#mo ran moodboard
t-taxiansgf · 2 years
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꒰ᒡ . . ᒢ꒱   ⠀⠀⎯⠀⠀𖹭 soft blue mo ran moodboard
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lachicavoltron333 · 9 months
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Chu wanning moodboard 🌸🌸🌸
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hyucklovely · 3 months
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aerha icons!
like or reblog! ;)
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Radar Love
summary: when you have some car trouble you run into the hottest mechanic in hawkins w/c: 1,653 warnings: pet name (princess) a/n: i'm sure i'm not alone in my thirst for car mechanic eddie, i also know nothing about cars so i mostly just pulled all of this out of thin air, well i did see a video about the main issue but the rest is just me making whatever i want up bc i can
if you like this please reblog, leave a comment. even just a keysmash it really helps me out.
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(moodboard by me)
It had been your idea to move back home. You’d left after high school and gone to college just how you were supposed to, but it just hadn’t been working out. 
When the earthquakes happened it seemed like the right time to leave. To go home. Figure out what you actually wanted to do. 
So you told your faculty advisor, your tutors, everyone that you needed some time to go back home and help your parents pick up the pieces. As it turned out you weren't the only one who'd thought the same, you'd run into more old friends and classmates around Hawkins now than you'd ever done before. People who had stayed, people who had left and come back for one reason or another. 
It almost felt like Hawkins had some sort of gravitational pull that no matter where you went or what you did Hawkins would always pull you back into its orbit. Like there was something, not natural, going on. It wouldn't be the first time people brought up the strange happenings in town and attributed it to something unnatural. Though people like that were usually seen as nothing more than crackpots and conspiracy theorists, like that guy Murray your dad had told you about who lived outside of town. 
It was strange being back in Hawkins but also as if you'd never left, you'd expected things to have changed somewhat in the year since you'd been gone but apart from some more stores that had closed downtown apparently threatened by the new mall being built outside of town, new since the company that had owned Starcourt went out of business after the fire (something about asbestos was the rumour) but all the money had since been diverted to “help Hawkins heal”, which seemed to be the bullshir campaign the mayor was running on to try and get re elected. According to your dad however, it wasn’t gonna work.
You'd been lost in thought and almost didn't see the boy who ran out into the street in front of your car, you just about had time to slam on the brakes before you added to the Hawkins Death Toll. What was strange however was that instead of coming to a dead stop your car seemed to want to go left towards the curb.
You could see the boy's mother coming out into the street and chastising her son, obviously she'd turned her back for two seconds and the boy had just forgotten all about basic road safety,
"I am so sorry about him, is your car ok? Did you hit the curb?" the woman asked, "Johnny! Apologise to the lady, you probably scared her half to death!" 
Johnny didn't seem to understand what he'd done wrong and was instead gawking at his mother with large wet tears forming in his eyes, 
"I'm ok, the car probably just needs to go to the shop. It's due for a check up" you told the woman, you had no desire to stick around and wait for Johnny to start crying and screaming. So you bid the woman goodbye and headed off home again. Your car was already full of groceries and you didn't want anything to spoil.
After unloading the car and the groceries you told your Dad about what had happened, 
"That's definitely not good, you really should get that checked out. I'll take a look"
"No you will not" your mum warned, brandishing a spatula as a weapon, "you aren't a mechanic and you don't know half as much about cars as you think you do" 
"I was just gonna take a look" 
"Take it to Randy's on Elm, they'll take a look at it for you" your mum brandished her spatula at your dad again, "if you want something to do then I've got a hundred jobs you could be doing" 
You took your mother's advice and left the house again. Watching as your dad slumped back towards the house, he was a man with a lot of opinions. It was true but those opinions didn't always equate to professional knowledge. 
You made it to Randy's without incident and pulled your car up into the forecourt, you couldn't see anyone around and thinking maybe they were in the back or on lunch you headed into the office. The door made a ringing noise as you opened it and you could hear someone calling out from behind the counter, 
"Be with ya in just a sec" the male voice called, the voice sounded vaguely familiar and so you wondered if perhaps another old friend was working behind the counter these days. 
When a curly headed man popped up from behind the counter you had to dig your keys into the palm of your hand, Eddie Munson looked different than you remembered but he still had the same effect. He had scars on his face and what looked like a ligature mark around his neck, you remembered hearing about the escaped Serial Killer Henry Creel and what he'd done to the kids who'd been his victims and to Eddie but you hadn't expected Eddie to still be in Hawkins, 
"How can I help you Princess?" he asked with a slow grin, "having car trouble?" 
You swallowed hard and relayed your troubles to Eddie and that you'd been told to come here specifically to get the car checked out,
"Um I don't know what's wrong but I guess it's my brakes?" you said shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other, "i don't know anything about cars" 
"Well don't you worry Princess that's what we're here for. Why don't you leave the car with me for a couple hours and I'll see what I can do" 
You nodded and moved towards the counter to fill in the paperwork Eddie placed on top and handed him your keys. He laughed at the little keychains you'd attached to the main keyring and you felt all the blood rush to your face, 
"Um, should I wait here or?" 
"It'll take me a little while and I wouldn't want you waiting around for me" Eddie told you, "why don't you go home and i'll call you when we're all set" 
You nodded and left the office. How you were going to get home was another question entirely but right now you needed someone to vent your feelings to.
Twenty minutes later you were sitting in Benny's with your best friend Maria and relaying the whole interaction to her,
"He looks even better than he did in school Maria, how is that fair?" 
Maria who'd known all about your crush on Eddie in High School and had listened to you talk about him for hours just laughed,
"Girl you were in college, didn't you find any nice college boys to get over this crush?" 
"I thought I did but … ugh" you hit your head lightly off the table, "he was wearing coveralls and he had his hair up, I'm only human!" 
Maria just shook her head at you and stole another one of your fries. She knew there was nothing she could say or do in this situation, you just needed to get it out,
"Would it be entirely unethical to just ruin my car if it means he'll be the one fixing it?" you asked from your spot on the table, "like I'm sure I could find something in the library that would tell me which parts i could pull out to make it still run but need looking over" 
Maria opened her mouth but then cut herself off with a grin, she had spotted a familiar mass of curly hair not too far away from where you were currently lamenting,
"I think maybe that's a little extreme babe" she said, "eat your burger, we'll go get your car when we're done. I'll be your emotional support" 
Maria was true to her word and she drove both of you back to Randy's to pick up your car, or at least to see if it was ready, 
"Well well what have we got here. Miss me that much Princess?" Eddie's voice rang out across the forecourt as he came into view again. His coveralls were tied at his waist and there was what you assumed to be engine oil on his white t-shirt, arms and a smear across his face. You could tell he'd built some more muscle since high school, probably from working in the Garage and his arms were much more toned than you remembered, 
"Is the car ready?" Maria asked, since apparently you had lost the ability to speak,
"Yeah she's ready to go. Why don't you come in the office with me Princess and we'll get this all squared away?" 
You nodded dumbly and followed Eddie into the office, he jumped the counter and fumbled around looking for the right paperwork. You could see Maria outside giving you an encouraging smile and thumbs up, 
"Um, what do I owe you?" you finally found your voice as Eddie turned back around, you'd brought your Dad's credit card with you knowing you wouldn't have enough to pay for this outright,
"How about we call it $150 and a date?" Eddie grinned at you again, "and you promise you won't ruin the poor car just to see little old me?" 
"Oh my god you heard that?" you wanted nothing more but the ground to open up and swallow you whole, "i'm so sorry" 
"What's to be sorry about?" Eddie laughed, "it just gave me the little push the guys said I needed to ask you out. So what do you say?" 
"Absolutely. Yes" 
Eddie made a little fist pumping motion and you couldn't help but laugh. Turns out you wouldn't need to ruin your car for a date with the hot mechanic after all. 
Maybe coming back to Hawkins was the best thing you'd ever done. 
Taglist: @pillow-titties @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @aftermidnightwriting
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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Kneading Love | Ch. 5 “Undone”
a/n: thank you so much for reading! I think there will just be one or two more chapters! thank you as always for the moodboard @julesbeauchamp
Chapter One |  Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four 
April 28th, 1946
Claire’s flower shop was opening in three days. But there was still one thing left that needed to be done, and frankly, should have been done a long time ago — painting the exterior.
At the moment, the outside of the small shop was a dingy brown, which wasn’t very welcoming to anyone that wanted to come and buy flowers or herbs. So Claire had bought a very pale light blue that would hopefully entice people to stop by.
Thankfully, it wasn’t too hot — but it was Scotland so it was really never too hot. Claire was wearing an old green cotton dress with buttons all down the front. Her helper once again, Jamie, had come dressed in old looking trousers and a plain white button down.
“You do realize that shirt will not be white when you leave,” Claire smirked, pointing her paint brush at him.
“Well, it willna wi’ ye behind the brush,” Jamie laughed, dodging her brush. Claire was thankful that Jamie had come back to help her with this task considering he was tall enough to reach all the spots that Claire couldn’t. She was working on the lower half of the wall, while Jamie focused on the top.
“When we’re all finished here, I’ll let you pick out some flowers to take home to your mother,” Claire said, squatting to paint near the front door. “I think she’d like some of the roses. I saw the roses at your house.”
“Aye, she loves them,” Jamie smiled fondly. “She planted them herself when they first moved in to the place. You can always find her tending to her roses on a sunny day.”
“I’ve been thinking about asking her to help me with the shop,” Claire said and looked at Jamie to gage his reaction. His face was always unreadable to Claire, whereas she was an open book whether she liked it or not.
Jamie stood on the tips of his toes to reach a difficult spot. “I think ye should, Sassenach! It would give her somethin’ to do. No’ that she doesna have enough to do wi’ the farm, but she enjoys yer company.”
“And I enjoy hers,” Claire smiled up at him and he smiled back. “That’s settled then. When she comes to the opening on Wednesday, I’ll ask her.”
“Wednesday ye said?” Jamie asked.
“Yes, the first of May,” Claire said and then moved to the other side of the door. “You know that old saying, “April showers bring May flowers”. I thought it was appropriate to open it on the first of May.”
“Aye,” Jamie said and Claire thought he sounded a bit funny. “We’ll be there,” he grinned. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
They continued to paint until they had only one part left — a small section on the left side of the building. Claire squatted down again, dipping her brush into the paint as Jamie reached above her. A moment later, Claire felt something drop into her hair. When she reached up and pulled her hand back, it was pale blue paint.
“Oh Christ,” Jamie said immediately. “Oh God, Claire, I’m so sorry! I didna mean to get any in yer hair. Ah Dhia!”
Claire wanted to be upset, she wanted to be furious that she now had paint in her hair that would most likely be very difficult to get out, but she started to laugh. Apparently her silent laughter looked like she was crying and Jamie bent down to wrap his arms around her gently.
“Sassenach, I’m so sorry. I canna believe what I’ve done,” he said, sounding worried. “Will ye forgive me?”
Claire laughed audibly this time, and looked up at Jamie with tears in her eyes. “Forgive you? Oh Jamie,” she laughed. “It’s perfectly all right! It’s just hair after all. It’s actually quite funny.”
“What?” Jamie sat back on his butt. “Tis really okay then?”
“Well, it’s not okay,” Claire said, motioning to her hair. “But it’s fine, Jamie. Don’t worry yourself over this. Because I’m going to have you help me wash it out!”
“Aye,” Jamie laughed now, taking another look at his handy work. “I suppose we really should have thought over me painting over ye, mo nighean donn.”
“What does that mean?” Claire asked.
“Oh,” Jamie’s cheeks turned red. “It, um, means my brown haired lass.”
Now it was Claire’s turn to blush a crimson red. “I always thought brown a rather dull color.”
“Nah,” one side of Jamie’s mouth lifted up into a small smirk. “It’s like the water in a burn. The way it ruffles down the rocks,” he lifted his hand to touch a stray curl near her face. “The dark spots wi’ wee bits of auburn. Tis beautiful, Sassenach.”
“Well, we better keep it beautiful by washing out this paint,” Claire smiled.
Jamie stood to his feet and held out his hand for Claire. They still had one small spot of paint to finish, but Claire’s paint covered hair was a more pressing matter. Claire led him into the shop and up the stairs. This would be the first time that Jamie would see her room.
It wasn’t much. Just a small room above the shop, complete with a stove, sink, bed in the corner and a bathroom fit with a clawfoot tub.
“I’ll just lean my head over the water, and if you can use the shampoo to help get the paint out?” Claire held out a bottle of homemade shampoo.
“Aye, of course,” he took it as Claire knelt down and turned on the warm water. “Let’s just hope I dinna mess it up more than I already have.”
Once the water was warm, but not too hot, Claire placed her full head under the rushing water. Realistically, she would have taken off her dress before doing this, but with Jamie here with her, she thought it best to keep it on for the moment. Seeing that her hair was wet, Jamie poured a nice dollop of shampoo into his hands and reached down to Claire’s head.
His hands were large, and covered her skull as he massaged the shampoo into her hair. Despite the slight crick that she was getting in her neck, it felt heavenly — it always did feel nice to have someone else wash your hair.
“Tell me if I’m bein’ too rough,” Jamie said and Claire nodded. “The paint is bein’ a bit stubborn.”
Jamie continued to work the shampoo into her hair, rubbing out the paint and washing it slide down the drain. Water trickled down Claire’s neck making her shiver and Jamie pulled his hands back.
“Ye okay?”
“Yes,” she said softly. In all reality, she was more than okay.
Finally, the last of the paint came out of Claire’s hair and she told Jamie where to find the towels in the cupboard. He brought one back and Claire wrapped her hair into it, twisting it so it rested tall on her head.
“Well, thank you,” she smiled. “I bet you didn’t think you’d be washing my hair when you stopped by today.”
“No,” he chuckled, rubbing his neck with his hand. “I canna say I did.”
“You know,” Claire said shyly. “If you wanted to kiss me again, you don’t need an invitation.”
One of Jamie’s brows arched in surprise before he grinned and leaned down to kiss her. His large warm hand that had just been in her hair touched the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.
“Are ye cold, Sassenach?”
“No,” she shook her head. “Not cold at all.”
There were no words that needed to be spoken for what they both wanted. As they looked into each other’s eyes, Jamie’s hand touched the towel on top of Claire’s head and untwisted it, letting it fall to the ground. Then his hands went to the first button on her dress.
“Maybe we should step out of the bathroom?” Claire suggested.
“Aye,” Jamie laughed with pink cheeks. He backed up slowly, not wanting to take his eyes off of Claire. They came to stand in front of the bed, and Claire stood on the tips of her toes to kiss him.
“Are ye sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in all my life, Jamie,” Claire whispered against his lips. His large hands returned to the buttons on her dress, unfastening each one. Now, Claire wished she had worn something that didn’t take so damn long to take off.
“That’s a lot of buttons,” he joked as he bent down to reach the bottom ones. He stayed on his knees as the last one came undone. He slowly ran one hand up the back of her leg, feeling the smoothness of her skin.
Claire’s breath caught in her throat. She shook off her dress and let it flutter to the ground around them. Jamie looked up at her, his mouth partially open. She was wearing a bra and panty set she had bought in Paris — a light cream silk.
“Christ,” Jamie muttered and returned to his full height. “Yer the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Claire.”
“Thank you,” Claire blushed. “But I do feel slightly under dressed.”
He glanced down at himself, realizing that he was still fully clothed. Not bothering with all the buttons on his shirt, he yanked it over his head once the first few were undone. That’s when Claire gasped.
“Oh, Jamie,” she said softly as she looked at him.
“I meant to tell ye,” he said, looking down at his left arm. It was burned. “This is why I couldn’t fight in the war.”
“What happened?” Claire reached out and carefully touched his arm, feeling the bumpy and healed over scars.
“I was in the bakery alone one day,” Jamie said, his eyes shut as he remembered. “I was still new to everything. Our oven had been acting up and I had noticed a few sparks earlier in the day, but I thought nothing of it.”
Claire ran her finger tips lightly over his skin, seeing gooseflesh rise in their wake.
“When the fire started, there was nothing I could do,” he continued. “It caught on my shirt and I was in so much pain that I just fell to the floor. That’s when my Da ran in — he heard my screamin’. They managed to put out the flames, but it was too late for my arm.” He turned now, showing her his back. “It burned the top half of my arm as well as a bit of my back.”
“I’m so sorry,” Claire said softly, feeling her chest tighten at seeing him this way. “I can’t even imagine what that must have felt like.”
“Twas the worst pain I’ve ever felt,” Jamie said and turned to face her once again. “But yer touch, Sassenach…” he cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb against her lip. “It makes the pain disappear.”
Their lips sealed, gentle and slow at first, but quickly became hungry. Jamie pulled his trousers off, tossing them somewhere in the room and he wrapped both his arms around Claire. She fit perfectly against him, and they both moaned whenever she flexed her hips and felt how hard he was.
“I need you,” Claire said and took a step back, all while unfastening her bra and letting it fall to the ground. She took a seat on the edge of the bed and Jamie fell to his knees before her to worship her, love her, touch her.
His hands slid up along her bare thighs, touching the silk of her panties before moving up her stomach. Claire could hardly breathe as she watched him, his eyes exploring her body with a look between lust and love. Her legs were on either side of his body, and he lowered his lips against her neck, softly sucking.
“Jesus,” Claire muttered under her breath. For almost two months now, Claire had been wondering what it would feel like if he touched her with his tongue. Now that she knew, she never wanted him to stop. He kissed his way down to her collarbones, flicking his tongue out as if he was saying a prayer.
When he reached her breasts, he pushed his hands underneath them, weighing them as he caught his breath.
“Ye have no idea how beautiful ye are, Sassenach,” Jamie said.
“I do believe you said that already,” Claire laughed, sliding her right hand into his curls.
“I’ll keep sayin’ it until the day I die,” he smirked and then bent his head back down and placed a gentle kiss to her left breast. Her nipples became hard and he closed his mouth over one of them, his tongue flicking the bud. For such a large man, he was quite a gentle lover.
The scruff of his beard made a tingling sensation shoot all over her body and Claire began to squeeze her thighs around him. Jamie pushed her breast further into his mouth, beginning to suck harder. Moans left Claire’s lips as he did the same to the other one. She would have happily sat here for hours with Jamie between her legs and his mouth at her breasts, but her belly was tight and she needed to feel him.
“Take these off,” Claire tugged at his boxers and Jamie reluctantly pulled off of her chest, leaving her nipples red and swollen.
As Jamie removed his boxers, Claire moved backwards on the bed, taking her panties off as well. She reached beside the bed and grabbed a condom, laughing to herself that it was finally coming to use.
Her eyes trailed greedily down Jamie’s long body as he climbed onto the bed. She couldn’t help the wetness that was between her legs whenever she saw his cock for the first time. It was hard, pressed against his stomach, and with one long throbbing vein.
Jamie moved between her legs, positioning his forearms on either side of her chest. Claire reached between their bodies and rolled the condom on, watching as Jamie’s eyelashes fluttered at her touch.
“Yer goin’ to kill me, a nighean,” Jamie said softly. He cupped her cheek, and Claire turned her head slightly to capture his thumb in her mouth, sucking lightly. “Christ,” he mumbled.
Their bodies were flush, warm and Claire flexed her hips, communicating with her body was she so desperately needed. Jamie leaned up and he took himself in hand to guide into her slick folds.
“Oh God!”
Claire hooked one arm around his neck, letting her body adjust to him inside of her. Once he was pressed fully against her, he pulled back until just the tip was inside of her before pushing forward. His belly pressed down against hers and soon he began to roll his hips in a steady rhythm.
Feeling like something would explode inside of her at any minute, Claire moved her hands along his back, feeling the light sweat that covered him. Her hand lingered on his hurt arm, squeezing lightly as he hit a deep spot inside of her.
“Jamie,” she whispered, searching for his lips. Their moans died in each other’s mouths as he rolled his hips again and again. With a final thrust, Claire came absolutely undone underneath him, her body twitching and as her walls clenched around him, Jamie followed her into the abyss.
They lay there for quite some time. Jamie’s head on Claire’s chest as their hearts returned to a normal rhythm. Claire’s hand found his curls, running her fingers slowly through them. His breath was hot against her skin. A smile formed on her lips as she glanced down at the state of them — one of Jamie’s legs covering her as he lay on his side, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“This is no’ what I thought would happen at all,” Jamie finally said a few moments later.
“Oh, you didn’t think you would end up naked in my bed?” She chuckled, tugging on his hair. “Because that’s exactly what I planned on.”
“I don’t put it past ye,” Jamie smirked and kissed her neck before moving to rest his head on his hand. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here wi’ ye in my arms.”
Claire felt like anything she would say wouldn’t be enough, so she just sealed their lips together and rolled into his side.
“I fear your mother and sister will know exactly what we’ve been up to once they see us again on Wednesday,” Claire buried her face into his chest.
“Oh aye,” he laughed. “I have no doubt they’ll give me a hard time for it. There’s nothin’ that those two women canna figure out.”
Claire felt positively wonderful, and it didn’t matter to her that she and Jamie weren’t married or that they hadn’t waited until their wedding night. There was nothing in the world that could have stopped them — not a priest, a disgruntled mother or a natural disaster. There were forces working together to bring Jamie and Claire together, that she was sure of.
“Speaking of Wednesday,” Jamie said, letting his fingers trail slowly down Claire’s arm. “Tis my birthday.”
“What?” Claire abruptly sat up and looked down at him. “Your birthday? Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
He shrugged, “I usually dinna go all out for my birthday, and I’d rather spend it wi’ ye and seein’ yer shop open.”
“I can change it to Thursday,” Claire said. “It’s really not a problem. I don’t want to take up the day!”
“Nah,” Jamie brushed his finger over her nose. “Seein’ ye happy is all I need on my birthday. The first of May is the perfect day and ye willna change it, I won’t let ye.”
Feeling like it was pointless to argue with a stubborn scot, Claire fell back against him. She placed a kiss to his neck and Jamie squirmed.
“That tickles, Sassenach,” he laughed.
Claire did it again, flicking her tongue against his neck. He kept wiggling underneath her and Claire moved until she was sitting on top of him and kept kissing his neck just under his ear. Jamie’s hands gripped her sides, trying to pry her off of him as he laughed. Quite unintentionally, his cock brushed against her, making them both stop.
Silently, they stared at each other. Claire placed one hand on his chest and with her other, she intertwined their fingers. They were both still aroused and so Jamie pushed his hips upwards and slid inside of her. Claire’s hips rolled as she adjusted the angle. Jamie sat up, his hands sliding down to grip her lower back.
Both of Claire’s legs wrapped around him as they slowly and tenderly pulled each other apart. There in Jamie’s arms, Claire gave her heart to him, feeling that there was no safer place in the world for it to be stored.
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grumfield · 4 years
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Me Finding out about how paparazzi report that Cwn has the umbrella scene with Shi Mei instead of mo ran moodboard
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jack-andthestalk · 6 years
Stuck on you, To Wait, Chapter 15.
Thank as always to @balfeheughlywed for her awesomeness.
Moodboard credit to @balfeheughlywed
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Some NSFW below the cut.
As I predicted, Cathal was pressed firmly up against wall by the scruff of his neck. I laid my hand gently on Jamie’s shoulder. “It’s ok.”
  Jamie turned to look at me his eyes wild with rage, they widened slightly when he realised I was there and he loosened his hold on Cathal, breathing through his nostrils heavily.
                                          “Claire I….I’m sorry” his voice wavered, as he struggled to rein in his temper, he rucked his hand through his hair and looked heavenward.
  Cathal was still slumped against the wall blinking rapidly, a dazed expression on his face, he was touching the base of his neck soothingly after Jamie’s grip, “you” I pointing my finger at him, “you are completely out of fucking line…and being drunk is not an excuse”,
  “Oh its ok for him to mess up my life but I can’t mention that fuck that is his life.” Cathal spat. “Stop it now!” I warned.
  Gellis stepped between Cathal and I taking him by the forearm, muttering under her breath “ye had better come away with me now or ye will find out soon enough what a Scottish warrior really is.” Cathal tried to shrug her off, “I am not afraid of that prick” Gellis gave him a lasting glare and said “trust me, yer only making it worse for yerself.”
  His shoulder slumped eventually when he tried and failed to make eye contact with me, instead I moved closer to Jamie resting my hand on his forearm. Cathal ripped his arm away from Gellis’s hold and stormed off ahead of her.
  He took a step back, staring down at his feet. “God I’m a fucking disaster, I  dinna ken why…I …I promised ye there would be no bother.” I moved towards him cautiously, touching him lightly on stomach and hip, “its ok.” I repeated. “It wasn’t your fault”, he kept shaking his head, “I…I shouldna have reacted…let him get to me...” he brought his head back up but his eyes were vacant, it was like he was looking through me.
  “Jamie look at me” I brought my hands up to cup his face and give him no other option but to look directly into my eyes, his face softened and he pressed his forehead to mine, “it wasn’t your fault.” I whispered. I was vaguely aware of other guests walking past us on the corridor, throwing us inquisitive looks but I just focused in on him.   
  He was clearly troubled either at his reaction or what was said to cause that reaction, I needed him to tell me. My pounding heart was growing louder in my ears, we needed to silence all the other noise around us, without thinking I pushed open my bedroom door and dragged him in.
  He stood gazing around the room chewing his bottom lip, “Claire I should go…”
“No you shouldn’t” I said with certainty. “Come here.” He moved two steps to stand flush with my body, I ran my hand from his stomach up and over his chest to chin and eventually prizing his bottom lip out from under his teeth, “stop” I whispered.
  “He just hit a nerve I suppose” Jamie stated flatly.
  I rubbed my thumb and finger surely tracing his bottom lip. “I never told Cathal anything only that our relationship ended badly” I paused hesitating. “He knew I loved you…a lot, it was why I didn’t tell him who you were that day at the hospital.”
  For the first time Jamie’s hands reached out to hold me, one hand resting on my hip the other on my neck, he sighed deeply before speaking “It’s not that…” he lowered his voice while fidgeting with a lock of my hair before continuing. “Claire…ye are one of the kindest people I ken, asides you and maybe mam I dinna ken anyone with a heart like yours.”
  “Jenny?” I asked giving him bemused grin.
  “Aye but she is much more cut throat than you or mam.” He replied smiling.
  “Ok so what has me being kind got to do with all of this?” I creased my eyebrows in confusion
  “That is what I am afraid of?”
  I shook my head bewildered.
  Jamie licked his lips and took a breath before continuing. “I fear that maybe us growing close since well since ye ken everything now that maybe it is a sort of compassion towards me….”
  I shook my head vehemently and tried to interrupt but he waved his hand dismissively.
  “Claire I have come here and thrown all of this at you after two years apart…and what I told ye wasn’t pretty…it was reliving the worst version of me…I have told ye all that and expect or hope that you might try and love me again. I ken it’s a big ask.”
  I exhaled loudly “god you are a silly man Jamie Fraser.”
  He shot me a confused look, and I reached for his face, pulling it down to mine, foreheads touching.
  “Do you want honesty?” I asked
  “So we have kissed twice since you arrived here?” right?
  “Did you feel I kissed you because I was sorry for you?”
  “Well no, not at the time.”
  “I can’t tell you about a future Jamie…but wanting you and spending time with you is well…it’s you…for no other reason that I just enjoy having you close again…its definitely not out of sympathy.”
  I ghosted my lips over his, “does it this feel like I am sorry for you when I do this?”
  He didn’t speak but engulfed my lips with his, shaking his head.
   I ran my tongue over his lips, soothing and biting, a flame lighting and exploding under us, our tongues fighting for dominance and proximity at once.  Jamie broke away first before deftly running his tongue down along my earlobe and neck. “Claire ye dinna ken how much I want ye…”
  I cupped his arse drawing him into me. Jamie’s need was obvious I could feel it pulsating against my stomach. He walked us back to the bed lifting me onto it and crawling on top, our kiss deepened, bodies grinding together he ran his hand up and under my dress grabbing my arse almost painfully. His body was trembling over mine.
  The skin all over my body tightened and a shiver swarmed down my front resting between my legs making them lifeless. I was desperate for him to push up my skirt pull down his jeans and take me, no gentleness needed.
  Before I could put words on it, Jamie broke away abruptly, leaving me reeling, “Claire…we shouldna…” he gasped
My head was spinning and I was trying to process what he was saying, we had gone from desperate hunger to stopping altogether. “You want to stop?” I breathed heavily. He kissed me hard and deeply and I thought we would succumb to each other again but he broke away gasping, “ye have no idea how hard it is for me to stop…but ya ken we canna like this, I want ye to be sure of me first Claire, … I want there to be time and just us!”
  My hands were traveling up and under his t shirt and I stopped abruptly, “ok” I said weakly. Jamie groaned rolling off me to lie on his back, he flung the back of his arm over his eyes, growling, “Fuck fuck fuck” 
  “Jamie, talk to me?”
  He exhaled loudly, his forehead creased in restraint.
  “I am afraid if we do it like this mo ghraidh, ye will regret it.”
  I said softly, “is this about what Cathal said because if it is…” I said softly
“No” he interrupted, “yer emotions are all over the place Claire…it’s not hard to see ye are struggling with me being back…and trying to decide what you want…if we were to lie together now…I ken ye would regret it and what it is between us…its special….I dinna want to ruin it by doing this in haste.”
  I turned on my side to face him, he wasn’t wrong I had a lot of doubts still, wanting him was not enough of an excuse to risk our tentative new bond.
  “I do want to”, I said quietly “but I understand what you’re saying…I can’t say that I know what is happening between us yet.”
  His head bobbed up and down slowly, “I ken…”
  Jamie raked his hand over his jaw and made a grunting sound, he turned to face me, resting his upper body on his elbows, his face determined. “ Claire if you ever do lie with me again, I want it to be right, that we have time…not with fifty people outside yer bedroom door one of them being yer best friend wearing yer knickers, never mind yer ex” he said smiling.
  I laughed and he grinned down at me snorting himself, “suppose it wouldn’t do to hear me crying out in pleasure during Rupert’s birthday…he would never forgive me.”
  “Ach he would only be jealous he dinna get laid on his birthday” giving me an owlish wink and a raspy chuckle low in his voice. He flopped back down beside me. We lay on our backs side by side in silence listening to each other’s breathing regulate.
  Eventually Jamie shifted on the bed a little, adjusting his jeans down near his crotch.
  “So Fraser…you just talked yourself out of a shag after a two year drought huh?”
  He snorted, and turned his head to the side to look at me.
  “Aye, I’m a fucking idiot.” I couldn’t stop the laughter building up in me and it took me a while to compose myself again leaving a heady kind of feeling between my own legs.
  “I am glad I amuse ye at least” he said leaning back up on his elbow to look down at me.
  “I’m sorry” I replied biting my lip to curb my smile.
  He traced his fingers over my mouth, hunger still plain on his face. “yer worth it” he said huskily.
  I wriggled a little closer to him, “so two years… “I’m impressed!”
  His mouth lifted at the edges into a smirk “well if my blue balls impress ye…I am glad of it.”
  We stared at each other for a while, Jamie’s eyes roamed down my body, before he exhaled and sat up on the bed “c’mon Sassenach as much as I want to, it’s no doing me any good lying next to ye.”
  I reached tentatively for his forearm drawing him back down to me.
  “Jamie” I said in barely a whisper…”let me look after you?” I ran my hand down over the front of his jeans where his erection was still evident under my hand. He looked at me and then down at his own crotch where my hand rested. His eyes widened, shaking his head he stammered out “no Claire…I dinna want…ye dinna need to …”
  “I want to”, I said edging closer and raising myself up slightly to rest on my forearm.
  Jamie looked at me pleadingly, “Claire its ok” he whispered.  I ignored his protestations, sliding the length of my body against him, “just relax.” Jamie stilled and swallowed hard, I could see the fight dissipate out of him when my body made contact with him.
  He gave me a slight nod of his head and bit his bottom lip as  I slowly opened the top button of his jeans and ran the zipper down, sliding my hand in and under his jeans and underwear. When I took him in my hand, his breath hitched and he flopped down on the bed letting out a groan, “fuck” he breathed.
  “I gently started my movements, leaning down over his body, he locked eyes with me and the intensity in them almost blew me away.
  I licked my bottom lip and smiled at him, so he knew I was enjoying it. I stroked him up and down, his breathing started to come short, hitching in his throat. Jamie’s hips started moving off the bed to aid my hand. Suddenly he ran his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me down to him, kissing me languidly, a wetness flooding between my legs just watching his desire build under me.
  His touch slowly roamed down over my stomach to my hips and he rocked me against him as I held his cock between us, Jamie’s mouth fell open against mine as I swallowed each delicious groan and moan falling from his mouth. His fingers climbed and climbed until they reached the hem of my dress, he slowly ran them up my thigh, pressing deeply into the soft skin there, almost clawing into me.
  Suddenly he pulled away, “Claire” he moaned… I didn’t know he was asking me a question until I heard him repeat my name again. ”Claire…can I touch ye?” he bit his bottom lip trying to control the sounds coming from his mouth, “please?” I nodded and he ran his hand up and under my skirt, gaining entrance to my slit under a frivolous pair of knickers that would have caught Gellis’s eye had I not been wearing them, when he ran his finger inside me, my head fell back and I let out a mewling noise that made me blush before trying and failing to gain control what came out of my mouth.
  Jamie pushed a second finger in and made a whimpering noise low in his throat, “Christ…ye are so wet… ye have no idea how good ye feel.”
  This undid me all altogether and my hips began riding his hand, he rolled up on top of me leaving enough room for me to keep stroking  him but to allow our hips to move in a rhythm against each other. My belly was clenching tightly and I shut my eyes reveling in his touch. Part of my mind wanted to take his cock and guide it into me, but the small part of my brain that was functioning knew why I couldn’t
  Our movements quickened, breaths hissing from our lungs, Jamie’s eyes snapped open and he looked down at me intensely.  “Claire….fuck Claire…I’m gonna come…on ye…” he choked out, I could see him trying to hold himself back.
  “Come then.” I bit his bottom lip and his movements became erratic as did his fingers inside me…he hooked them in and rapidly moved them hitting my clit over and over again, until I was aware of nothing and no one around me as my own release spread from deep in my tummy, warm liquid gushed down my hand and wrist and ultimately over the creases of my dress that were hiked up around my waist. Jamie flopped down on top of me. Groaning “oh fuck…I’m sorry.” In a flurry of words and whispers.
  I kissed him gently “will you stop saying sorry” I scolded.
  He mumbled something into my neck before lifting himself and sitting up on his hunches. Looking down at me “Yer dress Claire”
  “I have another black one I can put on…” I smiled coyly.
We cleaned up and sheepishly made our way back out to the party, a lovely heat coursing through my body which was colouring my cheeks a shade of pink to match Jamie’s, my legs still had a slight tremble and I was afraid people would notice my knees knocking.
I spotted Cathal asleep in an armchair, Gellis and her new beau standing watch over him, she rolled her eyes and beckoned me to her. I touched Jamie lightly on the arm and said “I better go see what is happening.” He took his que and joined Rupert and his friends in another corner of the room.
Nobody seemed to notice our disappearance, but when I reached Gellis she looked at me sceptically and said “did ye see that the wee fox is ok then?”
I smiled shyly “I did.”
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hey could you please make a moodboard for a Guzma from Pokespe Su/Mo who ran a grittier, more realistic gang take on Team Skull? Likes urban aesthetic, weapons, fire, and colours like purple, black and grey.
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Pairing - Tattoo!Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Prompt - Tattoo Shop
Summary - You’re dying to get your first tattoo but your anxiety has other plans. Could your new neighbor be the answer to all your problems?
Warnings - n/a, just adorable fluff, y’all should be used to that by now!
Word Count - 3483
Notes - Created for @bionic-buckyb AU writing challenge! Congrats on 5K Kait! I’ve got lots of thank yous to hand out:  To @angryschnauzer for creating this amazing tattoo!Bucky moodboard for me, to @the-witching-hours12-3 for all of her help with my tattoo questions because I am clueless, to @dianelogan for always encouraging me and reading my stuff, to @bucky-plums-barnes for creating punk edits of Seb (links to originals HERE and HERE) that I stumbled upon and happily used for inspiration, and to the slo-mo tattoo video from Smarter Every Day for helping me visualize some very important details.
My Masterlist
“I don’t think I can do this…” No way were you gonna be able to hide the nervousness in your voice, especially not from your best friend.
“Come on, (Y/N). You’ve been talking about getting a tattoo for ages, now is the time! I promised you a birthday surprise and this is it. I’m paying for the tattoo AND I’m here for moral support, you can totally do this.” Nat was practically dragging you down the street as you began to feel more and more anxious about what was about to happen.
Before you had time to protest again she had yanked you inside a small tattoo shop. The first thing you noticed was how bright it was. You heard classic rock pumping out of some speakers off to the side but it did little to distract you from the constant buzzing sound that in your head seemed to be getting louder and louder with each passing second. Glancing around you saw several people with varying degrees of ink on display, both giving and receiving tattoos and having multiple conversations. The buzzing sound was getting louder and you felt your chest tightening, it was getting harder and harder to catch your breath. Just before you turned and  shot out the door you had the vague sense of someone asking Nat if you were okay.
You slumped down just out of sight around the corner of the building in a dim alleyway, eyes shut tight, attempting to regulate your breathing. You focused on the feel of the bricks digging into your back, the sound of traffic passing by, the smell of the bakery next door. “(Y/N)?” You felt Nat squat down next to you and place a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Tears began to prick behind your eyelids. “I’m so sorry…” you groaned in frustration. “I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe I embarrassed myself and you in front of all those people.”
“Oh sweetie, it’s fine. I’m sure most of them didn’t even notice and the guy I was talking to said this sort of thing happens all the time.” She leans in to hug you. “I’m the one who should be sorry for pushing you when you clearly weren’t ready. Just promise me that you won’t give up on the idea? I know when you’re ready you’re going to be so glad you did it.”
You opened your eyes and pulled back to give her a watery smile. “Alright, I won’t totally abandon the idea.”
“Good,” Nat smiled back. “Now, how about we take that tattoo money and spend it on margaritas and pedicures?”
You attempted to blow a stray lock of hair out of your eyes as you struggled through the lobby door of your new apartment building. Most of the move had happened over your birthday weekend but a few boxes still lingered at your old place. Thankfully, you were currently holding the last box, the one that made it official.
You looked up to see the elevator doors beginning to close. “Noooo! No, no, no, no, no,” you chanted to yourself as you shuffled quickly towards the elevator. At the last possible second a hand stuck out to grab the door, pulling it back open and you hurried inside.
“Oh my gosh thank you so much,” you blurted in a rush, adjusting your hold on the box.
“Sure thing,” a gorgeous male voice drawled out next to you. “Need any help with that?”
“Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that…”
“Really, it’s no trouble,” said your elevator savior as he lifted the box right out of your hands.
“Thank you,” you blushed slightly glancing his way hoping he didn’t see but his face was mostly hidden by the contents of the box. You went to press the button for your floor only to find it already lit up. “Oh, we must live on the same floor!”
“Well, that’ll make delivering this box even more convenient,” your mystery man said. “I’m in 4b. You?”
“4a. I just moved in last weekend.”
“That explains why I didn’t see you. I worked a couple extra shifts last weekend.”
The elevator dinged and you led the way as the doors opened, quickly unlocking your door and kicking some empty boxes out of the way. “You can set it right here, um… hey, I don’t even know your name yet!”
“It’s James. But my friends and neighbors call me Bucky.”
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He turns and you finally get a good look at him. Dark hair, kind eyes, well built… Your eyes are drawn to his left arm which is completely covered in beautiful and intricate tattoos from his wrist to past where his sleeve covered his arm. You suddenly realized you were reaching toward them when you caught yourself, blushing. “Um, sorry, I’m (Y/N). Thank you so much for carrying that in for me.”
“Like I said, (Y/N), it was no trouble,” he said with a lopsided smile. “Sorry, this is totally gonna sound like a cheesy line but you look really familiar… are you sure we’ve never met?”
“Um, I don’t think so. Maybe you’ve just seen me around the neighborhood?”
“Maybe… but I’m pretty good with faces, it’ll come to me eventually... Well, it was good to meet you neighbor. Guess I’ll see you around?”
“Y-yeah, for sure,” you stuttered as Bucky turned to walk away. In a moment of uncharacteristic boldness you called out, “Hey, do you want to grab a coffee or something sometime? I really do owe you one…”
Bucky flashed you another gorgeous smile. “I’d like that. Tomorrow morning okay? I always stop at that coffee place on the corner on my way to work.”
“Works for me.” You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face.
“It’s a date. I’ll come by around 8:00. See you then.” With wink and a smile he was gone.
Bucky held open the door to the coffee shop as you slipped through and fell into step beside him. From the moment you saw his face that morning you felt at ease, all your nervousness gone by the time you had ordered your drinks. He was funny, kind, easy on the eyes, and it didn’t hurt that he let you do most of the talking, asking you questions about your life, your job, and your friends. You probably wouldn’t admit to dragging your feet but you really didn’t want your time together to come to an end.
“Well, this is me,” Bucky came to a stop in front of a vaguely familiar storefront.
“Y-you work here?” Looking up you came to the chilling realization that this was the very same tattoo shop that you had run from the previous weekend.
“Actually, I… whoa, hey are you okay?” Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed as he turned toward you and saw the terrified look on your face. You turned your gaze toward him just in time to see his concerned look transform into one of recognition. “It’s you! I knew I’d seen you before. You’re the girl that ran out of my shop last weekend!”
You covered your face with your hands, attempting to hide the flame of embarrassment creeping into your cheeks. The only thing that stopped you from bolting was the feeling of Bucky gently taking you by the arm.
“(Y/N)?” He pulled you towards him carefully. “That was you, wasn’t it? Please, don’t be embarrassed. Like I told your friend, things like that happen all the time.”
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes. “I can’t imagine what you think of me. I completely freaked out, just from walking in the door! I mean, who does that?”
“Believe it or not, lots of people react in different ways to getting a tattoo. Once, I was all set to give a tattoo to this huge dude, a linebacker or something. He was all about it until the second the needle touched him. Passed out cold. RIght there in the chair.”
You peeked through your fingers, slowly lowering your hands. “Really?”
“Really,” he said, giving you a reassuring smile. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Promise,” he said as he pulled you into a hug.
You were pleasantly surprised to find yourself calming down almost instantly as you inhaled his scent and felt the warmth of his arms around you. A sigh escaped your lips, one you hoped Bucky didn’t hear.
You felt him chuckle before you heard it and knew you’d been caught. He pulled back from you slightly. “Better?” he asked with one of those smiles he was quickly becoming famous for.
“Better,” you replied with a shy smile of your own, secretly enjoying the fact that Bucky had yet to let go of you.
Your mind suddenly clicked with something Bucky had said. “Wait, did I hear you right? Did you say ‘my shop’ as in this place belongs to you? You’re the owner?”
“Yup,” he said matter-of-factly, looking up at the sign, “she’s my pride and joy, in case you couldn’t tell by all the ink I’m sporting.”
“Wow, that’s awesome. Aaaaand now I suddenly feel even worse for running out of there.” You looked around nervously at everything but his face.
“Hey now, don’t worry about it, really,” he gave you an extra comforting squeeze. “Listen (Y/N), I had a really nice time this morning. Maybe we could hang out again? Soon?”
You looked up, finally meeting his eyes and seeing the sincerity and hope there. “I’d really like that, neighbor,” you said with a grin.
Over the next few weeks you and Bucky were inseparable. You were constantly hanging out at each other’s apartments, sometimes going out but mostly just preferring to stay in and spend time together. You were really enjoying getting to know Bucky and building your friendship but neither one of you had really defined whatever this was between you. He’d never tried to kiss you even though you could have sworn he was about to a couple times. You just chalked that up to wishful thinking. Some of your favorite times were when it was late and you found yourselves cuddled up together on the couch watching a movie.
It was on one of those nights that Bucky brought up the subject of tattoos again. “(Y/N)?”
“Mmm-hmm?” you murmured sleepily.
“Ah, I was… well I was wondering if you’d like to come by the shop tomorrow?”
You sat up and gave him a questioning look. “And why would you want me to do that?”
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I-I’ve just been thinking a lot about what you told me. About how you really want a tattoo but your anxiety is holding you back and well… I think I might be able help with that.”
“Bucky… you know what happened last time. I have no plans to make a fool out of myself all over again.
“I know! I would never ever want you to feel like that again,” he said hurriedly, “I was just thinking about maybe taking things slow, exposing you to different things in the shop one at a time so that you aren’t bombarded with everything all at once.”
You were quiet, considering his words for a moment. You had to admit, this plan might work. And if anyone could succeed in helping you stay calm it was Bucky. Plus, your desire to get a tattoo hadn’t faded so you were definitely motivated. “Alright, I trust you Bucky. Let’s do this,” you said with a brave smile.
“Great,” he pulled you in for a hug and kissed your forehead. You were grateful for the dim lighting to hide your blush as you settled into his side and finished the movie.
As promised, Bucky was waiting for you outside the shop the next day just after closing.
“So,” you said, wringing your hands nervously, “what’s the plan?”
Immediately noticing your discomfort, Bucky took your hands in his. “Why don’t we just walk in first, then we can play it by ear, okay?”
You took a deep breath and nodded. Bucky led the way, still holding one of your hands in his.
Entering the shop you were greeted by a much different atmosphere than before. It was quiet, no music and of course no people. Bucky had turned out all the lights except for a couple of lamps around the edges of the shop. He gave your hand a squeeze, silently checking in with you and grounding you in the moment. “I’m.... good. Yeah, good...” you smiled up at him. “How about a tour?”
Beaming at you Bucky slowly led you around the perimeter of the shop, drawing your attention to the photography on the wall and away from the tattoo equipment. All of the photos were very artistic, featuring some phenomenal tattoo work but not in a blatant or basic way. Bucky pointed out a couple that he had done and named the artists who worked for him that had done the others. You continued to walk slowly around the shop hand in hand and before you knew it you were back up at the front.
“So far so good?” Bucky asked carefully. You nodded with a smile. “Ready for phase two or do you want to call it a night?”
Looking into Bucky’s eyes you felt a familiar sense of calm wash over you, just like the calm you felt that first night when he hugged you. You took a deep breath before answering, “I’m think I’m alright... what’s next?”
“Before we do anything else I need to know a little bit more about the tattoo you want to get,” Bucky said. “Basically where on your body that you want it.”
“Well, I know I want it somewhere where I can see it anytime I want so... no spots covered by clothing or any that I’d need a mirror for. Um, I was kinda thinking the inside of my wrist?”
“Sounds perfect,” Bucky responded, pulling you slowly toward the center of the shop. “I’m gonna have you sit down how you would if I was about to give you a tattoo, okay? Remember, we can stop anytime, just say the word.”
Bucky guided you over to a chair taking a seat beside you, still facing you, still holding your hand. He rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb for reassurance. He took his time, explaining how the first thing he would do is talk about a design with you. He would sketch it out and when you were happy he would transfer that sketch onto your wrist before starting the tattoo.
“Wanna see how the machine works?” Bucky asked.
You looked at the small table where the equipment was all laid out and swallowed nervously. “It looks so, clinical. Not quite what I expected…”
“Picturing more of a medieval torture device?” He chuckled and picked up the gloves. “I take the health and safety part of my job very seriously, doll,” he said with a wink as he put on the gloves and picked up a small packet. “Everything that comes in contact with you is clean and sterile. I promise, you’re in good hands.” He assembled all the parts and explained the basics of how the machine worked. “I’m gonna turn it on now, okay? Just so you can get used to the noise.”
You nodded and mentally braced yourself. The machine came to life with the same buzzing sound you remembered from that first day. Instantly you were transported back in time and your body began to react. You tensed up in the chair as your breathing became more rapid and shallow.
“Hey, hey look at me,” Bucky urged, turning off the machine and setting it down to rub his hands up and down your arms. You looked at him, noting the concern and caring etched onto his face and struggled to take a deep breath. He scooted closer to you, pulling you in until your foreheads touched. “Breathe with me, (Y/N). I’ve got you.” You focused on Bucky, slowly syncing your breathing, feeling your body relax again. “Maybe we should stop,” he said. “I-I’ve pushed you too hard, we should-”
“No!” you interrupted him, pulling back to look him in the eyes, “No, I’ve come this far. I don’t wanna give up now. It’s just, I don’t know, the anticipation of it, you know? It’s always worse than what actually ends up happening. I know that in the logical part of my brain but my subconscious and my body have other ideas…”
Bucky thought for a moment. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course,” you replied, without hesitation.
“If anticipation of the thing is what is holding you back then maybe you should jump that hurdle as quickly as possible. I can let you feel what getting a tattoo is like without actually giving you a tattoo.”
“Really?” you said nervously.
“It’ll be just like getting a tattoo, but I won’t use any ink. The feeling will be exactly the same.”
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Okay, let’s do it. Quick, before I think too hard about it.”
He smiled and repositioned your arm, scooting even closer. “I’m gonna try it here, on your upper arm. It’s less sensitive than your wrist and it’ll be much easier for you to see what I’m doing. Ready?”
“Now or never,” you said and braced yourself again. Bucky started up the machine, it was buzzing like before but this time you were more prepared. He held your arm with one hand and positioned the machine with the other. You held your breath as he pressed it into your arm. You felt pressure and pain, but not anything too overwhelming, almost like someone was scratching you hard with the lead of a mechanical pencil. It only lasted a few seconds before Bucky shut it off and set the machine down.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked.
“I-I did it! I really did it! And I didn’t pass out or anything! Take that, linebacker!” Your excitement gave you such a rush and the enormous smile on your face was quickly mirrored by the one on Bucky’s. “Thank you so much!” you exclaimed, leaning forward and kissing him suddenly, without thinking.
You pulled back, shocked at your reaction and blushing with embarrassment, looking away so you didn’t have to see Bucky’s face. “I can’t believe I just did that! I’m so sorry, I was just caught up in the moment and, and…” your ramblings were interrupted by Bucky placing his hand on your cheek, turning your face to look at him.
“Don’t be sorry, doll. We shoulda done that a long time ago.” And he pulled you in for another kiss, one that you happily reciprocated.
You blinked sleepily as the sunlight filtered in through your curtains, bathing your bedroom in the soft morning light. Smiling you admired your new tattoo. It was finally done healing, small and beautiful, some might even say a bit cliche but that tiny purple butterfly just inside your left wrist meant a lot to you. It was a symbol of a fresh start that was a long time coming for you. New job, new apartment, new chapter of your life, this tattoo represented all of that for you and it never failed to bring a smile to your face when you saw it.
The mattress shifted as Bucky rolled over to place small kisses along your shoulder up to your neck. “Morning, beautiful,” he murmured against your skin. “Admiring my work again?”
“I can’t help it,” you said, rolling over to face him. “You are just so good with your hands.” Grinning you tilted your face up for a kiss, reaching up to thread your fingers through his hair. “In fact, I was just thinking about where my next tattoo should be.”
“Next tattoo? You hooked already, doll?” he asked, teasingly. “What did you have in mind?”
“Hmm… still working on the what, it’s the where I need your help with. Got any ideas?”
“Well, you could get one here…” He dipped down to kiss and suck lightly next to your collarbone. “Or here…” He brought your forearm to his lips, trailing kisses from your wrist to the crook of your elbow. “Or maybe here…” He moved slowly down to nip at your hipbone then slid down and lifted your leg to plant kisses just above your ankle. “Possibly here… any of these feel right to you?” he said cheekily.
“Maybe,” you smiled. “I just can’t decide...”
“Well then,” he said, grinning as he eased his way back up your body, “I’ll just have to keep exploring until we find just the right spot.”
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TAG LIST: (I know y’all didn’t ask for it but I’m a sharing kinda gal!) @avengerofyourheart @buckyywiththegoodhair @beccaanne814-blog @imaginingbucky @cate-lynne @therealjamesbarnes @supersoldier-buckybarnes @ilovebeingjoyful @musichowler
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seouldsoul2kpop · 7 years
6| The Purge
Trailer| Moodboard | Prev | Next
Characters: Jungkook x reader| BTS| ft. Got7 Mark
Summary: For one day, every year, killing is legal, and you’ll kill anyone as long as the price is right. He’ll kill anyone as long as his orders tell him so. Both of you are the top purgers in the business, but what happens if your name ends up on his kill list? What happens if you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to kill Jeon Jungkook?
Warnings: None
Word count: 2,123
A/N: The moment has finally come! Please let me know what you think
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Jungkook & Y/N
She looked peaceful lying there, her features giving no real indication that she was anything but an innocent, ordinary girl living out her youth. I couldn’t help myself from watching her sitting there. Everything about her looked at ease despite the chaos brewing outside her apartment, from the way her chest calmly rose and fell with every breath she took to the loose grip she held on her gun. I smirked, fully aware that she had been waiting for me this entire time. It suddenly didn’t seem right to slit her throat without her knowledge, but then again, I wasn’t the one being vulnerable while waiting for someone to kill me.
I could feel him as soon as he entered the room. Although he moved soundlessly amongst the shadows, there was a shift in the atmosphere too obvious to ignore. I waited, waited for him to do anything that would prompt me to attack, but as the time passed, all I could feel was the weight of his gaze on me. I could feel him hovering over me, watching me with eager eyes. I would have laughed, but I knew he thought I was oblivious to his presence. I was curious to see what he would do. Would he be a sport, and let me have a fighting chance, or was he the kind of guy to take me out while I was unaware? Part of me didn’t want to find out, but the truth was, I knew the answer to that question; he only proved me right as I listened to him walk away.
I walked over to her glass wall, waiting for her to stop playing whatever game she was playing. The image of her smiling at the cameraman in that picture reminded me of how sly she could be. If she had been waiting for me, she wouldn’t waste her time sleeping.
I pulled my blade out, letting it dangle by my side as I looked at the skyline, even with bodies scattered along the streets, and fires igniting from the darkest of places, the city still had an air of peace about it.
I opened my eyes, quietly turning my head towards his back as he moved further away from me. I could feel the anger boiling inside of me, ready to spill over any second as I sat up, quietly getting to my feet as I pointed my gun at his back. I had every mind to shoot him before he could have the chance to beg for his life, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that that would be too easy for him, and the last thing I wanted was to go easy on him.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” I spoke softly, disrupting the tension that was ever growing between us.
He turned his head towards me, his blade catching my eye as it shimmered against the moonlight. He smiled, and without my consent, a heat rose in my stomach, knotting the longer he smiled at me.
“Is that so?”
She looked emotionless as she aimed her gun at me. I was sure I would be just another kill on her list of names, but I could see it in her eyes that I wasn’t simply a name to scratch off her kill list; something burned inside of her that was dark, and mediated. It was almost as if she’d been waiting for this moment.
My eyes burned just looking at him, the thought of finally seeing him after all this time finally grabbing hold of my sanity. I dropped my gun on the couch, pulling a butterfly knife from my pockets, and flipping it out from hiding. I clenched onto my blade, fully aware that I was the only one who saw the truth. I laughed, the sound felt venomous, even to me, as it bounced between us.
“You don’t remember me…do you?”
I turned my body towards her, taking her in. I wanted to say I remembered her, something told me she needed me to remember her, but there was something missing. I tilted my head to the side, my grip loosening on my knife as I tried to remember her face. I could hear voices, and in my mind, there were blurred images of a time I’d long pushed away, but she suddenly seemed like the most familiar person in the world.
I clenched my jaw just as I realized he had no idea who I was. I scoffed, of course he wouldn’t remember me. I didn’t stand out enough for a killer like him.
“Lucky you,” I whispered, gripping onto my knife until my hand hurt, “I wish I could have the luxury of forgetting all the people I’ve killed. Surely, I’d sleep even better at night,” I watched as his fingers regained their tight hold on his own knife, and I couldn’t help but smirk.
“You know why I’m here,” he smiled.
I chuckled, “Tell me, Jeon Jungkook…”
How did she know my name?
I paused to see the confusion spike in his eyes, “How well did you sleep the night you killed my parents?”
I took a step back, the full weight of who she was came back to me before I could fight it.
His body stiffened as the words left my mouth, and I found myself licking my lips just admiring his reaction. If he didn’t know before, he definitely knew who I was now. I could see it as he took a step back, and how his eyes seemed to glaze over seconds after that. It seemed as good a time as any as I ran to him, ready to draw blood before he could catch himself, but he was only stunned for a second before he was dodging my advances.
He grabbed my wrist as I was about to give him a back handed stab, but at the corner of my eye, I could see him raising his knife to strike; before he could, I twisted my body, kicking the spot behind his knee. He fell on one knee as I wrapped my arm around his throat, blade digging gently into his jugular. However, as quickly as I had him, he elbowed me in the stomach, pushing my arm away before it could do any real damage. I grabbed at my abdomen as he straightened himself up, shifting his blade in his hands as he watched me.
I didn’t want to believe she was who she said she was. After all this time, I didn’t expect her to come back, nor did I expect her to live after what happened that night. She was tougher than I’d imagined her to be.
She glared at me as she wrapped her arm around her stomach. The look in her eyes was dark, set in the frame that she would kill me tonight, even if some of her blood had to be spilt. I smiled, it had been awhile since I’d had a real fighter. I watched her let go of her stomach, adjusting her position to prepare for me to make a move. I couldn’t resist her invitation as I plunged forward.
It was a blur of her knocking away my advances, and me knocking away hers, until she kicked me back against the glass walls. We paused, her ankle in the palm of one of my hands as the other held my knife to her thigh. Her gaze fell to my knife before meeting mine. She grinned at me for a moment before I pushed her away, and I returned her grin as she regained her balance. I pushed myself off her wall, ready for another attack, but what came only excited me more. She rushed for me, but just before reaching me, she crouched down, sweeping her leg under my own, and I went crashing to the ground. Before I could think, she was straddling me, her knife digging back into my neck. I smiled, realizing I had lost my knife in the altercation. She returned the smile.
“Did you lose something?” she tilted her head to the side mockingly.
His chest heaved beneath me as he stared up at me with an entertained look. I had a knife to his throat, and he couldn’t have looked more pleased. It took a moment, but I suddenly registered the unmistakable red spatters across his face. I felt nothing except spiteful as I realized I wasn’t his first purge of the night. I wanted to slit his throat, and watch him painfully bleed out beneath me; I wanted to feel him fighting to breathe, and the deep sigh as he took his last breath. I wanted all that and more.
“You don’t want to kill me,” he said smugly.
“Enlighten me Jungkook, why don’t I want to kill you?”
He was silent as he stared up at me, his features growing more serious the longer we sat in the silence. He wasn’t going to tell me why I didn’t want to kill him because we both knew the answer to that question. Suddenly, he smiled, and it took me a split second to understand what was going on, but it was a second too late. Our bodies rolled, shifting our positions, and forcing me to look at him leaning over me, his legs on either side of mine. He pressed my wrists against the floor, squeezing tighter as he leaned closer, close enough for me to feel his breath on my face. I squirmed, but his weight overpowered my own.
I didn’t owe anybody anything. She didn’t have anyone left to remember her, I’d made sure of that, but there was a pang in my chest. I couldn’t quite name what it was, but as I looked at her watching me, her eyes brewing pure hatred, and an absolute yearning to kill me, I couldn’t ignore the feeling I had ignored so many times before. She wasn’t just another name on my list. The only thing was, I still had a job to do, and my life depended on me finishing it. Then again, she would do everything she could to kill me even if this year couldn’t be the year.
“I know you know why I’m here,” I said, attempting to ignore the feeling growing inside of me. Her jaw clenched, “So why don’t you tell me where those files are so I can be on my way,” I leaned slightly closer, “After all, the night is still young.”
“Here’s the thing, I don’t care who buys that information from me. I only have one job this year, and I’m looking right at him,” she grinned, “Besides, I have someone who will pay a pretty penny for the information I’ve got on Mark. So, unless you can top that, you’re not getting that information back.”
I chuckled. Despite the situation we were in, I couldn’t help the burning desire growing in my stomach.
He squeezed tighter on my wrists, making me hiss. In that moment, there was something vacant in his eyes, but there was also something dark and hungry even. An unwelcome spark burned in my stomach when I realized there was something all too familiar about the darkness in his eyes. I turned my head away, trying to remind myself of the bitter, metallic taste that refused to leave my mouth as soon as he walked in.
He suddenly sighed, letting go of my wrists as he got to his feet. All I could do was lay there, a look of surprise gracing my features before I quickly replaced it with a smoldering glare. I looked up at him, towering above me, and he returned my look with a thoughtfulness that brought warmth to the coldness deep-rooted inside of me. I clenched my fist, pushing it away as he swiftly went to pick his knife up. I watched him carefully, he stared at his reflection in his knife for a minute, and then he looked at me; he had a fire of his own brewing in his eyes, different from my own.
“I’ll make you a deal,” he suddenly spoke.
“What kind of deal?” I questioned as I rose to my feet.
I watched him place his knife back where it belonged before turning his whole body towards me. His expression was emotionless, reminding me of a look he once gave me. Then he smiled, a dark and sinister smile that breathed only the cruelest of intentions.
  “You kill my father, and everything he’s ever loved,” he whispered, “And you can kill me however you’d like.”
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  I hope you had a good day, and are finally managing some sleep!  Congrats on figuring some stuff out for that original novel you’re planning!  Also, I’m gonna have to go back through some of your posts about wolf behavior again, because I keep getting vague ideas of how to use some of the info, then not writing it down for later.  ’>.>  And I don’t know what that gifset of the two dudes dancing is from, but it’s definitely getting added to the “stuff to go over to get inspired to work on IYWTD again”
Also, wtf was up with the dumbass in the bay leaf discussion?  Did they actually read any of it at all?  Did they just see you say you were white and their brain function shut down?  I don’t understand why people have to react to everything with such rage and hatred all the time anymore.  Like, yeah, shit’s stupid crazy and rough for everyone these days.  That should make you kinder, not meaner.  Goddamn.
That gifset of Bucky from the Falcon and Winter Soldier trailer was so pretty, but also made me laugh because my brain would not stop playing “walk, walk, fashion baby” on repeat.  XD
And that story of your friend’s about Peter and chihuahuas sounds hysterical.  May I offer the idea of them being long-haired chihuahuas?  Especially if we’re talking a Peter with more of a Season One look?  Because, I mean, just look at these adorable floofs.  Can you picture Peter with a tiny army of those (especially the dark brown)?  He could get them all their own little v-necks.  They could all be named after Japanese movie monsters.  Or fashion designers.  Or, no, wait, the various Robins/assorted Batkids (how could he pass up an excuse to name one Dick? XD )  God, now I wish I could draw again, just to make a picture of him taking them all for a walk, them all in little harnesses that look like v-necks, him in one of those “I’m the Alpha” t-shirts, leashes in one hand, Starbucks in the other, not a single fuck to be given in sight.  XD  (And I know it’s intended as a Gen fic, but my brain can’t help but see Noah finding it equal parts hysterical and adorable, especially anytime Peter drops by the station to offer their services as sniffer dogs, and all the deputies lose their absolute minds over all the cuteness.  [Peter knows they would do an excellent job.  He’s trained them himself after all.]  Bonus points if he used the Bat-names and the one named after Barbara Gordon took an extreme liking to Noah. Stiles can always use a little sister.) @for-the-love-of-wolves
Sorry, perils of my job include going a bit overboard on things about animals…
And that new preview is SO CUTE!  Oh, Peter, you are so ridiculous, and so incorrigible.  Poor Noah.  XD  He is so put-upon.  And stronger than me, because how could you say no to that face?  XD  I’m SUPER curious to see how you’re changing and diverging from canon, and how it will affect everyone’s relationships.  Also how you’re bringing in Malia (at least, from the moodboard I assume she shows up at some point?)  SO EXCITED!!!
Also, I was thinking more about goth Chris, because my brain just won’t let things go (see: the whole lingerie thing), so I went looking for some examples of things they could get him to kinda sneak it into his wardrobe a little at a time.  Like this shirt (zoom in on some of the other pics to really see the pattern in the fabric) (also, damn, he’d look good in that shirt.)  Or this jacket in his more traditional style but a more luxurious fabric.  This seemingly simple vest with the detailing that can be hidden under a blazer or jacket, but he’d know it was there.  As he starts feeling more comfortable with adding it occasionally, maybe some velvet blazers in deep jewel tones to really make those eyes pop.  Maybe a few fancier items for date nights.  And maybe something like this (without the shirt under it of course) just for Noah and Peter to see (such a lovely visual, isn’t it? ;D )  Also, this doesn’t quite fit the same vibe, but part of me REALLY wants one of them to get him this coat, because I just can’t let the silver fox thing go, and lbr, it would look PHENOMENAL on him.
Also, during my search, came across this excellent option for Noah.
Anyway, sorry for all the links, I got a little carried away again (as one does.  Or at least as this one does…)  I hope you are feeling okay, and have at least managed some food and some rest (I still see posts popping up randomly, so I’m less certain about sleep, but rest can be helpful sometimes, too.)  I hope today goes well, and that you feel proud of whatever you accomplish (even if that’s just getting through the day.)  Take care, try to eat something and hydrate occasionally!  *Hugs!*
Hey B! I hope you’re doing alright and that work’s treating you okay. 
I definitely can’t wait to see what kind of shenanigans the guys are up to in IFWTD and I’m very curious about the construction chapter! Also yeah, writing a lot of that stuff down is probably a good idea (though I forget to do it too tbh XD).
Dude from the bay leaf turned out to be a self proclaimed Radfem adjacent SSA Gay? And had some very transphobic and Islamophobic language on his blog, so anything he says is no longer relevant or valid imo.
oh god now I’m hearing it too XD Tbf Sebastian Stan is very pretty and he’d walk it just fine <3
I have a feeling gushing over Peter and his army of chihuahuas is something we can all agree on is very necessary at the moment. (I have no idea if that is a sentence since my brain is just very- weird at the moment with the English language.)
But yeah that would be adorable really <3
I have about 2,000 words written for it and the way I’m diverting from canon is something I’m exploring right now. I think the best way to describe it is; Peter did not kill Laura himself (but he did want to confront her.) She was mortally wounded by hunters, got away briefly, found Peter in the woods and although he was angry he saw she was already dying from her wounds. Laura transferred her spark to Peter willingly to keep the Hale spark alive and died in Peter’s arms. 
Peter then ran before the hunters could get to him. Laura’s body was then mutilated by the hunters and cut in half. Confused and trying to hide, Peter ran into Scott several hours later and bit the boy in confusion. Turning him and setting the events in motion that we know off. Also dragging Stiles in everything.
Peter starts killing people as per canon, the police department starts investigating. And then Peter escapes the hospital and starts putting pressure on Stiles and Scott. In an effort to win Scott over he grabs Stiles and starts the whole spiel of trying to convince him to get Scott in his pack. But the sheriff catches on that Stiles is not where he’s supposed to be and finds him with a supposed comatose patient. He arrests Peter and brings him over to the station and that’s when we enter the scene I posted a preview for.
The sheriff learns about the supernatural in that interview and suddenly has a whole new world to deal with. 
I’m gonna write Malia and Cora into S2 in this verse, don’t know what I’ll do with Jackson though. If I’ll make him Peter’s son or not. And from that point on it’s Noah trying to rehabilitate Peter Hale, making sure he goes to therapy, and them trying to raise a pack and family.
idk that’s the whole idea behind it anyway? I hope that sounds good? 
AND MY GOD, Goth!Chris is everything and I love every single one of those pieces. Oh it would look so lovely on him, I can just see it too. My god how can Noah and Peter even take their eyes off off the man XD
And no joke, but I kind of want that shirt you picked for Noah but it’s like expensive and that’s not fair XD But yea, that would fit him extraordinarily well XD. <3
Hope you’re okay <3 Mo and I are holding on. Lots of hugs and take care <3
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t-taxiansgf · 2 years
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⠀✉️ㅤㅤ— mo ran icons ♡ 🪷
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୨ ✉️ ᯇ 2ha english trans art, pt 1
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‹𝟹 Mo Ran icons — pt 1
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