#mob boss sukuna x reader
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I've been promising this one for awhile.
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Starring: Mafia Boss!Sukuna
My contribution to @chrollohearttags Tales from the Underbelly collab! In which Gojo accidentally kidnaps the wrong girl, and our "heroes" have to decide what to do with her.
Content includes: slow burn smut, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, blood kink if ya squint, and slight indulgence of the writers breeding kink.
Trigger warnings include: Kidnapping, gun violence, gore, a dog attack, an attempt at assault and the use of the word "ravenette" once as a dare. Reader discretion is advised.
Your mom had warned you about meeting strange men online. You had assumed at the time it was just her weird boomer-esque tendencies, a fear born before the time of tinder. But as you breathed in your own breath from inside this itchy burlap sack, sitting tied up in this not-at-all comfortable chair, you started to think maaaybe she was on to something.
It wasn’t your fault though, truly it wasn’t. This guy was hot. Like, unbelievably hot. So hot it was stupid. So hot he belonged on the cover of french magazines or in summer blockbuster movies that sell tickets not for the plot- but for the eye candy. Who wouldn’t risk life and limb to get a piece of that? You wondered if Satoru Gojo was his real name, just in case you needed to make a police report. You wondered if you’d get that far.
Okay, Y/n, no no, don’t think like that. That will get you killed. Calm down and assess the situation. What did you last remember? Your date. You met him at a bar, and was genuinely shocked when he matched his profile picture. You made idle chit chat, and your drink came. Did you order that drink? You couldn’t remember now. You did remember it tasting salty for a screwdriver though…
Shit, that guy definitely drugged you. Why?! It made no sense, you probably would have fucked him if he had just asked nicely! Hell, even if he had asked rudely, there was no need for this! You silenced your thoughts as you heard movement. A door opened and the sound of boots on concrete echoed through a far too big to be practical room. And then, a familiar voice.
“No dude, I got her!” That was definitely Gojo, the fuck ass. “It was so easy too.” He was laughing, because of course he was.
“Yea, that’s the problem. Excuse me for being suspicious, but this feels way too easy considering how long we’ve been chasing this woman,” another, much smoother voice said. Oh god, what the fuck had you gotten yourself into now? Why the fuck did weird shit always have to happen to you? It was like you were the main character in some fucked up wattpad, or Tumblr, fanfiction.
“Nah dude, it’s the real deal. Toji doesn’t keep his girl as wrapped up as we’ve been led to believe.” Gojo’s far-too-joyful-for-your-taste voice came again. It was much closer this time. Your body tensed as you realized the two of them were right next to you. “I matched with her on fucking tinder dude! All according to plan!”
“We’ll see about that.” Smoothie voice said. As he did, the bag was ripped off your head, and quite honestly you were too shocked to scream. You took the situation in front of you in with wide panicked eyes. There was your shitty date, looking far too proud of himself considering all he did was kidnap a helpless girl. And another man, crouched in front of your metal chair, taking in your features. Was this just a gang of people that was so attractive it was unfair? He ran a hand though his long dark hair, and knitted his perfectly sculpted eyebrows together as he looked at you. Then shook his head and stood up.
“You really did it now, idiot, that’s the wrong girl!” The ravenette snapped at your former tinder match. Satoru just blinked in disbelief.
“What?” He asked, and Oh boy, your brain started working again! Just in time for you to start screaming at the top of your lungs as the truly horrifying nature of your situation settled into your bones. This startled the men, causing them both to scream, and the dark haired one to even stumble away from you.
“That was such a late reaction!!” Gojo yelled at you as he finally found words again.
“FUCK YOU SATORU GOJO, WHEN YOU KILL ME, I SWEAR I’M GOING TO HAUNT YOUR ASS!” You screamed at him, deciding if you were gonna die here you might as well fling a few threats around.
“You used your real name for the honeytrap?!” The unnamed man hissed, punching Gojo in the shoulder.
“Hey!” Gojo yelped, “I thought it was her! I didn’t think it was gonna matter! What are we going to do Suguru?!” Oh, so Suguru was his name. Good to know.
“Don’t say my name!” Suguru snapped. Too late, you knew it already. “The boss is not going to be happy, you know this, right?”
“Well I mean, I-” Gojo started, before you cut in.
“Can I at least know why you guys are gonna kill me before it happens?” You asked. You wanted to know what to avoid for your next life. Gojo had the audacity to scoff at you.
“Wow, I was literally talking and you interrupted me,” He scoffed, “Rude much?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll try to be more considerate of the man who drugged and kidnapped me next time I open my mouth! As if that wasn’t rude as hell!” You hissed.
“Get married later, we have other problems!” Suguru demanded, snapping in front of Satoru to get his attention. “The boss is going to be here any minute, and we have the wrong girl!”
“Why don’t we just kill her?” Gojo asked. And look at that, you were screaming again. They both screamed with you, Suguru screaming over you and adding a “CAN WE PLEASE ALL STOP SCREAMING?!” at the end.
And you did, because technically he had done nothing to wrong you, and you had no beef with him. Satoru shut up when you did. “Thank you!” He snapped, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples to try and fight off the migraine that was forming. “No, Gojo, we can’t just kill her! She’s an innocent, it goes against the code. You and I both know The Boss would have you castrated if you break the code.” Suguru reminded the man next to him. Oh, that was good news.
“So, I’m not gonna die?” You asked.
“You’re not gonna die.” “Nothing is off the table yet.” The men spoke in unison, glaring at each other as they finished their sentences.
“Sooooooo, you’re gonna let me go?!” You asked, beaming with a forced excitement, hoping it would rub off on them and they’d untie you then and there.
“It’s not that easy.” Suguru sighed, “If we let you go now, you’d definitely go to the cops, and you know at least his full name.” He said, glaring at Satoru once again.
“What if I promise not to go to the cops?” You asked.
“You and I both know that won’t work.” He looked almost sympathetic to your plight.
“What if I pinky swear not to go?” You asked. His sympathy vanished.
“In another life, you two are perfect for each other.” He scoffed to Gojo. Mere seconds after he said that, the door behind you opened again. Both men turned their full attention to the footsteps approaching, both looking terrified- though Gojo more than Suguru. You tried to look behind you, but alas, you were not an owl and could not turn your head 360 degrees around.
“What did you two idiots fuck up now?” A low, gravely voice asked behind you.
“What?!” Gojo tried to look offended, “Boss, I’m hurt! Why would you assume we fucked up?” he pouted. Suguru just dropped his head into his hands.
“Because it’s you Satoru, and when I came in here, you both looked at me like I was the cops and you had a corpse.” The voice scoffed, “And that never bodes well. Is that the girl?”
“So, you see, about that-” Suguru started, only to be cut off by a new man shoving his face in yours. The club of people that won the genetic lottery grew, and you hated to admit he was the sexiest member yet. Sharp features made more pronounced by a faceful of tattoos that absolutely shouldn't have been as attractive as they were. Hard eyes seemed to glow an unnatural red in the dim light of this garage(?) and his fluffy pink hair seemed both horrifically misplaced on his head, and perfectly matched all at the same time. Suddenly, you weren’t worried about your future. You were wondering what choices you had to make to sit on that perfectly sculpted face.
WAIT FOCUS Y/N, YOU’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED! You flinched away from him, tensing up because well…that’s what people do in these situations, right? You saw a tic form in his perfect jaw, and he stood up. You got a good look at what he was wearing. Fitted slacks with a dress shirt, a well tailored vest on top making him ooze with expense. The others were dressed nice too, but he somehow managed to outshine them all. Maybe its because his sleeves were rolled up, showing off his tattooed wrists and gorgeous forearms. God truly did have favorites.
“You.” He demanded more than asked, turning to Gojo and pointing at him.
“Yes Sukuna?” Gojo asked, and Suguru couldn’t hold back the groan that ripped from his throat.
“Stop using names you fucking idiot.” Suguru hissed. So his name was Sukuna.
“Gojo come here.” Sukuna said again, instantly shutting up both men. Gojos eyes grew even wider with fear.
“I, um…I’d rather not boss, I-...You’re gonna hurt me.” Gojo gulped.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” Sukuna assured him, and for a second he sounded so sincere and comforting, even you believed him.
“D-...Do you promise?” Gojo asked, trepidation still flooding his voice.
“I promise, I’m not going to hurt you.” Sukuna said again. Slowly, like a wild animal learning to trust, Satrou crept over to his boss. It was then you noticed Sukuna’s rings. You noticed them, because the moment Satoru was in bitch slapping range, he got bitch slapped with the ring hand, so hard that if Suguru hadn’t been there to catch him, he would have hit the floor.
“You said you weren’t gonna hurt me!” Gojo yelped. Suguru shook his head, unable to believe his friend fell for that.
“I lied!” The pink haired man snapped, “How’s it feel to be lied to Satoru?! Do you like it?! I know I sure fucking don’t.” He hissed as he slapped him again, “You said you had Toji’s wife! That’s not Toji’s fucking wife you imbecile!”
“Ha, take that asshat, that’s what you get!” You laughed, taking maybe a little bit too much joy in Satoru’s pain. And suddenly, all three men were staring at you. You shrunk a bit at the realization. “My bad, I shouldn’t have spoke,” You muttered, “I’ll let y'all get back to it.”
Sukuna took a long deep breath to try and reregulate himself before turning back to you. “Hi.” He said, giving a smile that you think was meant to be welcoming, but his naturally sharp canines just made it menacing. “Who are you?” He asked.
“I don’t know if it’s safe to tell you my name…” You muttered softly.
“You’re already tied up under my house babe, little late to be shy now.” He pointed out. Fair enough.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” You said. He nodded and gave a small wave.
"Hi Y/n. So what all do you kn-"
"Wait, what's your name?" You asked, cutting off a clearly powerful man. “Is Sukuna like, a title, or?” He stopped mid sentence and blinked at you, bringing his hands together in a death grip so he didn’t punch the disrespect out of your mouth.
“Sorry, you threw me off. I’m not used to being interrupted.” He said through gritted teeth.
“That’s a common problem for her!” Gojo accused from Suguru’s arms, pointing for emphasis. This quickly got him dropped. Sukuna glared at him.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop talking.” He threatened Gojo before turning back to you. “My name’s not important right now. What is important is finding out just how much you know. So start talking doll.” He said, going into his back pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes.
“So, before I answer, am I more likely or less likely to go home based on how much I know?” You asked, “Cause I’d like to go home in one piece.” The pink haired man laughed at your words as he lit his smoke. Well, laughed is a strong word. More like he aggressively blew air out of his nose, like when you see a funny meme.
“That’s cute Dollface,” He muttered, blowing the smoke out of his lungs, “Answer my question.”
“You answer mine first.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Come on dude, I only want you to answer one question-”
“You only want one question answered?” It did suck to be interrupted, “Fine, I’m Sukuna. Now what do you know about us?” You were confused at first, until you realized he was answering one question you asked. Just not the question you wanted answered. Well shit.
“I know his name is Satoru Gojo, his is Suguru, you’re Sukuna, and you guys are looking for some guy named Toji’s wife. Oh, and Gojo takes dick pics with a ring light.” Sukuna closed his eyes and scrunched his eyebrows at that last part, riding out the cringe wave.
“Dude, you don’t really do that, do you?” Suguru whispered to the man next to him.
“Good lighting makes the picture Suguru.” Gojo whispered back.
“We didn’t need to know that.” Sukuna said, opening his eyes again.
“You asked what I knew.” You said, shrugging as best as you could considering you were tied up.
“What are we going to do Boss?” Suguru asked, getting the team back on track. Sukuna took a long drag off his cigarette, trying to find an answer to that question. You were innocent, nowhere near the syndicates radar. You were a victim of them, it wasn’t fair to kill you for the crime of matching with a loser on tinder. It also went against what they stood for. At the same time though, they couldn’t just let you leave. You knew all of their names, for Satoru you knew his full name. Not only that, there was the risk of you letting it slip they were looking for Toji’s wife. Though, Toji probably knew that, all things considered. She did have a hit called out on Nanami after all, he’d be stupid not to assume they were looking for her. Fuck.
“Bring her upstairs.” Sukuna finally said, rubbing his temple with his free hand. He wondered why he kept Gojo on the payroll. “She’s our guest until further notice.” Suguru and Satoru shared a knowing glance before going and untying you.
“So you’re letting me go?!” You asked hopefully.
“Not quite,” Sukuna informed you, “Until we can find a more…permanent situation for you, you’re now the property of The Syndicate. Make yourself at home Doll.” He said as he put his cigarette back in his mouth.
“Hold on, what?!” You asked, struggling against Gojo and Suguru as they tried to drag you upstairs, “Wait, property?! Wait, hold on!” You yelped. Suguru rolled his eyes, deciding it was easier to just throw you over his shoulder at this point. “Hey! Put me down!”
“I don’t understand why you’re bitching, I thought you didn’t want to die?” He asked. And suddenly, this was all put into perspective for you. You either play nice, or you take a prolonged dirt nap. Shit. Not great options. You decided death wasn’t what you wanted, they did imply this was only temporary after all. You sighed and accepted your fate, going limp on Suguru’s shoulder.
The sudden bright lights of the house blinded you after so long in the dim basement. You were happy when Suguru finally put you down, less so when you heard a giant dog barking, and claws scraping on hardwood. You turned around in enough time to see an absolutely massive Rottweiler running at you full speed, teeth bared. You yelped, going to try and hide behind Suguru or hell even Gojo, only to find they had already backed way the hell up; giving the beast room to turn you into dog food. You closed your eyes and tensed your body as you braced for impact.
The impact never came. When you opened your eyes, all you found was a dopey smile sitting politely in front of you, panting while waiting for pets. “Aww,” You smiled, reaching down to give him some ear scratches. His already wagging tail kicked it into high gear as you did, melting your heart. “You’re just a big baby, aren’t you?” You cooed in your baby voice.
Sukuna came up from the stairs then, rolling his eyes at the scene. “Wow Brutus, good job buddy, you’re so good at being a guard dog. No ones gonna break in here, lest they get drooled on.” He scoffed.
“To be fair, Brutus’ slobber is a genuinely terrifying thing.” Suguru pointed out.
“It gets everywhere.” Gojo confirmed.
“I think you guys are just cowards.” You shrugged, petting the good boy on they head.
“They are.” Sukuna confirmed, also giving Brutus a solid pat for good measure. He turned to you then. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”
“My room?” You questioned.
“That’s what I said,” His voice had an edge to it, like he was losing his patience with every second that passed. He turned to Gojo and Suguru. “Gojo, you know where she lives right?”
“Yea, I do.” He nodded. You did not like what that implied, considering you hadn’t given him your address. But, you were already kidnapped, so, maybe it was a little late to worry.
“Good. Take Geto and go grab her essentials. Clothes, toothbrush-”
“Oh, my switch!” You added. Sukuna glared at you from the corners of his eyes. “What?” You asked, “Someone’s gotta take care of my animal crossing island!” Sukuna closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Her switch, I fucking guess, and bring it back here.” He said, “Don’t fuck it up.” He wasn’t sure how they would fuck it up to be fair, but they had surprised him before.
“Got it Boss!” Satoru said, saluting Sukuna before grabbing Suguru and heading for the door.
“Oh, and Gojo?” Sukuna called right before they reached the door. Gojo froze.
“Yea Boss?”
“We’re not done here. See me when you get back.” His voice was dark. Nothing he said was threatening, but if that was true then why were the hairs on the back of your neck standing up? And why did Gojo physically cringe, as if future him was giving him a taste of pain yet to come?
“Understood Boss.” He said, leaving with Suguru. And with that, you were alone with a mob boss. Sukuna turned to you, blatantly eyeing you up. You suddenly felt shy under his gaze.
“Come on, your room is upstairs.” He said, moving past you to an opulent staircase on the opposite wall of the living room. You followed him, not really sure what else to do.
“You know, you’re surprisingly calm about all of this.” Sukuna said as the two of you climbed the stairs, “Not gonna lie, I kinda expected you to like…argue with me about all of this.”
“Do you want me to argue with you?” You asked.
“No, not really. I’m just curious about why you’re not.” He explained.
“Rent’s expensive,” You shrugged, “I was like, a week away from eviction.” You admitted, looking down to try and hide your shame. It wasn’t like you had done anything wrong either. You had done everything right, followed all the money tips you could, given up iced coffee. Turns out, rent is substantially more expensive than iced coffee and when your job doesn't pay a living wage, well- living is hard. “Honestly, I kinda need a place to crash.”
“Oh, I see. Well, lucky you then.” He chuckled softly as you reached the top of the staircase. You didn’t know if you’d call yourself lucky, but, you’d take what you could get. “Here, this one’s yours.” Sukuna said, opening a door to the right. You walked into an extravagant red room, a giant bed covered in black silk with a tall canopy sat as the center piece with a black wardrobe off to the side.
“Is this like, your sex room?” You asked, your mouth moving faster than your brain. He gave a short snappy ‘HA!’ at your joke, shaking his head softly.
“Yeah, you wish.” He accused, and yeah he was right. You kinda did wish. “This is just the guest room.”
“So…Do I live with you now?” You asked as you moved to sit on the bed. A reasonable question. Sukuna leaned against the doorway, moving his head back and fourth in the universal motion of ‘I have no fucking idea, give me a sec while I think of what to say.’
“Eh, “live” is a strong word.” He finally said with a shrug. “You’re just here until we can come up with a better solution.” He explained. You nodded, accepting that you weren’t going to get a straight answer- because he didn’t have one to give.
“Well that’s exciting.” You mumbled, trying to rub the tired out of your eyes. It had been a long day.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll figure out what to do with you in a few days.” He tried to comfort you, before finally leaving you alone.
A few days had quickly turned into a few weeks. You had acclimated to your new life well, learning when to ask questions and when not to. Brutus had become your best friend, and Sukuna your odd roommate who left at weird times in the night. You were more comfortable with your situation than you were willing to admit. Turns out, you weren’t above all those other Y N girlies that immediately got stockholm syndrome after a day of kidnapping.
Still, that didn’t mean you felt particularly safe. The moment you started to, something happened. The very next time you saw Gojo after he left to grab your things, his arm was in a cast. You would hear screaming- or worse begging- from the basement. An already hushed conversation would fall completely silent as you came down the stairs. There was always something to remind you that you were not here of your own free will.
“Ummm…Shota?” You asked from your spot on the couch, watching him put on his jacket.
“Hmmm…Akira?” Your relationship with Sukuna was an odd one. The two of you had grown comfortable with each others presence, enough that you would find yourself casually hanging out with him, or in this case, pestering him as you tried to guess his first name.
“Wrong again.” He said, checking the jacket to make sure his cigarettes were in one of the pockets. They weren’t.
“Gross no- Do I look like a Yuji to you?” That one seemed to genuinely offend him a bit. You had to be getting close.
“Y/n, why does it matter to you so much that you know my first name?” He asked, grabbing his smokes from the end table next to the couch. He made eye contact with you when he did it, and you felt your stomach flutter. That was another thing that was quickly developing. It seemed like every day it took less and less from him to make you flustered.
“Cause you know mine!” You said, pressing your thighs together to push back your less than holy thoughts. “It only seems fair that I should know yours too.”
“I’m not interested in what’s fair Doll, you should know that.” He said, grabbing his keys off the hook by the door. You hated when he called you Doll, mostly because of how much you loved it when he called you Doll. It always stirred something in you that you tried to suppress, something you knew would make an already not ideal situation worse. Admitting you had feelings for Sukuna felt akin to a death sentence right now, especially considering the very real likelihood that they were one sided.
“If you weren’t interested in what’s fair, you would have killed me by now!” You pointed out.
“Don’t forget to feed Brutus, I’ll be home late.” He completely ignored your very valid point. You huffed as you watched him walk out of the door. Bastard. Asshole. Tyrant, even! In the space between where your true feelings were-and what you were willing to admit to feeling- resentment grew. He had ripped you from the life you had built before, and cultivated this caricature of intimacy that he fully expected you to participate in; all while refusing to give you information as basic as his first name. It wasn’t just unfair, at times it felt cruel.
A soft whine from the nearby kitchen brought you back to reality. You smiled softly at the gentle giant waiting for dinner. “You hungry buddy?” You asked, laughing at his happy woof as you got up to fill his bowl.
You went about your nightly routine as you normally did, minus dinner with Sukuna, ending the night curled up on the couch in your pajamas with Brutus, reading one of the many books that littered the mansion. You couldn’t focus on the words though, your mind finding the ticking of the clock much more interesting. Something was off. You looked up to see that it was already 5 AM. Sukuna was prone to coming home late, but never this late. Something was wrong.
You weren’t sure what to do here. You were captive here, it’s not like you had access to a phone. Even if you did, who would you call? You knew Nanami was his most reliable comrade, but if Sukuna was in trouble there was a 70% chance Nanami was too. Suguru? Maybe, but- you shook your head as you realized none of this mattered when you had zero way of contacting any of these men. You could try and go look for him yourself, but you knew the door was locked. It needed a code to be opened, a code you didn’t have. Brutus whined from beside you, feeding off your nervous energy. Your fingers felt numb as you mindlessly chewed your nails, failing to think of anything other than where Sukuna was at that moment.
“Where are you Suka-” It was like you summoned him, before you could even finish your sentence the door exploded open and he came tumbling inside. You thought having him come home would be a relief, but the blood covering his side washed away any possible relief that could have come from his return.
“Motherfucker-” Was all he could get out before collapsing against the wall next to the door.
“Sukuna!” You yelled, rushing to his side, “Sukuna, holy shit, what happened?!” You demanded, wrapping his arm around your shoulders while you tried to lead him to the couch. You thought it would have been harder, moving a wall of muscle that much bigger than you any amount. But it turns out, adrenaline really is one hell of a drug!
“I got shot, what’s it look like happened?!” He snapped, hissing through his teeth as you placed him on the couch. Suddenly, you understood why everything in this house was red. He almost disappeared into the scarlet couch, the red consuming him, threatening to take him away. “Brutus! First Aid!” He yelled, before groaning in pain. Somewhere along the way, he lost his jacket, making it a lot easier for you to rip off his bloodied dress shirt.
Oh man, that was bad. You weren’t even queasy around blood, but there was a lot here. Before you could get too much in your head and lose your dinner, you felt a fuzzy head nudge into your leg. You looked down to see Brutus looking up at you, first aid kit hanging from his mouth. He was officially the smartest dumb dog you had ever met.
“Oh, Good boy Brutus!” You praised, scratching the sides of his face and his floppy ears.
“Y/n, losing blood kinda fast over here!” Sukuna reminded, quickly snapping you back into the severity of the moment.
“Right, sorry!” You yelped, opening the kit. Of course Sukuna wouldn’t have a normal first aid kit. This was one of the most extensive kits you’d seen. You pulled the latex gloves over your hands before straddling his lap, trying to get a better look at him. Three bullet wounds, one logged into his shoulder, one to his side under his rib cage, and one that just grazed his side. You could still see the bullet in the first two.
“Oh jesus..” You muttered, grabbing the long glorified tweezers from the kit, “So, uh, this is gonna hurt.” You said, mouth moving without your mind.
“Oh, that so?!” He snapped, “I thought it was gonna feel like fucking butterfly kisses!” Oh man, he was starting to look pale.
“Okay, well now I’m not sorry for this.” You muttered, digging the tweezers into his shoulder to get the bullet. He hissed sharply through his teeth, hands finding your hips and grabbing you hard enough to bruise. This was not the scenario you thought of when you imagined Sukuna bruising your hips, but life is often funny that way.
“Okay, that’s one out.” You said as you extracted the metal. He let out a shallow breath, trying hard to regulate his breathing.
“Fuck Y/n..” He whined, and you felt your chest burn. You wondered if that’s what he would sound like on to-NOPE not the time to think like that!
“I’m going to get the second one now, okay?” You asked. He nodded, his body tensing against his will in anticipation. This one was deeper. You watched his abs flex as he moaned in pain, biting his lip to concentrate on anything other than the searing pain in his abdomen. This would be a lot easier if he could stop being hot for like, five seconds. “I’m sorry.” You muttered softly, wishing there was anything you could do to help with the pain.
“Don’t- Don’t.” You could tell he wanted to say more, but he just couldn’t. You finally pulled the final bullet out. You pulled the bottle of iodine out of the kit, assuming it was for disinfecting- something he was going to desperately need. You wanted to suggest a hospital, but you knew better. A hospital meant cops, and he couldn’t have that. Especially not right now. So you poured a generous amount of the iodine on his wounds, only for him to scream.
“AAH, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” He yelped as a new wave of pain scorched it’s way through his body.
“I THOUGHT IT WAS A DISINFECTANT!” You yelled in panic, using a piece of gauze to try and wipe it up.
“WATER!!” Oh yeah, that checked. The bottle of distilled water in the kit made a lot more sense now. You opened it, using that to clean his wounds instead, and using it to try and wash away some of the dried blood in the process.
“Shit, I’m sorry! I’m not a nurse, okay!?” You tried to defend yourself in a panic. Then it dawned on you the next step in the process. “I wasn’t very good at home ec either...” You confessed.
“What does that have to do with- Oh god.” He threw his head back on the couch as he realized stitches were next. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before pulling his head back up, his eyes meeting yours almost instantly. It was like he was searching your very soul for something, though you had no idea what he was trying to find. You wanted to shrink away, but you found yourself trapped by his gaze.
“I trust you Y/n. Don’t fuck me up.” He finally said. You wondered how he could be so confident in anything while bleeding out on a couch, but you guessed that was a question for some other time. You nodded, grabbing the surgical needle and thread. It couldn’t be that hard, right? In one side and out the other. You had this.
He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth as you made the first sitch, digging his nails into your hips and subconsciously pulling you closer. He flinched at the second stitch, bucking his hips into yours in the process.
“Hold still!” You chastised him. You really wished all of this was happening under different circumstances. You realized this was probably the closest you had ever been to him. Focus Y/n, focus! You finished his shoulder, before moving on to the one in his side, and finishing with the gash. You were shocked how good your stitches were when you weren’t over thinking it. Not perfect by any means, but far better than you thought.
“Okay, the worst is over.” You said, pushing his damp hair out of his face gently. He looked at you through his eyelashes, an expression you had no hope of reading on his face. You cleared your throat before grabbing the gauze to bandage him up. He was quiet while you worked. You had almost finished with the bandages when he spoke again.
“Ryomen.” He finally said.
“What?” You asked, confusion leaking into your voice as you finished wrapping up the last wound. You looked at him.
“My name’s Ryomen.” You weren’t sure what you expected him to say after all of this, but it definitely wasn’t that. You stared at him, trying to figure out how to process any of what the fuck just happened. Was this your life now? Was this your forever? He brought a shaky hand to the side of your face, brushing away a tear you didn’t even know was there.
“Why are you cryin’ Doll?” He asked softly. His eyes didn’t have the edge you were so used to in them. Be it from the blood loss or him being grateful for your subpar nursing, all of his edges had been rounded down to soft bumps.
“I thought I was going to lose you..” You whimpered softly.
“Oh, Y/n,” He cooed softly, “I’m not going anywhere.” He promised, pressing his forehead to yours. “Don’t cry over me.” He lazily rubbed your cheek with his thumb, trying to comfort you despite the fact he was the one that had just got shot, multiple times. You were sure the blood loss was getting to his head, this was far too intimate. Far too sweet. The stress of the situation hit you all at once, the adrenaline leaving your body as distress took it’s place.
You took a jagged breath in, realizing you were crying as you did so. He quietly pulled you into a hug, pressing you into his chest. The steady beat of his heart admittedly brought you some comfort, reminding you that he was alive and well-ish. You weren’t sure when you fell asleep. When you woke up in your room the next morning, you were convinced it was all a bad dream. Surely he wouldn’t have been able to lug your sleeping body to your room after all of that, right?
The faint blood stains on the couch told a different story.
If you thought your relationship with Ryomen was weird before, it was really weird now. Before, you were positive you had a one sided crush. Something brought on by proximity and not much else, and a feeling he most definitely did not share. Now though? Now you were sure there was something else there, and that he felt it too. It showed itself in small ways. In the way he brushed against you when you were cooking together, in the way Suguru’s job had gotten significantly harder when Ryomen had noticed how close the two of you had gotten, and in the way he had gotten more protective of you than he had ever been before.
“Oh Suge Knight totally had 2pac killed.” Suguru said with a shrug.
“No way, that doesn’t make sense!” You argued, “Why would he call a hit on his best selling artist?”
“To take control of his catalog, duh,” He said this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “More money to be made if you don’t have an artist to pay.”
“Yeah, except now there’s no artist to make more music and therefore more money!” you pointed out, “Besides, why would he have a car he’s in get shot up?”
“So people ask that exact question!” Suguru argued, waving his hands for emphasis.
“Do you two have nothing better to talk about than decades old conspiracy theories?” Ryomen asked as he entered the kitchen, walking up to the bar where you sat with Suguru. He always seemed annoyed when the two of you hung out together. The toxic part of your brain liked it. Satoru wasn’t far behind him, his wrist still in a brace from a months old injury. You felt a little bad when you saw it these days. It must have been a nasty shatter.
“I’d argue there’s no better topic of conversation than decades old murder conspiracies.” Satoru said, taking a seat next to Suguru.
“I’d argue you’re the last person I’d consider an authority on topics of conversation.” Nanami said, suddenly alerting you to his presence. That man was like a ghost, you only saw him when he wanted you to. He moved over to the fridge, pulling out a beer and using the counter to open it. A move that would get Satoru or Suguru a one way ticket to the afterlife, completely ignored by Ryomen because Nanami was useful.
“Y/n, I need you to go to your room.” Ryomen said, checking his watch. “Sooner rather than later.”
“What, why?” You asked, not a fan of being kicked out of the kitchen you now considered to be yours.
“Because I told you to. Don’t come out until I come get you.” His tone left no room for argument or conversation. You bit your tongue, knowing better than to undermine him in front of his men, especially his lieutenants.
“Whatever.” You groaned as you left, going and locking yourself in your room. As much as it annoyed you, this was fairly common at this point. Whenever the boys had “Official Business” you’d be banished to your bedroom until they deemed it safe for you to be let free. A very clear reminder that you were an outsider here. You weren’t in your room long before there was a knock on your door.
“Already?!” You asked.
“No.” Nanami said, “I’m here to deliver Brutus.” Confused, you went and opened the door. Sure enough, Brutus came barreling into the room as the door opened, going and jumping onto your bed. “Boss wants him to be with you.” Nanami said, as if that was going to answer your puzzled look.
“Why? What’s going on?” You asked in a hushed tone. Nanami's eyes darted over to the staircase, making sure no one was coming up them.
“A representative of Naoya Zenin is going to be here tonight.” Zenin. You heard that name enough before to know he was one of Ryomen’s rivals, someone previously teamed up with Toji.
“What? Why is he sending someone here?”
“Fushiguru has been shorting him and his team when it comes to their cut of narcotics sales. Considering they’re the ones making all the drugs Toji sells, he’s not happy about it. So he’s looking to start a partnership with us instead.” You were thankful for Nanami. Everyone else here treated you like a delicate flower: like telling you what was going on would make you wilt. Nanami had always kept it straight with you, telling you the facts as they were. To him, you were just as involved as they all were, even if that was only due to your proximity to it all.
“And he’s not showing up himself?” You asked, remembering that Nanami had said a representative of his was coming. He shrugged.
“What can I say? The man’s a coward.” There was a knock on the door after he said that, signaling to him that he needed to get back downstairs. “Stay safe Y/n.” He said, turning to join the others.
“You too.” You responded, but you were pretty sure he didn’t hear it. You sighed as you closed your door, joining the overgrown puppy on your bed. You decided to hop on your switch, needing some way to kill the time. You weren’t sure how long you spent trying to get Moose off your island before you registered that Brutus was whining by your door.
“What’s wrong big guy?” You asked, putting your switch down. He whined some more, shifting uncomfortably in front of the door. “Oh no, you have to potty, don’t you?” You could have sworn that dog nodded at you. Really?! They didn’t let him out first?! You wondered what to do. You knew disobeying Ryomen wasn’t acceptable, but you couldn’t just let your baby suffer! Another whimper from Brutus made the decision for you. Ryomen would understand.
You opened your door and walked Brutus down the stairs, hoping you could avoid wherever the meeting was happening. You should have known that was delusional, because the moment you walked into the kitchen, you found them all holding their meeting around the bar. Ryomen pinched the bridge of his nose the moment he saw you. Ah fuck.
“Well hello there Gorgeous, who are you?” A man you had never seen before asked. He made your stomach turn. He had his long blue hair parted into three pony tails, and long surgical scars marred his face. That wasn’t what made him so revolting though. It was his smile. It didn’t feel right. Like a monster recreating it’s prey’s mannerisms, a wolf in poorly fitted sheep’s clothing. You wished you stayed in your room.
“It doesn’t matter who she is, you’re not here to talk to her.” Ryomen said, allowing no room for conversation. You followed his lead, going and opening the back door for Brutus without acknowledging the mimic in your home.
“Oh, don’t be rude Sukuna. Is she your wife?” It asked.
“Doesn’t matter, we’re not here to talk about my personal life.”
“Oh, don’t be like that.” He turned to you, and you wished Brutus would hurry up. “I’m Mahito sweetie. And you are?”
“I think the Boss made it clear, we should get back on topic.” Nanami said, adjusting to put his hand in his suit jacket. The Mahito creature got the hint, raising his hands in his defense.
“Okay, okay, okay. Pardon me for trying to be polite at a business meeting, I won’t do it again.”
“Good.” Ryomen said, lighting a smoke and watching closely as Brutus ran in and took his place by your side. He saw the way Brutus held back a growl. That wasn’t a good sign. “You said Zenin wanted fifty percent? That’s not going to work for us.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“Selling is signif-” That was all you heard as you rushed back up stairs. Once in your room, you tried to regulate your heartbeat, to clam your jittering bones. You felt like you had just encountered some old primal evil. Something so off your ancestors were warning you to be weary of it from beyond the grave. You sat next to Brutus on your bed, hiding your face in his fur to try and calm down.
It worked for a while, until you heard him growl. You looked up to see the monster in your room. You yelped softly, instinctively backing away. You wished you hadn’t forgotten to close your door.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said, showing that “smile” again. “I just thought it was a shame we didn’t get to properly meet back there.” Your blood felt slimy in your veins as you realized you were going to have to play nice with this guy. His business was important to Ryomen, or else he wouldn’t be in the house.
“Oh, yea I guess.” You muttered softly, petting Brutus to try and calm him.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked, stepping even further into your room and closing the door behind him. Your joints suddenly felt weak with static, every fiber of your animal brain telling you you were dealing with a predator.
“Y/n.” You responded, refusing to make eye contact with his mis-matched eyes.
“That’s a pretty name Y/n. You Ryomen’s girl, or his pet?” You didn’t like anything coming out of his mouth.
“I’m um, his roommate.” You guess, and instantly realized you guessed wrong. “Shouldn’t you be downstairs with the others?”
“Oh, they’ll be fine without me for a few minutes.” He said, and you realized he was getting closer. You stood up, only to realize he was in between you and the door.
“Hey, uh, I really think you should go back down, they’re probably looking for-”
“I don’t care.” He scoffed, closing the distance and grabbing you. He tried to force you on the bed, but I guess that dumb ass missed the giant fuck you dog that was in that room for the sole purpose of protecting you. He didn’t get past putting his hands on your shoulders before Brutus’s teeth were in his leg, ripping muscle from bone. The scream that left Mahito was visceral, the kind that haunts people at night.
“RYOMEN!!” You yelled, pressing yourself against the wall while Brutus did his thing, jerking his head, pulling the man away from you as another horrific scream left him.
“I fucking knew it!” Ryomen snapped, ripping your attention away from the bloody scene in front of you and to the four men spilling into your room, Ryomen leading the pack.
“CALL OFF YOUR DOG!” The rag doll begged.
“Brutus, down!” Ryomen ordered. Without hesitation the Rott had let go, and had placed himself between you and your attacker in case he needed to act again.
“Oh thank-” Mahito didn’t get to finish that sentence.
“He’s mine.” Ryomen growled, grabbing him by his scalp. “You think you can come into my house and attack my girl and get away with it?!” He snapped, taking the lit cigarette from his mouth and putting it out in Mahitos’ right eye. You’re not sure what was going to stick with you more, the smell- or the sound that came out of the monster. Ryomen threw the screaming, bloodied man, to the floor behind him. “Take him to the basement, I’ll be there soon.” He said. Without hesitation all three men acted, grabbing the begging Mahito and dragging him down the stairs.
Ryomen walked over to you, gently taking your head in his hands. “Did he hurt you?”
“No, Brutus protected me.” You hated the quiver in your voice as you said that. Ryomen looked down at the dopey dog, smiling with blood on his muzzle. He gave a small affectionate smile as he pet the dog.
“Good boy.” He praised before turning back to you. “I’m going to go take care of the trash in the basement, then I’ll be back, okay?”
“I’m so sor-”
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong. He did. I’ll be back.” He assured you, gently patting your cheek before leaving the room you weren’t sure you felt safe in anymore. You weren’t sure how long he was gone for. At least long enough for you to clean up Brutus, and to try and clean up all the gore. At least your carpet was dark gray. You wondered how many other stains it hid, and of what variety.
You weren’t expecting how relieved you were when you finally heard a knock, opening the door to reveal a freshly showered Ryomen. You wondered what he looked like before washing the blood away, but the only image your mind conjured was him bleeding out on the couch. So you stopped wondering.
“Pack a bag, you’re leaving.” He explained. His tone was unreadable, and all it did was piss you off.
“What? What do you mean I’m leaving?!” You demanded.
“I mean wh-”
“No Ryomen, I want an actual fucking explanation.” You saw his jaw clench, as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You gotta get better about that interrupting bullshit.” He growled. “Zenin is definitely going to send someone to look for his missing boy. And when he does, he’s not going to find you here. Gojo already reserved you a hotel suite for a week, it’s temporary.” He explained as he walked away. “I’ll be waiting for you in the living room.”
You groaned as you threw together a bag. You understood his reasoning, but you were getting real sick of feeling like nothing in your life was under your control. Like you were at the mercy of a crazed mob boss. Probably because you were. You were starting to wonder if all of this was really worth not having to pay rent.
Ultimately you decided it was. Really, it was no different from existing under capitalism, and at least in this situation you could sometimes reason with your captor. You came downstairs with your bag, took at least ten minuets to say goodbye to Brutus- promising him you’d be back and that he was the best boy- and finally loaded yourself into Ryomen’s too-expensive-for-you-to-be-in car. The drive was silent, tense almost. He chain smoked out of the window, not even bothering to look at you.
“Um, are you mad at me?” You finally had to ask.
“No.” Well that didn’t sound like he wasn’t mad at you.
“You sound mad.” You pointed out.
“Good observation.” He scoffed, throwing his dead cigarette butt out the window, and immediately going to light another.
“That’s probably not good for your lungs ya know.” His glare could have frozen the sun. “I’m just sayin’!”
“I promise you, I’d be lucky if lung cancer is what kills me.” He “assured” you.
“You promise you’re not mad at me?”
“Y/n.” He growled, “I said I’m not mad at you, didn’t I? Why can’t you just believe me?”
“Cause you sound like, really really ma-”
“That’s because I’m mad at myself, not you!” He snapped, before catching himself with a growl, pinching the bridge of his nose for a second. He took a long drag off his smoke and ashed it out the window, holding the smoke in his lungs until the burn threatened to consume him. “Just. Drop it.” He finally said as the two of you pulled into a hotel parking lot. It was honestly nicer than you were expecting! “We’re here.” He informed you, grabbing your bag as the two of you left the car.
It was clear Sukuna was known here, considering he didn’t technically check in. He was just given a key as he passed the front desk, and told a room number. You hoped it wasn’t that easy for everyone. He ushered you to the elevator before giving you the spare key he was given. “Room 237.” He said.
“Wait, like The Shining?!” you gasped, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I-I guess?” He very clearly wasn’t expecting that reaction to informing you of your room number. “Sorry, I’m thrown, are you excited or?-”
“I just think it’s neat.” You beamed.
“...Okay.” Sukuna sighed, deciding he had more important things to worry about at the moment than if you liked your room number or not. Once inside the room, he immediately started checking for bugs, both the organic and inorganic kind. An old habit that he saw no need to kill. While he did that, you looked around the suite, familiarizing yourself with the layout.
“Hey, Ryomen? I only see one bed?” You questioned, not finding another place for him to sleep.
“Yeah? Is that a problem?” He asked, joining you in the bedroom.
“Well where are you going to sleep?” You inquired. He was confused again.
“In my bed? At my house?” Oh hell no he wasn’t!
“What?! No way, you can’t leave me!” You protested, getting real sick of his shit.
“I assure you, I can do whatever I want,” He scoffed, “Someone needs to watch the house.”
“Fuck that, have Nanami do it! What if they find me here?!” You didn’t have Brutus, and you weren’t confident in your ability to hold your own in a fight with experienced criminals.
“No one is going to come for you here Y/n-” He tried to reason, but you were having none of it.
“Are you sure?!” You demanded, “Can you promise me that?! Can you look me in the eye and swear to me that we weren’t followed? That no one’s going to show up here looking for you and hurt me instead? That no one wants revenge for that ragdolls life?! Can you be sure?!” He was quiet. Truth be told, he couldn’t. And he had already fucked up and let you get hurt once, he wasn’t going to do it again. He let out a sound somewhere between a groan and a sigh.
“Fine, fine. I’ll call Nanami and have him-”
“I don’t want Nanami here, I want you.” You insisted. Your words hung heavy in the air, both of you trying to hear what was left unsaid in the silence. The tension was growing, begging for someone to say something, anything. Finally, Ryomen sighed again,
“Okay, I’ll stay. Let me go call Nanami so he knows to watch the house.” He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket and stepping out to call his lieutenant. He was gone for longer than you expected. You worried about what was being said, though you didn't know why you were so worried. You just felt anxious. Finally, he came back.
“Alright, everything is settled.” He let you know, “I’m going to sleep on the couch, just…get some sleep okay?” He said, gently cupping your cheek, “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” He assured you. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and nodded.
“Okay, thank you.” You sighed, looking up at him. He was closer than you realized. He hadn’t let go of your cheek yet either. Your eyes connected, and for a split second, the whole world seemed to stop. He was close enough you could smell the coffee and cigarette scent that seemed to permanently cling to him. If you focused hard enough, you could feel the heat coming off of him. “Kiss me.” You mentally begged him, “Kiss me, just kiss me!”
“Sleep well Y/n.” He said, patting your face as he left the room. You almost screamed at him to get back here and finish what he started, but realized it probably wouldn’t do much. If he wanted to, he would have. He said it himself, he does whatever he wants. You settled for just screaming into the pillow as you flopped into the overly stuffed mattress instead. This shit sucked.
Everything felt hot, too hot. You felt like you were caught in an inferno, feeling his hips buck into yours. You felt his warm mouth trail kisses down your neck. You twisted your hands, feeling your wrists flex under his large hand. “You’re so good for me pretty girl.” He praised in your ear.
“Ryomen-” You gasped, saying his name like a prayer.
“Say it again Y/n.”
“Y/n!” You jumped out of your sleep, yelping softly as Sukuna’s voice jolted you out of the dream realm. You looked around, trying to reorient yourself. You still felt flustered from your dream, and now flustered from embarrassment.
“Ryomen?” You asked, looking at the man sitting on the side of your bed, him looking at you with concerned eyes in return. “What are you doing in here?”
“You called for me.” He informed you, and you wanted to melt away from the embarrassment. “I thought you we’re having a nightmare, so I woke you up,” He explained, “Are you okay?”
“A nightmare…yeah…” You took the excuse and ran, “Yeah, yeah I’m okay. I don’t even remember what happened in it honestly…” You lied. He sighed and rubbed his face, getting up to leave. “Wait!” You called, grabbing his hand before he could get too far. There goes your stupid body, moving faster than your brain again. “I-...I don’t want to be alone.” You explained. It was technically the truth.
He looked down at you, quiet for a second, then grumbled. “Whatever. Scoot over.” He muttered. You smiled, happy to make room for him. He slipped himself under the covers, getting comfortable surprisingly quickly for someone in a dress shirt and slacks. For a guy that was surrounded with luxury and creature comforts, he really didn’t seem to need any of them. It didn’t seem like he was very accustomed to them either. He laid on his back, and you couldn’t help but notice how comfortable his chest looked.
So you moved next to him, resting your head on his chest. He looked down at you, but didn’t push you away. Quite the opposite actually, he wrapped one of his arms around you, holding you close to his side. It woke up the butterflies in your stomach, sending them into overdrive.
“Thank you.” You whispered to him.
“For what?” He asked.
“Staying with me. Taking care of me.”
“...Di-..did you just thank me for kidnapping you?” He questioned, looking down at you as best he could and raising an eyebrow. You laughed a little at his reaction.
“I guess I did, yeah.” You giggled, trying to push yourself closer to him.
“You’re welcome?” You never failed to confuse and confound him. Maybe that’s why he liked you so much. You kept him on his toes. “You know most people aren’t okay with being kidnapped, right? It’s considered a bad thing.”
“I’m not most people.” You shrugged. “Like, yeah I see how on paper it’s bad but..I don’t know. It kinda came at the perfect time for me. I got to walk out of my shitty job, I didn’t have to deal with getting evicted, let’s not even get started on how honestly lonely I was..I don’t know. I guess it’s bad for most people, but it was a miracle for me. Is there a word for bad miracle?”
“Your stalkhom syndrome is showing.”
“I don’t think it’s that,” You chuckled, shifting to be able to look up at him, “Have you ever considered I just like being around you?”
“Why would you?” He muttered.
“Why wouldn't I?” You replied. There it was again. That warm feeling that seemed to envelop you wherever you were in Ryomen’s arms, coupled with the feeling that comes right before the lighting strikes. You used the dim moonlight fluttering in from your window to connect your eyes with his. You swore up and down his eyes glowed in low light, the unnatural red that should be so off putting only drawing you deeper into him.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered softly, and you felt your chest tighten. He had never said anything like that to you before. It made you feel almost giddy, your heart doing the screaming and squealing your throat wouldn’t currently allow. Before you could respond, his lips were finally on yours and it felt like fireworks were going off in every fiber of your being. You felt your blood rushing in your veins as you moved to tangle your fingers in his hair, months of tension finally snapping in a million electric sparks.
He bit your lip, using your soft gasp to deepen the kiss. He pulled you closer to him, if that was even possible, growling softly as you tugged at his hair. It was like the two of you truly couldn’t get enough of each other, trying to make up for months worth of lost time and build up with one impossibly impassioned kiss. He rolled the two of you over so you were under him, and moved to kiss your neck. You moaned softly as he did, feeling the bruises he was biting already starting to form. You loved the idea of it, of obvious evidence you really were his girl.
You felt your breathing get heavy as he ran his hands up your waist and under your shirt, feeling the soft skin waiting for him there. He pulled away long enough to pull your shirt over your head, leaving you in just your sleep shorts.
“Fuck.” He whispered when he finally saw you without your top on. He took the time to truly marvel you, the way you imagined a painter would look at his magnum opus. It filled you with a confidence unlike anything else, for someone so beautiful to look at you the way Adonis had looked at Aphrodite.
“You look so much better than I imagined.” he praised, finally finding his voice again.
“So you’ve imagined me topless?” You teased.
“I’ve imagined more than just you topless.” He smirked, hands roaming lower on your body. You felt your breath hitch in your chest as he hooked his thumbs under your shorts. You weren’t positive this wasn’t another dream, but either way, you planned to enjoy this. Though, he was wearing far too much clothes for that. Before he could take your bottoms off, you were sitting up, connecting your lips to his again as your fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. You always thought he looked stunning in them, but right now you despised the small buttons. He chuckled a bit, pulling away from you.
“Eager, huh?” he teased, “Here, I got it.” You felt almost embarrassed as he expertly got all the buttons undone and the shirt off in the time it took you to unhook three of them. But- in your defense- he took those shirts off everyday and this was your first time taking anything off him. You bit your lip as you took in his topless form. It looked so much better not covered in blood, you could better see the tattooed skin that laid there.
And the scars. There were a few etched into his skin, but you were most concerned with three. Your fingers went to touch one of the circular scars, feeling the puckered healed skin on his shoulder. You felt a pang of regret. If you had done better that night, would he have scarred? You didn’t have time to think before you felt his hand on yours, softly pressing your fingers into the healed wound.
“Like it?” He chuckled, “It’s one of my favorites.”
“Why?” You asked, trying not to think about him covered in blood again.
“It makes me think of you.” He said, pulling you into another heated kiss. You felt your body react to him, pressing yourself closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. You felt dizzy with want, your entire being buzzing with anticipation as he pressed you back into the mattress, kissing down your jaw, your neck, your torso, until he was where you wanted him the most. You bit your lip in anticipation, feeling him hook his thumbs into your bottoms, waiting for him.
“What do you want Doll?” He asked from in between your legs.
“You.” You whimpered softly.
“I’m right here,” He reminded you, “What do you want from me?” You whined as you bucked your hips at him. He grabbed them and pressed you into the mattress, making you groan louder.
“I don’t know!” You confessed.
“Babygirl, we haven’t even done anything, you can’t be fucked stupid just yet.” he tsked.
“I just want you to touch me...” You begged.
“I am touching you.”
“Ryo!” You whined, wriggling under him.
“Ryo?” He snorted, “That’s cute.” In all the times you had imagined yourself fucking Ryomen Sukuna, you had never imagined he’d be this fucking infuriating. You gave a stranged whine to let him know just how upset you were. “Sorry Doll, I don’t speak whine. You’re gonna have to use your big girl words.”
“Ryomen, please!” You begged, “I- I want..fuck, I want your mouth.” You finally decided, “I want to know what your mouth feels like.” Ryomen’s grin was dark as he finally pulled down your shorts and underwear in one fluid motion.
“Good girl.” he praised, and before you could properly react, he was running his tongue from your entrance to your clit, wrapping his lips around your bundle of nerves and giving it a sharp suck. Excitement exploded in your chest as your hands rushed to his hair, trying to find anything to ground yourself. He growled as you pulled him closer to you.
Every pass of his tongue sent another wave of euphoria coursing through your core, leaving you soft under him. You brain officially checked out for the night, rolling your hips against his face to chase your high. You moaned his name shamelessly, losing your ability to regulate your volume in the pleasure he was giving you. This volume regulation problem worsened as he pushed two fingers into your weeping cunt, curling up and successfully gracing the sweet spot inside you. Some part of your brain was sure the next room over knew Ryomen’s name now.
And it was driving him crazy. Ryomen couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The way your eyes screwed shut, the way the sweat cascaded down your body, the way his name sounded so fucking pretty falling off your lips. He spent a lot of time fucking his hand to the thought of fucking you with his mouth, among other things, and his imagination couldn’t come close to creating the magic of the real thing. He had to use his free hand to palm himself through his slacks, desperate for any sort of relief. The only thing he wanted more than to fuck you in that moment was to taste you as you came on his face. He needed it more than he needed to breathe.
“R-ryo, I- close..” You whined, your mind struggling to conjugate a proper sentence. That’s what he liked to hear. Your head was full of dopamine and ecstasy, your entire body buzzed with anticipation and need. You felt like you were barreling to the edge of the earth with no hope of stopping. You heard him moan as you pulled his hair again, pulling him closer as you rode his face straight to your climax, feeling the ecstasy explode in your veins. You felt like you were floating in a sea of pleasure, except the sea was in the middle of a tropical storm and every cutting wave that hit you left you weaker than the last. Your vision went white hot, and you were struggling to keep your breath.
“Fuck, fuck, Ryo! Ryomen! So good Ryo..” You chanted his name like a witch trying to evoke a long dead deity. And he couldn’t get enough of it, eating you out throughout your high as he licked up everything you had to give him and more. He didn’t let up until your legs were trembling around his head. He kissed bruises in your shaking thighs as he pulled away, wiping his mouth and looking at you with dark eyes. Something primal held behind pupils blown wide with lust. He wiped his mouth with a wicked grin.
“You taste so good Doll,” He praised, slipping his fingers out of your cunt and into your mouth. You started sucking without thinking, grabbing his hand to keep him there as you licked his fingers clean. “Glad you agree.” He chuckled darkly, feeling his dick twitch under his clothes. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and the only thing his mind could focus on was imagining how pretty you’d look trying to take his dick.
“How ya feeling Dollface?” He asked, leaning back as he undid the button on his pants.
“So good..” You muttered, your mind slowly finding it’s way back to your body in the sea of endorphins it was swimming in.
“Yeah?” He chuckled, pulling you under him as he lined himself up with your weeping cunt, “Wanna feel even better?” He asked. Well he was confident, wasn’t he? You nodded, looking up to see what he was working with. You probably should have been more intimidated than you were, but at that moment all you wanted was to make him feel as good as he had made you feel.
“Yea, I want do.” You confirmed, and he smiled smugly.
“Good girl.” He praised as he slowly sunk into you. You felt like you were being ripped apart in the most beautiful way. Your cunt weeping as it made accommodations for him. Your hands flew to his back, digging into him with enough time to feel him shudder on top of you from just how good you felt. You’d count that as a win.
“Fuck, it’s like you were made for me pretty girl,” He moaned, dragging himself out just to push back in, gracing your g-spot as he did. You moaned under him as he did, feeling yourself melt into a puddle of need and pleasure. “So fucking good.” He purred.
He tried to take it easy, to keep in mind that you had just came hard and were probably sensitive. He couldn’t help himself though. The way you pulled him in deeper and deeper with every thrust threw any semblance of sense out of his mind. All he could think about was how good you felt under him, and how fucking pretty every sound that came out of you was. He wanted to hear them all.
You were happy to make them all for him too, moaning pathetically under him with every push of his cock, every brush against your g-spot. You could feel your blood catch fire in your veins as he fucked you, felt yourself getting lost in the pleasure he was giving you. You felt electrified, your nervous system somehow fried and on high alert all at the same time. All you could think of was Ryomen, Ryomen, Ryomen as you felt a string of tensions knotting itself over and over in your stomach.
He pulled you impossibly closer to him, folding you into a mating press as he chased both of your highs. You instantly knew you weren’t going to last long in this new position, and all but screamed his name as you pulled at his hair.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Ryomen!” You yelled as the string inside of you finally snapped, all of the euphoria it was holding back hitting you like a god damn train. You felt your body shake, tendrils of pleasure lashing out from your core to your fingers and toes. It was like a whole body reset, your brain turning into a puddle of electrified endorphins.
He thought he was going to last longer than he ultimately did. But the way your cunt clenched around him coupled with the way your face screwed shut and how needy you sounded as you said his name- he was coming undone inside within a few more strokes, fucking the two of you through both of your climaxes before stilling, just barely managing not to collapse on top of you.
There was a quiet that settled over the two of you in your after glow as you both caught your breath. You whined as he pulled out, going from feeling so full to so empty and hating it. He just chuckled softly, falling next to you and pulling you into his side.
“So,” You started softly, “Am I still the property of The Syndicate orr?” You asked. He chuckled softly, remembering what he said to you on the night you met.
“No, not the Syndicate. You’re mine.” He confirmed for you.
“Isn’t that like…kinda the same thing?” You asked. He rolled his eyes. Of course you couldn't let him have his cute moment.
“Good night Y/n, we’ll talk in the morning.” He mumbled, deciding the best move would be to try and get some sleep. The two of you were going to have a lot to talk about in the morning.
#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#ryomen sukuna#jjk mafia au#jujutsu kaisen mafia au#mob boss sukuna#mob boss sukuna x reader#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x reader smut#ryomen sukuna x reader smut#jjk smut#sukuna ryomen#sukuna ryomen x reader smut#mafia au
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Pour it Up
Pairings: Stripclub Owner Sukuna x Stripper F!reader
Summary:- You are a single mother, your baby daddy is not just worthless, he also is actively trying to sabotage you, so you go out on your own and raise your kid by yourself. Struggling your ass off, a friend of a friend named Toji decides to offer you a hell of a deal, a few hours a night at a strip club to make BANK. While there, you meet the other owner, Sukuna, and the moment he sees you? You annoy him how beautiful you are, how much he wants you, pushing him to insanity. He knows he must have you- no matter whose ass he needs to beat.
Warnings:- reader is a mom, lowkey/highkey Yandere Sukuna behavior (He's obsessed- down bad) recreational drug use, drug dealing Sukuna (the club lowkey a front lol) Mafia ties, EXPLICIT sexual content, fluff/smut AND light angst- violence, some former trauma of reader. This part- SO MUCH FLUFF lol- a lot of humor, next chap we'll be back to some drama so enjoyyy, Stepdad Kuna, whipped ass Kuna, some smut ofc hehe, oral (f revieving) lil bit of dirty talk, emotional sex- angst smut AND fluff - WC-6.6k
Will be eight or more parts- ties into my Mob Gojo story-takes place after part one of that (can be read alone ofc) I HIGHLY recommend the playlist (esp on the club scenes) That mobster art in the banner is by Sketch B on X- LINKReblogs/comments so appreciated if you enjoyy!
<<<Part Four Playlist Masterlist Part six>>> (coming soon)
Part Five
A nice and steamy, pounding hot shower was just what you needed, alone in Sukuna’s own personal bathroom, as he spends time with Touma. You’re exhaling as you sit on the marble bench, letting the water hit you in waves, sighing at just how good it feels, the little drops pounding against your skin, easing the sore achiness of your muscles.
A shower alone as a mother was unheard of, maybe a quick five minutes, but usually Touma and work had you so exhausted you got in for just that, too much to do, too tired to do more than scrub your skin, wash your hair. As fast as you could, but this was pure fucking bliss.
The first day moving most of your things - which wasn’t much- to Sukuna’s penthouse, had been a bit surprising. He’d had movers ready, they all basically did everything for you, and when you’d come, Sukuna had thankfully put up all the freaky shit in his room, and locked up all guns and drugs out of sight. The first meeting of Touma and Sukuna makes you giggle even in the shower.
Touma had been curious when Sukuna had leaned down and kissed you, hugging at your leg and looking at him. Sukuna looked right back. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Touma.” He answers, so seriously. “Are you… you in love with my mom.” Sukuna had paused, mouth wide open, brows low in a shocked glare that had made you burst out laughing.
“Touma baby, Mr. Sukuna is helping us live in this really nice place for a bit, but he’s-”
“So what if I am, kid? Got a problem?” Sukuna got down on his haunches, and Touma had stepped in front of you protectively, melting you as you watched Touma walk right up to Sukuna.
Mob boss, intimidating ass Ryomen Sukuna, and your kid crosses his little arms, tilting his own head. “She’s my Mama, I protect her.”
You gulp down your own emotions now, and Sukuna just glares at him. “And you think I won’t protect her?”
“It’s my job, I’m Touma. I protect Mama.” You’re damn near in tears, turning away for a moment, you hate that Touma feels this way, you’re instantly wracked with questions.
All the fights he saw?
Was it-
“That’s because I love mommy. Do you love mommy?”
“Maybe I do. Will you come kick my ass?” Touma giggles as you turn around and glare.
“No, only if you hurt mommy.” Sukuna sighs then, big huge hand on Touma’s little shoulder.
“I’ll never hurt your mom. Okay? I want to… protect her. Better than you even.” You feel like you’re in some dream in that moment, as Touma stomps that little foot, shaking his head.
“Not better!”
“Way better. I’m bigger, hah!” Touma shoves at Sukuna then, and Sukuna yanks him up high, throwing him over his shoulder, as Touma’s legs wiggle. “See?”
“Put me down, Mama tell him!”
“Put him down, shit.” You can’t stop your laugh though, as Sukuna eases him down until he’s standing again, and he’s holding his shoulders very seriously.
“Will you help me protect your mama?” He asks softly, a tone you have rarely heard, and Touma sighs, nodding then.
“But I can do it alone, you know.”
“I’m sure you can, kid.” Sukuna smiles up at you then, seeing the glimmering tears in your eyes. “You know she’s kinda a crybaby.”
“Excuse me!?”
“Are you one too?”
“No, not a crybaby!” Touma determines, Sukuna grins then, spreading across his handsome face.
“Good, good… wanna see some cool shit?”
“Cool sh-”
“Bad word, Touma!” You cover his mouth, glaring at Sukuna then. “Watch that mouth, hmm?”
“She’s very bossy.” Sukuna says, Touma giggles, and then he tilts his head. “Come on, I got all kinds of… kid shit.”
“Kid things, fuck.”
“Don’t cuss like Mr. Sukuna, it’s bad.” You whisper, but Touma looks at you all bright eyed.
“He loves Mama.” You look up to see Sukuna’s blush, bringing upon your own as you clear your throat.
“You think so?” Touma nods, then Sukuna leads you both over, to open a door that’s somehow become a kid’s fucking paradise. Touma squeals, literally squeals, just running in, and you follow, blinking just a bit in shock. Touma starts bouncing on a little toddler bed, and Sukuna shakes his head.
“Ah-ah. No jumping. Didn’t mommy tell you about those stupid monkeys?”
“Monkeys… what?”
“They broke their bones.”
“Kuna!” He just grins as Touma gasps, stopping jumping immediately, but you sigh, taking in every bit of the room, dinosaurs all over, a gaming system, somehow he’s got everything a kid needs in one day. “How’d you do it all?” You murmur, while Touma starts poking around on a remote.
“I paid a shit ton of money for someone to set up shit for a little boy.” He shrugs a broad shoulder, eyeing you then. “Don’t cry, brat.”
“I… you…” You’re in tears, fully, and Sukuna sighs, holding you then, a big hand on your head as he tries to hush you. “You d-did all this? For me? For us?”
“It’s not shit, I just spent money. I literally snapped my fingers and a bunch of workers did the shit. Stop… you’re such a crybaby.”
You’re sobbing now, quietly against his shoulder, as he brushes a hand down your back, his heart filling more and more with every fucking moment he’s near you, when he sees your exhausted, tear streak face he falters, mouth opening and closing. But you beat him to it, cupping his face and leaning up.
“I really love you, Sukuna. You’re… you’re something so… you’re so different, from anything.” He exhales nervously, looking away and gulping.
“You’re being all sappy, stop it. Just wanted him to be comfortable.”
“Thank you so much. He loves it already.” You’re giggling while you’re crying, Sukuna smiles just a bit.
“You’re a wreck, brat.”
“I know.” He exhales, letting you cuddle to him, when Touma comes up and hugs his thigh, making Sukuna freeze, and you grin.
“Thank you Mr. Kuna!”
“God, even your kid uses the name? It’s Sukuna.”
You’re still grinning so hard it hurts, fuck when was the last time you were this damn happy, even with the looming threat of Naoya and so much more happening. As you turn off the silver knob of the shower, you’re curious how it’s going, Sukuna and a kid kind of made no sense, but seeing him trying more in one day than Naoya did in years was touching, it was fucking beautiful.
You don’t just - kind of love him- or - think you’re in love. No, you’re madly head over heels for this gruff crime lord, who’s giving you so much, and you don’t know what he gets in return. You want to help him, and be good for him, show him just how appreciative you are. Which, you heat up as you stare in the mirror, thinking of ways to show him tonight.
As you slip on your pajamas, you hear ‘ bang bang’ and rush out, it’s Touma saying it, over and over. You hear Sukuna’s booming laugh, rushing out with still damp hair as you eye the scene in front of you, mouth dropped open, Touma’s hand has a toy gun, his damn teddy bears have their little squishy arms tied, and there is fake money strewn all over.
“Haha, yeah kid, you just point and say it, c’mon you got it.” Sukuna’s grinning as he sits on the carpet, with his own toy gun, showing him. “Say - yo- you got my money!?”
“Yo gots my money!” Touma giggles now. “Bang!”
Sukuna slaps Touma in the back so hard the kid almost falls, affectionately you think!? “Yes, that’s it, then you-”
“What are you two doing, hmm!?” You cross your arms, and they both look at you, Touma’s eyes bright and glittering, Sukuna just smirking.
“What, we’re playing and bonding and that kinda shit. Touma, show mommy.”
“Look!” Touma shoots off the nerf gun now, and you gasp as he knocks the teddy bears right over, Sukuna smacks Touma in the back, bursting with laughter.
“This kid, I like him, look at that aim, huh? Now you take the-”
“Are you two serious!?” You demand, scowling at Sukuna, but Touma giggles and runs to you now, jumping up and down.
“Mommy, so much fun! Kuna is so fun I wuv him!” Sukuna clears his throat, bashful suddenly as he stands, rubbing the back of his neck.
You ignore the barbies that the teddy bears have thrown fake cash at apparently for just a moment, ignore the tied up bears and the nerf guns, and look down at Touma, who you haven’t seen this happy in so long. Then back at a Sukuna who is looking away, worried he’s fucked it all up.
You exhale then, realizing it.
You’re hopelessly in love, and even your kid loves this crazy ass man, on sight. “Although this isn’t the best game to play…”
They both look at you, eyes hopeful.
“I’m glad you’re having fun, hmm?” You murmur to Touma, brushing back his soft hair, you hear Sukuna’s exhale as Touma runs back to the game. Sukuna eyes you, walking close and leaning down, hands in his pockets. “You-”
“I know, I know I’m shit with kids. I just wanted you to have a break for a minute, and I don’t know what brat ass little... things even do. I figured-”
“Shh.” You grab his face then, kissing his lips gently, and he pulls you close, right against his chest, your skin dewy from the shower, eyes once again swirling with emotions, as he gulps a bit, just how pretty you are.
“You’re pissed hmm?”
“No, not pissed. This isn’t good behavior but… look at him.” Touma’s popping nerf guns at the bears with a little too much precision. “He’s so happy. Thank you for all of this, really, even if this is… inappropriate and a horrible influence, but...”
Sukuna blinks sooty pink lashes. “You're thanking me?”
“Yeah, you’re trying. And he… wuvs you.” You watch him look away again, as Touma begins to yawn.
“Tch. Wiped out already, kid?” Sukuna demands, but Touma just nods, and you swoop in, getting him to lay down, Sukuna lingers by the outside of the door, giving you both a moment.
“Will you be okay sleeping in here tonight?” You ask softly, Touma’s eyes are already fluttering shut as you cover him up.
“I like it here mommy, he’s so fun!” You grin down at him.
“He is fun.”
Touma touches your cheek with his little hand, melting you. “You love him, huh Mama?”
You look behind you, seeing his shadow along the doorway, sighing and then looking back at Touma, smiling. “Keep it a secret, but yes.”
Sukuna’s heart hammers in his chest as he hears you both, and you hum so sweetly to him, his feelings so overwhelming he can’t control himself. The minute you shut the door, you’re in his arms, lifted, his hands gripping your thighs, pressing you against the wall.
You gasp then, before you relax, and he smells how sweet you are from that body wash he bought you, you probably would flip if you knew the price tag, but Sukuna would get you anything. You don’t know what he’d do for you, who he’d kill for you, just to keep you and that kid- who's actually pretty okay, for a kid - safe, and happy, so quickly you’ve consumed him.
You’re clinging to his shoulders, as you bite your plump lower lip, trying not to make any noise, and Sukuna exhales, leaning even closer, lips a breath from yours. “Know how crazy you make me, brat? Got me having a whole kid here, got me thinking of putting another in you.”
You flush now, arching your hips, as he hides his groan in your neck, exhaling, your hands enwrapped in pastel locks. “Think I don’t picture it too? Think you don’t make me insane?”
“I need you, brat. Now.” He whispers, you nod eagerly and he’s carrying you, like you’re nothing, kissing messy and brutal down the hallway, until you’re in his room, and he’s kissing down your neck, biting your delicate skin brutally.
“Kuna!” You’re whimpering as he does, grinding your heated cunt against him in your silky shorts, feeling his cock hard and throbbing.
“Need you now.” You nod eagerly once more, as you look up into dilated ruby eyes, almost black.
“Then take me.”
“God, what you do, woman…” You’re on his bed before you can blink, dizzy with how the man just throws you around, how he’s slipping off your shorts, you’re throwing a hand over your mouth as he spreads your thighs, kissing down your breasts, to the peaks of them, making your back arch. “Ah-ah.”
Sukuna yanks your hand off your mouth, and you suck in a breath when he’s kissing your other breasts, tongue lapping around and areola. “I can’t have him hear anything!”
Sukuna grins then. “I told you, it’s pretty much soundproof.”
Your eyes narrow. “Do I wanna know why?” He chuckles, continuing to kiss, lick and bite between your breasts and around your rib cage, shoving your little pajama top up further as he does.
“If you must know brat, I used to have Toji living here, and I decided I didn’t want him jerking off while I’m fucking.” You shake your head with a breathless giggle.
“You two!? Lived together!?”
“He lived here while he was a broke bitch, now I really don’t wanna talk about Toji right now.” He bites your nipple hard, and you whine out, head falling back against the soft pillows.
“You’re so f-freaky…”
“Mmm, I take it easy on you, you know that? Think I’ve ever been like this with a woman?” You exhale now, hands running through the pastel locks of his hair, arching your hips up more as he kisses down a shimmery white stretch mark. “God look how fucking sexy you are.”
“Kuna… please…” He smirks now, kissing even lower, until he’s hovering over your pussy, breath hot as he spreads your lips, spitting right on your clit and groaning as he watches it trail down.
“Please what, brat? I can’t take my time?” He demands, raising a brow, your pussy is drooling as he flicks his tongue on your clit, making you moan out loud, his cock is so hard he’s thrusting it against the bed for friction.
“Need you, please, stop teasing.” He flicks his tongue again, chuckling against you as your thighs are trembling on either side of his head.
“Oh do you? Need what, hmm?”
“More.” You yank on his hair, and he’s grinning against your pussy, tongue swirling around your clit but just not hitting it, watching you huff in frustration. “Kuna, please!”
“You’re beggin’ huh? So pathetic?”
“You know what-” You yank his face against you now, and he moans as you do, the action turning him on so much he can’t think, as you greedily grind against his face, and he’s leaking precum, dying to be inside your tight entrance, lapping all your juices up so hungry. “Y-yes!”
“Greedy little slutty brat f’me?” You nod as he murmurs against your skin, as his huge tattooed hands are pressing your thighs further apart, and he’s drinking you up, moaning as he works you. “Gonna fuck my face- god yes.”
“S-sorry… need more…” You’re lost now, as you rock up and down, as his tongue and nose and teeth all work you over and over so good, until you feel the pressure building, breasts heaving with your quicker breaths. “So good, f-fuck, Kuna it’s so…”
“Cum all over my face, c’mon baby.” He urges, lapping your juices from your hole up to your clit while you’re gasping for breaths, pleasure wrecking your brain, washing all over you in waves. “C’mon lemme drink it up.”
“Mnh!” You’re cumming so hard as he drinks you up, as his fingers bruise your thighs, and his mouth devours your pussy, the sounds of him echoing off the walls and making you scream out more and more. As you’re pulsing around his tongue, the wet muscle presses up, tastebuds just a little rough on gummy walls, forcing you into another orgasm.
“Mmm…” He’s moaning at your sweet taste, licking at his lips now, biting your inner thigh, the pain making you cry out again, hands now gripping his shoulders, broad and strong, yanking at the shirt he’s wearing. “Need me so bad?”
“God, you already know I do, you’re so-” He cuts off your compliments with a hungry kiss, as you’re running your fingers down his muscles, trying to take a breath, thighs shaking while his cock is rubbing between them.
“Taste yourself.” You’re lapping your juices off his lips with your little pink tongue, as he’s grinding against you, still in pants, making you huff in frustration, yanking on them as he laughs.
“You’re so mean, jus’ lemme…”
“Gotta have me right now, can’t wait, you’re so impatient.”
“No, c-can’t.” You’re freeing his cock, stroking the huge, thick length up and down, thumb pressing against his piercing, eyes darting up to his face as he drinks you in. “Beautiful.”
“Me!? Shut that shit up.”
“You are.”
“Calling me some bitch shit. You’re beautiful.” You smile and shake your head, thumb brushing across a flat brown nipple. “So beautiful I never want anyone to even fucking see you again.” His voice is husky, one of his hands guiding his cock to rub up and down between your folds, pressing against your clit, making you drool down his length.
“Never, how will I strip then?” You tease softly, he scowls, rubbing the piercing against you over and over, watching your pretty eyes flutter shut.
“Think I’ll let you?”
“Think you can stop me?”
Sukuna smirks, shaking his head as he shoves his cock deep inside you, and you’re screaming out, thankful his walls are soundproof for whatever weird reason it was, as the stretch burns so good inside your cunt. You’re struggling to take him as he watches every expression on your perfect features, your lips parted, your nails pressing into his skin.
“I can stop you alright.” He whispers, pulling back and thrusting deeper, stuffing you even more full, tears in your eyes as he works you. “Gonna argue ever when I give it to you so fuckin’ good?”
You shake your head, whispering out - “N-not fair…”
“Takin’ my cock like you’re made for it.” Sukuna’s words along with him yanking a thigh up, putting the arch of your foot on his shoulder and kissing your ankle makes your walls pulse around him. “Struggling to take it, too fuckin’ tiny?”
“I c-can do it.” He smirks down at you, broad smile on his handsome face, before he slams inside you so hard your toes curl, hitting your cervix as you damn near pull back, his hands dragging you by your hips.
“Don’t run, now- f-fuck…” Sukuna moans as he leans over, sinking impossibly deeper, cock stroking in and out of you, his teeth grazing your neck as he buries his face against your neck, exhaling and biting harder, spurned on by your whines, making him lose it.
“Mnh! So b-big…” You’re whispering, hissing again as he bites your neck harder, sliding hotly tongue up the side of it, shalmming his cock so far in you’re cumming again, piercing dragging right on that fucking spot.
“You’re so tight f-fuck, so wet for me, just me huh?”
You nod, panting, eyes squeezed shut as his cock stretches you open, as he’s fucking you harder now, deep and fast, his pelvis slapping into yours, making a sloppy, obscene fucking sound the wetter and wetter you get. You can feel your cunt gushing around him, feel it dripping down between your thighs, down your ass and his balls that are heavy and smacking you.
He pulls up, ruby eyes locked on yours, as you whisper - “L-love you.”
Sukuna pauses, exhaling, hot breath against already overheated lips when he cups your face with a big hand, slowing his thrusts for a moment, making every inch take so excruciatingly long, letting you feel every fucking part of him. Your heart races, you can’t stop yourself.
“I do. I do. I d-do… I know it’s-”
“Shut it, brat.” He slams his lips back down on yours, shutting up your every confession, rolling his hips so his piercing is pressing on that spongy spot, drinking in your every cry, while your pussy is tightening around his cock.
“Kuna…” You’re hiccuping at how good he feels, while he’s leaning heavy weight on you, brushing your hair back. “S-sorry…”
“Shh.” Hiis thrusts are becoming more erratic, more intense, watching your eyes roll back, mouth open. “Think I don’t love you?”
Your eyes try to focus, but he’s fucking you so good it’s impossible, you just sputter as he works over you, one hand now resting under your chin, long fingers wrapping your delicate neck. He rests his other elbow near your head, that hand entangling in your hair, pulling at it, watching as he fucks you stupid.
“Answer me, now.” He orders, you’re clinging to the sheets, and he glares now, slowing his strokes. “Get those nails back on my back.”
“Yes, y-yes sir…” You do just that, watching him moan, his head falling back, you eagerly kiss down his neck, lapping at the bobbing adam's apple as he’s in bliss, your walls contracting around him, pouring out more and more soaking arousal.
“Answer me.” He orders again, while your nails are digging against his muscled back, looking back at you, eyes black damn near, slamming his cock in so hard you have to bite back a full scream, only earning his groan, squeezing your throat just a bit harder. “Now.”
“I d-don’t know if y-you feel sorry for-”
“Nah, fuck that, I just fucking want you. I need you.” He watches your eyes go glassy, your lips tremble, as your thighs squeeze his hips, and he works your cunt so goddamn good, thumb pressing your racing pulse. “Did I fuck you too stupid, think I don’t love you already?”
“Kuna…” You’re sobbing when you kiss him, and he loses himself even more in you, inside you, surrounding you, while your back arches, lips and tongues fighting for dominance, as he flips you, now letting you on top of him.
“Gonna make me keep saying it, like some dumb fucking simp?” He demands with a glare, and you nod with a little giggle so breathless and weak, while he slips you down his cock. “Then you better ride me.”
It’s been a while, and you aren’t sure you’re good at it, faltering, as your hands rest on his strong chest, against just a part of the endless black tattoos, your hair falling to the side as you roll your hips. “Will you tell me if I’m okay?”
He scowls, lifting your hips and dragging you back down his cock, watching your breasts bounce as he brings you down on him, veins pulsing inside your cunt. “Okay is never a fucking word for you. Y’know how good your pussy is, show me, huh baby?” He whispers, encouraging you, and you nod then, biting your lip, watching as his cheeks tint pink even in the dim lighting of his room, as he bites his lip with white teeth.
“Like this?” You ask nervously, trying to shove back all the past of hearing how terrible you were at things, because Sukuna looks at you like you’re a fucking goddess right now, nodding and gulping.
“Fuck yeah, just like that, ride me till you cum.” He says, all husky, and you eagerly start to bounce now, thighs slapping against his as you ride him harder, faster, then start leaning up, thighs working themselves. Sukuna’s groaning out loud, hands now on your ass cheeks, pumping up inside you. “There it is, there you go-”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You instantly freeze, looking at the door, and hearing it again-
Knock knock knock.
“I need to-”
“Fuck no.” Sukuna drags you back on him as you go to get up, but you glare now, shaking your head. “Really now.”
“Mama? Mr. Kuna?” You hear, and Sukuna holds back his groan as he covers his face, cock twitching when you’re sliding off it, cursing yourself with how sore you already are.
“Let him go back to bed.” Sukuna grumbles, staring at his cock that’s glistening with you, as you slip on pajamas and giggle.
“Mostly soundproof?” You tease.
“He didn’t hear shit, promise, unless he’s right against the door the entire time.” He murmurs, cupping your face.
“I’ll be back in a bit, Mr. Kuna.” Sukuna scowls as you rush out, and throw a blanket over him.
Kids are cockblocks.
“What is it, Touma?” You murmur, as you walk out, and see him sleepily rubbing one eye, but when you bend down you see his distraught face. “Bad dream baby?”
“Bad dream. Mama got hurt in it.” He’s sniffling then, and you pick him up quickly, holding him tight.
“No, Touma I’m fine!”
“Mama was gone.” His words make your heart hammer, you shake your head quickly as you walk back to his new room, feet padding gently on the polished floors until you hit his soft carpet.
“Mama will never leave you.” You murmur, laying him back down, and Touma lifts the bright blue blanket, patting it with his little hand.
“Cuddles?” You smile amidst terror gnawing at you, trying to shove it all down for him, getting right in the toddler bed, laying on an arm as you watch him.
“You worry so much, I promise I’ll be okay. You seemed so happy today, with Mr. Kuna hmm?” You brush his hair back and he grins now.
“I like him so much! He’s so fun!”
You grin right back, heart fluttering as you think of it- Sukuna loves you.
Loves you.
“He is fun. I think he likes you alot too, Touma.”
“Will we be here a long time?” You blink a bit then, sighing and snuggling further against Touma, as he rubs your cheek, so caring already so young, he touches your heart more every moment, the love for your son so deep it feels impossible that you had room for Sukuna too.
It’s like your heart grew to expand enough for the both of them, though of course the love is so different, you now know you’ve never felt it for another man, even when you thought you loved him. Naoya. How, you can’t really fathom, the gaslighting, manipulation!?
Were you such a fool?
But then you wouldn’t have him, your baby boy.
“Sorry, baby.” You try to snap back to the moment, as Touma’s little pout is so serious for his cute little face. “We will be here for a while I think.”
“I like that, Mr. Kuna can show me more games!” You yawn, as you pull him against you.
“Maybe nicer games?” Touma yawns now too, and you snuggle closer, feeling sleep tug at you. “Maybe I’ll just sleep for a minute…”
Twenty minutes.
Does it take twenty minutes to get a kid to sleep!? Sukuna doesn’t know, but he knows the kid is now responsible for the girl he loves leaving him wanting, and that’s irritating. He wants you all to himself, and sharing you is irritating, even if he does really like the kid, he needs you back.
Sukuna decides to finally go check once his cock went down, which took far too fucking long, and he pauses at the doorway when he sees it then, his heart doing this irritating flutter feeling. It’s even worse than the love he feels already, when he sees you snoring lightly right next to your little boy, who is snuggled against you tightly, his little arms around your neck.
“Well, shit.” He mumbles, leaning on the doorway for a moment, crossing his arms as he stares at the two of you, you sleeping on one arm, no blanket, it appears you’d put it all on Touma.
Sukuna sighs now, walking in the little room, taking a pillow and slipping it under your head, you hum just a bit, still curled up in the tiny little bed. He chuckles softly, taking some of the blanket and tucking you up in it, looking at the little smile on your pretty face, stroking your cheek for just a moment.
You’re so cute he’ll forgive you for leaving him hanging, he supposes, looking at Touma who snuggles right back to you, and you instinctively wrap your arm around him in your sleep. The sight of the two of you, especially you cuddling what is just about a copy of you, is too much for him, he’s feeling too sappy, and irritated, deciding to scowl just a bit for good measure.
He wants you in his bed, dammit… he wants you to cuddle him, but he has to admit as he walks out, you’re fucking adorable.
Sukuna wakes up to heavenly scents wafting through his penthouse, tummy grumbling as you work your magic in his kitchen, the sight of you humming in little sleep shorts half rolled up is far more appetizing than event he scents, as he eyes Touma sipping orange juice from a little cup with a top, grinning at him.
“Mr. Kuna!” Touma runs to him, and you turn back to see him hugging Sukuna’s leg, Sukuna just stands there, grimacing as you giggle, earning his glare your direction, a thousand things unspoken in that expression of his.
“Yeah, morning kid.” Sukuna pats Touma’s head, pushing at him a bit awkwardly, eyeing you looking all fresh faced with a messy bun, spatula in your hand. “And good morning, brat.”
“Morning Kuna.”
“Tch.” He steps to you now, swiping at a little flour on your nose, inhaling how sweet you smell, pressing a kiss on your lips. “You’re in trouble, y’know?”
“I know, I’m sorry.” You whisper, as you now eye Touma. “Hey, can he watch some tv?”
“Shit, yeah. What do you watch, kid?” He asks, as you hand Touma a plate, and Sukuna flips on the tv in the living room, letting Touma sit on the floor in front of it with his waffles, eggs and bacon.
“The fuck’s a Bluey?” You’re holding back laughter as you finish making breakfast for you and Sukuna, listening to the ensuing humor that is your boyfriend and your son conversing.
“It’s a dog, and she’s so cool, Mr. Kuna do you wanna watch!” Sukuna grimaces, shaking his head and turning on Netflix, handing Touma the remote.
“God no. Here, you know how to put it on?”
“Good.” He pats Touma’s head again, and comes back to you, as you’re making him a plate, complete with a whipped cream smile and strawberry eyes. Sukuna’s face makes you burst into laughter.
“It’s cute, huh?”
“You’re so asking for it.” He grumbles, snatching up the syrup and slathering it all over the fluffy waffles, destroying your smiley face.
“Tch. Where’d you get all this food anyway? I order out all the time.”
“I ordered groceries, is that okay?”
Sukuna’s jaw sets. “With your money, no.”
“No, I’ll have to give you a card or some shit.” You shake your head at him, making your own plate and sitting next to him, biting back a sigh when his big warm hand touches your thigh, and he leans close.
“Sorry I passed out.” You murmur, awakening far too much he’s trying to hold back, his eyes narrow at you.
“I’ll make you make up for it tonight.” You shift just a bit in your seat at the mere thought, earning his smirk, as his hand squeezes the plush of your thigh. “With that mouth, hmm?”
“Oh, I don’t mind that.” You whisper, against his ear, sending shivers of desire down his spine, before you kiss his cheek. “This is the best day I’ve had.”
“It’s just started, though?”
“Still. It is. It feels… right?” He brushes his hand up and down your thigh, moaning as he bites into the waffle now, feeling it so flaky and fluffy in his mouth, so sweet.
“Tastes so goddamn good, shit.”
“As good as me?” You tease, mouthing quietly, he bites back a moan, dragging you even closer, one of your legs over his.
“Nothing’s that good, shit. But close?” You nibble on one too, smiling happily, to be this close to him just doing something so simple is bliss. “Gonna have to keep you around, cooking like this.”
“Yeah?” You grin so big, lighting up your face, making him falter, then making him scowl. “What!?”
“Making me sappy, so fucking annoying.”
“Poor Kuna.” You kiss him again, he tries to keep the scowl, but it fails. After a little bit he’s fully in a four piece suit, however, overcoat and all, along with black leather gloves, making you frown a bit while you’re washing dishes.
“I have a dishwasher, brat.”
“I am just used to hand washing.” You dry your pretty little hands on a towel, he frowns as he looks at them, a little calloused from the pole already, he doesn’t like that, he really doesn’t want you doing a damn thing as soon as you’ll let him take care of you completely. “Where are you going? Should I call Miwa over for a bit to watch Touma, go with?”
“No, you can’t go to this shit.” You frown deeper, and he tilts your chin up, shaking his head. “Dangerous.”
“Then why do you go!?” You whisper, heart feeling with fear, and he leans closer, arms now on either side of you on the counter.
“Baby girl I run a mob, I’m not some little bitch. I’m always good.”
“This is part of it.” His tone is firmer, and he lifts his jacket, showing an array of guns and knives glinting that make your tummy flip.
“All that?” You whisper, eyeing him with even more fear.
“I’m always good, promise. You play pretty housewife and hang out with the kid, I need to deal with…”
“Naoya?” You’re mouthing it, he shakes his head.
“Not yet. Meeting with the Kamo family first, okay?”
“So not as…”
“No, they’re pretty in with the Gojo family. But this isn’t a concern, what I need you to do is wear him out today so I get you all to myself, hmm?” He’s smirking, and you fight him with a pout, until he keeps kissing you over and over, and you’re melting in his arms, nodding. “Good girl.”
“You’re not playing fair.” He’s pulling and your waist just a bit, thumbs brushing under your breasts, as every nerve ending is on fire for him.
“I’ll be back later, make me something yummy for dinner too?”
“You’re liking this a lot aren’t you?” You tease, but he hears it, the hope and nerves in your voice, he pinches your ass, and you hold in your yelp, smacking a hand on your mouth as he grins.
“I’ll like it more when you melatonin the-”
“Well, just saying. I need to go though.” He frowns at his rolex, and your heart feels like it will pound from your chest in fear. “Have you seen me? Think anyone can fuck with me?”
You look down, terrified for him, feeling the guilt of causing more problems gnawing at you. “But he-”
“Ain’t got shit on me, brat, does he?” Sukuna raises a brow, god you want to just stay in his arms forever, but you know you can’t.
“Nothing, and you know that. But he’s-”
“Ah-ah. Shut it. Now, entertain the kid or whatever you do? Take the day to relax a bit. If you need something just call me.” He leans a little closer, pressing his lips on your forehead, your eyes flutter shut at how good it feels. “Bodyguards are outside, no one will come here.”
“Thank you, Kuna.”
“Tch. You’ll thank me later alright.” You glare so cute, as he walks by, but not before Touma runs to him, hugging his thigh again, and the sight is so adorable your cheeks hurt from grinning. “God, you’re a clingy kid huh?”
“Mr. Kuna, will you watch a movie with me later?” He asks, and Sukuna rolls his red eyes, shrugging as he tries to pry the kid off him.
“Sure, but I’ll pick it, maybe Godfather or-”
“You will not even watch Godfather!” He smirks over at you, winking.
“I’ll let your Mama pick instead.”
“Okay! Have fun at work!” Sukuna bites back a smile, walking out then, leaning against the door and righting himself, he’s been too blissful for the day, for the night, now he knows, it’s time to get serious. He takes his phone, hearing Satoru’s voice on the other line now.
“Got it scheduled right?” He asks Gojo then, and he sighs.
“Yeah, yeah, but it’s gonna be so boring.”
“Rather bang that bartender huh?” He snorts in laughter as he rides the elevator down, hearing Gojo sigh dramatically again.
“More than that.”
“Shit, you down that bad already?”
“Says you, Stepdad Kuna.”
“God don’t you fuckin’ call me that too, shit.” He’s disgusted as he steps into the back of the limo, hanging up and seeing Satoru in the backseat, all pouting.
“I don’t wanna be up this early going to see them, they’re so-”
“Boring, yeah yeah. Think I wanna?” Sukuna grumbles right back, looking out the window for a moment, thinking of spending the day with you.
“I know this is necessary just… the Kamo family are pretentious as fuck, I get tired of trying to make deals with them.” Satoru sprawls his long legs, then perks up just a bit as Sukuna grabs a little baggie. “Gonna share?”
“If it cheers your mopey ass up.” Satoru’s grin is back, though his shades are pushed up a little higher than usual. “You gonna go on a date with her?”
“Oh yeah, I’m gonna ask her…”
“Um… I… how do you ask a girl out exactly? I’ve never…”
“Yeah.” Sukuna snorts in laughter again. “We are not having a father to son talk I sure the fuck hope.”
“I’m not much younger, and women just come to me.” Satoru sighs again, snorting a line and pinching his nose. “I really like her, Kuna.”
“I hate that name so fucking much.” Sukuna snorts one too, wishing he could instead snort it off your pretty body. “Just ask her?”
“Like and take her where?”
“I don’t fucking know, Fiji?”
“No, Satoru, shit… like dinner or something. Hmm…” He pauses then, he hasn’t even taken you out yet. “Where do you take dates?”
“Let’s ask Suguru.” When Satoru and Sukuna stop in front of Suguru’s place and he glides in, he’s now bombarded by the two grown ass men, Satoru pouting, Sukuna’s lips in a terse line.
“You all look�� serious.” Suguru muses with a smirk.
“How do you ask a girl on a date!?” Satoru asks, and Sukuna shakes his head, holding up a hand.
“Where do you take your girl on a date?”
Suguru blinks a bit now, before snorting in laughter, one of his hands over his mouth, shaking dark hair. “You two serious?” A pair of blue and red eyes just stare at him now, and he sighs. “Shit, you are. Alright then…”
I KNOW so much fluff- this will clearly be more than six parts- prob eight? I don't know yet I'm having too much fun with Stepdad Kuna don't you judge him!!!
Taglist #1 @naina326 @1worm1 @yenayaps @shokosbunny @sukubusss @msniks @kittyyyyykats @nyxly1412 @trashsuarecan @dumbbunny98 @monster-effer @tojis-ball-sack @tangsakura @friesnkwtchup @lhhlver @attackonnat @moonchhu @mat-mat-mat @cherryjain17 @havkjhdecs @stargirl-mayaa @the-dark-creature @lulunx @saitamaswifey @spacefae-x @deitysdream @sorahatake @gojoscumslut @stainednailpolishremover @kidd3ath @clp-84 @rinkomei @catastayy @oneirataxiaa @inthedarkshadows000 @travistheaussie @cold-blooded-girls @emi311 @blublublubby @fluttershyfangs @actuallynarii @7thsthings @ilovemeni @erluu @for-hearthand-home @angellliqua @mai-505 @suguru-nugget @scorpiosugar
#strip club owner sukuna#sukuna x reader smut#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x you#divider by cafekitsune#jjk smut#jjk x reader#stepdad kuna#sukuna ryomen x reader#sukuna ryomen smut#jujutsu kaisen ryomen#ryomen x reader#ryomen sukuna#jujustu kaisen#sukuna fluff
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2024 collection part one
Condescending boyfriend:
Yandere kidnapper is a sexual sadist:
Yandere kidnapper throatfucks you after anal:
Awful nasty incel:
♡ drabble
Boss uses his assistant whenever he wants and however he wants:
Yandere captor using you as his pretty rope-bunny:
Simpy boyfriend is unabashedly obsessed with your ass:
JJK—Hunter Gojo traps Nymph reader in the woods:
Ex-boyfriend kidnaps you:
Yandere captor staking claim to all your holes:
JJK—Gojo x maid darling:
♡ drabble
Yandere captor has too much libido:
Another day waking up next to your yandere captor:
JJK—Senpai Gojo teasing Kohai reader:
You break up with your fuckfriend, and he doesn't take it well:
Creep captor dresses you up like a doll and takes pictures of you:
JJK—Yandere Gojo with a reader who is immune to his techniques:
Yandere captor loves watching you cum:
BNHA—Childhood friend Deku never stops crushing on you:
You're a popular airhead, and he's your loser tutor:
JJK—Immature bully Gojo picks on reader:
You become the spoiled prince's personal maid:
Poly yandere captors make you cum for them:
Yandere plays the good guy:
Stepdaddy puts you in your place:
Businessman yandere comes home to his little trophy wife:
JJK—Childhood friend Gojo doesn't want to share you with anyone:
JJK—Boyfriend Suguru shares you with his best friend Satoru:
Poly wolfboys x bunny reader:
Beast boyfriend x human reader:
You try running away from your two poly yandere captors:
You're an older guy's pleasure pet:
Omega reader tries running away from Alpha mate:
Jock bully asks you to tutor him:
BNHA—Childhood friend Bakugou and you:
JJK—Asylum patient Mahito x psychologist reader:
Massive warrior claims you as his war prize:
Step-daddy puts you in your place:
JJK—Bully Suguru is not like other bullies:
Snugglebug boyfriends who're just so clingy and hopeless:
HAZBIN HOTEL—Adam is an entitled prick:
JJK—Noaya falls for his favorite brothel whore:
Spending Valentine's Day with your incel kidnapper:
Poly wolfboys x bunny reader:
Delinquent childhood friend x reader:
Businessman x trophy wife:
Rich boyfriend is condescending:
Pet collector buys bunny reader:
Sweet boyfriend won't stop talking about anal:
Aromantic psychopathic yandere kidnaps you:
JJK—Okkotsu Yuta x mean girl curse:
Reader owes the mob:
DEATH NOTE—L is fascinated by you:
Your college roommate rubs you the wrong way:
When the playboy finally falls in love:
BNHA—You and Bakugou survive under a collapsed building together:
You let your bully fuck you in exchange for him leaving you alone:
Boyfriend is embarrassed:
Ex-boyfriend wants you back so badly:
Ghost month! This month doesn't exist!
Rich husband owns everything you have:
Ex-military yandere kidnaps you:
Teacher teaches you a hard lesson:
Your boyfriend is down bad, and it's threatening:
Your toxic boyfriend is a little old-fashioned-minded:
JJK—Sukuna adds virgin!nun!reader to his harem:
Breaking up with your bad boyfriend:
BNHA boys as mythic creatures x darling:
JJK—God!Gojo x human sacrifice:
Your childhood bully tracks you down:
♡ APOLOGETIC BULLY only avaliable on AO3 ♡ PART TWO
You make the big angry alpha blush:
You were certain you were an Alpha, but as it turns out...
Can two Betas do the work of one Alpha?
JJK—You stab Gojo. He kinda likes it:
The old-fashioned boss with intern reader:
JJK men as mythic creatures x darling:
You're not cheap, but you're worth it:
You open your heart to your fuck-friend:
Your Alpha Mate is so in love with you it's a little exhausting:
JJK—Gojo Senpai won't leave you alone:
JJK—Soft boyfriend Gojo headcanons:
#just a lil something imma start doing#yandere x reader#yandere#yandere male#yandere x darling#male yandere#yanderecore#soft yandere#yandere imagines#yandere bnha#yandere boku no hero academia#yandere boyfriend#yandere masterlist#yandere jjk#yandere my hero academia#yandere jujutsu kaisen
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Icarus, I Am Devoted | Sukuna x M!Reader
Main Fic W/C: 5.9k Bonus Drabbles W/C: 1.6k
[#Modern AU, ABO dynamics, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, sukuna has FEELINGS, but he is BAD AT FEELINGS, nsfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, I KINDA EDITED BUT I JUST WANT THIS TO BE YEETED INTO THE OPEN OK BYE SORRY IF PARTS ARE CLUNKY]
@better-imagination-9 I summon thee
Sukuna didn't like Yuuji getting caught up in his business.
He was too brash, thought himself too badass for the world to take down, thought gang life wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, just because his older brother was involved. Sukuna didn't know where the fuck he got that idea–the tattooed menace had killed people, stolen money, sold shit that ruined lives. It was fun for him, sure, but not so much for bystanders.
“You're an idiot,” Sukuna growled as he dragged his brother into his office and threw him at the chaise lounge while they waited for their doctor on demand.
“H-hey, come on, man! It's, uh, it's not even that bad–” Yuuji grimaced, though, holding at the wound gushing blood from his arm. “You've had worse!”
Sukuna laughed bitterly as his henchmen flooded the room and made necessary preparations for their aid's arrival. “You and I are fucking built different, Yuuji--you’re too damn soft for–”
“I'm not,” Yuuji snapped, honeyed eyes blazing. “I'm not.”
Sukuna laughed again, then ripped his plush, leather chair across the room, sending it hurtling into the expensive ebony walls he encased his place of business in. He roared in overwhelming fury as it clattered to the floor.
“How hard is it for you to listen? How come you can never just fucking–”
“Yelling won't solve things,” your cool voice interrupted as you hurried into the room, medical bag in hand. “I thought you learned that by now.”
Sukuna whirled on his heel. His hands were still fisted in his hair and his blood boiled, but now, there existed an explosive tension with you in the room.
You, his pretty little omega. The one he chased away. The one he still craved. The one that drove him insane.
“Uraume,” Sukuna growled, crimson eyes locking onto his most devoted.
“My apologies,” they said with a pensive look and deep bow, “he was the only one willing to come.”
“So mind your manners, or I'll let your brother bleed out,” you said airily, so haughty and bitchy and annoying. But Sukuna knew you wouldn't let Yuuji die. You wouldn't let him suffer with a wound like that–you were too fond of the little brat.
Sukuna snarled in frustration and fixed his jacket with sharp tugs. “Just fix him.”
He stalked away, ignoring the way Yuuji yelled at him before preening at you as you tended to him. Sukuna knew his brother had a bit of a thing for you, his bitch, which caused more than a handful of problems with the two arguing and fighting for your affections. Naturally, you chose Sukuna. Of course you would.
The alpha's frustrations boiled, reducing the rage in his gut into simmering desire. He leaned his head back against the elevator mirror with a sigh as it shot up toward the penthouse--the one you, too, used to occupy. The one where you'd spread your legs for him, drowning in expensive, black silk sheets while he bred you like the good little thing you were. The one where you'd cook for him if (when) you woke up before him the morning after. The one where you first whispered I love you against his skin when you thought he was asleep.
The elevator doors dinged open, and he stormed out, eager to rid himself of the tightness pulling at his slacks. A cigar and a drink sounded good, too.
He knew it was you. It had to be you. You were a good person, willing to let Uraume rest while you gave your ex the update he needed about his brother. After all, you didn't fear him, nor did you yearn to please him. You were more than capable of delivering shit news and getting off scotch free.
“So?” Sukuna took a deep puff from his cigar and leaned further into the balcony railing as you approached.
You hummed as you sidled up next to him, tucking some of your hair behind your ear as the breeze tugged at it. “He'll be fine. Yuuji's tough. He's a bit shaken up now that the adrenaline’s worn off, though.”
“Maybe that'll teach that idiot not to get shot.”
“Probably not.”
“Probably not,” Sukuna sighed, tapping off a dash of ash from the butt of his cigar just before it was plucked from his hands. “Oi.”
“These things'll kill you,” you scolded airily. “So will that.” You tried reaching for the crystalline glass of amber, too, when Sukuna scoffed and took a sip to spite you.
“Don't,” he snarled. Any normal omega would have backed away. Any normal omega would have keened. Any normal omega would have tried to please him up with a sweet scent of submission. But you were a different breed entirely.
“Don't growl at me–” you gaped as Sukuna downed the expensive liquor before whipping the glass at the skyline. “Sukuna.”
He stalked back into his penthouse with heavy steps as he ran his hands through his hair. He had to busy his fingers, his palms, just so he wasn't tempted to touch you, to grab you like he was used to. It'd been years since you were properly together–properly engaged in fact–but he still couldn't shake those infuriating fucking habits. You were a cancer in his mind, plaguing his body and thoughts.
But he didn't want you to leave. Maybe he liked the chase. Maybe he just liked how his entire, explosive world narrowed down to just one infuriating thing that he wanted so badly. He didn't know. Maybe he didn't need to know.
Sukuna poured himself another drink and collapsed onto his soft leather couch with a deep sigh. His arms draped along the back, one hand still holding the glass by the rim. He let his head fall back, and stared at the ceiling.
Thankfully, you wandered in. And you wandered toward him, not to the door like you usually did when his temper flared and he acted out. Something small and pathetic in him uncoiled and settled down, purring in content when you took a seat beside him.
“What's going on?” you asked quietly. Your fingertips singed sparks of pleasure against his skin where you touched: his cheekbones, his hairline, his furrowed brow.
He lolled his head to the side to look at you, his stupid pretty boy. “Nothing.” Not even Sukuna believed that.
You brushed his hair back, and the stupid alpha in him rose to the surface and moaned. “Yuuji’s not behaving?” Your warm palm cupped his cheek, and he leaned into it.
“That little shit never behaves,” he mumbled through the vibrato of purrs rumbling from his chest. “Gonna make me die young.”
“Hm. Is that why you haven't slept?”
“I'm sleeping.”
“How much?”
“I said–”
“You and I have different definitions of ‘enough,’” you chided lightly, like you were scolding one of your cats. “You look tired.”
“Maybe it's because my mate scampered off in the middle of the night.”
“Don't blame this on me.”
“Why not?” Wine-red eyes glowered at you, deciding whether he should dominate or decimate you. “It's your fault.”
You recoiled the slightest bit, your top lip twitching in that oh-so familiar way it did whenever you were close to snarling and snapping at him. You had such a temper for such a calm thing. Sukuna would be lying if he said he didn't try to rile you up on purpose.
“Ho? What,” he started, grinning wickedly when you made a move to get up, but his arms snaked around you and held like wrought iron. “Feelin’ guilty?”
“No,” you hissed, half-pissed by his drink spilling on you, half-pissed by his accusation. “Let go. I'm leaving.”
“Leaving?” He crooned. “You always get so pissy when I don't wanna talk, ‘n now that I'm in the mood, you're tryna leave? Come on, sweetheart, that's not fair.”
“I don't feel like fucking fighting tonight,” you snapped, and Sukuna stayed quiet for a change. “Yuuji got shot. You look like shit. And we--I haven't–” you took a deep breath. “Can't we just be civil for a night? Can't we just talk about–”
“About what?”
“About whatever.”
“Alright. Okay.”
Somewhere behind the haze of alcohol, Sukuna's consciousness celebrated–this could be his shot at starting to fix things. This was his moment to rebuild that lost relationship and maybe clean up a space in his life for you to sit safely in. Your expectant expression agreed with him. You looked quite cute, what with your big eyes and the way you leaned into him. But instead–
“Was it a boy or a girl?” Sukuna asked before taking a sip of whatever remained in his glass.
You blinked and shook your head, eyes narrowing the slightest as you looked over his face. “What?” You asked.
Sukuna snorted and turned to face you, one arm gesturing with his scotch glass while the other arm stayed slung across the back of the couch. “I said,” he started, gesturing to your stomach and chuckling through his low, bassy words, “boy or girl? If it was a girl, then maybe the world did you a favour. You know how it is for women in this day and age.”
You stared blankly like you were shellshocked, and Sukuna bubbled with near-manic, reedy laughter until you got up and walked to the door.
“Oi, where the hell are you going, huh?” He got up and followed you, hastening his steps when he saw you b-line for the door. “Omega.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, purring into your ear as he pressed his chest to your back. “Come on, we can make another one. You'd like that, huh?”
“Get off,” you barked, ripping his arms away from you. But he grabbed you again and spun you back to face him. You shoved him back, your mind whirling in a chaotic waltz drenched with grey thoughts and crimson rain that almost drowned out the words he barked at you until–
He hit you. Backhanded, fingers adorned with thick, bulky rings and knuckles that'd seen too many fights. A natural disaster contained in the vessel of a mortal man–sometimes, he didn't know his own capabilities.
“Shit,” Sukuna mumbled, scrambling to set down his glass to, what, tend to you? Rewind time? Sure. “Babe–”
But you, too, were a natural disaster. The tsunami that came after an earthquake, raising tides high and staring down at split earth with a taunt: you think you're bad? Watch this.
You snatched up that bottle of fancy scotch and hit a home run, watching Sukuna collapse to the floor.
Sukuna woke up with a concussion, his wallet missing, and one of his favourite cars torched.
It got him riled up. He was too ready to hunt you down and make you rectify your mistakes–that is, until he remembered why you did what you did.
Boy or girl?
Maybe the world did you a favour.
Fuck. He flew way too close to the sun this time.
He watched you stack up expenses on his card instead of hunting you. Your little rage-filled crime spree was kind of funny anyway, and he couldn’t help but hope it made you feel at least a little better.
Though he knew it could never. Nothing could make it better.
“You should quit messing around with him,” Ieiri said as she tended to the half-dead gangster laying on her operating table. “He's bad news. A kid like you shouldn’t be getting involved.”
The one little, wiggly lucid part of Sukuna wanted to strangle Ieiri; you were young, sure, but not stupid. Sukuna wouldn't go so far as to say you were mature for your age, no, but you'd been beaten down by life and forced into the role of an adult for long enough that it'd changed your way of thinking, of perceiving the world. You could make your own choices–just as long as it involved him.
“You're not the first person to tell me that,” you said softly, words rising with a small, warm chuckle. “Good guys try way too hard to put on a show, to hide how garbage they can be.” You squeezed Sukuna's hand and ran your thumb over his split knuckles. “Guys like him show you who they really are right away. Then, you get to figure out what his good side is like.”
You were there again. In the elevator, looking a little pensive beyond your cool exterior.
Sukuna took a drag from his cigarette as he stepped in beside you. The button for his penthouse leered at him and whispered, “you have time.”
All he had to do was think of what to say. The right course of action was obvious, but–well, was it really his fault? He couldn't accept that 100%. You clocked him upside the head with a fucking glass bottle and stole his–
“Those things'll kill you.” Your fingers snatched the smoke from his lips before he realized it. He caught you butting it out on the fancy gold railings.
“I like things that can kill me,” he hummed, lighting another cigarette and chuckling when you snatched that one too. “What, scared of a little competition?”
Oh. Sukuna liked that.
“I, uh,” you started, fumbling with your pockets before handing something over. “Found this.”
Sukuna glanced your way finally. He couldn't help but laugh as he plucked the wallet from your hands.
“Found it, huh?”
“Such a benevolent, pious thing. I would've kept it.”
“Yeah, well. You're a dick. ‘Course you would.”
“Where'd you find it?”
“My pocket.”
“No shit.”
“Yeah. Weird.”
The elevator doors dinged open, revealing the empty hall leading to the penthouse. He glanced down at the door before looking back down at you.
“Have a drink with me.”
Your expression soured.
Sukuna threw his arm against the doors to keep them open. “Coffee?”
Your brows lifted, the creases smoothing from your face. “Coffee.”
Sukuna's alpha bloomed with pleased content. He sidled up next to you and rested his broad hand on the small of your back, leading you down the hall.
“With a bit of Baileys.”
“No Baileys.”
He let you try to sooth his stress while you waited for your favourite, poor-person coffee to brew.
You straddled his thick thighs as you kissed at his neck. Your hands roamed and threaded through his gelled hair, your blunt nails dragged along his scalp, coaxing rumbling purrs out of your alpha.
“Shit,” he moaned, leaning back into your hands, digging his head into your digits and grumbling like an old dog. You hummed in sympathy, and gave him harsher scritches, making his knee bounce in double time like a dog getting the spot scratched.
You weren’t done, though. You licked at his neck’s scent gland and coaxed more of his natural musk to the surface to mix with yours–a classic way to get one’s partner to calm down. You were methodical as fuck about it, too, knowing how Sukuna’s stress abruptly blocked any good scents in favour of excreting foul, angry odors into the air when he was pissed. Or, sometimes, he’d shut down completely, the only scent coming from what clung to his skin and clothes.
And so, he needed a little more TLC to get things flowing again, to make his body disarm and let the good vibes flow.
You nipped the swollen spot lightly, eliciting a strangled growl from the man. “Too rough?” Your tongue pressed at the spot again, and pulled more of that deep purring out of him. “Maybe not.”
“By all means, rough me up.” That was as close to a warning as you would get from a greedy bastard like Sukuna. He wanted you to bite harder, to break skin and set the wild tornado of a mating rut into motion. You were careful to avoid him when your unholy heats crashed down on you, but being in the presence of your estranged man when he was set off–well, it’d jumpstart your sex-crazed frenzy, too.
“Raincheck,” you murmured.
He huffed and rubbed circles in your hips before grabbing your ass and squeezing. “When's the last time–”
The coffee maker sang a tune and you got off, saved from your warm, fuzzy marking daze. “Does it matter?”
Sukuna got up and stalked after you, rubbing the ache out of his shoulder. “Like it or not, we're stuck with our binding vow.” His chest pressed to your back, his arms slipping around your waist as he leaned down to nuzzle into your skin. “Mated for life.” He couldn't help the smile that branded into your neck.
You cleared your throat and snatched up two mugs. “There're surgeries–”
“How do you take your coffee again?” Hah. You didn't even try to argue it.
Sukuna's ego boomed. His scent grew more dominating and demanding in tow. “You know how I like it. You know the way I like everything.”
You scoffed and slapped his hand away, the sweet, teasing omega that happily marked him up and scented him to high heaven gone, now replaced with your annoying, bratty self. Ugh. He loved it as much as he hated it.
“You used to be cuter,” Sukuna commented, quiet and breathy, so out of character. His hands retreated back to hold your waist instead of keeping you trapped against him. “What happened to–”
“You know what happened.” You sounded tired, too. Angry. But not at the Sukuna standing with you right then and there.
Sukuna's old friend, unyielding frustration, bore down on him. He sucked his teeth and beat down the urge to snap, to yell and scream, claim it wasn't his fucking fault and that you never filled him in, so how could–
His forehead pressed against your shoulder. “I don't,” he sighed. “I don't fucking know, (Name). We lost our kid, I know that much, so what the fuck else is there?”
For a moment, he thought he'd lost you again. He expected you to whirl around, throw a cup at his head and curse him to hell to start off another fight; instead, you slipped out of his hands gently, and replaced your warmth with a cup of coffee.
“Come sit.”
Sukuna complied.
You tucked your legs up under you when you sat down. Your own mug was held snugly with both hands, yet your fingers fidgeted, twirling around whatever rings you had on while you thought of what to say.
“So,” you started. “How much do you know?”
Sukuna leaned back and thought. “Uraume called. Said something was wrong.” He could remember their voice ringing in his ear, that usual, frigid demeanor exploding into something panicked and tortured as they tried to comfort you, order idiots around, and explain the situation. “They didn’t know what, but said you were bein’ taken to Ieiri. I met ‘em there, Gojo wouldn’t let me come in.” He sighed, the memories pricking his nerves. “Told me you miscarried, and–well, that’s more or less it.”
You nodded a little, digesting the scraps of knowledge that’d been given to Sukuna. “I was alone,” you breathed. “I was–I’d been cramping. A lot. I thought–I didn't know–I just–I thought it was normal.” You cleared your throat, fidgeting more and only stilling when Sukuna's palm rested on your leg. You covered his hand with one of yours. “There was a lot of blood. I thought I was dying. Uraume and Yuuji took me to Ieiri.”
Sukuna remembered that, too. He remembered catching sight of you just before his brother carried you away from him. It was hard to forget the sound of your wailing amidst all that red–that damned noise came from hell itself, from the burning, fetid pits of agony and despair and up through your beautiful voice. For something so foul to touch you was nothing but blasphemous.
Sukuna tried to follow you in, but that moron Gojo wouldn’t let him in, spouting some bullshit about how he’d make things worse. Needless to say, Sukuna snapped, and Ieiri suddenly had more than a mourning omega to deal with.
“I pinned it on you to cope. I didn’t know what else to do.” You spared a shy glance at him before staring down again. “...Uraume filled me in, though. You were dealing with so much shit. All that crap with the Zenins. And you didn’t even–you didn’t even know I was knocked up until I wasn’t.” You sighed and sipped your drink before setting it aside. “Guess it was easier to blame you for everything than it was to just accept I got unlucky.”
“‘Unlucky’?” Sukuna repeated lowly, void of mirth for once.
You nodded. “Chromosome bullshit, garbage genetics, a shitty cervix. Coulda been anything.” Sukuna watched your expression shift from desolate to bitter. “And if you fuck up once and lose your pup, odds are it’ll happen again.”
“Says who?”
“Science. Doctors.”
“You really gonna take their word like that?” Your eyes met his, doey and expectant. “I'll gut ‘em myself if they say that shit next time you're knocked up.”
You looked a bit bashful then, looking away from him with pursed lips and glossy eyes. For a second, Sukuna thought you were about to snap and argue with him about how you vowed to never get pregnant again (which he'd indulge in), or maybe even bolt for the door (which he wouldn't allow), but instead, you grabbed the remote.
“Tch. Don't say such stupid shit. It's annoying.”
Sukuna could only grin to himself as you settled in beside him, tucking up against his side. Neither of you could swallow your pride enough to properly apologize for anything ever, but that wasn't necessarily needed–understanding was what was needed. Things had just become a little bit clearer.
For once, the alpha found himself at ease. Sure, you had your petty and some less-than-petty spats, but there was a coil of contentment that stayed at the forefront of Sukuna's mind through it all. Now, he no longer fumed nor bristled, no longer wondered if you really belonged to him, no longer thought about how to trap you if he wanted to keep you around.
Because you made more of an effort to see him, to call when you couldn't, to set his vicious wolf's heart at ease so he could rest soundly. He rested the most when you were so gracious as to curl up in those black, silken sheets with him, too.
Don't get too excited. It's just because we're mated; we'd go insane otherwise, Is how you rationalized it. And, honestly, it was cute to see you act so flippant and uncaring when Sukuna knew you were so the opposite.
Little liar. Loves playing pretend. He gently tucked stray hairs behind your ear as you snoozed soundly beside him. It was unlike you to sleep in so late (“late” meaning past 6am), and it was unlike Sukuna to wake up before you, so it must have been kismet.
Because this moment was the first in a long time where he got to touch you. Beyond the playful ass slaps and grabs at your hips, you never really let him feel you. Or did he just never try to touch you like this? Gently, just for the sake of feeling your skin and your warmth?
Sukuna was a brutal man. He didn't often have a chance to be careful. If he'd had that kid, then he might've learned how; he could've learned not to throw glasses at skylines, not to lash out at his omega, not to expect you to still love you when he broke you.
He brushed his thumb along your cheek and down to your jaw, admiring the soft skin and strong angle that led him to the curve of your chin, and your perfect lips. God, he wanted to kiss you. It'd been an eternity since he had a taste of you. Maybe if he was gentle–
I can do gentle. Sukuna shifted the slightest bit towards you until his nose lightly brushed against yours, until he felt your light breaths fan against his skin. Ah, why was his heart beating so fast now?
He did his best to ignore the way his pulse thundered in his ears when he brushed his lips against yours once more, before he kissed you softly. Gently. Perfectly. And he took his time parting. He had to savour the taste of your lips against his because who knew when he'd get to kiss you again?
I love you, he heard echo in his memories when your lips parted. But he never heard himself reply.
“Love you too, brat,” he murmured. “Don't you dare think otherwise.”
Your eyes opened a moment later. “You mean that?” came your reply, just as light and whispered. Sukuna felt waves of heat come off your skin–were you blushing?
Crimson eyes flickered from your bashful look to the slight parting of your lips and back again. “Always.” Even though he never said it. But he let you get away with everything to show that love–credit card theft, cracking him upside the head with a bottle, abandoning him for months on end.
A soft ‘hm’ hummed through you. Your sleepy gaze melted from Sukuna’s, and down to his lips, too, while your own pursed, pensive. Thoughtful. Christ, you were really something else–just a single look from you had his mind reeling, his chest easing into a warmth so reminiscent of a campfire, the sort you both used to sit around when you’d bullied Sukuna into buying one for his too-big balcony.
Back then, you were just “friends,” though the flirting and meaningful touches said otherwise. You were still a street doctor, introduced to him by Yuuji of all people, but you had more pep in your step, especially when you worked to try and swoon the hardened, deranged alpha you’d decided belonged to you. You’re mine, you said simply after shooting whatever whore the big, bad boss had hired for the night. The look in your eyes, cold and determined, got Sukuna achingly hard in an instant. He never wanted you to look at anyone else like that–your rage, your obsession, it could only ever be for him.
“‘M I still yours?” You still want me? You still love me? Am I still just for you?
You looked a little sentimental. A little sad, too, maybe. But maybe it was just the culmination of your fears and worries, your wants and desires finally breaking through your solemn being.
“I'm a minimalist at heart. I've only got room for so much.”
“Don't tell me you're back on that Kondo Marie kick–”
“But you're something I can't do without.” Yeah, I love you. I want you. I don't want much, but I want you. You're mine. “You bring me joy, or whatever the saying is. But I wanna beat the shit outta you sometimes for being a dumbass.”
Sukuna laughed and nudged your nose with his–a small, primal gesture of fondness. “Yeah, yeah, I'm aware. Tch. You're gonna have to be careful--you're gonna send my old ass to an early grave if you keep up with all this fiery youth shit.”
“Then I can inherit your fortune,” you offered airily before kissing him teasingly. Sukuna growled when your small fangs dug into his bottom lip playfully. “That'd be nice.”
“Hah. Everything's going to family–Yuuji, the old fart.” Sukuna pulled you in closer and purred as you complied. “You'd have to–”
“I'll marry you if that's what it takes,” you cooed, and Sukuna froze. You paused for a moment, too, before lifting yourself up to look down at his dumb face. “Oi.” You pat his cheek lightly but he scowled at you, half-cranky, half-defeated. “Eeeh? You mad?”
“Awe, big alpha's mad.”
“Don't.” A command. A warning. One that had your subgender reeling and whimpering behind you, but your human side smiling, ready to mock.
You slid on top of him, straddling his waist and splaying your hands out on his broad, solid chest. Sukuna still kept his gaze elsewhere. Honestly, you couldn't blame him--you were in a mood.
“Oi,” you prodded, poking at his ridiculous pecs and tracing over the dark lines of his irezumi. “Hey. Don't pout.” But he grabbed your hands when your stupid fingers threatened to assault his nipples, and he continued to pout. “Come on, I said I'd marry you.”
“Tch.” You've said that before.
“I mean it.”
“Tch.” You’ve said that before, too.
You leaned down, and nuzzled the hollow of his cheek while he grumbled and grumped. “You don't like the idea of breeding me anymore? You don't want me to yourself, all caught up in your bedsheets with you between my legs? Hm? You don't wanna fuck me through my heat, knock me up a few more times, make me bare your children for the world to see how I belong to Ryoumen Sukuna? You don't want me to be drenched in your scent–”
You squeaked when your man flipped you around, pinning you before ripping off the sleep shorts keeping your skin from him. His rough fingers dove deep into your slicked up hole (apparently your long list of hypotheticals had worked you up into a soft, wet, pliant thing) and hurried to stretch you wide.
“Such an annoying little shit,” Sukuna grumbled. And you laughed, lightly and so achingly genuinely through your fluttery mewls and moans. “If you try ‘n back out this time, I'll break your fucking legs and tie you down to the bed, you got that? I'm not gonna be so fucking nice this time.”
“Eh? You were being nice last–” you whined when his wet fingers jammed into your mouth. But you obediently sucked and bit at them, holding onto his muscled arm for leverage while he kicked off his bottoms and pressed his sweltering tip to your soft entrance.
“You got no idea, princess.” Sukuna pushed in, groaning with ancient, cursed need as your insides welcomed him and obeyed, letting his uncomfortable size push you open. Seemed your body still remembered him. Wanted him as much as your stupid pretty mouth claimed.
You were gasping, your molars chewing into his fingers as your missing piece slid back into place, filling you up until it hurt to breathe. Strong thighs clamped down against Sukuna’s sides as he dragged you down, forcing the last bits of his cock into your very depths, squeezing a reedy whine out of you, before he pulled out and slammed right back in again and again and again.
Your cry nearly sent him over the edge. It was a loud, bassy thing, something like a cello toppling or having its string plucked too hard by a callous touch–a sound Sukuna reveled in. You were the only partner he'd had that was like this, so demanding and bitchy, absolutely horrible and as poisonous as alphas were, and he loved it. He lived and died by your gospel, by the very life that thrummed underneath his touch.
And you promised to be all his. Sukuna could have everything, anything and anyone, and that apparently included trapping and claiming a god. One that only he prayed to. One that'd only smile upon him. One that only delivered to him divine blessings.
What a divine gift.
He folded you in half with ease and blanketed your trembling body with his own. The fingers fucking into your mouth slipped out and down to your throat where they squeezed lightly; then, they traveled to the back of your neck, found your cute little nape, and squeezed.
Your eyes rolled back as your body arched up into him. Words left you in some ancient tongue neither you nor Sukuna could decipher. But it was a language of love and pleasure, the sort that brought delicious submission coiling through your blood in offering to the lowly creature devouring your holiness.
“Sukuna,” you choked out. Your fingers dug into his shoulder and fisted in his hair, pulling him closer to the old, scarred mark left there by him a decade ago. “‘Kuna, I need–”
The boss laughed low, but with fluttery, manic high tones warped throughout. “Need me to bite you? Mark you mine again?” He taunted. His nails dug into your soft side as he fucked into you harder, lifting your waist up to meet his brutal angle as his base started to swell. “I wanna hear you say it–say you need it, you want it. Say you need me to fill your guts every fucking night. Say I'm the only one who can get you there. I'm the only one–” his other hand grabbed your nape harder, forcing your submission further, forcing your neck to the side to present it to him.
Then, with a snarl, he added, “say ‘I do.’”
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you murmured those very words into his ear.
I do.
Sukuna's heart howled with the beast living inside him. Blood flooded his mouth when he tore into your shoulder, digging deeper than needed to brand you his again just before his pulsing knot squeezed into you and locked into place, stilling his wild rampage and holding you hostage beneath his hulking body.
You shifted and writhed against him, so obviously overwhelmed by such an archaic, crazed union–your omega must have been going wild, willing you to fight against the monster pouring his seed into you, locking you in place, taking away your autonomy. But a short, rough warning growl settled your inner self the slightest bit and straightened out your thoughts enough for your human pettiness to urge you, too, to sink teeth into flesh and mark up your alpha to complete the re-bonding.
Good boy. Sukuna's hips rutted against you in light pulses, attempting to jam his knot further into you to ensure you'd take everything he so graciously offered you. But every little move your bodies made together tore more hot strings of cum out of him and into your core. Apparently an eternity of not having you was culminating into this one moment.
You were the one to let go first. You collapsed onto your back with a loud sigh, and the crushing constriction of your thighs laxed just slightly.
“Fuck,” you gasped, wholly content and pleased. Your hand wiggled between your bodies and rested on the still-inflating curve that your partner had oh-so loving built out of cum and obsessive dedication. “That's gonna make a mess.”
Good. Sukuna's chainsaw purr reverberated against your bloodied skin. He chewed into you further and relished in the taste and smell of you, the way it mingled with his own scent of existence and made him feel so irrevocably whole.
Your fingers laced through his hair as you laughed. “Oi, let go already. Your knot's not gonna go down for like thirty minutes. I'm not going anywhere.”
Your mate obliged, dislodging his chunky fangs from you and lapping at the wound dutifully until the bleeding staunched. Next, he got to work leaving an array of dark hickies and light bites all over your neck and shoulder, just in case the gnarly bite mark wasn't enough to ward off idiots who thought they had a chance with you. He grumbled at the mere idea of it.
“So?” You cooed, running your hands up and down his muscled shoulders. “What do we do for half an hour?”
Sukuna scoffed. He tried to pull out just a bit, just to see if he was seriously locked in there, and you spat a vile hiss his way, your nails digging into him at the same time. And, fuck, you were tight–
“Fuck.” He didn't think this through.
“You're dumb as fuck, you know that?”
“Ah, such romantic words to hear from my wife.”
“Husband, jackass.”
Sukuna managed to open his eyes through the pounding of his head. God, he felt like shit. But that probably came with the territory of getting shot point-blank before bailing out of a moving car on the highway. Honestly, he was lucky only one car hit him when he hit the pavement.
Still, it was bad enough to warrant him a ticket to the hospital. Uraume worked behind the scenes, ensuring their boss got a private room and that the police would stay the fuck away if they knew what was good for them, and it all somehow worked out. Uraume was definitely a sorcerer of sorts.
“Can you save it for home? Fucking hell,” Sukuna groaned, letting his eyes fall shut again. “Too tired to argue.”
“That's a first,” You huffed, and marched up to his side, sitting down in the cozy seat waiting for you. Your careful touch prodded at his hand gently, as if assessing the damage, guestimating if you could hold his hand without hurting him, but he made the choice for you. He caught your hand weakly, and you held him safe with both of yours.
“Missed you,” he grumbled, squeezing back lamely. “Have fun on the trip at least?”
“Yeah, until I heard what happened.” You sighed, watery and warbled. “I shouldn't have left. You're too stupid to survive alone.”
Sukuna laughed, then coughed. He felt you tense. “F-Fuck you, little shit. I'm fine.”
“You got shot.”
“Been shot before.”
“Jumped out of a car.”
“I've jumped outta faster.”
“Then got hit by another car.”
“That was a first.”
You sighed to fight back either a sob or ill-placed laughter, or maybe both. “This is so fucking ridiculous. Never make me take a vacation again. I can't be off fucking around in Hawaii when my baby daddy's getting hit like it's GTA.”
“Christ, I already–” he paused, though, and cracked an eye open to look at you. “What did you…”
He lost his words when he saw you. Your skin glowed in a way he hadn't had the luxury to see before. Your face looked rounder, too, like you'd put on a little bit of weight since you'd been gone. But your scent–your usual sweet, full-bodied scent of flowery coffee was cranked up to a trillion. If Sukuna's nose wasn't busted, he would've noticed the way it filled up the room, and he might've noticed how his own scent rose to meet it in greeting. Something strange was happening.
“Oh. Right. Uh…” you cleared your throat and hastily tucked some hair behind your ear. You looked a little bit lost for words too, in all honesty. “I’m pregn–”
Sukuna sat up. You barked at him to lay down, your voice rising a few octaves when something that was probably important dislodged from his wrist as he reached forward when you stood. And you froze when his palm pressed against your stomach–a natural, maternal thing to do. Sukuna remembered when he caught your cat for you when she was trying to dart out the door whilst pregnant, and how she froze dead in her tracks when his hand caught her by her kitten-filled stomach, and let him carry her back inside.
But this was different. This wasn’t his partner’s cat’s kittens he was feeling, it was yours. His. A shared little nugget doing its best to grow big for its expectant mama–and now expectant papa.
“How long?” Sukuna rasped. When did his throat get so dry?
“Two months. Ish.” You rested your hands over his again despite the awkward angle he caught you at. “I didn’t know until last week. I tried to call, but–” You got obliterated and couldn’t answer your phone.
“I get it. Don’t gotta explain.” Sukuna gazed at your stomach a moment longer with droopy, half-lidded eyes before looking up at you as nurses burst into the room. “You’re moving in.”
And for once, you didn’t argue.
“Dude, you guys can't fuck when he's pregnant! You'll crush the baby like a tin can!”
You snorted and tried to cover your mouth as your tea shot out your nose. You coughed and wheezed, turning away and waving at the brothers in a desperate plea for them to not look and continue their petty argument.
Sukuna, caught between the urge to mock you and kick the shit out of his annoying little fucknut brother, sighed and rubbed his face before handing you his fancy handkerchief he kept tucked in the breast of his jacket for nothing but looks. These days, though, the damn thing had been paying its dues.
“You think I'm gonna listen to a fuckin’ virgin about this kinda shit?” Sukuna quipped back as he watched you clean up before trying to take a sip of your drink again.
“Hey, man, I'm just saying. Your dick is like a third leg.”
You slammed your hand down on the table after spitting a mouthful of tea back into your cup. “Yuuji. Please. Why do you even know that?”
Yuuji pouted and scooted closer to you under the kotatsu. “Wh--we're brothers! It's not even that weird!”
“It's weird as shit,” Sukuna offered as he reached out to rub your back.
“So not weird.” His honeyed eyes locked onto the small affection the older showed you. “Man, so not fair you guys are ganging up on me now that you're, like, a thing,” Yuuji whined and let his arms and chest flop across the table like a petulant child.
Sukuna smirked. “Jealous?”
You grumbled. “Sukuna. Don't start.”
Yuuji's ears turned bright red. “Jea–what?! No! I like girls like Jennifer Lawrence, not--I don't–”
“N'awe, little pup's tryna cope with losing.” Sukuna grinned wildly when Yuuji's head snapped up, pinning a deadly stare onto the older alpha. “Oh? Finally grow a pair?”
“Sukuna,” you warned again.
“You better shut it, dude,” Yuuji threatened next, and you knew it was a lost cause; two alpha brothers, both incredibly competitive, both pining for the same omega, spelled disaster.
Your partner laughed that familiar, ugly laugh–the sort that was too genuine and sounded borderline insane. “Or what? You gonna make me cry–”
Yuuji launched over the table in an instant, tackling his brother to the ground with a bratty snarl. You watched on, unimpressed, waiting for any signs of their wrestling turning into a serious fight, but it never came. So, you enjoyed it a bit. It wasn't everyday the two idiots played nice.
You rested your hands on your curved stomach while the two growled and snarled half-heartedly in their dumb attempt to subdue the other. Sukuna could've won in an instant, you both knew that, but he'd let Yuuji think he had a fighting chance for a little bit. It was part of the fun for him, letting his little brother gnaw on him like it'd do anything, letting him try to use his horrible jiu-jitsu skills on his older, bigger brother. It reminded you of–
“Oh,” you peeped when a rowdy kick jostled your hand. It didn't come from the boys, no, it came from the tiny tot inside you.
The boys froze and stared at you.
“Huh? What's ‘oh'?” Yuuji asked through his panting and straining. Sukuna had him in a headlock, one of his hands giving a brutal noogie to the younger's head.
“No, just–I think she kicked. Maybe not, I don't–” but your expression brightened with delight when another little throw hit your hand.
“No shit?” Sukuna grinned, waves of excited alpha scent rolling off of him. He face-shoved Yuuji away before sidling up next to you and pressing his palm against your stomach. You guided his touch to rest over the kicky hotspot, and sure enough–
Thump. Thump.
“Two kicks for your old man, hey?” Sukuna hummed, looking so damn triumphant.
“Hey, hey, I wanna feel!” Yuuji scrambled over like a nightmare and wiggled up on your other side, pointedly ignoring the snarl Sukuna sent his way. “Come on, it's my niece, chill out.”
Sukuna growled again, but you pulled his hand off to let Yuuji feel the little life making herself known. His eyes, too, lit up when those tiny thwacks battered his palm.
You looked up at Sukuna dreamily, making the other's ticked expression smooth down into just mildly-annoyed; if your omega wasn't threatened, then he wasn't going to threaten. Sukuna didn't think Yuuji would hurt you, absolutely not, but anyone who came near you, or so much as accidentally bumped into you, pissed Sukuna off, sending his over-protective instincts into overdrive. He always had to rely on you to know when not to react.
“That's so cool!” Yuuji squeaked. “She's seriously in there!”
“Where the fuck else would she be,” Sukuna grumped.
“Don't ruin his fun, Sukuna.”
“Yeah, don’t ruin my fun!”
“Yuuji’s banned from the house.”
“What about gramps, then?”
Sukuna paused. His heart stopped for a long, long moment.
“What about him?” He answered, nonchalantly as possible. “Old fuck cut me off years ago.”
“He still cares,” Yuuji offered with a shrug. “And I told him about the pup ‘n everything.”
Sukuna frowned. “Yuuji–”
“You seriously think he doesn't give a shit? Dude, be real, the guy raised us.”
“That's generous.”
“Didn't you say you were leaving everything to Yuuji and ‘the old fart’ originally?” You cooed, unhelpful as ever.
Carmine eyes found yours. “...If he actually wants to meet her–”
“Awesome, I’ll let him know!”
“Oi, runt–”
But Yuuji jumped up and pulled his phone out, leaving Sukuna to wonder what he’d just gotten himself into while you laughed at his misery.
#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x male reader#sukuna x m!reader#sukuna x you#jjk x you#male reader insert#male reader#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen reader insert#jujutsu kaisen x male reader#jujutsu kaisen x you
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The Apartment Across The Street pt. 2 - Sukuna x Reader x Toji
Toji and Sukuna have been friends for a long time, and any new endeavor Sukuna was involved in, Toji was his right hand man and vice versa. This had to be his favorite by far.

Words - 7.03 K
Tags - 18+ MDNI, No Use of Y/N, No Curses, Set in late 90s/early 00s, Angst, Drugs, Jailbirds, Sukuna x Toji, Shower Sex, Blowjob
WARNINGS - Dead Dove, Dark, Non-Con/Dub-con, Breaking and Entering, Sukuna and Toji are criminals, Choking, Violence
AO3 Version
author's note: can you tell i watched breaking bad and narcos lol. Took me a minute to figure out how to continue it and then I wrote wayyyyyyy too much so now the entirety of pt 3 will be smut and maybe reader's backstory once I figure it out completely. there's some toji x sukuna exposition. the zenins give 80s mob bosses so i tried to make toji sound like a sleazy, NY, thug without overdoing it. maybe he doesn't sound like anything but whatever
art cred: @kohhomaru dm for removal
pt. 1 pt. 3

Toji always got what he wanted.
Sukuna learned that very quickly rotting in prison. He hadn’t seen his family in years, and all his friends threw him into the street just days before the house got raided. He hadn’t snitched, it was a girl who was friends with another girl he had sex with the night before. The girl he’d strangled to death after cumming inside her.
She wanted him to go rough, she liked pain and loved every thing he did to hurt her. He bit her, slapped her, she gave him a pocket knife to run down her side, but she moaned the loudest when his hands wrapped around her throat, cutting off her windpipe. And so, that’s how he ended her life.
Had she not started clawing at his arms, choking and crying and begging him to stop, those sounds becoming gargled coughs as the air was trapped in her lungs, maybe, Sukuna would have lost interest. But he loved not giving her what she wanted. For so long, he had no control over his life; his friends got him addicted to ketamine and meth, just like his mother, his father beat her and him then left when his brother was born, he was forced to start dealing when Todo gave him a zip, whispered “get the money then run”, and ran off himself. Sukuna got shot in the leg that night, and had a target on his back ever since.
Of course he didn’t go to school, of course he flunked out. Of course his mother hated him. Of course he neglected his little brother. Of course he hated him for having a better life. His mother loved him more, Yuji was nothing like their father, viscous and prideful just like Sukuna. No, Yuji was full of life and joy, and his mother, though they were poor, made sure Yuji had everything he needed. Sukuna had to fend for himself. “You chose your life, now deal with it,” she would say, not even considering that he didn’t choose to be alive.
He thought that was the only choice he could make, but he realized he was a coward. He has many scars, none of which went deep enough in the right places.
Of course, Yuji hated him too. He didn’t understand, he just didn’t understand how much better than Sukuna he had it. Maybe, if Sukuna had kept beating up his bullies for him, they would be closer. But, Yuji got friends, and he became a popular little shit. Of course. Yuji was a good person.
Maybe that’s why he hated him. They have the same parents, but turned out completely different. Eventually Sukuna would find out that it wasn’t his fault, that his father’s influence ruined his personality and his mother’s life. That his mother didn’t love him, and didn’t care how he turned out. His mother let him stay out after dark, wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Yelled at teachers when they called about his performance in class. Let him sit in holding cells until a family member came for him instead. And even they stopped coming eventually.
Eventually Sukuna would realize, but it would be too late.
When the light left that girl’s eyes, Sukuna felt a sense of accomplishment. Yes, finally, he was in control. Telling him no, ignoring him, hating him, meant nothing.
He woke up to a scream the next morning. The girl’s friend had come upstairs and found him with the blanket just below his waist and the poor dead woman laying still beside him. His friends offered her money to keep silent after throwing him out, but a week later, in a new trap house, the police busted down the door and handcuffed him with his face to the floor.
The friend snitched and his old house was raided. They never found the girl he’d murdered, and since he’d been kicked out, his friends were in much deeper shit than him.
Still, he had no one in jail, and was even more alone in prison. One of the only good things about meeting Toji Zenin.
His cellmate was unlike anyone he’d met before. Almost amused by being behind bars. He was already in the cell when Sukuna was thrown in. He nodded his head at him then laid back down on the bottom bunk. Sukuna put his clothes on the top bunk and laid down himself. A few seconds later, he heard the light of a match and then he smelled tobacco.
“Want a cig’?” Toji asked, holding up a pack. Sukuna took one, then leaned over and let Toji light it in his mouth. He got a good look at him, he was a bit leaner, he had black hair that covered his neck, ears and eyes. His striking green pupils peaked through his locks, and they stared right back at him. When the cigarette was lit, Sukuna laid back down on his bed.
A few more seconds pass before Toji speaks again. “Can’t say thank you? You brolic bitch.”
It gets a chuckle out of Sukuna, which surprises him. “…Thanks. Feel better, pussy?” Toji cackles and Sukuna thinks this might not be so bad.
Toji wasn’t talkative per se, but he never hesitated to start a conversation. He always had cigarettes, cards, or noodles, and it wasn’t unusual for him to have a honeybun or two. Sukuna found out Toji was a rich little shit who was in and out of jail as if she was a beautiful woman. He was out in a couple of months, but not before he established exactly what he wanted out of Sukuna.
Maybe Sukuna didn’t think he was bad because he never really forced anything out of him. Toji was willing to please, willing to share anything and everything about him, and he could suck a dick like a vacuum. The first night they’d ever done anything, the guards had already made their rounds, not to return til morning. Toji had climbed up to Sukuna’s bunk while they were talking. Toji and Sukuna talked a lot, about everything. Toji talked about how he was the black sheep of the family, he was a fuck up, a piece of shit. As if the rest of the family wasn’t terrible as well. Like Sukuna, his father beat him, and like Sukuna, his mother loved his brother more. Jinichi was older, unlike Yuji, and instead of hating and being disappointed in him, he bullied and teased the living shit out of him. Jinichi was the cause of many of Toji’s scars, but not the one on his lip, from his father backhanding him across the face with his rings when he was five. There were still faded scars on his cheek, but his lip had busted open.
Sukuna had met traumatized people before. But what he hated about them was that they never fucking got over it. Toji didn't seem to give a single shit about anything that’s ever happened to him. He spoke about his past as if he was reciting a history textbook. Matter-of-factly, no emotion, just sharing information. He liked it. He hated pity, he hated feeling sorry, he hated being sad.
Toji made his dick hard, and he didn’t try to hide it when the man crossed his arms over his mattress and leaned his head on it. He smiled at him and Sukuna’s dick jumped in his shorts. Toji didn’t even look before he reached his hand over and rubbed his erection. Sukuna didn’t break eye contact as Toji jerked him off through his clothes. His grunts became heavier and breathier, and when he finally had enough he grabbed Toji’s wrist and pulled his shorts down. His dick flew back up and hit his stomach, and he wrapped Toji’s hand around it.
Toji climbed on top of him and licked his dick. His warm, wet tongue crawled from his base to his tip where Toji wrapped his mouth around it and suckled on it. Sukuna’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he moaned. “Bitches can’t suck dick this good, can they?” Sukuna laughed, then he came.

The second time Toji got what he wanted was 5 months later, after he’d found himself back in prison. He was right, he was out in just a couple months. He would be out soon again. Sukuna thought he was a crazy son of a bitch. Toji thought it was funny. If his family wanted to hate him he would give them a reason. Sukuna agreed.
Toji said he could get Sukuna a crazy good lawyer, one better than the shit public defender he had to deal with. He could appeal his case, get it reopened, and get him off on probation. “Then we'd be doing this more, as much as we want, as loud as we want, on whatever fucking drugs we want.”
“On probation? You fucking idiot.”
“..sober now, ain't you?” Not by choice.
Sukuna nodded. Toji was taller than him, not by that much, but enough for him to have to lean down to be centimeters away from his face. “So you're gonna get out, and every time you piss you do it in a cup. Then we’re getting high and I’m fucking the shit out of you.” Toji had tried to kiss his cheek, but Sukuna jerked his head away and glared at him. Toji didn’t like that. He grabbed the back of his head and wrestled him to the floor of their cell then sat on top of him with his knee on his head. “You gonna give me a kiss now? Huh, baby?”
Sukuna fought him off and pinned him to the ground instead. Toji smiled crazily up at him, egging him on to do something. Sukuna’s glare deepened. “Fuck you and fuck your lawyer, pussy.” Then he spat on his face.
Toji laughed, exerting a sigh that sounded anything between a moan and a gasp of disbelief. His eyes had shot open wide in surprise, then relaxed in amusement and something that vaguely seemed like pleasure. Whatever the look was, Sukuna didn’t get off of him just yet.
Whether Sukuna liked it or not, he got a lawyer, a suit, and a retrial. He got the probation Toji spoke of and on house arrest, the only problem was, he had no address. There was only one place he could go, he found it before he got arrested, before he was homeless, and before he killed that girl.
Yuji was a big kid now, in college studying Psychology, go figure. His mother didn’t say much else about his personal life, she'd wanted him out of the house, clearly having accepted that she only had one son. There were a few new picture frames in the living room; Yuji's graduation, a couple birthdays, their grandmother's funeral, and all of them featured his friends, the same little shits that took the mantle of protecting Yuji when Sukuna no longer cared for it, and when it no longer became enough for Yuji.
He sent a letter with a receiving address. He wasn’t surprised when Yuji sent a scathing letter back, detailing how much he hates him, and ensuring that Sukuna never even thinks about rekindling any relationship they may have had in their youth. Sukuna didn’t really care, but now he definitely was homeless. Toji didn’t even think twice before offering his own apartment.
To keep him even closer, Toji hired him as his “fix it” man. Sukuna clearly had a type; Toji was a dealer, a much bigger one than the pathetic down the block shit Sukuna and his old friends had done. The Zenins had reach across multiple states and owned many business ventures to hide it all. Sukuna would be the one who killed their rivals, rats, or anyone who they felt disrespected them.
“You like to kill people, don’t you?” He’d asked. An interesting way to start pillow talk. It was weeks after he’d gotten out, the middle of the night, this time in a comfy Cali king bed smoking weed, not tobacco. They were naked, Toji’s dick was still hard after pumping cum inside of Sukuna.
It wasn’t that he liked to kill people, he’d never thought twice about shooting someone dead, but he loved the thought that their lives were in his hands. He loved having that power over someone, and he’d spent a long time wishing he had held out just a bit longer. Loosened his grip a bit so he could make her beg for her life even more.
Whatever, he nodded his head and Toji told him of his proposal, jerking him off when he decided Sukuna was thinking about it too long and needed a motivator. Seeing Toji’s mouth fill up with his dick and his face coated in white was more than enough of a motivator.

Toji and Sukuna have been friends for a long time, and any new endeavor Sukuna was involved in, Toji was his right hand man and vice versa. This had to be his favorite by far .
Earlier in the day, he had come over to the apartment to collect his video camera. From the way Sukuna described it, Toji would be cumming in his hands soon enough. He couldn’t wait to see how Sukuna fucked her, she was too fucking cute. He could only imagine what she looked like when she was horny, desperate to cum on someone’s dick or tongue.
Sukuna greeted him at the door, “Hey, it’s in the room. You staying?”
Unfortunately Toji wasn't, although he would have liked to. “Nah, I got Megumi. I told you that dick head.” He walked inside and looked around. He would have explored with Sukuna last night, but his son couldn’t be alone for too long.
Sukuna tilted his head at him, disgruntled. “What the fuck, I thought we were going out tonight?”
“We are. I'm giving him back to his mom. Then I’ll come over. Does that work for you, my darling?" Sukuna hits his chest and walks away. After walking around the kitchen and the dining room, Toji looked into the archway that led to the living room and saw legs laying down on the couch with a blanket haphazardly covering them. Toji comically rubbed his hands. “There she is. The lady of the hour.”
She was laying on the couch in a daze, Sukuna had been feeding her nonstop alcohol and weed, while murmuring about wishing she had stronger drugs. He complained about not being able to leave because he couldn’t trust her by herself, and considered knocking her out. The debate he had with himself was nerve wracking and terrifying, as if he were discussing a game plan. He almost reached a conclusion when Toji came knocking.
Though she was too incapacitated to react, Toji coming had made her heart drop. As if things couldn’t get any worse. He had a snake-like grin, his narrow green eyes stabbing her in her chest, a harbinger of a fate worse than death. Even as he taunted her, she couldn’t say anything. Her head was heavy from the drugs and she was frozen in fear.
When he started walking towards her with that same smile, she found the strength to squirm for a bit, and her head pounded in pain from the movement. Sukuna grabbed his shirt and pulled him backwards, and Toji ripped himself free of his grasp before glaring at him. “The fuck is wrong with you?”
“You’re here for the tape, not her.” And for a moment, her heart swelled with hope, thinking maybe, just maybe, in a sick way, this man cared about her. That the only danger she had to be afraid of was him. ‘Please’ , she thought, ‘let it just be him’ .
Toji smirked and pushed his hair out his eyes. “For now, yeah.”
Sukuna didn’t answer, instead he rolled his eyes and left the living room, probably to fetch the device in question. She was less confident about Sukuna protecting her from his friend, and eventually a feeling of shame creeped its way in there as well. Sukuna didn’t care about her, she knew that. She doesn’t know if she’s going to die, but she does know things would never be the same. If only she could get to a phone, get a couple minutes of privacy. All she needed was 2 minutes and for Sukuna to be out of earshot.
Toji’s presence didn’t give her any space to think. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of her, he was leaning against the wall, smirking with his hands in his pockets. “Hey gorgeous. Ya' had fun last night?”
He looked down the hall, then once he saw Sukuna was still occupied, he got up from the wall and walked towards her on the couch. Taking one hand out of his pocket, he started playfully tugging at the blanket. She had just enough strength to grab it and tug back, though she was weak.
He chuckled. “That’s cute. You’re so fucking cute. You know who I am?” He let her tug a bit more before yanking it out of her hands, leaving her cold and half naked. Sukuna had only let her put on underwear, laced and pink with a tiny bow at the front. “My name’s Toji.”
He dropped the blanket and rubbed his chin as he ogled her on the couch. She looked up at him, a scared little lamb covering her breasts and pulling her legs to her chest. She was shivering.
He tilted his head and pouted at her. “Aw,” he said with pity. He put both hands behind his back and stood up straight. Then, clearing his throat, he leaned over and stuck his hand out in front of her. “It’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
She stared at him, her face slowly unraveling in disbelief and fear. She said nothing, and soon, Toji dropped his hand and put both back in his pocket. He leisurely strolled away to look back down the hallway, checking for Sukuna. Instead, he heard muffled cursing from behind the door. Whatever he was doing, he was occupied.
Toji turned and smiled at her, quickly approaching the couch and kneeling down in front of her face. She started panting and her eyes welled with tears. “You know, it’s gonna be my turn soon. Real soon.” he says quietly.
He looked her body up and down as she silently cried, then slapped her tit. She still didn’t make a sound, just quiet sobs and sighs. Her face remained stoic, or she’d have completely broken down.
“Hmph,” Toji stood back up and headed down the hallway. “The fuck is taking you so long?”
“I can’t get the fucking tape out,” Sukuna replied dumbly.
Toji rubbed his hands down his face. “It’s my vid cam. Just give it to me.” He opened the door and snatched it from his hands.
“Ay,” Sukuna said, getting up from the bed and walking after him. “What were you saying to her out there?”
“Just joshing around, Jesus. All on my dick, for what?” Toji kept walking away, looking over at the couch. She had grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around herself, turning over and planting her face in the cushion. Toji laughed and shook his head, she wouldn’t be able to avoid him for long. Her rejection would only make tonight even more special. "Be easy," he says towards her. He left without another word or look.
Any sense of relief she felt from Toji’s absence was quickly squashed when Sukuna sat down on the couch next to her curled up body and leaned backwards with his arms laying across the cushions. He looked over at her. “You alive in there?” He asked, snapping his fingers next to her face. She turns her head to look at him.
Sukuna smiles. “There you are. You look like you could use some water.” Her lips were dry and cracked despite her being a sweaty mess, and her eyes were bloodshot. She looked like she needed an IV.
“Here, don’t even worry, I’ll get some for you.” And Sukuna got up and sifted through her pantry to find a bottle to give to her. She doesn’t take it at first, eying him suspiciously, but he smacks his teeth and throws it onto her instead. “Just fucking drink it.”
He sat down and turned on the tv, changing the channel until he hit South Park , then grabbed the rolling tray once more. She took him on his offer and gulped the entire bottle down; she had no other drinks besides liquor since last night. The water poured down her neck as she drank and even up her nose, but she didn’t stop until it was empty. “Damn woman,” Sukuna glared at her. “It’s not going nowhere.”
When the bottle was empty she threw it on the floor and coughed. Her head pounded and her entire world started spinning. Then, her chest began to curl and she ran to the bathroom and threw everything up. Sukuna's laughter resonated through the walls and attacked her ears as her head hung inside the toilet.

When she’d woken up in her bed after passing out on the bathroom floor, she’d felt a stinging agonizing pain in her abdomen and she squirmed and groaned in the blanket. For a moment, she could have believed it was all a bad dream, until Sukuna walked into her room with a slice of pizza and a bottle of water. “You sleep a lot, huh?” Of course he knew, he’d been watching her for weeks.
One look at the pizza and a whiff of the tangy pepperoni made her lurch and gag. She shook her head, she couldn’t imagine eating something right then.
Sukuna rolled his eyes at her and sat the food down in front of her anyway. “I don’t have to feed you, you know,” he reminds her. He kneeled on the bed and grabbed her, muttering for her to ‘fucking relax’ when she started wrestling against him. He sat her up and laid her torso on her bed frame, shoving the plate into her hands. “I didn’t have to make you breakfast this morning, but I did.” Then, in a horrifying change of tone, his snarl turned into a little smile, and Sukuna gently played with her hair. “Because that’s what a good boyfriend does,” he said almost cheerfully.
She really didn’t want to eat the pizza, she knows she’ll throw it back up.
When she remained silent, Sukuna sighed disappointedly and crawled off of her. He stood up to walk away, then stopped and turned to look at her when he got to the door. “You ran out so I got you more grass from my place,” he starts, casual as ever. “And uh, get ready because you’re going to work with us tonight. Toji’s coming but he’s not gonna wait long if you’re not ready.” He pauses and scratches his chin, trying to remember what else he needed to tell her, amused by the dead-eyed stare she gave him. “Oh,” he leans back into the room and points to her closet. “I took a look in there, there’s this tiny black dress you got, the one with the…uh-the hal-halter neck? Is that what it’s called?” He motions on his own chest and waits for her to confirm, then continues when she doesn’t. “It’s like, draped a bit, and it has a low back.” Sukuna whistles at the memory of watching her try that dress on. “ Whew, you looked good in that dress. Oh and it’s sheer, your ass and tits are fucking sight. Anyway, I couldn’t find it in your closet. Where is it?”
She still said nothing, just looked at him while eating the pizza. Sukuna rolls his eyes and throws his head back in annoyance. “Listen honey,” he says, walking back inside and closing the door. “I want to be nice to you. I really do, but I won’t if you don’t want to talk to me. This could be good for you. I’ll take care of you, of everything you need, I’ll give you anything you want, but you gotta be my cute little wife first, okay?”
A few more silent moments pass, and Sukuna’s patience begins to wear thin. He didn’t want to have to kill her, she was more than gorgeous, she filled him with desire he hadn’t felt in years. She finally spoke before he did, her voice dry and frail, strained with grief, “Anything I want?”
She thought for a moment looking down into her lap. “…Let me go?” She asked hesitantly. She slowly lifted her head back up, Sukuna’s face remained stoic, she couldn’t measure what he was thinking. “Let me leave, like I wanted. I won’t say anything. I swear, just let me go.” Her voice started to shake, because Sukuna still hadn’t moved or said anything, but she could hear his breathing get deeper and faster, and she remembered that she was more afraid than she’d let on. She started to pant and choked on a sob before letting out a desperate, “Please.”
Sukuna took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then, he smiled again. Her heart dropped.
He approaches her one more time, leaning over and putting his hands on his knees before slapping her across the face. She yelps and he wraps his hand around her mouth as she cries. “You know better than to ask me that.” He lets go and backs up. “I won’t say it again. You already said you were mine, so you’re mine -“
Before he can really finish speaking, she gains a burst of courage fueled by rage and shouts at him, “You made me say it!”
“Shut the hell up.” Sukuna says, his eyes white with fury.
“No! I fucking hate you!”
“I said shut the hell up!” He grabs her by the throat and throttles her. “You’re not leaving me!”
When she starts to gag, he throws her back against the bed and stands up. His breaths deep and jagged, he was steaming, furious that she would even dare to fight back against him. She continued to give him a deadly sneer, it was sharp and filled with hate, and it cut right through him and embedded itself in his black heart. He wouldn’t let her slip away, not in life or death, and as he grew more and more upset with her and the way she looked at him, he found himself doing something he’d never done before. “Don’t you understand? Don’t you understand why I want you?”
She didn’t stop glaring at him. At this point, she didn’t think she cared, but then he continued. “I’ve been looking for you my whole life.” Her face, heart, and stomach drop and her world crashes down along with them. It’s just him and her in a vast, empty space. It’s cold. Sukuna’s face changes to a ghost from her past, a face that still strikes fear into her heart.
Sukuna lunges at her and holds her face in his hands. She gasps, afraid of what he might try to do. “You make me feel… alive. When I look at you, my heart feels like it’s going to stop.” It’s with these words that she finally gives up and falls apart, and Sukuna feels a rush of excitement at his success of breaking her. “I dreamt about you, I thought about you day and night, I smelled you at the store and brushed on your clothes, and I thought I would die walking away from you. God I wanted to see you again.”
Her ex had gone on a crazy tangent similar to this as well, going on and on about how he had nothing and no one, that she was all he needed, and how he would kill himself if she’d ever left.
“But you didn’t want to see me. You got blinds, you ran away from me, so I had to make you see the mistake you were making. I needed you to see how much you meant to me.” Like Sukuna, he blamed her for her trauma, for the things he put her through. He would bring her around his sleazy friends, make her drink and smoke and do lines at parties when all she wanted was to be home, then blame her when his friends got too handsy and she was too weak to push them away. Scream at her for being a cheating whore, when he’s the one who left her alone in the room with all the rest of them.
He stroked her hair again and put her head in his chest. She didn’t fight him. “Do you understand now?”
She nodded.
“Will you tell me where the dress is?”
“…the hamper.”
“Hm, that sucks. Think you can run it through a cycle while you get real pretty the way you do?”
Sukuna nodded contently and kissed her forehead before standing up from the bed and finally going to leave the room. "I'm going in the shower, come in when the dress is in the wash." Then he leaves. She blinks, then quickly looks to the side of her bed. The phone had been ripped out of the wall.
Once again, defeated, she plops back down on the pillow, gazing at the wall. Soon, her body moves on it's own to reach into the hamper and grab the black fabric. She doesn't protest as her legs turn and exit the room. Her eyes look down the darkened hallway. The only light coming from the closed bathroom. The sound of cartoons on the tv, and the water from the shower. She scrunches the dress up tightly, so tight it squeezes her veins and her hand turns purple. She continues to hauntingly saunter down the hall to her laundry room. misty-eyed and tired, she drops the dress in, turns to the quickest cycle, then turns to the door and steps out. She freezes, her eyes staring at the bathroom door. What is she doing but delaying the inevitable?
From the shower, Sukuna hears her starting the laundry and he laughs to himself. It takes her a few minutes, but she eventually opens the door and walks into the bathroom. Sukuna listened to her take off her underwear, then counts each footstep she takes towards the shower. Too many.
She couldn't help but to stay away from him for as long as possible. She knew she fucked up when Sukuna threw open the curtain and pulled her into the hot shower. She gasped but quickly stopped when he forced their naked bodies together. His hair was wet and laid across his face in heavy strands. His large arms and hands roamed every single crevice of her body. Her arms were forced around his shoulders as well as her head on his right. He buried his in her neck, kissing, licking, and biting at it. She hadn't even realized he'd lifted her legs around his waist until his dick rubbed against her clit, too dazed by his attack on her neck.
She let herself moan, tired of being beaten and forced against her will. She let herself enjoy it, because what choice did she have? She wanted to live, it's all she's ever wanted. Maybe she felt like she was giving up before, but not anymore. The shame and misery can come later, when she's free.
"Mm," Sukuna muttered into her skin. his voice vibrated through her chest "See? Doesn't this feel amazing?" He kissed her on the cheek, then nibbled it, and she turned her head and looked into his eyes. He was handsome, but scary. He scanned her face, curious to what she was thinking. Then she kisses him.
Sukuna walks forward and pushes her against the cold, tiled wall. They bite each other's lips and suck on each other's tongues, their desire for each other growing and growing. Sukuna pulled away and they caught their breaths, and she admitted that she enjoyed it, but when she looks at him too long she sees him looking at her through his window, then him slamming her door shut and-
"Don't. Do do it. Not right now." Sukuna's lips had turned into a deep scowl, and his eyes were filled with malice. He'd seen the way her mind had started twisting, her brows turned upwards slowly, and her nostrils flared as her eyes started to gleam. He was only making it worse, but she tried so hard to stay calm. She closed her eyes and took a deep, shuddered breath. Sukuna waited and took a breath of his own. When she opened her eyes again, they were red and he knew her wet lashes weren't from the shower. They look at each other for a few moments, then he tells her "Stick out your tongue."
She gulped, then did what he asked of her. Sukuna drools onto it, then closes his eyes and leans over to make out with it, sucking it into his mouth. He moans as he pulls and tugs, their spit leaking between their chests that were pressed against one another. She began rubbing her hips on his boner, making him groan
"You ready?" he asks, as if he cared if she wasn't. He grabs his dick and rubs his pre-cum all over his shaft, spitting on it for good measure. He rubs his tip between her fluttering lips, laughing at her small whimpers. "So needy, baby," He says, slowly sinking into her pussy "So, so needy."
"A-Ah," she whispers, biting her tongue as he spreads her with his thick girth. Her eyes were screwed shut, her pussy squeezing him with every inch.
"Come on, let me hear you." He buries himself into her fully, his face inches from her open mouth. He squeezed his lips as he kept pumping her, nostrils flaring with each huff, making sure his dick hit all her walls. Her throat had shut in ecstasy and pain, and she let the tears flow, but she wasn't sad. "Yeah, you fucking love this. Come on, say something for me. It feels good, don't it?"
She finally sighed with a groan and nodded her head. Sukuna laughed at her, kissed her cheek, then planted his own on it as he began fucking her against the shower wall. He grunted with every thrust, her gasps and whines fueling his desire for her.
"Oh, Sukuna," she lets out. She feels his smile on her ear, accompanied by his hot breaths, then his tongue as he sucks on her lobe.
"Yeah, say my name. Keep squeezing my dick, baby." His voice became strained and he started breathing harder, her pussy kept fluttering as she orgasmed, his dick sliding in and out of her with ease. He looked between them and moaned at the white ring around his shaft. And to his surprise, he gave her a final few thrusts, hen came deep inside her. The two of them panted as he stared at their hips, one hand against the wall and the other holding him up.
Sukuna eventually looks at up her, stares at her lips, then kisses them. He puts her down and hands her sponges and soap. "Don't talk about it." he tells her. She nods, but she doesn't really understand what he meant.

This reality was already a nightmare, but this is something she’s been through before. She never imagined she would be here again, crossfaded and head hanging, fighting to stay conscious despite wanting to pass away. Her head pounds with terrible music, and she’s squashed between men she hates while the purple lights and colorful lasers of the club dance in her eyes.
At her apartment, he'd told her to wear underwear he could see, so she chose a white thong. He was smoking when she walked out, completely finished and ready to go. Just in time for Toji to pull up on the sidewalk. He grinned and ashed the blunt before handing it to her. "And make sure you take a few shots," he says. "Don't worry, there's better drugs at the club." He held his hands out and waited for her to take it, which she did. "Thought you'd start to cry again," he joked.
Right before they exited the door, he turned and leaned down next to her ear. "You're gonna follow me to Toji's car like a good girl. If you scream, cry, or try to run, I'll just grab you anyway. Then I'll throw you in his car and break your neck." Duly noted.
Toji looked over at them approaching him from the driver's seat of his black convertible. He whistled in delight. "Damn. You weren't lying," he says to Sukuna.
"Of course I wasn't"
Sukuna motioned for her to get in the back of the car, before Toji protested. "Wait, nah, let her sit next to me." He smiled at her and pat the seat next to him. "Come here, girl. I don't bite. Not as hard as he did, anyway."
"Why should I let her sit next to you?" Sukuna planted his hand down on Toji's arm. The mood shifted as his face began to fall. "Why don't I just bring in the back seat with me?"
Toji looked at her, standing to the side waiting for the men to make a decision already. She wasn't running, she wasn't sneaking away, she wasn't even looking around for someone to save her. "What about you? Who would you rather sit next to?"
It took a moment for her to notice she was being asked a question. She looked at the two of them, blinking. "I'd rather have a bullet in my brain."
Toji busted out laughing from her hubris, while Sukuna rolled his eyes at her. "Here she fucking goes. Just sit next to him. I'm not trying to hear that shit."
Toji didn’t say much to her, at least not anything that didn’t consist of him lusting over her. "You clean up real nice, sweetheart." When she remained silent, he put his hand on her thigh and squeezed it. "Hey, can't say thank you? Don't like compliments?"
"...Thank you."
"Just drive, you fat fuck," Sukuna moaned from the backseat.
Toji smacked his teeth but drove off anyway. "Fat? Who you calling fat? Hey, sweetheart," he calls to the woman next to him, "You think I'm fat?"
"Of course she does. You flabby piece of shit."
"Come on, baby. Don't you like me? I like you."
Neither men explained what they were doing or why she was here with them, or what she needed to be doing to keep Sukuna happy. She picked up on bits and pieces of their conversation like wire it when the job’s done and last time took a month. Something about the job taking longer because someone left off an anonymous tip that their lives were in danger. She hadn’t been living in the city long and was still getting used to municipalities and the local government, but she remembered the name from a news story a couple weeks ago about the death of a DEA officer. She sunk a bit more into the seat.
Now here she was, sitting between the both of them at a booth in a humid club, men she’s never seen before ogling her. She’s very used to this, but for a moment, she thought she’d escaped this life.
Toji’s arm lays across the cushion behind her head and he leans down to murmur in her ear. “So, what the fuck did Sukuna say to you to get you to do this? You’re being a very good girl.” He starts to touch her hair too. “You’ve been a good girl all night. My client’s very happy.”
He gestures to the strange man sitting across from them smoking a cigar. She truthfully had no clue who he was or what they were all doing here, and though that terrifies her, she knows the truth is much worse. “You should smile at him. And stop looking so depressed.” He drops his hand down her back, she jumps from the cold of his fingers that tapped against her skin as he reached inside her dress. She sits up straight. “The girls are always depressed. They’ll like it if you’re happy.”
She does what she’s asked. Toji was right, the strange men were very pleased. Sukuna, finally looking over at her, smirks when he sees her very convincing smile. Then, his eyes trail upwards and he watches Toji look her up and down and bite his lip. Then, his eyes trail down his arm and catch his fingers inside her dress. His smirk drops just a bit.
“That’s right, so obedient,” Toji whispers in her ear, his hot breath tickling her and making her shudder. He chuckles again, admiring her face. “So, what did he say?”
Sukuna couldn’t hear what Toji started asking her, and he didn’t try no matter how much he wanted to. Not even when she turned back to him and responded.
“What do you mean?”
“Sukuna. You got all dressed up and came here without a fight, or even a word. Why?” He wondered. He wouldn’t get an answer, she didn’t really know either. “Did he say some shit about his childhood? Or his terrible fucking life? Or did he tell you you were the only one for him?”
She thought she would cry, but she couldn't find the tears for it. So, her lips spread into a dazed grin and she laughs. “Something like that, yeah.”
Toji, pleased by her cooperation, cackles loudly. He claps his hands a few times, and makes sure to meet Sukuna’s glare before talking to her again. “You believe him?”
“I don’t know. I guess I do.” She decided it’s easier to pretend.
Toji gingerly shakes his head. Bless your heart he says with his eyes. But with his lips, “You know he’ll fucking kill you one day, right?”
All she could do was laugh at that too. “Maybe.”
lmk what u think! Thx for reading!
#dark content#be warned it’s dark#jjk fic#jjk fanfic#sukuna x reader#sukuna x reader smut#sukuna#ryomen sukuna#toji#toji fushiguro
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↼𓍢ִ໋♥︎ my private collection ㅤ𓏲⇀
𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺𝘀 𝗶 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿, 𝗮𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲. 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 ! * ੈ✩‧₊ ⟡ 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑢𝑝𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 ⟡
IMPORTANT INCOMING MAIL ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ due to the fact I’m only allowed 50 @‘s per post, I will be unable to @ any more authors past that limit. I will still write their names next to the FIC title like i usually do. i hate tumblr rules ☹️
⊹˙⋆ OTHER LINKS ⋆˙⊹ masterlist | taglist | time stamps | guidelines | back home | honorable mentions
✧・゚: * FANDOMS I’M CURRENTLY WRITING FOR ★ The Gray Man | Avatar | Triple Frontier | Slasher | Ari Levinson | Rio (good girls) | Miscellaneous
✧・゚: * ANIME WATCHLIST ★ Kill La Kill | Gangsta | Jujutsu Kaisen | Michiko & Hatchin | Parasyte | One Punch Man | Samurai Champloo | Scissor Seven | Castlevania | Avatar the Last Airbender | Legend of Korra | The Devil Is a Part-Timer! | Demon Slayer
✧・゚: * SOME OF MY FAV. FANDOMS ★ Tokyo Revengers | Obey Me! | Genshin Impact | Jujutsu Kaisen | Haikyuu | Triple Frontier | Marvel | DC | Sons of Anarchy | My Hero Academia | Kill La Kill | The Gray Man | The Slasher fandom
☆。* THE GRAY MAN 。☆。
ONLY THE LONELY | Sierra Six x fem!Reader x Lloyd Hansen ( @charnelhouse )
WHO’S THE BOSS | CEO!Lloyd Hansen x fem!Reader ( @darkficsyouneveraskedfor )
STOP ALL THE CLOCKS | Sierra Six x fem!Reader x Lloyd Hansen ( charnelhouse )
MILK AND COOKIES | daddy!Lloyd Hansen x little!fem!Reader ( @valleyfae )
NICE AND EASY PRINCESS | daddy!Sierra Six x little!fem!Reader ( valleyfae )
THE DEVILS THIRST | daddy!Lloyd Hansen x little!fem!Reader ( @babyjakes )
DEAD IN THE WATER | merman!Ran Haitani x bimbo!fem!Reader ( @manjiroscum )
CAN’T PRETEND | college boy!Manjiro Sano x college girl!Reader ( @blueparadis )
AMBROSIAL WHISPERS | aristocrat!Manjiro Sano x fem!Reader x butler!Haruchiyo Sanzu ( manjiroscum )
☆。* OBEY ME! 。☆。
OTAKU HIDEAWAY | Leviathan x virgin!horny!fem!Reader ( @milqilin )
PORN WATCH | multiple brothers x fem!Reader ( @ange1princess )
BEEL IN A RUT | bull hybrid!Beel x fem!Reader ( @tsumutiny )
☆。* MARVEL 。☆。
A RARE CONDITION | dark!daddy!Bucky Barnes x little!fem!Reader x dark!doctor!Steve Rogers ( babyjakes )
WHAT A WORLD | tarzan!Steve Rogers x doctor!fem!Reader ( @onsunnyside )
BOUND TO YOU | dark!mob!Bucky Barnes x stewardess!fem!Reader ( @flordeamatista )
SWEET SUGAR HANDYMAN | hardware store worker!Steve Rogers x bimbo!Reader ( @buckymorelikefuckme )
SERPENTS TOUCH | hela odinsdottir x fem!Reader ( inklore )
FIXATION OF LUST | Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader ( inklore )
SWEET GIRL OF MINE | Andrew!Spider Man x fem!Reader ( inklore )
MY LITTLE FLOWER | grumpy!Bucky Barnes x sunshine!fem!Reader ( @vase-of-lilies )
LATE NIGHTS | Steve Rogers x fem!Reader ( @princessbellecerise )
none yet…
HEAVEN AND HELL | angel!Yuuji x fem!Reader x demon!Sukuna ( onsunnyside )
THE SINS OF MORTAL FLESH | dom!Sukuna x sub!Reader ( @prettyboykatsuki )
THE LOVEABLE JOCK | jock!Itadori Yuuji x fem!Reader ( @garoujo )
CALL 1-800-BOYFRIEND#2 | multiple jjk x fem!Reader ( @satorhime )
THE THRILL OF THE RUSH | vampire!Nanami Kento x vampire!fem!Reader ( @nanamibeloved )
WELCOME TO THE PARTY | boyfriend!Toji Zenin x fem!Reader x Gojo Satoru x Geto Suguru x Ryōmen Sukuna ( @sukunababy )
BAKUTO | yakuza!Toji Zenin x fem!Reader ( sukunababy )
THE HAUNTING | dilf!Toji Zenin x ghost!fem!Reader ( sukunababy )
RED RIDING HOOD | Ryōmen Sukuna x fem!Reader ( sukunababy )
PUPPY PLAYTIME | hybrid puppy!Eljiro Kirishima x owner!fem!Reader ( @eijirhoe )
HOME TO ME | Eljiro Kirishima x hybrid puppy!fem!Reader ( eijirhoe )
☆。* HAIKYUU 。☆。
YOURS FOR ALWAYS, HIS FOR THE NIGHT | Sugawara Koushi x fem!Reader x Kageyama Tobio ( heich0e )
4PLAY | Matsukawa Issei x Hanamaki Takahiro x fem!Reader x Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime ( heich0e )
MAFIA MADNESS | mafia!Ushijima Wakatoshi x fem!Reader ( heich0e )
STAY QUIET FOR ME | Frank Morales x fem!Reader ( @theshireisburning-so-mordoritis )
NO WAY TO RUN FROM THIS | Santiago Garcia x fem!Reader ( theshireisburning-so-mordoritis )
SIT TIGHT | Benny Miller x fem!Reader ( @say-al0e )
TIDES AND HEAT | Benny Miller x fem!Reader ( @dameronscopilot )
☆。* DC 。☆。
IT MATTERS TO ME | bale!Batman x fem!Reader ( @reveluving )
SURE AS HELL NOT JESUS (BUT YOU’RE SAVING ME) | Battinson x fem!Reader ( @greenorangevioletgrass )
YOU BRING THE PLEASURE, I’LL BRING THE PAIN | Pattinson!Batman x fem!Reader ( inklore )
A YOUNG MANS DREAM | husband!Levi Ackerman x fem!Reader ( @sakurashell )
HIDDEN DESIRES | neighbor!Eren Jaeger x fem!Reader ( sakurashell )
THE PRICE OF CROSSING TWICE | Levi Ackerman x grim reaper!fem!Reader ( @heich0e )
DADDYS LITTLE PRINCESS | stepdad!Ari Levinson x bratty!fem!reader ( @evansbby )
PUSH ME DOWN | ghostface!Steve Kemp x virgin!fem!reader ( valleyfae )
THE WARMTH OF YOU | dads best friend!Ari Levinson x fem!reader ( @inklore )
INVOLUTED | Wade Wilson x fem!Reader ( inklore )
OF THE ESSENCE | Tangerine x fem!Reader ( inklore )
FOOL ME TWICE | Joel Miller x muggler!fem!Reader ( inklore )
PROFESSIONAL | Joel Miller x trainer!fem!Reader ( @chloeangelic )
#pink themes#aesthetic#pink#pinkcore#pink dividers#cute#sparkles#stars#writing prompt#writing help#writing tips#jujutsu kaisen#my hero academia#attack on titan#dc universe#dc cómics#batman#wonder woman#triple frontier#haikyuu#genshin impact#marvel#obey me shall we date#obey me#tokyo revengers#the gray man imagine#the gray man
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🐺House of Alphas Chapter 53: Let There Be Light🐺
(Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse )
Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Disclaimer: Angsty but I ain’t Gege
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Gojo x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Getou
Shadow Curses.
When you fight them, an ominous tune begins to play. A grueling symphony that has you both fearful for your group and perplexed by the daunting harmony.
Shadow curses were more aggressive and stronger than the others. The regular curse spirits were simple mobs that you killed. Some of them range from different strengths and levels depending on where you are, but for the most part, they were just dirt off your shoulder. Sometimes you tried to run or avoid them because you didn’t want to deal with them.
There were also of course the curse bosses such as Jogo, Hanami, Dagon, Mahito, and Rika, but those were bosses.
Shadow curses were like the updated trash mobs you fight when you are getting to the more difficult part of the game. You try to avoid them just because you don’t want to use too many supplies and they are trickier to fight. More of an annoyance, until you learn Divine light. Then it’s easier.
You first come into contact with them one random blood moon and after that, it continues to persist throughout the game. You meet Priestest Utahime who helps you strengthen your light magic and teaches you the special move Divine light.
One thing that you are learning now is that shadow creatures consume dark magic to get their strength. You thought all of its power derived from Kenjaku or the blood moon. Now you realize this fight here is what gives it to them. The witches’ home is their feasting grounds. You could feel the abundance amount of energy flowing through the floors alone. The energy that courses through this place is insane. If you don’t do something…the monsters will get stronger and much too powerful for even you to handle. If that happens they will consume your pack. It was like a ticking time bomb. Your curse energy was the timer. Once that runs out…
Fuckity fuck- you rubbed at your throat, your voice growing hoarse from all the screaming. Your alphas still persisted as you began to drown in uncertainty.
One episode down and you are already dealing with high-level mobs. You thought all of this was going to be a cakewalk, you planned so carefully but you keep coming into contact with shit you shouldn’t be fighting so soon. Your light magic isn’t anywhere where it needs to be. You mainly used it to heal not fight. You didn’t think you would require it till later.
“It’ll be okay, don’t stress out.” Toji rubbed your back gently, sensing your discomfort.
“We will keep you safe.” Nanami added.
“I’m going to attack the barrier, there’s only so much it can handle, step back.” Sukuna rolled his shoulders as he took his true form, ready to charge.
That was a silly idea. “No Sukuna, you could hurt yourself.”
“That’s why I have you to heal me back up.” Sukuna got in a crouch, as the others pulled you aside to safety.
“Can we just wait a minute-“
“There’s no time-“
“We can take turns too if need be “
There was a loud slam, followed by scuffing and shuffling as if someone was dragging themselves along the wall. Your eyes darted to Mai who struggles to get to you, a deep scowl on her face as she bores you with the most scornful expression. Her body looks bloodied and abused. Like she had a wild dance with rocks.
“You!” She hissed holding her gun up. “How are you doing this!?”
“It’s not us!” Gojo scoffed.
“Let me-“You put a hand upon Satoru and gave a look to your alphas before you rested your gaze on the beta. “Mai… those creatures are of the shadow realm, your magic can’t kill them and the witches are only feeding them, making them stronger.” You hold up your hand as it shines with white light, “I can fend them off Mai please-“
“This is a trick! To let you out!” Mai thrust her gun forward making your alphas growl and try to stand between you and a possible bullet.
You push them aside, “Mai! My betas are out there! I would do nothing to harm them! Do you understand?! And Nobara-Maki- and Todo! They are my friends! I don’t want to see any of them get hurt! You have to believe me!”
Mai’s hand trembled and you heard more screams- and then it was silenced with a loud crunch. That was another life… gone… you choked on a sob, “Mai! They can’t defend themselves! Please! There’s no time for this!”
“You’re lying!”
“I-it’s not me! If you don't let me out, they will all die fuck-“ You duck down to grab a sharp rock.
“What are you doing-“
You didn’t allow your alphas to stop you as cut your hand. Thrusting it out you offered it to Mai, “I will make a blood oath with my life-“
“The hell you will!” You gasped feeling Nanami snatch your wrist back, you didn’t mean to activate yandere Nanami but here you are, “Do you know what a blood oath is little girl?” He growled out rather upset with you. Your other alphas looked to share his sentiment.
A blood oath was more than a pinky promise. Think of it like a contract you cannot rip up. By the laws of nature, you will be held accountable.
“I-I don’t know what else to do!” You whined.
“I’ll make the blood oath.” Getou took the rock from you.
“No, me!” Gojo stepped forward.
“Enough!” Mai shouted at you all. “Just…just save them please…” She slid down the wall and with one last ounce of strength she tossed the key toward you.
Sukuna caught it with ease, turning it inward as he unlocked the gate.
“Don’t you ever do something so reckless again.” Nanami gave you a pointed look, not letting you go until you agreed.
“Yes sir…I’m sorry.” Pleased with your answer he released you. You stepped out and then pointed to Mai, “Can one of you carry her, I’m going to need to save as much of my light magic as possible.”
Sukuna shook his head, “She will slow us down.”
“Yes, we will remember her noble sacrifice.” Gojo saluted, “Thank you, Megan.”
You rolled your eyes, “Someone pick her up and let’s go!”
*Read More*
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jujutsukaisen#fanfiction#sukuna#smutwarning#gojo#getou#readerxvarious#gojo x reader#toji x reader#reader insert#omegaverse#nanami smut#nanami kento#nanami x reader#reader x various#alpha beta omega#toji x you#fushiguro toji#toji smut#toji fushiguro#sukuna ryomen#ryoumen sukuna#sukuna x reader#gojo saturo#gojou satoru x reader#gojo satoru#satoru gojo#gojo smut
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TYSM @dottedsilktie for the tag because I have an unholy amount of WIPs I need to go through 🙇🏽♀️ Anyways welcome everyone to my stream of consciousness:
➳ Gojo x Geto angst
➳ Artist!Sukuna x Reporter!Reader
➳ Geto x Non Sorcerer!Reader
➳ Drunk!Nanami x Reader
➳ Drunk!Sukuna x Reader
➳ Sukuna x Unemotive!Reader
➳ Hello Kitty Fan!Sukuna
➳ Cooking with Sukuna x Reader
➳ Megumi reverse comfort (platonic)
➳ Choso reverse comfort
➳ Tarzan AU Sukuna or Choso
➳ Going out with Choso
➳ Ice cream/boba date with Choso
➳ Baking cinnamon rolls with Choso
➳ Making pizza with Choso
➳ Touch starved Gojo
➳ Smoker Geto/Sukuna
➳ Diner date with Geto
➳ Shopping with Nobara (platonic)
➳ Insecure!Choso x Reader
➳ Dragon!Sukuna x Knight!Reader
➳ Weed Sourbelt food play Sukuna
➳ Mob boss Sukuna
➳ Finding a hobby with Gojo
➳ Yuki x Choso x reader
➳ Evil Sukuna that got awakened but isn’t evil anymore x reader
➳ Uncle Sukuna caring for Yuji
➳ Restraunt date w Sukuna
➳ Toji x Reader where the Zenin clan is lame about ur relationship
➳ JJK men x Foodie reader
➳ Nerd!Sukuna
➳ Sick!Sukuna x Reader
➳ Cat Dad!Sukuna
➳ Nanami x Depressed!Reader
➳ Choso x Flirty!Reader
➳ Toji x Crybaby!Reader
➳ Yandere!Sukuna x Reader
➳ Crybaby Choso
➳ Sukuna x Unhinged Reader
➳ Aftercare with JJK Men
➳ Dad!JJK Men x Mom!Reader
➳ Possessive Sukuna
➳ Mall with JJK men
➳ Vacation with JJK men
➳ Cooking with jjk men
➳ Jjk men x reader crying over something dumb
➳ Restaurants with JJK Men
➳ How JJK men dance
➳ JJK Men when reader gets sick
➳ Pt 2 ^ JJK men when reader gets injured
➳ JJK Men x reader trauma comfort
➳ Soft smut Sukuna
➳ Forehead kisses Sukuna :3
➳ JJK Men x Reader w/ Financial problems
➳ Saying goodnight at the same time
No pressure tags: @emmyrosee @salaimoi @ushijimaschubbs @sserafin @0asisbliss
(I don’t know if you guys participate in these but if you do I’d love a sneak peek into your works 🥹❤️)
wip title tag game
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
How helpful is f/o in the kitchen
Pairing: Buuhan x Reader
Untitled - “The people say you are cruel and you do nothing to change their minds. You…give them a reason to speak of you unfavorably.”
In Another Lifetime II - Shige
Untitled - There was an envy of you among the other parents in the school district.
Untitled - “Hello again. Sweetie.”
My Future is With you
Saiyans going to Black y/n's family cookout
Thigh Sex. - Shinjuro Rengoku
Sex Pollen. - Xeno Trunks
Swan Song
Radship week
Over a beer bottle
Untitled - "I don't get it. I did everything right, I got you to love me. Y-You love me."
In Another Lifetime II - Paras
Taint and Ravage
Neither Goku, Nor Vegeta II
I wanna feel you in my bones.
Spoils of War
no-pressure tags: @dreadsuitsamus @yeowangies @actuallysaiyan @beneathstarryskies @vegeta-bananabluish @emmacornell @loki-love @vampcubus and anyone other writers interested in participating! ♥
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#gojo satoru#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen fluff#megumi fushiguro#fushiguro megumi#jjk megumi#jujutsu kaisen writing#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen nanami#jujutsu kaisen yuji#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen sukuna#jujutsu kaisen satoru#jujutsu kaisen megumi#jujutsu nanami#jujutsu megumi#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu geto#jujutsu sorcerer#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu satoru#jujutsu sukuna#jujutsu itadori#gojo jjk#jjk x y/n#jjk x reader smut#smut jjk#jjk crack
75 notes
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Cherry Picker.. /Devil! Sukuna x F!reader/

"Porno Style" 600 Follow Special [Additional Drabble]
⛤ Warnings: Devil! Sukuna, virgin! reader, popping your cherry (lmao), spanking, teasing, ass grabs, paraphilia, biting, marking as property, rough dicking down, clit pinching, thigh riding, size kink (Sukuna kinda gloats about size), stretching, cervix bruising, gentle fingering, oral (fem receiving), male masturbation, back-breaking orgasms, breeding kink, forced creampie, multiple rounds
⛤Reader: F! virgin! reader (reader is small breasted)
⛤Plot: Devil Sukuna wants to pop that little cherry between your thighs and claim it as his~
⛤Words: 3.904k
A/n: I've been thinking about this special for a while, but I never had anything ready for it so sorry this is a little later than it was hoped to be. Honestly, I loved my "sensitive to touch" Sukuna so I decided to make this the special ^^
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy the 600 Special!
You felt so stupid; why had you bought that book full of rituals to summon demons? What was wrong with you?
Well, when you had bought that book, you were thinking it could probably help you with your little virgin problem —and honestly, it did!
Managing to figure out the kanji for the summoning spell, write it out on your living room floor, and saying the ritual words weren't all that easy. And when it actually worked and sent you a demon, you didn't expect to fall head over fucking heels for it the moment you saw it.
He was drop dead gorgeous.
His hair was a cute shade of pink that was slicked back from his face to uncover a symbol —much like the ones from the book— with a black strip that ran across the bridge of his nose. Deep red eyes that made you feel small and useless, but also like an endearing snack waiting for him to feast upon.
You had even choked when you saw the tattoos that ran down his shoulders, chest, and abs. Even had some on his arms that ran from his shoulders to his wrists in black ink. He wore his rather normal looking clothes like he was a mob boss ready for a fight with a rival gang in the alleyways of Tokyo, like you saw in the news.
A thin silver chain hung from his neck that rested on a white button down that exposed his collarbone slightly, thanks to the two undone buttons on his chest. Even his pants hugged his thighs like they were going to shred into a bunch of pieces at any moment.
Right at that moment, you wondered if he could help your problem, and he could..
..but for a small price.
"I get to claim you as mine," The devil stated, like it was not a problem.
Gosh, he even sounds like a mob boss.
"Once I do your bidding for the day, I claim your soul and return to the underworld. I'll come back when I please and have my way with you; that's the deal."
"Like a boyfriend?" You asked, sitting on the living room floor with your feet underneath you.
Large black wings stretched behind him while his tail, similar in color, whipped around and curled around his ankle and he sat up and rested his weight on his knees and elbows. A wicked smirk played his plump lips as he answered your weak question.
"Yes, like a boyfriend, sweetheart."
Stealing a glance behind you, the devil smiled when his eyes landed on the book. "Summoning a devil to do your dirty work isn't easy, princess. I might even be willing to do more than just one simple favor."
"Oh, I don't want you to do anything bad!" You said, blinking a few times. "There's just a little thing I want taken care of that doesn't require someone's soul being eaten, or something."
The devil's head tilted, confusion written all over his beautiful face until he took a deep breath and smelled it. The aroused smell humans give off when they're in a lusted frenzy; but he doubted it was you that gave off this energy.
You looked so pure and hopeful, despite summoning a demon, without a care about such means.
"..What's your favor, little one?" He asked, he eyes narrowing as he did so. Standing up to look around your small apartment, he walked around like he owned the place with his hands held neatly behind his back.
"I was.. uhm," You started, heat creeping into your cheeks as you stood to sit on the couch.
How would you say it, something so vulgar and obscene? But, asking the devil to do this one thing would probably be the easiest part in this whole transition. Taking a deep breath, you put your hands on your knees and closed your eyes.
"I was wanting you to.. t-to make love.. with me."
Oh great heavens that was cheesy.
"Make love?" Turning his head, the demon quirked a brow at your words and chuckled. "You want a quick fuck? That's why I'm here?"
"D-Don't say it like that, but in simple terms, yes and no."
Nodding his head, the devil took a few steps towards you, releasing his hands from behind his rear and letting them slip into his pockets. Even the sway of his hips as he walked towards you made you heart flip, and it was embarrassing you to no end once he dipped his head down and fanned a cold breath to your ear.
"Does the little princess want her new demon daddy to make her feel good?"
The blatant words made your tummy curl in on itself; so lewd and brazen. But slowly, you nodded and the demon's smile only widened, his tail giving a little wag at this which you found rather adorable.
"Before we do this," The devil said as he stood up again, removing his hand from his pocket and holding it out for you to take it.
"I must know where your bedroom is, if you want to 'make love' as you say."
Taking his hand, you stood and realized just how much bigger he was than you. His chest even was huge, and it made you a small and flustered mess as you gently pulled him to your room in the back. Once you got inside the confined space, the devil sat himself on your bed for loud creaks to erupt from the mattress.
"Oh that's very interesting," He chuckled, laying back and spreading himself from the knee up on the bed. "Such a loud bed, I love it."
Blushing, you couldn't help but think his figure was otherworldly. Even with his shirt on, you could tell he was fit —hell, even his thighs could squeeze your face— almost like a God.
"Now, before we begin," He suddenly said, interrupting your thoughts. "I need to know if this has been done before, sexually."
"What do you mean?"
The devil sat up again, gently pulling you closer by your small hand and rested his hands on your hips. Tracing your delicate curves like you could shatter at any moment as he looked up at you.
"If you've had sex before, of course."
And even if you didn't answer him, he knew you haven't by the blush creeping onto your cheeks. He knew it even from the beginning that you were a virgin, though he denied your request to take your virginity since you seemed so innocent.
Guess he was wrong for once.
"Here, undo your pants and remove them," He ordered, though his voice was rather calm and made it sound like a suggestion.
You did as you were told and removed them, climbing into the bed next to the demon. "C-Can I know your name?"
An astonished look flashed over the man's face before it was wiped away with another smirk.
"I'm Sukuna Ryomen, princess."
Pressing your small figure into the mattress, the demon known as Sukuna, now hovered over you as he undid his shirt. More and more of his fit form was exposed before you could see his shoulders and torso that were covered in tattoos. You didn't even know a demon could look so handsome beyond the shirt, since they looked so nasty in horror movies, but you weren't about to complain.
"You don't have to be so scared, princess." Sukuna smiled, warm and gentle as he grabbed your hand and lifted it to his belt.
"You can touch me too, I'm in a good mood so I won't make you pay too much for my services."
Your heart skipped beats, your small fingers tracing over the male's belt before Sukuna began undoing it. With widened eyes, you watched as Sukuna's boxers came into view as his pants were tossed to your bedroom floor.
Sukuna lifted your small body up and sat you in his lap, your clothed pussy grinding into his thigh in moments as you held onto his shoulders. He chuckled at this, tracing the dip in your hips with his thumbs before a hand reached around and grabbed a handful of your ass. He let out a guttural groan before leaning into your neck and leaving kisses on your skin, each one as soft as the last until he gripped your hips and pressed you down.
The sudden shiver sent up your spine made your back arch into Sukuna's chest slightly as your thighs pressed around his.
"Oh? Did you like that?" He asked, making a small bite mark on your collarbone before kissing up again. "Go on, keep riding my thigh."
It's not like Sukuna could stop you as you did, it felt so good that you didn't know if you wanted to. Riding his thigh was hitting your clit perfectly and you couldn't help but let a few moans slip up.
"Fucking hell," Sukuna groaned again, grabbing your ass and squeezing. "Gotta get this shirt off of you, I want to suck on your tits."
"You're so lewd, Sukuna." You said as Sukuna's hands lifted your shirt and exposed your breasts.
And this is where you felt embarrassed to have small breasts. You hadn't ever really cared up until now, but having Sukuna's eyes on them made you feel self conscious. He traced his large hand over them easily, cupping the small bubble in his hand and bent down to kiss your nipple.
"Mm.." He let out a soft moan, licking his lips and letting them envelop your nub in his mouth.
"A-Agnn!!" You squealed, hands finding Sukuna's nape quickly as you shut your eyes and whimpered. "Wh-What're you-?"
"Sucking on them. What? Haven't played with these cute, little tits before either?"
Your flushed face and eyes teary answered his question quick.
"Here, stop grinding for a moment," Sukuna said, rolling the both of you over onto your back.
The new position left you breathless, seeing Sukuna's tinted cheeks and eyes that were coated in lust made your heart spin. But soon, your back was arching as Sukuna trailed kisses down your chest and towards your warm sex. It was embarrassing to feel how wet you had gotten from just a few kisses and grinding, but you couldn't help it.
Sukuna though, didn't seem to complain, but rather praised you.
"Such a dirty little girl you are, huh?" He teased, pulling your panties off and kissing your abdomen.
Making his way down your thighs and the outer parts of your nethers, Sukuna rubbed small circles into your thighs. Finally, with one final look up at you, Sukuna plunged into your pussy. Kissing and sucking on your leaking clit and letting your thighs press against his face as you squealed and moaned at his lips and tongue.
It was almost like you were in heaven, feeling things you've only seen in porno's that you'd watch on long nights. Even looking down at Sukuna to see his eyes trained on yours, it was like you were living every virgin's fantasy.
Having a hot man like him eating you like his final meal, making your pussy quiver with want and delving deeper, running a finger against your slit. Making a warmth fill your tummy and twitch like you never have in your life.
It was so new and it felt so good, you wanted more.
"M-More... please, I-I want more~" Your voice cooed, sending blood straight to the devil's cock and making him groan into your pussy.
"You want more?" He asked, playing dumb to tease you a little. Sukuna wanted nothing more than to hear you plead and beg for a release, to cum, to feel his cock inside you; anything.
Your quick nodding, followed by a rather loud moan, made Sukuna smile and stick his pointer and middle fingers into his mouth. Drooling on them and even sucking on them to lube them up as best as he could, only for you to see him do this and then feel them press against your hole.
"Want daddy to finger you?" He asked, pressing them farther until they pushed past your little barrier without warning.
His fingers dove into your soft walls, pumping roughly and forcing moan after moan until your clit twitched and you arched your back. Whimpering more pleas until you squirted all over Sukuna's face, a cry leaving you as your vision got fuzzy and your orgasm washed over you in a rush.
"That's it, feel good for me," Sukuna cooed, sucking on your clit and drinking all your cum like it was his favorite drink at a bar. "Gods, you taste so fucking good; you're so tight too, can't want to stuff you full of me."
This made you blush, tear up and whimper all in one go.
Imagining the power of Sukuna's thrusts and the girth in your mind made you all sorts of aroused, and Sukuna could tell. Hell, the look written on your face made him sure of it. You wanted a good dicking down by him, have his dick so far inside you didn't even know if you were numb or feeling it all.
"Spread your legs a little more," Sukuna's voice was gentle yet firm, spreading your legs and making himself situated before reaching down and hooking his thumbs underneath the waistband of his underwear.
He gave a gentle tug before his length sprung out and slapped his abdomen. Even his cock was pretty to look at, and you knew damn well that Sukuna knew how to use it.
"By the look on your face, you seem to enjoy it," Sukuna suddenly said, as if he had read your mind. "It's nice and long for you to feel it all and stretch you out real good."
As he spoke, he pulled his boxers down and began pumping himself with his hand. The wet sounds that were created as he did this only fueled the fire in your tummy and core, watching Sukuna's hand squeeze and fap to nothing but your scent and pussy alone. It was so pornographic to watch, you almost felt like an only-fan and blushed when a mewl escaped you.
"What? Don't like getting teased?" Sukuna asked, pressing his thumb against the small slit that was leaking pre. "I'll tease myself a little too, then, okay?"
You pressed your thighs against each other, covering your mouth with your hands like you were a little girl again. Eyes were glued to Sukuna's pumping fist, watching his abs tighten and dick twitch with every pump as he strokes grew faster and longer. When Sukuna pressed his forehead against your's though, you finally got a look at his face.
He looked winded, flustered, and all around a sexy mess. Sukuna's brows were knitted together and sweat was collecting in the roots of his hairline, even his tattoos looked like they shined.
"S-Sukuna.. I-" You could say anything, it was so good to watch, but you wanted to be Sukuna's hand so badly.
You wanted to be the one to squeeze and feel Sukuna's cock and to make him cum, not his hand. You didn't even know if he was going to stay after one round, but you wanted to make it worth the time spent.
"Wh-What?" He asked, eyes glued to your thighs and the little space between them. Watching your slick pool with lust, getting off to the arousal that was pouring into the bedsheets.
He wanted to see it full of cock— his cock —forever, being pumped full of his babies and making little half-demon spawn.
"Want me to pump you full? Make you my cute little human cock sleeve?" He asked, voice hoarse as his gaze turned to yours. "Is that it? Do you want daddy to fuck you and make your bed break?"
Oh my God- "M-Mhm.."
Without hesitation, Sukuna lifted you up and rolled over onto his back. Looking from below you now as you pressed your small hands to his chest and let out a little yelp. Sukuna chuckled and squeezed your soft hips, angling you to where your clit was rubbing against his cock's head and groaned.
"Fuck, I want to be inside you," The devil's eyes gleamed at those words, like he was praying for your pussy to wrap around him rather than just saying dirty things. "Bet that sweet pussy feels amazing; probably a little mini heaven just for me."
Reaching down, Sukuna grabbed himself by the base while making eye contact with you. Maintaining it when he pressed his mushroomed tip against your slick folds, pushing past the small barrier until you let out a small sob.
"Does it hurt?" Sukuna asked, stopping your body from slamming down onto him.
"M-Mhm.. it stings.." You whimpered, looking down past your breasts and to your connecting middles.
Sukuna pulled you down by your neck, pressing those amazingly soft lips to your own and humming. So warm and comforting that kiss was. It sent shivers down your spine and made your pussy clench on Sukuna's cock, a grunt leaving him when you did this and a feral grin created small dimples in his cheeks.
"You like getting kisses from me, huh?" He asked, nibbling on his lower lip and a groan leaving him. "Shit— gonna make daddy cum if you keep squeezing me like that, babygirl."
"I'm s-sorry, Sukuna.." You mewled, your lower half enveloping more and more of Sukuna's girth inch by painstaking inch. "Y-You're just so good at kissing, and your.. y-your part is- it's so big!"
Taking your chin in his hand, he pressed his thumb against your cheek while the rest of his fingers pressed against it's opposite, a loving smile leaving the demon before he let out an amused chuckle.
"Such an innocent little human you are~" He teased, releasing your face and joining his other hand at your thighs. Squeezing and kneading the soft, sensitive plumps of flesh.
"You're so drunk on me that your lust could overflow into my fucking soul. So desperate for a good fuck that you're practically sobbing for it. And what's worse? Not even saying thank you for giving you this cock when I could've left long ago. So rude of you!"
Without warning, Sukuna plunged you down on his cock. A sharp sensation shooting from your core to your brain, a yelp followed by a moan left you at the sudden drop. The full feeling in your gut making you sob as Sukuna said, looking down and seeing a little bump in your tummy.
"Would you look at that," Sukuna chuckled, seeing the bulge in your gut and smirking devilishly. "Take a guess what that is, sweetheart."
You shook your head, your lips tightly sealed while your eyes were shut tight. Mewls desperate to escape you as Sukuna pressed down on the bump and stroked it with his warm palm.
"That's my cock —my demonic corruption— inside that cute, little tummy of yours. It looks so good, I might want to make it bigger with my babies pumped inside of you."
Lifting up your body, Sukuna watched as his cock pummeled into your little hole with every thrust inside. Your small nether lips stretched to accommodate his large girth with a tight grip, slicking up the thick meat like it was drooling over the pain.
"S-Sukuna!" You gasp, brows knitting together in an upward angle as you bounced in Sukuna's lap. "I-I didn't know it felt so.. s-so good!"
"Goddamn, babygirl.." Sukuna growled, his firm hold on your hips sure to cause a bruise. Thrusting up into your sloppy cunt like it was his given right and groaned.
His cock-head kissed your womb with every slap of skin, your arousal pooling underneath you and onto Sukuna's pelvis as you rode the devil. Waton moans spilled from your throat after some coaxing and soon you were howling for more. More of Sukuna's cock, more of this warmth filling your gut, to cum.
You just wanted more of it.
"I'm gonna cum, S-Sukuna..!" You sobbed, your pussy clenching around the demon. Back arching until you looked down and saw something leaking from your connected nethers.
But before you could inspect further, Sukuna reached down and pressed a finger against your abused clit. Pinching the squirting bud and circling and pressing it like it was a T.V remote button. Squealing, your face heated up at the sudden sensation and grinded your hips down into Sukuna's palm.
"Go ahead —fuck, agh— cum on daddy's cock," Sukuna ordered, thrusting up into your warm mound again and forcing a whimper to leave you.
He enjoyed this. Watching your small human tits bounce, see your thighs clenching around his as you rode his cock like a slut. It was so fucking hot and lewd, he thought that he was blushing.
"C'mon, good girl," He teased. "Make a demon blush."
With that, you arch your back and let out a cry. Repeating Sukuna's name like it was a prayer to God himself as you rode out your high, coming down from it as Sukuna rolled you over and pressed you into the damp bed sheets and pillows. Feral kisses were shared as Sukuna began rolling his hips against yours, the sloppy sounds of Sukuna's cum mixing and swirling around in your pussy embarrassing you to no end.
"Such a tight little cunt," Sukuna groaned against your lips, eyes remaining closed as he hung his head over your shoulder to mutter more quiet dirty talk into your hot ear.
"Bet no one's going to make you feel like this, yeah? Even the devil himself would cry for a pussy like this, but it's mine now. Mine. Mine. Mine."
Crying into his shoulder, you mumbled and sobbed in agreement until you came again. Squeezing Sukuna like you wanted to be bred, and you didn't even know if that was you or the pleasure talking, but you begged for it.
Begged for Sukuna to claim you, mark you, make you his.
And Sukuna couldn't be a happier demon.
Watching your little pussy clench around him as juices leaked from around him. Pumping your red pussy full until you squirted again and again, Sukuna bellowing out a laugh.
"So fucking happy you summoned me," He blurted out, back arching as the knot in his gut tightened. "So glad I got the best pussy in the nine rings of fucking Hell!"
With a final load, Sukuna let out a roar as a broad smile took over his face and he laughed manically. Never have you seen a man laugh as he came, but you didn't care. You were too fucked out of your mind to care, seeing nothing but a hazy red glow look down at you.
Soon, Sukuna's soft lips enveloped yours and he rested his weight on you. Tapping your calves until you wrapped your legs around his waist and he panted. Kissing the marks on your neck and collarbone, resting his balled fists on either side of your head and letting you hold him.
He wasn't used to this sudden affection swelling in his chest, but he didn't care. He got to claim a virgin in his time in Hell, at least he thought.
Wait, I'm not in love. Is something he often asked himself as he visited...
And he was always wrong when he assumed no.
a/n: Hope you enjoyed you filthy readers! Sukuna being in love is just something that's going to be too often on here and Ik for damn sure that I have some readers that want some dark and taboo shit. If there's anything like that you want, just ask through my requests so that it's easier ^^
taglist: (none :D)
Song~ Ayzha Nyree - "No Guidance" Remix // slowed + reverb
#sukuna jjk#jujutsu#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk smut#jujustu kaisen#anime#sukuna#ryomen sukuna#sukuna ryomen#sukuna ryoumen#jjk x reader#jjk fanfic#jjk angst#jjk imagines#jjk x you#sukuna ryomen x you#jjk sukuna#sukuna x you#sukuna ryomen x reader#sukuna ryomen smut#drabble#oneshot#reader insert#fluff#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujustu kaisen x y/n#jujustu kaisen smut#jujustu kaisen imagine
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Hey! I'm trying to finish write this (mob boss x stripper reader) story and I really can't decide which character to choose (I got to many ideas😭). This story finna be filled with drama. Who do you think should be the mob boss?
well it depends on what anime you’re using?
toji (feel like he’s an obvious answer since i’m using him lmfaoo)
megumi (feel like it’ll be an interesting plot of him being the young mafia boss that’s been given the role due to his father’s death and everybody underestimate him cause he’s so damn young)
nanami (feel like he’ll be the kind mafia boss but will kick some ass if he has to especially when kids and women are involved)
ushijima (look at his face and tell me he don’t give off those vibes)
bye i just think a lot of hq men can fill this role tbh
attack on titan
levi (bye don’t let the fucking height fool you)
i guess it honestly depends on what anime tbh
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Losing Control Now
Pairings: Mobster Gojo x bartender F!reader
Summary: Something about running the Gojo mafia just makes Satoru so bored. Boring, boring boring. Sure, he loves money, he loves women, he loves snorting snowy powder off their bodies. He loves the power that comes from it- but he's just bored. That is, until he stumbles upon you, the brand new bartender that makes him pause, falter, and then soon he becomes obsessed, with knowing you, in every single way. Paying off your mom's debts and working two jobs, you're exhausted, but something about this pretty Mob boy just makes you... excited again. How far in are you, and how far is Satoru in the mafia world? All he knows, is he must have you.
CW: Sexual tension, eventually explicit sex, mafia themes, drug themes, violence, obsessed ass whipped ass Satoru Gojo, oral sex, possessive Gojo, drug use and drug dealing - lowkey Yandere fkn Gojo hehe. Light angst, some fluff, heavy smut, lots of teasing. This part- Lots of plot. drinking, making out, oral sex (f recieving) teasing, overstimulation, hurt/comfort, light angst, say hi to a couple other characters from JJK hehe -WC this part- 7.3k wc
That Gojo art is by michi_ia on X!!! based on Satoru from Pour it Up (Sukuna's story) You can read it alone, but I think it enhances this- Reblogs//comments appreciated if you enjoyy!
<<<part one - masterlist - playlist- Part three>>> (coming soon)
Part two
Satoru sees your text two days later, bright and early that morning, as he and Sukuna, Toji and Suguru all pull up in a limousine to the Kamo manor. His dopey grin is so big Suguru notices clearly, leaning over to peek at his screen, as Satoru hides it to his chest, glaring behind his black shades. “Look at that face. Ya gonna ask her out now?”
“Yes… but she just texted me.” Satoru smiles again, thinking of you, how are your mornings, do you rush right to work? What’s your routine? How did you sleep after the other night, when you touched your-
“Focus, Satoru, you can simp later.” Sukuna grumbles, clearly upset at being away from his own girl, but at least he’s with her, Satoru still barely even knows you yet, and he already can’t stop thinking of you.
“What do I say back though? She said… good morning.” Satoru says with another bright grin, Suguru snorts in laughter.
“Ever thought of good morning back?” Satoru sighs, shaking his head.
“Too lame.”
“Try- ‘good morning lets fuck- hah!” Toji mentions.
“Don’t say that, shit! No wonder you’re single.” Sukuna says now, earning Toji flipping him off as they brush off their suits, standing in front of the opulent manor while Satoru can’t get his eyes off the text.
“She put hearts.” Gojo says dreamily, eyeing your text with literal hearts in his baby blues.
“So say- good morning, brat. Works for me.” Sukuna shrugs, and Satoru sighs again.
“Brat already? I don’t know…”
“What about- ‘good morning pretty’ hmm?” Suguru suggests, Satoru snaps his fingers now.
“That’s it, hah!”
Satoru: Good morning pretty.
“She’s typing! Oh, she hearted it too!” Satoru earns the eye rolls of all his friends as the butler opens the doors, and Satoru just wants to talk to you, but now he has to shove his phone in his slacks pocket with a pout.
You: I hope you have a great day, I’m excited to see you later.
You can’t stop the giggle as you read his text, pretty, something about being called that by Satoru Gojo meant far, far too much. You can’t wipe the giddy little smile off your face as you step into the elevator at work, holding two coffees, one for you and one for your boss, Mr. Nanami. You see him then as you look up from your phone, he gives you a kind smile.
“Good morning, Mr. Nanami, oh here!?” He takes his cup with a little nod of his head.
“Thank you, Miss…” He says your last name but it trails off because you’re still thinking of him, of Satoru Gojo.
“Oh, I meant to ask, is it alright if I take Friday off? I hope it’s not inconvenient at all to you.”
“Finally taking a day off, hmm? Of course. I don’t know why you haven’t, you have PTO days.” Nanami frowns a bit as he eyes you, so clearly exhausted, but always well put together with a pretty smile.
“I get those as extra pay at the end of the quarter though.” You murmur, and damn if you don’t need the extra. The elevator dings open and you both walk towards the office, everyone loves Nanami, he’s about the best boss you could have, he pays well of course, just nothing was getting you out of the debt you’re in.
“I think personal time is important, trust me.” He says softly, as he stops in front of your desk, while you start up your computer with a little yawn.
“I know but I need the money and…”
“We could do a review early? If you want. I can add to your salary.” Nanami murmurs softly, you raise your brows then, mouth opened.
“You would?”
“I’m not sure what situation you’re in…” He frowns a bit. “But of course, let’s do a review early after your shift today, that sound good?”
“Yes, I really appreciate it.” You smile as you start sipping coffee, tapping into the many, many tasks you take on so frequently. Nanami is kind and a raise would be great but he does not know the amount of money you owe.
Not much is putting a dent in it aside from the bar on top of this job, this job is truly for just your current bills and a little bit of food for yourself, if you were a normal person, it would work, it would be fine, but of course you’re not. You got stuck with this debt, from the woman you…
You thought she loved you, well…
You wanted her to.
Your mother has always been cold toward you for your life, dad long, long gone because he couldn’t handle her. You suppose that you felt almost sorry for her, as her addictions caused her downfall, the few moments you had with her being so sweet to you, when she got her fix, when she got her high of winning something for once, and she’d take you out.
Ice cream, something sweet, and give you that attention, so when she broke down on the phone with you and begged you to come back, of course you did, you always did exactly what she asked, what anyone asked, really. Firmly a people pleaser, you tended to give all of yourself to everyone all the time and ask for nothing in return, truly.
Work goes by and occasionally you peek at your phone, a little fluttering feeling when Satoru writes you back after a couple of hours, you were so unsure if perhaps you’re a little too bold with the good morning text. But it took everything in you not to, after the two of you texted again yesterday, just little things, not bringing up anything that happened however.
It felt like some little fever dream almost, how it all happened, how you had fallen into Satoru so desperately over the phone, images flooding your mind, as he made you feel so wanted. You tended to avoid hookups, as your heart got invested in people, but you’ve never felt anything like his sapphire eyes rushing over your body, counting down the minutes till you saw him.
Satoru: You get that day off?
You: I did, actually.
Satoru: Call me when you’re off work, pretty please?
You flush at your seat, he’s so cute you can’t compute the dangerous world he is apparently in, he’s so sweet, but then… you saw there’s much more to him already than you likely know. You take a moment before answering him with a little heart react to his message, worried about letting yourself relax for even that moment, you are finally making progress with these debts, you can’t slack off.
You clack away at your keyboard, you deal with people as they walk in with a smile, you keep that smile even as people call to yell at you on the phone, taking several breaths to keep going. Finally, five is coming, and Mr. Nanami is at your desk, hands in his tan pockets, you thought he was very handsome and he used to even make you blush, truly.
The girls in the office giggle about him, but he’s always a professional, however as far as you have seen and known, and gave you a job so quickly when you needed it the most. “Come on in the office so you’re not staying too late past five.”
“You do hate overtime, hmm?” Nanami chuckles as you follow him inside the office now, meticulous and clean aside from some scattered papers, he leans back in his seat and gestures for you to sit.
“You really work hard and I see it, I usually do yearly reviews but I added another four thousand to your yearly salary, I hope it will help some?”
“It definitely will, you didn’t have to make an exception.” As sweet as he is, and it’s a good raise for this sort of work, it’s not close to really helping, but you feel he wants to help, and you’re so thankful to have good people around you, it makes you more emotional. Nanami is running his own business and does well, but you know he’s not greedy, he’s more than fair.
“No worries, you are fast becoming my go to girl.” He smiles just a bit at you, clearing his throat a little nervously then. “You have another job you said?”
“Just a few nights a week, I promise it won’t affect this job.”
“Can I ask, why a twenty five year old woman, no kids… please don’t take offense… needs two jobs? And never takes a day off?”
You sigh then, looking away. “It’s too long of a story.”
“I can help more if…”
“No, no please, you're already too nice of a boss.” You lean over now, hand over his, and watch a blush on his cheeks rise, making him just a little less hard edged than you’re used to. “I’m fine, Mr. Nanami, the story is one I don’t share much, maybe outside of work some day.”
“Would you like that, to go out-”
“Oh… that sounded horrible!” You gasp, and he chuckles, shaking his sandy blond head.
“I didn’t take it as an advance.”
“Okay thank goodness. Personal talk- I think I have a guy I like? But how do I even do that, when I work so much? Advice?” You ask, he rubs the back of his neck, leaning back and chuckling softly.
“No, I haven’t figured that one out myself, and you work more than me. Is this the day off, a date?”
“It’s fine, you know, it’s your time.”
You sigh now, peeking at your phone. “Yes. Maybe? I think we are gonna…It’s been a while, ugh.”
“Well then you go have fun, and the next check will reflect the raise, okay?” He stands then, and you hug him on impulse, he tenses.
“Sorry! You’re just… thank you.” You murmur, smiling and blinking back tears.
“It’s nothing, let me know if you need more help, okay?” He pats your back awkwardly, and exhales just a bit. “He’s a lucky guy, a date with you.”
“Oh… you’re being too sweet.” You tuck a lock of your hair back shyly now, perhaps even last week you’d melt for that comment, but Satoru has fast become an obsession in your mind, one you don’t want to tell him about, what if he thought you were way too much!? “Thank you so much, truly.”
“Think nothing of it, go on now.” Nanami internally curses himself for not asking you out before, but then he has to be professional, curious as you swipe a couple tears off your pretty face and head out.
What sort of trouble were you in?
“Hey, Satoru…” You can’t stop your fingers from calling him, even as you’re in your car, hearing his deep, sensual voice on the other end while you drive.
“My little secretary is off work hmm?” He teases, you roll your eyes as you come to a red light, smiling.
“Your secretary, hmm?”
“Bet you look sexy in your little office dress.”
“You think?”
“I know. What time is your shift at the club tonight?”
You let out a yawn, shaking your head and sipping on coffee- you sip on some sort of caffeine all day long, you just hope your heart will hang on. “It’s not until nine, actually, what time will you get there?”
You giggle now. “Mr. Gojo!”
“I’ll try to be there by nine, a pretty bartender there makes the best drinks.” He teases, untying his tie as he speaks to you, putting you on speaker and unbuttoning his dress shirt slowly.
“Should I be jealous?” You ask softly, pulling up to your home then and tensing, sick to your stomach when you see it.
Your mother.
“What is it?” Satoru demands, panic filling him, he does not know all about your situation yet, was it with bad people- was it-
“I have to go.”
“Don’t hang up the phone, I…” You pause now, seeing her standing right on your porch, you’d changed the locks on her.
“I promise I’ll see you soon, shit it’s the one thing keeping me… I really want to see you.” You murmur, gulping down emotions.
“Are you okay!?”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll text you when I’m there if you’re not yet. I really… I wanna… I have to… I have to go.” Is all you manage softly, making Satoru panic.
“Who’s there?” He demands, you blink then just a bit.
“Just don’t worry, I’m a big girl. See you soon.” You hate hanging up on him, but you can’t have him hearing what is going to ensue, surely the sheer amount of baggage would be too much, even for the lead of the Gojo family.
Your mom is staring at you, tears down her face. “You changed the locks to my house?”
“It’s not your house anymore, it’s all in my name, your debt, your mortgage, shit your refinance, all of it.” You say then, clutching your purse as you step up, the phone ringing, and you know it’s Satoru, but you can’t have him see you this way.
What if he hated you for this? Were you too harsh-
“It is still my fucking house that I let you have.” Your mom has the audacity to shove at you now, you blink in shock, seeing her rail thin arms and sighing.
“You’re using again, huh?”
“So what if I am? Can’t even come here now, because you pay some shit?”
“Pay some shit!? You’re in two million in fucking debt! I’m running on empty working my damn ass off so they don’t kill you and our whole family!” You’re screaming even as it’s a whisper, heart racing as your anger rushes through your veins, and your mother scoffs.
“Mei is giving you a payment plan-”
“The interest is thirty percent. You’re lucky I don’t disappear, is that what you want, to deal with it yourself?” Your mother blinks in fear now, stepping back just a bit as if things are going through her head.
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” Her tone changes, as she adjusts her body position, knowing how to tug your heartstrings. “You do work hard, I see you got a car all by yourself, looks kind of-”
“I swear to god if you even mention that I bought a car to go to my two jobs like I’m doing so well…”
“Just let me in for a bit please?” You exhale and unlock the door, she steps into your home that you barely spend time in, the one you have mafia and Mei’s minions frequenting- to give you friendly reminders.
You kick off your shoes, seeing the frantic texts from Satoru and feeling horrible, you hardly know him and he cares so much more than the woman that birthed you, already peering at everything in your home as if she has some eye for its worth. Like she’d pawn it, as she had literally everything she got her hands on.
“Miss you, sweetie.” She says now, scratching up her arms, and reaching for a cigarette.
“Don’t smoke in here.” You pause her, and she glares, then thinks better of it, surely she knows that if she gives you any affection you fold.
“Of course, oh so proud of you, look at this little award, for your office job already?”
“It’s just a licence certificate. Do you need something?” You ask then, and she starts putting on the waterworks.
“Just a few hundred, do you mind? You’re doing so well you know, and Steve he broke up with me, so I’m with Jenny and-”
“Just… here.” You snatch up what you have in your wallet, sighing and handing it to her. “It’s all the extra cash I have right now.”
She frowns at it, counting it and raising a brow. “Only two hundred fifty?”
“Are you serious!?” Your jaw sets, walking to your fridge and calculating your hours before you grab the bottle of wine, sipping it right out of the goddamn bottle as she begins.
“I always took such good care of you, god your father didn’t even want me to have you. Maybe we’d be together-”
“If I wasn’t born. Yeah I know the spiel.” You sip more wine, hating every second of your fucking existence, all you want is to have that day off, to have this damn date with someone that brightens your world, but here you are, as she comes closer.
“And who do you have but me? It’s not like you have a man, at your age I had your father, I had kids-”
“At your age the economy had not gone to shit first off, and I have no time for a man when I have a bitch mother’s debt to take care of.” She smacks you then, right on your cheek, echoing in the kitchen, even as tears stream down your face.
“You’d disrespect me like this!?”
“Want me to tell Mei you visited?” You ask then, raising a brow, and she gasps, stepping back.
“You would never do that to your own mother.”
“I’m pretty fucking close. Why don’t you get a job?”
“My job was raising you-”
“And you did like shit at it. My brother is homeless and a druggie, and I’m drinking wine from a bottle giving my bully my lunch money.” You’re laughing then, erratically, shaking your head. “Fuck, this is rich.”
Your mother steps back as she watches you have a full fucking break down, as you laugh so hard you have to double over, the mixture of laughter and tears actually seeming to terrify even her.
Good, you think.
“You know what, next time you come I’ll tell them. I’ll call them, they are dying to know where you are.”
“You’d never!”
“Try me.” You whisper, jaw locked now, and she finally darts out, but not before she stares at you, slowly as if for two seconds she realizes what she’s doing, then she disappears, door slamming and leaving you alone.
What is this life?
The phone rings once more and you answer it, sniffling. “Mr. Gojo, I can’t talk right now, I’m sorry.”
“What fucking happened!? Can you just share your location?” Satoru’s already desperate as he slips into his car, his driver waiting for his orders.
“You can’t see me like this.” You whisper miserably, sipping more of the cheap wine. “I am a fucking wreck, please don’t.”
“Do you live far from the bar?”
“Then let me come see you.”
“Why?” You whisper, and he exhales, heart pounding as he hears it, the pain in your voice.
“I just want to see you. Please?” You sigh then, and he hears a ding, as you share your location.
“I’m telling you, I’m not good company right now.”
“I’m on my way.” As he hangs up, you take shaky hands, struggling as you go to the mirror, swiping at the pesky mascara trails from work makeup that’s been on for hours. You try to put yourself together, taking down your hair clip, letting it fall and frame your face, cheeks flushed, eyes puffy from tears.
When Satoru gets there, half your cheap bottle is down your throat, and you’re just a little wobbly as you open your door, Satoru presses you inside then, shutting the door quickly, your back against the cool wood. His hand cups your face, brushing over your heated skin, as you look up at him, like some fucking dream in the night, you take several breaths, just standing there.
“Shit, you are the prettiest mess I’ve seen.” He murmurs then, and you giggle through a fresh onslaught of tears, your hands trailing up his chest.
“You’re like the only good fucking thing right now, I know that’s too much. We just met… I know I sound insane.” Satoru shakes his head, leaning lower. “I’m going to scare you with all my baggage.”
“Can’t scare me, baby girl.” He murmurs, leaning even closer, tasting the wine on your breath, sighing. “Having a party?”
“A pity fucking party.” He laughs softly with you again, this stranger damn near gets you just looking at you, just standing here. Your body relaxes, your heart thrumming in your chest.
“Think I haven’t had a pity party?” His eyes are glimmering, so beautiful you fall into them then, hands trailing down his chest, lower, watching his snowy lashes flutter, his lips part.
“Want the long version or the short?” You whisper, and Satoru tilts his head, hands now trailing down the nip of your waist, still in your little work dress, and god you do look so sexy in it.
“We have a couple hours, and I have a driver, why don’t we just…” His big hands unbuckle the belt at your waist. “Relax, hmm?”
“Yeah, you want my cheap ass wine Mr. Gojo?” You tease, he smirks then, nodding.
“Show me what you have, think I’m bougie?”
“Sure do.” You giggle then, noses touching before you press your lips against his, and it takes everything in him not to just fuck you right on your door, to hold himself back and just let you flow, to be what you need. He kisses you though, so deeply, lapping at your lower lip, his long elegant fingers enwrapped in your loose hair.
“God, the cheap wine tastes good on you.” He says, and you sigh, pressing a kiss on his pointy chin. “Wanna get out of this work suit? Sexy as it is.”
“You want me undressed, huh?”
“What do you think?” Satoru presses against you, and you feel him, hot and hard against your tummy, making you gulp and tremble.
“I think you’re too perfect.”
“Pshh, me? You haven’t gotten to know all of me yet.”
“I want to. Shit, I-”
Satoru slams his lips on yours again, a hungrier kiss now, sliding the little houndstooth pattern blazer right off your shoulders, tongue slipping into your mouth deeper. “I wanna know you too.”
“It’s insane. This?” He just nods, the fact that you feel the same is entrancing him, luring him in. “Let’s get you better wine, I have a stash.”
“Oh yeah?” He grins as you lead him into your kitchen, bending over in that business skirt of yours, making his jaw clench, as he eyes your home, it��s clean and quiet, a little empty, hard to figure you out. And he wants to, with every part that wants to lift your skirt and fuck you, is a part that wants to know you.
“This here, it's like at least thirty bucks.” He snorts then, because obviously he’s drinking hundreds a bottle, but to you he knows it’s something. You nervously look down just a bit, lashes casting shadows on your cheeks, still a little streaked from tears. “But I swear it’s so good.”
“I’ll drink it all up.” His words make your heart race, your mind go blank as he smirks, full lips right at you, and you try to clear your mind.
“Two hours before work, right?”
“And you’re going to sit on my lap again, you know. So you can get a buzz if you need one, shit I got you, okay?” He cups your face again, just understanding, as you grip his wrists, thumbs running over the raised veins. “There were plenty of nights I needed to lose myself, don’t feel ashamed.”
Your shoulders relax, god you think it’s the first time they’ve untensed in ages. “You’re like… no one I’ve ever met, Satoru Gojo.” You kiss him once more, then turn, pressing against him, leaning over to grab the corkscrew. “Can you open it while I get changed?’
“Sure thing, sweets.” You without hesitation trust him, a girl full of mistrust, as you walk over to the bathroom, quickly freshening up, wiping down a bit, putting on the little lacy bustier and stretchy shorts for the bar, far more comfortable than your business attire.
When you walk back out, Satoru’s got two glasses poured, handing one to you with a lopsided grin, so charming it destroys your addled mind. It takes so much not to jump him, to get on your knees for this man, as he leans so casually against your kitchen counter, and you stare.
“Oh god I’m a rude host, here! Sit, sit.” You grab the glass with a thank you, having him sit on the dining room table seats, ones that never get used, to the point you’re swiping dust he notices with a frown.
“Don’t eat much, do you?”
“I do nibble but it’s on the go, but I never sit down here.”
“You should.”
“Sit, eat, relax. Shit, baby girl, the fuck is this?” He murmurs, gesturing around the home. “I’m gone a lot but even my place is more lived in.”
You sigh now, sipping the tart wine, leaning close, as his hand is on your bare thigh, hot and warm and tempting, you have to bite back a moan of pleasure. “I got into some debt with this lady. Her name is Mei Mei.”
Satoru freezes, raising a brow. “Mei Mei?”
“Do you know her?”
“She works for me. So fuck yeah I know her. How much?”
You shake your head, as he sips the wine, fruity and sweet, and he glares over the glass at you. “You’re not going to make a dent in it.”
“How much?”
“A shit ton, okay? I’m doing okay making payments, but she ups the interest, and… Satoru, I’m so tired, fuck. I’m so tired.” You burst into tears now, shaking as you do. “I’m sorry, I don’t do this, I keep it together but-”
“Fuck that, and fuck her. And fuck whoever did this.” He sets your glass down, brushing tears off your face. “Who did this?”
You take shaky breaths, sniffling. “My mother. She’s who was here… begging for money again.”
“She got you in debt with goddamn Mei Mei?” Mei ran with the Zenin, the Gojo, the Kamo family, whoever brought her the most income at the time. He dealt with her, but he never knew her depravity.
Debts were debts, he hated collecting them.
But this is you.
“She asked me to come home, she acted l-like she l-loved me for once…” Satoru aches for you then, so broken, so beautiful, as you pour your pretty soul to him. “Don’t feel sorry for me, please don’t.”
“I won’t, I won’t. But can I help you? Please.”
“I won’t take your money-”
“Fine, let me help. Some other ways. Please?” He asks again, and you’re shaking your head, earning his scowl. “You’re a stubborn brat.”
“Brat!?” You glare, as he glares, but then it’s too much, the wine, the atmosphere, his intent as he leans even closer, two fingers under your chin.
You want him.
No, you need him.
“Yeah, a brat, thinks she’s gotta do it all on her own, why? Why not let me help you, I want to.”
“But you don’t know me…”
“How can I get to know you if you’re bouncing around from a 8 to 5 to a night job, hmm?” You sigh, shaking your head a bit, earning him pressing his fingers a little more firmly. “I’ll talk to her, negotiate if you will.”
“You’re gonna… negotiate?” Your brows draw together, as Satoru smirks a bit, thanking god you couldn’t read his mind of what he plans on doing with bitch ass Mei Mei, doing this to you.
“I’m very convincing you know, she had a thing for me too back in the day. I’ll pour out all the charm.” You frown then, eyes narrowing, and his grin widens. “Are you jealous?”
“Maybe…” You whisper, leaning even closer now, his hand moving to cup your face instead, lips hovering over your ear as he leans in.
“Think she has shit on you? Think anyone does?”
“Mr. Gojo… you can’t mean all that.” He sighs, inhaling that perfume of yours, fainter than at the bar, mixing with your scent, as he presses a kiss to the shell of your little ear.
“I don’t say shit I don’t mean, understand?” You exhale, and he pulls back, gripping your chin again. “Say yes, like a good girl, hmm?”
“A good girl, but I thought I was a brat.” You tease, smiling tremulously, he eyes those teeth marks on your lips, thumb pressing on them, watching your eyes dilate, as he throbs for you.
“You can be good for me, can’t you?” You nod then kiss him fully, but he pauses you, taking a breath. “Let me talk to her?”
“I will. And… god, thank you. Really.” You whisper, before he pulls you back against his hard body, as you wonder, what does it look like, you feel it, the muscles under his suit as your hands run up and down over the starch dress shirt, feeling every line and bulge of his perfect form. “I should show you…”
“Show me what, sweets?” He murmurs softly, and then you shock even him, down on your knees in a split second before he can even blink, his lips part in surprise as you rub his bulge over his slacks, eyeing him under your lashes hungrily.
“How thankful I am for you.” You go to unzip him, and Satoru’s cheeks decorate pink, a pretty dusting across those high cheekbones, when he stops you, huge hands gripping your wrists, now you pause, blinking a bit. “Oh my god, this is too soon for you? I should-”
“Shit, no, god it’s like some fantasy… I…” Satoru’s blushing furiously now, as his cock leaks precum in his boxers, but he’s pulling you up, standing now and grabbing your waist, watching you shyly shift your hips. “I have never turned down a blowjob, and fuck I want one from you, but…”
Satoru picks you up like you’re nothing then, and you cling to him, still shyly burying your face against his neck, making him chuckle, as he grabs your ass, moaning at how good you feel, thighs wrapped around his hips. You’re grinding on him as you peck kisses across his neck, and he’s setting you right on the kitchen table, you pull back to look at him.
“I think you need to be taken care of, hmm?” He whispers now, a hand slipping down your breast, your head falls back, thumb brushing a nipple that perks up for attention against the pad of it.
“Taken care of?” Your pussy is drooling when he slips fingers over it, over your shorts, watching as your hips buck up, as you moan softly.
“You, pretty bartender,” Satoru kisses down your chest, as he presses your thighs open further, feeling your heat and groaning. “Had a shitty day. A shitty month, probably, huh? Shitty year?” You nod weakly, gasping as his sharp teeth nip your neck, sinking against delicate flesh.
“Y-you could say that, Mr. Gojo.”
“Then let me make it better, yes pretty? Say yes for me.” You nod eagerly now, when he smirks down at you, while your hands grip his jacket. “Words, sweetheart, use them for me.”
“Yes.” Your little whisper ends him, when he continues to rub circles over the thin spandex, soaking it completely.
“Want me to drink your pretty pussy up?” You nod again and he squeezes your throat just a bit, blue eyes glinting. “Words.”
“Yes… y-yes, please.”
“Such a good girl, just look at you.” He pulls back with glossy fingers, dripping from you, pressing them against your lips, watching hungrily as you suck. “Where’s the bedroom?”
You point weakly, gasping again as he just carries you like you’re nothing, until you’re in your room, scattered clothes and books you never manage to read strewn across your dresser and nightstand, as he lays you on your back now, the bed gently bouncing. He drags your shorts down your thighs now, moaning when he sees you for the first time, your perfect, glistening pussy.
“No panties, you so slutty, sweetheart?” You shake your head, taking several breaths now, while he lays on the bed, creaking under his weight, pressing kisses to your inner thighs, as your hands entangle in his silky locks. “You never wear panties to work at the bar?”
“No.” You answer softly, before moaning as his breath hits your clit, and he clicks his tongue.
“That’s not gonna do, I don’t want anyone seeing this, but me.” He practically growls those words, looking at you under those white lashes, as he parts puffy lips, watching your little clit twitch, grinning at the sight, cock pulsing damn near. “Do you understand me, baby?”
“Y-yes, Mr. Gojo.” He presses a kiss, chuckling as you jerk from it, both hands pining your hips down. “Please!”
“Satoru, it’s Satoru. While I lick you up, hmm?” He laps a stripe with the flat of his tongue up from your pretty hole to your little clit, spreading you wide, watching wetness just ooze out of you, exhaling at the prettiness.
“Satoru!” With his name on your lips, he loses his mind, burying his face against your overheated cunt, drowning in your taste, your flavor, your wetness, as you pull at his hair, arching your hips. “Oh my god, Satoru…”
“Mmm, that’s it baby, fuck my face. Good girl.” He huffs now, too fucking sexy, he feels too good, you feel the tension in your body completely release, replaced now by your tummy clenching, while his hot tongue works you, flicking your clit on the underside as he leans his head to the left fingers digging into the plush of your thigh. “God you taste so fucking yummy.”
Satoru Gojo is spreading you wide, like no one has ever done, has ever seen you like that, spitting right on your pussy and groaning, now using two fingers two spread it, sliding into you. You’re screaming out as his long fingers stretch you too much, he pulls one out, easing the stretch just a bit, the pressure building slowly while he eyes your reactions.
“You’re so tight baby.” He huffs in wonder, pressing his finger up on that spot, eyes so bright they’re impossible to look at, flicking his tongue right back on your clit again, loving as you pour down his mouth. “Mmm…”
He’s drinking you up, working you with one finger until he can get both in again, this time the stretch burns good, and he’s hitting this spot over and over, making you fucking dizzy. “Satoru, f-fuck! S-so good I…”
“Look at you, god.” He presses up again, curling his fingers in your slick walls as you start convulsing around him. “So fuckin’ pretty.”
“Satoru I’m… so close I…” He laughs just a bit, peering up at you, chin coated in your slick, as he kisses back down your thighs.
“Already, baby…” He slurps you up, obscene. “Lemme spend my time.”
You’re whimpering now, you can’t just make it stop, even as he slows his fingers, even as he laps at your clit even lazier, slower, enjoying every reaction he elicits from your body, your mouth. He’s so hard he’s pressing his cock into the matress, at your fucked out face, at your glazed eyes and swollen lips, then back to the perfect pussy twitching around his digits.
“Please…” You’re begging, hands pulling at his hair, just making him harder, more ready as your honeyed arousal makes your pussy sound so wet in your little bedroom.
“Cum for me, then, sweetheart, so easy just for me?” You just nod eagerly, and he kisses your clit, curling his fingers just so, watching you shatter for him. Your back arches off the bed, pussy right in his face as you grind on it, using him, making him moan against you.
Your room spins as it washes over you, as he hungrily laps your cum up, right out of your hole, face buried against you, you’re weakly crying out when he eases his fingers out now, sucking more of you off them, the sight so sexy you can’t take it. You have tears of pleasure running down your face as you ease your hold on his hair, and he exhales again, watching your engorged clit twitch again.
“Oh my god, Satoru… what even w-was that?” You mumble, drunk off his fingers, his mouth, he chuckles then, shaking his head.
“I’m not done yet.”
“Gonna ruin my perfect meal? I’m hungry.” He’s latched back on your clit, sucking it in his mouth now and humming, you’re cumming again, already close to blacking out, stars bursting behind your eyes while this gorgeous man in a three piece suit won’t unlatch his mouth.
“Too much, shit, shit- Satoru…” You’re hiccuping as he draws that second orgasm out, moaning softly, damn near ready to cum in his three thousand dollar slacks, the cold metal of his Rolex leaving dents against your thigh, while you try to cling to him, to this realm. “Satoru, it’s so much…”
“Mmm, never tasted anything so sweet.” He whispers softly, as you yank on him, finally getting him to leave your pulsing, soppy little cunt alone, dragging him up to kiss you, tasting yourself on his lips, lapping yourself off him. “Fuck…”
“Let me make you cum, please.” You whisper eagerly, rubbing his cock, and he wants to, oh god he does, but he knows what you need, even if you don’t.
He takes your hands, pressing them over your head now, shaking his head as snowy locks fall over his forehead. “I told you, this is for you. You need to feel good, we have all the time for me.”
You blink back emotions, still dizzy from the orgasms, from falling into his perfect blue eyes, his big hand squeezing your wrists as he pins you under his weight. “You’re just… not like anyone. Ever. You’re so…”
“Amazing? Handsome? Perfect?” You smile at him as he eases off you, pressing little kisses against your cheeks, your forehead.
“All of that but…” Words get stuck in your throat, as you wonder what’s a swirl of your addled mind, and what’s more. “Special.”
“I’m special, hmm?” Satoru teases, and you just nod, so serious he notices, kissing your lips once more. “Special to you?”
“Yes. Is that okay to say?”
“Just had your pussy in my face, I’d say it’s fine.” You both laugh softly then, as he releases your wrists, and you cup his face, just in time for your alarm to go off, earning your sigh as he leans over, smacking at it. Your hands dart curiously under his dress shirt, your touch making him gasp.
“There is time to-”
“Not tonight, sweetheart. Don’t ask again, I’m not exactly a gentleman so this shit is hard enough.” You giggle breathless as he eases off you now, helping you sit up and picking up your shorts. “These are ruined now, shit.”
“Your fault! I have more, though.” You bend over, giving him a far too perfect view of your ass, as you slip a pair of panties on, peeking back with a little smile. “Better?”
“Much better.” He checks his watch then, as you finish getting yourself together. “You about ready?”
“Yes, let me just get my things.” You’re walking out with him, locking up, as you pause, seeing a whole ass limo, eyeing him. “I get to go in the limo huh?”
“You do.” He chuckles as his driver opens the door for you both, and you yawn just a bit, head on his shoulder in the back of the car.
“Satoru, can I just… rest a minute?” You murmur, he nods then, leaning back and pulling you against his chest.
“The orgasms knock you out or the sixty hours a week? Or the wine?” He teases, you glare cutely at him.
“All of it, mostly that mouth.” You peck another kiss, and he’s stroking your back then, opening his mouth, then closing it, then opening it again.
“Can we… go on a date? Like a real date?” He asks nervously, hearing you snore a moment later, he glares at you, with your mouth open, knocked the fuck out. He pulls you a little closer, god his cock hurts so bad, he doesn’t even have time to take care of this either.
When you pull up to the club, he lets you stay a few more minutes, as he just watches you, hating to wake you up, but finally he knows you all have to go in. He gently shakes you, and you shoot up, comically, making his heart flip for a moment in tenderness.
Special, he’s special to you, already?
You make him feel special, as you swipe at your face, flushing in embarrassment. “Oh my god, I zonked on you!”
“You needed a power nap.” He teases, brushing back your hair, fixing your top just a bit, and you sigh, smiling.
“I did.” You both walk in the club now, thrumming as the dancers spin on the poles, and the lights start flashing, while you get prepared to work, but Satoru lingers just a moment, while you’re putting your hair up, grabbing bottles and sipping on a red bull, so tired you break his heart.
Fuck he needs to fix this shit, and the sooner the better, you are so clearly running on empty, and you deserve so goddamn much. He can still taste you on his tongue, so sweet god, he tries to pull together the myriad of emotions. You smile so sweetly at him, starting to pick all the sweet ingredients.
“Want something sickeningly sweet, Mr. Gojo?” You murmur, as his friends now walk out and gesture to him, he leans close now, against your ear.
“Nothing is as sweet as your pussy.”
“Satoru…” He exhales, nipping at your ear with his teeth, before pulling back and smiling. “You’re so cute.”
“Hush. Here, the sweetest I can make.” You hand him the drink then, and he moans, sipping it up.
“Perfection. Alright, they’ll call you back soon, okay sweets?” You nod as he lingers for a moment, taking a breath before he walks back, and enters the room, with the dim lighting, seeing someone he doesn’t recognize. He’s shyly allowing a stripper to sit on his lap, blushing and stuttering, dark hair and tattoos on his neck and face.
He looks at Satoru then, clearing his throat, as Sukuna sits back on the couch, crossing an ankle over his knee. “The new head of the Kamo family as of today, Satoru.”
“What happened to…”
“Died.” The man murmurs, but Satoru hasn’t ever seen this dude.
“How are you the head of the family and not-”
“I left a long time ago, but I’m the oldest son. I grew up with… my mother instead.” The man’s voice is soft, as he sighs. “Choso.”
“And we hope to have a good relationship with you, Choso.” Sukuna says, a threat lilting in his voice, as Satoru leans against the wall, hands in his pockets.
“As do I.” Choso speaks, he’s hard to read Satoru notices, out of place here, turning down cocaine with a shake of his head, hands nowhere near the girl grinding on his leg damn near.
“You’re new at this, then.” Satoru says, and he sighs, nodding. “No worries, I know all about family responsibility I don’t want. But… first things first.” He looks at Sukuna then. “Mei Mei.”
“What about that bitch, god she annoys me.” Sukuna grumbles, taking a shot of tequila as another girl walks in, sauntering toward Toji.
“She needs to be dealt with. And, it’s personal.”
Surprise this is gonna be way longer than I thought! lmaoo no one is surprised I'm sure. There is too much PLOT dammit hehe. At least six chaps are in play ;) I look forward as always to your comments they make me smile so big! Also tysm for 8k!
Taglist #1- @thejujvtsupost @moonchu @thikcems @yenayaps @luvmichu @antisocialinlw @sukunadckrider @gojoslefttoenail @genticcs @sukuxna0 @saitamaswifey @monster-effer @gradmacoco @bounie1 @bestelizabeth1 @alygator77 @arabellasolstice @naina326 @1satoruu @silvarys @feliaeae @jkslaugh97 @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @simp-plague @ladyneisa @distractionforyourthoughts @erintaro @ninikrumbs @yesdere @stargirl-mayaa @wstaley2 @just-lilita @lady-of-blossoms @genshingeeksworld @yaoishipper19 @angryflowerwitch @strawberrysluttt @emochosoluvr @bluebrry05 @trishiepo0 @gina239 @bunheadusa @hazelll-trisk @simperisksksk @jud3thedude @breadsbasket @shhhhhhxoxo125 @gojosoups
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Icarus Drabbles (Pt.3) | Sukuna x M!Reader
W/C: 3k #NSFW, Modern AU, ABO dynamics, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, blowies are received and given, mentions of character death
tags: @kamote-kuneho @prettorett @better-imagination-9 @flowersatwork @tr4nniez
Done Deal
“You let me fuck you, and I'll give you anything you want.” That was his proposition. No more flirting, no more attempts to seduce you, just his obsessive pining resulting in a deal.
But you didn't seem too bothered sitting across the desk from none other than Ryoumen Sukuna, who lounged comfortably, puffing on a cigar like he didn't just offer to pay you for sex. Granted, it wasn't just the sex he wanted. It was more than that.
You took a moment before speaking. “I thought you were the kind of guy who'd take without asking.”
“Who, me? Come on, sweetheart, I'm a gentleman.” Sukuna grinned and watched you wave the coils of smoke out of your face.
You looked him over, not betraying your thoughts. “And if I refuse?”
Sukuna's smile simmered down, unamused with the mere concept of rejection. “I'll still get what I want. And you'll leave here penniless.” His men locked the doors loudly at the other end of the vast office, making their point. “So? What’ll it be?”
You took a slow breath. “I want a condo. In Tokyo.”
“That's it?”
“Paid in full.”
“Now you’re talkin'.”
You stood from your chair and walked around the desk as you unzipped your jacket. “And my name's going on title.”
Sukuna undressed you with his eyes like the millions of times he'd done so prior. “Ho? You wanna be the one to pay all the taxes, huh?” He turned his chair to you as you approached. Sukuna spread his legs wider to make room for you to stand between, but you instead boldly straddled his lap. He knew he liked you for a reason.
“I can forward them to you.”
“You think I'll pay them?” One of his broad palms groped at your ass. His stomach coiled with excitement; he was going to enjoy ripping you apart.
“I know you will,” you hummed. Sweetly, you tilted Sukuna's chin up to get a good look at his handsome face.
“‘N why's that?” Sukuna whispered.
“Because you want to.” Your hands slipped down his neck, down to his shoulders. “Because you think I'll come back for more.”
“I know you'll come back for more.”
“If you live long enough,” you sighed before plucking the cigar from his fingers and snuffing it out. “These things'll kill you, you know.”
Sukuna fucked you on his desk moments after. His men stayed in the room all the while, watching and shifting with unease or simmering urges of his own. He vaguely recalled taking a phone call, too.
So how the hell did we end up here? He had to wonder; back then, he bribed you for your affection, paid you handsomely but purposefully left you wanting more and more and more. He wanted to provide for you, in a weird, twisted way, and that was his method since, well, he wasn't ever sure he'd really get you to stay.
Yet there he was, waking up in a house with his husband next to him and his daughter in the crib beside you. It felt so…bizarrely natural. Normal. Almost like he met a need he didn't even know he had.
He hardly spent his nights at his casino, Malevolent Shrine, any longer. He didn't wander the floors looking for liars and easy targets for his dealers. He didn't head up to his penthouse at the crack of dawn with a new dame on his arm every night; he wanted to come here, to the home he had built to house his new family. Sukuna wanted to collapse into this bed, hear you bitch and moan about Gojo or Geto or whatever idiot employed you that day, spend time with his little pup and listen to her yip and babble about nothing and everything. He wanted these moments. He wanted to cherish the little sparks of light in his life before the universe snuffed them out like–
Gramps is dead, Yuuji had said, voice quivering on the other end of the line. What do we do?
Sukuna closed his eyes and rubbed his face, willing away the memory. He hadn't had to act like a big brother in so long, but the instinct came rushing back to him the second he heard his little brother in tears. It was all handled swiftly, everything from the cremation, to probate, to settling the estate–but the weight of death and finality clung to the air like petrichor after a storm.
Sukuna looked to your sleeping face for respite. It helped to see you, to be reminded that you'd chosen to stay with him through thick and thin. Still, he couldn't help but remember what his grandfather asked him the day he met Touka.
Where does this end, kid?
This. The gang life. The life that's too unrefined and brutal to be considered yakuza. Because Sukuna didn't deal in honour. He dealt in violence, drugs and money–that voice spoke louder than honour and family.
But didn't he reclaim his family? Didn't he honour you with change?
Where does this end, kid?
Maybe with honour and family.
“I can feel you having a crisis,” your scratchy voice mumbled through the static in Sukuna's mind. Your eyes opened a crack to find his own crimson set before you wriggled up to him and half-laid on his chest. “What's wrong?”
“Your bony-ass chin’s digging into my tit.”
“You like money more, or me?” He asked.
You snorted. “I like you and your money equally.” You let your head loll to the side to press your cheek against his chest. “But I like you more, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I'm kidding, idiot. If I cared about money, I would've married into the Zenin family.” You sat up and looked down at your partner with bleary eyes. “Where's this coming from anyway?”
Sukuna huffed and scowled at the ceiling. “Nowhere. It's nothing. Forget it.”
“Don't be a little bitch. Just tell me.” And when he didn't budge, you added, “Suku. Come on.” And when he still refused to cooperate, you resorted to, “Alpha, please?”
His eyes snapped to you so fucking fast it made his face burst into flames. You grinned, so stupidly enthralled and in love with how the gross, domestic pet name fucked him up and--fucking hell, it was so cute but so annoying.
“Fuck you.”
“N'awe, you're such a cutie sometimes.” You purred in delight and nuzzled all over his face. “My cute, sweet, broody alpha that I love so, so, so much.”
“Shut up,” he snarled before viciously nuzzling back and attacking you with puppy nips and rude licks to your face. “Fucking omega. You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?”
“So are you. That's why we work well together, right?” You held his face still and planted a proper kiss on his lips. “We'll be fine. No matter what happens.”
Your alpha took a deep breath while he looked up at you, and sighed. You looked so calm and collected about the whole thing, so relaxed in the jaws of a shark that could eat you whole and leave nothing behind. Guess that was why he was so enamored with you. Only petty things, like the shitty little fish that nipped at toes, wore you down. Not the big, bad, unknown depths of the ocean.
“You believe me?” You asked as you pinched his nose.
Sukuna grimaced and tugged your hand away from his nose. “Fuckin’–yeah, I believe you.” He bit your fingers in revenge.
It was your turn to make a face. “Disgusting.”
“You wuv id,” Sukuna managed around your digits, grinning like an idiot.
“I have bad taste in men.” You yanked your fingers free when you heard your little one coo and shuffle in her crib. Sukuna always found himself impressed with how fast your omega responded to the littlest of noises, always automatically cooing and trilling back to your baby like you'd done it your whole life.
“But you sure you're alright?” You asked as you scooped up the little one.
Sukuna sat up and leaned back against the headboard as you settled down beside him again. “‘M fine. Just…thinking.”
“About your grandfather?”
“Guess so.”
You nodded and leaned into him, chest purring with comfortable vibrato as his heavy arm looped around you and pulled you close.
“He was a good man. Lived a good life. Long one, too.”
“Guess you’re not wrong. Don’t seem too torn up about it,” Sukuna grumbled, vaguely aware he was on the precipice of starting an early-morning argument.
“People die,” you said, looking down at your babe. “He was old as fuck. I’d talked to him about life and death a thousand times anyway. His point of view on things helped me see things differently.”
“Oh?” Sukuna’s attention snapped down to your little one as her cherry-red eyes sleepily blinked open. “‘N what the hell did the old fart tell you, huh?”
You smiled as Touka screeched happily, reaching up for her father and wiggling around in your lap until she could slug her way over to him (with much help from your guiding hands, of course). Sukuna, the fraidy cat that he was, awkwardly tried to aid his baby girl with crawling onto his lap, too. You kind of understood why–his hand was about as big as her body. He was probably afraid of smooshing her.
“He told me energy can never be destroyed. It can only change shape and form. It’s the same with our souls.”
“The fuck does that mean?” Sukuna grumbled as his daughter determinedly tried to stand to reach his face. You moved to help her stand, but he huffed and took over, uttering a grumpy ‘I got it’ as he carefully, carefully held her up onto her feet like one would a kitten.
You smiled, so horribly smitten. “It means our bodies die, but our spirits can’t. They just change form before coming back and living life all over again.”
“Hmph. Sounds stupid as–” Sukuna paused as a tiny hand landed on his mouth.
“Bah!” Touka chirped.
You pursed your lips and melted into your partner, a happy, summer scent pooling around the three of you.
“Mhm, daddy’s a cranky little bitch, huh, baby?”
“Big bitch,” Sukuna corrected, words muffled by the tiny overlord. He opened his mouth wide, lightly chomping on her pudgy little hand with the gentlest pibble nibbles he could manage. Judging by her squealing laughter, he was doing an okay job.
“Cranky big bitch–my bad.” You rolled your eyes and exhaled deeply. “But yeah, that’s basically it. Mentioned some stuff about soulmates–platonic or romantic or otherwise–tending to find each other in their next lives too. So, technically, you could be holding your grandfather reincarnated right now–”
“Babe, don’t make this fucking weird,” Your husband groaned.
You laughed, loud and brash, before nuzzling him. “Sorry, sorry. Can’t help myself.”
Sukuna scoffed, furrowed brow only easing as Touka assaulted him with little pats all over his face.
“You’re a nightmare.” He leaned in and nuzzled his baby’s round cheeks with playful growls. “You’re a smaller fucking nightmare. Spitting image of your mum. How the fuck is that fair, huh?”
“Well, you better get used to it,” you taunted. “She’s the only one you’re getting.”
Wait. What?
It’d been a while since Sukuna had handled an interrogation. He’d stepped away from doing it himself when you’d both gotten back together officially, thinking you’d be upset if you found out he was still beating the fuck out of rats and cheats wandering through his casino–but the opposite turned out to be true.
You didn’t really care. You didn’t mind it at all, actually. You only requested he kept that sort of business away from the curious gaze of the little girl you both doted on incessantly.
So, he took it to the basement of Malevolent Shrine.
“Y'know, I really needed this,” Sukuna sighed, loosening his tie a bit more before he leaned against the table of lethal instruments and wiped the blood from his split knuckles. “Kid keeps me up all night. Wife's always bitching ‘bout being tired. ‘N then I got dipshits like you sneaking in, trying to access restricted floors.”
The man he regarded scoffed, probably unable to catch his breath to clap back or, well, breathe. The sight had Sukuna grinning, pure delight and satisfaction coiling in his chest.
“Got somethin’ to say?”
The man coughed and tried to pull himself up from where he lay splayed on the floor. Sukuna never tied up his guests, no no, he always gave them a fair, fighting chance, stating they could go free if they could get past him. None ever did.
“Y-you do this to that omega you stole?” The stranger managed as soon as he got on his knees. “Lock ‘im in a room, make them fight their way out?”
Sukuna quirked a brow and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Only omega I've had in here is the wife.”
“Bullshit,” he spat. “You stole one that was sold to my benefactor.”
The mob boss sighed and scratched the back of his head. “That's what you're here for? An omega that I never had?” Sukuna pushed off the table. “Well, that makes shit boring. You're here on a delusion.”
“It's not–”
“Then who do you work for?”
As expected, the idiot clammed up. Sukuna tutted. Why did all these bastards have to play hard to get?
Ah, but then he had an epiphany--hadn't you mentioned marrying into the Zenin family? You brought it up not too long ago, back when Sukuna first started spiraling about life and death, about where his world of chaos would take him in the end.
If I cared about money, I would've married into the Zenin family.
Right. That's what you said.
“Zenin Naoya,” Sukuna guessed. The heir was a rampant misogynistic piece of shit, wanting nothing to do with women on any level--but you? A man who could bear children, albeit through difficult means? That'd be invaluable to someone like Naoya. He could have his cake and eat it too.
And by the way the crook's body tensed, Sukuna figured he hit the nail on the head.
“No shit. That little freak’s really outdoing himself this time.” Sukuna laughed wildly, enthralled that he managed to piss off the Zenin heir by taking his bitch and knocking him up. God, the damage this would do to Naoya's ego.
“I'll let ya in on a little secret,” Sukuna sang, turning to the table and grabbing a set of pliers. “I wifed up that omega. Knocked him up already. Hopin’ he'll let up on the ‘one pup only’ policy. He's been real fuckin’ strict on the birth control, lemme tell ya.”
“He won't forgive this,” the crook bit out. “He won't just–”
Thwack. Sukuna cracked him upside the head and knelt on his chest, jamming the tool into his mouth and breaking a few teeth on the way in.
“Fucker can try,” Sukuna murmured, voice growing thick with malice. His ruby eyes gleamed with predatory promise. “Killing him's at the top of my bucket list.”
You were definitely possessed.
How could you not be? You'd just seen your baby daddy (your very cut, handsome, snarky baby daddy) beat the shit out of one of your tormentor's grunts
“Babe,” Sukuna moaned as you swallowed him down your throat again. You'd taken him hostage in the elevator the second he was done his deeds downstairs. It proved to be…somewhat problematic as people continued to open the doors, but eventually Sukuna hit the emergency stop button, nearly shattering the console.
You hummed around him, pressing your tongue against thick, pulsing veins and squeezing at his base and sacks intermittently while your head bobbed to the beat of whatever tinny jazz played in the elevator. You kind of liked the tune. It sparked the idea of playing music next time Sukuna bedded you–
Bedded you. Ah. That seemed like a good next step.
You pulled back with a disgusting pop and fought to catch your breath between leaving wet kisses and hickeys along his stiff length. Your hand worked him firm and fast, eager to get him to fall apart under your feverish, hypnotic touch.
And he was close. You could tell by the way his hand held the back of your head, fingernails digging into your scalp every time you did something so, so right and so, so unbelievably good for the big bad mob boss you'd tricked into staying faithful to you. You figured you'd reward him for being such a good boy. It's what he deserved for sacrificing his freedom for you, and, quite frankly, you thought you'd been slacking on the praise.
“Gonna cum?” You hummed, looking up at your partner through wet lashes. “Hm?”
Sukuna groaned. His fangs bit into his lip as he stared down at you, pupils blown wide, eclipsing the red of his iris.
You smiled politely. “Mmh. I'll take that as a yes.” You kissed along his skin until reaching his weeping tip and giving it a gentle peck. “Where do you want it? On my face? In my mouth? Down my throat?”
He bucked forward, jamming his tip between your lips and hissing when he felt the scratch of teeth against him. You sighed like he was such a nuisance, and opened up wide again, whining as he gripped your hair up into a messy, shitty ponytail before fucking into your mouth with reckless abandon.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck–” His body shuddered and he slammed inside one more time, squeezing his thick knot into your strained mouth and locking it behind your teeth as he rutted against your face, spilling down your throat.
Your soft gags and chokes only made it better. He pulled your head closer, pressing your cute nose against the hazy line of his happy trail in a dizzy attempt to ground himself through the aftershocks of such a sudden turn of events. Going from beating the shit out of a sniveling sod to this was–
Your frantic smacking against his arm signaled your tap out. Sukuna cursed under his breath and worked in tandem with you to wiggle free the stiff problem stuffing your mouth and throat full.
You gasped for breath. Drool and tears poured down your face as you coughed and swallowed whatever didn't have the chance to slip out of your aching mouth, and you wiped your mouth half-heartedly with the back of your hand. Sukuna hadn't seen a sight like that in a long, long while. Something so reminiscent of the early days of being bribed and paid for your services.
“Christ,” Sukuna breathed as he brushed your hair out of your pretty face. “How much do I owe ya for that, huh?”
You laughed between coughs before kissing his clothed thigh. “Just don't think I've appreciated you enough lately, you know?” You cleaned him up best you could before tucking your man away and standing to loop your arms around his shoulders.
Sukuna caught your scent then; you smelled sweeter than usual. Warmer, too. Fuller. Something that reminded him of dough in the oven, billowing all around him and filling his senses with sinful sweetness.
Your heat was on the horizon.
Sukuna smirked and switched the key holding the elevator closed and inoperable on the ground floor, and it started on its journey up, up, up. Time to get you back in bed.
“Not appreciatin’ me enough, huh. Well, I was gonna mention it–”
“Shut up. Don't be stupid right now.”
Sukuna's grin grew. He leaned down, leaving soft kisses and nips along your neck, being sure to pay special attention to the scars he'd left behind.
“You love when I talk shit.”
“You're free to believe that.”
“Oh? Then tell me what you've been appreciating about me, sweetheart. I'm all ears.”
The doors opened to the penthouse floor, and you fought to drag the other out first.
“Your ass,” you replied, nearly exploding inside as Sukuna kicked the (unlocked) door in. Damn, how come he could do that so easily?
“What else?” Sukuna's lips found yours time after time as you both fumbled your way toward the bedroom.
You yelped as he threw you onto the bed. “J-Jesus–how strong you are.”
“Yeah?” Sukuna kicked his dress shoes off and yanked your kicks off, too, before you had a chance to complain about shoes being on in the house. “Tell me more.”
“That's about it.” A sweet laugh bubbled out of you as he slipped in between your legs and kissed you like this was some highschool romcom.
“Oh? Lying now, aren't we?”
“I think I need to examine you a little to remember, you know?”
With all the strength you could muster, you turned the tables and flipped Sukuna onto his back, straddling his waist and running your hands up and down his chest. He still couldn't tell how you did it, but you flicked open every button of his dress shirt with unfathomable finesse before tracing the dips and curves of his defined muscles with teasing fingertips.
“Hmmm…this is nice,” you murmured, taking your time to drink in the scar-riddled expanse of glowing, bronze skin. You scooted back, down his legs, to be able to plant soft kisses around his navel.
Sukuna watched you with blown-out eyes; you were always good at teasing, at making sex electric and better than just cramming his cock into a hole. Secretly, he liked being pushed to the brink of insanity. Soft touches, whispered kisses, silent praise–it was all so your brand.
“What else?” Sukuna rasped as you left cheeky marks around his happy trail.
“Hm. I wonder.” You took your time sidling up on his lap again, your hands taking charge and leading you up, up, up to his cut jawline and striking cheekbones. “This is nice, too.”
Sukuna licked his lips. “Yeah?” He Asked as he held your waist.
“Mhm.” Your thumb stroked against his bottom lip thoughtfully before hooking inside and yanking his mouth open like a fish on a line. “This is a problem, though.”
Your mate's heart thrummed like thunder. Rarely would he ever admit to liking being used, but when it came to you, his precious little trophy, Sukuna found himself far too eager to please. Too eager to consume. Too eager to be consumed. He could only hope you'd wreck him with whatever you wanted to do with that mouth of his.
“Oh?” Sukuna breathed. Christ, his slacks were too fucking tight again. “The fuck you gonna do about it?”
You sighed and shook your head. “God's work, I guess.” And you almost seemed burdened by what you ‘had to do’ as you loosened your waistband and wriggled up until you were straddling his broad chest with your weeping tip pressing against his lips.
Sukuna grinned. “You think I'm gonna–” but he was more prepared for your rude push into his mouth than he let on–or he thought he was, anyway. He'd never really given head before, not really, but he'd given you a couple of handjobs in the past. Still, you were bigger than he remembered. Not as comically, ridiculously, stupidly big as Sukuna’s third leg, but you could probably stuff someone to the point of tears if you really felt the need.
And, well, you were leaving tears in Sukuna's eyes, so theory confirmed.
“You're really bad at this,” you laughed. You held onto the headboard as you pushed into his mouth, letting him get used to it and adjust as a good mate should (maybe Sukuna should've taken notes). Thankfully, the man was a quick learner and a keener. He got used to the feeling of your length nudging against his throat, and posed himself a challenge to push it further.
His hand grabbed at your ass and he pulled you closer, drowning in the sound of your warbled gasp mixing with a surprised yelp. Sukuna's other hand brute-forced his slacks open and fisted around his pulsing hard-on to the rhythm of your greedy thrusts into his mouth, down his tight, inexperienced throat.
Your hips jolted and stuttered. Your hips stayed plastered to his face with weaker and weaker thrusts. Your forehead clunked against the rim of the headboard as your breathing got faster and faster, laced with tiny ah-ah-ah-s until–until–
“Shit–” you tried to pull away from him, tried to save him the grief of having to swallow down a load of cum (first time was always a terrible, terrible experience), but he wouldn't let you yank your hips away; his broad palm pressed against the small of your back and forced you flush against him, his nose pressing against skin as he swallowed and moaned around you like he'd been deepthroating cock his whole career.
Somewhere in the haze of lightning and sparks, you felt him shudder and jolt under you, too. Then, like you'd done not so long ago, a swift tapping on your leg signaling, tap out, tap out!
“Oh–fuck, sorry,” you babbled, hurriedly pulling yourself back and out of his mouth to let him breathe. “You're kind of a natural. I'm shocked.”
Sukuna was too busy coughing and fighting to catch his breath to snap back at you, though, and you couldn't help but laugh.
“Shut it,” he scolded with a swift spank. “Spunk tastes like shit.”
“But you’re not a spitter nor a quitter. You should be proud.” You smiled like the cheeky little shit you were before shimmying off your joggers and tossing them aside. “You did pretty well. Colour me impressed.”
“‘Course I did, who the fuck do you think I am?” He brought his other hand out of his pants and held them up to you, sticky with his own spend. “Deal with this.”
You whistled, and the heat in your face increased tenfold. “I guess you liked it. Good to know,” you said before holding his hand by the wrist and licking up.
“I'd be a freak if I didn't wanna make my bitch cum. ‘Specially when he's in heat ‘n primed to reopen the baby-making factory.”
You looked at him, eyes round and owlish, before abandoning the mess on his hand in favour of kissing him.
“The factory's open,” you assured, no doubt temporarily hypnotized by your body's desire to make your stupid alpha happy.
Sukuna rumbled a purr deep in his chest as he smirked. He'd gladly seize the moment.
“Let’s clock in and get to work, then.”
Five is Better Than Three
Sukuna paced back and forth outside the bathroom door, impatient and anxious, waiting for you to just fucking tell me what the hell the deal was.
But Sukuna was anything but a patient man.
“Babe,” he growled, knocking on the door incessantly. “How long does It take to piss on a stick?”
You scoffed. “I'm just--I'm trying to double check, you dumb bitch, shut up.” Your voice quivered the slightest bit, a soft sniffle or two barely making it above the radar.
Sukuna sucked his teeth. He ran his hands through his hair and growled to himself, trying trying trying to stay patient, stay calm, stay–
“Sukuna,” you snapped when the door flung open. You were standing at the counter, an array of different pregnancy tests laid out before you neatly with you lording over them, face hot and eyes shimmering with…grief? Relief? Happiness? Sukuna didn't know, he didn't know.
“Kept me waiting long enough, you fucking brat,” he came up behind you and stared down, clearing your noggin with ease and ignoring your grouchy quips and pinches.
“I was–I just needed a minute, you stupid fuck, I'm--it's a lot!” You tried to push him away but, well, the man was an immovable object, and you were far from an unstoppable force. In the realm of physicality, at least.
“This shit is like hieroglyphics,” he complained, picking up a test and squinting at it. His other hand held your waist to stop you from running away to hide.
“It, uh. It means–well, I still need to get checked out officially but, uh, y'know. It's a yes. For now. Tentatively. All the tests are positive.”
Sukuna exploded with happy puppy scent. He threw down the test and wrapped his arms around you, picking your smaller form up and swinging you around like a shotty romcom man should.
And you laughed through your tears. You hugged him back once he put you down, and exploded into choked laugh-sobs as you pressed your face into his chest. His nice, strong, muscular chest that looked so good in that black tank top.
“Oi, oi, what're the damn waterworks for, huh?” Sukuna asked through a wolfish grin.
“I don't know, okay, just shut up.” You snuffled a few more times before sighing. “Maybe I'm just relieved that an old man like you still has a sperm count.”
“Hah. Big talk from a whore usin’ birth control and making me use a fucking condom ‘just in case.’” He nuzzled at your neck and purred deep in his chest. “Even then, my goods slipped through the cracks, huh? Doubt even getting your tubes tied could stop me from knockin’ your pretty little ass up, sweetheart.”
You bit his tit while he cackled like a madman. “You're fucking gross and I hate you.”
“N'awe. Would creaming on my cock make you feel better?”
“No. Well, maybe later. But coffee and breakfast might subdue me right now.”
#male reader insert#sukuna x you#sukuna x m!reader#jjk#jjk x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#reader insert#ryoumen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#jjk smut#jjk x male reader#jjk x y/n#sukuna x y/n#sukuna x reader#sukuna ryoumen x reader#itadori sukuna x reader
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Icarus Drabbles (Pt.2) | Sukuna x M!Reader
W/C: 3.7k [#Modern AU, ABO dynamics, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, sukuna has FEELINGS, but he is BAD AT FEELINGS, nsfw, fluff, hurt/comfort, cheating, zenin family mentioned, lightly edited lmfao]
Note: There will prolly be a third drabble thingie lol I just wanted to post SOMETHING
tag: @better-imagination-9
1. Restless
Sukuna finally bagged you, the omega he pined over and hunted down for over a decade, and knocked you up, made you move in with him to ensure he could keep an eye on you and that growing baby bump. His alpha had rejoiced, running its victory lap around Sukuna’s chest, but then it slowed, yawned, and curled up, satiated.
Now, his human side was left to its own devices, and it was bored.
Probably because you were boring. Or, well, you’d become boring–you and your omega seemed more in-tune with one another, both settling down as soon as you both agreed on staying with Sukuna, with your mate. To Sukuna’s human instincts, that meant you were about as exciting and fun as doing his taxes. Yet, at the same time, he couldn’t fathom letting you go. Whenever the hypothetical crossed his mind, that second set of eyes would open and stare, tear bared, anger rippling. And Sukuna would agree with it. He didn’t want to lose you, yet he didn’t always want you either.
And he was bored.
“Hey,” you cooed, leaning over his shoulder as he stared into space on the couch. “You okay?”
Sukuna blinked a few times and rubbed his face tiredly, finding himself growing pissed off at the dull delight your presence brought him. “Yeah, ‘m fine. Need something?”
“Well, Christmas’s coming up,” you reminded. “Wanted to make sure we were still–”
“Can’t.” Bitterness rose in the back of Sukuna’s throat. God, he didn’t even want to look at you right now. “Gotta work.” He finally spared you a glance, but only after a long stretch of silence. You didn’t look perturbed or mad, not really sad or disappointed, just…placid.
You looked at your phone, staring at something just for a moment before returning back to him with a slight nod of acceptance. “Alright.”
Sukuna's other bristled. “Alright.”
“I knew you couldn't really be taken ‘n tied down, Sukuna-sama,” Yorozu cooed as she cozied up into the spot between the man's legs, her hands smoothing up and down his thighs before deftly unlatching his belt and ripping it off. “You're too good for that sort of life.”
“Don’t you have somethin’ better to do with that mouth?” The nice part of Sukuna asked. The less nice part of him wanted to rip her head off and punt it at the stupid fucking moon. Luckily for her, he was trying not to throw as many things at the horizon these days.
Yorozu's eyes shone with pure delight. “Oh, of course, of course.” She unzipped his slacks expertly quick and pulled free his half-chub, excitedly stroking it to get him to full-mast.
Sukuna sighed and sank back in his chair, trying to focus and enjoy the attention and spice he so sorely missed, but it was hard. Well, not hard, which was the problem–his mind wasn't finding this (cheating, getting a blow job at his desk, having a woman with tits on his knees for him) exciting. Thankfully, though, his body reacted in his mind's stead, and decided to not embarrass him.
He closed his eyes and focused on the small hands grasping his base and holding his thigh–but your bigger, stronger hands held him better, digging in without the lethality of acrylics threatening harm. At least her mouth was warm, her lips soft--but your lips were soft, too, and you knew where he liked to feel your tongue press down. Her hair was silky and thick enough to fist his hand in–but yours was just…better. He couldn't describe it, but–
Knock it off, he growled. He needed a break from you, from how mundane you made everything, that was the whole fucking reason he ditched you in the first place. You were boring. You were making life boring. You–
What were you up to, actually?
Sukuna sighed, this time in defeat, and snatched up his phone while Yorozu gave him head. He scrolled through whatever socials he knew you had, but saw nothing new, nothing Christmas-y.
Who the hell is he visiting again? He looked to the side, gazing through the huge windows looming behind his desk as he thought, and then remembered.
Sukuna tapped open your text thread and grimaced–it was so blatantly one-sided. The sight of his flippant convo-killing responses hit him with a wave of psychic damage that probably couldn't be fully healed for as long as he lived. He wasn't a fan of texting, but he was a fan of you. But-wait, didn't he loathe you?
5:05am went to see my mom for christmas
5:05am getting picked up dw
5:06am hope work doesn't suck too much
Right. You went to see family. Right. Sukuna was supposed to meet your mother.
“Fuck's sake,” Sukuna muttered moments before fisting his hand in Yorozu's hair and pulling him off his softening cock. “We're done.” He stood and tucked himself away, ignoring the indignant scoff the woman sent his way.
“Leave.” He sent a text your way instead of tuning in to whatever Yorozu said as she picked herself up off her knees:
10:49pm When should I pick you up?
Of course he was gonna pick you up. He wasn’t about to let someone else take care of you for a second longer.
“Clearly you're unhappy,” Yorozu finally cut in.
Sukuna saw a read notification pop up in the chat.
“Clearly that other one isn't satisfying you fully.”
He watched the three dots pop up as you replied back.
“After he has your pup–”
10:52pm you can come now
10:52pm if you're free
“--you should reconsider your choice in mate–”
10:53pm Send me the address.
He stepped over her and the pooling crimson on his way to the door, texting Uraume to call the cleaners to take care of a mess in his office while he went to pick up his baby mama.
Picking you up had been eventful.
Firstly, Maki and Mai had refused to open the gate for Sukuna in favour of mocking him and exclaiming, “are you kidding me? You're the baby daddy?” while incessantly prodding him for information. You'd managed to bat them aside to let him up to the house, though it took some effort on your part.
Next, Toji Zenin himself was waiting at the front door, arms crossed, totally unbothered, dressed in his hideous Christmas jumper that his woman had apparently made him wear as punishment for something. Sukuna ribbed him, hiding just how confused he was about the entire thing–he didn't fucking get why there were so many Zenin assholes here. The outcasts, sure, but what the fuck was that about?
“Oh. Toji's my stepdad,” you said when you had finally squeezed your dragon's hoard of gifts into the car and got in the damn thing to go home. Sukuna left it at that for the time being–he didn't want to think about what the fuck that meant now that the two of you were together. He had time to ask a thousand questions another day.
His mind still whirred in the elevator, though, and when he helped carry your only-child gifts into the penthouse like a servant put under a spell. You said something to him that he only realized a solid fifteen minutes later was, “I'm taking a bath. There's room for two,” and a fire suddenly lit under his ass.
“Huh, so you can bear to look at me,” you hummed from the bath. It was large and oaken, filled with yuzu thanks to Uraume's thoughtfulness, and it overlooked snowy Tokyo and all its bustling, light-filled glory and–wait, what.
Sukuna scoffed as he pulled off his clothes methodically. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You watched him undress shamelessly. “It means you still have lipstick on your dick.” You poked away one of the yuzu that bumped into you. “It's not really my colour.”
Sukuna clenched his teeth and kicked aside his clothes before grabbing the showerhead to wash off before joining you because he was going to join you. No matter the case. No matter the objection.
But you never objected. You leaned back in the tub and watched him while you rolled another yuzu between your palms. “Did you have fun fucking her?” Fuck, you could be so scary sometimes. And you didn't even have to try.
Sukuna found it hard to answer. He found it hard to even speak. Christ, was this shame? “Look–I didn't fuck her. Didn't even get close.”
“So she just sucked your dick.”
“Tried. Didn't finish. Couldn't.”
“So sad. Why not?”
“‘Cause she's not you.” Sukuna finished with the shower and slipped into the bath, sitting across from you with a content sigh. “You give better head.”
“That went from being somewhat meaningful to annoying,” you grumbled. Still, you scooched over to him and pressed up against his side, clearly in the mood to forgive his stupid little attempted fling. “So. Then you're sure about this.”
“Sure about what?” Sukuna wondered, suddenly feeling more at ease with the rich scent of you pooling through his senses. He leaned into you when you carefully smoothed his hair out of his face with that usual, simple gentility he'd come to desire so desperately every day. “Sure about you?”
“Yeah. Us. Everything.” You nuzzled at his neck, dutifully scenting him up with kisses, nips and licks. “You started pulling away like a pussy, so I figured you regretted it.”
Sukuna had to laugh. “You're callin’ me a pussy?” He half-growled before yoinking you into his lap and squeezing you up against him. His grin widened when he saw you hold back a smile. “I think you should apologize.”
“You cheated on me with your stalker. Why do I need to apologize?”
“You hurt my fuckin’ feelings.”
“Oh. Hm. I see.” Your fingers, bigger than a woman's yet still elegant as a piano player's, danced across his firm shoulders in thought. “I think you need to have feelings for me to hurt them.”
His hands found their rightful place (on your ass) and kneaded your skin thoroughly, squeezing and pinching wherever he felt most enticed. “You know I have feelings, sweetheart. Why do ya think you're here in the first place, huh?”
Your scent flared with bashful approval. “Guess that's good to know. These days, you've left me wondering.”
Sukuna grew placid gazing upon your features, listening to your words. If he really tried, behind that diamond mask of nonchalance most Zenin brats wore, there existed soft, vulnerable skin--tired and ragged, worried and creased. He'd done that to you. Why had he done that to you?
He lifted a hand from your curves to cup your face gently, his touch breaking through the shields you so bravely put up to tell the world to fuck off. And you leaned into that touch so eagerly, so hungrily, with a sigh that sounded like you just remembered how to breathe.
“‘M sorry,” Sukuna mumbled. The word felt foreign on his tongue. He didn’t know if he even said it right.
Your eyes squeezed shut just a little tighter, holding onto whatever you could of your crumbling shell as your hand rose to rest on his. “You know I love you,” you said while diamond dust turned to quicksilver.
Sukuna wiped the glimmer from your lashes. “Love you too, runt. Mean it.” Those words still felt strange, too, but he loved those words. He loved the way they made you glow from within, how they solidified you and stopped you from collapsing into a melted mess in the face of his betrayal and swift try at redemption.
You nodded a little, the hard line of your mouth softening. Sukuna relaxed and hugged you close to him, purring deep in his chest in rhythm with you as you wholly accepted him in return and buried your face into his neck. He did the same, scenting you the way you had him, enjoying your company and weight against him. Because he loved you. He really did.
So, he said once again, “Sorry.”
2. Family Matters
“Sukuna,” Wasuke warned. The attention of the younger alpha, leaning against the counter, was on you as you yapped on about this and that with his little brother.
Sukuna grunted and looked over his shoulder at the old man, though, silently and curtly asking, what? even though he already knew what was coming.
“Leave that boy alone.”
Sukuna stared at his grandfather. It'd become more and more common, the way the young man challenged his elder, maintaining hostile eye contact that threatened the beginning of the end if the older broke first–but he never did. The old fuck was too tough. Molded by whatever his own colourful irezumi put him through.
Once, when he was younger, Sukuna wanted to know how to break his elder. He wanted to crack him open and rip those secrets from him, find out how he could use that knowledge to his advantage to never feel so small in the eyes of another ever again. He hated it. He hated the dominance held over him, the humility that came with it.
But, like always, Sukuna broke first, looking away with a grumble, reinforcing his place in the food chain.
Sukuna sighed. The old house was the same–far too traditional, too plain, too normal. It irked him to his core. Here, amidst all the boring normal shit of his past, his status in society no longer mattered; here, he forfeited first place, and took up second.
“Hey,” came your voice, muffled by the car window separating you from your lover. When Sukuna looked over at you, he saw his little nugget tucked safely in your arms, only half-awake as she nuzzled into the warmth of your chest.
But then there was you. A face full of confusion, annoyance, and exasperation greeted Sukuna. You went for the door handle to wrench your man out of the car, but he locked it, watching you yank on the handle a handful of times before you knocked on the window incessantly.
“Get out of the goddamn car, you little shit,” you hissed, looking between Sukuna and the front door of the house frantically. You stared at him hard, then, your frustration building every second your alpha refused to budge and end the embarrassment crashing down on you.
A terrifyingly calm expression took over your face, before you adjusted the little pup in your arms and fished something out of your pocket. Sukuna didn't realize what it was until you leaned over and slammed your fist into the hood of the car, tearing into it easily with the fucking key in your hand.
“You gotta be shitting me–” Sukuna scrambled to unlock the door and swing it open. He hopped out and slammed the car door closed. “You little–”
“Oh, good, you found your balls.”
Sukuna groaned as he looked at the damage you left. “Baby, you know how expensive this is gonna be to fix? Fucking hell, why're you such a crazy bitch?”
“Well, look who I'm stuck with,” you said lightly. “Obviously you've corrupted me. It's not my fault.”
Sukuna grumbled and turned to you, grabbing you and pulling you close; but instead doling out a punishment as his past self was so accustomed to doing, he aggressively nuzzled the top of your head, viciously scenting you up and squeezing you against his solid frame while he grumbled and growled.
“I'm splitting you in half when we get home.”
You sighed, dramatic. “Oh no. I'm so afraid. But I guess I deserve such a brutal punishment. Sigh.” You nuzzled him back before tiptoeing up to kiss his chin, then his lips when he leaned down to meet you the rest of the way. “Ready?”
Sukuna took a deep breath and looked over your face, running the back of his fingers against the rise of your cheekbone. He loved touching your face these days (more than usual). You still held onto a bit of pregnancy plushness that filled in the hollow angles of your handsomely beautiful face and other once-bony parts of your body. You'd never panicked about it, but you bitched and moaned, loudly lamenting about the way your clothes fit a little differently or how you just had to keep stealing Sukuna's shirts to replace your own.
Touka, your little one, mewled from her spot smooshed between her parents. Sukuna sighed as he pulled back to look down at her, hoping she'd take most the heat off of him when he faced his grandfather again.
“Let's just get this over with.”
Yuuji was the one who answered the door. He lived with Wasuke, claiming it was just easier and cheaper than getting his own place, but most knew the younger was a worry wart; he couldn't stand by and let his grandfather get put in a home or quietly tough out everyday life on his own in his elderly years. Yuuji stayed for the sake of family, and Wasuke quietly welcomed it. His brother's goodness nearly struck Sukuna with guilt.
But any chance at guilt died the moment he met the old bastard's stony gaze.
“Itadori-san,” you cooed pleasantly, a far cry from the demon that'd keyed Sukuna's car. “It's good to see you again.”
Wasuke quirked a brow and walked up to you, nudging Yuuji aside so he could get a good look at you and the pup nestled to your chest. Sukuna took a breath and looked away. He didn't need to see the critical stare of the old man while he processed the fact that Sukuna had indeed not stayed away from you. Ugh, the idea of being scolded made the alpha itch.
“We're far beyond honorifics, boy. You know that,” Wasuke lightly scolded, and you beamed. Sukuna could imagine a little shiba inu tail on you, wagging fast enough to take flight. “I'm glad to see you in one piece after taming my grandson. It must've been a damn ordeal.”
Yuuji cackled impishly, pointing at Sukuna. “Oooh, burn.”
“Sorry, who got the omega in the end?” Sukuna quipped back, making Yuuji sprout a grumpy look and cross his arms with a mumbled you suck.
“Quit the fighting and come in,” Wasuke ushered. “And you,” he snapped, looking at Sukuna with chronic disapproval, “Take off those sunglasses. You're trying too hard. Look like an idiot.”
You stifled your laughter as Sukuna grumbled and plucked his shades off. His very cool, very neat, very fancy, very expensive shades.
Wasuke ushered you all inside, gesturing to the kotatsu prepared with food and drinks and starting off on a grumbling rant about the shitty cold mornings and warm afternoons that came with Spring. Obviously, he'd complained to break the ice, and it worked.
Small talk turned into easier conversation. Whenever Sukuna seemed to struggle with being cordial, you would lean into him more, squeezing his hand tightly whilst purring under the radar. That worked, too. As much as Sukuna was an asshole, he didn't want the afternoon to fall apart. Better he stay quieter than say something to regret.
“They've calmed you down,” Wasuke said, snapping Sukuna's mind to attention. It was then that he finally noticed Yuuji had effectively kidnapped little Touka and was giving her a tour of the house like she actually gave a shit.
“Hm?” He grunted, so eloquent.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, leaning into your partner more with a sigh. “Words, not grunts, Sukuna.”
He huffed. “You grunt at me all the damn time.”
“Not at our elders.”
“Tch.” Sukuna rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Whaddaya mean they've calmed me down, huh?”
Wasuke, for once, looked somewhat amused. “Your pup. Your mate. They've made you human.”
“Ha? You're actin’ like I was some four-armed, two-faced freak or some shit.”
“Some days you acted like it,” Wasuke scoffed. “Doesn't matter if you agree or not, I can see the change in you, kid–that wild thing inside of you is finally settling down.”
You hummed and looked up at him. “I've noticed, too. You're less pissy. More tolerant. Still annoying, but that's just a personality flaw.” Sukuna growled and nipped at you, but you faced him so very bravely and suffered no such nip.
“I'm glad for you, kid,” Wasuke interjected, breaking up the petty fight that was about to go down. The two of you looked back to the eldest. “You were a real pain in the ass, and you fucked up a lot along the way, but you made things work out. You should be proud.”
Sukuna would never be able to put his feelings, the utter rush he felt getting his grandfather's approval, into words.
“So where does this end, kid?” Wasuke asked.
“What?” He asked before he could properly think it through.
“This life. Your ‘profession.’ How long're you gonna keep that up, huh?”
Sukuna could feel you lean into him more, letting more body weight ease your shared worries about the life you shared and the professions you'd taken up. Both unpredictable. Both in the crosshairs of dangerous beasts.
“You think we'll end up six feet under like mom ‘n dad, that it?” Sukuna rasped. He looped an arm around your waist and squeezed you against his side in reassurance as Wasuke's expression grew gloomier.
“You're more like your mother than you know, kid. You don't–”
“‘Course I don't know,” Sukuna interrupted, firm but not vicious. “Mom was a fucking moron ‘n knocked up whoever the fuck she could to get an in into one of those big-name clans. No shit they'd get pissed off and kill the bitch.”
Wasuke scowled, but didn't argue. It was hard to when his daughter in-law was in the wrong, when she dug her own grave with every child sired before slipping and falling in on her own. A sad story. An incredibly stupid one, too.
“That won't happen,” you offered mildly. Sukuna looked down at you, suddenly feeling the urge to shoot another baby into you as you spoke up on your own. “I trust Sukuna as much as I trust myself; he's worked hard to create an untouchable empire, and I have the connections to supplement it.” You glanced up at him. “If it's not Sukuna, then it'll be someone else running Tokyo. I couldn't think of a better king.”
A beat of silence passed before Wasuke asked, “And you, kid?” You afraid?
Sukuna willed his mind out of R-rated territory to look at his grandfather. “You know me,” he started with a troublesome grin, “I can't stay away from what I want.”
#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x male reader#sukuna x m!reader#sukuna x you#jjk x you#male reader insert#male reader#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen reader insert#jujutsu kaisen x male reader#jujutsu kaisen x you
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Icarus, I Am Devoted | Sukuna x M!Reader (Teaser!!)
[#Modern AU, ABO dynamics, Mob Boss!Sukuna, Alpha!Sukuna, Street Doctor!Reader, Omega!Reader, toxic relationships, age gap, sukuna is mid 30s, yuuji gang and reader are mid 20s, sukuna and yuuji are brothers, sukuna has FEELINGS, but he is BAD AT FEELINGS, nsfw, fluff, hurt/comfort]
A/N: LET'S GOOOOOOO I love this shit and wanted to share a piece for vibes as I continue to write it lol lmk what you think!!
Sukuna didn't like Yuuji getting caught up in his business.
He was too brash, thought himself too badass for the world to take down, thought gang life wasn't as bad as the world made it out to be, just because his older brother was involved. Sukuna didn't know where the fuck he got that idea–the tattooed menace had killed people, stolen money, sold shit that ruined lives. It was fun for him, sure, but not so much for bystanders.
“You're an idiot,” Sukuna growled as he dragged his brother into his office and threw him at the chaise lounge while they waited for their doctor on demand.
“H-hey, come on, man! It's, uh, it's not even that bad–” Yuuji grimaced, though, holding at the wound gushing blood from his arm. “You've had worse!”
Sukuna laughed bitterly as his henchmen flooded the room and made necessary preparations for their aid's arrival. “You and I are fucking built different, Yuuji--you’re too damn soft for–”
“I'm not,” Yuuji snapped, honeyed eyes blazing. “I can help you.”
Sukuna laughed again, then ripped his plush, leather chair across the room, sending it hurtling into the expensive ebony walls he encased his place of business in. He roared in overwhelming fury as it clattered to the floor.
“How hard is it for you to listen? How come you can never just fucking–”
“Yelling won't solve things,” your cool voice interrupted as you hurried into the room, medical bag in hand. “I thought you learned that by now.”
Sukuna whirled on his heel. His hands were still fisted in his hair and his blood boiled, but now, there existed an explosive tension with you in the room.
You, his pretty little omega. The one he chased away. The one he still craved. The one that drove him insane.
“Uraume,” Sukuna growled, crimson eyes locking onto his most devoted.
“My apologies,” they said with a pensive look and deep bow, “he was the only one willing to come.”
“So mind your manners, or I'll let your brother bleed out,” you said airily, so haughty and bitchy and annoying. But Sukuna knew you wouldn't let Yuuji die. You wouldn't let him suffer with a wound like that–you were too fond of the little brat.
Sukuna snarled in frustration and fixed his jacket with sharp tugs. “Just fix him.”
He stalked away, ignoring the way Yuuji yelled at him before preening at you as you tended to him. Sukuna knew his brother had a bit of a thing for you, his bitch, which caused more than a handful of problems with the two arguing and fighting for your affections. Naturally, you chose Sukuna. Of course you would.
The alpha's frustrations boiled, reducing the rage in his gut into simmering desire. He leaned his head back against the elevator mirror with a sigh as it shot up toward the penthouse--the one you, too, used to occupy. The one where you'd spread your legs for him, drowning in expensive, black silk sheets while he bred you like the good little thing you were. The one where you'd cook for him if (when) you woke up before him the morning after. The one where you first whispered I love you against his skin when you thought he was asleep.
The elevator doors dinged open, and he stormed out, eager to rid himself of the tightness pulling at his slacks. A cigar and a drink sounded good, too.
#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x male reader#sukuna x m!reader#sukuna x you#jjk x you#male reader insert#male reader#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen reader insert#jujutsu kaisen x male reader#jujutsu kaisen x you
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