parisiansulfur · 6 years
moetentacles replied to your post “Let’s make it a trend, going forward, to maybe stop hyperfeminizing...”
P L E A S E. Goals for 2k19 because I'm sick of people deeming a character as 'uke' because of their appearance
It’d be real fucken nice if we could stop assuming uke/seme based on size/shape/age/gender performance/whatever. It’s exhausting and boring and we can (and must) do better.
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talesofzero · 7 years
999-verse; 13 - Holding hands; Tiny gays for you. 
~500 words
Firefights never got easier.
Oh, the aiming got easier, and the killing blurredtogether into a stomach-turning smear of corpses. But the fights themselves neverstopped making my heart try to beat up into my throat. I could never seem tobreathe right, as though the air had turned stale. My vision narrowed into ahazy tunnel. I never understood how I made it out alive.
It should have been easier with Meowdar fighting at myside, but his presence made things worse. Every part of me screamed to grab himand run. To keep myself from doing anything stupid, I settled into a rhythm oftaking quick shots over our cover, then crouching down for five quick gasps ofair.
Stand up. Shoot at any machine men I saw. Drop down.One, two, three, four, five.
Over and over. It wasn’t comfortable, but it wasbetter than nothing, and it would keep me alive.
That came to a screeching halt when Meowdar’s handappeared over mine. His grip was too tight to ignore, too real. I started overrecounting my breaths. One, two, three-
“Tetsuro, breathe,” he said in that warm yet coolvoice of his. “Your hands are shaking terribly. It’s not good for your aim.”
I sucked in more air. Onetwothreefour-
“Not like that,” he huffed. He tightened his grip onmy hand ‘til it almost hurt. “We’ll make it through this. I’ve got you.”
He couldn’t promise something like that. No one couldever promise something like that. One stray bullet with the right timing couldbreak that promise. He’d end up as just another limp form on the ground. Nomore light behind his eyes. No more soothing voice.
Just like so many others who’d had the bad luck tomeet me.
“Breathe,” Meowdar said again, this time close enoughfor me to feel his breath on my ear. He butted his forehead against my temple,soft as a nudge. “Come on. Let’s finish this.”
He was there, real and warm and breathing. Maybe hewouldn’t be in a moment, but he was there for now. Turning, I caught his lipsin a quick, heated kiss. A bit too messy to be romantic, but it reminded me howto breathe, and I raised my gun for another round as I broke away.
He seemed to forget how to breathe though. I heard himlet out a slow puff of air under the whiz of bullets flying by. I took one ofthe bots out before dropping back to my knees. Meowdar still hadn’t moved.
“Unfair,” he said. “I didn’t say you could steal mybreath.”
“Let’s finish this,” I said back to him with a smile. “ThenI’ll give it back.”
His cheeks tinged purple, oddly enough. “Very well. Then let us hurry.”
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yyh-revival · 6 years
To be perfectly honest, I never saw this ship. Maybe because I like the idea of Kuwabara dating Hiei’s sister too much, and I already have like…. at least 4 ships for Yusuke that would come before Kuwabara. (Keiko, Kurama, Hiei, …don’t ask about the last one)
- Mod Lola
You know.. I like that ship more than Yusuke/Kuwa... Maybe... No no no. You’re not recruiting me into a new ship shoo.
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maetel · 6 years
@moetentacles yea lmao
Tumblr media
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okelleok · 9 years
Tumblr media
characters made based on usernames: @moetentacles and imthehandsomejack who was iamthesnarkknight when i drew this weeks ago, woops.
tentacles made me think of fabulous hair, and snark knight felt like a comic writer/shop owner, so i went with that
ballpoint pen, highlighter
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re-lmayer · 9 years
Quwrof Wrlccywrlir
you have GOT to be fucking w me.....
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jotxrokujo · 9 years
are u kougayji for kougaiji
every koudayji
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parisiansulfur · 6 years
moetentacles replied to your post “moetentacles: Does anyone else remember being younger and seeing...”
listen. I was going to add botan/yukina. I was Going To. I Failed.
you’re aight boo
listen i will take irrational ships like botan/koto over, well, you know
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talesofzero · 9 years
Poor Zero and his blue-themed boyfriends who die horribly. Imagine them both as ghosts who just hang around the ship. Blue touches his face and says no when Zero tries to drink too much. Shep sings him songs to help him sleep. Neither of them have any concept of personal space and keep popping through the wall when he’s showering. 
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risenproject-blog · 10 years
;A; Hello I, uh, would like to reserve a face claim under the character 'Third' from Jyu Oh Sei as a Wild Card. The date is 2/14
What happened to First and Second? Sorry. Sorry.
Wild Card Third has been reserved!
☂ Walker Mod
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re-lmayer · 9 years
Leans in close and whispers "Like hisoka and kurapika, Chrollo's name is also spelled differently.."
...oh no
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jotxrokujo · 10 years
moetentacles replied to your post:today at work while i was cashiering this fuckman...
omg i work at a grocery store as a cashier im so glad this has never happened
it's so gross i hate ringing up condoms for men who are alone bc they always have this weird look about them and i just want to olley out of existence
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karasunocurry · 10 years
moetentacles answered your question “Sssoooo  Toward the Terra Star Driver is there still a fandom for...”
omg!! It's so unknown though, even though it was amazing *cries* Nice to meet you! *v* If it came out now (and got popular) tumblr could drown in the feels but no... xD this anime definitely needs more love *A*
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parisiansulfur · 6 years
moetentacles replied to your post “moetentacles replied to your post “Let’s make it a trend, going...”
one of the reasons why i can't read old kurama/hiei fics is because like every single one of them (I ever saw) put kurama as uke and hiei as seme and kurama would be Soft and Delicate and its like ??? did we watch the same show do we know the Same Kurama?
You know, that’s one of the reasons I’m really glad I only got into this recently, once all that bullshit got out of the way. It’s not just a function of this being a fandom for an older show and therefore with a generally older fanbase, but also because Fandom as a Concept is a little more... Shall we say educated? A little bit. A teensy bit. A smidgen. A pinch.
I think I’m fairly vocal on my own opinions on these characters but Soft Delicate Kurama™ is one that deeply annoys me. Not only “did they watch the same show where Kurama was a stone cold bitch to, uh, everyone and scary as shit” but also it doesn’t escape my fucking notice that the “weeping widow” as MG calls him is the ONE character with a more “feminine” appearance and long pretty hair. 🤔
Like, I do want to believe that as The People (fandom) get more of a fucking clue as to gender and sexuality that we realize that not every long-haired boy is a bottom and not every strong silent type is a top. That, like, sexuality is complicated. And also that verses exist. 👀And I have read some really brilliant, complex, difficult fanfiction that deals with some of the issues the older stuff couldn’t even BEGIN to approach.
Fandom in general is just... ho my god. (I don’t go there, but like the Voltron fandom is imploding rn and it’s just... I don’t know why anyone was surprised) But like? Things are getting better? Or at least now there is better discourse/opinions sprinkled in with the usual trash? 
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talesofzero · 9 years
Blue doesn’t even know what sex is. He’d be more like “Why yes, I’m going to hold this man’s face in as gay a way as possible as I stare deep into his eyes and float in place.”
More like imagine Blue trying to convince Zero that he’s hundreds of years old and therefore legal for the tapping. Zero squints down at him and is like “Nah, you’re like five.”
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maetel · 9 years
moetentacles replied to your photo:I made thai tea!! ☆
i’ll mail it to you
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