#mobster viren
ranisutra · 2 years
Karz /Chapter 03
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Voltron and Dragon Prince Halloween Headcannons
Just because I’m in the mood. 
Halloween for the Voltron Crew: 
-Shiro: Typically for Halloween Shiro used to dress up pairing with Adam. Sometimes it would be your typical set couple pieces -Ketchup and Mustard, but most of the time they would come up with weird ideas that matched. Like a vampire (Adam) and Shiro as Frankenstin’s Monster (because he was taller), Arthur (Shiro) and Merlin (Adam), Two mobsters from the 20s or a cop and a mobster, etc. While they’re in space, Shiro decided to go as the Tin Woods man because of his already metal arm. (Lance thought he should go as an  older version of Edward Elric, but they couldn’t find a blond wig for him.) 
-Pidge: Her mom used to pick her costumes as a kid, and, as she got older (because of issues in school) she dressed up less and less. However she and Keith, being the crypto nerds that they are, decided to dress up as cryptozoologists and use the weird creatures that she found as their “research” items. She got Keith into the idea by promising that he could carry around the green one on his shoulder like it was a pet. Oh and they also got the mice involved too. 
-Keith: Like with Pidge after his father’s death he was less inclined to dress up. When his father was alive, he went as a firefighter and a space man alien thing. He was just going to go as the yellow Paladin of Voltron, and dress in one of Hunk’s suits, but Pidge convinced him to come to the party dressed with her as a cryptozoologist. He wound up borrowing some of Hunk’s shorts to match her, and thinks he looks a bit like the lead of Crocodile Dundee. The Mice are dressed as mini moth men. 
-Lance: Dresses up every year because of his family and niece and nephew. He usually takes them out getting candy, as it’s became more and more common over the years since before he was born. (His grandmother told him stories of how when she was little they weren’t allowed to have Halloween events, and after things changed and things became less restricted, more and more people started to celebrate by having parties and eventually the idea of trick or treating became a thing by getting candy from party goers rather than from house to house [AN: apparently this is becoming a thing now in Cuba, where they’re starting to have Halloween parties and such -so since this is the future I’m assuming things have changed more and more]. ) Typically he tried to match his niece and nephew, and he’s been everything from a Vampire to a giant box robot. This year he decided to dress as the knight from the video game, because...well why not. 
-Hunk: Like Lance he typically takes his younger niece and nephew out, but his typical costume is something that covers him up. Either as a ghost, or some sort of scarecrow, or something really random, like a chef. He normally makes sure that they’re home on time, and also gets candy with them. Sometimes they all go as a group like one year he was the cowardly lion while his niece and nephew were the Scarecrow and tin woods man. This year he decided to go as a ghost because it seemed easy and fun, and he didn’t have to put to much work into it, but also it looked cool on him. 
-Allura: has never celebrated Halloween, so wasn’t sure what to wear, and Pidge pretty much helped her dress up as Coran, since it would be something that was familiar to Allura and it was the easiest thing that she could think of, that made sense to the Altean princess. The only issue was getting the hair to stay as a mustache. 
-Coran: Felt that this was a great idea and pulled from the ancient history of Altean lore to create a monster that is like a urban legend, with many eyeballs and writing limbs. Unfortunately this costume is hard to walk in, and the eyeballs keep falling off so the paladins are constantly having to pick them up and stick them back on them, and help him with the body which is a lot like a tree.
-Romelle: Never experienced it either and Keith jokingly suggested she dress up as a traditional Altean. Allura was more than happy to do that and set her up in one of her dresses and fixed her up so she looks more like a Princess then the pigtaled girl that they know. Although Romelle is still Romelle, so while she’s dressing the part she’s still questioning why anyone would want to be scared out of their mind once a year for fun?  
(For those for Lotor, not sure for him, Probably he’d end up dressing up as some random creature from another world that they haven’t seen, or a Vampire.) 
The party: Lance and Hunk set this one up and, with Pidge and Keith helping with making decorations (bats made of paper, random witch’s brooms out of thrown away items that they got for supplies, etc) Hunk took charge of the food and party games with food (Dunking for apples became picking up a fruit in the green goo, and having treats made from different planet food, including Balmaran cupcakes that look like the stones, and robeast cookies), while Lance took over the music and party events (Pin the arm on Sendak for example.) Pidge and Keith won for best scary story when they sat around telling them, though Coran nearly got it, but his ending was too cute to be scary. 
Dragon Prince: 
This one is more what if they dressed up: 
Soren: Can totally see him deciding to go as a Superhero, or like get fangs and put on a football uniform and go as a vampire jock. 
Claudia: Wraps her self in brown paper and dark brown tape, and carries around a baseball with her and goes. “See I”m a bat...get it?” 
Callum: Doesn’t know what to wear or has too many ideas. Ends up throwing something together at the  last minute wearing a hanger and a dry cleaning bag over himself saying he’s “clothing that was brought in from the dry cleaner”
Ezran: A zookeeper, as he has Bait and Zym with him. 
Rayla: Like Callum has too many ideas, ends up dressing as Runaan, much to his eye rolling. 
Runaa: Doesn’t typically dress up, ends up putting on a “This is my costume” hat because he doesn’t have time for this. 
King Harrow: Total nerd about the holiday. Insists that the castle is all decorated for it, and has a big party. Ends up dressing as (and I don’t know why this came to me but ) Edgar Allen Poe, with a notebook in one hand, a quill in the other and Pip as his Raven. 
Lord Viren: Over dresses for this. Goes all out in his costume and buys it on line. Comes as the Count of Monti Cristo, with the whole thing being made of silks and such. 
Gren: Total dork, comes dressed as a Black cat Knight. Wears mostly the ears and tail. 
Amaya: Gears herself up as Wonder Woman. 
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ranisutra · 2 years
Karz / Chapter 04
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ranisutra · 2 years
Karz /Chapter 02
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