#mod soba
ask-mrafton · 9 months
Hello, come on inside. Welcome to my office.
Do make yourselves at home. I'm sure you already know who I am, but an introduction doesn't seem inappropriate.
I'm Mr. Afton, though you all may call me Afton. Rumors spread like wildfires so to put some unease to rest, I am not responsible for the disappearances of those unfortunate children.
I hope you enjoy your stay and find comfort in this space.
-- Notes from Mod Raspberry --
This blog is not meant for young audiences. There will be suggestive content. There may also be themes of violence, mental illness, and harm of children. It is fnaf after all
As this blog is a bit experimental, I ask for patience. This is the first blog that I'm allowing suggestive asks, but not outright pornographic. This is a hard boundary and I hope you all understand
- Please don't be weird towards us(the mods)
- This is a version of Afton who did not kill children, but those kids did go missing
—Notes from Mod Soba —
Heya, I’m the artist for the blog! I’ll be the one doing a majority of the art for the asks and such. Please have the same patience for me, as this is my first go at running an ask/rp blog.
Nonetheless, please enjoy the tasteful art!
-If you have something you’d like me to draw, please reach out to me via ask boxes!
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hello owl house fandom! out of all the ships you guys submitted, soba and i have narrowed it down to these three: aladarius, huntlow, and raeda. as per a previous post where we said we'll only be letting a maximum of 2 ships per fandom into the tournament, we're doing this poll to determine which ship(s) will represent your fandom. we haven't fully finalised the shortlisted ships yet, so based on the results either the top 1 or top 2 ships will be selected
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also let us know if you guys have any preferred images for your ship(s)! i just plucked these from the shipping fandom wiki
propaganda for the ships are under the cut!
-mod deli 🎀
Ahhhhhh, so many thoughts; where to begin? Well, first off, they were absolutely childhood friends and were practically attached at the hip for years and years. When they finally started dating around mid to late teens, they literally only changed labels and that was it. After a falling out and a messy breakup (and y'know alador getting married to someone else), it seemed like all was lost. after all, they were desperately trying to lessen contact with stark animosity between them. but after the day of unity, everything changed. with character arcs and divorce papers galore and maybe they began on speaking terms. and then friendly terms. and then back to where they were before, bickering like an old married couple. and then *being* an old married couple. yeah. gotta love the magical slime dilfs ◡̈
They’re just. SO CUTE!! Hunter develops a crush on Willow first. When they first met, he was just looking to recruit more people into the emperor’s coven, and he thought she and some others would be a good fit. They played flyer derby together (a sport in the demon realm), and it was the first time he’d actually been able to have fun with people his age. His original plan was still in play so Willow and the others on the team got taken and put into custody so they could be put into the emperor’s coven. However, at this point Hunter felt incredibly bad. In the end, he broke the rules and got them out of there. He was prepared to be hated, but Willow and the others forgave him. I think at this point is when he started developing feelings for her. This guy, who talks so much people can see through his disguises because of his voice, will get SO quiet and blushy when she’s nearby. He knew there was an illusion when the illusion acted scared and shy because he saw her as the strong, courageous witch she is. She saw his cringe outfits and cosplay and took a picture for her scrapbook and called it a look. She winked at him and he blushed and smiled this goofy smile. When she finally broke down after trying to keep a brave face for the others, he comforted her. I think somewhere around here she started developing feelings too. They held hands!!! She said “you mean a lot to me too”!!! They mean so much to me.
NONBINARY REPRESENTATION DISABILITY REPRESENTATION TOGETHER AND HAPPY IN THE END They met as kids and got along from the start. They barely knew each other and still defied the orders of a representative of the EMPEROR so they wouldn't fight each other (they literally DANCED on the face of authority together. They eventually became lovers and broke up. Many years later found each other again and still loved each other so so much. I'm gonna repeat myself, but a disabled, chronically ill character and a nonbinary carachter have a friends to lovers story with a happy ending in a DISNEY ANIMATION. What else could you want?
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Mr. Sholmes,
Thank you!
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Perhaps, Susato-san and I can interest you in Udon and dango? We often serve them during Harvest Moon. As you know, we don’t serve turkey, squash, peas or carrots, being we don’t raise much livestock or grow those kinds of vegetables in my homeland. We mostly grow rice, soy, ginger, onions, Chinese cabbage, spinach, Japanese pumpkins and other vegetables not grown in Europe or Americas.
(Talk about cultural and climate differences.)
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We do have festivals in our homeland we often go to. They’re quite enjoyable. I’m sure they’re having a jolly ol’ time right now. We should make time to go celebrate once we head to Japan
(I miss home already.)
- Ryunosuke Naruhodo
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icaberries · 6 months
What if the Vinsmokes were in the Wano Arc?
Go read Part 1 here but TL;DR the Vinsmokes regain their ability to feel emotions and escape Germa with Sanji and the Strawhats.
Mostly headcanons with a side of canon plot.
They’re still modded physically, but now their pain receptors are active so they’re dealing with the ramifications of years of neglecting their body. Ichiji is partially blind from using Valkyrie, Niji has burn marks all over his body, and Yonji has chronic pain in his wrists. It's a struggle, but they feel like they deserve it after all the torment they inflicted.
Ichiji comes across traditional tattoo shops in Wano and decides to get new tattoos on a whim. The ‘1’ tattoo he had before had been his first rebellion against his father and now that he’s free he wants to add more to it. He gets tattoos for all his siblings along his other arm—a pink butterfly for Reiju, a blue lightning bolt for Niji, a green clover for Yonji and a yellow sun for Sanji. It helps to ground him when the Feelings™ get overwhelming and reminds him that he’s not alone in this world. 
The drama in Shokugeki no Sanji with Sanji’s soba stall still happens, only this time he’s backed up by the rest of his siblings who glares at the soba competitors in submission. 
Reiju is first in line when the soba stall officially opens. She’d had to fight her brothers and the Strawhats for it. Robin is a close second but only because Reiju was distracted by her. If you know what I mean ;) 
The handcuffs left marks on Sanji’s wrists. Surprisingly, it’s Niji who asks why Sanji’s hands are so precious to him and Sanji tells them about Baratie and Zeff. There’s something about the sparkle in Sanji’s eyes as he talks that draws them in, the way he speaks so highly and softly about his found family on the East Blue. They wonder, if somewhere down the line, Sanji would speak about them with that same fond tone. 
Niji gifts Sanji a pair of dark brown leather gloves, long enough to cover the marks on his wrist. Sanji wears it to the raid and Niji is quite proud of it and claims he must be Sanji's favorite brother now. Until Ichiji chimes in and says that Sanji’s hairstyle as Stealth Black/Soba Mask is more similar to his and confidently declares himself as Sanji’s favorite brother. Ichiji and Niji argue for hours.  
(It’s actually Yonji who's the favorite. Sanji only has one little brother and he’s got a soft spot for him.) 
Just imagine Law, Basil Hawkins and X Drake watching Soba Mask. Now imagine them seeing a group of brightly-colored siblings cheering on Soba Mask, while they themselves look like Sparking Red, Electric Blue, Wench Green and Poison Pink. It’s a good day to be a North Blue fanboy in Wano. 
They witness Sanji awakening his modifications and for a brief moment they’re happy that Sanji caught up to them like he always wanted, until they see the horrified look on Sanji’s face. He looks so afraid to turn out like them, to the point that he’d ask his own crewmate (Zoro) to take him down if he ever ended up like them. They’re not even mad. They’re just sad and guilty that Sanji felt that way. 
There’s a brief lull in the battle and Reiju pulls her brothers aside to tell them about their mother and her sacrifice. She told Sanji that story so he’d remember that his life was worth living and being kind. Now she’s telling the same story to Ichiji, Niji and Yonji so they can remember the same thing. Sora wanted them to live and be good. 
After his fight with Queen, the brothers hug it out. Reiju may or may not have taken a picture.
Right after that, the brothers now hug Reiju! Because she deserves it alright! Years of pretending for Judge, of keeping her brother's in check and dealing with their mother's death, Reiju did her best to be there for all of them. Now she gets to see her little brothers grow up into the good people their mother wanted them to be and she can finally stop pretending. She can be herself again <3
(I love Reiju sm yall but that's just the eldest daughter syndrome talking)
The road to redemption is paved with triumphs and stumbles. It’s just fortunate for them that Sanji has a good sense of direction. 
Yonji continues to cement himself as the favorite when he calls Chuji the cutest thing in the world and proceeds to share his snacks with the little guy. Niji and Ichiji never stood a chance. Little brother is strong and is hitting all of Sanji's buttons.
The worst part of regaining emotions though? It’s not the gooey mushy feelings of love, or the cold guilt and shame over their past mistakes, it’s the annoyance they now feel whenever they witness Roronoa Zoro flirt with their oblivious brother. They can’t stand him. Unfortunately, he makes Sanji happy so they’re forced to seethe on the sidelines while Zoro picks another fight/flirting session with Sanji. 
Reiju doesn’t tell them that it’s not just Zoro they have to worry about. Trafalgar Law keeps finding an excuse to check Sanji over for his “health”, a jaguar mink keeps asking him out to smoke together, don’t even get her started on Basil Hawkins and X Drake asking her for her blessing. That’s not even counting Sanji’s other suitors who aren’t in Wano right now. Their baby brother is quite the popular guy.
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oni28 · 1 year
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July 2023 Recipe_Soba
[Recipe Information]
※ Need Recipe Pack Mod Latest Version (23.07.05 version) ※
1, 4, 8 serve
Category : Meals
Cooking Level_03
Vegetarian-safe, Lactose free. It is a Japanese dish where noodles made of buckwheat flour are dipped in cold soy sauce.
Required Ingredients for 1 serve : Soy Sauce(1), Buckwheat Noodle(1)
Required Ingredients for 4 serve : Soy Sauce(2), Buckwheat Noodle(3), Laver Packed(2)
Required Ingredients for 8 serve : Soy Sauce(3), Buckwheat Noodle(5), Laver Packed(3)
Lots challenge 'Simple Living' Compatible.
All ingredients are optional
Soy Sauce, Buckwheat Noodle, Laver Packed can be download here. 
Korean (by_oni)
English (by_oni)
-Don’t re-upload
(Latest patch compatible)
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Public Released on July 31st, 2023 (KST)
Download (Patreon)
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
With respect to your mod wishes, my take is about to use a ton of analogies and no names. Hope you can catch my drift.
I think it’s always been fairly obvious top ramen partnered up with soba noodles to help launch soba to the industry. Ramen also needed a rebrand but this was the wrong rebrand but that’s a whole other convo.
All of the articles that come out about ramen include soba or post soba as some part of the promo.
Yet when soba is promoting something they’re trying to have them stand alone, without mentioning ramen or without including ramen.
That’s been intentional for a while.
Ramen fans are so upset that they just want ramen and keep getting unwanted ads about soba - but they need to realize soba NEEDs ramen. Not the other way around. That’s why wherever ramen is soba needs to be mentioned.
That’s why you’re seeing a solo soba ad tonight. They want to see if soba can get endorsements by itself and get ppl interested and wanting to buy more noodles.
Never mind that it’s full of sodium and doesn’t taste great and is bland (I’m not talking about the actual food here we’re saying analogies hahaha)
Ps. I feel like your cookie jar is dodger 😂
You make some great points about these noodles, anon!
I love all this, and I think you’re on the right track.
Dogs do love me!
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sobamoyashiart · 2 years
Hello everyone!!! You can call me "Soba Moyashi" or "Soba", I'm 18 and I'm just an artist for my fandoms, D.Gray-man and The Henry Stickmin Collection. Besides, I also draw my fav characters or ships in games/mangas which I'm not in fandoms (Sonic the Hedgehog, FNAF, Spy x Family, Kocchi Muite Miiko, Ai Kora, No.6, FNF Soft mod) and recently I'm interested in Sonic.exe so maybe I'll draw it later ✨
If you are interested in my fanarts, contents about my fav characters/ships, fandoms, you can follow me!!! I'll be so happy if you like and support me!!! Thanks for reading!!! Have a nice day everyone!!! 💞💞💞💓✨
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azuhrasims · 9 months
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Horchata and Soba are busy making friends with one another, apparently? Good for them. Also, with Spinning Plumbob's Unicorn mod installed, unicorns deliver rainbow poos and I am both amused a delighted. Rainbow poo fertilizer for everyone!
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bl4cktourmaline · 9 months
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ᵎᵎ 📳 modena🎨 is calling.. | ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
꒷꒦︶︶⬩ ︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶⬩︶︶꒦꒷
Hai I’m Ena but my name is Mango!
୨♡୧ Pronouns:
❅ She/They
୨♡୧ Age:
❅ 12-16
୨♡୧ Hobbies:
❅ Drawing, Writing, Making bracelets, baking
୨♡୧ Specialty (chars you write well for):
❅ Tsukasa (probs add more later)
୨♡୧ Favourite food :
❅ sabritones or hot fries :3
୨♡୧ Least Favourite food :
❅ Many pastas (love alfredo doe)
୨♡୧ Favourite Color :
❅ Pink
୨♡୧ Favourite PJSK character :
❅ Tsukasa + all nightcord chars!
୨♡୧ Characters I Kin :
❅ Misturi (KNY), Himari (Doughnuts under a cresent moon), Mei (Turning Red)
୨♡୧ Genre tastes :
❅ Fluff, Angst
୨♡୧ Fav music :
❅ Rock, J-pop, K-pop, pop
୨♡୧ Fav mangas :
❅ Doughnuts under a Crescent Moon, The Summer You Were There, KNY
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ᵎᵎ 📳 modmafuyu🎼 is calling... | ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
꒷꒦︶︶⬩ ︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶⬩︶︶꒦꒷
Hi-nya𝅘𝅥𝅮 I'm Mod Mafuyu, otherwise known as 'X'!
୨♡୧ Pronouns :
❅ She/her
୨♡୧ Age:
❅ 16
୨♡୧ Hobbies :
❅ Gaming, Baking, Drawing & Singing
୨♡୧ Specialty(which character you write especially well for) :
❅ Nene + All of N25
୨♡୧ Favourite food :
❅ Soba + Salmon + Ice-cream!
୨♡୧ Least Favourite food :
❅ Spicy food
୨♡୧ Favourite Color :
❅ Purple and Blues~
୨♡୧ Favourite PJSK character :
❅ Nene and Mafuyu
୨♡୧ Characters I kin(Top 3) :
❅ I kin a lot of people, however I do think my highest kins are Nene, Ena and either Mizuki/Honami
୨♡୧ Genre tastes :
❅ Horror, Thriller, Fantasy and especially mystery!! I like anything sad too/hj
୨♡୧ Music :
❅ Pop, C-pop, J-pop
୨♡୧ Fav music artists :
❅ Roan Lee, Miori Celesta, Nerissa Ravencroft, Rachie, PinocchioP, DECO*27, Hachi and Ado. I love too many.
୨♡୧ Fav Animes :
❅ Kimetsu no Yaiba, No Game No Life, Gakkou Gurashi! And Mieruko-chan
୨♡୧ Fav Games :
❅ Genshin Impact, Path to Nowhere, Reverse 1999, Tears of Themis, PJSK
୨♡୧ Funfacts :
❅ I am formally known as 'Xilyks' on tumblr. I went on hiatus for exams but when I came back I was more interested in PJSK. Then I thought 'why not kidnap some friends to write with me?'' If you were an old follower of mine. Hello!<3
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ᵎᵎ 📳 modmizuki⛩️ is calling... | ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
꒷꒦︶︶⬩ ︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶⬩︶︶꒦꒷
(。・ω・)ノ゙ Hello
hii hii!!, I'm Mod Mizuki! I'm also known as "Yue" nice to meet youuu !! (*゚▽゚)ノ
୨♡୧ Pronouns :
❅ She/her
୨♡୧ Age:
❅ 20+
୨♡୧ Hobbies :
❅ Gaming, Writing, Reading & Listening to Music
୨♡୧ Specialty(which character you write especially well for) :
❅ Mostly male characters but I can do some girl ones if I want to be... creative enough (・∀・)
୨♡୧ Favourite food :
❅ Spicy Foods, Noodles, Fries and Waffles
୨♡୧ Least Favourite food :
❅ Vegetables (funny enough, my code color is green) ( ゚∀゚)アハハ
୨♡୧ Favourite Color :
❅ Purple, White, Blue and Light Green
୨♡୧ Favourite PJSK character :
❅ Toya, Rui, An & Shizuku
୨♡୧ Characters I kin(Top 3) :
❅ Honestly, I like everyone equally but hmm...I think my top kin is probably Rui, Touya and either Nene/Kohane
୨♡୧ Genre tastes :
❅ Pop Music, Rock & Jazz
୨♡୧ Fav music artists :
❅ Reol, Eve, Aimer, Milet, Give Heart Records & Amalee
୨♡୧ Fav Animes:
❅ Haikyuu!!, MHA, KNY, The Rising Of The Shield Hero & Jujutsu Kaisen
୨♡୧ Fav Games :
❅ Genshin impact, Honkai Star Rail, Tears of Themis, Ensemble Stars, Reverse: 1999, Xenoblade Chronicles 2&3, Persona 4&5 and Fire Emblem Three Houses
୨♡୧ Fun Facts :
❅ I start writing at the age of 12 so I'm constantly trying to find a way to improve my writing skills!
❅ I named myself as yue which is like the front face for darker and unhingedness side of me which happened often, yui for my cheesy and daydreamer part and yua for my rambling writer personality...did you notice only one letter is changed?
❅ I absolutely love folklores especially japanese folklores!! You might see a lot of references to those folklore in the future!
❅ I'm the graphic designer for those banners and headers you see here and no I don't have an degree for it but I start editing when I was still using wattpad! I'm also the editor for this blog, I want to make the blog look appealing and easy for you to navigate through!
❅ X actually kidnapped me into working together with her and mango (they are my precious friends 💕) when I was telling her one of my stories draft and that's where we are now~
❅ I mostly write yandere as less violent as most yandere that being portrayed as most bloody and unhinged killers on the media, it's meaning of the term, yan is sick and dere is love then you get lovesick! I want to be unique and tried to match the yandere traits with the existing personality of the character so I hope you enjoy my stories~
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tsuki-sennin · 10 months
It's the final episode of the Desire Grand Prix. ...at least, until it's time for crossovers. On which side does the Armed Hammer of justice fall? Will we stick the landing? Either way, 2000+ years of reality TV ends here.
Saa... koko kara highlight ga.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Staring down the barrel. Unflinching.
-"Do it."
-Tanuki soba tiiiiime~!
-Gotta love the copyright free Spotify Neon uses.
-God, it astonishes me how someone can dance in pumps.
-Oh, hey there Ziin.
-That fucking coin again.
-A going from Rome to Japan reminds me a lot of Greco-Buddhist syncretism.
-Hi there, Tsumuri.
-What was that about, eh?
-How could you ever forget a man like Ace?
-Michinaga :)
-You shot a man stone dead, Tsumuri-neechan.
-Hello, Kromer.
-Oh shush, you're barely even a character.
-"There is no such thing as Geats anymore."
-Holy shit, he killed his entire fanbase.
-Ace is dead.
-As he would've wanted however, nobody stops on his account.
-"Thank you, neesan <3"
-Off he goes to heaven.
-Valiant effort Michinaga, but your new form's in a V-Cine, so...
-Oh and we're reduced to absolutely nothing.
-Really love all the quiet whiplash of these shrine scenes.
-This is the good shit right here...
-A simple wish.
-Boost! And! Magnum~!
-Somebody's got their last episode original form power-up.
-"Oh by the way, I'm actually God now."
-I remember that bit in the Bible when Jesus rode in on a motorcycle and shot Herod in the face.
-"My disciples. Dream a dream so big it becomes a miracle!"
-Ohhhh, their forms! It's them!
-Sorry Suel, it looks like you've already lost.
-This is exactly how I wanted this finale's big fight to go.
-Literal God-modding.
-This is so bullshit, I love it.
-God has become.
-And now the Dawn Game has commenced.
-Now everybody has a chance~!
-"Hmm. This kinda sucks."
-Thanks, Papa Giroli.
-Sorry about that, Samas. You're out of a job now.
-Ironic. Keiwa railed so hard against the gods before, and yet...
-That Ace... jerkin' us around up till the very end
-Humanity's very own navigator, Tsumuri-neechan!
-Ohhhhhhh... that's the song from Movie Battle Royale
-Win :)
-Oh, Daichi... it seems Archimedel's got something living on inside you.
-He's a true buffalo up to the end, huh?
-What a
-Sara-neesan's got reasonable goals.
-Oh! Kyuun!
-Guess you're havin' a good time.
-Ah damn. Well, if that's what you want Neon.
-World peace!
-Man, I'd love to know what all those wishes say...
-Hey, God? Can you look out for that Gotchard kid? He's clearly gonna need it!
-Oh! He's already starting, huh?
-Whatever issues I may have with Geats, even more will inevitably pop up in hindsight, goddamn this ending heals the soul.
-Big ups to absolutely everybody who worked on this show.
-Be sure to join me again in a few weeks when we watch Kamen Rider Gotchard~! See you around, everybody~!
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daddysuguru · 1 year
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name : geto suguru
age : 34
height : 6’3
occupation : curse user. a pain in the ass for gojo satoru
likes : money, curses, zaru soba, disinfectants and you, pretty baby.
dislikes : humans and mahito…
IMPORTANT - mod is 20 years of age. i repeat. mod is 20 years of age.
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thank you all for your patience! here's our updated bracket:
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(the typed-out list of match-ups can be found under the cut)
sorry if your ship didn't make it in btw. we made our selections based on number of submissions + strength of propaganda and these were the ones that made the cut
a reminder of the rules because we want this tournament to be a fun & safe space for everyone:
be respectful to the other voters and to us mods. supporting your fave(s) is encouraged, but we will NOT tolerate any hate towards other ships. anything from "wreck those twinks" to slurs and hate speech will get you blocked IMMEDIATELY, no questions asked or chances given. if you have nothing nice to say to/about your opponent then literally don't say anything at all; just vote and scream for your blorbos then MOVE ON. there are better things to do than being toxic about some pixels online.
a ship being canon does not make it "superior" and a ship not being canon does not make it "inferior". comments like "XX ship is canon therefore it's better than YY ship" will also get you blocked immediately. we let headcannoned ships in so more people can indulge in silly blorbo fun, don't ruin it.
propaganda is encouraged! preferably do it in the text of a reblog of the relevant poll, but sending it via an ask is also an option
-mod deli 🎀
4. also propaganda in the form of fanart, fics, and memes are also encouraged! (just specifying this to make it clear)
-mod soba 🍜
Amalia/MC (It Lives Within) vs Keanyx (Boy Girlfriend)
Tasutsumu (A3!) vs Zenyuki (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Makoharu (Free!) vs Soma (Soul Eater)
Rahulanjali (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai) vs Dexer (Jackson's Diary)
Eulamber (Genshin Impact) vs Polyneed (Project Sekai)
Darlapple (Ever After High) vs Joon Hyung/Bok Joo (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo)
Sasuke/Mai (Ikemen Sengoku) vs Fuyupoly (A3!)
Aviskull (Coroika Splatoon) vs Sourin (Free!)
Iruclarazz (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) vs Sunnflower (Omori)
Sidyonk (Legend of Zelda TOTK) vs Rex/Nia/Pyra/Mythra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and 3)
Adrienette (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Sorikai (Kingdom Hearts)
Narlie (Heartstopper) vs Courfius (Les Miserables)
Junnana (Revue Starlight) vs Alanna/George (Song of the Lioness)
Walter/Millie (Free Guy) vs Kuroken (Haikyuu!!)
Soriku (Kingdom Hearts) vs Scarlet/Chase/Brook (I'm the Grim Reaper)
Adrigaminette (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Tigatron/Airazor (Transformers: Beast Wars)
Chrobin (Fire Emblem Series) vs KohaAi (Ensemble Stars)
Seeley/Temperance (Bones) vs Kidkiller (One Piece)
Boyf Riends (Be More Chill the Musical) vs Avocados at Law (Daredevil)
Patcap (BBC Ghosts) vs Tankana (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Buddie (9-1-1) vs Kenhina (Haikyuu!!)
Renga (Sk8 the Infinity) vs Fitzsimmons (Agents of SHIELD)
Danny/Sam (Danny Phantom) vs Huntlow (The Owl House)
Aridante (Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe) vs Ikesoren (Fire Emblem Series)
Karmisa (Assassination Classroom) vs Gwiles (Spiderverse)
Catradora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Bumbleby (RWBY)
Olivia/Victoria (Rainbow High) vs Tododeku (Boku No Hero Academia)
Zosan (One Piece) vs Byler (Stranger Things)
Hidekane (Tokyo Ghoul) vs Mawee (Drawn to Life)
Knighthouse (Emma by Jane Austen) vs Percabeth (Riordanverse)
Kirk/Spock (Star Trek) vs Ellemmett (Legally Blonde the Musical)
Jiglup (Lupin the Third) vs Raeda (The Owl House)
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termosemineupellet573 · 6 months
Incalzire eficienta cu termosemineu pellet
Semineul poate indeplini un rol functional, dar si unul estetic in casa ta. In plus, poate fi incadrat intr-un spatiu rustic, dar si in unul modern sau clasic. Semineul se poate construi intr-un colt al camerei sau chiar pe mijlocul peretelui si poate fi transformat intr-o adevarata opera de arta, prin modul in care alegi sa il plachezi. Acest lucru se poate realiza cu piatra naturala, marmura, samota, caramida, fonta sau sticla. Semineul este o structura destinata incalzirii livingului, insa poate avea si un rol strict decorativ. Multi proprietari de locuinte il aleg pentru atmosfera primitoare pe care o creeaza.
Alege cele mai bune seminee Suceava
Pentru inceput despre aceste sobe pe lemne, va putem spune ca sunt folosite cu precadere in zona de nord-est Europei, si exista din acest motiv si sobe ce poarta anumite denumiri, precum soba ruseasca, sobele de teracota, sau semineele finlandeze. Oamenii s-au adaptat in timp in ceea ce priveste eficienta lor, si datorita acestui fapt, acestea au fost modificate in permanenta pentru a obtine maxim de caldura, fara ca acest lucru sa insemne folosirea resurselor intr-un mod ridicat cantitativ. Un alt obiectiv in ceea ce le priveste, este faptul ca acestea vor trebui sa aiba o pierdere minima a caldurii, pentru ca folosirea eficienta a sobei sa produca caldura dorita pe care mai apoi sa o distribuie in intreaga incapere.
Motive pentru a achizitiona un termosemineu lemn
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Referitor la tipurile de camin a unui semineu, putem spune ca sunt deschise si inchise. De cele mai multe ori semineele vechi au camin deschis, ceea ce inseamna ca permit utilizatorilor sa se bucure din plin de flacarile focului. Se va simti mirosul, zgomotul lemnelor, si de asemenea caldura. Acest tip de semineu cu un focar deschis este ideal pentru a fi utilizat ocazional. Multe persoane opteaza pentru acest tip de semineu in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea si sunt pe deplin multumite de tot ceea ce ofera. In cazul in care sunteti in cautarea unor informatii suplimentare despre seminee si termoseminee, puteti lua in calcul varianta de a va informa din mediul online. Aici veti gasi mereu informatii si detalii multiple despre aceste produse. De asemenea, este important sa va asigurati de faptul ca veti lua decizia potrivita in ceea ce priveste selectia semineelor pentru casa dumneavoastra. Nu este deloc dificil sa luati decizia potrivita in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea unui semineu. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti este sa tineti cont de cerintele si dorintele pe care le aveti, in ceea ce priveste functionabilitatea si partea estetica. Avand aceste chestiuni importante in vedere, atunci va fi mult mai usor sa luati decizia potrivita in ceea ce priveste selectia si achizitionarea.
Este foarte important sa va asigurati de faptul ca veti achizitiona corect un semineu Romania. Numai in cazul in care veti colabora cu o firma specializata in comercializarea acestor produse, aveti ocazia de a primi calitatea dorita si de a va bucura de toate beneficiile oferite. In acest sens, este de asemenea indicat sa tineti cont de parerile unor persoane specializate in ceea ce inseamna aceste produse, pentru a gasi varianta optima de selectie. Despre semineu, putem spune ca este un element cu dublu rol, si putem aminti in acest sens de rolul decorativ, sid e cel de incalzire, fiind tot mai utilizat in casele romanilor. Referitor la aceasta structura destinata incalzirii, putem spune ca va crea in orice locuinta o atmosfera calda, eleganta si care o va innobila. Un semineu va asigura caldura necesara pentru o camera a unei locuinte, insa se intalnesc si cazuri in care este utilizat pentru a incalzi mai multe camere a unei locuinte, in functie de necesitatile avute. Semineele pot fi placata cu diferite materiale, in functie de stilul amenajarii interioare. In acest sens, cel maid es regasim semineele placate cu piatra naturala sau marmura, dar si cele construite din samota, caramida sau fonta cu usa din sticla. Acestea sunt foarte apreciate de catre utilizatori si ofera avantaje multiple pe perioada utilizarii. In functie de preferintele pe care le aveti, veti descoperi varianta optima de achizitionare.
Cu siguranta un termosemineu Romania este foarte importante pentru buna functionare a unui semineu, si va trebui sa luati mereu decizia optima in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea. In acest sens, pentru ca un semineu sa isi atinga nivelul maxim de performanta si giguranta, este important sa optati pentru un cos de fum din inox sau ceramic, avand o calitate superioara. Doar astfel, veti avea la dispozitie avantaje multiple pe perioada utilizarii. Cosurile de fum din inox se remarca de asemenea prin gradul ridicat de flexibilitate, ceea ce inseamna ca sunt mai usor de fabricat, si se pot regasi in diferite variante si dimensiuni. Instalarea se poate face intr-un mod facil, insa este de asemenea important sa colaborati doar cu firme specializate in acest sens, pentru a primic alitatea si siguranta dorita pe perioada utilizarii. Odata ce veti avea in vedere aceste caracteristici ale cosurilor de fum aveti ocazia de a gasi optiunea potrivita in momentul achizitionarii. Totodata, este recomandat sa optati pentru cosurile de fum din inox si datorita faptului ca acestea propun o rezistenta mai mare in ceea ce privesc precipitatiile, si reactiile chimice ce pot aparea in mediul extern, ca urmare a unor fenomene meteorologice. De asemenea, inoxul se comporta foarte bine si la caldura produsa de o soba sau de un semineu.
Cele mai bune solutii de incalzire prin pardoseala
Exista posibilitati multiple in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea unui termosemineu Suceava, fiind indicat sa tineti cont de aspectele importante in acest sens pentru a va asigura de faptul ca veti lua decizia potrivita. O companie specializata in acest domeniu va poate ajuta foarte mult, si veti avea mereu la dispozitie informatii complete pentru a lua cea mai potrivita decizie. Exista multe companii in acest domeniu, insa va trebui sa va asigurati de faptul ca o veti selecta pe cea mai potrivita. Este foarte important sa tinem cont de toate aspectele in momentul in care urmeaza sa alegem un semineu. In functie de forma focarului acesta poate influenta forma si pozitionarea acestuia. Despre semineele cu forme dreptunghiulare, putem spune ca sunt recomandate pentru a fi amplasate in campul unui perete. O alta varianta ideala pentru achizitionare este reprezentata de deschiderea pe doua laturi invecinate, deoarece pozitionarea poate fi una ideala. In vederea achizitionarii unor seminee, este foarte important sa tineti cont de toate aspectele importante pentru a lua decizia potrivita in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea. Referitor la semineele cu forme prismatice, putem spune ca se recomanda a fi amplasate in colturile incaperilor. Tinand cont de aceste detalii, veti lua deciziile potrivite in ceea ce priveste achizitionarea, montarea si instalarea unor seminee.
Eficienta unor termoseminee Carinci Romania
Seminee cu aprindere electrica. Sunt modele avansate, simplu de montat si utilizat, care permit accesarea unui numar mare de functii, ca afisajul digital, incalzirea cu termostat, efectele de flacara. In timp ce sobele clasice, de teracota, functioneaza dupa principiul radiatiei (acumuleaza si radiaza caldura), semineul functioneaza, de obicei, prin convectie (incalzirea si circularea aerului din incapere, care este transmis catre tavan, podea si zonele mai indepartate). Un caz special este cel al semineelor pe lemne, care folosesc ambele principii de incalzire, radiatia si convectia. Daca alegi un focar pe lemne, modelele cu dubla combustie sunt cea mai buna alegere, atunci cand se urmareste performanta acestora. Sau, in cazul in care nu ai gasit o alta solutie pentru incalzirea apei din locuinta, poti alege un tip de semineu cu boiler incorporat, cum sunt unele modele cu ardere pe peleti.
Exista de asemenea si seminee de decor ce pot indeplini doar un rol ornamental. Despre aceste seminee putem spune ca sunt formate doar dintr-un cadru si o rama, ce pot fi construite chiar si din rigips. In functie ce derintele si preferintele pe care le aveti, veti descoperi cu siguranta in momentul achizitionarii exact ceea ce va intereseaza. Spunem acest lucru deoarece gama acestor produse este una foarte variata. De asemenea, clasificarea semineelor se poate face si in functie de combustibilul utilizat in ceea ce priveste alimentarea. In acest sens, putem aminti de semineele ce functioneaza pe baza de combustibil solid, semineele pe gaz, semineele electrice, sau cele bio. Trebuie sa tineti cont de cerintele si necesitatile pe care le aveti in ceea ce priveste utilizarea unui semineu, pentru a lua cea mai potrivita decizie in momentul achizitionarii. Puteti lua in calcul chiar si optiunea online de achizitionare. Modeul clasic de semineu, este cel cu focarul deschis, insa acesta nu are o putere la fel de mare in ceea ce priveste incalzirea unei locuinte. Acesta are un aspect aparte, deoarece focul va arde liber in vatra si poate fi observat cu usurinta, insa nu va fi utilizat la fel de des. In cazul unui semineu de acest tip, cu focar deschis, fumul va fi evacuat prin cos, ceea ce inseamna ca este mai periculos decat in cazul semineului cu focar deschis.
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be nice to booboo or face consequences
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incorrectknaquotes · 4 years
Thoth: Why are you competing in our cooking show today?
Takeru: Zeus banned gladiator matches yet I yearn for glory in the arena
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
Ramen anon here: LOVE that you’re still using the analogies! I also love periodically coming back to your blog to see your fun and lively posts as well. You and your anons do make me laugh.
I just have some questions. For anyone really:
If cup of noodles was invited to the GQ event then why not bring his own bf (who styled them) or even his other BFF Ribeye? Since you know, they’re both local and live nearby and were also there helping them get ready for the show.
Instead, soba came all the way back from her new country America to be his plus one. Love that she ignored the film festival with a movie she was in (this would have made sense to show up for since you are an “actor”) but shows up for this.
Or maybe she was the one invited because she’s so important now! And she invites cup as her plus one even though the only reason she’s even relevant to anything is because she married ramen - who, BTW, oddly enough wasn’t there or didn’t seem to have been invited. (He was the who actually got a GQ spread and cover? Weird) also…he is her husband according to 527474 tabloids and Wikipedia? And the same tabloids post about her being married to him but use photos where she’s with cup instead? (LOL)
And what happened to her being with him 24/7 in their super secret house that designers on IG have to hide and lie about the location? So on the weekend where there’s a big American family holiday she’s in a different country. Or like. He was in her country like two weeks before but couldn’t stay to be her date to the event that’s so important she had to miss his favorite holiday for. Or maybe. She stayed for this event and he went home to celebrate the holiday with his family. Which means she prioritized cup over ramen and her new in laws, which is interesting no matter how you look at it.
Lastly - remember some people were saying he was there in her country buying a place for them or staying at a place they rented for them? So why is she always getting ready at cup a noodles house then? Does she even have her own place to go to? (Don’t answer that - I don’t want to see any photoshops of her into Zillow images)
No matter how you look at this, not all or most of it makes any real logical sense. You can explain it as away as private but I think there’s private and then there’s…phony.
Im kidding. Well, maybe not completely.
Love ya, mod!
Just because I love you, Mrs. Pasta, I’m going to post this last one, because you do pose some interesting questions. I’m still of the mind that it was cup of noodles event, and it didn’t look like he enjoyed sharing the spot light with soba at one point. But maybe he had an upset tummy from too much sodium. And with that article and saying she didn’t have anything to promote, but cup of noodles had a video showing during the event, that tells me what I need to know.
Was she at cup of noodles house? There seemed like there was an awful lot of girls clothes in the background. But of course, that was stories, so they’re gone now. Ehh, this high sodium noodles are boring though. The best part of that pairing was that super shiny watch. Did you see how much it glistened?
I will say it was weird, but I guess there’s plenty of reasons as to why it was weird. I’ll just say…it was weird, and not as shiny as that watch.
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