#mod mick speaks
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fleeglefazbeagle · 4 months ago
Here's a random thought I had the other day regarding the debate involving SH Tails:
WARNING: I get kinda angry and I WILL rant since that's what this is, you've been warned and please, no fighting for the love of God.
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You know how this got started because of that Real or Cake vid with the Opera GX promo?
Well, I bet ya if they did this with Man vs Train or Luigi's Lament, there wouldn't be as big as an uproar.
However, since this involves SH Tails who's one of the most popular characters on Mashed's channel and given how he's a bit different animation and personality wise, well...
Speaking of which, time for a rant, yippee./neg
I find it funny how long before TSAA part 3 came out, a lot of people were wishing that SH Tails came back in a video but when he returned in that video, a lot of people were happy, sure but there were a small few folks that weren't as happy.
Considering this was during the time when Friday Night Funkin exists and especially considering that SH Tails was supposed to appear in VS Sonic.exe mod(which was cancelled) and actually appeared in the FNF: Secret Histories mod demo, a few folks were not happy with how SH Tails was drawn considering how he now has claws and is a lanky bastard.
(Way to insult the current animator for the series...😒)
The other thing was he sounded a bit different and some came to the conclusion that it's a different voice actor(it was NOT, it's still Mick) mainly because the tone and the slight softness.
Here's the thing about that, Mick is in his 40's, you can't expect him to constantly scream in a shrill voice, think about his poor throat!
Some folks went on to say that the current version and the OG version are not the same person which is bullshit because they are.
That's like saying that the OG Goku and the current Goku are not the same person or saying that classic SpongeBob and modern SpongeBob are not the same person. :(
Come to think of it, this whole thing gives "Classic SpongeBob vs Modern SpongeBob", technically.
Lemme explain: The OG SpongeBob was well loved, OG Secret History Tails was well loved, modern SpongeBob while it does have its fans, it's not as liked because it's "not the same", TSA version of SH Tails while it does have its fans, it's not as liked because it's "not the same".
In terms of Opera GX is concerned, you don't HAVE to use it, you can easily wait for the YouTube upload of part 5, don't worry.
The reason why SH Tails is seemingly calmer is because he grew and matured plus, this part is a bit of a stretch on my end, he probably doesn't wanna scare Amy off.
Animation wise, it actually improved overtime and while it's not the same as Zeurel's style, it's still memorable.
You guys are straight up nitpicking with these complaints, you CAN criticize it if ya want, just give ACTUAL criticism rather than just saying "they fell off" or "they're milking it" which, by the way, it's THEIR story, not yours, let them do what they want.
As far as why they didn't get Zeurel to animate the series, well, as the man himself said in a stream, he doesn't work with Mashed anymore since he has his own series called "Monkey Wrench" which you should check out if you like, it's good. :)
Folks would say SH Tails' return was "forced" or "only came back because of Friday Night Funkin" when in reality according to Mashed themselves on a podcast they did, the said that they've been planning on bringing him back since 2018, aka, BEFORE Friday Night Funkin even existed!
Here's the link to the short:
It's perfectly fine if you don't like the current version of SH Tails, just don't be a dick about it and don't act like you know better than Mashed.
To think this whole thing happened again but worse was because of a fucking YouTube short involving the "Real or Cake" trend that promotes the EARLY upload on Opera GX.🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyways, enough of me ranting.
Remember to drink water, take your meds, eat a balanced diet, take care of yourself, stay safe and don't be a jerk.👍🏻
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america-fuckyeah · 1 month ago
Listen up, maggots!
Dark times are approaching - not that I expect a single one of you sissies to know what dark times are, but take it from this old war dog: Things are getting dire, and the only way we can ensure victory, is through the long forgotten art of blogging
Yes, you heard that right. Blogging will water our crops. Blogging will solve the economy. Blogging will ensure no Nazi will take a breath unpunched! In the face!
Yes, indeed. Blogging will not only fix our image with the good people of Tufort, it will also give you, the common man, an opportunity to speak to war heroes long forgotten! I am of course talking about yours truly!
So please, do humor me! Put your little questions in my little box. I'll get back to you, even when I'm on the battle field bleeding out, my own guts in hand, telling myself that I'll make it when I know that God has long forsaken me.
//OOC posts will be marked with double slashes
Mod: @jjackkennedy [she/he] - Same mod as @mundy-mick
Mod is 19 and generally OK with suggestive/NSFW asks, but try to keep it down. Feel free to ship my Soldier with anybody, I have no preferences (Except that I dont like Scout, lol, but everybody else is a-ok). As for now, I have no one blog to ship my soldier with, but if you wanna make it exclusive in any way with your own roleplay blog, do DM me and we can discuss it!! Just please be at least 18 for that, that's my only preference other than no Scouts (nothing against the ship, I just don't care much for any ships with him)
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ultimate-marksman-sniper · 4 months ago
Guess introductions are in order.
G’day everyone. Name’s Sniper. I was roped into some bloody killing game thanks to those “Monosingers.” I was given the Ultimate of Marksman by the lot. I guess questions can be taken. Don’t expect answers to personal questions though.
Run by: @sprinkles-and-misery!!
“#Mundy’s Response” - Questions
“#Off work” - Daily Life
“#On the clock” - Deadly Life
“#Not an average shift” - Trial
“#Mick’s Thoughts” - General talking/RP tag
“#Mod Cookie yaps :/“ - do i have to explain this one???
Typing Styles:
Usually when answering asks, it will be normal from the POV of Sniper.
When in RP, it will change to “quotes for speaking lines” and [brackets for narration]. When names are mentioned they will be in color.
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toxictac · 10 months ago
Ok leaving off from where i left off Descriving a bit of her personaly whise she kinda flirty and arrogant yet kind and compassionate to those in need, however she has a tendecy to get over her head taking on work she can not by herself (due somewhat to her arrogant nature), yet in the end always tries to look out for her found family
speaking of which while im unsure of the characters she would acompony her in her caravan, the mayority would not be your average wastelander, from people with addictions, to the disable, some far more elderly and even a goul, however unlike the legion thinking they posses just like miss scar great abilities of survival, logistics or enginire
i imagine she wouldnt be in new vegas, as in the timeline i imagine for my ocs would be a bit after new vegas... however if i am to indulge a little in self delusion lol
i imagine she would be living outside of freside taking residence in one of the near buildings, there she would have a shop not yet establish with her fellow companions, i could imagine she would have a quest to track some of her other companions that scavaying, most of them would be dead but you can find one of them alive, returning with him would garant you access to the shop and if choose the right words may let you have miss scar as a companion
as a companion she would use her .44 revolver and favor any stronger revolver you give her but would not accept any armor untill further along, as well would have a companion perk that makes any charisma buffs (be by chems or by outfits) also give +1 luck for each charisma buff (counting effects not individual stat rasieses of the buffs)
the shop does not have much in the way on caps but would be a great source of especial ammo and mods and also would also have the abilitie to copy unique items for a high price (over the course of some days), however through your travels with miss scar, you can bring her to certain locations of traders, eventually resulting in her companion questline that will change what they sell on the shop
this would result in the player character having to take in a decition of the future of the caravan
-The first option can be access with good reputation with the ncr, where you can convince the crimson caravan and the gun runners to make a deal with their trader caravan, this would make the shop to get unique rifels and sniper plus some unique ncr armor; this would also get you the perk "Beating red heart", giving you a flat more damage to limbs and incrising your critical chance -The second option would be to side with the kings, they would requiering you to convince mick & ralphs and (optionaly) the atomic atomic wrangler casino, this would make the shop sell unique smgs and pistols (also unique drinks if also siding atomic wrangler) with plus unique clothing with great dt (around the same as light armor); this would also get you the perk "Red diamond diva" that would make allies (including companions) less likely to get crit and your armor and weapons far more durabilitie -The thirth option can be access even before having miss scar as a companion, after the incial quest you can speak to some of the legionare to learn about their escaped slaves and gain a quest of retriving them if you have good reputation with them, after that you can go back and demand to take them into custudy (this can fail into you having to kill them all), either with a medium speech check resulting in you killing some of them untill they surrender or having a high speech (or haivng the terrifing presence perk), after wards you have to wait a few days until miss scar is "reformed", the now called Femela rejoins you as a companion giving you the perk "Black spade cat" making you less likely to get cripple and get crit; as for the shop deppending if you passed the high speech or not, the shop will either be destroyed or be reused by the undercover legion and now slaves, giving you access to unique meele weapons and unique legion armor -The fourth option can be access by convincing the Van Graffs (and then miss scar) to work with the power gangers and (optionaly) with the crimson caravan in secret, this will give you access to unique plasma weapons and explosives (also a far bigger increse in vendor caps if you are working also with the crimson caravan) plus a very strong unique heavy armor; This will also give you the perk "Atomic mushroom clubs" this makes all allies (and companions) more likely to crit and makes enemy armor more likely to break -The fifth options requiers at least good faction reputation with the strip, the omertas and the chairmen, this would let you ask mr. house to let them become an exclusive traders on the strip, if you do this, mr. house will fully take owership over the shop (they wouldnt move to the strip untill the end of the game), afterwards the shop would get unique silent pistols and revolvers plus unique outfits with unique buffs and effects (like a suit that works like the steath suit); this would also earn you the perk "Full house of kings and queens", this would make you deal more damage on a damaged limbs and makes you more likely to crit on weak spots -The sixth, and final option, is abilible if you have good reputation in the strip and have put yes man on the main frame (this outside of the legion being the more easly accesible option), if done so you will get unique laser and big weapons plus a unique power armor; this will also give you "The ace under the throne" this will make you take less damage the more damaged your limbs are and will negate the stats effects of being cripple
after the players decition, the ending of the caravan is determinate by how the faction the player chooses ends by the end of the game; if no faction is choosen the caravan will leave into the wasteland, where they will perish
after doing this quest you will be able to change miss scar equipment and she will be willing to give you a kiss on the cheek, that will give you temporary buff every day for 1 hour, called "good luck charm" that will increse all critical chance 25%
So been a bit, kinda laze around to upload this drawing but yeah
so i been playing fallout new vegas and having fun with it so i decided to draw my character (and weirdly put her an actual name, very unlike me fr)
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so here she is miss scar, gonna make a little section of her lore
So a little backstory, she was a small child from one of the trives caesar legion took over, she was taking very early from her mother (who would be used as slave) through out her young years her younger years, she struggle to fit into the legion, however with time she learn her natural way to lead people and her good luck in some scavenger runs she was foced into by the legion, gain her some favor with her legionare captors she usually was help and help people the legion may have consider weak or a waste of reasurces, like the sick, the old and the disable; often times taking reserves discritely from legioners to give to them or making sure to keep the legionare captors out of their bad side however even with what is far more "cozier" life than other slaves like her, she always took herself the desire to liberate her and her found family out of the reaches of their captors, often distracting the legionares as the more mecanicaly minded figured out how to take their collars off (eventually finding ways of turing them off) it however not be untill the battle of hoover damn with a far less guarded legionare camp, she and fellow slaves would resolute into a escape attempt, in which many slaves died but a small group with her was able to escape running off the legions reach they would find the remaince of what once was a circus, there they would burn their physical and mental ties with the legion, taking on new roles and names, becoming a caravan of traveling merchance with a circous astetic to protect their identeties and distance themself from the atrocities they linger while on the captivity of the legion after a long while they would travel toward west establishing many parnering trades with other caravans, as they eventually return many year after to the mohave dessert
so after all that backstory some final notes
most of my new vegas characters exist after the events of new vegas (around 20 year or so after), so similar to this scar would have been 14 or so when she fled the legion so she is a lot more older than my other characters
another thing, she calls herself scar but her original name with her captors "jokingly" called her was "Femela", mostly to ridiculise her, however she decided the name miss scar for two reasons, first because they are taking on roles she decided on a far more intemidating name than her companions that would also lead to intrigue for custumers (so like an easy conversation starter) but also secondly (and secretly) because the scars that she hides under her distint dress, almost as a reminder of what the legion did to her
distincly she would have a .44 pistol, and while not a fighter she is suprisingly lucky and even more charismatic often using her talk to command and missdirect others with little difficulty
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xluckytheninjax · 4 years ago
SMP Rambles time so I don’t fill Discord up with random crap(tm)
May there be mercy on the souls of all the pets that are gonna die tomorrow - Friend, BeeInnit, Pigza, Squeeks, Mr. Buzzy, Enderchest, Enderpearl, Jjjjjeffrey, Ranbone, whatever Ranboo named his dog. (Unless Ranboo decides to move em all to a safe place beforehand)
Because let’s face it. History is probably gonna repeat itself once more. It truly is a curse. L’manburg’s forever doomed to get blown up until it just doesn’t get built up again anymore. This referring to the place, of course. Though the people ain’t doing too well either.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do have this slight idea that somehow they’re gonna be able to protect it, or partially protect it, orrrr work it out through words, but somebody’s gonna die, and the constant mention of the prison? I think that’s gonna come into play. The favor.
Dream mentioned before that he wanted fake conflict between him and Punz, his most loyal henchman if we’re being honest, and Punz joining the rest shows that it’s in motion. Because Dre said that he’s gonna do something that’ll make everyone hate him, that he’ll have to go into hiding. This is referring to either L’manberg being blown up again, or whoever is getting thrown into the prison, or both. It could honestly be both. or something much much worse.
It’s Dream, Techno and Phil vs Tommy and a bunch of people, of who nobody truly trusts him/is by his side, even Tubbo’s still hurting. Ranboo had a breakdown and won’t know what the hell to do tomorrow. Niki is probably gonna join up with Techno against Tommy because she reckons he’s the reason all of this is happening. Quackity’s no longer part of L’manberg, though I feel that the day he made his whole speech in BBH and Skeppy’s mansion, aaand building Mexican L’manberg/El Rapids that was already the case.
If anybody’s gonna die tomorrow, it’s gonna be Ranboo by the hand of Quackity. Or him protecting Tommy or Tubbo. I doubt either of those two will die canonically, because of storyline and such, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if one died protecting the other. or both dying protecting each other. The other will go apeshit or break completely in the case of one dying. But again, because of storyline, them having to sort out their conflict, aaand what’s planned for the prison (Tubbo ain’t allowed to see it, Tommy didn’t know about it), I doubt either of ‘em will die. I don’t think Quackity or Jack’ll die either. Would be too soon. 
While I do recall Tommy and Techno talking about blowing the community house up off stream during the previous lore stream (Yesterday), Techno’s confusion at there being TNT in the tunnels (Ranboo’s stream from yesterday) gives me the slight suspicion, which is more obvious than not, that it was all a set-up. Dream blowing it up to blame Tommy and lure him out, to get everyone to be even more against Tommy, to get the disc from Tubbo. Even Tubs says he doesn’t think Tommy would do that. Dream said he doesn’t care about anything or anyone. Him getting angry about the community house? It’s all an act (An act within an act, wild). It’s an excuse to cause more problems, because as dear tall boi Ranboo explained, it’s all entertainment to him. To watch people fight. It’s how he stays in power. Causing problems between people, because if they’re only focusing on what the people they’re against are doing, they don’t focus on the true problem, which is the green bastard himself. Dream even went to the poor guy, in the middle of his crisis, to gaslight him, make him believe he did it. 
Ranboo out here being the one with the most sense and of course, he ain’t being listened to.10/10.
Tommy told Tubbo to give the disc, the disc he gave to him originally to show his loyalty and to show he trusts him with his life, to Dream, to show how serious he was being about realizing he became something he didn’t want to be, to show that he wasn’t behind the community house stuff. Tubbo even asked if he was sure. He chose Tubbo over Techno. Techno doesn’t seem to get that Tommy will probably always pick Tubbo over anyone and anything else, even if Tubs wouldn’t do the same, he’s his best friend since the beginning, just like he himself would pick Phil over anything and anyone. Tommy’s loyalty to who’s probably his only true friend on the server is stronger than any brainwash, any manipulation, any war, any betrayal. Tubbo’s loyalty...well, he’s trying, but he’s still hurting. Tommy knows he is. Their lil convo at the end of the streams show that. I doubt tomorrow’s will be any better.
Tubbo stands up for Ranboo against Quackity. I think he feels a bit ‘hmm’ on what to do about him, but so far? He still considers him a friend. Problem is now that Quackity has Ran’s book. And I doubt he’s gonna give it back unless he stupidly leaves it in a chest. That’s...gonna be a problem. Because he isn’t part of L’manberg anymore, he can kill him without any problems or consequences. Quackity being processed by Schlatt really showed there when he said that he wanted Ranboo executed in L’manberg. Similar to how Tubbo was killed - Decorated for his own funeral. Tubbo was right for not standing for it one bit. People seem to not realize that it ain’t a Tubbo villain arc, but a Quackity villain arc.
Ranboo’s not doing well at all holy shit I wanna give him a hug. Having a crisis about who to help because even if he wanted to pick people, not sides, he is ultimately going to have to pick between everyone and the anarchists. I reckon it’s evenly split, those he considers friends. He could either side with Techno, Phil (and possibly Niki) in destroying stuff with Dream, or go against Dream with Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy. He did write down that he’d help the big group, and it makes sense. Even if Phil helped him, and they did have that bit of bonding time with the villager (Orphan), Techno killed him countless times, they tried to run from him multiple times too. Meanwhile, Tubbo has talked to him every time he can, his home and pets are in L’manberg, Tommy took all the blame for Gogy’s house, even took exile on by himself, Tubbo considers him a friend despite learning what happened. Dream’s got him convinced that he blew the community house up, so he’s questioning everything. Tomorrow he’s gonna either stand to the side, or he’s gonna die protecting those of L’manberg and L’manberg itself. And if he takes Dream’s bull to heart, and admits to supposedly blowing it up, he’ll also end up in the prison.
I might be wrong on that, him joining L’manberg, though. Could be the exact opposite. Either way, Jailboo(tm)...probably.
And then of course there’ Niki. Niki’s acting is phenomenal. She says that she tried to be nice and all, but everyone left or betrayed her, so she doesn’t care for any of them anymore. Wilbur blew stuff to smithereens and left (So she still doesn’t know that Wilbur’s dead/Ghostbur). Everyone talks over her. She says that Tommy’s the main cause of the problems lately - Burning Gogy’s house, leaving his exile (thus pissing Dream off more), the community house getting blown up (which wasn’t actually him) and now L’manberg being blown up as well. She even decided that the secret city of peace doesn’t matter anymore, because she’s pretty much against everyone now, it’ll just be a base/library. She even considered joining Techno because he’s against Tommy.
We know for a fact Phil will join Techno because he’s bitter over the house arrest stuff, viva anarchy, and he called Tommy’s tower ‘The traitor tower’. That says a lot by itself. He will probably be cautious though, since he only has one life.
Not sure what Ghostbur will think about this. He’ll...probably be on the same fence as Ranboo orrr he’ll only be concerned for Friend.
Fundy’s got this bigass agenda to kill Dream that is to the same level as Quackity. They both really want him dead. Though, again as dear Ranboo said, they might win tomorrow, but it’ll only be temporary because he will come back. Same with Techno. (Catch me placing bets that Punz’ll be the one to kill/hurt Dream to show his supposed loyalty to the rest).
One thing that’s interesting to me is how Sapnap decided that he’d be joining Dream instead of fighting alongside everyone else. Despite how little Dream cares for him. Despite the stuff El Rapids went through. All of that. I feel like that’s a case where you don’t pick your friend over the rest. Unlike Tommy and Tubbo, who 100% still care for each other, Dream made it clear he cares for nothing and no-one, including his friends. Sapnap even questioned it with...Tommy I think it was? When they released Mars?? Don’t quote me on what stream it was that he questioned stuff. 
I wonder what Puffy thinks about all of this. Not being a L’manbergian. Niki getting angry, being against...pretty much everyone. Reckon that ‘everyone left/betrayed’ includes her? That would be a big oof. Having to fight for a nation that’s doomed to be blown up anyways.
Don’t know too much on the others’ stances about the whole thing. Only Eret was the other one to stream. He did seem to get a bit worried about Ranboo though. And he went to gather supplies ‘n stuff.
I wonder, now that Dream has 2 of 3, what he’s gonna do for the final disc. I wonder if Tommy’s gonna stay stubborn and try to get the discs, or give it up in the name of his friends and country, even everyone on the SMP.
In conclusion, today’s streams were fuckling wild. I am both worried and excited for what’s to come. Pandora’s Vault’s waiting for these bastards and that by itself is just fear.png.
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thelinguaphilelady · 3 years ago
 multilingual youtube list
If you're learning French, Spanish, German, etc. and are of need good stuff to watch...you've come to the right place.
○ observateur
○ les parasites
○ golden moustache
○ mademoisellegloria
○ the doll beauty
○ cyprien
○ norman
○ squeezie
○ innerFrench (he really explains concepts well)
○ damon & jo (they cover other languages apart from french)
○ easyFrench (i recommend this if you've studied beyond basics)
○ the purple palace
○ topito
○ danil le russe
○ max bird
○ hola soy german (warning-he speaks rather fast but has interesting content)
○ superholly
○ easySpanish
○ dreaming spanish
○ jorge de león
○ enchufetv
○ luisito comunica
○ Porta dos Fundos
○ Easy Portuguese (have videos both on Brazil & Portugal)
○ casa surace
○ learn italian with lucrezia
○ just mick (discusses philosophy)
○ tia taylor
○ chioma 
○ easy italian 
○ andrea cerrato
○ seoul mafia (italian living in SK)
○ kurzegsagt (dinge erklärt)
○ learn german with anja 
○ get germanized 
○ thisisvoyce
○ feli from germany
○ Katrin Berndt
○ fun swedish
○ erik edler 
○ tänk till
○ nackagubben
○ joanna jinton 
○ clara henry
○ life where I'm from (talks about everyday life in Japan)
○ japanese pod 01
○ dogen
○ Miku real japanese
○ that japanese man yuta
○ choki
○ nigiricco
○ talk to me in korean
○ korean englishman 
○ conversational korean
○ dingo k-drama
○ kbs world tv - my neighbor Charles (show that goes into the lives of foreigners in Korea)
○ maangchi
○ paik’s cuisine
○ eli from russia
○ victoria terekhina
○ real russian club
○ bald and bankrupt
○ орел и решка
○ антон птушкин
○ be fluent in russian
○ easy russian
○ amazing russian
○ daniela (даниэла устинова)
○ анастасия семина
○ russian with dasha
○ DAIV (goes over languages)
○ a kind of adventurous life
○ katchats finnish
○ lizqi
○ dianxi xiaoge
○ keep running
○ yoyo chinese
○ grace mandarin chinese
○ mandarin click
○ made with lau
○ cantomando
○ turkishle
○ turkish food travel
○ easy turkish
○ orkun ışıtmak 
○ yağmur arat 
○ netd müzik
○ reşat ören
○ norwegian teacher karin
○ nrk
○ vegard x funkygine
○ easy norwegian 
○ simple norwegian
○ cook guide
○ thai with mod
○ kaykai salaider
○ skinnyindonesian24
○ gita savitri devi
○ jinnyboy tv
○ the salad show
○ sternenko
○ імені т.г шевченка
○ ідея олекеандрівна
○ історія без міфів
○ наші бесаги
○ ükrainer
○ hromadske_ua
○ speaking Ukrainian
○ V E R B A
○ Anna from Ukraine
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years ago
Heyy sniper.
Do you remember when we moved in together, like, after we all retired? And we got a shitty awful suburban house somewhere, don' even remember where, Boston maybe. But we got an awful suburban house and played domestic. I remember we had DOGS. I dunno if we ever picked up any little ones but I know we had animals, you loved animals. You were such a big dweeb. You can take the Aussie out of the outback but you can't take the outback out of the aussie. You loooovveddd those dogs.
I remember we had a dumb wedding. I remember you couldn't make eye contact when you were giving your vows but your hands were shaking and I held them and - I hope you saw the look I was giving you. Like you held the whole sun in your eyes and your shaking hands. You looked so stupid in your godawful unfitting suit and spy nearly had your head for it. And my ma cried. And so did all my brother. And also like half the team because all of them were there because we're all fucking insufferable. Soldier and pyro I think lit our reception on fire <3.
I remember your scratchy, thin hands, and how nice they felt when they held mine. And yr scratchy voice and how much I loved to hear you talk, how I was one of the first people you let yourself talk that much too. How I got to be the one to hear you infodump about guns and wildlife and all the shit you loved. And how you let me infodump back. You had my back, and I had yours. It meant so much to me helping you get out of your shell, and badgering you was the best decision I ever made, cause it got me the best husband or life partner or whatever we called ourselves ever. I'm glad you were comfortable with me. I'm glad you liked talking to me. I'm glad we had a dumb fake illegal wedding and I'm glad we stayed with each other.
I love ya, snipes. Wish I could remember exactly what your name was (SORRY I HAVE ADHD, FUCK! (/j)), but, mick feels right enough. I love you mick. I miss you so much, but I cherish the memories I still have of you like nothin' else, you lanky stringbean new zelander fuck. I've said too many nice things I feel like I need to start attacking now. If any of the other mercs see this I'm biting you (/j)
You get it, I'm ramblin' (always loved to do that), really I'm trying to make at aleast 1 other sniper as weepy as I feel now. Or at least make them feel appreciated, he was always bad at self confidence, I'll speak some sense into him from another life if I have to.
(And finally apologies to mod party cat for being on my bullshit yet again (/hum /j))
-still yours,
Jeremy. (Scout of team fortress 2)
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shit-talk-turner · 3 years ago
In the immortal words of Mick Jagger (at Altamont for the little ones & no, I'm not 75, or anything...) EVERYBODY JUST COOL OUT! We have had enough bitching & whining in the past couple days. Not to speak for the mods, but if you don't like it- gtfo! If you don't like Alex anymore, or never did- yes, it's called Shit Talk Turner & us "worshippers" still tend to do it here too, but there's no need to at least attempt to offend us.
There are plenty of places on the internet where you can name call & basically just act like MUNTS! I get a little tired of Louise & Alexandra talk too, but I'm glad we have not hit radio silence. We tend to eat our own in this fandom, probably because we are starving for content, but the guys are old school even for Millennials. The days of an album a year & pap strolls are gone & I for one, ♥ that Alex is not on social media. While he would be entertaining at times, I'm sure, I love that he has kept some mystique & genuine parts of himself for only him & some for his circle.
Not to get too preachy, I know this has become cliché at this point & this is an outlet of escape, but there are soooo many things going on in the world that are negative, that we don't need your dumb ass coming here & shitting all over us, acting like a docuhey bot- it is even laughable to think they would bother with bots on tumblr, but I digress. *This concludes my TED talk.* 😘
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damage-incorp0rated · 3 years ago
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I posted 5,240 times in 2021
655 posts created (13%)
4585 posts reblogged (88%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.0 posts.
I added 2,423 tags in 2021
#metallica - 876 posts
#kirk my beloved - 792 posts
#asks - 225 posts
#ty for the ask <3 - 207 posts
#james hetfield - 85 posts
#lars ulrich - 65 posts
#jason newsted - 48 posts
#random thoughts w/ hardy - 43 posts
#motley crue - 42 posts
#quotes with hardy - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i once again might not tag anyone bc like ive said before last time i had a thing like this it went way out of my tumblr circle fjshjkhgdkf
My Top Posts in 2021
my last 4 braincells every hour of the day
106 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 01:05:00 GMT
so basically I made these
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108 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 22:23:31 GMT
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I made a Tabi icon because I adore this mod and it needs more recognition
110 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 02:53:35 GMT
frick your zodiac sign, which rockstar do you share a birth month with
January - Steven Adler
February - Rachel Bolan
March - Rob Affuso
April - Sebastian Bach (or Warren DeMartini, I cannot decide at this point)
May - Mick Mars
June - Michael Monroe
July - Stephen Pearcy
August - James Hetfield
September - Dave Mustaine
October - Tommy Lee
November - Kirk Hammett
December - Nikki Sixx
117 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 19:38:48 GMT
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog!💙
3 random facts, lemme think.
1. I play Zelda and Pokemon religiously (I'm playing Pokemon Sword as we speak!!)
2. I've never been bitten or stung by a bug in my entire life
3. I have a rapidly growing collection of pictures on my wall of the Metallica guys I printed out
@wonhakwoon @ina90sstateofmind @w0-b1st-du @theatre-of-pain @wacktastic-tunes @cool-taya @outofthered
136 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 19:53:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lgbtqlegends · 4 years ago
poly!legends headcanons
alright y'all so,,, i was doing the sara/charlie/zari ask the other day and then poly!legends (smth both me and mod choco Love yet clearly don't think abt/write enough lmao) popped into my head and wouldn't leave so,, headcanon time woo!! there's not really any Set relationships it's just,,, poly!legends, so ig they're all just basically dating each other, or at least,, within the parameters of their sexualities lol so like,,, i.e. ava being a lesbian wouldn't be dating any of the guys. do with that what you will. onto the headcanons!
they have giant sleepover movie nights every single week, non-negotiable, and they gather a bunch of pillows and blankets and beebos and throw them on the floor in the rec room. they get into comfy pjs (sometimes they have onesie nights where all of them have to wear a onesie for pjs- yes even you too mick- but most times its just,,, whatever they wanna wear for pjs). they're all in a massive cuddle pile and it's practically the only time they can all have a collective date night bc there's Too Many of them to do much else lmfao
after any really hard crossover missions they forgo the cleanup and instead just have giant cuddle puddles in the middle of wherever they are, because they're all like,,, terrified about the potential of losing each other. everyone else has to clean up around them bc they refuse to move. kara always ends up in the cuddle puddle eventually, bc she pouts and looks longingly until someone tells her to go cuddle
gideon would be such a little shit lmao she would tease all of them about Everything,,, without mercy. everything is fair game. also she has,,, no idea how like half of these relationships even work out but at the same time,,, she doesn't really need to know?? she's just happy that they all found each other and that she was able to witness all of these friendships/relationships/connections form so,,, (the legends all 100% band together to get the science nerds to figure out how to let human!gideon come out every so often bc let's be honest they're all shook by her and they definitely all think she's hot lmao. gideon doesn't know how she somehow ended up in the midst of poly!legends but she doesn't really think she'd change a thing)
they have so many smaller sleepovers too like,,, in between the giant movie night sleepovers. like they all kinda more or less have their main relationship(s) or w/e but they're all still generally dating each other so it's definitely not uncommon at all for there to be smaller sleepovers in any of the rooms on any given night, because they all like spending time together but they have to limit the giant movie nights to no more than once a week bc they can't just,,, permanently set up shop in the rec room and also there are no beds that will fit All of them but they definitely cannot just sleep on the floor with pillows and blankets every night so,,, they make do lmao
all the other superteams are lowkey scared of/intimidated by the legends (and also probably just,,, a little bit scarred for life lmao) bc they've portaled onto the waverider w/o calling ahead before and they've,,, seen and heard some shit,,, and although the other superteams don't necessarily understand like,,, how,,, the legends exist and operate like they do they also like,,, respect them for it too bc like,,, they're all dating each other and they're all also Living together and they,,, have not killed each other yet (at least not Intentionally,,, and i mean,,, they get on each other's nerves and prob Threaten death but that's just How They Are,,, esp with, for the most part, emotionally constipated pyromaniac/thief and former assassin and just,,, everyone else,,, it's just How the legends Are lmao)
also there are,,, so many different levels of affection with them lmao cause like,,, you've got a few who are very openly physically affectionate with everyone (also dependent upon the other person's comfort level w/ affection though), like say ray and nate and mona, and then there's like,,, sara, who's love language Is physical touch but she's much more guarded about it and reserved with it and then there's like,,, mick who is like,,, absolutely Not with physical affection unless it's with snart or like,,, mona (and like,, lita too obvi but that's obvi parental and not some type of poly relationship lmao). but he shows his affection for everyone else in other ways lmao so,,, outside people probably find it very amusing and confusing to watch
speaking of lita, her visits to the waverider are super fun lmao it's always a surprise, she never knows quite what's gonna happen lmao. it's always an adventure n she's got so many aunts and uncles now
also?? there are,,,, So Many "meet the parents" and each time is just,,, utter chaos and confusion. quentin (and dinah) were def the most chill with it, after all they've seen (esp quentin) they're both just like "yeah alright this is just a normal tuesday". everyone else's parents' reactions range from "a little confused but supportive" to "it didn't go very well" and uh,,, anyway quentin and dinah are like,,, "fuck it we have So Many kids now" lmao
sometimes they all try to go on like,,, big proper collective dates that aren't just,,,, movie nights on the waverider, but it almost always ends in disaster lmao. they've tried lasertag and paintball, they've tried escape rooms, they've tried amusement parks,,, it just Always ends in absolute chaos and disaster
anyways that's all I've got for this headcanon post, if mod choco or I think of more at some point, we'll probably post them lmao but for now have these, and feel free to come to our inbox and send us asks abt poly!legends
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reincarnated70sbaby · 4 years ago
star crossed
-chapter four-
*disclaimer: this work is entirely fiction, all scenes with real life people presented in this work are entirely fictitious.*
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word count : 2.4k
warnings : angst! (af!) swearing ?  charlie watts being unbothered as ever, did i mention angst?
<<previous chapter
next chapter>>
After a couple drinks in, the conversation of recording a track started up. Jimmy was actually quite excited, a Rolling Stones and Jimmy Page track was bound to happen sometime. Sure, Jimmy had played with them in his session days, but not anything to the extent of actually being featured and credited for the track. They decided to come back tomorrow to Bill’s home studio to record a track that might feature on the upcoming Goats Head Soup album. Two nights previous, he finished up the English leg of the 72/73 tour. In a couple weeks, Led Zeppelin would be embarking on their biggest tour yet - the 73 North American tour. There was plans to record a concert film and album, and Jimmy was really hopeful everything would work out.
“Lads I’m about to fucking pass out here, I’m out, see you all tomorrow yeah?”
“All right Jim, see y’a tomorrow, not to early mate right?”
After agreeing to come in the early afternoon with Bill , he bid goodnight to the rest of crew there, Charlie and the pianist for the album, Nicky. Sure, they weren’t as wild as the Toxic Twins, but they were still good company - better than getting drunk in his hotel room alone.
Walking back to his hotel room, the walk felt much longer than 10 minutes. Even though it was the beginning of February, and therefore the start of spring, he had to wrap his arms around himself to preserve body heat.
Reaching the hotel lobby, he was met with the warm air of the large room. Red carpets and gold accents adorned the room. It was quite late in the night - or early in the morning, so he decided to skip going to the bar in hopes of picking up a partner and instead, head straight to his room. On his way into the elevator, he passed two women, both wearing sunglasses. He thought that peculiar, and even more peculiar, he thought he recognised the woman with short brunette hair. After attempting to place the woman, he concluded he was in no state of mind to try.
Laying down on his bed, his thoughts wondered to Alice. He hadn’t heard anything about her since they were last together. He wasn’t even sure if she was still in the music business. He wondered would he ever see her again. He hoped he would, but a feeling in his gut told him it would happen eventually. Sooner, or later, he thought.
Waking up slightly hungover, he showered and prepared for the day of recording ahead. It wasn’t to be a serious session, more of a jam of sorts and hopefully produce a track in the process.
Strolling casually into Bill’s recording studio, he noticed that, as per usual, everybody was there expect Mick. On second look he noticed that Mick Taylor was not there either.
“Where are the Mick’s?”
“I think Jagger is just late, but oh, theres Taylor there now!”
Just as Keith finished speaking, Mick Taylor walked in, guitar case in hand. This would be the first time Jimmy and Mick played together, and he hoped they would get on well.
“Jimmy, great to see you again, ready to play?”
“Nice to see you too, lets get down to it shall we boys?”
Mick Jagger had finally arrived, so he and Keith were working on lyrics, while Charlie and Bill were working on rhythms and riffs, leaving Jimmy and Mick Taylor to work out the main guitar melody. They worked really well together, as they both had the same blues origins and both loved incorporating it into new material.
“So who's the sound tech here anyway” Jimmy asked, while in the process of tuning his guitar down.
“Allie, she's been with us for the album, she's great, have you met her before?”
“Hmm, the name doesn't sound familiar I don't think”
“Well she had an appointment, so she’ll probably be here within the next hour” Mick commented, a shy smile coming onto his face when mentioning her.
After around half an hour of messing around, the boys were finally ready to start the recording tapes. All that stopped then was the missing sound tech.
“Good afternoon boys, I, being your guardian angel have brought lunch for all of us” Alice said cheerily, bursting through the door with a bright smile.
Jimmy’s head shot up at the sound of her voice, suddenly connecting all the dots. The feeling in his gut about meeting her, the woman in the hotel, and the ‘Allie’ nickname.
“Oh thank you Alice, forgot to mention we invited a special guest to join our entourage, last night at Bill’s after you and Taylor left” spoke Mick Jagger with his usual eloquence.
“Jimmy” Alice replied curtly, a hint of sourness in her blank expression. Jimmy was now in front of Alice, greeting her.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, its been what, nearly four years! I didn’t even know if you were still an audio tech” Jimmy said warmly, excited to see her again
“I would say it’s a pleasure to see you too, but its not, so I wont” Alice casually said, blanking him, and moving further into the room. She set the bags of fresh food on the table, in the back of the recording section of the large hall. Jimmy watched her walk away casually, totally taken off guard by her coldness. The rest of the Stones all caught this too, extremely confused, but a little entertained by their encounter.
“Wait, you guys know each other?” Keith asked, a small smirk on his lips, pointing between the two.
“I would say used to know, I was on of the engineers on Zeppelin II in 69”
“Hold on, I didn’t know you worked Zeppelin II? That means you must have been a teenager when you worked on it. Blimey” Mick, asked, all of this coming news to him, as well to the others. 
“I suppose you wouldn’t, after all I wasn’t even credited, nor my boss Tom” Alice said coolly, still not turning away from setting up the various soups and sandwiches. 
Obviously, the teenage Alice that Jimmy once knew was long gone. 
“God, Allie you look so old, what are you now? Twenty four, twenty five” Jimmy asked, sampling the new nickname, trying to break the stifling awkwardness that now infected the room.
“Still getting my age wrong I see, Jimmy. Im surprised you still know my name, after all the stunts you pulled over the last four years” Alice replied, walking directly towards Jimmy, accompanied with razor sharp glare. She now stood directly on front of him, slightly invading his personal space. She has grown taller and her face matured, loosing the slight roundness to her cheeks she once possessed. She apparently had cut off her long wavy crimson locks, in favour of a modern, dark brown bob.
“Uh, what’re you talking about?” Jimmy asked chuckling nervously as he scratched his head, hoping she wouldn’t notice his feigned innocence.
“Oh I’m sure you know, as does everyone else in this room. I don't really have the energy to continue this irrelevant conversation, or frankly, any conversation in general with you at this point. Also, it’s Alice to you” Alice stated sternly with a finger pointed to his chest. Jimmy could practically see the ice swirling in her cool blue eyes, the eyes he had come to miss over the years. He had never had encountered her true, red headed temperament. Now that he was on the receiving end, he desperately wanted to stay away from it.
“I’m not really hungry anyway, so I’ll be in the mod room if you guys need me” Alice said, directing her words to everyone but Jimmy, before leaving and entering the conjoining mod room. Mick Taylor quickly set his down his burnt orange Les Paul, then followed Alice out of the room.
“Woah, I haven’t seen drama like this since the last time Mick and Bowie had an arguement - which was last week, I think hmm” Keith remarked with a sarcastic finger on his chin, before moving to serve himself some soup.
“Actually Keef, I think this charade is a lot more entertaining than David’s and I’s little tiffs, as this is bit more of a lovers quarrel”
“Better not let Taylor hear that, or he’ll have to have a word with you Pagey” Bill commented, wide grin now on his face.
Jimmy was now the confused one. He turned to Charlie, silently asking him about Alice and Mick with the point of his finger. Charlie simply shrugged his shrugged his shoulders in response before going back to drumming a riff with the hi-hats and snare drums.
After everybody had ate or, cooled off, recording was finally underway. After a couple of takes, Alice interrupted to give some pointers.
“Look boys, I’m gonna be candid with you all. It sounds shit” Alice said into the mic. Ever since she had gotten more experience under belt, she became renowned for her no bullshit opinions. In turn, people valued her honestly and knew what she said was, more often than not, right.
“Yeah, boys let’s not sugarcoat it, we’re not exactly gelling as one” Keith commented, starting to become fed up with having to balance not only Mick Jaggers usual dramatics, but another egotistical lead guitarist in the mix.
“Okay, what do you think love?” Mick Taylor asked softly, trying to keep the peace before something erupted. He wasn’t wrong, the Stones, along with a quarter of Led Zeppelin, and a hot headed tech was a bit of a lethal cocktail. Fights often combusted quickly between the Stones and Alice, as all members were just as stubborn as each other.
“Well it sounds like there’s 5 Stones, and 25% Led Zeppelin playing. What I want, and what fans want to hear is The Stones featuring Jimmy Page. You five need to change your usual routine of recording for once and mix it up. And you” she looked to Jimmy “need to stop pretending you’re with the other boys. You both need to work with each others strengths and quit overcompensating. Stop pretending you’re something you’re not”
Everybody in the entire house probably could pick up that the last sentence was a direct jab to Jimmy. Another awkward silence passed, ultimately stemming from a staring contest between Alice and the famed guitarist.
“Oh my fucking god, kill me now” Mick muttered, pinching his nose, while Charlie just rolled his eyes and started drumming the start of the song. Eventually Keith started the riff with Mick Taylor,along with Bill and Charlie carrying the bass and percussion, and Mick Jagger singing the lyrics. Only when they reached the solo part, did Jimmy break eye contact with Alice and begin playing.
Finishing up recording, the boys all started to leave. Mick and Jimmy were the last to pack up their stuff, and an uncomfortable air fell over them. Obviously they both either had history, or were making history with Alice. Eventually Mick realised he should probably let the pair talk it out, so, as Jimmy toward the mod room door, Mick moved toward the hallway door.
“Alice, can we talk? Obviously things have become a bit strained between us, and I don’t want it to stay like this” Jimmy started softly. It was probably his choice of words that set Alice off, as immediately after his finished she whipped around from the sound board and kicked off.
“ 'Strained' Jimmy, are you serious?! Strained?! First of all, you didn’t even tell me you weren’t mixing the album with us, and then you just left after our night together. Then- don’t try to interrupt me James. Then, you barely even credit Tom for his songwriting tips on the album. You didn’t even mention me once, even whenever anyone brings up that Theremin part in ‘Whole Lotta Love’! You blush and go on to explain how it was your own fantastic brain that thought of it. The you had the audacity to diss Mystic studios in the papers! What was it you said again? Oh yeah, 'Mystic Studios was far from mystical and closer to meagre, and as a result, the workers were too.” Alice snarled, stream practically blowing out her ears.
“Okay, I agree that comment about Mystics’s capabilities was definitely wrong, I was extremely out of it in that interview- hell I even jibed Atlantic Records!” Jimmy was now getting frustrated too. Normally, no one put him in his place, or gave out to him.
“And then how cold you were about Tom!”
“Wait what happened with Tom?” Jimmy inquired, now serious.
“Oh my fucking god Jimmy” Alice shouted at him “you don’t even remember to you?” She said with a laugh. She searched his face, but all she saw was confusion in his light grey eyes.
“Tom had a fucking stroke last year. Peter told you, and don’t you dare deny it, as he told me he informed you all when I spoke to him on the phone. For Christ’s sake even Bonzo rang to see how he was doing! He didn’t even have my number, but he found it anyway! Robert and John joined the call after he finished speaking. When I asked for you, they said you were in a closet fucking a groupie!”
“Look Alice, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to sa-”
“I’m not surprised Jimmy, it’s a marvel you can play guitar at all, with having no fucking sense in your thick head”
“Stop being so fucking rude to me, you’re not perfect either! Don’t act so high and mighty! I know what went on in Geffen records! I’m mates with David Geffen” Jimmy was no shouting too. At the mention of David Geffen, Alice’s face immediately switched from red to a pale white.
“You do not know what happened between myself and David, if you did, you wouldn’t speak to him ever again” Alice spoke low and slowly, her face now white as a sheet.
Unbeknownst to the pair, all of the Stones were listening outside. When they heard Jimmy shouting about Geffen, Mick Taylor had enough and burst in. The rest of the boys tried to stop him, but he broke free.
“Jimmy, stop it. You don’t know anything about the Geffen incident. You don’t know Alice anymore. I suggest you leave her alone before I step in more. Al, let’s go, our driver is outside.” Mick stretched his hand out to Alice, her eyes now watery, trying to bite down her quivering lip.
Alice immediately joined Mick, and left without a second look to Jimmy.
Jimmy, now alone in the mod room, felt his gut twist with guilt. Had something bad happened with David Geffen and Alice? His mind wondered to Mick’s choice of words -‘incident’. He had heard rumours that were more damaging on David’s behalf, but being friendly with him, he thought he knew him better than all the tabloids and industry gossip.
Jimmy realised that both he and Alice had changed drastically in the last four years, how could he have expected everything to go back to how it was in the summer of ‘69? Now, they were even more distant than ever before.
Maybe they had missed their chance at eternity. Maybe the stars had uncrossed.
His heart nearly broke at the revelation.
ok so chapter four !!!
I wanna write angst more often it’s my guilty pleasure
anyway, I think this is my favourite piece I’ve written 😌
star crossed masterlist
tag list : @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey @dreamersdrowse
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bottomharrykingdom · 6 years ago
Sad that you'll write essays about how not problematic you are and pretend to be educated while basing this blog on the premise that having a feminine side means you bottom. Sad that you'll ignore trans people telling you how uncomfortable your blog makes them so you can continue characterising Harry as a woman ("princess") and Louis as a man ("king") with stereotypical gendered language. Sad that you have to pretend Harry is tiny because in your warped mind,
pretending he’s small, delicate and lacking any masculine traits is the only way he can be a bottom. Scary that you’ll change none of your behaviours because you care more about creating an alternate reality for a relationship you are not in and a person you don’t know because it turns you on despite how damaging the messages you send are.
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Having a feminine side does not mean you bottom. Bottoming is a very unimportant preference queer people have that has no correlation to anything! It’s as significant as what you’re in the mood to have for dinner. We created this blog to rec fics where Harry bottoms because there were many more for bottom!Louis than bottom!Harry and we thought people with a different preference would appreciate a new blog relevant to their preference. It also helps keep them from authors who don’t appreciate asks like that at all. Let’s be direct: all bottom!Harry content on our blog refers to a fictional story element that has no basis on Harry’s life, and has no correlation with either his personality, interests, of physical appearance. We’ve answered many asks before about how our ‘harry is a bottom’ tag is completely fictional and only for entertainment!
With that said, this is not exclusively a bottom!Harry blog. We wanted more content for a more active blog as well as something to differentiate us from previous bottom!Harry blogs. So alongside bottom!Harry posts, this is also a general Harry blog! That should’ve been obvious by our blog content alone, but it’s actually stated in our description. 
“This is a bottom, sub, and femme Harry appreciation blog. Here you will find all your favorite bottom Harry content, including pictures, headcanons, fanart, and fic recs.” 
Meaning, this is a bottom, sub, and femme Harry appreciation blog separately. And it’s true, you can find all your favorite bottom Harry content here. But the description states very clearly that we are a blog dedicated to more than one thing, and our blog content reflects that in a way that’s very easy to perceive. We’re very much aware Harry’s femininity and preference as a sub has no correlation with very fictional stories about him bottoming. That’s why we stated so! You assumed yourself that we were only a bottom Harry blog and that the sub and femme posts were meant to “prove” that. If this were meant to be a bottom!Harry blog only, well, our description would’ve just been, “This is a bottom Harry appreciation blog. Here you will find all your favorite bottom Harry content, including pictures, headcanons, fanart, and fic recs.” But it’s not, obviously. Our url and title say “bottom Harry kingdom”, but that was for branding’s sake since our original content is dedicated to recommending bottom!Harry fics. Burger King is the home of the Whopper, but they sell chicken and ice cream too. You’d know that if you looked at the menu. We’re Bottom Harry Kingdom, but we post general Harry appreciation content too. You’d know that if you looked at the blog.
“Sad that you’ll ignore trans people telling you how uncomfortable your blog makes them so you can continue characterising Harry as a woman (“princess”) and Louis as a man (“king”) with stereotypical gendered language.“
First, some of the mods of this blog are not cis. Second, no genderqueer person has ever come to us expressing discomfort with our blog. And third, we don’t characterize Harry as a woman and Louis as a man by calling him a princess and Louis a king. We call Harry a princess because he has worn a tiara and talked about having tiara, making him a princess since tiaras are worn by princesses. We call Louis a king because him and the fandom call him that. It’s not gendered language or stereotyping. We’re simply going by what they’ve already expressed about themselves. We’re not using language meant to abide by the fictional premise of him bottoming.
Sad that you have to pretend Harry is tiny because in your warped mind,pretending he’s small, delicate and lacking any masculine traits is the only way he can be a bottom. 
Again this is a general Harry appreciation blog. We don’t pretend Harry is tiny, he is! This is according to many people who have met him, his tailor, his clothing size, and from Harry himself who bragged about being a smaller clothing size than Mick Jagger. That’s why we have a tag dedicated to him being tiny, not because we’re trying to abide by the fictional premise of him bottoming. Second, Harry is delicate. That’s not any more gendered language than saying he’s funny or goofy. And third, Harry is not lacking in masculine traits. There is no such thing as masculine traits that we or anyone else could speak of regarding another person. A trans woman explained this very well in this post if you’d like to read it! Harry is not masculine according to himself. This is why we don’t have a masc Harry appreciation tag. If we did, we would be projecting our own view of gender onto him and simultaneously making hurtful insinuations on trans people and their bodies.
We’re not a blog here to make a statement on a silly preference Harry may or may not have in sexual situations. We’re here to rec fictional stories where Harry bottoms and, on the side, without any correlation to that, we have general Harry content dedicated to real things about him! Most of the language we use isn’t gendered at all. Kitten, baby, sugarbaby, tiny, brat, bambi, and so on. Bambi was a boy! Harry has a rose and mermaid tattooed on him, Louis has a dagger. These aren’t gendered or fictional things. Whatever gendered language we use is pertained to Harry or his friends’ own comments. By not doing so we would be projecting our own.
In short, we’re just here for people to have fun and find a positive outlet! We try to keep this blog as free from conversations seriously addressing gender identities as much as possible because it’s not our place to do so. When we do reblog posts we make sure they come from other genderqueer people and are addressing or clearing up a harmful line of thinking existing in fandom. We show the values by which we run this blog through our posts as much as we can. But if you can’t take the time to view our content to see that your indignation was unfounded, then your feelings aren’t for us to take responsibility for. The accusations you threw against us were baseless and drawn from your own assumptions on gender. Ironically, the same line of problematic behavior you accuse us of! 
It doesn’t sound like you’re a follower of the blog at all and only came here to throw half-baked allegations out of spite. If you don’t like us, block us and follow blogs that provide you with the content you like! But don’t trivialize serious matters by using them to suit your selfish desire to harass us. True, this did get you more attention from than if you had just sent us an ask calling us ‘big ugly stinky poopy pants’, but we think you’ll find being proven wrong much less satisfying than if we had just ignored you. 
Have a nice day! 💖
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i-hate-wheatley · 8 years ago
wheatley is the reason why the hockey game im going to on the 27th is going to interfere with a practice
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delkios · 8 years ago
Tagged by @texelations and (i think?) @ir-anuk approximately four score and seven years ago:
“Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.”
Because I’ve been archiving my writing for nearly 14 years now, I’m going to be rec’ing my favorite writing I’ve done in my last five fandoms which I’m defining as something I’ve done more than five fics for.
Because this is such an old meme that I’m pretty sure everyone’s already done, I’m not tagging anyone.  Fandomes rec’d: DC TV, Mortal Kombat, Red vs Blue, Transformers and Fallout: New Vegas.
DC TV You Know I’m Not a Saint (ColdWave, warnings for referenced child abuse, trauma and alluded domestic rape)
It only took two more days before Mick was irritable and fidgety again though the dangerous edge he'd get for being away from fire too long was still absent. He drank often, as if making up for lost time, and had taken to working out in the basement- normally something Len enjoyed spectating, watching Mick's muscles work and sweat building up on his skin. Now, though, the sounds of Mick's fists against the punching bag made him tense, the pit of his stomach going cold.
The sounds didn't go away when Mick stopped. They echoed in Len's ears and whenever Mick was next to him, touching him, he felt phantoms pains of fists on his body.
Anyone that’s talked to me about characters knows how much I like thinking about how much is a product of their past.  Anyone that’s heard me go on about ColdWave- either together or individually -knows I love how messy and twisty their relationship can get so it was basically inevitable that I’d examine how Len’s abusive childhood (with a side of mick’s own issues) mixed with that.
Mortal Kombat Always and Forever (SubScorp, no sex but not quite work-safe)
He talked as he finished with Hanzo’s hair, wringing out the water before twisting it up and securing it with a wrap. And he talked as he scrubbed Hanzo’s back, gentle against his neck and over the backs of his ears, rubbing the shell of it, harder against his shoulders, back, making Hanzo arch and sigh. Kuai Liang scraped the dead skin from Hanzo’s elbow down to his fingers as he talked about a minor misunderstanding with Special Forces and a background check with one of the new recruits that was easily cleared up despite the annoyance, rubbing hard between his fingers, sweeping over the palms with a thumb. Hanzo leaned back against him, a warm, heavy yet comfortable weight as Kuai Liang passed the washcloth over his chest, first a little roughly to get him clean, then again, gently, more petting than not, more as an excuse to simply hold him than anything else.
Because I wouldn’t let myself take the easy way and say Ridiculous Old Men in Ninja Love, I had a difficult choice between this and Hope Springs Eternal.  Ultimately I decided Always and Forever because it better showcases what I loved best out of (my interpretation of) their relationship: how attentive they are and how they take care of each other.  They’ve had to deal with such shitty things in their lives that I can’t help but want something good and sweet and pure for them.  Which is why I like this fic so much, it’s just one being there for the other, through hardships and mundanity and wanting nothing out of it other than being able to be there.
Red vs Blue Team Imbalance (gen)
Tucker turned back to the Reds, "Why are you attacking us? You know there's no actual Reds or Blues anymore, right?"
Sarge twisted around until he could put a boot in Grif's helmet for no other reason than because he could. "Of course we know that!"
"Then why are you attacking us?"
"Because I can't trust you untrustworthy Blues to not try using it as an excuse to catch us unawares. So we were preemptively catching you unaware to discourage you from doing something as dishonorable as attacking us when you know we know there would be no reason for it!"
I probably have better written and more compelling fics from this fandom but I can’t help loving this for 1) the best Sarge quote I ever did (as seen above) and 2) Wash’s repeated accidental hostage acquisition.  Even thinking about them randomly makes me snicker to myself.  If only I were that consistently funny...
Transformers What Waits in the Dark (horror, some violence)
He didn't look alright at all. "This thing was collapsed for a reason," he said. "We cannot open it, no matter what! It'll... if there's anything there, it'll be corrupted and deadly and it'll kill everything it can."
The other Wreckers wavered between confused and concerned. "What are you talking about?"
"Monsters. Demons trapped under the rock. Creatures that should be dead but whose minds got twisted instead," Twin Twist was almost reduced to whispering, beginning to shiver under Springer's hand. "Zombies."
There was an explosive sigh as Sandstorm and Scoop relaxed on their struts. "Geez," the triplechanger admonished, "I almost thought you were being serious! Zombies. Good one- too bad Whirl wasn't here for that."
I do horror/suspense pretty rarely and that may be the reason why this is still one of my favorite fics I’ve written even after so many years.  It helps that I was working with my version of the Wreckers who are a very genre-flexible group.  I’m not sure what inspired me to do it, whenever zombies/vampires showed up in either the comics or the old cartoon, I thought it was a ridiculous concept.  The best I can think of now is that, while re-reading IDW to get inspiration for more What’s Wrong with a Little Destruction, I re-read Spotlight: Kup and that made me think of how robot zombies could actually make sense.
Fallout: New Vegas/Courier Faction The Courier of the Wasteland (gen)
"/A lone courier stands upon the broken road; a fearless, brave vagabond, ready to face lands unknown and dangers unrelenting. Well-worn boats crunch against uneven pavement, sharp eyes settling on a line of fire ants marching deliberately up the road./" Another voice came on the line, so exaggeratedly deep that Reggie didn't recognize it. "/Time for you to bug out./" There was a long pause of crackling silence. When Sterling spoke, his voice was harder to hear, like he was attempting to speak off the mic without having actually gotten off. "/What was that?/" "/What was what?/" Ah- the mystery voice was Wyn. "/That voice!/" "/That's my you voice./" "/What?/" "/I'm playing you./" "/Why are you playing me?/" "/Who else would I play- me? I already do that in real life, gotta mix it up a little! Now get back to the script./"
I think what I love the most about this fic is the potential around it.  It stemmed from the idea of if there are radio stations in the Mojave, why aren’t there radio plays?  And, in a meta sense, given there are mods for you to insert your own audio into the game, this radio play could absolutely be a thing.  That knowledge makes me think about the story more- not in terms of details like what’s it’s actually about, but in the ways it would be absurd and surreal, just taking everything in the Mojave and making it ridiculous.  After all, why should Wild Wastlanders be the only ones having fun, right?
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imagineclaireandjamie · 8 years ago
Flood my Mornings: Samhain
@abreathofsnowandashes said: There would have been A LOT of Irish emigrants in Boston in the 1950s, particularly Irish speakers.  There would have been Scots too, but in much smaller numbers and Gàidhlig would have been much less likely to have been spoken for obvious reasons. I’d love to see Jamie overhear Gaelic (Irish Gaeilge or Scottish Gàidhlig, he’d understand both) being spoken, or maybe come across a hurling/shinty game and make a connection
Notes from Mod Bonnie:
This story takes place in an AU in which Jamie travels through the stones two years after Culloden and finds Claire and his child in 1950 Boston.
See all past installments via Bonnie’s Master List
Previous installment:  Twentieth of October (Claire’s birthday dinner)
October 31, 1950
“Happy Halloween,” chirruped the pimple-strewn lad pumping the Gasoline.
Jamie gave the boy a smile and a nod. “Aye, many thanks, and the same to—Bree, no!” He lunged across the wide seat of the Ford and grabbed her round the middle.  She protested and scrabbled vainly for the door latch she had very nearly gotten open. “My apologies,” he said out the open window as he righted himself, holding the lass firmly on his lap, “she’s quite the handful.”
The boy gave Brianna a little wave. “Got big trick-or-treating plans tonight?”
“Ach, no, not this year. Just a bonfire with some friends.”
Burgers, marshmallows, candy, and beer! Nothing fancy! Tom had assured him. Just bring you, the family, and maybe some ice? 
Jamie had left work an hour early to drive home, shower, change into clean clothes, and pick up Brianna to drive the two of them back to Fernacre for Tom and Marian’s gathering. Claire was working overnight, this evening, and Jamie was feeling just that wee bit awkward about the prospect of a social gathering without her at his side. Granted, he would know nearly everyone present; and they were his work comrades, after all; hardly strangers. 
Still, when the convenient topics and tasks of work were removed from his social scenarios, there would always come the odd moment where his ignorance of modern times or American tastes or both would be thrust into the spotlight (“What did you think of the game?” or “What’s your favorite John Wayne film?”) and it was Claire who so adeptly diverted attention so he might collect himself, even as he wracked his brain to recall where he had heard the name of Mr. Wayne before. 
Still, Claire had her duties, and a festive night shared among good folk (for whom he had genuine affection) certainly outweighed the other available option: being obliged to bide by the door all evening, passing out sweeties to any costumed child that cared to ring the bell. Would that strangers had been so generous when I was wandering Boston looking for Claire. Baffling, the lot of them, these Americans.  
“Whoops, I’m sorry, mister, I don’t have enough change,” the boy said apologetically. “Can you hold on a minute while I run inside?”
“Aye, dinna fash, lad.”
The boy blinked and made a face of incomprehension. “Dinner what?” Then, realizing how rude he sounded, he raised his hand, looking distraught and about to start babbling. 
“I only said,” Jamie interjected, “‘Take your time.’”
He said it patiently, wanting to be kind, but as soon as the boy was out of sight, Jamie closed his eyes and felt himself sighing, wearily practicing the proper phrases in his mind for the next such time. ‘No problem, man.’ ‘Don’t worry about it, Sport.’ Flatter “R”s. Shove sound to the back of the tongue. Quieter. Less.
“We c’n go-to play th’game, too, Da?” Brianna asked suddenly in Gaelic. 
“Game?” He blinked his eyes open and studied her face, looking up from his lap excitedly. “What game d’ye wish to—”?
But then he, too, heard the voices drifting across the lot.
“Oh, definitely: Dan’s crew don’t have a chance.”
“I don’t know, they’ve been training hard—and they’re giving Michael and the boys a run for their money, so far!”
He craned his neck out the window. They were men of about his own age or a little older, their arms loaded with sweeties and Soda Pop bottles from the wee store. And they were speaking GAELIC. 
Irish, from the sound of it, the Gaeilge; but the cadence and syllables were so like his own mother tongue that he actually was gasping from the rush of shock and euphoria.  
He was just about to call after them, but at that moment, the young attendant reappeared. Jamie hastily completed the transaction, tipping a bit too heavily as he watched the men out of the corner of his eye, feeling a pang of dismay as they disappeared down over the hill beside the filling station. Jamie thought he could hear the sounds of a small crowd not far off. 
“Beg your pardon,” Jamie blurted, as the attendant was walking away. “What’s going on over the hill, there?”
“Just a bunch of Irish playing—it’s kind of like football, but with sticks and they’re loud as all get out!” he laughed confidentially. 
“Game, Da!” Bree whispered in Gaelic.
“They’re harmless, though, I promise,” the boy said hastily, leaving Jamie to wonder what exactly might be feared from a bunch of Irishmen. The boy blanched. “Oh but you’re–you’re Irish youself. I didn’t mean any–” He didn’t bother to correct the boy as to his heritage, simply thanked him once more and sent him on his way. 
He checked his Watch, and finding that they were still ahead of schedule, he set Bree on the seat next to him, saying in Gaelic, “Aye, a leannan, let’s DO go see the game.”
It was a group of about thirty men on the field, playing a fast-paced game that Jamie wagered was very close indeed to shinty.  The players’ wives and families (and a fair number more, it seemed) were congregated on the sidelines, tending wee coal-grills, drinking, chatting, and calling after the swarms of children running about hither and thither. And all of it was in Gaelic. Jamie wanted to cry, just hearing and seeing this slice of something so like home, the drink-fueled joy of a Gathering, something he hadn’t experienced in many, many years. He could feel the warmth of it all surrounding him with every step he took closer, like the arms of a long-lost friend slowly coming around him. 
As he and Bree drew within a few dozen yards, a whistle sounded and the match broke. The players jogged to their wives and comrades to drink and chat. One man on the nearest edge of the crowd, dark-haired and wiry, caught sight of Jamie and did a double-take, turning sharply to face him in the first pink rays of nearing-sunset. “Can I help you?” he called in English, strongly accented; not unkindly, but definitely on guard.
Jamie called back a greeting in as close to Gaeilge as he could recall, though he wasn’t at all confident in his pronunciation.
It must have been close enough, though, for the man’s face brightened at once. “HEY, NOW!” he roared, walking forward with his arms raised in welcome. “A new kinsman! What county?”
“County *Scotland,* I’m afraid,” Jamie replied, slipping into the Gàidhlig without thinking as he returned the man’s warm handshake. “James Fraser, and my daughter Brianna. Do forgive me for intruding; it’s only that it’s been so verra long since I heard anything like my own tongue. I just couldna resist seeing what was what.”
“And we’re glad you did! It’s grand to get to meet a new cousin from the old places.”
The Irish tongue did have its differences, certainly, but Michael Riley seemed to have no trouble understanding Jamie, nor he, him, with only the occasional What was that word? or confidential laugh over differences in emphasis or tone. 
Bree had been staring at Michael intently, apparently astonished at hearing Gaelic spoken at close range by someone other than her Da. When Jamie nudged her, she gave a tiny, startled ‘Hi’ in English, then grinned and buried her face in his shoulder, making both men laugh.
“D’ye live in these parts yourself, Fraser?” Michael asked eagerly. 
“Not far, but no—I was just stopping for Gasoline on my way out to the countryside. Do all of ye live nearby, then?” Jamie asked, astonished, surveying the huge, lively crowd of players and onlookers. 
“Sure do—the station owner turns a blind eye to us using the field, thank the saints, else we’d all likely be arrested.” 
“Arrested? For playing a wee game?” 
“Well, technically, it *could* be considered trespassing—have a drink?” Jamie politely refused and Michael shrugged, wiping his sweaty brow and taking a deep swig from his own bottle. “There’s a long history of bad blood between Irish and the other folk in Boston. I’m sure there’s plenty of arseholes that would love to see us get comeuppance for whichever dumb mick offended great-great-uncle so and so.” 
Perhaps that went some way toward explaining the odd looks Jamie tended to get when speaking to strangers about Boston. He’d always tacitly assumed something in his manner was out of place in some indeterminate way—some eighteenth-century way, that is—but perhaps it was that he was being assumed Irish in a place where that wasn’t altogether a pretty thing to be. He would have to ask Claire. 
Christ, he chuckled to himself, an Outlander thrice over, he was, in Boston. At least he wasn’t the only one.
Michael introduced him to the members of his team, one and all bringing Jamie and Bree further into the crowd, offering drinks, and asking about their history and family. He felt as if he’d walked into a clan gathering, even after only ten minutes among the Irish. “And what about you, then?” he asked of Michael, after giving his (presumed) backstory for the half-dozenth time, “From whence in Ireland do you folk hail?”
“Well, we’re mostly Corkmen here—” Michael said, which elicited cheers from the Cork contingent. “Some like me, born here stateside, but plenty of folk fresh off the boat, like Barny, there, except he’s from Tipperary. Then there’s Fergal whose folk are from Sligo,” he said, scanning the crowd and methodically cataloging. “Then Vance and Peter and the other Michael, of Galway. And then over there, there’s Charlie, but he’s not—OY!” He gave a sudden whoop of excitement and cupped his hands around his mouth to yell, “EY, CHARLIE!! COME OVER HERE!! FOUND YE A WEE CLANSMAN!!”
A stocky blonde man jogged over eagerly and Michael clapped him on the shoulder. “Charlie, here, plays for those bastards on Dan’s team, but we won’t hold it against him just at present. Charlie, this is James—James, right? Aye, good—James Fraser. He’s from your precious highlands!”
Charlie was an open, eager sort, ruddy-faced and jovial, quick with a joke and an easy word. Jamie quickly learned from rapid conversation in the Gàidhlig that the man was a Highlander-born, a MacAlister whose family had come to America when he was nearly sixteen. He’d hated the new place, and had planned to return to Scotland the moment as he was of age; but then war had broken out just days before his eighteenth birthday, and he’d been compelled to go fight. He worked as a builder, now, feeding the demand for suburban homes from families in the growing prosperity of the post-war times. Jamie decided he truly liked the man, and knew without asking that he must have children himself, when he grinned at Bree and said, “And hello there, a leannan,” with a little bow. 
“Hi, how-wer you?” she responded, to Jamie’s astonishment, in almost-perfect Gàidhlig. 
“I’m verra well, thank ye verra much for asking, sweet lass,” the blonde man laughed, straightening and looking impressed. “Does she speak it at home, then?”
“No, not often,” Jamie said, rather apologetically. “I do try to speak it around her when I think of it, but her mam is English, so we—”
“American, you mean?”
“Nay,” Jamie laughed, with a mock-sneer, “an honest-to-goodness Sassenach.”
Charlie matched Jamie’s manner with groan of false-disgust. “Christ, but ye must have balls of steel, Jamie, to — oh!” he said abruptly, looking a bit embarrassed, “Sorry—is it alright that I call ye Jamie?”
Jamie could feel the warmth of kinship flood through him like water. “Of *course,* friend,” he said with feeling. 
Charlie introduced his Irish wife Saoirse and their two small boys, to whom Bree took at once, sharing their toys on the grass.
They talked about Scotland, about America, about Boston. About Gaelic. About talk of a free and independent Scotland. About the Celtic traditions that had crossed the ocean, and those that had not. Of gatherings that apparently took place all around the country, in hill-and-mountain places, for folk to remember the old clan ways, even if in naught but a faint imitation. Even of bannocks, whiskey, and wool; the simple things of highland home, even two hundred years hence, it seemed. It was more a balm to Jamie’s heart than he could comprehend: that the Scotland he knew hadn’t vanished entirely. 
A whistle blew and Charlie brandished his stick deftly as the crowd began to shift. “Ever played a game of hurling?” 
“It’s like shinty, no?”
“Not too far off, not at all. Here,” he said, beginning to walk backward toward the pitch, “come wi’ me and I’ll give ye the rundown.”
With a jolt, Jamie noted the position of the sun and remembered the ice in the back of the Car. “Sadly, we must be going, Charlie.”
“Oh, come on!” Charlie wheedled, taking one last deep swig of beer and kissing Saoirse exuberantly. “Wee Brianna seems to be having a fine time wi’ Nolan and Will. And I’ve got some extra gear if —”
“it isna that at all,” Jamie said, turning an apologetic smile toward his new companion, “it’s only that we’ve got a Halloween gathering to attend, and we’re expected shortly.”
“Och, that’s too bad. First one since you arrived? Weel, it isna nearly so ghostly as Samhain, let me tell ye. All the spooks you’re like to encounter look as if they came out from a children’s book or a Walt Disney film. I tell wee Nolan when he’s scairt in the night that all the ghosts are back in Scotland. No doorways to the otherworlds in America, so no Old Folk to be afraid of."
(Oh, aye? Ye have one right in front of ye, man.)
Charlie held out the stick once more, inviting. "Sure ye canna be persuaded to celebrate wi’ us instead, Jamie?”
“I truly canna stay, but thank ye, Charlie, I should verra much have liked to.” Jamie knelt to break up the play-circle. “Can ye say ‘farewell’ to your new friends, Bree?” 
“Farewell,” she chirped, waving her chubby hand enthusiastically.
“That’s not’th’right way,” chided Nolan, who was a year or two older. “You say it funny.” 
Bree looked crestfallen, but Charlie ruffled his son’s hair, laughing as he gently scolded. “Nay, a chuisle, you’ve just grown up wi’ Gaeilge—YOU’RE the one who ‘says it funny.’” 
Jamie scooped Bree into his arms, whispering in her ear about how proud he was of her before turning back to Charlie. “Do ye play every week, then? I’d truly be honored to come back another time.”
“Oh aye. The winter snows will start falling soon, but we’re here most every chance we can get, when the ground’s clear.” Charlie sized him up frankly, nodding with approval. “You’re a braw-looking fucker, alright. Dinna let Michael steal ye for his lousy crew, aye? They’re naught but loud bastards. The *real* talent’s wi’ us.” 
Jamie made a general farewell to the crowd and received a hearty chorus of well-wishes and toasts in return. 
“At the risk of seeming too eager, Jamie…” He turned to see that Charlie was looking sheepish, “might the wife and I have ye and the family over for dinner, sometime?” 
When Jamie didn’t immediately respond, the man shrugged, but didn’t falter. “Mebbe it’s daft, but as much as I love my Irish folk, it’s grand having someone to talk to in the old ways again; who’s truly my countryman. D’ye ken what I mean?”
Jamie swallowed down the lump in his throat as he clasped the man’s hand. “Aye, a caraidh, I ken it more than ye can possibly know.”
[Next chapter: The First Step] 
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fuckyourbinary · 8 years ago
Hey, I'm trying to create a non binary character who is a teacher, but idk what title to use. I don't want to use Mx to be honest, but don't think Mrs, Mr, or Ms would fit at all. Any ideas?
Oki so I found a few for you and personally my favorite is Mq., which I imagine would be pronounced kinda like mick, but there’s also Misc. (from miscellaneous) and M., the only problem I have with those is that Misc. seems kinda informal and M. is short for “monsieur” in French speaking countries and I’m not sure how it would be pronounced (just saying “M” for the title doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue quite right u feel?).Hope that helps!!-mod bird ;>
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