say #Blessed ? -ALARM- I struggled underneath the covers trying to find my way out. When I finally emerged I turned the blaring alarm off, and made my way to the bathroom. I did my business and splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up a little bit more. "Alexa, play THE LIST!" I smiled turning to my reflection in the mirror. C'est La Vie began playing and I danced around my apartment probably looking like an idiot. Though what did I care I lived alone. "Say you will say you won't, say you'll do what I don't!" I continued singing probably off-key, dancing my way into the kitchen to make breakfast. Opening the fridge I examined the miriad of leftovers populating the shelves. First things first, i popped open a monster energy. I shook the caffiene through as I took the first sip. "C'est la vie!" I smiled hitting it right on time. -Knock knock- I skipped over to the door and looked through the peep hole. I unlocked the door welcoming inside my two best friends James and Rebecca. James walked in also holding the hand of his son. We usually walk to school together, but today they were early. "Healthy breakfast you got there." James laughed pointing to my energy drink. "It's just a warm up. I was going to have a real breakfast." "That and maybe put on some pants there." Rebecca said. "I'm wearing shorts! I wouldn't have answered the door pants-less I'm not a heathen Rebecca." Though I could see how I did look pantless with my big t-shirt covering my shorts. "Anyway, what're you guys doin here so early. We don't leave for another like..half hour." "I was actually going to ask if I could use your shower cause they were doin some stuff over at my building and the waters out.." Rebecca said pushing her index fingers together. "Well let me go first. And since I'm doing you this favor you make us breakfast then!" "Okay deal. See James look at how nice our friend Elizabeth is. That's why she's my best friend not you" "I can't help that my roommates had the bathrooms occupied when you came over. Get cookin there." I heard Rebecca rummaging through my cabinets for pans while I walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. The good thing about having friends in culinary school is that you can always rely on someone to cook. When I came out the cloud of steam flowed into the apartment. "Jeez you must take some hot showers." Rebecca said plating an omlette. I shrugged my shoulders, still drying my hair. "Okay I did my part. SHOWER!" She picked up her bag and practically ran to the shower. I sat down with James and his son, eating the omlette with what looked to be cut up portions of leftovers. I washed up the dishes and made final checks before we all made our way out of my place. I slinged my bag over my shoulder and picked up my knife kit on our way out the door. We talked about random things on our way to school, but not before making a quick stop for James. He dropped his son off at day-care which also was conveniently close to the school. "I really don't know how you do the whole single dad thing." Rebecca said. "What do you mean?" He said while replying to texts. "I mean I can barely take care of myself let alone another person, and ALONE." "Well he's not alone Becks. He's got us." I smiled. "Aha thanks Liz. But yeah I've got help but I just wanna do as much on my own as I can without burdening anyone else." "You're one of the strongest people I know James." Rebecca said before taking the last sip of her coffee. We made our way onto campus before parting ways to head to our classes. "Meet for lunch!" Rebecca shouted. Both James and I gave her the thumbs up. i walked into my first class of the day which was baking. I learned a lot of my baking knowledge from not only my mom but also my aunt Camryn. Along with her wedding planning business she has her own baking business on the side. She wasn't always my nicest teacher to me, but I did learn a lot. I buttoned up my chef's jacket and sat down in the lecture hall to watch a demonstration. I paid attention as best I could taking whatever notes I felt would help me the most later. This isn't like a typical lecture with slides,  it's literally a projection of someone making a dish. When it was finished the class went into the test kitchen to see if we could recreate it. I did fairly well on my recreation but just a few plating issues kept me from a perfect score. Still an A none the less with room for improvement. I checked the clock. I walked over to the cafeteria where Rebecca was already there waiting with her second coffee of the day. Though what can I expect from someone that considers themself a sommelier of coffee. "How was baking class?" Rebecca asked a little shakily. I'm assuming it's from all the caffiene she's had in such a short amount of time. "I made the pastry fine, but I just had plating issues. My coulis wasn't as thick as I wanted and it started streaking on the plate. So I got docked points, but still an A." I shrugged trying not to think about it too much. "Well that's good." "What's good?" James asked walking over to us carrying a tray. "Liz got an A in baking today, but she's mad about her coulis." "Oh bummer. Cookie?" He offered. I smirked taking it. "Ha nothing a cookie couldn't solve." "Okay rude you didn't offer me one." "Excuse me where are my manners, Rebecca would you also like a cookie?" "Hold the sarcasm with that one." Rebecca said reaching over. "But yes I would." I took a bite laughing at their exchange. "*SPITS JAMES!" I rubbed a napkin on my tongue. Both of them looking at me crazy. "THESE ARE RAISIN!" "...and?" James said slowly taking a bite for himself. "WHO LIKES OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES!?" I fumed passing it back to him. Rebecca's eyes grew wide. "You would like raisins!" Rebecca huffed. "C'mon Elizabeth, let's get real food." We stuck our tongues out while James laughed to himself. Moving through the lunch line, Rebecca and I grabbed food onto our trays to forget the trauma of the raisin trying to be a chocolate chip. What sick bastard decided cookies needed raisins?! I settled on a chicken sandwich with polenta fries, while Rebecca got a skirt steak salad with chipotle dressing. Perks of going to a culinary school is you get food normally not thought of in regular college. "I can't believe you did that to me. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" I took a hard bite into my sandwich. He just shrugged his shoulders before taking another bite of that monstrosity of a dessert. When we finished lunch it was time for me to head to my cooking basics class. The class I'm probably best at. Like my baking class we start off watching a demo of a dish being made and then are asked to recreate. I like this one in particular cause we get to eat whatever we make. I'm not so much a sweet tooth person so that's why this one takes rank over desserts. Also this way I usually don't have to make dinner. We were making pan roasted chicken, braised swiss chard, roasted parsnips, and carmelized cipollini onions. It's a dish I could make in my sleep. When I got into the kitchen it was time for business. I didn't hear anyone, I wasn't talking, the only thing I was doing was cooking. I finished somewhere in the middle of the class, and brought my dish up to be judged. My professor cut into my chicken and I hoped to fuck it wasn't raw. He picked the piece up on the fork and I saw BOOM right on the money. He took bits from around the plate onto a single bite. "Very good Elizabeth. Another good days work. You can enjoy your dish if you want or leave it to another student." FUCK THAT. I brought my plate back to my station and started eating. I did the dishes at my station when I got done, and packed up my knives. James and Rebecca were waiting outside my class as we were all going to work right afterwards. James is a waiter at the restaurant, and Rebecca works the bar. They're both a little older than I am, and I'm only twenty. I met them both pretty randomly when sitting alone in the cafeteria. Rebecca sat down at my table and just introduced herself to me. Complete opposite of my own personality, and then right after James did the same. I guess they could tell I was new or something and needed friends. Since then we've all just hung out, and they even helped me get the job at the restaurant. "Looked good whatever you were eating." Rebecca said. "Oh so good. I love having a class where you eat what you make." "Aha I remember those classes. Enjoy them now." James warned. "Aw James don't scare her!" Rebecca laughed. "I'm just sayin! I can't eat my accounting homework." Way to bring down my mood James. "Well whatever, let's get to work." We walked off campus and rode the bus. I made it to my station of unchopped vegetables and got right into it. "Hey Elizabeth." Our head chef greeted me. "Hi!" I smiled looking up from my pile of carrots. "I'm also gonna need you to break down those romaine hearts. We got tableside Caesars going tonight." "Ooh fun. Are you guys making the dressing from scratch?" "Yeah actually, you ever done it?" He asked inspecting the various stations. "Just at home, it was okay." "Aha hard to believe this is your first year at culinary." What can I say? Humble brag. "Well I'll leave you to get back to work." "Alright, bye chef!" I don't even think I know our head chef's real name. I just call him chef. I set my knife down for a minute to shake the feeling back into my hands. The pile of carrots slowly began to dwindle down, so I shifted my focus to the romaine hearts. After washing and spinning them I broke them down for salad. I brought the bowls to the trolleys for the table side service. I stood at the front of the kitchen just imagining what it'd be like. "Alright on order! Four covers!" I said pretending to read a ticket. I heard laughs behind me and immediately I turned around shook. A few of the line cooks had seen me. "Aw..she's playing pretend." One of them said walking past me. "How cute..thinks she's an actual chef." Another chef smirked attempting to pinch my cheek. I pulled my face away, trying to be as stone face as possible as they walked by. Inside I was dying. I was so embarrassed. I ran back into the walk-in fridge to cool off. I took a few deep breaths to collect myself. The head chef walked in, and jumped back surprised to see me in there. "Whoa! I didn't expect to see anyone in here." "Oh..um I was just..never mind I don't know what I was doing." "You okay?" He asked looking me in the eyes. "Yeah yeah just..nothing." I tried to walk past him back into the kitchen. He held his arm out blocking my way. "Hey tell me what's wrong." He leaned up against the door. "No one can hear what we're talking about it's okay. What you say will be between us, and I can tell you're a little rattled about something." "*sigh well..alright. I was at the front of the pass with no one in the kitchen and I kinda like pretended I was calling out orders..y'know like a real head chef. Then I guess some of the line cooks saw me and kinda..made fun of me for pretending." "Mm I see. So lemme ask you something. What's your goal from all this?" "What? To be a head chef." "So what if you imagine yourself in that role and some people see? You can see yourself doing that, and that's what matters. Those chefs are probably just content working the line and never getting better. They probably stopped learning a long time ago. You're dreaming bigger. You've got something Elizabeth and I'm not just saying that." I nodded my head. "Now walk back in there like you belong in there." He pointed me back into the kitchen. I pulled my shoulders back and walked confidently back in. I found the chefs that passed by me. They smirked at me again, mocking the motions I was doing earlier. "I will be a head chef one day, and a damn good one. So FUCK YOU!" The head chef covered his mouth laughing as I returned to my station. I must've said it pretty loud since I could hear both James and Rebecca laughing their ass off. Good thing we hadn't opened for dinner yet!
0 notes
yumenosakiacademy · 6 years ago
metr0con 2019 friday diary
Cosplayed/breakfast/snack: same as thursday diary
For future me only. preferred that you dont read this, thanks. 
Okay so we arrived at like, 10:23 or abt that time so i had some time before my first panel so i just kinda walked around. i dont think anything happened around that time, sorry. my memory of today is a lil bit hazy at parts. but while on the escalator, i looked over at registration n saw creeper print and a yellow crown n the person rly looked like king gavin n i openly Gasped but i couldnt get to them obviously but i was like gjhnsmjgh hh.
then, i went to the yoi panel! uhm.. not much to comment on for this panel, sorry. there was a viktor, yuri, and yurio! i remember there was a personality swap ask and for part of the panel, they all had switched jackets because of a dare.
next was the oh-shc panel! the honey was rly cute n gave a lot of hugs to a lot of the audience members n they were such sute hugs gjhnsm.. like the ones where u semi-leap at a person n hug em w slight movement it was so cute. kyoya said his entire budget book he brought was all for tamaki’s expenses and tamaki proposed to haruhi as a dare but earlier in the panel he was imagining outloud him n haruhi’s wedding gjhnsm
after that, i couldve went to the grav!ity falls panel or the bn-ha one, but since the bn-ha one was in the same room as the previous two, i just decided to stay in my seat for that one. the todoroki n kirishima came in late w starbucks which todoroki says was paid for by endeavor bc he had his dad’s credit card n he actually gave out 2 fake paper credit cards to ppl. aizawa got asked what the dumbest thing he’s gotten asked by one of his students n he said it was “whats your quirk, aizawa?” n todoroki said “it’s not ‘is mayonaise an instrument’? then there was other stuff n they played Sentences and i suggested the scenario “furry convention” after someone suggested todoroki and izuku. ALSO!!! i won the raffle for a bn-ha poster! it was drawn by the uraraka that was one of the panelists n it looks so good ;w; dunno where im gonna put it.. but as my first fanmade print (that’s not my hs wall scroll, which was officially licensed), ill cherish it.
after that i had time to walk! i saw a bunch of id0lish cosplayers! the id0lish7 ones in the dream journey outfits n the 2 trigger members i saw were in similar outfits? i forgot the name for them. anyway! i saw a gentaro n took their pic n they were like “i hav a dice n ramuda somewhere around here.. we’re fl!ng posse” so i wndered around the dealers room n eventually found the dice n ramuda together n took their pic too! thn i kept wanderin n i!! found the king gavin n i was like “are you cosplaying king gavin” n they were like “yea!” n i was!! so happy!!! n they turned to their friend n they were like “see you shouldve stayed in costume! [turns 2 me] they were mad k!ng ryan up until a lil while ago; they changed” but anyway i took their pic n they were talking abt how it feels kinda odd to come to terms w the fact theyre cosplaying minecraft n how they saw a minecraft person earlier n thought abt talking to them but it’s different bc it’s ach!evement hunter so they dont kno the full picture. i saw a corrin w arei button!! which was exciting. also met a nico who said they were gonna b arashi that day but didnt wanna contour but theyre gonna b her tomorrow!! DURING THIS TIME i also saw an adachi body pillow at an artist’s booth n im.. gjhnskm....... i wanted it...... i later found out it was $60 tho so. ;w; i met a sougo n tamaki n i asked if i could take their pic n they said yea, just give em a sec, n the sougo was like “r u cosplayin tsukasa??” n i said yep n they were like do u wanna b in our mv?” n i thought it was a whole event thing n i was like “oh. id hav to check my schedule i might b busy but” n they were talking abt how we (me, the luka next to them, n the kaito next to luka) would just do like steps to the side by following sougos lead n i was confused n repeated myself but the sougo was like “oh, no no it’s right now” n so i did that w them while the tamaki filmed n unfortunately i 4got to ask their instagrams so idk where the vid is but w/e. the sougo told me abt an id0lish meetup at 5 pm, too, out on the docks. 
the h!veswap panel was p funny! an eridan n feferi in the audience were also entertaining, esp during the improve games. i remember someone asked lanque “what r ur fashion tips?” n lanque was like “...Dont Bother” n joey was confused by troll stuff n i asked daraya what her fav punk band was n she was like “we only listen to the grubbles. have u heard em?” n i was like “i.. actually havent heard the full album yet so i guess not?” but as im typing this i think i actually have?/ oops. anyway a lot happened but it’s rly hate so im gonna.... move on. im typing this paragraph last bc i 4got to type it lmao.
a ruby and dia complimented my nails! then i saw a doppo!! they were apparently the reo i took a pic of yesterday. they said their jakurai was still getting ready. 
i tried to go to the grav!ty falls party but it was just one girl as mabel making the audience do games for prizes that were rly boring like decoding n stuff so i left after abt 15 minutes n went walking again. i had 2 hrs to walk now.
i went downstairs after walkina round the dealers room n there was!! a bloody banquet rei and koga!!! they were so pretty.. i was intimidated kinda but i managed to approach them n we talked abt rei’s rei itabag n koga’s goro itabag n rei said they once spent $150 dollars in rei merch in one sitting on yahoo auctions whoa. they were rly cool tho! we talked for a few minutes. later, i also saw another hypm!c group of MTR + ramuda n took their pics n the ramuda was like “ur sign omg. wait r u tsukasa??” n i said yep n we got excited abt ES n the jakurai told me theres an ES meetup tomorrow at 1 pm!! unfortunately, i hav a panel (2, actually, but i can only choose 1) that is at that time so idk if ill go... esp since it’ll prob only b a few ppl n im not the type of person to make friends anyway, yknow? ....anyway! the hifumi game me a lil clear heart tin w tiny fake yellow flowers n a piece of paper that said: “thank u, prince/princess! -hifumi [doodle of 2 champagne glasses]” n thats.. so cute. i gave them a lollipop in return. little while later, met another jakurai! i think we also talked abt ens-tars!! cant remember a lot of it tho gomen. then a lil while later, i saw the kakeru cosplayer i had heard abt on twitter! they were manning an art booth. i was like “are you cosplaying kakeru?” n they were like “yea!” n i took their pic n i was like “i didnt think id rly find k!npri cosplayers here aa” n the kakeru went “FINALLY i can use one of these!” n handed me a lil kakeru sticker they drew n i was like “his fumb bg pink jacket.. it makes him look like a Shrimp” n we both laughed n they showed me the k!npri stuff on their table n a joji on the other side of their display that looked like he was behind bars bc the display thingy and a jin hanging from one of the bars. they (the kakeru n the person they were with) were like “we kept seeing you walk by w ur sign n we were like ‘i hope they find leo!’” (both days, bc the other person asked if i was tsukasa yesterday) n i showed them my yug!oh card that’s an obscure reference to a tsukasa cg! n i talked to them a lil bit abt ens-tars but i cant remember a lot gahh!! and while i was standing there, a honoka came up and asked for my photo n i was like “ANOTHER ES FAN??” n i talked to them for a sec n forgot to put up my prop for the photo at first gjhnsm but that was cool!!  oh, the honoka also asked me if i liked anzu n i was like “she’s super cute in the anime”
after that i tried to go to the fru!ts basket panel but im only 6 eps in the remake anime n they had almost all the characters n i didnt understand a lot of the questions bc i hadnt seen much of the show so.. then after only a few minutes of q+a they started up trivis so i left n just walked around the dealers room. it was during this time that my crown fell off (SECOND DAY IN A ROW) n i searched the whole dealers room but couldnt find it?? ghh..
ANYWAY i found another ramuda w a jakurai n the ramuda liked my sign too n they were like “ur tsukasa!” n i went yep n they saw the buttons ns tuff on my bag n all my keychains n they were like ‘oh, sry” n i was like “no no, it’s okay, u can go thru all the keychains on my backpack i hav A Lot” n i pointed out chiaki as my best boy n mika as my 2nd fav n they said they cosplay hakaze. at some point, i played drops on my flip phone i think bc ramuda was saying smth pertaining to drops?? mayb not. but i played it n jakurai was like “oh god i hav to hear it hre too..” (in-character, i think) n i spotted another ramud in the distand n asked them to wtch my stuff while i took the ramudas pic so i went over n the person next to them had an arashi plush!e n we both squealed (i think. i did tho, Loudly.)
after this i just wandered n i danced on the dance floor! chacha slide, cupid shuffle, n time warp iirc! def time warp tho. also to some 80s song n some guy not in cosplay spun me around nt ried to swing dance we me but he was completely leading it n i didnt kno what to do!! after that i saw a tumblr/con friend while on my way to the yoi panel!!
then the yoi panel was actually p funny! a lot of questions abt yurio’s parents being viktor and yuri and yuri n viktor slowdanced to an edd sheeran song n otabek showed off their muscles (like, flexed their arms in their tank top) n yuri kept dramatically thwipping open their rainbow fan esp in responses to gay asks. at one point, someone asked abt yaois n a mom who was attending w their preteen or teen child was like “whats yaoi?” n the ppl behind her were like “i dont wanna b the one to do this..” n ppl told the mom n the mom to their teen/preteen kid was like “what are u watching? where? is it okay? is it on tv?” n the kid was responding to ehr questions but i couldnt hear them gjhnsm. yurio did a dance to a song n after that, we all danced to cupid shuffle n wobble n then i stopped but others did the time warp too. oh! also i answered a trivia question right (”who’s yuri’s best friend?” “pichit”) and got an utapr! keychain/strap! it’s reiji in a glitter thing. none of the other stuff there aside from some yoi straps was my fandoms so i saw utapr! n went for it.
then the bnh-a pj party! ...uh. the original panelists never showed up so random bn-ha cosplayers (and their non-cn.ha-cosplaying friends) tred to host the panel but everythign was hectic and loud n unfocused n a wreck but i noticed a ramuda n a hifumi i hadnt taken a pic of yet in the corner of the room (there were no chairs) so i eventually got annoyed/bored n went over to ask for a pic but ended up asking to sit w them (i walked over, put my sign down, n went “i said Fuck leo rights n higumi was like “that chara is familiar..” n i said leo from ES n they were like “oh i watched p 1 of that” n i was like “ep 2, this unday. stan ryuseitai”) n i ended up talking to them abt hypm!c n cosplay stuff n i talked a bit abt ens-tars and we all agreed that stella n papillion Slap on the new album. n ramuda said they were cosplaying as a prom!sed neverland haracter tomorrow n recommended it to me n i was like “oh im watching fru!ts basket rn tho” n the hifumi said they were too n the ramuda was like “do u kno the horse one in fru!ts basket? My Horse Boyfriend....” (the game. i think that was the name) so i showed them the hypm!c ask blog where they draw some of the charcaters as horses n the other characters as cowboys n the ramuda showed me the pics that r on their swear jar (photshopped pics of kinako w long legs in stockings+heels) n id0lish memes n it was all chill!! i played drops for them on my phone too. someone came over n went “if u can type w those nails, ur a god[dess]” n i said i could w Only my nails n they said i was like a god[dess] hehe. the higumi said they should make a tumblr n i heard them muttering “should i put 14 on here?” n ramuda went “well i mean, you Are 14-” n i went “ur 14?” n they nodded n i asked the ramuda how old They were n they said 14 n i was like “oh my god.. yallre babies..... gjhnsmk im 18.” n the ramuda crawled back a bit n they were like “18??” n the hifumi was like “u look so young tho whoa! rly?” n i was like “yea i look p young.. ive been compared to a freshman b4..... n yea i graduated like 2 months ago” n the hifumi was like “congratulations :o”
0 notes
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I bought a car in June last year, I paid the down payment, and make the monthly car payment. My mom consigned and pays insurance. I just got alerted saying I haven't had insurance since October 2013. What can happen, can they come and repo my car?""
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I'm trying to budget for next year, and just need a rough estimate of what insurance will cost a 19 yr old female, driver training and defensive driving certificates, 2 years learners, 2 years GDL, 1.5 years full licence driving (total of 5.5 years driving experience), driving an older dodge turbo vehicle of some sort. Any broad range ideas?""
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I'm 17 and going for my driver's test. My parents said that they were going to put my name under all three cars we own for insurance. That didn't make sense to me though. When I went to All State's website, and did an estimated quote, it would only let me pick one car for each person. Like just one primary driver for each car. My question is, how does this insurance thing work? Thanks!""
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Ive got a younger brother who's 16 years old, newly licensed, had his drivers license for about 4-6 months... he's buying a car soon but he's paranoid of what the insurance will be! Its going to be a used car with a lot of miles (90-130K) and he'll spend no more than $4,000 on the vehicle. I know there are discounts for good grades, he has a GPA of 4.2 Advice? How much will it be per month, AND what provider is best? Thanks!""
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My husband's mom decided she will pay for life insurance for my husband and I to help out my husbands brother, starting to sell life insurance. The problem is when it came out to filling out all the paper work my husband put his brother down as the person to receive the money, I came in second? His answer to why he did that he said I know my brother will take care of you I ofcourse got mad because I can take care of myself, I will be the one making arrangements for his funeral and all if something where to happen(knock on wood it doesnt happen). I will be the one stuck with all the bills, and how about if the brother doesnt care. He is a low life now what makes my husband think he will take care of me? When I talk to him he says no, im leaving it that way, theres nothing to talk about.""
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This makes no sense to me, but my boyfriend and I are getting our licenses and since we're 19 and have no driving record, our rates are going to be very high, so we were just going to put the car and the insurance in his moms name and just pay her, but she said that when we get our licenses at her address, it will make her rates go up automatically, because there are other people in the house with a drivers license? Is she just BSing me or is this true??""
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Can your car be towed if you do not have insurance on your car? I was in an accident where the other car did not have insurance on the car that was not his. The police gave us a ticket, which it was our fault, I'm not denying that, but the police drove off not having the car towed . It kinda makes me wonder if the cop let them go with no ticket or anything.""
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I have a 4 months of temporary work in California and I am thinking of taking my car. My current car insurance will not cover driving for work purposes in California. What is the easiest way to get car insurance for 4 months for California?
""3 penalty points on licence, as a named driver, how will this affect insurance?""
My daughter was learning to drive and bought herself a little clio, but, it was cheaper on insurance, if I went on as a named driver, I've had a clean license for over 30 years. But, I got a speeding ticket in November and three points on my license. My daughter went on to pass her test, and informed the insurance company, pushing her premium up really high. Anyway, I forgot all about my points. This week she was involved in a crash, will my non disclosure mean they won't pay out?""
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""Can you drive your friend's car, which is insured but you are not in his/her insurance?
I am not added to his insurance but the car is insured.. how does it work?.. website link would help as well..
Car insurance question? Under parents name?
Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.""
Do motorcycle insurance claims have to be noted on car insurance?
i recently renewed my car insurance and stated ive made no claims in last 5 years but 3 years ago i made a claim on motorcycle insurance when my bike was stolen - should I have put this on my car insurance?
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
How much is non onwers sr22 insurance in illinois?
I dont have a car and my license has been suspended.
""Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?""
I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.""
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
How much does high risk auto insurance cost?
Car Insurance Question?
Here's the quick version of the story- I'm 21 and have just totaled my Altima on a rainy night, crashing into the back of a parked SUV, also totaling that. I have received a $700 bill for the ambulance, a $1200 for the radiography and, here's the kicker, a $24,000 bill for the hospital. I do not have medical insurance or medical coverage on my car insurance and will not be able to pay off the hefty hospital bill. What options do I have?""
I need to provide health insurance for my daughter.?
I live in Colorado and she lives in New Mexico. I only need to provide health insurance for her (not myself). Anyone know of a good insurance deal in New Mexico?
UK Cheap Insurance Cars for 17 year old...?
Hello, I am 17 and i have just started to take driving lessons and will soon hope to pass my test here in the UK and then get a car for use to and from college (and if i can gen an apprentice job then to work as well as college one day a week) and some driving for social use (but very very little) and looking for some recommendations for good car for cheap insurance that would not look out of place at college here in the UK. Thanks""
How can a full time college student over age 26 get health insurance?
What are our options?
2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium insurance rate?
Hi. I am thinking about getting a 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium [Black] I am a 16 about to turn 17 year old girl and I have taken drivers ed. && I live in florida, about how much do you think that it would be""
Car insurance for 17 year old HELP please!!?
Hi, I'm looking to take car insurance out for a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa Ecoflex 2006 or a 1.2L Ford KA 2009.I will be the policy holder and the main driver, however my parents will be a named driver.Car won't be driven more than 3000 miles a year and quotes are coming up at 2800++! I have heard some people are able to get it in the 1000s, but how is this possible? I have tried some many providers and I think I'm running out of luck. Plus these are the cheapest cars to insure too! I'm in the West Midlands to, if location has anything to do with it Any suitable answers will be greatly appreciated, thanks""
Car insurance renewal quote question?
I hit a car in front last yr which i believe was not my fault. i didn't pay my excess as i had no damage on my car. however she said they was damage on hers and she had hurt herself which i believe was rubbish however!! when filling my questions out on my insurance quote do i say i had a claim? as i didn't claim for damage she did and compo, i only lost my no claims. can anyone answer please?""
Where to find a dental insurance/plan that provides full coverage(if not 100% something close)?
I am sick and tired of being robbed over and over by those dental offices...whatever my dental plan says it saves on me they always come up with something to make me pay as I am not insured at all! I am willing to pay more for and expensive dental plan/insurance that covers me 100% or very close from that(=> 80%) I just don't want to go through the price of each service I get from the dental office because its useless! ... and please don't post me links to those websites that collects my private information just to give me quotes! Only if you tried the insurance or know somebody tried it...I am looking for life experience not google search results! thank you very much :)
""Car insurance help, i need advise?""
Im 15, hoping to buy a decent car (when i turn 17) that is reasonably cheap to buy and insure, i have around 10,000 budget for the car and 20,000 budget for the insurance, i work on cars so any mechanical problems wont be an issue and i am a very capable driver and certainly not a 'boy racer' i have experience in driving and i just want a nice car that i can keep for a long time that i can pass in and out if london in to my future job (architecture) any car and insurance company suggestions? And remember decent car, 2nd hand.""
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
Would it cost more than 5000 per year to insure a Ferrari F430? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
my uncle is buying a second hand 2009 ferrari f430. it has done 20k miles. and it is a convertible. he has a 3 year no claim bonus and has been driving for 5 years. he parks his car in his drive way and he drives 15k miles per year. ( i know it is stupid to use a ferrari as an every day car.) how much would it cost him. i mean he earns 30k per year and his wife earns 30k per year. he has always been a big car person and he started saving up about 7 years ago to buy a ferrari 360, but now he bought a f430. so how much would it cost him, actually will cost around the same for ANYONE who has a driving history like his. i wanna know because in the future i would loooooooooove to have a ferrari.""
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
How much does an automatic 2004 Nissan 350z insurance cost in vancouver b.c?
Children's health insurance?
Just had custody of 15 and 18 year old changed from me to their Dad . All their lives I've been responsible for their insurance . As far as CHIPS goes in Texas . Since kiddos now live with their Dad . I can no longer get them enrolled . And our custody papers say I am to keep insurance on them till they are no longer eligible . Well , they are no longer eligible . Through the guide lines of CHIPS here in Texas . I even have the paper they sent to me . I can't get insurance on them . What am I to do now . Or is it up to my ex to go and enroll them ? I am a stay at home Mom who babysits . So I do not have access to private insurance .""
How do You Show Proof of Auto Insurance to a Court?
In California, do you have to just show the insurance policy or do you have to show policy with payment receipt?""
I need cheapest auto insurance?
I am 17 years old, and i need an auto insurance that costs around $100-150 per month. i cannot afford higher than that.""
Does Gap insurance transfer if I refinance?
Gap insurance was included in my originol car loan-the same company refinanced me for a lower interest rate-will my gap insurance still be intact???
Homeowners insurance in Valrico FL?
I am interested in buying a home in Valrico FL. Particularly Diamond Hill, a golf course community. Great price, but we are new at buying and have no idea what insurance might be on this place.Just to factor it in for our monthly cost. It is a 3/2/2 1800 sq ft @ $110k. no pool. I mean were talking just a rough estimate, close figure something. Again we have not the slightest clue as to what it could be. Any advice is really appreciated.""
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Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
How much insurance cost for 350z?
how much does it cost for insurance on a 350z for a 19yr old guy clean driving record in Texas?
What does Obama mean by affordable health insurance?How can it be affordable for everyone?
What does Obama mean by affordable health insurance?How can it be affordable for everyone?
Where the best place to get a good deal on cheap insurance?
I have a 98' cadillac sedan deville that I just paid off but i still want full coverge for it, if something would of happen to it.""
What auto insurance are in FL? I been through almost every single one of them and no one will take us. help?
I need some names of FL auto insurance companies who will take someone whose had PIP claims.
Question about car insurance for a Honda Civic Si?
Ok so I'm 16, I just got a job and I have my permit and as soon as I get my license I'm going to be buying a car. I have already chosen my car. A 2006-2010 Honda Civic Si. The question is should I get the Honda Civic Si Coupe or the Sedan? Will the insurance be any different between the two or will it be very close if not the same? Thanks for all information.""
Car Insurance what companies have the cheapest rates?
Please help me! What Insurance companies have the cheapest insurance. ( male )
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
Is there a penalty for not signing up for affordable health care if disabled collecting medicare?
Now my question is am I going to be penalized for not having any insurance and only having Medicare I and my husband are on disability, because of brain tumors and seizures? it ...show more""
""Insurance, I need a awnser.?
I bought a car with some cosmetic damage. It needs a new quarter panel. If I get insurance on the car will they fix that?
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers in Florida?
I live in Orlando FL and I'm looking for some cheap insurance, is there any companies that are known for cheap insurance and good service? Thanks.""
I started requesting an online CAR INSURANCE quote from PROGRESSIVE.COM....but?
They want to collect personal information from consumer reporting agencies, such as driving record, claims, and credit history reports. Is it safe for me to fill out the online form and give Progressive.com (Progressive Direct) the OK it needs in order to collect this information to give me a quote, or is this a possible Phishing expedition that I might regret later on? Thanks""
""Help,my camera was stolen...insurance?
My camera was stolen from an event. It was a very expensive camera... a Nikon Digital SLR and a lens that i rented from somewhere. Would contents insurance cover the full cost? I don't know how insurance works.. and do you think the rental place would have insurance for the lens? Will I have to pay for it? I filed a police report and now I am not sure what to do next..
Wat is the cheapest car insurance for driver with driving ban ? ?
Wat is the cheapest car insurance for driver with driving ban ? ?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
What does your credit paying history got to do with paying higher/lower car insurance rates?
Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?
Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?
My license suspended cause of insurance payment were can i get a very cheap car insurance?
please help
Which is worse on insurance costs or points a DUI or not haveing insurance?
My insurance company has on record that my husband had a DUI 2 years ago, but he didn't I got the paper work to show that it was a driving without insurance charge but I want to know which is worse to the insurance company.""
Why can't responsible working people get low-cost health insurance?
Here's my big fault: I have no fatherless children, in fact, I have no children. Yet I have to hear a girl that I work with (who makes more than I do) talk about how she has state health insurance (I believe Medicaid) at an extremely low cost, since she made the decision to have a child with a man that she knew was a criminal, and is now serving time in prison. (And oh yeah, I drive an 11-year-old car, she just recently got a new one. But I know, that's easy when you get a free ride for the necessities.) So, why can't there be affordable health insurance for everyone, even if you did not choose to pump out a child (or children) you knew you could not afford to take care of?""
Need advice on good dental insurance plan in California.?
Hello, I am looking for good dental isurance policy for one person. I currently work as a temp, and dont have insurance. I was looking to spend around $30 a month, is this too low? I need something that is rather comprehensive. Thanks""
Can I have two Health Insurance Policies from different states?
Before you answer, please read this thoroughly. I am a student and Illinois Resident. I have PPO health insurance in Illinois that I pay out of pocket for. $1000 deductible, 100% covered. I go to school in Florida and have employer insurance in FL (ever since Sept 2008), but it's an HMO. The PPO my job offers has no deductible but is 80/20 coverage, so I opted the HMO. For the average person, it would make no sense to have 2 policies, but I'm not ordinary. I have many pre-existing conditions (some I was born with), hence the Illinois coverage. In Dec of last year, before my FL insurance kicked in, I had a multitude of issues which caused me to have to use my BCBS of IL in Florida where I'm attending school. Many of those things are at bay now, but for doctor visits, exams, etc to arise other than routine check ups, should I start using my FL HMO insurance and just use my IL insurance for when I visit home during breaks? Or should I just drop my FL insurance altogether? The reason this is an issue is b/c I am afraid I my rates will go up or they drop me if I continue to use my insurance which was meant to be for IL, but I have been using it in another state. Yes they will cover b/c it's PPO and it falls under the BCBS umbrella, but this is the risk I take. I will NOT drop my Illinois insurance because I have pre-existing issues that is NOT covered by my FL insurance, so switching isn't even on option. Plus they keep doing layoffs and my certainty at this job isn't guaranteed. Furthermore, I keep reading about fraud, this is not my intent. I am just trying not to have my rates rise anymore b/c I am a student and not making much as it is. I am looking for the best coverage because good health care is my primary concern. I am NOT trying to file a double claim with both insurances, and I am NOT trying to collect any money out of this. Things happen like the flu, ER visits, and any other reason to visit the doctor when you are sick or injured. I have a 2 week window during open enrollment to drop my coverage thru my job. I pay only $20 per paycheck for my FL HMO insurance. So the little amount really isn't that much to fret over, but I need to know b/c I don't want my IL insurance to go up or to be denied covereage b/c I have two policies out there. Someone please give me some guidance. :) I have called my insurance company on both ends, but I can't get a straight answer from either. It's always the you need to contact the other company for the answer . So I am running around in circles. I was even told to just find out after I use my FL insurance to see. I'm afraid to take the gamble.""
Short term or long term disability insurance?
Which company offers the best short term or long term disability insurance? (price and coverage) I recently found out that I might get blind in future and need to have some income to support my family when I loose the job. I am having trouble understanding the system but would be great if anyone could help me out. I don't even know if these insurance thing can pay me with being blind. Thanks.
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
Affordable healthcare in Virginia?
My current healthcare that I have through my employer sucks. It is way too expensive and not very good. My deductible so high and since I recently added my baby, it's even higher. I am now looking into a different insurance provider that is affordable and provides good service and benefits. Any suggestions?""
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Insurance deductible?
Someone rearended me and damaged my bumper.and my car did not start after that.I have insurance and she does too.wil I have to pay for any thing at all
Is there dental insurance with the Affordable Health Care Act?
Is there dental insurance with the Affordable Health Care Act?
Cheapest car insurance?
What would be the cheapest car insurance for a low income 18 year old female who has had two tickets. I have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I live in Oklahoma if that helps.
Does being cosigner for a auto loan improve my credit?
my father helped me purchase my car by him going on the loan because i didnt have any credit. but his name is on as promary driver because insurance purposes so i could stay on his policy and not have to get my own. my name went on as a co-applicant. my question is assuming all payments are made on time and every (which they are) is it doing alot of good to my credit as co sign? or is most of the credit going to the primary applicant?
Is there a federal law that requires us to buy car insurance? Why or why not?
Is there a federal law that requires us to buy car insurance? Why or why not?
Can anyone tell me what company provides affordable health care?
I am researching health care plans, and they are all too expensive. I have to buy it for me and my soon-to-be wife. We both have costly pre-existing conditions, and no one seems to cover that at an affordable price if at all. I was hoping someone could tip me off where to buy a good health care plan.""
What would the insurance be like on a Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart?
I'm nineteen and looking to buy a lancer. From what I've been told the Evo's insurance would destroy me. I've had people tell me that the Ralliart would be cheaper but I was hoping for clarification. I have a clean record and a good student discount. Driving a Mustang at the moment and it's pretty much a killer lol
Im losing all my teeth & I cant get insurance anywhere!!!!?
I am only 22 years old & I noticed all of my back teeth slowly breaking away about 6 months ago. I went to a clinic & found out I have a bad infection, next to no enamel & serious gum disease. They gave me prescription & that's when I found out I had no medical insurance. I never got the meds. because I could not afford them. Since than it has gotten so much worse. I am a single mom of 2 young boys. I pay my own Rent phone electric & everything else with a next to nothing paycheck. So at the end of the month I am left with Nothing. I went to the welfare office & was turned down because I make more than 400$ a month. My job doesn't provide dental but this infection has spread so fast that I don't have 1 tooth that's not infected & the only ones that can even still be saved are the top 4 in the front. I don't even remember what it feels like to eat solid food & I have tried everything to get health insurance..but I have no $ left over @ the end of the mouth. I feel lost. Does any1 know of anything I can do? This is painful in every way.& I think it is crazy that I can not have dental insurance because I have a job. I cant quit my job to save my teeth. My fronts probably have less than a month b4 they start to chip away from the gum line...& I am out of options.""
What would my car insurance cost if..?(IMPORTANT)?
I'm a teen driver, and ill be 16 years old when i get my license. i'm a 3.0 + gpa or higher student and have had no issues with the law.i drive a 1997 mazda protege with a clean title (idk if that helps)""
Best health insurance company?
Can someone recommend a health insurance company in CA that has affordable rates? Recently lost my job and need insurance for me and my family.
Cheapest insurance companies for 18 years old guy?
Hello, does any one know any cheap insurance for `18 years old boy. Im looking forward to buy: 1) vw polo 2001 1.0 2) skoda fabia 2001 1.0 3) Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 Thanks !!""
if you missed your car insurance payment by a few days and u got into a accident (a deer hit u) should your car insurance still cover you...
""What is the cheapest second hand car I can buy ? That has cheap tax, insurance and cheap to run?""
Can anyone please help me. I am looking for a small engine car cheap to buy that has cheap road tax , prefarably the 35 a year bracket and cheap insuarance. I am a new driver on a very low budget. I have about 1000 - 1500 to buy the car. As this will be my first car I dont mind whatever make it is, as long as its cheap and takes me from point A to B while gaining experience. Thank you all in advance.""
How much are car insurance usually cost in texas?
I would be a first time driver. I am 25 year old. how much is the cost for any car insurance now in the market?
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
How can they justify the cost of car insurance?
Hi I want to know how are car insurance company's able to justify the extra costs for men over women, I've just had to pay 2620.18 for my insurance (the cheapest i could get) and have just checked to see how much i would be paying if i was female and the same company was charging only 1693.19 and the new cheapest is now 1549.89. I can honestly not see how they are allowed to charge me an extra 926.99 purely because I'm a guy. I'm sure there would be an uproar and complaints if company's started charging more for people of different ethnic origins so can they get away with this?""
Does anyone know anything about car insurance or adding a car?
So im 18. I have car insurance with my mom and at country financial insurance. I am tryin to add a car that i have on the policy. But am i able to add if im 18 and the only one on the car title? I thought yes since im 18, but need another opinion.""
Insurance policies and pre existing conditions?
i have been looking into to health insurance policies.Since i no longer can carry a HMO through my state since they are doing away with the program altogether. I dont know what to look for, for the best usage of my money. I have had some medical issues come up but have not really been diagnosed with anything yet and need to have a procedure and a few test done but because i do not have insurance then they want an outrageous down payment that i can not afford. So my question is, what policies should l look for? should i be looking into pre existing health insurance? Is short term health insurance something i should steer away from? i need health insurance like yesterday!""
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
Give three or more reasons why americans should not have health insurance?
what are three or more reasons why americans should not have health insurance
""Fast, fwd or awd, reliable, manual car that's cheap on insurance?
I already thought of a few possibilities. RSX Base 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion TC Legacy GT Celica GT (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I live in NJ) RSX type s WRX EVO Just looking for ideas. Preferably cars that are cheap on insurance and easy to mod.
Whats the car insurance trick?
you know the ads that say you could pay $36 a month for car insurance in ga? whats the trick?
What is mortgage insurance?
When having somebody co-sign for a morgage with no $$$ down, how does mortgage insurance work? 1) Is it required? 2) Is it permanent? 3) Is it like a car insurance policy - where the money is paid, and if the insurance is never 'claimed' then the money is gone? 3.5) Does a mortgage insurance payment go towards the principle price of the house?""
Landlord tenants for kids insurance in california?
i rent my house to a daycare family. they purchase daycare insurance. however, lately they also start to do foster kid. i am curious if there is foster kid insurance that they need to purchase? i try to google, but i can't find any related information. any help will be appreciated. thanks""
Can you get a cheap Motorcycle for less than $500 that can get you from Point A to point B?
My Sister REALLY needs transport to work for this summer, or she may be out of a job. Public trabnsport is not too reasonable. I was thining do to vehicle cost and insurance cost, her best bet is a bike. Doesn't matter what it looks like. As long as its SAFE and CHEAP. And can Get her from A to B I'm thinkin about $500. She is located on the north shore of massachusetts. Like the Lynn, Salem area. If anyone knows of any shops or websites that may be able to make this possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! Nox""
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