#modern customer journey
isubhamdas · 3 months
Customer Journey Modernized-Boosting Customer Satisfaction
Transform your customer journey with a modernized approach. Learn how to reduce inefficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and boost loyalty. Continue reading to discover expert tips and strategies. Modern Customer Journey: An OverviewKey Dimensions of the Modern Customer JourneyBenefits of Modernizing the Customer JourneyExpert Tips and Strategies on Modern Customer JourneyReal-Life Examples…
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alyssamonah · 1 year
Exquisite Opulence: Embracing Modern Luxury House Design in Sydney
Sydney, a city renowned for its captivating landscapes and architectural marvels, offers many possibilities for custom home design. Creating a home that reflects your unique style, preferences, and aspirations requires the expertise of a skilled custom home designer. In this article, we will delve into the world of custom home design in Sydney, exploring the benefits of working with a professional modern luxury house design in Sydney and guiding you in choosing the perfect custom home designer to bring your vision to life.
Custom Home Design: Elevating Personal Expression: Custom home design is an art form that goes beyond conventional housing. It allows homeowners to personalize every aspect of their living space, from layout and materials to intricate design details. In Sydney, custom home designers embrace the opportunity to transform visions into reality, crafting homes that embody luxury, functionality, and individuality.
The Role of a Custom Home Designer: A custom home designer is a key collaborator in the realization of your dream home. They possess the knowledge, experience, and artistic vision to translate your ideas into architectural marvels. From conceptualization to construction, a skilled custom home designer in Sydney will work closely with you, merging aesthetics with functionality and guiding you through the entire design journey.
Factors to Consider When Selecting a Custom Home Designer: a) Design Expertise and Style: Evaluate the designer's portfolio to gauge their design sensibilities and versatility. Look for a designer whose style resonates with your vision, whether it be sleek modernism, classic elegance, or a fusion of architectural influences. b) Experience and Track Record: Research the designer's experience and previous projects to ensure they have a proven track record of delivering exceptional custom homes. Consider their ability to handle complex designs, site-specific challenges, and budget constraints. c) Client Satisfaction and Testimonials: Seek feedback from previous clients to gain insights into the designer's professionalism, communication skills, and ability to meet deadlines and exceed expectations. d) Collaboration and Communication: Effective communication and a collaborative approach are crucial for a successful custom home design project. Choose a designer who actively listens to your ideas, understands your lifestyle needs, and encourages open dialogue throughout the process. e) Quality Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail: Look for a designer who prioritizes quality craftsmanship and pays meticulous attention to detail. This ensures your custom home will be built to the highest standards, resulting in a refined and enduring living space.
The Advantages of Custom Home Design in Sydney: a) Unparalleled Personalization: Custom home design allows you to tailor every aspect of your home to your specific preferences and requirements, resulting in a truly unique and personalized living space. b) Integration of Luxurious Features: Working with a custom home designer in Sydney allows you to incorporate luxurious features and amenities that enhance your lifestyle, such as state-of-the-art technology, spa-like bathrooms, and expansive outdoor entertaining areas. c) Seamless Blend of Indoor and Outdoor Living: With Sydney's mild climate and breathtaking scenery, custom home designers can create seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces, maximizing the enjoyment of the surrounding natural beauty. d) Enhanced Resale Value: A thoughtfully designed custom home that showcases quality craftsmanship and exquisite design details often commands a higher resale value in the Sydney real estate market, making it a sound long-term investment.
Conclusion: The possibilities are limitless in the realm of custom modern duplex house design. By enlisting the services of a skilled custom home designer, you can transform your dream of a luxurious, tailor-made residence into a stunning reality. With careful consideration of a designer's expertise, style, and track record, you can embark on a collaborative journey resulting in a home that truly reflects your personality and desires.
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#Custom Home Design: Elevating Personal Expression: Custom home design is an art form that goes beyond conventional housing. It allows homeow#from layout and materials to intricate design details. In Sydney#custom home designers embrace the opportunity to transform visions into reality#crafting homes that embody luxury#functionality#and individuality.#The Role of a Custom Home Designer: A custom home designer is a key collaborator in the realization of your dream home. They possess the kn#experience#and artistic vision to translate your ideas into architectural marvels. From conceptualization to construction#a skilled custom home designer in Sydney will work closely with you#merging aesthetics with functionality and guiding you through the entire design journey.#Factors to Consider When Selecting a Custom Home Designer: a) Design Expertise and Style: Evaluate the designer's portfolio to gauge their#whether it be sleek modernism#classic elegance#or a fusion of architectural influences. b) Experience and Track Record: Research the designer's experience and previous projects to ensure#site-specific challenges#and budget constraints. c) Client Satisfaction and Testimonials: Seek feedback from previous clients to gain insights into the designer's p#communication skills#and ability to meet deadlines and exceed expectations. d) Collaboration and Communication: Effective communication and a collaborative appr#and encourages open dialogue throughout the process. e) Quality Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail: Look for a designer who prioritizes#resulting in a refined and enduring living space.#The Advantages of Custom Home Design in Sydney: a) Unparalleled Personalization: Custom home design allows you to tailor every aspect of yo#resulting in a truly unique and personalized living space. b) Integration of Luxurious Features: Working with a custom home designer in Syd#such as state-of-the-art technology#spa-like bathrooms#and expansive outdoor entertaining areas. c) Seamless Blend of Indoor and Outdoor Living: With Sydney's mild climate and breathtaking scene#custom home designers can create seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces#making it a sound long-term investment.#you can transform your dream of a luxurious#style
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atumblogger · 11 months
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literallyjusttoa · 8 days
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I have fully reworked and redesigned my Apollo timeline!! These designs are meant to depict Apollo from 2591 B.C.E all the way to 392 C.E., so a good 2,983 years of life lol. A lot of things have changed from my first and second versions of this timeline (which you can see here and here if you're interested) so I'm just gonna rewrite the whole things here for y'all to read and enjoy! (Also disclaimer as always I am not a mythology expert, and I am taking some liberties with dates and time periods so sorry if anything seems off!)
Baby: 2591 B.C.E
Apollo is born. That's pretty much all that happens here.
Fighting Python/Exile: 2591-2582 B.C.E.
Right after being born, Apollo goes off to fight Python. After this, he is exiled from Olympus for nine years due to his crime of committing murder. During those nine years, he spends most of his time as either a shepherd or a traveling musician, and observes mortals and their ways of life a lot.
Pre-First Punishment: 2582-2300 B.C.E.
After his exile, Apollo is allowed to ascend to Olympus. He takes on a form that is extremely similar to the mortals he's been living amongst for the past nine years. As the youngest member of the Olympian Council, Apollo is slightly naive, but desperate to prove himself to the rest of his family. Myths that occur during this time: 1. Apollo finds and mentors Chiron 2. Artemis and Apollo successfully convince their father to release Prometheus from his punishment. 3. Periphas, a king of Attica and priest of Apollo, was so beloved by his people that they honored him above Zeus. This angered Zeus, and he sword he would strike Periphas down and burn his home to the ground. However, Apollo begged Zeus to spare Periphas' life, and Zeus acquiesced. Instead, Zeus turned Periphas into an eagle, the same eagle that now rests on the top of his sacred sceptre.
Post-First Punishment (Troy): 2300-1250 B.C.E.
Back from his time as a mortal, Apollo is now the patron god of the city of Troy. He is extremely attached to his people, and has taken on a lot of their fashions and customs. He is a bit more reserved on Olympus because of the punishment, but he is still young and sure of himself, and is often one of the most active gods on the council. Myths that occur during this time: 1. Hermes is born. 2. The music duel with Marsyas occurs, and he is flayn. 3. Lots of cities are founded on the west coast of Ionia (Modern day Türkiye), many with myths surrounding Apollo. The city of Miletus was founded and named after a son of Apollo. Klazomenai claimed Apollo as their principal god. The city of Colophon becomes the seat of the Oracle of Apollo Clarius, and one of his sons, named Mopsus, lives there. Erythraea is also connected to Apollo's oracle, as it is the birthplace of Herophile. Once you add Troy to the mix, it seems as if Apollo just did a tour of Ionia and set up a bunch of towns along the way, which I think is pretty cool. 4. The seven against Thebes make their march to restore Polynices, Oedipus' son, to the throne. One of the seven, Amphiaraus, was a seer and favored by Apollo (and sometimes his son!). Amphiaraus was fated to die in battle, but Apollo found multiple ways to stretch out his final moments. He redirected attacks so that Amphiaraus was not harmed, and when the man's charioteer was killed, Apollo took the reins himself. When Amphiaraus finally passed on, Apollo wept over his corpse and let him be consumed by the earth, creating an Oracle at that spot.
Asclepius: 1250-1210 B.C.E.
Asclepius is born and Apollo keeps the same look throughout his entire life! Apollo doesn't have much to do with it, but the Argonauts set sail during this time.
Stealing the bolt/Killing the Cyclops: 1210 B.C.E.
This design only lasts a couple of weeks. In his grief, Apollo loses himself.
Second Punishment 1210 B.C.E
Apollo is given to Admetus as a servant for several months. The punishment doesn't last long, but Apollo's time with Admetus is essential in his journey to heal from Asclepius' death.
Trojan War: 1194-1184 B.C.E.
The Trojan War breaks out less than 20 years after Asclepius' death, bringing ruins and carnage with it. Apollo fulfills his duty as the patron god of the city, and viciously protects Troy from the attacks of other Olympians.
Post-Trojan: 1184-940 B.C.E.
The war was lost, and Troy was sacked. In the time following this, Apollo distances himself from mortals, desperate to escape the pain and grief of the last 70 years. This period of his life ends with the myth of Daphne. Myths that occur during this time: 1. Dionysus is born 2. Apollo saves Hemithea and her sister Parthenos and makes them immortal. 3. Apollo's oldest known temple is built in Thebes.
Daphne and Hyacinthus 940-776 B.C.E.
After the death of Daphne, Apollo is devastated. While he had been avoiding the mortal realm before, now he became increasingly uncomfortable on Olympus. He stayed in the mortal realm often, building up his reputation and setting up his popularity in Ancient Greece proper, which was just breaking out of the Dark Ages. Near the end of this period, he loves and loses Hyacinthus. Myths that occur during this time: 1. The cult of Apollo from Crete brings his worship to Delphi officially, and his temple is built at the site. 2. Apollo's music duel with Pan occurs.
“Main” Apollo 776-500 B.C.E.
Starting with the first Olympic games, This period is defined by glory and worship. Apollo's popularity in Greece increases exponentially, and this is only added to once he takes the reins of the sun chariot. He meddles in mortal affairs often during this time, growing into the persona we see of him today. Myths that occur during this time: 1. Niobe's kids are killed 2. Apollo falls in love with Cyrene, and gives her a city. 3. Tarquin purchases the Sibylline books. Sometime before this, Apollo curses the Sibyl of Cumae. 4. The Pythagorean cult is established, a group that religiously followed the teachings of Pythagoras. Alongside this, they mainly worshiped Apollo at Delphi. They used math to break down music, and believed "the universe as a whole was composed of harmony and numbers". 5. Phorbas, who is either a savage king of Elis or a giant, preys on travelers on the pilgrimage to Delphi. To put a stop to this, Apollo challenges the man to a boxing match, and kills him during the fight. Another Phorbas, this one hailing from Rhodes, is often confounded with this one. Apollo dated the second Phorbas, so I bet this was very confusing for a lot of poor Greeks. 6. The city of Megara fought for independence from Corinth, and claimed Apollo as their patron god.
"Classical" Apollo 500-300 B.C.E.
As Ancient Greece moves into it's classical age, and the height of it's glory, Apollo's worship continues to grow. In the 400's, Pericles and the architects of the Acropolis in Athens used the money held by the Delian league (An allied group of islands in the Cyclades, lead by Delos) to create their temple to Athena, which held the Athena Parthenos. This, alongside many other ways in which Athens attempted to take control of the rest of Greece, caused tension in both the mortal world and Olympus. Apollo begins to see cracks in the foundations of Greece, but can not do much about it at the time. Myths that occur during this time: 1. The Peloponnesian war breaks out. It lasts 27 years, with Sparta claiming victory over Athens in the end. Olympus continues to degrade as Athena and Ares spar. 2. Shortly after this, the Theban War starts. Sparta had won the Peloponnesian war and taken Athens place as the head of Ancient Greece, but many city-states took issue with this. Both Corinth and Thebes waged war against Sparta, with Thebes being victorious in this struggle. Thebes was Dionysus' city, and Corinth, Poseidon's. The Olympian council continues to splinter. 3. Apollo's first temple in Rome is built. The Temple of Apollo Medicus was constructed outside of the religious boundary in Rome, as Apollo was still seen as a foreign deity at this time, and so his worship was not permitted in the city proper.
Late Greece (300-146 B.C.E)
Greece is falling apart at the seams, with civil wars breaking out all over the region. Rome is growing stronger to the west, and eventually takes over Greece completely at the end of this period. Apollo attempts to ignore the signs of failure, keeping up a relaxed, even as the war begins to devour Greece entirely. Myths that occur during this time: 1. Dionysus journeys to India 2. Trophonius and Agamethus are killed.
Fall of Greece: 146-32 B.C.E.
Olympus falls, and will not come back together for a while yet. With each deity lost and unfocused, they all have to find their own way back to their former glory. Apollo is one of the last to return to the council, spending centuries wandering the ruins of Greece, burying his people and mourning the culture that had been lost. It is not until Augustus brings his worship to Rome that Apollo returns to Mount Olympus.
Rome 32 B.C.E.- 140 C.E.
Apollo is now one of the chief gods in Rome. Even though he is at the same level of power and popularity that he had during the height of Greece, it doesn't feel the same. Apollo drifts, going through the motions with very little passion behind it. It takes some time for him to warm up to his new civilization, which leads to:
Late Rome 140 C.E.- 392 C.E.
As Rome continues to grow and prosper, Apollo begins to grow fond of it's people. He interacts with them far more, and begins to once again meddle in their affairs, especially when it comes to the various emperors that ruled the nation. This trend continues until the eventual end of pagan worship in Rome. Myths that occur during this time: 1. Apollo meets, falls in love with, and eventually kills Commodus. 2. The Bacchanalia, which was a private cult festival of the Dionysian cult of Liber that was full of drinking and mingling of all social classes, becomes popular. This festival is obviously associated with Bacchus first and foremost, but there was a common rumour amongst members of the cult that you could meet Apollo at these celebrations.
And that's the whole thing! Hope you all enjoyed, this took a lot of time and research lol.
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r-o-s-e-f-i-r-e · 1 year
idk i’ve been thinking for the last day about modern day corroded coffin, semi-successful in the local music scene, did a self-funded tour through six states last fall where they all lived in the van together and didn’t shower for four weeks, has a standing gig at the dive bar next to the highway and the strip club, they’re established, they have a small but dedicated local following, they —
“can’t play a WEDDING, are you fucking with me?” eddie says, when gareth shows him the text from his cousin who’s getting married in two weeks and who, as of last night, has no wedding band because they accidentally double booked themselves and gareth’s cousin had sent the deposit in late.
“i’ve explained to him so many times,” gareth says, furiously texting his cousin back, “we’re not that kind of band—”
except gareth’s cousin, instead of responding directly to gareth’s text outlining the musical thesis of corroded coffin or watching the youtube link gareth sends to the show last month where eddie got a black eye in the pit from someone in an inflatable garfield costume, just sends back —
“holy shit,” eddie croaks, looking at the string of zeros on the end of the number gareth’s cousin offers me to pay them in exchange for saving his ass and his wedding and his marriage, since his fiancé was demanding a live band. “that’s—”
“three months of rent for each of us,” gareth says, awed. “that’s buy actual fresh vegetables money. that’s go to the dentist money—”
“yeah, okay, give him my number,” eddie says.
so they spend the next two weeks practicing every white people wedding song they can think of. there’s no way they’ll be able to do, like, get low, tragically, but they can pull off the classics, especially after they bring chrissy onboard for vocals and keyboard. there are places where eddie draws the line — no fucking journey or especially insipid top 40 — but they can do some whitney. abba. fucking — mr. brightside. a lot of it is pretty simple, when you get down to it, “and people will be wasted anyway,” jeff reminds them. there’s an open bar at the six figure venue gareth’s cousin booked. hopefully everyone will be too hyped just hearing the opening baseline to i want you back to notice if they fumble anything hard.
rehearsal montage, chrissy takes the boys to the mall to buy suits montage (except for gareth who, like most transmasc dudes, already has a custom fitted and tailored suit ready to go in his closet; instead he makes catty remarks about brian’s tie choices.) chrissy makes eddie put his hair up and eddie makes jeff shave the experimental mustache he’s been growing and eventually the day of the wedding arrives and they load up the van and drive 45 minutes to the six figure waterfront reception venue.
they riff for about ten minutes while the whole wedding party makes their grand entrance into the massive tent set up on the lawn, ending with gareth’s cousin and his new wife dancing in, the whole crowd screaming and clapping. it’s cute, eddie thinks, vamping as long as he can while gareth’s cousin’s best man takes the mic and introduces the new couple and directs everyone to their seats for dinner.
and meanwhile: best man is frankly one of the hottest dudes eddie’s ever seen. he’s got longish brown hair that he keeps pushing out of his eyes, full lips, an insane shoulder to waist ratio, big hands. eddie sneak looks at him while they play a bunch of low key jazzy standards for people to eat their expensive dinner to. he’s sitting with his arm around the shoulders of a girl with shaggy auburn hair, and they keep leaning in to whisper to each other and giggle, so. oh well. but it doesn’t hurt to look, eddie thinks, watching the guy take his suit jacket off and roll up his sleeves and make a toast to gareth’s cousin and his new wife’s long and joyful marriage.
once most people have had their plates cleared away jeff turns to eddie and the rest of the band and nods, once, and while chrissy plays the opening synth chords to i wanna dance with somebody, jeff turns his front man showmanship deal all the way up.
it’s good. people are fucking hyped, so they throw themselves into it, feeding off the crowd’s energy, and almost no one is more hyped than mr. best man. he’s jumping up and down, his arms around gareth’s cousin and his wife. he knows every word to dancing in the dark (hot). when they transition into robyn’s dancing on my own he turns to the girl with auburn hair and points at her and screams. cute, eddie thinks, watching best man pick her up and spin her around while she downs her wine and shouts along. okay, really fucking hot, eddie thinks, when he finally pulls his loosened tie all the way off and unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt and eddie can see a hint of chest hair peeking out.
they slow it down for the first dance. it’s the leon bridges one everyone always does, but it’s perfect in jeff’s range, and there is not a single dry motherfucking eye in the audience. they do a couple more slow ones, throughout the night. best man dances with his girlfriend and then gareth’s grandmother and then with every child under the age of 10, letting them stand on his shoes while he twirls them around. how is this guy fucking real, eddie thinks, which of course is when best man notices eddie looking right at him and their eyes meet. best man looks a little flustered, at first, and then grins at eddie, right at him, before spinning the flower girl around in dizzying circles.
jesus christ, eddie thinks.
they’re closing out the night on the only other request gareth's cousin gave them: the one from the end of dirty dancing. jeff thanks the crowd, offers his congratulations to gareth’s cousin, and then goes right into it. except as jeff sings the first line everyone absolutely loses their shit, turning to best man and jumping around him and one of the bridesmaids. what the fucking hell, eddie thinks, keeping one ear on jeff and chrissy’s duet and one ear on the crowd piling around best man “—you guys HAVE to, dude, you’ve GOT to—“ but whatever it is he has to do is not immediately apparent to eddie. best man dances in a circle with the rest of the wedding party and auburn hair and the bride and groom, shout-singing along, and then during the build up to the second prechorus gareth’s cousin’s wife and her bridesmaids start pushing everyone to the sides of the dance floor, so there’s a long space in the middle, so the bridesmaid with curly dark hair is at one end and best man is at the other end and oh my god is he actually going to —
the bridesmaid runs and then launches herself at best man, who lifts her perfectly, right on cue at the peak of the second chorus, his hands steady on her hips while she floats her arms out in front of her just like jennifer grey. they hold it for a few moments while everyone loses their fucking minds and takes a thousand pictures. eddie actually takes his hand off his guitar for a minute. he thinks his mouth is open. he can see the muscles in best man’s arms flexing under his white button up shirt as he carefully lowers the bridesmaid back to the ground, laughing, his eyes scrunched up in joy.
eddie is maybe a little bit in love.
they close it out. the whole crowd whistles and stomps and applauds for them, which feels pretty good, eddie’s not gonna lie. as they start packing it up and high fiving each other and a couple people come over to ask if they have a card, if they’re still booking for next year or the year after (what?) gareth’s cousin comes over and hugs every single one of them, almost in tears, and then adds another 2k to the check he writes for them. eddie pulls out his cigarettes right then and there.
“steve, come meet the band,” he yells, when steve and auburn hair walk past. “gareth saved my whole ass, oh my god —“
“you guys were fucking incredible,” steve says, grinning, shaking gareth’s hand. “best wedding band i’ve heard in years —“
“they’re not even a wedding band!” gareth’s cousin shouts. “they’re like metal — moshing — thrash, i don’t know, LOUD—“
“whoa,” steve says. he pushes his hair out of his eyes and then turns that blinding smile right on eddie. eddie feels struck by it, wants to stagger back like he’s taken an actual blow. “cool, so you guys — play locally, or —?”
“oh my god,” his girlfriend says, rolling her eyes; steve elbows her in the side.
“i like your guitar,” steve says, gesturing at the warlock eddie’s still holding in his non-cigarettes hand.
“oh, uh, thanks,” eddie says.
“it’s a cool shape,” steve says, stepping closer, flicking his eyes down and then back up to meet eddie’s. there’s sweat gathered along his hairline, dampening the ends of his hair. behind him, his girlfriend coughs something loudly that sounds vaguely like slut.
eddie feels his eyebrows go way up.
“uh, thanks, shapes are. you know. shapes are great,” eddie says, nonsensical. he sees gareth shoot him an incredulous look out of the corner of his eye.
“can i bum one?” steve says, looking down to the cigarettes in eddie’s hand.
“totally,” eddie says. “let me just—“ he holds the warlock aloft and gestures to the open guitar case.
“sure,” steve says. he waits around while eddie hustles through getting his shit sorted out and then turns away politely while eddie has a silent desperate telepathic conversation with the rest of the boys, who roll their eyes and make their way over to the still open, still free bar.
where auburn hair is standing and talking to chrissy, putting a hand on chrissy’s arm while she laughs at something chrissy says.
hm, eddie thinks.
“so,” eddie says, walking out from under the tent with steve, down towards the water, awash in the moonlight. he holds out his cigarettes. “you like springsteen?”
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toruskiii · 4 months
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Love Delivery!
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Synopsis: Balancing part-time food delivery with a busy school schedule is no easy task. One day, while on a delivery, you find yourself awkwardly waiting at the door of a luxurious apartment. Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing a handsome, albeit annoyingly rich, man. Genre: Romance, fluff, slow-burn?? (modern au!) Character: Aventurine x fem!reader Warnings: Hot sassy men apocalypse, maybe this will have a part 2 or smth idk
[masterlist] [about me]
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Someone has placed an order near your set area.
You glance at the notification on your screen, just as you’re snapping a picture of the food you’ve delivered to the nice granny’s house. The elderly lady smiles politely, waiting patiently as you finish taking the photo.
“Ah, another order, young lady?” she croaks out, offering a small, grateful bow when you hand her the plastic bag of food. “Thank you so much, hoho. I’m sorry to trouble you young folks, but it’s hard for my old bones to get around, you know?” She chuckles, giving your shoulder a gentle pat.
You smile at her and shake your head, waving off her concern. "It's no problem, granny. It's my job, after all." After bidding farewell to the old lady, you put on your helmet, hop back on your bike, and accept the new order request.
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Penacony's Clock Diner? Wait-
You quickly check the location set for your food delivery, confused by the address. You're all the way in Aurem Alley, and the customer wants food from Penacony? Ridiculous.
Location Set: Xianzhou Luofu.
How is this guy even able to send his request to you?
You double-check the address, noticing the system listing it as Fyxestroll Garden. What the hell? There aren’t any apartment complexes at Fyxestroll Garden!
Puzzled, you pull over to the side of the road and open the map on your phone, trying to make sense of it. Fyxestroll Garden is a well-known public park, famous for its serene walking paths and meticulously kept gardens. You can’t recall any buildings, let alone residential ones, in the area. You tap on the address again, hoping it’s a mistake or a glitch, but the coordinates remain unchanged.
Maybe it’s a new complex that just opened? you wonder. Or could it be some sort of exclusive residence hidden within the park?
Not long after, another text message pops up on your screen, and it's from the guy.
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Frustration boils within you as you read the message, your temper nearing its breaking point. The blazing sun beats down mercilessly, intensifying your irritation as you stand near the dock, contemplating a plunge into the cooling waters below. How could this customer be so careless as to mess up their address, leaving you to contend with this sweltering heat and an hour-long detour?
And curse this app for its lack of a proper cancellation feature!
With a frustrated groan, you glance at the text, feeling the resistance of your bike's wheels grow heavier as you open the GPS. You're tempted to unleash a torrent of curses at the customer for exploiting some loophole in the app, forcing you to exert yourself just to deliver his order. He better be prepared to tip generously for this inconvenience.
To reach Penacony, your best bet is to take the Astral Express train— a mode of transportation you've used before but disliked immensely. The erratic jumps and occasional turbulence make for a nerve-wracking journey. And that conductor… Was it just fatigue playing tricks on your mind, or did they really have bunny ears…?
You sigh heavily as you enter the station, swiping your pass before parking your bike and leaning against it. Your gaze drifts to the TV hanging on the wall, checking the schedule to see when the train will arrive. Fifteen minutes? Well, there's no escaping it now…
You feel like hurling yourself into outer space.
Not only did the restaurant forget to prepare the order, but you're also stuck in a conversation with one of the servers who insists on cracking the most cringeworthy jokes.
"There's no such thing as a bad joke, only lousy comedians who can't deliver them!" the server— Jay, apparently. boasts. Doesn't this guy have other customers to attend to? Good grief. You're tempted to point out that he's no better than those lousy comedians, but you're not that mean— and you definitely don't want to risk losing your job.
"Order number 38! One sarmale and one classic soulglad!" a worker calls out, providing a convenient distraction as you hastily grabbed the food and rush over to your bike— just in time for your phone to start chiming with multiple notifications.
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Fuming with frustration, you run a hand through your hair, pedaling away as fast as your legs can carry you to the designated location. One hand grips the handlebars tightly while the other clutches your phone, fingers jabbing at the screen as you send panicked voicemails to the careless customer.
"I'm on my way! I'll be there soon!" you breathe out, your voice strained with urgency, weaving through traffic with reckless abandon. You're so preoccupied that you didn't even bother with your helmet, leaving it hanging on the basket of your bike as you speed along. The wind rushes past you, whipping your hair back as you scream into your phone.
"I'm practically flying to your place. Just hold on!" you seethe, narrowly avoiding collisions with other vehicles. You swear you catch a glimpse of a pair of blue-haired siblings shooting you a skeptical glance as you whiz by. No one's going to meet their demise on my watch.
(Maybe a few might with the way you're on the verge of causing car crashes.)
With determination fueling every pedal, you push yourself to the limit, determined to reach the customer's location before they decide to relocate to another universe altogether.
Upon stepping into the lounge of the apartment complex, you stand there, utterly flabbergasted.
The sight before you is nothing short of opulent. Everyone here is dressed to the nines in fancy attire, oozing sophistication and wealth. I mean, what did you expect? That the guy who ordered the food would settle for anything less than extravagance? 1800 credits for a soda?
But even knowing that, you weren't prepared for the sheer luxury of it all. Marble floors greet you the moment you enter, with plush velvet red sofas arranged in elegant clusters at every corner. The vases of plants adorning the marble countertops probably cost more than your entire monthly rent.
The sprawling expanse of rooms lining the halls seems to stretch on endlessly, giving you the impression that you've stumbled into a palace rather than an apartment complex. You can't help but feel like a humble peasant as you approach the lobby manager, your attire— a mishmash of sweaty clothes and a random jacket—paling in comparison to the impeccably tailored suits of the residents. Are you checking into an apartment or a castle?
What catches you off guard is the realization that most of the people milling about in this opulent setting are students. Students! You recognize familiar faces in the crowd— classmates from the same campus you attend.
"Hello, I'm here to deliver an order for room number ███," you murmur to the manager, noting the slight stress in her demeanor as she punches in the room number to confirm the request. Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise when she directs you to the Platinum room.
The Platinum room? Your mind races with questions as you make your way through the halls, the extravagant surroundings only adding to your bewilderment. What kind of student lives in the Platinum room of an apartment complex like this?
Here you stand, face to face with the imposing wooden door adorned with intricate golden trimmings, feeling as though your bank account is slowly draining with each passing moment. You raise a hand to knock, furrowing your brows in confusion when there's no immediate answer.
"Hey, it's me. I'm here to deliver your food," you call out, giving the door another firm knock. Still, there's no response. Seriously?
Technically, you could just leave the food at his door and be done with it. But something about the luxuriousness of this apartment complex makes you hesitate. It wouldn't reflect well on you to simply abandon the delivery outside, especially in such an upscale setting. (You internally roll your eyes at the absurdity of it all.)
As the door finally creaks open, you're poised to unleash the most scathing side-eye you can muster— ready to give this guy a piece of your mind for keeping you waiting (and running). But as your gaze meets his, you freeze.
You'd seen his profile picture on the app before, but you'd doubted that a man so devastatingly handsome could possibly exist in real life. You'd convinced yourself that it was probably some sort of prank or scam, someone using a fake photo to lure in unsuspecting victims.
But now, standing before you, is a man who defies all logic. His golden, tousled locks frame a face so strikingly beautiful it steals your breath away. His eyes— oh, those eyes— they're like pools of sapphire surrounded by a halo of lavender. You feel your cheeks flush hot with embarrassment as you struggle to find your voice, your words caught in your throat like a lump of lead.
He gazes back at you, those mesmerizing eyes flickering with mild curiosity as he tilts his head inquisitively. "Hm? Ah, it's you," he says, breaking the spell of silence that had enveloped you. But you can hardly hear him over the thunderous pounding of your heart, which seems to be screaming one thing over and over again: He's even more breathtaking in person.
You mentally slap yourself, shaking off the remnants of your daze as you stumble over your words, handing him his bag of food with trembling hands. "R-right, sorry to keep you waiting. Here's your food, sir," you manage to stutter out, inwardly cursing yourself for apologizing. Why am I apologizing? He's the one who's in the wrong here!
He lets out a soft chuckle, and you swear the sun must be finding its way to shine through the walls of the complex as your ears burn at the mere sound of his laugh. It's so calming, so captivating, that you feel like you're floating in a dream.
"No, no. Don't apologize. It's my fault for entering the wrong address," he reassures you, his voice smooth as silk. His fingers brush over yours as he reaches for his food, sending an electric shock through your entire body at the brief contact. You can't help but notice how his gaze softens as he opens the plastic bag to check the contents, a small hum of satisfaction escaping his lips at the sight of the still-warm food. You decide not to question it— perhaps he's just feeling a bit homesick.
You continue to awkwardly stand there, your hands fidgeting nervously in your pockets as you struggle to find something to say. "So, uh, your total is 6500 credits, sir," you finally manage to blurt out, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck.
He blinks in mild surprise, a small "ah" escaping his lips before he nods, disappearing momentarily back into his apartment. He returns a moment later, wallet in hand, a mischievous smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Since I've troubled you so much, how much do you want me to pay you back with, hm?" he teases, his tone playful.
You stare at him, your mouth hanging open in disbelief. Well, he did put you through quite a bit of trouble, making you trek all over town just to deliver two measly items. But still, the thought of asking for more money makes you feel incredibly awkward and embarrassed. "No, that…that won't be necessary," you choke out, feeling your palms grow sweaty with nervousness. "There's no need—"
"I insist," he interrupts, his tone firm yet strangely charming.
Well, damn. You're caught between feeling grateful for his generosity and feeling utterly mortified at the prospect of asking for more payment. But with his insistence ringing in your ears, you find yourself reluctantly nodding in agreement, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"1000 credits is fine," you mumble, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of asking for more money.
"Just 1000?" he repeats, narrowing his eyes at you with a slight frown. "That's quite low, considering the trouble I've put you through," he adds, his fingers skimming through his wallet in search of more credits.
As he rummages through his wallet, you can't help but notice his student card peeking out from among the bills. Your lips part in shock as you realize he's a student at the IPC—yeah, he's definitely rich. You should have haggled for more money.
"Are— do you major in accounting…?" you blurt out before you can stop yourself, your eyes darting to his card. He hums in response, shaking his head. "Nah, fashion. I can't count."
The two of you maintain eye contact for a few moments, and you find yourself staring at him dumbly while he gives you a cat-like grin.
"Did you actually buy that? I'm joking. I major in both finance and accounting."
You can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his flippant attitude. This man radiates fuck-boy energy, and you're starting to have second thoughts. Does he get a pass because of his looks, or is it because of his looks that he gets a pass?
"Oh," is all you can manage to answer as he hands you a random stack of credits.
You stare dumbfounded at his outstretched hand, uncertainty flickering in your eyes as you glance back and forth between the stash of credits and his gaze. "Huh? How much is this?" you inquire, still hesitant to accept the payment.
"Does it really matter?" he scoffs, nudging you playfully. "1000 credits is way too little, and I don't like scamming people. I don't stoop that low," he chuckles, his tone light despite the seriousness of the situation. When you don't budge, he feels a twitch in his eye before suddenly grabbing your jacket and tugging at your pockets, causing you to let out a startled yelp. "Hey! What the hell—"
Ignoring your protest, he shoves the credits inside your pocket with lazy nonchalance, letting out a whistle of satisfaction before releasing his hold. "There. Now just think of it as you were robbed in reverse," he quips, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"That's not helping!"
"It's not like your boss or whoever's in charge of the app will check your pockets, right? I'm just giving you tips, there's nothing wrong with that," he shrugs, struggling to hold back a snort at how visibly annoyed you look. If this were any other person, like an 'actual' adult or man, he'd brush it off and just toss a random wad of tips your way before politely closing the door. Maybe he'd pause for a pretty lady— well, you are a pretty lady.
But he can tell you're a student, just like him, probably working your ass off just to make ends meet. Hey, he doesn't judge. Plus, it's kind of fun to tease people occasionally, and you remind him of another acquaintance of his who's majoring in medicine.
"So, anything else?" he murmurs, leaning casually against the doorframe, a small smirk playing on his lips.
You can't help but feel a mix of irritation and amusement at his nonchalant attitude. "No, that's it," you reply tersely, your voice tinged with annoyance. You can't wait to get out of here and put this bizarre encounter behind you.
He nods in acknowledgment, his smirk widening ever so slightly. "Alright then. Take care, pretty," he says, offering you a lazy wave before shutting the door gently behind him.
As you make your way back to your bike, you can't help but replay the encounter in your mind, wondering just what the hell just happened. This guy is definitely one of a kind, that's for sure.
As you swiftly exit the complex and pedal back to the train station, a dull headache begins to gnaw at your temples. You have other pending orders waiting for you back in Luofu, and the thought of having to navigate through the city once more only adds to your growing exhaustion. Yet, amidst the fatigue, a small swell of warmth tugs at your heart at the thought of not getting his number.
Sure, he provided his contact information when he placed the order, but with a guy like him, you're almost certain it's just his business line or something equally impersonal. Besides, it would feel a bit creepy to text him out of the blue. What would you even say?
'Hey, I thought you were cute after making me run laps around the city and deal with an annoying server, hmu?'
No way, that's beyond pathetic. Plus, you'd risk losing face.
Lost in your thoughts, you arrive back at the train station, your hands absentmindedly reaching up to touch your flushed cheeks, still tingling from the encounter. He's undeniably attractive, and you can't shake the nagging feeling that he probably already has a girlfriend— or several. Besides, you should be focusing on your studies, not getting involved with some rich fuck boy.
You're snapped out of your reverie by the sound of a notification chiming on your phone. With a curious frown, you unlock your device to see what it is.
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Your heart leaps into your throat as you read the notification, your eyes widening in disbelief. What the hell is wrong with this guy? 10,000 credits? Is he insane?
With trembling hands, you quickly fish out the money he gave you from your pockets, counting through the stack under your breath to keep your panic in check. "6, 7, 8… 9…" you mutter, your voice barely above a whisper as you realize he gave you thrice the amount needed.
Your fingers tap frantically on your phone screen as you type out a response, your words rushed and panicked. "Dude, you gave me thrice the amount needed already—stop."
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As you stare at the screen, your mind reels with disbelief. He just willingly gave you his phone number— and he thinks you're cute?
It's a little funny, in a surreal sort of way, that the entire conversation is still ongoing within the food service app. Here you are, exchanging private messages with each other despite the platform's intended purpose.
You gulp, feeling the heat rise to the tips of your ears. Your brows knit together in a mixture of disbelief and slight annoyance, the memory of the earlier encounter still fresh in your mind. After all, he did put you through quite a bit of trouble with that address mix-up.
Should you add him?
You're caught off guard as a strong gust of wind rushes past you, fluttering your hair in its wake as the Astral Express train arrives. The station immediately becomes crowded, and you struggle to maneuver your bike into the passenger compartment as people squeeze past you. Finally, you manage to park your bike and squeeze yourself into an empty corner to avoid blocking anyone.
As everyone settles into their seats and grips the handles, the doors of the train shut, and the conductor announces the next stop. You let out a sigh, knowing it'll be another 20 or so stops before you reach Luofu…
Glancing back at your phone, your fingers tap onto it mindlessly, the cabin now quiet save for the occasional cries of children or chatter between friends.
Your gaze softens as a new notification pops up.
Aventurine (loser of a customer) is now saved into your contacts.
"Good evening to you again, pretty delivery lady."
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
So I was listening to this song here
And thought of if Pet ends up getting freed or was able to get away from Vox she would become an overlord with a lot of power.
I actually love that song so much and it would match overlord pet so well and now it’s inspired me to do what overlord pet would be like
Vs Pet as an overlord
Warnings: murder, gore, illegal activity, drug use, mentions pet having sex but not explicitly, reader owns peoples souls
This is not canon but could be a non canon mini series if you enjoy it :)
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In this situation, you made no deals with alastor or Vox
Your completely on your on your own in your journey for power
Or were you?
You lived on the streets for around two years in hell before you realised the potential it had
There were networks for the homeless, connections that could be made for trading of food or materials
You stumbled into trading one day after being particularly hungry and an older woman who also lived on the streets took pity on you and taught you how to steal from the public and trade the things you stole for food
After growing fond of you, the old woman told you that her name was Martha and reassured you that she’d take you under her wing until you learnt the ways of the streets
But Martha was quite old when she died and her hellish form was more frail then most, she was a very vulnerable person who could barely protect herself
After seeing you use your hellish abilities for the first time, Martha explained to you what soul deals were
She explained that she wished to make a deal with you, her soul in exchange for protection
You were shocked and initially wanted to refuse but Martha explained that it would guarantee to her that you would never betray her and she would never betray you
So you agreed, and Martha became the first soul you ever owned
After that it was a slow collection of souls, mainly strays from the streets who wanted protection or one of the younger souls needing protection
Martha taught you to be a gentle but assertive soul owner, you were never cruel to the souls you owned but you would always give them a reminder that you were in charge
With all the souls you had gathered also came shared profits, more money combined then any of you had ever seen
All the souls you owned turned to you when given the question of what you should do with it, and you were unsure
But Martha, being the wise mother goose she was, suggested that you opened a business up that would be profitable and also provide you an opportunity to rise up in the ranks
So you purchased a small club in the entertainment district
It was the first modern version of a club that had moved there in a while since no one wanted to compete with the Vs sex lounges or mimzys club
You were quite a success because of this, you were doing something you knew quite a lot about since you were such a party person when you were alive
You managed the music and used your ability to make your club irresistible
But you weren’t collecting souls as fast as you should be, you weren’t becoming powerful enough to make your lifestyle sustainable
And then an idea popped into your head, what did you learn about more than partying when you were alive?
You began to allow for drug use in your clubs and even used one of the souls you owned who used to be a chemistry professor create a more intense type of ecstasy and you named it after your club and sold it exclusively at your club
So now your club sold specialised drugs and this put you on the map
You had customers lining up around the block to get in, and more money and souls then you could count
This eventually earned you a seat at the overlords meetings despite many overlords refusals
Some overlords found you to gentle to be an overlord, they saw you as an embarrassment because of your lack of cruelty in your deals
They thought you could easily be disrespected
So when a minor overlord came to your club and began to harass the staff and destroy the furniture, he assumed you would do nothing
He was incorrect
He dropped to his knees and covered his ears as you made it so he had a loud screaming sound in his ears
He begged you to stop and apologised over and over again, but you knew that if you wanted to be respected in the overlord community then you couldn’t show mercy
You raised the frequency of the sounds to an agonising level until blood dripped from his ears, eyes, nose and mouth
You kept raising it until his brains turned to liquid and chunks fell from his ears and nose
For the first time ever, the souls you owned and the public looked at you with pure fear
You had used your ability to record the overlords screams of agony so when you returned to the overlord meeting and there were people trying to mock you, you calmly just summoned the sounds of their friend dying a painful and long death
This impressed alastor greatly and made him put you in his attention as you intrigued him greatly
He had visited your club a few times after that but decided that it wasn’t his cup of tea after watching you snort coke off of a woman’s chest
You fell into old habits once you were in a comfortable position of power by becoming a bit of a playgirl who had lovers lining up around the corner to spend a night in your bed
You were always respectful of them and always made sure they were taken care of before and after sleeping with them
You intrigued alastor and you felt familiar to him, like you have in all the past au’s alastor had a strange connection with you
He invited you to sit with him and Rosie during the meetings and you accepted happily, finally gaining some connections
Alastor and Rosie found you just darling and Rosie treated you just like a protective mother during the meetings, having them both stand up for you and threaten anyone who dared mock you for your past or your gentle techniques
You were grateful and in your gratitude you made them a small quiet booth in your club for them to visit, and they would whenever you would be using your abilities to be the clubs DJ for the night to cheer you on like proud parents
Your playgirl style had caught the attention of Valentino and he felt curious enough to visit your club with the other Vs
Velvette and Vox already had a disliking towards you because you had invaded on their territory and your affiliations with the radio demon
But Valentino insisted and brought them along
Martha encouraged you to go over to the table since you were the clubs owner and they were pretty influential overlords who could possibly help you in the future
So you greeted them all politely and bought them all a drink on the house
Vox, out of curiosity and partly to spite alastor, demanded that you join them for a drink
Out of politeness, you did
They asked you many many questions about yourself and practically interrogated you all night
Their night ended with Valentino demanded you dance with him and you were having fun until his hands drifted too far down and you had to politely reject his advances
Because of your good relationships with some of the most influential demons, they brought more business in for you
In exchange you allowed them to rent out a room in the back for illegal meetings and trades as long as they denied doing it with your consent if they ever pissed off the wrong people
You were slowly becoming more powerful, you were no longer the little sewer rat you used to be
With the help of the other demons, you became an influential and feared individual
Life would have been great, if it weren’t for those friendships bringing you many many problems
You had Vox constantly watching you through any and all technology at all times, unless you had alastor nearby which would scramble the signal and effectively piss Vox off
You had alastor constantly using his abilities to try and change your club and make it into something that more matched his image and constantly trying to ‘take you under his wing’ even though you explained many many times that you were fine on your own
You had Rosie who would constantly antagonise Martha and looked at her as if she wished to kill her in a moment, she also had a nasty habit of trying to be a motherly figure towards you at times even when you didn’t need it which would be sweet but her way was so obsessive and violating that it made you cringe
You had velvette who had made it her mission to get you to join the Vs despite you not wanting to since you were successful on your own, she even tried to sabotage you a few times so you’d have to join them
You had Valentino, who was constantly trying to get you to star in one of his movies or he just hung around too much for it to be comfortable and it felt suffocating
All of these problems combined made you life extremely hard sometimes, especially when they would all become possessive or jealous and would drag you away from doing your work to make it so you’d be with one of them all day
But at least you were powerful
And at least you were free
That’s more then you could say for most people
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Hope you liked this one, it’s a little silly but I’m tired and it’s the best I can do at the moment 😭
Tag list
@hazbinhotelxreader @fandomaddict505 @corvid007 @buttercupfangirl @perkypeony @sparkleyfishies @repostingmyfavs @lilyalone @the-faceless-bride @idontreallyexistyet @ivebeenthearchersstuff @rerarlo
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cheriecelestial · 6 months
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Batboys as Desi Films
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𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)
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Raj and Simran meet during a trip across Europe and end up getting stranded in the middle of nowhere after they miss their train. Despite their initial clashing, they fall in love. However, Simran’s traditional father has arranged her marriage elsewhere. Raj must win over Simran’s family to marry her, leading to a series of heartfelt moments, comedic misunderstandings, and ultimately, a dramatic climax where love conquers all as the couple fights for their happiness against societal norms.
Dick is so raj coded with his quips and charisma. Their chaotic banter and chemistry is off the charts. Any Indian who hasn’t watched this gets their desi card revoked immediately, I don’t make the rules. This movies fits Dick’s dramatic flair perfectly.
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𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝
Goliyon ki Raasleela Ram-Leela (2013)
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The modern adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” set in rural Gujarat, India. It follows the love story of Ram, from the Rajadi clan and Leela, from the Sanera clan, who belong to rival gangster clans engaged in a long-standing feud. Despite the enmity between their families, Ram and Leela fall deeply in love, leading to a tragic and tumultuous journey filled with passion, violence, and sacrifice.
It fits Jason’s love for guns and classics. An absolute visual treat with cinematography and all the songs are absolute bangers.
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𝐓𝐢𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞
Jab We Met (2007)
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Aditya, a heartbroken business tycoon, someone who was dwelling in the lowest ebb of his life and was almost on the brink of giving it all up, aimlessly boards a train to escape his depressing life. On his journey he meets Geet, a talkative and vivacious young woman. Geet is on her way to meet her boyfriend, but her plans go awry, and she ends up stranded. Aditya, feeling sorry for her, decides to help her get to her destination safely. Along the way, they encounter various adventures and challenges that bring them closer together. Despite their contrasting personalities, they develop a deep connection. However, when they part ways, Aditya realizes his love for Geet and sets out to find her. In the end, they reunite, realizing they are meant to be together.
Grumpy x sunshine. The OG green flag. Epitome of ‘if he wanted to,he would’. Makes my chatterbox heart happy because of how much I relate to the FL. Favourite comfort movie of all time. ML kinda looks like Cillian Murphy’s scarecrow. “I like you a lot but that is my problem, you don’t need to worry about it.” Their fights and his little sassy comebacks and rants were so cute and fun to watch.
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𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞
Jodhaa Akbar (2003)
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The Mughal emperor Akbar, seeking to forge political alliances, marries Jodhaa, a Rajput princess. Initially a marriage of convenience, their relationship evolves as they learn to respect and love each other. Jodhaa struggles to adapt to Mughal customs, especially with their cultural and religious differences but her courage and integrity win Akbar's admiration. Despite conspiracies and opposition, including from Akbar's own court, their love prevails. The film explores the transformation of a young ruler, initially groomed for ruthlessness by his mentor Bairam Khan, into a wise and compassionate emperor who values mercy, diplomacy, religious harmony and cultural acceptance. Akbar's realization of the importance of religious tolerance, showcased through his abolition of discriminatory policies and his respect for all faiths.
The arranged marriage tag and the ‘raised as a weapon but softens and shows more compassion out of respect and love for his empress’ tag fits demonhead!Damian so much. The way he said mashallah after he pulled off her veil in the middle of a sword fight >>>>. I love how it captures the essence of India’s rich heritage and diversity. “Why seek paradise ? It is before me now.”
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𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞
Khoobsurat (2014)
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Milli, a free-spirited and eccentric young woman becomes the physiotherapist for a royal family. She brings her lively yet clumsy personality into the conservative royal household, shaking up their structured lives. It clashes with the formal atmosphere of the palace, especially with the stern matriarch, Nirmala Devi. Despite initial resistance, Milli's unconventional methods bring joy and laughter into the lives of the family members, including the brooding prince, Vikram. As Milli navigates the challenges of fitting into the royal household, she also finds herself falling in love with Vikram, leading to a series of comedic and heartwarming moments.
Very cliched (well it is a Disney film) and the second hand embarrassment is unreal but sometimes after a long day all you need is a feel-good cheesy rom-com. Oh to sit next to Fawad Khan in a red convertible while gazing lovingly at him. I like how she emphasises on improving the patient’s mental health to help him heal. Incase you haven’t noticed already, cold brooding™️ x silly goose is my favourite character dynamic.
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𝐀/𝐍 - I’ll be honest with y’all, this was to satiate my desire of writing x desi! reader cuz I don’t have enough motivation or time to do it T^T
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macabr3-barbi3 · 5 months
Alastor/sheep!Reader- Red Riding Hood (Ao3 Request)
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I had so much fun with this! And I'm thinking about doing a little mini-series of retellings of fairy tales because of this so 👀
Tags: chase; outside sex; rough sex; predator/prey for like 3 paragraphs; reader is kind of a little shit
2.6k words
The woods are dark and dense, and you curse yourself again for agreeing to undertake this journey for your new manager.
“It gets cold!” She had whined, gesturing to the hairless skin of her Sphynx cat form. “ I could freeze, and its really important that this delivery gets picked up tonight! You’re such a great friend,” she had gushed when you caved and agreed to make the trip for her, to the outermost edges of the Pride ring. Why couldn’t she have just air-shipped the package? “The customer doesn’t like modern technology.”  Why not have him come get it? “He isn’t really a people person, I don’t want to scare anyone off.”
An idiot is what you were- an idiot that was new to Hell and didn’t have many other options for jobs. You were sweltering under the stupid red cloak that she had given you, swearing up and down that the forest you’d be going through got chilly at night and insisting that you take it with you; the only plus to the damned thing was that it had a pocket into which you could slip the delivery parcel. Even though you weren’t technically properly trained for deliveries yet, the thick wool that coated the lush curves of your sheep-like body apparently made you the perfect candidate for the trip through the ‘cold’ woods. 
“Bullshit,” you mutter, throwing the hood of the damned thing back and letting the soft breeze whip past your ears. The trees seem to whistle their displeasure at your presence, your hair swirling around your face as you head in the general direction that the app on your phone directed you. 
There’s a sudden growl in the air, and you freeze where you stand. It almost rumbles the ground beneath your feet, and glancing over your shoulder you see a hint of crimson eyes staring from the darkness.
Fuck that. You take off without any further inspection of the glowing gaze, tossing your phone into the cloak pocket as you run- you don’t need to know what it is if it's going to try to hurt you somehow, and you don’t give a damn about the delivery being on time if it means risking your life. Why wouldn’t your manager have told you there was dangerous shit out here? You get that it’s Hell but for fuck’s sake.
Your lungs are aching as you continue on, not willing to slow or stop while you can still hear the crashing of tree branches and snarling behind you, right at your heels. There’s a hand on the hood of your cloak then, pulling you backwards, and without thinking you slam your head back, horns miraculously hitting home right in the creature’s face. It releases you with a pained groan and you don’t look back, booking it as fast as you can in a different direction, stitch in your side growing more and more painful with every step.
The woods are silent as you finally slow and stop, bracing your back against a tree and trying to catch your heaving breath. Your whole body is on fire, physical exertion having never been your strong suit, but you’re still alive and that’s what matters- body aches will heal, but you heard that regeneration was a bitch.
“Are you chilly, darling?”
The unexpected voice makes you whip around, cloak whirling as you turn. “Fuck!” Your heart is still beating like a drum, hard hammering against your chest from the run before you had stopped to rest. 
The demon casually leaning against a nearby tree watches you with a wide grin, a trickle of blood from his lips where your horns had slammed into him. His eyes, red and lidded, flick up and down your body. “It’s quite rude to leave a question unanswered.”
“It’s also quite rude to sneak up on people. Was that you chasing me?”
“Why, I’m just making sure that you are heading in the right direction! The number of people that have gotten lost on their way to me is truly a nuisance.” He eyes the shape of the package in your cloak pocket. “I’m pleased to see that this one hasn’t been lost to the forest yet.” He steps closer, holds a hand out to you. “Come along now, dear.”
“R-right. Can you confirm the name on the package?”
A wide grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Alastor.”
It matches the name on the package which is good enough for you. “Okay, great. Here you go.” You pull the box from your pocket and hold it out to him. “That’s all this needed to be.”
He cocks his head to one side. “Surely you won’t be leaving so soon.”
“I’m just here to make the delivery, sir.” Your hands are trembling with leftover adrenaline as he takes the parcel, inspects it for a moment, then unceremoniously tosses it over his shoulder into the darkness.
“Your work ethic is to be admired!” He exclaims, ignoring your outraged expression. “But there seems to be confusion- you are the delivery, darling.” When you stiffen at his words he chuckles and creeps closer, circling you like a predator. “Let me guess- you’re new to the shop, you aren’t trained for deliveries, and the manager had compelling reasons for why you should come instead of herself?”
“We have an understanding, you see.” He trails a finger down the cloak hanging over your arm. “Retail is a hard business in Hell- no one wants to stick around, people are hard to train, they never last long anyway. Your manager has had to run several of my packages herself and the last one was, sadly, lost to the elements by her own fault.” He looks off into the distance, seemingly irritated at the memory. “What could have possessed her to attempt to cross a river with a priceless antique electronic is beyond me but here we are. I would have simply killed her but she has connections I can use to my advantage so we made a deal instead.” He looks back to you, head cocked to one side as he smiles. “An easy meal as compensation for her transgression. Delivered right to me.” His eyes darken, raking over your form, the curves of your body. “I hadn’t expected her to act so quickly but it’s been some time since I last had mutton.”
“I won’t taste good,” you tell him calmly despite the lingering fear from the chase, and an eyebrow raises in amusement. “When I was alive my mom always said I was rotten, I’m sure that doesn’t translate well to my demon form. And then you’ll have wasted your deal on bad meat.” You keep your voice steady while you address him.
“Oh?” He circles you and you can feel his gaze running over your body again. “I’m not so sure about that, dear- I’ve never found any complaints with meat of any kind. I’m sure you’ll be quite tasty.” He smiles when he comes around the front again, the sharp teeth glinting in the light that filters through the trees.
And fuck, the way he said that shouldn’t have been kind of hot. This was a serious situation, definitely not the time to be thinking vaguely inappropriate thoughts about the demon who was quite blatantly threatening to eat you. “Do you want to risk it?” You ask, and his smile turns curious. “I mean, I’d hate to have to tell you ‘I told you so’ but I would do it. The shop has new people like me coming in every week for training that you could have your pick of instead of taking the first thing to come along; what if you missed out on something really delicious?” 
Alastor watches you carefully. “I suppose you have a point, darling,” he concedes, his slim shoulders shrugging. “A meal that talks back so much would surely be a poor one. Though I can’t say I’m not disappointed that I won’t get a chance to sample you.” His voice seems to drop, a rolling purr in the strange radio cadence he has that makes your hair stand on end and your heart thump in your chest.
“Maybe I could let you have a taste?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, the air between the two of you suddenly charged with tension. “Just, you know. Show you what I mean, that I won’t be any good. Rotten and all that, like my mom says.”
“On the contrary, I think you’ll be very good.” He steps closer to you, towers over your frame with hooded eyes that track the movement of your throat as you swallow. “But I’ll behave myself since you’ve shown me the error of my ways- a mere sampling of your flavor, nothing more. I suppose there is more that I could get out of your manager if I don’t ‘cash in’ right away, as it were.” He brings a claw tipped hand to cup your face, tilting your head one way then the other. “We’ll start here,” he murmurs, and you close your eyes, wait for the brush of his lips against yours.
It doesn’t come- instead you feel him lick along the column of your neck, the muscle hot and wet where it drags against your skin, a shuddering exhale leaving you at the feeling. One hand comes up to rest on your waist, the other unclipping the clasp of the red cloak you wear and letting it fall to the ground. You shiver without it, not from the cold but from the sensations raging through your body at such a simple touch, and Alastor pulls back, licking his lips at the taste of you.
“My disappointment at agreeing to let you go is immeasurable,” he whispers, pupils blown when he meets your eyes. “It’s just as I suspected- delicious.” The hand that released the cloak winds itself into your hair, brushing against the base of your horns. “Would you indulge me in another taste?”
You nod, not trusting your voice to come out clearly, and he swipes along your neck again, allowing his teeth to press gently against your pulse point before he continues down, snaking the hot appendage between the valley of your breasts and holding you tighter to his body. There’s still adrenaline coursing through your body making each touch feel like an electric pulse to your core, and when he growls into your chest you let out a quiet moan that echoes in the quiet woods.
One hand still tangled in your hair, thumb gently brushing against your horns, he slips his free hand under the waistband of your skirt and into your panties, inhaling sharply at the wetness he finds. Claws absent, he slides a finger inside of you, the press of it slow and steady, making you rock your hips into his hand.
“Someone’s eager, hm?” He presses another digit into the slickness of your cunt, bends his fingers in a way that his you seeing stars as he thrusts them in and out of your heat. You let out a soft cry against him and cling to his shirt, up on your tiptoes to let his fingers reach wherever he wants.
“More,” you whimper, letting one of your hands reach up to his face, a move that surprises him. “Please, Alastor.”
He brings his face up from your skin and devours your mouth, his tongue showing just as much attention to your mouth as he had your neck, licking into it with fervor and enthusiasm you wouldn’t have expected from him. “Would you let me have you, darling? This is hardly an appropriate place, but-”
“Yes,” you tell him, not even letting him finish his sentence, and he gently lowers you to the ground to lay across the expanse of the red cloak. He makes short work of his trousers, shoving your skirt up around your waist and slicing your panties off with a quick swipe of his fingers before he fists his cock and slots himself against you. “Oh fuck-” He impales you with a hard thrust, sinking in to the base with a harsh grip on your hips.
“Lovely,” he groans into your ear, and then he seems to lose the capability for language, his words devolving into harsh grunts and growls as he fills you over and over, snapping his hips against yours in a quick rhythm that leaves you gasping and trying to pull him closer. 
A hand leaves your hips to tangle in your hair; you arch up, thinking that he means to kiss you again until his palm wraps around the length of one horn, using it like a handle to pull your head back, throat exposed to him while he rails into you. “Delicious little thing,” he says, and drags his tongue down the column of your throat again, sucking a pattern of bruises along it that you know you’ll spend the next week pressing into with your fingertips. His sharp teeth pinch a bit of skin lightly and you jerk in his hold.
It should have terrified you, instead dousing your body in a liquid flame. “J-Just tasting, remember,” you jokingly reprimand, and his laugh reverberates through your chest.
“How could I forget?” He lets go of your horn, slips the hand between your bodies as he leans back so he can watch you rocking with the force of his thrusts into you. His thumb swipes forcefully at your clit, the ecstasy near overwhelming as he loses some of his rhythm, your cunt clamping down on him. “It's quite selfish to deny me, darling, but I’ll take of you what I can- your pleasure, your body, all of it mine-”
Your eyes roll back in your head as the tension in your lower body snaps, dragging Alastor down with a hand in his hair to meet your lips, desperate and sloppy while you quake and shatter to pieces below him. He spends himself with a snarl in the tightness of your body, slick with your arousal and release as you cry out, the sound swallowed by his mouth.
He remains still for a moment, crouched over you, before he pulls back and rests you gently on the cloak. “This thing is hideous,” he says with distaste. “It made it quite easy to track you- which was the intention- but you must have been sweltering.”
You watch what you can see if the sky through the canopy of the trees. “She said it could get cold,” you laugh, “and I’m a fool. What a terrible job.”
“Not a fool,” he corrects, spreading the fabric out to lay on it beside you for a moment. “Nearly a victim of a deal that didn’t concern you- and perhaps I will still pay your manager a visit- but never a fool. You convinced me not to eat you for now, at least.”
You shoot him a smile. “Well, you weren’t that scary once you stopped chasing me,” you giggle, “besides those sharp teeth.”
His nose wrinkles with his amusement. “Keep teasing me, dear, and I’ll acquaint you with these sharp teeth for real.” He leans close enough to nip at your shoulder, the motion more teasing than painful. “There’s always tomorrow, after all- who knows what my appetite will be once I’ve dealt with that manager of yours? Mutton could still be on the menu.”
“Well,” you say, “if I’ll be out of a job soon so I might go apply at the coffee shop around the corner from our place. I heard their manager is a real ass- how would you feel about duck instead?” He laughs into your shoulder, the sound deep and clear, and you think maybe it wasn’t such a bad job after all if this was where it lead for now.
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hayasuoii · 4 months
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˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ cloud strife as a bar security guard
summary; oops, you got a little bit tipsy for your 21st — but luckily for you, your favorite security guard always has your back ;)
content warnings; alcohol consumption 🍺
notes; modern au that is inspired by this tiktok !
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The night started off with you being sober (you promise!), the only drink you had so far being some light champagne from the fancy restaurant you had your birthday dinner in.
After eating good, taking a few pictures with family and the exchanging of gifts, you and a few of your girl friends decided to hit the bar for a girls night. This was the day you were legally allowed to drink—so of course you were gonna spend it getting your benefits in.
The bar the three of you went to was a fan favorite. They always had good music, good foods and good drinks. The three of you were regular customers too—so all the staff were practically family to you guys.
Let’s just say one thing led to another and by the time midnight came around you were practically wasted.
But that was not a problem—because luckily for you, the girls knew a guy that would be happy to help out.
“What the…how did she even end up like this?” Cloud asks, pure bewilderment and disbelief in his voice.
Tifa and Aerith simply grinned at him while (struggling to) hold you up, the same words leaving their mouths in unison.
“It’s her twenty-first!”
Cloud looked at them with a deadpan, his mako blue eyes moving slowly around the bar before turning his attention to you. You were still giddy from all the music, and was trying (and failing) to dance along to the beat without toppling over. Cloud let out an exaggerated sigh before crossing his arms.
“Andddd you can see that we’ll have a little trouble getting her to the car without any accidents.” Tifa remarks, placing her hands on her hips.
“So could you please?” Aerith added on, placing her hands together in a begging motion.
Although Cloud tried his hardest to feign annoyance, Tifa and Aerith knew better than anyone else that he would instantly fold when it came to you.
“The things I do for you guys…” Cloud mumbles, bending down to wrap his arms underneath your thighs, lifting you up with ease against his torso in a tight hold.
You were taken aback by the sudden height change, but upon realizing that it was Cloud, you immediately relaxed against him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist.
“Cloud? What are you doing here? Did you come to see me?”
“No—I…work here?” He answered with his brows furrowed, he couldn’t believe you could get this drunk—but now he’s seen it all.
Throughout the course of your journey to the car you asked a spew of questions, some unintelligible and others being a jumbled mess. Cloud mostly let you rambled on, knowing that him answering would do nothing but send you into a laughing fit.
It didn’t help that Tifa and Aerith were behind him, recording the whole ordeal to show to you when you were sober.
After talking your head off you suddenly stopped, gasping in surprise before pouting at Cloud.
“What is it?” He asked instantly, noticing your change in demeanor.
“You never wished me a happy birthday…” Clouds eyes widened slightly, before he cleared his throat.
“…I wanted to save it for when I gave you your gift.” That was a lie. But Cloud wasn’t too worried about a little white lie when he saw the bright smile appear on your face.
“Really? I didn’t know you got me a gift! Okay—I’ll forgive you so you can say it when you give it to me, okay?”
Cloud nodded in understanding, adjusting his grip so he could hold you better.
“Do you feel comfortable?” Cloud asked, turning his head slightly to where you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Oh yeah definitely!” Your voice was mumbled due to the fabric of his shirt, but you lifted your head just slightly so you could talk in his ear. “You’re so warm Cloud.”
The closeness of your voice surprised Cloud, who tightened his grip for just a moment before calming down. Being this close he could smell everything. The faint scent of the sweet alcohol you drank, the smell of your lotion and signature perfume, along with the faint scent of moisturizer you put in your hair.
“Why did you guys park so far away?” Cloud asked. It wasn’t that he was tired of holding you—but he wasn’t sure if he could handle being this close to you.
“Uh…I don’t remember, do you think we passed it Aerith?”
Cloud turned around in disbelief. If he wasn’t carrying you, his hands would have already been on his hips.
“Seriously? One of you has to be the designated driver—I am not doing overtime.”
“Relax!” Aerith laughed. “I didn’t drink much, I’m still sober as a stone!”
“You better be.” Cloud responded, turning back around in search for your car.
The four of you walked along for a few more minutes before finally arriving at the car. (It was parked in the opposite direction.)
Aerith slide into the drivers seat while Tifa unlocked the doors.
“Is she asleep?” She asked, peering up at your figure. Your eyes were shifting from open to closed, and you looked like you were gonna pass out soon.
“Barely…” Cloud looked down at you, deciding not to wake you up and just place you in the backseat.
He gently lowered you down, tucking your legs into the car, and even buckling your seatbelt. Before he pulled away you called out to him.
“Before you go here’s a thank you gift,” and you quickly gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Cloud stood completely still, his brain still processing the contact your soft lips made with his skin, while you were passed out on the seat.
There was a faint blush on his cheeks as he closed the door, rounding to the drivers side to check that everything was alright with Tifa and Aerith.
“Oh Cloud, just in time! Here’s 20 Gil for your service!” Aerith announced, placing the coins in the palm of his hands.
It was pocket change so Cloud wasn’t too disappointed with the amount of money. At least he was getting paid.
“Thanks…I guess.” Cloud awkwardly said, turning to the side to scratch his head.
That’s when both of the girls saw it, and Tifa couldn’t stop herself from immediately taking a picture.
“It looks like [Y/n] thanked you too?” Tifa teasingly remarked, a sly smile on her face when she turned her phone to show Cloud the picture.
His eyes widened in surprise to see your lip imprint in the side of his face, your lipstick stamping him almost like a tattoo.
“Whatever…” Cloud brushed it off, not knowing whether he should wipe it off or keep it there. He was thankful that it was nighttime, because he was sure his cheeks were an even deeper shade of red now.
The two girls giggled, knowing that they’d have a lot to discuss with you when you returned to your senses.
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“No way—I was sooo drunk!” You remarked in surprise, going over all the pictures and videos from the night before.
“Yeah, you definitely were!” Tifa laughed, shifting closer on the bed to show you more pictures she took of you. “But I should show you what happened at the end of the night.”
Those words cause you to slightly panic. You hoped you didn’t embarrass yourself or acted like a total fool—because you don’t think you’d be able to emotionally recover from that.
“Please don’t tell me I was kissing randos…” You groan, your head falling back against the pillows.
“You were kissing—but the person wasn’t random.” Aerith added in with a smirk.
You were what? Your eyes immediately widened as you shot up from the bed. Who could you have possibly kissed from the bar? You didn’t even know anyone like that—unless it was the staff?
Tifa gave you her phone so you could watched the entire video of Cloud—your crush—carry you out of the bar as you rambled away. You couldn’t hear much of his responses because the video was taken from far away, but you hoped he wasn’t uncomfortable.
“Oh my—I can’t believe you guys made him do that! What did he say?”
“Oh he was more than happy to help! Probably even more happy when you kissed him.” Your eyes darted to Tifa is shock, as she simply swiped on her gallery to show you your kiss imprint on Clouds face.
“No way!”
Oh yeah, you were definitely out of it.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
an ego thing ~ modern!Aemond x Reader
Academic Rivals to Lovers Part 8
previous part ~ masterlist
summary: Your travel course is going to Old Valyria for the week! The trip you've looked forward to all semester long. You and Aemond define the relationship. warnings: 18+ (p in v, fingering, oral fem receiving, praise kink, titty sucking, slight body worship, hand over mouth), language word count: 2.7k note: our academic rivals are back! thank you for the love and support, I know this one holds a special place in your hearts and ilysm 💖
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“Are you sitting next to me or your boy toy?” Baela asks, emptying her carry-on into the plastic bins provided. 
You flash her a look of annoyance to which she only shrugs. 
“It’s a valid question,” she tells you.
You shake your head, taking a bin. Removing your laptop and other electronics along with your shoes, you hurriedly place them on the conveyer belt. 
“My assigned seat is next to you,” you tell her, giving her a cheeky grin. 
“Yeah but I’m sure his seat buddy would switch with you,” she tells you, moving down the line, “Don’t you want to sit next to your boyfriend?”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you answer, much too quickly. 
Baela raises an eyebrow at that.
“You’ve been spending every weekend together, every night together-”
“We have to watch our show,” you interrupt.
Baela purses her lips.
“That’s couple behavior,” she tells you.
“Well he hasn’t asked me yet,” you inform her, “So it’s not official.”
“He better get on it then,” she says scoffing, “That’s your man, what’s he doing?”
You frown, opening your mouth to answer when your professor decides to speak.
“Everyone, come along, gather around,” Professor Orwylle says, holding a small flag above his head to direct the students. 
You push through the remainder of security, struggling to get your sneakers back on as Baela grips your arm tugging you toward the group. You spot Aemond easily, he stands out as he towers above the rest of the group. Professor Orwyle smiles.
“How exciting, to be embarking on our journey!” he muses, “We’ve spent all semester talking about the culture of Old Valyria, their language, and their customs, and now we get to experience them firsthand! How privileged we are to experience this.”
The class mumbles in agreement, and you nod eagerly. It’s true, one of the reasons you took this course was because of the travel component. You meet Aemond’s eyes and he smirks slightly. He looks so fucking good. How does someone look that good for a six-hour flight? 
Carry-on slung over his shoulder he’s wearing a simple black cotton t-shirt that hugs his biceps. Grey sweatpants cover his lower half, slung low on his slim waist. Your eyes drop to the sliver of skin that shows as he stretches, revealing the beginning of his v-line. Your mouth waters at the sight. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Baela teases under her breath, “You’re drooling on your shoes.”
“Shut up,” you grumble, knocking your shoulder against hers.
“The ruins of ancient Valyria,” Professor Orwyle continues, smiling proudly, “What an adventure, we are going on together.”
He checks his watch. 
“Plenty of time before we board, so ready your minds, your hearts!” he continues and you look at Baela, stifling a giggle.
“Um Professor?” Jace Velaryon says glancing at his ticket.
“What is it Jace?” 
“Shouldn’t we be boarding now?” he asks, showing his ticket.
Professor Orwyle glances at it, eyes widening as he notes the time he incorrectly read beforehand.
“Okay! Okay! Everyone, let’s go!” 
Suddenly you’re all sprinting through the airport, desperately trying to make it to your gate. By some miracle you all make it, shoving your tickets through the scanner and bounding down the hallway onto the plane. You follow Balea to your seats, luckily they’re rows of two. You glance across the cabin, spotting Jace Velaryon next to Aemond. Aemond rises from the seat, walking down the aisle to converse with Professor Orwyle. 
Baela glances at you, noting your wishful expression before rolling her eyes.
“Will you go over there?” she teases, “Ask Jace to switch seats.”
“I’m not abandoning you,” you tell her.
“Please, leaving me with big dick Jace is hardly abandonment,” she tells you.
“How do you know his dick is big?” you whisper, eyes wide.
“Please,” Baela says, rolling her eyes, “Have you seen his walk? Big dick walk.” 
You giggle and glance at Jace.
“You sure?” you ask Baela.
“Positive,” she assures you, “Go get your man.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes as you make your way across the cabin to Jace. 
“Hey Jace,” you say, walking up to him, “How’s it going?”
“Hey Y/N,” he says smiling, “Good, though I do get a little nervous flying.”
“I get that,” you tell him, “Um can I ask you something?”
Jace nods, brown eyes wide.
“Would you mind switching seats with me?” you ask, “I know you have a seat next to Aemond and I was hoping to sit next to him.”
“Oh, are you guys a thing?” Jace asks.
“Sort of,” you answer, “Baela’s a good seat neighbor.”
Jace looks behind you and you follow his gaze. Baela tilts her head, waving at both of you. Jace’s cheeks begin to turn a pale pink and he clears his throat. 
“Sure, yeah. Yeah! Yeah, I can totally switch with you,” Jace says, standing nervously, whacking his head against the overhead bin, “Ow-”
“Are you okay?” you ask, concerned as he grabs his carry-on.
“Yup, pretend that didn’t happen, I’m begging you,” he says wincing.
“I don’t think she saw,” you tell him, smiling gently. 
Jace’s cheeks darken and he hurries by you, eager to get to his seat next to Baela. As you take the window seat, Aemond joins you. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” he says teasingly.
“Jace switched with me,” you tell him, feeling butterflies in your stomach.
“Lucky me,” he answers, lifting the armrest that separates you, “It would have been a long flight without you.”
His hand curves around the meat of your thigh as he finishes his sentence, long fingers affectionately digging into the soft flesh. Your gaze falls to his sweats once more, those fucking grey sweatpants. You can practically see the entire outline of his dick, he’s probably not even wearing underwear. 
“What?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.
“Nothing,” you tell him, blushing, “I’m just happy to have this seat.”
Aemond hums, squeezing your thigh.
“Want to watch a movie?” he asks, holding out a headphone to you.
Your heart flutters in your chest. It’s cute, and very un-Aemond Targaryen to offer to share headphones and watch a movie together. You take his offer, giving him a small smile and leaning closer to him. 
When you finish the first movie, the cabin is dark with several members of your class sleeping. The flight was a redeye, you’re meant to arrive at Old Valyria in the morning. You glance over at Baela, who has a snoring Jace Velaryon resting his head on her shoulder. Baela’s eyes are closed as well, cheek pressed against his head. You smile at the sight. 
“Looks like everyone is out cold,” you whisper to Aemond, jerking your chin at the rest of the cabin. 
Aemond looks around, pointing at Professor Orwyle who’s mumbling in his sleep, noise-canceling headphones still securely over his ears. You snicker slightly, before curling into Aemond’s side. He brings an arm around you, holding you close. 
“Sleep does sound inviting, right about now,” you admit, yawning for dramatic effect. 
Aemond hums in response, closing his eye. You’re ready to get comfortable and spend the rest of the flight snuggled against him when Baela’s words hit you. Couple behavior. You sit up suddenly, warmth flooding through you.
“What?” Aemond asks, noting your expression.
“Um, nothing,” you say nervously, peeling yourself from his body, “I just have to go to the bathroom.”
Aemond’s gaze flickers across your face, sensing you’re hiding something. But he nods, and stands, allowing you to pass. 
You walk down the dimly lit aisle toward the bathrooms, frantically shoving yourself into the small space. The bright light makes your eyes squeeze shut involuntarily as they take a few moments to adjust. You splash some water on your face, listening to the gentle hum of the plane’s engine, before gazing at your reflection. 
“Chill out,” you tell yourself, “Everything’s good.”
Gods you're so nervous. But Baela’s right. You have been acting like a couple. Why hasn’t Aemond asked you to be his girlfriend? Does he want a girlfriend? Should you ask him to be your boyfriend? 
You chew your lip, lost in thought as a gentle tap comes on the door. As you open it, your eyes widen as Aemond joins you in the small space, closing the door quickly behind him.
“What are you doing?” you hiss, as he flicks the lock. 
“Something’s wrong,” he tells you, “Something’s bothering you, I can tell.”
You cross your arms over your chest, averting your eyes from his piercing gaze. 
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” you tell him.
Aemond tilts his head to the side and you glance up at him. He’s not buying it. Not one bit.
“It’s just,” you begin, sighing, “something Baela said that’s all.”
“What did she say?” he asks.
You bite your lip. You’re starting to feel foolish. 
“Just, she just mentioned how we are acting very couple-ish,” you tell him, “but we haven’t really….. defined the relationship.”
A moment of silence hangs between you and you look at him again. His eyebrows are knit together, the chiseled face is lost in thought. Oh gods, maybe he doesn’t want this, maybe- 
“I mean I was waiting for the right time,” Aemond says suddenly, “Preferably not in an airplane bathroom. But…”
Your heart stops beating, eyes widening as you look at him.
“Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?” he asks, taking your hand in his, “I’d really love it if you’d be my girl.”
Your face flushes and a grin breaks out across your face. He wants to be your boyfriend. He wants you. 
“Yes, really,” Aemond says chuckling, “I’ve wanted you to be for a while. I was hoping there would be a moment on this trip for a little getaway where I could officially ask you. But someone,” he squeezes your hand, “is a little impatient.”
“My only flaw,” you tell him, grimacing. 
Aemond chuckles at that, tugging you closer and pressing his lips to yours. The plane shudders as he kisses you, causing you to stumble into him, pressing against his solid chest. You break the kiss with a giggle. 
“We should probably get back to our seats,” you tell him, as his hands dip underneath your sweatshirt and caress the skin of your waist.
“Not yet,” he murmurs, kissing you once more, “I’ve missed you.”
Aemond’s hands move around your hips, grabbing your asscheeks and lifting you onto the counter of the sink. The space is tiny, but with you now seated on the counter it creates a roomier space. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, dragging your nails down the back of his neck. 
He shivers at the action, and you smile into his mouth. Aemond grabs the side of your face before latching his lips to the soft skin of your neck, sucking harshly. You whine as he does so, and he pauses briefly.
“Shhh baby,” he murmurs, kissing your throat, “you have to be quiet.”
“Aemond,” you breathe, “Shit, we shouldn’t do this-”
Aemond hums, hand dipping below your sweatshirt and creeping up toward your breasts. He massages the sensitive mounds in his large hands, kissing your neck all the while, before stopping to tear your sweatshirt over your head. You’re only wearing a tank top underneath, no bra because who wants to wear a bra during a long flight? Not you. 
Aemond pulls the material off, scrunching it around your middle to free your breasts before connecting his hot mouth to your nipples and sucking. You throw your head back as pleasure tingles through you, spreading toward below your naval. 
“Fuck!” you squeak as he removes his mouth with a lewd, wet pop and brings it to your other breast, “Oh gods.”
He swirls his tongue around your pebbled nipple before sucking once more, using his hand to grop the flesh that doesn’t make it into his mouth. He hums against you, looking up through hooded eyes as his mouth works wonders. 
“You getting all nice and wet, baby?” he murmurs, rolling the sensitive nub of your nipple between his teeth, biting down ever so gently, “I know how much you love this.”
“Yes,” you whimper, legs closing around his waist, caging him against you.
“Gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy, right here?” he asks, burying his face in your tits once more, “Fucking love this body.” 
“We have to be quick,” you tell him, thighs trembling from just the attention he’s given your tits, “Aem, if we’re doing this-”
“Shhh,” he says, bringing a finger to your lips, “Let me take care of my girl.”
With that, he pulls your leggings down, peeling them from your body leaving you spread out on the counter, cunt glistening with your arousal. He kneels, dragging a finger through your soaked folds. 
“Just fuck me,” you beg, feeling the curve of his nose press into you, nudging against your puffy clit causing your eyes to roll, “Aem, we need to be quick-”
Words fail you as he swirls his tongue expertly over your throbbing clit. Your nails dig into his shoulder, a stifled whine managing to slip through your lips. 
“Come whenever you want, pretty girl,” Aemond murmurs between kitten licks.
Soft slurping noises fill the small space as you desperately try to keep quiet. Every flick of his tongue sends you closer to the edge, and when you feel his long fingers press into your opening crooking up against your spongy walls you shake violently, body wracked with pleasure. 
“That’s a good girl,” he purrs, “Come all over my face.”
You bite the back of your hand as you come, orgasm flooding through you like a wave of fire. A thin coat of sweat covers you as Aemond rises, connecting your lips once more in a passionate kiss. You moan into his mouth, tasting your release as you blindly pull down his sweatpants releasing his hard cock, hot and heavy as it slaps against your thigh. 
His large hands drag you to the edge of the counter and you guide him toward your throbbing center. The stretch he gives you truly never gets old, it steals the breath from your lungs each time he fully sheathes himself inside of you. 
“Fucking made for me,” he groans against your shoulder as he snaps his hips against you. 
Wet, slapping sounds fill the space, the scent of sex evident in the air. 
“Fuck, fuck-” you can’t stop the words that spill from your lips and Aemond brings his hand up to cover your mouth as he continues to pound into you.
Your ass dips into the curve of the sink, and Aemond holds your hip firmly to keep you from slipping with every passionate thrust he awards you. The other he keeps securely over your mouth, muffling your moans. Your pussy clenches around him, fluttering around his thick cock as he drives his hips against you. 
“That’s my girl, come all over my cock,” he murmurs, pressing his lips against your ear, “Doing such a good job.”
Nails digging into his shoulders, tears leaking from the corner of your eyes you fall apart, second orgasm flooding through you, trickling through your veins like magma and making your vision blur. 
“Fuuuck,” Aemond practically whimpers as you feel his cock twitch inside you before flooding your inner walls with his warm release. 
He kisses you as he does, and doesn’t stop as you feel him begin to soften, gently sliding out of you. You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, desperate to stay this close to him. Your skin, slick with sweat clings to the fabric of his shirt as his large hands stroke down your sides. 
Finally, you pull away, catching your breath. Aemond smirks slightly, helping you fix your tank top before you slide down off the counter. 
Aemond wipes the fog from the mirror with his forearm.
“You should go first,” you tell him, “I need to pee.”
Aemond smirks at you. 
“Sure you’re not trying to keep this lowkey still?” Aemond teases.
“Get out of here,” you say with a laugh as he leaves the bathroom. 
You finish collecting yourself before exiting the stall and heading back to your seat. Some of your classmates are awake, listening to music, watching movies. As Aemond stands to let you into the seats, you grab the front of his shirt pulling him into a kiss. 
When you break away, Aemond is smirking slightly, arching a brow at you.
“What?” you ask, “I can’t kiss my boyfriend?”
“You can kiss your boyfriend whenever you want,” he assures, placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
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note: hope you enjoyed this part my loves!!
AET taglist: @ephemeralninon, @aemonds-wifey, @haydee5010, @schniiipsel, @sweetsweetpsyche, @letmeloveyouuuu, @glitterandgoldfinds, @greenowlfactif, @vrtualfairy @fan-goddess @let-love-bleeds-red @praline357, @castellomargot, @f4ll-for-you, @fairysluna, @namelesslosers, @pax-2735, @yentroucnagol, @rwdkarla, @itsabby15, @sweetsweetpsyche, @stickycrusadecollective, @sweetniasblog, @namelesslosers @boofy1998,
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doublerainbow-if · 1 year
Double Rainbow
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Double Rainbow is a romantic coming of age interactive fiction set in the city of Paris, France. The story follows you settling down after traveling around the world looking for your soulmate for years.
Rating 18+
Content Warnings: Abusive childhood, toxic relationships, and forced intimacy/love
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Your folks weren't the picture-perfect image of a soulmate couple growing up. The bitterness and resentment staining what should have been a pure bond. At least that's what you were taught growing up. You wanted to believe in that idea of true love, a relationship that will complete you. That is what anybody needs in this world, though that's another you were told growing up.
Then it happened, it finally happened. A fleeting encounter on a highschool trip to the Big Apple. A mere brush of skin and suddenly your world was exploding in color. However your vision bleed back to monochrome just as fast. It was fleeting but that colorful vision and feeling wholeness will always stay with you. It was the driving force behind dropping everything after high school and taking off to New York. You had to find them.
It has been years now. Far longer than you were expected with how hard you tried to find them. Traveling all over the world to find that special someone, to see in color once again. You had wanted to give up so badly but you can't. This was suppose to be everybody's destiny, your happily ever after. Right?
Though maybe you can stop. Just for a while. Rest and savor life. That's what Lee always say to you since they joined you on your journey. You have a lifetime to find them, why not live your life too? Which lands you on the doorstep of one Mx. Jean Connoly, one of the most prolific art curators in Paris.
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Play as male, female, or non-binary along with transgender choices
Interact with eight different characters, each unique in their own ways in this world of soulmates
Customized your appearance, personality, and special interests as you finally settled in for the first time since high school
Figured what kind of artist you are in Paris, France; a painter, scluptor, photographer, and many more
Navigate your way in this world where soulmates are the pinnacle in society while navigating the dark side behind the modern romancization
Connect with different characters who may or may not be your soulmate. You'll never know until you take that leap. But do you want that soulmate? Will you throw away your life's dream for somebody that wasn't predestined? You'll decided.
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Myrtus/Mrytle "Elias/Eliza" Kouris-Henderson
26|Male/Female|Greek American|Rejected
Your old childhood friend that moved away in your freshman year. They were your safe haven growing up, keeping you away from the abusive environment in your home and being your best friend. Sometimes you wished that they were your soulmate but they found theirs abroad and like that they were gone. Now they're back in your life, a chance encounter when you arrived in Paris. But they seemed different, more sullen and moody than you remembered. The flower tattoos growing on their arms though tore your heart open. Their soulmate rejected them.
Tropes: Childhood Friends, First Love, Slow Burn, and Reunion
Leandro/Leandra "Lee" Hale
Your best friend you made in New York City who joined you on your journey. You met them within your first week of being in the Big Apple and they were so enthralled by your quest that they had to join you. You never ask them if they also did it to find their own soulmate but they seem pretty happy just traveling around with you. They always kept grounded when you gotten close to giving up or going off the deep end. You couldn't ask for a better friend. But sometimes you see a spark of something unfamiliar in their eyes, what is it?
Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Secret Pining, Partners in Crime, and Angst
Brendan/Brenda "Bree/Bren" Ferrell
26|Male/Female|Irish American|Unclaimed
The cousin of your boss Jean Conolly who seems to follow you around like a puppy. They have very demure personality quite unlike their cousin but their smile is a sight to behold when you can see it. You don't why they taken such a liking to you but they are such a sweet and kind person. They're one of the first friends you made in the city and you wouldn't give them up for the world. They do freelancing as a book illustrator for publishers who you always see sketching in their notebook during your weekly hangouts. You wonder if they sketch you too?
Tropes: Puppy Love, Flustered/Obvilious, They Love You First, and Workplace Romance
Jean/Jeanne Conolly
30|Male/Female|African French Irish|Rejected
Your new boss since you decided to settled down in Paris. They have such an expressive and free attitude that reminds you a bit of Lee. But what drew you in was their dedication to their craft. Just that passion for art and displaying amazing creations, it's just awe inspiring. Especially since they saw you, a vagabond who showed up on their doorstep looking for work, and quickly took you under their wing. But the flower tattoos shouldn't be on them. Who would reject such an amazing person?
Tropes: Boss/Employee Romance, Best Friend's Brother, Forbidden Romance, and Second Chance at Love
Vincent/Vincenta Voog
28|Male/Female|Vietnamese French|Rejected
Your coworker who has branded you as their rival since you started at the gallery. Their burning focus and passion for their art is only matched by their utter arrogance and contempt for you. You don't know why they hate you for so much expect for their contast efforts to have Jean focus only on them. But there is something that slips through their haughty mask. The deep loneliness flashing in their eyes when a comment unexpectantly cut deep and quick sadness when they see the black marks that stain their hands.
Tropes: Rivals to Lovers, Angst, Miscommunication, and Against Destiny
Collin/Colette "Cole/Coco" Woods
Your coworker who has taken to being a thorn in your side. The best friend of V, they made it their mission to make you the new target of their jokes and pranks. A lazy person who somehow manages to create amazing marketing campaigns, they're confuse you so much. Heavily charismatic and charming, they can draw to customers to them like flies to honey and sell snake oil without a sweat. But the soft smile at the end of the work day and their relaxing atmosphere make you almost forget their childish antics. Almost.
Tropes: Work Romance, Bad Boy/Girl, Friends with Benefits, and Slow Burn
Avery Suman Ragda Remington
35|Male/Female|British Indian|Unclaimed
Your companion when you eat lunch at the cafe near the gallery. You noticed them out of the corner of your eye as you pick up your lunch every day at the cafe until you bumped into each other quite literally. Their easy going but mature attitude and friendly smile on their face as they caught you before you fall, it was perfect balm for such a hectic day you had. After that day, they became your lunch buddy. Talking about anything and everyhting and just letting yourself relax as they had such a calm prescence to them. You don't know however that they're the benefactor for the studio you work at.
Tropes: Billionaire Romance, Secret Indentity, Meet Cute, and Age Gap
Kahula Lennon 'Aukai
The hottest musician in the underground scene. They have a magnetic and intense personality that can draw anybody to them including you after one of their concerts. It was just one time thing that only happen because the two of you crossed paths that night and quickly moved on. But they popped up in Paris for a break from their tour and lasered in on you. Could you take chance with one who has dozens before and after you? Even one who rejected their soulmate in order to become the star they are today?
Tropes: Starstruck, Playboy/Playgirl, One Night [You get to decide what happened that night], and Forbidden Love
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intermittentstitcher · 4 months
List of Online Embroidery/ Sewing / Needlework Resources
Hello my name is Cleo and this is my masterpost full of resources and information that will help you in your stitching journey.
Taglist Form
Invite link to my community Fibre Artists on Tumblr
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Intermittent Stitcher Recommends
I don’t go here but I wanted to pass it on
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Intermittent Stitcher Poll
I love myself a beautiful gradient
Intermittent Stitcher PSA
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Intermittent Stitcher Tips
Cats of Craftblr
My Perchance Generators
Random Things to Stitch
Needle Type generator
Random Textile Craft and Technique generator
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC .
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC Colour Variations
Embroidery Website randomiser
Embroidery Hoop Size randomiser - in inches
Embroidery pattern Design Prompts
Random Embroidery stitch Generator
Aida Fabric Count generator
Embroidery Styles
Embroidery Project Generator
Other resources that I have made
My Goodreads book recs
Needle Organisation System
Embroidery Organisation Bingo Card
My Embroidery Pinterest board
Songs to Stitch To - my Spotify playlist for when I’m crafting
Orchestral Crafting Music - for when you really want to focus on your projects.
Crafting Acronyms - a list of acronyms used in the crafting community.
Videos to embroider to - videos that I like to put on in the background whilst I’m stitching.
Other Resources that I have found
Threadcolors.com - colour matching for DMC threads
Thread - Bare Stitching - tools and calculators
Flossmaxx - colour conversion for major floss brands
Needle N’ Thread - blog with useful tricks and tips.
Royal School of Needlework Stitchbank - has a wide variety of modern and historical stitches.
Sarah’s hand Embroidery Tutorials - a visual dictionary of embroidery stitches
StitchLifeStudio - an Etsy store that sells custom frames for embroidery hoops
Colour Scheme - good for helping you to select fabric/ thread colour palettes for your projects.
Color Designer - a website that has a wide variety of tools that can help you develop colour palettes for your projects.
List of colours ( alphabetical)
List of colours by shade
List of Crayola crayon colors
The symbolism of flowers
Sew What Podcast - A podcast where the host Isabella Rosner talks about historical embroidery and interviews a wide range of guests
Sarah Homfray Embroidery - YouTube channel
Antique Pattern Library
Bernadette Banner - Historical recreation YouTube channel
Sewstine - a historical recreation YouTuber that specialises in machine embroidery
Danielle Clough - A South African embroidery artist who produces beautiful pieces with bright colours. I have linked her Instagram.
Quilter’s Paradise - free online quilting calculators
ImageColorPicker - allows you to pick colours from photos
Loose Ends Project - This allows crafters to sign up to finish the craft projects of those who have passed away or have become disabled.
DMC - A well known embroidery supply brand. They produce high quality stranded cotton as well as a litany of kits and free patterns.
The DMC Youtube channel- has lots of tutorials and information. 
Sylko thread colour inventory list - for those who have inherited their grandmother’s thread stash
Omni calculator - allows you to convert various lengths
Thread colour palette generator - allows you to generate colour palettes to use in your projects
Stitchpoint - allows you to write phrases in 7 different cross stitch fonts
FlossCross - a free online cross stitch pattern maker
Hours Tracker - the app I use to keep track of the hours I spend stitching
r/Embroidery - the embroidery subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
r/CrossStitch - the cross stitch subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
Code Crafters Quilt Generator - allows you to generate a random quilt design
Freebloss - a Amazon store that produces kits for many crafts including embroidery and they are affordable and high quality
prettycolors - a Tumblr blog that posts random colours along with the hex code and this can be a helpful resource for fibrecrafters when they are trying to pick a colour for their project(s).
colour-palettes - a blog that posts user submitted colour palettes and I think that this blog can also be used as inspiration for fibrecrafters when selecting colours to use in their project(s).
Swatches - this app allows you to swatch colours from photos as well as being able to swatch colours in real time.
John James Needle Guide - a guide to different types of needle and their uses.
Cable Patterns - allows you to make your own cable patterns for knitting
RSN collection and archive- photographs of objects in the Royal School of needle work collection. The first 100 objects have just been digitised and put online.
Hand exercises for knitters- these can also be used by other crafters in general
Things that I suggest you buy
I have not received anything in exchange for recommending these products
A colour wheel - this will enable you to choose the best colours for your projects
Multicoloured cases - this box filled with multicoloured cases will help you to organise your threads ant to easily take them on the go.
Plastic embroidery hoops- I find that plastic hoops are able to maintain tension and keep your projects drum tight.
Embroidery Floss Organisers- these help you to keep all of the various colours that you are using in your projects in one convenient place.
Pellon Stick-N-Washaway Embroidery Stabilizer - allows you to trace or print out your design and stick it onto your fabric, stitch over it and then wash it off once you’re done.
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solspina · 1 month
Sanguinius is my favorite primarch, yet we have so little lore on his actual backstory. Do you have any headcanons about Baal or Baal’s culture 🥺?
Hello anon! I do actually have a few headcanons about baal and quite a few others about how sanguinius grew up in its environment!
i’m incredibly happy to answer your ask, especially considering that it’s about my favorite primarch too. never hesitate to ask again, this was really fun to write!
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
I think that the surface of Baal would be a lot like that of Mars.
It’s a very dry, rocky, and hot planet.
I don’t have many headcanons about Baal itself, but Baal Secundis, the second moon of the planet where Sanguinius was raised isn’t much different from the mother planet.
Other than the fact it’s absolutely plagued with radiation and some of the most hideous creatures ever seen.
It’s been mentions in lore a few times that Sanguinius thinks his wings may be a result of the radioactive environment.
Because of this, I think that Baal Secundis is very fallout-like.
Miles and miles of empty and desolate desert, perhaps occasionally some leftover pieces of armor from previous battles, and many, many bones.
It’s also canon that Sanguinius was alone in the desert for what you can assume was a pretty decently long time.
He was found either as a very young adult or as an old teenager, probably naked and highly radioactive.
The planet was incredibly war infested as also told by lore, so I can imagine that the tribe Sanguinius was raised in caused him to do a fair share of fighting.
I believe that the war may have possibly been due to a clash of cultures.
Many sources state that the people lived in a Nomadic culture, they were travelers, scavengers even.
For the longest time, the people of Baal had no god to believe in, nothing to tie them together.
But by the end of his time on the planet, everyone worshiped Sanguinius. He had brought them peace and togetherness under his name.
Lore also states that the culture and current customs on Baal are HEAVILY influenced by the angel.
There are holidays after him.
Culture is one of those things that has a million aspects, but my favorite to consider is obviously weddings!
I think that weddings were merely a concept before sanguinius arrived, but once he had and the people learned it was okay to love, couples united together left and right.
He used to attend more official and political weddings on baal, even going as far as to officiate a few of them. Now, this is handled by Dante.
At modern baalian weddings, women tend to string white feathers in their hair as a symbol of protection and honor from Sanguinius.
Much like a traditional American wedding, brides also wear white as a symbol of purity, something the angel had honored. The difference? Husbands wear white too!
Guests are to wear whatever they wish, as long as it honors the primarch, but the bride’s jewelry is traditionally gold.
engagement rings are ALWAYS made of ruby, to symbolize both the blood of sanguinius and a blood covenant between husband and wife.
I think that it’s also a coming of age event for all male Baalians who wish to be accepted by their tribes to make a journey to the sarcophagus of Sanguinius at their coming of age, probably naked to simulate what the angel himself had to go and fight through as a child.
Many young men hope that when they arrive they will hear his voice, or that the luckiest will receive a vision from his spirit within the warp.
Has Sanguinius seen any of them as worthy enough to see his spirit? That’s for you to decide ;)
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daydreaming136 · 5 months
Kili Durin x F!READER (Modern female)
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Pairings: Kili x Reader slight Fili x Reader if you squint lol
Tags: modern reader female, isekai, waking up in the hobbit, death, romance, adventure, magic, dwarves, elves, everyone lives AU!, eventual smut,
Author notes: hi this is my first time writing for the hobbit hopefully someone will like it ❤️ please be kind in the comments and don’t be afraid to message me any questions ❤️
When I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful blue sky and the sun shining bright there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I sat up suddenly there was a pain in my stomach I winced and hissed. I lifted my shirt to look for any injury and didn’t find any. Then I realized the pain went away, I blinked a few times and thought back about my day and how I got here. The day went on as usual woke up spent some time to myself, which includes coffee and some gaming. Got ready for work, shower, brushed teeth, a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, a pair of shoes which were dirty from working in them. I drove to work, clocked in, put my Home Depot apron on, got stabbed by some crazed customer, clocked out, drove home…wait what? Let me back up a bit. I got stabbed by some crazed customer?? I lifted my shirt up again but didn’t see a stab mark. I huffed and got up. “Did I die? Is this heaven?” I chuckled. “Well I didn’t think I’d end up in heaven.” I looked around but didn’t see a person or angel in sight. I looked for any sign of life and saw smoke a few miles away. “I guess I’ll start there.” I walked towards where the smoke was residing. I walked into a small village. I mean literally small because the people were small and everything in the village was small. The people reminded me of hobbits with their pointy ears and big hairy feet. I walked to what looked like a market place. I thought I saw Bilbo baggins from the hobbit at one point but decided to kept walking. Til I recognized a familiar gray pointy hat. I sped up my pace and grabbed the persons sleeve. “Excuse me.” Once the man turned around I immediately recognized the man. “Yes my lady?” I felt my eyes go wide from shock. “Um I-I…” my words died from my mouth as I looked at his face longer. Gandalf raised his brow, “are you alright my dear?” I blinked realizing I’ve been staring at him. “You’re Gandalf the grey, right?” He looked at me up and down, staring at me questioning. “Indeed I am, and you are?” I realized I was making a fool out of myself I shook my head and cleared my throat. “Mr. Gandalf my name is Y/N and i know I’m going to sound crazy but I believe I ended up in either The Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings. Please believe me when I say that I’m not trying to do any harm to you or Bilbo or Frodo or Thorin.” He stared at me hard then he started to smile. “Well my dear why don’t we walk and talk.” I nodded and began to walk beside him. “So let’s start from the beginning.” I swallowed and started my tale of the hobbit careful enough to not give anything important away. “Hm. Well I do believe you my lady for I just talked to Bilbo not too long ago.” I smiled. “Thank goodness. Please let me join you and the company to take back the lonely mountain, with my knowledge I can help.” He thought for a moment and nodded. “Alright. Let’s get you some supplies for the journey ahead.” We hit the market again getting me a bedroll and some feminine products I’ll need. Then he lead me to a familiar hole in the ground. “This is bilbos place isn’t it?” Gandalf nodded. “I need to do something for a bit wait for me here til I return.” I nodded. “Okay.” He began to walk away. “Oh and Y/N do stay out of trouble.” I chuckled. “You got it.”
Hours went by I ended up on the grass and took a nap. It was hard not to when the sun felt nice on my skin and the grass felt comfortable. I was startled awake by a shake to my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I was met with brown and blue eyes. “Miss why are you sleeping out here?” I blinked and sat up. “Oh sorry I must’ve dozed off waiting for Gandalf.”
“Gandalf? Are you the new member uncle was telling us?” I nodded. “Probably, Gandalf told me to wait here for him, are you heading to Mr. Baggins?” They nodded. “He should be here soon why don’t we head in while we wait?” I bit my lip and nodded. “Okay I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’m Y/N by the way.”
“I’m Fili and this is my brother Kili.” I nodded to Kili noticing him not saying anything. The three of us walked toward Bilbos home. Fili rang the doorbell. And we waited for the hobbit to open the door. Bilbo opened the door. Bilbo whimpered when he saw the three of us. “Fili.” Fili introduced himself “Kili.” Kili finally spoke. “And Y/N.” I introduced myself. The two dwarves bowed their heads. “At your service.” I nodded towards Bilbo. “You must be Mr. Boggins.”
“Nope! You can’t come in. You’ve come to the wrong house.” Bilbo went to close the door but Kili stopped him. “What? Has it been canceled?” The door was pushed back open a bit. “No one told us.” Fili walking close behind his brother. “No, nothings been canceled.” Bilbo said confused about what the dwarves were implying. “That’s a relief.” Kili pushed the door open more and walked in Fili and I followed after. “Sorry Mr. Baggins.”I say give him a sympathetic look. I could tell he was already getting frustrated. “Careful with these. I just had ‘em sharpened.” Fili began to take off his weapons. I walked in looking around the hobbits home. “The movies really didn’t do this place justice.” I muttered under my breath. Kili walking around. “It’s nice, this place. Did you do it yourself?” Kili asked. Without Bilbo paying attention Kili began to take the mud off his shoes on Bilbos mother’s chest. I bit the inside of my cheek wanting to tell him not to do that because it is Bilbos mother’s chest. “What? No, it’s been in the family for years.” Bilbo finally realized what Kili was doing. “That’s my mother’s glory box! Can you please not do that?” Bilbo was angry. Then Dwalin walked in and grabbing Kili’s shoulder leading him farther in the house. “Fili, Kili. Come on. Give us a hand.” All of us walked into what looked like a dining room. “Let’s shove this in the hallway, otherwise we’ll never get everyone in.” Bilbo stammered. “Everyone? How many more are there?” I grabbed Fili’s weapons. “Here I’ll take these Mr. Baggins.”
“Th-thank you. Do you know what’s going on.” I smiled slyly and put Fili’s weapons somewhere out of the way. Suddenly the doorbell rang again. Bilbo feeling very frustrated walked towards the door. “Oh, no. No. No. There’s nobody home! Go away and bother somebody else! There’s far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If this is some clot-heads idea of a joke…ha! Ha! I can only say it is in poor taste.” He opened the door I could hear the dwarves falling on the floor in the entrance of the hobbits home. I followed after Bilbo. Seeing the dwarves on the floor I giggled watching them grunt and groan. “Ah. There you are my lady I thought I told you to stay put.” I smiled. “Sorry I ran into Fili and Kili they said you would be here soon and well here you are.” Bilbo looked at Gandalf. “Gandalf.”
Soon everyone was in the dining room they were passing ales and food. Having a grand old time, I ate a bit myself. I grabbed a jug of ale and took a few gulps. I giggled some more seeing poor Bilbo tell the dwarves to put his food back from his pantry. Food was going left and right the dwarves drinking and eating. “Ale! Going one, two, three!” They were all chugging their drinks. A few letting out some burps. I laughed amongst them. Once they all finished eating they began to clean up I joined in obviously. “‘Scuse me but where do I put my plate?” Ori asked Bilbo. Fili walked up grabbing the plate from him. “Here you go, ori. Give it to me.” He tossed it to Kili who caught it without a problem and tossing it to Bifur. They were tossing all the dishes to get cleaned. I heard the dwarves clatter the silverware. “And can—can you not do that? You’ll blunt them.”
“Ooh, do you hear that, lads? He says we’ll blunt the knives.” They began to bang their shoes amongst the floor, making a beat. “ Blunt the knives, bend the forks.” Kili began to sing. “Smash the bottles and burn the corks.” Fili followed. “Chip the glasses and crack the plates.”
“That’s what Bilbo baggins hates!” They all sang together. I danced a bit to their song. “Cut the cloth tread on the fat. Leave the bones on the bedroom mat. Pour the milk on the pantry floor. Smash the wine on every door. Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl. Pound them up with a thumping pole. When you’re finished, if they are whole. Send them down the hall to roll. That’s what Bilbo baggins hates!” They all laughed after the song was finished. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door everyone quieted down. I looked at Gandalf. “He is here.” Bilbo and Gandalf walked to the door, I followed them. Gandalf opened the door for Thorin. “Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way. Twice. I wouldn’t have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door.”
“Mark? There’s no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago.” Gandalf closed the door after Thorin walked in. “There is a mark. I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins. Y/N. Allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield.” I bowed my head a bit to be polite. “So..this is the hobbit and Gandalfs assistant. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?” Thorin circled Bilbo. “Pardon me?”
“Axe or sword? What’s your weapon of choice?”
“Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know.” I crinkled a bit. “But I fail to see why that’s relevant.”
“I thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar.” The dwarves laughed at Thorins comment. I felt a little sympathy for Bilbo. The dwarves all walked to the dining room it was just Bilbo, Gandalf, and I. “Your assistant aye.” I crossed my arms under my chest. Gandalf smiled. “Well I couldn’t just tell them you’re from another world now could I.” I nodded. “Alright, I guess it could work for now.”
I sat next to Fili and Kili at the dining table. “What need from the meeting in Ered Luin?” Balin asked Thorin. “Did they all come?”
“Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms.”
“And what did the dwarves of the iron hills say? Is Dain with us?” Dwalin asked. “They will not come.” Thorin answered.
“They say this quest is ours and ours alone.”
“You’re going on a quest?” Bilbo asked standing behind Gandalf. “Y/N, help my dear fellow Bilbo, let us have a little more light.” I nodded helping Bilbo bring some candles out. “Far to the east…over ranges and rivers… beyond woodlands and wastelands… lies a single, solitary peak.”
“The lonely mountain.”
“Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say it is time!” Glóin said. “Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold. When the birds of yore return to erebor, the reign of the beast will end.”
“What beast?” Bilbo asked curiously. “That would be a reference to Smaug the terrible. Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather. Teeth like razors. Claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals.” Bofur described Smaug. “Yes, I know what a dragon is.” Suddenly Oir stood up. “I’m not afraid. I’m up for it. I’ll give him a taste of dwarvish iron right up his jacksie!”
“Good lad, Ori!” Nori cheered on the dwarf. “Sit down.” Dori told him. “The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us..but we number in just 16. And not 16 of the best…nor brightest.” That gave a bit of commotion. “We may be few in number… but we’re fighters. All of us! To the last dwarf.” Fili cheered on. “And you forget, we have a wizard in our company along with his assistant. Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time.” I bit back a laugh. “Oh, well, no. I-I-I wouldn’t say—,”
“How many, then?” Dori asked. “What?”
“How many dragons have you killed?” All the dwarves looked at Gandalf as he choked on his smoke. “Go on. Give us a number.” I watched as they fought amongst themselves. I pushed myself against the wall. “Uh, excuse me. Please.” Bilbo tried to talk to the dwarves when Thorin spoke up. “No more!” They all went silent. “If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for 60 years. Eyes look west to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast of our wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back erebor?!” They all cheer til Balin cuts in. “You forget: the front gate is sealed. There is no way into the mountain.”
“That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true.” Gandalf brought out a key showing it to the dwarves. “How came you by this?” Thorin asked. “It was given to me by your father. By Thrain. For safekeeping. It is yours now.” Gandalf handed Thorin the key. “If there is a key…there must be a door.” Fili thought out loud. Gandalf showed them the writing on the map. “These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls.”
“There’s another way in.” Kili spoke happily. “Well, if we can find it, but dwarf doors are invisible when closed. The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map, and I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in middle earth who can. The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth and no small amount of courage. But if we are careful and clever, I believer that it can be done.”
“That’s why we need a burglar.” Ori concluded. “Hmm. And a good one too.” All eyes were on Bilbo. “An expert, I’d imagine.”
“And are you?” Glóin asked. Bilbo looked around realizing that he asked him. “Am I what?”
“He said he’s an expert! Hey!”
“Me? No. No, no. I’m not a burglar. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life.”
“Well, I’m afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins. He’s hardly burglar material.” Balin replied.
“Aye, the wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves.” Dwalin looked at bilbo and I. I felt a little offended. “C’mon Dwalin they’ll manage just fine.” Bilbo agreed what the dwarf said while I bit my tongue holding back insults. The dwarves talked amongst themselves. Then Gandalf made the house grow dark. Gandalf stood as tall as he could in the small hobbits house and in a loud and scary voice, “Enough! If I say Bilbo baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is. And you will talk to my assistant with more respect. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most, if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a hobbit is all but unknown to him. My assistant here also has some insight about our quest which will be useful in taking back the lonely mountain. Smaug will not see us coming. You asked me to find the 14th member of this company, and I have found 2. There’s a lot more to them than appearances suggest. And they both got a great deal more to offer than any of you know. Including themselves.” I could tell he was mainly talking to Bilbo. “You must trust me on this.” Gandalf finished. Thorin seemed to take Gandalfs words seriously. “Very well. We will do it your way.” Bilbo doesn’t seem convinced though. “No.no.”
“Give them the contract.” Thorin looked at Balin. Balin took out a folded paper and handed it to Bilbo. “It’s just the usual. Summary of out of pocket expenses…time required, remuneration…funeral arrangements, so forth.” Bilbo seemed stunned by the words ‘funeral arrangements.’
“Funeral arrangements?” I placed my hand on bilbos shoulder, “it’ll be alright.” He opened the folded contract. Bilbo walked off to read the contract. Thorin leaned close to Gandalf talking about something important no doubt. “Terms: cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding 1/14th of total profit, if any. Seems fair. Present company shall not be liable for any injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof, including, but not limited to lacerations…evisceration…incineration?” I giggled a bit at bilbos reaction. “Oh, aye. He’ll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye.” Bilbo seemed to pause at that. All the dwarves took notice, “are you all right, laddie?” Balin asked the small hobbit. Bilbo put his hands on his knees,” yeah.” Bilbo seemed to try to process this, taking a few deep breaths. “Feel a bit faint.” I felt a bit sympathetic for poor Bilbo besides knowing he’ll be alright. “Bilbo?” I asked concerned for the hobbit, but it seems another dwarf had other intentions. “Think furnace with wings.” Bofur got up from his seat. I looked at the dwarf with eyes to plead to him to stop. “Air. I-I-I need air.” Bilbo looked like he was going to get sick. “Flash of light, searing pain, then poof! You’re nothing more than a pile of ash.” I bit my lip watching the scene play out. Bilbo tried his best to keep calm and to not faint, but he failed. “Nope.” And he went down. I closed my eyes and sighed, “now you’ve done it. Good going Bofur.” I put my hands on my hips. “Oh, very helpful, Bofur.” Gandalf sarcastically said. I grabbed the contract picked up a quill and signed my name, handing it to Balin. “There you go.” Balin looked at the signature. “Welcome to the company, my lady.” I bowed my head and he did the same. The company helped poor Bilbo up and onto his comfy armchair. He was well awake and holding a cup of tea. “I’ll be all right. Just let me sit quietly for a moment.” Gandalf smoking his pipe seemed to get angry at the small hobbit. “You’ve been sitting quietly for far too long. Tell me, when did doilies and your mother’s dishes become so important to you?” Remembering this moment I decided to leave Gandalf and Bilbo to their conversation joining the dwarves in the other room. Fili and Kili walked up to me,” is Mr. Boggins all right?” I nodded. “Yes but he and Gandalf are having a serious conversation so I’d wait if you want to talk to him.” Kili nodded. “Do you think he’ll come?”
“No way brother, Mr. Boggins is way too comfortable here.” Fili responded. “I think he’ll come.” I smiled a little. “Why did you not faint, don’t dragons scare you?” Kili asked, I chuckled a bit, “of course they do but I also think dragons are cool. Seeing one up close sure would be a story to tell one day, that’s if I make it.” I know the story of them but what of me technically I died who knows what’ll happen to me here. “Cool? Dragons are not cool, remember what Bofur said. Furnace with wings.” Fili reminded me, I laughed. “Yes, yes. I remember I just meant they’re majestic, and also terrifying.” I have to remind myself that ‘cool’ isn’t a normal slang term in this world. In that moment Bilbo was walking past us going to what I believe is his bedroom. Kili and Fili suddenly left me to join the other dwarves in the living room. I began to hear humming and singing from the living room, remembering Thorin singing the misty mountain. I sat outside of the room listening to the beautiful sound but also hearing the mournful sound in Thorins voice. I vowed to myself I’ll make sure the durin line will survive once we arrived at the lonely mountain. Leaving my place in the hobbits home I walked outside took a place near the entrance of the hobbits home and fell asleep.
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thedeal-if · 2 years
THE DEAL ACT 1: INFERNO - Updated June 18!
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Next update ???
“when the shackles trapping destruction shatter, the pale rider shall scorch the earth. thus, all shall be plunged in darkness”
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Tag(s): Supernatural, Demons, Romance, YA, Surreal, LGBTQ+, Horror, Text-based, Dark, Mystery, Story Rich.
It has been four years since your parents died. Your younger sister and you have been left in shambles, struggling to pick up the pieces of what’s left of your family. But nothing ever goes right; you devote your life to taking care of Chrissy, and she devotes hers to resent you—and to something darker of which you are unaware.
One day, Chrissy goes missing, and the only way for you to get her back is to journey into hell. In order to do that, you are forced to make a deal.
What happens next is up to you.
Trigger Warning(s): Violence, Crude Humour, Strong Language, Optional sex scenes, Gore, Body Horror, Depression and depictions of other mental illnesses, Alcohol and drug consumption (optional in MC), etc.
Updated June 18 (Prologue + Chapter 1 part 1, +20k words)
Features and Characters bellow
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Descend into the land down below, 'Inferno', a reimagining of Hell with a more modern twist.
Attempt to rescue your sister from the clutches of Lucifer.
Uncover the secret behind your strangely alluring soul.
Discover the plan of the mysterious cloaked figure and the woman who one day appears in your dream.
Customize your MC: from their past to their present. MC's personality shapes the story. Each trait has its ups and downs, and they dictate how your character reacts to certain events. A more artistic MC will see the world differently, and their own inner world will be portrayed differently. Who they were, who they are, who they will be: it all has an impact on how they behave.
Be either Impulsive or Cautious, Flirty or Shy (active romance only), Charming or Stoic, Sarcastic or Genuine, Outgoing or Introverted, Courageous or Cowardly, Rude or Friendly, Cynicism or Idealism, Team worker or Solo.
Befriend, rival or butt heads with a cast of 8 different characters, each of them with their likes, dislikes, and ideals. Though romance is optional, you can expect Platonic friendships, Rivalries, Friends to lovers, Rivals to lovers, Shy romances, and Flirty romances + each RO has a special route that only unlocks if your character meets certain criteria. Additionally, there are three possible poly routes, a love triangle, and an additional route in which MC has shown interest in everyone.
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An in-depth description of the ROs
Chrissy Warner (she/her) • INTRO
your fifteen-year-old sister. Ever since your parents died, she’s become irate, a shut-in who refuses to talk to you—but insists on shutting you out. You don’t know her anymore.
Dante (he/him): THE FIEND • WRATH • INTRO
when you summoned a demon you never expected someone like Dante to appear before you. He’s… strange to say the least. Hot-headed and childish, Dante follows his every whim, living like he’s going to die tomorrow.
Tropes: idiots in love • muses • partners in crime
Lilith (she/they): THE SUCCUBUS • LUST • INTRO
a Succubus, Dante’s friend, and very relevant in the ranks of Inferno. Despite their monstrous nature, they have always been very kind to you. Lilith is nurturing and caring, and they have often said to find the concept of innocence fascinating.
Tropes: slow burn • pushing loved one away • mutual pining
you met when you were children, and you’ve been best friends ever since. A very intelligent and perfectionist man, you have always known Josh to be immensely good-natured. That makes it all the more surprising when you discover the gigantic secret he’s always kept from you.
Tropes: childhood best friends to lovers • love triangle • opposites attract
Villanelle (she/her): THE WITCH • GLUTTONY • INTRO
the owner of the DuPont herbal shop and, apparently, a witch. You’ve known her for a couple years now. Villanelle has a bubbly and happy-go-lucky personality, always up to help around despite people usually finding her extremely strange.
Tropes: friends to lovers • girl next door • everyone knows but them
the stoic demon Hunter, Nemesis—whom you know as Victor—joined your group reluctantly and is determined to fulfill his goal: finding his missing sister. Victor is dependable, strong, and calculating. His strong hatred towards anything non-human might be problematic, though.
Tropes: [censored] • love triangle • unrequited love (assumed)
Aliyah (she/her): THE GENIE • SLOTH • INTRO
the very bossy Genie who seems to know your sister, Aliyah has never been shy to hide her obvious hatred towards you and your species. She’s confident, ambitious, brutally honest, and incredibly powerful. You’re sure you can’t trust her.
Tropes: immortal • enemies to lovers • forced proximity
Nathan (he/him): THE ANGEL • PRIDE • INTRO
the Angel, Nathan takes nothing serious and seems to love to test everyone’s limits. Despite his divinity, you know Nathan is struggling to keep himself from becoming a Fallen Angel. This corruption has created a second personality in him, who goes by the name of Azriel.
Tropes: friends with benefits • double personality • forbidden love
she is the descendant of the most powerful man who has ever lived: King Solomon. Eden’s closed-off, aloof, demeanor seems to be a result of nearly an entire life living in solitude. Given the power she holds, such a choice is more than understandable.
Tropes: (possible) soulmates • [censored] • living weapon
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