#mod Findthir
Who do you think will voice Trundle in the upcoming movie?
Fun question! The mods have talked it out, and... decided that we do not know the voice actor market very well!
It'll have to be someone that can pull off a kind and wise-sounding character that turns out to be the bad guy. So, just insert the VA for a character that fits that description.
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What are the odds that the Mountain King movie will add a bit more foreshadowing to Trundle's true nature? The only ones I can think of is smirking after Hilda wondering if the spell is permanent. And reminding Hilda (after dealing with the hanging bells) that he told her that the other trolls won't tell her.
I would hope they keep it a clean reveal like the original. But that's up to the writers. I give it 7 to 3 odds. Good luck with that math.
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can we crop the hd edits and turn them into emojis for discord? -@interabsol
Those are done by @hd-screenshots , actually! Bio indicates that you're free to use them, though. Be sure to drop them some nice words of encouragement if you do!
Edit: You're also free to use any of the edits that I've done!
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Well, guess I’ll just make a little note here. I’ve been really unmotivated lately, so of course the precious stones post decides to make the rounds again and not only hits 30k notes, but shoots past 40k with ease. Which of course leads to my follows passing 3k and being well on the way to 3.2k before I can even get around to mentioning it.
So thanks and welcome, new folks! I promise I’ll get around to acquiring new images from season 2 and stuff real soon. Until then though, I’ll be reblogging some of my old posts. (Which don’t really hold up too well, but we’ll just have to deal with it.)
So again, thanks for coming. Hope I make it worth your while to stick around. <3
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let me just say THANK YOU, they weren't selling the Hilda comics in any bookstore near me and i couldn't order it either, I was worried i wouldn't be able to read it, so thanks for giving me a chance.
aww, well I’m glad my violation of copyright law isn’t in vain. 
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You're doing God's work btw
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What can I say? I’m an angel. 
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If you missed it...
I mentioned in the tags of the last image from the comics, but I’m out of images. So until we get a Season 2, posts will be infrequent if not nonexistent. Sorry! 
In the meantime, I do accept requests for images and edits. If you’ve seen the edits I do, it’s mostly just removing backgrounds. I guess I may eventually get around to getting comprehensive images from the other comics like I did for Mountain King. And maybe I’ll go back through the show for more images. Who knows! 
Anyway, feel free to request stuff if you want. No guarantees on how quickly I can do them, though. If you have images you’d like to share, I’ll also accept submissions. 
Thanks! Here’s hoping Season 2 comes quickly! 
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I don’t mind correcting the writers when they mess up the dialogue. 
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Really appreciating the posting of these, this is a really interesting plot and I've never read the hilda book things
I’m glad you like it. Personally, I’m torn. I don’t like the idea of posting the whole thing, because I want people to buy it to support the creator. But I know some people just can’t get it for whatever reason. And it’s not like my posting these images is a replacement for the books. 
Just know that I am definitely in violation of copyright law. So buy the comics if you can! 
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I’m not planning to post or reblog any stuff from season 2 before it airs. But if I do, it will be tagged “hilda season 2″. So... blacklist that, if you don’t want to risk spoilers. 
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I started watching the show because of this blog and I really enjoy it, Thanks for spreading awareness!
This is a Public Service Announcement: Hilda is really good and you should watch it. Read the comics/graphic novels too. 
I like the idea of spreading “awareness” about a show. Glad you like the show! Really glad you like the blog! 
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Your blog convinced me to buy the last two hilda books, so thank you for that ! It was really great :)
Yay! Glad you like it. 
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There are now 2000 of you folks following this blog. That’s about ten times more than I was expecting to ever get. 
Anyway. We’ll keep the posts coming for as long as I have images. 
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