#mmm something curious there certainly
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Ama zoe
Me: *sighs*
It's beautiful and weird on so many levels.
Get Round Tuit
#mmm something curious there certainly#you are going to look very pretty with both of you on your knees#it's so good I just Have to see it though#on some level always.... listen bro i wanna play with her as bad as you#just rituals of hard drugs and mind melting sex#shivering....giving a forehead a kiss#it was....so strangely intimate#one of those small things to look back on and be like I think she was really into me#sigh.....#the real reason for the honeymoon wait is you need all parties there#yeah I was captive of the way she moves though#one must focus until there is nothing but the orgasms rolling in waves#not by interaction no conferences#language skill drops as the full body approaches#I see all these videos...#and perhaps after you ascertain body control with practice#like maybe you think you know#but I always have tricks even I don't know I can do up my sleeve#your so small it doesn't matter#you can just have your head go down prone and I will simply contine to pull you up to full head at entry and back#I sense my crotch getting wet down there....#uh whoa she a really sweaty#Hot sweat juice#has a distinct smell of pussy though#I catalyze your glandular production with my hands on celestial mechanics#but yeah you were contorting involuntarily and you might as well give me access to *sniff#flick my tongue just on the hairs#rub my lips into your neck....but it's not a kiss#it is just telling you I own you#pot holder
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The Arcane - Chapter Three - Blood and Bone
Summary: It's time for Viktor's first proper visit with his new doctor.
Characters: Viktor x Male Reader (Doctor Raven) x Jayce (eventually)
Warnings: Blood, needles
Words: 1,638
Viktor returned to the lab by noon, his approach heralded by the gentle click, click, click of his cane as he walked. With your exceptional senses, you could hear him exit the elevator and make his way down the hall. His footsteps, his breath, his gentle heartbeat…
The lab door opened with a hiss, and you turned to greet him with a smile. The heavy bags beneath his eyes were still dark, but his eyes themselves shone just a bit brighter. He’d also showered and changed his clothes, by the look of things.
“Afternoon, Viktor.”
“Doctor,” he nodded.
You invited him to sit in the chair near the chalkboard, where you would take a few samples of his blood.
“Sleep okay?” you asked as he sat heavily and you gathered your equipment.
“Well enough, with a mind as busy as mine.”
You chuckled. “I know what that’s like. Did you find something to eat?”
“Yes, an apple. To keep the doctor away,” he smirked.
The corner of your mouth twitched up into a smile.
You set your supplies out on a little metal table and rolled it and a chair of your own over to Viktor.
“Do you want to keep me away, Viktor?” you asked as he offered his arm to you.
He thought for a moment before replying with a soft, “no”.
“I would certainly hope not,” you smiled softly. “I would miss your company.”
“Already?” he asked sarcastically as he watched his blood fill a vial. “But we barely know each other, doctor.”
“All the same,” you chuckled.
A crease formed between your brow as you switched the first vial out to fill a second.
“Your blood is a strange color. Almost purple.”
“I noticed.”
You hummed, thoughtful.
“Do you have your medical records?” you asked.
“No, but you may be able to get them from my previous doctor.”
“And where is he?”
“The Undercity.”
You paused and looked up at him.
“The Undercity?”
He nodded.
“He was the closest to home.”
“I see…”
You didn’t realize that he was from the Undercity. It didn’t make a difference, but it could explain some things.
“Where in the Undercity?” you asked, as you finished up the second vial and hooked on a third.
“Mmm, I’d have to show you.”
“Would you?” you asked.
“Sure,” he nodded. “We can go after we’re finished here.”
“No,” you said, perhaps a little too hastily.
He tilted his head, curious.
“I can’t go during the day…”
He regarded the heavy curtains drawn over the big windows. His eyes went wide with realization.
“The sun.”
You nodded and unhooked the third vial, then removed the needle from his arm and pressed a cotton ball to the site. Instinctually, he held it in place while you grabbed the bandage.
“So vampires really do turn to ash in the sunlight, then?”
“Not immediately, but yes.”
You wrapped up his arm, disposed of the needles and your gloves, gathered the vials of his blood, and took them to each of their testing stations.
“The sunlight burns, quite literally,” you explained. “It’s more than a sunburn. Only a few moments in the sun can put me out of commission for quite some time.”
“There is so much misinformation surrounding your kind, I wasn’t sure if that one was true.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
"UV sensitivity... interesting..." he mused.
He was as curious about you as you were about him. There was a brief lull in the conversation while you scribbled some notes in his file and he considered your unique "condition".
“I would like to do a physical examination, if you don’t mind,” you said finally. “To make sure you’re in good health otherwise.”
“Of course,” he agreed.
You asked him to remove his shirt, and turned around to locate the stethoscope. When you turned back with the device in hand, you were caught off guard by the metal corset covering most of his torso.
“Does that come off?” you asked.
"With a bit of difficulty, yes."
He stood while you helped him remove the corset, and then took a moment to get a good look at his crooked spine. You ran your fingers gently over it, tracing the curve. What he was currently wearing was keeping it from bending any more, but it wouldn't fix the problem. You, however, might be able to. With his help, of course.
"You need something better than this," you told him.
"I... have been working on a design," he told you hesitantly. "A brace that will bolt to my spine, with a removable chest piece. But I would need a doctor to perform the surgery to put it in place."
"I can perform that surgery," you said as you gestured for him to sit back down and pressed the stethoscope against his chest.
You didn't actually need the stethoscope in order to hear his heart and lungs, but it was helpful at pinpointing certain sounds in certain locations.
“Deep breath,” you ordered him, and he obliged. “Another.”
He didn’t like the tone in your voice. Soft, but mixed with concern. You moved behind him to listen.
“One more.”
When you finished listening, you moved away to scribble more notes. He waited patiently.
“Your heart and circulation sound good,” you began, leaning back against the blank chalkboard.
“I sense a ‘but’ coming on.”
“Your lungs don’t,” you said plainly.
He nodded.
“They don’t feel great either.”
As if on queue, he wheezed out a cough.
“You grew up in the Undercity?” you asked. “What is the air like down there?”
He scoffed.
“I grew up near the fissures. ‘Toxic’ is the only appropriate word.”
You cast your gaze downward, and a cold chill crept up Viktor’s spine. And then you were in your chair in front of him again, gazing at him with those deep ruby eyes. You rested your hand gently on his knee.
“I am your doctor, Viktor. My specialty may be blood, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the skills required to tend to the rest of your needs. I’ve spent the better part of my six-hundred years studying medicine, I’m going to do everything I can, use everything I’ve learned, to help you feel better.”
He was caught off guard by your conviction and the intensity of your gaze.
“I… I know you will, Doctor.”
“Good,” you smiled, and hopped to your feet, and he couldn’t help but notice just the slightest jerk in your hip, as if moving caused you pain. You didn’t pay it any mind, however, so it was an observation that he silently filed away for later.
“Can I take a look at your leg?” you asked.
“Of course.”
You averted your gaze while he stripped down to his underwear. There was a small bed on the opposite wall, and from it, you handed him a soft blanket, blue one one side, red on the other. He placed it in his lap. It wasn’t a hospital gown, but it was better than nothing. Your touch was gentle as you felt around his leg, cold fingers ghosting over his skin. He shivered.
“Sorry,” you chuckled. “Probably should have put gloves on.”
“It’s alright.”
You felt each side of his knee, and then asked him to slowly extend his leg, feeling for the movement of tendon, muscle, and bone beneath the skin. You checked his ankle and toes as well, and then asked him to stand so you could check his hip. He left the blanket on his chair and stood before you. You wheeled your own chair around to his side, and he jerked slightly when your hands found him again. He was used to this kind of treatment after a lifetime of doctor’s visits. But this was different. Your touch was firm, but gentle. Caring. He had felt like a burden with his previous doctor, who had terrible bedside manner. With you, though… You touched him like he was made of porcelain.
Your hand drifted backward slightly, and you squeezed, just a bit, as you asked him to rock his leg backward. Then, it traveled forward, in the crease between his inner thigh and crotch. He held his breath as he gently swung his leg forward. And then your touch was gone and you were rising from your chair. You leaned past him, so close, to grab the blanket and return it to him. Your scent lingered when you walked away. You scribbled some more notes as he sat back down, and he found the sound surprisingly comforting.
“I need to get some scans,” you said. “Your lungs, spine, and leg. But we don’t have the equipment for that here, so I’m going to have to consult with someone at the hospital. While we’re waiting for them, I’ll work on your blood. Oh, and your leg could use a brace as well. If you fell like taking on some homework, you could design yourself one.”
He hummed thoughtfully, and you turned back to see him huddled up in the blanket.
“Oh, uh… Sorry,” you chuckled. “You can get dressed.”
He would have offered a snappy comeback, something about liking seeing him with no clothes on, but he was distracted. His skin felt like it was buzzing everywhere you’d touched him. Wordlessly, he got dressed while you organized the newest notes into their place in his file. He noticed the way your gaze flicked toward him every now and again. You couldn’t help it. You found him infinitely fascinating, not because of his blood or his bones or his fancy mechanical braces, but because he was him. Because he was Viktor. Handsome, kind, brilliant Viktor.
“These tests will take some time,” you told him. “I expect Heimerdinger will need you to get back to work, but, if you ever need to come into the lab, for anything at all, you’re more than welcome. The door will remain unlocked.”
He smiled as he finished buttoning up his vest.
“Thank you, Doctor. Your kindness is much appreciated.”
“Of course.”
He lingered for only a moment before turning to leave. The door opened with a hiss, but your voice stopped him.
“Oh, and Viktor?”
You smiled.
“Have some lunch. Doctor's orders.”
#my writing#arcane#arcane viktor#arcane viktor x reader#arcane viktor x male reader#viktor x male reader#viktor x reader#vampire reader
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Minimoni - album exchange - JM's Muse
Well my friends, this was certainly something.
I'm going to talk about somethings in this video that stood out to me, not necessarily in the order they came.
I must say, JM did surprise me. We got a level of candor from him we have never got before. And when I say candor I don't mean JM has not been truthful with us in the past, he has. But he is JM. In situations like these, the master of telling us it all without telling us anything.
When it came to Face JM talked. He told us how personal Face was to him. How he took all his pain and struggles and put it into these songs that also represent a progression in a chronological order ending with SMF pt. 2. He told us all that, and then at the same time left it so vague not going into any details. But it wasn't only the album he didn't talk much about, as we all know. And do we talk about Letter and how so very vague he was when it came to that song? The surprise, the "fan song", which he basically would not say more than two words about?
Funny how open and calm and relaxed JM is while talking about this song, eh? Not a hint of shyness. Not a glimmer of evasiveness. Just saying it loud and clear.
And very curious how for a man that was basically working on the two albums practically at the same time in his 2 mini albums he had 2 songs for the fans... Nope. Not curious at all. Because one of those songs was definitley not for the fans. Not like this one, which he tells us to think of as a letter... very funny when he has an actual song called Letter in Face. Only thing is that that Letter was not addressed to us AT ALL, while this one is!!!
You think his use of the word letter for Closer than this is a coincidence? Not thought out? Wrong once again. It's a conscious choice of a word !! One word that basically tells us EVERYTHING.
That was me kind of starting at the end. I just had to get it out of my system before getting into the nitty gritty of the rest.
Another thing we got from JM was just how easy it was for him to talk about JK in this 27 minute video.
First we get from him that JK was the first to hear the songs.
He tells RM that he is the first to listen to the Album though. Meaning, RM would be the first to listen to the songs in the order they are put on the album, as per his concept.
JM tells us later on in the video how he finished recording the songs early June 2023. And here he says that JK heard the songs back during their trip (in July 2023). The use of "since" makes me believe it is the July trip rather than the later one to Jeju. And telling RM he's the first to listen to the album means that JK got to hear them right after JM recorded them, not necessarily all at once, and not in the order they are heard on the album.
Then JM mentions the fact that they are going into the army together.
Now this one is curious to me.
This video was shot a day before JM was off to Hungary to shoot his MV. Mid November. What I find curious is him bringing it up like it was something that RM was not aware of...
It comes up as part of their conversation about JM's voice, how he is in the process of learning how to sing again, in a way that will not damage his voice.
Talking about that he says this:
RM steering him in the direction he wanted, which was the vocal tutors not JK... Lol.
This is clearly something the talk about a lot. And when I say they I mean JM and JK.
So JM talks about the vocal tutor and the things he has been doing to improve himself in that sense, and then this comes:
RM's reaction. "Oh right". So he knew. Which was understandable seeing that this was such a huge thing. Than why JM mentioning it? Well, probably explained by what comes next. But basically JM is telling RM, and us of course, that he is going to be practicing his singing with JK during their joint service. Yes haters. This is JM telling you that as much as you wish otherwise, the two of them are together right now, just doing their Jikook things when they can. And that includes, among many other things, having hours of conversation and practicing their singing.
So, here's what JM had to say:
Let's talk about this for a second here.
Complimenting JK, as he loves to.
Stating the obvious. JM confirming that they spend time together. This is throughout 2023 and while there were those that were once again, as part of the Jikook rollercoaster, claiming the two weren't actually close, not to mention together.
JM's use of wording. This is very important. And I don't even think this was intentional, as in something he was trying to tell us. I think this was just him saying things as they are and the use the different terms is because the situations are different. What am I talking about? JM talking about JK:
Talking about Suga:
When he talks about JK it's "when he and I are drinking together"... it's a regular occurrence. Not a once in a while. Using that term "when we are drinking..." as opposed to the term he uses with Suga "We had drinks with Suga..." 2 thinks we get here. 1st is the use of "having drinks", which implies a once in a while occurrence, and 2nd the use of "we" oh so very naturally. It's the two, together, going to meet Suga for drinks. And even then, Suga being the third wheel, was basically figuratively just thrown right out of their car, left by the road side, them continuing on their ride together, lol.
Love how when RM says "that's why you didn't invite me" JM says "It gets a little deep". Love it because he's basically saying that his conversations with JK are deep (he did say he loved his mind) but also he's kind of also saying what we already know and what he also continues to tell us when talking about them going for drinks with Suga, and that is that they are so deeply into each other that there is no room for another in their interaction/conversation.
JM talks about how they can go on for hours about music when drinking together. One more of the things they do when drinking together, spending those hours together. Yes, JM just also confirmed that they spend HOURS together. Something done regularly as per his wording. And just one more of the things we learnt they tend to do while drinking. Together.
Talking about music, singing, dancing.
Working out,
Giving or getting hickeys,
And having Ramyeon...
Moving on.
Let's talk about Muse and what JM tells us about it.
JM and RM filmed this just before JM left for Hungary to film his MV for Who, so mid November 2023. The convo about the choice of name was kind of telling. We basically find out that Muse was not yet set as the name for his album. He was really thinking of SGMB as the name, which really also shows us how much they were influenced by The Beatles Sgt. Peppers lonely heart club band album.
RM asks him if it's connected with Face and JM says not so much. He explains that Face was about him, his feelings, getting clarity, or if you want - of autobiographical nature, while Muse is more vague, or if you want - NOT AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL!!!
There is no doubt in my mind that JM, who wrote these songs, used his own experiences and memories and emotions to write them (some he needed reminding of, lol), but at the end of the day from JM's explanation, the concept of Muse is not about himself and not about love. It's him expressing feelings through the universal language of love. We know that language, we understand crushing and attraction and love. And through those he was conveying how he feels about his work, his music, his performances.
Excited over something... not someone...
And JM goes on...
He tried to capture the emotions he was feeling as being like...
tracks one through five:
track six
In a sense, if we are looking at it from this aspect, then indeed, his muse could be that "she" represented in the song. Or, being the artist that he is, and keeping it all vague, it encompasses it all. Those very famous JM layers we see in his art. Through his writing and his concepts and performances and the MV and what it conveys to us.
But I do have to emphasise this: JM wrote the lyrics to Rebirth (a song he states he is his favourite), he took part in writing the lyrics to the other 5 songs (all other than Who). The songs are not autobiographical. That is clear. But as an artist the question is where he draws his inspiration for his lyrics from. We know RM can just make it as he goes, create from nothing, from an idea, from a book he read. JK on the other hand can't. This comes from JK himself. It's something he admitted he would love to learn, but he creates from his own trove of memories and experiences. Songs like Your eyes tell, Film out, not personal, and yet he draws lyrics from his own life experiences...
Does that mean that every single song he wrote is autobiographical? Hell no. It means that his expression comes from feelings and memories and experiences he had. We know JM wrote from his own trove for Face, and there are hints he did the same for Muse (without the autobiographic side of it).
Clarifying once again ... a conceptual album does not mean that the artist does not draw from his own life experiences, his feelings, while writing his songs. It means it's not autobiographical but at same time he might be feeding his own reality into those songs.
All this to say, once again, that even if a song is not about himself, when writing it he takes from his own life experiences and feelings. And that is how we end up with lines like this in Rebirth:
You are the light in my darkness Like the sunshine vibe
This whole interaction:
The shining sun line. Yes, the reference to the sun again. And we know who the sun is.
But there's more. It's how JM talks about the line. It's about him saying he asked for permission from Taeyang to use the line in his song, all while the only word from that line that has to do with Taeyung is Vibe. But even more so their reaction to that line. Both of them. And RM at the end...
And look who's peaking from the window... Lol.
*See comments for connection with Taeyang = sun.
Please tell me RM what is so very funny about that line "shining sun" that has you folding over in laughter???
When talking about writing Rebirth and how hard it was writing the lyrics to the song, he says:
RM's reaction though, lol.
That "Bro..."
The snicker.🤣🤣
JM couldn't remember the last time he had a crush. You know. That kind of heart wrenching one sided feeling towards another (well, you think it's one sided until you have the guts to explore it further).
I can actually help him with that one:
Go look at some good wholesome BTS content back in 2014 and 2015. That, my friend is JM crushing.
And that is also why Mr. leader had his little snicker.
So yeah JM, it was a very long time ago. Since then you discovered the crush was not unrequited, and you happen to be with that same person for what? 9 years or so?
And yet, RM's reaction. Again. Cause JM might have forgotten what it's like to have a crush for someone, but RM on his part, has not forgotten what it was like to have two members in the band he was leader of crushing over each other. That was the start of his nightmare as Jikook's babysitter, lmao.
So yes, very amusing indeed.🤣
At the end RM says he loved Muse better than Face, but Rebirth is his favorite and he loves that song more than the whole of Face. He even thinks that Muse as an album is a lot better than Face.
Couldn't help myself, had to end the post with this RM about JM:
"Such a good FRIENDSHIP!!!", screams someone in the barracks.
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hook’s secret
pairing: james hook x gn!reader (requested!)
summary: you and hook are on a date, just like every other week, but something happens when you suggest that you two take a swim
type: fluff, then angst, then fluff again
CW: panic attack
WC: 1K

“I’m telling you, James, strawberries are way better than cherries. Here, try one.” you picked up one of the chocolate covered strawberries that you had made, holding it up to his lips. The two of you were on a picnic, one of the many activities that you frequently did on your date nights. “I can’t believe you’ve never had a strawberry before, take a bite!”
He hesitated before taking a bite, his eyes instantly lighting up, “That’s what a strawberry tastes like? That’s delicious, darling.” He grabbed another strawberry, finishing it in the blink of an eye. “Slow down, love, I made those for us to share,” you teased. “If you kiss me, I’m sure that you can still taste them.” Hook puckered his lips, leaning in towards you. Rolling your eyes, you complied, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“What was that, y/n? Someone with no mouth could kiss longer than that!” he teased before leaning in with puckered lips again. You cupped his cheeks, “You are beyond annoying, James.” Leaning in, you pressed your lips to his. He relaxed into your touch, his hand sliding up to rest at the nape of your neck.
Once he pulled away, you fixed yourself, licking your bottom lip, “Mmm, chocolate.”
He grinned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you impossibly close. You laid your head against his shoulder, looking out at the water in front of you. It was peaceful out. With the stress of school and whatnot, it was nice to just sit and exist for a while.
Hook glanced down at you, leaning his head down to press a kiss to your forehead. No matter how rough and wicked he was to others, he treated you like you were the most important thing in the world, and that’s because you were the most important thing in the world to him. You were his everything, the reason he strived to try his best.
“I love you, darling,” he whispered in your ear, his hand gently squeezing your hip. You blushed, butterflies erupting in your stomach. The two of you had been together for a little over a year, but he still managed to make you swoon over and over again. The soft and caring touches, the loving pet names… he knew how to win your heart. Nothing else mattered when it was just you and him.
“I love you too, my captain. More than you’ll ever know,” You sat up, brushing his hair out of his face. The soft light from the sunset made him look even more even more handsome than you had ever thought imaginable. You were certainly lucky.
“Do I have chocolate on my face? You’ve been staring for an awfully long time,” Hook teased, pulling you so that you were sitting on his lap. Your face must’ve been as red as a scorching fire at that point. You nodded, kissing his cheek, “Yup, right there.”
“And right there,” you kissed the tip of his nose, then planted a sweet kiss on his lips, “Aaaand right there.”
“That’s a lot, are you sure that there isn’t any chocolate anywhere else?” James winked, earning a shove from you.
“Hey, why don’t we go for a swim?” you stood up, going over to the water, “It looks calm today.” Hook raised a brow, “Swim? Are you sure? It’s a little cold out. Why don’t we just stay over here?”
You turned to him, a puzzled look on your face. “It’s just a little water, James. Come with me,” you reached for his hand. He hesitated before standing up, walking over to the water.
Turning back to the water, you saw something out of the corner of your eye. You walked over, curious as to what it was.
“James, come look, I think it’s a crocodile!” you exclaimed. It wasn’t too clear of a picture, but you could see two yellow eyes peaking out from the surface of the water.
When you heard no response, your head turned to look at him again. He was frozen in his place, his already pale skin turning even whiter. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. “James? James, what’s wrong?” you went over to him, shaking his shoulder.
His breaths got faster, the only word capable of coming out of his mouth was the word “no” and he felt like his feet had been cemented to the ground below him. He was shaking like a dog caught in a rain storm, and any words that you said to him sounded like jumbled mush that went in one ear and out the other. You wrapped your arms around him, gently moving him away from the edge of the water.
“Deep breaths, I’ve got you,” you whispered, one of your hands rubbing his back while the other took his hand. “You’ve got this, I’m right here.” His eyes darted over to yours, focused on them as he tried to regulate his breathing.
“That’s good, just look at me, James.”
After a minute or two, he had started taking deeper breaths, his forehead resting against yours. You just held him in your arms, trying to comfort him in any way that you could. You could ask questions later, but it was clear that he needed you in the moment.
“I’m sorry,” He whispered in such a quiet tone that you wouldn’t have been able to hear him had he not been right in front of you. “Shh shh, nothing to be sorry for. We can talk later, okay?”
You eventually brought Hook back to his room. You laid down on his bed while he laid on top of you, his head resting on your chest. He found your heartbeat to be calming, especially in times like these. After he was okay enough to talk to you, he had told you what had happened that made him have such a big reaction. You felt absolutely awful, and did nothing but apologize profusely until he begged you to stop apologizing.
Your hand ran through his hair, “I love you so much. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you, alright?” He looked up at you, his eyes tired and threatening to close, “I love you too, darling. I’m sorry for not telling you about, y’know…”
“Shh, it’s okay, love. Now go to sleep, I’ll be right here when you wake up. I promise.”
a/n: i absolutely love fluffy hook, it’s probably my most favorite thing to write ever. thank you for the request, i appreciate it!! <3
#_emily’s writing_#descendants#descendants the rise of red#the rise of red#descendants x reader#descendants the rise of red x reader#the rise of red x reader#james hook#james hook x reader#young hook#young hook x reader#young james hook#young james hook x reader
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problem solving
satoru gojo x f!reader — (mentions of kento nanami x f!reader & gojo x f!reader x nanami)
summary: your innocent suggestion that Nanami needs to get laid inspires a particular fantasy that Gojo just can't stop thinking about.
word count: 1.2k
content: NSFW, 18+, SMUT, established gojo x reader, oral sex (m!receiving), oral fixation, anal fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, a smidge of degradation and praise kink, gojo wants to be a cuck, some dom!gojo vibes [mentions of a threesome, double penetration in one hole, anal sex, double penetration in two holes]
“Nanami needs to fucking get laid,” you groan, tossing your keys down on the counter before dramatically flopping down onto the couch.
The comfort of the well-worn cushions is a welcome embrace after a long evening out to dinner with your friends—which would normally be regarded as a fun activity, if it weren’t for the aforementioned man who’d shown up in what was quite possibly the worst mood you’ve ever seen him in (and that was saying something).
Satoru chuckles as he settles down beside you, lifting up your ankles and placing them back down across his thighs as he fiddles with a loose string along the edge of your sock. “You know how he gets when he’s stuck working overtime at the office. They’ve had him staying late every night this week.”
Placing the back of your hand over your face, you glance over at your boyfriend through the gaps between your fingers. “Yeah, well they should be giving him overtime sex instead of overtime pay so he’s not such an insufferable dickhead about it.”
Dragging a hand through his soft, white locks of hair, Satoru sighs, “I don’t think that’s legal.”
You shrug, “Well, I’m two seconds from signing him up for a dating app against his will if that man doesn’t start making an effort to at least get his dick sucked. At minimum.”
You don’t think much of your flippant comments about Nanami’s sex life, or apparently lack thereof.
But Satoru, on the other hand?
He has quite a few thoughts on the matter, especially as it pertains to the two of you. Thoughts that he decides would be best discussed while he’s balls deep in your mouth a few days later.
“I think you should fuck Nanami.”
You choke—not because you can’t handle the length of Satoru’s thick cock shoved down your throat, no, but because those were the last six words you were expecting to hear from him at this particular moment.
“Ah—don’t stop,” he chides as you go to pull off of him, one hand gently resting at the back of your head.
You meet his gaze, raising an eyebrow, but shrug as you continue to lap at his cock.
A small grin peels across Satoru’s lips before he lets his head fall back on the pillows, moaning. “Mmm…okay. Right. So as I was saying, I think this is the perfect solution to our little problem.”
Toying with his balls, you let out a contemplative humming noise that has his shaft twitching between your lips. Satoru is anything but shy in the bedroom, and you’ve certainly mulled over the possibilities of spicing things up in one way or another. So it’s not like this proposition is entirely out of left field…but with Kento Nanami? Your friend?
“Oh…just like that,” he murmurs as you wetly suck on the head of his cock while pumping your fist down the spit-soaked length of it. “After what you said the other night, I couldn’t stop thinking about him fucking you.”
Something warm curls in your gut at his words, and you subtly clench your thighs together as you offer him a curious noise, prompting him to continue while you make a mess of his throbbing, leaking dick.
“You’d look so pretty with his cock stuffed in your wet little pussy, baby,” he breathes out, rolling his hips so his shaft slides deeper down your throat. “Wanna fill you up myself and then watch him fuck my cum back inside of you.”
You can’t help it, you fucking whimper at that, and you can feel your panties grow slick with the arousal that’s dripping out of you.
Satoru caresses the side of your face as he begins to fuck your mouth, his voice rough as he begins to lose his composure, “Maybe I’ll let him come inside of you, too. See how much cum we can fit in that tight hole.”
You’re so dizzy with arousal, you hardly register when Satoru pulls his shaft from your mouth and puts you on all fours, pushing up your oversized tee to reveal your lace panties. Hooking a finger in them and tugging them aside, he groans when he feels how wet you are.
“Please,” you whimper as he notches the head of his cock at your leaking entrance—both in response to the fantasy he’s offering and also a plea for him to fuck you right here and now.
Satoru obliges without hesitation, plunging into your waiting hole and engulfing his shaft in the greedy, wet heat of your cunt. The punishing stretch of his fat cock leaves you trembling, fingers digging tightly into the sheets as a line of drool unconsciously falls from your lips.
“Maybe we’ll both fuck you,” he muses as he begins to rock his hips, his shaft deliciously stroking your sensitive inner walls with each deep thrust.
“Oh fuck,” you breathe out, nearly collapsing at the mental image your brain readily supplies—Nanami and your boyfriend taking turns pumping their cocks inside of you. Your lips around Nanami’s dick while Satoru’s face is buried between your legs.
The near-impossible stretch of both of their dicks stuffed into your pussy at the same time.
“Maybe…we’ll fill both of your little holes up,” Satoru whispers as he folds his body over yours, nipping at the shell of your ear before placing two of his fingers over your lips.
You let your mouth drop open, eagerly beginning to suck on them, moaning and drooling around the digits as the ache between your thighs continues to grow. He removes the spit-soaked digits after a few moments and straightens, spreading your ass cheeks and swiping the pads of his fingers over the tight ring of muscle waiting there.
“Satoru,” you moan, arching your back and presenting your ass to him, pushing his cock even deeper inside of you in the process.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he asks as he massages your rim until there’s just enough give to slowly slip a finger into your ass. “You’d like being our little cock slut, letting me fuck you in the ass while you ride my best friend’s dick.”
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you gasp against the pillow, a surging wave of pleasure coiling so tight in your gut you can hardly breathe.
“Say it,” Satoru croons, your pussy wetly squelching as he ruts into you.
You moan, legs beginning to tremble.
“Say it.”
“I want you and Nanami to fuck me,” you sob as he slips a second finger into your ass. “Please.”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, his free hand trailing around your hip, fingers beginning to toy with your aching clit.
Your vision goes white as your orgasm crashes over you, drenching your nerves in a flood of pleasure that leaves you breathless. Satoru’s hips snap forcefully into yours one last time, burying his cock in you to the hilt as he empties himself inside of you.
You both collapse sideways onto the bed, too tired to bother cleaning up the hot cum leaking out of your cunt and down your thighs. Satoru pulls your back against his chest, idly stroking your shoulder as he presses soft kisses to the back of your neck.
It’s only when you’re nearly asleep that he whispers, “I’m serious.”
— likes, comments, & reblogs are appreciated!
#satoru gojo x reader#satoru gojo smut#kento nanami x reader#kento nanami smut#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen smut#satoru gojo x reader x kento nanami#kento nanami x reader x satoru gojo#gojo x reader#gojo smut#jjk smut#jjk fanfiction#jujutsu kaisen fanfiction#dee writes
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17 for the ask game!
17. Rook teaching someone a skill
“It’s alright, Little Dove. Try again”
Madeleina Mercar sits with her daughter, held snuggly in her lap, and watches as blue sparks of magic sputter in and out existence.
Francesca huffs, and Madeleina, knowing her daughter as she does, is picturing the look of frustration on her delicate features although she can’t see her. Her aquiline nose must be scrunched, and thick brows drawn low over doe-like eyes. The blue light emanating from her small hands fades, as they drop into her lap.
Frannie turns to her mother and frowns, her shoulders deflating, “I can’t do it … not like you”
Madeleina runs her hands gently through her pin-straight black hair. One of the many features, both in personality and appearance, she inherited from her father. Lucanis’ little twin, in nearly every way. The best of both of them, Madeleina thinks. After all, the magic bit was all her.
“Ah, little Dove, you’ve only been at this for a few days” Madeleina offers a warm smile and touches her forehead to Frannie’s, reveling her daughter’s warmth. “You’ll get better, you just need more practice”
That only seems to deepen Francesca’s frown as she pulls away from her mother, indignant.
“I’m a mage!” She says, punctuated with the stubbornness of youth. “I should be able to -... to... I don’t know! Make something!”
Then, she lets loose the real crux of the issue next.
“How am I supposed to tell my baby brother stories if I can’t do it like you…”
Madeleina is unable stop herself from letting out a surprised breath. A little part of her had certainly been curious when Francesca barged into their bedroom one night and demanded to know how Madeleina’s illusions work. She had planned on showing her at some point, of course – but wanted to wait until she was a bit older and had a more refined grasp on her magic. When her magic first manifested, she nearly froze their elderly cat, Frupert, into an ice sculpture. Francesca’s control had improved leaps and bounds since then, but it still wasn’t quite perfect and one had to watch for the errant fireball when she was in one of her moods. The singe marks being painted over their estate were proof of that, and the staff had learned to duck quite well as a result. Nonetheless, she was making all the progress she could in her personal instruction of Francesca– making use of her time in the Circle to guide her instruction.
Madeleina smiles warmly and rubs her growing belly, now about four months into pregnancy. Francesca joins the motion and pulls herself into a hug with her mother.
She doesn’t know how long they’ve been sitting there, holding each other, and she’s not sure what prompts her to conjure an illusion, but she does so anyway.
It’s a familiar one – a castle surrounded by four turrets and long, pointed spires. Finely gilded wrought-iron gates bar the entrances. It floats between them for a few moments, and her daughter stares, transfixed by its construction.
“That’s the castle from the Sleeping Princess” Francesca mumbles. “I’ll never be able to make it…”
“Yes, you will. You just need to start with something smaller” Madeleina waves her hand and the castle disappears from existence.
“We use our magic to tap into the Fade and make the real world a little more like the Fade- just for a moment” She explains, putting her arm out in front of her daughter again. It glows with blue light once more. “When I do my magic, I think if it as bringing the stories that live in my heart into the real world, using the Fade as the bridge”
Madeleina holds her daughter closely, and Francesca in turn, nuzzles into her neck.
“Think hard, think carefully about a memory or a story. Something simple, but important to you. Focus on it in your mind’s eye, and then draw on the Fade to make it real”
“Mmm…” Frannie looks hesitant, and Madeleina gently touches their foreheads again and puts a hand on her daughter’s heart.
“Don’t think about it so much in here” She bonks their foreheads together gently and Frannie blinks in confusion. “Think with this” Madeleina puts a finger on her daughter’s chest, where her heart should be, and leans back.
Francesa closes her eyes tightly, balls her fists together, and clenches them tightly until they start glowing blue again. She keeps her eyes closed like she’s searching for something deep in the recesses of her mind.
‘Come on, you can do it’ Madeleina thinks to herself, watching eagerly as the results of her daughter’s efforts start to take shape.
She bites her lip as three amorphous blobs start winding their way into a clumsy existence at the hands of her daughter.
“You’re doing it, Little Dove! Keep going” Madeleina whispers in her ear, and puts a reassuring hand on her back.
Francesca’s eyebrows furrow in concentration. Madeleina restrains a chuckle as she watches Frannie’s tongue stick out of the side of her mouth.
She’s made a few shapes before, but has never sustained something so complicated as a fully formed figure or a building.
Three figures start stretching out and winding back on and collapsing in on themselves. Just when she thinks Francesca’s about to give up, one of them starts taking shape. Slowly, but surely, one of the figures starts to resemble… Lucanis?
It has his widow’s peak, feathered back hair, the beard, the square jaw and handsome features she fell in love with all those years ago. Then, the other blob starts to take on more of her features, for just a moment, before a grunt of effort from Francesca releases the illusion into the Ether once more.
“Agh! Why!” Frannie pounds her fists on her knees and groans, leaning back into Madeleina’s arms and flopping like every ounce of tension from every muscle left her in that exact moment.
Madeleina chuckled and pinched her cheeks. “Little Dove, I’ve been doing this kind of magic for over twenty years. Give yourself time”
“I should be better at it” Frannie huffs again, crossing her arms over her chest.
She certainly has her father’s stubbornness and need for perfection in everything they do.
“You’ll get there, I promise”
A soft knock comes at the door, and a moment later, her husband is peeking through.
“Where are my girls?” Lucanis grins as he comes to stand in the doorway. Francesca, carefully, given Madeleina’s swollen belly, extricates herself from her mother’s grasp and runs quickly to her father. She wraps her arms around his legs and sulks against his finely tailored black trousers.
“I can’t do Mom’s magic like she can” She whines into his pant-leg.
Lucanis chuckles and pats her hair gently. “Few can, my darling girl. But you have the best teacher in all of Antiva – perhaps Thedas.” He gives Madeleina a knowing look, and she can’t help the flush that creeps over her cheeks when he does. All these years, and he still has that effect on her.
He leans down to her level and gently takes hold of her shoulders, the size of his hands dwarfing them, “But you’re going to keep working on it, hm? Because?”
Francesca nods solemnly, “Because I’m a Dellamorte… and we don’t give up”
Lucanis nods, “Good. Now, that’s enough real magic for one night hmm. How about some culinary magic, courtesy of your loving father?”
Francesca beams, “What did you make tonight?”
“Your favourite” He answers, looking rather satisfied with himself.
“Oh- mushroom, seafood and lemon risotto?” Francesca asks hopefully, her green eyes shimmering with excitement.
Lucanis nods and before he can verbally affirm the statement their daughter squeals and starts running down the winding staircase and heading for the west wing of the estate, where the dining room(s) are located.
“She gets that from you” Lucanis jerks his thumb towards Madeleina and smiles.
She rolls her eyes and steadies herself on both hands before pushing up. Lucanis is next to her with inhuman speed and has his arms steadying hers before she’s even fully pushed herself off the floor.
“Take it easy, cara mia” He whispers, leaning close. Madeleina feels that same flush creeping up the back of her neck, and the tips of her ears.
Madeleina, once fully upright, rolls her eyes and ribs him playfully. “I’m fine. You worry worse than a Chantry mother”
Lucanis presses a chaste kiss to her cheek and keeps her encircled in his arms even as she moves to follow their daughter to the dining room.
“Mi Amor, I will spend the rest of my days being eternally grateful that I have you and our children to fret over”
#asks#rook story time#ahhhh this was fun#ty for the ask!!#its definitely helped bust up a little bit of the writer's block#rook#rook mercar#lucanis#lucanis dellamorte#lucanis x rook#rookanis#datv
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Tbh it's a little silly, but I'm honestly a little curious how Ozpin knows about The Shallow Sea since it's a dying and, presumably closed, oral tradition (based off of how he talks about it in his notes). Ik he's immortal, but i feel like it's pretty tough to get a hold of closed stuff like that. Either a faunus trusted him a lot and told it to him at some point, orrrr... hesitant point towards 'Oz has been a faunus in a previous life'? I feel like it's more fun if Oz has been a faunus but I dunno 🤔
mmm, it's hard to say. i find myself bouncing between both options, like. that one makes sense... but so does that one, and there just simply isn't enough proof to really solidly land on either one.
like yeah, he's immortal; it's likely he has been close friends with a faunus or few ( lionheart comes to mind ), but if the story is something he has heard only once or twice over the years—especially since after the great war it has fallen out of favor, making it rarely spoken in present day remnant—, would he actually remember it accurately enough to write it down? especially since he is immortal and has been through so many lives and memories that something like 'the shallow sea'—a story that wouldn't mean much to him personally—wouldn't necessary stick in the same way as some other, more personal memories would.
the way he speaks of it in his notes, too... he knows quite a bit about the story, the way it has been passed down from generation to generation, how it's never been written down before—not by faunus, and certainly not by humans—, and it's giving that personal touch to it; like he has been on that side of the coin before, even if he isn't on it now, and because of that he's also handling it very carefully in the book, knowing how important it is for the faunus.
so, perhaps he was a faunus in one of his previous lives, telling this very same story to his children, but at the same time it's difficult to say so for certain since out of all his lives that have been shown, none have been faunus. does that mean he absolutely cannot be one? could be, could be not; depends on whether ozma's soul originating from a time when faunus didn't exist has any say on the matter.
it's like. absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence; if oz had ever said he only reincarnates into humans, that's one thing, but all we have is "like-minded soul", so presumably, as long as there's a soul, the possibility is there.
also, as a sidenote, i find it interesting that the fact 'the shallow sea' is so "rarely spoken these days" influenced his decision to record it before it's "lost to posterity." like it's saying things about oz that he would do that rather than let it be lost to the winds, even though the story since menagerie was settled has become "tinged with bittersweet irony". just thinking about all the other stories that are included in the book, how many of those involve oz himself, how bittersweet they have become over the years to him... and they're still there. like dude keeps secrets like no tomorrow, but still, nothing is left in the past! it's all getting written down, presented as simple fairy tales that may ( wink wink ) hold a kernel of truth.
love that for him.
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“Office Time” (Tony Stark x Fem!Reader)
| Tony visits the reader at her office job. Just to hang out…no other reason.
| SFW, slice of life(?), nothing crazy happens they’re just talking, fluff
| Pic source: Tony Stark: Iron Man comics
| 2k+ words
Tony saunters into your office thirty minutes after finishing up with a business meeting in the area. He’s long since ditched his suit jacket, leaving him in a partially unbuttoned dress shirt and slacks, polished oxfords clacking on the vinyl as he travels down the office building’s nearly vacant hallways.
He knocks on your door while already walking himself in.
“Hey! It’s your boyfriend. Remember me?”
You glance at him briefly with a roll of your eyes but still flash him a smile before turning back to your monitor. The sleek black design was Stark Tech, gifted by himself, because no associate of his was working on anything less than the best. He can hear the tell tale signs of a conference call once he kicks the door closed behind him.
A small smirk eclipses his face at the sight of you and he edges his way across the room on silent feet. You toss him a curious glance but he waves you off. He’s got a hunch he plans on getting to the bottom of and he’s willing to risk your ire to do so. He thinks the reward will be greater than the risk in this case, though. Certainly more than his usual impulsive calls for excitement.
You only lightly startle when he plops down next to you on the floor behind your desk.
“So…” he starts, stretching out the word while settling comfortably beside your legs where they’re not fully under the desk.
You hum and begin shuffling around with some papers. Tony feels like the file beneath your hands could knock Thor out; it's so thick.
“You know I love you, and all that good stuff. So, when I say this I'm really not trying to seem like the biggest jerk on the planet but, uh.” Tony scratches the back of his head as your eyes narrow at your screen. “Haha, okay. This is gonna be a little awkward, even for me, but did you get that package I sent you earlier?”
“Uh huh. It’s under my desk,” your face twitches funnily before you lick your lips. “It’s not secretly a…bomb…is it?”
You parse the question out tentatively and Tony blinks up at you.
“I would never do something so irresponsible.”
You squint, bright eyes still locked on whatever you’ve got running on the computer.
“Mmm, you kind of already have though.”
The corners of his eyes crinkle when the man smiles at you, blue eyes sparkling in amusement.
“I see what you’re trying to do right now, and it won’t work.”
“Oh you do? Well that’s okay because I distinctly remember a certain Armored Avenger crashing into the side of this building a month ago.”
“I’ll have you know, I was thrown, actually.”
You give a little nod randomly to the screen before addressing him.
“Whatever,” you sniff. “I could’ve died.”
“Okay, okay, I get it, the world's shittiest boyfriend award goes to me. Thanks.”
He’s going for playful dismissiveness, but if the look you throw at him is any indication he missed by a mile and ended up firmly at the corner of much too needy and much too self deprecating.
“Don't punch down, it looks bad on you. You still ended up saving me.”
“I don’t think the good deed counts if I caused the problem in the first place.”
“In this case we'll make an exception,” you frown at whatever’s on your screen but Tony doesn’t really know what to do at your reassurance. Eventually you fill the silence the room descends into.
“You’re good, though? Not slowly dying from some weird alien goo or anything?”
In a bid to dismiss your clear worry Tony waves his hand, “I’m fine, really. Just was in the area…Wanted to see you,” he shrugs. “Make sure you haven't opened that box.”
Tony gives himself a good chuckle before realizing the room’s other occupant isn’t laughing. His head whips to the side and his eyes widen. You’re cringing.
“Oh shit! You did? Honey...I...uh…” he trails off as you turn off your camera and slowly turn to him. Your face is pinched in guilt and embarrassment, and would you look at that, Tony feels like shit now.
“Hold on, Y/n, I’m not upset about it, just shocked I’m apparently rubbing off on you this much, and embarrassed.”
Your shoulders drop and you tap your manicured nails in succession once before your grimace turns into a soft smile.
You let out a small chuckle, “What’s so wrong with the gift you’d be embarrassed about it?”
“It’s just…uh…” he looks up at you and you smile.
“Proof that you care?”
He waves his hands around.
“No! I mean, yea- it just wasn’t supposed to come today.”
You nod sagely and place the gift, a beautifully crafted gold band set, gently atop your folder of doom.
“What exactly do you…think about them, though?”
Tony watches avidly as you chew on your lip for a moment.
He didn’t think after all you’d been through this would be the catalyst for you breaking up with him, but he really doesn’t want to disappoint you either.
It didn’t hurt that you were gorgeous to boot and could go toe to toe with Tony’s own brand of witt.
Neither of you take your eyes off the other as you suddenly push your chair back so you’re facing him. The moment you kick off one of your heels your boyfriend’s gaze locks on your bare foot. Tony’s breath hitches as you lift the fullness of your right leg up in front of his face. You slip the golden garter from your toes up to settle at the middle of your thigh, delighting in the way the hero tracks its trajectory.
Sliding the two thin gold cuffs up to your left forearm elicits the same amount of infatuation. After you finish putting on his gifts you meet his eyes and can't help the smile that tugs at your lips.
“Is that answer enough for you?” You lean forward to press a kiss to his cheek. “I love them, Tony. Thank you.”
Tony stares up at you, goofy grin taking over his face before he shifts to physically pat himself on the back. You laugh at him and turn back to your computer.
“Alright, yeah! Good on me. Best boyfriend of the year award firmly secured!”
You give him a little subdued upturn of your lips while flicking back on your camera. The meeting you’re in is still droning on without you.
“I won’t disagree with you, Tee,” you smirk. “Though that is a completely made up award.”
He squawks at your accusation, never mind that it was true.
You pay no further mind to his outburst except to shush him as you begin once again listening to what sounded like your team lead giving you all a hell of a talking to.
He takes to idly fiddling with his emergency screwdriver and the landline that was on your desk for the half hour it takes for your meeting to wrap up. He finds and disables a S.H.I.E.L.D tracker, two of Fury’s information gathering bugs, and one of his listening devices that was thankfully not transmitting -goddamn paranoid asshole- within the first twenty minutes.
Each time he finds something, identifies it and takes it apart, he shows it to you and by the time he’s fished out the last “addition” you look heavily irritated.
“Alright, yes, thank you for letting me listen in Ma’am…Mhm…Goodbye to you as well,” you say before logging off.
You turn to Tony, still cross legged on the floor, and your face goes from mildly irritated to furious in seconds.
“What the hell?”
Tony scowls at the ruined tech, “What the hell, indeed. Why would the General be tracking you?”
You shake your head.
“I work a desk job,” you say deadpan. “So it can’t be that, but I'd bet a lot that someone found out about us.”
“I want in on that bet,” Tony jokes lowly, dropping the ruined pieces of S.H.I.E.L.D tech into his pocket.
You rub at your forehead and Tony makes a soft noise before getting up on his knees and grabbing the hand that’s in your lap. He squeezes it softly.
“Don’t stress yourself out, I'll deal with it, okay? No one messes with my woman and gets away with it.”
You return the soft hold and snort as y’all lock eyes. Tony smirks and kisses the hand in his grasp. You smile softly down at him, bracing your elbow on the desk and leaning your head on your free fist.
“Your woman, huh?”
He can tell you’re putting on a brave face by how quickly your laughter fades after that. How fast your expression and tone goes from playful to something duller, and he knows he’s going to try and cheer you up before he even comes up with an actual plan.
He winks at you, signature smirk softened around the edges, and you scoff while flicking his nose.
“Oh? Does that make you ‘my man’ then?”
“You’re damn right it does.”
You both let out quiet laughs while holding each other’s gazes. Dark lashes brush against brown skin when you blink and your eyes go half lidded, thumb running over his knuckles. It’s enough to make a grown man blush honestly.
Tony loves when the combined energy between you both sparks like this. It makes his body tingle in a way it never has with any of his past partners.
Sunset used to make him warm all over but it was never a good kind of warm, she used to make him feel lacking with nothing but pretty words and a flutter of her lashes. Tiberius didn’t make him feel like anything less than the shit stuck to the bottom of his shoe. Rumiko was like spring, blooming flowers and soft grass, but her dad had ripped her away the second he found out she was seeing a Stark so he’d never gotten to feel how they sparked. Janet made him want to dance and sing, her heat was like kinetic energy on a dance floor, but he was never a physical activity type of guy and she’d needed Hank more than him so their spark had fizzled out. Pepper and him had had a good run but in the end they hadn’t been what the other needed, but she was much more content with Happy anyway.
But you?
You made him calm like fall. All cool gusts of air and falling leaves when you looked at him during your rare moments of stillness together. Moments that made him want to fall into that pile of leaves and never come out. You pull him in like the world would stop revolving without you.
Your lips meet in a soft kiss.
You sigh against his mouth, hand moving to tilt his chin up more securely. He leans up to meet you halfway and you lean down to close the gap without a second thought. You and Tony devour each other slowly. You taste like coffee, like fall, and he’s desperate for it.
When you break apart neither of you are out of breath but he’s sure his eyes are just as dilated as yours. You’re only a hair's width apart as you breathe each other's air and he maps the intricacies of your face.
His eyes light up as he gets an idea.
“How bout’,” he pecks you on the lips before pulling back. “I cheer you up.”
“How so?” you ask, the smile you give him is wistful but the brown of your dark eyes twinkle.
Tony shivers. Your eyes only take on that mischievous sparkle when you’re planning or when you smell blood in the water and have somebody pegged. Tony usually likes the outcome of either of those.
There’s a twist to that usual assessing stare right now though.
You’re looking at Tony in the way Tony’s decided is reserved only for him. His stomach flutters. He’s not a particularly observant guy when it comes to normal people’s (ie: people that aren’t trying to kill him, use his money for villainy, or are who he fights beside) social cues, he accepted that years ago, but even he could tell that you were soft on him.
He throws you a heated look before adjusting his position on the carpet and moving down. He coaxes your legs apart with gentle touches before leaning in to plant a kiss on the soft inside of your thigh.
“I think I can come up with something,” he murmurs.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
This is not all canonical (obviously). Also mind any typos I’ll get to them eventually.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
#tony stark#iron man#616 tony stark#black!reader#black y/n#black female reader#tony stark x black!reader#tony stark x black!fem!reader#iron man x black!reader#tony stark x black reader#tony stark x fem!reader#tony stark x reader#tony stark imagine#tony stark fluff#iron man imagine#iron man x reader#iron man x y/n
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Proposition (v1)
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader x Garreth Weasley
[m!reader version here]
18+, Smut, 4.3k words
Garreth Weasley was well and truly spoken for, by none other than the gorgeous Ominis Gaunt—a worthy recipient of the Gryffindor's affections, but it stung nevertheless. You'd always got along well with Garreth—conversation was easy, silences (the few that happened) were comfortable. The flirting had always been reciprocated, of that you were sure, and interestingly hadn't stopped despite his entanglement with the blond Slytherin.
Whilst you spent less time with him these days, you tended to have Garreth all to yourself during your shared Herbology lessons and the evenings when Ominis found himself occupied with his own best friend. The Gryffindor common room was a cosy sanctuary for you, and the place you first met the self-professed potions prodigy. It continued to be the place where you relaxed after the stresses of exam preparation, and whiled away the hours in the company of your favourite redhead.
He was so easy to be around, and ever so easy on the eye. As was Ominis—they made quite the striking pair, and you liked Ominis very much. Your proximity to Garreth meant you'd spent more and more time in his company over the past few months. He had a wry sense of humour you enjoyed and was exceptionally kind to your best friend.
However, he'd barely spoken to you outside of the company of Garreth, so when you found him waiting for you after your Quidditch practice, your mind immediately started assuming the worst.
He was leaning against the stands, twirling his wand and looking somewhat distracted, which stopped you in your tracks.
"Ominis? Everything okay?" you asked, clutching your broom tightly.
"Ah, yes," he replied with a faraway smile, "I wondered if you might accompany me back to the castle? I have a…proposition for you."
"A proposition?" you asked curiously.
"Mmm, of a rather sensitive nature. I'm aware of how attracted Garreth is to you."
Your mouth fell open, completely dumbstruck by the admission. You'd always suspected, of course, but for it to be so bluntly spoken by his own partner had you unable to mutter a reply.
"I assume the feeling is mutual?" he continued.
"Oh, well, yes. Of course, I'd never interfere with your relationship if that's what this is about."
Ominis chuckled and shook his head.
"No, you misunderstand me. I'm asking if you'd like to join us."
"In the bedchamber."
You inhaled sharply as you watched him, his face giving absolutely nothing away. His expression had returned to one of complete seriousness, and Ominis didn't seem the type to jest about something like this.
"Of course I would say yes, if the invitation was genuine."
"Oh yes, very genuine."
"What's in it for you?"
Ominis came to a stop in the courtyard to face you, his head tilted as he considered the question.
"I enjoy how worked up Garreth gets around you," Ominis replied with a smirk, stepping forward. "I'm quite curious myself."
The back of Ominis' fingers glided over your cheek with a featherlight touch, leaving you weak at the knees as you lost your frantic thoughts in his cloudy blue eyes.
"So, will you?" he prompted.
"Yes. Yes, of course," you muttered quietly, almost a whimper as his hand drifted along your jaw.
"We'll be seeing you, then. I look forward to it," he said, withdrawing his hand and turning to leave.
You were left standing alone in the courtyard feeling dazed, like you'd just been offered the forbidden fruit by a very enticing snake. There was no doubt in your mind that you'd take it, and relish every second.
The evening after the strange encounter, you found yourself curled up by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room, your head resting in Garreth's lap as it often did and his hands idly stroking your hair. It wasn't usually anything more than a comforting gesture bestowed upon a friend, but your conversation with Ominis had certainly thrown it into a new light.
You were now painfully aware of every one of Garreth's reactions to you—his every blush at your flirtatious remarks, his lingering gaze that followed you and scanned your body as you lay on the sofa. The fact that your head was now situated in his lap, right next to his…well…with any luck, you'd be exploring that part of him later that evening, something which filled you with nervous anticipation, but more so, giddy excitement.
You'd not actually spoken about the proposition other than setting a time and place (the Room of Requirement, of course)—rather, you'd spent your evening in much the same way as you usually would have, except now there was an almost unbearable tension between you. You were inexorably drawn towards him, and your closeness hadn’t gone unnoticed by your housemates who gave you curious glances and raised eyebrows.
"Should we go and meet Ominis?" you said, looking up at Garreth, who ceased his gentle stroking.
He nodded and swallowed thickly as you sat up, fixing your hair. It wasn't like Garreth to be so quiet, but he was completely attentive to you, following your every move. You couldn't resist biting your lower lip, his gaze falling to your mouth—he wanted you, that much was clear by the way his eyes dragged lazily back to meet yours, glittering and full of fire.
Exiting the common room through the awkwardly small hole in the wall, you walked together to the Room of Requirement situated up several flights of steep steps in the astronomy wing. Ominis was already waiting for you as you arrived, casually leaning against the wall, looking as if he was waiting for nothing more interesting than Charms class.
“Hello, you,” Garreth said, crossing the hallway to Ominis.
Ominis made a peaceful hum in his throat and smiled as he pushed off of the wall and Garreth slid a hand around his waist to greet him with a tender kiss.
“Good evening,” he greeted.
Garreth glanced at the blank wall, then back at you, waiting.
"You want me to call the room?" you asked.
"Well, you know it best. And…you know what we need."
You nodded, muttering an agreement before you started pacing the corridor, picturing the layout of the room in your mind. You needed…complete privacy, obviously. Comfort. A large bed. Soft lighting. The romantic image flooded your thoughts and the door shimmered into existence in front of you, the ornate detailing snaking through the brickwork.
Ominis was the first to approach, with no hesitation he pushed open the door and you followed behind him, with Garreth at your heels.
"I hope this is okay," you said, blushing furiously.
Ominis ran his hand over the plush bedspread and smiled as Garreth gazed around the large bedroom, his eyes eventually falling on Ominis' as he approached.
"Well, no time like the present, hm?" Ominis said, snaking a hand around Garreth's neck and pressing their lips together.
Garreth was caught off guard but sank into the kiss quickly, his head tilting with a soft moan, his hands pulling Ominis closer.
You'd seen them kiss before, of course, but the raw passion they displayed in front of you now was deeply arousing. Gone were the chaste kisses they exchanged in the school corridors, now their bodies pressed together with not a sliver between them.
Ominis' hands were already busy undressing Garreth, who seemed preoccupied with messing up Ominis' hair as much as possible as they shared the deepening kiss. You weren't quite sure what to do with yourself until Ominis held out a hand towards you.
"Don't be shy, you're not just here to watch, I hope," he teased.
With a deep breath, you took his hand as Garreth watched you approach, now bare-chested and flushed. His broad shoulders and chest were smattered with hundreds of freckles just like his face, and you licked your lips as your eyes ran over him unashamedly.
Ominis guided you next to him, his delicate hand wrapping around your neck, tracing your jaw to find your moistened lips. With a smile, he leaned in to meet them with his own, kissing you gently.
You'd not thought about what it would be like to kiss Ominis nearly as much as you'd fantasised about Garreth, but you were by no means disappointed. His lips were soft and inviting, his kisses gentle but exciting—your stomach flipped as he flicked his tongue over your lower lip, seeking entrance into your mouth.
You tilted your head and parted your lips, meeting his tongue with a soft moan as he began unbuttoning your shirt. His attention was now completely on you, apparently eager to undress you—whether for his own or Garreth's benefit, you weren't sure, and didn't much care.
You sneaked a look over at Garreth, your lips breaking from Ominis who began attacking your neck instead as your shirt fell to the floor.
Garreth was watching you both, his breathing heavy as his fingers traced the growing bulge in his trousers. You let out a whimper at the sight of him and he took it as an invitation. His warm hands were suddenly all over you, in your hair and massaging your exposed breast as his lips met yours with a fierce hunger.
Ominis had made his way round behind you and was working to rid you of your underwear, his slender fingers teasing the fabric off of you. You moaned into Garreth's mouth as they slid down your legs to the floor, Ominis wasting no time in reaching around to replace them with his hand.
Teasing his fingers through your folds, he coated his digits in your arousal, drawing them back to your sensitive nub.
"Mmmph, you're soaking, darling," he whispered.
You squealed from the gentle pressure as he stroked the area before beginning to steadily circle your clit. The relief was instantaneous—you hadn’t realised just how tightly wound you were until Ominis had started to unravel the tension with his delicate touch.
The kisses you exchanged with Garreth grew sloppier, heated and tongue-heavy as your moans filled each other's mouths. You worked to release his straining erection from his trousers as Ominis' own hard length pressed into your behind, your hips instinctively shifting backwards to tease him.
As Garreth pulled his trousers down, his cock finally sprang free and you chanced a glance down, whimpering as you set eyes on him. His hand on your breast grabbed hungrily as you placed a firm grip on his length, your fingers nowhere close to touching as they wrapped around his girth. Your head was dizzy with desire, wanting nothing more than to take him into your mouth to taste him.
“Oh, Garreth,” you whimpered.
Ominis nibbled the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine and causing a jerk of your hand. Garreth groaned as you squeezed his length, his fingers digging painfully into your behind as you spread his sticky precum over his head, dragging your fingers down his length before starting a slow and steady rhythm that matched the one Ominis was currently playing between your legs.
Ominis had released his own erection from the confines of his trousers, gently thrusting against your bare behind, seeking that friction by gliding between your cheeks. You felt his sticky precum leaking onto your back, and the image made you salivate, eager to find out how Ominis looked underneath those immaculate clothes.
You could feel yourself approaching your climax as Ominis’ fingers continued their steady pace and Garreth’s fingers teased your stiff nipple. You were drowning in pleasure from all angles, unable to take in any individual sensation.
Lips and hands were on your skin, building your orgasm with almost practiced ease. Moans, gasps, sighs and groans filled the air like the swell of a beautiful chorus. The scents surrounding you; musk, tea, cinders and something distinctly sweet, mixed with sweat and arousal, created a heady and intoxicating assault on your sense of smell.
Your head fell back onto Ominis’ shoulder as you were overwhelmed, barely able to hold your weight up—your legs began to shake as you watched Garreth with hazy eyes.
Garreth's eyes flicked from you to Ominis, seemingly torn by the choice. With a lick of his lips, he leaned his torso forward and reached behind you, pulling Ominis into a deep kiss. Their faces were almost pressed against yours as you were sandwiched between their warm bodies and you whined at the sight, pumping Garreth’s cock faster in reaction.
"Hah- oh, fuck," Garreth moaned, his hips jerking into your hand.
"Come for me and you can put Garreth out of his misery," Ominis whispered in your ear, his slender fingers continuing to work miracles around your sensitive nub.
His melodic voice sent a shiver down your neck, settling in your abdomen where the pool of tension finally exploded. You moaned loudly without inhibition as you met your release, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through your weakened body. Ominis continued circling his fingers as you squirmed and rocked your hips against his hand, desperately wishing it would never end.
Garreth was watching you with parted lips and an intense gaze as your hand around him faltered and he pulled your wrist to guide you away, instead pressing his lips to yours as the blissful pulses slowly ebbed away.
Ominis met your moans with his own soft sighs and his fingers slowed and eventually stilled as you came down off your high. His hand retreated to your hip, holding you tightly as his cock continued thrusting against you gently, his lips grazing your neck.
"That was amazing," you gasped, your head swimming.
Ominis grabbed the flesh of your behind and gave a final hard push against you before releasing his grip and stepping back with a sigh.
"I think she's ready for you, my love," Ominis said.
Garreth had already shed the remainder of his clothes and fallen back onto the bed, frantically scrambling into the centre.
"Come here, I need to feel you."
You stared at him as he waited for you, your mouth agape. His skin was flushed, chest heaving and cock twitching with desire. This is what you'd thought about for so long, wasn't it? Granted, it hadn't involved Ominis but you absolutely weren't complaining about the addition of the assertive blond Slytherin.
Ominis sensed your…was it trepidation?...and gently felt for your arm, running his fingers down to clasp your fingers together. He gently led you to the bed and sat on the edge as you climbed onto the mattress and across to Garreth's waiting lap.
"Turn around," Ominis said quietly. "Trust me."
Garreth hummed as you obeyed the command and hovered over his lap, facing away from him. You peered back at his face as he chewed his lip and stared shamelessly at your behind. His hand roamed the soft flesh around your hips as he reached underneath you with his other, gripping his stiff and dripping erection.
His head parted your folds as you shuddered from the sensitivity before he rested at your aching entrance. Keeping your eyes on him so you could watch his reaction, you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, gasping as his swollen head stretched you so satisfyingly. The groan that left his lips was one of sweet relief as you took his length inch by inch, until you were sat flush against his skin.
Garreth gripped you tightly as you began a slow rhythm—the angle was fantastic, absolutely perfect, hitting you just right and drawing soft moans of ecstasy from your mouth with every shift of your hips.
You’d thought your attention would be focused solely on Garreth, but Ominis was making it very difficult not to divert your lustful gaze. He'd finished undressing, discarding his creased shirt and tie to the floor, and you could just now appreciate his slender form. Your eyes drifted over the beauty marks that flecked his chest, following the fine blond hair down to his navel, landing on his lengthy manhood, standing proud and glistening with arousal.
Ignoring his twitching erection, Ominis made his way to your side, feeling his way along the bed and trailing warm fingers up your body, your rhythm faltering for a second as you inhaled sharply at his touch.
Ominis' mouth found yours in a breathy kiss as his fingers laced through your hair and your hips slowed, gently grinding on Garreth as you were distracted by Ominis' lips.
"That…you…look amazing. Both of you," Garreth spluttered behind you, his strong hands keeping a tight grip on you.
You smiled and Ominis chuckled, his tongue swiping your lip before delving into your mouth greedily, drawing a helpless moan from your throat. Merlin help you.
You hadn't expected him to be so teasing, so assertive, so…well, Slytherin. You'd always seen the calm, composed and sweet side of him, despite his sharp tongue and witty banter. This was a side you certainly hadn't expected in the bedchamber, but you were absolutely enthralled.
You resumed your previous rhythm as Ominis finally released your mouth with a devilish smirk, his hands trailing down your collarbone to your breasts. Pinching your perked nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, he gently teased the peak as he licked his lips.
"Tell me how good he feels," he said.
"He feels incredible, fuck, he's so big."
Ominis chuckled knowingly in response.
"I knew he'd like you this way." He whispered. "I thought he'd enjoy watching his cock impaling you."
Your face burned and head dizzied at Ominis' sultry voice uttering such sinful words. You looked back at Garreth, who was doing exactly as Ominis had suggested, completely entranced watching you sliding up and down his length.
"Mmmph-ah, yes, yes," Garreth muttered as you gave your hips a teasing wiggle.
Garreth gave your behind a hard smack and you yelped, your skin stinging, only further spurring you on. You picked up the pace, slamming into his lap harder and harder until he was groaning so loudly you could no longer hear the slapping of your skin—it was music to your ears.
"Uhh-mmm, you feel so good."
With renewed vigour, he gripped the flesh around your hips hard, holding you in place whilst his hips bucked, fucking you mercilessly with lustful growls—you only managed to keep your balance as you leaned against Ominis, your body almost limp and full to the brim with sheer euphoria.
Ominis tugged your hair to tilt your face towards him, his tongue delving into your mouth as you struggled for breath. The cacophony was exhilarating as your ears filled with the wet slaps of his hand pumping his cock amongst Garreth's low rumbles and your muffled mewls.
"Uhhh… I'm so close," Garreth moaned, drawing your attention.
You peered back at his breathless and dishevelled form, his copper hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. He met your eyes for just a second before they scrunched shut and he tensed, legs shaking, and you felt his cock twitch and explode inside you.
His forceful orgasm filled you as he collapsed and pulled you back on the bed, wrapping an arm around you to lay you over his chest. His pulsing length stayed snugly inside you as you lay together, gasping and feeling thoroughly fucked.
Ominis fell back on the bed next to you, his hand gliding lazily over his dripping wet length, his head swollen, glistening and red. He was in dire need of attention, and your mouth salivated at the thought of his lengthy cock in your mouth.
"Garreth, f-fuck, come here. Both of you," he murmured needily.
Garreth had barely finished emptying inside you before he gently pulled out, groaning together at the sudden emptiness as his cum leaked down your legs and onto his lap. You sighed, shifting yourself off of him and collapsing back on the mattress, elbows propping you up to leer at Ominis as he stroked himself slowly, letting out shuddering moans.
You were exhausted but still aroused, especially watching the usually so composed Slytherin writhing with pent-up arousal. His pale skin was flushed across his cheeks and chest, his lips pink and deliciously swollen from the kisses you'd exchanged.
"You want to, don't you? The way you're looking at him…" Garreth whispered in your ear, breaking you out of your haze.
"Yes," you sighed.
You let out a whimper as Ominis' cock twitched and he smirked, holding out a hand for you. Your mouth was on his hard length in seconds, soft moans filling the room as you licked and lapped at his head.
He tasted divine. You took more of him in your mouth, your tongue gliding over the vein that ran along the underside of his shaft. With each bob of your head you took him in further, suctioning your cheeks to create the mind–altering pressure that made him growl and grip your hair hard.
You could have stayed worshipping his manhood for hours, teasing and exploring every inch and angle as you pleased, but he was already close judging by his breathless moans and twitching hips.
Garreth had made his way to his lover's side, his mouth capturing Ominis' pleasurable sighs between loving kisses. The sight was beautiful, and you moaned softly as you gazed up at their growingly heated exchange.
"More, please, just like that…," Ominis gasped.
You continued your rhythm as Ominis tensed underneath you, his hand now painfully gripping your hair and drawing a whine from deep in your throat. The sound seemed to push him over the edge and he met his release with a loud groan and thrust of his hips.
His cock hit the back of your mouth as he finished, strings of hot cum filling your cheeks and shooting down your throat as you gagged and gasped, tears streaming down your face. Despite the unexpected attack on your reflex, you were feeling immensely satisfied as you gazed up at Ominis' heaving chest and burning face.
The last of his release met your tongue with a gentle squeeze at the base of his shaft, your tongue dragging over his sensitive head. He shuddered and finally released your hair, your scalp left sore and hair a complete mess.
Your heart pounded as you finally retreated, wiping the mess from your lips as delicately as possible with a swipe of your thumb. The throbbing ache between your legs had reached a peak again, after being pounded by Garreth and having the pleasure of Ominis' cock in your mouth, you were thoroughly riled up.
Muttering an expletive, you shifted your weight and squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to gain some friction and some relief. Your discomfort was clearly obvious and didn’t go unnoticed by Garreth.
"You're insatiable," he laughed, pushing you backwards and parting your legs with his hands. Your eyes drifted over his freckled chest, taught and unexpectedly muscular, before he dipped his head to press his lips to your skin just below your navel.
You whimpered, hands gripping the sheets in anticipation as he peppered kisses along your hips and thighs, licking the sticky mess from your skin. You swore again as you watched Garreth tasting himself on you, his eyes flicking to meet yours with a mischievous glint.
Tracing down to your centre, his wet tongue slipped between your lips and over your sensitive bundle of nerves as you moaned his name, over and over. Pressing his face amongst your folds, he sucked and twirled his tongue around your clit until you were on the verge of tears, your heart ready to explode in your chest.
Ominis was simply listening to all of this unfold with a satisfied smirk, leaning casually against the headboard and lazily stroking your hair as his boyfriend pleasured you. He shushed your hysterical wailing and you clamped your mouth shut, peering up at him.
"Tell him what a good job he's doing, sweetheart," Ominis said softly.
You tore your eyes back to Garreth who was watching you intently through his beautiful red hair, his tongue now lazily circling your nub.
"F-fuck, oh, Garreth. You're amazing…so, so good."
With an upward tug of his lips, he closed his eyes and delved deeper between your thighs, licking down to your slightly sore and swollen entrance as he pushed your legs back. His tongue plunged inside you, curling, circling and lapping at your combined fluids with deep groans.
It was more than you could bear, too much, far too much. You were completely gone, your brain addled and exhausted as you climaxed, only able to gasp and whimper as your walls clenched, sending more of those astonishing waves through your body.
"Please, stop, stop!" you cried out, now overly sensitive.
Garreth smiled and pulled his tongue away, kissing your thighs as you caught your breath. Exhaustion had well and truly hit you, your heart pounding and head swimming as Garreth collapsed next to you. Draping your leg over him, you snaked your hand around his waist and rested your head on his burning chest, slick with sweat.
You'd almost forgotten Ominis was there, until he hummed contentedly and settled behind you. Pressing himself into your back, he draped his arm over both of you, his fingers stroking circles on Garreth's stomach.
"You were fantastic," Ominis muttered in your ear, planting soft kisses on the back of your neck.
"You were," Garreth agreed, pressing his lips to your damp forehead.
"I'm not sure what my expectations were but I think that surpassed even my wildest ones," you said with a grin.
"I…wish we could do that again," Garreth murmured.
"Can we not? I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed myself," Ominis replied.
You let the question hang in the air as you lay entwined together in the post-sex haze with drunken smiles on your faces, exchanging kisses until you were too tired to keep your eyes open. With deep sighs, you fell asleep one by one, each wondering if this was the start of something much more permanent than either of you had expected.
#ominis gaunt#garreth weasley#ominis gaunt x reader#garreth weasley x reader#garrinis#ominis gaunt fanfiction#garreth weasley fanfiction
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Brief history of this request! 🤡 I originally wrote this as a response to it; the original interaction went up a little while before the book 7 part 3 update was released… and that update happened to give us a lot more information about the Shroud family dynamics. It was unfortunately bad timing!
This post is a rewrite which incorporates the new Shroud family canon from the update.
***Contains major plot spoilers for book 6 of the main story!***
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
The students of Night Raven College had become accustomed to rather odd sightings—so when young Ortho Shroud sailed by them with two floating tablets in tow, no one batted an eye at it. That shut-in brother of his, the rumor was, maybe he multiplied. In a sense, there was truth to that theory.
“It’s so nice to have the whole family together!” gushed a woman’s squeaky voice from one device. “Isn’t it, Papa? Everyone’s so busy, we hardly get to do these kinds of things anymore.”
Beside her, her husband cleared his throat. He replied with a blunt, somewhat stiff, “Mmm, quite. It is… certainly a different environment than the laboratory.”
Idia didn’t know which was worse—his mother’s smothering cuteness, or his father’s calculating aloofness. The love and the logic. In anime and manga, they were amusing enough archetypes. But in reality? Cringe with a capital C, especially when they were acting as a unit in public.
He could feel the heat of his peers’ gazes directed at him as they passed like phantoms trailing over a graveyard. The curiosity, the whispers, the stares. The only thing that was keeping Idia sane was the safety offered by his tablet’s screen.
Hunkered down in his Ignihyde bedroom, he was safe from direct judgment—but not free of the embarrassment his parents provided. No, that was always eternal.
“Wh-Why did you guys even bothering showing up on the NRC Family Day banner…” Idia grumbled under his breath. Man, the one time I didn’t want to pull the SSRs… and they came home anyway!
There was an appalled gasp from the end of the line. “Of course Mama and Papa came! It’s Family Day. It’s a time us parents to see what mischief our genius little boys have gotten up to while they’re away!”
Idia couldn’t see his mother’s image on her screen, but he could only imagine she was winking in a conspiring manner to Mr. Shroud. He would give an awkward smile beneath his helmet and probably say something in agreement with her.
“Ideally, we’ve have liked to come in person,” his mother continued.
Mr. Shroud cleared his voice and neatly cut in. “However, with the recent incident… well, let’s just say we’ve had to lay low and wait for the dust to settle. My staff are working overtime moderating the metrics of this situation.”
“Quite right, dear! We can’t exactly waltz into Night Raven College! It would put us at risk of being scrutinized, especially with all the viral internet rumors swirling around.”
“Shadowy secret organization puppeteers Twisted Wonderland,” Mr. Shroud recited, shaking his head in disapproval, “Lizard people real, global warming is a hoax, tap water turning the frogs gay… Where do the youths come up with such preposterous claims?”
They’re covering their bases, Idia told himself. After that incident… We never wiped the subjects’ memories with the River Lethe. It exposes a chink in our armor—they could talk, spread what they know.
Then… Th-There’s no way people wouldn’t be curious. Internet sleuths with nothing better to do will dig up dirt from the most obscure corners of the web and tout it as truth!! That’s why even STYX has been having such a hard time containing it.
“What are you gonna do? Haters gonna hate.” Idia shrugged. “… I get it. You don’t have to go explaining yourselves to us. It’s a waste of breath.”
Cynicism slipped in at the last second. A habit, hard to squash.
Ortho chimed in, clearing the air with his cheer. “Nii-san’s right! What’s important is that we get to spend time together, bonding like any other family does.”
He extended his arms to them, as if reaching for hands to hold. Bur though there was nothing for the android to grasp, there was no hiding his effervescent smile. “I’m really happy that we can do this!”
Idia’s heart, so familiar with the ice that encased the Phantoms and the chill of Tartarus, melted. “Ortho…”
An ear-splitting squeal came from one of the tablets. “Kyaaaah! You’re so cute, Or-kun!! Mama wishes she was right there on Sage’s Island to squish your little face!! You too, Idia-kun! Don’t think you can escape from your mother!”
Mr. Shroud’s voice dragged into a patient sigh. “We discussed keeping a low profile.”
“Aww, but papa!” (Idia could practically hear the pout in her tone.) “It’s a parent’s instinct to want to hug and shower her children with love~”
“Y-You’re going to attract unwanted attention though…” Idia nervously pointed out—one thing he could see eye-to-eye with his father on. They were split down the middle.
Through his camera, he could already spot passerbys slowing and staring. Sweat collected on his palms, on his forehead.
“What’s going on over there…?”
“There’s a boy with blue flames for hair.”
“Is he a Shroud?”
“He has weird things floating around him.”
Unperturbed, Ortho waved at the curious gawkers. “Hello!! I’m spending time with my family today!” he announced with his full chest out.
“Aw, what an adorable kid.”
“Are they phoning in? Gosh, they must be busy—but they still care enough to attend. That’s great!”
“Have fun with your family, champ!!”
Eh? Ehhhhh?! What’s what this after-school special I’m seeing play out?! Everyone’s so upbeat and sparkling… a-almost like one of Cater-shi’s impossible Magicam filters was just applied to the whole campus!!
Something in Idia wanted to scoff at the sight, to dismiss it outright. For as long as he could remember, the Shrouds had been shunned by the sunlight. A bloodline cursed by the gods. Never to be heroes, never normal.
But if Ortho is happy, then… this was all worth it, wasn’t it?
Yet something else, too, called out. Some small, almost forgotten, fragmented part of him. A small flower growing in the darkest pits of the Underworld.
A zero that had suddenly turned into 0.001%. Connected again, heart to heart—even if only for a single fleeting moment.
“… Dad, mom, Ortho,” Idia said slowly, “we can’t stand around like NPCs waiting to be talked to. We’ll miss out on the limited time event. Let’s go, the whole party.”
Ortho’s whole face lit up, his joy turning absolutely electric. He nearly tackled Idia’s device as he seized it and spun in a giddy circle. There was laughter from the younger Shroud, and confused sputtering from the elder one.
“Would you look at that, Papa?” Mrs. Shroud giggled softly to herself. “It looks like our boys have become such good friends.”
“… That’s good,” her husband replied. “I was concerned that Idia was still beside himself with grief—but thankfully, he’s made tremendous progress.”
“Ehehehe. It’s all thanks to Or-kun coming into our lives. He ended up being the password to unlocking Idia’s almost impenetrable fire walls.”
“Indeed. Our children have come a long way.” The corners of Mr. Shroud’s lips threatened to pull up and back. “No longer boys, but young men.”
#twst#twisted wonderland#Ignihyde#Ortho Shroud#Idia Shroud#disney twisted wonderland#spoilers#NRC Family Day#twst interactions#twisted wonderland interactions#twst scenarios#twst imagines#twisted wonderland imagines#twisted wonderland scenarios
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Over The Phone
|| CONTENT WARNING || Coursing through arousal urges Slight masturbation session Light teasing Mention of a case from a friend Brief quick-paced hiccups Muffled hiccups Hints of frustration Hiding in the bathroom stall of a clubhouse Suppressing vocals Hiccupers at different places Sense of shame to feeling aroused by friend's case
The last hitch that lingered A's ears and mind as they feigned a "casual" walk out from the table, retreating into the clubhouse's bathroom for a so-called wee break.
A hid in the bathroom stalls, trying to simmer down the stirring, buzzing sensation that had arisen due to a case from one of their friends while having a cook-out by the garden.
There was a planned small reunion they had been wanting to attend. They have missed out on a lot since adulthood. Nowadays, life have been awfully busy. So, A made sure to catch up on the meeting this time. But, it eventually went downhill when they heard that signature involuntary hitch.
It was too much to handle especially when they were surrounded by their group of friends. To be frank, A was anticipating. To listen to some specific case audio once they return home. But life has other plans in advance.
They tried to regain their normal breathing pattern. They ought to head back to the table as soon as possible to ensure no one worries about them for being in the bathroom for too long.
Whilst maintaining their breathing, A sought comfort and distraction from their beloved, wondering what they were doing.
It was dawn and A figured B would be on their way home, hesitating for a minute whether to call them or not. But perhaps a small conversation wouldn't be too much to ask for. That could distract A in the meantime.
Eventually, A dialed their beloved.
The phone rang for a while. The dial shifted to a vibrating tone. Finally, B picked up. Their voice was low and gruff. It sounded like they had a slightly hoarse throat as they spoke after a muffled grunt.
"Hey, how's the gathering?" B asked.
"Mmm...it's going well." They paused. "A bit too well." A mused, shifting their legs. Their focus is divided on both B and their simmering arousal.
"Why is that?" B uttered in a curious tone.
"Stuck in the bathroom. Not literally. Just locking myself in here first, since–"
A heard a faint thump, lightly shutting their lips from the interruption. They waited, anticipating if what they heard was actually what they thought it was. It was audible enough to hear from the other end of the call. There's no way they heard what they just heard because if they did, they are in an outing far away from B, not to mention, that their levels of arousal are triggered before the call. Amounting to that would mean–
"MMK!-uh. Woo. 'Scu–MKL! 'Scuse me!" B was frantic a bit, hoping it wasn't too loud on A's end.
A long, deep groan left A's lips at the audible hiccups. They bit their lip to avoid being heard. Now that buzzing feeling is certainly heightened once more and grew in vigor. They were shifting and rubbing their legs to a subtle friction.
"Not you, too. I called you to hear your voice! Not that!" A exclaimed with slight frustration at the unexpected.
Now they wish to be with B. A heard another muffled hitch from their beloved.
They could imagine the phone close to their shut lips. B's velvety voice and shallow breaths are being picked up by the mic so clearly.
Lying down on the sofa cushions, B chortled. A slight smirk etched on their face as they put the points together to a conclusion.
They could hear A's incoherent hums and groans, and it sparked something in B. An innocent teasing comes into play. They know how much A is bothered in a way. B could only imagine their reaction, and wanting to offer comfort towards A, but they were in an outing for the day. B soft smiled, cooing to A through the call.
Then, B's thoughts diminished. Turning their attention to the sudden succession erupting within their chest and throat, the itch to let it out is right at the tip of their tongue.
"Hup'kl!-HRKulp!...muh...Hig'KUP!" Finally, a few doubles escaped from their lips, feeling their head bop backward.
A couldn't help but lean more to the speakers of their phone, lowering the volume down, but just enough for them to hear their beloved.
"MRK!MK!-uh! HUCKLE!Mm'KLP!-guh...wuhHUP! Oh go-USHP!" B sharply inhaled and exhaled before speaking again. "T–This-IRK! hu-HUCK!-mmmMCK! They're...HMK! f–fast!"
A knew what they were doing. As if B is trying to assist them to have some relief, but they could also sense some slight teasing.
The quickened pace briefly caught A's attention out of their thoughts. However, their concern lingered more for B. It was tingling with their insides so well, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the untreated arousal. The inner conflict is building up.
"You should...get your cure. They sound...intense." A bit their lips, holding back a groan. They sat on the cover of the toilet with shivering legs and panting.
B hiccuped straight to the mic, abundantly pouring in A's glass, inching closer to a downpour. Not an ideal moment for A to bask in their release, but they were safe since they brought extra undergarments that were supposed to be for tomorrow.
They wished to have A with them, by their side, whispering encouraging words. B would help soothe their case. But the fact they were absent made A long for them and their case. To hear it. To see it. To feel it by their side.
Their data is not strong enough for a video call, and other than that, A is stuck in the bathroom stall. "Not a sight to behold," they thought.
"You have got to be kidding. Ugh." A let out a feigned exasperated sigh, shaking their head at the situation. It's also getting rather hot in the bathroom.
They stayed in the stalls for a bit longer than intended. A palm traveling to their slacks. They could relieve themselves, just tend to the urges, and then they'll feel better, free from the build-up.
"Hmmmpk! Augh. Something HIMP! the matter, hun?" B asked.
"Yeah, no! Not at all. I'm definitely not dying in frustration hearing your...you know, and being stuck in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat, and...MmMMm!" A muffled a groan.
"I need you...badly." A softly admitted.
B knew what was happening. Their consciousness was divided by the rippling succession of their case and the bothered groans and muffled sighs from A's lips picked up by the mic. B could feel A's arousal in a way, prompting them to lean closer to their phone.
"Hmk! Hmm, I hear you. Mmmk! And I-huck! I know you're aching." B cooed to them, muffling a few that shook their middle torso.
If only A could feel B's caresses, it would bring them tranquility. A felt the need to shift their legs, their hand resting on their thigh. Then by their crotch. They strained a groan as they inch closer to masturbate, just for a moment.
"Himp! Huh'gk! A, if you need to, Hmmmk! I'll be right here." B comforted, bringing A to let out a long sigh.
They resorted to feeling themselves, leaving them in a trance. B's voice was getting slightly hoarse. A was panting from the stimulation, just hearing the hitches alone could do them some good. They gripped the seat of the toilet, arching back, feeling themselves closer to letting go. Their hands pulled the hem of their pants for more access to their lower region. The bathroom was getting warmer. They could their ears are steaming from the growing frustration and arousal within them.
"HUCK'UP! Guh...Uh!" B cleared their throat ending with a heavy grunt as they felt a hiccup punch the back of their gullet.
"Nnn...haugh..." A groaned.
"Hmmmk! Hkup!Ugk!" B rest their back as their bout coursed. Their hand traveled to their jostling stomach, ripple after ripple.
"If only-h'muck! y...you could see me now. Huck!'uh, but I'll still be mmk! right h-here." B lets A have some enjoyment, although aching for A's touch in return would be lovely.
"MMhmm..." A gasped sharply, catching their breath to have some reprieve. "Yeah...just keep them coming–ugh!" A stroke themselves with purpose, aiding to reach their peak, all the while B hiccups on the other end of the call. They shared heavy breaths and grunts out of each other's situation. It was all too much to be far apart. A would like to return the favor once they return.
"Hee'guck! Hgk!Ugk! Augh..." B hiccup-moaned, making it the final straw for A.
They arched and slumped as they felt their body find the release they needed. A muffled groan left their lips, the trickling sensation subsided after the blissful moment.
"Hm'mmk! That w-Huck! was much needed, Huck?!" B chuckled at the questionable hiccup expression at the end. For now, they can treat themselves in the bathroom.
"Nnn...I'll get you back! For this." A sighed, catching their breath once more. "Thanks...I hope they subside soon." A felt their mind washed over with a significant need to comfort B for their assistance. Over the phone, too.
"Mmk! Will be expecting you, dear." The case had simmered down a bit, with a few doubles here and there. "Hmmmp!-puh...will you be alright?"
A's heart swelled for B's sincere concern. "I should be asking you that." A shook their head as they tried to relax in their place.
"I will be. Humk! Nnnngk!" As soon as B opened their mouth, it sent a sharp hitch at the back of their throat. A grunt left their lips, leaving A to smile imagining their state.
"Still quaking there, hm? Your beaten diaphragm is appreciated by my...trickling, throbbing "friend."”
They both shared weary chuckles. "But, no really, I hope they give you some reprieve. Like right now." A added.
"I can handle HMP!-Mmmmk!...them. It's nothing Hngk! new to me, anyways." B reassured, feeling their sides sucked in by their solar plexus. "Mmp! Will you be alright ther–ERK! Mmm..."
"Yeah. I have a spare undergarment. Just...let me relax. Though, I wish you would relax with me, too."
"Likewise, dear. Guh...HUCK! Left me drained, phySICally speaking." B hitched midway in their utterance, spiking their pronunciation in their word.
A hummed, cooing to B as they stayed on the call to converse and comfort B through their lingering case. The session was intense, but they were sure to be in each other's arms since A is now aching to return home soon after their friend group, small reunion plans.
Once A's afterglow simmered down, they cleaned their bathroom stall and washed their soiled hand, before swiftly taking their leave to retrieve their belonging. They had a jacket with them, using it as an apron on their front as they wearily approached the table where they left their bag, excusing themselves again.
They reassured the unbeknownst group, making an excuse from the blissful session to the best of their capability to try and make up one. That moment in the stall was sure an odd experience. Tending to their growing arousal when they least expected two hiccupers to penetrate their stimulation.
A felt shame for the fact they were captivated by their friend's case, (which had stopped for quite some time now) but it depends on the response. It was bound to happen given their source of excitement. Control and self-consciousness can be managed when taking the time to focus on it is prioritized.
The reassurance poured the most from their partner was something A needed to hear. Hoping their beloved had rid of their case. They'll return home, returning the favor of comfort and arousal treatment for B.
#no minors allowed#minors dni#hiccups#hiccups kink#hiccup kink#hic content#non-kink blogs do not reblog#hiccup case scenario
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Flufftober Day 19. Yarn
"What the fuck is this?" Gerry asked incredulously, grabbing a hank of yarn and eying it in disbelief. He didn't know the many intricacies of Michael's knitting hobby as well as his boyfriend did, but he certainly knew Michael had opinions about his yarn. It had to be natural fibers and was usually in bright colors, so the textured black yarn in his hands wasn't something he was used to seeing. Michael gave him a sneaky look as he sat on the opposite side of the sofa.
"Do you really want an answer?" he asked. "Or do you want to be surprised?"
Gerry considered that as he removed the yarn from its packaging and looped it around his hands. Michael took one of the ends and began winding it into a ball, hands moving in skillful easy motions. This was what Gerry privately thought of as their "knitting dates", where he sat and held Michael's yarn for him to re-form it into a shape that was apparently easier to knit with. He didn't understand the mechanics of it, exactly, but there was something so sweet and intimate about the whole thing, sitting face-to-face with Michael for an extended time, chatting aimlessly or catching up on some show. He loved it so much that he never suggested buying a little machine that would wind the yarn for him.
"I think I want to know," Gerry decided, watching the yarn unravel around and around his hands. "This doesn't feel like your usual yarn. I'm curious."
"It's for a different kind of knitting," Michael explained. "Lace knitting." He turned his pleased little smile up towards Gerry, eyes full of intent. "Wouldn't it be nice to have some homemade lace panties?"
"Oh, fuck," Gerry swore, a spike of excitement and lust piercing through him. "You can't say stuff like that when I'm already caught up in your yarn."
"Mmm, yes, exactly where I want you." Michael giggled, not stopping his winding hands. "Not a very traditional type of bondage, but we've never really done anything traditional anyway." He gazed at Gerry from beneath his lashes, and Gerry knew he was thinking about it. He shifted in place, and Michael's grin turned mean. "Patience, Gerry, my love."
"You're awful," Gerry muttered without any heat, feeling his face flush. "I love you."
"Love you, too." Michael concentrated on winding his yarn, clearly intent on fulfilling whatever he was thinking about. "If it weren't for this yarn I would ravish you right now."
"My hands will be free first," Gerry pointed out, lifting his spread hands. "I'll be able to ravish you sooner." Michael's grin spread, clearly excited by that thought, and his hands sped up. Gerry settled back, thoughts drifting to other activities they could enact. As soon as their hands were free.
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sworn on the stars ~ 01 - genshin impact // sagau // imposter au
a/n: If anyone’s reading this, shall we continue in second person or revert to first person? it was okay at first but rereading second person POV always makes me feel so awkward. anyways, do enjoy!!
You felt like you were floating. You were light, and your body no longer felt weighed down by that familiar invisible dread. Yet something felt a little strange. The hairs on your arm felt almost ticklish, brushing against the softness of the ground. And your right hand felt cold and wet.
A blink. Everything had looked so... bright. Brighter than the blinding lights of those white-walled rooms, but oh-so blue as well.
‘The sky?’
For a moment, you’d wondered if you had finally died and perhaps gone to heaven. Those thoughts were dismissed as soon as you’d gotten up to look around at the eerily familiar scenery.
The gentle rustle of the wind blew past as you took in the view of the cliff. The ever-so-soft grass that acted as your bed as you lay there. There were faint chirps that could heard from the birds nearby, rustling of leaves as a little animals scurried past.
“So I guess I’m really here now, huh?” You muttered to yourself, still a little dazed.
Taking in your surroundings once more, you’d come to the conclusion that somehow you’d ended up on Starsnatch Cliff.
‘Heh. I remember the first time I was here. Tried to jump off before I met Amber and discovered fall damage was a thing.’
You chuckled to yourself. Being in this place was just so calming. There were definitely more noises than there were in the hospital, but the open nature felt so much more freeing than the confines of those blank white walls.
You could feel your limbs, like an old body regaining it’s youth after years of aging (though you’d never aged, just... shut down). You could stand on your own and stretch out your fingers in front of you, something you didn’t think you’d be able to do anymore.
It made you a little sentimental. For someone who had felt- well, almost numb for the past few years, it was an odd feeling. Maybe it was the realization that you were finally in a “better place” or the feeling of calm that this world gives you, but you’d felt yourself tearing up.
It felt as though your soul belonged to this place. Like you were finally being welcomed *home*.
“Hic... oh, geez-“ you sniffled, wiping away a stray tear. ‘It’s certainly been a while, huh?’ Followed by a grimace, you wet streaks stream down your face.
Then you realized your face wasn’t the only thing that was wet.
‘Oh, right!-‘
You looked down beside you to see a small hydro slime jumping happily beside you, only noticing because it had begun to gently nudge at your leg when you started crying.
“Aww, hey little guy.”
You recall slimes being aggressive monsters, but perhaps you were an exception? Perhaps after all you’d been through in your last world, fate had finally taken pity on your soul. You’d sometimes indulged in fanfiction where the world of Teyvat loved it’s creator just as much as the creator loved their world.
‘Heh. As if I’m some divine deity.’
Still, this was a nice feeling. You certainly weren’t going to go find a hillichurl encampment to see if they’d be friendly, but you figured this one slime would be safe to keep around.
After coming to terms with your thoughts a bit better, you got up to walk around. From the peak of the cliff you could see the nameless island, Stormbearer Point and the forest down below. The very forest you’d explored when you first entered the game.
You recall getting your first chest somewhere in there, too.
“A reward on the road!” Lumine remarked as the chest spilled with common goods.
You were curious to see what else this world had to offer.
After that first chest, you’d go on to have so many adventures with all the characters throughout the world. It really was the beginning of it all.
And so you decided to look around for a bit, just as you’d done when you started the game. You’d found that slimes in particular were absolutely adorable in real life. The little hydro slime kept following you around, but you also came across a dendro slime that had grown and gifted you a flower. There was also a group of anemo slimes nearby that were nice enough to take you on a ride through the sky.
You’d just gone along with the flow, but you certainly didn’t expect to get dropped off near a camp of hillichurls by the lake.
‘Maybe I spoke too soon earlier-‘
But rather than be aggressive, they looked (?) at you with calmness, as though you were nothing but another one of their own. On the contrary, one of them came over and pulled you into the group, inviting you to dance with them.
‘Sucks I can’t understand their language though.’
You wished that you could communicate with these now-friendly creatures, and all of a sudden you could make sense of their words, if only briefly.
“Holy one, come! You dance with us!”
“All Mother has come!!”
“Yes, Mother!”
It was a bit odd to hear yourself being called a mother of all things, but you supposed that things could’ve been worse. In a way, it felt like they were young children that just wanted their mother to be proud of their efforts.
And so you joined in on their little dance until your legs gave out from under you.
“Mother, food?” One of them questioned, before handing me a sunsettia.
“Thank you,” I smiled back fondly at them. “Mmm!”
The Teyvat-native fruit was unlike any other that you’d ever had in the last world. Just as it’s description indicated, it was sweet, but not *too* sweet. To put it in comparison, it tasted like a mix between a mango and pineapple with the texture of a ripe nectarine.
And so that was how you’d spent your first little while in the world of Teyvat. Playing with slimes, dancing with hillichurls, and indulging fully in the beautiful world that you could not fully access before.
Elsewhere in the region, a bard felt a shiver run up his spine, followed by feelings of relief that nearly knocked him off his feet. The one who flows with the wind could feel it’s anticipation. Waiting, waiting, waiting for resolution at last.
In another place, the god of contracts clutched at his chest, almost painfully. Like the satisfaction of a perfect contract fulfilled, his old heart became overwhelmed with new emotions that resembled joy, peace and happiness. Such strong feelings that he had not felt in so very long.
Across the wide ocean sat the one who yearns for eternity. She, too, felt a change in the surrounding atmosphere, as though a permanent change had just happened to Teyvat, its citizens none the wiser. She felt herself longing for something new. She found herself changing.
Up in the kingdom of frost and snow, a girl who has fought for much throughout her life found herself speechless. She could feel power beyond her imagination filling her senses, yet she did not feel paralyzed with fear, nor in reverence and awe, nor desire to keep it for herself (maybe just a little bit). She felt like a little girl once again being comforted in the arms of the one that had watched over her for so long.
Up on the throne of Teyvat sat one who concealed their face. Powerless, though intuitive they may be, this being that took solace amongst the stars could feel a sense of dread.
The winds were were finally changing. The true creator had finally descended onto these lands.
But the one bearing the fake crown was merely a human greedy for power. Power that they had long held onto, alongside the respect and reverence of the most powerful figures in the world. Or so they believed.
This was power that they would not give up so easily.
Not without a fight.
#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact#sagau reader#sagau impostor au#sagau x reader#sagau#genshin venti#venti#genshin zhongli#zhongli x reader#venti x reader#zhongli#genshin impact raiden#raiden shogun#raiden shogun x reader#genshin hurt/comfort#hurt/comfort#genshin fluff#genshin fanfic#fluff
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Day 3 of Dickinette Feb is Take a Chance on Me
Marinette waited for the call to Luka to connect, twirling her hair nervously and biting her lip. He had let her know that he had some free time that night and she desperately needed advice on the whole Dick situation.
“Hey Ma-Ma-Marinette,” he said when she picked up on the first ring. “Everything okay?”
“I think I'm going to ask Dick out on a date,” she blurred immediately, knowing that Luka didn't need her to beat around the bush. “But I don't know if he still feels the same and maybe I'm going to make an idiot of myself.”
“Why wouldn't he be interested?”
“Oh, hey Chlo! I didn't think you would want to be on this call,” Marinette said, laughing slightly before sighing. “Because I turned him down very bluntly? He hasn't treated me with anything except professional courtesy since, which has been so hot.”
“Mmm, we do love a man that respects your boundaries,” Chloé agreed. “Especially a man with money-”
“Chloé, he's not from money,” Marinette said, exasperated. Chloé scoffed and Marinette frowned into the phone. “No, seriously, he's a cop. What self-respecting wealthy person gets into upholding the law?”
“Um, lawyers?”
“Lawyers are usually trying to stop people from being prosecuted, not arresting them though. Anyway, he's not from money, he brings lunch from home most days and it's in the oldest tupperware I have ever seen. And he doesn't wear designer clothes or anything. The nicest thing he has is a watch and he said he got it as a birthday present so…”
“Okay, fine, congrats on finally dating a commoner I guess,” Chloé huffed.
“We're not dating, that's the problem!” Marinette wailed, letting her head thump onto the desk in front of her. “I didn't want the first thing I did as the new detective to be dating my partner. You know how hard it is as a professional woman not to be accused of improper workplace behaviour.”
“Yes yes, Zoé lectured me quite ruthlessly. But you changed your mind?”
“He's just so sweet! He gets me coffee every day! And he is so cute, and attractive and- I mentioned the respecting boundaries thing, right?”
“Melody, what are you worried about?” Luka asked, pulling her back on track.
“I guess…that he'll be mad? Or go to HR and get me slapped with a violation?”
“And that seems like something he would do?”
“Well, no…”
“Then there should be no problem. Or is this more about your chronic belief that the guys around you don't think you're attractive if they know you for long enough?”
That made Marinette pause, searching her feelings. She didn't think that's what it was about, Dick hadn't given her any reason to believe that she was strange or unusual. She shook her head before her thoughts could spiral at all and said truthfully that she didn't think that was it.
“Then there's nothing to worry about,” Luka said gently, and Marinette breathed out fully. Luka was right, the only possible things that could come out if this were a date, or a no.
_ _ _
Dick made his morning trip to the café, now so familiar to the baristas that they started his order as soon as they saw him coming in. It had gotten to the point that he was having coffee daily so that he didn't have to switch things up on them too often. It was worth it because Marinette always brightened when she saw that little takeaway cup.
He was still intrigued by her, curious about what she was like outside of work given the brief flash he'd seen when they first met, but he wasn't willing to push the very clear boundaries she had set in place. He liked spending time with her, even just as colleagues, and he certainly wasn't going to be the one that messed that up.
The day continued as normal, up until they took a break after lunch. Marinette seemed to grow fidgety and slightly hyper, hands worrying the hem of her blouse. He tried not to focus on her, thinking hard about his choices of food.
“We've been working together for a while now, huh,” Marinette remarked suddenly. Dick hummed in agreement, still trying to choose a snack. “And I only found out you had a brother because he came into the precinct.”
“Well, you've always been pretty clear about keeping boundaries between work and personal life,” he replied, finally deciding to get a cereal bar. He slotted in his change and pressed all the right buttons as though it was the most fascinating thing in the world. “Was there something on your mind?”
“Maybe? I don't know, it feels kind of…strange not knowing much about your personal life. It's how I've always worked but maybe it's not working for me anymore.”
“Well, I'm happy to talk all about myself,” he said with a lopsided grin. “But be careful, once I start talking I might find it difficult to stop.”
“Maybe- maybe we could go get dinner sometime,” she said, just a shade too casually for how hard she was clenching her hands. He looked down at her, trying to sort through his own feelings as a blush spread up her neck and across her face. “But, um, only if you want to.”
“I'd like that,” he said softly, and she nodded stiffly, a blush spreading up her neck. He tried not to read too much into it; maybe she hadn't made any friends in Gotham yet, or it really was just a case of wanting to know a work partner better.
But there was an undeniable tension to the rest of the day, one that made his skin buzz pleasantly.
_ _ _
Marinette waited outside the restaurant he had suggested, fiddling with the ends of her hair. She had spent the last few days fretting over whether her invitation to Dick was inappropriate, or would cause problems, but she hadn't cancelled. She really did want to know him better, and now that they had known each other for a couple of months without issue she was ready to give it a try.
“Wow, you look…”
She jumped, turning sheepishly towards where Dick had just appeared. She looked down at herself, pleased that she'd made an effort and smiled up at him. Her heart skipped a beat at the way his gaze flitted down her, twice.
“Hey,” she said at last, releasing her hair and stepping towards him.
“Hi,” he said back, eyes snapping up to her face and a sheepish smile on his face. He opened the door for her and she stepped past him, trying not to take a deep breath as she did so. He always smelled of some fabric softener and soap when they were working, but something slightly spicier tickled her nose that evening.
“This looks like a nice place,” she said once they had been seated, glancing over the menu and seeing a range of dishes that interested her. They also had a separate wine list and she perused it briefly before selecting a glass of house red. “Have you eaten here before?”
“Once or twice, though just with my brother,” Dick said absently, thanking their waiter when he took their drinks order before giving them some more time to select a meal.
“Oh, this isn't the kind of place I'd think a twelve year old would like,” Marinette said curiously, setting aside the menu to look at him.
“Ah, I was actually talking about one of my other brothers, Tim,” he said, grinning fondly at his own menu. He glanced up and she hummed thoughtfully.
“So you have two brothers? Or more? You said one of your other brothers.”
“Mmm, definitely more, but I don't know if I can give you an accurate number? I don't know how many I've got technically.”
“What do you mean you don't know how many brothers and sisters you have?” Marinette asked, confused.
“Well, it's kind of complicated. I'm adopted and so are most of my siblings, and then there are a few that aren't really siblings but kind of? Honestly, Bruce just takes in whichever strays he finds.”
“Can't say I relate,” Marinette replied with a rueful grin. “I'm an only child and my parents absolutely dote on me. You can't imagine how anxious they were when I moved here, and as a cop no less.”
Dick snorted softly but didn't say anything as their meals were brought out. The rest of the meal was filled with idle chatter about the food, or work, or their hobbies. When Marinette mentioned her fondness for making clothes, Dick looked surprised. Even more so when she told him that she had been on the tracks to becoming a fashion designer in her teens.
“Okay, hang on, you were a fashion designer?” Dick asked, astonishment easy to see on his face. “How did you go from making clothes to…this?”
“Oh, it was a few things,” she replied in an offhand tone. “Just because something's a good hobby doesn't mean it would be a good career. Besides, one of my idols turned out to be a huge problem with her kid - barely acknowledged the poor girl and didn't even bother getting her name right - and the other…”
She sighed and stirred the drink wishing she had a reason to get out of this explanation. But instead, Dick turned his blue eyes on her, head tilted and eyes curious. She took a sip before deciding that she might as well. If this was going to grow past easy going acquaintances, she was going to have to open up.
“The other idol was my boyfriend's dad and he turned out to be a terrorist. He messed up a lot of people and it just gave me this crushing dread whenever I thought about going pro. Being a cop gives me a different outlet for creative thinking and I don't have to think too hard about whether the fashion industry would ruin me too.”
“Wow, that's…I'm sorry you went through that,” he said, voice quiet and full of compassion. She nodded, flushing in embarrassment even though she had nothing to be embarrassed about. That was one of the things she liked about Dick - he never made her feel judged, only seen.
They decided against dessert, and Marinette paid the bill before Dick had a chance. He protested as he helped her into her jacket, holding the door open for her and arguing that he should have paid for his own meal.
“I mean, you don't want me getting the wrong idea now, do you?” He asked in a low voice as they stopped before king their separate ways.
“Oh? And what would the ‘wrong’ idea be?” She shot back, pulse fluttering in her throat as he stilled and gave her a much more deliberate once-over.
“The one where I insist that I pay for our next date?” He queried, his head tipped towards her daringly.
Choosing not to overthink, she grabbed the collar of his shirt and stood on her toes to press her lips to his. She gave a sigh of relief when he slipped an arm around her waist and kissed her back enthusiastically. All of the tension that had been building between them, since they'd met at that coffee shop, melted away.
“Can I walk you home?” He said when they broke apart, both breathing heavily.
“Ask me next time, pretty boy,” she quipped back, trying to catch her breath. Then the crooked smile he gave her had her pulling him back down to kiss him again.
_ _ _
Dick was still grinning when he went on patrol the following night. So much so that Jason finally cracked and made a snarky comment about it, which only made Dick smile more.
“Jealous, Hood?” He asked, flipping expertly between buildings as he continued his route. He easily dodged the rock that whistled towards his head a minute later and laughed, knowing that Jason didn't mean him any real harm, or he would be dodging bullets.
“Dickhead, why would I be jealous? I'm younger than you, taller than you, and I'm not a fucking cop,” Jason sneered, flipping him off when he turned to smirk at him.
“Ah, but Nightwing thinks he's in love,” came Babs' voice through the comms, barely restrained laughter evident in it.
“Hey, I never said anything about love,” Dick protested, launching to the next building to both Jason and Tim's giggles. “Seriously, I didn't! I just had a good date, that's all. And maybe I meant you were jealous of my confidence and awesome sense of style, Hood.”
“Your willingness to wear the abomination known as the Discowing suit does not inspire jealousy, Wing,” Jason said in an amused voice. “But congrats on tricking another poor soul onto a date. Where'd you find this one, eBay?”
“Clear the lines,” Bruce said in a gruff voice as Dick took a breath to argue with Jason.
“Robin, there's a mugging happening two alleyways south of you,” Babs said, receiving an ‘affirmative’ back. Dick couldn't help smiling anew; since their conversation months past, Bruce had been giving Damian more trust. It had boosted the kid's mood immensely and he was thriving without the chokehold Bruce had had him under.
Dick wondered if he could get Marinette's opinion on Damian. It wasn't often people outside of the vigilante business met the prickly little so-and-so and Marinette hadn't said a single bad thing about the encounter. It was unusual enough that he wanted to put the pair in a sealed room and see how they reacted.
“Just a heads up for you: Croc and the penguin are teaming up for something. Nightwing, Red, can you go and take a look and keep it from escalating any further. Nice work on the muggers Robin. Police should be with you in a few minutes and they'll take them in.”
The rest of patrol went similarly, Babs taking sly shots at Dick - teasingly - and Jason throwing things at him for being ‘too happy’. Damian remained mostly quiet, most likely focusing on not making a mistake now that Bruce was trusting him. So it came as a surprise when Damian pulled Dick over at the end of the night to chat.
“Everything okay, Robin?”
“Yes, I just wished to check if the remarks Oracle was making about your latest attempt to find a girlfriend meant what I believe they did,” Damian said, looking out across the city from their vantage point on Wayne Enterprises. Dick waited patiently, knowing that rushing the kid never ended well. He didn't usually talk about interpersonal relationships, unless it was to scoff at them. “From what I could glean, it appears you have chosen to pursue a relationship with your new work colleague?”
“Yeah, we went on a date yesterday,” Dick said cautiously, unsure of where this was going. Then a worrying thought occurred to him. “Why, did she do something to make you uncomfortable when you met her?”
“Tt, as if I would allow someone to affect me in such a way,” Damian retorted before sighing and sitting down. “No, she was very pleasant. I only wanted to make sure that my information was accurate. I have no issue with your choice in a romantic partner this time.”
“I think that's the nicest thing I've heard you say about a civilian before,” Dick said teasingly, ruffling Damian's hair a little.
“Stop that! And most civilians are idiotic sheep that think they are better than others simply because they have been around longer. Your partner is marginally better than that.”
“I'll let her know you approve,” Dick laughed before saying goodnight and flipping his way back home.
#maribat#mlb x dc#dickinette february#dickinette#dick x marinette#marinette x dick#dc x mlb#ao3#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#maribat event#dickinette february 2025#take a chance on me
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Would you be willing to do a Sebek/No fluffy romance please?
Sebek/No (fluff):
No looks more a fae than a human these days. How her golden hair sparkles. Those almost-glowing blue eyes that couldn’t belong to a human. She looks more fae than his half-blood, in days like today.
Lilia once said that’s what love is like. That a person doesn’t look fully human, but something magical and otherwordly.
It’s when he realized he was in love with her.
Even as he sometimes wrestles with the idea of being half-human, when he holds her hand it all disappears. The confidence she gives him to be a good knight to Prince Malleus? It’s unending. Soft smiles, gentle words, and a way to calm even the worst of his lightning-quick temper flares. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she was magic.
But she doesn’t have a single drop.
There’s a book in her hand as she takes her favorite spot. His lap. His cheeks fluster, and he knows it! But there’s just that smile that melts him to a puddle. Sebek knows he’s been smitten, certainly, but he’s clearly long in love.
“Did you read this part for History today?” No asks, as she settles. Tucking against him like they are two pieces put back together.
“Mmm.” Looking over at the passages, his eyes read a few lines about an ancient reign in the Queendom of Roses. “Not yet.” He has reviewed the material before, but why would he lose the opportunity to sit with her this afternoon? Arms around to secure her, so she can rest the book as she likes. She does, using his arms to perch her own. He finds this cute.
“Well, it’s interesting that this is where it turned to a Queendom and a Matriarchal society…” She comments.
Ah, right, her nation doesn’t have a monarchy. Of course it’s odd to her.
“What do you think of monarchies?” She would be under one, if she moves with him to the Valley.
“Mmm… why?” Her head tilts back, curious. Cute.
“Would you… after… ahhh.” His cheeks heat up, embarrassed as he realizes what he’s exactly proposing. Now, he can’t help but bury his face in her shoulder.
She’s giggling too!
“F-forget it!”
“Oh, how can I, Sebek? Are you asking me to go to the Valley with you? After NRC?” It’s like she’s a mind reader!
All he can do is give a little nod.
“Then, I’ll accept when you propose properly. Let’s get this reading done for tomorrow, we have a quiz!”
He needs to ask how to propose, doesn’t he?
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HIII, Moon here, nice to meet you both! :3c I've got some questions I'm curious about:
( 🎧 ,🌙, ♥️)
Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
🎧 - Is there any music that s/i listens to that you've started to like?
Mmm, Ira is fond of... how should I put it... a lot of abrasive music. Not really my cup of tea. Not all of it is so bad, though, I do enjoy new wave so we have at least that in common.
🌙 - Do you like the nighttime? would you consider yourself a night owl? how about s/i?
I'm fairly neutral on it. The nighttime is certainly better if you want to be alone, but I can't exactly get a lot of work done with everything being closed. Ira is certainly a night owl, he has taken very well to the night shift.
The nighttime is sooooo borrrinnggggg... I like it a lot better now that I have Ira to keep me company, at least!! But I definitely prefer the daytime, there's more excitement and mischief to get up to~
♥️ - What's your absolute most favorite thing about s/i, if you had to narrow it down to one thing.
His discretion when it comes to professional matters! ...What, that's not enough? Hm, alright, if you must pry... I suppose, his open mindedness and lack of judgement. I think that you could put the worst person alive in front of Ira and he'd still find something of value in them... Not that I'm speaking of myself, of course! Just. Theoretically.
Knock it off.
WHAT? YOU KNOW I'M NOT REALLY GONNA DO IT!! You're such a killjoy....
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