#mm: devlin academy
peltzwrites · 7 years
"you're everything i wish for." sebastian & chloe
For as long as I can remember, Christmas has always been my favorite holiday — excluding my birthday, of course. A part of that is because of the cheerful spirit nearly everyone seems to embody during the time, but in all honesty, it’s because it was the one holiday my mother often left me in charge of. Maybe it was because I felt like she finally had a bit of faith in me, but I’ve always embraced the occasion ever since I was old enough to be in charge, and even now, a handful of years later, that hasn’t changed. The heavily decorated manor in which I currently stand is proof of that, if nothing else was. It’s decorated from floor to roof, classy decorations trimmed in gold and white, and enough mistletoe scattered about to ensure I’ll never walk into a room without the chance of being kissed. 
That particular decoration was for my own gain, I’ll admit. This is the first Christmas, after years of asking, that my mother has allowed me to bring my boyfriend home with me. In my mother’s eyes, this has always been a holiday for family, and while I’ve never pretended Sebastian isn’t going to be my husband someday, it took quite a bit of convincing to get my mother to see that particular light. I’m not sure entirely what it entailed, aside from a dinner between my parents and Sebastian to plan my birthday, and a long talk from my brother. All I know is that he’s in my arms, his broad, muscular arms now sliding around my waist as his words hit my ears, causing my lips to lift up in a smile.
Turning back towards him, I raise a brow, doing my best to keep my facial expression intact. “You’re silly,” I tell him, my tone possessing a matter of fact nature as I stare up at him. Our blue eyes meet, the intensity of his gaze making me shiver, solely because I know beyond measure that his words are true. As cheesy as it sounds, and as much as it sounds like something straight out of the romance films that I love a little too much, he means them — Sebastian isn’t the sort to say it otherwise. A soft giggle parts my lips as I look at him, and I reach for him, my arms finding his waist. “You’re everything I could ever wish for too, my love.. and I promise, I’m going to be giving myself to you every day for the rest of my life if you want me.”
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peltzwrites · 7 years
"come back to bed." mitchell & estelle
Truth be told, there’s a huge part of me that regrets getting out of bed twenty minutes ago. I’d done it with the intention of grabbing some coffee, maybe starting some laundry while I was up just so I’d have some clothes to wear this week, but instead, I was met with the wagging tail of my dog, cheerfully insisting I take him for a walk — in the freezing cold, I might add. I’d tried to ignore him, truly, but after a few whines and well-placed paws to my bare shin, I’d made my way outside, spending what had truly meant to be three minutes tops out of my bed outside walking my dog. Honestly, I’m shivering by the time I get back to my apartment, tugging off my jacket and kicking off my shoes while Copper runs off to his doggie bed. Casting a stern look in his direction, I shake my head. “You’re too much for me sometimes, kiddo.” 
Instead of responding to the soft bark Copper utters, I turn back towards my bedroom at the sound of a voice calling out my name. God, I could get used to that. It seems like ages have passed since Estelle and I talked, having a bit of a tiff the night of the dinner with my father, and honestly, I’m glad she seems a bit more comfortable with the idea of being official with me. It’d been something I dreamed of asking her for a while now, and I’m so fucking happy we found common ground in it... because it means I wake up to sights like this.
To walking into my room with Estelle wrapped in my sheets, messy hair and warm eyes staring up at me. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I whisper as I tug off my shirt, taking a few steps back towards the bed. She moves aside, making room for me, and I leap at the opportunity, clambering into bed beside her, my lips finding hers almost instantly. As my arms slink around her waist, I smoothly pull her body flush against me, a low growl spilling from my lips. “To think, if Copper hadn’t needed to go out... I could’ve had you in my arms fifteen minutes ago.” Estelle laughs, the sound almost melodious as it spills from her lips, and I quench it with another kiss, this one lingering and hot — my favorite kind. “Guess I’ll have to make up for lost time now, eh?”
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peltzwrites · 6 years
"You're nervous." patrick and leonard
Sometimes I wonder how people in the world can be so brave, so unabashedly themselves, when all I seem to do is conform to the expectations society expects of me. It's not the most healthy thing, particularly given the fact that it doesn't always end up with my being the happiest — but it's how it is. I'm a people pleaser, supposedly I get it from my mom, who didn't exactly put herself first when she was growing up either.
But God, there's nothing more that I wish for than to suddenly have the ability to put myself first now. To be able to just break up with Celia, to tell everyone the truth about how I'm just not that into her, and to walk into the party tonight with the guy I like on my arm. I wish it were that fucking simple, but I can't help but feel nauseous over the reality — that it isn't.
And I'm really not surprised that Patrick can see my feelings written all over my expression now. He's always been able to read me, every bit of nervousness, every spike of arousal — things with him have always been as easy as breathing, which is how we got into all of this to begin with. Because even if it's brand new, there's nothing that's ever felt so right.
I move to pet my dog, thankful that Patrick and I decided to go on a walk, just because it's easier to talk to him like this with no one around. And thankful it's in public, because otherwise I'd just fall to my knees before him in an attempt to act, rather than talk — because aren't actions better than words? I let out a shallow breath, looking up at him before I nod, not even attempting to hide the truth.
"Yeah," I confess, my hand scratching behind the dog's ears. "I mean, I know you're not coming tonight as my date— but I wish you were? I really fucking wish you were, so I could kiss you and tell the whole world that you're mine and that I want you. And I know my brother knows, that a few people do— but the rest of the world's different." My gaze falls from his, my insecurity causing my nausea to heighten again. "And I know that you're good with waiting, that what we have, it's not just sex. It's not just that, and I just... tonight scares the shit out of me because it feels like I could be giving you the best fucking night, where we sneak away to fuck and I kiss you whenever some guy hits on you, and we hook up in bathrooms— and I can't give you that tonight. And I'm nervous that we'll get there tonight and you'll resent me for it." I exhale a shallow breath. "And I really don't want you to resent me, not when I really fucking like you."
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peltzwrites · 6 years
"is it true?" beatrix and weston
I really should've seen this coming, but nothing could have prepared me for this, not really. My gaze doesn't leave hers, drinking in every facet of Beatrix's expression for moments. I'm sure she's heard the rumors by now, that last night when I was balls deep inside of a girl, I did the one thing I swore I'd never do — groaned out "I love you, Beatrix" as I was cumming inside of her. To say the girl was pissed was an understatement: she pushed me off of her, yelling profanities at me as she left the room.
Most girls I've slept with knew the rules, that it was never going to be more than a fuck to me. Sure, a few of them probably harbored this delusion that they'd be the girl to change that— but none of them have. This one wasn't even the first I'd called by Beatrix's name in the throes of an orgasm, just the first to hear those three words. I would've apologized, even after she threw her heels at me, but she wasn't really interested. And to tell you the truth, once I realized she hadn't kept the events of last night to herself, I admittedly wasn't either.
The one girl I was interested in talking to, well— that's a different story. Most people don't know the whole story of why Beatrix and I broke up, how messy it gets, or that months later, she's still the only girl on my mind. They assume that the reckless sex means she's far from my thoughts, but the truth is I bury myself in it. Fuck so hard and so often that I won't drown myself in how badly I miss her. God knows it isn't something I'm proud of, even if it's the only way I know how to get by.
When I catch sight of Beatrix in the hallways, I know she sees me. The look she sends my way, one of confusion and hurt makes it fairly obvious, and because of that, I'm not surprised when she turns away. Avoiding each other is almost a habit now, and it takes every bit of courage on my part to break it. I run across the halls, my hand catching her arm before she can pull away. "Bea," I croak out nervously, watching her expression — and not even flinching when I hear her question, only nodding. "Yeah," I confess, guilt flooding my entire body. "You know I can't stop thinking of you, that I fucking miss you— so yeah, it's true." I want to step closer, to hold her, to fucking kiss her like nothing went wrong between us — but that's her move.
"I want you back, Bea. I've said it before— and I'll say it forever until you hear it."
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peltzwrites · 6 years
"I just can't." saskia & matteo
I can't begin to tell you how uncomfortable the silence is between us — and how badly I'd give anything to break it. We've been walking in silence for what seems like hours now, my body an unfathomable foot away from hers, and for once, I lack the courage to close the distance between us. I've always been the bold one, the one who acted on impulse, the reckless lothario with no regard for the rules, but tonight, I'm powerless.
After all, this shit's in her hands now. And I can't do a damn thing about it.
It's been a few days since my hockey game, the day when she accidentally blurted out that she was my girlfriend — that we were fucking together or whatever — and I don't know what she thinks of it. Sure, she told me it was fine, a little smile kissing her lips as she stood above me in the locker room, one hand cradling my jawline as she touched me in a tender way. And honestly, I thought it'd be okay. Maybe it was a step I hadn't imagined Saskia taking just yet, but we'd get there someday. That was the end goal, the finish line I'd been trying to work us towards — and I'd be lying if I said I even cared that we’d gotten there early. 
Life’s not about deadlines, and it’s not as if I would ever turn away from this. Relationships haven't really been my thing for a few years now, sure, but for Saskia, I'd wanted to change that. She's different than any other girl I've known, and for about a year now, ever since I caught her gaze across the room in the American Lit, she's captivated my attention. She's had me in the palm of her hand, and I don't even know if she fucking knew it.
Hell, I'm not sure there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that girl. I think that even now, even as we're in the middle of a walk that I'm pretty sure will break my heart. I inhale a shallow breath, my hands fisting in my jacket, before I look back to her. "You know I don't agree with you," I finally admit, my gaze undoubtedly filled with more emotion than it should be. "But I'm not going to stop you from walking away.. If it's what you want, if it's what makes you happy." A bitter laugh breaks my lips. "If it makes you happy, then it can't be so bad, right?"
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peltzwrites · 6 years
text: i just didn't want to embarrass you. / text: can we talk? / text: you look beautiful. // jugh
text: i just didn't want to embarrass you.
Jane → Hugh: How many times do I have to tell you that you could never, ever do that?Jane → Hugh: I like you, I chose you.Jane → Hugh: There’s nothing that will change that.
text: can we talk?
Jane → Hugh: if this is a breakup talk, I think I’ll pass.
text: you look beautiful.
Jane → Hugh: Really? I feel foolish..Jane → Hugh: I'm not good at dressing up like this...
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peltzwrites · 6 years
text: he was one of my brother’s friends, actually. / text: maybe i am interested. / text: it takes more than dinner and a movie. // warnina
text: he was one of my brother’s friends, actually. 
Warner → Seraphina: He looked a little too close for a friend of Silas’...Warner → Seraphina: And his hand was on your assWarner → Seraphina: You can’t tell me you enjoyed that
text: maybe i am interested. 
Warner → Seraphina: In a prick like that?Warner → Seraphina: Yeah, forgive me if I don’t buy it.
text: it takes more than dinner and a movie. 
Warner → Seraphina: Then it’s a good thing I bought us plane tickets to Venice.Warner → Seraphina: We’re in for a good week, sweetheart 😏
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peltzwrites · 6 years
text: i can't say no to you. / text: come over, i want you hear. / text: you're my dream, honey. / text: i miss you. and i'm fucking hard, come home. // winney ❤️
text: i can’t say no to you. 
Whitney → Winston: You said no to me an hour ago, actuallyWhitney → Winston: It was rather distressing, considering…Whitney → Winston: i HAD TO FINISH THE JOB MYSELFWhitney → Winston: And to think you missed out on watching me 😘
text: come over, i want you hear.
Whitney → Winston: Oooh, I like the sound of thatWhitney → Winston: One condition though: I want kisses
 text: you’re my dream, honey. 
Whitney → Winston: And you’re mine.Whitney → Winston: Forever and ever, baby.
text: i miss you. and i’m fucking hard, come home. 
Whitney → Winston: I feel like you’re telling me what to do and it’s really kind of hot 😍Whitney → Winston: I’m on my way, my love.
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[text]: I'm coming home for lunch. I've got an hour, and I plan to make the most of it. / bruca 💓
Aubrey→ Luca: I’ll be in the kitchen waiting for you.Aubrey → Luca: With no underwear.
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[text]: Babe.. it's not fair to tease me like that. / edierra💓
Edward → Sierra: In my defense, you started it by wearing that dress. ;)Edward → Sierra: I happen to like how flustered you get when you’re thinking about me fucking you.
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[text] I can't sleep without you here. / [text] I trust you, that's not the problem. / wesria
[text] I can’t sleep without you here.
Wesley → Aria: I thought you wanted me out.Wesley → Aria: You said you needed to be alone.Wesley → Aria: Shit. I’ll be home soon, okay?
[text] I trust you, that’s not the problem.
Wesley → Aria: Then what is?Wesley → Aria: If you trust me, let me help you.Wesley → Aria: Whatever it is, I can handle it.
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[text] You're the most beautiful girl I've ever known. / [text] I just want you. / aurezra
[text] You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known.
Aurora → Ezra: Ezra…Aurora → Ezra: Stop saying those things, you’re making me blush in front of everyone!Aurora → Ezra: Thank you, though. That’s… You’re amazing.
[text] I just want you.
Aurora → Ezra: How am I supposed to believe you, Ezra?Aurora → Ezra: You’re married. You go back to her every night. Not me.Aurora → Ezra: If you want me, then why are you still with her?
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[text] It's just a game, isn't it? / [text] I missed that. / lincette
[text] It’s just a game, isn’t it?
Lincoln → Violette: No, it’s not.Lincoln → Violette: But then again, why would I bother to say that?Lincoln → Violette: You never believe me anyway.
[text] I missed that. 
Lincoln → Violette: I miss you, Vi. So damn much.
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[text] There's no one like you. / [text] Don't listen to them, babe. They don't know anything. / lunnah
[text] There’s no one like you.
Savannah → Luke: Don’t say those things, Luke. It’s not fair.Savannah → Luke: It makes me want to be with you.
[text] Don’t listen to them, babe. They don’t know anything.
Savannah → Luke: I’m worried they will ruin us. I know it’s stupid, but we’re so good right now. We’re finally okay and we still can’t have peace.
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[text] Can't we just stay in bed? / [text] What did he say to you? / sebchloe
[text] Can’t we just stay in bed?
Sebastian → Chloe: As tempted as I am to say yes, you my love have an important text this morning.Sebastian → Chloe: Ice cream and sex tonight, though. :*
[text] What did he say to you?
Sebastian → Chloe: What do you think he said? How good you two were together, how you wanted him, how you screamed for him.Sebastian → Chloe: He pissed me off, I lost control
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[text] You have no idea. / [text] Are you okay? You were quiet this morning- and I'm worried. / lazel
[text] You have no idea.
Hazel → Logan: No, I don’t, because you don’t tell me.Hazel → Logan: You complain when I keep things from you but you do exactly the same!
[text] Are you okay? You were quiet this morning- and I’m worried.
Hazel → Logan: Yeah, I’m okay.Hazel → Logan: I just have a lot on my mind right now because of my dad coming back and everything. Don’t worry.Hazel → Logan: Thank you for asking, though.
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