#modding this game was a mistake i have never been the same since
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des-no9 · 8 months ago
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"Is this why you asked me to stay?" Voss asks. Two fingers caress the join between her thigh, pelvis.
"Does it really matter?" She already knows he can feel her confession; taste it under her skin.
-excerpt from 'first among many'
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yukirayu · 3 months ago
These I've also shared on Twitter, but I thought I'd share them here before someone tries any sort of libel.
You know what's funny about this whole discourse about the Slow Damage patch ? The whole discourse reminds me of game mods, in a way.
Game mods are made by fans, for free no less, for you to download, and only if you wanted, to help improve your experience with a game.
Whether it's improving the aesthetic (character or background design) or tweaking some of the gameplay elements itself. Or adding new elements, or even changing things purely for shits and giggles.
That way, mods are akin to patches. More often than not, mods are made because the base game had flaws in their design (technical or otherwise) that the mod intended to fix or improve.
But these mods are optional. And naturally, most mods are going to use preexisting assets from either the game they're modding or from another game, assets that they'll either refine or combine with other assets to make something better.
While some mods earn a raised brow, if the mod isn't to one's liking, most generally just ignore it.
Except in this specific instance, some don't like the mod that is the patch and feel that it doesn't sit right with them for whatever reason, believing that its existence would be "spitting" on the original game or because it no longer sounds as snarky as they themselves would like to read it as.
But instead of ignoring the patch, which they were explicitly advised to do if they take offense to it, they decide to make their dislike everyone else's problem, and by poisoning the well, no less.
And one quick way to ensure that is to accuse the patch of bigotry towards the LGBT community.
I'm already aware that this same accusation is spreading like wildfire, both in Reddit and especially in Twitter, and in some Discord spaces, most likely.
But did anyone, and this includes the accusers, even play at least 40% of the patched version, and intensively at that, before making that claim?
Oh, I'm all too aware that bigotry is a real, serious and widespread issue.
But in most online circles nowadays, accusing something of bigotry right off the gate is also one surefire method of turning people off of it before they can even check it out for themselves.
I mean, what better way of publicly dragging something you don't like through the mud than to spread accusations/misassumptions that are quick for others to believe before anyone can even try and personally fact-check anything?
Especially in a place like the internet itself.
The note stating the avoidance of using a specific pronoun for some characters to not assume their identity could've been phrased better, yes, and the patch team did clarify their stance on the matter. Alas, anything can still easily be misinterpreted and used as flame bait.
But what's odd is that the people who first touted this claim (either here or in other platforms) have one thing in common: they never checked out the patch (let alone played through one certain route in full) to personally confirm if that really is the case.
Taking all this into consideration, I think that no matter how the patch was presented, it'd get backlash.
Even long before any of us knew this patch was even going to be a thing, even giving constructive criticism about the localization and any mistakes/goofs it made already drew ire, and it's those same people who took offense that are spreading the hate about this patch.
It all really boils down to the matter of the patch even existing, since - as some detractors point out - it's what they call to be a disrespectful spit to the face, even without factoring the false accusations of transphobia and plagiarism.
Let's say they used the JP game files instead and have the patch work with that version. They'd get decried for copyright infringement and they risk a C&D order.
Use the EN files? We already get the claims that they barely did anything to the text, among other things. Why?
Because they didn't adjust every single syntax and change every single word in every single sentence… when English isn't exactly the most versatile language and there's only ways you can translate something, especially in the simpler sentences like "Who are you?".
Using a thesaurus on everything would make it sound weird. Heck, the patch being more verbose and detailed and impersonal (which is what's to be expected when it's third person and in a visual novel, no less) already got it accused of being no more than a fancy MTL.
And it doesn't help that many already assume that the statement that MTL can be a helpful tool is also the same as "MTL being the superior translator of all time", and people will find anything and I mean anything to hate on something and discredit it.
And as for the preferring 1st person over 3rd person and vice versa? It's a matter of preference, yes, and that can't be helped.
But let's get one fact out in the open: Out of N+C's 5 main VNs, only one is told in first person POV in the JP/original version, and that's DMMD.
The other game that used 1st person narration is Slow Damage's spinoff game, Clean Dishes, but not the main/parent game itself.
And even years before they got licensed, the fan patches followed the intended narration viewpoint of the first 4 VNs. Third person for Togainu no Chi, Lamento, and Sweet Pool, and first person for DMMD.
Their respective localized versions (except Lamento), also followed the intended narration viewpoint, and nobody complained because that was all they knew.
But because Slow Damage's localization took the creative liberty of changing the narration from third to first person, with people exposed to it, it's not really surprising some have gotten accustomed enough to end up preferring it.
Even when another version that retells the game in original narration comes up, for the past two years, the localization has been what they knew, and that is what many usually then decide to stick to.
In the scenario where the localization - even if it would still be a mess - never changed the narration, would people still say "Oh but they should've changed it to 1st person since it would've enhanced the story"?
It's telling that it never happened with Togainu no Chi, Sweet Pool and DMMD, no?
And before anyone tells me that I just hate localizations overall, you don't hear me complaining about the official translation of any of the BLVNs that Mangagamer licensed, do you? I also have plenty of gripes with DMMD's fan translation over what it did to Mink.
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fsaxjack · 2 months ago
I know I'm not the first person to say this, especially since I played the games because of Jacob Geller's video, but I really, really love BJ Blazkowicz as a character and the Machine Games Wolfenstein series as a whole.
Not a lot of devs would be brave enough to have a Polish-American Jew (albeit seemingly non-practicing) be their main character. They even make him a blond-haired-blue-eyed badass who any Nazi not in the know mistakes for a perfect Aryan - a demonstration of just how asinine Nazi beliefs really are.
He's a kind, gentle, loving man who adores his wife and daughters, he never lets his pride get in the way of the mission and goal, and he truly tries his best to be a true ally of the revolution, accepting orders without complaint or hesitation and showing respect to the diverse groups that the Nazis oppress. He's vulnerable, human, and gives everything he has to the causes he cares about.
But he extends none of this kindness to Nazis - unless someone's disavowed the ideology outright, he will gladly slit Aryan throats without a second thought. His sheer hatred of their ideology, of their footsoldiers, leaders and hate, wakes him from a vegetative state to slaughter an entire platoon of the Wehrmacht, perfectly ready to continue World War II where he left off!
On the same note, not a lot of devs would demonstrate that White America in the 40s-50s was more than willing to accept the Nazi worldview, even as their conquerors treat them like backwards hicks and turn minorities into second-class citizens at best and outright slaves or corpses at worse
For that matter, there's certainly something cathartic about having a black man thoroughly lecture BJ on how the American ideal he fights for has never been a real ideology, the high-minded ideals tainted from day 1 - the Nazis borrowed American frameworks for racial segregation and marginalization to construct their own atop its foundations after all.
The games aren't perfect - there's one particular death that feels a bit fridge-y, Max feels a bit mishandled at points (kinda evokes the idea of, uh, I've heard it described as r-word strength) even if I do appreciate that those familiar with his needs do what they can to respect his sensory needs and triggers, and something about a Jewish mystical secret society who devised crazy advanced technology doesn't sit fully right with me (it makes sense thematically - the Nazis steal that technology to help them conquer the world, basically acknowledging that the Nazis and their ridiculous ideology wasn't realistically going to win without a big leg-up, but it still feels a bit iffy). But it's a rare treat to have a game that acknowledges why the Nazis were and are truly reprehensible, idiotic, and doomed to fail in one way or another, and that despite their belief otherwise, white America is not so above those noxious beliefs...
Watch Jacob Geller's video - "Judaism and Whiteness in Wolfenstein." It's a fantastic breakdown of a lot of these ideas and outlines what Jacob - being a Jewish man himself - would like to see in the next game.
I have some similar feelings about the mod TNO: Last Days of Europe - I find the premise of the mod really interesting: basically, it gives the Axis plot armor right up until they win the war and bring the remaining powers to the negotiating table, and shows just how unstable they would be once that plot armor is taken away and the absurd ego projects of a bunch of self-important genocidal druggies start blowing up in their faces. It acknowledges the horrors of the Nazi regime, of their use of slavery and genocide and war profiteering/looting, and demonstrates that these are not sustainable in any way. But the inherent jingoism of the HOI4 foundation does undercut the message at times, IMO - I've seen people on Youtube fight tooth and nail to actually conquer the world during that one Germany path even though you're supposed to hit a wall where expanding any further will start a nuclear war, but not expanding any further will collapse your economy.
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landgraabbed · 11 months ago
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it's been a while since i last shared the game that currently has my attention, and currently that is outward: definitive edition (dev: nine dot studios). this got long, so i'll put it under the cut. the short of it is that i am in love with this game that is catered to freaks like me in every way!
the game was first released in 2019, and the definitive edition including all dlcs came out in 2022, and i'd say this game was on my radar since 2020-2022, but i never really played it until now. i've been enjoying my time with this game, and what a game it is! it makes me feel like most of my favorites do: scrabbling for victories, being forced to get by the skin of my neck, and having to always play past my mistakes. in many ways it reminds me of favorites such as dragon's dogma, morrowind my heavily modded skyrim, and souls games to an extent, but with survival elements added on to it.
to set the stage, this game puts you in the boots of a gender neutral Just A Guy™ who is saddled with debt incurred by their grandmother and is on the verge of losing their lighthouse home. in aurai, actions that damage the community may incur what is called a blood price, meaning a bloodline may have to pay the price of said actions even decades or centuries removed from the action. the first chapter of your adventure sees you attempting to repay a parcel of the blood price on your bloodline by whatever means possible within 5 days, after your hard work was lost in the same shipwreck that nearly took your life. and off you go to do that. you can approach this goal by whatever means you can come up with and you can also fail to do so, and the game will continue. where i am currently, i managed to barely make the deadline and have been exploring the world. there are currently four factions i can approach in order to advance the plot, but i am taking my time to meet all of them before i make a decision. they each are tackling different issues in aurai at the moment, such as the holy mission's quest to fight against the scourge.
the moment to moment gameplay is very engaging to me. it really is a game that anyone who knows me knows that of course it will appeal to me. navigation reminds me of morrowind with npcs giving you directions and a complete lack of quest markers (or even an indication of where you are in the map! you need to orient yourself using landmarks and road signs). combat is brutal and best avoided at most times. you need to manage your inventory and loadout for the climate and your needs, as well as what you expect to encounter in your journeys, where the weight of your inventory is very important. your stats will become burnt (i.e., you will have a temporarily reduced maximum stamina until rest) the more you use them, greatly emphasizing how you're just a rando. there is magic in this world, but you don't start out with mana needed to cast spells and must perform a difficult pilgrimage to the center of the mountain that dominates the landscape of the first area. and even then, you must sacrifice your precious hp and stamina to build a mana pool. the tradeoff: magic has been absolutely fun and op in my experience. the game rewards preparation and knowing when the fuck to leg it most of all. and if you meet your untimely demise, you're not sent to the last checkpoint. instead, the game rolls one of the appropriate defeat scenarios appropriate to your current situation which can be a boon or a curse (and honestly must have been the inspiration to the alternative death system part of this skyrim mod). the game constantly autosaves, so savescumming isn't a possibility. most of all, you wander in a lovely environment to the sound of bangers.
pictures were only edited to add some small grain and are at the native resolution of the steam deck since it's where i've been playing! i do want to look at it on my laptop too. it also features online and splitscreen co-op, but i haven't tried that out. i do hear it's a great way to approach the game. another thing i really enjoyed learning about is the studio's investment in promoting a crunch-free, ethical philosophy to game development, and extending that over their publishing efforts in order to foster the development of more indie niche games developped ethically.
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review-anon · 2 months ago
Dude i think you're either mistaking it by some other weird horror game from the 2010s or flat out wrong because Imscared was never a dark web game neither does it contain an actual virus. I believe this misconception may have originated from the fact that the style of the game and one of the endings involving your character hanging themselves probably shocked players/viwers quite a bit since, for the time it was released, these weren't very commonly seen in the space of indie horror, thus it may have been wrongfully deemed an "Dark web game"
Same thing with it coming with an actual malicious virus, Imscared is literally the pionieer of indie horror games that mess with your computer like creating files on your desktop, opening links and requiring you to mess with settings at times in order to progress in certain segments. But it never goes overboard with it to the point of seeming dangerously invasive like i've seen some really shitty Sonic.exe fangames or even horror minecraft mods go, it's clever and it uses this aspect of itself with tact that ties well within its confusing narrative about White face and whatever this game was actually meant to be.
The original version came out all the way back in 2012 and the full version in 2016, with a workshop edition demo sometime in-between those, and it got a remaster of sorts a few years back for its 10th anniversary! (I mention this since no version of Imscared is exactly the same from one another, though it's differences aren't Hello neighbor alpha levels of drasctically different and are more just subtle strange changes that all ties into an arguably loose narrative) It's one of my favorite horror games ever and i'd recommend it for anyone who's curious about it to at least watch a let's play online, but i do understand that it's stile isn't everyone's cup of tea
Oh yeah I think I confused it with Sad Satan which is from the dark web and does contain some messed up stuff which I won’t say on here because it violates several guidelines.
I think the issue is both have similar graphics and came out at the same time so my brain obviously confused the two. And YouTubers were talking about it at the same time, and with many Sad Satan videos saying in bold capital letters “DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME” and I think some clickbaits said the same for Iamscared as well. So it was misleading at the time.
I’m not a fan of horror games that mess with your computer because it can be hard to tell if it’s just adding files on the computer or if it’s gonna into full virus mode. I’ve seen videos during the 2010s of those type of horror games and they just creeped me out especially with YouTubers claiming they have dummy computers just in case it bricks them. And when you had a virus almost mess up your computer only failing due to your computer having overheating issues at the time so that the frequent BSODs ended up messing up the virus’s code allowing you to purge it from your computer, you tend to get super paranoid about programs which edit stuff on the computer.
Maybe they are just being super dramatic but either way it’s left a bad taste in my mouth.
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lionews · 1 year ago
Hi. I never really post here. I mainly just lurk to keep myself informed on what is going on in the community.
I think about a few days ago or so, I saw that someone made a post asking about a user I had commissioned for custom decor a while ago. I don't want to scroll down and find the post, so you might have to just take my word for it. I wanted to wait a bit longer to post this, but I feel I have waited long enough as is. You are free to ignore this post but if you do read, I respectfully ask of you to not harass/witchhunt the user mentioned or myself. I do not have a desire to "cancel" anyone. I am sure this individual is a decent person. There is absolutely no resentment I hold towards this individual either, just disappointment towards my own mistake. I am only posting this to inform others of my experience and hope it doesn't happen or has happened to anyone else. If you have trouble reading long paragraphs like I do, scroll down to where it says "Long Story Short" in bold.
Almost a year ago I had commissioned #105942, a decently known custom decor artist for two pieces of custom decor. One was going to be a mane+fluff, the other other was wing+tail attachments. One other was going to be commissioned as a Christmas gift for a friend but I had not sent a deposit since there was no response on if it would be accepted in game since the custom decor had pot leaves. I had to save up GB from sales so I could send the deposit and get the CD rocks. I had told her I would buy GB and send the deposit in a week, but due to my financial struggles, I chose not to buy the currency and I failed to communicate on that. I hold full accountability on my lack of communication. I did eventually send the deposit of 80GB (I swore it was 70GB but she said in messages it was 80GB) on 01/20/2023 and I recall purchasing both rocks on that same day, which is an additional 20GB (but that's on me). I had 50GB set aside in my bundles so I could pay her later once I was able to approve the first WIP of the pieces. That never came.
I can say in full confidence I failed on my part to communicate more with her. It takes two to have a conversation. I didn't want to bother her as I felt I would rush her in the art process and simply waited for her to reach out to me. We didn't speak again until I made myself message her on 07/17/2023 and she replied stating she was busy with her baby, which I completely understood. She said she would have an entire weekend to work on my commissions and would have an update by Saturday, which would've been on 07/22/2023. There was no update.
I didn't reach out again until 11/30/2023 when I decided to message her. I kept her situation, with her now having an entire life to care for now, in mind when asking for a refund. I said I couldn't quite remember if the amount was 70GB or not since I could not find the receipt in the "Sent Messages" folder on Lioden, which I assume was because she deleted the gift notification from her folder. She said that life was hectic with her baby at the time, which I understood, and stated it was 80GB she owed and would get it to me after she had sold a lion of hers. I agreed.
Messaged her again on the 12th of December to see how the sale was going. She said she was still waiting for it to sell.
Skip ahead to the 22nd of December, I reached out again and asked if her lion had sold. She said no, but she would be buying GB after Christmas and would issue the refund to me after the holidays and I told her it was no problem, since it was nearing closer to the holidays n' all. I understood she would be busy around then.
I reached out again on 01/03/2024 just wanting to peek in. No response.
Reached out again on 01/11/2024 asking if she was okay, since there had been no response, but I could see that she had posted an ad on Discord in a Lioden server she and I are both in and on a thread on Lioden. Of course, I was a tad peeved. I reached out to the Lioden mods, not expecting anything to be done since all conversations she and I had were over Discord and, as expected, nothing was done. I sat on it for bit, wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt. I haven't sent another message, but I know if I do I would be met with nothing anyway. I already know I will not be receiving a refund, but I don't care. I'm not sure if anyone else has had an experience like this with this user. I feel I may be the odd one out, since I haven't heard of any complains in regards to them.
Long Story Short
I commissioned #105942 for two pieces of custom decor almost a year ago. Sent the first deposit on Jan 20th 2023. Was never sent a wip/she never worked on it. Asked for a refund (80GB) in November and she said she would give me a refund after one of her lions sold. Messaged again on December 22nd 2023 asking if said lion sold and was told it hadn't but that she would be buying GB after the holidays so she could issue me the refund ASAP. Reached out on Jan 3rd 2024 to check in and was met with no response. Messaged again on Jan 11th 2024 but never received a reply back, despite seeing some activity on her part on Lioden and Discord.
Link to proof: https://imgur.com/a/fLMPn4n
If the link doesnt work, I'll try again.
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ominousstudios · 3 months ago
Hello Anna,
Ominouscorridors here. Where should I start?
Point 1: Like you, I spend a lot of time modding. I have mods that I share publicly (for which I don’t require credit) and mods that are intended for a private circle. I think it’s a matter of respect and recognition to credit the person whose mods you’re using, especially when they’re made available for private use or done by request. It also serves to protect the content. You can even view it as a form of promotion, where people can reach out to me directly to request the mod. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you are honest with your community, they will be more than willing to respect your request for credit. Strangely enough, I haven’t encountered any negative responses in my circles regarding my strict rules on crediting.
Point 2: Regarding the game assets, I am, of course, aware that neither you nor I, nor anyone else, owns these assets. No one has claimed otherwise. However, there’s a clear difference between taking game assets as they appear in the game and making modifications to them. With unaltered game assets, similarities are unavoidable, as our options are limited. This also applies to recolors, especially all-black ones. In my case, however, I made modifications. The top in question doesn’t exist as such in the game, as we all know it’s actually a dress. I had to make changes outside the game, which required time, skill, and creativity. It was my idea to create this combination that, as mentioned, doesn’t exist in the game.
There’s an element of my own creation here. Now, you had the same idea, or rather, you took my idea and used it for yourself. Additionally, you can’t claim you’d never seen this combination before. The mod has existed for months, and since then, the outfits have been widely used—even by people in your circle, or whose content you can see. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already blocked me or not. A simple “Idea by @XXX” would have been sufficient, and we wouldn’t have this conflict. But here we are. I gave you a chance to correct your mistake with my comment on Nexus, but instead of addressing the criticism, you blocked me once again. Eventually, there will be consequences.
Point 3: We are not conducting a witch hunt, as you call it. We’ve simply reached a point where enough is enough. This isn’t the first time people in the community have accused you of content theft or other things, and there are multiple pieces of evidence to support this. Yet you’ve never tried to resolve these conflicts with people when they approached you, including me. Instead, we’ve all been blocked one by one.
Your latest mod is very obvious, and many people noticed it without anyone even needing to point it out. Maybe, instead of always casting yourself as the victim, you should reflect on your own actions and approach. We’re not doing this for fun; going public is stressful and disrupts peace. But your refusal to accept criticism and resolve conflicts means that, at some point, other measures become necessary. There are dozens of people in the community who have issues with you, so maybe the problem isn’t just with us—am I wrong?
If you’re an adult, you should be able to critically reflect on this whole situation, as well as similar ones in the past, and also question yourself. Why are so many people speaking negatively about you? Why are so many speaking out publicly? Why do we keep ending up in this situation with you?
It might sound harsh, but that’s the reality. We are not avatars; we are real people, and whether we’re acting on the internet or in our private lives, there are always gonna be consequences.
Kind regards,
P.S. I deliberately haven’t included any evidence here because I want to put this issue to rest. But I can provide it if needed.
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More bellow.
I'll leave this also here because I was acused over harrasing people over credit... Well I didnt go around asking everyone to give me credit for my mods like others.
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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emblemxeno · 2 years ago
It really sucks that the Fates retranslation mod author added in and or/changed a bunch of stuff from the original game, because if the description of the mod is to be believed, this might just be the best English translation Fates has ever had; they went through every version of the game's script they could find, including the localized one, the original japanese one, and the other fan translations, all to ensure accuracy, have a team working with them to double-check for mistakes, went out of their way to make the dialogue sound natural, and plan on translating ALL of the game, including supports.
Given that those last two points are practically the biggest issues with the og english patch (there are some mistakes here and there in terms of poor translation from what i've heard, but the big flaws with the mod are that a lot of the dialogue reads heavily stilted and unnatural, along with large swathes of the game remaining untranslated from the original japanese, and probably will stay that way for the rest of time given that the mod team has been dead for half a decade at this point), having a mod that's basically just the english patch but better and actually finished seems like a dream come true.
Annnd then they started adapting scenes from Fates's supplemental material into the story; and made Lilith into a playable character in the main story, along with writing and adding in supports for her based off interactions she has with other characters in supplemental material; and created new supports for the Corrinsexuals based off some of their interactions from the Nohrian festival of bonds DLC; and “rebalanced” certain characters; and made up new boss conversations for if certain characters fight a boss; and completely rewrote the Male Corrin and Soleil support chain; and added in more same sex S-supports; and rewrote the begginings of Peri's support conversations to have her be less hostile to the other party; etc…
Like, i appreciate the amount of effort that must have been put into all those new additions, especially since Fates supplemental material isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world to find, but this isn't a retranslation anymore; this is a content patch of Fates with a new translation slapped on top of it.
And i'd be fine with that, if only the retranslation and the stuff that straight-up changes the game were put in different mods; if they had one mod that was called “Fates retranslation”, and it actually WAS just the base game but with a translation that's more faithful to the original jp script (kinda like another Fates retranslation patch out there), and another called “Fates expansion”, where all the stuff that changes the game and/or adds in new content for it was put, i wouldn't have any issues with this whatsoever.
However, that's not how it works; as far as i'm aware, if you download the retranslation mod, you're gonna have to deal with all the extra changes to the game that came with it, which alter the game so much you're still better off playing the unfinished, awkwardly translated english patch if you want to see what a more faithfully-translated Fates looks like.
Man, Fates's just cursed to never get a good, finished localization, isn't it?
Most likely yeah. Idk why people are so dead set on changing stuff that didn't need to be changed. Localization/translation isn't meant to be "create your own story from these building blocks" it's just... translate a script in such a way that you get the same info as the original, but it's more readable to the audience that uses the different language.
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tarosin · 4 years ago
The great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo - the best mcc team
this is an extra to the great adventures series
the moment you found out ranboo got into mcc you instantly ran into the room you were sharing pulling him into a hug you were honestly so proud of him and he was going to be with tubbo
unfortunately, you weren’t going to be in mcc this month but that didn’t stop you from being over the moon for your friend. when it was finally time for mcc you wished your friend good luck and apologised for not being able to watch his pov as you weren’t about to break the tradition of watching Tommy after all he was your first and biggest supporter. 3 hours later the event ended and everyone who was watching ranboos pov heard you faintly screaming at Tommy over discord whilst tubbo sat laughing and ranboo was concerned, he heard from Tommy that you would often yell at him however he didn’t believe that he was being honest
“FUCK YOU TOMMY STOP LAUGHING YOU HIT ME IN TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE ON PURPOSE THEN LAUGHED ABOUT ME NOT BEING IN…..fine when I get in I’m requesting to be on Scott's team…I’m still mad at you but you did great I'm so proud of you congrats Tommy I’ll see you soon goodbye”
at the start of the next month, you received a message from Scott
Scott: so I have a few things to tell you 1 - how would you feel about becoming head twitch mod it’s only fair you’ve been my mod for a while and 2 - welcome to mcc make sure to fill in the form asap!
y/n: 1 - of course I’d love to be head twitch mod and 2 - heh??
not long later you received a form at the same time as your friends, you decided not to tell anyone and somehow you managed to keep it a secret, Scott agreed to lie to the others about whos team they’re on as he knew how excited everyone was going to be. today was the day your big secret would be released, you Tommy tubbo and ranboo were sat outside when the notification went out announcing the team honestly you’ll never forget the look on their faces when they realised
MCChampionship_ tweeted: 👑announcing team green guardians 👑
@tommyinnit @tubbolive @ranboosaysstuff @y/n
Watch them in MCC on Saturday, August 28th at 8 pm BST!
“congrats y/n”
ranboo didn’t say anything he just tackled you into a hug like you did last month when you found he was in mcc. Tommy and tubbo were still processing what they just read
“Scott fucking lied to me”
“aye I told him to”
“what the fuck”
from then the four of you would constantly stream with each other on the mcc training server, you were a strong team when you weren’t yelling at each other.
time flew by soon enough it was the 28th of August. Tommy genuinely couldn’t believe it his best friend was in mcc and on a team with him and he genuinely believed you all had a decent chance in winning as you were a strong team. Tommy invited you over to stream mcc he claimed it was because there would be three people trying to stream in the same room, in reality, it was because he wanted to see your reaction and be there for your first mcc.
Tommy let you stream from his room he had spent the previous night getting advice from tubbo on how he managed to set up so he could stream with ranboo in the same room.
“you ready y/n”
“of course I’ve been watching and learning from the best”
you and Tommy set up and joined the discord call and the mcc server, it was finally time. similarly to ranboo this was something you had wanted to do since Tommy told you all about it on your way home from school one day. 30 minutes later it was time for the games to begin and this is where the chaos began.
“you know what I hope it’s build mart”
“what the fuck y/n”
“fuck you I’m good at build mart- oh you’re joking it’s fucking parkour tag”
this is when you realised that two screaming teenagers in the same room both trying to stream the event wasn’t the best idea, you and Tommy would constantly scream at poor ranboo who was just trying to hunt the other team
“really y/n?! I thought I’d let them win this round”
unsurprisingly your team was doing great you had won 7/8 rounds but there was still one more round, determined to be the one to get dream you decided to be the hunter
“y/n don’t worry if you can’t get them we’re doing well”
“not putting pressure on me at all thank you boys”
being close friends with technoblade gave you an advantage you didn’t expect due to the fact he helped to “train” you for your first mcc which ended up being the reason you were able to catch them all and then helped the others avoid being caught
“tubbo he's to your left TUBBO I SAID HES TO YOUR LEFT WHY ARE YOU GOING LEFT TOMMY RUN RUN RUN RUN ranboo you’re doing great”
you had just successfully won the round against dream sapnap George and quackity and you would never let dream live this down
“do you guys think dream will let me be in one of his manhunts now”
“fuck you tubbo you’re just mad you couldn’t catch all the runners in yellow yaks. you couldn’t catch jack manifold”
so far everything was going well you were currently in 4th place and your team had high hopes. you all felt the need to confirm to your chats that you’re all not actually mad at each other and not to worry about everything.
the next game was survival games ranboo wasn’t ready for this due to the last mcc where he died pretty early on, it started well you all stuck together as a team until the game was nearly over and you got distracted by a chest and ran away from the others whilst they were fighting another team this ended up being a happy accident in disguise you got the notification that Tommy tubbo and ranboo were killed fighting another team
“oh fuck”
tubbo could practically hear your smile as you explained to them that you ran off and was currently under a tree watching the others fight, you used the fact they died in the game to your advantage they would tell you if anyone was coming to attack you whilst you ran around collecting loot avoiding the others shooting arrows
to everyone’s surprise, it worked due to the border being smaller so there was less room to run soon it was you vs punz at this point you were determined to win
“you’re doing so well y/n”
some may call it beginners luck but you ended up winning the fight against punz
the next game was hole in the wall and long story short you sucked, ranboo on the other hand did not. it didn’t take long for you to fall every single round. this helped the others though as you were able to yell which side the wall was coming from
“fuck this stupid game the wall hates me”
“y/n you're supposed to jump through the gaps“
“you know what no I’m going to get on a sapnap alt stream by glitching through”
this didn’t work you died again
“well fuck there I go I guess you’ve got this though guys Tommy you’re doing decent”
“I'm doing great thank you- oh I died FUCK YOU FOR DISTRACTING ME”
“blah blah blah GO TUBBO AND RANBOO”
you couldn’t believe it ranboo was one of the final people remaining, unfortunately, ranboo jumped too late resulting in him falling but nonetheless you were proud of him
“unlucky boo you all did great”
the next game was battle box the four of you had been practising this a lot so there was a lot of pressure to do well especially since you were now in the top 3 on the leaderboard, the strategies you made from practicing paid off you managed to win the majority of the rounds, however, there was a lot of screaming and arguing during the last round
“he’s been stealing mine too y/n”
tubbo was honestly playing well during this game and you were amazed
unfortunately, the arguing resulted in you losing the round as you were all focusing on arguing which meant you missed the other team rushing to wool
“unlucky boys”
“7 wins out of 9 rounds honestly isn’t that bad we should still be third we just need to stay strong with the rest of the games”
during the break before the last four games, the four of you sat making plans for the next few round
“I want to get to the other side last I think that will be our strength”
there was still a rather long break left so you did what anyone else would do run around the server and yell this was a huge mistake as it messed with the soundproofing resulting in tommys mic picking you up and vice versa
“so I guess we’re streaming like this now”
“well since you asked so nicely tubso…no”
tubbo ended up doing the same to the soundproofing in the room he was in with ranboo were in meaning all four of you were now having a scuffed stream as you ran out of time to fix it because before you knew it, it was time to play sky battle
“right we should go left”
“tubbo will get iron Tommy will make the bridge and y/n will do…something”
you did the same thing techno did in the pride mcc and hid occasionally breaking blocks from underneath people so they would fall the others were doing well the game was a mixture of you all encouraging each other and you all cursing each other out whilst ranboo ignored you all and spoke to his chat
“chat I know you can hear double everyone if I could fix it I would but tubbo y/n and Tommy are being too stubborn to fix everything and we don’t have time”
“making people fall to their death can we talk about our feelings now because this is stressful as hell”
you all did decently you weren’t amazing at this game but that was expected it was something you all weren’t the biggest fan of but somehow you were all still in third place and that was something you weren’t expecting especially for your first mcc
it was now time for sands of time you all needed to do well
“bruh I wanted build mart what the fuck is this”
“we’re not going to win this game boys”
and tubbo would be corrected that that statement, you ended up having a visual glitch making it difficult, Tommy would constantly get trapped in a dungeon like last time things weren’t loading for ranboo you had no idea what tubbo was doing and quite frankly you didn’t want to find out unless it was going to be good news and considering all you could hear was tubbo yelling anything that came to mind you could guess it wasn’t going well. you tried to rage quit a couple of times only to be yelled at by the others every time you disconnected from the server
“you’re doing well y/n stay calm we’re going to be fine”
“no, they’re spawning one in for me”
“could them maybe I don’t know speed up the process”
yeah you ended up losing that game and got knocked down the 4th good news is it was only by a couple hundred points
next up was ace race
“do yous reckon Scott's tested this map”
“aren’t you his head twitch mod”
“you’re right I'll message him and find out”
luckily you all managed to do pretty well, Tommy was off to a great start you tubbo and ranboo weren’t far behind you all agreed to follow each other rather than the crowd which paid off as when everyone else went the wrong way rather than following you all managed to go the right way thanks to ranboo yelling he thinks that he knows where to go and thankfully he was correct which put Tommy first tubbo second ranboo third and you fourth, you all ended up lapping people on your final lap and honestly, none of you guessed this would happen but you weren’t exactly complaining. a few moments later you all crossed the finishing line and were the first team to finish giving you the bonus points you needed to push you to second place
“did you know since I first got into mcc I would put y/ns name down for who I wanted to play with”
a few seconds later you showed up on Tommy's face cam as you ran over to him giving him a hug
“you’re doing great y/n we might get into dodgebolt”
“dude we’re winning this shit”
soon enough it was time for the last game (unless you got into dodgebolt) and luckily it was to get to the other side
“we've got this we have actually got this we’re going to get to dodgebolt”
you stuck with Tommy for almost every round mainly because speed bridging wasn’t for you. you were all doing great you were the first team to finish for multiple rounds however you were also the last team to finish for a few rounds
“boys I'm not sure if we’ll get through”
“We all had fun”
“if we get into dodgebolt we’re going to be against dream”
“will you two quit fighting we’re about to find out the final scores.”
“oh my god”
“what the fuck”
“ranboo and y/n are about to play dodgebolt”
you all did it you successfully kept 2nd place somehow now all you had to do was win dodgebolt against dream George sapnap and quackity. safe to say you and ranboo were nervous as fuck and rightfully so as you all lost the first game
“let’s be serious we need to focus now”
you all won the next round
it was now the third round Tommy and tubbo were now out it was you and ranboo against dream and sapnap
“bruh were fucked ranboo”
ranboo took aim and somehow hit sapnap whilst you took a moment to type a message in chat
y/n: it’s my first mcc how do you feel knowing you’re about to lose
it was now your turn to take aim and Tommy yelling in the background wasn’t helping you and the yelling made you shoot before you were ready luckily ranboo picked up an arrow and was able to hit dream, it was now 1 vs 2 if you won this round you would all be the champions and that’s exactly what happened you all quit yelling at each other hell you muted the discord call so you could focus all you could hear was Tommy next to you occasionally supporting you
“come on y/n final round. you’re about to win your first mcc I’m so proud of you”
“you’re doing amazing Tommy thank you for everything now let’s win this thing”
and just like that, it was over Tommy took the final shot and hit sapnap
you all unmuted the four of you yelling
this time Tommy ran over to you pulling you into a hug he was genuinely so proud of you and the others
“you did it y/n you won your first mcc that’s amazing”
“I couldn’t have done it without you or the others I love you all”
after talking to the other teams and ending stream
you and Tommy stayed on call with tubbo and ranboo
“you two need to make your way back here”
“me and y/n could probably catch a train if we’re very quick”
you nodded and quickly grabbed everything you needed thankfully your good luck hadn’t come to an end yet as you and Tommy were able to catch one of the last trains, Tommy had an arm around you as he noticed you were getting tired after all you did just go through the stress of your first mcc to over 170k viewers you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder a few hours passed and you were at the last stop Tommy lightly tapped your shoulder
“hey y/n were here tubbo and ranboo are waiting for us over there…let’s go celebrate this win shall we”
an: do not publish my work :)
@emma0nline @fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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righteousness-and-tea · 3 years ago
Hi! I'm the same person who requested the Yuri Request, and I absolutely loved it!
I was wondering if I could also have the same characters and same concept but if you remember the argument between Natsuki and Yuri can it be on that?
(Now obviously it doesn't have to be done right away since I got my last request last night or so and I don't want you stressed out with so many requests)
(Also can I be 🏩 Anon until I'm ready to not be anonymous?)
I am so happy you liked it! Actually, I just started replaying the game in order to fulfill this request. For these, I tried to come up with situations that suited each of the characters, I hope that's fine! Have a great weekend, 🏩 anon!
-Mod Celeste
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Ryoma Hoshi, Mondo Owada, Chihiro Fujisaki, Nekomaru Nidai and Akane Owari with an s/o like Yuri-- who's gotten in an argument with a friend:
Disclaimer: arguments, implied harshness and discomfort below
-He'd come to visit a club you frequented. As he came in, it was clear something was up-- you seemed very upset.
-You'd gotten in an argument with a clubmate: they said something that struck you as offensive, and you shot back. You insulted them in a way very unlike yourself, which then led to regret.
-The clubmate left in tears, while you remained in shock. Ryoma approached you and pulled up a chair to console you.
- "Listen, babe. We've all made mistakes-- I know I have. You both probably feel bad about it, so all you've gotta do is make amends. Okay?"
-He was dropping you off to school on his bike when it happened. A classmate came to see you, and as he was walking away, he realized things were going south.
-Usually you were so calm; Mondo had never seen you like this before. While irritated, you said words you'd never truly mean... which you realized soon after.
-He didn't catch up in time to help diffuse the situation, but he knew you were still shaken. With an arm around your shoulder, he spoke:
- "You both messed up, yeah? Well, lemme give you some advice I got from my brother. It's just as easy to patch things up as it is to tear 'em, so things'll be just fine."
-The two of you were leaving school for the day when you received a text from a friend of yours. While you typed away, Chihiro couldn't help but notice your body language did a 180.
-The conversation had taken a turn for the worst, and the messages did the same. You sent some truly mean texts, as did they. Soon enough you both stopped, guilt taking over.
-Chihiro quickly clasped your hands, with a comforting expression. They knew how easy it was to lose control online, what with today's world.
-"Hey sweetheart, are you okay? I'm sure neither of you meant what you said-- it's nothing you can't fix! Let's take it easy for now."
-He'd taken you out for lunch at a local diner, and as you took your seats, an acquaintance of yours stopped by.
-Initially, it was merely small talk, but Nekomaru knew things were tense. A short while after, it turned into an ugly spat between you and the passerby.
-He knew he needed to interject, so he firmly interrupted the argument, to mediate. Nothing good would come from this conflict.
- "Now, now. Things got a little out of hand here, but you can both fix this! An apology is all it takes, and it'll make this fight a thing of the past."
-You were just out and about, running some errands with Akane. As you approached the grocery store, a classmate had spotted you. They began a conversation with you, but it spiraled out of control.
-In your frustration, you spoke without thinking-- as we all do. After some stunned silence it was clear you didn't mean it.
-Akane had been through some mistaken outbursts herself, so she knew how you felt. She pulled you aside to make sure you recovered.
- "You both got pretty heated there! That happens, I totally get it. I know it sucks right now, but this isn't the end of the world. You'll both forgive and forget!"
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simtanico · 4 years ago
Head sliders for Male sims -- BETA
I'm sure some of you have noticed, I'm not really around as much (again?). It’s not anything serious, I've honestly just found other things to occupy my time. I've been watching SO many movies new to me, baking, working and all that. Some of these things are things you'd have thought I'd spent doing when we were locked down last year lmao. I'm late to the party. It's fun! I've been enjoying the free time I have and don't feel the need to be on here or even to open my game too much. I really love creating and making sims but idk I'm out of gas for now.
However, I have many many WIPs and this is a WIP i've been wanting to share for a while since I don't think it'll ever be finished any time soon. it's lowkey ambitious and if I wait to let you guys try it out when it's finished that'll probably be never. Figured since I'm not around as much right now, I'd leave you guys things to play around with. That said, I do work on it every so often. It's probably the only thing I open the sims for when I do.
So as a warning to all: this will likely be different in the final product. This is in a testing stage. NOT an official done-deal download.
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Okay, simtanico but what is it?
They're two (2) sliders: named Scalp/Head 1a and Scalp/Head 1b, respectively under the Head > Global category. 1a moves the scalp lower, 1b moves the corresponding parts on the face mesh so they match up!
Use both at slider level 256 (using Nraas) and there you go! As long as they're at the same number they'll match and connect. But the way I intend it to be hits at the base 256 number.
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Why did you let us have this if there's literally no hairs made for this? Can't you just share all the hairs you have to go with these new head sliders?
I'd probably be breaking so many TOUs. As much as I personally believe CC should be for everyone, it wouldn't be cool. And it mostly is my second point which is:
You'd get hairs with incomplete LODs and bad textures if I shared every single hair I've adjusted for these sliders
I'm constantly messing with them and don't really have a good idea of where they should sit on the head to fit everyone's sims best.
If it's not finished, why bother?
I figure other modders can play around with it and all that. And!!! I would love some feedback and idk the pros/cons??? I know I've been talking about this a lot and idk i'm sure someone can make use of it?
What about female sims?
I've got a shoddy version going but it doesn't look that great. Not even enough to let others download.
What's included?
Two EA hairs that I edited to fit the new scalp. They're just demos to show how hairs can be with the new height. You can install those in your mod folder or wherever you keep your CC.
Both sliders for MALE SIMS ONLY. (install wherever you keep your sliders) Scalp/Head 1a AND Scalp/Head 1b | Head > Global
The obj for the edited AM head, for modders
As with everything: there may be some disortion or jankiness as with any sliders at extremes. Might be some parts that don't connect if they're not the same or i just made a mistake idk.
Download here: https://simfileshare.net/download/2468153/
Please for the love of god do not reupload (unless I disappear forever) because I'm not gonna be housekeeping old unsupported versions of this.
If you have any questions not answered, please message me on discord: mcbatman#5622 :)
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years ago
Hello I can have Byakuya who meets the parents of his gn reader and is surprised at their similarity to the parents of the reader. Mom looks like Byakuya in appearance and behavior, and the reader is like his father, who is a very calm, gentle person.
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YOU BOTH BEING LIKE YOUR PARENTS • byakuya x gn reader
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i really do hope that i got this request right, please dm me if i misread anything! my exams and projects are finally done, which means that i will officially be posting more again! i hope this was worth the wait, thank you all for being so patient with me!
tws/cws: mentions of arguing, but in a playful context.
|| -> mod taka <3
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he's heard stories of your mom, most probably. the man probably made the connection that he was similar to her when you told him more tales about her doing many things that seemed understandable or relatable in byakuya's eyes.
even if you didn't say anything about your mother to him, he would instantly make a connection that he looked like her. when you show him a photo of her, he instantly notices that he looks like her other child. you two could be mistaken for siblings if you had a stronger resemblance to her in appearance.
however, instead, you look exactly like your dad. thats the second thing he notices, an older version of you right at the side of your mother, holding you in his arms with a calm but happy smile on his face. he's sure that if you brought your dad in for fathers day, everyone else in the class would think he was your older brother instead.
it really did surprise you at first, but once you got used to it, you found the humor in it. your boyfriend looks and acts exactly like your mom, while you have been told by many other people that you are the splitting image of your father. what a small world, huh?
the only downside is that now you sometimes mistake byakuya for your mom. insert a flashback scene to that one night where you asked why your mom knew where byakuya lived, all while you were getting some milk at 4am and then it turned out to be your beloved boyfriend. you only really noticed the difference because he turned around and spoke to you.
its even more confusing and entertaining when he first met your parents. your dad accidentally hugged byakuya from behind multiple times because he couldn't tell the difference at first. it was really funny to see the puzzled look on his face when his "wife" sounded different while they were talking to him.
the dinner that you two had with your parents was also very amusing. your mom and byakuya switching rapidly between agreeing with each other and being on each others throats, only being held back by the urge to be polite since they were just meeting, while you and your dad sort of just sighed together? absolutely hilarious.
"history repeats itself." your father says this alot whenever his wife and your boyfriend were too distracted to be listening by arguing over topics. you realize that he's right, actually. you two being a couple that acts exactly like your parents? sounds like destiny really took their sweet time with your love life story.
by the time the dinner ends, your mom has a positive opinion on your partner. she admires him because he reminds her of a younger version of herself, and approves of his love for you. of course, no one will truly be good enough for her child, but if they can settle with someone like byakuya, then so can she.
your dad is always happy, and this includes your relationship with him. he thinks its sweet, seeing the modern equivalent of him and the woman of his dreams. it makes him feel weirdly nostalgic, as well as joyful. he'll never forget what his relationship with your mother was like at first, and he hopes that you will experience the same bubbly feeling.
everything ends in great terms! byakuya enjoys the company of your parents, your guardians approve of him being your s/o, so everything ends very nicely. you guys now regularly have a game night every week, in which you and your dad look in horror as byakuya and your mother get more and more competitive. its bizzare, but thats why you love it so much. you wouldn't have it any other way.
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that-blue-vault-dweller · 4 years ago
Can you write about the various activities the SS does with each of the companions?
I was a little worried about this one, but I tried! Hopefully it's good! 🥰 Thank you for the request! 💙💛
Cait - If F!Sole drinks, then they go drinking together and get into the biggest bar fights ever. But if F!Sole is not the type to drink, then they are both perfectly happy with spending time in silence together as they each do their own thing. However, F!Sole also works with her and teaches her how to add mods to her weapons. They are currently working on an upgraded baseball bat for Cait to use in combat, and Cait is both frustrated with the process as well as thrilled with how awesome the bat is and will be.
Piper - Helps her proofread and brainstorm for different articles. (If F!Sole is according to canon) Her time in law school really helps with refining Piper's grammar and punctuation. They also people-watch together and make up funny backstories and names for the people they see. They can spend hours in Diamond City and Goodneighbor whispering amongst themselves and giggling like madwomen and at the same time trying to look innocent. They also spend quite a bit of time discussing things from the old world with Piper eagerly taking notes as F!Sole answers any and all questions the reporter may have.
Curie - F!Sole usually goes out scavenging with her to look for various things to experiment with. Most of it consists of mole rat teeth and bloatfly glands, and F!Sole loves to listen to what Curie is doing in her work. F!Sole oftentimes helps her with the experiments, and even when their efforts blow up in their faces (sometimes literally) they have a good laugh and debate about how to avoid the mistake next time.
MacCready - They work together oiling and polishing each other's guns. They also go out hunting together since they both have great aim and good eyes for spotting creatures moving in the bushes and grass. They also like to talk about their kids (providing that F!Sole kept the robot Shaun) and they spend a lot of time scheduling play dates for the boys.
Deacon - They like to disguise themselves in plain sight and see if the other companions recognize them. They also have absolutely zero reservations about pranking anyone nearby. Their most favorite target of all is Glory because although it is rare that they ever successfully prank her, it is very rewarding when they do due to her very gratifying reaction.
Codsworth - They oftentimes work together to repair things around Sanctuary Hills. He will happily hand her tools and offer assistance if she cannot quite reach something or is not quite strong enough to get it into place. They also happily recount stories from their time together before the bombs and they sometimes speculate about what life would have been like if the bombs never happened.
Hancock - If she is into chems, they get high together. If she is not into chems, then they like to go and make some people uncomfortable in Diamond City. (Post-McDonough-synth-reveal) Now that McDonough is no longer mayor, they have nothing stopping them anymore. They take a particular pleasure in striking up conversations with the higher-class citizens just to shake them in their hoity-toity attitudes.
Danse - They work on power armor together. It seems a little obvious, but they both genuinely love to give one another pointers about mods and help one another through issues and snags with the armor. They are currently trying to build the most fortified, safest, most invincible power armor that they both can possibly piece together.
Preston - They love to go out and take walks through the woods near Sanctuary Hills. They are always armed just in case something goes wrong, but overall, it is just a relaxing look at nature as they talk about anything and everything. It is a really nice way for both of them to wind down and calm themselves from the stress of running the Minutemen and helping so many people.
Valentine - They love to share stories of the old days and experience all of the nostalgia. They also work out detective cases together and with their astute minds put together, they sack the bad guys almost every time. They also like to look into old cases before the war and dive deep into all of the potential motives of the criminals that did it.
X6-88 - They usually do target practice together, and work on one another's aim. He gives her recommendations for improvement and she wastes no time in utilizing them, becoming almost as fast and strong in a gunfight as the courser himself. Of course, whenever he screws up (which is extremely rare) she wastes no time in teasing him a little. After all, he gives her pure heck when she messes up.
Dogmeat - F!Sole loves to play fetch with him and they can go for a while with that. They also play hide and seek. She tells him to stay and then runs away and hides. She then calls for him, and runs around, looking for her everywhere. When he finally finds her, he barks excitedly and she runs from him, the game evolving into tag as they run.
Strong - They have made up a game where they each challenge each other to lift different things. F!Sole almost always loses, but Strong has a good time boasting and picking up things. F!Sole enjoys seeing him happy rather than his usual grumpy self, so she is more than happy to take a few "puny human" comments for the opportunity to bond with Strong.
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ninjago-bingo · 3 years ago
final month recap
wow, everyone.  we’re here.  we’ve made it.  we’re reached the end of our bingo time, and i’m absolutely floored by the sheer creative output that i’ve seen over these last four months.  everyone, take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back!!!  no matter if you made 1 piece or 10, there’s now a work of art out there in the world that wasn’t there before.  and truly, that’s super heccing rad no matter how you look at it.
so let’s celebrate!  for this recap, we have a total of 20 new pieces, bringing the total amount of ninbingo pieces up to 50.  in the span of four months, this little event has created 50 individual works (five of them in the last day!)  holy cow ya’ll.
i’m putting out this recap now, but don’t worry, it’s not the end yet!  any submissions made to the end of the 30th still count and this post will be updated accordingly :D
all the things i’ve never done by @sa-you-na-ra. tumblr || prompts: competition and teasing
It’s always a funny thing when the ninja realize new things about each other. Even though living with each other meant they had to see each other all day, there were still small habits or actions that amused the others.
(mod comments: all these little interactions made me smile so much :D looking forward to the rest!)
error 404: answer not found by @m-aster-of-spinjitzu. tumblr || prompt: memories
Akita and Zane talk after the battle in ‘Awakenings’. The conversation… doesn’t go as either of them expect.
(mod comments: the nuances in this fic are fantastic!  also Akita is always a win :D)
Five times kai was a good brother by @/master-of-fluff. tumblr || ao3 || prompts: nightmare and brother
I'm writing kai centric stuff again.
(mod comments: kai IS the big bro of the team!!! i support him all the way!!)
How Garmadon became a chauffeur by @master-of-fluff. tumblr || ao3 || prompt: driving
"um...Kai? Don't you think we should go Slower?" Garmadon asked nervously trying not to panick as they raced down the road at what had to be over the speed limit.
(mod comments: who let Kai drive?  no but honestly this is canon alskdfj)
little things by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: hugs and crying.
"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things." -Kurt Vonnegut
Lloyd’s tired of being left behind. How is he meant to be the green ninja when he always has to work harder, train better, and wait longer to go on missions with his team? He wants nothing more than to be their equal.
At least, that’s what he thought he wanted.
(mod comments: a post-ep-18 resolution scene?  SIGN ME UP!)
Neither Snow Nor Rain by @fangirltakesall. tumblr || ffn.net || prompt: post-fight
After their return from the Never Realm and all its troubles, Zane is quiet and Nya is incredibly worried. A call to action to a peculiar sort of battle might be enough to change both of those things.
(mod comments: the concept of these two on their own mission together is just so good! excited to see how their dynamic plays out!!)
Never Put Off Until Tomorrow by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: video games and chores
…what can be done today, yada, yada, yada, we all know the saying. So do the ninja- when Master Wu is drilling it into their heads every minute of every day, it’s kind of hard to forget.
Naturally, it only takes them a week (and the biggest new video game in Ninjago) to do so.
(mod comments: this is so in character that it’s frustrating lol.  also Pixal ftw!!)
oh take me back to the start by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: comfort and 3 am
The past should be left in the past. Or, at least, that’s what Jay keeps telling himself. Nadakhan is gone. It’s not logical to still be afraid. But he is, and now everything that he left behind suddenly feels like it’s never going to be the same again.
Cole isn’t so convinced.
(mod comments: Cole is truly the man we all deserve in our lives.)
On Our Own by @redefine-your-identity. tumblr || prompt: home
It’s been a few weeks since Kai and Nya’s parents disappeared without a trace. Needless to say, they’re struggling.
(mod comments: OU C H no poor babies 😭 the relationship dynamic here is great!)
orange and gold by @/m-aster-of-spinjitzu. tumblr || prompt: cooking
...I just need more Cole and Vania content, they seem like they'd be great friends.
Basically it's just 'Cole goes to visit her there, they almost burn down the kitchen, and make way too many puns', lol.
(mod comments: I also always need more Vania content!! the puns in this were breadful!)
permafrost by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: loss of control and promise
It’s not like this is the first time this has happened. It’s not like none of his teammates have ever suffered this kind of guilt and pain. It’s not like Zane himself hasn’t walked through hell before and come out the other side (mostly) in once piece.
Except, this time, it is. It shouldn’t be different, but it is.
(mod comments: super sweet moment between two ninja who deserve more interaction like seriously!!)
Precautionary Tale by @/fangirltakesall. tumblr || ffn.net || prompt: protective
Fighting is different now, and Zane doesn't know why. Yes, he is titanium now, but why should that change anything? It seems to be changing everything, although is all really as it seems?
(mod comments: a great start to a zane-centric fic!  interested to see where it goes next :D)
Star-Ninja! by @rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: siblings and competition 
What happens when the loveable gremlin the ninja adopted off of the streets introduces them to Starfarer comics?
Chaos ensues, of course.
stuck with you (through bright and blue) by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompt: protective
Kai only wants two things: to protect Lloyd, and to give him the best birthday ever. Unfortunately, Lloyd seems hell-bent on making that as difficult as possible. Kai’s always prided himself on achieving the impossible, but dealing with human emotions is much more complicated than beating up Garmadon’s generals or shooting enemies with fire, as he quickly learns. Movie!verse
(mod comments: happy birthday lloyd!! look at him getting the love he deserves uwu)
Take a walk in the rain. by @/master-of-fluff. tumblr || ao3 || prompt: rain
Cole had always loved the rain, the way it smelled, the way it felt on his skin, and especially the mud! Whenever it rained his Mother would put on his rain coat and boots And they'd both go out and splash around in the puddles and make mud cakes and do all sorts of things.
(mod comments: this fic made me smile a lot :D loved the way it was arranged!) 
the hues of an empty sky by @/m-aster-of-spinjitzu. tumblr || prompt: crying
Missing memories, or having two of them for one moment - not quite the same, but if there’s one thing Jay’s leant over the last few weeks, it’s that literally nothing makes sense anymore.
Or, some Skybound aftermath, Zane actually expressing emotions about his memory switch being turned off for all those years, and what was supposed to be a ‘they tell everyone about the erased timeline’ fic, but it turned into a 'two characters who barely interact on screen talk at like one am in the morning, and don’t actually tell the other what exactly they’re alluding to the whole time’ fic that I wrote at like one am-
(mod comments: Skybound resolution? SIGN ME THE HECK UP YES)
The Make-Cole-Realize-How-Much-We-Love-Him Competition by @21st-century-ninja. tumblr || ao3 || prompts: bets and competition
Jay and Kai share a horrified look.  “He really doesn’t get it,” Jay says.
Kai shakes his head.  “We need to show him somehow.”
“Show me what?” Cole asks, exasperated again.  
“How much we love you!” Kai exclaims.  “Somehow, it’s not getting through your thick skull that we want to sit next to you because you’re you, so I’m gonna have to just prove it to you.”
(mod comments: a silly little movie fic!)
twitter was a mistake by @/21st-century-ninja. tumblr || ao3 || prompts: teasing and birthday
Kai 🔥 @flaminhotninja ☑
so who was gonna tell me that Jay used to be a game show host huh
🌺✨ the Gift of Jay ✨🌺 @zaptrap ☑
Replying to @flaminhotninja
(mod comments: twitter was a mistake)
two halves of a broken whole by @/rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: scars and post-fight
The Sons of Garmadon have been defeated. Garmadon is in prison. The city has been saved.
In the aftermath of the battle, Nya is more than ready to take a much-needed break. But the life of a ninja is messy. Recovery is never that simple. Although the wounds may have healed, the scars still remain.
Zane’s scars seem to match up, though. And maybe together, they can begin to heal.
(mod comments: aggressive care is my jam, and this is it!)
wait by @rosiehunterwolf. tumblr || ao3 || ffn.net || prompts: home and memories
Lloyd’s not so great at being patient. It’s not his fault though- maybe he would be better at it if waiting didn’t always end up being so disappointing- if people actually kept their promises. But this time’s going to be different, he knows it. His father will come back for him. And Lloyd’s going to wait.
As long as it takes.
(mod comments: baby.  baby boy.  baby.  protecc him plz.)
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kitkatopinions · 3 years ago
I just watched the video from twiins iink and other youtubers about toxicity in the fandom and its super cool and better late then never but its a bit late? To confront the fandom i mean. Like i remember when v5 was airing that people where actually pissed that Jaune was touching Weiss... in the healing scene and that Ruby took his hands away so he wouldnt non con touch Weiss, not to you know see what is happening to the wound. Like it was a whole thing, it wasnt one person? And now we are at v9 so i just wanted to ask your opinion if there is some hope for this fandom i guess ✌
Short answer... No, I don't really think there's hope to fix this fandom. It's gotten to the point where the fans aren't even listening to writers like Eddy Rivas and pro-RWBY youtube streamers like Murder of Birds about maybe not wanting the r/rwby subreddit mods to ban all rwby criticism posts from the subreddit.
Long answer, every fandom is toxic to some extent, but the way the RWBY fandom is, is worse than anywhere else I've seen. Every fandom has ships and characters you're expected to like and get hated on if you don't, every fandom has at least one character that people have decided it's illegal to like, every fandom has at least one character that makes mistakes but is good that gets huge and unjustified hate, every fandom has writer-worshippers who get angry at criticism or dislike or people pointing out author bias, every fandom has characters who got assigned sexualities whether or not it's canon, that results in people getting attacked for 'not adhering to it,' every fandom has an evil/bad character that has fans who will get angry at anyone who doesn't feel sympathy for said evil/bad character, and every fandom has tons of people presenting their headcanons as accepted fact. I can't think of a single one outside of the most niche/tame fandoms I've been in that doesn't have these.
But in the RWDEdom, it's considered a rite of passage to get a hate anon, it's treated as 'making it.' Even after blocking likely over a hundred people, I still see the people posting in the RWDE tag that all RWDE posters are horrible bigots. I recently have gotten several messages from someone calling me - a queer woman - a sexist homophobe for criticizing the sexism and homophobia in a man-written show, and what seems like the same person has sent similar anons to tons of other RWDE blogs.
I've openly admitted that there are bad RWBY critics and I've even gotten in arguments with and wound up blocking fellow RWDE posters. I've also disagreed with several RWDE posters who I don't block, because disagreements are just that, disagreements. I also admit that there are tons of regular RWBY fans and posters who are very nice people, who are just trying to enjoy the show, who just like the show. I don't mind, I don't have any problem with that, we just exist on different sides of this fandom and I think that's good. And you know what? Lots of them have points, because there's lots of good in RWBY. But the toxic RWBY fans will never admit that there are lots of good RWDE posters, or that some RWDE posters have a point because there's lots of bad things in RWBY, and that it's okay to disagree on some things. The toxic RWBY fans have in the past harassed and insulted even the easiest on the show, most generous towards the show RWDE blog I've ever seen. And no matter how much RWDE posters try to avoid interacting with the general RWBY fandom and especially the toxic people, people still insist that we're trying to destroy the show and force others to hate RWBY - while they themselves try to bully people into dropping their blogs and demand that they like RWBY.
Honestly, I only have a couple of working theories on why this fandom in particular has gotten so bad. Peer pressure taking over and guiding the generally accepted viewpoints is common in fandom, but I think one reason why RWBY has it worse than usual is because the fandom is smaller than other, bigger works like ATLA or Harry Potter, so while fans are just as devoted, there's less 'subfandoms,' less variety, fan theories get around easier... I don't know, it's just a theory. Another theory is that first off, the starting fandom of RWBY was already loyal to Rooster Teeth and into their content, and the people involved in RWBY have this kind of 'friendly interactive' persona with their fans that make their fans feel a deeper and more personal connection. So they feel personally criticized or feel like a friend is being personally criticized, and get offended. And it doesn't help that people involved in Rooster Teeth and the making of RWBY like writers and voice actors sometimes insult or get angry at critics themselves and make it public that they feel that way, which just encourages the toxic RWBY fans. And sometimes it feels like they put their anger at critics into the show - making Nora (portrayed as in the right) yell at Ren (portrayed as in the wrong) that Yang and Blake definitely make sense as a couple, having Yang and Blake respond to Marrow asking if they ever do missions apart with anger and coldness, having Robyn drag Clover's name through the mud after people were angry at them over queer baiting Fair Game, and turning Ironwood into a comic book level pure evil villain after some people weren't siding with Team RWBY in volume 7 - which again, just fuels the toxic RWBY fans.
Toxic RWBY fans will often say that they're fine with criticism, just not hate and bashing. Ignoring the fact that bashing is also not illegal and is fine so long as proper tags are used, and how they should just block the tags if they don't want to see it since it's their responsibility to cultivate their internet experience... The goalposts for what they consider 'allowed and good' criticism is varied, always moving, and incredibly hard to follow.
1. Criticism is fine, so long as every post with criticism also recognizes the good things about the show. 2. Criticism is fine, so long as it's completely unbiased. 3. Criticism is fine, so long as it includes no insults, no rudeness, no sarcasm, and nothing that's less than the nicest delivery - despite any actual hurt or offense the show might've caused you. 4. Criticism is fine, so long as it only is for small things and not big complaints. 5. Criticism is fine, so long as it only is for big things and doesn't include any nitpicks or personal opinions. 6. Criticism is fine, so long as it doesn't have anything to do with the moments people have generally agreed 'no longer matter.' 7. Criticism is fine, so long as it's not criticism of the main characters or other characters people 'should like' and isn't in favor of characters that we're 'not supposed to root for.' 8. Criticism is fine, so long as you criticize the actions of characters and not the writers, actors, productions, etc. 9. Criticism is fine, so long as you're only criticizing technical things and not bringing up any mistakes the writers might make on things like the portrayal of women, their people of color characters, their handling of real world issues, ableism or toxic masculinity. 10. Criticism is fine, so long as the criticism only fits the exact ideas of every RWBY fan that might get offended, and adheres to every headcanon we should have come up with and immediately accepted.
It's an impossible struggle. And I think that at this point, the toxic RWBY fans have dug in their heels so deeply that even if Miles Luna himself came to them directly and told them 'hey, stop being so irrational and just block the RWDE tag instead of bullying people,' they would say 'Miles, I'm sorry but you don't understand that these people are of the devil.'
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