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theanticool · 11 months ago
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Starting soon for interested parties
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acoraxia · 1 year ago
You open your tumblr and find that Gela Acoraxia has posted yet another fic but this time with a twist.
sweeter than wine (make me an alcoholic)
[ Chapter 1: Enter Stage Right ]
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ask-the-awesome-prussian · 4 months ago
hello tgis is aurela. I learn how to type.
Please help my mmaa, he is dsa.
Without typing quirk: Hello, this is Aurelia. I am learning how to type. Please help my mama, he is sad.
Aren't you two years old?
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soon-palestine · 11 months ago
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Oxfam experts, together with cocoa farmers, will be at the World Cocoa Conference in Brussels (21-24 April), taking place against a backdrop of unprecedented production shortfalls and skyrocketing cocoa prices, which topped $11,000 per metric ton for the first time.
Chocolate giants have already raised prices for consumers to offset rising cocoa costs and, despite years of soaring profits and massive payouts to shareholders, have consistently pushed back on anything that could reduce their profit margins. New Oxfam analysis has found: - Lindt, Mondelēz, and Nestlé together raked in nearly $4 billion in profits from chocolate sales in 2023. Hershey’s confectionary profits totaled $2 billion last year. - The four corporations paid out on average 97 percent of their total net profits to shareholders in 2023. - The collective fortunes of the Ferrero and Mars families, who own the two biggest private chocolate corporations, surged to $160.9 billion during the same period. This is more than the combined GDPs of Ghana and Ivory Coast, which supply most cocoa beans.
Decades of low prices have made farmers poorer and hampered their ability to hire workers or invest in their farms, limiting bean yield. Old cocoa trees are particularly vulnerable to disease and extreme weather. Many farmers are abandoning cocoa for other crops, or selling their land to illegal miners.
Speaking ahead of the conference, Oxfam’s Policy Advisor Bart Van Besien said: “It’s ironic —the cocoa price explosion could have been averted if corporations had paid farmers a fair price and helped them make their farms more resilient to extreme weather. And it’s hypocritical —chocolate giants are paying high prices now that the market demands it, but have pushed back every single time that cocoa farmers have. The only way forward is fairly rewarding farmers for their hard work.”
And Ismael Pomasi, Chairman of Ghana’s Cocoa Abrabopa Association, said: "Nothing is more demotivating —all my hard work on the farm barely pays off. Between battling pests and the drought that is killing my cocoa trees, I'm really struggling. I wish I could afford irrigation. If the multibillion-dollar chocolate industry paid fair prices for cocoa, I could actually tackle these problems and make a decent living."
Oxfam spokespersons and farmers available for interviews in Brussels:Nana Kwasi Barning Ackay, project officer at SEND Ghana and Coordinator of the Ghana Civil Society Cocoa Platform (GCCP) (English) Ismael Pomasi, Chairman of Ghana’s Cocoa Abrabopa Association (English) Anouk Franck, Policy Advisor on Business and Human Rights, Oxfam Novib (Dutch, English) Bart Van Besien, Policy Advisor, Oxfam Belgium (Dutch, English, French)
Key dates: Oxfam spokespersons and farmers will come together to hand out chocolate produced by Ghana’s Women in Cocoa Cooperative (Cocoa Mmaa), and will be available for interviews and photos. 7:30-9:00am CET on 22 April at Place d’Albertine, in front of the World Cocoa Conference.
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jennikka · 5 months ago
*Yi carried the hatchlings around with her. She sits now on her desk with Xenon and Neon climbing on her while she checks Argon's eye and cleans it properly*
*Neon held onto yi*
*She hissed, opening her eyes, looking around for the hatchlings*
*Argon clicked, trying to push Yi's hands away*
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npcs-for-everyone · 6 months ago
*Cobalt came back towards the zoo trying to find where yi was, whining quietly*
*She stood on her hind legs, tilting her head slightly, worried*
"Oh hello little one."
*A zookeeper pats Cobalt, watching her*
"Are you okay?"
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prromisesofhomee · 2 days ago
"" ddd oo yoo u aall so hhh e ar . th h e iir soongg . ? ""
shh e // t hheyy / wo rrm // ittt ..
gG irrl kk i ss err
mm ootth err ttoo mmaa nn yy baa b ii ee s <3
tth e oon e a nnd onnl y fll ee shh hii vve
cc oo2 bb uurr ns .
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colleenmurphy · 3 months ago
To any of the other residents of Buell Street the child's voice was jarring so early on an early summer morning. The wind still held a slight overnight chill and the grass still wet with dew as Daniel Matthew Taylor walked ever so slowly around the side of the house his arms plastered to his sides as he tried his best to maneuver his Dad's yard work ladder around the side of the house without hitting it or the basement window...or one of his mother's garden gnomes. He was almost positive he heard the one that she'd painted to look like Elton John was smashed after he'd smacked it with the left leg of the ladder entrapping him.
He was almost positive his mother was awake, it was her scheduled four days off after filling in a triple shift at the hospital. She was always an early bird she'd said and knowing her she was already up starting breakfast. Waddling as best that he could to the front door he toddled up the steps, slipping twice and smacking his face off the concrete steps. He'd bitten his tongue and his bottom lip on the way down and he was almost positive he was bleeding. Weren't parents supposed to have eyes and ears around always?
" 'Dis fucking thucks..."
Danny muttered to himself as he hauled himself up to his feet once more. His canvas converse were soaked through and his socks were squelching with each step he took up to the front door.
'Gonna get nasty case of foot rot with socks and shoes like that, kiddo.'
He swore he could hear his Dad's voice in the back of his mind.
Off to the right he could see the family print garden as Mom called it. It had originally started out as a gazebo foundation as a Mother's Day gift back when Danny was still in the single digits and his brother was just learning how to walk. He and his little brother Forrest's hand prints along with the paw prints of the family cat Soot and his mother's prized hound Goose. Dad had said a few words Danny had never heard before in a language that certainly wasn't English and drank a beer faster than Danny had ever seen after seeing the collective artwork but then carefully added each name, the date and his own foot and handprints before adding
'To the foundation of our family we love you. - Dan - The Kids n' Kritters Mother's Day '79.
"Dad you.."
"I know, Danny, I know. For the shame of an English teacher to have such a misspelt inside joke."
"Wait until you're old and married kiddo."
He was starting to become completely aware of his own heartbeat and it felt like this stupid ladder was getting tighter around him. Was he dying? He was sure he was dying his he could feel his pulse like this.
It was a strangled little yelp for help as he heard the familiar morning noises. Coffee was percolating on the stove and sure enough Mom had the waffle iron out. Her slender form bopped around the kitchen as she danced and sang along to Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell while preparing the family breakfast. This was so not the way Danny had wanted to start the first day of summer vacation.
'If you need me call me, no matter where you are no matter how far just call my name I'll be there in a hurry you don't have to worry 'cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough...'
Mom still had her face mask on and her hair freshly coiled into one of the flowery pastel pink towels that Danny complained about but secretly loved. They were always so soft and fluffy and always smelled like sunshine. There were many little things that would forever remind him of his parents decades later. His mother's affinity for kimono style bathrobes ensured that she had a veritable rainbow in her side of the master bedroom closet but today's was her favorite shade of baby pink with beautifully embroidered cherry blossom branches over a river. Once Danny saw it he could almost smell the Skin So Soft lotion and Calgon scents along with the something herby and green that always clung to the silk. It was just the scent he'd always known and his mind said 'Mom'. Unlike Dad who wore Brut or Aramis and smelled like Dial Gold, paper and full Red Morley's. Both were safe smells and both were home to him and always would be
He's not sure, even all these years later if his mother heard his yelp, spotted his admittedly squat form that would change over the summer - that summer to specific- , or just used her mother's intuition but Colleen Delaney Taylor was faster than The Flash and Greased Lightening and stronger than The Hulk, He-Man and Randy Savage combined. Before he could say another word he felt her pick the ladder up along with him into the most intense bear hug to his memory and with three heaving shakes the offending metal contraption that formerly lived quite happily in Dad's tool shed in the backyard was thrown with a primal scream loud enough to rouse Dad who popped his head out from the window on the second story hallway.
"What the hell, Colleen?!"
"Who borrowed your ladder last?!"
Dad was caught off guard by Mom's tone so early in the morning and thought for a minute. She never spoke like this and she certainly didn't look enraged this early in the morning either. It was the rat faced younger guy three doors down that had been busy making eyes at Col's best friend and Danny's god mother Helene. Danny hadn't liked the way Mr. Benson had refused to shake his Mom's hand when she'd introduced herself to him when he had first moved in. Instead he just looked her up and down and sneered. He also didn't like the fact that he seemed to be so hung up on Aunt Helene. Neither did his mother but neither spoke on the subject but Danny knew his mother and as Granny had said 'She was like a hound on a scent if she gets a whiff of somethin' wrong. Just like her father.'
"The Benson kid three doors down, why?"
Danny and his father watched as Mom cinched her robe, grabbed the ladder and she was off like a shot down and across the street like an arrow her rubber flip flops snapping against the asphalt.
"She didn't answer me..Danny what the hell happened?"
Dad had come downstairs still in his own PJs, cotton PJ bottoms and an old VMI t-shirt that had seen much better days. His hair was straight up in the back as he leaned on his cane. Something about his Dad's face told him that his legs had been bothering him but he didn't ask.
Did he fess up and tell Dad that he was heroically trying to save Stephanie Calhoun's insanely stupid yet fortuitous tabby cat, Bing, had gotten stuck on the roof? Did he dare tell him why Stephanie Calhoun had come knocking on their door - more specifically his window- at 5AM? He knew she had been outside most of the night because her parents were fighting and her mother left. He had seen her outside yesterday at dusk quietly sitting outside in a lawn chair holding Bing. He thought she was counting stars because she loved the constellations but Danny had soon realized that she had been either praying or crying - maybe both. He had been able to grab the ladder from the side strip of yard by the garage where the jerk Benson had just thrown it upon returning it and coaxed Bing off the roof of the Calhoun's house in about thirty minutes. Thanks in part to using Stephanie's pillowcase to cover his arm and the bait, left over pot roast from dinner and Bing was back on the ground. He found himself inviting Stephanie over to join the family for ice cream sandwiches and to swim in the Taylor backyard pool. She could even bring Bing if she wanted to, Goose and Soot were good sports about guests especially the neighbor cat and the pretty little curly redheaded girl that lived next-door. Her face lit up like it was Christmas and she accepted and she and Bing were half way inside.
"Yeah, Danny?"
"I'll leave a flashlight and a sleeping bag in our treehouse and if you need to...you and Bing can go there if you want to. I figure it's a house and it's high up but at least you and Bing can be safe together."
A look that he would never forget crossed Stephanie's face ad he knew he'd done the right thing.
"Thank you, Danny."
Before he knew it she had hugged him tighter than any girl besides his mom had hugged him then...she kissed him on his cheek. She smelled like strawberries and Ivory soap and his face felt like it was on absolute fire as his heart pounded wilding against his ribs.
His Dad would be happy to know he helped Stephanie. But he didn't quite see what Danny and his Mom saw about Mr. Benson. He said a small prayer to god to forgive him for what he was about to do. Whipping up some tears, partially because of panic, Mom was now tapping her foot and trying the door bell now. Her long dark hair had now been tied up in a bun and the towel was draped around her neck. From where Danny was standing Mom looked like a prize fighter getting ready to enter the ring. His arms still smarted from where the ladder had scraped him. He had honestly tried to put it back up on the pegs Dad had mounted, so Dad wouldn't have to struggle to get it up there but it had come back down on Danny quicker than he'd ever expected and left him trapped and thanking God that it hadn't smacked him in the head.
"Mr. Benson returned it early this morning and I was outside fixing the tire on my bike...and...and..."
"And what, son?"
Danny felt those tears build up as he blinked.
"If that cripple wants it he can pry it off his fat ass son."
It was a truth that he had heard Mr. Benson call Dan Taylor a cripple and that if he wanted something he'd have to hobble to get it but this was at the neighborhood Christmas party the Taylors always hosted. That had pissed Danny off and if his mother ever knew she'd flat out never find Mr. Benson's body. An unfamiliar steely cold glint entered Dad's eyes and Danny continued another truth he'd heard to embellish this tale of chaos.
"Or his wife can figure it out since she likes to judge from her high horse."
Dad was gone in a flash as fast as his legs could carry him to the end of the driveway. Mom was quicker as Danny saw the door to the Benson house open and she grabbed him with both hands. Dad was making his way across the street carefully but giving his wife plenty of time to do some damage. Two good blows had landed on Mr. Benson's face in rapid succession and he was dazed for a moment as Colleen tried to calm herself down and failed.
Forrest had just wandered out to join Danny on the lawn to watch he was still wearing his Scooby Doo pjs and holding his stuffed black and white dog toy he'd named Tux. The radio in the kitchen changed songs and Marvin Gaye was soulfully singing about what he'd heard through the grapevine.
'Oddly fitting...somehow...'
Danny thought to himself. At this point he wasn't sure if he should look away or go back inside the house or what. Instead he held Forrest's hand and stood there with him telling him it would be ok.
"You piece of shit!"
Was all that the brothers could hear as their normally composed mother lost her mind on their asshole neighbor.
"What's goin' on, DJ?"
"I...I don't know Forrest."
"What the..f..."
A clatter sounded from across the street as Danny and Forrest saw their father lift their screaming mother off the neighbor who was equally as stuck in the ladder as Danny had been. She'd been quick to grab him and shove him into the same set of steps as her son had been stuck in and had proceeded to whip him mercilessly with her towel. The heavy wet slap surely must have stung.
"I didn't touch your fucking kid you crazy bitch!"
"You want crazy I'll show you fucking crazy!"
Dad was strong but Mom was wiry and amped on adrenaline and broke free of his hold. A loud crack was heard along with the clatter of thin metal as Mr. Benson went down in a heap on his front lawn as Mom stood over him threatening him within an inch of his life.
"I know who you are. I know what you are. Be very very afraid, boy."
"A fucking crazy cunt married to a cripple."
That was when Dad proved quicker than Mom. Off came the newly fitted right leg and Mr. Benson was the first man to know just what Titanium Alloy felt like when it came in close hard contact with his head and face. He quickly moved over the next few days and rumor has it that his nose was permanently much like a Picasso after that.
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realjaysumlin · 11 months ago
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Abɔdeɛ mu ahoɔfɛ ne obuo a Abibifoɔ Ghania mmaa wɔ. M’ani sɔ sɛnea Afrika Mmea Abibifo dodow no ara soa wɔn ho no ankasa.
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lauterishotter · 11 months ago
my,mmaas not oakajayaya
river?? uh oh
where are you, ill talk to you abt this
is she rlly not ok?
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therulerofallpotatos · 1 year ago
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charlie-morningstar666 · 1 year ago
Lillith: My main blog that I made is @lilith-morningstar-returned
Dad is gonna be mmaa-I mean congrats mom
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xehasmenesithakes · 2 years ago
eat your girl
I’m definitely not ready for a girlfriend…I mmaa eat a salad
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babytennisball · 1 year ago
i give up
someone else teach this child to say motherfucker
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kid??? you okay? is anyone hurt?
y eaahh im ffine mmaa- D-doriyya and Ts u are on the boat, thehyre fine- [She glitches out again with a strangled scream, reaching up to rip what looks like hearing aids out of her ears, her holographic visor disappearing as her tech crackles.] Sh-Shhi t-
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months ago
mmaas..!! sskunkk..!
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