#mobius argentum
wadbot · 1 year
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dbabrm.pk3: Don't Be A Bitch Remastered DBAB33 (-2160, -450, 160) Author: Argentum, Combinebobnt, Decay, Dusk, Grymmoire, HeavenWraith, Ivan, Jdagenet, Keo, Mobius, Razgriz, Date: 2015-08-17 Description: 33 maps suitable for Team/Last Man Standing
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schoolyearart · 6 years
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In the center is Manik Acorn, redesigned to look more like his Underground counterpart(and he has cheek fur like Sally). Left and right are two versions of Sonia Acorn. I like the right better, but the left has the right clothes and Underground’s hair. 
In my fanverse, Mobius Argentum, Manik is fast, but nowhere close to Sonic fast. He can hack(which gets him in trouble because he hasn’t yet had anything good to do with his hacking skills), and he drums. He is friends with Skye Prower(Tails’ son) and will marry Mina Prower(Tails’ daughter). Sonia has Sonic-level speed and does the Sonia Spin. She plays the piano. She will marry Bunnie and Antoine’s son.
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tmma1869 · 5 years
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I initially only pulled for the "Good Enough" support card, but decided... why not pull to get cards I initially didn't get on the previous anniversaries?
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Also, at first I wanted to use my Supreme Ticket to complete my Ultimate Hero collection again (as in, get Classic FFVIII Squall with the Lion Heart)... but decided against it in hopes that I want another Supreme and hope it won't be Griever.
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I still have zero luck with Seifer Graff, but I finally got my first Fire Supreme... and overall 3rd Warrior Supreme after Shadow Lord and Royal Arms which are both Dark Supremes. To be honest, when I got that rainbow I actually expected to get Classic FFVIII Squall. The free Squall with his Dissidia design has a weak Ultimate which is single target.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
237. Sonic the Hedgehog #169
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Order from Chaos (Part Two): The Great Harmony
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
Sonic races ahead through the nanite city, still searching for his father and Tails. He finds his father lying on the ground some distance ahead, and Jules informs him that with Tails delivered to A.D.A.M., he's been ordered to self-destruct, but since A.D.A.M. forgot to actually give him a time limit he's set himself to fall apart in about forty years, plenty of time for Sonic to free him from A.D.A.M.'s control. With his father relatively safe for the moment, Sonic presses on to the spire, where A.D.A.M. has begun to use the power of Shadow and Tails to draw every Chaos Emerald in the universe to him. Time to sound off! The green emeralds are of course from Mobius. The cyan emeralds are from Weeet, Car-heem's home planet from StH#23. The blue emeralds are from the Xorda's home planet, and the red, as we saw during Tossed in Space, from Thoraxia. The purple ones are from Teragosa 6, that utopian planet that E.V.E. ate in StH#128, and, from the same issue, the yellow ones are from the star that E.V.E. threw herself into afterward. And finally, the gray ones are from none other than Argentum, the Bem homeworld where Tails' parents still reside! Man, awfully convenient that every single variety of Chaos Emerald in the universe happens to come from places that Sonic has either visited or had some connection with, huh? With all the emeralds collected, they swirl around A.D.A.M.'s spire in multicolored loops - but he realizes that there's one emerald that still eludes his reach.
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Well, but of course! It wouldn't be a Sonic canon without the Master Emerald, right? How interesting that Finitevus has shown himself to Locke, though… Sonic finally arrives on the scene, and A.D.A.M. reveals to him that Tommy is still alive under all the nanites, and fully conscious. Ah, so an "and I must scream" kind of situation, huh? Eggman is furious now that he's no longer directly cowering under A.D.A.M.'s gaze, and disowns A.D.A.M. as his son, leading A.D.A.M. to reveal his true reason for doing all of this: because he wants his daddy to love him. That's it. Seriously. He got Eggman to kill M because he felt he might love her more than him, as well. All this comes down to daddy issues. Sonic even lampshades just how ridiculous this is, that even Shadow doesn't angst like this. Sonic tries to attack A.D.A.M., but A.D.A.M. briefly lifts the nanites away from Tommy's head, revealing Tommy inside looking very disoriented and pained. Sonic hesitates to attack him, unwilling to hurt his friend to get to A.D.A.M., which of course, gives A.D.A.M. an opening to knock him aside. Eggman actually helps Sonic back to his feet, telling him to keep A.D.A.M. busy until his Egg Fleet can get here to blast him to bits. Sonic, however, not wanting Tommy to end up hurt, decides to turn things up a notch and go for the very tempting Giant Tower of Chaos Emeralds for a power-up.
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While Super Sonic and Super A.D.A.M. start battling it out in the air, Eggman releases Shadow and Tails from their pods, with them having by now been forced into their Super and Turbo forms respectively by the power of so many nearby emeralds. Turbo Tails, realizing that he hasn't yet fulfilled his prophecy after all, recognizes that this is the Great Harmony and enlists Shadow's help to open a portal to a parallel zone to send the Chaos Emeralds there to safety, away from here.
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Something special indeed! It's quite creative, actually, that Ian found a way to turn such a throwaway "Chosen One" thing into an actual plot device to help him with his clean-up detail. A.D.A.M. is furious at the loss of the gems, and Sonic tries to get him to let Tommy go and give up, but A.D.A.M. refuses… until the nanites around Tommy's head melt away, with Tommy having been finally able to wrest back control for a second. Sonic is overjoyed, but Tommy tells him that he won't have control for long, and apologizes for being so much trouble, as well as thanking Sonic for his kindness. The Egg Fleet arrives, and Tommy forces A.D.A.M. to fly towards it. Sonic tries to stop him, but it's too late, and the cannons fire, vaporizing both Tommy and A.D.A.M. in an instant. Sonic loses his Super form and floats to the ground, rather morbidly holding what's left of his friend in one hand.
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Awww. Apparently Ian's decision to kill off Tommy here was because he wasn't a particularly popular character, and while I'll agree that he was kind of one-dimensional and uninteresting in his first few appearances, I had grown to like him as part of the team. At least in the end, he got to be a true hero, and took A.D.A.M. with him.
…for a Friend
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Aimee Ray
I know it's not listed in my credits here, but Kenders actually inked and lettered for this story! I mentioned in his final issue as a writer than there was one more story he had involvement with, and this is it - as far as I've been able to find, he wasn't involved with any other stories from here on out. So I suppose, in a way, this is truly our final goodbye to Kenders!
Mighty, Ray, and Espio have all journeyed out to the former site of Charmy's home, the Golden Hive Colony, in search of any information on his family's whereabouts, with Vector providing assistance over the radio from Knothole. Mighty and Ray are mostly staying outside as lookouts, while Espio, with his superior stealth skills, sneaks into the giant structure that once housed the colony, but which has now been repurposed into one of Eggman's many bases. It's worth noting that up until now, Ray hasn't been a very well fleshed out character at all, but under Ian's writership he actually gains a pretty significant stutter. I'm not sure if the implication is meant to be that he just naturally stutters, or if his trauma led him to develop one, but either way, it's a small character detail that I appreciate. Anyway, Espio sneaks in, getting information on the location of the base's main computer from one terrified robot, and once he takes out the robots using said computer for Solitaire, Nicole helps him hack into it.
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I love this. I think this is the first time the comic - or any Sonic canon, actually - has ever really gone into Eggman's reasons behind what he does. In most canons he is shown to genuinely value family to some degree, as he idolizes his grandfather and in the comics specifically likes to keep Snively close. That said, he is a sadist at heart, and someone being a blood relative is not enough for him to decide not to torture and murder them, as we saw with the disaster with the Overlanders in Robotropolis some time ago. Therefore, with most of his family gone, and Snively having some level of immunity as an underling, he finds his enjoyment in not only hurting the Mobians and other Overlanders that he's at war with, but in ensuring that even his own forces can be terrified of him. This is backed up by what Nicole finds in the computer's database.
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With that, Espio sets the base to blow up and escapes before he's caught in it, much to Mighty and Ray's relief. He dodges their questions about why he destroyed it at first, until he curtly explains that since Eggman hurt his friend, he decided to hurt him back. Thus, the Golden Hive Colony is gone, but at least there's hope for some survivors to be found sometime in the future.
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just-jayy · 5 years
Constellations ch. 11: Gravity
[Sanpelagroso] [South Island, Mobius] [Year 56XX]
[We have arrived on the island safely.]
[I've been feeling more and more comfortable around Argentum, trying to show that I care about him on an emotional level than anything else.]
[But we aren't here on a vacation. We're here to put an end to Enigma.]
[Until then,] [Μόλυβδος]
"See anything?" Moly asked, levitating over the surprisingly lush rainforest that claimed the remote island.
Silver was doing his best to try and find where exactly the comet was, yet his vision was hazy. Something- no, someone- was preventing him from seeing it. He clenched his fists in annoyance, trying to connect himself more to the comet he had seen and yet... it was nowhere. He couldn't see it, couldn't sense it and couldn't find where it had impacted.
"No." He opened his eyes and huffed as he crossed his arms. "This is pointless, I can't see anything."
"Not even a point of impact?" Moly levitated up to Silver, looking out in the direction he was facing.
"I could've sworn there was some sort of crash... I could hear it." He gave an uneasy glance back out, his eyes scanning the northern part of the island.
"Shall we go search?"
"We don't have a set direction, that's the problem."
"That hasn't stopped you before."
"Maybe not but," He flew a bit ahead, Moly following close behind, "without a point of impact or smoke or something, we're powerless. There's nothing we can-"
They didn't have to move any further as they both yelped in surprise as a sonic boom crashed in front of them. The impact shook the earth below them, knocking some trees loose as the two held each other protectively as they were pushed back by the shock-wave. Silver did his best to stop them from going flying, managing to withstand the worst of the energy.
Both of them opened their eyes as the shock settled, fear and anxious visible in their expressions.
The previously beautiful island full of rich greenery was now the same as the Outskirts- a broken fiery land that radiated hostility. Who knew what kind of destructive energy was surging through Mobius...
"Are you ok?" Silver immediately asked, having been too used to surprise comets like this, tightly held his friend.
"Yeah, I think so. What about you?" Moly replied with a shaky voice.
"I'm fine... But this isn't good. The rate at which these rocks are falling will cause devastation." He spoke, gently letting Moly go as he hovered over the newly embedded meteor. He thought for a second before turning to Moly, "Let's go."
Setting her knapsack down in a safe and secure tree hole, she took one last look at the chao who looked back at her. She smiled as she pet all of their heads before catching up to Silver.
"Right. Let's finish this."
* * *
Something felt... Off about this world. Everything was eerily still, there was no color, the sky was full of tiny specks resembling stars. The only hue was a foreboding emerald energy in the distance. Nothing but silence between the fox and hedgehog as they floated towards the faint glowing orb.
"There's something seriously wrong here." Silver stated, worriedly looking around at the monochromatic world around them. "This world, it... Feels wrong."
"I agree... It feels..." The fox paused, stopping in her tracks as a tingling feeling surged through her body.
"Wrong." Silver finished, feeling that same white noise course through his veins.
The two froze upon their discovery: Enigma levitating in the center of a ritualistic circle, surrounded by an emerald staticized barrier with an emotionless expression, their eyes completely shadowed over by an empty green hue.
Silver took a step back as the aura intensified, taking some cautious steps ahead as he clenched his fists.
The coyote shot the two teens a glare, static spears firing in their direction post-haste. Countering, Silver threw his hands up to create a barrier to shield Moly and himself. Normally, he wouldn't even flinch at such an impact, but there was something about these spikes, these impaling rods created of mind-numbing white noise, that threw off his concentration.
Dropping his barrier, Silver's cyan aura flared to life around him as he growled in irritation. Before he could act however, Moly grabbed his arm.
We need to stop them before they kill us, Moly!
Calm down. Look.
Moly pointed to the coyote's sternum. Lodged inside was the Astrum, the all powerful crystal. Static was emanating from the star, spreading out from their chest into the barrier. The barrier of energy surrounding Enigma was distorted, warping the image of the being within the center. Without even moving, static projectiles shot in every direction around them. They weren't in control of this, not this sense or act of reality alteration.
The Astrum, Silver; you said if it is connected to someone, then they become a puppet. Moly spoke to him, taking a step forward before summoning her bow and arrow, her own indigo aura surrounding her body as she levitated with Silver.
Yeah, and?
Is there a chance to save them?
Silver paused for a second. He... hasn't given that thought. He only knew what the source of destruction was, the Astrum, and Enigma was merely protecting it. All he had to do was separate the two entities and seal away the cause of destruction, but this... He wasn't sure of. Maybe there was a way to separate the two of them without sealing both of them away in Felsic.
I never thought of it. I know it's beyond dangerous to handle but... He thought, looking to the coyote. If there's a chance to save them, we need to take it.
Moly readied her arrow, aiming for the coyote. I'll distract them, you try to weaken them until I get a clean shot.
Without hesitation, Moly pulled back the arrow and squinted her eyes as she aimed for their chest. Exhaling, the arrow fired only to be misdirected by the barrier to pierce Enigma's arm. The coyote didn't even flinch, that was the most unnerving part.
Silver launched himself to the coyote, picking up multiple colorless debris and throwing them at the barrier. He dodged multiple spikes that pricked out in every direction, their eyes remaining unfocused and glazed over.
"Enigma! I know you can hear me!" The silver hedgehog shouted, dodging another projectile as he lifted a broken boulder and flung it at the barrier which had began to crack.
Moly levitated up, her bow and arrow aiming straight for the back of Enigma's chest. Until the barrier was destroyed, she couldn't make any move. She hated waiting like this, but she has to be patient.
You can't speak to them. They cannot hear you.
You don't know that!
Silver's attention being caught off resulted in him being slashed by a spike, static numbing his body as he slid onto the monochrome earth. Struggling to stand, he glared at Enigma.
"I know you can fight that thing, Enigma!" he continued, his hands trembling as he tried to focus his power, "you can't let it control you!"
Noting the cracked weak spot in the barrier, he shot a psychic projectile at the imperfections. A grin swept across his face as the coyote gasped out in surprise.
Within a second of his command, Moly releases the arrow. A bright indigo trail followed the slicing of the air as it traveled before coming to a dead stop in the middle of Enigma's upper back.
Silver stood, hands on his knees as he doubled over panting from the sudden static leaving his body. His aura regenerated as he immobilized Enigma within the cyan energy.
Without a shred of an afterthought, Moly flew to them and teleported in front of the coyote. Her archery equipment dissipated only to be replaced with an ethereal argonite dagger. She raised it over her head as she focused on the point in their chest.
Moly wait! Don't touch it!
Angered from the interruption, she shot a harsh glare at Silver.
Then you tell me how we're supposed to separate them!
You might kill Enigma if you just stab them!
Not possible, Silver! My weapons only stun my targets!
Dang it.. Moly, just-! Silver's telepathy grew desperate as he fought against the static emerging once more from the crystal. Fine, dig it out of them quick!
Hold them steady...
I got them, just...
Moly exhaled, clearing her mind as she said a prayer to Axiom. Just sever the connection...
Do it!
Before anyone could blink, the dagger pierced through Silver's aura as it sliced into the crystal. There was no damage to the star, but the static ceased to emanate. She did it, she had dislodged the energy between the two beings! Grinning at her accomplishment, Moly twisted the dagger up, a facet of the star managing to break off into the coyotes body. She struggled to pry it out as it obviously wouldn't budge without a second force. Static began to crawl up her arms, her weapon starting to vanish as the star shocked her body with static electricity.
"AARGHH! Damn it all! Just.. Come... OUT!" She's shouted as her dagger disappeared at her command, opting to try and pry it out with her own hands.
Moly felt her sense of reality tear away from her sense of awareness. The world she was just in was now a blank sky full of tiny sparks. Her body was numb and unresponsive, her telepathy was blocked out, she couldn't see or hear anyone... Other than this weird voice.
"Hello there, my child."
She managed to control her body once more, whipping herself around to see where she was and whoever was speaking to her.
"Now now, do not be so hostile. I would like to welcome you."
Moly looked around, gritting her teeth in anger as she tried and failed to read her weapons. She gasped as static pricked her limbs, forcing her to remain still. Eyes widened, she stared as a static-filled being appeared before her eyes. They looked... They...
Silver cried out as Enigma forced him and Moly back, sliding on the now slightly humming black and white ground. It felt like multiple shocks of static, a droning white noise that occupied his mind. He couldn't care less about himself however, he cared more for his unresponsive friend who lay still beside him.
"Moly? Moly?! Can you hear me?! MOLY!" Panicking, he shook her body. There was no response, only slow raspy breaths. Something was wrong. Very very wrong.
"Pity that she cannot stop her own deterioration."
That voice...
Silver stood, rage boiling inside of him as he turned to face Enigma. Their eyes still soulless and empty, their voice hollow.
"She cannot be saved." The coyote spoke, black sludge oozing from the partially dug out Astrum. "Just like Blaze, you have failed in saving her. Just like Blaze, she will leave you alone. Just like Blaze, you will meet an untimely end."
The mention of Blaze, the memories,the fact that his horrible past was starting to repeat itself sent him over the edge.
"You... You aren't allowed to say her name... You..." Cyan intensified to a blinding light, multiple monochrome trees and boulders lifted as the hedgehog began to levitate. "YOU MONSTER!"
"My beautiful Moly-pollie. It is so wonderful to see you again."
Tears filled the fox's eyes, static letting her have free will once more as she lunged towards her mother. The warmth of her mother's arms wrapped tightly around her was so familiar, the feeling of home she had lost long ago was resurfacing as she cried into her mother's chest.
"Now now little one, do not cry. You have a big decision to make."
"Mama... I... How are you... Am I dead?"
Moly wept as her mother's tender hand wiped away her tears. She heard her mother's soft laugh behind that gentle expression.
"Moly, my dear child, you are far from death. In fact, you are being given a gift."
The fox watched in speechless morbid curiosity as her mother held her hands out and, within her static palms, and object began to materialize.
"My beautiful child, what if I told you," Her mother's smile grew slightly, "that you could go back and stop the Council?"
"Your anger amuses us, silver boy. Dance a dance with death!" Enigma laughed as their soulless eyes stayed locked on him.
"SHUT UP AND JUST..." Silver shouted, lifting any and everything he could to attack the puppet.
"I can't... Argentum, he... I can't leave him."
"You would choose a friend over your mother?"
"N-no mother, of course not! But... I cannot erase everything we have done. The Astrum, my friendship with Argentum, the fate of our world..."
"...I see." Her mother came closer to Moly, staring to her eyes. "My baby girl, what if you could have both?"
"You can save your future, bring father and I back, and stay with your friend..." Her mother's icy blue eyes began to fizzle into static as she kept her gaze into Moly. "All you need to do..."
"JUST!" Silver lifted multiple rocks as he shouted, "DIE!"
"Is become the vessel."
Enigma dodged the rocks, laughing and readying a static spear as they jumped back. Before they could attack, they stopped as their body numbed.
"W-wha... Why can't I- AUGH!" The coyote questioned before being thrown to the staticized earth.
Panting and raising more debris, Silver jumped to the ground in front of Enigma. His eyes were a dark shade of gold, his aura almost blinding to the eye, his sense of morality was gone. He truly was pushed over his breaking point.
"Finally... Now I can put an end to you!" He shouted, lifting his objects high above Enigma who was shaking on their hands and knees.
Silver's eyes widened at that recognizable voice in his head. Forcing away the weaponized debris in his hands, he turned to Moly who was now standing. Tears filled his eyes from relief that she was still alive. As he ran to her side, he tightly wrapped his arms around her.
"Moly! You're alive! Oh gosh, I can't believe I, I.. Are you ok? Are you hurt? Are you... Moly?"
The boy's eyes widened as his friend's once vibrant amethyst orbs were now dull and lifeless. His hands trembled, but he could only hug her tighter. Was she...? No, she couldn't be...
"Please no, Moly, NO! I won't! I refuse to let you...!"
She shoved him off of her, walking past him without a second glance as she forced Enigma up with her limited kinesis.
"Moly, STOP IT!" Silver shouted as he used his psychokinesis to immobilize her.
With a blink of her cold eyes, static surged through her body and traversed into Silver's. He cried out in pained agony as his concentration shattered, his body heavy and numb once more.
Moly held Enigma in a tight chokehold, readying her once crystalized but now pure black dagger as she shoved it hard and deep into the coyote's sternum. Static electrified the whole area, black sludge poured from their now gaping hole in their chest, their dull eyes were back to that vibrant lively green as before as Moly tossed their weakened choking body aside.
Without even flinching, the Astrum embedded itself into her chest, right over her beating heart. She shouted as static electricity surrounded her being as she struggled to maintain consciousness.
Silver, You need to go. Take Enigma, a-and go!
Silver could only stare at what his friend was becoming. Instead of staying by his side like she promised, she was now... The enemy. A puppet being controlled by that dreaded crystal.
"Moly... Please.. Please don't leave me..." His voice cracked as he stood, ignoring the cracking reality around him.
I'll save the world, Silver. She shot a powerful surge of electrical energy behind him, creating a Riff. Please, go.
The hedgehog shook his head, adamant as he tried to grab her hand. "I'm not leaving you! Y-you promised me that you... You would..." He choked on his cries, tears dropping to the ground.
You're so naive. I've always liked that about you.
Moly gave him a final sad smile.
This won't be the last time we meet. Just... Just get yourselves to safety.
With that, static shocked the earth as the ground began to rip away. Reality as he knew it was beginning to crumble. Hesitantly, Silver took a few steps back as he cried. He tightly shut his eyes as he turned from her. He already failed Blaze's request to seal her away... He wasn't going to make that mistake with Moly. The least he could do was... See her request through.
Enigma stammered, their body limp and weak from being numb.
"Hang on." Silver demanded as he carefully picked up the coyote, carrying them on his back.
Silver took a final glance at Moly who stared back at him. Her eyes were listless, dulled over like a lifeless puppet. He stifled a sob as he jumped through the portal.
Argentum... Forgive me...
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The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
MT!Prompto Argentum ( You are here )
Iris Amicitia ( @plcyalongforonce​ /on Semi-Hiatus rn/ )
Two FFXV OCs ( @shieldsupxgunsblazing​ )
Uuuuuuhhhhmmm... lemme see.
My Mobius ffxv character Cynbel is definitely one, but that’s kinda it. And maybe Viktor Nikiforov from YOI, Tattletail
This is gonna be a long one it’ll be under a read more.
Male FE: A Avatar
Au Dipper Pines from Gravity falls
The Prince from Katamari
Susumu Hori from the Mr. Driller fanchise
Waya Hime from Bravoman
Cecil Harvey from FFIV
Zidane Tribal from FFIX
Noctis Lucis Caelum from FFXV
Zack Fair from FFVII
Raine from FFVIII
Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles
KH OC: Cinnia Fair
FFVII OC: Cassidy Hewley
FFVI OC: Krys Branford
Bill Cipher from Gravity falls
Matsuri from Naruto
Haku from Naruto
Shinku from Rozen Maiden
Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden
Kirakishou from Rozen Maiden
Suigintou and Sephiroth from a cross over of Rozen Maiden and FFVII
Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
John Egbert from Homestuck
Gamzee Makara from Homestuck
Sollux Captor from Homestuck
Eridan Ampora from Homestuck
Kankri Vantas from Homestuck
Au Dirk Strider from Homestuck
Kadaj from FFVII Advent Children
Older versed Ruby Gloom from Ruby Gloom
Older versed Numbuh 5 from KND
Donnell from FE: A
Sophie from FE: Fates
Stan Marsh from South Park
Tweek Tweak from South Park
Henrietta Biggle from South Park
Bridon Gueermo from South Park
Thomas from South Park
Ulala from Space Channel 5
Pudding from Space Channel 5
Yoyo from Jet Set Radio
Rhyth/Bis/Mew from Jet Set Radio
Jazz from Jet Set Radio
HS!AU Rinoa Heartilly
Goro from Mappy
Sora from KH
Yuffie from FFVII
Aki Ross from Final Fantasy the Spirits Within
Princess Peach from the Mario franchise
Reyn from Xenoblade Chronicles
Melia Antiqua from Xenoblade Chronicles
Riki from Xenoblade Chronicles
Juju from Xenoblade Chronicles
Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles
Kalian Antiqua from Xenoblade Chronicles
KH Versed Neku Sakuraba
Ortensia from Disney’s Epic Mickey
Au Laguna Loire from FFVIII
Jeff the Killer from Creepypasta
Clockwork from Creepypasta
Honestly the list goes on and on and on. SO! I’m gonna stop here
TAGGED BY: @fieryknowledge
TAGGING: Honestly, I don’t know who to tag lmao do this if you want to I suppose.
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wadbot · 2 years
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dbabrm.pk3: Don't Be A Bitch Remastered DBAB17 (166, -439, 0) Author: Argentum, Combinebobnt, Decay, Dusk, Grymmoire, HeavenWraith, Ivan, Jdagenet, Keo, Mobius, Razgriz, Date: 2015-08-17 Description: 33 maps suitable for Team/Last Man Standing
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schoolyearart · 6 years
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WIP group picture of my Sonic the Hedgehog OCs. 
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mobius-prime · 4 years
238. Sonic the Hedgehog #170
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Comings and Goings
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley Colors: Jason Jensen
Today's main story is mostly just more clean-up on Ian's part. Sally is worried about her father, still in a coma in bed after being poisoned by Evil Antoine, but Sonic and Tails arrive to reassure her, as Tails and Rotor have cooked up something special that should allow them to retrieve a Chaos Emerald for a quick cure. This "something special" turns out to be a pair of star posts (yeah, Ian really wanted to align this more with the games) which can open portals to alternate zones through some unexplained-as-of-yet means. Sonic and Tails end up in what was once the Zone of Silence but is now the Special Zone, which looks significantly different now that the energies of the Chaos Emeralds have altered it so much. They quickly run into another living being within the zone - Feist, the Giant (literally) Panda! Oh boy, remember this one-off character from StH#43? I guess he was meant to be just another one of Naugus' random lackeys within the Zone of Silence, but it seems like he's taken his once-in-a-lifetime chance to become a god with the power of the emeralds.
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Da-dadada-daaaaaa! Yep, after two-hundred thirty eight issues of these comics, the Chaos Emeralds have finally attained their more recognizable forms as a group of seven distinct multicolored gems! See what I mean by clean-up? After Sonic and Tails explain their mission, Feist grants them a single emerald, the gray one, though he warns them that the next time they enter this place in search of the emeralds he will test them as he sees fit. Sonic and Tails rush the emerald to the royal bedroom, where Dr. Quack and Uncle Chuck insert it into their little… medical machine thingy and fire it up while it's attached to the unconscious former king. After a brief light show, he begins to wake up, and asks after his kingdom. He's quietly thrilled to see Elias as king, and to hear that Sally is back to working with the Freedom Fighters.
Sonic and Tails vacate the room to give the family time to talk amongst themselves, but Sally follows quickly, handing over the emerald and telling them that Merlin was looking for them. They're confused, even more so when they find Knuckles also having been called over by Merlin, but Merlin explains that he can use the power of the Chaos Emerald and Knuckles' guiding star gem combined to bring them to Argentum, allowing them to finally bring Tails' parents back. Sonic is a little miffed that he's unable to really help besides merely coming along for the ride, wishing he could take Fiona along to show her the planet, but soon they've warped halfway across the universe and find themselves standing on the Wheelworld. However, the place looks desolate and wrecked, and they can see Xorda ships in the sky battling with fleets of other, unidentified ships. Tails becomes panicked and wanders off to find his parents with Merlin following close behind, but while they're gone Rosemary and Amadeus show up, informing Sonic and Knuckles that the other ships belong to the Black Arms, and their war has been going on for several months now, devastating Argentum in the process. Wait, the Black Arms? Shadow's progenitors? Yeah, so essentially, Ian couldn't get permission from Sega to bring the Black Arms to Mobius for whatever reason, even though he was trying, so he decided to tie them up in a war with the Xorda. This would allow him to easily bring them in at any time once he got his permission, simply by having the war end and the Black Arms continue on their way to Mobius. I'll spoil it for you right now though that he never did get that permission during the course of the preboot, so that aspect of Shadow's backstory never really got explored the way it did in the games, since the Black Arms were eternally doomed to remain an offscreen presence. Anyway, Sonic, upon seeing Tails' parents, quickly rushes off and brings Tails and Merlin back for a reunion.
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Aww! Man, we've been waiting a long time for this reunion! The two long-lost foxes end up in the castle, where Elias greets them and enthusiastically offers them a place in his court, which they accept, apparently having encountered some ideas during their decade away that they'd like to find a way to implement into Knothole's government. That evening, Knuckles finds Sonic hanging out near the graves of Tommy and Sir Connery, and though Knuckles is surprised given that Sonic isn't normally one to mope, Sonic explains that he's still a bit broken up over their deaths, as normally they don't lose "so many so fast." Knuckles grimly remembers his own family's disappearance, and Sonic worries that with many old and new villains rising up lately, things might be about to take a turn for the worse.
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Well, funny y'all should mention Shadow! He's currently storming into Eggman's main computer room, furious, as he's just discovered that Eggman has been hiding a diary of Gerald's all along, and now he wants to know where it is…
The Island of Misfit Badniks!
Writer: Mike Gallagher Pencils: Dave Manak Colors: Jason Jensen
Oh, hi, Michael buddy! Haven't seen ya in some time! He's here to relieve us a bit from the more serious stuff of late with some of his characteristic slapstick charm, and a bit of a blast from the comic's past! Sonic, on one of his rare days off from duty, decides to take a run around the Great Forest only to accidentally stumble into an old hidden listening post of Robotnik's from the Robotropolis days. He finds a reference to an artificial island out in the ocean nearby, which was meant to be a waypoint for any defeated badniks to retreat to to await repair and/or retirement, and decides to check out if it's still there, using a piece of wood lying around nearby as a boogie board. Sure enough, the island is there, but he's surprised to find that "artificial" was a bit more literal than he expected and the place is in fact entirely made out of solid steel. Before he can explore further, he's knocked on the head from behind, and wakes up strapped to some kind of torture rack with a bunch of old badniks standing around him ready to bring the pain!
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…yeah, that's about what we expected. Things are looking good until a new player arrives on the scene - none other than Pseudo-Sonic, who appeared alllllll the way back in StH#9! Damn, you're really goin' back for this one, Michael! Pseudo-Sonic has apparently been salty all these years that even though he was built to be Sonic's match as his first-ever metal doppelganger, he never got a chance to actually face off with the Blue Blur himself. The other badniks set up a contest between the two where they'll essentially run at and headbutt each other really hard, and whoever survives the impact is the winner. These two idiots actually do it, and Sonic ends up being headbutted all the way back out to sea.
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Is it, though? C'mon, Sonic, you know it's never that simple! Sure enough, as he heads back to shore we discover that the badniks actually sunk the island on purpose, making it appear to be accidental while in fact setting up the island to be an underwater base where they can repair Pseudo-Sonic and plan their next revenge attack. Apparently this is "definitely not the end," so I guess we can look forward to one last visit from these guys in the future!
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just-jayy · 5 years
Constellations ch. 10: Addendum
[Approx. 56 km from land] [Southern Sea, Mobius] [Year 56XX]
[It has been a week since our last confrontation with Enigma.]
[Argentum and I have been keeping our spirits up, keeping hope alive while still regaining control of our emotions. I have taught him how to come to terms with what happened and he returned the favor. I never knew there was a side to him that felt things so deeply. It enraptured my interest in knowing more about him.]
[This morning, Argentum had spotted another falling star after a long wait. He suspected it to have crashed somewhere in Sanpelagroso- a mysterious location off the coast of South Island.]
[Now armed with the emotional stability, we began our journey.]
[This time, we will defeat Enigma.]
[Until then,] [Μόλυβδος]
Moly paused for a moment as she finished writing her closing statement. She looked out to the vast ocean around, then to the hazy island ahead of them. That was the place. The place where their hopefully final battle will be had. She thoughtfully added something to the footnote of her entry.
[P.S. Do not let your heart overwhelm your mind. You have a job to do. A world to save. Do not disappoint.]
"Moly, are we there yet?" Silver groaned as he slowly lifted his head from his held knees.
"Silver, you know we aren't anywhere close." She stated, putting her journal into her backpack. "Please stop asking."
The boy gave an annoyed sound as he rest his head on his knees again, his arms only securing them to his chest as he shut his eyes in defeat.
The four chao were watching in amazement at their reflections in the sea, laughing and splashing each other playfully. They certainly weren't as uncomfortable as Silver was, nor were they as serious as Moly. They were just being kids and having
It has been about 3 hours since they had left País Misterioso, having traveled for any signs of trouble and ultimately coming up empty. Until early today when Silver spotted a shooting star and heard a distance rumble. They didn't hesitate to make their way towards the point of impact.
However, there was one thing standing in their way- miles and miles of ocean. Definitely too long to levitate without collapsing from exhaustion, and no Rift to travel through. Their only option was to go en route via a marine vessel.
Now, not living in Onyx City or being familiar with any sort of nautical knowledge made their choice and options vastly limited. They couldn't just build a raft and go on their way, it would've fallen apart from the ocean's current. Stealing from the City was out of the question due to the heightened security bots. The only place refutable was País Misterioso, which lucky enough, they didn't stray far from. The settlement was less than hospitable, feral mammals and big cats lurked around every corner, waiting to strike. Old decrepit and abandoned lodges lie in ruins and previous lush vegetation was now lifeless. It was the same as the other sections they've been to: lackluster and extinct.
Fortunately, they were able to scavenge up small canned food from abandoned lodges and even found a small (narrow wooden two seater with a reasonable gap between the front and back seats) old-fashioned fishing canoe. The native felines must have used these boats to venture the oceans and fish for work before they eventually went extinct. Now, they were drifting on the ocean in their quaint little vessel. Moly at the front and observing the waves ahead, and Silver who sat behind her and was trying to block out anything having to do with said waves.
Moly took the thick branch they had been using to paddle forward, and calmly pushed the water to the side, assisting their forward motion.
"Can't we just go back? Or fly there?" Silver asked, already knowing the answer.
"We aren't going to head back when a star fell in our proximity. You know this."
"What about flying?"
"You'd pass out before you even got to five miles. Besides, we were extremely lucky to have retrieved what we found at País Misterioso. You're just going to have to deal with it."
Moly pulled the branch from the water and set it horizontally in the space between them. She turned to face Silver who was blankly staring down at the teal ends of his boots as well as the rich wood of the canoe, as if any of it was interesting at all. His eyes seemed unfocused and seemed pale, his body rigid and still.
"I know you don't like this, but it's the only mode of transportation we have." She reminded him as if he had forgotten. She knew he didn't, but she had to say something to help him.
Despite being able to levitate and fly at high altitudes (ones that didn't affect him physically) and velocities, he hated anything having to do with physical gravitational motion- motion that he himself wasn't in control of. He was able to do incredible things with his psychokinesis- lift exceptionally heavy objects, levitate against the force of gravity, remain unaffected by things outside of his auric field, temporarily immobilize his enemies- but when he wasn't using his abilities, he was just as vulnerable as anyone else.
He didn't get motion sickness normally or easy (having been too used to levitating at high speeds his whole life), but being on-board this niche watercraft was proving to be a small trigger for it. It could've been the repeating up and down movements from the waves, or the chance that breakfast just wasn't sitting well. The fact that their canoe was just a typical two person capacity and so low to the water only accentuated the motion. He was so bored.. and sick. Bored and sick. It took all he had to keep from retching up breakfast, but luckily the urge wasn't overwhelming. The ocean was fantastic and all, but not when you have lingering queasiness in your body. He groaned exasperatedly and melodramatically as he threw his head back and stared at the sky.
"A tad overdramatic, eh?" Moly gave him a sympathetic smile.
"Not that I'm not enjoying this or anything," he looked up at her as he rest his cheek in his palm, "but what do we have to do to pass the time? I mean, normally I wouldn't complain, but we've been slowly going in the same direction for hours."
There was something about this annoyed-little-kid demeanor that made her give a silent laugh. She shook her head and searched her knapsack.
"Hmm... Well, are you hungry?" She asked. The only response was a nauseated whine. Of course he wasn't. Setting her pack down, she watched as the chao fluttered around the sides as they played around. She leaned forward a little, gently rubbing Silver's shoulder in a comforting way. "You know, trying to block out the world won't help." She stated, watching as he opened his half-lidded eyes. Stubborn, he closed his eyes once more.
"Chao chao!" Topaz exclaimed as if agreeing. It sat atop Silver's head with a smile. Jade chimed in agreement as it sat between his boots, sitting on the floor of the canoe.
He smiled meekly at the chao beneath him, looming up to meet the happy energetic one on his head. Sadly, his smile didn't stay too long before his mind was thrown back to the nauseating motion.
"Why do I feel like this? It's awful." He asked as he crossed his arms across his knees, eyes still partially droopy.
"It's called 'travel sickness'. It'll pass." She replied, keeping her patient composure. She took his hand, her thumb brushing past the gently pulsating teal symbol.
"But I'm not sick."
"Not the kind you're used to. This kind of sick happens when your mind doesn't register movement properly."
"But I know we're floating up and down on water, and..." He went quiet before groaning sickly, hiding his face in his hands as his stomach turned from the mention of it. He felt Topaz gently pat his head.
Moly sighed and shook her head. He wasn't dumb, he knew what she meant but just wanted to try and distract himself, which to his dismay, wasn't working. She thought for a moment before smiling to herself. Turning to the side of the vessel, she put her hands out in front of herself.
A soft blue-violet light faded into her palms as the canoe's movements began to stabilize slightly. This caught Silver's attention, moving his hands from his face as he looked around. The four chao clamored together by the sides of the watercraft to watch their guardian in awe. The waves were slightly less aggressive as they were before (not much, but to Silver they were), having gentle rolling movements that made the unbearable motion somewhat tolerable.
"You... You can control water?" He asked as he watched his friend intently, the nausea lessened and was replaced with curiosity. "How? I mean, does it work the same way my psychokinesis does?"
Moly's ears perked up at his curiosity, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. She turned to face him and surprisingly didn't let her concentration drop.
"I've had this gift since I was a kid." She began, the calming hue shrinking to focus on one spot of the water. "I have similar telekinetic reaches too, but they take a lot more out of me. I only save it for battles."
"Like your archery equipment, right?" The white hedgehog asked as he leaned over the side of the canoe, watching as Moly managed to separate and orb of water from the endless ocean. He was so astounded, his golden eyes bright with excitement and wonder, not even paying attention to his friend's grateful expression or the slightly lessened seasick feeling in his body.
"Right." The fox turned away from the side, holding the levitating orb of water in the indigo outline. "Hydrokinesis comes a lot more easier to me than psychokinesis. Same with Telepathy; It is much easier to use telepathy than to speak vocally for me."
Silver watched in bewilderment, smiling softly as he listened to her speak. Finally after a week, she was opening up more and more to him. She told him about her father's fate, how she escaped the Science Center and how she followed him through his travels. Not to mention that she was a fair enemy in their sparring matches together.
They had definitely gotten a lot closer to each other. Moly trusted him and he trusted her. They traveled everywhere together, took turns caring for the chao and, more recently, began to show more physical intimacy. Hugs were becoming common as with hand holding, they both didn't mind any of it.
Moly closed her eyes, focusing the blob into a figure of some sorts as she began, "From what my father said, there aren't many of us who can control the elements. At least not anymore." She gave a sour look at Onyx Island in their distance.
Silver gave her a look of worry before speaking up.
"Is it hard? To control the water?" "No, it is actually quite easy." "Is there a limit?" "Of course, I cannot control the entire ocean."
Silver smiled and blushed in embarrassment as Moly laughed at his question. "Hey, I don't know anything about elemental stuff!" He tries to defend himself, an incredulous look on his face.
The chao resumed their playful behavior, flying up and circling above the two passengers heads as they played catch with one another. The two watched as the chao played above them, smiling before gazing at the clouds.
Moly could only smile, something she was finding more and more easier in the company of Silver. The cold sturdy wall she had built around herself was breaking down, finding herself vulnerable but secure. He listened when she spoke, helped her control her panic attacks and taught her what he knew about the Astrum and Felsic.
He was always so interested in her and vice-versa, always wanting to learn about each other and learn about themselves. They were equally matched when it came to power, shared the interest of a peaceful world and both were determined to save their time. The more he thought about it, the more he came to realize that their meeting in the past wasn't just by chance.
"You know..." Moly began, moving her hand to the ocean, settling the orb back to the body of water and letting nature take control once more, "I haven't really been the best friend. I've made mistakes, made you feel hurt when I tried to push you to fight," she paused, turning her head away from his eyes, "I questioned you too much about Blaze."
Silver went quiet, his gaze turning down to look at the wood of the canoe once more. He's still torn up by the amnesia about Blaze, only having gotten to the point of being at peace with it. That's the kind of stuff that happens with time travel. You lose people. He won't lie, it hurt a lot; Losing memory of people you cared about-people who cared about you- felt like you were missing a piece of them in your heart. While he did his best not to think too much about it, it still crossed his mind every now and then.
Moly watched his expression change from listening to brooding. Worried that her words had upset him, she leaned over and wrapped him in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry for putting you through so much."
Silver could only sit there, red-faced and wondering why she was hugging him. He wasn't sad, he was... well, maybe a little sad, but not from her. She hadn't done anything wrong.
"Moly, I-"
"Silver," she pulled herself away from him, staring deep into his quizzical gaze. "I know what you're going to say, but trust me when I tell you this." She hesitated for a moment before exhaling slowly, her face blushed. "No matter what happens to us, no matter if the world falls apart, no matter what Enigma does..." She delicately placed her hands on his cheeks and rest her forehead against his, "I'll stay by your side."
"Chao~." Jade and Topaz landed next to Silver's feet and watched while Cobalt and Scarlet sat across parallel to the other two chao that chirped in agreement.
The silver hedgehog's face was red as can be as he stared into her amethyst eyes before she closed them, their foreheads still touching and noses inches away from each other. What does he do now? Just sit here? How do you respond to something like that? His mind was racing with questions as his heart pounded. He gulped nervously as he shakily took her hands.
"I..." He finally spoke up, prompting Moly to open her eyes to give him her attention. "I'll stay by your side too." He finally said in a hushed whisper, his voice was timid.
The fox smiled, seemingly reassured by those words, leaned in and held him close. Her hands slowly moving from the top to his lower back, stopping just below his back quills.
Silver shuddered from the gentleness of her touch, his heart beating faster. This was a new touch... something he wasn't used to but it felt secure. There was an energy here that he was unfamiliar with. Moly never moved her hands from his shoulders when they hugged, this was the first time. Assuming it was okay and he had the permission to, he repeated the same motion, moving his hands under her coat to feel the fur on her lower back. He smiled as he shut his eyes, resting his head against her shoulder as she gave a light ghostly chuckle.
This was strange, but it was a good strange. Something that the two of them didn't want to end.
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just-jayy · 6 years
Constellations ch. 4: Foregone
[Argine River] [South island, Mobius] [Year 31∆∆]
[Argentum has been resting as expected. His wounds have been healed and his energy should be back to stable levels.]
[He expressed curiosity in me and my past. He knows of where I was once in. There is no more he needs to know.]
[The threat of Enigma is still looming. Today we must head back to our timeline. Perhaps the City won't be as broken as it was before.]
[Until then,] [Μόλυβδος]
Finally waking up from his deep sleep, the white hedgehog rubbed his eyes as he stepped out of the tent. He looked to the sky that was once a dark grey, and now a pleasant blue. It's been quite a while since he felt the sun on his face. It felt warm and inviting.
Speaking of inviting, his acquaintance Moly didn't return after she left the other day. Usually he wouldn't pay any mind to it and be on his way, but he developed a connection to the person. She's been following him around constantly and saved him, so he owed her one.
He cautiously looked around, taking a few steps around the forest. Around the decayed trees and burnt grass, Moly was nowhere to be found. Feeling a little anxious to be all alone once more, Silver let out a silent sigh. He wished he could sense her or call out to her. It's so strange how the simple knowledge of someone following you can make you hyper-aware of your own loneliness.
Stop thinking so much about that! She saved your life! What if she didn't come back because she's in trouble? C'mon Silver, you can't let those negative thoughts bring you down!
Shaking his head and clenching his fists in determination, his teal aura swirled around his body and began to levitate. Surprised by his own restored energy, he observed the aura around his hands. Chuckling to himself, he dashed off into the forest. Looking high and low for Moly. She was with him for this long and saved him before. Now it was his turn.
Upon seeing a bright indigo glow ahead, he slowly lowered himself down behind some leafless trees. He found her finally! Maybe if she was in trouble, then he could help her! Maybe he could pay her back for her kindness! After all, that was the right thing to do. Peering through the trees, the boy finally saw his acquaintance. She was... meditating? Over the river?
...and I thank those of the departed who allow us to walk this land. May you find peace in the heavens above.
He didn't mean to eavesdrop, quite the opposite. But the voice was like a telepathic chiming in his mind that he couldn't tune out. He was filled with an embrace similar to that of a hug. Was she broadcasting something or...?
I ask you Axiom for your guidance as Argentum continues to purge these pasts of this evil. Please watch over us and those of the past, present, and future that require assistance. Thank you for listening.
The indigo aura around the fox shrunk back to outline her body as the barrier disintegrated. She jumped back onto the bank of the river, looking back once she was on solid ground.
Feeling afraid that he was caught, the hedgehog hid behind the tree. His ears twitched as the fox gave a gentle laugh.
"It's okay everyone, I'm finished." The fox smiled, kneeling down and reaching into her knapsack. "This is all I have for you right now friends. Please, share among each other."
He heard gentle little cries of... Chao. Wait, Chao?! He swiftly turned to watch the fox interact with the childlike beings. There were four of them: a rich blue one, a vibrant red one, a shimmering green one and a sparkling yellow one. She was... feeding the chao? But... that was impossible. Chao haven't existed in decades, how was-
Finally caught, the boy yelped from his name and tried to hide behind the tree once more but to no avail.
"I know you're there. Come out."
Ashamed of himself, he stepped out and gave a nervous laugh.
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to just... listen in."
The fox stared at him, a sly grin on their face as they pet the chao's heads. "Then what were you doing?"
Defensively, the hedgehog held his hands in front of himself and stammered, "N-Nothing! I swear! I-I was just trying to find you! I-I thought that since you didn't come back, I thought you..." His anxiety turned to slight irritation as the fox giggled to herself, amused by his stammering.
"You thought I was in trouble. Right?" She shook her head, watching as the chao eat and chattered among themselves. "I'm not. I tend to have some space for myself in the morning. As well as take care of these little guys."
The chao nervously watched the hedgehog as he approached closer, Red and Blue cowering slightly before going back to eating as instructed. The Green and Yellow chao watched Silver with curiosity. They observed him before going back to munching on their fruit happily.
Silver took a careful step towards the riverbank, doing his best not to upset the chao as they ate their breakfast. "How...? I mean, you know as well as I that chao are-"
Moly put her hand over Silver's mouth, giving him a saddened expression. She shook her head as she lowered her hand, picking up one of the chao and held it close to her. She shut her eyes as the tiny red chao hugged her back. Silver gave her a worried expression, reaching out to her but stopping as he heard that same chiming voice in his head.
Before they went extinct, before The Disaster happened, I found these four while I was following you. They were all alone and... deathly ill. I couldn't leave them behind to die, so I took them home with me when you- we escaped.
Moly opened her slightly glowing violet eyes, smiling at Silver who looked troubled by the story.
These little guys don't know they're extinct back in our time. They still hold hope that they'll find their own kind eventually. Please don't take that away from them.
Silver gave her an encouraging smile, putting his hand on her shoulder and nodding. She nodded in understanding and shut her eyes once more.
Surprised by the sudden outcry, the two watched as the other three jumped on Silver, playing with his quills and hair as he laughed.
"C-C'mon guys! Stop! That tickles!"
Moly set the red chao down to join in the fun before standing up and stretching. They watched the sky as the clouds began to slowly drift around. This time was cleared of any threat and it was time to move on.
"Silver, little ones," Moly began as they turned to the tiny creatures and their friend. "We must be getting back to our time."
Silver sat up, gently setting the yellow critter down into his lap. "Right, it is time we get going. Hopefully I did the future a favor."
"You always do." Moly assured him as she got on her knees in front of the chao. "Okay fellas, come on." She opened her knapsack to them and smiled as they all hopped into the bag obediently.
The two began their walk towards the campsite again, silence between them until Silver finally spoke up.
"So, how come I didn't see them yesterday?"
"Shyness. They're afraid of strangers, so when they saw a new face in my campsite, they all hid near the riverbank."
"Awww they don't need to be shy around me!"
"True, but they also haven't seen another face like mine in decades."
The boy looked down at the decayed grass beneath them as they continued their walk. Seems like he couldn't start a conversation without it getting awkward lately. Maybe he was better off keeping his mouth shut. Of course that would never happen. His optimistic attitude made him super chatty when he wanted to be. Plus, at least one of them had to talk seeing as Moly was the silent type.
"So uh... what are you gonna do when we get back to Onyx Island?"
"Go home."
"Would uh..."
Moly looked over in his direction, seeing the boy's unreadable expression.
"Ah... would you like to stay with me? I-I don't have a house but-"
"You're homeless?"
"I-I didn't say that!"
Before he could reply, Moly stepped in front of him and smiled kindly.
"I know how hard it is in the city. To live in it under the omnipresent eyes of The Council. It gets hard to stay hidden out there, doesn't it?"
Silver looked down, seeming to agree with what the fox was saying. He blinked at her as she walked ahead of him.
"I know a safe place for us to go to. Away from their eyes." Moly said as she continued her stride.
The boy watched as the fox began packing up her belongings, the chao assisting as they spoke in their little language. He helped out as well, the two nodding at each other as all was now put away. Moly gently urged the chao back into her knapsack, smiling as they all obliged and closed the loose cover over them.
Silver took a few steps ahead of where they stood and shut his eyes. He exhaled and held his hands out. The symbols began to brightly glow, the teal and cyan fading around himself as he focused on opening a Rift portal. He struggled, but managed to open the hole in spacetime, gesturing Moly through it as he followed behind.
As Moly landed on the other side, she watched as Silver forced the portal shut and landed besides her. He took a minute to get his bearings before looking around.
"Well... home sweet home?" He gave a nervous shrug, looking over at Moly.
"Prison. Nothing sweet about it." She replied coldly, making the hedgehog hide his hands behind his back and idly kick the dirt on the ground.
A hyper-tech science-centered 'utopia' was what awaited ahead of them, but they had no intentions of heading there any time soon. The outskirts of Onyx Island were less than hospitable, probably less than the City itself. It was pretty sad when the residents would rather risk death in the outskirts than live under constant watch and surveillance. In addition, the city wasn't as in ruins as it was before they went to the past. It was back to the normal... "normal" future they were more familiar with. No doubt that the bots are onto their frequent disappearances.
The Fox scoffed, clenching her fists as she turned away from the city in front of them.
"H-Hey! Wait for me, Moly!" Silver called out as he turned to follow her.
There was a tense silence as the fox was now speed walking away from the city. The boy had to practically run to keep up with her.
"Moly! Where are we going?" He called out, watching as the girl's indigo aura enveloped her body and she began to fly away. "Hold on a second!" His own psychical energy empowering his body as he caught up with her.
Moly slowed her speed, now idly floating over the outskirts. "Please... leave me."
"No way! You just expect me to leave you when you're acting all weird and stuff? Well sorry, but that just isn't who I am." He approached her with a concerned look. "What's wrong?"
Her tough expression melted into somber, her gaze turning down at the harsh ground beneath them, lost in her own thoughts. She shut her eyes for a moment, then looked at him with small sad grin.
"Follow me."
"Ah! You didn't answer my question!" He barely had any time to react as the fox flew off in a different direction. Struggling to keep up with her, he followed close behind.
After what seemed like forever, the two landed on the entrance to a cave? It seems? The fox landed, unaffected by the long trip as she waited for her friend. Silver landed, panting as he leaned against the cliff-side next to the entrance.
"Great, so we're at a cave?" He took a deep breath, looking around and trying to ignore the throbbing headache he had. "What's here? Why are we here?"
Silver raised a brow, completely confused by what she was insinuating. He followed her as she walked inside of the cave. They came across a glowing mushroom. Then two. Then four. Six. Eight. He stopped, wide eyed at what was ahead of them.
"Silver," Moly began as she took a step forward, shooting a violet energy projectile to the ceiling.
The room illuminated, showing off damp limestone walls of rock, growing and glowing bioluminescent life around said walls and naturally growing clear quartz crystals. The amount of psychic energy in this place was... astonishing. Incredible, even. Something he has never felt like ever before. No this wasn't touched by anyone. Not the Council, not the city, no one.
"Welcome to Beryllium cove."
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just-jayy · 6 years
Constellations ch. 2: Alliance
[Great Forest] [South island, Mobius] [Year 31∆∆]
[Argentum has successfully neutralized Enigma for the time being.]
[I have assisted him as he is too weak to be on his own. For the time being, he is resting at my camp.]
[I have made him some food for when he awakens. As well as some herbal medicine to treat his wounds. Perhaps he will stay for a while.]
[Until then,] [Μόλυβδος]
The fox shut her journal, hiding it in her knapsack as she watched Silver sleep. For the first time in this timeline, it began to rain. The dry harsh air that was once filled with smoke and heavy tension was now replaced with a peaceful light spirited haze. She could practically feel the plants and greenery reviving just outside her tent. Speaking of, her camp just barely fit both her and Silver. She cared more for the boy though, seeing as he was the only one strong enough to fully banish an entity like Enigma. She had to make sure he got his rest.
The fox examined his wounds, using the last bit of her energy to heal the minor scratches and bruises on him. She curiously looked at his clothing; similar to her, he had the same symbols on his hands as her, golden amplifying cuffs surging with similar cyan chaos energy. The most odd thing so far about his attire, was the gold headband he had behind his ears, cyan lining in the center. He had on medium long black sleeves connected to his white gloves, light blue lining ran vertically to the amplifiers parallel to the symbols on his hands. He wore a black cut-out crop top with an embedded gently pulsing symbol in the center, a gold belt with the same teal lining in the center and sporting some black active-wear shorts with bright light blue trims at the ends. His legs had amplifying cuffs directly below his knees and ended with navy boots with a light teal end. She observed his power sources, watching in awe as the symbols seemed to gently brighten and dim with his breaths. The symbol on his chest was pulsing slower, most likely in sync with his own heartbeat. Fascinating. She knew he was something unique, but being in this getup was making her more and more curious of him.
Silver slowly began to wake up, muttering to himself as his consciousness started to come back. "Mmgh..." ENIGMA!" He quickly sat up before clutching his head, eyes screwing shut from the throbbing headache. "Ugh... Ow..."
Nearly jumping from the surprise, Silver turned to face the fox. Gold met Amethyst as the two stared at one another. This is the stranger- that dark silver fox that helped him.
"You.. You're that..!"
"The one who saved your life."
"Where did you come from?"
"The future."
"But.. Enigma is-"
"Gone. You purged them from this timeline."
The hedgehog was frozen in place. She picked up a small wooden bowl and spoon, filling it with warm soup she had made while he slept. He glanced outside, seeing the rain. How long was he asleep for..?
"Eat. Nourish yourself."
Wary of strangers, the boy hesitated for a moment as he looked at the bowl then at the fox. He didn't know what to think. Just who the hell was this person? Who was this fox? Why did they help him? As far as he knew, him and Enigma were the only beings that were supposed to exist here in this time. Silver turned his head, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his arms on them. Wincing, he moved his arms a little, showing some scratches and scars on his limb. He forgot just how much his body was beaten up from that fight.
"No thanks. I'm not hungry."
The two stared at each other before Silver's stomach rumbled, going against his own word. He looked at her in shame and embarrassment. His tough demeanor quickly fading to nervousness as the fox gave him an accusing look.
"Eheh... L-like I said..." He nervously pushed his fingers together.
"The body doesn't lie. Please, as an offering of acquaintanceship."
"If you say so..." He obliged, taking the bowl from her and taking sips from the soup. He smiled, the warmth filling his body and helping his mind clear. Taking another sip, he watched the rain fall outside and crossed his legs. His mind was running with questions but he couldn't even begin to ask.
The fox gave a gentle grin, pulling their knees to their chest as they watched. Silence was such a golden opportunity given to them. She studied his body language as he ate, he studied how delicious his food was. Two very similar yet very different beings. The fox was more interested with watching and staying still, the hedgehog on the other hand preferred to jump into action and wasn't afraid of showing his emotions.
"Moly the fox."
"Oh! Silver! Silver the hedgehog!" Silver blinked and gave her a kindhearted smile, holding his hand out. "Thanks for the food and saving me and all." It was as if his nervousness and shyness was gone, giving the fox a childlike grin.
She took his hand and shook it before letting him return to his food. "How old are you?"
"14. You?"
To Moly, this was interesting. A 14 year old psychic hedgehog was able to banish a who-knows-how-old evil entity from this timeline. So close to her own age as well. He acted a lot younger than he looked and sounded like it too. Really an interesting person to the fox. How someone like him possessed the type of powerful psychokinesis was astounding.
"What timeline are you from?"
Silver finished his soup as he pondered the question. He's been traveling through so many pasts and futures that he wasn't even sure what timeline was his anymore. Everything has changed so much in such little time. He was certain that there were things he was supposed to remember, things he'd forgotten, but honestly, saving the future and restoring it so many times does a number on his own mind. He could only understand so much. Then again, why couldn't he remember his own timeline? He knew his age, but not the year he was born in..?
"You don't have to answer."
He must've been silent for too long, noticing the fox's sympathetic tone, "Ah sorry! I come from the future... Pretty sure of it."
"I see."
Silence again. The two of them and the sound of rain hitting Moly's tent. Silver contemplated on moving or doing something to try and break this silence. It wasn't something he liked, especially with all of these questions in his head. As much as he wanted to ask, he couldn't find the right words. He wanted to ask 'how did you get here?' and 'why did you help me?' but the words just... wouldn't come to him.
"What time are you from?" He asked her as he tried to determine the incomprehensible expression in reply.
"The future." She said with a cryptic smile, hinting to him that they were from the same timeline.
"how long have you had the gift?" Moly asked, changing the topic as to not draw too much attention to her life.
"The gift?" He tilted his head, trying to understand what she meant by that along with the sudden topic change.
Moly took his hand and turned it over. She then showed him her palm. The two shared the same markings, his cyan and hers indigo. That triggered his memory of the battle, when the fox stepped in. He remembers that barrier, the indigo arrows and bow, her aura. She was just like him, but different in many ways.
"Oh! My psychokinesis?" He smiled at her. "I've always kinda had it, really. I practice it a lot back at home and-"
"In Onyx City."
"Right, so like I said, I practice it a lot and- wait how did you know?!" He stared at her with bewilderment.
"I was there when you saved the city from the Devourer." She smiled. "You're a hero to them, you know."
He was speechless. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't afraid. This fox knew a lot about him but... How? He's never met them before. Heck, she knew his name before he even told her! Gulping nervously, he looked down.
"How do you kn-"
"Ever since you saved Onyx City, I have been following you." She interrupted him. "Traveling through time with you and watching as you save timelines for those you haven't even met." She watched as he slowly looked to her. "You have a kind heart."
"Y-you... You're following me? I've never sensed you around! Why are you following me?! Stop it!" Silver's voice raised as he jumped out of her dry tent and into the rain, clenching his fists.
The fox calmly took a step out of her tent, standing stoically in front of the anxious boy. While he appeared ready to bail or attack if needed, she remained calm as she stared into his golden eyes. She was right about her previous thought: he really wasn't afraid to take action. Not to mention he was very childlike, acting on impulse rather than thinking through his actions. Unlike a child however, he wasn't looking for a fight. He wanted answers.
"Consider me an admirer of your heroism." She walked towards him. "The battle between you and Enigma was the only time I've interjected into your business... that you know of at least. I saved your life because I was following you. Probably more times than you would even know."
Silver took a step back, tripping and falling against the roots of a tree as he stared at the fox in curiosity. He was curious, scared, tired and bemused at all of this.
In response, the fox knelt down to his level and held her hand out.
"I am not your enemy. I am an ally. All I want to do is help you save the future."
A/N: Moly's name is intentionally spelled that way! Her name comes from the metal, Molybdenum and is pronounced as "molly". Her pronouns are they/she.
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just-jayy · 6 years
Constellations ch. 1: Illicit
[South island, Mobius] [Year 31∆∆]
[The future has been torn asunder by an entity known as Enigma- a Coyote gone mad with power due to an unknown source hellbent on destroying and reshaping the world. Silver, a young hedgehog with psychokinesis, is at battle to stop this being and send them to a place called "Felsic".]
[As I write this, the battle for the land is ongoing. It has been hours. No end in sight unless something happens.]
"You won't... You won't kill me that easy..." "My, aren't you stubborn?" "S-shut up a-and- AUGH!"
The hedgehog was thrown to the mountainside with one swift movement. Pained but not broken, he stood to his feet. The teal energy radiating from his hands and cuffs enveloped his body as a makeshift force-field, mirroring and absorbing the static filled blows. With every hit he could feel his energy draining more and more.
"Y-you may look tough, but your blows are nothing for me!" The silver hedgehog said, his barrier fading out and his cyan aura flared to life around him.
D-Damn it... what kind of power is that?
"You're weakened. Face it boy, you cannot defeat me." The coyote pridefully announced, their dark aura flaring as well.
"Keep talking, Enigma! It gives me more time to hit ya!" The young hedgehog smirked as he "flew" to Enigma, hurling rocks and broken tree branches towards them.
The coyote flashed their bronze eyes, teleporting in front of Silver and choking him. Silver grabbed onto their wrists, trying to pull himself free as gold met bronze. Their glares spoke two different words- one of pride, the other of assurance.
"Whether you came from the future or not, you are a pest. And like a pest, you will be squashed like one."
Cyan faded to black static, fully engulfing Silver's body and draining all remaining color and fight left in him. He cried out as he was then violently purged against a wall. He fell, unable to even hold his weight in his arms. He was too tired, he couldn't focus enough energy to protect himself. After two or so hours of non-stop fighting with this being, the fight had left him.
[Argentum has been weakened. I must assist.]
[Until then,] [Μόλυβδος]
"Finally, time to put an end to your miserable existence." Stated the beige coyote as they took steps towards the boy.
Cracking their knuckles, they enveloped in a dark aura once more and began to build up a flickering aura in their palms.
I'm done for... I... I'm sorry everyone... I've failed the future...
Silver awaited his imminent death, knowing that fighting this mobian-demon-thing was useless. He felt a static sensation in his body and screamed as it attacked his very core. Going silent, his body was covered in a thick static filled energy. It wouldn't stop, the harsh needle-like stabbing he felt in his arms and chest, attacking his power sources and draining all of his energy. It hurt so much...
Until the pain suddenly stopped.
"Haha!... What?!"
The young hog opened his golden eyes, widening as he saw what the coyote was astonished by: A levitating dark silver fox was in front of him. Thick pure white hair tied up into a ponytail that gently swayed in motion to her anti-gravity field, finger-less white gloves with identical indigo symbols that pulsated with chaos energy. A long black indigo lined sleeveless trenchcoat with a violet strap that seemed to click the attire in place. They had on faded indigo boots and silver amplifying cuffs nearly identical to his own golden ones, complete with the energy lines as well .
"W-who... What..." Silver stammered as he began to feel a small amount of energy wrap around his most damaged spots in his hands and chest. These energies felt warm and inviting. Nice and calming. He watched in shock as the scars on his hands began to fade.
Looking up, he saw himself and the being surrounded in a soft violet barrier, holding back Enigma's attack. This violet barrier had some sort of healing ability... but how? It was then that he gathered the energy to stand up. He wasn't alone, no, not the only one who had his kind of powers. He hasn't met anyone like this in... gosh... how long has it been?
Go. Attack.
He snapped his attention to the fox in front of him. Were they talking to him? He had to try and communicate back to the fox.
But who are-
Startled by the telepathic shouting, the hedgehog flared up in his psychical cyan aura and left the barrier as it disintegrated. The barrier's healing abilities was just enough for him to gather his focus back as well as his fighting spirit.
"H-how..are you?!" Enigma chuckled, letting out a growl as his dark energy engulfed his own body. "Come at me then, silver boy. Just try and defeat me!"
"Take this, mangy!" He taunted as he lifted a large rock up and hurling it at the being.
The beige coyote jumped away, their hands glowing with black energy, lunging at the hedgehog. Enigma countered with a full concentrated ball of pure vampiric energy. As it hit Silver, he cried out as his energy was being stolen again.
"No one can keep me from my- grk!"
Before he knew it, the mental anguish from the vampiric energy drain was over. Weakened but still somehow able to focus, the young hedgehog caught himself from falling and levitated once more. He watched, his eyes widened by what he saw. He felt as if time had slowed briefly as he assessed what he was looking at: an indigo arrow piercing his enemy's chest before disintegrating. The fox held a violet semi-transparent bow and another arrow ready to fire. Time kicked back into motion as the coyote clutched their chest.
Portal. Now.
Enigma turned to the mysterious stranger, levitating to the person with all of their strength. He shot multiple concentrated balls of energy as he shouted at the fox. The stranger flew away from Enigma, indigo trailing behind her as she dodged their attacks. Enigma turned their attention back to Silver, not wanting to fight a third party.
Silver, open a Rift now!
Silver understood, his priorities being set straight. Harnessing the last remaining bit of his psychic power, he cried out as he managed to open the Rift portal. Noticing his enemy was escaping (thanks to the stranger distracting them), he used his telekinetic arms to grab onto the coyote, wrapping their limbs in a cyan energy. They tried to fight back against the powerful gravitational pull, trying to form their static energy but failing.
Silver shouted, "YOU'VE DONE," he held the coyote in a telekinetic choke-hold, grinning as the enemy's aura finally began to fade, "ENOUGH," He jumped back before flinging his enemy into the portal, "HERE!" He shouted as he hovered swiftly to the portal's entrance. Enigma was rebounding, fists clenched as they dashed for the opening. Focusing as much as he could, he forced his palms shut and successfully closed the portal.
"Ha.. Ha... I.. Did it..." The boy panted as his aura began to fade as he lost consciousness and began to fall.
The fox held their arms out, engulfing Silver in a gentle indigo aura and preventing him from falling further.
Well done.
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