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marimo-art · 5 years ago
Michael Shelley, 19
This was the first time I’ve ever drawn Michael not as The Spiral! Here ya go.
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aeroplaneblues · 5 years ago
moira7 replied to your post “Hey!✨ I’m a bit bored?? So lets play a game! Send me a character or...”
Dimitri + “throw me a blanket”
“Would you please throw me a blanket, Felix?” Dimitri said already half freezing.
“Use your fur, Boar prince” Felix said facing the wall while hogging all the blankets.
They were in the middle of nowhere, far away from their land and in chase of their dear professor. Because Dimitri didn’t want to miss on any leads he, shamefully, got tricked by a traveler who stole all their belongings and coins. And now they were inside an abandoned farm with only some old blankets they found to keep them warm.
“P-please…I’m be--” Dimitri gets cut off by Felix’s loud “I DON’T CARE”
Truly, Ingrid was right Felix did turn meaner without Sylvain around. If only he didn’t left us to find a “warmer body to sleep with”. 
Dimitri gave up, he was going to freeze to death wasn’t he.
Send my a writing prompt!
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hurrems · 5 years ago
7, 14, 17
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
lots of things tbh….i had some questionable taste as a teen. most notable tho is probably stydia because i was so hardcore about them and now i literally can’t stand them ahgfhfghg
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
i’m choosing mck because that’s easy and i have million unpopular opinions so here’s one: gevherhan was boring
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
i’m gonna talk about greys here for a sec because i’m still incredibly bitter: instead of making alex leave jo for izzie (lol what a joke) i would have just killed him off. or better yet, make him move to help his mom or smg and he and jo continue to have an off-screen long distance relationship for a bit. considering i don’t think greys can last a lot more seasons, it could have been pulled off….
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laallomri · 5 years ago
Youngest child
this is insulting I am Insulted
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Enjolras, tma, RPG tabletop games, idk why but elves, warm colours
ahhhhh warm colors that’s so cute thank u!!!!!
i’d love to be an elf so i’ll take it
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hufflepuffhermione · 5 years ago
7, 14, 24
7: Favorite actor of the year?
I can’t really say I had a new favorite actor this year? I don’t tend to follow actors very closely (except for Dan Stevens, of course...). I have to say, I really did fall in love with Luke Norris (I...very clearly have a type) but sadly he’s in very little besides Poldark and now that Poldark is over I will miss his beautiful face.
14: Favorite book you read this year?
Everyone wants to know what I’m reading apparently! I’d heard lots of good things about Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell, so I finally sat down and read it, and while it was a harder read than I expected, it was definitely worthwhile.
24: Did you keep any New Year’s resolutions?
Honestly, I’m not sure I made any, but looking back, I really had no clue what 2019 would bring to me, and it’s been different than I expected (but a very memorable year).
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angst-in-space · 6 years ago
Stars for the ask meme
huh i don’t use this word nearly as much as i thought i did haha, but here’s something from the very beginning of red skies:
Stars burst and dissipated across his vision as he miraculously managed to right the ship again. He breathed raggedly as he slowly raised his head, and he nearly sobbed in relief when he saw he was still on course for Rivlax. It was close enough now that he could see the dark brown hue of its surface, the gray clouds swirling in its atmosphere.
Another, even more violent hit slammed into the back of the ship, sending Akira reeling backwards, the back of his helmet slamming against the seat.
Groaning, he blinked at the hovering diagnostics in front of him. From what he managed to comprehend, his ship was as good as dead. Another hit and he was done for.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
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marciaillust · 7 years ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR, MARCIA! I hope this year turns out to be amazing for you and that all your wishes come true, and goals are fulfilled! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to so many of us. I can’t wait to see all the breathtaking things you create in 2018
Thanks you so much for the wishes and your kind words. I promise to do my best to keep improving and creating new artworks for all of you to enjoy!May you have a wonderful year! :)
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catnippackets · 7 years ago
Daffodil and bleeding heart
daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?
hm...I’ve never thought about it tbh, I mean something I really want to have is a giant rose bush but I don’t think that’s an unrealistic hope for the future!
 bleeding heart: what makes you heart go mushy?
fancy rats...precious babies
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darcyolsson · 7 years ago
waking up - pvris
“Yeah I've got this feeling deep insideNo matter how hard I tryI don't think I will make it through the night“
but tbh the entire song
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manicpixel · 7 years ago
Hello! I just wanted to come by and say your art is gorgeous and it’s lovely to see your fanart around 💕
Aww!! Thank you so much!! Thank you for this lovely ask too!!! I hope you have a great day!!! ⭐️✨💕
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aeroplaneblues · 6 years ago
moira7 replied to your post “Hey gang✨ what’s your fave interpretation of how the raven cycle kids...”
THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY blue was the first i drew. I always thought my noah was too far away from canon tbh 😂😂
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hurrems · 6 years ago
the first character i ever fell in love with: probably safiye? but it might have been halime
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: well if we count season 2 kösem as the same person as season 1 kösem then her... i also didn’t really like safiye as much later on
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: murad/farya... like their first meeting was brilliant, i still stand by that, but he definitely ruined it later
my ultimate favorite character™: halime and atike
prettiest character: season 1 kösem... beren is gorgeous. but also ayse (season 2) and turhan
my most hated character: iskender. god i hated his guts. closely followed by silahtar.
my OTP: tbh it didn’t really have many good canon ships... my favorites are all aus, like kösem/halime and atike/farya
my NOTP: kösem/kemankes. biggest yikes ever. kösem/iskender too.
favorite episode: i literally have no idea agfgfdhg
saddest death: ahmed
favorite season: season one BY FAR
least favorite season: i mean season two was just something else
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: afsdgdfh i wouldn’t say i HATE her at all but gevherhan. i just don’t really care and everyone idolizing her makes me care even less.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: dilruba honey
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: telli hümasah honey.... you were done so dirty by turhan
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: ayse/farya... like im weak for enemies to lovers with ladies. it would have been amazing.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: kösem/ahmed honestly
and i know you said mck but im gonna do mc too
the first character i ever fell in love with: hürrem literally before i even started properly watching. im very predictable.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: mihrimah. i really loved her in season 3, idk what happened in season 4 but she was just annoying.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: hürrem/suleyman. i mean i don’t hate it but im not that into it, i think i only liked it because i wanted hürrem to be haseki
my ultimate favorite character™: hürrem obviously
prettiest character: nurbanu
my most hated character: hatice. god i never hated a character as much as i hate hatice. but honestly, there was a lot of people i hated on mc agfdgfdghf
my OTP: nurbanu/selim were my murderous power couple, love them. also really really love the idea of hürrem/ibrahim more and more each passing day
my NOTP: hatice/ibrahim. in season 2 i literally started to fast forward their scenes, i just couldn’t take it anymore
favorite episode: i really really REALLY love the episode when hürrem dies in season 4, even though it’s sad af but i think they did a nice job with it
saddest death: hürrem
favorite season: season four. i really loved how much more serious it was.
least favorite season: i think season 2
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: i mean i think people like hatice? i also dislike mahidevran most of the time except season 4. she was honestly brilliant in season 4, wish we had more of that. 
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: agdfsgfghf selim. i love him so much, idc. also ibrahim! there were many times i hated him but looking back now, overall, i really think he was a fascinating character and i definitely found a new appreciation for him
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: *me trying to think of a character who wasn’t a totally horrible person* uhm.....
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: hürrem/mahidevran?? 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: aybige/bali. honestly it was the best bali ship by fa and it’s a damn crime they didn’t end up together.
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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laallomri · 6 years ago
Keith as a dad?
moira7 said to laallomri: Now I need the Keith side of these dad hcs 
have some dad keith hcs to match these dad lance hcs! under the cut:
-keith is less nervous about the idea of kids than you’d think. his dad was a really good person and shiro is a Good Dude so he has role models for how to act
-he and lance have 4 kids: 2 girls 1 boy 1 nonbinary
-keith is good at “playing pretend” games. the kids’ favorite is “Valiant Paladins Rescue Dad From Evil Space Monsters (aka the space mice in monster costumes) With The Help Of Their Noble Lion (aka kosmo in a lion costume).” 
-keith, lying on the grass with his eyes closed and his arms flung out as the space mice jab at him with tiny swords: I am….perishing…….slipping away………the light…….is fading….tell ur papi…..that he does snore…..he just won’t….admit it….
-kids, bursting into the yard while riding atop kosmo and waving wooden swords and wearing blanket capes: WE’LL RESCUE YOU DAD COME ON TEAM WE GOTTA SAVE HIM PAPI’S AWAY FOR THE WEEKEND WHO ELSE WILL MAKE US DINNER
-keith, opening one eye: exCUSE me ur saving me just bc you want DINNER I thought you kids LOVE me
-he talks english and japanese to the kids, as well as learns whatever other languages the kids already know, so they can feel closer and more comfortable with him. he also teaches them a little galran, which is handy when they explore space
-his kids love him to pieces bc he is a kind and loving and gentle and protective dad who would go to the ends of the universe for their happiness. they also love him bc he’s much easier to influence than lance is:
-keith: I am a Stern Father who is Good At Discipline
-kid: clasps hands under chin and gives him Big Round Eyes
-keith, through gritted teeth: I am….a Stern Father…..who is Good….at Discipline
-kid: continues to stare
-keith, cracking: oh my god fine u can have more ice cream just don’t tell ur papi
-he draws lots of pictures for the kids and encourages them to pursue whatever interests they have and try lots of new things. he saves every single drawing and project and story they make. his office at the garrison and the inside of the red lion is Covered in the kids’ drawings and photos of them
-the kids love to play with his hair. they like to tie it in fancy hairstyles and put ribbons in it. sometimes people try to make fun of him but keith shuts that down Real Quick
-some asshole in the garrison teacher’s lounge: haha kogane’s got a sparkly ribbon braided in his hair what a fckn weirdo
-keith, taking out his Galra knife and casually inspecting it: my kids did it
-asshole: oh. uh–
-keith: suddenly throws knife at table, where it slices an apple cleanly in half
-lance, sweating: babe that was hot but please do not murder this asshole over our kids’ hair artistry
-asshole: artistry? *scoffs* that braid is so fckn messy even my dog could do a better job–
-lance, pulling out his bayard: YOU WANNA FCKN GO, DENNIS
-keith and lance trade off on who goes to space to help with diplomacy or humanitarian work and who stays to take care of the kids and teach. during school breaks, however, everyone goes to space together and they explore. it makes keith feel strange (in a good way), but it’s not until after a while (after they’ve flown past arus, and the balmera, and naxzela, and the spot where radiation hit lance and red, so many years ago) that he realizes why
-all these places were so full of terrible things for so long, and now it’s full of happiness and safety and the sound of children giggling and chattering and playing games, and he and lance both wish they could go back to the time they first visited these planets, and let the past versions of themselves see how lovely the future would be
-in conclusion: keith is tied with lance for best dad
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dreamsoffools · 7 years ago
Crescent moon, evening star, Hogwarts for the ask game
Do you love stargazing, and do you have a favourite constellation?
Yes! I really like stars. My favourite is Orion as it’s usually the clearest one I can spot. Up until I was about 15 I didn’t know it was called Orion and called it Tria and thought it was a unicorn lmao
Share a beautiful poem with us, no matter if it was written by you or someone else.
I don’t read a lot of poetry and I don’t write any! But I guess lyrics count as poems, and my favourite song of all time is Can’t help falling in love with you by Mr Presley. Simple, perfect lyrics.
Is there a fictional place that will always be a second home to you?
Hogwarts is definitely a big one, as I grew up with it. But I generally escape to the world that my OCs live in which is called Erebrooke. I spend an unhealthy amount of mental time there. Whenever I have a spare moment or whenever I want to check out of life, I work on world building and story for Erebrooke.
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221bdisneystreet · 7 years ago
For the WIP ask game: sunshine
unfortunately none of my wips have the word ‘sunshine’ :c BUT i found something for ‘sunlight’ instead if you don’t mind (since that’s the closest in meaning to sunshine)? :3
this is from my aladdin au again lol
Keith stared in awe as he climbed up. The room was dimly lit, dusty, and a complete mess. The floorboards, streaked with evening sunlight, creaked softly under his footsteps, and broken rafters hung from the ceiling. Specks of dust floated in the windows of light peeking through the cracks on the roof.
fanfic wip guessing game
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