lazulisong · 2 years
instead of continuing to complain about the weather or how i am once again full of the sads (very) i gotta tell you guys that @moggiesandtea thought that this sticker:
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was of Emet Selch from FFXIV, who is this guy:
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but then i had to be like "good guess! unfortunately it is Lucifer from Obey Me!"
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feybarn · 4 years
Just jumping over from ao3 because I wanted to say I really love your fic. You're a great writer and I'm always happy to see you've updated, no matter what it is. So from this internet rando, thanks so much for writing and sharing and making my day when a notification shows up.
Oh my, thank you!!! I’m so glad you like my stories! :blush: that makes me so very happy!
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arrghigiveup · 6 years
In which it is Seventh Month, and chat considers the effects of inflation in hell and sexting via joss paper
Arrgh: I sometimes wonder if hell has inflation.
Of-sevenseas: ?
Arrgh: considering the amount of money some of these people try to burn to their ancestors
Lazulisong: It does actually. The denominations have risen on the bills I read. I was reading up on Hell money the other day in case I wanted to make a joke about bribing Shen Wei
Moderndaypandora: it must be somebody other than ZYL making the joke, he'd just bribe him with his body
Lazulisong: Well ZYL does bribe messengers and workers. And Shen Wei can apparently interact with burnt offerings
Kitsunec4: And like 888 folded lotus flowers. And paper houses. And paper cars.
Arrgh: Paper iPhones too, which strikes me as completely hilarious. WAIT ZYL ABSOLUTELY BURNS SW AN IPHONE
Moderndaypandora: with a drawn on text from Ah Lan 😘😘?
Arrgh: YES
Moderndaypandora: the new way to send nudes
Moggiesandtea: ....yeah, he'd do that. Also probably a really fancy paper house with a fancy paper bed. He is subtle
Moderndaypandora: i'd just want to be a fly on the wall watching Shen Wei receive it
Arrgh: nonono no house. After all, SW should stay nowhere else other than with HIM
Moderndaypandora: lol Shen Wei: you should burn me a house, if you want to do such foolish things ZYL: that is the LAST thing i should burn ZYL would burn paper sex toys instead. Like "WE COULD BE USING THESE". This could be us but you playin'
Arrgh: ok, does he like print them off, or does he try to draw them (I don't want to know if paper sex toys can be bought)
Kitsunec4: Probably
Moderndaypandora: ok but imagine Da Qing getting dragged along on the quest to find out ZYL: we need to go buy paper offerings Da Qing: i can feel something terrible coming
Arrgh: Da Qing knows his terrible human very well
Moderndaypandora: Da Qing probably tried to make a break for it but got dragged into a cat carrier
Lazulisong: I'm sure he could draw a dildo easily tho. Or like, write it in cinnabar on joss paper. BY THE WAY IM STILL YELLING ABOUT THAT IDIOT SLEEPING WITH A FUCKING JAR OF UHHHHH MERCURY ON HIS BED Also still crying over Shen Wei being like omg!!! I get to write a letter!!! To ☆♡☆HIM☆♡☆~~~~ and Zhao being like why the fuck does heipao-ge write these long ass grandma letters
Arrgh: Speaking of, we know ZYL doesn't send letters, but you KNOW after the identity reveal and they finally get their shit together ZYL makes good use of that can of cinnabar to send SW all kinds of random shit
Lazulisong: Sexting via joss paper
Kitsunec4: A phrase I never realized could happen to be said
Arrgh: Lol I'm honestly surprised we haven't had this conversation before XD
Moderndaypandora: ZYL, the first time the thought occurs: oh my god i could have been doing this so much sooner
Of-sevenseas: Shen Wei, the first time this happens: ... of course he found a way to sext via joss paper
Moderndaypandora: Shen Wei: why am i even surprised?
Of-sevenseas: if he's sexting on joss paper, then it would be his handwriting. so actually Shen Wei is psyched to finally start his collection of handwritten notes from his beloved
Moderndaypandora: Shen Wei would meticulously save it
Of-sevenseas: even if they are the spiritual equivalent of dirty limericks
Moderndaypandora: "i thought about your sleeve garters while touching myself" "you should pull my hair next time i serve you" "wanna keep the glasses on?"
Lazulisong: "daddy babys been bad"
Moderndaypandora: "baby wants it harder tonight" and Shen Wei would take all these and preserve them with like, pressed flowers in a beautifully carved box
Ohbthr: What a perv 😂
Luna: It’d be more romantic if ZYL’s handwriting wasnt chicken scratch and SW had to squint to decipher it
Moderndaypandora: lol, Shen Wei sending back notes like "if i can't read it, we can't do it" to try and encourage neater handwriting
Arrgh: +squint. Squiiiiiint. BLUSHES BRIGHT RED+
Moderndaypandora: ZYL leaves a voicemail on the burned phone: then i'll just tell you what i want Shen Wei: clearly something new and different
Of-sevenseas: poor Da Qing or whoever is doing the budget that month. 'discretionary expense claims' suddenly become a lot more common
Lazulisong: I have this theory that Shen Wei is a big love letter thief and that's why hes mad Zhao Yunlan only texts
Of-sevenseas: question: does Shen Wei have seventy billion failed drafts of school reports and essays and work briefs in Yunlan's lamentable chicken scratch
Moderndaypandora: how many times are the sexts modern slang that Shen Wei needs to ask somebody about?
Of-sevenseas: too many
Moderndaypandora: lol after the second he stops asking
Arrgh: It's too late, there are rumours all over campus now
Moderndaypandora: ZYL would demand "for my birthday, i want a dirty text"
Lazulisong: He reluctantly learns how to use idk what urban dictionary in China is
Of-sevenseas: okay but his work firewall would nuke that from orbit so he can't google anything
Moderndaypandora: Shen Wei: highly euphemistic, amazing poetic phrase
Of-sevenseas: lord, please let him quote smtg from red mansions the dance of winds and rain, my foot
Moderndaypandora: lol it'd be hilarious if he decided to troll and went for "🍆?"
Moggiesandtea: But that could be interpreted as a reference to ZYL's prize winning eggplants
Luna: SW’s dirty texts would definitely be full of classical references
Lazulisong: Honestly Shen Wei would be like "youd better not be doing [innocuous but could be suggestive with the right mindset] when I get home" "Youd better not be wearing my clothes again" ":DDDDDDDDDD"
Moderndaypandora: ahhh, like waving a red flag in front of a bull. or placing a cup near a ledge while the cat is watching
Lazulisong: "a spanking! a spanking!!!"
Arrgh: Only person to be excited at the thought of pissing the Ghost Executioner off =D
Of-sevenseas: only person to get a sound fucking instead of instadeath if have pissed off the Ghost Executioner
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ifeelbetterer · 7 years
misa-nthropy replied to your post “Hey could you guys send me nice things for a while, I am currently...”
Put it up on a projector(do you still use those? I'm old) and let the class tear him apart. Also stay strong! Hopefully he becomes the next John Bobbitt
I would except tomorrow is the last day of class and they’re workshopping the next(final) paper. It will literally be the last time I see his face, though, so I take some comfort from that. anefi replied to your post “Hey could you guys send me nice things for a while, I am currently...”
you can squash him a little bit! if the essay's crap then it is literally your job, even though I know it is so draining to give assholes that that even five seconds of your time. stay strong!
I like your style, but I am holding onto my moral high ground by the skin of my teeth here. eak1mouse replied to your post “Hey could you guys send me nice things for a while, I am currently...”
Ooh geez. Best of luck to you. You have to make it though or this dude wins. You got this.
OK, this was literally exactly what I needed to hear to get this done. Thanks! bbcphile replied to your post “Hey could you guys send me nice things for a while, I am currently...”
*all the hugs *
Thanks, boo. moggiesandtea replied to your post “Hey could you guys send me nice things for a while, I am currently...”
Deploy the red pen
Alas, I grade in blue. I was doing it to be less....evocative of blood....but now I regret that choice
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leupagus · 5 years
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I was talking to @helvetica-upstart the other day about ending fic chapters (or fics in general) on a sad note and they were like “as a reader it bums me out” and I was like “well a) as a READER, totes agreed, but b) as a WRITER, bwahahahaha” and if you ever doubt that I enjoy hurting people through the words that I type, please know that this was given to me literally years ago
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madamemonday · 9 years
moggiesandtea replied to your post: “Materials for Project: Captain Bear Plushie have been acquired.”:
........please say you're going to post progress pics?
Probably so many that my followers will go 'OH MY GOD NOT THIS AGAIN' when it comes across their dash.
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redsector-a · 9 years
replied to your post
“I’m about four seconds from crying because I literally just missed two...”
Thank you. :)
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sixth-light · 9 years
moggiesandtea replied to your post “So my Ph.D. defence is Friday and I’ve reached about…Defcon 3,...”
But when have the rules of grad school *ever* been straightforward? Good luck with your defense!
TBH I’ve been going through my school’s rules for doctoral dissertations repeatedly, worried that I forgot the step where I have to spend a semester balancing a teapot on my head in order to qualify for graduation and will be forced to go back and do it all again or something. Because it can’t be this easy. It has to be a trap. 
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queenklu · 9 years
moggiesandtea answered your question:Hey guys, do you know of a text/chat-based website...
There’s crisischat.org, but I don’t know as to their quality.
Thank you thank you, it looks better--actual trained people as opposed to any random schmoe on the internet. Fingers crossed <3
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flatbear · 10 years
So, a very important Flight Rising question: do you feel guilty when you exalt a dragon (if you have, idk) or is it just me?
IT'S THE WORST. IT PHYSICALLY HURTS. Exalting my first dragon was torture, my hand was literally shaking.
BUT . It DOES get easier! Just get into the habit of telling yourself that you are sending them off to fight alongside their dragon gods, that they are doing the thing they were born to do, that not all dragons are lucky enough :)
AND WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T EXALT YOUR FIRST TWO DRAGONS. You won't get any treasure for it, and you will regret it.
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etcetera-cat-writes · 10 years
moggiesandtea said: Phil is kind of wondering how he didn’t notice that his soulmate is absolute crap at taking care of himself. Seriously. Stella is better at it.
And Stella is a creature who frequently attempts to eat bark chipping on the way to the dog park, so it's not like Phil is exactly setting the bar high here.
"No, I'll infect you," Bozie protests weakly, making no move to distance himself.
"Tyler," Phil says warningly.  It works again--Bozie is immediately pliant and obedient.  Phil is going to have to use this power wisely, he decides, as he arranges Bozie in an embrace that's to Phil's satisfaction, at least.  Given the way that Bozie scratches at his nose with the back of his hand and then burrows into Phil's side, it's to his satisfaction as well.
"Aww, aren't you cute?" That's accompanied by a camera sound and Amanda triumphantly tapping away at her phone.  "Before you try and delete it, I've already sent it to my cloud.  Hey--want me to text Mum ad Dad?"
"No!" Phil says sharply, patting at Bozie's arm when he startles.  "Can we--we need to get used to this ourselves before letting anyone else know.  Please, Mandy."
"Fine, fine," Amanda sighs.  "You totally failed to have a conversation with each other whilst me and Stells were gone, didn't you?"
Phil can feel himself blushing, but on the edge of his vision, he can see that Bozie is too, so that's okay.  "Where is my dog?"
"Subject change," Amanda sings out.  "Probably making your kitchen floor gross.  I gave her one of those dental chew things to distract her and she was busy tearing it up into slimy pieces as a prelude to actually eating it."
"Don't insult my dog," Phil says.  "She's beautiful."
"But sometimes dumb."  Amanda flicks her gaze to Bozie and back to Phil quick enough that Phil suspects Bozie doesn't even notice, and flashes a knife-thin smile.
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redsector-a · 9 years
ereshai replied to your post “I should have been in bed an hour ago at least. Instead of sleeping, I...”
!!!!!! OMG, I am so excited for you!!!
moggiesandtea replied to your post
“I should have been in bed an hour ago at least. Instead of sleeping, I...”
It will be great! \o/
phaeshmae replied to your post
“I should have been in bed an hour ago at least. Instead of sleeping, I...”
I wish my gif game were stronger/I wasn’t so lazy and organized my folder - cause I’d reply with all sorts of ridiculous gifs to convey how I am feeling about being able to be in the same room as him, let alone meet him. I have two months to prepare to cry in public/work on being okay having my picture taken. 
Oh man.
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sixth-light · 9 years
Things I learned from your review of San Andreas: I should probably go see this movie with a geologist, for extra amusement. Also, on a totally unrelated note, I really like your Rivers of London fic!
Yes, ABSOLUTELY see this movie with a geologist, or someone with some basic understanding of geology and/or how earthquakes work, if you can. Their spluttering will probably entertain you at least as much as the movie will, as well as giving you much better advice on how to survive earthquakes. (DO NOT RUN OUTSIDE I CANNOT EMPHASISE THIS ENOUGH). I am not a geologist let alone a seismologist, just geology-adjacent + raised in an earthquake-prone country, and I was still WTFing all over the place. 
And thank you, I’m glad you enjoy the fic! 
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leopardbones · 10 years
As one of the (probably) multitudes who found out registration for Flight Rising was reopened, I wondered if you could give some advice on a problem I am discovering I have. Namely, baby dragons are TOO CUTE. Like, I want to hoard them instead of food and various materials. My first batch of eggs hatch tomorrow, but I've already bought two baby dragons from the Auction House because CUTE. Anyway, any advice on dealing with this problem other than resignation and spending lots of gold?
Haha so I’ve obviously failed at resisting the babies and  have expanded my lair … a loooot.  One good thing is they only stay in baby form for five days, so if the adults are less appealing you can level them up and exalt them or sell them in the auction. 
OR use the adorable babies now adults to create more adorable babies but you’ll have to expand your lair … a lot. 
There is a scroll of eternal youth you can get that keeps them young forever but its in the gem marketplace or probable hella$$$ in the auction house. 
A good thing to keep in mind is that you can’t breed dragons that are closer than 5 generations apart (inbreeding!) so … if you’re keeping babies to breed make sure they aren’t related.  You can also trade in the forums! That’s always fun! 
Hope some of this was helpful >_
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queenklu · 10 years
Oh wow, after the glass jewelry stuff, I realized that you're the person who introduced me to Tracy Chapman (whose work I have been playing almost non-stop during my commute). You have amazing taste.
OH YES, Tracy Chapman is AMAZING. Fast Car is one of the best songs written in the last hundred years, and Give Me One Reason to Stay is one of my faaaaaves. I need to get more of her discography because she’s just. that. good. 
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svmadelyn · 10 years
various replies
torigates replied to your post “WiP Meme”
SO MANY EPILOGUES! so manyyyyyyy. there's only one that is under 10K, I think. 
the--northface replied to your post “WiP Meme”
I am most excited for the Mariano's snippet! The scene with Saader was way too cute!! Also I love that they invite Ovie to the wedding, Ovie is the best
Basically, Mariano's is gonna be my excuse to write lots of Kaner with Saader and Kaner with Mama Toews, I think.  And Ovie played a big part in their sanity and making it to the wedding by sending them Svetlana the wonder nanny, so of course he's gonna get an invite!
1whiskers replied to your post “WiP Meme”
Write ALL THE FIC / / /!!!!! (I mean, time and employment permitting.) Enthusiastic cheerleading always available from this corner, boo.
*salutes crisply * AYE AYE CAP'N
puckling replied to your post “WiP Meme”
I am so into all of this.
Thank you ma'ammmmmm
moggiesandtea replied to your post “WiP Meme”
This is a very nice wip list. Very nice. *chinhands*
I do what I can!
1whiskers replied to your post “Hi, lurking fan here unlurking. That tagfic of Sammy and Johnny and the monster detecting was GOLD!”
Definite epilogue 11 material, here!
I'm sort of thinking of having an 'outtakes' thing between epilogues 2 and 3 of random chatfic type snippets of Sammy Kane's adventures in ~life~! I want everybody to cry over this bb like I do. He's got a v. v. vivid imagination, and his parents are not entirely certain where the shit that comes out of his mouth comes from, but there is never a dull moment with their baby.
the--northface replied to your post “Adventures in primer compilation”
I'm so glad this project is coming along. Dt, Pali and I had much fun working on this!!
saaaaaame; I AM TRYING TO CLEAR THE DECK and will be emailing y'all when I have something that's not completely embarrassing to show youuuuu
liketheoceanblue replied to your post “Hi, lurking fan here unlurking. That tagfic of Sammy and Johnny and the monster detecting was GOLD!”
Would I?!!! :D I do!!! ❤ Sammy
excellent, excellenttttttt :D :D :D
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