#mobile view security camera
apexinnovative · 9 months
Buy in Bundle wire-free security camera with video doorbell
Upgrade your home security without the hassle of wires and monthly fees! 🏡 Our wireless solar-powered security camera system with a built-in video doorbell is the perfect solution for a smarter and more secure home. No more worries about charging or hidden costs – just reliable protection! ✅ Key Features: 🌞 Solar-powered for eco-friendly and hassle-free operation.📹 Integrated video doorbell for…
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sayruq · 5 months
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In the early afternoon of 29 November last year, several Palestinian boys descended on to their street in the occupied West Bank, where they often played together.Minutes later, two of them lay dead from gunshots fired by Israeli soldiers - Basil, 15, and eight-year-old Adam. As part of an investigation into the conduct of Israel's security forces in the West Bank, which has been under military occupation for more than half a century, the BBC has pieced together what happened on the day the two boys were killed. Mobile phone and CCTV footage, information about the movements of Israel's military, witness testimony and detailed investigation of the scene, including taking measurements, combine to reveal evidence suggesting serious human rights violations. The evidence we found has prompted Ben Saul, UN special rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, to say the death of Adam appears to be a "war crime".Another legal expert, Dr Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, described the use of lethal force as “indiscriminate”. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the circumstances of the deaths were “under review” but said “live fire is used only in order to remove immediate threats or for arrest purposes, following arrest protocols after exhausting other options”.
Video footage from 29 November shows Basil standing next to a hardware store, its shutters firmly locked down. When Israel's military arrives, shops close quickly in Jenin, a city in the West Bank - Palestinian territory which, unlike Gaza, is not run by Hamas. Witnesses said gunfire had been ringing out from a nearby operation by Israel's army in the Jenin refugee camp. Adam, a football fanatic and massive Lionel Messi fan, stood with his older brother Baha, 14. There were about nine boys on the street in total, all captured on CCTV cameras that provided a nearly 360-degree view of what happened next.
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A few hundred metres away, a convoy of at least six armoured Israeli military vehicles turned a corner and began heading towards the boys, who clearly became uneasy. Several of the boys started to move away. At this precise moment, mobile phone footage shows the front door of an armoured vehicle opened. The soldier inside had a direct view of the boys. Basil had darted into the middle of the road, while Adam was 12m further from the soldiers, running away. Then at least 11 gunshots rang out.
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Medical reports obtained by the BBC show that two shots hit Basil in the chest. Another bullet struck eight-year-old Adam in the back of the head as he ran away; his older brother Baha desperately tried to drag him to cover, leaving a trail of blood as he screamed for an ambulance.
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determinate-negation · 8 months
The end result is an audacious film, formally experimental and with an almost clinically detached point of view. Mainly shot on hidden cameras, it concentrates on the domestic life of the Höss family (Rudolf, his wife, Hedwig, and their five children), whose house stood just outside the perimeter of the concentration camp, the horror within suggested in glimpses of smoking chimneys but, more disturbingly, through an almost constant ambient soundscape of industrial noise and human shouts and cries. It is an unsettling film: a study in extreme cognitive dissonance. It stayed with me for weeks after I watched it, so much so that I attended another screening to try to decipher its uneasy merging of almost clinical observation and moments of abrupt and jarring experimentalism – the screen turns blood red at one point. On both occasions, it fulfilled Glazer’s aim “to make it a narrative that you, the viewer, complete, that you are involved in and ask questions of”. […]
[Glazer] first started thinking about The Zone of Interest when he read Martin Amis’s novel of the same name not long after its publication in 2014. Having secured the rights with his producer, Jim Wilson, the pair began what would become several years of intense and meticulous pre-production preparation. “Our reading actually took us away from the book and deep into Amis’s primary sources,” he says, “The more fragments of information we uncovered about Rudolf and Hedwig Höss in the Auschwitz archives, the more I realised that they were working-class people who were upwardly mobile. They aspired to become a bourgeois family in the way that many of us do today. That was what was so grotesque and striking about them – how familiar they were to us.”
[…] When he first visited Auschwitz, Glazer went to the Hösses’ house and, to his surprise, found it inhabited by a Polish family who had lived there since the end of the war. “I saw the remnants of the garden, and its proximity to the camp, and the wall, and it was chilling,” he says quietly. “Afterwards I entered the camp and looked at the wall from the other side, trying to imagine what the prisoners must have heard. There is no doubt that they would have heard happiness and gaiety as the Höss children laughed and splashed around in the pool. The film became about the proximity of the horror and the happiness, how one person’s paradise is another’s hell.”
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jo-speaks · 2 months
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in which…
quinn and fem! reader go to the fair!
sixth date in the alphabet dates series
warnings: slightly suggestive (nothing actually happens)
note: i had this one scheduled to upload right before i went to surgery lmao it’s been ready for a while (also i think i like the photo collages better than the gifs so i’ll prob change them all while recovering
“We probably shouldn’t get food first if you plan on riding any rides.” You smiled as a worker wrapped a colourful vinyl strip around each of your wrists.
Quinn gave you a playful smirk as he took a hold of your hand and pulled you towards his side. “Since when are you the fair expert?”
You returned the look as you rolled your eyes, “That’s actually common sense, I’m afraid.”
“Oh yeah?” He replied, pinching your hip gently, smiling at the sound you made as that same smile appeared on your face again.
The two of you walked around the fairgrounds for a while before your boyfriend’s eyes were quickly drawn to the colourful, bright lights emanating from above. It was spinning rapidly in a circle, the people on board strapped in as their bodies were pressed against the metal as they screamed out of excitement. Or fear.
Quinn turned towards you, your eyes distracted on one of the calmer rides on the opposite side. He nudged you, eyeing the ride that had him bouncing on his heels from excitement.
You caught the hint, looking towards what, to you, looked like a bright wheel of torture. Every bone in your body wanted to immediately reject your boyfriend’s suggestion, but after seeing his contagious joy just from looking at it, you gave him a smile and took a hold of his hand as you walked toward the ride.
When the two of you made it to the surprisingly short line, Quinn caught a look of the visible distress on your face and the slightly tighter grip on his hand than usual.
“We don’t have to get on if you don’t want to.” He said, giving you fingers a gentle squeeze in an attempt to ease your nerves.
You looked up at him, shaking your head. “I’m okay. Just a tiny bit nervous.”
He pressed a reassuring kiss to your forehead, ignoring the sound of a camera snapping behind you.
“You’ll be fine. I got you.”
Soon enough it was your turn to get on, the nerves in your stomach easing a little as Quinn didn’t let go of your hand as he walked on board, finding two empty seats and strapping you in before he did the same on himself.
The ride operator came around, assuring everyone was securely buckled before stepping off and walking over to the control box.
As the ride rose and tilted slightly, getting ready to spin everyone on it around at absurd speeds, you found yourself mentally and physically bracing for the movement that was bound to start at any moment.
You weren’t even able to look over at your boyfriend for any sort of reassurance before you found yourself unable to move as the machine began to move. Your back pressed against the cool metal, losing its mobility as soon as you realized how high up you were.
Even though you felt as if you could pass out or vomit at any moment, Quinn’s reaction kept you distracted.
His screams were deep and audible, mixing with the screams of others, but his specifically was prominent in your ears. You eased up at the sound of his enjoyment, yet still closed your eyes as you waited for the enjoyable torture to be over.
Before you knew it, the screams ceased, turning into pants and exhales of relief. As the machine lowered to its resting state, you finally turned your head to look at Quinn.
His hair was a hot mess, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and his hand was still intertwined with yours. He felt your eyes on him, so he turned to face you as well.
He quickly took in your appearance. Your hair tousled, eyebrows furrowed, and the rapid movement of your stomach as you caught your breath, lungs deprived of oxygen due to holding your breath the whole time.
The view was familiar, but he didn’t pin it right away. When he did, however, he quickly walked off the ride, fingers still linked with yours and made his way towards the picnic tables facing a pond.
You quirked an eyebrow at his rapid actions, still unaware of what caused his sudden shift in mood. It didn’t take long for you to realize what happened once he placed his forearms on each of his spread legs, one bouncing up and down rapidly as he leaned forward and tried to calm himself.
When you pieced everything together, you let out a laugh that caught the attention of some people around you.
“You’re joking!” You exclaimed quietly, not wanting to draw anymore attention to the two of you. “No way you got turned on by that ride!”
He turned his head to look at you, “Technically, it wasn't the ride.”
You wrapped your arms around his, feeling his slight flinch before quickly easing up and melting in your hold.
After a few moments, he and his unexpected guest calmed down. “I’m good. Sorry.”
Chuckling quietly at his unnecessary apology, you took his hand and rose to your feet, his actions instantly replicating yours.
“I know one way you can make it up to me.” You whispered, leaning in closely, eyes trained on his lips.
He gulped at your words, “And what would that be?”
You stood on your tippy toes, getting as close to his lips as you could without actually touching them.
“Winning me that giant unicorn over there.” You smiled, pulling away from him and gesturing towards a basketball game with tons of stuffed animals around it.
Quinn groaned as you giggled and dragged him in the direction of the game. “You’re such a tease.”
“Yeah, yeah. Quit complaining and win me the unicorn you horny bastard.”
After lots of missed balls, Quinn finally made enough baskets to win you the ridiculously large animal.
Once the worker handed it to him, you quickly took it out of his hands before he even got the chance to boast about his mediocre performance and pressed your face into it, eliciting a laugh from the man as he wrapped his arm around your waist and walked the two of you over to stand in line in front of a food truck.
“Thank you, Quinny.” You murmured, leaning your head against his chest.
He smiled at you and placed a kiss on the top of your head, “Least I could do. You deserve it, sweet girl.”
A rush of blood went straight to your face, the familiar warmth radiating onto your boyfriend’s chest.
You were completely dazed as he ordered food and drinks for the two of you, his precious words lingering on your mind.
Pizza, nachos, and classic fair lemonade filled your nostrils as Quinn led the two of you towards the same picnic table from earlier.
He sat down the food as he placed your stuffed friend next to you. The sound of live music caught your attention and Quinn wasted no time pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of you, the neon lights, illuminating all your best features which, to him at least, was all of them.
You swayed slowly to the music before returning your attention to the food in front of you, one item in particular catching your eye.
“What the fuck is that.” You questioned, staring intensely at the fried ball on the plate.
A soft laugh escaped Quinn’s lips, “Fried ice cream.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at his words, “But how-?”
“Shh, don’t question it. Just try it.”
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🔆 Opposite Day! ☽
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A Security Breach tickle fic, featuring the Daycare Attendant(s) Sun, and Moon! (Both boys get equal amounts of Wrecking or your money back-)
As a result of a crappy visit to parts and services, Sun finds Moon has a new sunny accessory around his faceplate and the daytime counterpart is far from satisfactory. However, when Moon goes to do repairs, those new ray sensors decide to make themselves known, and not in the way that was expected.
Thank you @coy-lee and @laughterfixs for helping me edit this fic! 😁 I appreciated the help, and as much as I would deny, the high pitched screeching that came out of our editing method 🤣
Anyone that comes across this fic should like, totally check out their shit. They make some MMMMMMMMMM!!! GOOD SHIIT!! Anyway, with that said enjoy!☺️
Sun's rays were gone. No joke, the now bald animatronic looked like a McDonald's egg patty. The other day, the Daycare Attendant(s) took a trip to parts and service for a tiny upgrade to their sensory system, and a little adjustment to their mobility settings. Everything seemed spick and span coming back from parts and services the day before- so, how come he isn't now? Oh how he and Moon HATED to go to parts and services... They seemed to do more damage than help.
Sun huffed, hooking the lunar-wire to his back to pull themselves up to their room. Typical matentience staff. He entered the room inward from the balcony, a close up view of trash cluttering the floor, and children's drawings painting the walls. They were going to have to solve this problem on their own, like always. Crawling into the dark depths of Moon's room. The daytime bot shifted control to the naptime animatronic. Moon had fixed them before using other bots, so maybe he could find a way to reactivate his-
Oh. ...
There they were.
His vision froze on the mirror in his half of the storage room, possibly more confused than Sun in the moment. Moon tried moving the rays, much to his shock that he could move each individually, or all together if he wanted to. This was to his brother's annoyance, as the security bot began to play with them by making himself look like a cat, or axolotl, even a pokemon by stretching the top two rays out as far as they could go!
"Well that is... peculiar..." he stated in a nonchalant fashion.
Peculiar? Those were HIS RAYS! This was more than just peculiar, this was DISTURBING!
"Oh don't be so dramatic Sunny... it's not THAT bad~ I think I like this new look."
Moon posed like a geek in the mirror, flaunting his new rays in various positions like a model. He looked absolutely ridiculous! Sun's rays didn't even match him.
Moon chuckled at Sun's party-pooper mindset, deciding to give one last pose in the mirror by imitating Sun's side of their statue.
'Haha... really funny Moon.'
"Hehehah... I'm glad you think so! I think it's hilarious~"
After his obnoxious laughter stopped, Moon decided to focus on the task at hand:
Fixing this.
Moon jingled his way over to a lone, deactivated security bot to pry it open and steal away some lone wires, connectors, sensory chips, even a couple of servos. Taking the new repair supplies with him, Moon kicked open a loose plank among the closet floor to reveal stolen parts and service equipment.
Sun really doesn't like knowing this stolen staff equipment was here, but... this was really their only resolution. Moon has since cut off their hidden security camera from seeing the surplus of tools, otherwise they would have probably visited the shock conditioning chamber again.
"Don't be nervous," the lunar bot soothed, "I'm not going to hurt us. This is a minor fix. First I need to examine how exactly this happened."
Moon's fingers lightly excavated the rays. Even though he could move them, he for some reason couldn't feel them... how odd. Involuntary movement arose from the tiny triangles as he lightly measured the edges of them from bottom to top inbetween his index finger and thumb.
Sun gasped inside of his head at the foreign sensation, doing all he could to try and retract his rays, but they wouldn't budge.
"Is something wrong Sunny? It doesn't hurt, does it?"
Moon wanted to be extra careful with his opposites rays. They were the equivalent to hair with nerve-endings, or a less gross example being the inside of a human ear.
'N-no! It doesn't... just- be-Ee Carefuhul…'
His brother's thumb had feathered over the center of his sunrays... It was terribly ticklish- but, he had to stay quiet. Moon didn't know he was sensitive in THAT way on this area... If he did, he wouldn't hear the end of it.
Moon warily accepted the warbled answer, his finger now venturing to the back of their faceplate. Everything felt in order back there... Dangit! If only he had a mirror.
Moon froze at the sound of Sun's thoughts overlapping his own.
Surely if Sun had a physical body, he would be fidgeting with his fingers.
'I have a mirror. It's just… hidden.'
Moon cocked his head with confusion at the response.
The two then played a little game of 'hot-cold' until Moon came across a tiny, dirty carpet.
Moon burst into giggly hiccups, raspy and Disney villain sounding. Their antics truly made his smile grow wider, even on the cloudiest of days. The lunar animatronic lifted the carpet to find a rather gruesome looking hole, wood splintered all around it in the shape of a foot.
'There was a... happy little accident that happened a while back when I was dancing. So much so, I kiiiinda decided to use it to keep things in like you do with that plank!'
Sun, the rule follower, the rule stickler, the anxious little Golden retriever that stuck to his programming... he STOLE things??
... Moon was so proud!
Sun was finally growing a backbone to scavenge!
What mainly decorated the hidden section were supplies intended for childcare purposes... also a purse.
"Seems you're more of a thief than I am!" Moon chuckled, rummaging through the compartment, placing his hands on the handheld mirror inside.
'I wouldn't go that far.. I merely like to have supplies management refuses to give us.'
"Oh, you mean like some parent's purse you stole? They still have their wallet in here!"
'.... I'm done talking now.'
Moon snickered over his friend's grumpy nature, covering the hole back up with the rug and skittering back to the mirror in his room.
He held the mirror behind his faceplate before flipping one specific nerve ending switch ontop of their head.
"There. Our faceplate and your sun rays have the pain receptors turned off... Let's see..."
Moon took the back hatch off of their faceplate to see where the error was.
Aha, the orange and blue wires.
The orange wires intended for sun's rays were plugged into the activation port for his hat hatch... speaking of which- he realized he wasn't WEARING his hat at all... did that mean Sun-?
Nope. Sun didn't have his hat today... He guessed that maybe maintenance didn't properly plug the hat turning system after the upgrades, nor pushed in the stability settings for transitioning. While reaching for the plug, the long ribbon around Moon's wrist SLOWLY feathered across three of Sun's rays. It took him by surprise, so he couldn't stop his reaction.
The animatronic stopped in his tracks, a bewildered look replacing the neutral one from before. Now that was straaaaange..
'N-No it wasn't! You just need to get back to the task at HaahahnnhnnhnhnnNHNND!? EEEEK!!'
Moon's hands had since traveled from the back of their faceplate to feel over two of Sun's rays.
"Such a peculiar reaction Sunny... I'm certain something may be wrong with your rays... Seems I might need to Investigate further."
Investigate? Uh oh...
'You really don't need to do this, it's probAHAHABLY NYAHAHA!!'
Moon drew a continuous spiral on one of them, while scratching at the other like a lottery card.
"You seem very happy brother~ Whatever could be soooooo funny, hm?" The lunar animatronic teased as the rays attempted to cha-cha away from his fluttering digits.
'OHOHO- NoOhohothing! NOHoTHing at ahall!!"
Moons fingers stopped for a moment to trace the edges of each ray starting from the bottom.
"Oh? It doesn't sound like nothing little star... my my my... you couldn't be-"
Moon got to the top two rays, and began to skitter his fingers quickly behind them.
"Tickle-tickle, tiiiicklish here? Could you?"
'SQUEAAAAHH!! Yohou MEheahHeaANIE! yohuhuu jeherrkyJEHERKjeEeherk!!'
"JerkyJerkjerk? Oh goodness, Sunny. I'm Offended. Maybe I should teach you a lesson... hehe..."
Moon smirked in the mirror as he began to spin Sun's rays in a circle.
'Wh... whahat are you doing!?'
The animatronic wiggled his fingers, continuously staring in the mirror so sun could see his demise. The moving digits moved closer until-
🎶"The rays on the sun went round' and round'~" 🎶
He began to sing the tune to wheels on the bus while tickling the life out of Sun's ultra sensitive rays.
🎶"Round' and round', "🎶
Ontop of his rays.. Skitter skitter, itch itch, wiggle wiggle~
🎶"Round' and round'!"🎶
🎶"The Rays on the Sun went round and round'~"🎶
Behind his rays.. Skitter, scritch, skitter skitter, wiggle-
"🎶All through the day~!🎶 Ooh- more name calling? That means another verse is in order!"
The lunar attendant changed things up a bit by making the rays retract, and eject while spinning.
🎶 "the rays on the sun went in and out~" 🎶
Moon used all of his fingers, targeting specific rays that had retracted, waiting for them to pop out in order to tickle them again.
Pop! Wiggle-wiggle wiggle~
Pop! Skitter-skitter skit~
Pop! Tickle-tickle  tickle~ 
Moon could sense that Sun was actually having a lot of fun through their thin, invisible mental wall, so he decided to crank it up a little.
 "🎶In and out~ in and out!~🎶 or what, give me a headache? You can't touch me~!"
Gitchygitchygitchy, itchy itchy, tingly tickles spread everywhere after Sun's threat, and the teasy song didn't help
🎶"The rays on the sun went in and out~ all through the day!"🎶
It was instantaneous when the power seemingly went out in Moon's arms. Great, another problem that he now physically couldn't fix.. maybe he would have to go down to-
As soon as Moon looked down, he immediately noticed a change in his arms...
"Yellow?" He asked aloud, extremely confused… that is until he realized.
They weren't HIS arms anymore...they were-
The yellow hands cracked their fingers and knuckles as a huffing, wheezing Sun voice inside of Moon's head starting to laugh without mirth.
'Heheheaha... ihi... I warned you~'
It turned out Sun's theory was correct earlier about the light sensors being breachable due to plug inactivity.. now to get some MUCH needed revenge.
The yellow limbs began to lightly trace over Moon's torso, making him squeak and sputter.
"Wahait!! I- We can tahalk about this Sunny!"
'Talk? You mean like how you tickled me to speechlessness? Sure, we can do that!~'
Moon let out a squeal as the digits dusted over his ribs, fluttered under his arms into his wires, feathered over his neck, traced over the edge of the moon crescent of his fa-
"SQUEAA!!" Moon screeched as Sun traced over the lower section of the crescent that would be considered his 'jaw'. Sun stilled at the reaction, baffled at the energy that erupted from seemingly nowhere. Moon felt Sun's sinister intentions bubble inside of their processor. The previous attacker grew nervous at the silence and the lack of movement from Sun's arms
"I-I uh-" Before Moon could say anything, Sun attacked. One hand flew to Moon's sensitive little tummy as the other danced over his jawline, drawing spirals in the moon crescent's craters like Moon did on Sun's rays earlier.
"SQUEAAAAAHEAHEAAAA!! EHEHEHEHE! -HIC-! ahahAhahahahAHAH!!" The sensation was overbearing!
Sun was used to tickling. Sun got to play with the kids all the time... however, since Moon was naptime duty on main, he hasn't built up quite the sensor tolerance Sun has, nor the fan speed.
Sun's left hand rapidly scrunched against the middle of Moon's tummy, barely touching his dent... OH how ticklish it felt- he never thought his tummy could feel so tingly.
'Please? You're gonna have to specify! Did you mean please go faster? Do these tickles make you happy moon? Do they? Do they? Awww of coooourse they do!~ Why else would you be so giddy?'
With that, Sun sped the tickling up on the poor little tummy and ticklish little craters.
'Gitchygitchygitch! Oho tickle tickle little Moonshine~'
Sun's voice echoed in sickeningly sweet baby talk.
'Is the tiny, little astronaut that ticklish to you? Hm?? Them walking allll over your tummy, and face? Over your cute little craters?'
The left yellow hand began to mimic walking motions, wiggling each 'foot' into his moon plate with each step, circling and tickling in each tiny crater he could find.
"EHEHAKAKA!!" The lightswitch- he NEEDED to get to the light switch.
Sun inwardly gasped, beginning to tickle more skillfully instead of playful skitters as Moon's plan echoed through their mind. Not only did the solar animatronic have a lot of tolerance, but he also had a lot of experience giving tickles out, especially to adults as per his playful and teasy nature.
The nighttime animatronic sputtered and spat chortle to cackle as the hands began to travel. His ribs, his hips, even seeing the sensitivity of the little buttons on his chest, his neck.
And. It. Tickled. HORRIBLY.
Moon could barely keep himself up in these circumstances. His legs felt like jello, yet somehow, some way, Moon managed to make it over to the lightswitch.
'Ah ah ah! Not so fast~'
Moon was forced downward, sun's arms somehow pulling the rest of his body away from the lightswitch and to his ankles. Upon this the devilish yellow fingers inched around his ankles, and heels, tracing eights and infinity signs all over to throw him off. Moon screeched as his 'Achilles heel-s' were discovered. The animatronic couldn't move an inch from this terribly ticklish situation as both hands held his ankles captive. It was when the hands forced his foot up did he lose balance. The naptime attendant fell on his butt, his shoed feet at the very mercy of his brother.
'Let's seee~ what's behind curtain number one?!'
The first shoe came off, revealing the foot underneath. Moon's feet were much like his hands, accept it had sensory cushioning on the bottoms to prevent finger crushing. The yellow digits lightly traced the sensory pad, and under moon's toes before coming back to the top of his foot.
'Not the feet? Not the feet? Is it possible they're terrrribly sensitive to kitchies? Hmmmm?'
Sun lightly scrunched over the top of the revealed foot before pulling the other slipper off.
Moon wiggled his toes as his brother traced lines all around the tops of his feet, paying attention to the tippy top of the little beans.
Snorting, Moon quickly tried to think of a plan through his laughter and Sun's teasing... AHA!
He wouldn't think what the plan was but he was going to do it.
'Do it if you dare~ I'll get at the bottoms of your feet if you try anything funny moon…'
Funny? Why would he try anything funny? He was the least funny person he kn-
Suddenly, Moon's hat projectile launched from the top of ther faceplate and upward at the lightswitch, leaving Sun to gasp internally.
‘You sneaky little rules twister- that's it!’
Just as Sun began to mercilessly skitter everywhere on the bottom of Moon's feet, the light switch had been flipped, turning the lights on.
His arms are now on the outside of Sun's body...
Oh... this was going to be fun~
"I uh-"
Before Sun could even come up with something to say, Moon's fingers flicked and fluttered vigorously around Sun's Tummy and ribs, even under his arms at one point.
bam the wires.
As soon as the words left Sun's mouth, Moon stopped.
The conjoined animatronic twins turned on their internal fans, cooling their shared system as they lay on the floor.
Sun airily laughed the rest of his giggles out, eventually calming down.
'Did you have fun?' Moon asked as their system returned back to its normal heating stats.
"... Maybe."
'Hehehe~ thought so!'
After a moment, Sun wobbled to his feet regaining his balance to step to the lightswitch again. Moon gave his brother the ability to swap their limbs again, so when they turned the lights off again, he would be able to fix them.
The lights turned off with a swift flick, changing Moon back into himself again, as bald and shiny headed as king Neptune without his crown. His hat was laying on the floor, but he'd pick that up later.
Without hesitation, he traversed back to the mirror again to fix the wires.
… were they that tangled before?
Perhaps Moon and Sun's ticklish scuffle tangled the wires up more than they were… their back faceplate cover was off during it.
"... well this will be difficult."
'HEY- uh… actually… what if we just… didn't fix it?'
Moon smirked at that, his attention fully on his brother now, that of which Sun felt. A bit nervous, he continued.
'I mean- if I'm able to swap your limbs out for mine… w-we can just… I don't know… keep that feature?'
That sounded like a fun little quirk… especially if they wanted to do something like this again.
"You know… that's not a bad idea. Who would really notice anyway?"
And from then on… nobody really did. Well- not except for when laughter could be heard coming from the fazbear theatre.. but Sun and Moon publically chocked it up to daycare antics rather than any insinuated malfunction if an employee were to ask.
Yet another secret well hidden by the mystery(ies) that was(ere) the Daycare Attendant(s).
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pjisskullourful · 9 months
ℕ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥
𝕘𝕒𝕪 𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 [dec,2023] [the complete series]
🎄Damiano × Ethan × reader
NSFW🔥 festive filthiness
° Damiano David/Ethan Torchio/female reader insert ✨ cameos by: Thomas Raggi & Victoria De Angelis
° all you want for christmas is some alone time with your boyfriends
wordcount::: 4,876
° merry christmas ya filthy animals. this is lore's fault (@lifeofa-fangirl ) 💋 thanks for encouraging me past my bedtime [requests are open! but commissions are priority! there are 2 fics currently in cue, secure your own spot here!]
° i own none of the lyrics included!
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“Aw, I wanna sit on Santa's lap.” You said with an exaggerated pout.
You were watching one of your boyfriends getting ready to film a TikTok, they were making some silly content for social media. Selling the new album, that was the goal. And given the time of year, a Christmas theme seemed like the smartest thing to do. You weren’t sure who had come up with this concept, but it had been agreed for Ethan to play the role of Santa - more specifically, taking on the job of a mall Santa. The other three band members would take turns sitting on his lap, asking for a gift. At the end, it would reveal to be the new album and they would act ecstatically happy.
An assistant had rushed out, buying the best hat and fake beard options available. There was a bit of time before they had to be dressed and fully ready for the stage here in Tokyo, so the makeshift set had been prepared. Paz (the lead social media coordinator) was calling the shots, mobile phone in hand, like always.
You weren’t sure how fond you were of this fake, white beard, mostly due to how much of Ethan’s gorgeous face it hid. But you couldn’t help putting your own dirty spin on this scenario. You pictured sitting on his lap and telling him all the things you wanted him to do to you, once everybody but Damiano was gone.
You wondered what you could say that would make Ethan squirm in his seat. Could you turn his cheeks as red as that polyester hat if you reminded him (in great detail) of the Christmas-themed debauchery the three of you had gotten up to in the past? You could talk about that time in December when you had gifted him new bundles of shibari rope in the festive colours of red and green. He had taught you a few different ties, using Damiano to practise, until he was immobilised, then you had worked together to completely overstimulate him. Or maybe Ethan would like to reminisce on the glass, candy cane-shaped dildo your boyfriends had gifted you one Christmas, which you had later used on yourself while video calling them.
These were all wonderful, festive memories for you. But they needed to be kept to yourself for the moment.
“Do you want us to say anything specific?” Damiano asked Paz.
“Nope. We're going to put music over the top of it, some Christmas song.” She said. “You can say whatever you want, you can literally talk to him in Simlish if you want.”
Ethan's eyes lit up at that, and you didn't need to see his mouth to know that he was smiling. “Wetzbow.”
And Damiano instantly replied with a word from the video game's fake language. “Hooba noobie.”
“Are you gonna be holding your cup of tea in the video?” Thomas asked.
“If he wants to.” She said, overruling everyone else immediately. “You can do what you like, anything but shoving your tongue in his ear.”
Damiano groaned dramatically. “Now that's all I wanna do.”
“On your own time, Dam.” Thomas said.
You stood off to the sidelines, out of the camera's view, not wanting to get in the way of their filming. It was very cute to watch, all four of them overacting and Ethan attempting to not fuss with his beard while Paz was filming.
You couldn't hold back your giggles when he was directed to give the camera a cheesy wink to close the video out. It didn’t look like it was coming naturally to him, instead it looked as if he was putting a lot of effort into completing the simple gesture. Was he overdoing it because he feared that otherwise the camera wouldn’t pick it up?
“What are you laughing about?” Damiano asked, the three of them were perched on the chair around Ethan, holding the record sleeves up for the camera to see.
“Yeah, who fucked up?” Victoria asked.
“No, no, there was no fuck up. I’m just- it’s nothing, ignore me.” You said, trying to stifle any further giggles. “Great winking, bubba. You’re really doing a great job.”
“Thank you?” Ethan said it as a question, his brow furrowed and you covered your lips with your hand.
“Alright, let’s give the ending another take and I’m gonna try to get a smooth zoom in on that wink.” Paz said, refocusing everyone. “Are we ready? Let’s go, lots of energy ‘cause you just got the best Christmas gift known to man.”
You bowed your head and turned around as subtly as possible, so as to not disrupt this take. You kept your amusement over him winking like an alien just introduced to the concept to yourself. You could laugh about it with him later.
*** *** ***
You had long since ceased thinking about Santa, in any shape or form. Now that you were back at the hotel after Måneskin's show, your mind was only on relaxing and getting yourself ready for however much sleep you could secure for yourself. You were cuddling up with Ethan in bed.
Damiano was having his last cigarette of the night, out on the room's balcony with a cup of tea (it wouldn't be his last of the night). Ethan was winding down in his own way, scrolling through Reddit on his mobile phone. If he found anything of interest on ‘Out of the Loop', he read them aloud to you.
He got up to use the bathroom, out of the room when Damiano returned inside. You sat up, taking a longer look at your boyfriend.
“Why do you look like you're scheming something?” You asked.
“Me? I look like I’m scheming something?”
“Yes, you do.” You said as he didn’t make any attempt to conceal the cheeky grin on his face.
“I don’t know what I could possibly be scheming.” He said, going over to the table where your backpacks had been dumped upon first arriving back. “Ethan?”
He didn’t try to hide what he was doing and you watched him opening his own bag, pulling a bright red hat out. You identified it as a Santa hat before he was swiftly folding it up and depositing it into the pocket of the baggy pants he wore. You narrowed your eyes, unable to figure out what his goal was.
“Are you sure-?”
The bathroom door made a little click as it opened and he moved over, going to Ethan’s bag instead. You dropped the rest of your question, wanting to see how this played out.
“Do you have any gum, babe?” He asked Ethan.
He walked over, helping Damiano go through his bag. “Gum? Weren't you just having peppermint tea?” Damiano took his hands out of Ethan's bag, seemingly satisfied that Ethan was distracted enough. While Ethan was looking through the contents, Damiano's hand went into his pocket. “Did you not get enough peppermint, or-?”
Ethan was startled into silence when Damiano brought the Santa hat down onto his head. Damiano pulled it down, the white trim resting above Ethan's eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes, looking at Damiano, clueless. You began to giggle even though you still didn't know what he was planning.
“Was this ever about gum?” Ethan asked.
Damiano put an arm around his shoulders and gave him a tap on the nose. “No, it's about you being the cutest Santa in the world. Look. And we should get to enjoy it for longer, more than a stupid TikTok.”
“Okay.” Ethan relented, knowing better than to resist when Damiano was in a playful mood. “Enjoy it, then. What do you want me to do? Is there a certain pose that you are really needing to see me do?”
“You just do whatever pose feels natural for you, bubba.” You said. “Make the character your own.”
“Actually. Come with me.” Damiano said, taking Ethan's hand and leading him over to one of the armchairs. “Sit down, because this is more about me doing a pose for you.”
“Oh?” Ethan sounded intrigued.
You moved towards the end of the bed, also thoroughly intrigued and not wanting to miss anything. Ethan sat down in the seat and fussed a little with the hat, getting the pom-pom to the right spot.
Damiano plucked his phone out of his pocket and threw it towards you. “Help me out, sweet thing.”
You unlocked the screen - you knew the passcodes to all of their devices. His phone opened immediately to a website that showed you lyrics. Now you knew what he was up to.
Damiano stood in front of Ethan's knees and Ethan smiled up at him. He started to reach one hand up above his head and sang the beginning of the song.
“Santa baby…” He sang sweetly and bent his knees, lowering himself. “Slip a little sable under the tree…”
Ethan chuckled, his smile growing. “I'm getting a song? Wow, a private performance just ‘cause I put a cheap hat on.”
“Been an awful good girl…” Damiano sang, getting down to the floor as he kept his eyes on Ethan. “Santa baby…” Damiano put his hands to Ethan's knees and pushed them apart. “And hurry down the chimney tonight…” He rolled his body forward, filling this new space and getting closer to Ethan.
He reached out, his fingers brushing across Damiano's cheeks. He was leaning in and it was clear to you that he wanted to kiss, still smiling, entirely invested in Damiano's shenanigans.
But Damiano denied Ethan the kiss. Instead of kissing him, Damiano stood up and began to walk a slow circle around the seat. He continued singing, not needing any musical accompaniment to keep his focus.
He stood behind Ethan and popped his head over one of Ethan's shoulders. “Next year I could be just as good…” He moved over to the opposite shoulder. “If you check off my Christmas list…
“Santa baby…” You saw his hesitant pause and then his eyes darted over to you as he mumbled over the next words. “Ah, huh- wan'...”
“Yacht.” You read, prompting him from the lyrics in front of you.
He nodded and went back to singing loudly, fully confident again. “...a yacht, and really that's not a lot…”
The slip up hadn't taken away from how captivated Ethan appeared, he kept his eyes on Damiano, turning his head so as to not miss anything. Damiano got in front of Ethan again, turning his back. He leaned forward, hands on his knees as he presented his ass to Ethan. As he continued singing, he slowly rocked from one side to the other, wiggling his butt sensually in Ethan's face. Ethan was still smiling, raising his hands, clearly wanting to grab.
“So hurry down the chimney tonight…”
Damiano faced him, putting his hands to the buttons that ran down the front of his shirt, making a show of undoing them. “Santa honey…” He got the shirt off, but looked to you for more guidance.
“One little thing.” You said, letting him get his groove back.
He found his place in the song and kept singing. He held his shirt in both hands and passed it around the back of Ethan's neck. He used this to bring Ethan forward, his head going to Damiano's bare chest, which Ethan didn't resist.
Damiano began to shimmy his shoulders, making Ethan laugh. He put his hands to the other man's back, his words a little muffled. “Oh, it's been so long since I've had a good motorboating.”
“Fill my stocking with a duplex…”***
Damiano put himself in Ethan's lap, facing him as he reached the end of the song, still so full of energy. “Hurry down the chimney tonight…” He put his hands on Ethan's shoulders, leaning in. “Hurry, tonight.”
Before Ethan could compliment this performance, Damiano was kissing him. Damiano put his hand to the back of Ethan's head, making it clear that he wanted more than a peck. You were glad to not need to help with the lyrics anymore, now you could stop looking at the phone and instead concentrate on them. You watched the way Ethan kept his hands on Damiano's back, the two of them sinking into this embrace and it was just as enjoyable to watch as his singing.
“That was really great, Daddy. I loved it.” Ethan said as Damiano continued to hold the shirt taut around the back of his neck. “You definitely got me feeling the Christmas spirit.”
“Christmas spirit?” Damiano repeated. “That's what you're feeling?”
“Yeah.” Ethan said before kissing him again.
He began looking in your direction a little. “Do you know who else could do with a little Christmas spirit?”
Ethan looked at you too. “Hi.”
You got up from the mattress, starting to walk towards them without any real plan of what to do. “Hi.”
“I heard what you said before.” Damiano told you. “You said you wanted to sit in Santa's lap too.”
Ethan smiled at you. “Did you say that?”
“Well, yeah. Everyone else got a turn sitting in your lap. But I would do it differently to them, a little less camera-friendly.” You said.
Damiano got up and moved out of the way. “It's your turn now.”
You went over, your hand resting on Ethan's shoulder as you got closer. “I'm not going to sing to you.”
“That is so fine, you don't need to.” He said, his hands going to your body as soon as you sat down. You faced him, brushing his hair back off of his shoulders. “Not to sound too transactional, but the only thing you need to do is tell me what you want for Christmas.”
You put your hand under his chin, propping his face up as you leaned in. “I want to be on the naughty list.”
“What are you going to do to get there?” He asked quietly, his eyes going down to your mouth.
You put your lips to his, moving your hand up to caress his cheek. You were soon tasting hints of the flavour left behind by Damiano - his cigarette and mint-infused saliva still vaguely present on Ethan’s lip as you rubbed your tongue against it. It was a testament to how deeply your boyfriends had been kissing and you intended to go just as deep.
Upon returning back to the suite, Ethan had stripped down to everything but his underwear. So when you pressed your body against his, you were feeling the heat from his skin through the T-shirt you were wearing. You wrapped an arm around his neck, intending to savour all of the benefits that this closeness brought.
“I hate to interrupt.” Damiano said. “But I just felt the need to share how glad I am that you haven’t decided to start talking in a Santa voice.”
Even as he began to turn away, Ethan kissed you a few more times. “Well the voice wouldn’t make much sense without the beard.” This set you off giggling. “But I might start speaking like him, in that I’ll steal his catchphrase to call you a hoe hoe hoe.”
“Ooh, would you? You know how much I love it when you address me correctly.” Damiano said.
With no further interruptions, you got back to kissing Ethan. As you did this, you began to move your hips, gently rocking. It was a prelude to what you planned to do, a subtle way to check his receptiveness.
He moved his hands beneath the material of your shirt, at the same time as when his tongue slid between your lips. You felt the anticipation swelling up within you as you looked forward to creating a new festive (yet filthy) memory with them.
“This guy hears everything, huh?” You said.
“Santa? I think the lyric is about how he sees everything you do, right?” He asked, a cute crease in his brow.
“No, this guy.” You said and you jabbed your thumb in Damiano’s direction to help add clarity.
“Well I listen when you talk, baby. Because most of the time you’re saying something dirty.” He said and as you looked up at him, Ethan started to kiss across your neck. “I was standing right next to you, you can’t be that surprised over me hearing it.”
“So you heard it, and then you just thought about it all night?” You asked.
“Pretty much. A man in a makeup chair has a lot of time to think.” Damiano said. “You weren’t thinking about it after you said it, making little plans of what you would do if you got the chance?”
“Answer the question, baby.” Ethan said.
“I was definitely thinking about it when I said it. It wasn't just a passing comment, I had some- you know, images in mind at the time. But I let it go once the hat came off because I figured it wouldn't happen.” You said. “And now I'm making it up as I go along, I didn't plan like you. I'm just letting the Christmas spirit take me wherever.”
“Ah yes, the Christmas spirit.” Damiano said, wiggling his fingers in the air.
Ethan got your attention back by kissing you on the cheek. “Well you're in my lap now, you better make the most of it.”
“Watch me make the most of it.” You said, giving him a kiss.
Then you quickly removed your shirt, his eyes keenly taking in this sight. You put your hands down to your panties, happy to get out of them for him. You stood up, removing the lingerie altogether and turning your back to him.
You made sure to arch your back, sticking your butt out as you lowered yourself down to his lap, facing away from him this time. He wrapped his arms around your middle and gave you some kisses across your shoulder, meanwhile you were reaching your arms out to Damiano.
“You must have gotten yourself worked up while you were making your little plans there, Daddy.” You said.
“Yeah, there were definitely images in my mind, as well- interesting, pleasing, exciting, memorable images.” He said, smiling as he moved in closer.
With him standing in front of you, you unzipped his jeans, reaching in for his briefs. Over the fabric, you began to run your hand up-and-down the length of his dick. He cupped your cheek in his hand, gazing down at you. Ethan continued kissing your skin as Damiano caressed your bottom lip with his thumb. As you were grinding yourself on Ethan, you opened your mouth and took Damiano's thumb between your lips, sucking on it a little.
Behind you, Ethan was making some adjustments. Before too long you were feeling his hot and uncovered dick. You grinded your butt against it, feeling how stiff it already was. He tightened his arm around your middle, more of his body tensing as he let you settle into a rhythm.
You were feeling Damiano getting firmer, so you proceeded to pull his dick free of his underwear. Immediately you wrapped your fingers around his length, working your hand at almost the same rhythm you were rocking on Ethan. You didn’t have to match it perfectly, the look on Damiano’s face told you that he was appreciative of what you were doing.
Wanting more than just sucking his thumb, you emptied your mouth and turned away. You looked at Ethan, bumping your nose against his cheek for his attention. He took his lips off of your shoulder, quickly making himself available for more kisses. You leaned in so close as you claimed his mouth again.
He was moving his body with yours, attaching himself to your energy. As the two of you were tapping into this synergy, you acknowledged that this encounter was no longer about playing roles. The focus wasn’t on the time of year, now it was about enjoying the experience of each other’s bodies. He wasn’t acting as Santa, now he was acting according to his desires.
He got himself lined up, sinking the tip of his cock into your slicked entrance. Now excitement rushed into your body and you broke the kiss before your breath could be wholly taken away.
As Ethan tenderly pushed more of his shaft inside, you changed the way you were handling Damiano’s cock. You looked up at him, beginning to direct him towards your mouth. He sweetly stroked your cheek some more, his eyes were locked on you, not wanting to miss any of what you were doing. The way that he was so captivated by your movements, it was the same way that huge crowd had watched him for the duration of the concert. He was so invested and you planned to show him exactly why you had earned this.
You pressed a kiss to the head, enjoying the beginnings of his taste. You saw his breath coming in quicker as he anticipated what you would do next. You moved your tongue in rings on his tip, letting the sensitivities build. All the while, Ethan was pushing deeper into you. You continued stroking your hand on Damiano’s length, your eyes fluttering shut as you surrendered yourself to this rising passion.
Ethan’s movements were all the more enticing now, steadily massaging you into a heightened state. His hand gripped your side, holding you so securely while his other went to your breast, playing with your firm nipple. As you kept in time with him, he applied kisses to your neck, taking the chance to appreciate every part of you within reach.
You pushed your tongue out over your lower lip before you slid your mouth further down Damiano’s length. His hand went to the top of your head as you took the majority of it between your lips. So as to avoid overwhelming you too soon, he held himself still, the thrusting would come later. You let his head rest against the roof of your mouth as you used your tongue on the underside of his cock. You explored this area, gliding your tongue up-and-down.
When you sucked your cheeks in around his dick, his fingers curled, wrapping around sections of your hair. The swinging of Ethan’s hips got faster, indicating a neediness that hadn’t been present earlier. It saw you moaning on Damiano’s dick as you felt the friction between yours and Ethan’s bodies growing. It introduced tremors into your system and you noticed how his kisses had started to linger, the occasional lick and brief suck added to how he treated your neck.
You changed the angle on Damiano’s dick so that you could take him deeper, directing him to the back of your mouth. He whimpered, his stance altering - you knew him well enough that you could tell he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back much longer.
And you welcomed it. You sought to draw more out of him, taking the head of his cock to the opening of your throat. He gripped your hair tighter.
Then his lust took over and he allowed his hips to twitch forward, plunging him into the tightness of your throat. You felt him throbbing in there.
He sighed out your name. “You’re so ready to use that sweet mouth for naughtiness. I didn’t even have to ask you to put it in your throat.”
He rocked himself back, leaving your throat for the moment. You reset your lips around his dick as he thrust his hips into your face. It wasn’t very quick, and compared to what Ethan was doing, it felt extraordinarily gentle.
He had stopped kissing the side of your neck, now resting his head against yours for support as all of his efforts went into the incessant snapping of his hips. You did your best to keep up with them, meeting the majority of his thrusts. But the power of his movements easily dwarfed yours and it was obvious that he wasn’t going to quit, not while he was so clearly on the path to his climax.
It was enough to just keep moving, to keep your body invested in his momentum as he followed one reckless collision with another. You listened to his numerous failed attempts to catch his breath. Goosebumps sprang up all over your body as the tension swelled up to fever pitch.
You felt how easy it would be to become overwhelmed by the electricity rushing through you. But he beat you to it, capturing his release with one final pound into you.
For the moment it seemed that you could feel every nerve in your system and how fraught they all were. He leaned back, giving you back some of your personal space, his arm loosening around you. He stilled himself after taking his hand off of your breast.
But Damiano was not still, keeping at working his cock between your lips. Ethan stroked your back as you moved your focus, sucking your cheeks in a little harder.
“Well, this sight is better than anything I could have thought up.” Damiano said.
You felt pride blossoming up. There was something in knowing how much you turned him on that added to your own arousal.
It wasn’t as simple or superficial as a compliment. And you were eager to put this energy to use, to ride these dazzling emotions to the next height - where things were going to be even more exciting.
You weren’t sure if Ethan was done recovering yet or not, but you simply couldn’t hold yourself still any longer. You started to build your own pacing, thrusting in his lap again. He didn’t discourage you in any way and you worked yourself on his cock, while still sucking Damiano’s.
He was getting more into his bucking, both of his hands holding your head now. “What do you say, baby?” His tip glided into your throat again. “Do you want a new necklace for Christmas?”
You forced yourself back, taking him out of your mouth. “Uh-uh, I'm gonna swallow it.”
He beamed. “Oh, yes you are.” He pushed his tip between your parted lips and you opened your mouth further for him. “You're so ready to swallow it all.”
You shut your eyes and moved yourself further down his length. His fingers flexed and relaxed, then gripped again on either side of your head. You rutted yourself back into Ethan, striking him consistently.
You could feel the excitement getting out of hand and you were soon chasing for that release. Your walls gripped tight to Ethan's cock and the sensitivities swam through your body, ready to overwhelm you with each hungry thrust.
On his next rock forward, Damiano delivered his dick back into your throat. You couldn't control the spasming this prompted, but you also weren't bothered by it as your focus secured on your own experience. You were diving over the edge and capturing your orgasm, trembling wildly between your boyfriends.
With drool spilling down your chin, you began to come back to reality. You looked up at Damiano, he writhed against you, chest rapidly rising-and-falling as he kept himself in your throat. You were still shaking, you put your hand to his wrist, willing yourself to stay with him.
It was a victory when you felt him unloading straight down your throat - you were rewarded with the thick and hot liquid. With a series of incoherent, strangled sounds he rocked back slightly, leaving your throat, but staying in the warmth of your mouth. You could have taken in a deep breath, instead you breathed through your nose so that you could secure your lips around his cock, giving him a strong finish. He ran his shaft against your messy lips, the cum filling into your mouth with his every lazy thrust.
He finished out the momentum, his fingers relaxing on your head as he pulled out of your mouth. You leaned back into Ethan, who kept his arms securely around you. He reached up, wiping away some of the mess that covered your chin as you took a few thorough swallows. You shut your eyes and just concentrated on catching your breath.
“Definitely on the naughty list now.” Damiano said, his hand soothingly rubbing across your forehead.
“Oh, she's topping that list, for sure.” Ethan said. “I'll put in a word with the right people, because I got connections.”
“When you're making your cup of tea, can I get one as well, please?” You asked, not bothering to open your eyes as you slumped further into him.
“Of course you can get tea, sweet thing.” Damiano said.
As you gradually came down, you and Ethan relocated to the bed. You stole the hat off of his head. Damiano moved around the kitchen while Ethan disappeared into the bathroom.
When he came back into the main room, he had a thoughtful look on his face. “So should I grow a beard? Is that what I should take from this?”
“Nope.” You answered quickly.
“Only if it's white and curly.” Damiano contributed as he came over with the tea.
You started giggling as both of your boyfriends joined you on the mattress. “So he'll have to keep it consistently bleached and sleep with fuckin' rollers in it?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««  
🍑taglist: @bethanysnow - @gr8rainbowpunk - @idyllicbutterfly - @maneskindiva - @maneslut - @saschenkaaa - @slavicgoddess13 - @elvirabelle - @maneskintifoso - @thegeminisgirl - @ha-la-ansia - @butkutee - @ursulalurks - @itsmaneskinbitch - @icarodamiano - @floral-recs - @crwnnjules - @paralianeyes - @fand0mskullfa1ry - @chocolatepizzatyrant - @lizzylynch1 - @kammerstx - @myleftsock - @tellmesomething01 - @adoredamianos - @vittoriaisfuckingpathetic - @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis - @shinshans - @lonnybunnys - @lyricalliz - @lifeofa-fangirl [join here!]
joke i thought about much after the fact
*** "Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing- a ring: one that goes on my cock!"
57 notes · View notes
majjiktricks · 2 years
metal gear solid mobile (nokia n-gage 2.0)
for anyone who doesnt want to go through what was a harrowing ordeal of setting up the fucking. nokia emulator.
this is a non-canon game set between mgs1 and mgs2, made specifically for the nokia n-gage gaming platform.
basically the game goes:
you are solid snake, infiltrating the base of a sketchy military organization that has gotten their hands on metal gear plans and is in the process of building one. otacon has a contact on the inside, someone who apparently works for the organization realizing their work is being used for destructive purposes and wants to stop it (sound familiar?).
so it starts pretty normal. but the game gets fucky from there.
you sneak through various parts of the base, avoiding or knocking out or killing guards as you go, and you have to access computer terminals to upgrade your security level. you receive a message from the inside contact, and she identifies herself as dr victoria reed, a nuclear scientist. she gives you her story about the metal gear project and her involvement in it. something about her story is suspicious, however, and otacon starts looking into her. (the player, not snake, is instantly aware of her damsel-in-distress act, and she flirts with snake and plays the "oh i'm so scared" card to get him to act on her behalf faster.)
you continue.
the scientist wants you to meet her in a specific part of the base, where she has... barricaded? herself? it's unclear if she's hiding from her coworkers or not. you eventually make it close to this area, but she calls you again and says she had to move because security in the area was increased.
you arrive in the room you were supposed to meet her. there is no security.
you continue exploring the base and try to get to the next area to meet her. meanwhile, otacon has been digging. there is no record of a victoria reed working for any known scientific organization that he can find. snake dismisses this as she is working on a black-ops project, and it's unlikely that her name would appear in any easily accessible database.
multiple times during your exploration you receive codec calls from an unnamed individual who gives you rather cryptic hints and advice on frequency 111.11.
you arrive in the next area the scientist told you to go. there is little of interest in the room, and there is no scientist.
the doors close, and you are locked inside. otacon messes with the security system and is able to disable most things. except for the doors to the room you are in. this is a conundrum.
you receive a call from a new individual, a man wearing a mask. he is identified as "the commander." he explains the situation to you as this: philanthropy was lured into this facility by dr reed so that you would disable the security and take out some of the guards so that the group the commander leads would be able to more easily sweep the place and take over. while you are trapped in this room, his group has been going floor by floor and killing every one of the guards they find. he also tells you that dr victoria reed is not real. that she is an ai construct designed to appeal to you and otacon, to lead you here.
he guarantees your safety, respecting the reputation of solid snake, as long as you stay in that room. he even sends a guard to "protect" you.
you escape the room by hiding under the furniture from the guard, who then opens the door to look for you.
after dealing with the guard, you leave, and following otacon's instructions you get to the last computer that will fully upgrade your security clearance. nearby is an observation computer where you can view various parts of the base you have entered. otacon shows you the metal gear hangar.
where there was supposed to only be a prototype metal gear is a nearly completed replica of metal gear REX, and you make it your mission to destroy it.
on the way through the base, a second time now, the pathways have been filled with explosives and gun cameras by the commander's soldiers. you avoid these and make your way down to the hangar for metal gear REX. there is a security mechanic where you have to be wearing the same color uniform as the people who have clearance for the area. the game has a camera where you can take pictures of either your real surroundings (with the console camera) or the in-game surroundings (where there are conveniently placed posters that have the right colors in the areas you need them). you traverse multiple of these color-coded areas, and at one point you need to take a picture of a dead body so you can take the color of the former guard's uniforms.
you eventually come to an area that appears to be a dead end, as all the doors except the one you came through are non-functional. however, there is a crack in a nearby wall and you are able to blow your way through with some explosives of your own. once inside this new area, the surroundings start to change.
at first, it looks like a drug trip. snake comments on this. you call otacon and he dismisses what you say about the surroundings, acting like everything is normal. the flashes of color happen again and you receive multiple strange calls from otacon, the commander, and victoria reed. these calls are very similar to those received by raiden inside arsenal gear from colonel campbell and rose. one even tells you to turn off your device.
you receive another call from 111.11. the voice informs you that you have been kidnapped, drugged, and placed into a simulation. he claims to be the real otacon, and he has been trying to hack in to get you out and to identify the people who have kidnapped you. so far he has been mostly unsuccessful due to the complexity of the simulation.
snake, of course, questions all of this, and asks otacon something only he would know: what did he do when they first met? and the otacon you have been speaking to is unable to answer. but the one calling over 111.11 knows. when they first met, he peed his pants after being found in a locker.
this convinces you to cut off the other otacon, and listen to this real one. he advises you to simply finish the simulation, since you are already near the end, as that would likely end it or at least create a window where otacon could hack in and shut it down. he warns you that if you die in the simulation, you will die in the real world as well.
you enter the metal gear hangar where you find the masked man. he tries to kill you with a minigun, but he is not very good with the weapon. it frequently overheats and jams, and this gives you a good opportunity to attack. during this fight, the surroundings often change colors and glitch out, losing textures or inverting or becoming skeletal models of themselves. it is unpleasant to look at.
once you defeat the masked man, the simulation halts and you are ejected. the final cutscene is snake awakening, staring into blurry bright lights while unknown voices talk over him. they say snake did not give them the information they needed, and would not be able to continue as a test subject. they say they will wipe snake's memory and release him.
they already have another test subject lined up: jack.
a lot of the above summary was written from memory so it may not be entirely in order or 100% accurate. the wiki is much less detailed so it didnt really help me put it in order LOL
even though the game was only a few hours long i did find it interesting. it could lead to a lot of new scenarios if someone decided to incorporate it into their timeline for fan material 🤔 the game heavily implies the people who have kidnapped snake are the patriots. it also puts full-body immersive simulation technology at a much earlier point in the timeline than it was previously shown: before 2007 vs 2018 where its shown in mgr, unless i missed something in the games between mgs2 and mgr.
while absolutely not canon and never brought up by any other game, i just thought it was neat :)
edit: before mgs2 DOES have VR simulations as raiden was trained on them, but we dont learn exactly HOW immersive they are. i dont know what they put him through... but if they put snake through this one i bet raiden's training was harrowing...
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour GILFORD, NH May 27 2023
With special guests THE ACADEMIC & SNARLS!
Important Times:
5:00 PM: Parking Opens
5:30 PM: Doors Open
5:30 PM Emily Rae (Hazy Little Stage - side stage in the venue)
7:00 PM Snarls
7:45 PM The Academic
8:30 PM Louis Tomlinson
General admission (pit tickets):
Lines allowed to form 15 minutes before doors open at 5:15pm
The pit for this event is really small, you will be close regardless!
Please be aware that this is a destination venue in the woods. Arrive as close to 5pm as possible.
Subject to change. Check the venue's socials for updates!
Here are important policies:
Please be aware that this is a destination venue in the woods. Arrive as close to 5pm as possible. Any later and risk missing part of the show!
The venue is CASHLESS! Pay with a card or mobile pay!
Upgrade Add-ons: Coors Light VIP Club ($75) and Sam Adams Brewhouse ($25)
Parking MUST be purchased here ($15-$65). Parking map here. Parking details here.
Tailgating: the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages, in our parking areas, actually violates a local Gilford ordinance. Underage drinking and/or intoxication, will most certainly cause you to miss the show and may lead to being arrested.
Camping pass available here ($65-$75). Spend the night in the Campground area, which is only a short walk away from the venue. We offer 2 tenting options: Set up in the grass right next to your vehicle or escape to a tent site in the woods. Gather your friends and camping gear and stay with us after the show! Check out the rules and regulations here.
ADA info here and here
Cameras: must be non-professional without a detachable lens. No video cameras.
NO food
NO drugs
NO glass, plastic or metal containers
NO coolers
NO knives, firearms or weapons of any kind
NO Ipads
NO selfie sticks
NO blankets
Strollers allowed, but subject to search by security (no stroller storage available)
ONE factory-sealed water bottle, max 20 oz., per person ALLOWED.
Refillable Water Bottles allowed but only completely empty. There are fill stations inside. No metal straws!
Umbrellas ALLOWED but may not be open during the performance. We recommend quality rain gear.
No lawn chairs allowed. Lawn closed for Louis' show.
View food and drink menus and restaurants here.
There is NO RE-ENTRY!
For more details click here
Bag Policy
ONLY small clutch purses with a maximum size of 6" x 9" or a clear tote with a maximum size of 12" Wide x 12" High x 6" Deep. Fanny-packs are also allowed.
For more details click here
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Signs and flags are ALLOWED
Signs larger than 8.5 X 11 in are not permitted into the venue. This size is a standard sheet of paper. 
All signs must be appropriate in nature and not be a distraction to the artist.
For more details click here and here
For additional questions please call the venue at (603) 293-4700. Use the online chat here. Email them [email protected]. You can also access their website. Check their twitter here and IG here for updates. Address: 72 Meadowbrook Lane, Gilford, NH 03249.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: ALF
Cond Name: Alf the Alien/ The Alien. Life. Form.
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ALF has been given unlimited access to the common areas of Site-AA, though reportedly his most favorite area to be in is the cafeteria. Foundation security is to always update observation staff at Site-AA where SCP-ALF is, even when he is clearly in camera view. SCP-ALF has been given a watch that alerts him when he is leaving the Level 1 Clearance common areas. Should SCP-ALF enter an area of Level 2 Clearance or higher he will be shocked by the watch until he backs away. This has proven the most effective deterrent as just telling him to not go does nothing since he'll probably forget.
In the event of a containment breach at Site-AA, SCP-ALF is to join Foundation staff in entering one of the nearest Cavafy Reality Concealment Safety Bunkers.
SCP-ALF is under the assumption that he is the last of his kind, he is to never be made aware the truth shows otherwise. All incoming transmissions form surviving Melmacian's is to be recorded and disrupted form reaching earth by the Telecommunications Monitoring Office's lunar satellite division.
Description: SCP-ALF is a member of Species of Interest: Melmacian's. Melmacian's are an endangered species that suffered from a nuclear disaster ending their home world. SCP-ALF was one of the only survivors of the destruction after crashlanding on earth by accident. SCP-ALF was in possession of a damaged ship and some advanced technology all of which had been confiscated by the Foundation. Though most of it was deemed unusable due to how it was all nuclear based and quite easy to malfunction and lead to nuclear meltdown. As such it was dismantled and recycled for parts.
SCP-ALF like the other Melmacian's is a small humanoid creature with black eyes, a snout like mouth, and oddly long hair on his head. He possesses an overweight body, stubbly feed with short legs, long arms with fat hands, and a completely fur covered body. SCP-ALF knows how to handle advanced technology, but his personality does not present him as very smart. SCP-ALF is very snarky and likes to crack jokes whenever he can. He also has a huge appetite being able to eat almost any kind of food presented in front of him within seconds. Though most peculiarly he claims that cats are quite similar to the cattle of his world and thus likes to eat them as well.
However, despite his fun-loving personality, SCP-ALF suffers from depression believing he is the last of his kind. To help with this SCP-ALF was not confined to a containment cell but allowed to roam freely within Site-AA. This and him interacting with Foundation staff and having lively and hilarious conversations has helped SCP-ALF in dealing with his depression and survivor's guilt. It is because of his social personality that makes most Foundation staff smile and his lack of desire to leave is why SCP-ALF is labeled as Object Class: Safe.
SCP-ALF was discovered in 1986 when he crash landed in the garage of suburban home after suddenly appearing in our solar system and being shot down by a ISSJ-4 “Crow” from Mobile Task Force Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt". The pilot claimed he showed up out of nowhere and fired at his ship thinking it was a hostile craft. SCP-ALF's location was quickly found, and the family was amnestied while he was brought into Foundation custody. After reviewing interviews and first testing logs Site Director James fell in love with his jokes and assigned him to Site-AA as a way to boost morale with staff.
It's actually thanks to SCP-ALF that Foundation staff now have access to Trofeam Molecular Conversion Consumable Stations within Cavafy Reality Concealment Safety Bunkers as he complained about it regularly. SCP-ALF is actually used regularly to show Foundation staff how common areas can be improved in relaxation and has helped other Foundation sites make things more comfortable for their staff during break time. SCP-ALF has been made aware of this and likes to joke about him being an essential asset to the Foundation. To this day no one has refuted his claims as most either don't dare ruin his joy or secretly agree with him.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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Are you ready to make the switch? Discover the Samsung Galaxy A06 today and elevate your smartphone experience!
The Samsung Galaxy A06 is here, bringing with it a fresh design, impressive features, and enhanced capabilities. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast, a content lover, or someone who values seamless performance, the Galaxy A06 is designed to meet your needs. Let’s dive into the standout features that make this phone a must-have.
Dynamic, Vivid, Wide Display
Get ready to enjoy a wider, clearer view with the Galaxy A06's 17.13 cm HD+ display. The smooth 60 Hz scrolling and LCD U-Cut display offer an immersive experience, making it perfect for streaming your favorite shows or browsing the web. The expansive screen ensures you have more room to enjoy your content and elevate your mobile viewing experience.
Sleek Design with a Slim Profile
The Galaxy A06 comes with a sleek, sophisticated design that’s bound to turn heads. With its reduced thickness from 0.88 cm to 0.8 cm, it feels comfortable in your hand while still looking incredibly stylish. Available in three stunning colours – Black, Light Blue, and Gold – the Galaxy A06 is all about making a statement. Its slim profile and smooth finish make it both aesthetically pleasing and easy to handle.
Pro-Grade Camera for Stunning Photography
Capture life in all its beauty with the Galaxy A06’s 50 MP main camera. Whether it's a scenic landscape or a memorable event, every shot will be crisp and detailed. The 2 MP depth camera adds dimensions to your photos, while the 8 MP front camera ensures flawless selfies. With the Galaxy A06, your photography skills are taken to a whole new level.
Enhanced Security at Your Fingertips
The Galaxy A06 offers secure and effortless access with a side fingerprint sensor, providing a reliable single-press verification method. Additionally, it allows you to set double-press shortcuts for quick access to your camera or other frequently used apps. With Samsung Knox Vault, an EAL5+ certified feature, your data is kept secure. It physically isolates sensitive information like PINs and passwords, protecting you from hackers and hardware attacks.
Long-Lasting Battery Life
Enjoy more of what you love without the constant worry of running out of battery. The Galaxy A06 is equipped with a 5000 mAh battery that keeps you going longer on a single charge. When it does run out, the 25W Fast Charging gets you back in action quickly, so you never have to stay disconnected for long.
Power-Packed Performance with MediaTek G85
The Galaxy A06 is powered by a MediaTek G85 processor that’s designed to handle everything from gaming to social media. Experience seamless performance while gaming, watching videos, or multitasking. The phone also comes with 2 OS upgrades and 4 years of security updates, ensuring your device remains up-to-date and secure.
Video Calls Made Easy with Google Meet
Stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues using Google Meet, integrated into the Galaxy A06 for smooth and reliable video calls. Whether you’re attending a business meeting or catching up with loved ones, enjoy clear and uninterrupted communication every time.
Health Tracking and Digital Wellbeing Features
The Galaxy A06 isn't just a phone; it’s your health partner too. With Samsung Health, you can track your fitness goals, monitor your health, and receive real-time insights. Stay mindful and reduce distractions with Digital Wellbeing features that allow you to manage screen time, track app usage, set limits, and use focus mode to stay centered.
Samsung Galaxy Experience: One UI 6.1 and Quick Share
Personalize your everyday experience with One UI 6.1, which offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Share files effortlessly with Quick Share, making it fast, easy, and secure to send photos, videos, and documents.
Conclusion: A Perfect Partner for Your Digital Life
The Samsung Galaxy A06 is more than just a smartphone – it's a companion designed to enhance every aspect of your digital life. From its sleek design and pro-grade camera to its powerful performance and long-lasting battery, this phone offers something for everyone. Embrace the future of mobile technology with the Samsung Galaxy A06 and enjoy an upgraded mobile experience like never before.
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govindhtech · 6 months
Lenovo 300e Gen 4 Perfect Chromebook for Students
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Lenovo 300e Gen 4
With the 300e Gen 4, MediaTek and the Lenovo deliver smarter learning. Lenovo’s next-generation educational Chromebooks use MediaTek. Kompanio processors from MediaTek make these devices suitable for students and teachers.
Security, device management, and Kompanio-powered Chromebooks like the Lenovo 300e Gen 4 are included in the Lenovo MediaTek Chromebook Education school package.
Powerful, versatile digital tools enable in-class and out-of-class learning. Because gadgets work well, teachers can easily set up and supervise classes. This sets schools up for years of success.
Chromebooks with MediaTek Kompanio MediaTek Kompanio is the trustworthy and innovative do-anywhere companion chip that enhances Chromebook experiences for classroom or remote education, business demands, streaming entertainment, video conferencing, and creative.
Device manufactures can only produce excellent Chromebooks on MediaTek Kompanio platforms.. These powerful, all-in-one chips combine AI processors, HDR cameras, fast and reliable Wi-Fi connectivity, and ultra-efficient performance for true, innovative mobile computer devices with an all-day battery life that can open, flip, fold, or separate.
What benefits Chromebooks from MediaTek? With a reputation of delivering innovative, always connected, and highly efficient Android smartphone and tablet platforms, MediaTek has developed a range of powerful Chromebook SoCs since 2016.
Chromebooks combine cloud and edge experiences for anywhere computing, including work, education, video conferencing, social, shopping, streaming entertainment, and more.
Top Features & Performance MediaTek Chromebook chips combine powerful and energy-efficient Arm octa-core CPUs and many-core the GPUs, MediaTek-designed AI processors, premium FullHD-to-4K displays, high-resolution cameras, and the latest Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies to deliver amazing Chromebook experiences. Highly responsive apps, multitasking, and stable connectivity.
Enhanced Battery Life Our Chromebooks are battery-efficient and powerful. The highly integrated design, power-efficiency advancements, and top manufacturing practices ensure your Chromebook lasts as long as you need it.
Lenovo 300e Chromebook Gen 4 MediaTek Kompanio 520 ChromeOS ARM Mali-G52 2EE MC2 GPU LPDDR4x-3600, 8GB soldered Systemsboard 64GB eMMC 5.1 Lenovo Chromebook 300e gen 4 Lenovo’s 300e Yoga Chromebook Gen 4 (11.6″ model) is strong, simple to use, and equipped to grow alongside kids as they meet their learning objectives. With its lightweight, convertible design, efficient MediaTek Kompanio 500 Series CPUs, integrated graphics, and user-friendly ChromeOS platform, this device is designed to facilitate the development of relationships between teachers and students both within and outside of the classroom.
This cutting-edge educational tool is designed for the future of learning with features including a 360-degree Sync hinge, snappy touch panel, optional garaged USI 2.0 Stylus, extended battery life, and an optional 5MP world-facing camera. Whether studying in the classroom or at the kitchen table, students can benefit from quicker connectivity when conducting research for assignments, viewing lectures, and exchanging documents thanks to Wi-Fi 6.
Elevated-Performance Education By fusing the intuitive ChromeOS platform with the effective and stress-free mobile computing experience of the MediaTek Kompanio 500 Series Processor, the Lenovo 300e Gen 4 makes modern learning possible. The 11.6-inch HD IPS touch display’s 360-degree Sync hinge enables smooth switching between use modes for reading, writing, drawing, content creation, and presenting. Its tactile sensation piques the imagination.
A student-friendly encounter
The Lenovo 300e Gen 4 has an anti-scratch fabric-like cover texture, enhanced Waves Audio for brighter sound, a sharp HD camera, and an optional 5MP world-facing camera. It is designed to spark creativity from anywhere with Wi-Fi 6. The tough-as-nails display with Corning Gorilla Glass protects the display from the daily wear and tear of everywhere learning, while the innovative top-load keyboard offers easy serviceability.
HARDY TECHNOLOGY The Lenovo 300e Gen 4 is designed to withstand bumps and bruises from the hybrid learning environment because of the new DuraSpec testing standards. The keyboard can withstand unintentional spills up to 360 ml thanks to its anti-pry full-skirt keycaps. Additionally, this durable equipment is portable to any classroom during class hours thanks to its reinforced ports and hinges, A-cover force of 60 kg, rubber bumpers, and a drop test into concrete of 76 cm.
Lenovo 300e Yoga Chromebook Gen 4 Stylus
Teachers and kids are protected from cyberthreats by the Lenovo 300e Yoga Chromebook Gen 4’s integrated end-to-end security, which includes a webcam privacy shutter. Additionally, ChromeOS shields users with safe surfing, sandboxing, and the Titan C security chip from Google in addition to routine automatic security updates that run in the background, meaning you never have to stop learning.
Lenovo 300e Yoga Chromebook gen 4 Services
Lenovo provides a wide range of end-to-end services to safeguard and support your investment, allowing you to concentrate on your studies rather than IT.
Enrollment in ChromeOS Zero-Touch Provide staff with the appropriate devices while maintaining endpoint security, introducing new cloud-based applications, and overseeing overworked support desks. Lenovo and Google’s zero-touch enrollment enables auto-registration and remote deployment, with devices being shipped straight to users.
Protection Against Accidental Damage Reduce the amount of time students must miss from school and safeguard your equipment from harm not covered by the guarantee with limitless repairs in the case of inadvertent accidents. Lenovo Qualified parts and extensive diagnostic equipment are used by Lenovo-trained personnel to perform Accidental Damage Protection.
SERVICES FOR CO OFFSET Customers can offset the carbon emissions linked to their Lenovo products as an easy and transparent method to support the environment. Lenovo has computed the carbon footprint of its personal computers at every stage of their life from production and delivery to use and disposal. Lenovo’s carbon offset partner purchases carbon offset credits based on the device’s calculated emissions and contributes them to various United Nations climate action projects.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
Avatar 08
Wordcount: 8, 616 Disclaimer: This is a crossover with the film “Avatar” (2009). Content warning: Major character death. A/N: Spoken Na’vi that is translated into English in dialogue will be indicated with “italics”. Allen’s name will be unchanged for clarity, but his name and yours are meant to be of a Na’vi derivative.
Avatar - finale I see you
“Everyone on this base. Every one of you--”
All personnel was crowded in the dining hall.
“--is fighting for survival. That’s a fact.”
Quaritch stood perfectly still as the shutters closed behind him, plunging the room into darkness.
Then, a projector turned on, silhouetting his form in the glaring screen. It displayed an aerial view of The Tree of Souls, and in the center was a bright yellow cluster, the warmth reading of Na’Vi warriors.
“There’s an aboriginal horde out there massing for an attack. Now, the orbital images tell me that the hostiles’ numbers have gone from a few hundred to well over two thousand in one day.” He boomed.
He clicked his pointer, and the yellow cluster grew with each slide, now speckled with orange and red. Everyone watched on in dead silence, heeding the cautionary tone of their colonel.
“And more are pouring in.” Quaritch glanced back at the screen, his lips pursed in thought. “In a week’s time, there could be twenty-thousand of them. At that point, they will overrun our perimeter--”
He turned to the crowd, eyes burning with certainty.
“--well, that’s not gonna happen.”
The atmosphere changed from fear to hatred.
“Our only security lies in preemptive attack. We will fight terror with terror.” He clicked the pointer again, revealing the rib-like rock formations that encased the ancient tree. “Now, the hostiles believe that this mountain stronghold of theirs is protected by their--”
He paused again.
“--their deity.”
A few chuckles went around the room.
“And when we destroy it, we will blast a crater in their racial memory so deep that they won’t come within a thousand klicks of this place ever again,” Quaritch nodded smugly. “And that, too, is a fact.”
The dining hall erupted with cheers, spurred on by a battle they had already won. Some hooted, others shouted, all sharing the same arrogant disdain for the Indigenous. With so much firepower and technology at their disposal, victory was guaranteed over the Na’Vi who fought with sticks and stones.
“Alfred, it’s crazy here. It’s full mobilization--they’re rigging the shuttle as a bomber.” Kiku spoke in a quick hush. Other scientists stayed in the back, listening into the call and watching out for troopers. “They’ve got these huge pallets of mine explosives for some kind of--kind of shock-and-awe campaign.”
“Frickin’ daisy-cutters.” Trudy frowned. Everyone was gathered in the shack with a machine gun at their side, faces hollow. What meant to be an exchange of intel became a sure reminder of their demise.
“Quaritch has taken over, and there’s no stopping him. He’s hitting the tree with everything he’s got.”
“When?” Alfred asked, expression heavy.
“0600 tomorrow.”
“Keeks. Keeks!” A woman’s voice interrupted Kiku, getting him to glance at her. When he turned back to the camera, it was only to turn it off. “I have to go.”
The call ended, plunging the shack into a sobering silence. When Arthur broke it, he voiced the very thought that plagued everyone’s minds.
“We’re screwed!” He shook his hands nervously.
“And I was hoping for some kind of tactical plan that didn’t involve martyrdom,” Trudy laughed dryly, raising her brows at their bleak reality. “We’re going up against gunships with bows and arrows.”
Alfred fell silent, eyes downcast. It felt like they’d already lost, going up against the military might of the distant future: fighter planes, exoskeletons, and more firepower than they could ever imagine.
But it was a war he would see to the very end.
“I have fifteen clans out there.”
Without missing a beat, he added this.
“That’s over two-thousand warriors. We know these mountains. We fly them. You fly them.” He pointed at Trudy, then outside. “They don’t. Their instruments won’t work up here. Missile tracking. Won’t work.”
He pointed a finger from his eyes.
“They’ll have to fire at line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, then we have the home-field advantage.”
“You know he’s gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls,” Trudy muttered, unconvinced.
“I know.” Alfred’s gaze didn’t waver.
“They get to the Tree of Souls, it’s over. That’s their direct line to Eywa. Their ancestors.” Arthur stared straight at his friend, who shared the same dread as him. “It’ll destroy them.”
“That’s why we have to stop him.”
Alfred returned to his Avatar body. Standing before him was the Tree of Souls, its ethereal, purple tendrils glowing in the night. He walked up to it slowly, head tilted back to take in its ancient beauty. Once he was shaded by the tree, he got on his knees.
This was his last resort. And whether he succeeded or not, he couldn’t stop what was fated for Pandora.
“I’m probably just talking to a tree right now,” Alfred began hesitantly. He sighed, shaking his head at how stupid he sounded. Only he went ahead anyway, reaching around for his plait. “But if you’re there--”
He connected his queue with the tendril in front of him. The pink strands of his tsaheylu curled around it, making it glow brighter in response. A whisper of voices filled his mind.
“--I need to give you a heads-up. If Grace is with you, look into her memories.” He glanced up at the tree, heart racing as he felt a rush of emotions. “See the world we come from. There’s no green there.”
His ears went back as he spat this out.
“They killed their Mother.”
He hung his head, screwing his eyes shut.
“And they’re gonna do the same here. More sky people are gonna come--they’re gonna come like a rain that never ends.” He let out. Pandora was so far from Earth, and so much richer, yet its destruction was closer than anyone could’ve imagined. But when he glanced up, listening to the warm whispers of the ancestors, hope gleamed in his eyes. “Unless we stop them.”
There was something out there, far more powerful than any army.
“Look. You chose me for something.”
His face contorted with anguish, and it wasn’t long before he lowered his head again in prayer.
“But I need a little help here.”
You approached him from behind, watching him speak to Eywa with a gentle expression. When Alfred felt your hands on his shoulder, he was brought back instantly. So, he stood up.
“Our Great Mother does not take sides, Alfred.” You caressed his face. It was naïve to believe otherwise, but he always had so much faith in everything around him. And that faith was what always got him so far. “She protects only the balance of life.”
He glanced up to watch the atokerina drift above. Their small and delicate bodies pulsed soundlessly through the air, a testament to everything you said. Eywa may have been sentient, but she existed only as a silent guardian of the natural order.
“It was worth a try.” He sighed, looking in your eyes.
Without another word, you took his shoulders and pressed your forehead to his. He pressed back with equal force, closing his eyes. As comforting as his presence was, it was only temporary. Like Hometree, and everyone you ever loved, you could lose him.
Alfred breathed you in, holding you in this last moment of peace. Tonight, he would keep you close.
Tomorrow, he would fight alongside you, not knowing what would be his last—or yours.
The sharp whine of gunship turbines pierced the air. As their propellers sped up, they took off from the ground in a swarm. In the center was their queen, the Dragon, a gargantuan shuttle rigged for warfare.
Behind it were two bigger shuttles, Valkyries, packed with troopers, amp suits, and explosives. As they left base, onlookers in the communication tower cheered them on with great gusto. Traffic controllers threw their fists up, and armed guards, their machine guns.
“Yeah! Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!”
Selfridge turned his back to the window, arms folded and sighing. Things had taken a turn for the worst after setting up this company, but he was powerless to stop what was put in motion. Na’vi insurgency called for an emergency change of leadership, putting their colonel’s authority above his.
Lightyears away from Earth and its jurisdiction, going against him was like a death wish.
As the sun rose behind them, the swarm of gunships flew into the Hallelujah mountains.
“This is group leader. We’re entering the flux vortex,” A male voice spoke on the radio. Quaritch stood next to the pilot of the Dragon, listening to it chatter with a mug in hand. “Switch to manual flight mode.”
“Copy. Manual flight mode.” Another replied.
On the other side was a flock of Na’Vi warriors, their bright blue bodies perched on the backs of ikran. As they flapped through the air, cawing at each other, they were led by Toruk and its rider, Toruk Makto.
The wind blew his braids back as he stared dead into the horizon. Sitting over his cold eyes was his crown. Blue and yellow war paint was streaked over his face, and in one hand, he clutched a machine gun.
He turned to his Olo’eyktan, who flanked his left.
Allen nodded and raised his bow at him in solidarity. He wore a similar warpaint, neon yellow and blue V’s going from his eyes to his nose. Hugged around his neck was a traditional choker, and under that were coils of feathers and elaborate necklaces, a symbol of his chiefly status.
He turned to you, who flanked his right.
You stared right back, your eyes bright and attentive. Beautiful lines of cyan, gold and blue were streaked all over your face and body. But your most formidable attribute would always remain your father’s bow.
Alfred faced the front again, eyes narrowing.
“This is papa dragon. I want this mission high and tight. I wanna be home for dinner,” Quaritch noted.
Samson gunships thundered over the forest floor, blasting away at ferns. Before they touched down, troopers poured out from the sides, oxygen masks on and machine guns cocked. “--suit team, go.”
“Alright, ladies. Let’s bring the pain.” Wainfleet said. The bottom of a Valkyrie opened, and men in amp suits zipped down on a cable. They dropped to the ground in heavy thumps, exoskeletal limbs whining as they charged into the deep Pandoran brush.
“Go! Go! Go!”
The second Valkyrie lowered its ramp.
“Move! Move! Move!”
Troopers and more amp suit-users marched down the slope, machine guns in hand. As the human and robot army stalked the forest floor, senses peeled for any signs of Na’Vi, Samsons hovered protectively overhead. It was dead silent, not a peep from nature.
“Bravo 1-1, move left.”
“Bravo 1-1 moving left. Watch flank.”
“Watch formation. Keep moving.”
“Charlie 2-1, watch your spacing.
“Copy that. Over.”
“Eyes up. Check that overhead,” Wainfleet scanned his surroundings behind the glass of his amp suit. Glitching heat signatures appeared on his cockpit screens. “And check those thermal scans.”
The dragon flew between the mountains, guarded by dozens of smaller, agile Samsons—scorpions.
“All call signs, papa has lead. Pushing to target. Escorts, stay close on my shuttle.” Quaritch said.
Sitting on top of the Valkyries were make-shift barriers. Gunmen stood behind them, heads tilted back in search of the elusive Na’Vi they hadn’t seen a trace of.
“Gun crews, keep your head on a swivel.”
The Hallelujah mountains floated around them like a still picture, silent, unmoving, and without a single animal—or person—in sight.
“Make no mistake, people. They’re out there.”
The rib-like formations came closer and closer.
“Alright, people, target in sight. Range, four klicks. Valkyrie 1-6, get your payload ready.” Quaritch said.
“Copy. Prepare to offload.” The pilots of the Valkyrie responded. “Staff Sergeant, stage the weapon.”
“Roll it to the ramp. Let’s go!” A voice barked in the back. Two men ran behind a massive pallet of mine explosives. They strained to push it, rolling it to the edge to be dropped off the shuttle. “Hold!”
Miles above the gunship armada camped the flock of Na’Vi warriors. They were so high up, the thunder of turbines was nothing but a hum from underneath. As they clung to the sides of two neighboring islands, hidden in a shadow, they watched the unsuspecting aircraft pass under them--and waited for their signal.
“Charlie 2-1, got big movement.”
“Hold position.” Wainfleet stopped and held up a fist. Surrounding troopers and amp suit users came to a stop, faces tense as the ground began to rumble. “We got movement out there. Five-hundred meters.”
It was the gallop of hundreds of horses.
“Sir, ground has movement!” A pilot of the dragon exclaimed. Quaritch came over and watched the heat signatures on his screen—a yellow wave coming toward their ground forces. “Fast approaching.”
“Firing line!” Wainfleet ordered. Everyone assembled into a horizontal formation and trained their guns at the dense brush in front of them, stares focused. “Targets closing. Range, four-hundred meters.”
Back on the dragon, Quaritch kept a watchful eye on the ground readings that glitched uncontrollably.
“Can’t you clean it up?” He asked.
“No, sir. It’s the flux.” The pilot tapped away.
A clan leader astride his horse held up his bow. Letting out a chilling war cry, he set off a chain of hooting and shouting from his warriors that rode beside. Arthur charged in with them, hoisting up his gun and screaming in the spur of the moment.
Voices came from all directions in the forest, the sound of a supernatural force closing in on its enemy. The troopers glanced around, spooked, not knowing where to look. But they felt it, the ground shaking.
They gripped their weapons, bracing themselves as Na’Vi horsemen burst through the brush.
Alfred flew between the two islands, gliding past the camping Na’Vi on his great leonopteryx. Its massive crimson body shot ahead of them, closely tailed by you and Allen.
“Attack! Attack! Attack!” Allen shouted over his shoulder.
“Ayeyeyeyeyeyeya!” Another clan leader dove off the side of the island—a woman with her whole body painted in solid red. She jetted down on her ikran, and others followed suit, dropping off the sides.
“Ayeyeyeyeyeyeya!” You shouted back.
“Brother, I’m gonna punch a hole,” Alfred spoke into his radio, glancing at Allen. “You follow me through.”
“Let’s ride.” He grinned.
Alfred dove downwards on his great leonopteryx, heading straight for the gunship armada below.
Allen shot after him, and you followed behind.
“Raaaaa!” Alfred’s ears went back, canines bared. He swooped down like an eagle, talons out, and latched onto a gunship by its tail rotor. Swinging it like a pendulum—“yiiarrgh!”—he tossed it into a nearby island. It exploded upon impact, going up in flames.
Allen descended from the sky and pulled an arrow back, his glare fiercer than a tiger. Once he came face-to-face with a gunship, he let it fly. In such close proximity, it shot right through the cockpit glass and pierced into the pilot’s chest.
You dove down on Tseze, eyes wide with primal ferocity as you held back your arrow. Releasing it at another gunship—“ha!”—you punctured the windshield and skewered the pilot inside.
More warriors on their ikran shot down like colorful meteors. And it was a sight to behold. Gunships began dropping out of the sky, hunted like prey by a greater predator. Nature was fighting back, and the Na’Vi were the harbingers of the revolution.
Samsons spun like rogue helicopters, their pilots dead behind the wheel, and crashed into surrounding islands in fiery explosions. Other warriors clung onto remaining aircraft, sinking them like boats.
“All aircraft, weapons free! Weapons free!” Quaritch yelled in the dragon. “Break right, come around.”
The Na’Vi horsemen splashed through a creek.
Now that they were in range, everyone opened fire.
“Light em’ up!” Wainfleet shouted.
A blinding hail of bullets shot at them from afar. Na’Vi warriors began falling off the backs of horses, some never even managing to draw their arrows before hitting the ground. Arthur raised his machine gun to his eyes and fired relentlessly back at them.
“Break formation, engage all hostiles!”
The remaining Samsons broke out of formation, engaging in dozens of dog fights in the air.
Gunships chased after warriors on ikran, shooting at them until they dropped out of the sky.
“Yeah! Get some!” Wainfleet jeered, machine gun pulsing back and forth in his exoskeletal arms.
A horse flipped over and crushed its rider. Another warrior on horseback leaped over their bodies, arrow drawn back. The second he released it, he was shot and killed. But that same arrow made it to the other side, nailing a trooper to the side of a log.
Alfred latched onto another Samson gunship. He could feel everything Toruk felt, the mighty thump of her wings, her giant body twirling through the air, and her strong talons on the tail rotor as he swung it into an unsuspecting ship passing by.
The trooper inside it screamed and tried scrambling away from the still-spinning helicopter blades that came barreling into the side of his aircraft. They crashed mid-air, and Alfred flew off to shoot at other gunships, hailing bullets on their windshields.
You flew around the side of a Valkyrie.
Gunmen fired away on the ramp, guarding numerous pallets of mine explosives behind them.
“Ha!” You released an arrow. It pierced through the stomach of one man, the sheer speed and force of it pushing him to the ground.
Arthur was flung off his horse, falling forward and rolling on the ground. “Agh—!”
The warrior beside him pulled a fallen Na’Vi onto their horse, which reared back and turned around. Once he got up again, he could only fire back for a few seconds before retreating. There, they fled the bullets that shot relentlessly from the other side.
“Scorpions, pursue and destroy.” Quaritch ordered.
Samsons in the mountains began firing their missiles, blasting away at ikran, one by one. And their riders fell off, one by one. Samsons in the forest rained missiles on the horsemen. Upon impact, explosions went off everywhere, and dirt sprayed upwards. Arthur kept running. Another missile exploded behind him, throwing him forward to the ground. Then another, and another.
“Augh—!” Once he scrambled onto his feet again, he pressed his radio. “Alfred, Alfred, you copy?”
He fled alongside other warriors, splashing through a deep creek. Some turned back to release a single arrow, an effort that proved in vain. No matter how valiantly they fought, their bows were no match for the firepower dispersed so abundantly at them.
“We’re falling back! We���re getting hammered!”
“Copy. Get out of there.” Alfred replied from high up in the mountains. He didn’t even get to think before the Dragon suddenly appeared in front of him—the colonel’s ship. He clenched his teeth and swerved to hide behind an island.
But it was too late.
“That’s him. Get after him!” Quaritch leaned forward with a shout, pointing at him. Toruk’s giant, crimson body was too cumbersome to be missed. And so, the dragon chased after him, firing missiles that he dodged by the skin of his teeth.
A Samson shot at you from behind, forcing you to dive towards the forest below. While you flew in a sharp zig-zag to avoid the stream of bullets, you glanced back, heart pounding and fear racing in your eyes.
Alfred kept fleeing. Explosions went off behind him, and missiles shot over and under him. If he kept going at this rate, one of them was bound to be a direct hit.
“Take him out!” Quaritch roared.
A Samson—with blue and white lines painted around the sides—flew over the dragon and rained bullets on it. The pilot of the rogue ship was none other than your own Trudy Chacon, who had blue warpaint going from ear to ear and a clan feather tucked in her hair.
“Oops.” She mused, giving her gum a few chews.
Her ship stopped directly in the dragon’s line of sight to initiate some kind of standoff, and a standoff it became.
“Light her up!” Quaritch barked.
The dragon fired missiles at her ship, which she expertly dodged by swerving behind an island. Once she made it to the other side, she fired back, landing multiple hits on the cockpit.
“Right there!” Bullets ricocheted off the glass, forcing Quaritch to shield his face. “–agh!”
“You’re not the only one with a gun, bitch.”
“Keep her in your sights! Arming all pods.”
The dragon released more missiles at her.
Trudy kept banking right, but one eventually exploded beside her, shattering the cockpit glass.
“That’s it!” Quaritch exclaimed.
Machine gunfire rained over her ship. Her engine took direct hits and exploded. She winced and shut off some of her controls as she started free drifting.
The Samson chased you all the way into the forest. While it was hot on your tail, it hailed bullets from above. You kept fleeing. When it stopped firing, you glanced over your shoulder, mouth agape. Just as you thought, it pulled upwards to avoid the trees.
But that brief moment of distraction ended up fatal.
When you turned to the front again, you were met with human troops on the ground. Before you could even react, an amp suit user fired at you from below.
Hot bullets pierced into Tzese’s body.
She gave a sharp screech and you screamed, grasping at your stomach—the same place she was hit. You had no time to process the pain as she rapidly descended, crashing through some vines before hitting the ground.
You fell off and rolled across the dirt.
Scrapes stung your forehead and shoulders.
But when you got up with a hiss, they were the last on your mind once it hit you.
“Tzese!” You cried. As horses and warriors fled the other way, you ran back into the gunfire to her body. When a bullet chipped off the bark of a tree, you merely shielded your face to keep going. When you got to her side, she gave one gentle croon before dying.
You stroked her snout, then looked up fearfully.
Human soldiers on the other side kept advancing, an unstoppable force that destroyed everything in its path.
Every part of you wanted to be angry, but the rage was gone, replaced by a despair that grew with every explosion. You held onto a log, bracing yourself as the world kept shaking. A horse reared back before being killed by a blast. A warrior was shot off the back of another. Another explosion flipped over two horses.
And you watched it all happen, powerless to help them.
Allen soared into the back of the Valkyrie, eyes narrowed with purpose. He could see them—the explosives they were planning to drop. If just one were dropped, it would be the end of his people as he knew it. And he didn’t have anything else to lose. So he did the unthinkable, making a leap of faith and jumping onto the ramp guarded by an entire gun crew.
Allen fired an arrow mid-air, killing one man before he even landed. Then, he started throwing people overboard, tossing their tiny bodies off the ship. For those he couldn’t reach, he slammed his bow into them, knocking them out. He fought with the hatred he harbored for years, from years of senseless violence, killing, and occupation.
He shouted angrily as he practically decimated the whole crew, and he would’ve if it weren’t for the last man—they aimed their gun just in time to shoot him.
Strong blasts rattled his body as he took several bullets to the chest.
Allen cried out in pain and fell backward off the ship. Then, he dropped hundreds of feet into the forests below.
“Rogue one is hit. I’m going in,” Trudy spoke on the radio. Her smoking ship continued to drift and lose altitude. She had lost all control, and the only thing left to do was wait for certain death. “Sorry, Alfred.”
Arthur kept firing his machine gun on foot.
Not a moment passed before he was shot in the chest, falling onto his back. “Argh—!”
“Fire.” Quaritch ordered.
Trudy’s Samson shook violently as it descended. As she sat in the cockpit, dread crossed her face for the last time as a missile flew straight at her. It blew up the ship and her along with it.
You kept panting by the log as the forest went up in flames. As the swirling heat surrounded you in all directions, you looked around for someone, anyone. All you saw was a horse run by, on fire from mane to tail. You hung your head in defeat, then sorrow.
Everyone had perished, leaving you behind.
“Allen! Brother, do you read?” Alfred shouted into the channel. When he heard no response, he tried again. “Rogue One, you copy? Trudy!”
Arthur lifted the hatch of his link unit, hyperventilating. As he struggled out of the machine and onto the floor, he clutched at his chest, choking on his own breath. The pain still lingered, but he would never forget how it was to die.
“Time to target, two minutes.” A pilot said.
“Valkyrie 1-6, you are cleared and hot,” Quaritch replied beside them.
“Copy, Dragon. We are starting our bomb run.” The Valkyrie flew dangerously close to the rib-like formations, and thus, the tree. Troopers in the back clamored around to prepare the explosives.
“Arm number one!” A man grabbed his colleague by the shoulder.
They activated the first bomb in the lineup, turning on the detonator.
“Number one armed!”
“Ma Alfred!” You cried, running behind a tree.
Bullets spat around you, chipping off the sides.
“I read you.” He replied. The relief of hearing your voice was short-lived, overwhelmed by an urge to find you. But he could only do so much without your help.
You glanced around the side of the tree, eyes wide and ears turned back. Dozens of troopers and men in amp suits marched on just several feet behind you. Some even had flame flowers, spitting out projectiles of fire to burn away the thick forest in front of them.
“Tzese’s dead.” You breathed, sliding your back down the tree. “They are very close. There are many.”
“Do not attack.” Alfred immediately said, raising his voice as he continued. “Do you read me, (F/N)?”
Only you did exactly that, pulling an arrow from your quiver. Your chest heaved as you gathered the courage to shoot, glancing over the side of the tree with your teeth clenched.
The soldiers marched closer.
You could hear the hydraulic whine of amp suit limbs, the heavy stomps where they stepped.
“Do not attack! Fall back now. Get out of there! That’s an order!” He shouted, feeling a swift wave of panic when you didn’t answer. “(F/N)!”
You pulled back your arrow and leaned over the side of the tree. You hesitated some. But once you found your edge, you raised the bow to your eye, ready to fire.
“I got movement. I got movement.” One of the commanders said, bringing the entire platoon to a stop.
“Hold position!” Wainfleet replied, glancing from side to side. “Something’s coming.”
“Bravo 1-1, I got a big seating. Turn screens over.”
“Hold your formation.”
“We got movement two-hundred meters.” A heat signature in the shape of a wave appeared on his screen and was advancing quickly toward them. It must’ve been reinforcements. He raised his machine gun, bracing for their arrival. “Be ready.”
Your eyes fell, sensing a rumbling at your feet. Then, your ears pricked up to the distant cracking of trees.
The thundering came from behind, and what felt like an earthquake turned out to be the heavy gallops of hammerhead titanotheres—the giant Pandoran rhinoceroses Alfred ran into on his first day.
They burst out of the brush and charged right past you.
You gasped and watched them around the side of the tree. They just went straight for the platoon, disregarding you. Soldiers shot at them in frantic terror, screaming as the giant beasts barrelled right into them. Their bullets bounced off their thick armor, and with nothing to stop their advance, the rhinos rammed into their robotic suits. Then, they flipped them over like they didn’t weigh a thing. Others swung their heads sideways, smashing into them like cardboard.
“We gotta get out of here!”
“Fall back! Fall back!”
Everyone began retreating, but could only get so far before being trampled.
Wainfleet stayed back and kept firing at the rhino before him, unbelieving of what he saw. But the faith in his weapon was misplaced, and the creature charged forward.
It rammed into him, flipped him over, and got onto his hind legs.
As its front legs came down, he let out a high-pitched scream before being crushed in his suit.
The rest of the herd charged past you, heading for the troops ahead in a premeditated stampede. It couldn’t be denied. That sure feeling in your chest, what you just witnessed.
“Alfred—” You breathed. “—Eywa has heard you.”
The distant screech of ikran alerted Alfred to turn his head. Behind him, rivers upon rivers of colorful ikran poured into the mountains. They flew in by the hundreds, going straight for the remaining aircraft.
“Eywa has heard you!” You screamed, raising your bow. The biggest smile plastered across your face as the last rhinos ran past. It wasn’t every day that a God answered prayers, let alone on such a grand scale. To see Pandora come together as one—from creatures big to small—and fight the invasion enraptured you with faith.
Wild ikran clung onto Samsons, sinking them like boats. When Alfred witnessed the natural phenomenon, which was nothing short of divine intervention, he felt a rush of adrenaline and the return of his edge.
“Come on!” He roared, making a sharp turn.
Ikran swooped in and perched on gunships, snapping their jaws at the troopers inside. They bit their heads before tossing them overboard.
Viper wolves and their cubs, nantangs, raced through the forest floor. They leaped on the faces of fleeing troopers, who fell to the ground screaming.
You ran alongside the wolves, firing an arrow.
The second you let it fly, you heard a roar at your side. It startled you to a stop, and when you turned to see what it was, you let out a shaky gasp. A thanator, a black, panther-like beast all Na’Vi knew to fear. But it didn’t come here to prey on you.
Instead, it lowered its head and trilled, a universal sign of submission—and friendship.
You smiled, bowing your head in response.
“Sir! All escorts are down or falling back,” A pilot of the dragon informed.
Their colonel stared contemptuously at the shitshow that unfolded out of nowhere—banshees sinking gunships, mammals mowing down ground forces—a testament to that observation. Reinforcements pulled from the asscrack of Pandora’s ecosystem. But the odds didn’t shake him.
He only bit back harder.
“Let’s get this done.” His eyes darkened. “Valkyrie 1-6, this is dragon. Press to target.”
An ikran landed on the windshield of the Valkyrie, scraping its talons on the glass. But the ship was too large to be taken down by weight alone.
“Copy. Pressing to target. Stand by to drop, thirty seconds,” A pilot of the Valkyrie responded.
Mo’at stayed with the tree all along. Here, she remained safe from the heat of the battle. It wasn’t until now that she was interrupted by the thundering of a monstrous ship above. The Valkyrie was getting into range of the sacred site.
Little did its pilots know, it was being tailed by a mythological beast.
Alfred glided over the ship on Toruk, his gaze focused. When he got low enough, he jumped off and rolled across the top. The gun crew behind the barrier immediately swiveled to fire at him. He jumped over them and fired into the barricade, killing the entire company.
“On my mark. Two, one, mark.” The pilot said.
“Drop! Drop! Drop! Go, go, go, go, go!” A man in the cargo hold yelled.
Four others began rolling the explosives to the ramp.
Alfred ran across the top of the Valkyrie, ripping off the safety pins of a grenade. He tossed it into one of the front engines, then jumped ship—and onto Toruk—moments before it exploded.
With one faulty engine, the ship tilted to one side. The pallet of explosives rolled backward into the cargo. A man fell behind it, then got crushed between that and another pallet.
The Valkyrie eventually crashed into the side of a rock formation, scraping off its massive wing. Then, it made a slow nose-dive into the forest below, just missing the Tree of Souls. It collided with the ground and went up in fireworks.
The blast was so powerful that it rattled the dragon’s cockpit as it soared above.
“Brace!” Quaritch grabbed the pilot’s chair.
But not a minute passed before he faced another threat, this one greater than the last.
Alfred glided over the ship, leaped off, and rolled across the top. As he made a beeline to the engines, this leonopteryx shot over the cockpit, alerting Quaritch of their uninvited passenger.
“It’s Jones.” He remarked.
Alfred’s towering blue figure could be seen from the inside. He pulled out a grenade, bit off the safety pins, and tossed the rest with a sharp ‘clink.’
Quaritch lunged forward and yanked the yoke to one side, getting the ship to bank.
As the ground beneath him tilted, Alfred fell on his side and dropped his grenade. Just as he was about to roll off the ship, he caught onto a missile hanging on the side.
While he dangled on it, his grenade exploded in a random groove it fell in. A huge hole was blasted into the ship, contaminating the air inside.
“Mask on!” Quaritch took a deep inhale from the emergency oxygen tube.
“Breach alarm!”
As Alfred struggled to pull himself up, he accidentally ripped off the missile. He dropped back down, but didn’t let go. Instead, he climbed up with the missile in hand, intending to throw it into an engine.
Quaritch watched him from the cockpit, anticipating exactly that. After taking one last breath, he darted into the cargo hold. He made a quick climb onto an amp suit. Not to use it, but to reach the hatch above.
Ripping it off, he rose out of it with a gun.
Lo and behold, Alfred was in front of him, about to let go of his missile. Quaritch fired at him as he tossed it into the engine. Bullets ricocheted off a protruding rod, missing his body as—BOOM!
The powerful blast threw the colonel to the side.
Alfred dropped off the ship back-first, watching it explode into flames. Then, he fell into the forest below, plunging through the canopy. After snapping through several vines and giant leaves, he hit the ground.
As he gritted his teeth from the pain, he got on his back again to watch the sky. Just as he hoped, the dragon was finally going down. But he couldn’t say the same for its relentless captain.
Quaritch dropped back into the cargo hold. He fell into the amp suit cockpit, then rushed to activate it. If he wasn’t fast enough, this entire ship would blow up and him along with it. And he wasn’t planning on getting his ticket punched before Alfred did.
He slipped the control gloves on and booted up the suit. Just as the cargo hold began to explode, he grabbed a machine gun off the wall and dropped through the ship’s bottom hatch. Plunging a hundred feet to the ground below, he landed with a heavy stomp.
The ship crashed just behind him as smoking debris.
Quaritch glanced over his shoulder, face bloodied and eyes burning in hatred. If he couldn’t take on Alfred in his Avatar body, he would his human one. And he had just the idea where he was.
You sped through the forest on the back of the thanator. Her strong, lithe body darted across the floor, ducking under fallen logs and leaping over roots. You had an inexplicable urge to get to Alfred, wherever he may be, and if you knew any better, you would trust it with everything you had. Something was coming for him.
Quaritch stalked deep into the Pandoran brush. It was silent, save for the mechanic whining of his exoskeletal limbs. When he came across a net of vines, it didn’t take long for him to notice the mobile shack hiding behind it—a remote link site.
Inside it lay Alfred’s body, human, frail, and most importantly, unconscious. His sleeping face showed on the vitals screen above his link unit, a testament to his vulnerability.
And Quaritch would take full advantage of it.
He raised his machine gun with an evil smile, training it at the shack. Just as he was about to blow it to hell, he saw something in his rearview mirror—a panther-like beast galloping up at him, and on its back, a Na’Vi rider.
He spun around, only to be pounced on.
As you leaped through the air, you gave a fierce scream that synchronized with the thanator’s roar. You went straight for Quaritch’s head before landing on the other side. Your feet skidded against the dirt, and you turned back around, roaring at him.
When you jumped on him, he swung his fist at you, shouting.
You hopped off his arm and landed on the other side.
You leaped on Quaritch again.
He raised his gun and fired at you, but the bullets rippled off the thanator’s stomach.
“Ha!” You shoved him to the ground. As you stood over his amp suit, the immense weight of the panther cracked his cockpit glass—three tonnes of it. While you had him pinned, you grabbed his machine gun with your front talons. Then, you got back on your hind legs and slammed it down on a boulder repeatedly—BAM! BAM! BAM!— reducing it to spare parts.
Quaritch shoved you off and stood up. He punched the thanator in the head, then swung his other arm around.
You ducked under it before he could grab you. You jumped on him again, but he threw you to a tree. As you hung off the sides, the thanator hissed at him like a snake. Antennae sprung out from her neck like rattles.
Quaritch pulled out a dagger and grinned manically.
“Come on. Come to papa.”
You pounced on him one last time. With the thanator’s stomach exposed, he plunged the blade into it. You gasped as a sharp pain pierced through you, and the creature cried in the same agony.
Quaritch then held her up by the neck, stabbing her numerous times in the same spot. As she dangled over the ground, she could only writhe as the dagger plunged into her again and again. Once he was satisfied, he tossed her to the ground, you along with it.
The thanator’s body fell over yours, crushing you under it. Before she could get up, Quaritch leaped onto her and plunged the blade deep into ribs. He gave the dagger a twist, delivering a cruel but killing blow.
She trilled weakly before dying.
He lifted his soulless eyes to you, prepared to take you out next. Even with his dagger raised, you weren’t afraid. Your ferocity was primal, your will unshaken in the face of death—you gave a feral hiss, then strained to push yourself out from underneath the dead beast.
Just as he was about to bring his blade down, Alfred jumped in from above. His long braids swung forward from the momentum, and he rose from the ground.
“Give it up, Quaritch!” He began. Raising his arms, he shook his head as an ultimatum. “It’s all over.”
“Nothing’s over while I’m breathing.” The colonel spat, flipping the dagger in his exoskeletal hand.
“I kinda hoped you’d say that.” Alfred glared.
He ran forward and picked up a stray blade off the ground. He lifted it just in time, defending himself against Quaritch who struck down with his dagger.
A heavy clank was heard.
That was followed by the mechanical whir of the ampsuit’s arm as it swung at him.
Alfred ducked.
Quaritch swung him again, only for his dagger to slam against his makeshift one. Sparks flew.
They went at it for several minutes, and his colonel fought so aggressively, he could barely keep up. The man just kept swinging, and he kept blocking. But the odds would shift the moment Quaritch thrust his dagger at him instead. It lodged into Alfred’s blade handle, and all it took was a sharp twist to break it.
Without anything to fight with, the colonel tried to grab at him. Alfred lunged backward to avoid him. Then, he lunged forward to shatter his cockpit glass. Now that it was weakened, he leaped on him—
—and plunged the blade deep into the cockpit. It burst through the glass and nearly skewered into the colonel’s chest. Seeing that he failed, Alfred leaped off him and to a safe distance.
Quaritch took a deep breath before ripping the blade out. Toxic air hissed inside, depressurizing the cockpit. But that didn’t stop him from tossing the blade at the shack, cracking one of the windows.
You kept straining to free yourself, grunting as you pulled your body out with all your might.
When Alfred returned, Quaritch gave a few weak swings before stopping. The oxygen alarm in his amp suit wouldn’t cease its beeping, and he could barely see out of his cracked windshield.
“Come on!” Alfred roared.
So he did the next best thing—deactivating the suit and ejecting the cockpit glass altogether. He sat exposed to the toxic Pandoran air for a few moments before sliding on an oxygen mask. After taking a few deep breaths, he activated the amp suit again.
As it booted up, Alfred pulled out a smaller dagger from his vest, tail lashing and teeth bared.
His scornful colonel stood watch, disbelieving of what he saw. The marine he took under his wing was unrecognizable, dressed in tribal garb, feathers, and hair beads. But more notably, he was an alien.
Tall, blue, feline, and with a sweeping tail.
“Hey, Jones.” Quaritch looked down at him, eyes burning. “How’s it feel to betray your own race?”
Alfred only gave a feral hiss, his ears going back.
Quaritch shook his head with a mocking smile.
“You think you’re one of them?” He asked, pausing briefly. “Time to wake up.”
He turned to the shack and marched to it.
“Oh, no.” Alfred’s heart sank.
Quaritch smashed the window. The Pandoran air burst into the shack with a hiss, setting off the oxygen alarm. He slammed his fist down on a link unit. When he lifted the hatch, there was nobody inside—it was the wrong one. So he stomped down the length of the shack, in a fervent search for his body.
Before he could get any further, Alfred jumped on him.
Quaritch reached over his head and tried to grab him, but to no avail—he was too agile. Alfred’s tail swayed as he balanced on his amp suit like a cat. Then, he screamed ferociously, stabbing at his head to kill him once and for all. But with a quick jerk of the colonel’s neck, the dagger sunk into the headrest instead.
In the brief lapse of his attention, Quaritch grabbed him by the plait and threw him to the ground.
“Augh—!” Alfred rolled across the dirt.
Back in the shack, the oxygen alarm kept ringing.
He started coughing in his sleep in the link unit.
When Alfred tried to get up again, he stopped, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He clutched at it and cried out in agony. He could feel it—his human form suffocating. As he gasped for air in his avatar form, desperate to override that somehow, Quaritch stomped over.
Alfred coughed awake in his link unit.
His avatar form dropped dead outside.
He shut his eyes and reconnected to it again. Once he did, he continued hyperventilating on the ground. But he could only feel the grass under him for so long.
Quaritch leaned over and picked him up by the plait.
He screamed and kicked around in pure agony as the colonel dangled him over the ground. His nerves were getting stretched, his spine broken, again and again.
You strained even harder, your breath quickening at what you saw. The demon had picked up Alfred by his tsaheylu, holding him close to his leering face. It gave you the last push you needed to pull your leg from underneath the thanator, finally freeing yourself.
“Agh!” Alfred kicked around again, watching helplessly as Quaritch plucked the dagger from his headrest—and in a tantalizing slow manner.
You leaped over the thanator, reaching for your bow.
Quaritch pressed the dagger to his neck.
Alfred glared at him in his last moments, never backing down as the blade sunk deeper into his flesh—
You rose from the ground, eyes wide with ferocity as you drew an arrow back. You aimed it at the colonel.
Then, you let it fly. The arrow shot into Quaritch’s chest, getting him to drop Alfred with a sharp gasp.
You ran to the side, pulled back another arrow, then released it. The second arrow plunged in an inch away from the first, piercing into his heart.
Quaritch grasped at them, mouth agape and eyes wide.
You ran to Alfred’s unconscious body, crouching over him protectively. You craned your head to the side, hissing at the colonel as he finally met his demise. He made a few shallow breaths, his irises dilating as he collapsed. His amp suit did the same, buckling at the knees before falling to the ground.
Only then did you return to Alfred, who lay on the ground, unmoving.
“Alfred—” You sank down to him.
He lifted the hatch of his link unit, back in his human form. He was so deprived of oxygen, his head had started to spin. And his vision, slowly departing. That left him no choice but to suck in deep breaths of the poisonous air.
But the more he inhaled, the weaker he became.
With the last of his strength, he reached up to the storage box on the wall. Oxygen masks. And to get to them, he propped himself up on his wheelchair beside.
He rolled it away by accident.
He tried reaching forward without it, but leaned too far and slid off his unit. Alfred fell to the ground in a thud.
“Alfred,” You let out, craning his unconscious face.
He resorted to dragging himself along the floor. And his atrophied legs, pulling against the ground. Once he got under the box, he reached up to grab a mask. But while he pulled on it, it got caught in the safety flap.
He struggled for one last minute before he finally gave up, rolling onto his back. He closed his eyes, making quick short breaths as he drifted out of consciousness.
“Alfred,” You cried again. Then, it hit you—the feeling of his presence, the unshakeable sense of his peril. His true body was nearby, only you didn’t know where. But your bond to him decided otherwise.
You darted your head to the shack.
When Alfred opened his eyes again, he let out one last breath before passing out, pupils dilated.
You ran to it, slamming your hands on the window. Then, you glanced around the side of the shack to find another way in—the window Quaritch smashed. Jumping through the frame, you moved your giant body through the tiny shack and to the link unit at the end.
Lying on the ground was a stranger.
A human.
A man you’d never seen before. He had pale skin, blonde hair, and a face you couldn’t recognize.
But you knew in your heart who it was.
You picked up his small, frail body in your arms and shook him. “Alfred! Ma Alfred!”
When he didn’t respond, mouth agape and eyes glazed over, you reached out to one of the oxygen masks beside. You fixed it onto his face in a panic. Air hissed weakly, flowing automatically into his nose and lungs.
His eyes flickered.
His consciousness returned.
Then, he reached to the bottom of the mask and released the oxygen. It poured into the mask, letting him take his first real breath in what felt like ages.
He panted under you, and once he regained his senses, he stared up at you with the most tender gaze. It looked like he was on the verge of tears, and only the bittersweet kind. Everything was finally over.
He was safe, and you finally saw him as his true self.
Yet, you still loved him for everything he was.
As he basked in this moment of joy, of a peace he never knew, Alfred reached up to your face. He caressed it with his tiny hand. You covered it with your giant one, peering down at him with loving eyes.
“I see you,” He smiled.
“I see you.” You smiled back.
Alfred (V.O)
The aliens went back to their dying world.
Back on base, a long line of RDA staff filed into a shuttle. Every last one of them would depart Pandora and head back to Earth, never to return.
As they walked with their heads down, some pushing gurneys of injured troopers, they were guarded by Na’Vi warriors and Avatar users—all of them armed with bows and guns.
Alfred stood alongside you, Arthur, and Kiku, the last of his friends who survived the war.
Only a few were chosen to stay.
His great leonopteryx flew back into the sky, letting out one last mighty roar as it flapped its wings.
The time of great sorrow was ending.
Toruk Makto was no longer needed.
Alfred returned to the old link room.
The lights were dimmed, the place left unused for weeks. As he sat in his wheelchair next to his old link unit, he stroked the top to reminisce the first time he connected to his avatar. The first time he felt his legs again, the first time he ran barefooted on the dirt.
Well, uh, I guess this is my last video log.
‘Cause whatever happens tonight, I’m not gonna be coming back to this place.
Alfred appeared in front of the camera again.
“Well, I guess I better go,” He said, falling deep into thought. Only he looked perfectly content, smiling as he said this. “I don’t wanna be late for my own party. It’s my birthday after all.”
This is Alfred Jones signing off.
The entire clan gathered at the Tree of souls.
At night, the purple tendrils glowed the most potently.
Everyone had their tsaheylu connected to the ground, lighting it up in bright pulses as they swayed together. Your mother stood on the dais, dancing to lead the ritual. Alfred’s bodies—human and Avatar—were laid out together, heads touching. A cloud of atokerina drifted around him as he slept.
You crouched over his human one, watching him intently as his soul departed it.
“Stop!” She held up a hand, stopping the ritual.
You removed Alfred’s oxygen mask for a gentle hiss. Peering down at his small face with bright, loving eyes, you leaned down to kiss him on both of his. The cloud of atokerina drifted slowly over to his avatar, and you followed. Placing a hand on his cheek, you waited for him to awaken. Then, he opened his eyes.
Taglist: @sunnysssol @javelintine @chicha027
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mariacallous · 2 years
You're not being paranoid. If you always feel like somebody's watching you, as the song goes, you're probably right. Especially if you're at work.
Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, as labor shifted to work-from-home, a huge number of US employers ramped up the use of surveillance software to track employees. The research firm Gartner says 60 percent of large employers have deployed such monitoring software—it doubled during the pandemic—and will likely hit 70 percent in the next few years.
That's right—even as we've shifted toward a hybrid model with many workers returning to offices, different methods of employee surveillance (dubbed "bossware" by some) aren't going away; it's here to stay and could get much more invasive. 
As detailed in the book Your Boss Is an Algorithm, authors Antonio Aloisi and Valerio de Stefano describe "expanded managerial powers" that companies have put into place over the pandemic. This includes the adoption of more tools, including software and hardware, to track worker productivity, their day-to-day activities and movements, computer and mobile phone keystrokes, and even their health statuses. 
This can be called "datafication" or "informatisation," according to the book, or "the practice by which every movement, either offline or online, is traced, revised and stored as necessary, for statistical, financial, commercial and electoral purposes."
Ironically, experts point out that there's not sufficient data to support the idea that all this data collection and employee monitoring actually increases productivity. But as the use of surveillance tech continues, workers should understand how they might be surveilled and what, if anything, they can do about it.
What Kind of Monitoring Is Happening?
Using surveillance tools to monitor employees is not new. Many workplaces continue to deploy low-tech tools like security cameras, as well as more intrusive ones, like content filters that flag content in emails and voicemails or unusual activity on work computers and devices. The workplace maxim has long been that if you're in the office and/or using office phones or laptops, then you should never assume any activity or conversation you have is private.
But the newer generation of tools goes beyond that kind of surveillance to include monitoring through wearables, office furniture, cameras that track body and eye movement, AI-driven software that can hire as well as issue work assignments and reprimands automatically, and even biometric data collection through health apps or microchips implanted inside the body of employees.
Some of these methods can be used to track where employees are, what they’re doing at any given moment, what their body temperature is, and what they’re viewing online. Employers can collect data and use it to score workers on their individual productivity or to track data trends across an entire workforce.
These tools aren't being rolled out only in office spaces, but in work-from-home spaces and on the road to mobile workers such as long-haul truck drivers and Amazon warehouse workers.
Is This Legal?
As you might imagine, the laws of the land have had a hard time keeping up with the quick pace of these new tools. In most countries, there are no laws specifically forbidding employers from, say, video-monitoring their workforce, except in places where employees should have a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” such as bathrooms or locker rooms.
In the US, the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act laid out the rule that employees should not intercept employee communication, but its exceptions—that they can be intercepted to protect the privacy and rights of the employer or if business duties require it, or if the employee granted prior permission—make the law toothless and easy to get around.
A few states in the US require employers to post notice if they are electronically monitoring people in the office, and there are some protections for the purpose of collective bargaining, such as discussing unionizing.
In February, US Democratic senators led by Bob Casey of Pennsylvania moved to introduce legislation to curtail workplace monitoring by employers. It would require bosses to better notify employees of on- and off-duty surveillance and would establish an office at the US Department of Labor to track work monitoring issues.
What You Can Do
Privacy experts say that unfortunately for many employees, the only recourse for a worker who doesn't like a company's surveillance policies is to find another job.
Short of that, employees can make a formal request for disclosure of a company's data collection and surveillance policies, typically from the human resources department. Such policies may be outlined in an employee handbook, but also may not be readily available, especially for smaller companies and startups. Workers who are part of a workers' union can request the information through their representatives.
A company may not know it is required to post that it's surveilling employees or that it is in a state where two parties must consent to phone-conversation monitoring. You could choose to let your company know it's not in compliance, and if the company doesn't make changes (and you’re in the United States), you could alert your state's workforce commission or file a complaint with the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration or over HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) medical privacy issues.
Apart from all that, general data hygiene is also a good counter. Clear your browser cache regularly, and don't keep private data on work devices or transmit them over work email accounts. Block your workstation's webcam when it's not in use (if you're allowed to do that) and ask your employers if you can opt out of surveillance tools that are not required for your work.
Most importantly, be mindful when your employer issues notices about workplace privacy changes or when new software or hardware is introduced for the purposes of monitoring. Ask questions and research what these tools are if you don't get a good explanation from your bosses.
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anjali1412skyvik · 7 months
Which Recent Trends in Smartphone Accessory Are Interesting to Look Into?
In today's digital age, smartphones have become indispensable tools for communication, productivity, and entertainment. With each passing year, advancements in technology continue to push the boundaries of what our smartphones can do. However, it's not just the devices themselves that are evolving; the accessories market is also experiencing rapid innovation. From cutting-edge chargers to innovative camera lenses, there's a wealth of exciting advancements to explore in smartphone accessories.
Portable Power Banks: As smartphones become increasingly powerful and feature-rich, battery life continues to be a concern for many users. Portable power banks have emerged as essential accessories for on-the-go charging, allowing you to top up your device's battery wherever you are. The latest advancements in power bank technology include fast-charging capabilities, high-capacity batteries, and compact designs that easily fit in your pocket or bag.
Smartphone Camera Lenses: Elevate your smartphone photography game with Skyvik's selection of camera lenses. Designed to enhance the capabilities of your smartphone camera, these lenses offer a variety of shooting options, including wide-angle, macro, and fisheye perspectives. The high-quality optics ensure crisp and clear images, while the easy-to-use attachment mechanism allows for quick and hassle-free lens changes. Whether you're capturing landscapes, close-ups, or creative portraits, Skyvik camera lenses enable you to unleash your creativity and take your mobile photography to the next level. Looking to enhance your mobile photography game? Explore our guide to finding the perfect mobile photography lens for your needs and elevate your smartphone photography to new heights. Click here to discover the lens that will take your photos to the next level.
Car Charger: Stay powered up on the road with Skyvik's EMBLO Dual Port Car Charger. This compact yet powerful charger features two USB ports, allowing you to charge multiple devices simultaneously while you're on the go. With advanced charging technology, the EMBLO Car Charger delivers fast and efficient charging, ensuring that your devices are ready to go when you need them. The sleek and durable design makes it the perfect companion for road trips, daily commutes, and long journeys.
Wireless Charging: One of the most significant advancements in smartphone accessories is the widespread adoption of wireless charging technology. Gone are the days of fumbling with tangled cables; now, simply place your smartphone on a wireless charging pad or stand, and it will begin charging automatically. This convenient and efficient method of charging has revolutionised how we power our devices, offering a clutter-free and hassle-free charging experience. Interested in optimising your iPhone charging experience? Explore the benefits of Wireless MagSafe Charging and discover how it can elevate your iPhone usage. Click here to delve into the convenience and efficiency of this cutting-edge technology.
Car Dashboard & Windshield Arm Mobile Holder: Keep your smartphone safe and secure while driving with Skyvik's TRUHOLD Car Dashboard & Windshield Arm Mobile Holder. This versatile holder offers flexible mounting options, allowing you to attach it to your car's dashboard or windshield with ease. The adjustable arm and 360-degree rotation capability ensure that you can find the perfect viewing angle for your device, while the sturdy construction keeps your phone steady and stable, even on bumpy roads. Whether you're using GPS navigation, taking hands-free calls, or streaming music on the go, the TRUHOLD holder provides a reliable and convenient mounting solution for your smartphone.
Screen Protector: Safeguard your smartphone's screen with the Skyvik Auto Apply Screen Protector Tempered Glass Guard. This innovative accessory comes with a built-in applicator that ensures effortless and bubble-free installation, eliminating the hassle of manual alignment and smoothing out air bubbles. The tempered glass construction provides durable protection against scratches, cracks, and impacts, while maintaining touchscreen sensitivity and clarity. With the Skyvik Auto Apply Screen Protector, you can keep your device's screen looking pristine and scratch-free with minimal effort. Ready to protect your smartphone screen with ease? Learn how to apply Skyvik Screen Protectors tempered glass at home and safeguard your device against scratches and cracks. Click here to discover the step-by-step process for hassle-free installation.
Gaming Accessories: The rise of mobile gaming has led to a surge in demand for gaming accessories designed specifically for smartphones. From ergonomic controllers to cooling fans and trigger buttons, these accessories aim to enhance the gaming experience and provide competitive advantages to gamers. With advancements in connectivity and compatibility, smartphone gaming accessories are becoming increasingly popular among casual and hardcore gamers alike.
In conclusion, the world of smartphone accessories is constantly evolving, with new advancements and innovations emerging regularly. Whether you're looking to enhance the functionality of your device, protect it from damage, or optimize your user experience, there's a wide range of accessories to explore. By staying informed about the latest trends and advancements in smartphone accessories, you can make informed choices that enhance your smartphone usage and keep you connected, productive, and entertained on the go.
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selloldmobile · 8 months
Redmi A3 Confirmed to Launch in India on February 14
Redmi A3 Launch Date in India
Xiaomi's Redmi A3 is set to make its debut in India on February 14, and anticipation is high as the company teases some of the smartphone's key specifications ahead of its official release.
The company has introduced a new landing page for the Redmi A3, showcasing the device in a striking green color and highlighting its premium 'Halo design'. One of the standout features of the upcoming smartphone is its display, which will boast a 90Hz refresh rate, offering smoother visuals compared to its predecessor, the Redmi A2, which supports a standard 60Hz refresh rate.
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In terms of performance, the Redmi A3 is expected to impress with up to 4GB of RAM, supplemented by an additional 4GB of virtual RAM for enhanced multitasking capabilities. Moreover, the smartphone will pack a robust 5,000mAh battery unit, ensuring long-lasting usage, and will support USB Type-C charging for added convenience.
What's more, Xiaomi aims to keep the Redmi A3 budget-friendly, with rumors suggesting a price tag under Rs 10,000. According to reports, the device may feature a spacious 6.71-inch HD+ IPS LCD screen with a resolution of 1600 x 720 pixels and Corning Gorilla Glass protection, offering durability and immersive viewing experiences.
The Redmi A3 is rumored to be powered by the 12nm-based octa-core MediaTek Helio G36 chipset, coupled with 128GB of internal storage, expandable up to 1TB via an external microSD card.
The smartphone is expected to sport a dual rear camera setup, comprising a 13MP primary camera and a secondary unit for versatile photography. Additionally, users can look forward to capturing stunning selfies and making video calls with the device's 8MP front camera.
Running on Android 13 (Go Edition), the Redmi A3 is anticipated to offer a smooth and efficient user experience tailored for entry-level devices. The inclusion of a sizable 5,000mAh battery supporting 10W USB-C charging ensures prolonged usage without frequent recharging.
Other notable features of the Redmi A3 may include a side-mounted fingerprint scanner for secure unlocking, a 3.5mm audio jack for traditional headphone connectivity, and FM Radio for entertainment on the go.
Disclaimer: Specifications shown may be different from the actual product. We cannot guarantee that the information provided on this page is 100% correct. Please check with the retailer before purchasing. and you have old mobile phone then sell your old Redmi Mobile Phone or any other Smartphone at RecycleDevice for good exchange value.
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techysaad · 8 months
How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Mobile Phones
In today's fast-paced world, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From staying connected with loved ones to managing our schedules and accessing information on the go, these pocket-sized wonders have transformed the way we interact with the world around us. However, what truly sets modern smartphones apart is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that is reshaping the mobile landscape in remarkable ways.
AI, once a futuristic concept, is now seamlessly woven into the fabric of our smartphones, enhancing their capabilities and empowering users in ways never thought possible. From intelligent virtual assistants to advanced camera features and personalized user experiences, AI is leaving an indelible mark on mobile devices.
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Let's delve into some of the keyway's AI is revolutionizing mobile phones:
Virtual Assistants: 
AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Bixby have become our digital companions, ready to help us navigate our busy lives. These assistants leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to user commands, whether it's setting reminders, sending messages, or fetching information from the web.
Enhanced Camera Capabilities: 
AI has transformed smartphone photography, enabling features like portrait mode, scene recognition, and image enhancement. Through machine learning algorithms, cameras can now intelligently adjust settings in real-time to capture the perfect shot, even in challenging lighting conditions.
Predictive Text and Autocorrect: 
AI algorithms analyze our typing patterns and suggest relevant words and phrases as we compose messages, emails, or social media posts. Autocorrect, powered by AI, not only corrects spelling mistakes but also predicts the next word based on context, making typing on mobile devices faster and more efficient.
Personalized User Experience:
 Mobile apps are leveraging AI to deliver personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences and behavior. Whether it's suggesting movies based on viewing history, curating news articles of interest, or recommending products to purchase, AI algorithms are continuously learning and adapting to user preferences to enhance the overall mobile experience.
Battery Optimization: 
AI plays a crucial role in optimizing battery life on smartphones. Through techniques like adaptive brightness, app optimization, and background task management, AI algorithms ensure efficient use of resources, prolonging battery life and enhancing the user experience.
Security and Privacy: 
AI-powered biometric authentication methods such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning have become commonplace on modern smartphones, offering secure and convenient ways to unlock devices and authenticate transactions while safeguarding user privacy.
Voice Recognition: 
AI-driven voice recognition technology enables hands-free interaction with mobile devices, allowing users to perform tasks like making calls, sending messages, or searching the web using voice commands, making mobile interactions more intuitive and accessible.
As AI develops, we can anticipate even more cutting-edge features and functionalities that will further enhance the mobile experience. The incorporation of AI into mobile phones is not just a technological advancement; it is a transformative shift that is redefining how we interact with our devices and the surrounding environment.
In conclusion, the impact of artificial intelligence on mobile phones is profound, shaping the way we communicate, work, and live our lives. Embracing this technology opens up a world of possibilities, empowering us to do more with our smartphones than ever before. So, next time you tap away on your mobile device, remember the silent yet powerful presence of AI working behind the scenes to make your experience smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable.
With AI at the helm, the future of mobile technology is boundless, promising endless opportunities for innovation and growth. So, let's embrace this exciting journey and witness firsthand the transformative power of artificial intelligence in our mobile phones.
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