#molokai jobs
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spaceradio · 3 months
Canon Pressure episode tournament - more polls at #cabin poll
Collecting the Scottish national cricket team from a tiny Tunisian air-strip on the edge of the Sahara was never a great job, and it's made far, far worse by a conniving French airport manager.
Molokai - Christmas Special
Arthur finds he has just seven minutes to celebrate Christmas after an extra stop-off is scheduled on a Hawaiian island, Molokai.
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hello everyone! pleased to present the 2022 Cabin Pressure advent listenalong! beneath the cut are the prompts for the episodes, which i will post every day but this is a headstart if you want it!
the first episode will be Abu Dhabi on the 29th, which is next Tuesday and you're welcome to join in however you fancy - write! draw! make liveblog posts! i would absolutely love to coordinate a live listen again, but my timezone has now become problematic. that said, i still propose that if we want to gather at around 6 or 7pm GMT, either on discord or on tumblr or whatever, we'll see what we can do about having a group listen.
any questions or comments please just shout! okay, bye! love the airport!
29th Abu Dhabi
a missing scene: The run up to Carolyn calling Martin a berk
a word: ice
a question: Who is your favourite character?
30th Boston
a missing scene: Douglas’ conversation with ATC
a word: home
a question: What’s your favourite Arthur moment?
December 1st Cremona
a missing scene: Arthur and Martin in the Garibaldi
a word: nuts
a question: What’s your favourite Douglas moment?
2nd Douz
a missing scene: Douglas and the cricketers
a word: big
a question: What’s your favourite Carolyn moment?
3rd Edinburgh
a missing scene: Martin giving Mr Birling the hat
a word: maps
a question: What’s your favourite Martin moment?
4th Fitton
a missing scene: Arthur and Douglas in the flight deck
a word: rain
a question: What’s your favourite episode?
5th Gdansk
a missing scene: Previous games of itemised lists
a word: salt
a question: What’s your favourite word game?
6th Helsinki
a missing scene: Arthur’s holiday scheming
a word: gift
a question: Which is your favourite series?
7th Ipswich
a missing scene: Martin and Douglas revising 
a word: pool
a question: Who’s your favourite minor character?
8th Johannesburg
a missing scene: Arthur and Martin’s golf buggy conversations
a word: shade
a question: Who is your favourite friendship?
9th Kuala Lumpur
a missing scene: Arthur rehearsing his story for Martin
a word: service
a question: What’s your favourite ship?
10th Limerick
a missing scene: Carolyn and Arthur creating poetry
a word: sunset
a question: What’s your favourite MJN family moment?
11th Molokai
a missing scene: Christmas in Hawaii
a word: cracker
a question: What scene makes you laugh the most?
12th Newcastle
a missing scene: Playing Trivial Pursuit
a word: games
a question: What’s your favourite Herc moment?
13th Ottery St Mary
a missing scene: Martin twisting his ankle
a word: river
a question: What’s a scene you know by heart?
14th Paris
a missing scene: What’s Carolyn up to during all the nonsense?
a word: glass
a question: Which Birling Day is your favourite?
15th Qikiqtarjuaq
a missing scene: Arthur giving bear lectures
a word: facts
a question: How did you get into Cabin Pressure? 
16th Rotterdam
a missing scene: Martin practicing his speech
a word: honey
a question: What are your favourite Cabin Pressure fics?
17th St Petersburg
a missing scene: discussing the plan
a word: names
a question: what’s a scene that makes you cry?
18th Timbuktu
a missing scene: Arthur’s preparations for Birling Day
a word: colours
a question: What’s your favourite piece of CP fanart?
19th Uskerty
a missing scene: Herc receiving the sheep
a word: drinks
a question: Do you like anything else by John Finnemore?
20th Vaduz
a missing scene: Carolyn and Theresa meeting
a word: dragons
a question: What’s your favourite Theresa moment?
21st Wokingham
a missing scene: Arthur and Wendy’s adventures
a word: puzzles
a question: If you could change something about CP what would it be?
22nd Xinzhou
a missing scene: Stuck in the traffic jam
a word: waiting
a question: What would your dream CP revival episode be?
23rd Yverdon les Bains
a missing scene: Martin telling Theresa he got the job
a word: capsized
a question: Which part of CP do you find most relatable?
24th Zurich
a missing scene: OJS’ first flight
a word: gold
a question: What does CP mean to you?
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jonjmurakami · 9 months
Tumblr media
ART SUMMARY 2023: I had several art pieces and events:
- I created customized Pokemon cards for Hawaii Pop Con in January.
- I published the third book of Calabash in February.
- Issue #15 of my comic book, Gordon Rider, was released in March.
- Several members of COMIC JAM HAWAII participated in an event at Kawaii Kon in April.
- I spoke at the Molokai Public Library in May.
- We attended the first Card Party event in Anaheim in June.
- I was commissioned to create illustrations of various creatures for “Tomb of the Dundel Chief” in July.
- Local artists organized various fundraising events to support those struggling to cope with the aftermath of Maui wildfires in August.
- I designed the poster for this year’s MAUI Comic Con in September.
- Comic Jam Hawaii participated in an art gallery event at the Downtown Art Center in October.
- My comic strips for Calabash and Generation Gap were discontinued in November and December, respectively.
Like other artists, getting let go is part of the job. However, there is always a way forward. I am excited to continue creating more drawings, humor, puns, and chaos.
Best wishes for the new year, everyone! Keep smiling, and stay safe! ^_^
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riverdamien · 4 months
Living the Questions!
"Sloughing To Galilee!"
Mental Health Awareness Month!
Carlo Acuta
Damien of Molokai
Francis of Assisi
Dorothy Day
"Being Faithful In the Midst of Question!"
"All Work That Is Worth Doing is Done In Faith~" Albert Schiezer
"Down these Mean Streets a person must go who is not mean, tarnished or afraid (Blue Bloods)".
"Imagine if we all walked into the world with the belief that each person was inherently worthy.
Imagine if our goal was to help each other recognize that we are worthy of being loved.
Imagine if we sought to LISTEN MORE THAN WE SPOKE."
--Fred Rogers=
I wear around my neck a small piece of jewelry, all I have to do is punch it and the police and an ambulance suddenly appear; I go to a hospital and am treated. I can go to the store and pick up whatever I choose to eat; In the last two weeks I have sat with two young guys who overdosed; others are in tents, the doorways. Deep contrasts I see! Deep contrasts that are hidden! As I look at my own life I see the journey it has taken me to get here, a journey of pain, rejection, and deconstruction, and yet a journey of joy and healing.
I look back to my childhood in a small southern town, where I had great parents, but from the moment I was born, I was set up for religious trauma, which continues even now, in many ways in my life of faith-raising questions.
As far as I could remember I was taught that being queer, gay, was a deep sin; that such activities like masturbation, and cussing were sins. There was deep shame instilled. The environment was racist, with separate schools and separate parts of town people lived in. I was raised in the church, and at 12 at church camp found myself called to ministry, and even to this day that call is strong, leading my life and saving me from desperation.
Because of not being able to be myself truly I had many of the characteristics of low self-esteem, lack of maturity, lack of boundaries, and difficulty in interpreting relationships. My childhood and adolescence were harrowing and scary.
Through college, seminary, and years in the parish, I took anti-depressants. When my little brother was killed in an accident I broke down and told my District Superintendent I needed to see a therapist to look at my "sexual identity," and was sent to  "conversion therapy", my god, the way I was treated, harrassed, beaten and finally kicked out on the streets. The Church followed suit, and I lost every relationship I have ever had, I was so alone and fearful. I ceased believing in God and turned to the streets in L.A., became a hustler, a whore.
This was the time I rebelled--against the system; against society, and authority figures; there were days for the first time in my life I had no money for food or a place to stay, so I lived on the streets, and when I made money motels. I was raped, beaten up, and a life of survivor, but it provided me my first chance to experiment with my sexuality.
There was much shame in my life, had always been, much guilt, my closest friends were my fellow street kids, I came to love them, to understand them, receiving the greatest gift of all their acceptance, and my gift for my coming ministry.
So within three years, I had begun my coming off the streets, got a job in Minneapolis as a counselor lying about where I had been, and gave several "johns" as references, saying I had provided in-home counseling, and so off the streets, and my coming out continued.
Like an addict, who just gets clean off drugs, I was mentally stuck in adolescence and so I started growing up, I am not sure I have ever grown up. But am still growing!
And so I came to San Francisco for a workshop, and fell in love with the City, but more importantly the kids on the street. I missed the streets, and I understood those kids.  And so I came to San Francisco, found a job as a counselor, a place on Polk Street, and began by buying kids piazza, and as I have done all my years, simply listened, being a presence and a friend. I found a therapist and for ten years worked on my coming out, and finally found peace. Found peace in my ministry! Life is gray, full of gray areas, no black and white; my anger arises when conservatives come proclaiming their gospel; when people come in and make judgments on what the people on the street should do or believe.
Like the "Hound of Heaven," God never let me go, and during these years God reminded me that I was called in my mother's womb and knew exactly who I was.
These years have been tough and yet filled with joy. The established churches have never accepted me, because of the people I work with, for the Church seems to want to keep its distance. Other institutions very seldom work with the bottom ten percent like I do, and they too nervously work with me when they have to.
Again the church tries to shame me, tries to shame my queer kids, and all homeless people and I am no longer available for that shaming. Dorothy Day once said, "The system is dirty and rotten!" and she was right. Like her, I do not vote, and my protests are in listening, caring, and giving of food to the homeless!
As I am coming to my 30th year in ministry, I am still questioning God and myself, but I know without God I frankly would never have survived for in God I find my purpose. Rather than a place to hide, Calvary shines as a light on a cruel hill, a luminous revelation of God's utter self-give, revealed in all its bloody transparency. In honest faithfulness Christ discloses God's love as the perfect gift, calling us to share that love with everyone!
 For me God is universal, God is a God of Absolute love, and most of the guys know I am a priest, they see me in the Haight and elsewhere celebrating the Eucharist, and many come because it too is all-inclusive.
I have a gathering at my place twice a month early Sunday morning for individuals working overnight, be they hookers or nurses, and we share, no matter their beliefs, and I celebrate the Eucharist as a sign of God's inclusive love.
My ministry is one of presence, walking with each person where he or she is without judgment. No one knows the road of pain they are on, and so my ministry is that of simply listening and caring.
In my years only the therapists or others who could simply walk with me, without judgment with Roger's approach of listening is where I found my path.
In these years I have been beaten, stabbed, shot at, and threatened; the gossip has been the most painful. Again there is much joy!
Religious Trauma has been and is a major part of my life. It has shaped my personality, but now on the whole I am at peace. Religious Trauma has brought me in service to others in the same boat.
The painting at the head of this article was drawn by a young man questioning his beliefs in light of being condemned for being gay, and he committed suicide. It is a painting that haunts me, a haunting presence of the cruelty of religious trauma. A painting of the cruelty of black-and-white religion, not of the presence of inclusive love!
I question all the time if there is a God, and I often wonder if my trust in the presence I feel a lot is fake, but ultimately God is what has gotten me through these years! Like Mother Teresa, I have my doubts, but like her, I continue on understanding, that "God has not called us to success; He has called us to be faithful."
In listening to an interview on "Sixty Minutes" Sunday with Pope Francis, he summarized the major problem in our world--"indifference" people ignoring others and the pain around them, and the ever-present trauma. For me, I got off my duff as a result of faith, and summoned others regardless of belief to do the same!
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
I affirm that I believe in God the Father, Almighty.
I believe and trust in Jesus Christ, his Son.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
I believe and trust in the Three in One.
I respect with all of my heart where others are in their lives and meet them unconditionally.
Dr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
Post Office Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
Dr. River Sims, D.Min., D.S.T.
Certificate in Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Prayer of St. Brendan!
"Help me to journey beyond the familiar
and into the unknown.
Give me the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with You. Christ of the mysteries I trust in You to be stronger than each storm within me.
I will trust in the darkness and know that my times, even now, are in Your hands.
Tune my spirit to the music of heaven,
and somehow, make my obedience count for You"
(Temenos and Dr. River seek to remain accessible to everyone. We do not endorse particular causes, political parties, or candidates, or take part in public controversies, whether religious, political or social--Our pastoral ministry is to everyone!
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newstfionline · 1 year
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Hurricane Hilary Approaches (1440) Tropical Storm Hilary, which formed in the Pacific off the coast of Mexico and is moving northwest, has strengthened into a hurricane and is expected to bring heavy rain and flash flooding to the southwestern US into next week. California, Nevada, and Arizona are forecast to receive 2 to 10 inches of rain, including in drought-stricken areas. It is rare for a tropical storm system to make landfall in California due to typically cool waters; however, the El Niño weather pattern is fueling higher tropical activity this year. The last tropical storm system to make landfall in California was in 1939.
Sleeping in cars and tents, Maui fire survivors are unsure what to do next (Washington Post) Every day, they swim in the ocean. Every night, they sleep on the beach. In between, Peter Friedgen and Dan Reardon face whatever the day offers for two men cast away by the wildfire that wiped out the Lahaina pawnshop where they lived and worked. The sign at Hanakaoʻo Park says “no camping,” but nobody is hassling them. They are both 66 years old. And you can tell they have weathered other storms. Their spot in the world now is a gray tarp on the sand held down by stones. Behind them, there is a cemetery, and beyond that the highway—where soldiers and ambulances drive past—and the neighborhoods where workers in protective gear search for the dead. In front of them is open water and the island of Molokai rising in the distance. The effort to house and feed the thousands of people displaced from Lahaina has consumed Maui over the past week, and many have found refuge in shelters and hotels or been taken in by friends and relatives. There are also those who are still marooned, sleeping in cars and tents along the coast. Others are living in churches and golf clubs as they begin to think about what will come next. They have little information to help them make plans for what’s next.
Serve a drink, then save a life (NYT) As public fentanyl overdoses rise around the U.S., restaurant and bar workers are being trained to administer the overdose-reversing drug Narcan. Some bars view stocking the medication as common sense, like having a first-aid kit or a fire extinguisher, though others worry that keeping it on hand will invite drug use. Ellen Wirshup, a Portland bartender who started a nonprofit that distributes Narcan, said treating overdoses should be considered part of the job.
Out-of-control wildfire scorches Spain’s Tenerife island (AP) An out-of-control wildfire on the Spanish Canary island of Tenerife has burned thousands of acres and affected nearly 8,000 people who are either evacuated or confined, authorities said Thursday. Regional President Fernando Clavijo said some 250 firefighters and members of the Spanish army are tackling the blaze, located in the north of the island, a key tourist destination. Clavijo said the fire had a nearly 30-kilometer-long (19-mile) perimeter. “This is probably the most complicated blaze we have had on the Canary Islands, if not ever, in at least the last 40 years,” Clavijo told reporters. The blaze, which started Tuesday night, is centered on a craggy, mountainous area, which is difficult for emergency brigades to access. Spanish authorities said their main goal is to contain the fire and prevent it from reaching more populated areas. The island’s main town, Santa Cruz, is 20 kilometers (12 miles) away from the flames.
Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say (NYT) The total number of Ukrainian and Russian troops killed or wounded since the war in Ukraine began 18 months ago is nearing 500,000, U.S. officials said, a staggering toll as Russia assaults its next-door neighbor and tries to seize more territory. The officials cautioned that casualty figures remained difficult to estimate because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, and Kyiv does not disclose official figures. But they said the slaughter intensified this year in eastern Ukraine and has continued at a steady clip as a nearly three-month-old counteroffensive drags on. Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded. But Russians outnumber Ukrainians on the battlefield almost three to one, and Russia has a larger population from which to replenish its ranks. Ukraine has around 500,000 troops, including active-duty, reserve and paramilitary troops, according to analysts. By contrast, Russia has almost triple that number, with 1,330,000 active-duty, reserve and paramilitary troops.
The Russian effort to build 6,000 attack drones with Iran’s help (Washington Post) The engineers at a once-bustling industrial hub deep inside Russia were busy planning. The team had been secretly tasked with building a production line that would operate around-the-clock churning out self-detonating drones. This was Russia’s billion-dollar weapons deal with Iran coming to life in November, 500 miles east of Moscow in the Tatarstan region. Its aim is to domestically build 6,000 drones by summer 2025—enough to reverse the Russian army’s chronic shortages of unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, on the front line. If it succeeds, the sprawling new drone factory could help Russia preserve its dwindling supply of precision munitions, thwart Ukraine’s effort to retake occupied territory and dramatically advance Moscow’s position in the drone arms race that is remaking modern warfare. Although Western officials have revealed the existence of the facility and Moscow’s partnership with Tehran, documents leaked from the program and obtained by The Washington Post provide new information about the effort by two self-proclaimed enemies of the United States—under some of the world’s heaviest sanctions—to expand the Kremlin’s drone program. Altogether, the documents indicate that, despite delays and a production process that is deeply reliant on foreign-produced electronic components, Moscow has made steady progress toward its goal of manufacturing a variant of the Iranian Shahed-136, an attack drone capable of traveling more than 1,000 miles. David Albright, a former U.N. weapons inspector who helped lead the research team that studied the documents, said: “Alabuga looks to be seeking a drone developmental capability that exceeds Iran’s.”
‘We Pray’: Frontline Villagers in Ukraine Hunker Down as Shells Rain (NYT) When the shelling starts, Alla Viktorivna usually hides in her cellar in a village in southern Ukraine. “But sometimes in the night, you don’t have time,” she said. “You just roll under your sofa. You hear it whistling and smashing.” Ms. Viktorivna lives in Stepnohirsk, part of a buffer area between Ukrainian and Russian positions on the Zaporizhzhia front. But despite the barrage of Russian strikes, she has no intention of leaving. “I never thought to leave,” she said. “How can you leave your house, your garden, cats, dogs? I have a big dog.” Months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, small villages like hers along the front have come under increasingly heavy bombardment. In Kamianske, Svitlana, Lesya and Natasha live off produce from their gardens and care for their dogs. And when the shelling starts, they hunker down in cellars, which they have converted into living spaces. “We are used to it,” Natasha said. “We sit in the cellars, which already look like hotels. We wait for victory. We pray.”
Why are China’s young people so disillusioned? (Economist) A dark cloud hangs over Chinese born in the 1990s and 2000s. Since Xi Jinping won power in 2012, the government has grown more repressive and society less vibrant. Censors have turned the internet into a drearier place, while letting nationalist trolls drum in the state’s talking-points. At university students must grapple with Mr Xi’s forbidding personal ideology. Worst of all for some, China’s economy is stagnating. The unemployment rate for those aged 16 to 24 in cities is over 21%—a number so disheartening that earlier this month the government stopped publishing the data. Many young people are suffering a deep sense of angst. University graduates are finding that the skills they spent years learning are not the ones employers want. Scarce jobs and punishing property prices have dashed their hopes of buying a home and starting a family. We scraped social media and found that the mood is growing darker. Disillusioned youth talk of tangping (lying flat) and bailan (letting it rot), synonyms for giving up. The ladder to a better life is being lifted away. In response, many are choosing to abandon the rat race and turn inwards. Mr Xi needs the young to get married, have children and reverse the country’s demographic decline. In order to refocus the economy on manufacturing and away from consumer-internet technology, he’d like them to study hard sciences, not dream of designing video games. And he wants more youngsters to work in factories, including the type that might produce weapons for China’s growing armed forces. “Endure hardships” and “eat bitterness”, Mr Xi tells the young. Many cannot see why they should.
Palestinian police struggle in West Bank (AP) Last month, after the biggest Israeli military raid on a Palestinian refugee camp in the occupied West Bank in years, Palestinians turned their wrath on their own security forces. They unleashed gunfire, firebombs and pipe bombs at Palestinian security buildings in an outpouring of rage against the Palestinian Authority’s failure to protect them from the devastating July 3 raid and a long-running, deeply unpopular security alliance with Israel. Scarred by the Hamas militant group’s violent takeover of Gaza from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ forces in 2007, the Palestinian Authority has cooperated with Israel to suppress the Islamist movement and keep the secular nationalist Fatah party in power in the West Bank. The July unrest exposed Palestinians’ seething resentment toward their semi-autonomous government and forced a reckoning for their beaten-down security forces, who in their blue camouflage uniforms have come to embody the tensions tearing at Palestinian society.
The Spiraling Situation In Sudan (CNN) Four months ago, a civil war broke out in Sudan. As of Tuesday, the U.N. estimates the fighting has displaced 3.4 million people within the country, with over a million people fleeing Sudan entirely to seek refuge in neighboring countries like Egypt, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. Both the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have been accused of crimes against humanity, including attacking civilians and ethnic cleansing. The U.N. also claims that the Sudanese civil war has also caused a 50% spike in gender-based violence, including sexual assault. About 260,000 women in the country are currently pregnant, 100,000 of whom are expected to give birth in the next three months, adding enormous strain to the country’s already-struggling healthcare system. “Time is running out for farmers to plant the crops that will feed them and their neighbors. Medical supplies are scarce,” said the U.N. on Tuesday. “The situation is spiraling out of control … It is time for a reset. We call for an immediate cessation of hostilities.”
0 notes
brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.10
Asian Pacific American Mental Health Day
AWS Smart Business Day
Bad Breath Day (UK)
Bear Witness Day (Canada)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
Clean Up Your Room Day
Confederate Memorial Day (NC, SC)
Constitution Day (Azerbaijan, Micronesia)
Dia De La Madre (Mexico)
Ependymoma Awareness Day
Fight Day (Japan)
Finger Face Puppet Day
Five & Dime Day
Flower Festival (Azerbaijan)
German Shepherd Day
Golden Spike Day
Human Kindness Day
Indian Arrival Day (Jamaica)
International Day of Argania
International Monty Python Day
Library Legislative Days
Maid Day (Japan)
McHappy Day (Canada)
Mother Ocean Day
Mother’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico)
Move for Health Day
National Bonsai Day
National Brand Day (China)
National Cactus Day
National Clean Your Room Day
National Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism (Canada)
National Lipid Day
National School Nurse Day
National Ship Via Rail Day
National Small Business Day
National Washington Day
Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day
Pastele Blajinilor (Memory/Parent’s Day; Moldova)
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Ring Day
Skunks Born Day
Stay Up All Night Night
Tower Technician Appreciation Day
Trust Your Intuition Day
Whacking Day (The Simpsons)
Windmill Day
World Day of Social Communications
World Facilities Management Day
World Lupus Day
World Orienteering Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Fish Day (New Zealand)
National Liver and Onions Day
National Shrimp Day
World Poultry Day
2nd Wednesday in May
CBDC Day (Canada) [2nd Wednesday]
Donate a Day's Wages to Charity Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Day for Staff Networks (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
National Nightshift/Third Shift Worker Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Numeracy Day (UK) [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
National Receptionists’ Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Root Canal Appreciation Day [2nd Wednesday]
World Facilities Management Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World FM Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Independence Days
Hashima (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus (Christian; Saint)
Antonius, Archbishop of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Calepodius (Christian; Saint)
Catald (a.k.a. Cathal; Christian; Saint)
Comgall (Christian; Saint)
Damien of Molokai (Christian; Saint)
Fido (Muppetism)
Gordianus and Epimachus (Christian; Saint)
Hannibal (Positivist; Saint)
Job the Patriarch (Roman Catholic Church, pre-1969 calendar)
John of Ávila (Christian; Saint)
John Holmes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lemuralia, Day 2 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Lofn’s Blot (Pagan)
Mutant Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Rosalia (Ancient Roman Memorial Day)
Wolverine Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [22 of 37]
All Things Bright and Beautiful, by James Herriot (Novel; 1975)
The Cider House Rules, by John Irving (Novel; 1985)
Cold Comfort Farm (Film; 1996)
Computer World, by Kraftwerk (Album; 1981)
Farm Frolics (WB MM Cartoon; 1941)
Feather Bluster (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
For a Few Dollars More (Film; 1967)
Gatsby (Film; 2013)
Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett (Novel; 1990)
In Dutch (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
I Shot the Sheriff, recorded by Eric Clapton (Song; 1974)
Lovesexy, by Prince (Album; 1988)
Misunderstanding, by Genesis (Song; 1980)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Film; 1975)
Porky’s Ant (WB LT Cartoon; 1941)
The Professor and the Madman (Film; 2019)
Rabbit Transit (WB LT Cartoon; 1947)
Rio, by Duran Duran (Album; 1982)
The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1978)
Sock a Doddle Do (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Tolkien (Film; 2019)
Weezer (a.k.a. The Blue Album), by Weezer (Album; 1994)
Today’s Name Days
Gordian, Isidor, Liliana (Austria)
Ivan, Job (Croatia)
Blažena (Czech Republic)
Gordianus (Denmark)
Aina, Aini, Ainike, Aino, Ainu (Estonia)
Aina, Aini, Ainikki, Aino (Finland)
Solange (France)
Damian, Gordian, Isidor, Liliana (Germany)
Simon, Simonas (Greece)
Ármin, Pálma (Hungary)
Alfio, Antonino, Cataldo, Miro, Quarto (Italy)
Maija, Mairita (Latvia)
Putinas, Sangailė, Viktorina (Lithuania)
Asbjørg, Asbjørn, Espen (Norway)
Antonin, Częstomir, Izydor, Jan, Symeon, Wiktoryna (Poland)
Simon (România)
Viktória (Slovakia)
Damián, Juan (Spain)
Esbjörn, Styrbjörn (Sweden)
Cormac, Cormick, Gordon, Job, Joby, Jobina, Max, Maximilian, Maximus, Maxine, Maxwell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 130 of 2024; 235 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 21 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 19 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 9 Bīja; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 27 April 2023
Moon: 73%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 17 Caesar (5th Month) [Fabricius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 52 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 21 of 30)
Calendar Changes
  Ing (Expansive Energy) [Half-Month 10 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 5.28)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.10
Asian Pacific American Mental Health Day
AWS Smart Business Day
Bad Breath Day (UK)
Bear Witness Day (Canada)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
Clean Up Your Room Day
Confederate Memorial Day (NC, SC)
Constitution Day (Azerbaijan, Micronesia)
Dia De La Madre (Mexico)
Ependymoma Awareness Day
Fight Day (Japan)
Finger Face Puppet Day
Five & Dime Day
Flower Festival (Azerbaijan)
German Shepherd Day
Golden Spike Day
Human Kindness Day
Indian Arrival Day (Jamaica)
International Day of Argania
International Monty Python Day
Library Legislative Days
Maid Day (Japan)
McHappy Day (Canada)
Mother Ocean Day
Mother’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico)
Move for Health Day
National Bonsai Day
National Brand Day (China)
National Cactus Day
National Clean Your Room Day
National Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism (Canada)
National Lipid Day
National School Nurse Day
National Ship Via Rail Day
National Small Business Day
National Washington Day
Occupational Safety and Health Professional Day
Pastele Blajinilor (Memory/Parent’s Day; Moldova)
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Ring Day
Skunks Born Day
Stay Up All Night Night
Tower Technician Appreciation Day
Trust Your Intuition Day
Whacking Day (The Simpsons)
Windmill Day
World Day of Social Communications
World Facilities Management Day
World Lupus Day
World Orienteering Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Chocolate Fish Day (New Zealand)
National Liver and Onions Day
National Shrimp Day
World Poultry Day
2nd Wednesday in May
CBDC Day (Canada) [2nd Wednesday]
Donate a Day's Wages to Charity Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Day for Staff Networks (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
National Nightshift/Third Shift Worker Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Numeracy Day (UK) [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
National Receptionists’ Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Root Canal Appreciation Day [2nd Wednesday]
World Facilities Management Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World FM Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Independence Days
Hashima (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinus (Christian; Saint)
Antonius, Archbishop of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Calepodius (Christian; Saint)
Catald (a.k.a. Cathal; Christian; Saint)
Comgall (Christian; Saint)
Damien of Molokai (Christian; Saint)
Fido (Muppetism)
Gordianus and Epimachus (Christian; Saint)
Hannibal (Positivist; Saint)
Job the Patriarch (Roman Catholic Church, pre-1969 calendar)
John of Ávila (Christian; Saint)
John Holmes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lemuralia, Day 2 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Lofn’s Blot (Pagan)
Mutant Awareness Day (Pastafarian)
Rosalia (Ancient Roman Memorial Day)
Wolverine Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [22 of 37]
All Things Bright and Beautiful, by James Herriot (Novel; 1975)
The Cider House Rules, by John Irving (Novel; 1985)
Cold Comfort Farm (Film; 1996)
Computer World, by Kraftwerk (Album; 1981)
Farm Frolics (WB MM Cartoon; 1941)
Feather Bluster (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
For a Few Dollars More (Film; 1967)
Gatsby (Film; 2013)
Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett (Novel; 1990)
In Dutch (Disney Cartoon; 1946)
I Shot the Sheriff, recorded by Eric Clapton (Song; 1974)
Lovesexy, by Prince (Album; 1988)
Misunderstanding, by Genesis (Song; 1980)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Film; 1975)
Porky’s Ant (WB LT Cartoon; 1941)
The Professor and the Madman (Film; 2019)
Rabbit Transit (WB LT Cartoon; 1947)
Rio, by Duran Duran (Album; 1982)
The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1978)
Sock a Doddle Do (WB LT Cartoon; 1952)
Tolkien (Film; 2019)
Weezer (a.k.a. The Blue Album), by Weezer (Album; 1994)
Today’s Name Days
Gordian, Isidor, Liliana (Austria)
Ivan, Job (Croatia)
Blažena (Czech Republic)
Gordianus (Denmark)
Aina, Aini, Ainike, Aino, Ainu (Estonia)
Aina, Aini, Ainikki, Aino (Finland)
Solange (France)
Damian, Gordian, Isidor, Liliana (Germany)
Simon, Simonas (Greece)
Ármin, Pálma (Hungary)
Alfio, Antonino, Cataldo, Miro, Quarto (Italy)
Maija, Mairita (Latvia)
Putinas, Sangailė, Viktorina (Lithuania)
Asbjørg, Asbjørn, Espen (Norway)
Antonin, Częstomir, Izydor, Jan, Symeon, Wiktoryna (Poland)
Simon (România)
Viktória (Slovakia)
Damián, Juan (Spain)
Esbjörn, Styrbjörn (Sweden)
Cormac, Cormick, Gordon, Job, Joby, Jobina, Max, Maximilian, Maximus, Maxine, Maxwell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 130 of 2024; 235 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 21 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 19 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 9 Bīja; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 27 April 2023
Moon: 73%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 17 Caesar (5th Month) [Fabricius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 52 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 21 of 30)
Calendar Changes
  Ing (Expansive Energy) [Half-Month 10 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 5.28)
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emersson69 · 1 year
10 de mayo - San Damián de Molokai - Santo Job patriarca - Anónimo
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sircarolyn · 4 years
molokai thoughts:
yes this is the xmas episode, yes i listen to it at all times of the year, yes i think that’s very sexy and fun of me
also this is why i know all the damn reindeer... so many of the things i know are bc of this programme
‘and may you be a merry one’
arthur shappey <3 light of my life <3 i simply do not accept any other lyrics to this carol any more they’re all wrong
i just want to type out this whole scene but i will resist and instead comment that this is the sort of delightful family bickering i live for going into series 3 <3
‘somewhere to put your god?’
arthur and carolyn’s christmas dinner... doesn’t the idea just fill you with delight? the idea of carolyn ‘‘‘begrudgingly’’’ wearing a paper hat... arthur’s little face... oh my go d 
‘christmas was on the wall chart’ gdyahdjjas douglas is so grumpy 
so many of the lines in this are so fantastic and i know it off by heart and it’s a struggle to not just say them all
‘less sake and more hula’ i love that martin and carolyn don’t give a shit about xmas but douglas and arthur do, it’s so cute how begrudged douglas is and heartbreaking how sad arthur is
arthur counting <3
‘i think it’s been overcommercialised’ he’s just trying to sound smart bless him and all the other holidays he loves agdsijdsj and he’s so sad as he goes oh my god 
yea martin give it up you care really
ah the gold braid and the silly hats <3
and douglas pretending he’s soooo at odds to do flight deck christmas as if he doesn’t want to make arthur smile
sometimes my brain voice turns into mr alyakin and i just end up saying ‘less sunken’ over and over in my head
man yeah this scene is so funny but like if you overthink carolyn here (which i will of course do) he’s so rude to her but she’s basically grovelling and just... imagine her face... trying not to smack him... going against everything she stands for.... ouch
douglas spoiling the secret santa kskskskks
‘what fresh hell is this’ what a line
and of course here’s her sabotage, giving him horrible wine <3
putting a bush on a stick dhjashjdsak 
love that douglas carries little snacks with him
carolyn straight up lying - i adore her but she’s a really really shit small business owner like... dude pay your staff maybe? don’t lie to customers? 
‘various charming handicrafts’
‘strictest principles of santaly secretiveness’
‘a scheme??? me??? on christmas day???’ i always misremember this as martin replying to douglas as ‘a scheming one’ and i’m not sure why
emergency citrus pocket <3 
and douglas seeing right through martin ‘hating’ christmas
‘captain’s little helper’
and here they challenge carolyn, which is a. hilarious and b. imagine them talking back to her like this in series 1? and by them i mean douglas, because martin’s contribution is of course, bert. the stewardess. 
douglas’ little fa la la la la
cannot believe they actually get the job after this nonsense, i love these guys 
as ever, martin dropping them in it, and douglas getting them out of it, what a peak dynamic, this is the best part of their friendship - and how he cuts arthur off is so funny also 
i love how hilariously bad their little christmas party is, and i love how douglas remembered this whole time about the time zone thing and simply didn’t mention it once so they could have a good time <3
‘but made silly!’ ‘sillier’
douglas sounds so genuinely terrifying about the wine omg and i love how it’s actually not bad either, i love that this is arthur’s secret food skill
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Hawaii Short Sale
2916 Date St #23F, Honolulu, HI 96816
Hawaii short sale is a real estate transaction where a homeowner is facing hardship and gets permission from a bank to sell their property for less than they owe on the mortgage. If your house in Hawaii is worth less than what you owe on the home loan, a short sale maybe your best alternative to foreclosure. Short Sale requires a unique set of skills for a real estate agent and the short sale approval can very much depend on how your agent negotiates with the lender and buyer. Our Hawaii Short Sale Team has a High Success Rate on Approvals from the Banks and closed short sales in Oahu, Big Island, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai, Hawaii. Bank approves short sales when they believe a hardship situation exists, however, hardship is not only determined by how much money a person earns but also it factors in a person's expenses, especially if expenses have increased and income has decreased.
By short selling, we simply mean that you can sell your undervalued house to another buyer with the permission of your bank. If the amount owed to the bank happens to be more than the amount you will actually get, in case you sell the house, then the wisest decision would be to do so. If the bank agrees to a short sale, you can sell the house to a buyer at its depreciated value and get the balance written off by the bank. Usually, the bank writes off your balance from its account. The sum not paid by you shall be shown as ‘income’ in your accounts by the bank. Short sales are complicated but, can help sellers who owe more than home is worth. A short sale occurs when a property is sold for less than the total debt owed on the property. Hawaii short sale must be approved by the lenders and borrowers requesting a short sale must prove a hardship such as a mortgage payment increase, job loss, divorce, excessive debt, forced or unplanned relocation.
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20cop · 5 years
around what years was everyone born? what are their timelines?
YE okay here’s what i have rn 
Brook: April 3, 1928 - born in The Bronx in NYC, mother died giving birth to him; his dad was hit pretty hard by the Depression so they started living with his dad’s friend Crocus Desrosier in the early 1930s. his dad joined the army in WWII to try to bring in a bigger paycheck for the family but was killed in the line of active duty around christmas of 1943. i don’t have much for brook beyond this point except that he pays his share of rent through music gigs. 
Franky: March 9, 1932 - born on the island of Molokai in Hawaii, he ran away from home, sailed across the ocean on a boat he built himself, and found Tom on the island of Oahu. Tom immediately adopted him into his family (Kokoro and Iceburg). Tom had a job for the Navy doing maintenance on the ships, and one morning in 1941, after trying to sneak on board at sunrise to help, Franky was caught in the Pearl Harbor bombing, taking away his nose and causing nerve damage in his legs. once Tom had a job secured (also for the Navy, working in a shipyard), the family moved from Hawaii to New York (i’m still working out the details of exactly how they move cross-country). Franky avoids Brook at first after moving into the apt below his, but one day after coming up to ask Brook to keep it down, they become fast friends. Some time after this, he meets Robin when her mother is killed in an “accident” which Tom is then blamed and executed for. 
Robin: February 6, 1938 - born in Ithaca (upstate New York), Robin grew up with her mother and had no friends because she was always bullied for her polydactyly and heterochromia. One day they travelled down to NYC so Robin’s mother could do some research, where she was killed in an “accident” orchestrated by the government agents there. Robin met Franky here, who tried to comfort her when he found out about her mother. Robin was sent back upstate to live with her terrible aunt and uncle, and developed suicidal ideation over the years. When she was older, she travelled down to NYC again to carry this out, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. Here, she meets Luffy (a child at this time), who talks with her until Franky comes by and brings her to his place so she has a place to sleep for the night. That’s mostly what I’ve got for her - she meets the others later and recovers emotionally at some point. 
Zoro: November 11, 1946 - born in either Washington or Canada, probably. Koshiro found him when he was like six years old. he had amnesia with no idea what his family name was (probably bc he was six) and no idea where he’d come from. Koshiro took him in and raised him along with Kuina in the countryside of northern Washington state (sort of west-central area). things proceeded much as they did in canon, with Kuina passing away due to an unfortunate fall and Koshiro teaching Zoro the art of swordsmanship. Zoro set out when he was a teenager to live on his own, and wound up utterly lost and somehow got to NYC, where he currently crashes wherever he can and makes a living as a bounty hunter. he met the others through the Baratie, and eventually discovered he had dyslexia (he didn’t know this before bc he was never taught to read or write; Koshiro just assumed he knew). he learned to read enough to get around town (if he had any sense of direction) and to read a menu at a restaurant. 
Sanji: March 2, 1947 - born in France. After running away from an abusive family (haven’t worked out the details yet lol i had this in mind before the whole backstory reveal), Sanji snuck aboard a ship to work in the kitchens. He was shipwrecked on an island in the Atlantic ocean with another survivor, Zeff, from Ireland. Sanji barely knew any English and Zeff only knew a little French, so communication was difficult, but they worked with what they had. Things proceeded much as they did in canon, and after they were rescued, they settled in NYC and opened up the Baratie. From there, Sanji learned English by picking it up from people around him, and Zeff taught him to read and write it. Sanji met the others through the Baratie in various ways: Luffy when he was stealing food, Brook when he was looking for a job, and so on. 
Nami: July 3, 1948 - b&r in southern California, adopted by Bellemere and raised along with her adopted sister Nojiko. Some time after her mother was killed by gang members (I guess???), Nami moved to NYC by herself and found it was more difficult than she’d thought to make a living. Tbh this is pretty much where I’m drawing a blank, I had an idea of her story before but I dunno if I wanna keep it that way, so I’ll come back to this at some point... 
Usopp: April 1, 1949 - born in Massachusetts, ended up raising himself when his mother passed away and his father was nowhere to be seen. Had few friends his age in town and played pretend to comfort himself, which resulted in DID when he was older. He moved to NYC as a young teen with his closest friend Merry with dreams of making it big, but ended up living on the streets with Merry when, like Nami, he found it was more difficult than he’d thought to survive when he wasn’t stealing food from the neighbors. 
Luffy: May 5, 1949 - b&r in NYC with his adopted brothers and foster mother, Dadan, and her cronies, bribed into taking care of them under threat of their drug racket being exposed by Luffy’s military grandfather. Luffy and his brothers pretty much grew up on the streets themselves and learned to take care of themselves there. I haven’t thought much about Luffy beyond this, and whether or not Sabo stays with them or not. If things proceeded like they did in canon, I was thinking maybe Luffy has to travel around the world to rescue Ace, but I haven’t thought about the details of that at all. 
Merry: May 2, 1950 - b&r in Massachusetts. Abandoned by parents after they found out their child was mute, and lived much as Usopp did, becoming close friends with him eventually. They moved to NYC with Usopp, but passed away, having always been a sickly child, just a couple years after. 
Chopper: December 24, 1950 - Adopted by Hiriluk and Kureha when he was seven. This is... about as far as I’ve thought about Chopper? He’s got a blue nose like in canon and he loves animals. Haven’t really thought about how he meets everyone else. 
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raybyanothername · 5 years
Sonny's Itch - SEAL Team
In which Sonny finds out that Clay and Brian were a thing and helps the young SEAL deal with his grief as only Sonny can. Mostly with whiskey.
Set in a non-specific time period.
Prompt from allyhope over on Ao3: "I've imagined stories where Clay and Brian had been together and Brian dies, and the Bravo team find out Clay is gay when he joins the team, but I'm never going to get that story!"
He had an itch. The sort one couldn't physically scratch. It niggled at the back of his mind. Just. Itching.
"Sonny," Davis waved a hand in front of his face, beers in her other hand and eyebrow raised high, "You okay?" Sonny shrugged. He took the beer. Davis laughed, shoved his shoulder, "Come on, what's wrong?"
"I do not know," Sonny narrowed his eyes, "And that! Is the problem." Davis plopped onto the couch beside him, feet curled up beneath her. Sonny sank backwards.
The itch persisted.
Davis paused the movie that Sonny was officially not watching, "Alright, let's figure it out. Who?" Sonny scrunched his face up as he glanced at Davis, "Who on the team are you worried about?" Davis enunciated every word.
"You're a genius." Sonny stood up, chuckled. He pointed at Davis, "Little buddy. He was all fidgety during the mission."
Davis nodded, "He did seem off. You think something's up?"
Sonny grinned, snapped his fingers, "I'mma find out!" His beer was forgotten on the coffee table as he ran out the door. Davis chuckled to herself as she watched him go.
"Crazy cowboy." She took a gulp from her beer and hit play.
When Sonny stood outside Spenser's apartment he wasted no time with pleasantries and knocked obnoxiously, "Spenser!" He used both hands to drum on the wood, "Open says-a-Sonny!"
"What the hell, man?" Spenser opened the door with a quick yank. Sonny took in the ruffled hair and red eyes, glossed over the sweats, and then shoved his way into Spenser's apartment.
"I got myself an niggling itch in the back of my head," Sonny looked over the apartment as he walked across the wood flooring.
Clay chuckled behind him. "I think they make cream for that." Sonny heard the door swing shut.
Take out on the counter, on the coffee table, a box of photos, some splayed out on the floor beside a pile of blankets that indicated Clay hadn't been sleeping in his bed. "It was pointing me directly at you."
"I'm good." Clay wasn't a particularly good liar. Sonny raised an eyebrow, indicated the nest by the couch. "Just, uh, been thinking about the past."
"Oh, yeah?" Sonny stepped towards the pictures, Clay appeared in front of him quicker than a bullet. "What part of the past?" He raised an eyebrow, watched Clay fidget in front of him.
"My, uh, my friend Brian's birthday was this week." Clay looked just about everywhere but Sonny's face, "The big 3-0, ya know, we'd, uh, been planning to do something."
Sonny clasped Clay's shoulder, "That calls for alcohol." He detoured to the kitchen, was happy to see that Clay was well stocked in the way of beer and whiskey. He grabbed both.
"Isn't drinking when you're upset a bad thing?" Clay had settled back into his nest, was fumbling to pick up photos from the ground before Sonny could see them.
Sonny plopped onto the couch, tried hard (and failed) not to look at the scattered mess. He handed Clay the whiskey. "Thought you said you were good?"
Clay took the alcohol, took a long drag from the bottle. Ray'd probably not approve. Sonny clinked his beer with the bottle when Clay took a breath.
"So?" Sonny waited, Clay glanced up, "Tell me about your buddy." A bright red blush bloomed on the kid's face - not alcohol induced. Sonny squinted at Clay."He wasn't just your buddy, was he?"
"Well," Clay cleared his throat, "We were close."
Sonny snickered, "I bet." He took a drink, "Suppose that explains some things." Sonny thought back to Spenser sitting in the cafeteria after Armstrong's death. He'd looked pretty pathetic, even lost. "How long you two together?"
"Since BUD/S." Clay reached out for a particular photo. Sonny watched a ghost of a smile grace the kid's face.
The photo was obviously older. Clay didn't even look old enough to grow a beard for one. If Sonny didn't recognize the crest in the background the two men might have passed for college students.
"That's a long while." Sonny gestured to the photo, "You look happy." The kid did too. So did Armstrong. All smiles. "Couldn't have been easy, keeping a relationship like that under wraps so long."
Clay chuckled, threw the photo onto the coffee table. "Yeah." The kid sniffed and then took another chug from the whiskey bottle.
Sonny watched him a while longer. Watched him pick up photos. Afghanistan. Vegas. Iraq. Liberia. Spenser grew a beard, Armstrong gained freckles. They never stopped smiling.
"Come on." Sonny lowered himself from the couch to the ground to sit beside Clay. He wrapped an arm around the kid. "Tell me something."
"He thought he was a lot funnier than he actually was." Clay's laugh was a little watery, but Sonny pretended not to notice. "Use to joke that his real job for the Navy was keeping me from doing something stupid."
Sonny considered all the trouble that seemed to just find Spenser, "Might be something to that one."
"Probably." Clay tucked his chin against his chest. "We were thinking of going diving in Hawaii after we made the teams, for his birthday. First time we had the time, ya know, check out the Molokai Express."
"There are far easier, and less stupid, ways to visit Tahiti," Sonny shook his head. Brian wasn't that good at keeping Clay out of trouble, if they were going to try to swim in that sucker.
Clay shrugged, "That's what Brian said too, actually."
"A voice of reason," Sonny smiled, "My mama always said you needed at least one of those in your life." Clay nodded, settled into the half-hug a little more. "She also said a thing or two about people looking after us from heaven."
"Wasn't that also a George Strait song?"
Sonny tapped him on the back of the head, "Steve Wariner."
"If you say so," Clay smirked, pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped himself up tight in a ball.
Sonny picked up one of the photos on the ground. The two were sun-burnt as hell and wearing Mickey Mouse ears on their heads. "Alright, now tell me about this one here?"
"Spenser's hungover." Jason scowled at the blond sleeping in the hammock. Ray shook his head.
"Leave him be," Sonny walked up beside the two, "He earned that hangover." Jason scoffed.
Ray crossed his arms, "You get him drunk?" Sonny shrugged.
"Technically, it was the whiskey." Sonny pushed his cap up a little to properly emphasize his point. With eyebrows specifically.
"You ever figure out what the itch was about?" Davis called from the other side of the plane. Her question stopped what was surely a mighty fine lecture from Ray.
"What itch?" Jason sighed, dragged a hand down his face, "And please tell me it doesn't involve a stripper."
"Better not, he didn't invite me," Trent knocked Sonny's shoulder as he walked past.
Sonny pursed his lips, rocked back on his heels, "Not that sorta itch. Kid was off, couldn't shake the feelin' he was in need, so I went to check on him."
"Big Brother Sonny to the rescue huh?" Ray smiled, arms uncrossed. Hands went to his hip, "It have to include whiskey?"
"Whiskey was his." Sonny shrugged again.
Jason's gaze flicked over to the kid, "What was up with him?"
"Remember Armstrong?" Sonny raised an eyebrow.
"The guy who bought it in Green Team?" Trent asked. Sonny nodded. Cerberus walked past them all to curl up beneath Clay.
"He and Spenser were friends right," Brock leaned against the wall of the plane, coming over from his own hammock.
Sonny pursed his lips, waggled his eyebrows. The significance dawned on Ray first, "O-h!"
This realization was followed by several slack jawed expressions from various members of Bravo and a communal turn to stare at Clay's hammock. Sonny nodded.
"You know, that makes sense," Ray puckered his lips as he nodded to himself, "The kid was way more shaken by his death then I would have expected."
Jason groaned, "Feel kinda like a jerk now, ragging on him."
"I have so many questions," Trent grinned to himself. "Mostly, did Seaver figure it out?" He chuckled, "That'd be talent, slipping something like that past him, during Green Team no less."
Brock shook his head, "Who cares about Green Team, they went through BUD/S together." Yet another communal turn to stare at Spenser, who fidgeted in his sleep this time.
Good instincts. Because even Ray had a mischievous twinkle to his eyes now. Cerberus growled, low and quiet, and they dispersed.
"Traitor," Brock whispered at his dog as he passed by.
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pingo1387 · 6 years
20COP, 1930s part 1
First few sections of the AU I’ve written. So far I’ve only completed parts to do with Franky and Brook, since I was trying to write the AU in chronological order and they’re the oldest. 
February, 1931
The Bronx, New York
The boy’s father—a tall man with an aura of kindness—held his son’s hand tightly as they approached the door of a nondescript apartment building. He absentmindedly hummed Binks’ Brew to himself as they walked.
“Where we goin’, Pop?” the child asked, shivering. His clothes had never quite been adequate for the colder times of the year, and hung loosely from his thin, copper frame, color so like his father’s. Of course, he was far shorter than his giant of a father, but if he had inherited any of his father’s genes, he would grow to be just as tall as him one day.
The man scooped up his tiny son and held him close, trying to keep him warm. “We’re going to see Mr. Crocus.”
“Mr. Crocus?”
“He’s my friend,” his father said with the patient air one adopts when talking to a toddler. “Be nice and remember your manners, Brook . . .” He hesitated before smiling. “Guess I don’t gotta tell you that, huh?”
He went up the stoop, pushed open the squeaky door, and entered. Another door and a flight of stairs greeted him. He went straight up the creaking stairs. When they got to the landing, he opened the door and headed down the hall.
When he reached apartment 2C, he stopped, hesitated, and knocked once, twice, three times.
The door opened a moment later. A man, somewhat younger than Brook’s father, stood on the other side looking at them through the gap about as wide as him. He was of stocky build, with an oddly large lower lip above his square jaw and goatee, and dark hair which fanned out behind him like a flower and stood out against his pale skin.
“Well, now,” the man said, opening the door a bit wider and leaning against the door jamb. “T’what do I owe this s’rprise, Sam?”
Brook’s father—Sam—bit his lip. “Crocus, I need to ask a favor.”
Crocus stepped aside. “C’mon in.”
Sam entered and Crocus shut the door. They went past the open door to the tiny kitchen on the left and headed directly into the living room, which seemed to take up most of the cheap apartment. A cushy armchair and sofa sat perpendicular to each other, and a window on the far wall displayed bleak weather.
Sam, still holding Brook, sat on the armchair while Crocus sat on the perpendicular couch. An oak coffee table was between the two, displaying an open newspaper, a wooden tabletop radio (turned off), and a still-smoldering cigar in an ashtray.
“This mus’ be Brook,” Crocus said, his face softening slightly as he looked down. “Hello, Brook. Haven’t seen y’ for a while.”
“Hello, Mr. Crocus,” Brook said, staring at him shyly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Crocus smiled. “P’lite one here, Sam.”
Sam smiled in turn. “Takes after his mother.”
“Aye,” Crocus murmured. “Poor thing . . . so young.” He leaned forward. “So, what’s this fav’r?”
“Please let us stay with you,” Sam blurted out.
“’Scuse me?” Crocus said.
“I’ve got no job,” Sam explained, bowing his head, “and I can’t raise Brook on my own. Please, will you let us stay with you for a while? It’s just until I can get work.”
Crocus leaned back and took another cigar out of his pocket, lighting it up. A moment passed as he inhaled and exhaled a cloud of smoke.
“Ah, alright,” he grumbled, scratching his head. “I’ve only got th’ one bed, so you’re sleepin’ on the couch, y’hear?”
Sam smiled. “God bless you, Crocus. Thank you, thank you so much.”
“Don’ mention it,” Crocus muttered.
“Brook,” Sam said, holding him on his knee, “we’re going to live with Mr. Crocus for a while.” 
January, 1932
The Bronx, New York
Brook lay in bed, shivering and slipping in and out of consciousness while hand after hand felt his forehead and brushed hair from his face. An awful taste rose from his throat and he nearly choked on his own empty vomit as he trembled, too weak to rise or even lift a finger. Someone made him sit up and pressed a glass of water to his lips, but his throat was so sore he couldn’t even swallow without bursting into tears. The nightmare lasted forever, before it ended. 
May, 1938
A certain part of Oahu, Hawaii
“I see!”
The rotund man laughed as the boy before him scowled. The man had salt-and-pepper hair around his ears, wore an open T-shirt and shorts, and donned sandals on his feet. The Hawaiian boy’s hair was spiky and dark, and he wore goggles on his forehead, a Speedo, and an open aloha shirt. His feet were bare and his chin, oddly enough, was double-cleft.
“I see,” the man repeated, still laughing. “Your parents kicked you out for being too rowdy, huh?”
“It ain’t funny!” the boy snapped, kicking up some hot sand at the man.
The man’s laughter died down as he walked over to the shoddy rowboat. “You built this yourself, kid?”
“Yeah!” The boy puffed out his chest. “It’s the Super Franky Boat 5!”
“So this is the fifth one?”
“You know it!” the boy said proudly.
“It’s a pile of junk!” the man exclaimed, throwing back his head with booming laughter.
“What was that?!”
“And yet, you sailed here all the way from Molokai on this heap?”
“What about it?”
The man eyed the boy thoughtfully with a big grin. “Kid, how about living with me?”
“You’ve got real talent,” the man said, ruffling his hair. The boy made a face. “You need practice—a helluva lotta practice—but you’ve got talent. I’m a shipwright for the Navy, see, I live with a nice lady and another kid, about as old as you. You come live with me, kid, and you can learn the basics with Iceburg. How’s about it?”
The boy brightened. “That sounds like fun! I mean, I got nowhere else to go, anyway.”
“Good, good,” the man said. “Come on, let’s go to my place. What’s your name, son?”
“I’m Franky!”
“I’m Tom,” Tom said with a grin. “Let’s go meet the gang.”
He turned and set off down the beach towards a street. Franky watched him for a moment before running after him.
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wolfie-forza · 8 years
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Molokai Cargo
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malialaka · 2 years
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I’ve always had the capability to teach old dogs new tricks. What we had learn this couple weeks os that 10 Natives have acquired of 10,000 acres on Crown, “State”, DHHL, on top of that new team partners that now trust that information is true and you have to follow the protocol. The Mariners Ocean Water Pacific Laws, Native Hawaiian Other Indigenous Laws exist. Greed will not benefit anyone for its preservation to survive. Having an insatiable kuhikuhi born and raised in Hawaii. Manybwoukd ask why not on DHHL or Homestead? Well this past weeks with the Kauai Water Department and Case case, Molokai Ranch and DHHL case explains it all. When Chief Kualii and Pavao brought Mu , Menehune, Maui, Hawaii loa ajd the rest of the ohana, the others were waiting ashore in other areas. They scouted the moku, with routes most imaginatively beautiful. They left information on when and how they arrived and had one job to do before any we cant never name., Hawaii her protector was also most tremendous educator. Theres sonmuch information that was taken, protected, and outright stolen, yet our own family member gave up the 7 most important things that connects each plains, other than “new perspective” that was left behind in a world where 7 perspected ajd collided into chaos snd then caught up. Before we jump to that we are finishing up Lonoikamakahiki “Peace Fest” and Luau Kalakaku “Reflection and Fasting Candle vigil” . We want to show you some pages in books that will spark your curiosity. “Giving birth to the brain” wasnt one of the harder tasks as kuhikuhi. It was knowing where belingings where, and you had to pay to see your own grandparents belongs, right after you find out why “they chopped up the body” of our names. Uncke Fornander had asked “Where did all the chiefs go?”. Everything all laid out, had told us where, but on the other every items till this day being looted . One of the 7, we know we have to fight for, the water. That is part of our new kumulipo Mai’au [Memoirs ‘Amaliaanaomakaainanaokahaleiokikiiola. ] uncle Emory and Parker made this super simple. Money = kala, bit wealthy = waiwai ; waiwai=water. #sacredandprofane #wahipana #heiau #thestoryofhaloa https://www.instagram.com/p/CcxTj5HL2gb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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