#molly Weasley the second
ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Title and author: In Which Lucy Despises Sundays by HPfanatic12
Summary: Lucy didn't like Sundays all that much
And it all has to do with how people treat her dad
Leading lady: Lucy Weasley
What's to love: This is a touching fic exploring Lucy Weasley's love for her father, Percy. It features so many next gen kids, and Teddy being especially kind to Lucy's defense of her father. This is perfect for the theme of week 10, Daughters!
send fic recs if you have one, self-recs and self-promo always welcome!
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You idiot!
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Fred Weasley x fem! reader
Summary: In which Fred promises you he will be careful during the battle, but things don't always go to plan.
Trigger warning: Violence, death (to some sort), blood, injury
Note: Not really sure what I did, but I tried. Also if anything seems off, I am sorry, but I tried my best to catch any mistakes. I hope you all will enjoy it to some extent! :)
It was the early hours of May the Second. Y/n sat at the Gryffindor table, her leg bouncing up and down in anxiety. A mere hour ago, y/n was in her room, flipping through a photo album of when she went to Hogwarts, giggling at the moving pictures that contained herself along with Lee, George and Fred.
Her boyfriend. Her one true love.
The boy she had developed feelings for in her fourth year, not confessing until her final year, when the pair were stuck together in a broom closet which would not budge. Only when the two were in each other's arms had the door swung open to reveal a triumphant looking George and Lee. Turned out it had all been a scheme by the pair of best friends to get Fred and y/n to confess they fancied one another.
The two had been together since then. Fred had asked y/n to move in with him the summer after she graduated. The twins had left school earlier to start up their shop but also since they were done with the pink toad known as Umbridge.
Y/n had been living with Fred in the flat the two brothers had above their shop. Y/n realized she was in love with Fred when one night, Fred had found Y/n crying. Her last bit of family, her brother, her twin, had joined the Death Eaters. She had broken down completely at that but y/n slowly recovered. Months after the news, Fred had discovered y/n crying her heart out in their sitting room in the flat, much to his surprise. Fred had simply held her until she stopped crying, and then pampered her the whole night. It was then y/n realized she didn't fancy Fred, she loved him.
However, with Voldemort having taken over, they had shifted to Fred's Aunt Muriel's place. The months passed by slowly but each day was almost dreadful, as y/n feared of hearing of anyone else she knew having been killed by Voldemort's death eaters. At one point, y/n had decided to join alongside Fred, Potterwatch, a radio station with real, accurate, up to date news. She adopted the identity of Valerie.
As the clock was nearing midnight on May the First, y/n's quiet, peaceful atmosphere had been interrupted by Fred who had burst into her room, his face looking solemn. Y/n felt her stomach twist in nervousness.
"Freddie, what's wrong?"
"It's Harry. He's at Hogwarts, we've all been called to the front." Fred answered, holding up a coin that had been used for communication between D.A. members.
Y/n gulped.
This was it. The final battle.
It all ends.
Y/n had stood up and rushed into Fred's arms.
"Promise me." She said, her voice muffled against Fred's chest.
"Pardon me, love?"
Y/n broke away and looked up at him, raising her hand out. "Promise me you'll be safe."
"Promise me, Freddie."
Fred had looked at her with soft eyes until he sighed and nodded.
"I promise, my love."
As y/n sat in the Great Hall, listening to the instructions being given out, her head spun with many thoughts.
What if they lost? How many casualties would there be? And... what if something happened to Fred?
A warm hand intertwined into hers and y/n broke out of the cage in her head, and turned to look at Fred beside her. His chocolate brown eyes provided warmth, a comfort that made y/n feel at home. Fred was her home.
He gave her a reassuring smile, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, and y/n felt herself relaxed a bit.
Perhaps everything would turn out alright in the end.
Oh how wrong she was.
During the fight, y/n had been separated from the twins and she ran, dodging spells, helping anyone who needed help, fighting back her attackers.
Y/n needed to see him. She couldn't rest until she was with Fred again. Y/n rounded another corner and paused for a moment.
Fred and Percy had just backed into view, both of them dueling masked and hooded men. Harry, Ron, and Hermione came up behind y/n and the four ran forth to help:
Jets of light flew in every direction and the man dueling Percy backed off, fast:
Then his hood slipped and they saw a high forehead and streaked hair - “Hello, Minister!” bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at Thicknesse, who dropped his wand and clawed at the front of his robes, apparently in awful discomfort. “Did I mention I'm resigning?”
“You're joking, Perce!” shouted Fred as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of three separate Stunning Spells. Thicknesse had fallen to the ground with tiny spikes erupting all over him; he seemed to be turning into some form of sea urchin.
Fred looked at Percy with glee before his eyes landed on y/n who had just stunned a death eater and turned to look at him. Although, Fred didn't realize, y/n's face had paled. Augustus Rookwood had shot a spell aimed in the two brothers' direction. Y/n began to move forth.
“You actually are joking, Perce… I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-“ Y/n got to Fred but right at that moment, the air exploded. They had been grouped together, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, y/n and Percy, the three Death Eaters at their feet, one Stunned, the other Transfigured; and in that fragment of a moment, when danger seemed temporarily at bay, the world was rent apart, y/n felt herself flying through the air, her grip tight on Fred, his arms around her.
The pair slammed onto the ground hard. Y/n's leg was warm and sticky, her skin burning, meaning blood was pouring out of a nasty gash. The dust and debris had swallowed them all in darkness, shouts and screams bounced in the now torn apart corridor.
When the dust settled, y/n was finally able to see. Her face paled and y/n's heart stopped at the sight before her.
Fred lay beside her, his body limp, his arms still loosely around her, his eyes shut, his head profusely bleeding.
"No, no, no..." Y/n murmured out in horror. Fred lay lifeless beside her. Y/n shook Fred, tears racing down her face. "No! You promised!" She yelled at him, beginning to lose control of her breathing. "Wake up!"
Percy and Ron kneeled down beside y/n, their faces distraught, shock flooding their whole body.
"Y/n," Percy tried, who was also crying. "He's gone-"
"NO! HE'S NOT!" She yelled at him, sobbing.
A thought suddenly occurred to her.
"Check his pulse!"
"What?" Ron spoke out, baffled. But y/n didn't hear, she hastily leaned forth and placed her ear against Fred's chest. Y/n strained to listen, her heart pounding harder and harder by the second. She couldn't hear anything and she was starting to lose hope.
Until, she did.
A very quiet and slow heartbeat answered to her.
Her Fred was alive.
A relieved whimper of joy escaped her.
"He's alive!" She said, crying with joy. The other two brothers looked at her with wide eyes and let out watery laughs of relief. Hermione and Harry smiled gently at that, wiping their tears away.
"We have to get him out of here." Percy ordered and with the help of Ron and Harry, they lifted up Fred and began to move as fast as they could, with y/n and Hermione right behind them.
Although not too soon did a loud, menacing voice ring throughout the whole castle, causing all signs of the battle to cease.
Lord Voldemort had granted Harry Potter an hour to surrender himself or watch the battle resume once more, with even deadlier consequences.
The group walked off to the Great Hall, where everyone was regrouping. Bodies of the fallen were being brought in, the injured were being treated, families searched for one another and hugged one another out of the relief of being alive. That was how the rest of the Weasley family was.
They were gathered together, embracing one another and trying to find more of their group. George was the first to spot the newly arrived.
His eyes went wide as his face paled. He felt all the breath leave him at the sight of his twin, his best friend, being carried in such a state, making George fear the worst. The rest of the family, noticing George's gaze, turned and felt all their worst nightmares come true.
Molly was the first to act, rushing forth as Percy, Ron and Harry gently placed Fred on the ground.
"My boy!" She cried out, going onto the ground beside y/n. She then looked at Y/n who sat there, staring numbly at Fred. "Oh my dear, y/n..." Molly said, bringing her into a hug. Y/n embraced the older Weasley tightly before pulling apart.
"He's alive." Y/n said, causing the whole family to sigh in relief, as Percy came with Madam Pomfrey who immediately began to tend to Fred.
They all silently watched, and after a painfully long ten minutes or so, the matron straightened and said, "I've done everything I can. He should wake up soon." With that, Madam Pomfrey moved onto another patient.
They all nodded, waiting for Fred to wake up.
Not soon after, Fred suddenly gasped, his eyes fluttering open, roaming around as he tried to recall where he was. The entirety of the Weasley family plus Harry and Hermione let out cries or gasps of relief. Y/n had begun to cry, and that's what made Fred look at her.
His eyes softened and he slowly sat up, wincing at the pounding in his head. Fred gently placed his hands on y/n's face, making her look up at him.
"Y/n," Fred said, feeling his heart shatter as y/n merely began to sob. "Y/n, love-"
Suddenly, y/n smacked Fred on the arm, making him groan and everyone else to look on with surprise.
"What was that for, love?" Fred murmured out in pain.
"You idiot! What were you thinking? Joking around like that during a battle? You bloody promised to be safe!" Y/n let out a sob once again, "I almost lost you."
Fred sighed and brought the girl into his chest, who held onto him tightly afraid he would disappear.
"I love you." She breathed out, making Fred freeze at the confession. He placed a kiss on y/n's head.
"I love you too, darling. I love you so much." He confessed back
With that having been said, the two would repeat those words to each other everyday for the rest of their lives, as Harry would claim victory over Voldemort in the final battle, ending the reign of terror over the wizarding world for good.
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Home Sweet Home
Ron Weasley x Reader
Ron had always been self conscious about his family, and felt like you would leave him if you saw his humble home. That you deserved better. Little did he know, you were about to live the cottage core dream. Just factor in a bunch of hot older brothers, and Ron’s relaxing it wasn’t the house he had to worry about
Set after The Battle Of Hogwarts, and uh No Dead Fred because FLUFF DAMMIT!
Warnings: jealous Ron, self conscious Ron, teasing, a very loaded house, hurt comfort, canon typical angst(?) and of course tooth rotting fluff
Writing Coms Open
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“Well…..Here we are-“ Ron swallowed, as the two of you would step from the fire place. You had been begging to visit his family, but his original excuse was that it was too dangerous to travel. Valid, but the war had ended. Sure, just because the war was over didn’t mean things were all tied off. Still, he can’t just hide you forever. You out right threatened to write a letter to Molly, and ask to come over yourself. That made him cave.
“Woah-!” You just beamed, as you set your bag down. You were already utterly enchanted. It was so cozy, and busy! You could hear the many siblings all around the building. Ron had warned you the place would be packed. After the war, it was a need to be closer to family. So, a Summer at the burrow it was. Oh all the romantic partners, jammed in. You included.
“Who should I meet first?!” You asked, as Ron seemed flabbergasted. You were in love with the madness, and hardly were here a minute. Before he could speak, he was tackled by the twins. Ronniekins was quick to fill the living room, as they ruffled his hair. Pinching his cheeks, and just being a menace.
You knew the twins, and Ginny, well. It was Percy, and up, that were as forgien as their hair was orange. Percy was always so busy with his studies, you sometimes forgot it was a gaggles of seven, and not six. Made it more surprising to see him, but not a surprise that it was in a suit.
“It’s complicated-“ Ron was quick to whisper, to make sure you knew not to bring up the Ministry job. You just nodded your head, as you watched the up tight man hang up his suit jacket. Hardly gave the man time to register you were there, before your were suddenly engulfed by the sent of fire crackers. Along with long arms.
“OUR LITTLE RONNIE-KINS IS ALL GROWN UP-!” The twins would give a mock sob, as George would cradle Ron’s head. It was, painfully, easy to tell who was who. Poor George. Still handsome as ever, but that’s gotta mess with your head after all. From identical, to not.
“Alright, that’s four brothers down. Two to go-!” You tried to make sure the mood stayed chipper, while your poor boyfriend was being a knuckle to his scalp. You could hear Molly tsking, before she shouted. “BOYS-! DONT MAKE ME GRAB CHARLIE-!” She warned.
“As if I’m any better-!” That had you turn your head, and woof. He was, oh he was something. The thick muscles, sun kisses skin, freckles, the fire crisped mullet, currently being tied back by blistered hands. Oh he was hot, and literally as well. You could feel the heat on his exposed skin. Given it was a tank top and jeans, damn was there a burn.
“THEN WILLIAM-!” Molly groaned, as he was next to pop his head in. You tried not to wince, but it couldn’t be helped. Half his face was just….Not there anymore. The right side of his face was rough. Blinded eye, his cheek in a permeant split to always expose his teeth. How the scar went through his hair, so to leave a permeant part. Despite it all, there was beauty. Pale complexion from exhaustion with curses, tall frame, long hair. He was stunning.
“Looks like Ronnie-Kins has competition~!” The twins mocked Ron, which made his ears go red. He was always self conscious. Even before you knew he even had brothers. He was always the last out. Even Ginny seemed to have more superiority than him. Despite the fact she was outside, riding her broom, he still would be last to the table. That’s what he thought, anyway.
“Yeah, the married men are in a contest with their little brother.” Bill snorted, as he waved his hand. Showing off his band. “Yeah, sorry, I like my men like I like my dragons. Dragons-“ You had no idea what that meant, but you were certain you’ll learn eventually. You knew not everyone was here yet, after all.
“Can SOMEONE help me with the cooking already?!” Molly shouted, only for every man in the room to scatter. You found that so rude to do to Molly, but then it clicked. Bonding time for you and her. Ok, that was sweet. They get a pass, this time.
“I’m here, Mama Molly!” You chirped, as you hurried into the kitchen. That smile of hers just warmed your soul, as she patted your cheek. “Oh thank you, love.” And like that, you were busy in the kitchen. Happily listening to the endless stories she had to share. Your favorites were of Ron, of course. It was, however, nice to be caught up to speed about the other couples.
Fleur and Bill were married, of course. Ron wanted to invite you to the wedding, but your family wanted to stay out of England until things settled. Smart choice. Charlie finding someone was a surprise, but rumor has it the guy is literally part dragon. That explains that. Percy seemed to hit it off with Oliver, that caught you by surprised. The nerd, and the jock? No way. Fred and George seemed to be sharing Angelina. For some reason, you couldn’t imagine it any other way. Muggle twins weren’t the same as magical ones, that’s for sure. Ginny wasn’t a surprise. She and Luna became official a while ago. Everyone knew that poor Ginny felt like she had to like Harry. Seemed the same was for The Boy Who Lived. So it was mutual, and healthy. Good for them.
“Jeez, that’s a lot of food-“ You wheezed, as you had to use magic to float said food over. “Seven kids, six partners. Half of said kids eat like they are five kids at once-!” She huffed, but was happy. Ever since things finally settled down, a proper income was flying their way. Curse breaker, Dragonologist, WWW, Aurur, Quidditch Athelet. Good fortune smiled on them, finally.
“Sorry for being late-! You would not believe the-Oh-! Well if it isn’t Ron’s little honey bee. So happy to see you-!” Arthur didn’t even take the time to pull his robe off. Just so quick to hug you. That made you feel so adored. Didn’t even take the time to deformal. You had to be hugged.
“Seems like just about everyone is here for supper. Fleur and Luna are upstairs, Angelina, Ginny, and Oliver are outside, we just need-“ Before she could finish, you screamed. Why did you scream? Because something was grabbing your ankle. You gave a violent kick, and the thing went flying into the sink.
“THAT WAS NOT CHARLIE-!” A voice alerted you, and the parents, as someone was quick to hurry to said sink. Long salt and pepper hair was a curtain down his back, while he seemed to wear a robe of some kind. Yukata-? Hanfu-? You didn’t really know the names. You just knew it was no bath robe.
“Shouren, we talked about this-“ Molly gave a playful scold, as she wasn’t mad at all. The Weasley twins had to get that playful side from both families after all. “Apologies, I….We haven’t seen each other in months, and I-“ He defended, as you were able to process the scene.
What went flying was a mechanical arm of sorts. The silvery eyed man, full of scars, would soon lower the side of his robe. There was a scarred up shoulder, with plating on it. With a simple click, and pop, the arm was attached. Fingers were given a test movement, before Molly dried it off for him.
“Oh, hello-!” He waved, with his working arm. “Sorry about that, I’m Long Shouren-“ He offered his hand, and you took it. “Weasleys, am I right?” You joke, as to show no hard feelings. Least your screams of bloody murder was making everyone hurry to the kitchen. PTSD does that.
“Wonderful! William set the table, Charlie grab the drinks-“ Molly was quick to run down the list, and send out orders. Like a well oiled machine. Robes were hung up, people were set, and everything was in order. Just one issue. There was zero chance everyone will fit at the table. No worries, with Luna.
“Let’s sit where we feel ourselves feel most at peace, so we can take a moment to savor.” Luna said, ever in her whimsical way. So, everyone was kinda scattered around. As if that was an issue. Weasleys were loud. Voices could carry for miles.
As expected, couples found their ways to snuggle. Molly and Arthur remained at the table, with Bill and Fleur. Same goes for Percy and Oliver. The twins had Angelina squished between themselves on the couch, while Charlie was sitting cross legged with Shouren. Ginny and Luna? They stole the free counter space, and happily kicked their feet.
“This house-“ Ron huffed, as you snuggled into him at the dinner table. That seemed to relax him, a little. Still, he seemed to more so play with his food. Compared to actually eating it. His eyes catching glances at his siblings. Everyone seemed so in tuned with each other. Even Percy and Oliver. Oliver the one to lead the conversation, and Percy listened.
“Come on, eat. Someone’s gotta keep fit to kick some death eater behind.” You teased, with a poke to his nose. Made that freckled thing wiggle, and you were a giggle at it. Maybe he was over thinking it. Despite all the chaos around you all, your eyes were focused on him. All his brothers were so loud in their personalities. Ginny all the same. Loud, beautiful, chaotic, then there was him.
“So who wants to be the next test subject-?” Angelina called, while Luna was quick to raise her hand. “LUNA NO-!” Ginny wheezed, as everyone was laughing at her eager nature. “I lost enough limbs, thank you very much-“ Shouren called, waving his fake arm. “I mean-“ Oliver began. “Do NOT entertain them-“ Percy warned. Bill was just shaking his head at them, as the conversation flowed like water. The time going by.
When dinner had long since been finished, and Bill finished helping Molly with washing the dishes, everyone was sent to bed. Travel was exhausting after all. You couldn’t help but wonder how the hell Bill and Charlie were going to handle sharing a room with two extra people. Those thoughts were washed away, as you entered Ron’s room.
“I know it’s not much-“ He began, only for your gasp to hush him. “YOUR ROOM IS SO COOL-!” You beamed, as you spun around in it. You loved it. It was so him. It also had a semi tiny balcony, that you were quick to look over. Enjoying the warm summer night air. The smell of his home. The smell of him.
“It’s so cozy! I love cozy.” You beamed, as you hurried back in. Happily admiring his many posters, pictures and what have you. It was so perfect, because it was Ron. You couldn’t help it, as you flopped on his bed. Messy with quilts, and smelled of wood and rain.
“Yer not just saying that, right?” He asked, with his ears a soft red. He just always had such low self esteem. Everything felt like it was hidden behind other words. That nothing was honest, but you were. You would sit up, and smiled.
“Ron, you think I dated you for some kind of hero credit? Lame. Give me the cute red head helping teach the first years chess, thank you very much.” You smirked, as his face burned red. Course you remembered that. You wanted to learn chess as well, but you felt shy because you were the same age. So you often just watched, and the rest was history.
“Now come on. I’m exhausted. I love your family, but wow….” You yawned, as Ron agreed. He grew up with them, but the energy is hard to match. Before either of you could fall asleep, you bother were quick to change into your sleep wear. That more so being stealing his shirt before he could even get it on. He allowed it, because you looked good in it.
“Think you can handle a whole summer of this?” Ron asked, as you curled up into his arms. Just like a puzzle. It felt so perfect. His strong arms around you, as he gently played with your hair. Legs a tangle mess, as you both hid under a thin blanket. Able to enjoy the summer night air.
“If I have you, I’ll face anything.” You smiled, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It was returned, as he held you a little tighter. As if you said a spell to lock him in place. He felt a little more confident in the relationship now, and that made you so happy.
Hardly a minute went by, and you two were knocked out cold. His snores just perfect for your white noise. The sounds of nature, Ron, an old house full of love, and the crickets outside. With the smells of love, and home, to soothe you. What more could you want? The whole world was in your arms, and no way will you part from it.
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cyberblink · 4 months
I haven't for whatever reason thought to post about this yet so here is my 130k epic Harry Potter with adults re-write aka The Order of the Phoenix and their Increasingly Desperate Fight Against The Unmentionable Man aka Sirius Black and the Crushing Weight of Being A Proper Adult.
I'm properly proud of it. It's up to chapter 63(?) now, which is ridiculous and I have around 20k words left to publish, most of it proper drama. I'm not 100% sure what I'm meant to do with my life now that I've finished it either, but that's something for future me to cope with as I'm currently just happy it's done.
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 9 months
No but hear me out!
Sunshiney young Molly Prewett and edgelord young Bellatrix Black being baby friends to lovers at Hogwarts and then their relationship is broken up by Rita when she makes up some giant rumor and tries to ruin their lives so that she can get with Bellatrix, but really it just breaks Molly and Bellatrix up because of like societal homophobia and shit and ultimately ruins their lives and and she was best friends with Rita which drives Bellatrix back towards her crazy ass family because of some realization about 'loyalty' or something and ahhhhh
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b3nnyrabb1t · 1 year
Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks are better mothers than Molly Weasley could ever hope to be
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roots-of-asphodel · 4 days
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fucking hypocrite. what's dudley to you? crabbe? goyle? marge?
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monsterblogging · 6 months
"I know JK Rowing is a terrible person but her books are so good-"
You sure about that?
I mean, just for a start, have you taken a good look at her fantasy creatures lately? A whole bunch of them are straight-up based on malicious and dehumanizing stereotypes about actual people.
Remember the werewolves? And being a werewolf was made into a kind of metaphor for having AIDS?
And you know how AIDS was first associated with gay men? And how conservatives back in the day were claiming gay men were preying on children in order to convert them to gayness?
Remember how Fenrir Greyback preyed on children in particular? Yeah, she put that subtext in there. She was an adult in the 90's. She knew damn well what she was doing.
Remember the house elves? Remember how most of them loved to serve and needed to have a home and a master or else they just wouldn't know what to do with themselves?
Did you know that's literally what slavers in the American South said about the Black people they kept enslaved? Go look up the happy slave myth.
Do I even need to get into the goblins and the antisemitic tropes they're based on? No, folkloric goblins were not gold-hoarding bankers waiting for their chance to stab humanity in the back.
"But the characters are so good!"
Are you kidding me?
Most of her characters are pretty one-dimensional, including Harry. Her idea of making a morally complicated character is giving a tragic past to a bully. Numerous characters are little more than stereotypes. (Looking at Fleur right now.) Literally anybody, including you, can easily make dozens of characters just as good, if not better. (It doesn't exactly take a lot of character designing skill to go, "hey, actually, having a sad backstory doesn't make it okay to bully children" or "hey, maybe I should not base a character on the first stereotype that pops into my head.")
"But the rest of the worldbuilding!"
Sorry, but her worldbuilding is just as basic as her characters. Magical castles and secret passages are stock tropes. Magical people who keep their true nature secret from humanity is the premise of pretty much every White Wolf TTRPG. Most of her fantasy creatures are just common European fairy tale and folklore creatures with shitty stereotypes projected onto them.
I'm not saying "basic worldbuilding bad." I'm saying, you could do just as good, if not better, with minimal effort.
Also there's her magical bioessentialism, where only Harry's abusive blood relatives could provide him with supernatural protection from Voldemort. Rowling thus effectively declared that non-biological family isn't quite real family, and that abusive biofamily can give you some essential thing that a loving, supportive family that isn't related to you just can't.
The Hogwarts houses are one of the most insidious elements of her worldbuilding. The idea of being sorted gives you a little dopamine hit because wow now you have a li'l niche where you belong!
But the actual function of the houses and sorting system and the House Cup is teaching children to see each other as rivals, and ensure that the most toxic views of the upper class get passed on to every new batch of kids sorted into Slytherin.
Hogwarts effectively prepares children for a dystopia where magic serves to distract its citizens from how nightmarishly awful it is. Economic inequality is so bad that people like Arthur and Molly Weasley can barely afford to put their kids through school, casual sadism is just an accepted norm in everyday society, and non-humans are second class citizens. Rowling sorta acts like she thinks this is a bad thing with certain lines she gave to Dumbledore, but in the end, her special boy protagonist becomes an auror; IE, a defender of the status quo. So.
If you've never seen it, Lily Simpson's video goes into even more detail on how the worldbuilding of Harry Potter is actually incredibly fucked up, and how it betrays small-minded attitudes on Rowling's part. There's no separating the art from this artist, because Rowling's rotten values pour out of nearly every page.
Yes, there are many things in Harry Potter that evoke feelings and inspire people, but there's absolutely nothing in it that this series has a monopoly on. You can find those same experiences in much, much better media.
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Title and author: A Molly Weasley Tradition by Realmer06
Summary: Knitting Christmas jumpers is a Molly Weasley tradition, and not one either of them intend to give up.
Leading ladies: Molly Weasley I and Molly Weasley II
What's to love: An achingly adorable account of how one Molly Weasley takes up knitting, and continues her grandmother's tradition. This fic would be perfect for mothers, or week 10, Daughters, with grandmother and granddaughter!
send fic recs if you have one, self-recs and self-promo always welcome!
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mallowsweetmiri · 8 months
• One of the Boys •
Reader x Fred Weasley
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Based off of Katy Perry’s song “One of the Boys”
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: You’ve always been one of the boys. That was until you came back from summer break looking a bit, different, as Fred puts it.
Warnings: cursing, mildly steamy scenario
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One of the boys
“Today was bloody brilliant!” Fred cheered and clapped you on the back as he raised his cup to Gryffindor. Practically the whole school was shoved in your common room to celebrate the quidditch cup.
“To Gryffindor!” Oliver bellowed drunkly as everyone drank and cheered.
“Seriously, Y/N, you played fucking amazing today,” Angelina bellowed, downing the rest of her drink.
“I can second that. Since when did you get so bloody good, little one?” George smiled as he put his arm around you. The twins had always been your good friends, the three of you joining the Gryffindor quidditch team in your third years. They’d often referred to you as little one, due to the fact that they towered over you. They constantly teased and pranked you, but you would also join in on their antics. More often than not, you guys were playing quidditch during the warm seasons and pranking Filch in the winter. You were really just one of the boys and you couldn’t be more happy to be a part of their mischief.
“I’ve always been good, Georgie. But I will admit, this was probably my best game yet,” you beamed as you joined the rest in downing your drink.
“You’re only that good thanks to our rigorous coaching throughout the years,” Fred smiled wryly, filling his own cup up again. You rolled your eyes.
“Yea right, Weasley. The two of you combined still wouldn’t be as good as me,” you challenged. The three of you went back and forth all night, drinking and laughing and celebrating Gryffindors victory. The high spirits continued throughout the week and before you knew it you were saying goodbye to all your friends at platform 9 and 3/4.
“Oh! So good to see you sweetie,” Molly smiled warmly as she dragged you into a tight hug, “Have a good summer, we’ll see you in the fall! Say goodbye boys.” Fred and George both approached you and each gave you a quick hug before heading out with the Weasley family.
“See you next year little one!” George called out.
“Don’t skimp out on the quidditch practice, Y/N! You could use it,” Fred shouted, giving you a cheeky smile and a wave. You rolled your eyes and sent a smile back before meeting with your own family and heading home for the summer.
3 months later
You checked yourself out in the mirror one last time and smoothed the top of your hair flat.
“Come on, Y/N! You’re going to miss the train,” your dad called from downstairs.
Over the summer you had grown a considerable amount. Your dad had been teasing you about how much time you spent in the bathroom getting ready, but you didn’t care. For once in your life you actually felt pretty. Your body had begun to fill out in all the right places and your hair had grown out well past your shoulders now. You had started to shave your legs and wear perfume. You had even bought new clothes as you had outgrown your old wardrobe. All of this had instilled you with a newfound confidence that had you beaming. As you walked onto platform 9 and 3/4, you wore a fitted long sleeve shirt and some new low waisted jeans. You had blown out your hair into soft falling curls and you had even applied some lip gloss. You were excited to start your sixth year with all your friends and your new look.
“Bye guys! I’ll see you for Christmas,” you hugged your family before loading your trunks on the train. As you put your final trunk into the train, someone called your name from behind.
You turned around to see Fred and George standing behind you, still towering over your frame.
“Fred! George! How was your summer?” You bounded towards them and hugged George. When you pulled back to hug Fred he just stood there with his mouth slightly agape. George nudged him and he seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and leaned in to hug you.
“You look… different,” was all he could manage to say. You chuckled and put your hands on your hips.
“Yes, I’m not so little anymore. You guys can stop calling me little one now,” you teased.
“Nah, you’re still tiny,” George brushed you off as you all started to head onto the train to find a compartment. After walking down the length of the train, you had finally found the compartment where Lee and Angelina were.
“Y/N! How was your summer! Oh my gosh, you look absolutely stunning,” Angelina beamed as she hugged you and pulled you down to sit next to her.
“Thanks Angie, I can say the same about you! And my summer was amazing,” you guys chatted back and forth, catching up on all the latest gossip and all the fun things you did over the summer. Fred and George beamed about the Quidditch World Cup and soon the five of you were full of sweets and ready to take a quick nap before you had to change into your school robes.
“Every year I tell myself not to eat so many chocolate frogs, and every year I eat more than I did the year before,” Lee groaned, leaning back and rubbing his stomach. You laughed and slid down in your own seat, leaning your head against the window and looking out across the green landscape. You were so happy to be back with your friends. The summertime was amazing, but there was nothing like Hogwarts. As you smiled to yourself, you looked up from the window to see Fred staring at you with a serious expression. You raised an eyebrow at him but he just shook his head and looked out the window. That was weird. You shook it off and leaned your head against the window again and nodded off.
Before long, the train had pulled into the station and crowds of students were piling out into to the night to go to welcoming feast. As you filed out of the train and towards the carriages, Fred and George lagged behind a bit and whispered to each other.
“Do you think they’re acting a bit strange?” You leaned in towards Angelina, sending another glance back towards the twins.
“Aren’t they always?” Angelina shrugged as she stepped into the carriage. She had a point.
After a few minutes, you found yourself at the Gryffindor table listening to Dumbledore announce the Tri-Wizard Tournament, everybody increasingly getting excited as his speech went on. The excitement reached its peak as piles of fresh food appeared in front of you and everybody dug into the feast.
“Oh how I missed this food,” you groaned, piling food into your mouth. George hummed in agreement as he piled more potatoes into his mouth. You could feel Fred staring at you again but you decided against meeting his gaze this time. Were they going to prank you or something? He was acting so weird.
Shortly after dinner, everybody headed up to their dorms. Despite wanting to hang out together in the common room, the long day of travel and the large feast caught up with the Gryffindors as the students filed up the winding stairs to their rooms. You had just gotten to your room when you realized you left your book in the common room. You turned around and quietly padded down the stairs to retrieve it. You slowed your steps as you saw the twins huddled together on a couch with their backs turned from you.
“Well yes, I’m not disagreeing. Any bloke can see she looks good, so what? I mean, what are you trying to say?” You managed to hear George say as you approached the coffee table.
“Ooh, who looks good? Does someone have a crush?”
The twins jumped as you grabbed your book next to them.
“Bloody hell, Y/N!” Fred exclaimed with wide eyes. George laughed.
“See, you say you’re no longer little, but you’re so tiny your footsteps don’t even make a sound,” George teased, leaning back into the couch and tossing his arm over it. You rolled your eyes.
“You guys just stomp around like ogres, I walk like a normal human. Anyways, I’m heading to bed. Try not to drool over Angelina, Georgie. It’s only the first day back,” you teased as you turned to head up towards the girls dormitory. You heard George let out a loud laugh before hearing a loud slap and more commotion. You just smiled to yourself, oh how you missed those two. You entered your room and placed your book on your bedside table before going to your wardrobe to change.
“I think George likes you,” you nodded to Angelina as she shot up in her bed.
“Really?” She said with a slight smile. You just chuckled. You were so happy to be back.
The weeks flew by and soon the other wizarding schools had arrived. The only thing that sucked about this whole tournament was that there was no quidditch. It was a surprisingly warm November day when you bounded into the common room looking for a certain pair of red heads. You spotted them huddled up in the corner of the room, probably working on one of their pranking products as you had learned of recently.
“You two,” you pointed at the twins as they whipped their heads up, “wanna play quidditch? Two on two, George and Angelina, Me and Fred.” A cheeky grin immediately grew on George’s face as he turned to look at Fred. A more sheepish smile appeared on Fred’s face as he stood up.
“Alright, Y/N, let’s kick some ass.”
The game had turned out to be exactly what the four of you needed in midst of all the school work that was being assigned. You and Fred flew seamlessly together, scoring over and over again on George and Angelina. They were putting up a good front, but your flying skills were outmatched. You had even attracted a small crowd of students by the time the game ended.
“Good game,” you said, landing onto the field and sticking out your hand for Angelina.
“Yes, valiant effort you two,” Fred smirked, shaking Angelina’s hand after you.
“Merlin, Y/N, I forgot how good you are,” Angelina mumbled as she took her defeat in stride.
“Yeah, shes bloody brilliant,” Fred mumbled with a reserved smile. You looked up at him, beaming at the compliment but he quickly looked away and cleared his throat.
“Gotta admit it, little one. You sure can fly,” George clapped you on the back before following Angelina off the field.
“We make a good team, Freddie,” you smiled, patting his arm before beginning to walk off the field as well. You couldn’t help but feel a little sad. Why was Fred acting so weird around you? Did he not like you anymore? He had been so distant this year, choosing to spend his time with George and whenever you came over to join them, he seemed to shut down and become reserved. And Fred had certainly never been reserved before. You shook your head and walked back to your dorm to shower. You decided you’d ask George about it that night.
After dinner, you sat in the common room working on some homework with Angelina. You tried to focus on your assignment, but your eyes kept drifting over to the pair huddled in the corner. How in the world were you going to ask George about Fred when they were always together? As if your prayers had been answered, Fred stood up and walked out of the common room. Your eyes followed him until he disappeared through the portrait hole. You took no time waiting and began to walk over to George.
“Ah, Y/N, what’s up?” George closed whatever he was working on and put his arm over the back of the couch. You took a seat next to him and turned to face him, nervously playing with your sleeves.
“Um, I actually had a question for you,” you stammered, looking up towards the portrait hole to make sure Fred wasn’t coming back.
“Spit it out, Y/N. What’s up? You’re making me worried,” George laughed, scooting closer to you. You cleared your throat.
“Does Fred have a problem with me? I dunno, it just seems like he doesn’t like me around anymore. He’s been acting so weird and I don’t want to bother him if he doesn’t want me hanging out with you guys anymore,” you trailed off, looking down at your legs. George put his arm around your shoulders.
“Y/N, I can promise you that is not the case,” he sighed, “we both love hanging out with you.”
“Really?” You let out a breath and chuckled.
“Yes, really. Merlin, he is such an idiot,” he grumbled to himself, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?” You raised an eyebrow at him when Fred walked back into the common room. You looked up and your eyes met his. As he got closer to you and George, his brows furrowed. George took his arm off your shoulders and you shifted your body away from his.
“What are you guys talking about?” Fred questioned, stopping in his tracks and crossing his arms over his chest, looking mildly annoyed. Why were his forearms so ripped? You shook your head and cleared your throat.
“I was just bugging him about the herbology assignment, which he hasn’t even started,” you glared at George. It was true that he hadn’t even started the lengthy assignment that was due by the end of the week. George chuckled.
“Did you set it up Freddie?” George questioned, probably about a prank, looking up at his twin. Fred still looked visibly annoyed.
“Yes. I did, but I should’ve made you do it.” Fred said dryly, his jaw clenching slightly. George rolled his eyes. You looked between the twins with a confused expression. You rarely saw them annoyed at each other.
“Alright, well I’m headed upstairs. Goodnight you guys,” you ducked out of the awkward atmosphere and towards Angelina to grab your books.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” George said as Fred sat down in your seat and began to whisper something to George. What was that all about?
A few days went by and Fred was still acting distant. You wondered if George had even said anything to Fred about it. If anything, Fred was avoiding you even more. George tried to give you passing smiles and waves, but anytime he passed you in the halls, Fred would completely ignore you. Even at dinner, he would rarely engage in conversation with you and you were starting to feel really hurt. After this particular night where he purposefully avoided your gaze the entire dinner, you were actually angry at him. He’d been acting so weird all year and then as soon as you talked to George about it, he started completely ignoring you. That night, you left your dorm and stomped up to the twins room. You knocked on the door and stood there with your arms crossed waiting until George opened it. He looked taken aback by your angry presence.
“I need to talk to Fred, alone.” You stated. George gulped and turned to Lee.
“Let’s go to the common room,” he grabbed Lee and pushed past you. Fred was now looking at you from his bed. You couldn’t read the expression on his face. It looked half scared and half the nonchalant expression he’d been giving you the past few days.
“What the fuck is your problem with me?” You stomped over the his bed where he sat. He raised an eyebrow at you and crossed his arms.
“I don’t have a problem with you, Y/N. What are you talking about?” He shrugged as he looked up at you nonchalantly, but you could see his jaw tensing.
“Are you serious right now, Fred? You know exactly what I’m been talking about. You’ve been avoiding me all week, ever since I talked to George about you. I don’t know if he even mentioned it to you, but I thought you didn’t like me anymore! He told me that wasn’t true, but now I’m not too sure anymore! You’ve been acting like a prat all week!” You were fuming at this point. You couldn’t believe he had the audacity to pretend like he hadn’t been ignoring you for days.
“That’s not fuckimg true! I told you I don’t have a problem with you, Y/N,” he jumped up off the bed and stalked towards you, “why can’t you just take my word for it?” His height became apparent as he loomed over you. You only stood up straighter and kept your arms crossed.
“Well then what’s your problem? Why don’t you like hanging out with me anymore? Why are you avoiding me?” You questioned, your anger slowly seeping away and being replaced with the hurt you’d been feeling. Fred sighed, his posture relaxing as he saw your eyes fill with sadness. He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I do like hanging out with you, Y/N. Merlin, I’ve been missing spending time with you, I just…” he trailed off, his eyes falling to the floor.
“You just what, Fred? Since when are you so shy?” You asked genuinely. That only made Fred groan and run his hands roughly through his hair again.
“Since I started liking you! Since you showed up on the platform looking like that and now I can’t even look at you without thinking you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” the words tumbled out of his mouth and left you standing there with your mouth open. Did he just say he likes you? Did he just call you beautiful? “I miss playing quidditch with you and coming up with pranks together but fuck, Y/N. I don’t want to be your friend anymore. I want to be with you.” You stood still for what felt like a long time. Were you dreaming right now? Your brain scrambled to make sense of what was happening. I mean, Fred was standing in front of you, confessing his feelings to you in a very real way. But you’d been friends for so long. What if this ruined everything? But he was standing right in front of you with his messy hair and his freckled face and his furrowed brows and he just looked so good and he was finally talking to you again and
“Oh, fuck it,” you breathed out, closing the space between the two of you. You were kissing him. And it felt so good. He groaned into your lips as his hands found their way to the small of your back, pulling you flush against his body as his lips worked against your own. Your hands tangled in his red locks as you pulled at his neck to deepen the kiss. His hands slid up your body until he held your cheeks. He kissed you softly one more time before pulling back. You face was blushed red as you stared up at him with wide eyes. He finally let out a breathy laugh and his lips curved up into a crooked smile.
“You��re so cute, fuck,” he laughed, still holding your face in his large hands, “I’m sorry I’ve been acting like a prat. I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship. But after kissing you, fuck, I should’ve ruined it a long time ago.”
“I just wish you would’ve told me earlier. Had I known you liked me, I could’ve had you kissing me all year,” you smirked as you walked him to the edge of his bed. He sat on the edge and pulled you down with him.
“Let’s make up for lost time then,” Fred whispered as he pulled you to his lips. You groaned as you straddled his lap and deepened the kiss. This man knew how to use his tongue.
“Fuck, Freddie,” you moaned into his mouth as his hands found their way to your ass. He chuckled as his grabbed your hips.
“I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw you bent over your luggage on the platform,” he breathed out with a smirk as he slapped your ass. You gasped and hit his chest.
“Freddie!” You scolded, but it didn’t last long as he pulled you back to his mouth, making you moan as his thumbs rubbed over your hip bones.
“Bloody hell,” you heard someone say from the door. You gasped and pulled away from Fred only to see George standing in the doorway with his jaw wide open. Fred’s smirked stayed plastered on his face and his grip held you tight on his lap.
“Sorry Georgie, think you can give us a few more minutes? We’re still talking.”
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Latency Lingering {F.W}
Chapter I - Same Eyes, Twice Over
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Synopsis: just over three years after making the decision to end things with Fred to keep yourself and your new secret(s) from holding him back, you're finally faced with the consequences when you run into Molly and she sees those very same "secrets" for herself. Suddenly, it seems very unlikely that a life without Fred Weasley in it will remain possible for you.
All the time in the world could not have properly prepared you for this moment.
You weren't entirely convinced, after all, that anyone was supposed to endure the agony of facing a disappointed Molly Weasley head on.
But then, here you were, dual stroller handlebar clenched so tightly in your hands that you feared you might just warp it, doing exactly that.
Had the four years of peace been worth it, you wondered, in exchange for the inevitable chaos that was soon to descend upon you like a long prophesied swarm of locusts set free of the hell from whence they'd come?
Likely not.
But what else could you have done?
You had only been eighteen measly years old, after all, a babe in the grand scheme of things, suddenly thrust into reality as a dull blade might be through flesh and bone.
(Messily, and with a staggering amount of force).
Though, you certainly felt rather unlike the blade in that analogy, and far more so like the flesh...
Nevertheless, you'd persisted. Done what you'd had to in order to preserve your sanity and the livelihood of the man you'd loved.
Perhaps still did, not that it mattered.
Fred was long gone, you had made sure of it that night in the astronomy tower the evening before he and his brother, your once closest friend, had made their daring escape from the hell that had been Hogwarts at that time.
You'd shattered the poor boy's heart after three and a half years of love and adoration, all to preserve his dreams.
Shame you'd done all you could to ensure he'd never know it.
"Please love, I don't understand."
He'd plead, dexterous fingers running through mussed up ginger locks as he paced back and forth about the room you were both stood in.
You'd only just barely resisted the urge to say it was all a joke then, desperate to reach out and feel him one more time, to fix the hairs that had sprung up all about his head as a result of his restless ministrations.
But you hadn't. You couldn't.
Things would be better, you knew, if you just stayed away.
You'd retreated further out of his grasp to keep yourself from holding him not long after the urge had arose. The look in his eyes, pained and confused, was enough to tear your heart in two, though you supposed that it was thirds if you really thought about it.
You would miss George, after all. What was a girl to do without her best friend, especially in times such as these?
"I'm sorry, Fred."
You said resolutely, not feeling nearly as certain as you'd sounded in that moment.
"I just- I can't deal with the distance, nor the strain of it all. There's far too much for me to worry about here, I can't risk stretching myself too thin worrying to death over you and your brother."
That much was true, you supposed, though in the end he'd never really know the half of it. That you couldn't risk stretching yourself too thin because of just how much was about to change, and because it would mean harming another to do so.
You had far more than just yourself to think about now.
In response to your words, your boyfriend stared at you as if you'd grown a second head, beautiful brown eyes wide and teary as he pulled a shaking, uncertain breath in through his parted lips.
"This can't be happening."
He'd whispered, a humorless laugh leaving his mouth and echoing throughout the mostly empty space, nearly making you shudder.
"Merlin Y/n, just last night you were cracking jokes about me taking your surname instead of the other way around. We spoke of a home, domestic dinner parties, Godric, even names for our bloody children!"
He'd exclaimed, hands flying up into their air as you'd watched on sorrowfully, recalling the very conversations he was speaking of.
You'd certainly take his thoughts from them into consideration when you-
"Lords woman, you're wearing a promise ring! This isn't some summer fling you can just toss aside with no warning, we've a whole future planned together!"
He sounded near hysterical now, confusion melding with panic to rob him of reason even in the darkened halls of the astronomy tower, and you'd shuddered to think of what Umbridge would do if she found out the two of you were up there at such an hour.
It was hardly negligible to risk yourself harm anymore, you simply couldn't resolve to allow things to continue any further.
And so, you hadn't.
"Fred, I'm sorry."
You began, lower lip wobbling in a way you hoped he couldn't make out despite the feigned certainty present in your tone.
"But I've made up my mind. We're destined to take life on two very different paths, you and I, and I can't let myself pretend this makes sense for even another moment. I love you far too much to allow this to persist and risk hurting you further."
And with that, you were gone, leaving the love of your life behind to wonder what on earth had gone wrong.
You hadn't seen Fred since then, at least not as far as you were aware, avoiding every event he could possibly turn up at within reason...
Though, avoiding his family, that had proven to be a far more difficult task, particularly whilst you'd been attending Hogwarts with them after the twins had taken their leave, your relationship all but flown away with them.
It turned out though, that pregnancy was easy enough to hide as long as no one looked too close at your poorly maintained glamour charm.
Or, at least it had been for the first few weeks or so...
But then, much to your utter horror (and great surprise) you'd been informed that your darling ex boyfriend had been so kind as to leave you with not just one child to care for in his absence, but two.
It would seem that twins did indeed run in the family.
After that discovery, your glamour charms had taken a lot more effort, focus, and intention.
Graduation, you'd found, could not come soon enough.
And though you had "celebrated" alone, your notably small family wanting little to do with their soon to be teen parent of a daughter, it had felt like your first real victory since your decision to leave Fred had left a gaping hole in the center of your heart.
Perhaps it was possible to keep moving forward after all, if you could make it through several months of schooling at Hogwarts whilst pregnant with twins you would undoubtedly be raising on your own...
Though, truly, not even that could have prepared you for a moment such as this one, because far more than you had ever seen before, Molly Weasley was furious.
She was doing a good enough job of hiding it, but you'd long since learned the meaning of her flaring nostrils, darting gaze, and shifting fingertips, which busied themselves with her wand as casually as she could manage.
You reckoned you were rather lucky she hadn't hexed you yet, judging by how upset she looked.
And, reasonably, you supposed she had every right to be.
After all, it had only been three short years since you had broken her son's heart high up in the astronomy tower at that school you had once so happily called home, yet now you were standing in the same doctor's office waiting room together, one of you with a bruised ankle, and the other with a baby carriage in hand.
And as much as you wished it to be so, it seemed the universe had no intention of switching your positions. It was you with the stroller, and she with the injury, though you were certain you'd be obtaining one soon if the older woman standing before you didn't get the answers she was doubtless looking for.
She greeted far too sweetly, her eyebrow twitching ever so slightly below her hairline as her eyes swept over the blanket covered stroller parked in front of you,
"It's lovely to see you. How have you been?"
The question was meant to sound polite, you were sure of it, but the undertone was clear:
"I could have gone my entire life without seeing you again."
It resolved.
"And exactly who did you deem worthy enough to start a family with so soon after breaking Freddie's heart?"
It interrogated.
You scarcely managed to hold back a shudder in response, your smile nervous in spite of your best efforts.
Time had whittled away at your ability to hide how you were feeling, it seemed, since you had last needed to do so during your breakup with Fred.
What a shame, you really could have used that right about now.
"Mrs. Weasley."
You greeted, all but flinching when you nearly said her name instead purely out of habit.
You could scarcely remember the last time you'd had to call the woman by such a formal title, but you supposed you'd lost the right to address her differently the moment you'd thrown Fred's surname back in his face that night in the astronomy tower.
"I've been well. And you?"
Your response was far more submissive to the older woman's intimidation than you'd perhaps intended it to be, but even so, your persistent and undying respect for her won out in the end. It was strange, truly, to consider the woman you'd once very nearly called Mum an enemy.
Molly hummed dismissively in response to your words, brushing off your question with a wave of her hand,
"Oh I've been just the same as always, nothing much to speak of I'm afraid."
She sighed out with faux regret, fixing you with a look of marked interest as she continued,
"But you,"
She said eagerly,
"It would seem that you've been rather busy as of late."
At that, she gestured toward the stroller sat in front of you, and you blanched slightly at the idea of her getting a decent look at its contents.
Molly smiled once more, still far too politely for your comfort,
"Who's the little one, then?"
She coaxed, immediately forcing a short burst of nervous laughter from deep inside your chest.
Once you'd officially regained control of yourself though, you smiled just as politely as she (albeit with an apologetic edge) before replying.
"Little ones, I'm afraid."
You joked, never quite able to stop yourself from trying to make light of a stressful situation.
"Winnifred and Augustine, or, far more popularly, Winnie and August. They're-"
"Twins." Molly finished before you could even get the word out, her eyes widening slightly in surprise, "Yours?"
You nodded slowly, and the woman smiled ever so slightly for the first time since you'd come into view.
"Oh my, my condolences then." She teased, reaching forward to grasp at the blanket that concealed the precious cargo napping away within, doubtless tired after their long day full of bickering back and forth with one another.
She looked up at you then, seemingly unaware of the growing fear in your eyes as you suddenly realized what was about to happen.
"May I?"
She asked, though you could tell from the tone she took that it was far more of a formality than an actual question.
Such was the problem with older women, you'd found - They scarcely seem to bother actually asking your thoughts in regards to them seeing your children.
But this? This certainly could not persist, not if you hoped to-
Without pausing to hear an answer you knew she'd never had any intention of waiting for, Molly Weasley gently tugged at the fabric that had been draped across the front of the carriage, ignoring your nervous sputtering as you tried desperately to find the right words to say.
Unfortunately, they never came.
Forgotten, the blanket that had once hidden your beloved children away from the world fluttered to the ground, and Molly Weasley stared, stock still, at the sight before her.
There, blinking blearily up at the bright lights of the waiting room she was stood in, was a set of twins so familiar that it made her heart skip a beat inside her chest.
Soft ginger hair adorned both of their heads, and delicate freckles far too similar to those she had once threatened to kiss off the faces of her own children decorated their cheeks like stars doubtlessly chock full of constellations just waiting to be found.
But somehow, the feature that caused her the most pause was the eyes of the little ones sitting before her, deep brown and shining in the white overhead lighting of a doctor's office that suddenly felt far too cramped for the feelings she was struggling to maintain control over.
Those eyes bore a striking resemblance to her twins, and somehow even one in particular, one that she knew you were quite familiar with, as things went.
Her gaze darted back up to seek your own, and the moment she found it and saw the overwhelming guilt and fear there, she knew, and her breath caught briefly in her throat.
"Y/n dear,"
She spoke after a few moments of increasingly tense silence, the low chatter of the witches and wizards around you seemingly reduced to nothing as the sound of your own racing heartbeat drowned them out with ease.
Molly reached out to you then, slowly and gingerly, as if you were some wild animal she feared might dart away at any moment.
And truth be told, you very nearly felt like one too, especially as the following question left your almost former mother in law's lips,
"What is their surname?"
And immediately, you shook your head, far too overwhelmed with the situation at hand to handle any of it properly.
Years and years of fleeing in fear of this exact moment had done you no favors in preparing for it, and your shaking hands and tear filled eyes betrayed that fact with an embarrassing level of evidence.
"Oh Molly,"
You begged softly, using the woman's given name for the first time in years,
"Please don't ask me that. I promise you don't want me to say-"
"Winnifred and Augustine Weasley?"
A nurse called out hesitantly to the sea of patients located in the waiting room, her eyes trained briefly on the clipboard in front of her as if to double check her words before she looked back up curiously, gaze sweeping back and forth throughout the space, seeking out the two toddlers scheduled with Dr. Hathaway for the 2:00pm slot.
You felt your heart constrict painfully inside your chest as Molly's hand flew to her mouth, her once so certain fingers trembling as the truth of the matter washed over her like a freezing winter squall.
And, ever the coward when it came to family matters such as this, you were quick to clear your throat, doing your best to hide your red rimmed eyes and tear tracked cheeks before waving your hand slightly to the nurse who was still looking anxiously about the waiting area.
"They're just here. Apologies for the delay, I must have misheard you."
Though, from the positively dread filled look on your face, Molly Weasley could tell you had not.
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy Birthday Shana!! Can I suggest Percy and Tonks? I hope you have a wonderful day 🌻
Tonks isn’t worried about Arthur. They’ve met, several times, and he’s always hurried and distracted and warm. She’s not sure he’s figured out that she’s dating his son yet, but Percy doesn’t really tell people things.
Case in point.
“Crouch is missing?” she frowns. “Should we do something about that? Should I do something about that? Missing people are supposed to be jurisdiction, more or less.”
He shakes his head. “The going missing is pretty standard, it’s the length that’s getting a little concerning. If he’s not back by the time the Triwizard Tournament is over it might be worth looking into. I’m just saying don’t mention my long hours to Mum.”
“Right,” she says uneasily. Percy’s mother. Who’s a Prewett and notoriously not as easy going as her husband.
“You don’t have to come to lunch with my mother if you don’t want to,” he says, and sounds like he means it. “She’s just going to criticize me for thirty minutes and not even really mean it and she might do the same to you. Don’t take it to heart. She doesn’t remember half of what she complains about.”
Tonks wonders how often Percy changed something in response to one of his mother’s throwaway comments before he realized that she hadn’t noticed and hadn’t cared. “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’m coming. What color should my hair be?”
She’s expecting him to say blonde or brown or even to match the infamous Weasley and Prewett red, but he kisses her cheek and says, “Her favorite color’s blue.”
She doesn’t imagine blue hair is going to endear her to Molly at all, but Percy knows she prefers something fun and vibrant and isn’t asking her to do anything else, even for meeting his mother.
Tonks locks the door to Crouch’s office with a wave of her hand and sees how long she can distract Percy from his work with something a little more than a kiss on the cheek.
Right now her personal record is eight minutes and thirteen seconds, but she has a good feeling about this one.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
Ok so Harry has a tendency to blatantly state out loud just how much the Dursleys don't give two shits about him (to the point that the people around him think it's just a typical teenager over exaggerating their complaints), but... Does he realise that the way he is being treated by them is wrong?
Also like, I know that the way the Dursleys treated him plays a huge part in the way Harry behaves and views himself- specifically him not thinking an adult is a reliable source of help and protection + his disastrouly low self esteem + how he doesn't respond to Snape's everything (which is the exact opposite of what James would have done) ... But what are the other ways in which he got affected and it shows? (Someone once mentioned that they hc that when feeling extreme emotions Harry tends to skip out on food and may have nearly wasted away in his second year had it not been for Ron and Hermione- which is also why they act so much like Harry's bodyguards)
Yep, Harry put no effort into hiding his abuse. He literally told anyone who would listen. By 5th year, he was making jokes about it to Ron and Hermione who seemed used to it.
Now, you've raised a few questions and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.
Does he realise that the way he is being treated by them is wrong?
I think he does. Most of his comments about his relatives' treatment definitely sound like Harry is very aware that he shouldn't be treated like that.
“I told you, I didn’t — but it’ll take too long to explain now — look, can you tell them at Hogwarts that the Dursleys have locked me up and won’t let me come back, and obviously I can’t magic myself out, because the Ministry’ll think that’s the second spell I’ve done in three days, so —” “Stop gibbering,” said Ron. “We’ve come to take you home with us.” “But you can’t magic me out either —” “We don’t need to,” said Ron, jerking his head toward the front seat and grinning. “You forget who I’ve got with me.” “Tie that around the bars,” said Fred, throwing the end of a rope to Harry. “If the Dursleys wake up, I’m dead,” said Harry as he tied the rope tightly around a bar and Fred revved up the car. “Don’t worry,” said Fred, “and stand back.”
(COS, page 31)
“It was cloudy, Mum!” said Fred. “You keep your mouth closed while you’re eating!” Mrs. Weasley snapped. “They were starving him, Mum!” said George. “And you!” said Mrs. Weasley, but it was with a slightly softened expression that she started cutting Harry bread and buttering it for him.
(COS, page 39)
But Harry wasn’t going to stand for this. Gone were the days when he had been forced to take every single one of the Dursleys’ stupid rules.
(GOF, page 33)
“Excellent,” said Lupin, looking up as Tonks and Harry entered. “We’ve got about a minute, I think. We should probably get out into the garden so we’re ready. Harry, I’ve left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to worry —” “They won’t,” said Harry. “That you’re safe —” “That’ll just depress them.” “— and you’ll see them next summer.” “Do I have to?” Lupin smiled but made no answer.
(OOTP, page 54)
“You don’t seem to need many qualifications to liaise with Muggles. . . . All they want is an O.W.L. in Muggle Studies. . . . ‘Much more important is your enthusiasm, patience, and a good sense of fun!’ ” “You’d need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle,” said Harry darkly. “Good sense of when to duck, more like . . .”
(OOTP, page 657)
It seems Harry is very much aware that the way he is being treated is wrong. the younger Weasleys and Hermione are clearly aware of that too. Harry calls the Dursleys' rules stupid, he knows the Dursleys aren't treating him the way they should and that he doesn't have to take it. That he shouldn't have to take it.
Harry is kind of a best-case scenario of an abused kid and Dumbledore was so lucky Harry ended up functional enough for his plans. It could've so easily gone down differently.
Honestly, I'm enraged on Harry's behalf at how Arthur, Molly, and Lupin (and every other adult) just completely ignore his mistreatment. He really does just state plainly what's going on and has Ron, Fred, George, and Hermione backing up everything he says.
What are the other ways in which he got affected and it shows?
I do like when Harry's approach to food is affected by the Dursleys starving him, that being said, there isn't really any book evidence for it. It's an interesting headcanon to explore though. His low self-esteem, willingness to endanger himself, and his thinking that adults be counted on are definitely effects seen in the books. As for other things we do see in the books:
1. Harry is actually really quiet. He doesn't speak as much as Ron and Hermione and he's pretty awkward with social interaction. He mimics Ron in many ways since he never had any friends before him.
His approach to studying is one of the ways he mimics Ron socially. Harry actually read their school books before 1st year, he found Hedwig's name in a History of Magic. And he planned to study at the beginning of Philosopher's Stone. Then he meets Ron and realizes no one in Gryffindor except Hermione actually studies, and she is hated for it. So he didn't bother studying either, even though he planned to because he wanted to fit in.
2. Harry isn't great at emotional regulation, specifically anger. Harry is a pretty angry character and throughout the books, he actually has moments when he completely loses himself to a sense of anger.
A boiling hate erupted in Harry’s chest, leaving no place for fear. For the first time in his life, he wanted his wand back in his hand, not to defend himself, but to attack . . . to kill.
(POA, page 339)
“Madame Maxime!” said Fleur at once, striding over to her headmistress. “Zey are saying zat zis little boy is to compete also!” Somewhere under Harry’s numb disbelief he felt a ripple of anger. Little boy?
(GOF, page 275)
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do the Cruciatus Curse . . . he’d have Snape flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching. . . .
(GOF, page 300)
If Dudley’s friends saw him sitting here, they would be sure to make a beeline for him, and what would Dudley do then? He wouldn’t want to lose face in front of the gang, but he’d be terrified of provoking Harry. . . . It would be really fun to watch Dudley’s dilemma; to taunt him, watch him, with him powerless to respond . . . and if any of the others tried hitting Harry, Harry was ready — he had his wand . . . let them try . . . He’d love to vent some of his frustration on the boys who had once made his life hell —
(OOTP, page 11)
He does calm down the older he gets. But he definitely has a lot of anger in him.
3. Harry, in general, has a disrespect for authority. I assume this is an extension of his distrust of adults, in that no teacher or nurse ever helped him. Harry is so anti-authority and anti-orders, that he can resist the Imperius Curse decently from the first try.
Harry just doesn't do orders or authority. Actually in the earlier books, and even in books 6 and 7, Harry has his doubts about Dumbledore. He repeatedly tells people he's Dumbledore's man, but in his head, he has doubts. Like he has for any other adult with authority over him.
“Dumbledore’s been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!” he hissed. “He’s not as gone as you might think!” Harry retorted. He was speaking at random, wanting to scare Riddle, wishing rather than believing it to be true —
(COS, page 282)
“Because the Ministry of Magic’s still after me, and Voldemort will know all about me being an Animagus by now, Wormtail will have told him, so my big disguise is useless. There’s not much I can do for the Order of the Phoenix . . . or so Dumbledore feels.” There was something about the slightly flattened tone of voice in which Sirius uttered Dumbledore’s name that told Harry that Sirius was not very happy with the headmaster either. Harry felt a sudden upsurge of affection for his godfather.
(OOTP, pages 82-83)
He's very distrusting of adults and authority, but also his peers. He doesn't tell Ron and Hermione everything in the earlier books because he is very slow to trust. Which, makes sense for someone who grew up like he did.
4. His occasional impulsiveness is an extension of his issues with emotional regulation, I think.
5. I think Harry's cunning Slytherin streak is a result of his abuse. The Dursleys' mistreatment taught him to sneak around, to lie, to be clever. It taught him to keep a blank face when being yelled at because if he reacted it'll make it worse.
He learned how to insult the Dursleys in ways that go over Dudley's head. His little way to rebel.
6. His response to pain as well. We see it with Umbridge and the blood quill for example:
He let out a gasp of pain. The words had appeared on the parchment in what appeared to be shining red ink. At the same time, the words had appeared on the back of Harry’s right hand, cut into his skin as though traced there by a scalpel — yet even as he stared at the shining cut, the skin healed over again, leaving the place where it had been slightly redder than before but quite smooth. Harry looked around at Umbridge. She was watching him, her wide, toadlike mouth stretched in a smile. “Yes?” “Nothing,” said Harry quietly. He looked back at the parchment, placed the quill upon it once more, wrote I must not tell lies, and felt the searing pain on the back of his hand for a second time
(OOTP, page 267)
Harry can hide his pain and not react to it, and he does it well. He learned from the Dursleys that she wants to see his pain, and he isn't going to give her what she wants. Instead, he grits his teeth through it and doesn't react externally.
Even later in the book when Umbridge threatens with the Crociatus Curse, Harry just braces himself for it, not planning to break (in later books too, Harry is very willing to get hurt and just deal with it). He is willing to take torture without reacting, and I think this is something he got from the Dursleys.
These are the some other things that came to mind regarding your question. There are probably more that I can't think of now that I might add later. Harry is who he is in part because of his nightmare of a childhood. So many facets of his personality just link back to it.
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obsessedwithceleste · 5 months
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Daisy Chains and Kept Promises
George Weasley x reader
Based on this request🫶🏽
Summary: George Weasley was never one to break a promise. Especially not one sealed by a daisy chain ring.
word count: 3.2k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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It was the first sunny afternoon in what seemed like forever, but in reality had only been a few days, and the residents of the burrow were eager to escape onto the vibrant, green lawn.
“Fred, George you stay out of trouble now!” Molly shouted from the kitchen as you run out the door with the twins.
“Come on now, it’s our last summer before they ship us off to Hogwarts! We gotta make the most of it!” Fred replies, sprinting out to the shed where the Weasleys stored all their brooms.
“Hurry up Georgie, or I’m taking the good broom!” You tease as you race past the other boy, snatching the best broom from the rack before he has the chance to protest.
“Aw c’mon! Why’s she always get the good one?” Ron complains as he catches up with you all.
“Oh shut it Ronald,” George retorts, not bothering to give his youngest brother a second glance.
The four of you spend the afternoon zooming across the field, a beat up quaffle tossed between you in carefree bliss as the sun shines down on you and Ginny watches from the ground below.
Eventually you all tire and you find yourself lying in the shade of the old oak tree that loomed over the garden. Thankfully the rain had scared off the gnomes that had a habit of sneaking into the garden for a tasty treat.
“Show me how to make those daisy crowns? Like the muggles?” Ginny asks, bringing over fists full of the little white flowers.
“Not now Ginny,” Fred sighs, rolling his eyes at the young girl.
“No, no, we can do it now,” you argue, patting the ground next to you, gesturing for the younger girl to sit beside you.
“Yeah, let her stay,” George agrees, smiling fondly at you.
Fred snorts at his brother, eyes rolling once more.
“You always side with her, you’re supposed to be my twin! How are you two going to survive without each other?” Fred retorts, leaning back against the tree.
“It’ll only be a year, then y/n can join us in the fun,” George replies happily.
“Oh at this point you might as well just marry her,” Fred responds with a huff.
You feel your cheeks begin to grow red and you turn to focus all your attention on the young girl beside you, showing her how to intricately wrap the stems together to form a chain of daisies.
You’d known the twins for as long as you could remember. You’d practically grown up with them. Your father Remus did the best he could raising you on his own, he really did, but it was hard. Especially on full moons. The Weasleys always took you in on those nights, often resulting in you staying for days while Remus recovered.
George had had a soft spot for you since the beginning, always being the slightly softer twin while Fred was more severe and brash. You could remember a particularly bad night when it had been storming, the loud thunder making you shake with fear. George had stayed up with you all night, making sure the storm didn’t get you. You had been seven at the time.
It had started back then you supposed, your little crush. It had confused you at first as you had thought of all the boys as your brothers, but now, at the ripe old age of ten, you could tell that Georgie was different from the other Weasley boys.
“There!” George announces excitedly, shaking you from your thoughts as he brandishes a single daisy up into the air, its stem tied rather roughly in a small circle.
Without warning, he grasps onto your hand, sliding the makeshift ring onto your finger, looking rather pleased with himself.
“There. You’re my wife now,” he says proudly as you stare at the little flower adorning your finger.
“You didn’t do it right! You have to ask her to be your wife. Everyone knows that!” Ginny exclaims, watching the two of you with a dopey little grin on her face.
“Oh. Right. Y/n, will you be my wife?” Georgie asks, batting his eyes dramatically at you and sticking out his bottom lip.
“Yes I will,” you reply with a laugh, admiring the pretty daisy that now sat on your finger.
“You two are so gross,” Fred says, making a face.
“Oh, oh! Do the promises! The ones where you say I do!” Ginny urges excitedly, clapping her hands.
“Alright. Do you promise to always laugh at my jokes, always be there for me when I need you, and always take my side when we argue with Fred?” George asks.
Fred begins to make dramatic gagging sounds.
“I do.” You reply with a giggle as Fred just glares at you. “And do you promise to always make me smile, always protect me, and always make me hot chocolate when I can’t sleep?”
“I do.”
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It was dark. The whole house was dark really. All the time. Dimly lit and constantly smelling like mold and rotting wood. And the furniture seemed to be permanently damp, the coldness settling into your bones.
You hated it here at Grimmauld Place. The constant shrieking of decrepit, old portraits, the eerie feeling of constantly being watched. The only positive attribute about living in this wretched place was the fact that Remus had never been happier.
It had taken months to do it, but after Harry had been able to help Sirius escape the dementors, Dumbledore had inconspicuously been able to move Sirius into Grimmauld place where you had been staying ever since.
It had been strange at first, no doubt. You had only just met the man, but he grew on you quickly. Like a fungus. You loved seeing how comfortable he made Remus who visibly softened whenever the other man was near. And you hadn’t seen Remus smile as wide or as often, well ever. You could tell that the two of them were just meant to be side by side, and honestly, that was enough for you. Especially in dark times like these.
“Lighten up love, we have a surprise for you before dinner,” Remus announces, entering the drawing room where you sat wrapped in a pile of blankets, a book in hand as you tried to ignore the screeching bag lady in entry way portrait.
“Is it another one of those horrendous sweaters that Sirius keeps digging up from somewhere?” You ask, nose scrunching at the thought of another one of the putrid smelling things being presented to you. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you detested the nasty things, so you had been giving them to Kreacher to dispose of rapidly. “I know I keep telling him that they’re lovely, but how many of the things does he think I need?”
Remus just laughs, shaking his head. “I’ve told him to move onto something else, but he’s determined to fill your wardrobe I think. But no. It’s not another sweater. For now at least. No, I do believe you’ll quite enjoy this little surprise.” He tells you before leaving you to your book and your thoughts.
Dinner time couldn't come fast enough as you eagerly eyed the clock every fifteen minutes, only to be disappointed by how little time had gone by.
About thirty minutes before the three of you usually ate dinner, you began hearing a chorus of voices coming from the entry way. And not the familiar voices of the Black family portraits.
"Well where is she then?" a loud voice asks.
Hearing the voice, you immediately perk up, not quite believing you'd heard correctly. This place might be driving you mad.
"Oh bloody hell mate, don't seem too eager now," comes the sarcastic response.
You'd know those voices anywhere. Practically throwing yourself from the couch, you eagerly scramble to the door and down the staircase to be greeted by the whole Weasley family grinning up at you.
"Look Georgie, there's your wife, don't get your knickers in a twist now," Fred scoffs.
You fly into George's arms, sighing contentedly as his arms wrap securely around you.
"Well hello to you too," you hear him laugh as he gives you another squeeze before releasing you.
You hadn't seen him, or the other Weasley's for that matter, in what felt like ages. He and Fred had grown their hair out, and you didn't quite remember them being so tall last you saw them. His smile never changed though.
Bashfully, you greet the rest of the Weasley bunch, even Fred giving you a quick hug, before rubbing the top of your head affectionately and effectively tossling up your hair. You stick your tongue out at the boy in response, batting his hand away.
"I missed you all, so much! I've been going absolutely bonkers being here alone for so long," you tell them.
"Well not to worry love, we'll be here all summer. Hermione too, though she's not coming for another few weeks." George tells you.
Feeling eyes on you as you laugh with the boys, turning to see both Sirius and Remus gazing at you intently, eyes flickering between you and George.
Sirius silently points at you, then George before drawing a line across his neck with his finger before giving you a wink. You feel heat creeping into your cheeks as you turn back to the boys.
"What are you all doing here?" you ask eventually as the adults begin to file into the kitchen.
"Came to be used as house elves of course," Fred replies, earning him a nudge from George.
"Mum said that Sirius volunteered the house to be headquarters for the Order," Ron butts in.
"Yeah, then mum volunteered us to help clean the place up," Ginny adds.
You make a face at that.
"We have a lot of work to do then, this place is disgusting," you tell them, leading them up the stairs to the room you'd been staying in. On your way up the stairs, George's hand never leaves yours, fingers intertwined as you guide him up the dusty staircase.
"Long as there aren't any spiders," Ron replies, eyeing the spiraling stairs with suspicion.
You just look back at the boy with concern, pity overtaking your face as his own face turns pale.
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For once Grimmauld place was silent. A rare luxury you'd found, especially since the Weasley's had moved in. Not that you minded, the red headed family made the grim, old place feel alive and vibrant. Something you thought the it needed desperately. But you liked the quiet too.
It had been a strange couple of weeks as everyone, the adults especially, seemed to be on high alert. And who could blame them? Hermione had just moved in, sharing a room with you and Ginny. You could hear their breathing now as you stared up at the dark ceiling above.
After the Weasley's arrival, you had all spent countless hours decluttering Grimmauld place. Sweeping, dusting, banishing the more mouthy portraits to the attic. It was hard work, but you had loved every second of it with George making you laugh until you keeled over, tears streaming down your face. His presence just made everything better. You thought so at least.
In the darkened room, your mind drifts to the conversation you had heard between the adults just hours ago. It definitely wasn't a conversation you had been meant to overhear, but Georgie had given you a pair of extendable ears that he and Fred had developed, and you just couldn't help yourself.
"Oh really Sirius, they've all practically grown up together, George would never do anything to hurt her," Molly had said.
At the mention of George's name, you just had to find out what they were talking about.
"We never said he was going to do anything malicious, we just don't want to see her get hurt," Remus replied with a heavy sigh.
"They're practically adults, you can't protect her forever. So what if they fancy each other? They're not children!" Molly retorts.
"Oh that's rich coming from you. Just the other day you were going on about young witches and wizards rushing into marriage during the first war. And how many times have you told the twins that they're forbidden from joining the Order hmm? They're adults, Molly, you can't protect them forever," Sirius responds.
"Oh but at least I've done all I can to protect them up to this point. What have you done for y/n? Nothing. Because you've been locked up!" Molly spits. You can hear the fury in her voice.
Your fists ball up in rage at her comments. None of it was Sirius's fault. He didn't do anything wrong. How dare she?
"That's enough!" you hear Remus cut in, a sharpness in his voice that you hadn't heard before. "We weren't coming to attack George, or the way you raised any of the children. We were simply raising our concerns, as any good parents would. Now that we've made our point, if you don't wish to interfere, fine. We won't either."
After that the only thing you had heard was the shuffling of feet as they abandoned the dining room. They had most definitely been talking about you. No doubt about it. You hadn't realized they were concerned about you. They never said anything. And it was only Georgie. The two of you had been married for six years now. In all the ways that mattered to you at least. He would never hurt you. In fact, he'd made it a promise.
Mind racing and unable to sleep, you slip out of bed, careful not to make a sound as you slowly creep to the drawing room that you so often took refuge in. To your surprise however, a dim light was already flickering inside when you approached, and a familiar head of red hair sat facing away from you on the sofa.
"Georgie?" You whisper cautiously, not wanting to spook him.
His head turns in surprise, but his face lights up when he sees you.
"What are you doing this up this late, love?" he asks.
"I could ask you the same."
"Fair enough. Just a lot on my mind I suppose."
"Me too," you reply.
A silence falls between the two of you as you stand, watching mesmerized as the light flickers on and off of the boy's handsome face.
"Want me to make you a hot chocolate?" George asks finally.
A smile grows on your face and you instantly perk up at the mention of your favorite treat. George always knew how to put you to sleep, and he always made the best hot chocolate. Nodding enthusiastically, the two of you make your way down to the kitchen where George begins gathering supplies.
One thing you'd always admired about him was that he never minded doing things the muggle way. While Fred was always quick to magic his way through things, George was content taking his time.
"Help stir the milk so it doesn't burn?" he asks, gesturing to the pot now on the stove.
You silently take the wooden spoon from his hand, fingers brushing ever so slightly, before focusing on the task at hand. George sets out two mugs on the counter before helping you melt in the chocolate.
It all felt terribly domestic. As if there wasn't a sociopathic murderer on the loose. Like it was just the two of you.
It isn't long before George is pouring the dark liquid into the mugs, sprinkling in a few little marshmallows and a cinnamon stick or two and the both of you are retreating back up to the drawing room.
The first sip sends shivers of satisfaction down your spine as you lean into George who wraps his free arm around you. You pull a blanket over you and revel for a moment in the comfort.
"Care to share what's been on your mind?" George asks, breaking the silence.
"Only if you go first," you reply, not quite sure how to explain that he was really the only thing on your mind these days.
George just sighs. "It's nothing you we haven't told you before," He tells you. "Mum is just fighting for her life to keep Freddie and I out of the Order, but Moody agrees with us. We're of age. There's nothing she can do to stop us."
"Will you be safe?"
"Safe as can be. Mum has made sure they don't give us any real missions. Just patrolling Diagon Alley since that's where we set up shop."
You simply nod your head, letting it fall against the boy's chest as you feel his even breathing and let it overtake you. You'd never admit it out loud, but you were grateful for Molly to an extent. The twins had an abysmal lack of self preservation skills, and you didn't know what you would do if you lost Georgie.
"And what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
You feel your shoulders shrug as you think carefully of what to say.
"I overheard our parents talking today," you mumble, not exactly sure where you were taking this.
"Dads are worried about us," you tell him, hiding your face in his chest.
"I dunno. They said something about your mum talking about how a lot of wizards and witches rushed into marriage during the first war, and there was a lot of talk about you being of age and what not. It got intense. There was a lot of yelling."
You feel George's chest rumble with soft laughter at your words.
"Well that's a silly thing to be worried about considering we've been married for years now at this point," he says.
You're not sure if he's joking or not. Maybe the exhaustion was finally getting to you.
"I'm being serious Georgie. I didn't know they were so worried about me. And Sirius sounded so upset," you reply, sitting up to take another long sip of your hot chocolate.
"So am I." he responds, looking you dead in the eye. The usual mischievous gleam is gone this time and you know he's never been more serious about something. "You know I'm not one to break a promise."
The air grows heavy as you feel yourself freeze for a moment at his words before you sink back into his warm embrace.
"I still have it you know. Your ring. Your mum charmed it for me so it wouldn't wilt. She knew all along," you tell him.
"She tends to have a sixth sense when it comes to these kinds of things."
Another silence falls between the two, but this time, the silence brings comfort as you feel your eyes growing heavy. George tries to stifle a yawn, but it escapes anyway. It was later then you had realized.
"I'm glad it's real for you too," you murmur, leaning further into the boy as your eyes flutter close. Something about being in George's arms provided a sense of security you couldn't find anywhere else.
"It was always real. I'd never break a promise to you, love."
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bby's first non-slytherin boy fic🫣
don't ask me if I edited this- the answer is no and I don't want to talk abt it💀
tag list: @sol-lupin-black @breeistired
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Can I sleep here tonight?
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Title: Can I sleep here tonight?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x pregnant!wife!reader, Molly and Arthur Weasley (being absolute gems)
Timeline: Set post-war. George lost his ear a per canon but Fred is very much alive and thriving, married and expecting his first child. The burrow is mentioned for story purposes so it didn’t burn down and we’re ignoring canon once more.
Summary: George arrives at the burrow asking to spend the night, desperate to get away from Fred and his pregnant wife.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, pregnant character, brief mentions of war and previous injury, though no graphic description is included. Mentions of sex.
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It's way past tea time, darkness settling all around as the last glimmer of winter sun fades into the hills when George Weasley apparates onto the familiar dirt road leading up to his childhood home. He's armed with only his wand and a small suitcase no bigger than a briefcase, only holding the basics.
Since the war, Molly and Arthur had kept up the old enchantments placed upon the Burrow as a precaution, the fears never truly leaving them. With a wave of his wand, George clears the enchantments and steps through the invisible barrier to get to the house. As he steps towards the little stone step that acts as the threshold to the house, the door is thrust open and a warm and solid body pulls him inside. He recognises the body as his mother the very second her height and smell come into focus.
"My boy! What are you doing here?  You look tired and peaky, is something wrong? I'll make you something to eat. Arthur!" Molly shouts loudly for her husband after fretting at seeing George on their doorstep without any prior warning, especially without his twin. Since opening the shop, them moving out together, the war, George's recovery, and Fred's wedding, the twins have been so busy it's been an endeavour to get them back home even for a simple visit. "Arthur!"
"Mollywobbles what is it?" Arthur shouts back, his voice getting louder as he moves towards the kitchen. "Oh hello son," he says as he walks into the kitchen, seeing George stood there clutching a small briefcase. Arthur instinctively frowns at the unexpected visit but welcomes his son with warmth, wrapping him in a hug, patting his back a few times before pulling away.
"Do you want a cup of tea dear?" Molly asks, already making her way over to the kettle and busying herself to make something to eat for George, regardless of his radio silence.
"Now Molly, it seems he might need something stronger than tea, right son?" Arthur asks, patting George's shoulder once. "Why don't be crack open some of my Knotgrass mead? I've been saving it for an occasion, no time better than the present." He ushers George to sit at the table and Molly rushes over with a large bottle of mead and two pint glasses, bringing over an elaborate sandwich on a plate for George.
"Thanks mum," George says as Molly places down the welcomed food, noticing that she'd used one of her nicer plates for him, not something that he was ever allowed when he was younger. 
"Cheers!" Arthur says, holding up his glass towards George's after he'd poured them, happy to have a drinking buddy at home.
"So what's wrong son? Not that you're not always welcome of course," Arthur says, eyeing his son with a hint of suspicion as Molly takes a seat opposite George, placing down a cup of tea made for herself.
"Can I stay here tonight?" George asks, cringing at the slight awkwardness of his request, feeling like a child again.
"Of course you can!" Arthur says as if he's offended by the notion of George even having to ask.
"Of course you can dear, how nice to have a fuller house again! I'll put some fresh linens on the bed for you," Molly rushes up towards Fred and George's old room and with a swish of her wand, changes the bedsheets in no time at all. She returns to see the men chatting at the table and takes her place once again, reaching for her tea.
"Do you want to tell us what's wrong?" Arthur says, taking the lead. George sighs heavily, not wanting to say outright what the problem is but unable to think of a plausible excuse.
He sighs once more before admitting to the issue under his parents concerned gazes, "it's Fred and y/n."
"Have you had a falling out?" Molly quickly says, interrupting George. Arthur gives her a quick look which tells her politely to be quiet until their son has finished to which she nods and waits.
"Not exactly, it's just... I can't bare to listen to them having sex anymore. Silencing spells don't work, I've even tried muggle earplugs, well one, but that didn't work either! I only have one ear and it's still bad! Since Y/n got pregnant it's none stop, I thought getting pregnant was bad enough but bloody hell," George barely conceals a shudder at the thought of his twin brother and his wife having near constant sex in the same flat as him.
He picks up the sandwich and begins tucking in, not having time to get any food in his haste to flee the flat about the shop that he shared with Fred and y/n.
He turns his gaze back to his parents and is immediately surprised at the look they are sharing between each other. Both of them are smiling lovingly, a blush spreading on both of their faces, both appear to be speaking with their eyes.
"What?" George says with a mouthful of food, frowning, not understanding their reaction.
"Why do you think we had so many children?" Arthur suddenly laughs, earning a little giggle from Molly, a sound that George had never heard fall from his mother's mouth.
"I couldn't resist your mother when she was pregnant, just something about it," Arthur trails off as if he's daydreaming, a nostalgic smile plastered on his face. "The second she popped one of you out I wanted to try again."
George wants the ground to swallow him up in his entirety as he sits disgusted and uncomfortable. Was nowhere safe anymore? He finds his appetite has significantly decreased and is thankful that he'd finished the sandwich quickly; only praying he could keep it down if his parents kept talking about that.
"It's entirely biological son, it's what the muggles call 'hormones', or so I'm told. There's just something about seeing your wife carrying your child..." Arthur shakes his head slightly as he daydreams, a goofy smile still hanging off his lips as Molly swats his arm playfully.
"I'm going to bed," George mumbles, wanting desperately to get away.
"We'll keep it down tonight!" Arthur jokes earning a cackle from Molly as they both laugh at Arthur's attempt at humour. George grumbles the entire way up to his old bedroom, holding back a shudder at the very thought of not only his brother and y/n but now also his parents.
I need to move away, he thought.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 1 year
Babies on the Brain
George Weasley x reader
Requested by @hahahafucku
Request gist: smut where George sees you holding Fred baby and he feels the need to give you one of his own.
A/N: thanks for the request. I carried on Fred and Angelina’s romance (Freds not dying in my world and George is ending up with the reader instead). I've never been good at writing for breeding kinks (I say like I'm good at writing other things) so I'm sorry if it sounds cliche or cringy or if it's just downright terrible. I don't know if I went a bit overboard on the before smut stuff.
T/W: unprotected sex, soft dom George, breeding kink, praise, kitchen counter sex, ginger baby (jk)
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You and George had met in your first year of Hogwarts but your slow build up to a couple started after your fourth year. You had known him for years. His parents loved you, his siblings loved you, and he adored you. You loved his family, from his caring mum, to his mischievous twin, and finally his young sister (who was thrilled to have another girl in the family).
Speaking of George's mischievous twin, you couldn't believe the news when you heard that he was going to be a father. This was a boy who (with his twin) had set a firework dragon on a ministry of magic worker, had stolen a flying car, and had tested joke shop products on first year students back in Hogwarts. He was going to be a brilliant dad.
Those months went by with you and George helping Fred and Angelina with anything they needed, from trips to St Mungos to shopping for baby accessories. Throughout this time, George began to keep a closer eye on you. He’d zone out when you recommended baby grows to get his future niece or nephew or when you’d buy baby products so that the expecting parents were prepared.
A week after Angelina gave birth, she and Fred brought the little one round to meet the family. A little boy who already shared the Weasleys trademark fiery hair. Angelina passed him to you, letting you hold the baby whilst she went for a well deserved rest (Molly had persisted that she looked tired and could take a nap in Fred’s old room). You bounced the little baby in your arms, unaware of your boyfriend watching you from the doorway.
He didn't want to admit it, but seeing you with a baby in your arms made him weak in the knees. He wanted it to always be like this. He wanted the baby in your arms to be his. He'd always thought about having kids with you someday, but this was a wake up call. And the call was answered by that voice inside of him, telling him to make you his and only his.
Once you got home to the small house that you and George shared, you went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. All you had been talking about all afternoon was how adorable Fred’s baby was with his tiny button nose and little toes. George stalked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, his face immediately going to the crook of your neck to press soft kisses to the skin.
“You’d make such a perfect mum to our kids”.
His words made you freeze. At first, you didn't think you’d heard him correctly, since his face was still tucked into your neck. But he made sure that you would listen.
“I bet you’d look so beautiful carrying our baby. So full and swollen…so full because of me”.
At this point, he was slowly rocking his hips against your ass. His cock slowly got harder while he left kisses along your collarbone. Small breathy moans slipped past your lips, his words and grinding getting you wetter by the second. You pushed your hips back against his, wanting nothing more than for George to take the hint and fuck you into the countertop. His hand splayed across your stomach through your clothes, muttering a soft “Want me in here, sweetheart?”. Your small whimper and frantic nodding had him smiling to himself. He wanted you to admit that you wanted this, he needed you to admit that you wanted him to do this.
“Need you to tell me what you want, love. Tell me how much you want to be full of my cum”. His breath on the shell of your ear caused you to shiver and turn your head as much as you could to look him in the eye. “Please George, fuck me. Fill me up. I want to be full”. Once he made you beg, he pulled your dress up and pulled your underwear to the side, knowing that it would take too long to pull them off. George pushed his trousers and boxers down, before pushing into you with one thrust that knocked the air from your lungs. His pace was quick and desperate from the moment he was inside of you. His cock felt amazing. You had both had sex without protection before but it felt somehow better when you didn't have to worry or take precautions. Your moans were sultry and erotic, and George swore that he had never heard a prettier sound (apart from the sound of his hips slapping against the plush of your ass).
His hand trailed its way down to tease and play with your clit, wanting to make you cum first. He had always insisted on cumming after you. His mouth was next to your ear in a second, his voice dripping with lust. “That's it sweetheart, milk my cock like a good girl. Show me how much you want me to cum deep inside you. Cum for me and I’ll stuff you so full of my cum that you’ll be carrying twins”. His thrusts got sloppier but his small circles on your clit got more determined. All it took was one final thrust to have you cumming around his cock, your walls clenching tighter than before. George's hold on you got tighter as his cum flooded your insides, not a drop going to waste.
After you had both caught your breaths and calmed down, he pulled his cock out. Pulling your underwear to its correct spot before whispering in your ear “Keep it all in there love, I’ll check tonight and if even a drop is gone, I’ll just have to fill you up again”
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