#mod jer
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hermitcrossovers · 1 year ago
A God Brothers au thing because it's been a while lol.
Violence has always been a language the Minecrafts are familiar with.
Made from blood and death, pushed into positions of power, not one of them has ever been free of it.
To reject them would be to deny nature, to give into them would mean giving up their humanity, they all strike a balance, one way or another.
It's easiest for Phil, as the Angel of Death it is his job to keep the balance between lige and death, for others, like Wilbur, it's giving up living and coming back not quite right. For Tommy, it's a fight every day, but those who he cares for are the ones who keep him going. Grian and Techno are two sides of the same coin by design, so it comes as no surprise that they find that balance in eachother, it's Grian who teaches Techno to deal with the voices, and Techno who reels Grian back when he's gone too far.
Yes, they're made from blood and death, but that doesn't mean they have to be aggressive or evil, it's a choice to speak with violence, one they've made before, one they'll make again, but in the moments that count, they choose family.
-mod jer
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graveyard-in-the-void · 7 months ago
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hapalopus · 8 months ago
Just Mathias Thiele (my beloathed<3) samlede i det hele taget mange... interessant historier om Chr. 4.... Hans fødsel blev spået af en havfrue, han blev født på en mark, han kunne tæmme løver, der var ikke noget han ikke kunne (ud over at være sin hustru tro; han fik mange bastarder, lader det til)
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(Der var faktisk et par store katte som slap fri i Danmark omkring 16-1700-tallet, men det er en anden historie)
Kan Admiralen bekræfte at Christian d. 4. slog folk ihjel med sine overnaturlige evner???
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Altså ingen tvivl om at manden var giftig, og at folk omkring ham havde en uheldig tendens til at dø (hans svigersøn-to-be druknede for eksempel i en voldgrav under en kæmpe drukfest mens han stod og pissede ned i vandet ved siden af svigerfar C4), men jeg tror måske den gode Jens Munk er død af et eller andet andet.
Det der med den "kongelige håndspålæggelse" er dog et kendt fænomen, som Tolkien også brugte i forbindelse med Aragorn ("There is healing in the hands of the King"). Dog var ideen bag det, at kongen som guds udvalgte kunne helbrede via håndspålæggelse, hvilket gjorde at f.eks Louis XIV af Frankrig jævnligt gik ud og prikkede til syge folk, typisk folk med vattersot, med den forventning at hans berøring på magisk vis ville helbrede dem. Der er ikke noget der tyder på at det hjalp det store, men at Christian 4.'s berøring skulle have haft den modsatte effekt er ret morsomt, og måske fordi han i grunden var en mega dårlig konge. Sådan. Generelt.
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miggitymiggitymack · 4 months ago
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Haven't been here in a while, huh? Well, there are going to be some changes around here.
My name is Jerry Smith, you'd do well remembering that name. I'm known here as Jerry from dimension J19 ζ 7 or ... "Doofus Jerry"..? Seriously? THAT'S the name you came up with?? Not even a decent insult? I thought Ricks were supposed to be smart...
(( OOC: changes in management, now i run this account because the previous owner isn't interested in running it anymore, and i love doof jer feel free to send or resend asks. :]
mod's an adult
don't interact if you're into rick-orty or similar ships.
mature-ish content, tagged as #mature - as in vaguely sexual questions, adult themes, and such. not straight up nsfw.
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soelvfisk · 21 days ago
Fakeprofilen var mega spam og den findes slet ikke mere og det er heldigt. Var meget rå lige dér, da jeg blev informeret om den. Fordi jeg jo var øm over at vende tilbage. Til internettet og verden på en måde. At føle sig øm og passet på det ene øjeblik og rå og udstillet og brugt det næste. Modsatte oplevelser på én gang. Midt mens jeg lå alene på en madras i den nye lejlighed uden hund og med kun to mandariner i maven. Sådan en “jaja, jeg kan selv” dag, som jeg slet ikke kunne selv alligevel. Det håndterede jeg ikke så godt.
Jeg var glad for tanken om en lejlighed og så blev jeg ængstelig ved tanken om at flytte ind. Det føltes meningsløst at prøve på at bo selv, når jeg havde det så skidt. Nu er det 7 dage siden jeg overtog lejligheden og i dag sendte jeg min opsigelse afsted til udlejer. Flytter ud i weekenden. Og bliver indlagt næste uge. Forhåbentligt. Psykiatrien har det med at sende mig hjem, fordi jeg er for “kær og venlig”…. Min default høflighed får mig åbenbart til at virke “rask”. Problematisk.
Føler jeg har en ret skarp 7 dages radar på boliger. Hvor jeg kan mærke at jeg har begået en kæmpe fejl. Og at det kommer til at ruinere mig energimæssigt og økonomisk. Men at jeg må ud. Denne gang var det en blanding af hvor skidt jeg har det og det fact, at min underbo er sådan en to meter høj restauratør der æder menneskers livsgnist til morgenmad. Det var ham der skældte mig ud på gaden. Han spiller højlydt far-rock der runger i gulv og vægge og jeg er ikke parat til at betale en hel masse i husleje bare for at få lov at føre krig mod ham. For jeg ved at han vinder. Han er ikke et hensyns-menneske. Han er et “jeg vinder, når jeg råber - du taber, når du græder” menneske. Og jeg græder hele tiden.
Jeg vil leve roligt og ubesværet. Og helst ikke i nærheden af mænd der kun lytter til andre mænd.
Flytter. Så har jeg flyttet 6 gange på et år. Udmattende. Tænk at jeg lod Stenen beholde mit drømmehjem. Som jeg havde knoklet for at finde. Ak. Tænk at jeg overhovedet brugte kræfter på det shit. Jaja. Jeg forstår mig. Jeg troede, der var noget at kæmpe for. Men har lært at man ikke skal kæmpe for ting, der giver én lyst til at dø. Not worth it. Man kan ikke redde en relation alene. Man skal ikke bevise loyalitet og trofasthed, hvis det indebærer så meget smerte.
Vil spare sammen til en iPad så jeg kan spille stardew valley. Vil besøge min kræftsyge mormor og skåle i de kalorioholdige drikke fra apoteket, som vi begge drikker. Vil tænke på min morfar. Har købt brevpapir med sommerfugle på, så jeg kan skrive breve til folk nu hvor det er så svært for mig at åbne og læse og svare på beskeder… og være online. Og så vil jeg forsøge at rumme verden bid for bid, så jeg på et tidspunkt tør ting igen. Vil så gerne vise min taknemmelighed og give tilbage.
Fortalte min mor i dag om tumblr. Vi græd sammen. Over situationen. Søde mennesker herpå. Som passer på hendes datter. Det var spcielt. Jeg fortalte om hvordan det er, når nogen ser noget i ens adfærd, som man er vant til bliver overset. Hun kunne relatere på en anden måde. Der blev bygget broer. Føler også der er broer her. Det er vigtigt<3
Nu går jeg i seng. Godnat tumblr. Jeg tænker på jer alle og håber at i lander blødt og drømmer sødt. Håber sådan at lige pludselig en dag, så kan jeg mere end jeg kan nu. Kram
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lucenare · 5 months ago
is there a public mod list for terrimortis? purely curious whats all in there
I started to answer this on mobile and then it was bothering me so its laptop time. theres a couple notes for things but i can answer and questions about it. this is roughly it, excluding any libs an apis
Main Mods:
Armourer's Worskshop - lets us build cool cosmetics (Ezra's wheelchair, all the antenae, leopolds legs, etc)
Beautify Refabricated
Another Furniture
Better Furniture
Convenient Name Tags
Cosmetic Name Tags - How we change our names!
Joy of Painting - pai n t in g mo d
Dark Paintings
Mighty Mail - mailboxes!!
World Edit
Villager Names - note, makes it so wandering traders dont despawn
Building Wands
Lights and Lamps
Paths and Pavings
Build Guide
Entity Model Features - Lets us use custom models like with optifine
Entity Model Textures
CIT Resewn - allows us to use optifine packs
Continuity - connected textures
Iris Shaders
Jade - lil pop up when you hover over blocks
Jade Addons
Skin Layers 3D
Xaero's Minimap
Xaero's World Map
Chiseled bookshelf visualizer
Cull Leaves
Custom Stars
More Mcmeta
More Mcmeta Emissive Texures
Sodium Extras
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mynamejers · 5 months ago
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Assorted Jers the Tree Skeleton Doodles. Featuring ZoranTheBear when he gave me mod status in discord.
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yvonnesrespite · 6 months ago
❧ Late to your appointment, sweets? ❧
➵ MDNI; This blog is 21+  ➵ OOC Disclaimer: This is a gimmick blog as Yvonne from the game Love and Deepspace, and is not officially affiliated with the studio which created the game. The blog was merely created for recreational purposes!
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❥ Rules
Don’t ask for medical advice. Mun isn’t in the medical field. Take any medical advice/content with multiple grains of salt.
Be respectful of mun and myself. We’re people. Mun is a person behind a screen and you don’t own her, and definitely not me either. Treat us as we are; like people, and certainly do not forget that there is a HUGE and THICCC line between fiction and reality.
All ships and interactions that occur on this blog are all in separate universes. This means that if I (Yvonne) am pursuing someone romantically in one rp, then you cannot have your character cry about it in your own rp with me. If you get butthurt about seeing me in other roleplays with other people, or interacting with a character you admire, that’s your problem. Not ours.
We will not roleplay with canon characters or ocs from other franchises. This limits confusion on our end and yours.
Any heavy/potentially triggering subjects (such as anything considered “dead dove”) in asks or any interactions will most likely be ignored or promptly deleted, and your account will be blocked.
NSFW content will be allowed on this blog, but starting it without either roleplaying with us beforehand to build things up OR without discussing it with us OOC is strictly prohibited. This does not just pertain to roleplaying, but OOC conversations as well. That's the social equivalent off taking of ye fraudulent gucci ass pantaloons and doing a ragtime cbat mating dance without even knocking on the door to tip your hat and say "pip pip cheerio i am here to smashio milady." Please. Ask or interact with us first.
In addition to so, you must be 21+ to interact with this blog.
We are usually busy on the weekends, and some replies may take up to 3-4 days. If you have not heard from us after that time frame has passed, you can respectfully reach out to us.
Your asks must be in English and coherent enough for us to comprehend and respond too. Otherwise we will delete or ignore the interaction.
We prefer literate roleplay, but we will try to accommodate to other styles so long as the English is proficient and it’s comprehensible.
If you read the whole post and not just up until here, respond to this post with your thoughts or feelings about the Shrek franchise.
Due to the lack of official content on myself in the game, please remain respectful and understand that mun’s interpretation of myself is based on her judgement of my character in my 10 seconds of Mike Wazowski style screen time. 
Introduce any new characters or yourself if you are trying to roleplay with us for the first time. Whether it’s a character’s name, alias, or an emote so that we can keep track of our interactions.
Don’t god-mod (controlling Yvonne in your rp) with us. We’ll cringe and halt the interaction right there.
Do not feed any content we write or art we share into any AI engines, and credit us properly. If we find evidence of this, we will ask for it to be taken down, or in rare and intense cases seek out legal action, as mun’s work is protected by Canadian Copyright law.
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❥ Post and Ask Tags
Info and Rules: ♡ respitesrules
Posts About/From Mun: ♡ nurse off duty
Posts About/From Yvonne: ♡ lnds yvonne
Textposts and Thoughts: ♡ yvonne's diary
All Asks: ♡ akso askbulance
Akso Staff Interactions: ♡ akso staff shenanigans
Akso Gossip: ♡ akso tea time
Ships: ♡ one steep forward, ♡ greYv train, ♡ nightingale; jermvonne
Anon Asks: ♡ [emoji/name] spillin' tea
All Roleplays: ♡ lnds rp, ♡ nurse yvonne's rps, ♡ open rp, ♡ closed rp
Interactions with Canon Characters: ♡ dr grey's blue skies; drgreysonmd, ♡ jer’s lavender lullabies; jeremiahofphilo, ♡ dr zayne’s twilit tundras; zayne-snowman, ♡ astra’s poutings; sasstras-gaze, ♡ talia’s crystalline nocturnes; talia-sings, ♡ nero’s wanderer empire; wandererenthusiast1, ♡ the getaway caw; just-a-normal-crow, ♡ raf’s resonant infernos; flamesque
Roleplay Starters: ♡ defibroleplaytor charge
Fics, Drabbles, and Headcanons: ♡ gauze and glitter pens
Muse/Inspo: ♡ musings to mend
Art: ♡ healing hues
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❥ About Me! (Yvonne's Info)
Physical Appearance: Fair skin, hazel/amber eyes, chestnut coloured hair with a side-swept fringe in various styles, and my usual scrubs or y2k fashion.
Personality: What you wish you could be, lol. Witty, playful, and honestly a bit blunt or snippy sometimes. If you deserve the roasting, you’ll get it. Don’t dish what you can’t take, babes.
Occupation: Akso’s prettiest nurse, duh. Cardiac surgery department and sometimes chilling at the front desk.
Canon Relationships: Colleagues with Dr. Zayne and Dr. Greyson. A little gossip about the MC but only brief interactions.
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❥ Friends!
❀ Doctor Zayne ~ @zayne-snowman  ♡ Doctor Greyson ~ @drgreysonmd  ❀ Crow ~ @just-a-normal-crow ♡ Rafayel ~ @flamesque ❀ Jeremiah ~ @jeremiahofphilo ♡ Thomas ~ @thomasicism ❀Jenna ~ @unicorns-captain ♡ Nero ~ @wandererenthusiast1 ❀ Astra ~ @sasstras-gaze ♡ mc ~ @aethercodeevol
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➵ This post will be updated as more info comes out and if important things change/come up, or if mun sees typos/errors lmao
➵ Divider art by mun, aka mahalkitart, aka "mahalkitheart" here on Tumblr.
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pastelfarvet · 1 year ago
Nå, men nu hvor vi er ved confession time, så lad mig smide det her på bordet som jeg trods alt godt magter erkende:
Jeg har det meget funky med mænd på tumblr. Det har aldrig været planen, at jeg har ville have relationer ud af den her hjemmeside, men det er trods alt sket. Min track record lyder nogenlunde således:
En der har knust mit hjerte
En jeg har elsket meget dybt og stadig elsker
En jeg har haft det næstbedste sex jeg nogensinde har haft med, kun overgået af det jeg har med min kæreste
En der har begået overgreb mod mig
Et par venner
Et par jeg har sextet rimelig solidt med
En jeg er dybt fascineret af
En jeg tidligere har været pænt nysgerrig på
Og så jer resterende der har eksisteret i min sfære i varierende grad. Nogle kunne måske få sit eget punkt, og nogle af dem der har punkter går sgu ind under mere end et, men ja
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hermitcrossovers · 1 year ago
I'm just popping in to ask what the event going on soon is about and how it works
I couldn't find anything about it, but I could have easily missed it if it's there because I'm just like that apparently - 🔮🐦
Hi :D Basically you guys send in prompts, and we will answer as many as we can within the time limit. The prompts can be as detailed or simple as possible, you can send in songs and quotes as prompts as well. Some examples of prompts: -Grian and Tommyinnit are both taken by watchers and they tell stories abt their friends -Scott and Gem -Based on Heaven Sent is a Coffee Cup by Bears in Trees
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sewers-headmates · 3 months ago
Glad to hear you like splatterpunk ^w^
We'd love to see fictives of Sam and Sadie from Playground! I think it's worth mentioning that the fictives we have from Playground are all littered with source memories and exo-trauma. In Sadie and Sam's cases, it makes them basically inseparable since they have terrible separation anxiety :3
again we never read Playground and information we can find is very limited so these will be a bit brainmade and inspired by what we find!
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Name: Samantha ‘Sam’ Grimley
Age: 8
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: unlabeled
Species: human, transBunny
Source: playground
Roles: syskid, trauma holder
cisIDs: childish, shy, social, PTSD, GAD, codependent, DPD, ADHD
transIDs: transAutistic, transOCD, transAutistic, transTwin, transIdenticalTwin, transBunny, transBunnyEars, transBunnyTail
Other Labels: extremly codependent and will always be with Sadie
Appearance: not gonna include one because i legitimately can’t apologies! here is a bunny claim for jer
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Name: Sadie Grimley
Age: 7
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: unsure
Species: human, transCat
Source: playground
Roles: syskid, anxiety holder
cisIDs: asocial, shy, DPD, ADHD, autistic, semi verbal, BPD, PTSD
transIDs: transTwin, transCat, transCatEars, transCatTail, nullTrauma, nullPTSD, transSeverityGAD (more)
Other Labels: can’t function without Sam
Appearance: like the one before i have no clue what to put i apologize t^t here is a kitty claim
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hope you enjoy these two! i’m proud of what i had to go off of. i need to read playground but idk. the plot seems kinda bland? the characters seem cool but splatterpunk doesn’t gross or scare me really so i have no clue
-mod eddie
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majormeilani · 4 months ago
i was infodumping to mice about ale's story and i came to the realization that i'm still undecided about how i would portray her story in the event that i did. like, my biggest story 'sunshine' i know i would want it to be an actual game that you could play to find out everything about the story. that is because there's so much to tell about it and the characters it's so big that a game would be the only way to tell it properly. with salem's story, hers i know for definite that i want it to be told via comic/s or a graphic novel. maybe even a visual novel but IDK about that one. there's a lot of dynamics to her story but it mostly follows her and shows her singular perspective for the most part so i feel like a comic makes that the MOST sense for her story. jer's story kinda got assimilated into my sister's story 'fantastic' so it would be portrayed via comic form too, since that was the original intent i had for his story+what fantastic is ultimately going to be. and my ahit ocs i definitely would LOVE to show off their stories through mods OR fanfics that i write specifically about them that show off their stories, but i'm also content showing glimpses via Tumblr posts and drawings that i've made.
but ale's story i still am uncertain on what media form i want to tell it through. i had considered maybe a game and maybe an animated series but i don't really know, honestly. hers i'm still a bit on the fence about but i think it's mostly because her story is mostly unfinished but also very short and doesn't stretch for very long plot wise. it's very compact but also loaded with character plot lines. some forms like a written short story just feel like they wouldn't give it that omf that it needs and there are scenes to it that i think visually it would be necessary to tell
though now that i think about it........... ideally that one would probably work best as movie or a small multi-parter film...........
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who's your favorite oc merc to work with in battle and who's your favorite oc merc in general?
@emotionally-stressed-strategist. Next question
Nah but seriously,- he's perfect for what I do. He tells me where my targets are an' i take em' down nice an' quick. Some silly banter here an' there to keep it lighthearted, and we're all good!
Okay no but Strat was the first introduction to the world of Tf2 ocs for me- and Jer was the first person (after Crank- the mod of demo' account) that really actually got me into tf2 and like- OCs for tf2. He's an amazing writer with wicked ideas, and I'm so happy to call her a friend.
I also think that out of all the ocs thaf I know, I know Strat best- given how much Jer and I have spoken about our ocs compared to me and other mods.
I will say that I do very much enjoy Robin (emotionally-dead-archer) as a sibling to be protective over, Jet(emotionally-broken-robot) to hang out with and make hurt/comfort rps with, and apprentice(emotionally-abrasive-apprentice ) to tease. Lots of it depends on our relationships behind the scenes as well!
I do admit that there's lots of OC related posts I have yet to catch up on for lore- such as clover's stuff and Gmedic's stuff. I keep seeing all my friend's art then procrastinating on actually learning about their characters!I'm really bad for skipping over/not interacting with our rp channels on our server.
I still feel quite new to the Roleplaying community and am honestly kinda nervous to reach out to people about roleplaying as Dexx- especially when it's an oc/canon merc interaction-I always feel like I'm stealing the spotlight and feel really bad about it. I trust that anyone I'm roleplaying with'll tell me if something's wrong, though!
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regretevatorforrealrep · 6 months ago
I want to draw Mod Jeremy pregnant
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Mod jer jer the askers are getting FREAKYYY
-Mod Folly
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amporella · 2 years ago
Hey! I don’t remember seeing anything problematic in the kyman zines. I didn’t read the fics tho, was it in there or is it possible I missed something?
There's a chance that you downloaded the zine after the piece was removed, and didn't see it because of that! Here's a recap of the Kyman Zine situation, though (warning that it's kind of long):
The Kyman Zine was a zine primarily produced on Twitter by @/shokikita, @/shouriii (who you may know better as @/mirrorshards on Tumblr) and @/DrAbesacraben. The Kyman Zine was entrenched in a lot of drama since the beginning, mainly because a user suspected to be from the Kyman Zine (and confirmed to be from the Ships Ahoy discord server, which remains unaddressed by the mods) was harassing anyone who shipped style (as well as slandering the style zine organizers), but that somehow was not the biggest issue the Kyman Zine caused for themselves.
The biggest issue was that the Kyman Zine had actual, literal NAZI PROPAGANDA in it. Once again, I'm attaching the images on Imgur because needless to say, they can be triggering. Here's the link to an Imgur album with the image posted in the Kyman Zine, as well as a few examples of Nazi propaganda that DIRECTLY parallel what was put in the zine. I literally would not be surprised if the artist used actual nazi propaganda as a reference for their piece.
The tweet by the artist initially posting the image (along with two others they had drawn for the zine) has been deleted, but here's a screengrab I have about what the tweet originally titled the piece as; "Manipulation". Not a good look.
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The fact that the artist drew something like this isn't inherently surprising to me; a subsection of the kyman fandom has always had its issues with antisemitism. But the fact that it managed to pass THREE ORGANIZERS looking at it and accepting it into the zine is legitimately baffling to me. There is no reasonable excuse for it to pass three sets of eyes, and for all three to say 'all clear!'
And even beyond that, one of the organizers ADMITTED that she didn't even know the Jewish puppetmaster antisemitic trope was a thing. How can you possibly take on the job of doing a zine for a ship where antisemitism is a CORE part of the dynamic, and fail so badly at educating yourself beforehand? How can you expect to be able to effectively monitor those submitted works when you don't even know what you're supposed to be looking for? (I'm censoring the username of a person who called them out on it here for privacy; that's why their url is whited out)
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The zine team did end up apologizing for allowing the piece into the zine, and they removed the piece from the zine before reuploading it to itch.io. But seriously, how did this even happen in the first place. HOW DO YOU HAVE A RULE FORBIDDING WW2 IMAGERY (and HOW WOULD YOU NOT THINK TWICE ABOUT NEEDING THAT RULE) AND THEN FAIL TO UPHOLD IT? HOW IS THAT SO HARD?
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The organizers also 'thanked' the people who reached out about this problem, which would probably sound more sincere if one of the organizers (yup, the one I already mentioned up above) didn't ARGUE with a person who pointed it out because they weren't respecting the opinion that it wasn't nazi propaganda. (Once again, the user is whited out, and the user whose posts you can't see is one of the zine organizers who blocked me </3)
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Needless to say, it isn't an opinion that the above image had similarities to nazi propaganda; it's a fact. The organizers couldn't even accept that they had fucked up without acting like the victims.
And now these THREE SAME PEOPLE are the ones who are running the Kyle zine - a zine specifically about a Jewish character. These three same people who are so oblivious to antisemitic history that they couldn't even recognize the Jewish puppetmaster trope for what it is, and those three same people who exposed that wildly antisemitic fanart to literally thousands of people who downloaded it.
Furthermore, the Kyle zine is titled 'Jewish, Jersey, and Ginger'; literally a quote by Cartman. Generally, I would disapprove of having a zine that was supposed to be non-shippy be run by three notorious shippers (especially who had just run a zine about shipping), but I disapprove of it even MORE heavily when those same organizers have a history of being so negligent that Nazi propaganda ends up in their zine.
I can only assume the Kyle Zine is going to be an absolute disaster. The organizers do not seem capable of monitoring the content that ends up in the zine effectively, and honestly I think it would be a miracle if the zine somehow was produced without anything glaringly antisemitic in it. If the Kyman Zine people truly felt remorseful about their mistakes, they would have dropped the Kyle Zine and took some time to educate themselves on what they had done wrong; instead, they went full steam ahead and decided to blame everyone else.
It was really terrible. The Kyle Zine is free as far as I'm aware, but I still can't recommend downloading it based solely on principle. Don't give the organizers your views. What they did is seriously fucked and if a Kyle Zine was to be produced (or even another Kyman Zine), it would need MUCH more careful monitoring than those organizers could provide.
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Hello all
Random thought; who remembers the Cara Zepp/Jer saga?
Now that's way back at the beginning of this mess on the first threads
Cara came onto the threads to spill he was dating Aly Raisman, not long after she goes back and unlike his pics and posts that JoJo song "too little too late" song to her IG stories, (pretty sure that's on the threads too) after the New year's ski trip reveal and the Vegas lounge video surfaced
Anyway back to Cara and Jer; in true fashion of this FBI fandom we did manage to track down a Cara and Jer in PR in the entertainment industry, the weird thing was they worked for UTA (or was it Shelter?) and not CAA, found that on Linkedin, do your own research on that one, I'm feeling lazy
Anyway remember that weird font lurking around worried about UTA?
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Was this a misdirect? Something doesn't add up here
It all points back to UTA here which also happens to be 🐟's agency
Where was this font booted out of? The darkroom where 🐟 nude shower pics are located, this font got kicked out of the darkroom a couple of times too, and for some reason thought I ran it or something?
What do you have to be doing in the dark room to piss off the site mods enough to get kicked out multiple times? Trying to get the shower nudes taken down perhaps? Lol if that got taken down someone on LSA would just post it back up again and the site mods can't be bothered because 🐟 posted that to her own verified IG account herself and the Darkroom is an 18+ members only area
Now take into account all of the trolling from 🐟's side in order to get her to be the attention of the fandom knowing that his sexiest man alive contract with People Magazine was coming up and of course we know that requires a "PR girlfriend"
Imagine this: the fandom is gaslit and manipulated in order to get her associated with him via rumours to the point it gives him no choice but to accept the contract after the pumpkin pic debacle with her mother's profile pic, which means someone leaked the pic to 🐟s side as well in order to orchestrate this whole thing
It makes sense to me if you take into account the amount of burying that was done by Megan to redirect some of the comments made in gossip rags about him being "Laser focused" and the way the interviewer used that term in the interview question that "blew up everywhere" burying the gossip article that related to 🐟
Personally I think Chris has gone off social media in order to ride out the rest of the SMA contract, meaning he won't be pressured into posting or liking anything, and be able to further distance himself from this Saga as well as 🐟
Besides, didn't she "deactivate" for a couple of months too?
Lol, Go Pissy Chrissy 👏👏👏
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