#mmm: evil kay
signedarollermain · 4 months
Ugh, I had things to get to today!
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 5 months
You couldn't help but laugh hysterically. Really it was too much sometimes. The poor puppy first year had no idea who they had gotten involved with.
"Shut up!" He yells angrily at you, baring his teeth his tail on alert. You smirked and looked down on him from your perch.
"I didn't lose! There's no way I would have lost to... to... that bastard!" You hummed amused leaning back slightly as you watched.
Baby Bird was trying to calm him down, but Puppy was in denial. "There's no way I'll be their subordinate!" You cover your mouth with your hand as you snicker.
Too cute! He was so upset about losing to Opera. It was just too funny. "Ah, but Opera-sempia even sent you a picture, so... technically, you did."
You want as Puppy throws another tantrum. So upset. "I guess it would upset a dogs pride, losing to a cat and all." You teased.
Kalego growls. "You really have no idea who you're up against. It's adorable." Your taunting obviously getting on the young demons nerves.
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN YOU INSUFFERABLE IMP!" You can't help the cheeky grin as you hear him shout. Too easy.
"Mmm, how should I put it?" You stretch lazily before standing up. Rocking back and forth on your heels as you watch the puppy grow impatient.
"Umm, please, sempia? Will you explain." You can't help but coo when Shichiro asked you. Such cute first years, Opera had claimed. You were almost jealous.
"Well, since you asked so nicely, chibi-chan." You leap down standing next to them. Humming softly as you walked around them.
☆Cruel devil, Cruel devil, if they don't scare you, no evil thing will. To see her is to take a sudden chill☆
You prowl around them both. Your eyes sparkle with mischief. You watched as Kalego bristles. Shichiro watches you cautiously.
☆Cruel, Cruel☆
You croon softly as you stroke Shichiro's face before flicking Kalego's forehead. You sway to the tune, taking Shichiro's arm and leading him into a dance. Twirling him around.
☆He's like a spider waiting for the kill. Look out for that cruel devil.☆
You let go of baby bird and move onto your puppy. You smirk as he scowls at you. But you take the lead dominating the dance. You dip him low to the ground.
☆Now, at first, you think that Opera's just a demon, but after time has worn away the shock. You've come to realize that you've seen their kind of eyes. Watching you from underneath a rock~☆
You smirk and drop Kalego. Letting him hit the ground. You step over him. You swing your hips back and forth. Your body reeling to the beat.
☆A vampire bat. That demonic beast.☆
You jump back up to your ledge, proping yourself against the wall. Twirling a finger in your hair as you cross your legs and continue.
☆Opera ought to be locked up and never released. Your world was such a wholesome place until that cruel, cruel devil~☆
You slid down, lounging across your little nook. "Take my advice, puppy. Don't get impulsive. That's not going to help you. Kay?" You giggle.
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darhknight · 5 months
X-Men 97 Reaction
Reacting to Episode 7. Bright Eyes
Spoliers under the cut. Do not read unless you seen the episode or don't care about spoilers. I warned you.
The gravestone and speech from Nightcrawler broke my heart
"He say it was just in the cards" my heartstrings
Every gambler has a tell. Modesty was Gambit's.
Not Jubliee crying. Someone give her a hug
Dad Wolverine to the rescue
Jubliee is right tho. Where the crap is Rogue?
Found her
Love how Nightcrawler knew Rogue was f*cking stuff up. Like that's a good brother.
General Ross? Sir she might kill you be nice
Love how Rogue was like five seconds from fighting Steve and Steve was like 'nah let me just show you what I found and maybe we can work together once I get the ok.'
she said no
then she proceeded to throw his shield into the mountains somewhere
Big Boss Energy
A resort ... mmm Kay. Who's paying his bill guys?
Kick his butt. Kick his butt. Kick his butt
Annnnnd we are back to the other X-men
Love how the same mutants show up everytime in the background
Not the statue heads of Magneto and Charles 😢
Jubliee convincing Reberto to tell his parents. I'm so proud of him. 👏
A little Jean and Scott moment. Good for them they need it.
Why am I not surprised EMMA FROST is the first survivor they find
Also sorry Scott. We know you love Jean and Madelyn. (That's not how her names spelt my bad)
Back to Rogue
Nightcrawler being a good brother
No she's crying.
Their all there for her. I'm so happy
HE Killed Him. He killed Gyrich.
I skipped over Jubliee and Roberto. My bad.
Love how his mom knew
Shes like honey if your weren't a mutant I be concerned
'It was your secret to tell.'
'Spriters anyone?' Like ma'am. You just made a reference to him maybe not seeing Jubliee anymore and your offering drinks?
Back to the other X-men
Forgot to mention how much I enjoyed watching Trask tell them the truth
Also Morph being like 'He created the master mold let's like not trust him.' Aka he's evillll. 😈
Sleeping GAS
(Notice as I was typing this that I have the scenes backwards. Whoops)
Is it me or do those robots kinda look like ultron?
Trask really be losing his mind right now. I actually feel bad for him.
Love how Trask is ratting out Sinister tho
Like he took one look at what Sinsiter did and went NOPE. Gonna go rat him out to the group of mutants I have been trying to kill since season one of the original show.
'Is this what we are now?' A great question Morph. The answer is ... complicated.
Dude he knocked Rogue OUT
Love the little Nightcrawler saving Rogue moment. Thank you creators for my fill of sweet siblings.
Morph getting hurt and Wolverine yelling his name
I ship it
Never in my life have I liked Cyclops but this show has changed me
Jean reading his mind to figure it out
'Let's skip the reunion dad.' I'm dying
My son is meeting his son guys. Their meeting!
Oh Sinister is here too I guess.
rip the human race. Bastion gonna turn them all into sentinels. bet.
That Song. I don't know if I hate it or love it.
I don't care if he has facial hair you don't touch him
Also love how Magneto has the mutant collar AND tape over his mouth
Plus cuffs around his hands sticking him to the chair
Like I understand the collar and the chair but like the tape?
This man is the master of magnetism not screaming really loud
Also you be in the middle of nowhere
Who's gonna hear him?
But once again
'Just obey. Just listen. You were made for this.'
Leave Erik alone.
• Maybe a few unfavorable opinions •
Erik is a holocaust victim. And jewish/german. Was treated like crap and Bastion is out here telling him that he was made to obey to be Bastion's plaything?
That he was made to be a Slave
cause I don't know if you all got that vibe from that scene but I definitely did
Especially if you know ANYTHING about Bastion
The guy makes Red Skull look sane
Bro I hope Rogue finds you and tears you a new one
Or Charles.
Or any of the X-men for that matter
Actually in my honest opinion it probably be Wolverine. Like I'm gonna call it right now. If Charles doesn't find Magento telepathically. Five bucks says somehow Wolverine does.
Or Bastion turns Magento into a sentinel
Actually don't do that
Leave my somewhat questionable but trying his best to play nice with humans master of magnetism husband alone.
He deserves better
They all do
Expect Sinister.
He can die in a ditch for all I care
And Bastion ... sadly
For plot reasons we gotta sacrifice Bastion
Sorry bud
Gonna say also that Cable might have to go back in time cause I don't feel like they are going to keep Gambit dead.
But that's just me.
Thanks for reading my ranting
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The Chain
Summary: When the guys get stuck in a situation and hunted down by a drug lord. Frankie makes a call he really doesn’t want to make to the only person that can help them
Words: 2004
Warnings: “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the right age to handle mature themes. We handle our own triggers with kindness and grace
AN: Mind any grammar mistakes even though the story has been checked. The author is dyslexic and it is the wonders of her brain.
AN 2: Ladies and Jellybeans, let me know which day you want me to post and what you think so far. Should I keep going? XxLu
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Part Seven
Santiago walked down the stairs to the smell of bacon and fresh coffee. It kind of felt like a dream. He rounded the corner and saw Gabby at the stove top, moving around to music on the small radio in front of her.
“Geez, look at you Donna Reed”
“I take it that you don’t want some breakfast then?”
“I just didn’t know you were so domesticated”
“Well Garcia. Maybe you don’t know me” she laughed “Sit down”
He looked around wondering where everybody else was but then again it was six in the morning. They were going to need an earthquake to wake Benny. He had walked past Frankie’s room and heard snoozing and God knew where Will had gotten too. If anybody was awake, it was going to be Will.
She walked over to him with a cup of coffee
“You’re looking at me strange” she laughed “What?”
“Nothing bad. It’s nothing”
“What do you want to for breakfast?”
“Whatever you give me”
“Shit on a stick?” she offered “Shit rolled in sugar?”
“I’ll take both”
“Hungry then?” she chuckled, he didn’t. Gabby turned her head to the side and frowned at him “Are you okay?”
“Yeah” he said quietly “Tired, I guess”
“Well, have something to eat and go back upstairs and get some more sleep”
“Yes, Madre”
She rolled her eyes and turned back around only to crack a few eggs and break them into the pan.
“Martha Stewart, Gabby. Is the best Gabby” a voice said from the doorway.
It was Frankie, she didn’t need to turn around to know that. She left the eggs and poured him a cup of coffee. Before walking it over to the table.
“The boys still asleep?”
“I think I heard them shuffling around” Frankie told her yawning “Where's Sebastian?”
“Picking corn"
“Harvesting corn” Santiago told her
She took a deep breath, looked back and smiles at him “You like correcting me, don’t you?”
“Everybody needs a hobby”
“He’s harvesting corn” she told Frankie
“Is he going with you to see Gunner?”
“No, he’s got too much to do here. I’ll just go by myself. It will be fine”
“Frankie, what do you think he’s going to do?” she laughed
“I can go with you” Santiago offered. Gabby and Frankie looked at him quickly “If you want”
“Yeah, if you wanna come to town”
“I’m driving though”
She muttered something under her breath before she turned back around to the stove.
After breakfast and after everyone was taken care of Gabby walked down to the corn field and somehow founded him there with no workers. She smiled to herself because it was so like Sebastian to think that he can hand pick a field of corn by himself.
She sidled up beside him and started picking corn.
“What are you doing?” he chuckled
“Harvesting corn”
“You don’t have too. It’s boring”
“I could do with a little boring right now” she smiled “I’m going to take Garcia with me to go met Gunner”
“Mmm-hmm” he smiled
“Nothing, Luna. Nothing”
“O-kay” she told him confused, continuing to pick corn not looking at him “Will you go to dinner with me tonight?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?”
“A little”
“I’ll always say yes to that”
“There’s food for you in the fridge when you’re ready”
“Be careful, I might get used to you taking care of me”
“All a part of my evil plan”
She smiled and nodded her head, dumped the corn in the basket and wandered off again
When they said the guy’s name was Gunner. Santiago was expecting a tall blonde guy that sounded like the Swedish guy out of the Muppets but he wasn’t. He was a short, dark-haired guy that looked more Italian.
He was also eyeing Gabby like he was starving, and she was a rib-eye.
Instantly Santiago understood where all the concern had been coming from.
They all sat down at a table in an empty restaurant, Gunner across from them.
Damn straight Santiago was feeling territorial.
He draped his arm over the back of her chair. Casually, of course
Gabby didn’t notice, Gunner did.
“So this is a, don’t ask, don’t tell type deal?” Gunner asked smirking “Can I know what I’m moving?”
“Nope” she said sweetly “Better for you if you don’t know”
“What do you need?”
“A plane. Bigger the better”
“I can do that. Where are you guys at?”
“Sebastian’s farm”
“Can’t fly into there”
“Where do you think we can go?” Santiago asked
“Boarder is probably better”
“Gunner” she warned
“It’s abandoned and it has an airfield”
“It’s basically a mass grave”
“Where are we going?” Santiago asked
“Camp Cult” she said impossibly sweetly
“In the Jungle?” he asked
“If you guys can think of a better idea”
“Ugh” she said under her breath “Fine. When?”
“Need a few days. I’ll call once I get the plane and the papers. I have a C-5M that would work”
“We’re still figuring out where we’re flying to”
“You have time” Gunner stood up and smiled at her “You owe me”
“I’m aware”
Santiago frowned as Gunner walked out the door. She smiled at him, trying not to laugh at the protectiveness.
It was amazing how fast men turned into pack animals.
He led her out to the street and even opened her car door for her.
It was the first time in history that had ever happened.
She knew where it was coming from.
As much as they got on each other nerves both Santiago and Gabby had each other’s back.
He was concerned about Gunner, just like Frankie and Sebastian and she understood why. Gunner didn’t know where the line was sometimes, but she knew he wasn’t dangerous. Sure, he could be greedy but if he didn’t know what he was transporting.
They were golden.
Gabby and Santiago were on the road for maybe twenty minutes before anyone spoke 
“Where did you meet this guy?”
“He was smuggling ivory out of Africa when we were there”
“He was smuggling ivory?” Santiago laughed “A little old fashioned don’t you think?”
“It’s still huge. You’d be surprised. It’s still happening, it’s just more difficult now. Then he was smuggling cigarettes into Bosnia from Montenegro. I was in Bosnia, about to go to the Central Africa”
“So, he is a smuggler?”
“Isn’t that what we need?”
“Can we trust him?”
“What does that mean?”
“I have more on him than he does on us, and he knows I’m willing to use it. Frankie’s involved and Sebastian’s involved. Gunner knows the lengths I’m willing to go to keep them safe”
“He’s not going to cross a line?”
“I doubt it”
“He seems a little creepy?”
“Have you been you been talking to Frankie?” she laughed
“One thing that Frankie will always worry about is your safety. Especially, after everything you two have been through. Sebastian seems to feel the same way”
“You’ve met him. What do you think?”
“I think he wants you”
“He can want me all he likes and give us a plane when we need it”
She quickly looked over at him
“It’s going to be fine, Garcia. I promise. I can handle him”
There was so much more he wanted to say. So much that he wanted to ask but he knew it wasn’t his place.
So, he just kept on driving.
Once they had pulled up to the house she was climbing the front steps before she looked at her watch
“Crap. Crap,Crap. Crap!”
Santiago watched her confused as she raced up the stairs taking two at a time then disappearing.
“They have a date in an hour” Benny told him
“With Sebastian?”
“No, with The White Rabbit”
Santiago gave him an annoyed look and shook his head
“I hate that Gunner guy”
“I know” Frankie agreed
“He’s all handsy and in her space and she feed into it”
“Technically she is using him” Will told them “So that would make sense”
“What does he want out of it?” Frankie asked worry all too clear in his voice
“He didn’t say”
They all hoped that money was enough. She was right. How much money was enough
Forty-five minutes later Sabastian walked down the stairs in a suit, minus the tie. Slicked back hair and already for their night
“You guys going to be alright here for the night?”
“We’ll be alright” Will reassured him “We won’t burn the place down”
They all heard a pair of heels click down the stairs slowly, carefully before Sebastian offered her his steady hand.
All four of them gawked at her. She looked so different all dolled up. Hair curled, full face of make up, heels and a satin lavender dress which was backless, all but a flimsy satin ribbon barely but not even tying it all together.
She couldn’t believe that he had kept it all this time.
All her clothes were still here
Will looked at Santiago, then looked at his brother. Benny smirked and looked at Santiago’s expression of pure shock and awe.
“Are you guys going to be alright for a little while?”
“Don’t worry” Frankie told her, kissing her on the cheek
“Now” Will said to Sebastian “You have her home by eleven”
“Yes, Dad” she answered
They watched them walked out of the house. Arm in arm.
They got a full fifteen minutes into the evening before Santiago suggested they to were going out on the town for a drink.
They locked the front door behind them.
Santiago could still smell her perfume
It took them two hours and a few clubs till they found Gaby and Sebastian on the dance floor, lit up by lights.
It took three of the guys some time to find her but not Santiago. She hadn’t look so carefree since she landed. She was laughing and smiling.
She caught them by the corner of her eyes. It was actually hard to miss them. They all clearly came across as military. Something about their presence, their stance.
They weren’t fooling anyone.
It was kinda funny.
Sebastian and Gabby parted ways on the dance floor. He picked another partner up in five second because that’s the type of place it was and Gabby just walked up to her guys at the bar.
Frankie was getting distracted by the lights. Will was watching all the exits and Benny was chatting up a girl
Like she could expect anything else
“In all the clubs, in all the world” she teased Santiago “Coincidence?”
“Caracas is smaller than you think”
“It has over two million people”
“Well, that’s good since we’re trying to hide”
“Go buy a pretty girl a drink” she told him “Take her for a spin. You might like it”
She made her way back through the crowd and back on to the dance floor where she was going to stay for the rest of the night.
At least that was the plan
It was only few hours later, just when they were getting comfortable and dare, they say it, complacent in their surroundings.
When suddenly shots rang out at the front of the club and the place changed completely. The only calm people were standing at the bar. Will waved her over, Sebastian grabbed her and dragged her through the panicked crowd.
As her feet hit the street someone grabbed her free hand and dragged her in the other different direction.
“Garcia” she protested
“We’re going to spilt up. Will and Frankie are going to go with Sebastian. You’re coming with us”
“Why?” she asked looking at Sebastian
“Luna, go”
She stood there watching the three of them jog away
“Will” she called out
She didn’t finish the sentence, but Will heard it
My whole life is with you, protect them
“I know” he called back to her.
She swore under her breath and let Santiago drag her away down the street.
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impossiblesuitcase · 5 months
if you could write a brief rundown of the events of MMM, what would it be
Peace ball. bad. evil thaumaturge. bad. no security. bad. Kai. moron. fight. make up. Cinder. moron. happily moronic together forever. mutually moronic marriage.
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peachyninjago · 2 years
📁vigilante lloyd
vigilante is one of the FEW non-gc aus i have krgagafafa. basically Darkley's in this is an assassins guild thingy thats just hidden as a school (thats why misako sent him there in the first place). lloyd grows up learning to fight and fight to Kill. the second his elemental power is revealed (it happened on accident during training one day) he's kicked out by the teachers/superiors out of fear of him losing control n going all oni n shit (he has before, but this time would be Different bc of elemental powers) Lloyd also gets no tmrws tea in this and has naturally grown up to be 15.
the og 4 (and Nya <3) are still ninja and have been so for close to two years by now!!! theyve just been w/o their little brother :((( they also don't know who's the gn btw (yeah. kai's still tryin)
tldr, they're called out to jamanikai village bc someone (Lloyd) is stealing shit but he's an Actual Threat now. i think lloyd would mostly kick their asess (hes been doing this his whole life <3) but then Kai gets too close so whoops!! out of contol blast of Energy time!!!
all the ninja go '👁👄👁 oh shit' upon realizing hes the gn (Kai's fuckin JEALOUS)
uhh tldr, they manage to wrangle lloyd onto the bounty. vv painful 'reunion' (Lloyd doesn't remember wu) betwen lloyd and wu. the golden weapons react to Lloyd, wu tells him that he can stay with them now. and so, lloyd does!!
...for the night, of course
bc the next day, half of the bountys kitchen is raided with a note. "thanks for the free food! and don't worry, I'll be this stupid 'green ninja' or whatever, I'm just doing it my own way!'
OKAY THATS KINDA ALL I GOT FOR IT FOR NOW. its just an excuse for lloyd to solo and be an evil little shit with god powers yk <3<3
canon lloyd: the power of friendship and family!!
vigilante lloyd: the power of spite and also this gun i found!!!
i came up with this idea a few days after everything above, but... mmm thinking greenflower/redemptionshipping thoughts abt this one :))
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago:
(with no context other than the episode)
Rebooted episode 3
Love the father-son bonding
Who's this little shit that brought back the overlord with electric eels I don't remember him
Pretty sure he's serpentine though
I love Jay and his parents sm they're the best and have the greatest relationship im just gonna gush over them for a bit
Pixal: Jay and Nya? If my calculations are correct wouldnt Nya and Cole be a better match?
Zane: Maybe her processor malfunctioned 😀
Pixal: mmm nooo im pretty sure im right.
Pixal, now is NOT the time.
Jay was completely out of line in just jumping Cole like that my God 💀
Cole walked in all happy too and immediately got slammed to the floor, doesn't even know what he did 😭
Cole: whats the point of being the blue ninja unless your trying to hideout in some goofy clown college!
Cant believe its canon that Jay hadn’t brushed his teeth in a week
Nya: maybe YOU TWO belong together
They knew what they were doing with that line.
(Getting attacked by nindroids) Jay: I blame you for this!!!!
Cole: WHAT DID I DO?!?!?
Awww its sweet how they stopped fighting and agreed to work together to help Zane when he couldn’t do spinjitzu
Omg i remember the ‘cut the blue wire or black wire’ scene. I was on the edge of my seat when this happened.
Jays voice actor is so good with line delivery
Im glossing over evil robot Wu btw idk wtfs going on with that
Nickname 1: Dirt clod (Cole)
Nickname 2: zap trap (Jay)
Props to Kai’s voice actor for addressing Nya as ‘sis’ as subtly as possible without it sounding too weird.
The way this villains plan was SUCH a stretch.
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Morning part 1...
Wu: Everyone up! It is time for the new day!
Oh, he wasn't kidding.
The loud bangs of Wu's gong echoed through the whole monastery like a scream. A scream that scared everyone until they realized what woke them up and then were half angry half exhausted.
The Smith siblings hopped out first.
S1 Kai: Do you really need to do that? Every morning?
Wu, putting the gong down: If it will ensure that you do not slack off anymore, then yes.
Kai and Nya groaned.
Nya: Thanks Kai.
S1 Kai: Hey!
The next group out was the trio, fully dressed (and a little mismatched- like Cole? That's Zane's belt.)
S1 Zane: I guess breakfast should be done quickly.
S1 Jay: I'll help!
S1 Cole: I'll prep Rocky for the trip.
As everyone split up, Lloyd carried LL in and set his small gremlin self down.
LL: -I wanted to break out the Serpentine, but when you got to Pythor-
LL: I really got the heeby jeebies.
Lloyd: ... yeah. Snakes aren't nice.
LL: But that's what makes them so evil!
Lloyd: And that's how bad things happen, but believe me. It's not worth it.
Lloyd looked around the area, only noting Wu as in there with him and LL.
Lloyd: Master Wu? Where are my da- mmm- friends?
Wu took a moment to consider his response.
How was he to break the news to Lloyd?
Wu: Your family has been with Jay the whole night and this morning.
Lloyd: And you've been there with them? You've seen Jay?
Wu: ... I have.
LL tugged Lloyd's hand.
LL: Can we have food now? I'm hungry!
Wu: Patience nephew. If you are so eager for food, then why not help Zane in the kitchen?
LL jumped at that offer and giggled, his tiny feet tapping the floor and fading as he disappeared around the corner.
Lloyd: ... Is he...?
Lloyd didn't miss Wu's pause. He knew something was off.
Wu: That is... that is for your fathers to tell you.
Lloyd: ... I see. Thank you, Uncle.
The green ninja backed away, then turned around.
He was going to see them. Now.
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
my theory with cobra kai season 4 is this:
The actors and creators will make as if there could be any dispute in Terry Silver being a wild, horrifying, uncontrollable force, just like they’re currently doing with their “who knows whose side he’s on, it could be anyone’s, 😜” because outright saying “yeah he’s about to do some shady shit,” won’t allow for enough oohs and aahs when the rug is pulled (+ 100000 I totally saw Silver being a bad guy bro! takes)
and there may be a few scenes that could suggest that maybe he’s changed and moved on -- possibly through his “positive” treatment of a character like Tory Nichols (because I want it, but also because she’s an obvious choice for Terry to gravitate towards as a “is this my prodigy???” kind of way)
Meanwhile Terry won’t be letting Kreese in on what his plan is and actually seems to be doing barely anything truly nefarious and it’s frustrating Kreese, and especially frustrating is the way Terry maybe is fronting even to him that it’s time to move on -- hell, maybe he even makes one mock-sincere pass at Daniel that he’s definitely not coming after him cross-my-heart 😘🥺 -- Daniel’s not trusting him, of course, and prooobably? Johnny doesn’t either (this all depending on whether Daniel tells anyone how actually bad he had it, which maybe he doesn’t this season which leads to badness), and then bang
sometime near the end of the season (episode 9 if we’re going by previous seasons) he reveals what he’s been seeding this whole time -- hence this season having a so-called Nolan vibe in how they did the Terry Silver teaser (which was indubitably Evil-Person-Approaching) and the creators even saying Chris Nolan’s name -- the long game villain vibes rug-pulled-out concept that happens in several of his movies
(look, I’m not... personally a fan of Nolan’s these days, and I have a kneejerk reaction against men who in some way say or imply they’re inspired by him, because you know what they’re gonna be about, but I’ve seen enough of his movies to know his vibe when there is a bad guy. It’s all cloak-and-daggers, plottwist after plottwist ooh there’s a doppelganger/clone/twin and/or it was yourself! and/or your mentor etcetc. unless they’re trying for a full joker, which... mmm kinda love that for Silver ngl)
and whatever Silver does is... real bad. Gotta be worse than *checks notes* Miguel breaking his back bad. Probably killing someone (a few of you know who I’ve semi-jokingly put down as possible victim 🧐😈)
And then season 5 is somehow Daniel’s spirit being broken 🧡
What I’m saying is: No way Silver will be anything but a bad guy. This little sojourn down “who knows” avenue is for titillation! 
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signedarollermain · 4 months
Mind telling us a little about who Tour reminded you off?
I mentioned a close friend that died, correct? They were an Octoling, who I now realize bears a striking resemblance to this "Tour" person.
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!!!! Lloyd and Cole for the character headcanons ask thingy
Ok ok one by one, Lloyd first:
1) aro bi king
2) no <3
3) him and Nya?? Their dynamic???? Underrated tbh
4) all of them <3
5) I mentioned earlier that he’s got a sizeable lexicon of obscenities, swear words, expletives, and otherwise filthy language from Darkley’s, but he’s ALSO got a fairly good grasp of the basics of some of the more technical side of Being Evil - breaking and entering, setting traps, picking pockets, assessing a room, finding what you need, and then putting it all back where you found it, etc. Unlike his vulgar vocab, this knowledge has stayed useful to him in his work as a ninja, since a LOT of it has to do with being stealthy (which isn’t a coincidence, since ninja were originally assassins).
6) he is Rapidly Losing His Fucks To Give and honestly????? MOOD
7) I don’t think I could ever be embarrassed by anything Lloyd does, I will always find a way to make it poignant and emotional and sweet (or just traumatic)
8) was it cinnamon roll behavior when he unleashed the serpentine on ninjago? Was it cinnamon roll behavior when he assaulted the crown prince of a different (underwater, previously unknown) nation? Was it cinnamon roll behavior when he locked all his friends inside a broom closet to deliberately go against their desire to keep him safe, and went to fight his dad alone and unwilling? No <3 he is a problematic fave and I love him <333
Okay Cole’s turn now!!!
1) aro gay bear Cole my beloved
2) again. mudshock my beloved (the twist is that only the Jaya is romantic, the bruise is queerplatonic)
3) him and whichever animal or baby he’s decided to adopt that season <333 dad cole my beloved <3333
4) Cole and Vania, whatever that ship is called. They’re aro mlm/wlw solidarity and that’s beautiful
5) he did ballet as a kid and it Shows, he’s much more graceful and flexible than you’d think
6) I also want to adopt every single animal and available child (or person younger than me (some people older than me too)), we have the same Dad Energy and I think that’s beautiful oh my fucking god hES DAD ROCK, THATS IT THATS MY TAG FOR HIM FUCKING F I N A L L Y NOW I HAVE A TAG FOR EVERY SINGLE NINJA
7) the triple tiger sashay. Why he do it like that.
8) cinnamon roll. He just wants to make sure people are Okay and sure fine maybe he gets a bit bitey about it but honestly It’s What He Deserves
anyway here have a bonus Jay set:
1) he bi (I know it’s the Basic Bitch answer but like. he bi. there is No Other Option)
2) honestly I really really really like mudshock, yeah so WHAT if it’s not an otP ot3 or bust baybeee
3) him and Kai. They’re just so fuckin GOOD together, wait but him and Zane too,,Jay coining the term Nindroid still fuckin hits bro,,,,,,,mmm nah jay and Kai brotp
4) I don’t know that I have any jay-specific notps, it’s more generic than anything else
5) he has a tiktok channel that’s mostly mech-related shit (“things in my cutting-edge mech lab that just ✨make sense✨” kinda thing), pranks on the other ninja, and random cameos from his parents
6) adhd bicon solidarity baybeeeee
7) seasons three and four love fuckery my beloathed 🔪
8) I would say cinnamon roll except he’s very much down to Do Crime and other kinda unethical and morally dubious shit throughout the series, movie!Jay is undeniably a cinnamon roll but show!Jay is much more questionable and that’s why I love him <3
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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masterlist - ao3 - day two - day four
They step out of Elide’s apartment lobby and huddle beneath the awning. Elide looks up at Lorcan and sees her scowling at the sheets of rain that pour. 
She sighs through her nose and tugs on the hem of her girlfriend’s coat, looking up at her expectantly. Lorcan’s brow furrows as she looks down at Elide, “What?” 
Elide rolls her eyes, “Stop frowning.” Reaching her hand up, she cups Lorcan’s cheek and strokes her thumb over her love’s angular cheekbone, “You know you’re going to get wrinkles, mon amour.” 
Lorcan’s stoney expression doesn’t change, but her eyes glitter with something like happiness, “I’ve been frowning my entire life and I’ve never gotten a wrinkle.” 
With a huff, Elide crosses her arms over her chest, “Tu m’énerves.” 
A slow smile stretches across Lorcan’s mouth, her sharp teeth flashing. She cups Elide’s face between her large hands and brushes her lips against Elide’s, “You bother me too, Lee.” She kisses her girlfriend fully, bumping the tip of her nose into Elide’s, “So fuckin’ much.” 
Lorcan pulls away and tracks her eyes across Elide’s face. She pecks the pert tip of her girlfriend’s nose. The freckles on Elide’s cheek shift as she smiles, “Why can’t you ever listen to a thing I say?” 
“Because I like bothering you,” Lorcan answers. 
Elide laughs and takes her hand, running into the rain. Lorcan is,  of course, powerless against her and follows, ducking her head. 
Soon, they’re pushing through the doors and smiling at each other, still holding hands. They take their coats up and hang them on the coat rack. The cosy café is decently full. Elide scans for a seat, toying with her girl’s slim fingers. 
Lorcan kisses the top of her head, “I’ll get us drinks if you find a seat.” 
“D’accord. I want… a London Fog, please,” she said, tipping her head backwards. Elide scrunches her nose up and smiles. 
Her girlfriend shares a rare smile with her, “Ok. Anything to eat?” 
“Non, je n’ai pas faim, juste mon thé.” 
Lorcan nods and they part ways, holding hands until they can’t any longer. She shoves her hands into her hoodie pocket and stands in line, idly eyeing the baked goods and pastries on display. 
She sees the brownie, that fudgy, rich, brownie and her stomach grumbles. The line advances quickly and Lorcan steps up to the counter, nodding to Luca, “Boyo.” 
“Hey, Lor,” Luca replies, his smile easy and sunny. “What can I get you lovely ladies today?” 
Lorcan arches her brow, thinking, I’m hardly a lady. “Uh… I’ll get a latte and a London Fog.” She glances at the brownie, “And that brownie.” 
Luca sets up the card machine. “You got it.” The kid serves the brownie on a small plate and slides it across the counter as Lorcan pays and tips. 
She takes the plate, nodding again, “Thank you.” Lorcan walks to the end of the counter and waits patiently. 
A short wait later, their drinks are put before her. Lorcan picks them up and balances her brownie as she walks towards Elide. 
Her girlfriend smiles and takes her London Fog, sweet, smokey steam rising from the cup. Lorcan sits in the velvet wingback chair. It’s her favourite chair, and Elide’s is the lavender cogswell chair beside it. 
Elide drinks her tea, and then takes the fork next to the decadent chocolate concoction. Lorcan arches her brow as she watches her thieving love cut a bite with the side of the fork and lift it to her mouth. She moans softly, her eyes closing. Lorcan shifts in her chair and drinks her coffee, blocking out her thoughts. 
“Mon amour, c’est si bon." Elide takes another bite and holds it to Lorcan’s lips. Lorcan accepts the bite and looks at her girl in mild shock and betrayal. “What?” 
“I asked you if you wanted anything to eat and you literally said ‘no, I’m not hungry, just my tea’. This - that’s my brownie.” 
Elide gapes and laughs, “Lorcan, sweetie. It’s one bite. J’veux juste une petite bouchée.” 
“You're evil. Should’ve known not to date a witch,” Lorcan says, taking a drink of her coffee to cut through the richness of the dessert. 
Elide rolls her eyes and takes two more bites before relenting the plate. Lorcan shakes her head as she finishes the last half in two bites, “Evil.” 
Elide huffs and focuses on her tea, flicking Lorcan’s brow. Lorcan catches her fingers and holds them loosely as they finish their drinks. After that they just… talk. Lorcan’s head rolls on the back of the chair. Elide toys with her fingers and talks about her job. 
Their friends, Nesryn and Borte, come in for to-go cups, stopping to chat a moment. Borte tells Elide about the new martial art class she’s teaching at the nearby fighting gym. 
Elide listens with rapt attention, pulling Lorcan’s hand into her lap. Lorcan watches her girlfriend with slight caution, recognising the eager and determined light in her eyes. 
The laid back couple continues on, leaving Elide and Lorcan alone again. “You gonna take that class, princess?” 
Elide hums, “Yeah… I want to.” 
Lorcan shrugs, closing her eyes, “You should. It’d be fun to watch you beat people up.” 
“That’s sick, Lorcan,” Elide frowns. 
She shrugs again. “It’d be hot.” 
Elide clicks her tongue and silently stares at her resting girlfriend. Her chest starts to constrict her heart and she brushes her lips over Lorcan’s knuckles, “Ma chère?” 
“Hmm? What is it, baby?” 
She breathes in shakily, “Open your eyes. I have to tell you something.” 
One dark, depthless eye cracks open, but Lorcan remains still. “A serious something to tell me?” 
A nod. 
Lorcan sits up, warily eyeing Elide. “‘kay. What’s up?” 
“Je t’adore.” She lifts a brow, not understanding Elide’s language. “Je t’adore, Lorcan.” 
“Love, you know I live for you to talk in Blackbeak, but I cannot understand you.” 
“J’sais pas- je t’adore. Je- I love you,” Elide says, her pulse racing. “I love you.”
Blankly, Lorcan stares at her, her face so devoid of anything. Nothing, absolutely nothing flashes across her eyes. 
Elide nods, “Um… ok. I’m-” she stands up, “I- I forgot that… I have to leave.” She grabs her phone and walks out, grabbing her jacket on her way. 
It’s nearly a minute later when Lorcan finally realises what happened. She quickly scrambles to her feet and dashes out, forgetting her jacket.
Lorcan runs in the rain and sees Elide in the road, walking quickly away. “Lee!” she shouts, going after her. “Please, princess, wait a minute.” 
Elide reluctantly stands still, but doesn’t turn. 
Her girlfriend narrows her eyes and sighs through her nose. “Elide, I- fuck, I’m sorry I froze. I was hit- I’ve dreamed about you saying that to me.”  
“Because I love you. I love you, Lee.” Silently, Lorcan begs her Elide to turn around. 
Elide does, but her face remains carefully blank, her eyes red-rimmed and watery. She drops her gaze, “You’re just saying that ‘cause you- you don’t want to hurt my feelings.” 
“No, I’m not, actually,” Lorcan says, stepping forward and not caring about the rain that’s soaked her hair and shirt. “I love you, princess. I’ve… I’ve loved you for a long time.” Her hands shake slightly and she aches to take Elide in her arms, but she doesn’t dare move forward. “For a really, really long time, ‘lide. And I know you think I’m lying so you aren’t hurt. I would never lie about this, please, believe me.” 
“You love me? Tu- tu m’adores? Really?” 
“Yes, really.” 
Elide smiles and then next thing Lorcan knows, she’s being forced to take a step back as Elide crashes into her, her hands clutching the back of Lorcan’s shirt. Lorcan grins in relief and wraps her arms around Elide, inhaling the expensive, delicate scent of that elderberry and cinnamon that clings to everything Elide owns. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” Elide whispers, her nose tucked against Lorcan’s. She kisses Lorcan, hoping that her kiss says it too. 
Slowly, Lorcan lets her down and cups the back of Elide’s head, graceful fingers tangled in onyx hair. “I… love you… so fuckin’ much, Elide Lochan.” 
Pulling back, Elide bites her lip and takes Lorcan’s hand, her eyes smouldering. Lorcan looks her up and down, making Elide laugh. 
She turns and soon after, they’re stumbling down her hall, too wrapped up in each other. Lorcan’s back hits the door and she slowly, slowly licks into her girlfriend’s mouth as Elide unlocks the front door and it swings open. 
Lorcan picks her up, breathing, “I love you.” 
Elide hums it back and wraps her legs around Lorcan’s waist. She leans back to drop her jacket to the floor and kisses her way down Lorcan’s strong jaw. Her hands slide over Lorcan’s shoulders and she pauses, drawing away to stare in confusion, “Où est ton… coat?” 
Lorcan blinks once and shrugs. 
“You forgot it?”
She walks into Elide’s bedroom and drops her onto the bed they didn’t bother making that morning. “I don’t like that jacket anyway.” 
Bright laughter bubbles from Elide’s throat and she tips her head back, “T’es folle, mon amour.” 
“Mmm, you love me like that.” 
“Yes… I really do.” 
translations (french): Mon amour: my love Tu m'énerves: you annoy me D'accord: ok Non, je n'ai pas faim, juste mon thé: no, I'm not hungry, just my tea C'est si bon: it's so good J'veux juste une petite bouchée: I just want a little bite Ma chère: my dear Je t'adore: (romantic) i love you T'es folle: you're crazy
an: french!elide is something me n @ladywitchling​ came up with 🥰
@ladyverena​ @ladywitchling​ @mythicaitt​ @sassyhobbits​ @darklesmylove​ @julemmaes​ @letstakethedawn @cicada-bones​ @highladyofthefangirlcourt​ @darlinminds​ @nahthanks​ @sjmships​ @eyllweambassador​ @flamingveritas​ @adelzd-bookblr​ @somewhatdynamite @woollycat22​ @firestarsandseneschals​ @the-regal-warrior​ 
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #944: Friendship or Romance? (Sonic X Crash Bandicoot)
5:23 p.m. at Tails' House........
TV Screen: The only thing keeping me and her apart is the two minutes it's gonna take to kick your ass!
TV Screen: Can I have your autog- ('WHACK')
Tails: (Winces at the Sight of Lucas Lee Punching Scott Pilgrim in the face on Screen) Yeesh.....Was this version of Lucas always been this jerkish in the previous adaptation?
Coco: (Shrugs) Eh. Not really. He was a lot more chilled out in the book if anything. Gave Scott some snacks after he tossed him into a tower.
Tails: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Really? I wonder why the movie made him so different from the original......
Coco: Probably to flesh out his personality more, make him look more evil and jerkish in comparison.
Tails: Ah. That makes sense. (Points at Something on the Screen) I like the jacket he's wearing. I used to wanna wear one of my own at one point.
Coco: (Smiles Brightly) I got a leather jacket of my own!~ (Shows a Picture of her and Crash Wearing their Respective Jackets on her Phone) Crash got it for me after he won a motorcycle race against one of Cortex's minions in the past.
Tails: Cool. You guys look great in them by the way.
Coco: Thanks. Not the biggest fan of the Rebellious style of fashion out there, but I like wearing them every once in the while. Which reminds me.....(Happily Pulls Out a Box of Chocolates From Behind her Back) Here's you're Valentine's gift!~ Baked and refrigerated just for you.
Tails: (Receives his Gift With Smile on his Face) Why, thank you. (Picks Up a Basket of Freshly Baked Cookies From his Side of the Floor)
Coco: Ah, dude, you got me cookies?~
Tails: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. Aunt Vanilla made them for me once I came by her house for a little visit.
Coco: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Aunt Vanilla? As in Cream's mom? (Eyes Starts to Widened) She's your aunt now!?
Tails: (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah......I...forgot to tell you about that earlier...I found out her and Aunt Bunnie are cousins the other day. So by default, that makes me her nephew. Or in her words....(Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) "Her Sweet, Baby Fox...."
Coco: (Giggles Softly) Awww~ That's amazing. (Gives Tails a Playful Smirk on her Face) Bet it made you happy knowing you have three aunts to smother you now, huh?~
Tails: ('Sigh') Yeah, that'll definitely get annoying once and a while. But other than that....(Starts Smiling Softly) I'm all for it.
Coco: Great. (Takes a Bit of One of the Cookies Before Enjoying it Entirely) ('Mmm') Hey, you think you could get your third aunt to bake more of these in the future? Or maybe give me the ingredients? They're sooooooo good~
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly) I'm not sure about latter, but I'll definitely see what I can do for the former.
Coco: 'Kay! (Continues Eating her Cookies)
A Bit of Silence
Tails: Hey, Coco, can I ask you something?
Coco: Sure. (Swallow the Cookie She Was Eating Before Turning Back to Tails) What's up?
Tails: I've been thinking about this for a while now, but....(Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Shyly Looking Away from the Bandicoot) Have you ever.... thought about the two of us.... dating? (Starts Blushing a Little) I-I mean, not now obviously. But.... whenever we grow older, in our teenage years even......
Coco: Yeah. I thought about it sometimes. (Starts Blushing and Twirling the Front of her Hair a Little) Mostly how cool and....nice it would be to act all lovey-dovey towards one another.....But then I started thinking about what would happen if we break up. A lot more than I thought I would honestly......(Turns Back to Tails) You ever thought about that too?
Tails: I think so. I heard it gets a lot more awkward when you try going back to being friends. (Starts Frowning a Little) So much so that.....there's a 50% chance of the friendship not lasting that long.....
Coco: (Starts Frowning as Well) Yeah. And......('Sigh') To be honest, I don't think I'm ready for us to start dating right now, you know? You're the first friend I've ever made outside of Wumpa Island and I don't want the whole aftermath of the relationship to ruin all of that.
Tails: ('Sighs in a Bit of Relief') I couldn't agree more. I really like hanging with you, Coco. And having you as my best friend makes me a lot more happy than usual.
Coco: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Awwww~ You really mean that?
Tails: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I wanna keep enjoying the friendship we have a little longer until one of us have feelings for one another, you know? If that ever gonna happen.....
Coco: Well, one thing for certain: Everyone's gonna make a even bigger about it if that ever comes to tuition.....
Tails: ('Groans in Annoyance') Don't remind me......Sonic and Amy won't shut up about hanging out as it is. I don't want them to keep prying over my future love life!!
Coco: I feel your pain, bud......Crash and Tawna has already done enough of that my place.....
Tails: The Original Tawna or the Alternate?
Coco: Boooth!.......And then there's Wave.......
Tails: W-Well...On the bright, she could give us some love advice.....
Coco: But she COULD also start poking of us for not confessing to one another sooner!....('Sigh') Either way, I can't say I'm looking forward to that happening if all of this will be the case.....
Tails: Neither will I....But I think it's best that we just keep being Tech Buds before we start thinking more about all that stuff in the near future. Agreed?
Coco: (Happily Nodded) Agreed. (Covers Herself Up in Tails' Tails While Sighing Relaxingly)
Tails: (Giggles Softly) You cannot stop using my tails as blankets, can you?~
Coco: (Shrugs with Another Playful Smirk on her Face) What can I say? Your tails are the best form of fluff and comfort. (Smiles Brightly While Snuggling onto Both of the Tails ) I love them just as much as I love you~
Tails: (Stares at Coco For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back) The feelings definitely mutual, Coco.
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darkcitiesnluv · 3 years
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" what's the matter sweetie~~? Why don't you get close? Loook~ here's your teddy beaaar~ come here and take it.....come on take it.....jarjarjar....." The big headed clown chuckled darkly as he stare up at you with his golden deadly eyes.
Your eight year old self could see his sickening grin form from ear to ear inside the dark echoing sewer. You notice how he had spots of blood spread on his big mouth and his dirty clothes. He held your now ripped bloody teddy bear in his shaky claws.
You grimace at the way it look but you remember when your little brother gave it to you for your seventh birthday. Your little brother went missing one night and that teddy bear is really important for you because it's the only thing left from your little brother.
" Give me back Mr. Teddy! Please it's from my little brother! He gave it to me for my birthday! " You pleaded with your tiny soft voice.
" Your little brother..... Jeongin?....." The red headed clown said as he raised his thin round eyebrows and widen his eyes looking creepy. 
You also widen your eyes as that creepy looking clown mentioned him. Perhaps....does he know where her little brother is? Does he know something about his disappearance?
" How do you know him?....." You asked as you crawl closer towards the sewer. The clown chuckled and grinned widely showing his sharp yellow teeth.
" Little Jeongin is with me honey~......do you want to see hiiimm~?" He cooed with his silly and raspy clown voice.
You eagerly nodded. " PLEASE! PLEASE! Jeonginie~! Come back!"
Your eyes widen when you saw your little 6 year old brother. He wore a yellow raincoat. His hoodie was up covering his small chubby face. His raincoat looked dirty, covered in mud, pieces of trash stick on the coat. He held a red floating balloon in his tiny hands.
" If you want your brother back...." This time the clown frowned, and he looked deadly at her. " Then get down and take him.....NOW!" He yelled scaring you.
" Jeongin~! Jeongin~! Come over here! It's me Y/n! Jeongin!" You said crawling slowly towards the sewer, your tiny arm sticking out to reach for him. " I can't, I can't...." Jeongin cried as he step back, still his small face looking down all this time.  The clown chuckled darkly as he was opening his wide mouth.
" Y/n!!!...."
" Y/n! What are you doing there next to the sewers! You're going to fall!"
You turn to your side and immediately stood up. You looked at your little friends that called you. The clown suddenly growled as he aggressively grab Jeongin and pushed him away like a ragged doll. He felt annoyed he couldn't get what he wanted; his fresh food.
" Guys my little brother is in here.....!" You stoped speaking as you turn to look back at the sewers. The clown nor your little brother weren't there anymore.
" Y/n......how could he be in the sewers?...." Yeonjun asked as he held your tiny hands with his tiny ones.
" Y/n! You shouldn't get close! You could fall!" Your taller friend Soobin, suddenly hug you.
" But I saw a creepy clown! He had my teddy bear and Jeongin!"
Yeonjun gulp down saliva as he heard about the clown again.
" Clown? On the sewers? Y/n you're too cute and funny pleased stop!" Soobin laughed as he pinched your chubby cheeks.
You looked at Yeonjun and he did the same. He squeezed your hand almost telling you that he believes you.....
Flashback End
"Ahhh! I need to stop remembering it!" You yelled as you got up from the bed to get ready for school.
" Y/n! Eat something! At least an apple!" Your mother yelled from across the kitchen. " No mom I'm late!" You said and quickly put on your shoes that were next to the door. " Bye mom love you!"
" Love you too!....ahh! This girl" she shook her head.
" Hey! Y/n!~" Your friend Soobin said as he smiled at you. " You woke up late too?..." The tall dark hair boy with an undercut said as he look down at you. You nodded. " Yes! I....had that weird memory again...." You said as you touched your forehead.
"Mmm....ohhh....the clown memory? You mean a dream?.... Again!? Y/n you keep having that same dream so often? Are you really that scare of clowns?...." Soobin chuckled as he face palm.
" Soobin you don't understand-"
" Hey Y/nnie~! Hey Soobin~~~ i'm glad y'all waited for me" Beomgyu smiled kindly as he put on his red beanie over his long rock emo boy hair cut.
" We weren't waiting for you, we stop to talk about her nightmare.…" Soobin smiled innocently at him showing his deep dimples.
" The clown dream......Y/n, baby...." Suddenly Beomgyu wrapped his left arm around your shoulders getting close to you, his fingers from his right hand  slightly pinching your small chin moving your face towards his lovely gaze. " you see, fears are like food.....you can't resist them.....they hypnotized you to eat them...."
" What are you saying? That doesn't make sense" Soobin laughed and you agree bobbing your head repeatly.
" What I mean is that I'm hungry. Long or short story...Y/n.... YOU NO LONGER A CHILD GROW UP! FEARING CLOWNS IS FOR LOSERS!" Beomgyu yelled exaggerating every word he said while making dramatic hand gestures.
" Says the loser that is scared of the red sun...." Short blond hair Huening Kai said as he smirked at Beomgyu, teasing him.
" Kai~~~" Beomgyu suddenly hug him sofly and then let go. " Hey! Stop it! The red sun is not a joke! I've heard once the sun turns red it means the world will end.....or does it mean evil will rise?..." Beomgyu question himself.
" Umm..... where's Yeonjun and Taehyun?... Yeonjun said he'll take us to school...." You furrowed your eyebrows worried. Yesterday he texted in the group chat that he'll be picking them up since he already got his driver's license.
" Tae called me in the morning telling me he feels sick....so he'll stay home...." Hueningkai said.
" Yeonjun doesn't answer his phone....." Soobin said as he hold his iPhone against his ear.
" I'm worry....." Beomgyu said in english.
" Me too gyu...." You said in english as well.
What could've happened to him? He always answer his phone every time we call..... something is wrong.... could it be his parents?
And Taehyun suddenly missing school? When he is one of the top 5 best and smartest students in Junior grade and plus he is a very healthy boy.....
Something is going on and we need to find it out.
" Let's go to his house?....we should check and if he isn't there, let's check in Taehyun's house......ahh!" Beomgyu said earning a smack on the arm by Hueningkai.
" You stole my statement! I was gonna say that! " Kai said.
" Ok let's go now!" You said as you started running and the boys following you.
" His car isn't there....." Soobin said as he looked around the backyard.
" If his car isn't there....he must not be in the house either...." Kai said staring at the decently looking house.
" Should we knock?" Beomgyu said as he gazed at the maroon door.
" I don't think he's there if his car isn't out here..." You said.
" Alright." Beomgyu answered however he still walked towards the maroon door and knock it. " Mrs and Mr. Choi! It's your son Beomgyu! I want to see my bro! Where is he!?" He yelled his voce kind of cracking,  leaning his ear against the door.
Suddenly they heard a heavy kick against the door coming inside the house. Beomgyu flinched like a baby and back off from the door. " The fuck?..." He narrowed his eyebrows as he gave it a weird look.
The person abruptly opens the door and peeks out to see who was the one banging on his door while screaming at it.
" Beomgyu it was you.....who do you think you are to be banging at my door like if you own it...." Yeonjun's father said angrily.
" Your son....." Beomgyu said in a sad tone faking a sad look.
" MY-keeu!.... You ain't my son and don't ever knock on my door like that nor yelled at it as if it's a dog!"
You and the others secretly try their best not to laugh at the whole scene you three are watching making Beomgyu turn back to look at you and your friends.
Beomgyu crack a smile but quickly went back to being serious. " Look sir, we're looking for Yeonjun! That idiot was supposed to take us to school and now we're going to miss it! Not that I care for me it's alright I can missed school every day BUT MY FRIENDS!! THEY LOVE SCHOOL!! IT ISN'T FAIR-"
"ⁿᵒ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ...." Yelled Soobin and Kai from a far.
" Little boy.....I don't care about you or your friends, that idiot is in one of his stupid friend's house.....Taeyang? Taeyong? Taehyung?..... something like that...now JUST-"
" That's enough sir thank you for the info......let's go?" Beomgyu question his friends while raising an eyebrow.
" Taehyun!!" Soobin screamed as he knock on the door.
From inside the house you could hear Taehyun's heavy steps and cussing them off for making a whole chaos outside his house.
" Can't y'all understand that my parents are sleeping right now?!?.....so disrespectful god....well except for Y/n she's a sweetheart, the only normal one here..." Taehyun glared at his friends except for you. You innocently smiled at him cutely going with the flow.
" Are you sure she's a normal?..." Kai crack a nervous smile and laugh.
" She dreams about clowns chasing her..." Beomgyu joked next.
" CLOWNS!?......" Taehyun widen his big eyes even wider.
" Shhhhhh! Your parents are sleeping and is Yeonjun here? He must...." Soobin glared at him.
" Yeah yeah right, and yes his hear.....how y'all know?" Taehyun asked as he peek inside his house making sure his parents are still sleeping.
" His new car, outside....." You responded.
Taehyun nodded and let the three of you walk inside his house. Taehyun made sure nobody around the neighborhood saw them. For what reason? Only he knows.
" Yaaah Tae you're being suspicious.... what's the matter? Why is Yeonjun here?..." You slightly whispered as all of you gather together in Taehyun's room.
Yeonjun sat on the ground, tiger blanket on his shoulders, eating Doritos and watching SpongeBob like a little kid.
You smiled at that sight and felt happy when you saw him there... healthy and safe.
You know his problems....the problems that happens inside his house everyday. His parents are in the middle of divorce and that had caused horrible fights and arguments between them....and Yeonjun is sick of it.
So you understood why he prefer to stay in somebody else home instead of his own.....you would've done the same if you were in that situation.....lucky for you you don't have a dad so it will never happen. You sat next to Yeonjun and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked at you and smile. Taehyun notice how you two were close to each other. He shook his head and tap on Yeonjun's back two times. " Yeonjun, they're here.... mind explaining them?"
" Guys.....the clown.....he talked to me....." Yeonjun said with a scared look and his eyebrows narrowed down. " He said he'll be here to come and get us.....that clown that got my twin sisters is back!"
His eyes landed on yours making you covered your mouth in shock.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at each other slowly, seeing how you were reacting and how Yeonjun and Taehyun look so serious, make them feel like they're being honest.
" Is this for real?.... aren't y'all joking with us?..." Soobin raised his eyebrows.
You looked at Yeonjun and Taehyun with a sad look and so did they towards you.
" Guys.....I know it sounds crazy...but the reason why our younger siblings went missing and their bodies were never found....is because that men dressed in a clown suit ate him! He eats children and even teenagers! Probably even adults! That's why I'm terrified at clowns! Specially him...." You said as you sat down on the bed and covered your face with your hands.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at you surprised. This strange information is slowly processing in their brains.
" Soobin, remember 9 years ago.....I was laying down in front of a sewer...." You said hoping he remembered that very first and last day you talked to that clown. " Yeonjun remembers!" You said as you looked at Yeonjun then back at Soobin.
" I.... remember.....I didn't believe you at that time....so that clown does exist....." He thought as he looked at you in realization.
" Last night I was riding my car, I parked it next to a sewer.....and he was there .....he told me he will come to get me and my friends.....I really don't know what I ever did to him....All I know is that we're in danger..." Yeonjun said as he look up at his friends with red crying eyes.
" We must stay together...." You said as you reach to get Yeonjun's hand to help him stand up. Taehyun quickly walked to your other side and held your hand.
The six of you gather around in a circle holding hands.
" We promise to each other that we will stay together forever, in good and in bad..... together forever!" They all said loudly as they rais their holdings hands up in the air. It was a friendly encouragement for y'all's strong friendship of years.
" What the-! Is this some cult ritual y'all doing? Y/n you're the only girl here be careful!" Taehyun's mother said as she stand there next to the door watching us.
" Mom don't worry Y/n is protected with me...." Taehyun said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and smiled warmly at you.
" Alright......I seriously don't know what y'all doing here instead of being in school but come to the dining room to eat breakfast...." She said as she no longer care what this troublesome kids were doing.
Yeonjun grabs your hand and you accept it. Taehyun notice it and he did the same to you with other hand.
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abyssofdemons · 4 years
-rubs my little hands together- okay time for some hot takes with gou now that it’s ended! enjoy my ramble lmao
okay my very first impression on the start of gou was... wowie this is... a little much on the gore factor. NOW, I KNOW, THIS IS HIGURASHI. but the first half of gou was much more... brutal, in my opinion. now we know it was due to direct contact with h-173 and the influence of eua and satoko but oogh. it was a lot and had made me very anxious with how the plotline was going to go. was it going to be just torture porn for funsies in a way similar to how a lot of kira and rei seemed to be with fanservice? was it going to just be a remake with some funky fresh murder and death?
but then the story picked up! and i gotta say, i really love it. higurashi has always been like... super awesome to me because of the lore, the story. anytime i recommend it to someone, i tell them that kai is a must, that it really explains everything and wraps it up in a very nice bow! and we got more of that! more story, more lore! more character development. 
NOW TIME FOR SOME HOT TAKES. satoko and rika are both flawed, but ultimately good characters. now, okay, i know satoko lately has been... mmm... not good? she’s been controlling, callous, and really evil. but i’ve stayed by the opinion that this is due to hurt and trauma, and that she’s still good, and the finale proved that.
everything she’s done so far, everything she’s been doing... none of it is real. it’s a game of stubbornness on her end - her goal, her perfect ending... when that’s achieved, no suffering will have happened. we’ve seen this already. rika submitted, rika finally understood, rika proved she understood, and what happened? takano apologized. the tragedy stopped in its tracks. no one went on a murder spree, everything was perfect. satoko thought she had won - no more harm had to continue. she’d let everyone live on happily, without the horrors that she’d induced earlier - because to her, nothing she did in any other loop was real.
satoko just wants everything to stay how it is. she wants her best friend to not change, she doesn’t want to lose her, she doesn’t want to lose anyone. she’s lost her parents, her brother, everyone in her life that was meant to support and care about her. she watched rika promise to stay by her side and break that promise, over and over again. we don’t know how many loops satoko went through trying to keep rika by her side! we don’t know how long it took, how many collective years of attempts there were. we saw everything in, what, a few episodes? for satoko it took years. five years after winning to get to st. lucia, two years to get to the breaking point, and repeat. at minimum, these loops had to be, what, about 21 years collectively? (assuming satoko did at least three full loops, which i’m pretty sure we’ve seen in the show?)
that’s a lot of trauma, of restless grind and tear on someone’s psyche. of course she’d do anything to make that stop. of course she’d grow resentful of rika and just want her to understand!
and for rika... i love rika, i have a lot of personal ties with her and the character. but she does fuck up here. rika has had to pretend for hundreds of years. she’s had to pretend she hasn’t watched her friends and family die, she’s had to pretend to survive. at st lucia she has to pretend to be someone she’s not to fit in. st lucia is bad for her - she may be happy, she may think it’s good and she’s free, but rika is a master of blending in, even if the people she’s blending in with are horrible. she stopped being a good friend to satoko since the very first winning loop.
i’m eager to see how the next season goes, i’m so excited to see how all of this plays out, but, truthfully? i think there is going to be a good end - for all of them. takano is going to remember, she is going to back down. the tragedies will stop on that front. rika and satoko are going to fight, i know this, but i think... they’ll reconcile. the true enemy is eua. a cruel goddess watching mortals maim each other for fun - she’s going to be the final boss, and i think rika and satoko are going to beat her. at least, i hope. 
the ending of the original series and kai... it was a good ending. it was a great ending for them! they broke free of the loops, hinamizawa syndrome was gone, it was good! satoko and rika are going to both find their way to their happy ending again - but this time, they’re going to compromise on it. kai taught us that miracles happen if everyone stands together. why would they take away that message in gou/sotsu? they aren’t.
two more points i’d like to make: teppei, i hate him, but i don’t think the ‘redemption arc’ he got was bad or put him in good light. no one looks at him and forgives him. they don’t forget what he did - the last thing that was shown before he left the screen was a memory of him harming her. a last reminder of what he did so people don’t become too sympathetic. he’s going to change, and that’s going to be good for satoko, but they don’t push a forgiveness narrative. i think the main point of that whole thing was to remind satoko that the path she’s going down is harming others. it’s a mirror to what she is doing to rika right now. now i’m not saying she’s an awful, horrid child abuser, i’m just saying that what she’s doing is wrong and that sometimes you need a reminder of that.
my last remaining thought right now is... okay first off they aren’t going to tie higurashi directly to umineko, BUT, there is, and always has been, similarities to the two.
satoko = lambdadelta. the witch of certainty. rika = bernkastel. the witch of miracles.
don’t you think, with their powers together, they’d be certain to have the miracle to have the ultimate good ending for everyone?
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thefreakydeaky · 4 years
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Thunder Kiss ‘66
Characters: John Winchester x Reader
Summary: You witness your co-worker being murdered by a monster. You do your best to protect yourself.As luck would have it, a mysterious stranger intervines.John Winchester saves you from the ghoul, but who will save you from John Winchester?
Warning: Language, S m u t , Canon Typical Gore
One Shot
Word Count: 2,364
“What’s your name, Darlin’?” Your tall handsome savior asked.
Such a mundane question in the wake of heart-stopping terror and disturbing violence felt inconceivable.
”Y/N .” You heard yourself respond.
Kind eyes of molten gold and olive green gazed into yours.You were transfixed.
“That’s a beautiful name.” He commented leading you calmly through the room with his hand at the small of your back.
“What’s your name?”Your voice sounded steadier than you felt, but if he noticed how shaken up you were, he didn’t show it.
“Name’s John.John Winchester.” He told you with a disarming grin.
“How did you know how to stop them? I tried everything.I even stabbed it, but it kept coming.”You rambled.
The shock of what you had witnessed was starting to wear off.He sighed but didn’t stop moving.
“It’s complicated.How about right now we just focus on getting you outta here?” He suggested leading you out the back door.
The old pick up rumbled loudly down Highway 290. It wasn’t until he pulled into the parking lot of a sleazy looking motel that you started to worry.
Holy shit!
You didn’t know this man.You didn’t know what he was capable of. Well…that wasn’t entirely true.You knew he was capable of killing those things whatever they were.
Oh Great!A+ decision making skills, Y/N!
He put it in park and turned watching you contemplatively for a quiet moment.
O-kay don’t panic don’t panic don’t-
“So, normally I don’t do this.I get in, kill the evil son’s of bitches, and then get the hell out of town, but… I gotta tell you, in all my years doing this, I never seen a civi that could handle themselves that well against a monster.”
“A what?”
“A monster.A ghoul.”He repeated solemnly.
“They are creatures that generally hang around grave yards feeding on the flesh of the dead but when they seek vengeance like that particular monster, there’s no telling.”
“Feed…on the flesh…of the dead?”
He nodded giving you a look that made your cheeks burn.
“You know, I think we should have this conversation after we get a couple of drinks in you.”
So many questions came to mind that you hardly had time to think about them before a new one came up.
Was this real? Was he crazy? Were you?
The thing that attacked you had seemed very real. A “ghoul” he’d called it.
“You, uh, might wanna get cleaned up.” He told you interrupting your thoughts.And there it was again, that charming grin.
“Mhmmm” You murmured helpless against the pair of warm hazel eyes trained on yours.
His tongue licked lightly at the corner of his mouth and your eyes followed the movement. John leaned in close.You didn’t move away.His face was just inches from yours. You leaned forward. The popping sound of the lock on the passenger door being pulled up snapped you out of your reverie.
“You feelin’ okay?” He asked amused.
“I feel fine.”You grumbled making to get out of the truck.
You followed him to his motel room watching as he unlocked the door with large steady hands. You berated yourself internally for thinking of the many ways a man like him might put such capable hands to use.
“Bathroom’s right over there, Kid.”
He gestured to the door on your left.You cringed at the appellation, but ducked into the bathroom anyway closing the door behind you.
What you saw in the mirror made you gasp.Not in your worst nightmares had you ever seen yourself so disheveled.There were blood stains all over your clothes.Drying patches of it on your arms, neck, and face.You even had bloody bits and pieces of ghoul in your hair.Turning away from the mirror, You peeled off your top and shimmied out of your ripped up clothing. You kicked your ruined clothes into a pile before getting into the shower.
Under the warm water, you began to feel good again.The more you scrubbed the better you felt. By the time you were done, you were no longer freaking out.You turned off the water stepping out of the tub to find that John had taken away the pile of ruined clothes and left you a towel.
You rang your hair out over the sink and did your best to dry it with the towel.Your reflection looked the same way it had before you left the house that morning, but You didn’t feel like the same person.
You considered the facts.Something evil had walked into the store today and brutally murdered your co-worker.If John Winchester hadn’t come in to help you when he did, you wouldn’t be alive.You glanced down at the towel in your hand contemplatively and your reflection seemed to agree with the idea.Carefully folding in the edge,you wrapped the towel around you.
He was stepping back into the room when you opened the door. You didn’t say anything just watched him close the door behind him, a brown paper bag in his hand.His eyes met yours for the briefest moment before he noticed how little you were wearing. Then he got caught up taking in the rest of you.His eyes moved slowly down your body.You noticed his throat work as he swallowed, his jaw tightening almost imperceptibly.
“Enjoy your shower?”John inquired freeing a bottle of low grade whisky from the bag and setting it on the table.
“Yes.” You replied taking a seat. “I did.”
“I can lend you a shirt.” He poured three fingers of whiskey into each of the cheap plastic cups he had set on the table.
”Oh, I don't mind.” You winked picking up the small white cup.
He sat down in the chair opposite you and took a sip regarding you thoughtfully.
“That so?” He drawled meeting your gaze.
It was a challenge.You didn’t dare look away.You had a feeling that John Winchester had an aversion to weakness and the last thing you wanted was for him to size you up and find you lacking.However, his unwavering stare was beginning to make you feel self conscious.You took a sip of the honey colored liquor for courage.
“Why are you making it so hard for me, Kid?” He sounded almost strained.
“It’s Y/N.” You reminded him taking another sip.
He took a deep breath and smiled.
“I’m trying to do the right thing here,Y/N.”
Ordinarily a statement like that would be reason enough for you to back down, but your towel had slipped lower during the conversation and John’s eyes were no longer on yours when he spoke.
“And what exactly is the right thing, John?”You knew full well that you had the upper hand.
“Get you some clothes, drop you off at your place.”
“Mmm...I get the feeling you aren’t all that keen on that idea.”
“I saved your life.All that’s left for me to do is give you a ride home.”He seemed torn, but from the way his gaze kept traveling from your lips to your cleavage You knew it wasn’t much of a battle.
”Or I could spend the night thanking you for saving my life.”
“I’d be taking advantage.”
“No. You wouldn’t.”
“This conversation is getting old fast, Kid.” He sounded as frustrated as You felt.
“So it’s back to ‘kid’ now?”
“By comparison.” He sighed running his hand over his eyes wearily.
You put the cup back on the table and stood.
“That’s not true.”You told him taking off the towel and letting it drop to the ground.
You heard a sharp in take of breath and watched his expression change.His eyes roamed over your figure, pupils blown wide with desire.Without another word, You climbed into his lap and pressed your lips to his.His hands were on you in an instant kneading and caressing your hips and ass.
“Fuck.” He cursed gruffly.“How old are you?”
“Old enough.” You murmured against his lips.
“That’s what they all say.”He contested breaking the kiss.
You huffed offended at the implication.
“Answer the question.” The deep growl of his voice sent shivers down your spine.
After a moment's hesitation you leaned in and whispered your answer in his ear.
“Jesus.” John muttered palming your breast in his large warm hand. "You are younger than my youngest son."
"Does that really bother you?"
"Not nearly as much as it should."
You kissed and nibbled at his neck.
He groaned, one hand in your hair the other massaging your breast.
You tugged the button up shirt he had on down his shoulders.
John kissed you roughly almost sloppily.You could feel his insistent erection against the back of your thigh begging for attention and it thrilled you.Men like John Winchester didn’t need much in their lives to get by, but tonight he needed you.Warmth bloomed in your chest at the thought.
You ran your hands over the muscles of his back, his biceps and reveled in the simple pleasure of skin to skin contact.
“You’re nothin’ but trouble, you know that?” He murmured against your collar bone.
You ran your fingers through his hair and sighed.
He kissed your breast lightly.His tongue slipped out running over your nipple slow and tantalizing.
“Damn, you taste good.” His warm breath against your damp skin sent a little wave of pleasure rolling down your body.
You began kneading his erection through the rough fabric of his jeans and ground your ass against the hard length.The teasing didn’t stop. John continued nibbling, licking, sucking on your nipples and breasts until your breathing became ragged.Your pussy was almost wet enough to drip.You leaned back just enough to unbutton his pants and slide down the zipper freeing his thick cock from his jeans.You made to mount him, loving the thick ridged length of his dick already.You felt like you were falling.You gasped as he tipped you forward the only thing holding you in place, his arm around your waist.
“I’m not that kind of man.” He drawled.
“Wh-wha?” You sputtered as he lay you down on the mattress.
“I am always on top.” He growled as he sank into you.
“Haaa…aah..” You became incoherent then.
Every sound he drew out of you was a testimony to the pleasure he elicited with each and every thrust.When you thought you might reach orgasm, you began to push your hips up against his. John held you down firmly to stop you.
“Not yet.” His gruff voice, and mesmerizing eyes filled with hunger were very nearly your undoing.To your surprise, he drew back, pulling out of you. You groaned in disappointment.
“I-I won’t do it again.” Your voice sounded whiny and you hated it, but You needed him. The whisper of a smile passed across his lips as he kneeled there between your thighs.
“I wouldn’t leave you like that, Baby.” He assured you.
You looked on as he kissed his way down your stomach and then his head was between your thighs. He kissed you wetly, open mouthed and you whimpered at the delectable sensation. He licked and sucked at the swollen skin and this time he didn’t pull away when you grinded yourself against his tongue.
“Mmmm” He hummed as if he’d never tasted anything as good as you. John sucked on your clitoris and You lost yourself. A tide of euphoria drowned you in blissful feelings.
“Fuck, John, oh John.” You cried out holding onto his hands where they were gripping your thighs.
You lay there drunk on him and the way he made you feel as he made his way back up your body.Your eyes stayed on his as he thrust back into you seeking his pleasure now.His thick cock slid into you a little more easily than it had before, your cum coating his shaft.He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue imitating the movements of your lower bodies only served to re-ignite the embers of your ardent desire for him. Your thighs trembled as he quickened the pace, fucking you in earnest. The incredibly arousing sound of his balls slapping against your ass drew a whimper from your throat.
“Is this what you wanted, sweetheart? My cock deep in this nice tight pussy?” His deep voice sent shivers through you.
He pulled out just to sink back in, rolling his hips.
“Nnn…yes.” You moaned not caring how needy you sounded this time.“God, yes.”
John thrust deeper into you making you cry out and you couldn’t hold back any longer.Your walls clenched tightly around his dick as a second orgasm, rocked you, taking you to a place of exquisite ecstasy.He called your name as he came.You watched in a daze as he reached his peak cumming deep inside you, leaving you feeling wondrously full.
“Why am I trouble?” You asked later that night, as you lay tangled together beneath the thin bed sheet.
“What?” He murmured sleepily.
“You said I was nothing but trouble, why?” You persisted running your fingers down his arm and back up to his shoulder in a lazy caress.
“What it means, is that you’re the keepin’ kind and a hunter’s got a short life span.” He replied letting out a yawn.
“What does that mean for me?” You wondered out loud.
“Don’t worry about tomorrow, Kid.”He told you. "Trust me.It's nights like this that make life worth living."
You weren't entirely sure what he meant. John kissed the top of your head and held you close. You drifted to sleep, clinging to the notion that you would never forget John Winchester and the night you had spent together.
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