#mob boss bucky barnes
klaus-littlestwolf · 4 months
Mafia!Bucky’s Girl gets Arrested
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Mafia!Bucky’s Girl Arrested Moodboard
Warning:Police Brutality, DD/LG dynamics and Daddy Kink, Protective Bucky and Mafia!Bucky (which is its own warning)
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She always knew that it was a possibility but it never really crossed her mind as something that was going to happen. Ever since getting with her Mob Boss boyfriend, the man who had decided she belonged to him the second he set eyes on her and stalked her relentlessly until she finally agreed to be his girl, she had almost always been right by his side.
Bucky knew that Y/n was as loyal as they come and he didn’t doubt her love for him or her dedication for even a second, but he still didn’t want her out of his sight. There are plenty of men out there who want to hurt James Barnes and he refuses to see his Princess be a victim of an idiot with a vendetta or to even see an ounce of pain on her perfect face.
This day however, it was unavoidable.
Bucky had a delivery that needed to be picked up and he had to oversee it personally, something he wouldn’t bring his girl along for and so he gave her a Black Amex that he had just for her and dropped her off at her favorite outlet. He knew that she could shop around there for hours and that she gladly would until he picked her up later that evening.
‘Stay in public Princess, don’t go anywhere outside of this outlet, understand?’ Bucky warned, opening her car door and helping her out.
‘Yes Buck, I promise I will stay here. You know I’ll shop for a few outfits before ending up in the bookstore for the rest of the time.’ She teased making the notoriously angry Mob Boss smile. He had recently cleared out an entire bedroom in his mansion and lined it with wall to wall bookshelves so that she could have her own perfect reading room. She was fixing it up exactly how she wanted to make it perfect and was spending a lot of his money to give herself a library, apparently needing 1000 books before it actually counted as one (not that he minded spending money on her, especially not for something that made her so happy and often inspired new things to try in the bedroom thanks to her Dark Romance books).
‘That’s where I will pick you up, okay? I’ll text you when I’m finished and you meet me here, okay?’
‘Yes Daddy.’ She teased, knowing how much he loved it when she called him that as she pulled him down to her by his suit jacket and pressed her lips to his. ‘You’d better make sure you’re done all your work by the time you pick me up because you’re all mine for the next 2 days.’
‘Yes ma’am. I promised you a nice, quiet weekend just the two of us and I meant it.’ With all the extra time Bucky had been working after one of his biggest allies was arrested, he needed to make it up to his Princess and he had sworn that after the delivery he was all hers for the entire weekend. ‘I’ll see you soon Babygirl.’ With that he kissed her nose and hopped back into the car, leaving his girl to shop for the afternoon.
Y/n spent about 2 hours in her favorite stores getting several outfits and even stopping to pick up a few new lingerie sets that she knew her Daddy would love before entering the bookstore. By the time she had been there for an hour she had purchased 11 books and could be found sitting in a chair by the window with a hot chocolate and a muffin, reading to her hearts content. And that is exactly where they found her.
‘Y/n L/n?’ Y/n looked up to see a small women with her hair pulled into a ponytail holding a badge out to her and couldn’t help the confused look on her face.
‘Um…can I help you officer?’ She couldn’t help her confusion, she hadn’t done anything to warrant being spoken to by the police.
‘Get up!’ The man beside her barked, pulling out handcuffs and yanking her up from her chair causing her to cry out, the scalding hot drink spilling on her hand as she was moved violently.
‘Ow! What the fuck?! You can’t treat people like this! I haven’t done anything wrong, and even if I had you didn’t even give me a chance to comply! Ow!’ The cuffs went on painfully tight as her arm was twisted at an odd angle.
‘Hey, you can’t treat her like that!’ A barista spoke up, phone in hand and recording the interaction.
‘Mind your business unless you would like to join her!’ The man barked, his partner staying quiet.
‘Okay, you need to grab my stuff at least, I have bags there. Hello?! So not only are you violent, you’re deaf and stupid, good to know.’ She groaned.
‘We’ll hold your things in the back. You come and get them whenever you can.’ The same barista said, following with her phone as she was dragged out.
‘Thank you. My boyfriend will be by looking for me when I don’t answer him, my phone is in one of the bags! I-the least you can do is let me make sure my stuff is taken care off asshole!’ The next thing Y/n knew she was slammed against the police car, her face suffering the brunt of the hit as it collided.
‘Y/n L/n, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.’ The women spoke, reading her her rights as she was put into the car. ‘Do you understand these rights as I’ve read them to you?’
‘Do I also have the right to not have your boorish partner throw me around like I’m his red headed step child? I don’t think that was in there. I’m not saying anything to you, and I haven’t done a single thing wrong.’
‘Sweetie, you’ve been doin’ shit wrong since you said “yes” to a date with James Barnes.’ The asshole spoke, starting the car and driving away from the bookstore.
‘Oh, now I understand. You don’t have shit on my boyfriend who you think is some kind of criminal for some unknown reason and so because you’re so shit at your job you violently arrest his innocent girlfriend. Gotcha.’
‘You ain’t been innocent since you started suckin’ his cock. You know it, he buys you pretty things and you stick your tongue out. You’re an expensive whore and nothing more-‘
‘That’s enough Tanner!’ His partner snapped and she listened to them argue about Bucky while trying to get feeling back into her arms and hands that she was leaning on with her knees pressed painfully to the cage between the front and back seat, all the while blood was leaking down her face and onto her sundress. It was sad, this was one of Bucky’s favorites, she only wore it because she knew he was supposed to pick her up to start their long weekend together.
She was led into the precinct pretty easily before walking through the bullpen and seeing multiple cops that she knew Bucky employed. She pushed down the instinct to smile knowing that they wouldn’t get ahold of Bucky or Steve tonight but also knowing someone would call Andy. She had met Andy several times and loved Steve’s twin brother dearly, knowing that if anything ever happened that Andy Barber would be the one getting her out of it. He had taken his wife’s name in law school to get away from his “criminal” last name of Rogers and yet he still represented them as he knew he always would.
‘Sit here, I’ll get something to wipe off your face-‘
‘No thank you, I’ll stay like this. I don’t need your help.’ Y/n told the women who looked at her sideways. ‘I’ll wait until I’m out of here and my lawyer can see the state that 2 police officers put me in just to arrest a women who was perfectly cooperative. He’s going to have a field day with your department.’ She glared, now seemingly pissed off herself, slapping a folder in front of her and opening it to show her pictures of her and Bucky together. One was him helping her out of the car, one was them walking into a premier, her boyfriends arm around her waist possessively as it was in every single picture they had.
‘Seems like he’s pretty taken with you.’ Y/n raised her eyebrows, not willing to say anything about Bucky what so ever. ‘Just like he was with this girl, and this one-‘ she showed pictures of two other girls with Bucky from before they were together. Bucky and Y/n had had the “Ex’s Talk” and they were both honest about past relationships but the thing that sealed it for Y/n right now was that seeing Bucky with these women, he didn’t hold them like he held her. It wasn’t even close to the same and if ever there was doubt that she would rat on her man (which there wasn’t) there sure as fuck wasn’t any now. ‘Let us help you get away from him, he’s a bad man. He’s killed people, God only knows how many of them.’
‘Oh My God!’ Y/n exclaimed, looking at one of the pictures and while the cop seemed to think she was getting through for a single second she was quickly proved wrong. ‘I was having a really bad hair day. Do you think we could get rid of this one? I just look awful.’
‘You’re not taking this seriously at all.’
‘No, and I’m not going to. You assaulted me, violently dragged me in here and now you’re questioning me about my boyfriend like he’s some kind of criminal! He is the sweetest man alive and he would never hurt anyone, now, I’m not going to be saying anything else without my lawyer.’ Her partner scoffed as he stood by the door watching this go on.
‘Yeah, we’ll see how quickly we get around to calling him.’ He laughed and Y/n just rolled her eyes.
‘He’ll be here soon enough.’ She mumbled.
‘What was that?! What are you mumbling you little bitch, if you think for one fucking minute that we give a shit about that murderers whore you’re wrong, and he ain’t gonna save you either! We’ll let you sit in here for days and guess what? Eventually you’re gonna give him up! Just to see daylight again!’ The officer raged before pulling his partner out and slamming the door shut, all lights but one going out and leaving Y/n in almost complete darkness.
She couldn’t tell you how long she sat there in the dark, quiet room just staring at the window mirror. It felt like hours by the time the door opened again and the lights were thrown on making her squint as her eyes adjusted to the harsh brightness. Y/n could hear a familiar voice screaming and the look of apprehension on the women’s face was fantastic after her treatment.
Suddenly a man who looked way too much like Steve stormed in and took in Y/n’s appearance. ‘Jesus! She’s fucking bloody, you have got to be fucking with me if you think this is alright Captain! Uncuff her this instant!’ Andy demanded and the large cop gave him an angry look before doing as he was told, the “discreet” look from his Captain being enough to spur him into action. ‘Are you alright Miss. L/n? Do we need to go to the ER?’ He offered but she shook her head.
‘No Andy, they offered to wash the blood off, I just wanted you to see where they had slammed me into their car.’ He nodded, making a gesture that told her to be quiet and tell him everything somewhere else.
‘I’m taking my client home. I will expect the recording of this interrogation, all of it, every second, to be sent to my office by morning. If even one second is off I won’t stop until this precinct is a fucking In-n-Out burger! Now fuck off!’ Andy took Y/n’s hand and pulled her along gently, not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already was. ‘You did well, I want to take a few pictures of you to have it documented, then we’ll get you cleaned up.’ She nodded along as they exited the building and moved to his car where he took pictures of her face at every angle as well as her bruised wrists and burned hand.
They had just gotten into the car when Andy’s phone began ringing Bucky’s tone and he put it on Speaker immediately. ‘Andy! She’s Gone! You Need To Get Her Back Andy! I Can’t-‘
‘Boss! It’s okay! I got her, I got a call from Officer Bowers when they walked her in.’ She nodded along.
‘He called right away, I saw a few cops that recognized me and the looks on their faces were priceless.’ She joked, hoping to pull a laugh from Bucky but it did not happen.
‘Princess! Are you okay? I swear to God, if they hurt you-‘
‘It’s okay Daddy. Stay at the bookstore, Andy’s dropping me off there, he wants to talk to the barista who recorded my arrest. She was nice, she promised to hold all my bags until you got there.’ She realized as she heard her Daddy’s voice how badly she had just wanted to fall into his arms and cry herself to sleep.
‘Okay Babygirl, I’ll get your stuff into the car. Get her here Andy, now!’ Her Daddy demanded before hanging up the phone, clearly upset.
It took another 10 minutes to get to the store and the second Y/n crossed the threshold she was grabbed and pulled into Bucky’s arms. He was warm and strong, just like every time he held her but this time she needed him to hold her like he never had before as she felt her mind sink back to that small, regressed place that she didn’t go to very often and it was like her Daddy physically felt it happen as her mind receded back into her safe space.
‘Daddy’s here Babygirl. Your Daddy’s got you, not a thing to worry about.’ He swore, not even caring about the fact that he’s in public as he lifted his girl into his arms and cradled her like an infant. ‘Daddy’s gonna take you home now Baby, gonna go home and get you in your jammies, and all snuggled up in the blankies.’ Bucky turned and walked back out the door from where Y/n had just come, Steve promptly opening the back door and letting his boss climb in before going back to start the SUV. ‘Is my Baby hungry? Daddy has food being made right now for my Princess’ dinner.’
‘So hungry!’ She groaned, clutching to his suit jacket and nuzzling close to his warm body.
‘We’re gonna get you all fed and snuggly warm in our bed baby, don’t you worry. I love you so much, Daddy is gonna make sure those awful cops are taken care of…do you want to talk about it?’ She pouted in response and he brushed his fingers through her hair to comfort her.
‘They were all rough and mean. Showed me pictures of us and pictures of you with your other girlfriends to make me talk bad about you.’ Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes.
‘Clearly they’re morons if they thought my Princess would turn on me.’ He chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. He knew how loyal his girl was, and he knew that (despite the fact that he would never let it happen) she would have gone to jail and kept quiet the whole time. ‘Don’t worry baby, this whole week is all about Daddy loving on you. Okay? You’re gonna be sick of my hugs by the end ‘cause I’ve rescheduled all of my meetings and appointments. It’s all about you now.’
‘Could never be sick of you, Daddy. I love you so much!’ She swore, nuzzling into his neck and breathing in his heavy scent. As always he smelled like peppermint and his cologne which was very earthy and smoky which he knew his Babygirl loved, however after having been working tonight she could also smell gunpowder which would have made her ask questions and worry if she weren’t completely at the mercy of her regression right now.
Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead for several seconds as Steve pulled up the driveway and finally parked outside of the cabin style mansion in the woods. Her Daddy knew it was her favorite one of his houses to spend time at which is why he picked it for the weekend before extending it to the entire week after watching her arrest video and the interrogation video that Andy sent him just before they got to the bookstore. Some of her comments genuinely made him chuckle, and he was so proud to hear her defense of him and wonderful acting as she could have really convinced people that her boyfriend was just a sweet business man being targeted by the police maliciously. However after seeing how they treated her, Bucky knew that she would be needing his love and comfort, hating to hear that they had called her a whore and tried to make her think that he was just using her for her body.
As they laid in bed that night after her Daddy had fed her dinner and given her a bath filled with bubbles and sweet smelling bath salts he held her tightly to his chest, caressing her bare thigh as she snuggled him in her panties and one of his Henley’s (which was his favorite outfit to see her in of all time, including both fancy dresses or lingerie).
‘You know that your Daddy loves you more than anything else in this world, don’t you Princess?’
‘Mmhmm…’ she mumbled, half asleep already, Bucky’s ability to make her feel safe and comfortable enough to sleep so quickly being a subject of great pride for him.
‘And you know that you’re not a whore…I mean, sometimes I enjoy it when you’re Daddy’s good little whore but…you know you are so much more than that to me, right?’ She nodded into his chest subtly and he momentarily wondered if she even knew what he was saying.
‘Not a whore. Just Daddy’s whore…I love you Daddy.’
‘I love you too Princess. You sleep now, you can be Daddy’s good little whore in the morning…’ he promised, hearing her little moan and kissing her head before pulling the covers around her tighter, allowing himself to drift off to sleep with his Baby safe in his arms.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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witchywithwhiskey · 3 months
for so long as you live
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pairing: mafia!bucky barnes x female reader
summary: the fearsome boss of new york city's russian mob proves a point about who you belong to
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), very mild dubcon, intoxication, fingering (f receiving), public play, finger sucking, choking, breathplay, very mild blood kink, dacryphilia, dirty talk, praise kink, pet names (printsessa), very possessive bucky
word count: 2.0k
a/n: i wrote this for @the-slumberparty's emoji game using these: 🍕❤️🔥 i hope the plot twist in this actually works (idk if it counts as a PLOT twist but whatever). i just hope it's surprising but still makes sense!!! also all the russian words are from google translate so if any are wrong, let me know and i'll fix them (translations are down at the bottom because one is a spoiler!) anyway i hope y'all enjoy!!
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It was a warm summer night in New York City, the kind where even the breeze was pleasant enough that you didn’t resist when a balmy gust slipped beneath the hem of your short white dress and slid up your legs, tickling the soft skin of your thighs. 
Neither did you resist when the breeze was chased by the searching hand of Bucky Barnes, his fingers skimming up your smooth skin as he curled his body around yours in the back booth of the late night Brooklyn pizza parlor.
The front door of the shop was open, and all manner of drunken Brooklynites traipsed over the threshold, intent on ordering a greasy slice that would soak up some of the alcohol in their stomachs. The crowd was loud and rowdy and thankfully unobservant, because you were painfully aware that any one of them could very easily catch you with Bucky’s hand up your skirt. 
The back booth wasn’t nearly dark enough, nor secluded enough to hide you entirely from view, but the insistent desire and warming liquor pounding in your blood made it difficult to care. 
Bucky’s fingers slid another inch up your thigh, pressing between your soft curves until they found the wetness that had dripped from your folds and made a mess under your skirt. His rumbling chuckle felt like another warm, summer breeze, suffusing you in a heat that burned from the inside out. 
Your thighs fell open of their own accord, giving Bucky unfettered access to the place that ached for his touch, even as a protesting whine worked its way up your throat.
“Bucky…” you mewled, your reticence clear in your tone. Your fingers closed around the sinewy forearm that was disappearing up your skirt, intent on pulling him away from your soaking heat. Your nails dug into his golden skin when his other hand darted out and grabbed you by the throat. 
With his thumb pressed to the hinge of your jaw, he turned your face to him, a warning sparkling in his ice blue eyes. A thrum of fear and excitement churned low in your belly at the way Bucky was looking at you—like you were prey, and he was a predator who had already decided he was going to eat you for dinner.
“I hope you weren’t about to tell me not to touch this pussy, printsessa,” Bucky rumbled, his voice deep and low like an oncoming thunderstorm. His hand wedged between your thighs beneath your skirt, shoving your legs wider so that he could cup your bare heat in his palm. “I hope you haven’t forgotten who this cunt belongs to.” 
Your breath was coming in short, rabbity pants, your heart racing in your chest and your blood pounding in your veins like you were running for your life. But your mind knew what your body did not—it would be pointless to run from Bucky Barnes. 
The Zimniy Soldat was the most feared boss in the city’s Russian mafia, a fact you’d learned the hard way when your father had paid off his debts by giving you to Bucky. 
Bucky’s gaze bore into your own as he pushed two fingers into your tight channel, his eyes watching hungrily as your face went slack with pleasure. 
“I’ll touch you whenever I want,” he growled, dragging his fingers back and plunging them into you again slowly, his eyes never straying from your face. “I’ll fuck you whenever I want—where ever I want.” 
His other hand held you pinned to the leather booth by your throat, your body responding so eagerly to his touch that it felt like a betrayal. His thumb and forefinger pressed into the sides of your neck making your pussy spasm around his fingers. 
Your body proved Bucky’s point before he made it as he rumbled, “This cunt belongs to me, printsessa.” 
You hadn’t said a word since his name, but your slow submission was clear in every little movement of your body—your thighs spreading even wider for Bucky’s hand, your limbs loosening and melting into his hold, your lips falling open in a soundless moan as he fingerfucked you. Bucky owned you, and you both knew it. 
And he relished your submission, even if you hadn’t quite accepted his possession of you yet. But you would.
The victorious smile that curved Bucky’s mouth was sharp and dangerous as a knife. When he spoke, though, his voice was as warm as the balmy summer breeze. 
“Good girl,” he murmured, “give yourself to me.” The ice in his eyes was slowly but surely melting as he watched pleasure dance across your face, his smile widening into something hot and hungry. “This life of yours is mine now, printsessa, but if you’re a good girl for me, I can make sure it’s filled with pleasure and happiness,” he purred, his lips brushing against the apple of your cheek, their softness followed by the rough scrape of his scruff. 
Bucky slid a third finger into your tight hole, stretching you wider and making you bite your lip hard to prevent yourself from crying out in pain-edged pleasure. Your chest heaved with the effort to stay quiet and, unbidden, a tear slipped from the corner of your eye while blood pooled on your lip. 
But Bucky never stopped fucking you with his fingers, his hand working your body expertly as the soft, wet sounds of your obscenely sopping cunt reached your ears. Instead, the Zimniy Soldat kissed the tear from your cheek and licked the blood from your swollen lip, pulling back to stare into your eyes as he watched you come undone for him. 
“You are mine,” he said with a tone of finality, as if his statement was an incontrovertible fact. Any protest you might’ve had—though in truth, you didn’t have any left—died in your throat as he choked you harder, his fingers working your pussy faster, grinding the heel of his palm into your wet, puffy clit as he continued on, pushing you to the edge of your release. “Moya printsessa, moya zhena.” 
You felt Bucky’s ring—your husband’s ring—smooth and unyielding and warm from his skin, slip inside your cunt as he buried his fingers in your body. He rubbed your clit ruthlessly until he made you come right there in the back of the pizza parlor, not caring if anyone in the crowded shop could see it.
Your left hand, bedecked in a dazzling white sapphire ring and matching wedding band, wrapped around the back of Bucky’s neck, your nails digging into his skin as you clung to the most dangerous man in all of New York City while he made you come harder than you ever had before. Pleasure tore through your body as you held Bucky’s warm blue gaze, staring at the man who’d staked his claim on you.
The man you’d married only a few hours prior because it was the only way to settle your father’s debts.
“Good girl, good fucking girl,” Bucky growled, his fingers fucking you through your orgasm, his eyes watching you hungrily, greedily.
Already, you could read him well enough to know he was thinking about watching you come on his cock as he claimed you in the most base, primal way possible. Your pussy clenched harder on his fingers at the thought, your body aching for it even as you came.
“Come all over your husband’s fingers—see how good I can be to you when you obey me, printsessa.” 
Your teeth had sunk deep into your lower lip to quell any sounds of ecstasy, but the pleasure was too much, too overwhelming, and you threw your head back. Your breathy cry was muffled by Bucky’s fingers choking your throat harder, which only wrung even more bliss out of your body as black crept into the edges of your vision. 
Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over you, your husband’s relentless touch dragging out your release until your strangled moans devolved into desperate whimpers. Tears gathered in your lashes, and your entire body trembled in the red leather booth at the back of the pizza parlor.
Only then did Bucky relent. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured before his lips slammed down on yours, his mouth claiming yours just as surely as his fingers had claimed your cunt. 
He swallowed the keening whine you let out when he pulled his fingers from your throbbing pussy, your body aching at the loss of him. But then he replaced his mouth with them, pushing his fingers between your lips so you could taste your release—the release he’d wrung so masterfully from your body.
“Clean up your mess, moya zhena,” Bucky rumbled, his eyes sparkling with depraved delight as you dutifully licked his fingers clean.
When he decided you were done, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and let you collapse against his chest, your cheek pressed to his white cotton dress shirt—the one he’d worn to your wedding earlier that day. 
His jacket had been shed at some point during the party at one of his nightclubs—a club decorated in neon red hearts. Bucky had smirked in amusement when you’d pointed out the irony of celebrating your forced marriage in a place where the theme was love. 
That infuriating smirk had made you decide the best way to celebrate your sham nuptials was to drink and dance the night away. You’d spent your night trying not to notice how handsome the mob boss you’d married was, or how delicious he looked with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Or how a very small part of you enjoyed the way his eyes never strayed from you for long. 
It had been your idea to get some pizza after the club, a last ditch attempt to put off the wedding night you were certain Bucky expected. You kept telling yourself you didn’t want him to touch you, but the second his fingers had grazed your bare knee beneath the simple white dress you wore, tingles of pleasure going straight to your clit, you’d known it was no use pretending you didn’t want your new husband. 
When your father told you he’d arranged for you to marry the Zimniy Soldat in exchange for having his debts cleared, you never believed you could find anything to like about your mob boss husband. But Bucky had proven you very wrong in that back booth in the pizza parlor, and you were warming up to the idea of being Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes.
“Tell me you’re mine, printsessa,” Bucky rumbled, drawing your thoughts back to the present moment. His lips pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head where it was tucked under his chin, and your heart flipped happily in your chest.
The words were no less a command for the warmth in his tone that he seemed to reserve for only you, his new wife. 
Perhaps it was because of the pleasure still thrumming through your body, or because you weren’t so convinced anymore that being married to the Zimniy Soldat would be a bad thing, but the words came much easier to your lips than you would’ve expected. 
“I’m yours, my husband.” 
A pleased sound rumbled in Bucky’s throat and you felt the way his heart beat harder in his chest with your cheek pressed to his sternum. You couldn’t help the small smile that curved your lips when Bucky threaded the fingers of his left hand through yours, your matching rings slotting next to each other and glittering beneath the yellow lights of the pizza parlor.
“You’ll be happy with me,” Bucky promised, the most recent of many vows he’d made to you that day. His words rang with determination and an emotion you’d never expected to hear from the mob boss—adoration. “So long as you always remember you belong to me, moya zhena.” 
A shiver of delight raced down your spine at his possessive words, finding yourself liking them much more than you would’ve thought. 
Something told you that you’d never forget you belonged to Bucky Barnes. Not at any point during the hopefully long and happy life you were going to live with him. You were his wife, and he was your husband, for so long as you both should live.
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printsessa/moya printsessa - princess/my princess
Zimniy Soldat - Winter Soldier
moya zhena - my wife
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dreamwritesimagines · 13 days
The Eye of the Hurricane [35] - Confessions
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: A nightclub can be a good place for confessions.
Word Count: 2400
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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You knew Bucky was trying to stay out of your way, you just knew.
Since you had first gotten married, he had never spent the night outside until tonight. When you woke up, the spot next to you was empty, so you huffed out a breath and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, you made your way downstairs to feed Alpine but the noise by the door made you turn your head.
Bucky hadn’t seen you just yet -he probably thought you were still asleep- and he made his way upstairs while you tilted your head, crossing your arms but keeping completely quiet in the kitchen. Even if you wanted to go upstairs after him, he didn’t take long, probably just changed his clothes and came back downstairs, stopping in his tracks when he saw you.
“Hey,” you said and he offered you a small smile.
“Hey,” he said, already making his way to the door with you following suit. “I have a meeting, I’ll see you tonight at the—”
“Bucky,” you said, your heartbeat speeding up and he froze by the door, then cleared his throat and turned to you.
“Can we talk?”
You pulled your brows together. “What? The fuck does that mean, no?”
He bit inside his cheek, averting his gaze from you.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he said. “You heard what I said, so—”
“So what, we just don’t talk about it?”
Bucky paused for a moment, then nodded his head.
“Yeah,” he said. “That sounds like a good plan.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that before?”
“Charm, I have this meeting—”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“It doesn’t change anything, okay?” he said. “What was I supposed to say? I was an ass to you because I took all my anger at my father and projected it onto you?”
“George never said anything to me,” you mused. “Neither did my father.”
“I doubt he mentioned it to him,” he said. “I mean…at least not until you came back from college.”
“But before that, only to you?”
Bucky pursed his lips together, still unable to look you in the eye and nodded.
“That was still an asshole move,” you pointed out and he sucked in a breath through his teeth, then nodded his head again.
“Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck before his eyes found yours. “I’m sorry Charm. I really am, I was a dick. I never should’ve—that whole bullshit was between my father and me, you didn’t deserve to be caught in the crossfire. I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me for it, but I’ll try to…make it up to you. I’ll make sure you get that crown.”
You crossed your arms, pursing your lips and Bucky swallowed thickly, then cleared his throat.
“I’m just gonna—” he motioned at the door. “Uh, see you tonight at the club.”
With that, he walked out of the apartment and you leaned your back to the wall with a groan, pressing your palms on your eyes.
 “The club,” you muttered to yourself. “Right. Great.”
The whole reason why you were going to the club was because of Rhett. He had mentioned wanting to go out and Clint’s brand-new club sounded perfect for the occasion, and you figured once everyone drank a little, making the deal would be much easier.
“Please tell me it’s a good club,” Rhett said as you both got your coffees and sat down to your table. The café you had picked was right across your father’s skyscraper, your surname shining against it and you heaved a sigh, then leaned back.
“One simple listener would think you don’t trust me, Rhett.”
“I flew here because I trust you,” Rhett reminded you. “Your taste in clubs however…”
“We met at a club, dumbass.”
“I’m still not convinced it was a club of your choosing, but your friends’,” Rhett pointed out, making you scrunch up your nose at him, then lightly kicked his shoe.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What does the rest of Chicago think about you doing business with New York?”
Rhett heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his curls, his rings catching your attention for a moment.
“They don’t necessarily love the idea.”
“None of them?”
“Most of them,” Rhett said. “My father thinks it’s a terrible idea.”
“Caleb—you met Caleb, he also thinks it’s a bad idea.”
“Caleb is a dick.”
“And Alice and her family as well,” he said and scoffed. “But that one has more to do with you than the business.”
“Did you tell her I’m married to Bucky?”
He hummed. “She knows,” he said. “Still thinks…”
“That you and I are going to sleep together?”
Rhett shot you a small grin. “Yep.”
“I’m not the cheating type.”
“Never thought otherwise,” he said. “One does wonder though…”
You sipped your coffee. “Wonder what?”
“If we broke up for no reason.”
You lowered your coffee cup to give him a reprimanding look.
“There was a reason,” you said. “Business.”
“You don’t think we could’ve made it work?”
“Nope,” you said. “I’m not the type to play the housewife, you know that.”
“I never asked you to do that.”
“But that’s how Chicago works,” you said with a laugh. “And I would never be a mistress either so…”
He opened his mouth to retort but before he could, someone cleared their throat behind you, making both you and Rhett turn your heads and you rolled your eyes when you saw Ian.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I just left your father in his office,” he said. “You’re not gonna go and say hi?”
“Nope, I’m busy with my guest,” you said and motioned between them. “Ian, Rhett. Rhett, this is Ian, my cousin.”
“And her father’s heir,” Ian corrected you, extending his hand and Rhett raised his brows, eyeing his hand before looking up at him with a quizzical glare. You bit back your smile and nodded at Ryan by the door before turning to Ian who lowered his hand.
“Why is an heir who’s not even a firstborn talking to me?” Rhett asked you, completely ignoring Ian and you shrugged, smirking.
“No idea. Ian?”
“I speak for my uncle.”
“I’m not talking to your uncle either, buddy,” Rhett said with a snort. “We’re in the middle of a conversation and you’re interrupting us.”
A look of surprise crossed Ian’s features before he threw his shoulders back.
“Mr. Davis, if we’re going to do business, it is important that you respect me, if my uncle hears—”
“Oh we seem to have some miscommunication here,” Rhett said. “I’m not doing business with you, or your uncle. Go tell your uncle the only person who I’ll speak to in terms of business is his daughter, and that I don’t appreciate being put in a situation where I have to talk to a second-choice heir who doesn’t even deserve a title that moves through family.”
You pursed your lips together to hold back your laughter as Ian gritted his teeth.
“I’m his nephew.”
“Not his firstborn,” Rhett stated. “Not even his spare. Back in Chicago heirs have to prove their worth, and nothing I heard about you is worth anything, Ian. So why don’t you go back to your kids table and leave the grownups to have actual conversation about business? Because unlike you, your cousin here knows what she’s talking about.”
Ian looked like he was considering saying something and Rhett tilted his head, smirking as if daring him. Ian lingered there for a moment before throwing you a glare, then scoffed.
“We’ll be in touch,” he said and stormed out of the café while you let out a giggle.
“Aw,” you mocked him. “I think you hurt your feelings.”
“Someone had to, you guys are being too soft on heirs here,” Rhett pointed out, making you laugh. “Anyway, we were saying?”
Clint really did have a good taste in clubs.
A couple of years earlier, you would be dancing on the dancefloor and drinking to your heart’s desire. Your father’s notorious name always worked in your favor in the city, and clubs weren’t an exception to that. With a wave of your hand, your bodyguards, -or Bucky’s, Steve’s or Sam’s- would be dragging anyone who bothered you or Becca outside, but now that you came to the clubs only to make deals, you didn’t dance or drink too much.
Rhett seemed to be in a good mood along with everyone else as he laughed at something Steve said, then sipped his whiskey while Bucky had his arm thrown over the back of the sofa you both were sitting on, and as much as you wanted to keep your conversation from earlier going, you knew you couldn’t in front of Rhett.
“So yeah he turns to me and says, ‘Chicago will not like this’ and I’m like, ‘Motherfucker I am Chicago!’” Rhett said, letting out a laugh. “Apparently this guy he was working with, he didn’t even tell him my name, just sent him there.”
“No way.”
“Oh yeah,” he said. “Which wasn’t even the first time someone within my father’s ranks tried to kill me.”
“Oh yeah,” he said. “Even family, once.”
“How did you get out of that?”
Rhett smiled and nodded in your direction. “You’re looking at my guardian angel there.”
Bucky raised his brows. “I’m sorry?”
“It’s a long story,” you said. “And I barely did anything.”
“No no, she had the opportunity to actually cross me after she dumped me,” Rhett said. “But she didn’t.”
“Yeah well…” you said, leaning your head to Bucky’s shoulder. “I just don’t like traitors.”
“No, loyalty is—” Rhett motioned at you. “Her loyalty is something else. So you might be the luckiest man I’ve ever met, Barnes.”
You let out a laugh while Sam tilted his head and Steve stole a look at Bucky whose jaw clenched.
“Oh he knows,” you said, squeezing Bucky’s arm. “I remind him in case he forgets.”
Bucky hummed, pressing a kiss on top of your head, nuzzling into your hair and making your heart skip a happy beat even if you knew it was for show.
“And you don’t have to look so tense man,” Rhett said with a grin. “She rejected me earlier, so…”
Your eyes widened as you looked from him to Bucky whose glare turned sharp.
“I have no problem starting a war between Chicago and New York, Rhett,” he said. “Careful now.”
Rhett scoffed a laugh. “Or what?”
“Alright, before anyone says anything they might regret,” you stopped Bucky before he could retort and stood up, tugging Bucky by the hand. “Buck, a word?”
Bucky looked like he would say no, but you led him out of the VIP room to the nearest bathroom, nodding at the girls inside.
“Out,” you said and they scurried out of the bathroom before you slammed the door behind you and turned to Bucky.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Trying really hard not to shoot your ex,” Bucky retorted. “How about you?”
“Bucky…” you said, running a hand over your face. “We are not starting a war between Chicago and New York just because you’re feeling a bit territorial—”
“A bit territorial?” he repeated. “A bit territorial? Charm, the whole reason why that asshole can still talk is because you told me not to shoot him, but if he keeps pushing his luck—”
“That’s a joke!”
“I told you though, didn’t I?” he insisted. “I told you he’s here to…fucking steal you away.”
“The fuck am I, a loaf of bread?” you snapped at him. “This is not Les Mis, no one is stealing me away, do you hear yourself?”
“Do you?” he asked. “What did he mean, you rejecting him earlier?”
You looked up at the ceiling, reminding yourself to be calm.
“He was talking about when we used to date,” you said. “And I said we couldn’t have made it work anyway, that’s it. That’s what he means.”
“But he still hopes for it.”
“We’re married, Buck,” you reminded him, “It may be because of the business, but I’m sure you remember our deal—”
“Yeah, for you maybe.”
You pulled your brows together. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s business for you, Charm,” Bucky spat. “Which is fine, but don’t stand there and assume that it’s the same for me, okay? You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Your frown deepened.
“You married me for business,” you said. “So that I could get to the top, so that Ian wouldn’t break the truce, so that—”
“That’s what you think, huh?” Bucky asked, a dry laugh climbing up his throat and your heartbeat sped up as you stared at him.
“Then why?” you asked back and Bucky licked his lips.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Bucky I’ve had it up here playing this fucked up game with you,” you said, your voice low. “What, you’re pretending to be jealous of Rhett—”
“Yeah and you’re bluffing to start a war over some pissing contest—”
“I’m not bluffing.”
“You’ve been avoiding me since we left the therapist’s office—”
“And I want us to talk but you keep running away from whatever nonsense—”
“I’m in love with you.”
The simple sentence managed to make you stop talking, your eyes snapping up to his as you gawked at him, your mouth half open.
“I married you because I’m in love with you,” he said. “I’m willing to start a war with Chicago, with New York, with your own father, because I’m in love with you.”
Bucky loved you.
He was in love with you.
The happy disbelief pinned you to your spot while the music echoed in the bathroom, and he let out a dry laugh.
“There,” he said. “Now you can reject me and we can just—”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence when you snapped out of the haze and turned around to lock the door, then made your way to him to pull him into a kiss, a pleasant warmth spreading from your chest to your whole body. He wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer, and you let out a giggle when he pulled back a little to look at you.
“You’re…you’re not rejecting me?”
“Bucky,” you said, grinning wide. “You can be such an idiot sometimes.”
With that, you stood on your tiptoes to kiss him again, a squeal leaving your lips as he lifted you and carried you to the bathroom vanity.
Chapter 36
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darkdemeter · 3 months
◤✘BUCKY BARNES SERIES/AU'S | CATALOGUE Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Dance choreo! Female Reader ISSUE NO.#1
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NOTES: ↳ Seeing the responses on the original post was really cool and I’m glad to finally put this simple brain concoction of mine into a fully written fic. Enjoy readers <3 WARNINGS❕ ↳ Mafia related topics -- some profanity -- mention of blood and violence and stuff -- mob boss Bucky who just thirsts for reader HARD -- bit a spice and flirting -- I think that's it? SUMMARY: ↳ He is the king of crime, the one mob boss nobody wants to mess with. Funny how you end up here, hired as a dance choreographer for his new club. It was meant to be a simple paycheck, nothing more. But Bucky Barnes wants you.
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@mostlymarvelgirl @hollyseb @sebastianstansqueen @openup-yourmind @kandis-mom @calwitch @cjand10 @identity2212 @ashdoctor @missmarvelophilic @boobsbeesbongos @blackhawkfanatic
 You’re too stubborn to retire the rhythm and hang up those dancing shoes. No, you fight for what’s yours, that’s how you were brought up, and you committed so much to lead this life to escape another that loomed over with a darkened destiny. 
  Even then you had your limits. Though it seems those limits would be tested as of today. A promise that undoubtedly falls in the blurring of lines. 
  “The Crimson Star Nightclub,” you say with a click of your tongue that audibly pops on the other end of the call. “In… that territory of New York.” 
  You swear you can feel her grimace of regret through the phone.
  “I know, I know! I’m sorry, I just— I told him that you’d just be perfect for the job.” Your friend and student wasn’t pleading herself a forgivable case here, you scowl outwardly as you toss your bag atop the nearby railing, sifting through its contents for a moment.
  “I taught you everything I know, babes, why’re you struggling?”
  She’s silent for a minute before she groans, “I just don’t have what it takes to teach, like you do. You’ve got the drive for it! C’mon, he’s willing to pay triple your usual rates. Besides… I’m kinda scared he’ll kill, gut and dump my body over a bridge if you don’t come.”
  That last point shakes you more than you’d like but you quickly dismiss the arrival of dread that falls on your shoulders. You grapple your wallet from your bag and begin to hail a taxi, a gloved hand raised high, the familiar fluorescent yellow swerving to a stop at the curb with a screeching frictional drag of its tires. “What’s the address?”
  She’s smiling, you just know it as she rains down a thousand thank you’s, her heels clapping loudly in the background. 
  Pulling up to the joint made your stomach turn over a hundred times. Exiting the cab, your heeled boot scrubs against the pavement with a leathery rumble as you take in the building. A big establishment from its outward appearance. Peeling off the cover of your sunglasses, you study the freshly reinstated brickwork absolved of any form of gang graffiti. A havenous roofing overheads the entrance where guests would line up in wait with complimenting stanchions. 
  Atop the two – or maybe three story – building is the unlit title, Crimson Star Lounge and Nightclub, and the most flattering of all: a giant red star with a blackened silhouette of what you believe to be either a nude or lingerie clad woman sat within on an invisible seat of some kind. 
  With a hum, you bet a personal wager against yourself that the neon sign’s simple display would articulate the upper leg that hangs over her other to kick up as she arches herself back, accentuating her body more.
  You cannot help but chuckle to yourself. Oh, you’re definitely in for a treat you shouldn’t have let yourself be lured in by. 
  You walk up to the entrance where a large hulk of a man stands idle, his long, blonde hair tied back and out of his face, his browline shifts awkwardly to frown at you behind a thick layer of facial hair. Gruffly, with a low baritone, he speaks. “Club’s not open yet, sweetheart, and we’re full on resumes. Come back in a few months.”
  With a fashionable tilt of your head, a smirk presses into the corner of your lips as you grin.   “Oh, I know you’re not. The star girl doesn’t have her legs spread open for business.”
  From the ease that follows his features with a bashful grin to boot, you continue, “A girl named Tam is inside? She called me, asked me to come and meet the big boss man for a potential dance choreographer job.”
  He grins a pearly smile at you. “A woman with your attitude, he’s gonna have no choice but to give you the job. Right this way, Miss.”
  He steps aside and gestures with a muscular arm for you to continue in and with a curt nod of your head, you stalk down the dimly lit hall until you reach the wide expanse of the club.   An elevated platform is guarded by a railing of dark steel to oversee the ground level, the second floor is cut off some feet away from the T shaped stage. Along the back wall that’s closer to your right shelters a pristine, obsidian marble counter with a set of modernised saloon doors behind, leading off into what you assume to be a backbar. 
  It appears that the second floor acts as some sort of VIP section with the barely visible wall of booths pinning into the wall in an orderly fashion, a few booths decorating the first floor and located closer to the bar, the remaining space reserved for the dance floor and tables. 
  Already you begin to piece together the potential air and radiance the club is looking to create, but it helps your workload when asking whoever is in charge what it is they’re trying to achieve. 
  The brighter, overhead lights blare down to make life and work in the dark a tad more tolerable, so employees shuffling around, going about their duties, many don’t spare so much as a third glance your way much to your relief. The last thing you need is anyone recognising you from your prior glory days. 
  Falling into a slow crawl of a stride as you explore your new surroundings, your potential new work space, a voice is sudden to drawl over the glassy rim of an auburn-hued shiver on the tongue, ice swaying with a chorus of clinks. “Club’s closed, sweet—”
  “Alright, I can’t make the same comment twice. I’ve got a thing about repeating myself.”
  That comeback rings as a shocker through the atmosphere. Turning himself to press his side into the counter, glass in hand, you take in the numerous glimmers of gold adorning his fingers, one of which tells of who exactly this man was. What he was.
His chin dips down to peer over the tint of his glasses. “Sharp. I like it. What’d you want?”
  You take a step forward, head craning to look around you before you turn back to the man, plucking your gloves off your hands to discard them into your bag. “Sightseeing clubs that aren’t open,” you scoff, “I’m looking for the boss of the joint. Tam’s voucher.”
  His shoulders rise and roll back, most likely sensing the cutting way you get right to it through your charade of jest. He flashes you a grin. “You’re funny. Tony Stark, pleasure to meet you.”
  He extends his hand forward and you reach to shake it, your throat scratchy and dry from even looking at the ring on his pinky and its embossed insignia. Tucking his hand away into the pocket of his dress pants, he cocks his head awry. “The boss is kinda in a meeting right now.”
  Your lashes flutter in a flurry, eyes rolling skyward into your skull with an exasperated sigh. 
“Do you guys get off to wasting a girl’s time? Honestly, that’s what makes it harder to please us in this day and age.” 
  “I have my ways.” 
  His voice is a fine contour, rich and smooth, you cannot help the chill from running up your spine. Your heel pivots and your body follows, hands situated on your hips as your chin tilts up and up to meet the fiercest pair of winter blue eyes you’ve ever seen. A layer of dark stubble hides little of the smirk plastered on his pink, soft lips as he leans, arms straight and pressed to the railing until his muscles beneath his flex and the veins in his rough hands budge. 
  “Are you the big boss I’ve heard so much about?”
  His cheeks flex under the weight of his thinned smile and nods. “The one and only, dollface.”
  Shaking yourself from momentary stun, you face to realise that the club’s owner was the top mob boss of New York himself. Of course Tam had to bury you six feet in this mess. It had been bad enough that the establishment itself resided in mob territory. Now, as it turns out, the mob king himself owns the place. And your possible contract and paycheck. 
  How fucking fitting. 
  “Right so… what’s the big idea? Tam said something about you needing a choreo instructor.”
  You almost find the way his lips pull to reveal a row of pearly teeth endearing. Almost. You dare not forget who you’re talking with. 
  “Yes, she said you’d be coming.” You don’t miss the way his words care to articulate the words, their enunciation versed with a seductive purr. You scoff at the comment that fails to filter his lewd mind. Still, he has one hell of a smile that can surely make any woman swoon.
Though you don't very much care to be one of those women. You much prefer to stay very much away from that. From him.
  “She told me you were her dance teacher and that you’re the best of the best. Showed me a few demo tapes of your work.”
  You give a simple shrug of your shoulders to ease the flush that rises in your blood. “And?”
  He moves like a wolf on the prowl and maybe because he very much is. Your eyes watch him with careful calculation, the way the bulk of his body swaggers down from his throne on high to meet you on the bottom level. 
  “I’d like to take her word for it and take you on,” he rumbles lowly. 
  His eyes rake up and down your body slowly, undoubtedly sizing you up like a meal. The waft of his cologne is powerful, a stern odour of expensive luxuries only affordable by his wallet. It overpowers your sense of smell like some love spell that you find half a mind to tilt your axis away from his reach; now beginning to worry that those illustrious women draped on his arm in printed magazines and articles may have been victims to a fling they were entrapped by. 
  You have to keep your posture strong and sure to recover from that relapse, however, given that your action may be interpreted as weakness. These men thrive and feed off weakness. He extends a hand forward. “Bucky Barnes. But I get the feeling you already knew that.”
  “That obvious, huh?”
  Nevertheless, you take his hand and shake it, reluctantly giving him yours in return. He tastes it for the first time and, by the way his tongue runs below the risen quirk of his lip, revealing his incisor, enjoys the way it rolls off. 
  You walk with him as he shows you around the club and accommodates you with the knowledge of how he wants this little business joint to succeed in its intended market. You meet the girls who would be under your charge, your attitude taking a noticeable shift from its standoffish tone to one much lighter, friendlier in terms of interacting with the dancers. 
  Returning back to the main stage and dismissing the girls off, Bucky turns to you, broadly puffed out from chest to shoulders that the suit strains slightly against the expanse of muscle. 
  “Right, I’ll need to browse around for a hirable studio and give you the info to give the dancers,” you note first and foremost, running your hand over your mouth, your demeanour now lessened and eased into one more befitting of contemplation. Bucky can see and even admire the spark of dedication to the job in your eyes.
  “Can you pull it off?” 
  You gasp, a tad and touch higher in your defence than you should have let on. But ultimately, you meet the dark, playful challenge in his raised brow and wicked smirk. 
  “Outstandingly so for the interesting logo for the club.”
  “Ooh,” he winces behind pursed lips, “tell me what you really think.”
  Tongue unsheathing from your cheek, you turn to face him, stepping forward one step and then another, standing barely chest to chest with him. The fog of his cologne is a whirlwind intending to knock you loose of your inhibitions. You thinly smile through it. “Well, it certainly follows the saying.”
  His brows move higher to his forehead, almost cocky that you don’t fall into betraying yourself and believing he means anything sincere as he asks coolly, “what saying would that be?”
  And quickly you answer, “sex — or the appeal of it — sells.”
  His face leans in closer until his lips hover over yours some inches away, invading the presence of personal space, uncaring to the way your body goes rigid; caught in fight or flight mode, knowing damn well between the two of you that you’re stuck and fucked by either response. “And just how much do you sell for, I wonder.”
  His words are soft, low and oh-so laced to be seductive. The striking allure of those blues moving to take in every aspect of your features as if to engrain them into his memory. 
 Just before he can ever dream of letting his lips close in any more, you take initiative and move back, flaunting a huff that eases his ego down, his features faltering visibly right before your eyes. 
  “I’ll send you an invoice tonight, Mr Barnes…” Your words inspire hope within him as he slowly grins, only to fall. “But don’t excite yourself. I don’t mix business with pleasure.” 
 You send yourself off in the direction of the exit with a measured wave, but his words leave with you and have your stomach in a strange flutter. 
 “You sure? Because I see potentially a lot of pleasure in this contract.”
  It’s cruel to watch you, knowing that this is your last rehearsal with the girls. After this, the doors will promise an opening night to remember. But if you’ve given any hints, you don’t exactly intend on seeing it. 
  And for Bucky, that is just plain torture for him. Over the past three months, you have been working your pretty arse off creating a whole show routine, expertly weaving the backbone of the club’s entertainment and allocating the playlist to fit the atmosphere Bucky and his club managers wanted. 
  Lounging in the VIP section, the raised loft that oversaw the club’s dance floor, stage and regulars bar, Bucky still cannot take his eyes off of you. Why of all nights did you have to go racing off to another job so soon? He had paid you generously, far more than any hired choreographer could ever dream of, and yet that still didn’t seem enough to convince you. He hovers like a shadow, leaning to the dark steel railing, his ring-lined fingers drum against the dark steel as he contemplates his next move. 
  He barely pays any mind to his captains who take their place in the sleek, refined office that are the booths, sipping at their drinks and chatting about the club’s interests and rates. Shit that he tunes out. He can’t focus on anything when you move like that, your body arching this way and that; sinful and cause for impossible. But you prove him wrong. There are many positions he’s fantasised taking you in mid rehearsal. And once, when it was just the two of you in the club during a routine practice, he almost had the chance. But it – you – slipped right through his fingers.
  Your body is pulled into the music itself. A process many seem to struggle with, but for you, it’s as easy as breathing. At first, it’d been a gamble of who to hire for the job, now Bucky cannot dream of regretting choosing you. Renowned as a star dancer, you’re credited with awards from around the globe, in solos, duos and exceeding the numbers. Competition after competition, your name became well known. Your prodigy, dear little Tammy, had been a resourceful source that he later forwarded onto his boys, ordering them to dig up more information about you. 
  A nasty red line was found in your record, as Bucky had his men find, and though the exact details are still unknown to him, it’s given him an indicator that something hit rock bottom. Some time afterwards, however, you resurfaced as a dance choreographer. 
  And if you were still the best of the best, then he’d take you for the job. But now, he wants you for good. Dressed to the nines in outfits he’s spent on all his cards, riding to events together and having the envy of every man and woman’s eyes upon you. Hell, he’s already contemplated the venue and diamond ring. All he needs now is that chance you refute at every turn.
  “Chins forward, eyes open,” you call in correction, gaze set straight ahead of you in the midst of a spinning twirl before planting your heeled stiletto hard into the stage floor with a resounding boom. 
  Bucky’s eyes trail then upwards, the dark colour of your pantyhose hiding your skin that he’s desperate to bruise and leave his fingerprints on. His fingers curl harshly into the railing while his eyes continue to admire while simultaneously undress you, your body hugged in a very form-admiring bodysuit. 
  Dropping down low with the girls following suit, your hips move on beat with the music, grinding into the floor. That, of all moves, is when you make the grave mistake in glancing up at a striking pair of blue eyes, dark in their passionate longing and so bright you’re quick to force your eyes away. 
  But not before you flashed him a toothy smile. A smile that kills him every time. Heat rushes through your veins and rises higher into the surface of your skin, in your core it feels electric with pulsating need, but you carry on with the routine, to save face from what Bucky Barnes did to you. Unbeknownst to you at this moment of what you did to the mob boss, he groans at the tightness surrounding his clothed cock as you rock your hips back and forth, suggestive in your choreographed manner. But so dismissive in how it affects him greatly and his ability to conduct business. 
  No. You can’t let yourself fall into that sort of mess again. Focus. Rolling onto your back, your back arches so beautifully off the floor, it almost has Bucky gasping. The pointed pink of his tongue’s tip darts out to wet his lips. 
  Completely and utterly mesmerised by your rhythm, he growls like a feral animal when Steve’s voice interjects his still continuing list of how he plans to ruin you and save you.
  Now at the end of your routine, you wave for Torres to cut the music and your shoulders fall heavily with an exerted sigh.
  “Good work, girls,” you applaud with your friendly smile, clapping for their efforts. The girls in turn repay your praise with bashful smiles and compliments of your mentorship. 
  You had this way with people, and especially those under your study, you were kind and playful but remained an air of professionalism to ensure your students or your time wasn’t wasted. 
  Bucky feels his skin crawl and his heart drop a thousand yards into his stomach. From the lavish watch strapped to his wrist, he inspects the time. End of rehearsal. End of your contract with him. 
  “Well, they learnt from the best.” Your head turns fast, vision momentarily blurred, there again is that feeling - that spell - he has you under as he saunters down the stairs and towards the stage where you stood, hands pressed idly into your hips. 
  His tongue runs over his teeth, groaning inwardly as his eyes sink and rise in study of your entire form. He could see you being his queen. You’ve a powerful stance, that much he can see, and you possess a quality that has the attention of anyone and everyone on you. A commanding presence. 
  “You’re too kind, Mr. Barnes.” Your cheeks redden more. Praise from your clients always makes your heart flutter with adoration and joy. For them to express their gratitude in the ways they do, it’s good to know you have succeeded in your job. 
  But when Bucky praises you, you become a giddy girl that gushes and yearns to hear more. He sees the way your face shifts to reflect that professionalism, all to hide the reality of what he does to you; what he could do to you if you just gave him the chance. 
  “I could be much kinder, doll.” His voice has lowered into a velvety purr, the callous massage of his fingers shoot a blaze of electricity through the thin fabric of your pantyhose and into your skin like ice, a simple touch over your calf, teasing you further as his palm encloses around you as well, sliding up and down gently. Despite your position above him, a sight he’ll never grow tired off, his up-tilted chin reaches level just below your stomach. Right at the apex of something dangerous. He sees the inner turmoil of conflict flash in your eyes, a battle he’s sure he can win if he plays his cards just right. 
  “VIP access tonight to start?”
  You scoff, shaking your head. But the furrow in your brows betrays your true, raw disappointment. You can’t hide it. Not from him. “I can’t. I have an early flight tomorrow.”
  And just like that, you refuse him yet again. His bottom lip rolls in and over his teeth, tongue pushing hard against the thickened fold of intruding skin in his internal flare of anger, eyes darkening with a single promise he cannot keep; because he can’t have you to make it. You attempt to step back only for his hand to curl tighter around your ankle, keeping you in place.
  “Make an exception this one time for me.”
  Your eyebrows crease between the middle, a frown tugging your lips into an unamused sneer as you tug at your leg that Bucky refuses to let go. 
  “Mr. Barnes, this is extremely unprofessional—”
  “Your contract has expired. We can be as unprofessional as we want. No consequences. No regrets.” He coats his words heavily with a honey of seduction. One that is awfully tempting… one you must deny. 
  You swear this man would kiss the ground you walk upon if you asked him to. Would paint and drown the streets red with blood if you wished it. And that’s what frightens you. Beneath those adoring pools of blue hide a darkness to a world you seek escape from, therein his eyes hides the nature of a killer who’s not only dangerous to those who cross him because of who he is as a man; but also dangerous because of you. 
  You know that love — and lust — are a powerful motivator to a man. It can and will make him do anything. The impossible, the reckless and the most horrid of things. 
  No matter how softly he pleads, you must not say yes…
  His head tilts ever so slightly to the side, streaking locks of dark brown fall loosely to frame over his brow, highlighting an innocence that isn’t there. You pull your leg away again and he allows you to leave him though with the exception of those eyes faltering from yours. Like a kicked puppy.
  “I’ll come tonight. We’ll need to talk about my payment before I leave.”
  There it is, that bright spark in his ocean hues again, a grin pulls his lips wide that battling a smile of your own causing your lips to quiver is half won. Hopping down from the stage his eyes follow after you, watching you gather your belongings, your sights meet one another and he nods to you.
  “See you tonight, beautiful.”
  Scoffing with a shake of your head, this time that smile graces your lips wholly and Bucky feels the air in his lungs flatline. What he would give, who he would kill to see that smile forever on your face. 
  “Right. Tonight. See you then, Mr. Barnes.”
  How you say his name in a manner of such proprietary has him a certain way, but what often has him throbbing and hard is the thought of you moaning his name, skin hot in a sweaty flush pressed to his as he has you on the verge of climactic euphoria and promising that you will be his, that you will never leave his side. He’s left only to his imagination of how you would sound, how you would feel around his hard and thick cock, in his strong and passionate grip that would never let you go — let you falter. 
  He wants you so badly it’s driving him insane. 
  Bucky takes the time to admire your form that currently flees for now, but soon enough he guarantees otherwise, paying particular attention to the wondrous body of your arse right before you pull your coat over your shoulders. 
  He pulls out his phone from his suit pocket and with a few minor taps of his thumb, he holds it to his ear, the receiver on high alert to his order.
  “Get her ticket reimbursed and have the jet on standby, just in case.”
  If you had known he’d send a car to pick you up, you’d have thought twice on a decision you should have said no to at the very beginning. From your seat, you eye the neon title and star, indeed the female figure doing just as you thought. A provocative display to allure its target audience. Right on command, Sam arrives, strutting out from the main doors to your door and pulls it open for your exit. The once dark tinted window shielding you from the envious stares of those stuck to line up on the velvety carpet. 
  “Looking good, princess. C’mon in, Bucky’s waiting for ya.”
  “Thanks, Sam.” 
Sam’s allegiances may have set prejudice to keep you from trusting him or any of the other boys under Bucky’s command, but he was kind and attentive to you the more he saw you around his boss and the club premises. 
  You do well to keep your eyes forward and your focus straight, ignoring the few whispers of a gaggle of women clad in colourful, sparkling cocktail dresses, dolled up faces contorted into spiteful sneers as Thor granted you unrestrained access much to the shagrin of the female pack whining and complaining. 
  You weren’t here for the explicit pleasures that they were after on the inside. You’re strictly here to see what it was you accomplished, hoping that these business partners of Bucky will be entertained by the routine and show you poured hours of soul and heart into, then collect your paycheck and leave. That’s it. 
  Sam commands to part the crowd ahead of you, allowing you a clear path and direction up the stairs to the upper floor, smirking and ushering you off when you press him with a sceptical raise of your brow. But at his insistence that you don’t fall into the same category as the guests, you head on up, climbing each milestone with a heeled step that draws you possibly closer to the very man who you cannot seem to get away from. 
  Atop the stairs and rounding along the railside, you press your stomach to, overseeing the crowd below, streaks of red lights beaming from the rafters above to illuminate the dark, sensual aura of the club, the music a thriving beat as the dancers on stage perform their routine. 
  Life on the stage… there are days where you miss it. With a drag of a sigh parting your lips, you straighten a little from having leant on the railing a little during the show. Your body bristles instantly as something large and warm presses into your back, almost nuzzling the diamond cut out of skin, his long arms coming into view to cage you between him and the cold steel, his hands rest over your own. 
  “Glad to see you made it,” he hums deeply against the curve of your ear, nose gentle to nuzzle against your neck. “My business partners love the show, they’ve been asking for you.”
 “Trying to drum up business for me, Mr Barnes?” you muse with a pout, voice offering a sickly sweet mockery of appreciation only for him to snort and direct you towards the booths where several men sat within a cloud of cigar smoke and breath of pure alcohol.
  “Gentlemen, this is the woman I was telling you about.” He introduces you and your hand traverses into numerous exchanges of hand shakes as you greet each of them.
  “Have to say, little lady, your vision for performance is immaculate,” a man of rounder physique appraises with a grin, half burnt cigar jammed between two fat digits and his dark brown eyes sparkling with hopeful aspiration for your future. 
  “Pray tell that Bucky will allow us to perhaps offer you a longer term contract?” His question ends with the butt of his cigar popped into the o of his mouth and huffing.
  It hits you like a freight train going a hundred miles an hour, your jaw unhinges only to clamp shut, bouncing between the motion as you tend to this new revelation. “I–I uh…” Eyes glancing to Bucky who stands at your side, chest puffed out with a smirk twisted into his lips, he cocks his brows at you. 
   “A kind offer but I have another job already lined up in Chicago. It’ll conflict too much, I’m afraid.”
  The men hum and sigh in their disappointment but offer you wishes, the man then plucks a card from a silver plate box and slides it towards you. “Of course. I admire your commitment to prior contracts. But don’t hesitate to call us if you change your mind. Mr. Barnes here has put in a good word for you.”
  “Oh, has he?” You draw the words slowly with care, but the hint of suspicion has Bucky’s eyes pinned to yours for a moment until he looks to the men, bidding them to excuse him a moment as he takes to lead you away from their table. 
  Once in the private hallway that leads to Bucky’s office, your words choke behind a scoff, “What the hell was that all about? I– I told you, I have a flight to catch tomorrow and– Bucky this is too much, even for someone like you, to give to someone like me.”
  He leads you to the door and opens it, beckoning you to enter before shutting the door promptly behind you both. All you can do is watch the broad span of his back as he struts over to his desk, merely gesturing a hand for you to sit. 
  “Doll, check your bank account.” 
  The way his voice maintains a firm timbre almost spawns concern to spur you to run out that office and never look back, but you do as he says, checking your bank account. Your eyes blink widely. 
  “My ticket! Bucky you—”
  “You deserve better than living in some slum studio apartment, living to survive on paycheck to paycheck,” he rasps hoarsely as if the words and very idea of your situation leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, he continues, “A forty-five grand monthly salary to start, upgraded living in a penthouse and a licensed studio all of your own and signed to your name.”
  A poisonous drought covers your tongue and coats your throat, your eyes peer down at the white card, font pristinely spaced and organised, minimally professional. Bucky faces you now after having realise that you didn’t sit down upon his request – or what you assume order. Your eyes then raise to glower at him, narrowing sharply. 
  “And your agenda behind this?”
  Can you trust the way his brows relax, bending to curve in a manner of sympathy as he reaches you, chest to chest and his calloused palms come to hold your jaw between them, nursing in his hand the one thing he desires above all else. 
  His head bows lower until his lips graze over yours, causing your breath to hold and you feel the form of his lips curl into a small grin and with a hum he connects the kiss. At first he is gentle to test the waters until he is consumed by that fire, heat ensuing to take hold of the kiss, he groans lowly like a ravenous animal. 
  Your stomach turns into knots and your thighs push together when the threat of arousal pools between them, a gasp teetering on your voice, your own lips meeting his as your hands manoeuvre over the curvature of his muscles that tense beneath you. The kiss grows hotter, heat forces its way to burn in your lungs like embers and ash searing the fabric of your soul that when you pull apart, your chest expands to brush against his as you breathe deeply. 
  “Be my girl, doll. Be m—”
  You cut him off with the delicate pillar of your index finger as he intends to sweep in for another kiss. You know for sure that if you allowed him, you would agree to his terms. 
  That cannot happen. 
  You pull yourself away from him until your distance pits your back against the office door, hands lingering on the knob and twist. His  hands that once held the apex of your hips flush to his body fall to clench at his sides. You still choose to refuse him yet again.  “Sorry, Barnes… but mama always told me, papa always warned me, don’t hang around with boys like you.”
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artficlly · 3 months
smog & spirits: spirit-raiser (mini-series)
Gangster/Peaky Blinders Inspired Fantasy AU
gangsterboss!bucky x witch!reader Bucky Barnes, the leader of Sootstone's Smog Boys, needs a favour. A nasty curse has been cast on him, and you are the witch he has chosen to help him break it.
Warnings: 18+ content minors dni, smut, fem reader, begging, orgasm denial, fingering, p in v, no aftercare, sex magic, blood magic, potion for arousal, curses and hexes, witchcraft, possession, mediums, if you squint theres some plot, smoking, mention of death/violence/torture, mention of police brutality, vaguely british setting??, no use of y/n, lmk if i've missed anything
Word Count: 8k
A/N: hey. don't ask. this idea came to me a few days ago and i wrote it all out in like two sessions at 2am. i want to write more for this, i have so many ideas for some more one-shot style interactions. this just got so long so quickly so i had to cut some stuff. sorry for any typos - not proof read and edited while half asleep lol.
main masterlist | series masterlist
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You did not remember leaving your door unlocked. 
The fog that settled over the smokey, portside district of Sootstone was suffocating. Despite it being only midday, the entire neighbourhood was cast into a muggy gloom. The sun could not break through the thick smog that comfortably nestled itself along the windy streets of The Warrens. The stench of smoke and fish hung heavy in the air, with sweaty dockworkers and dirty children darting between alleys. In your short journey to and from the small Sunday market, you had nearly been bowled over thrice by oblivious residents. 
The Warrens, or Sootstone Port, as it was formally known, was not a pleasant place. Home to the working class and the rotted underbelly of the city of Blackstone. The high society chatters liked to forget such a place existed, as it was simply not a charming place to think about. Most worked the ports, ferrying in the sea trade. Others worked in the Smokestack district, manufacturing metal in factories that pumped ash and soot into the air. There were also the select few who turned to other trades, such as pubs, hotels, brothels, or even those who were forced into a life of joblessness on the streets. 
The Warrens weren’t so imaginatively named. It was a clever joke among high-society gossipers that the poor fucked like rabbits and lived in their elaborate winding burrows, from which they rarely emerged for air. The people of Sootstone had accepted the insult, finding the whole metaphor rather hilarious. That was because the Warreners could take a joke, unlike the condescending crowd of high society. It could also be argued that the residents of The Warrens could not come up with a better metaphor, as most were not educated in any sense. 
Perhaps the mixture of smog and that lack of an education had finally made it to your head. You were left standing, perplexed, as your front door swung open without so much of a nudge. The lock was normally a sticky one, leaving you to jiggle the knob and slam your shoulder against the frame until it came unstuck. Never in your two years of living in the tiny flat had you ever witnessed such a sight. 
You would’ve thought it a miracle if it weren’t for the implications. 
It was true that The Warrens were notorious for crimes. Theft, assault, and murder. Even if coppers paraded the streets, they weren’t truly there to stop criminals. No, they were more interested in beating any poor innocents that got in their way. It was better to find protection from vigilante gangs who roamed Sootstone’s streets, scrapping like stray dogs over territories. As much as those uninvolved in such business were afraid of them, they also respected them. Their deeds weren’t always motivated by blood and destruction; the gangs stood to protect their communities as no one else would. 
Even if you and your surrounding neighbours were under the protection of Barnes’ Smog Boys, it was definitely still alarming to see a group of them gathered in your small kitchen. 
“Lookie who's home.” One of the men cooed at the sight of you. He stood closest to the door, one hand tucked in his jacket pocket while the other fiddled with a toothpick that hung from his lips. His blond hair was slicked back, tucked under a flatcap. Steve Rogers. The Smog Boys right hand man. Next to him was Sam Wilson, his stocky form leaning against your rickety cupboards. His gaze was fixed on a silver pocket watch he had tightly secured in his left palm, a short chain draping across his vest. He glanced up at Steve’s words, a wicked smirk crossing his lips at the sight of you. 
“Sunday market?” Sam queried, and you drew your woven basket closer. There was an unsettling sneer in his voice. 
The Smog Boys were one of seven gangs that roamed the underbelly of Blackstone. Their territories lay in the fog of Sootstone Port and the smokey streets of the Smokestack district and The Warrens. You could commonly see them stalking the streets, dressed in all black with their flatcaps and slicked back hair. They moved through the smog like ghosts, navigating the twisting streets with an unnatural ease. Some called them ghouls; others called them saviours from the fog. 
The final man, the worst of them all, was Bucky Barnes. He sat across from you, half obscured by your small dining table. He had laid a box of cigarettes and matches on the marked wood. One was smoking between his lips, his head angled down and cocked to one side, as he assessed you with a look of boredom. There was a terrifying edge of calculation in his gaze as he evaluated you. He was just as large as the other two men, with muscles poorly hidden beneath his black, tailored suit. His hair, similarly to Steve's, was slicked back, and the sides buzzed. A 5’oclock shadow ghosted his jawline, but overall, his appearance was unsettlingly neat. 
Not a speck of ash or soot. As if he had just appeared within your flat, blinking into existence rather than having walked The Warrens like any other mere mortal. 
You had never seen the man in person. No. If the Smog Boys were ghosts, Bucky certainly lived up to the name. He was an enigma, a haunting story whispered between children. He had clawed his way up to a position of power from the gutters of The Warrens, bloodshed and all. He was a notorious skirt-chaser, his handsome appearance and strong build drawing in women from all classes. Looking at him now, despite the terror congealing in your blood, you could understand the appeal. 
“Why’re you here?” You ask hesitantly. Unlike the gangsters before you, you were not pristine by any means. Falling ash had coated your shoulders, staining the tartan fabric of the mantle draped over your shoulders. Your hair was swept up under a head scarf, which was also covered in a layer of soot and dust from the smokestacks. Even your worn leather boots were not safe; mud and filth caked onto the heels and sides. The streets of The Warren had never known any type of cleanliness. 
“Come to introduce ourselves. Don’t think we’ve ever met before, ‘least I think I would’ave remembered a pretty face like yours.” Steve speaks up, a gleam in his eye. His tone is playful yet somehow cruel. The chuckle he and Sam share rattles you. The two of them were also said to try their luck with the women who crowded around, searching for the thrill of a gangster lover.
“You might’ave mistaken me for someone else… I’ve lived here two years now.” You speak with a continued caution. With precise movements, as to not brush either of the hulking men crowding the kitchen entrance, you place your basket on a nearby surface. Even the cloth that you have thrown over the items is coated in a layer of ash. 
“We know.” Sam says, twisting his body. He lifts up the cloth, inspecting the food beneath. You know it is nothing exciting—some bread, fish, and vegetables. As well as a handful of sweets you gave to the children of your neighbour. You keep your mouth shut as Sam dips into the white and red striped paper bag and pops one of the sweets into his mouth with a satisfied hum. 
Steve pushes himself off the wall, his jacket brushing against you. He was far taller than you, tall enough that he had to crane his neck down in order to whisper in your ear. “A lil’ birdy told us you’re a spirit-raiser.” 
“I—No.” You stumble over your words, eyes darting between the three men. Bucky is still silent, still like a cat hunting a mouse. The gaze he assessed you with was one of a predator, taking a slow drag from his cigarette. He doesn’t crack a smile as the two men beside you laugh between themselves. 
To fend off some anxious energy, you make quick work of unknotting your headscarf. Ash and dust flutter to the ground as you shake out the fabric, a frown etched across your features. You could not help but let your mind wonder to the stories you had heard growing up. You were a lifelong resident of The Warrens, only moving to live on your own after sickness claimed your mother. You father had passed long before that, lost to drink. 
“What do you call yourself then? Hm?” Steve asks, breath hot against your cheek. You flinch as he pulls a fleck of ash from your hair. In the stories, they would speak of men with their tongues cut out. Bodies that were filled with bricks, then stitched back up and sunk to the bottom of the Sootstone Port. Men were found hanged from street lights, severely beaten, with sections of skin along their thighs and chest peeled off with a blade. And those were only the bodies coppers found. 
“I prefer witch.” You correct, brows furrowing. Your head turns to look at the gangster, wary of how close his fingers lingered. Teeth bared in a grin, he blows a soft breath across your hair, the last of the ash unsettled as it floats away. You can smell tobacco on his breath—a familiar scent to you.
“I need a favour.” Bucky finally speaks up, his voice low. Your gaze snaps to meet his. 
You blink. “A favour?”
You jump as Bucky finally moves, his foot jerking as he kicks the seat opposite him. The chair scrapes across the hardwood floors, stopping centimetres before your boots. 
“Sit.” He commands. 
Sam’s hand finds the back of your neck, a soft push guiding you in the direction of the free space. You obey, your knee bouncing as you take a seat. You sit near the edge of the chair, leaving some distance between yourself and the table. As if sensing your desire to bolt, Steve sweeps up behind you, pushing the chair in until you are fully tucked in. Then, with mocking laughter, Sam and Steve take a seat on either side of you. 
“No one told me there was any issue about magic—” You begin. Steve snickers beside you, returning to fiddling with the toothpick still poking from his mouth. 
“A favour.” Bucky repeats, exhaling smoke from his nose. Sam leans back in his seat, legs spread so widely that his knee touches yours. You shrink back as far as possible. “I’m no copper. I don’t care what you practitioners get up to.”
You find yourself blinking in surprise once more. Magic was a subject that divided many, mostly due to it’s misunderstood nature. High society treated magic as another lavish hobby or skill, with some even going to private schools to turn their gifts into professions with the right licences. Of course, the people of the lower-class were banned from performing such tricks unless they were in possession of the right permits. Due to the nature of the slums being, well, impoverished, unlicensed magic ran rampant through the streets. It wasn’t uncommon knowledge that an entire blackmarket of forbidden arts ran in the backalleys and warehouses of The Warren. Places where those needing particular services could find them for a much more convenient price than in the higherclass areas of Blackstone. 
You had kept your services rather secretive, never using your real identity with clients. It was a precaution to not have coppers knocking down your door in the middle of the night. It seemed, despite your best efforts, that nothing flew past Bucky Barnes. But then again, nothing seemed to fly past the gangster. He knew of every black market and every whisper of illegal activity in the slums. It would be foolish to believe he was unaware of you; however, why did he specifically sort you out? Now that was a mystery. 
“I don’t understand—” You choke out, head whipping back and forth as you look between the men. 
Bucky sighs loudly in annoyance, loud enough that you flinch back. He puts out the remains of his cigarette on your dining table, the smouldering dip leaving a black, circular mark on the wood. He digs into one of the pockets of his vest, revealing a large pendant necklace. The chain is silver, with an oval shaped jewel hanging from the centre. The silver that encrusts it in place is swirled, ensuring there are no gaps for it to escape. Sam and Steve fall quiet, any feeling of twisted amusement dropping from the room. Bucky slides the necklace across the table.
You recoil. This time not out of fear, but rather from the aura the necklace exudes. 
Goosebumps rise across your skin, and bile rises in your throat. There was a wickedness in the air, as if all the light and sweetness in the world were sucked into an empty, yawning void. The world feels still, as if even the ash outside has failed to fall. The room is cast into a sickening silence, a silence so strong that even the surrounding world refuses to push through. You can no longer hear the people walking through the winding streets of The Warren, not the clang of metal from the smokestacks or the cry of the dockworkers. 
It is the only word that comes to your mind. It is as if the jewel itself is rotten, potent, and putrid. An invisible smell so strong you nearly gag. Your skin crawls the longer you stare, as if you rot along with it—bugs squirming beneath your flesh, the taste of dirt in your mouth.  
“What’s this?” You asked, your voice strained. You know the blood has drained from your face. Bucky looks at you with curiosity. 
“You tell me.”
You look down at the necklace. Dread rises once more, and the chill of soil settles across your shoulders. You twist your head and your neck, feeling uncomfortable and strained the longer you gaze upon the necklace. 
There was something terribly, terribly wrong about it. 
“There’s a… a sickness… a rot—a curse.” You stumble over your words, your entire body squirming against your will. The feeling of dread swims through you; the sensation that you need to get as far away as possible reverberates down your spine. 
“Becca was right.” Steve sings somewhere besides you, but you barely register his words. 
“Where’d you find this?” You ask. The room is tighter than usual, with the rickety, peeling cabinets closing in around you. The oven screeches on its iron legs, the yellowed wallpaper crushing closer and closer. Your head falls into your hands, elbows propped onto the table. You let out a shuddering breath, trying to rid yourself of the sickly feeling. You rub your fingers up your face, pinching the bridge of your nose, then massaging your forehead
“It was given to me. As a gift.” As he speaks, you reluctantly open your eyes once more. The room has returned to as you remember, your vision less dizzying as you take in a deep gulp of air, your heart thundering in your ears. You must make a face, because it prompts him to speak once more. 
“My sister has a sensitivity. She is convinced—”
“There’s a spirit attached to that jewel.” You interrupt before thinking. Your knees bounce beneath the table, your feet shaking. Your entire being screams that you need to get away from the object. You do not care for politeness or fear of these men, as the horror in your heart you felt gazing upon the necklace greatly outweighed any potential anxieties of the future.
“Yes.” His voice matches his composure—cool and collected. Wholly unaffected by the horrific aura cast by the necklace. Bucky and his men were not magically inclined. They were completely oblivious to the calamity that sat before them. 
“The spirits're attached to you, too.” You pause, the feeling of bile rising in your throat once more. “You need to get it lifted.”
“That’s where the favour comes in, doll.”
“I don’t…?” You nearly doubled over. “Please get rid of it. I can’t—”
Barnes leans forward, slowly dragging the necklace over the wood. He slowly deposits it into his breast pocket, watching with curiosity as you sag in relief. You would need to burn this table after they left. You could still sense the rot engrained in the pores of the wood. 
“I need to speak with the spirit attached.”
Your forearms lay flat on the table, and you rest your head against them as you try to remember how to breathe. A wave of exhaustion rolls over you. Was this how they tortured their victims? Wore them down into pathetic, panting messes? Were you about to become another body at the bottom of the Sootstone port? You mumble into the fabric. “I can’t raise a spirit without a name.”
“I know her name.”
You pause, lifting your head slowly. “You want to ask her how to break it? You may know her, but spirits’re tricksters they won’t always give ya the correct information—”
“I know how to deal with her.”
You arch a brow, unsure.
“She’s a scorned lover.” Sam whispers beside you. You jump, having forgotten the two other men sitting besides you. Bucky scowls at his words—the most emotion he has shown in the entire time. 
“Everyone knows you don’t ‘ave a witch for a moll unless you’re gonna marry her.” Steve butts in, and the two men share a chuckle. 
“Shut your mugs. The both of ya.” Bucky snarls, and they both fall silent, although you can’t help but notice their bemused smiles. After a brief, tense silence, the gangster settles back into his seat, tipping his chin upward in a nod. “Morwenna Blackthorn.”
You hesitate, glancing between the three men. They watch you expectantly, relaxing back into their respective seats. Given their status and reputation, you had to presume they were familiar with the workings of underground magic. Licenced practitioners would have clients sign lengthy documents for protection in the event of a spell or session backfiring. The Warrens did not have such luxuries—if you made a mistake, no one could protect you or them from the consequences. 
You inhale sharply, placing your hands palms down on the table. The wood hums beneath your touch, the invisible vapours of the curse tickling your flesh. With a roll of your shoulders, you exhale slowly, allowing your body to relax. 
Ink drips across your vision, swirling darkness millimetres before your eyes. You stare hard into the invisible void, searching blindly through the tendrils of smoke. Morwenna Blackthorn. Morwenna Blackthorn. Morwenna Blackthorn. Your mind hums. Through the dark fog, you can make out figures—flickers of candle flames casting large, distorted shadows. Morwenna Blackthorn. Bones crunch beneath your feet, yet at the same time, you float. Morwenna Blackthorn. Your hands burn into the table, the rotting sensation tangling through your digits, pulling you deeper. 
Morwenna Blackthorn
You can see a thin line of thread hanging through the void. 
Morwenna Blackthorn.
It is red; a series of knots tugged tightly intermittently. 
Morwenna Blackthorn.
Your fingers grasp the fibres gently, your nail hooking around one of the tiny knots. 
You tug.
Morwenna Blackthorn.
A violent, ragged gasp leaves you. It claws up your throat, ripping at the flesh. Your entire body tenses, your spine straightening as your head snaps back. For a moment, you are suspended. You can feel her with you, her ghostly fingers stroking tenderly across your skin. She smooths over the back of your hands, slowly and gradually winding her way up your arms. She clutches your shoulders, her bones digging into your flesh.
Then, with violence strong enough that you fear she has folded your spine in half, she pushes down. 
Your body instantly relaxes, head lulling downward. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, and despite the appearance being a milky white, you can see perfectly clearly. Morwenna has settled herself deep within your bones, controlling your movements like a puppeteer. You are conscious enough to understand what is happening, but you are not in control of your actions or speech.
Your mouth spread into a wide, sly smile. “Bucky, my love.”
“Mor.” The gangster greets, although he does not seem entirely pleased. You pout, leaning your elbows onto the table. 
“Not happy to see me?” You coo. Somewhere beside you, Steve shifts in his seat uncomfortably. It is the most off put you’ve ever seen the man so far. He winces as your head swings around, a wicked grin gracing your lips. “Oh, Stevie and Sam. Didn’t see you two here.”
“Mor.” The two men grumble in unison, scowling. 
“Awh. Why so glum, boys?” You whine, your chair scraping against the floor as you stand. Your movements are fluid and graceful, entirely not your own. Your hands stroke across the back of the chair, then swooshes up to meet your chest. 
You lean forward, tutting as you inspect your reflection in the glass of a nearby cupboard. “Trust you to find a pretty one in The Warrens.” 
Your hands move to unpin your mantle, a cloud of ash lingering in the air as you drop it to the floor. You sigh in relief, your fingers unbuttoning the top of your shirt, revealing the curve of your breasts. Your hands smooth down your waist to your hips; your full figure is now displayed. 
“You missed me that much, my love? That you had to find a pretty vessel for me so you could get your cock wet, hm?” You hum, sashying towards the table once more. 
“That’s not why you’re here.” Bucky replies. He seems frozen in place. The horror of familiarity. Recognising the mannerisms of someone he once knew in a complete stranger. 
You ignore his words, unpinning your hair. Thick locks unroll, cascading down your shoulders and back. You let out an exaggerated, satisfied sigh, rolling your neck. The strands frame your face, and the rich colour brings colour to your cheeks. 
“Morwenna.” Bucky snaps. Your brows furrow as you look over to him, pouting once more. “You put a curse. On the necklace.”
Your mind momentarily blanks, as if Morwenna were trying to recall what he said. Spirits often grew confused trying to recall memories, especially ones that brought them anguish. A cog seems to turn as you flash the gangster another beaming smile. 
“The necklace… oh. Did you like it? My parting gift to you? Before you fucked me over you piece of—” Your voice, once sweet and soft, deepens to a guttural growl. Your body shakes, and words cut off as you cough and hack. Your hand raises to your mouth, warm fluid leaking from your lips. You let in a shuddering breath, rubbing your fingers and palms down your chin. Blood smears across your skin. 
“You shot me, my love.” You gasp, your brows furrowing as your head tilts. “You shot me.”
“You betrayed us, remember? You were a rat—” Steve jumps in, but is quickly cut off. 
“Steve.” Bucky warns.
Your hands find your stomach, doubling over as you sob. There is no wound, no blood. Still, your hands dig at the fabric while ragged, pathetic cries leave your blood stained lips. 
“How do I break the curse?”
You shuddering sobs stop, a dreadful silence falling over the tiny kitchen. A guttural laugh erupts from you, saliva mixed with blood dripping from your lips to the floor. “The curse. The curse? I should have known… I should have known…”
Your body jerks upward, movements stiff, and jerks like a marionette doll. Sam’s face contorts into one of fear, while Steve looks horrified. You jerk forward, nearly tripping over the chair as you plunge towards the table. Your stomach smacks hard against the wood, a winded wheeze escaping your lungs as you drag yourself forward by your nails. 
“Don’t you love me? Don’t you want me?” You cry, your head beginning to twist, the angle so unnatural that it strains your neck. 
“How do I break it?” Bucky repeats, voice firm. He hasn’t so much as flinched, a wall of steel as you crawl towards him. 
“It was born in chaos, so it must be undone in chaos. I will find you. I will tear you limb from limb. I will make you rot from the inside out; maggots will grow within you; and mould will bloom in your soul. Everything will crumble to dust beneath your touch. I will ruin you until you b–b—be—”
Your body slides back, and for the first time in the entire session, you grab the reins. You search blindly for the knotted thread, tugging hard. Your body steps back from the table, muscles spasming and tense as your body locks in place. 
You tug harder, and darkness swims across your vision. Candles flicker and dance in the distance, the sun rising and falling as your body twists up and down. The smell of rot slowly subsides, threads slipping from your fingers. The scent of copper and ash is on your tongue, and your head is pounding. 
A dramatic sigh leaves you as your body slumps. You find yourself standing before the table, three sets of eyes burning into you as your own eyes roll back into place. Sam and Steve look equally disturbed as they are horrified, the blond’s mouth agape in shock. 
“The fuck was that?” Sam barks.
“I ain’t never seen a spirit session like that before, Buck—” Steve begins.
“Shut it.” Bucky barks, rising to his feet. 
There is a sickly feeling in your chest, a radiating pain across your ribcage. You barely register the gangster walking up to you, gripping your chin between his index and thumb. 
“You pulled yourself out early.” Bucky sneers. “Why?”
“Buck—” Steve calls again. With a growl, Bucky releases you, twisting around to snarl at Steve. 
“I thought you told me she was the best in the Warrens?”
“She is. Did’ya not see that shit?”
“She didn’t get me an answer—”
“Chaos magic.” You finally speak up, your voice raspy. The gangsters pause, slowly turning to face you. “She told you. It’s chaos magic. What’s born in chaos must be undone in chaos.”
Your hand raises to your face, your fingertips touching your upperlip as warm blood flows from your nose. You raise your hand into the light, inspecting the crimson liquid. Your eyes cut over to Bucky's, and he frowns. 
“Chaos magic?” He questions. 
“Sex magic.” You state, fighting the heat growing across your cheeks. Without much of a care or a flinch, you navigate your way past the group. Your shirt brushes against Bucky’s jacket, the rotting feeling momentarily settling in your stomach as the fabric brushes his breastpocket. You pause in front of your sink, knuckles white as you grip the lip. Blood continues to stream steadily from your nose, dripping into the basin. 
“You focus your thoughts on one thing; you get pulled into a trance. Take the energy, the chaos, and you focus it. At the peak, picture what you’re manifestin’. The chaos that you’ve built through the act is released at the moment of orgasm.” You explain, your gaze solidly locked onto the blood that swirls down your drain. 
“Sex magic.” Bucky hums in thought.
Steve spoke up from beside him with a snicker. “How poetic.”
You hated how your hands shook. If Bucky had noticed, he hadn’t brought it up. He was coolly inspecting your tiny bedroom, hands tucked into his pockets. The room had an eclectic taste, with walls covered in shelving. You collected books, objects, trinkets, or other things that helped your work. Drying herbs hung from your curtain railings, your desk cluttered with papers you had hastily scribbled notes upon. 
You ground your palm harder into the pestle, gritting your teeth as you worked the herbs inside into a fine paste. Your bed, stripped bare, had been pushed to the side of the room. It usually sat near the centre, atop a fraying rug. The rug had also been removed, rolled up, and placed somewhere in your stairway. The old wood beneath had been painted by your hand, with intricate runes, symbols, and swirls making up the general shape of a circle. You had already lined it with black salt, candles burning at each cardinal direction. At the centre of the circle, you had laid your bedding and pillows for comfort. 
Bucky had sent Steve and Sam away, the two men snickering like a pair of school boys. You all knew what was about to unfold; it was just a question of why you had allowed yourself to become tangled up in such a situation. You had done similar rituals for clients before, yes, but none of those clients had been the boss of the Smog Boys. None of them had been Bucky Barnes. 
You eyed him as he paused in front of the carved circle, mindlessly playing with the jewelled necklace that hung from his grip. The awful, dreadful, rotting sensation was dulled; you’d nearly begged the gangster to let you cleanse the object. It was a temporary relief that would wear down in a few hours, but at least you could complete your work without gagging at the feeling of it. You hurriedly poured the thick paste from the herbs into a pot, which boiled in your fireplace. It only took a couple of stirs for the potion to settle. You could feel Bucky’s eyes assessing your every movement as you poured the steaming liquid into two cups, briefly swirling each to ensure the consistency was correct. 
“Remind me what this is.” The gangster asked, closing the distance between you. His nose wrinkled in distaste at the scent. 
“A potion to help with the ritual. Some find it…hard to perform.” You say, wincing as you realise what you implied. Bucky raises a brow as you fumble over your words. “It heightens arousal and pleasure.”
“I won’t find it hard to perform.” He replies curtly. 
“I know. I wasn’t saying that—I just… from experience…” You stumble again. If only you could punch yourself in the face for this idiocy. 
“Relax, doll.” He hums, his hand finding your shoulder. You exhale sharply, lips pressed together, as your shoulders drop in response. “I can find someone else if you don’t want this.”
As much as you hated yourself for admitting it, you did want this. Maybe it was a sick curiosity, wondering if this dangerous yet handsome man could perform as well as you imagined, as well as it was rumoured. You swallow, your mouth feeling dry. “No. I want this.”
“Good.” His hand brushes a loose strand of hair from your face, and his head dips to look at you better. “Honestly, I could fuck you with or without the potion, doll.”
There is a knowing smirk spreading across his face as your mind blanks. Fucking rake. You consider if the fumes from the potion have already leaked their effects onto you both. You can feel a warmth growing between your legs. 
“It’s my job.” You mutter, stepping away. Although you’re unsure if the reassurance is for yourself or for him. His chuckle follows you as you sweep across the room, returning to your small desk. “Do you want me to explain the ritual in detail or just give you the gist of it?”
“Spare the details; just run me through what I need to do.” He responds. He has closed the distance between the both of you again, peering over your shoulder as you fumble through your things. 
“Well, it’s pretty simple.” You sigh, turning around. Your chests are nearly pressed together as you spin. You back up as far as possible, your hands moving behind your back as you grip the edge of the desk to steady yourself. "We’ll have to draw some blood with a blade and put it on the necklace to link it to our energies. It’s sigil magic, nothing you’ll have to worry about. We take the potions…”
You fade off with a shrug. Bucky smirks once more, his chin lifting in amusement, but his gaze remains solidly locked onto you. His hands go to his pockets, and his wide chest blocks your movements. You clear your throat. “The ending is more what you’ll need to focus on. When you reach… climax… you must focus all your energy on the necklace and nothing else. I will be there to guide and remind you, but you can’t let your thoughts stray.”
“What about you? What will you have to think of?” He questions, his voice low. His adams apple bobs as he swallows slowly, his tongue running across his bottom lip in thought. Intriguing question. No one had asked you that before. 
“Doesn’t matter. You’re the only one who needs to orgasm.”
“The curse is linked to you. Only you can break it, with my assistance, of course. I am just here to help guide you and lend you my energy. I am just a conduit for the magic, to focus it.” You explain. Thinking it was best to get it over and done with, you finally pluck up the courage to push past him. 
Your athame was already in place; the candles were lit, salt laid, and sigil memorised. There was only one thing left to do—the act. You crouch down by the fireplace, retrieving the two cups. Bucky gives you an incredulous look. 
“It tastes better than it smells.” You reassure him, handing him the saucer. He inspects the liquid once more, wincing, then shrugging in surprise as he finally downs the lot. You watch with a scrutinising gaze as he places the cup down, rolling his shoulders. 
The potion would take all of five seconds to take affect. It didn’t alter the brain or take away authority; rather, it heightened already present feelings of arousal or pleasure. The user would experience a rather euphoric sensation. Dodgy brothels often microdosed their clients with such herbs to heighten the experience. Also to hook in a new, loyal customer. Used sparingly, the herbs were fine, but they were highly addictive. 
And illegal. Most of your work fell into that category.
Within moments, you could see Bucky’s pupils dilate, his jaw and shoulders relaxing, and his nostrils flaring as he exhaled slowly. His voice was strained as he spoke up, his tone gravelly and low as he cleared his throat in surprise. “Fuck. That does feel good, doesn’t it?”
You smile shyly into your own cup and swallow down the liquid. You were familiar with the taste and it’s effects. It was surprisingly sweet, with a vanilla, nutty aftertaste. As soon as it hit your stomach, you could already feel the warmth growing in your core—a delightful tingling sensation spreading up your spine and skull. 
You were quick to place your cup down and cross the room to retrieve the athame. You had to pin point your actions very directly so as not to get distracted by the hulking man looming in your room. The potion was definitely potent, because any fear or anxiety had left you. Your body begged for him to come closer, to touch you, to kiss you. Not yet. Soon. 
“Come here.” You murmur, drawing the blade from it’s sheath. Bucky obeys, wordlessly stalking towards you and presenting you with his palm. You look up at him through your lashes, gently taking his hand into yours. Your skin sings at the content, a rush of goosebumps raising across your skin. “We don’t need much blood.”
The gangster is still as you drag the blade in a short cut along the heel of his palm. You push into the mound, coaxing out droplets of blood to blister to the surface. “The necklace.”
He lets out a low, agreeable grunt as he hands it to you. The potion has helped you ignore any bad energy attached to the object. Your skin simmers as you brush your finger tips along the cut, gathering Bucky’s blood. You take the jewel, smearing the blood across the slippery surface into one half of a symbol. Bucky watches expectantly as you hastily repeat the process with your own hand, smearing your blood to complete the symbol. 
“You need to wear it.” You hum and guide the chain over his head. You know you should find a bandage or some kind of healing salve for your hands, but your attention is pulled away as Bucky grasps your hand. An involuntary whimper leaves your throat as he raises your palm to his lips, his tongue peaking out as he runs it across the open wound. The potion had definitely taken effect. Holy fuck, your back arches as pleasure shoots down your arm, blooming at the base of your skull. 
His lips kiss along the cut, sucking and licking. Your mind swims from the sensation—ideas of where else he could be putting his mouth to use. You pull your palm away, dragging it across his cheek as you cup his face. A crimson streak is smeared along his skin, and his lips are glossy from saliva and stained with your blood. The two of you clash in desperation, a rumbling groan being pulled from the gangster as his lips engulf yours. 
You can taste copper on his tongue, his hands finding your waist as he pulls you flush against his body. The two of you move in a frantic rhythm, scarcely making room to breathe. You guide him clumsily to the painted circle, the two of you falling to your knees in unison. Blindly, you find his clothing, helping him tug off the jacket and then unbutton his vest. 
His hands slip under your blouse, caressing the skin beneath. His fingers roam to your brassiere, your nipples hardening as he brushes them through the sleek fabric. You mewl into his mouth, squirming under his touch as the pulse between your legs quickens. His large palm comes to rest below your breasts, his thumb sitting on your sternum as he yanks you backwards onto his lap. 
Your lips break, and you gasp for air as the gangster continues his assault down your neck to the exposed skin of your collarbone. His stubble tickles across your neck, and he gathers your skirts, fingers gliding past your stockings to your exposed inner thigh. 
Your head tips backwards to rest on his shoulder, and loud, satisfied sighs leave you. The sensation is near blinding, your body alight with pleasure. Had you accidentally made a stronger dose in your nervousness? You had never yearned in such a way before—
“What’re you doing?” You query with a gasp as his fingers slip beneath your loose tap pants. 
Your question is answered as he strokes a fingertip through your wet folds. 
“You’re so wet.” He hums against your skin, voice strained. You can already feel his erection pressing into you. His grip on you remains firm, your back flush against his chest as he dips two of his fingers into you. Ecstasy fizzles across your skin, nails digging into his skin where you grip his arm. 
“What’re you— I’m supposed to make you—ah!” You whine, your breath coming fast as you lean harder into him. Your hips rock greedily, pushing your pelvis in time with his pumping fingers so the heel of his palm grinds against your clit. 
“Shh, doll. Relax.” He whispers, his tongue licking up the shell of your ear. Your eyes squeeze shut, and your body is locked in place by his grip. His pace increases, and the panting in your ear grows as his two digits glide in and out of your tight cunt. 
“Do you like that?” He groans in your ear. Your grinding hips are now giving friction to his cock, which twitches against your backside through his pants. You whimper in response, a short sob bubbling from your mouth as you clench around him. 
Your head lifts, eyes widening as you look down. You can’t see much due to your skirts, but you can feel the knot tightening within your belly. Your hips move more desperately, needy, pathetic moans escaping you as his pace remains steady. 
“Please—” You beg, squirming as the gangster chuckles. 
“You do like this, huh? Even if you acted like a little innocent virgin earlier.” He growls. The vibration is enough to set you over the edge, a loud cry leaving you as you clench hard around his fingers, body spasming. Bucky continues to steadily pump you through your orgasm. “Good girl.”
A continued arousal stirs in your belly at his praise. Your body slumps against him, panting and exhausted. 
“Such a good girl.” He hums again, his digits slipping out of you. You can feel the sloppy mess between your thighs, and as Bucky pulls his hand into the light, you can see the wet drenching his fingers. “I think I like this version of you. The one who makes pretty little noises while I fuck her brains out, hm?”
You’re left speechless as the gangster lifts his fingers to his lips, sucking them clean with a devilish smirk. 
“Well, time to get this ritual over with then, don’t you think?” He says. You’re too exhausted and drunk on desire to bother replying. You allow him to guide you down, so your head is placed side-ways on one of the pillows. He guides your hips up, your legs slightly spread, and pushes your skirts to your hips. 
“You’ll have to tell me when you’re close, so I can guide you.” You finally muster up the strength to say. The gangster pulls your tap pants down, exposing your cunt fully. 
“Sure thing, doll.” He says in response. You hear the sound of fabric rustling as he pulls out his cock. 
Without much warning, he pushes into you, your arousal making it easy for his member to slide in and out of you. A growl burns in the back of his throat while you wordlessly make a fist around the sheets and blankets beneath you. 
“Fuck. You’re so tight.” Bucky groans, his voice strained. “And to think you’ve been hidin’ out in The Warrens all this time.”
He sinks deeper into you, pulling small whimpers and moans from you as he finds a steady, pleasurable rhythm. His hand slides up your clothed back, pushing you harder into the pillow with a grunt. His other hand finds your hips, his grip bruising as he guides you. 
You bite down into the pillow, your pleasured sobs muffled by the feathers. 
“You squeezed so tightly around my fingers; I can’t wait to see how you’ll feel when you come around my cock.” Bucky grunted as he ploughed into you. His hand fists around your loose hair, fingers tangling through the locks as he tugs. Tears are beginning to prickle in your eyes, and your legs are wobbling from the sensation. 
“Please—” you gasp out. 
“Please, what?” The gangster asks, tugging harder. The hand on your hip is squeezing tighter as he holds you in place. 
“Please—I need to—”
“No.” He growls, tugging you upward. You fall backwards into his lap once more, his cock still inside you but somehow deeper from the angle he holds you. “You need to finish the ritual, remember? I can’t have you guide me if you’re too fucked out to talk.”
Another sob leaves you, but you wordlessly nod. You hold onto the burning sensation in your gut, the waves of satisfaction so immense that your limbs tremble. Bucky continues to fuck up into you, his cock steadily driving into you as his free hand comes to lazily swirl your swollen clit. 
You try to remember words, instructions, anything. You feel too high to even breathe. All you can do is focus on the sensation of the necklace rubbing against your back and the friction burning against your skin. 
“Focus on the necklace. How it feels around your neck.” You squeak out, your eyes squeezed shut, as you try to ground yourself. “Focus on the feeling of the chain, the weight of the jewel. Think of your blood, how a piece of you is painted onto it.”
There is a moment of silence between the two of you, only the slapping of skin and the rasping of breath. 
“Are you focused on it?” You ask.
“Yes.” The gangster cuts back. His strokes were beginning to grow sloppy. 
“Focus.” You whisper, though a breathy moan leaves you. “Feel your energy flow; feel your blood seep into the stone. Picture how it will shatter beneath your power.”
His hips jerk beneath you, his finger on your clit swirling faster. Your breath comes in sharp stutters, your back arching as you find no way to escape the rising sensation. His back is rock solid behind you, his hands keeping you in place as you begin to spiral. Your pussy tightens around him as you begin to scream—
“Please, Bucky. Please!”
Something snaps between the both of you, his hips jerking wildly as he spills into you. He moans into your ear at a deafening level, his fingers digging into your thighs. You double over in pleasure, your vision briefly going black as you cry out. Sparks dance across your skin, your body momentarily alight as the power of magic flows through you. You can feel the rush as your energy meets Bucky’s entangling with one another in a fierce battle. For a second, you feel intoxicated, colours bursting across your sight as the rush of magic rests in your chest, and then, just as quickly as it arrived, it cascades out of you.
Behind you, the sound of shattering can be heard above the moans.  
Panting, Bucky releases you. You slump to the floor, off his lap. His cum drips from your pussy, thighs wet as sticky as you close your eyes, desperately trying to catch your breath. You roll onto your back, pressing your thighs together. Through heavy-lidded eyes, you look down at Bucky. He sits kneeling, dishevelled. His hair is ruffled, blood is still smeared along his cheek, and his shirt is untucked and creased. 
At some point, he has tucked his cock away, suspenders hanging loosely by his hips. His gaze is not on you; rather, it is solely focused on the necklace in his palm. You go to lift your head, but you find yourself too weak and exhausted to bother. A mixture of being too fucked out to care and the lack of energy from acting as a conduit for the ritual. 
“Did it work?” You ask the gangster, and his eyes finally pull up to look at you. His gaze wanders over your face, examining your swollen lips, the blush across your cheeks, and the areas where exposed skin remains. He cracks a grin, lifting his hand. The necklace dangles from his fingers, the large, blue jewel now gifted with a large crack down the centre. 
You let out a sigh of relief, letting your head fall back as you stared up at the ceiling. Your eyes flicker closed, a sleepy warmth prickling across your scalp. 
Your eyes snap open with a jolt. 
“It’s all done? The curse is gone?” The gangster questions. You weakly nod in reply.
“Her spirit and whatever curse she held have been released.” You affirm, voice sleepy, relaxing back into the pillows and blankets. “Apologies. This type of spell drains me.”
Bucky chuckles. You were just glad you had enough sense near the end to actually guide him. The gangster appeared to be attempting to prove something with the orgasms he extracted from you. In the state you were in, you had little reason to complain. 
When you opened your eyes again, he was across the room, vest on and jacket slung over his arm.
“I’ll leave your payment downstairs.” He says, only pausing to look down at you, still curled up on the floor. You blink up at him sleepily. “Thanks for your help, spirit-raiser.”
You can’t find the energy to correct him.
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winterspiderpurrs · 4 months
Okay but either nurse Peter or volunteer Peter at the hospital. He sees someone bringing flowers to one of the private rooms.
Him stopping the person and says" not allowed." The guy threatened him he got permission to bring flowers. He is adamant he needs to get his friend these flowers and plants.
They cause a big commotion. These guys in suits come out of the room to see what's going on.
And basicly said let the guy through they know him.
" Sure okay. But when the patient dies it's on you then"
" What?"
" Those flowers? They are toxic poison basicly. Gonna cause respiratory failure the whole plant is poisonious. "
The guy holding the flowers tries to say he didn't know, just thought they were nice.
Before the guys in suits can say anything Peter pipes up.
" Yeah? Then why are you wearing gloves when it's 90 degrees outside?"
Peter never found out what happened after the flowers got thrown away. Or who was supposed to receive them.
Until he comes home late one night to find a man on his couch.
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huffelpuff210 · 3 months
The Deal part 1 Soft Dark Stucky x Reader
The Deal Part 1 Soft dark Mob Stucky x Reader
Summary: Your brother owes two dangerous Mob bosses over 30,000 dollars and you try to negotiate with the wrong men, 
Warning: blackmail, forced relationship, swearing, Dark themes, forced marriage, Non Con, 
you sigh as you walk towards the club, you just got off of a double shift at the hospital, besides the fact that your family treated you like you were a burden and nothing compared to them, your older brother gets into trouble all the time and you end up bailing him out, 
It was tiring, you entered the club, you really didn’t want to negotiate with the two biggest mob bosses in the city, not to mention they could pretty much get away with anything but what choice did you have? 
The big guy blocking you from going in arched his brow, 
“I’m here about the money my brother owes, his name is Andy, Roberts.” I say 
The man nods, He was talking into his ear piece and nods listening to the instructions, 
“This way.” He says 
You follow him into the club milling past the herd of people, walking up the stairs into a office, his big knuckles knock on the door, 
You mentally prepared yourself, on how you were going to get your dumb ass of a brother out of this situation, 
“Miss Roberts to see you.” The man says 
“Let her in thanks Thor.” A deep voice says 
Thor opens the door motioning for you to go inside you do, you see one man sitting behind the cherry wood desk the other sitting on the leather couch with a drink in his hand, 
“Have a seat kitten we don’t bite...hard.” The one on the couch said 
Both men were handsome but you reminded yourself why you were here, 
You sat across from the blonde, 
“Look I know my brother racked up an immense amount of money owed to you,” You sigh, 
“So I’m willing to make a deal.” You say sliding a yellow envelope towards the blonde, 
He opens it his eyes scanning the papers. 
“You are offering me your house and car?” He asked 
“Yes, if that is what it takes for my brother to see another day.” you say
He sets the papers down, he looks at the man on the couch then back at you, 
“This won’t even remotely cover it.” He says 
“Excuse me?” You say
He towers his fingers together, 
“You see you are going to have to pay a lot more than this.” He slides the papers back towards you, 
“This is all I have to offer you.” you say as you  look at the papers, 
“How many times have you bailed your dead beet of a brother out of trouble kitten?” You hear the man on the couch got up and walked towards you placing his hands on the back of the chair, 
“Bucky..” The man behind the desk says 
“Hold on Steve,” Bucky says 
“It must be exhausting having to clean up his messes, always having to take care of him like the useless dead beet he is.” Bucky says 
“Excuse me?’ You say looking over your shoulder glaring at the man, 
“Bucky has a point doll, you coming in here just tells us how much you care, and how much he doesn’t.” Steve says standing from his seat, 
“I’m just here to offer you my house and care for the debt my brother owes you.” You say almost in a dull tone, you were so used to bailing him out, 
“We don’t want your home or car,” Steve says now leaning against the desk with his arms crossed, 
you sighed, 
“What else would you want? I’ll do anything.” You say
“Well we do find ourselves in an interesting situation.” Bucky says with a chuckle, 
Steve stands straight, 
“Now that you mention it doll, there is something you can do for us to pay your debt.” Steve says as he leans in moving some of your long dark hair to the side exposing your neck, 
You stiffen at the motion, 
Steve leans in his nose inches from your neck, you hold your breath, you can hear him inhale deeply, He lifts his head looking over at Bucky, 
“I think I know exactly how you can repay your brother’s debt doll.” Steve says 
“Mmm, I love the way you think Steve.” Bucky says as he inhales 
“How about you become ours kitten and that way your brother doesn’t end up at the bottom of the Hudson river.” Steve says 
You gasp, 
“I- I can’t-” You begin to panic, 
“It really isn’t an option doll.” Steve says inches from your face, 
“Either that or we kill your brother.” He says 
You look at both men you certainly didn’t expect this to happen when you walked in here tonight.
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
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I'm Writing Happy Little Family tonight. I'll be including various imagery in this fic, and Bucky won't look the same in every picture. Just choose the version you like best to imagine, I guess!
💖If you want to be tagged for this fic or others, please use this form. 💖
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It's like waking up from surgery. The smell of professionally scented, circulating air hits you first, and then a gradually increasing sense of awareness. You think you're somewhere very bright, but the more you blink your eyes, the more the brightness fades and your vision comes into focus. And ... there he is, sipping a crystal glass and looking like he's been waiting for you.
"Well hello there, sleepyhead. Welcome back."
You move your dry tongue in your mouth, trying to remember what happened. And then it hits you in waves, each one more devastating than the last:
James: He found you.
June: she's not there.
"How're you feeling, Hon?"
Windows, cabin: Shit, you're already on a plane.
"Steve. Set her down and get our girl a glass of water, will you?"
"Sure thing, boss."
And then the worst one of all. You look over and see the Winter fucking Soldier holding your baby:
They've got June.
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splendidreads · 2 years
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Just some of my favorite gifs of Daddy Bucky
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babyhatesreality · 19 days
The Sinner and the Saint Ch 14
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Pairing: Mob!Boss Bucky x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, f!reader, language, reader is referred to by her stage name of Angel, reader is an exotic dancer, pet names, everybody has secrets, reader is insecure and self deprecating (especially in this one), dominant mob boss Bucky, submissive reader, sir/daddy kink, slight bratting, scolding, spanking, color system and safe word in place- yellow used, angst, tears, teasing, edging, oral (f receiving), nipple play, p in v, slight marking, aftercare.
A/N- this one is just straight up porn. The next one advances the plot, I promise. But I do hope you enjoy this dirty little chapter ;D.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
"I believe someone needs to be punished."
Your veins ran cold at his words. When Bucky told you he was going to punish you, you were IN for it. You swallowed hard as you watched his gorgeously sculpted features quietly and artfully rearrange themselves into your Dominant Daddy. Your Powerful, Dominant Daddy. Your Powerful, Dominant, Very Angry Daddy. Aw, fuck.
He locked his gaze on you. His normally warm and ocean blue eyes had turned to deadly ice, but his composure was completely calm and collected. You weren't fooled. That look was dangerous. It didn't take much to imagine how he had climbed the ranks in the criminal world when he had mastered that look.
He slowly took off the black Armani suit jacket he was wearing, his eyes still boring into yours. "How's the soundproofing in this apartment?" he asked casually, as if he was asking about the weather. He folded the jacket neatly, moving his gaze from you for two seconds to see where he could put it. When he realized that he was arm's length from both a kitchen chair and the living room sofa at the same time, you saw a flicker of consternation pass over his face. You just knew he was inwardly sneering at your tiny apartment, and as nervous as you were for what you had coming, it still set off a tiny spark in you that your idiot brain jumped at.
"Why? You gonna shoot me and get your boys to hide the body?" you asked sassily. Bucky's eyes slid back over to you instantly. And narrowed even more.
Bad move. OH very bad move. Shit.
His furious steel eyes locked back on you, he draped his fitted and folded jacket over the back of the kitchen chair. "Answer my question, Angel," he said in that calm, deadly voice of his. He was done fucking around and you knew it.
You tried not to make your gulp incredibly obvious. "Um, well," you stammered, any trace of the brat completely gone. "It's....I can sometimes hear my neighbors if they're fighting. But that's usually it," you murmured, knowing it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.
"Well, then I guess you're going to have to keep quiet, aren't you?" Bucky said silkily. He walked past you slowly. As he did, he raised his right hand, and snapped the wrist cuff button on his crisp white shirt open. A shiver went through your entire body. He continued to hold your gaze, ever-so-slowly rolling up the right sleeve of his shirt as he sat himself down on your minuscule couch. "Come here," he commanded softly, before opening his left wrist cuff.
"Daddy, I'm really sorry I-"
You scurried into place in front of him, between his wide spread legs, watching him roll the sleeve of his metal arm up. FUCK. You were about to get the tanning of your life. You licked your lips, your mouth suddenly dry as all the wetness in your body flooded in between your legs. "Sorry, Daddy," you said, watching him turn the final fold on his sleeve. He said nothing, but waited for you to turn your gaze back to him. You did with a slight whimper.
"None of that," he said sternly. "You will not utter a single word tonight unless I give you permission to, or ask you a question. Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Glad you're finally starting to listen. Now turn to your right."
You did as you were told, your left hip now facing him, hating it when he dragged it out like this. He knew you hated it, which is exactly why he did it when you were being punished. But his next command was unexpected.
"Put your hands on your thighs and keep them there."
Odd. He usually made you bend over his knee for a spanking. You risked turning your head a bit to see what he was up to, and found him smirking mockingly at you.
"Can't keep your eyes off Daddy, hmm? That's fine baby. I can't keep my eyes off you either. But that was the problem tonight, wasn't it? You not staying under Daddy's watch. Tsk, tsk, tsk." And with that, he delivered a hard slap to your ass with his right hand. You bit down on the sudden cry that wanted to escape your lips at the pain blossoming across your backside. Your head snapped forward as you inhaled sharply.
Before you could recover, Bucky reached up and ran his metal fingers over your still clothed clit. He began slowly dragging them back and forth between your legs, his eyes watching your face as you began dancing on that line between pain and pleasure. You choked on the moan of desire, doing your best to be quiet as he commanded. Just when it started feeling really good, Bucky spanked you so fast and so hard it made tears spring to your eyes, as he held you in place with his left hand.
"That's right, little girl. Gonna blister that pretty little bottom of yours real good tonight. And I've already arranged for you to have the day off tomorrow so no one will see that gorgeous bruised butt...except me."
You couldn't help it- you turned back to him in disbelief. You hated it when he interfered with your work and he knew it. That tiny idiot part of your brain took control again as your gaze challenged him.
Even BIGGER mistake than before. Oopsie, oopsie, BIG oopsie.
The metal fingers immediately stopped rubbing. Bucky put his huge right hand on your ass, right where you were sure there was already a handprint. "You got something to say little girl?" he said in that deadly tone.
Finally coming to your senses, you shook your head, rocking from foot to foot in your nervous state. "N-no, sir," you whispered, dropping your gaze abashedly to his lap. You definitely saw something twitch in the front of his pants when you said that.
"That's better," he said in that arrogant way he had. You gritted your teeth, expecting another spank, but instead, he withdrew both hands. "Pull your pants down to your knees."
Biting your lip, you did as he told you to. Your insides clenched as you straightened back up. Somehow, standing up and to the side of your Dom with your bare bottom out on display, just waiting to be spanked, was more humiliating that being over his knee. And far less intimate. It started to sink in when you realized that. The lack of intimacy right now showed you how upset he felt at your unsafe choice. You started to truly understand how much you'd disappointed him by not staying put.
Bucky's metal fingers resumed their previous position between your legs. You gasped as the coolness of the metal reacted with the heat of your folds. You were never more aware of your arousal than when Bucky's metal fingers were down there, slipping and sliding, spreading it all around. Without warning, he delivered another three searing spanks to your now exposed butt, making you gasp and try desperately to keep quiet.
"What did I tell you about staying put, hm?" SPANK. "About doing what you're told? Didn't I tell you..." SPANK SPANK SPANK. "...how important it was to me that you were safe?" SPANK SPANK. "About how I don't-" SPANK "-like-" SPANK "-being-" SPANK "-without you?" SPANK SPANK SPANK. "Do you know what could have happened to you?" SPANK. "And do you know if something had happened to you-" SPANK SPANK. "-that it would have killed me?" SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK.
By this time, it was all you could do to keep your sobs silent. The complete realization of his disappointment in you had smacked you harder than he ever could. He loved you, he cared about you, and he really hadn't asked for anything unreasonable. Besides, he was right- anything could have happened. You remembered the man cat calling, and a sudden prickle of fear of what could have happened sent you over the edge. The tears were coursing down your face, and you let out the tiniest involuntary whimper.
Bucky had been waiting for that. He knew that you had felt bad, but it wasn't until the dam burst that he knew you truly understood the lesson he was trying to teach you. When he saw your tears, his heart twisted. His right palm went from a rock-hard flat paddle to gently stroking your sore, ruby-red bottom. His left hand never stopped gently rubbing your clit.
"There's my good girl," he said soothingly, which made you start to cry even harder, unable to stay quiet. Finally taking pity on you, Bucky pulled you into his lap, taking care to make sure your backside was between his legs so he could continue stroking it to calm the punished flesh. "Shhh, baby, you did so good for me. So good. There's my pretty girl. There's my good girl. You can cry, it's okay. Daddy's got you."
You wound your arms around his neck and buried your face. "I'm...I'm so-sorry...." you sobbed, knowing that he hadn't given you permission to speak yet but desperately needing to say it.
Bucky held you tight and continued rubbing your bottom. "I know you are, baby. I know. And you took that part of your punishment so well. I'm very proud of you. But you know that it's not over, right?" He tilted his head a bit to look you in the eye. You nodded miserably. "What's your color?"
The two of you used the color system- green for go, yellow for slow down, and red for stop. You also had a safe word, just in case, and hand signals if you were unable to speak or went non-verbal. Bucky took good care of you, no matter what the circumstances. Even if you had done the most horrible things and you were getting the punishment you very rightly deserved, he would always check on your colors. He abhorred the idea of pushing you past your limits, not that he didn't mind getting right up to the line, and so would always, always check in with you. And that realization, that you had made someone who loved you enough to check in with you so disappointed, made you feel like the lowest worm.
"I'm green, Sir," you said in a tiny voice. Bucky's eyes narrowed in thought at your tone. There was something wrong and you weren't telling him. His tone shifted back to the warmth that it usually had only for you.
"Are you sure, baby?"
"Yes, sir."
"Baby..." Bucky hesitated, but then decided to just go for it. "You're trying to push into the next part before you're ready. Why?"
"I need my punishment so I won't disappoint you anymore. I hate...that I've disappointed you and I won't do it again, so please punish me for being a stupid little shit."
Bucky's heart broke. Here he was again, up against your self-loathing. If it took the rest of his life, he was going to make you understand that you were loved and deserved to be loved, no matter what happened. "You are not a stupid little shit," he whispered to you as he cradled you into his chest. "You are my Angel. My light and my love. You made a bad choice, but that is not all you are. You hear me?
You sniffed in a very unladylike way and gave a half hearted nod. You wanted to believe his words with all your heart, but it was so hard...
"Baby, I want you to focus on your mind for a moment. I'll ask you for your color again soon, but right now, I'm at a yellow, okay? I can't see you hurting yourself like this. I want to make sure you're okay."
You leaned away from him, surprised. "You...you..." you stammered, unable to even put together a sentence in your shock that he gave you a yellow because he was worried about you.
Bucky smiled that soft smile that made your heart melt. He brushed the hair away from your face, and you caught the scent of your arousal on his fingers. "I told you, it's my job to take care of you. Inside and out. And I know that you are sorry for what you did." His smile widened a bit sadly as he saw the look of shock on your face. "Go ahead and tell Daddy what you're really feeling, Angel."
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I really am, Daddy, I'm so sorry..." you blabbered, before diving back into the crook of his neck and crying softly all over again. He gently kissed your forehead.
"I know Baby. So now you've gotta forgive yourself too, you hear me?"
"But you said my punishment wasn't over. Doesn't that mean...that you don't forgive me? Why should I forgive myself?" you mumbled, unable to look up.
"Ah, I see," Bucky said. "Poor choice of words on my part. You do like to keep me on my toes, don't you pretty girl?" He chuckled, but when you didn't respond, he simply laid his cheek back down on the top of your head. "Let's say the next part isn't a punishment, then. Let's say it's...a deterrent."
"A deterrent?"
"So you never, ever, walk down the streets of New York alone late at night anymore. You've taken your punishment for doing it- now I want to give you something to think about if you're ever tempted to do it again."
"How is that not a punishment?"
"Well, you just might enjoy it."
"Enjoy it how?"
"Daddy can't give away all his secrets up front, now can he?" Bucky said, that hint of mischief sneaking into his voice. A rush of endorphins flooded your system at hearing that tone. It was a siren's call to take another hit of the drug known as Bucky Barnes. My god it was divine, heavenly, even in the midst of your emotional chaos. "So because I don't think you're going to believe me until I say this....I forgive you."
He straight up snorted at you when you sat back this time, your jaw on the floor. You looked so cute and sweet, he couldn't help himself. "You...you do?" you stammered in disbelief.
"I do."
You could do nothing but stare for a moment. You unwound your arms from his neck, placing your hands on either side of his face. "I truly am so sorry, Bucky," you whispered, your eyes brimming with tears as you held his gaze. "I didn't mean to make you worry or stress. I just....it's still new, for someone to...." you trailed off.
"For someone to take care of you," Bucky finished gently, before giving you a wide, shit-eating grin. "Well, get used to it, woman." A giggle suddenly burst forth, breaking the tension and heartache. Bucky pulled you to him again, pressing his warm lips to yours, offering you a benediction. As you did earlier today -or was it yesterday as it was well past midnight?- you got lost in his kiss, your heart relaxing, knowing that you had his forgiveness.
Eventually, Bucky broke the kiss. "Color?" he asked sweetly.
"Green, Daddy," you said, giving him a genuine smile this time.
He grinned wickedly. "Excellent." He immediately stood up, holding you in his arms, and marched in the direction of your bedroom. As the place was tiny, it was pretty obvious which direction to go in, and before you could do more then squeak in surprise, you were back on your feet by your bed. You'd lost the sleep shorts that had been bunched around your ankles by this time somewhere back in the hallway. Bucky leaned forward, looking you dead in the eye again. The Ice Monster was gone from his gaze, but now the Devil himself had taken his place.
"Now for this next part," Bucky said in that silky, low tone of his. "I'm going to see just how well you do at staying put." A tiny part of you prayed that meant he wasn't going to spank you anymore, as your ass was still on fire, but those words still sent a thrill up your spine. He reached down at the hem of your teeshirt and pulled it over your head. He held your hands, but took a step back to admire your body. It always made you blush a little when he did this, but you tried to hold it together for his sake. "Turn around," he said, that evil grin in his voice again. Suppressing your urge to roll your eyes, you turned and gave him exactly what you knew he wanted.
Bucky's greedy hands trailed down your back, until he gently squeezed your still sore bottom. "Nice and warm, just like I like it," he purred in your ear, before spinning you back around. He locked eyes with you and began slowly unbuttoning his white shirt. You didn't notice the smug grin on his face as you were breathless just watching him undress. He finally shrugged it off, and made short work of his white undershirt as well. You desperately wanted to run your hands over his muscular chest and abs, but he hadn't given you permission to do so.
"Good girl," he said in a husky voice, noting your restraint. How the hell did he always know what you were thinking? "Good girl not touching until you're told to. But...I do think that I'll need some help...with these." His palm slowly grazed over his zipper, where you could clearly see the outline of his erection. Without missing a beat you unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and slid the zipper down, trying to go slowly but needing him so bad it was anything but slow. He chuckled as he toed off his shoes. "On your knees," he said softly. You knelt down, slowly pulling his pants down as you did so. He carefully stepped out of them with your assistance.
You looked up at him, biting your lip, praying that he was going to let you take him in your mouth. He only smirked at you. "Socks, baby," he said. You quickly peeled his socks off, then went back to your Bambi eyes. He chuckled again- god you loved when he softly laughed in these intimate moments- clad only in his tight black undershorts. "Up you go," he ordered.
Fighting the urge to pout, you remembered that you still had a lesson to learn, and so you obeyed instantly, looking up at him demurely. Bucky put a hand behind your head and one around your waist, and pulled you in for a heated, searing kiss. You wrapped your arms around him as he carefully navigated the two of you to the bed, laying you down gently. He stepped back, and while keeping eye contact with you, removed his boxer briefs. He reached down, wrapping his right hand around his cock, giving you a good show.
"Now, let's see if my girl can stay where she's put," he said, slowly stroking himself as he walked back towards the foot of the bed.
"Yes, sir," you said, breathless with anticipation, your mouth dry. You spread your legs, hoping....
"Bend your knees and hold them underneath with your hands," Bucky ordered you, still stroking his painfully hard cock, watching your every move. You did as he said. "Now spread your knees apart."
You obeyed, and a delicious moan escaped his lips, seeing your gorgeous pussy spread just for him. Bucky put one knee on the bed and leaned over you, bracing himself on his left hand as he used his right to stroke your slit with his cock, teasing you. You threw your head back, crying out already at his sensual touch.
"Now," he said in that soft, dominant tone that made your insides turn to liquid. "Don't remove your hands. You keep them in place. Hold your knees and keep yourself splayed out, just like this. Don't let go. Don't move. No begging for anything, no matter what. Make all the noise you want, but no begging. If you can do that for me, if you can stay put in this position that I put you in until I'm done having my fun, I'll let you cum. Understand?"
"Yes, sir, yes I understand!"
And then he began the most delicious torture of your life. You gasped and moaned, making noises that you were sure had never escaped your lips before, as Bucky oh-so-slowly teased you to the point of collapse. He kissed your soaking core, letting his tongue continue what his fingers had started earlier, sucking hard on your clit. He dragged the tip of his erection all over your folds, but never placed it where you desperately wanted it to go. He let his hands roam over your bent legs, your torso, your neck, your arms. He suckled and nipped at your breasts for a good ten minutes, which nearly drove you insane. But you didn't beg and you didn't let go. You were determined to be his good girl, no matter how close to the edge you were.
You lost track of time, completely awash in the sensations and sounds that the both of you were making, and so when Bucky finally, FINALLY slid into you suddenly, you gasped and arched your back so violently you nearly bucked off the mattress. You were so wet he hadn't even needed to use lube, and the stretch burned but also felt unbelievable. He wrapped his hands around your thighs, using your bent legs to make his thrusts snap even harder. The grunts and growls of pleasure he was making as he watched the sensations begin to overtake you were almost enough to make you cum on the spot.
"You're gonna stay put from now on when I tell you to, right?" Bucky asked, his voice strained as he pumped into you, before giving you a good smack on your right butt cheek.
"Yes, sir!! Yes, Daddy, I'll be good!" you gasped as the glorious burn reignited from your spanking. The mix of pleasure and pain fucked with your brain in the absolute best way, crashing through your brain and body like a flood.
"You swear it?" he asked, his voice tightening as he picked up the pace a bit, then gave you a matching swat on your left.
"Oh god yes, I swear, I promise, I swear!" you wailed, not giving a shit if your bedroom was truly soundproofed or not.
"Gonna be Daddy's good girl?"
"So good, so good for you Daddy!"
"Only for Daddy?"
"Only for you, Daddy! Only for you!"
"Good girl. Cum for Daddy," Bucky ordered, before his thrusts became frantic, and he growled as his own release built. That last growl completely sent you over the edge. The orgasm went on and on as he fucked you until he came, giving another feral cry as he poured himself into you.
As you both came down, the pain of the position that you were in began creeping into your body. Before you even realized that you had let out a tiny whimper, Bucky reached under your knees, sliding his fingers between your hands and your legs, breaking the death grip you hand on them.
"Go ahead, you can let go now," he purred, still catching his own breath. "Did so good for me, baby, so damn good." He quickly laid your hands down on either side of you, using his torso to help brace your still bent legs. Oh so carefully, he put his hands under your knees and slowly stretched your legs down and out. Once your legs were flat against the bed, he slowly began massaging your thighs, working out the burn and the soreness from keeping them bent and aloft so long. All the while, he kept murmuring to you how good you were for him, how beautiful, and how proud he was of you. The moment you could actually verbally respond to say 'Thank you Daddy', he had leaned down and kissed you on the lips.
"Gonna go get a washcloth and some lotion. I'll be right back, okay?" He grinned as you nodded and hummed happily. He raided your tiny bathroom, growling quietly to himself as he could barely fit in there and open your cabinet door at the same time. Oh, he was gonna get you to move in with him sooner rather than later, fuck this shit....
Bucky quickly shook off the thought, anxious to get back to you, and gathered the items he needed. As he stepped back into the bedroom, he noticed you were drinking water from a bottle beside your bed. He frowned a bit. "How long has that been there?" he said, laying down beside you with the warm, wet washcloth in his hand.
You shrugged, but immediately removed it from your lips. "Since I was here last," you answered. "Water doesn't go bad. It's fine. Here, you need to drink too." You held it out to him.
Bucky smiled as he began gently wiping between your still sensitive legs. "I'll get some in a moment, love," he said, focusing on his work. "You're my priority right now."
"But..." was all you said. He was about to scold you again for talking back, but as his eyes landed on your face, all he saw was care and compassion. And love. For him. No one ever looked at him that way. No one but you. "Please?" you added. And he was toast.
He gave you that shy smile that you rarely saw, and tilted his chin up to you in permission. The delighted smile that broke across your face made him feel like the best man on earth. You held the bottle to his lips and carefully tilted the water into his mouth, watching him to make sure he was drinking and not just placating you. When he broke away, he smiled down on you again.
"Thank you, my sweet angel. Now you finish the rest of that and let Daddy finish his work."
"Yes, sir," you said, exhausted and happy. You drained the bottle in small sips while Bucky finished cleaning you up, before quickly cleaning himself. He made you take two Advil and left only briefly to toss the washcloth into the sink, and was back next to you in a flash.
"Well, one thing I can say for how tiny this place is. I can get back to you quickly after stuff like that. Although, if it's in MY place, I don't give a shit about making a mess in the first place sooooooo...." he let that hang in the air, puckering his lips and making an exaggerated face, which caused you to giggle.
Using your mirth as a distraction, he quickly reached under you and flipped you over. The first time he had done this, it had scared the shit out of you, but now you were so used to him tossing you about like a rag doll during aftercare that you didn't do anything other than squeak in mild surprise.
Bucky took his time rubbing lotion into your still ruby red cheeks, and carefully applied Neosporin behind your knees, where, unbeknownst to you, you had nail indentations from where you'd dug your fingers in, trying so hard to be so good. He gently kissed each one of them, treasuring each red mark that you had given yourself to please him, before rubbing in the ointment, and continuing to massage to make sure that you were okay. Once he was sure it was all absorbed into your skin, he kissed your shoulder blade before flipping you back over. You giggled this time in response.
"Do you need anything else, baby?" he asked softly, unable to take his eyes from your gorgeous face.
"Just you," you whispered, reaching out for him. Bucky gladly obliged. He pulled you into his arms, scooting you both up so his head was on the pillow, and yours was on his chest. He began drawing slow lines all over your skin with a feather light touch, just like he knew you liked.
"I'm all yours," he whispered into your hair, and smiled as he felt you kiss his chest.
To Be Continued....
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klaus-littlestwolf · 3 months
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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Hybrids Mafia Princess Moodboard
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
197 notes · View notes
first-edition · 7 months
Imagine ..
Bucky takes you out shopping as you’ve been coupled up inside for too long and things are starting to open back up again. He takes you a store he knows you'll enjoy and you try on and test out the shoes and bags and accessories and when your done you bring up a pair of shoes and a shirt to him holding it out.
“Did you not like anything else?” He asks placing his hand on your waist.
“I-i did but..” you begin but end up trailing off as you’ve always been worrisome of money but Bucky always tells you not to he is the richest man virtually ever. Powerful and not to mention handsome.
“Im tired of Amazon delivers doll.” He says looking you in your eyes the black mask he wears somehow making him a thousand percent hotter leaving his blue eyes to shine through.
“The um black hand bag with the gold lining i-i liked tha-“
“We’ll take everything she tired on today.” Bucky cuts you off and turns to the sales associate. She nods and grabs another coworker as they begin to collect the things you tried in your size. Bucky takes the shoe box and shirt out of your hands handing it to one of the girls.
Once you both leave the establishment the body guards carrying bags after bags he pulls down your mask and his and kisses your lips.
“Today is about you honey what else do you wanna do?” He asks looking into your eyes you smile which makes him smile.
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [31] - Secrets
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Keeping secrets from business partners can lead to issues.
Word Count: 3300
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship, mentions of sex. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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Well if that didn’t prove your worth as a potential heir, you didn’t know what would.
For a couple of seconds, no one spoke. You could feel Bucky’s quizzical glances on you but you managed not to look at him or your father who was staring at you in shock.
Ian was the first to break the silence.
“Chicago?” he asked and scoffed. “I know you’re new to this whole thing and Bucky doesn’t share everything with you, but Chicago is impossible.”
You let a smirk curl your lips and turned to the rest of the table.
“A deal with Chicago would ensure—”
“We can’t get Chicago,” Ian cut you off and you arched a brow.
“You can’t,” you told him. “I can.”
“How?” Natasha asked and you shrugged your shoulders, leaning back in your chair.
“Rhett is an old friend.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the puzzled expression on Bucky’s face and as much as you wanted to explain it to him, you reminded yourself that it could wait. Steve pulled his brows together while Sam looked between you and Bucky, and Tony sat up straighter.
“You’re telling me you know the king of Chicago?”
“No Tony, I’m telling you the king of Chicago trusts me.”
“Because I made sure of that.”
“And you didn’t bother telling us about this?” Clint asked Bucky and that made you finally look at him. Bucky stared at you in silence, a fire burning in his eyes before he clenched his jaw and turned to Clint.
“Matter of trust I guess,” he said curtly, drumming his fingertips on the table and you could feel your stomach doing an unpleasant flip at the sight of carefully controlled fury on his face, then took a deep breath.
“The underworld in Chicago works a bit differently than here,” you said. “They never had the need to do business with any other cities and no, Rhett wouldn’t do business with any of you. Bucky knowing me or being married to me wouldn’t have changed anything either, Rhett will want to make a deal with someone he actually knows.”
“No,” your father spoke for the first time. “You’re not getting involved in this Y/N.”
“With all due respect father, your heir is obliged to listen to you,” you said and shot him a small smile. “I’m not.”
“But hold on,” Yelena asked. “How do you know him?”
You liked the night life in Chicago almost as much as in New York. While your and Becca’s surnames made sure you could get into any place in New York, it also meant that there was more of a chance of someone in the club letting your father or Becca’s father know you were there. More often than not, you’d run into Steve or Sam or Bucky—
You weren’t going to think about Bucky.
Bucky was a fucking asshole.
“All I’m saying is that you broke up more than a year ago—” Isla shouted over the music as the bartender put your drinks in front of you. “And don’t get me wrong, Ethan is cute and all but he can’t keep giving you puppy dog eyes whenever you’re around.”
“He’s not,” you said, leaning back to the bar as you took a sip of your cocktail, keeping your gaze on your other friends who were still dancing on the dancefloor.
“Yes he is,” Isla said. “Even Bradley is aware of it.”
“Well Bradley was the one who introduced us,” you reminded her with a grin and she rolled her eyes.
“And I apologize for my boyfriend’s lack of foresight,” she said. “No seriously, you need to move on.”
“I did move on!”
“But you still feel guilty.”
“I don’t,” you argued as someone took the spot next to you by the bar and Isla repressed a grin, giving you a look. You turned your glances to the person to see him eyeing you up and down, and he smiled at you as soon as he realized you were looking at him.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m Tommy.”
“Y/N,” you introduced yourself and he nodded.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“I already have a drink,” you stated with a grin, holding up your cocktail glass and he hummed.
“Ah,” he said. “I guess I can wait until you finish that one then?”
“So you’ll just watch me drink?”
“Sounds like a plan—” he started but was cut off when another guy walked through the crowd to nod at you, then mutter something into his ear. Tommy’s eyes widened and he put his beer bottle on the counter.
“Sorry,” he said without so much as a glance at you, then walked away from you.
“The fuck?” Isla muttered while you arched a brow, glaring at the guy.
“Hi,” he said. “I’m Kyle. My boss wanted me to tell you that everything you ladies drink tonight is on the house.”
Isla blinked a couple of times. “What?”
“And he asks if you’d like to join him upstairs,” Kyle told you, making your eyes narrow in fury. “Your friends are welcome to join as well, of course.”
Well, that explained things.
This whole nonsense of getting someone intimidated with a mere order was way too familiar to you, and you clicked your tongue while Isla shifted her weight.
“Um, Y/N maybe we should go somewhere else…”
“It’s fine,” you assured her. “I got it. Kyle, isn’t it?”
He nodded, stealing a look at the mezzanine where a couple of guys were having a conversation on. You couldn’t exactly make out the faces from the club lights, but if you had to guess, the guy who didn’t look interested in the conversation and was instead leaning on the rails and watching the crowd had to be Kyle’s boss.
“And your boss’s name?”
“Rhett Davis.”
The prince of Chicago.
“Great,” you said. “Well Kyle, why don’t you go and tell your boss that I don’t appreciate him interrupting my conversations and I’m not a fucking dog to go to him when he whistles, hm?”
Kyle gawked at you. “He’s—”
“I know who he is, our fathers are in the same line of business,” you told him, making his eyes widen.
���Y/N?” Isla said and you waved a hand in the air.
“Everything is alright, don’t worry.”
“Whose daughter are you?” Kyle asked and you gave him a smirk.
“I believe you have a message to deliver, Kyle. Run along now.”
Kyle hesitated only for a moment before walking away from you to climb the stairs and you turned to Isla.
“What was that?” she asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Long story,” you said as your friends called out your and Isla’s names, motioning at you to join them on the dancefloor. You let out a laugh, and shook your head.
“I think I’ll finish my drink, but you go ahead.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely, go,” you said with a smile, pushing her gently and she walked to the dancefloor while you sucked on the straw of your cocktail. You pulled your phone out of your pocket to send a quick text to Becca, letting out a small laugh when you saw her response.
It was only when you lifted your head from your phone that you saw the bartender’s eyes widening before you felt someone step forward to take the spot beside you, making you look over your shoulder before you turned around.
The infamous prince of Chicago was hot, even you had to admit. He had to be only a couple years older than you; his disheveled curly hair giving him an air of nonchalance, and his blue eyes sparkling even under the club lights, reminding you of Bucky’s just a bit. There was a small smirk playing on his lips and when he motioned at the bartender for a drink, you could see the tattoos scattered along his muscular arms before you forced yourself to raise a brow at him, but that just made his smirk bigger.
“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” he said calmly, then offered his hand. “I’m Rhett.”
You tilted your head, then shook his hand before introducing yourself as well and he pulled his brows together.
“The prettiest girl in the club is New York’s underworld princess,” he commented. “Figures.”
“And the cockiest guy in the club is Chicago’s underworld prince,” you said, your voice silky. “Shocker.”
That made him chuckle and he raised his hands, gesturing surrender. “I meant no disrespect.”
“Makes one of us.”
He looked genuinely entertained at your snappy retort as you finished your empty cocktail glass down and he motioned at the bartender for a refill which made him rush to prepare your drink as fast as he could. You raised your brows.
“I can order my own drinks, thank you.”
He hummed.
“Well, I can’t have you return to New York and tell your daddy Chicago was anything but nice to you.”
“And you want to be nice to me?”
“Depends,” he said, his unwavering gaze sending a fire your cheeks. “Do you want me to be nice to you?”
You could feel your heartbeat getting faster but you chastised yourself in your head, then scrunched up your nose.
“I don’t date or sleep with people in the business,” you told him as the bartender put your drink in front of you. “So you can go away now.”
Rhett’s amused smile widened. “Are you ordering me around in my own city, Y/N?”
A smirk curled your lips and you heaved a deep sigh.
“Someone has to,” you said. “Are you telling me you’re not good at following orders, Rhett?”
“I’m good at giving them.”
You pouted your lips, then took a sip of your drink.
“Well,” you said. “Turns out you and I have something in common then.”
“I went to college in Chicago,” you told Yelena. “We kind of ran into each other.”
Your father’s frown deepened. “And you didn’t think to mention that?”
“I didn’t think it was necessary,” you told him. “I met a lot of people in Chicago, Rhett just happens to be the most important one for business, that’s all.”
Bucky nodded to himself slowly, still keeping quiet as he fixed his gaze on the table, but you could see him clenching his jaw.
“And you’re confident that you can convince him to make a deal with New York?” Steve asked and you nodded.
“As long as we have a good offer.”
“I can show you the latest offer we made him,” Clint told you. “You can go over it so that you know what he refused the last time.”
“Yeah, that would be—” you started but was cut off when someone knocked on the door, then stepped inside. The bodyguard approached Natasha to mutter something to her ear, making her grit her teeth, then she pushed her chair back, Yelena jumping on her feet.
“Nat?” Steve asked and she took a deep breath.
“There’s been an attack on my territory,” she said curtly. “I must cut this short.”
“Of course,” your father said as everyone stood up as well, Clint already walking outside with Natasha and Steve and Sam going after them. Tony nodded at you before he walked away as well and you stole a look at Bucky who was walking to the door without so much as sparing you a glance but before you could say anything, you heard your father’s voice.
“Y/N, a word?”
“Um,” you blinked a couple of times. “Bucky—”
“See you at home,” he said, still not looking at you and he walked out of the room, making your stomach do an unpleasant flip.
“Leave us,” your father told Ian and even though he looked like he wanted to protest, he heaved a sigh and left the room as well. You sat back on your seat, drumming your fingertips on the table.
“Was it you?”
You tilted your head. “Hm?”
“The first attack on the shipment,” he said, making your stomach drop. “Before the raid. Was it you?”
Fear surrounded you so fast that for a couple of seconds, you couldn’t hear anything because of the blood rushing in your ears, making your hearing muffled. The invisible fist around your throat was getting tighter and tighter but you forced yourself to keep your expression as calm as possible.
“Is that what we’re doing now?” you asked. “Blaming each other?”
“Was it you?”
“No!” you exclaimed, a hysterical laugh escaping from your lips. “Is that what Ian told you? What, he wants to kill me now, is that it?”
“No one is going to touch a hair on your head, I just want to know—”
“I would be killed if anyone suspected I broke the truce!”
“I will cover it if you did break the truce,” your father told you, making you pull back slightly.
“Do you seriously think I’d let anyone harm you?” he asked. “Are you that blind? You’re my daughter, I would start a war against all these families if they tried to do anything to you.”
“Truce is important—”
“Anyone who tries to harm you will meet their death,” he told you, looking you in the eye. “No exceptions.”
You swallowed thickly. “Even Ian?”
“Even Ian,” he said without hesitation, making you gawk at him. “Tell me the truth. Was it you?”
 You dug your fingernails into your palms and took a deep breath, then shook your head.
“No,” you rasped out. “But I’m not going to pretend I’m not happy that it happened.”
He held your gaze in his as if trying to see whether you were lying or not, then leaned back on his seat as well.
“And this Rhett deal?”
“We used to hang out when I was in Chicago,” you said. “Simple as that. I know how he operates, me knowing him wouldn’t have worked if you or Bucky or anyone else tried to make a deal with him. He will want someone in the business.”
“And you are in the business now?” he asked you and you clicked your tongue.
“I am.”
“I don’t like this.”
“I don’t like most of the decisions you make when it comes to business,” you retorted. “Especially recent ones, but here we are.”
He narrowed his eyes at you before a rare smile curled his lips and he let out a loud laugh.
“Never the one to shy away from honesty, are you?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Learned from the best.”
He reached out to squeeze your hand, making you smile as well.
“Wine?” he asked and you turned your glances to the door, biting inside your cheek before turning to him again.
“Bucky will be busy I guess,” you said. “Sure, wine works.”
As you expected, when you returned home Bucky wasn’t there. In fact, he didn’t return home until early in the morning, and by that time guilt was already churning your insides. If it were him who pulled what you had in the meeting, convincing you to make him a part of the meeting only to reveal he had a different plan in mind, you would be furious as well so you understood why he hadn’t bothered coming home last night.
Didn’t mean you liked it though.
You tried not to get discouraged when he ignored your “good morning” and went straight upstairs to take a shower while you sat by the kitchen island, pushing your breakfast around, petting Alpine with your other hand. Being nervous wasn’t new to you but this was the first time you were sure that Bucky was actually pissed, and you didn’t know why it bothered you so much, but it did.
So when you heard him walking downstairs, you sat up straighter, doing your best to ignore the tension in the pit of your stomach.
He only hummed, putting his cufflinks on and you licked your lips as Alpine jumped from the counter.
“Can we talk?”
“Now you want to talk?” he asked, still not looking at you and you bit at your fingernail.
“Yeah,” you said. “Listen, I know it looks like I went behind your back.”
“You did go behind my back,” he corrected you and you pushed yourself off the stool, clenching and unclenching your fists.
“I get that you’re upset,” you stated and he scoffed.
“No shit I’m upset,” he said. “All this time I thought we had a deal, that we were in this together but you…what, you just decided to keep me out?”
“What does it matter?” your voice was way too defensive and he stared at you.
“You can’t be that self-centered,” he said. “Right? No one can be that self-centered.”
“Newsflash Y/N, I’m supposed to be informed about your fucking strategy if I am a part of it!”
“You were informed about the strategy you were a part of,” you defended yourself and he gritted his teeth.
“And the rest?”
“I—you—” you stammered. “I have been planning this for a long time Bucky, I’m not going to just…”
“You’re not going to just trust me?”
You rubbed at your eyes, then took a deep breath.
“I need to prove myself to others,” you said, trying to keep your voice stable. “I need to make sure that everyone around that table prefers me to Ian—”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Me having a direct connection to Rhett will ensure that,” you continued as if he didn’t cut you off. “And it will be good for business—”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It will give a message—”
“Tell me why you didn’t!”
“Because you could take it from me!” you snapped back before you had the chance to stop yourself. “And it was my move, it was my strategy, it was my plan, okay? No one else’s!”
Pain flashed over his handsome features and he stared at you as silence fell upon the room. You closed your eyes for a moment, reminding yourself to be calm despite the tension clenching your muscles together and opened them again, clenching and unclenching your fists to focus.
“I didn’t—” you stammered. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
He was quiet for a couple of seconds before he took a deep breath.
“Nothing I do makes a difference to you, does it?” he asked, his voice low. “No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try to prove to you that I…”
You tried to fix your breathing. “You what?”
A dry laugh climbed up his throat and he shook his head. “Never mind.”
You could feel your eyes burning but you tried to focus as he ran a hand through his hair, then clenched his jaw as if trying to pull himself together.
“You’ll make a great boss,” he rasped out and your head shot up, the corners of your mouth twitching upwards.
“…Thank you.”
A painful smile pulled at his lips. “It wasn’t a compliment.”
Your brows pinched together in confusion and he shook his head slightly, grabbing his jacket off the hanger.
“You’re the most selfish person I’ve ever met in my entire life,” he told you. “And there’s no one you wouldn’t waste just to get what you want. You’ll be the best among us, I’d say.”
An ache appeared in your chest. “Bucky, can we please—”
“You wanted to be business partners?” he asked as he put his jacket on, his piercing gaze pining you to your spot. “Fine. But don’t fucking come crying to me when I treat you like one.”
With that, he slammed the door behind him, leaving you there frozen.
Chapter 32
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darkdemeter · 5 months
Mob boss! Bucky Barnes x Dance choreo! Female Reader
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—- gifs/images found on pinterest, credit to original posters -—
May or may not be turned into a full one shot later on, this idea's been on my mind for a while now. ────────────────
@mostlymarvelgirl @hollyseb @sebastianstansqueen @openup-yourmind @kandis-mom @calwitch @cjand10 @identity2212 @ashdoctor @missmarvelophilic @boobsbeesbongos
(18+ intended content) Read below the cut at your own risk!
 It’s cruel to watch you, knowing that this is your last rehearsal with the girls. After this, the doors will promise an opening night to remember. But if you’ve given any hints, you don’t exactly intend on seeing it. 
  And for Bucky, that is just plain torture for him. Over the past three months, you have been working your pretty arse off creating a whole show routine, expertly weaving the backbone of the club’s entertainment and allocating the playlist to fit the atmosphere Bucky and his club managers wanted. 
  Lounging in the VIP section, a raised loft that oversaw the club’s dance floor, stage and regulars bar, Bucky still cannot take his eyes off of you. Why of all nights did you have to go racing off to another job so soon? He had paid you generously, far more than any hired choreographer could ever dream of, and yet that still didn’t seem enough to convince you. He hovers like a shadow, leaning to the dark steel railing, his ring-lined fingers drum against the dark steel as he contemplates his next move. 
  He barely pays any mind to his captains who take their place in the sleek, refined office that are the booths, sipping at their drinks and chatting about the club’s interests and rates. Shit that he tunes out. He can’t focus on anything when you move like that, your body arching this way and that; sinful and cause for impossible. But you prove him wrong. There are many positions he’s fantasised taking you in mid rehearsal. 
  Your body is pulled into the music itself. A process many seem to struggle with, but for you, it’s as easy as breathing. At first, it’d been a gamble of who to hire for the job, and now Bucky cannot dream of regretting choosing you. Renowned as a star dancer, you’re credited with awards from around the globe, in solos, duos and exceeding the numbers. Competition after competition, your name became well known. 
  But there is a line in your record, as Bucky had his men find, and though the exact details are still unknown to him, it’s given him an indicator that something hit rock bottom. Some time afterwards, however, you resurfaced as a dance choreographer. 
  And if you were still the best of the best, then he’d take you for the job. But now, he wants you for good. Dressed to the nines in outfits he’s spent on all his cards, riding to events together and having the envy of every man and woman’s eyes upon you. Hell, he’s already contemplated the venue and diamond ring. 
  “Chins forward, eyes open,” you call in correction, gaze set straight ahead of you in the midst of a spinning twirl before planting your heeled stiletto hard into the stage floor with a resounding boom. 
  Bucky’s eyes trail then upwards, the dark colour of your pantyhose hiding your skin that he’s desperate to bruise and leave his fingerprints on. His fingers curl harshly into the railing while his eyes continue to admire while simultaneously undress you, your body hugged in a very form-admiring bodysuit. 
  Dropping down low with the girls following suit, your hips move on beat with the music, grinding into the floor. That, of all moves, is when you make the grave mistake in glancing up at a striking pair of blue eyes, dark in their passionate longing and so bright you’re quick to force your eyes away. 
  But not before you flashed him a toothy smile. A smile that kills him every time. Heat rushes through your veins and rises higher into the surface of your skin, in your core it feels electric with pulsating need, but you carry on with the routine, to save face from what Bucky Barnes did to you. Unbeknownst to you at this moment of what you did to the mob boss, he groans at the tightness surrounding his clothed cock as you rock your hips back and forth, suggestive in your choreographed manner. But so dismissive in how it affects him greatly and his ability to conduct business. 
  No. You can’t let yourself fall into that sort of mess again. Focus. Rolling onto your back, your back arches so beautifully off the floor, it almost has Bucky gasping. The pointed pink of his tongue’s tip darts out to wet his lips. 
  Completely and utterly mesmerised by your rhythm, he growls like a feral animal when Steve’s voice interjects his still continuing list of how he plans to ruin you and save you.
  Now at the end of your routine, you wave for Torres to cut the music and your shoulders fall heavily with an exerted sigh.   “Good work, girls,” you applaud with your friendly smile, clapping for their efforts. The girls in turn repay your praise with bashful smiles and compliments of your mentorship. 
  You had this way with people, and especially those under your study, you were kind and playful but remained an air of professionalism to ensure your students or your time wasn’t wasted. 
  Bucky feels his skin crawl and his heart drop a thousand yards into his stomach. From the lavish watch strapped to his wrist, he inspects the time. End of rehearsal. End of your contract with him. 
  “Well, they learnt from the best.” Your head turns fast, vision momentarily blurred, there again is that feeling - that spell - he has you under as he saunters down the stairs and towards the stage where you stood, hands pressed idly into your hips. 
  His tongue runs over his teeth, groaning inwardly as his eyes sink and rise in study of your entire form. He could see you being his queen. You’ve a powerful stance, that much he can see, and you possess a quality that has the attention of anyone and everyone on you. A commanding presence. 
  “You’re too kind, Mr. Barnes.” Your cheeks redden more. Praise from your clients always makes your heart flutter with adoration and joy. For them to express their gratitude in the ways they do, it’s good to know you have succeeded in your job. 
  But when Bucky praises you, you become a giddy girl that gushes and yearns to hear more. He sees the way your face shifts to reflect that professionalism, all to hide the reality of what he does to you; what he could do to you if you just gave him the chance. 
  “I could be much kinder, Doll.” His voice has lowered into a velvety purr, the callous massage of his fingers shoot a blaze of electricity through the thin fabric of your pantyhose and into your skin like ice, a simple touch over your calf, teasing you further as his palm encloses around you as well, sliding up and down gently. Despite your position above him, a sight he’ll never grow tired off, his up-tilted chin reaches level with your stomach. He sees the inner turmoil of conflict flash in your eyes, a battle he’s sure he can win if he plays his cards just right. 
  “VIP access tonight to start?”
  You scoff, shaking your head. But the furrow in your brows betrays your true, raw disappointment. You can’t hide it. Not from him. “I can’t. I have an early flight tomorrow.”
Thanks for reading!
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artficlly · 3 months
smog & spirits [masterlist]
Marvel 1920s Gangster/Peaky Blinders Inspired Fantasy AU
gangsterboss!bucky x witch!reader
Bucky Barnes, the leader of Sootstone's Smog Boys, needs a favour. A nasty curse has been cast on him, and he needs a witch to help him break it.
Warnings: 18+ content minors dni, smut, fem reader, begging, orgasm denial, fingering, p in v, no aftercare, graphic wound description, blood/gore, graphic descriptions of stitching, religious punishment (lashings), angst, angst no comfort, comfort/fluff, sex magic, blood magic, potion for arousal, curses and hexes, criminals & crime, 1920s street gangs, witchcraft, possession, mediums, ghosts, hauntings, horror, smoking, brothels, pubs, gambling, alcohol, mention of death/violence/torture, bucky barnes has issues, bucky barnes is a dick, bucky barnes needs a hug, police brutality, vaguely british setting??, sexism, classism, no use of y/n, lmk if i've missed anything
main masterlist
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spirit-raiser pony club the premonition bloodties
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winterspiderpurrs · 7 months
Okay okay
Years before Alpha Tony and Omega Peter were engaged. But then Tony took over another fraction of the Mafia. And after a big fight, he broke off the engaged.
It's been 10 years.
Tony got into the elevator. He was attending a tech conference in town. Maybe he has wife maybe he just has a gf there with him.
But then he notices the Alpha of the Russian mob stopping the elevator to get on. Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. He had only taken over 9 years before. He had worked in the background before. Was more of a shadow. When they met 5 years back, Tony questioned him. All he said was, "Priorities changed"
They were corgual but rarely interacted. They nod at each other. But then a little girl ran into the elevator, laughing. Followed by who Tony realized is Peter. His Peter. The Peter he pushed away. Who quickly holds the little girls hand, smiling softly down at her. Not appearing to have noticed Tony in the back of the elevator.
" Daddy! Can we go swimming later!"
"Maybe, ask your папа"
The little turns to Bucky " Please папа!"
Funny enough the little girl has big brown eye's, that don't match Bucky's.
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