#mod emri
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ndcultureis · 1 year ago
Autism culture is forcing yourself to be really bubbly all the time and as soon as you quiet down bc of overstimulation everyone gets rlly concerned.
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would-they-listen-to-that · 2 months ago
Merlin from Merlin and In Case You Don’t Live Forever by Ben Platt :>
He’s singing it to Arthur :>
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months ago
So I’m just now finally having some memories as The One Who Waits/Narinder. Homesickness is the worst. I remember dating my lamb. I have to admit, I still love him, I miss him a lot. I hope he’s okay here in this strange world. I would also hope he sees this because he still means everything to me.
-The One Who Waits (Cult of the Lamb)
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frecklenog · 1 year ago
i’m too eepy to get caps but they were definitely playing vr in the background . To Me
diangelo siblings fans next week analyzing every single background character and rating them from most to least likely to be nico and bianca
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thatfanfictiongirl76 · 5 months ago
Merlin Magic Reveal Rec
Ever since I watched Merlin over 10 years ago, I’ve been obsessed with magic reveal fics. And I can’t believe I haven’t made a rec of all my favorites until now.
Arthur's Silent Guardian
By: Sydelle Rein
Summary: After hearing that a sorcerer named Emrys is protecting a Pendragon of all things, one sorcerer decides to take matters into his own hands and find out why. Even if that means kidnapping the prince of Camelot as bait.
My Comments: I rewrote the above summary, so it’s different from the author’s. Anyway this is one of my favorite fics. I always have loved magic reveal fics, and this one has the added bonus of tying in Emrys as well. While the magic reveal doesn’t happen in the first fic, trust me it’s worth the wait and suspense. I also love the author's OCs in this fic as well. I highly recommend this one.
Status: Complete
Length: 6,071 words
Sequels: On Shaky Ground --https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5890430/1/On-Shaky-Ground
               Of Walls and Scars --https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7721465/1/Of-Walls-and-Scars
Peace for Our Time
By: Angry Purple Fire
Summary: Arthur has a request for Merlin. A request that is a little out of the ordinary. He wants him to learn magic.
My Comments: Have to say that this is one of my favorite fics. It is a magic reveal fic, like most of the fics in this rec. I have to say that I’ve never seen this twist on it though. So I highly recommend this fic, it really pulls in everything you could want from a fic like this. 
Status: Complete
Length: 91,060 words
Virtues, Chicken, and Destiny Series
By: Nyxelestia
Summary: Arthur had never looked forward to becoming king, but the crown had never felt so heavy as the moment he realized everyone he loved was lying to him. If he wants answers, he's going to have to find them himself.
My Comments: This is one of my favorite Merlin Canon series. It's written by one of the kinkmeme-merlin mods herself. This started as a one shot that turned into a rewrite of season 4. I have to say I really enjoyed how she pulled Emrys into this quite a lot. It's definitely worth a read.
Status: Incomplete 
Last Update: 6/14/24
Length (Whole Series): 104,986 words
Allow One to “See”
By: Mollrach13
Summary: When the King is attacked in his tent while on patrol and falls into an unending sleep, everyone is worried. What they don’t know is that Arthur is fine. In fact he is standing right here next to them, watching them all fret over his prone body. To stave off the boredom whilst waiting for a cure to be found, Arthur takes to wandering the castle and soon discovers a hidden side of Camelot that he never knew about. 
My Comments: This is a fic I found years ago, and yes it is a magic reveal fic. I fell in love with fics where Arthur learns about Merlin’s magic. Not to mention him seeing a completely different side of Merlin. So if you enjoy magic reveal fics, you will definitely enjoy this.
Status: Complete
Length: 28,398 words
Nimueh’s Spell Series
By: Talis_Borne
Summary: Emrys and the Once and Future King have been prophesied to become partners in bringing Albion to fruition for hundreds of years. For that to happen, Arthur will have to finally discover and accept Merlin’s magic. But how does a Prince, who has been raised to believe that all magic is evil, overcome his own prejudices to accept a sorcerer as a full partner? That isn’t a moment, it’s a journey. 
My Comments: This is a favorite series of mine that I just fell in love with. I love the characterization of the characters, not to mention the magic reveal was just incredible. I also love the drama that the author brought into this. I desperately wish the author had finished the series, although they did leave off at a good stopping point. I highly recommend giving this one a go. You won’t regret it.
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 12/10/16
Length (Whole Series): 209,132 words
From the Start
By: CrzyFun
Summary: Merlin sat frozen. On the one hand, he should really leave. If the stranger really had seen him use magic then he would accuse Merlin of being a sorcerer, which was a death sentence in these parts. On the other hand, could he really leave a man to die in the woods?
My Comments: This is an absolutely amazing fic about Arthur finding out about Merlin’s magic in the beginning of the series. It goes from season 1 to season 3, and is just phenomenal. Highly recommend this fic!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 1/30/23
Length: 130,621 words
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vals-sims-world · 6 months ago
Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the love you've given to my Sims versions of Merlin and the knights!
Since there's interest in my Merlin save I will be sharing some stories about what's been happening in that world. However, before I do I feel I need to explain the way I play this save since it's not your standard Sims 3 fashion. I typically play rotationally, spending a week with each family before moving on and using nraas story progression mod to keep everyone from aging while I'm not there. My nraas setup also keeps sims from changing their relationship status or progressing in their careers when I'm not playing them but they can meet new sims, make friends, declare enemies, and start up a bit of a flirtation on their own. I like coming back to a household and seeing what dynamics have formed when I leave them to their own devices, though I get the final say on what romantic interests they end up pursuing.
Now that's just my standard setup for most of my games. For my Merlin save I decided to add some interest by using Merlin characters for my own version of The Medieval Charter Challenge! For those unfamiliar The Medieval Charter Challenge is basically a sims 2 build-a-kingdom challenge where you start with a small settlement and slowly build your world up until you have a medieval city. There are a lot of rules including a tax system and class structures that I'm not going to go over but if you're interested you can check out the original rules here For those of you who are familiar with the challenge just know that I've tweaked some of the rules to fit better with the sims 3 and I don't always follow them strictly. I treat them more like guidelines than actual rules, especially since I'm using pre-established characters, some of which have magic which opens up excuses for all sorts of shenanigans. So if you see me doing something that doesn't follow the rules don't worry about it.
Mainly what you need to know is that I started with an empty world, 3 households who are not part of my rotation but are there to help populate the town (druid camp, knights barracks, and the Ladies' manor), 5 peasant families (du Lac, Smith, Hopper, Emrys, and Ealdor), 2 Yeomen families (Macken and De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family. As my save is currently I have 9 community lots, 3 peasant families (Hopper, Ealdor, Oliver), 1 yeoman family (Emrys), 1 Merchant family (du Lac), 1 Gentry family (Macken), 1 Noble family (De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family that have all dramatically changed as they intermarried, had kids, built up their businesses, and rose in the ranks.
My plan is to make a post on each of these families explaining their story. This will take time though as I plan to give you guys family portraits, before and after tours of their homes, any screenshots I happened to have taken while playing, as well as writing out the twists and turns of their tales. So please bear with me while I sort that out.
In the meantime here's some screenshots of some shippy poses I did with my sims that aren't part of the save
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Tagging those who expressed interest in knowing more about my save (let me know if you want me to tag you in future posts about this): @tansyuduri @building-camelot @chairwiththreelegs
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merlinfic · 6 months ago
group ask for lost fics #45
Hi y’all! Below are a few lost fics that us mods just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply below if you know of a fic!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
I’ve looked for this particular fic for a long time now, but it was a modern day Christmas fic in which Merlin and Arthur are together and Uther disapproves <<>> I can’t quite remember specifics other then Arthur being jelly of Merlin dating someone else? Or something to that effect anyway long story short they wind up together in the end and Uther gets past his bias X’D I’m sad to see you guys go, but I’m so grateful for all the fic recs that have been left <33333
Anon 2 asked:
hi! thank you so much for all your hard work over the years and helping to keep this fandom alive, ive got a lost fic. i dont remember much but there was a noble of some kind who was mistreating servants and he tried to mistreat gwen and merlin stepped in for her and then arthur came to save the day. thank you !! <3
miraniel asked:
Combed all the tags I could think of & still can't find this fic, worried it's deleted: Merlin, Gwen & Gwaine r captured by bandits/minions looking for Emrys. Merlin casts a protection spell on Gwen before they're caught. Evil sorcerer tries to take Emrys's power by absorbing it into a (staff? crystal?) but absorbs Merlin's soul too. Rest of fic is about getting M's soul back in his body. At one point, he & Arthur share a body. I think Kilgarrah fixes them in the end. Ty SO much! Love this blog!
Anon 3 asked:
hello! do you perhaps know what fic those quotes are from? do you know how much i love you? do you know that i would do anything for you, anything at all? crown and kingdom and anything ever promised to me, i’d give it up, i’d give it all up—tell me, do you know? / and arthur loves him, he loves him so much that he fears his chest will splinter open and spill all of it into the space between them.
Anon 4 asked:
there was this fic i read some while back where merlin was a royal, and arthur and merlin were like bffs. i think arthur was the head knight?? there was a particular scene were merlin got a dragon tattoo on his back. i wonder if you might know which fic this is? thank u so much
the-tortoise-lady asked:
Hi :D I adore you people!! I'm looking for a fic set in Camelot, where Merlin is hurt (I think it was something with his leg? Not sure tho) and then Arthur spends a lot of time with Merlin, caring for him a bit? And there's one moment I remember when he's reading to Merlin and they're all cuddled up on some sort of sofa and there's a lot of emotions and feels? And fire in the fireplace? It's definitely Merlin/Arthur I think, I guess there also were some love confessions? I just sadly can't seem to find it.. I know that I read it on ao3 I hope you can find it (no pressure tho please!!) Lots of love and appreciation and a big thank u from me :)
Anon 5 asked:
Hi, I hope you have a nice day :) I've scoured the internet and also your page for this specific fanfic that I read a while back. Essentially Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic and holds him at swordpoint. They stand right next to a cliff and Merlin startles which makes him fall off. Merlin then discovers his own immortality, when he wakes up at the bottom of the cliff. But him being kept alive does not mean he is healed of his injuries. He puts himself back together for months down there if I remember correctly. The druids show up to help at a certain point I think. Please help me, I loved that fic so much :(
thelady-mary asked:
Hello, I just wanted to say that I'll miss this blog DEARLY and everything you guys did here, it means a lot to me, truly. Ok, so I've ADHD and I can't describe things for shit so I'll put the fanfic I'm looking for as a list. 1- it was some sort of 5+1 type, with multiple chapters, I remember that includes some jealousy and he knows about the magic. It was like Arthur was learning little things about Merlin that he started to love. 2- the things that he learn (and what I remember) was: Merlin's body hair grows really fast and he said that Gaius believe it was an outlet for his magic, they're traveling and M forgot his blade (the thingy that shaves beard) and he has this beautiful beard and long wavy hair by the end of the week, when they come back A is occupied with stuff and didn't saw M all day, but at the end he's back with short hair again saying that Gwen and George helped him with his chores so he could get a hair cut and shave; also A talks about how he recently learn that dyes are expensive and wants to know how M have such a colourful wardrobe and he says he only have two tunics because his mom helped a merchant out once and he gave her two pieces of fabric with she made the tunics and his neckerchiefs; Merlin knows how to write beautifully, calligraphy and all, M gets sick in this part and they communicate via little notes send it via George who told A that he was hesitaning into giving him M's note on the beginning because he thought it was improper, A keeps one that says "I believe in you" because he needs it emotionally; Merlin can compose music and he did compose and wrote an entire play (or just one song, I don't remember much), he dedicated one song to Arthur. 3- Arthur makes an announcement talking about love and union, looking directly at Merlin, hoping that he would understand that it was more or less about his feelings for him. 4- the song dedicated to Arthur it was about a Knight falling in love with his servant (and I believe running away with him, but don't quote me on that) 5- Arthur believes that the song is about Lance and Merlin's relationship, since is about a knight and not a King, and decided to go after him thinking his heart belongs to another. 6- Merlin confess that he wrote the song dedicated to him and ask what he thought about it, but Arthur is still under the wrong assumption and says that he liked the "song about the boat" better. 7- Merlin is devastated and I remember Arthur seeing him with Lancelot, with him giving him comfort 8- I don't remember how, but they confess to one another and have a little fight over the song part. And this is all I remember, I'm sorry if is really big or even impossible, but I'm desperate.
Anon 6 asked:
Hello! First of all, thank you for the years you've spent helping so many of us with finding fics, it really is very appreciated. Now, I've been wondering whether to ask or not for help with finding this fic for a while, but knowing you're going to soon close it up made me get over my shyness and just ask. The fic has Gwaine, Merlin and Arthur out doing... Something, and Merlin is forced to use his magic. Gwaine takes the fall, and Arthur banishes him to the nearby kingdom. I specifically remember Gwaine hugging Merlin and making him notice thar Arthur only drew out his sword after thinking it wasn't Merlin the sorcerer. The next part (I can't remember if it was a new chapter or a new part, sorry) has Arthur needing a sorcerer's help to decurse a land, I think, so the the knights of the round table all go to retrieve Gwaine. He and Merlin try to keep the lie up a bit, but then the truth comes out. That's all I remember, I hope it's enough. Thank you a
As always, this post will be updated if/when any fics are found!
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ravenwilds · 1 year ago
Top Gun AU Merthur fic!
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Author: Ravenwilds Title: That Loving Feeling Rating: Teen Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Gwaine Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine, Elyan, Annis, Mogause, Morgana, Leon, Percy, Gwen Warnings: no archive warnings apply Word Count: 32,500 Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53985886/chapters/136659949
Summary: Dr. Merlin Emrys is a civilian instructor for Top Gun, the U.S. Navy's elite aviation combat training school, which means he knows all about brash pilots, and their cocky attitudes. When Lt. Arthur Pendragon joins the program, it looks like he’ll be just another one of the same, but in a class of show-offs, Pendragon is determined to be noticed—and it seems it is Merlin's attention, in particular, that he wants. Merlin's not sure what he did to deserve this ...
Author's Notes: Thank you to @merlincinema mods for organising this fest and to everyone who helped me with the fic.
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may064 · 1 year ago
Artist/s: Esseff (@may064 on tumblr) Title: Sweet home Ealdor Rating: T Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, Merlin/Gwaine Character/s: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Hunith, Morgana Media: Edits, Digital Art Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54205804 Summary: When hotshot film star Merlin Emrys returns home to his quaint village after fifteen years, he finds things are... not exactly as he'd left them. For one, his snobby ex Arthur Pendragon has started calling it home (when the fuck did that happen?) and two, nobody seems very enthusiastic to see him (more like avoiding him at all costs).
But Merlin has two things on his agenda he's determined to check off at all costs: finish shooting the film with his boyfriend Gwaine (with preferably zero incidents) and divorce Arthur so he can marry aforementioned boyfriend Gwaine (should be a piece of cake, right?) Artist’s Notes: So, this is my submission for the Merlin Cinema fest based on Sweet Home Alabama. I was going to write a fic originally but I had the misfortune of this particular idea not striking me until a week before posting. And this was too good to let go, so enjoy this little edit I made while I try to get my inner Shakespeare out to work on the actual fic. I promise, fic will follow... someday.
A huge thank you to the mods @merlincinema for organising this fest. And a huge thank you to my beta Grace who agreed to look at my art on an extremely short notice.
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ndcultureis · 3 months ago
Autism culture is not feeling things in the normal way and hating yourself for it
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merlwyb-moved · 5 months ago
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yeah I thought I was going to do something cool with the wolf skull mod but this is what my brain decided I had to do first. It’s not even fair, bc Emrys is a very well-behaved, good boy. But I had to. For the silly.
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aetherialfalmer · 2 years ago
Falmer Playthrough Mod List
I haven’t seen one on tumblr before I think so screw it I’m makin my own!! I’ll provide captions of what the mod contains and such and if they are CHONKY to download etc. You dont need to download all of these but hopefully these help someone building a Snelf run.
True Snow Elf Race
(Suitable for a more vanilla-esque elven look for both available gender presentation. Also offers a retexture for more detail)
The Ancient Falmer
(A more detailed race mod that offers a little more with craftable ancient falmer weapons, a few optional followers and overhauls Gelebor&Vyrthur)
Playable Falmer
(Want to play as The Betrayed instead? This mod will satisfy that desire.)
Carved Brink (A large quest mod that adds a bit of Snow Elven history on a group that stayed away from the war. If navigation is difficult use the tcl command. Also, make sure you have followers to carry your loot bc there is A LOT. Otherwise its a beautifully done mod with an interesting story.)
Legacy Of The Dragonborn (A MASSIVE mod that gives you access to a museum to fill yourself but it also adds a lot of snelf content. Side quests to rediscover their lost temples, investigate their suffering under the hands of the Dwemer and even find ancient lost relics of their people. Adds more snelf centric weapons and loot ontop of all the other content it brings) Strange Friendship- Falmers (A custom voiced questline about a talking falmer showing up at the College Of Winterhold.)
Snow Elf Hut (A charming snelf home thats bigger on the inside. Good for if you want a big home but too overwhelmed by palace sized options. Would recommend!) Snow Elf Castle (A home mod for the noble Snelf who desires more than a hut or a hole in the wall) Aylerial Snow Elf Playerhome (Another palace sized home located near Castle Volkihar. Also good if your Snow Elf is mixed race as it contains a few dwemer centric objects.) Snow Elf Palace (A big and highly decorated palace home. In my opinion it feels like the most accurate or lived in of the bunch.)
Ancient Refuge (A great starter home or a home for someone who just wants the necessities. It’s perfect for rping a snelf who has been tucked away this whole time. Adds a secret valley for you to live in, a snelf statue and harvestable gleamblossoms.)
Female Falmer Follower
(A traditional Falmer follower that isn’t hypersexualized. Also a marriage candidate.)
Snow Elf Mage-Lester
(Not a custom voiced follower but a handy one if your snelf has a companion from their enclave.)
Snow Elf Follower- Emrys (A vanilla style follower that has a ranged combat style and is unlocked after “Touching The Sky”)
Ancient Falmer Armor Overhaul (Makes the armor shinier and look more like metal rather than plastic.)
Amulets of Skyrim (Adds various amulets to your game that are unlocked as you go along. Introduces Snelf centric amulets as well once you get to the Vale.)
Auriel’s Armor (Adds a new set of armor to compliment Auriel’s shield and bow. Requires a few smithing perks but are all unlocked upon completing “Touching The Sky”.
Playable Ancient Falmer Crown (Self explanatory. Go on, your snelf deserves some glam even if Vyrthur is hogging it.)
Unique Ancient Falmer Armor (Adds new enchantments for the ancient falmer armor set and a bonus weapon or two)
Ancient Falmer armor Complete (Adds a helm, shield, sleeves and weapons) Crown of the Ancient Falmer (A retexture of the og crown making it more eye catching)
Ancient Falmer Ruins and Keeps
(Adds 8 more Snow Elven ruins across skyrim and provides a unique follower to progress a questline involving the dungeons)
Ruined Shrine of Phynaster (Uncover the mystery that lies beneath the forgotten Snow elven shrine. This was one of the first snow elf ruins I downloaded cant recommend enough)
Adoptable Snow Elf siblings (Refugees of an attack on their village, they can be found in the forgotten vale) Adoptable Snow Elven twin girls (Wandering the Dwemer ruins of Kagrenzel, they’re good if you want your snelf to have kids.) Friendly Falmer (Right what it says on the tin. They will still attack other humans and living beings and will attack you if provoked.) Wintersun- Faiths of Skyrim
(An immersive religion mod that enhances any race playthrough.)
No More Falmer Ears
(A mod that revamps Falmer ears into Falmer tears. Good for if your snelf doesn’t want to harvest ears from their blind cousin.)
Undead Snow Elves (Do you want to traumatize your snelf by having them encounter undead versions of their people on top of the falmer? go for it. Adds an additional undead enemy type to Forgotten Vale)
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sys-cafe · 8 months ago
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☾ Name: Annabeth, Emrys, Beatrix, Athena
✦ Pronouns: they/she/star/moon/coffee/book/meow
☾ Age: 16/17
✦ Species: dark grey-brown tabby cat hybrid
☾ Genders: transfemme enby
✦ Xenogenders: moongender, frillunaic, sunsetcosmic, nublunic, biblioaromic, cafféan, oldbookgender
☾ Sexuality: panromantic, asexual, demiromantic
✦ Role: assidumate, academic, archivist
☾ Source: n/a
✦ Sign Off/Proxy: 🍂☕️
☾ Likes: the rain, autumn, the smell of books, coffee
✦ Dislikes: summer, ignorant people
☾ Kins: owl, vampire
✦ Hobbies: journaling, writing, going to museums, sewing, going on walks, buying books, studying
☾ Music Tastes: classical, instrumental, musical soundtracks
✦ Aesthetic: dark academia
☾ Personality:
pos: caring, smart, resourceful
neu: sarcastic, quiet, easily bored
neg: nervous, socially awkward, messy
✦ Goal/Priorities: help the system as best she can
☾ Comforting Thing(s): coffee, libraries
✦ Habits: biting pens, scribbling on random pieces of paper when focused, biting nails
☾ Description & Details: secretly reads and writes fic. Steals their friends clothes and blankets.
✦ Appearance:
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(picrew name - something about them picrew)
~ Mod Gemini! 🎆
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camelotremix · 2 years ago
2023 Camelot Remix - Reveals & Masterpost!
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♥ Thank you everyone for joining us again for another fantastic year, we hope to see you all again next year!
♥ We’ve had some amazing remixes this year and want to thank all of our remixers and pinch hitters for your hard work - you’ve been FABULOUS.
♥ Thank you to everyone who read, commented, kudosed or showed love in any way for the works created. And if you haven’t left some comments, kudos, or love, here’s your chance!
Your ever-loving mods, Sknits & Fifty ♥
Fic: shana_rose created Too Strong Coffee (A Snowy Fight Remix) for ajsrandom (Arthur/Gwen – Teen and Up – 1403w) Summary: Gwen and Merlin concoct a plan to help Arthur destress. Fic: ajsrandom created Flower Shop (The Fiendishly Delightful Everything Will Be Bouquet Remix) for sinivalkoista (Gen – Gen – 1482w) Summary: Morgana is plotting again, but this time she plans the prank of all pranks against Arthur. It involves an innocent flower shop and a caught-in-the-crossfire Merlin. Fic: queerofthedagger created The Hopeful Conclusion (the 'The Debate' Remix) for scotscookie (Merlin/Arthur – Teen and Up – 1700w) Summary: While Hunith, Morgana, and Leon greet people, Merlin stays close, hovering just on the edge of Arthur’s personal space. Arthur may have taken it the wrong way if Merlin wasn’t the only one aware of The Plan—capital T, capital P.
As if to prove the point, Merlin leans in until their shoulders are pressed together. “Are you absolutely sure about this? There will be no going back.”
Almost exactly one year after the nightmare of a debate, the trial against the assailants finally takes place. Outside the court building, a protest in support of magic users is held, with Merlin Emrys and Arthur Pendragon at the head of it.
As it turns out, the day has more than one surprise in store.
Fic: EachPeachPearPlum created sit by me (the everything seems alright remix) for Stelle_loves_reading (Gwaine/Merlin – Teen and Up – 525w) Summary: "Tell me a story," Merlin says, tilting his head back further, far enough to meet Gwaine's gaze for a moment before he closes his eyes. "I like your stories."
Fic: merthurallure created Ruin our Friendship, a More Than a Ride Remix for teachinghimpoetry (Merlin/Arthur – Mature – 946w) Summary: Merlin and Arthur get stranded with only one horse. Feelings get revealed.
Fic: moonflower999 created You Don't Call, You Don't Write (The Echoes of the Other World Remix) for linorien (Gen – Gen – 695w) Summary: It's Samhain. This is the night when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. Camelot is wreathed in fog as Merlin, Arthur, and Guinevere head into the crypts.
Fic: linorien created All You Need is Faith and Trust for s0mmerspr0ssen (Arthur/Gwen – Gen – 12676w) Summary: The drought is awful. It's broken the land and the people's spirits both. An old ritual might be the trick to breaking the curse, but will it also break Merlin and Arthur's friendship?
Fic: s0mmerspr0ssen created In Your Shoes (The “Swap Our Places” Remix) for clea2011 (Merlin/Arthur – Teen and Up – 13917w) Summary: Arthur is in dire need of an attitude check, so Merlin helps him: with a body swap spell. Chaos ensues.
Fic: princessoftheworlds created Counting Castles (the Naming Chickens Remix) for malu_3 (Gwen/Merlin/Arthur - Mature - 5,794w) Summary: Inspired by her conversation with Hunith, Gwen whisks her husband and their lover away to a castle on the coast so they can spend some time together free of their royal duties and expectations, but despite the fresh air and seaside spray, they find that starting a family isn't always easy.
Art: mirayla created Yet, here you are, still (The Still I Surface in Morning Light Remix) for queerofthedagger (Merlin/Arthur - Teen - Art) Summary: “I’m not going to make it that easy,” Arthur presses out, his entire body shaking as he cages Merlin against the nearest wall. “You killed for me? Well, so do my knights. I never wanted you to; you were never supposed to take that kind of burden on for me. But who am I to condemn you, after the atrocities I have committed in my father’s name? You know of them, and yet, here you are, still.”
And yet, here Merlin is, still.
-Still I Surface in Morning Light - queerofthedagger
Fic: salamandair created it's our time now (if you want it to be)[the Irresistible remix] for seadeepy (Gwaine/Merlin/Arthur - General Audiences - 853w) Summary: Arthur is up late with a restless mind after the events of the last few hours. Gwaine won’t let Arthur’s mind keep the other awake, not if he can help it.
Fic: chaosgenes created Save Our Souls (a "No thanks to you, God!" remix) for papysanzo89 (Merlin/Arthur - Explicit - 4,779w) Summary: Emrys, the demon of Prophecy and Magical Arts, has long attempted to drag his prey, Arthur Pendragon, into the depths of Hell. Perhaps, this time, the human priest will finally succumb to his seduction.
Fic: laevateinn created Five times Percival was surprised by Gwaine, and one time Gwaine was the one surprised for aeris444 (Gwaine/Percival - Teen - 4,259w) Summary: People knew Gwaine as the fun knight. But like everyone, he was much more complex.
Five occurrences where Gwaine wasn't what people expected him to be... and one where he was not the only surprising person.
Fic: seadeepy created this love, it transcends (the I Know Now remix) for moonflower999 (Merlin/Arthur - Teen - 1,027w) Summary: At the moment of Arthur's death, Merlin discovers his magic is capable of far more than he ever imagined.
Fic: aeris444 created A trip to love for laevateinn (Gwaine/Percival – Teen and Up – 662w) Summary: Gwaine and Percival are planning a trip to go admire the northern lights... But a worldwide pandemic gets in the way of their trip.
Fic: malu_3 created Morgana and the Hall of Fortune (A Fickle Canon Fix Remix) for willowsmarika (Gen – Teen and Up – 10509w) Summary: After being run through by Merlin, Morgana Pendragon is offered an intriguing choice. Fortune has not smiled on her in her past endeavors, but perhaps there is wisdom to be gained, still, and a chance at a happier fate.
Fic: scotscookie created Life is for the Living (A Prayer before Birth Remix) for polomonkey (Merlin/Arthur – Teen and Up – 3225w) Summary: Merlin has always loved watching Arthur.
Fic: Stelle_loves_reading created Out in the Snow, A Tiny Warlock Glows - Remix for nivelle (Gwaine/Merlin – Teen and Up – Art) Summary: Merlin and Gwaine are away from others, and Camelot. They are attacked by bandits and while Gwaine is dealing with seemingly the last one of them, he realizes Merlin is seriously wounded.
Fic: MyKingdomComeUndone created Something So Magic About You (The Taste of Temptation Remix) for insane_falcon (Merlin/Arthur – Explicit – 27053w) Summary: “You’re more interesting than I thought you’d be,” Arthur admits, allowing his lips to curl into a smile that hovers somewhere between supercilious and patronising. “But you should really give up while I’m playing nice. I’ve been trained to kill since birth.”
His breath catches in his throat as the boy lets out an undignified snort. That was not quite the reaction he was aiming for... Before he can come up with something clever and scathing to say, the boy doubles down.
“And how long have you been training to be a prat?” he asks, again raising that damned eyebrow of his. “Or did that just come naturally?”
For an excruciating moment, Arthur is struck speechless. How dare this…this imbecile insult him to his face? A prat? He’ll show him who’s the prat!
Arthur’s eyes narrow as he brings his sword back up, but instead of cowering in fear, the boy merely smirks at him.
Arthur catches an apple thief and ends up getting more than he bargained for. (and no, I‘m not just talking about sex, although he does very much get that, too)
Fic: sinivalkoista created Bearly Beloved (The Arto-Maglos Remix) for MerlinMorganEmrys (Arthur/Gwen – Gen – 7500w) Summary: Once upon a time, there was a prince who was rather prattish.
Because of his prattishness, he was cursed to become a bear.
“Merlin, listen. This afternoon, I heard a girl singing in the forest. I have a plan.”
“Kidnapping her?”
“Kidnapping her father?”
Art: kairennart created heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I for mirayla (Merlin/Arthur - General Audiences) Summary: After Camlann, Merlin receives the visit of a ghost.
Fic: teachinghimpoetry created Somebody's Watching Me (The WAP Make it Rain Remix) for merthurallure (Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Morgana, Merlin/Arthur - Explicit - 1,657w) Summary: Morgana really liked being watched by her mystery man. Tonight she was going to give him a show worth watching.
Art: papysanzo89 created up where they stay all day in the sun (The "I am your Husband" Remix) for MyKingdomComeUndone (Merlin/Arthur - General Audiences - Art) Summary: A hand reached for his forearm, and Arthur whirled around, only to discover none other than the strange man from the restaurant standing in front of him, face flushed and panting slightly.
“You just left,” the man complained between breaths. “You can’t do that, it’s really bad form to leave your husband behind like that!”
Art: nivelle created Like a Bird in Flight (Rings Like a Bell Through the Night Remix) for EachPeachPearPlum (Gwaine/Merlin - General Audiences - Art) i: Gwaine asks Merlin for a dance.
Art: lfb72 created Catch of The Day ( Swipe Right for Fish Remix) for salamandair (Merlin/Arthur - Teen and Up - Art) Summary: I spy, with my little eye something beginning with ….? Arthur looks into the water and discovers something far more fascinating than just fish.
Fic: clea2011 created It’s a Kind of Magic (The Singalong Remix) for Shana_Rose (Merlin/Arthur - Teen - 9,613w) Summary: Arthur writes a song. All by himself. With a pen and everything.
Band AU in which Arthur and Merlin engage in mutual pining and ridiculous misunderstandings, Gwaine can’t keep his shirt on, Leon holds it all together (grumpily) and Lance has the patience of a saint.
Business as usual then.
Fic: geeklover created A Contradiction in Terms (The Difference Between Night and Day Remix) for fifty_fifty (Merlin/Arthur - Mature - 1,183w) Summary: Uther hasn't been dead for twenty-four hours, and Arthur already faces his first challenge as king. Now is when he needs his father the most...or does he?
Fic: polomonkey created Candere for Athena (sherlock_is_actually_a_girls_name) (Merlin/Arthur - Teen and Up - 8,206w) Summary: Ever since that fateful night when Arthur had pulled him in for a hug, arms strong and warm around Merlin’s back, bare chest pressed against him, face all but buried in Merlin’s neck… Merlin had been lost.
But Arthur had let go. And he hadn’t touched Merlin since.
Four times Merlin attempted to get a hug from Arthur, and the one time Arthur gave it willingly.
Fic: Athena (sherlock_is_actually_a_girls_name created The Lavatory for chaosgenes (Merlin/Arthur - Explicit - 732w) Summary: Merlin is afraid of heights. Arthur helps.
Fic: sinivalkoista created the kitten caboodle (the corgi conundrum remix) for princessoftheworlds (Gen - General Audiences - 1,272w) Summary: Arthur finds himself a mortal nemesis - in the form of a deranged beast Merlin brings home.
Fic: moonflower999 created Tell Me What You Really Think (The Gratitude Remix) for geeklover (Merlin/Arthur - General Audiences - 1,983w) Summary: Uther assigns Merlin to Arthur as his new manservant. The problem is that no one knows that Arthur is attracted to men, and Merlin is exactly his type. The prince has to find a way to get rid of Merlin as quickly as possible, as Uther will not budge.
Art: nivelle created Self-designated Knight-sitter for kairennart (Personaje) (Gen - General Audiences - Art) Summary: If she sits on him, he can't run off to get into trouble, Aithusa figures and holds onto Lancelot a little bit tighter.
Art: willowsmarika created The Babysitter Swap (The Aithusa Just Wants To Have Fun Remix) for kairennart (Personaje) (Gen - General Audiences - Art) Summary: Aithusa had enough of Lancelot's protectiveness, she wants a fun babysitter for once. Enter Gwaine, who even manages to loose his shirt during the day, because why not?! And it's Gwaine...
Fic: fifty_fifty created Part of That World (The Little Merman remix) for lfb72 (Merlin/Arthur - Explicit - 31,926w) Summary: Merlin is a curious merman who becomes intrigued with the humans who live on the land. After years of watching and longing, he finds out it's possible for a merman to become a human man.
Meanwhile, Arthur is fed up with his life in the city and quits his job at the family business. After a blow-out fight with his father, he moves to his mother's old seaside cottage at sleepy Camelot-on-Sea, where he finds himself, his life's calling, and a rather mysterious merman who saves him in more ways than one.
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thatfanfictiongirl76 · 9 months ago
Merlin Season 4 Rewrite Series
This fic has been a favorite of mine for years. It just takes the plot of season 4 and really builds on it. Not to mention I love the magic reveal, Merlin wump, and knights comradery. Not to mention the Emrys plotline is just amazing. I highly recommend this fic, it is on my Merlin rec as well.
Virtues, Chicken, and Destiny Series
By: Nyxelestia
Summary: Arthur had never looked forward to becoming king, but the crown had never felt so heavy as the moment he realized everyone he loved was lying to him. If he wants answers, he's going to have to find them himself.
My Comments: This is one of my favorite Merlin Canon series. It's written by one of the kinkmeme-merlin mods herself. This started as a one shot that turned into a rewrite of season 4. I have to say I really enjoyed how she pulled Emrys into this quite a lot. It's definitely worth a read.
Status: Incomplete 
Last Update: 6/14/24
Length (Whole Series): 104,986 words
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palatteflags · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Purple/Magenta/Fantasy based moodboard with the name Emrys~ ^^ For @abnormallybetrayed c: Hope you like the look!!
Want one? Send an ask!! -mod Jay
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