#mlqc lucien drabble
starrygalaxy04 · 1 year
"Psycho" {MLQC Lucien x Reader}
Summary : After a bad breakup, you use singing as your coping mechanism. You just happened to be singing a little too loud, and Lucien comes in to check on you and even joins in. (Gavin is an OC, not the MLQC character)
(Song used in this fic is "Psycho" by Taylor Acorn)
(Characters except Reader are not mine, neither is the song!!!)
You just couldn't keep it together. The anger, the pain, it all was desperate to be set free. Gavin had cheated yet again, a serial cheater in the worst way. This was the last straw, and when you said you were done, he spat the harshest words at you. Called you every single insult in the book that every scorned and unwilling-to-take-accountability boyfriend would throw at his girl before she left.
So now you're back home, your heels cast aside as your Spotify blares from your TV. You know you have neighbors, but can't bring yourself to care as you blare your angry playlist, singing and screaming at the top of your lungs. Your ruined mascara has long dried, and your hair is a mess of tangles. You just keep singing, venting out all of those emotions you could never vent any way else.
A knock on the door breaks you out of your singing binge. Surely it was a neighbor who was about to fuss at you to turn the music down. You huff before opening the door, only to find a concerned Lucien standing behind it. His pale eyes are wistful with a hint of concern as he looks down at you.
"Are you alright? You're blaring your angry songs."
Out of everyone you knew, Lucien was the only one who knew just by the song what playlist you were listening to. He had become so accustomed to your music taste that a single song would tell him entirely how you felt. You don't reply, instead moving aside so he can come in.
He walks in, taking in the state of the living room as you shut the door. There's half eaten take out, which you planned on finishing before you began your singing binge. Your shoes rest in two entirely different places, and your jacket is slung over the back of the couch. The TV is still playing songs from a playlist simply titled "ANGY". Yes, something was definitely wrong.
Lucien looks back at you with furrowed brows as the song changes, your eyes glued to the lyrics scrolling on the screen. Its the staple song you picked out for that good-for-nothing man. Lucien looks at the lyrics then to you, waiting for the damn to break. You're silent til the chorus, and then you begin screaming all over again.
"So, let's play a game
Where I throw a little brick through your pretty little face You're easy on the eyes but you're easier to hate An angel's gonna fall if you come around If my name's still on your tongue, then I'll rip it out
Since I'm already the bad guy in your head, I'll hit you with my car and I'll leave you for dead And I'll always like the view from the high road but baby for you, I'll be your psycho I'll be your psycho
I'll be your psycho
I'll be your psycho"
Lucien seems to easily put two and two together, coaxing you into sitting down as you continue to sing, tears streaming down your face as you scream the chorus one last time. It seems to be cathartic for you, so he lets you. The lyrics don't even seem to phase him as he wraps a comforting arm around you.
He doesn't ask questions as the song ends. He doesn't have to. He simply hands you your takeout, making sure you finish eating before getting you a glass of water. He watches you, makes sure you drink it, before he turns down the volume of the music.
"I assume things went for the worst?" He looks almost sad, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
He had been partly your therapist throughout this entire relationship and had been the first one to suggest that if your ex was standing you up he wasn't the right fit. He hadn't pushed you on it, but you know part of him loves and hates to be proven right. He's proud of you for doing the right thing, but is also here to listen to you. Whether its depressed or sad rambling, or just screaming angry songs to get those emotions out.
"Want me to join in?"
His voice is soft, a smile on his lips. You wordlessly nod, changing the song to something he's more familiar with. You both sing along, albeit much more quietly, spending the night in the comfort of his arms. It would take a while for the wounds to heal, but with Lucien around it didn't seem so bad.
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Omg you said send the requests your way so here I am 😂😂 Can you please write a reaaaaaalllllyyyyy heart-crushing Lucien angst based off of the song Forever Yours by Greyscale?? (It's okay if you dont want to write it on the song, you can just add up your own scenario and make it all angsty!) Thank you!
Sure, I’m so excited to write more for MLQC! Thank you for requesting, I’ll write this as a drabble :D
Character: Lucien
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Word Count: 233 words
Title: Forevers Yours
Keep sending MLQC requests! Here are my rules and my requests guide :D
Lucien x Gender Neutral Reader
Lucien frowned, nearly grimacing at the thought of you. Everything made him think of you, every tiny little detail brought you to his mind again. That beautiful tree you sat under and held hands. Your favorite shop that he often visited with you. His dear Y/N. He missed you so much that it broke his heart. He could physically feel pain in his chest with the torture of your absence. 
He evoked the way your beautiful eyes glinted in the sunlight, how it shone over your head and nearly created a halo over it that made you look like an angel. Like the angel he thought you were.
Lucien hung his head low, trying to forget how happy the sight of your smile made him, trying to forget your warm touch and your soft tenderness. He sighed, feeling cold tears arrive to his eyes that he blinked away. He continued walking and tryring to resume his day, ignoring the void inside him.
He was lost and confused, but he knew something for sure. No matter how much time passed, no matter the distance, he always carried you in his heart. Even after everything that happened, his only regret was to push you away. To be foolish enough to neglect you and drive you away from him. You deserved better. You deserved the best. Deep down, he knew he would be forever yours.
Tag list: @xionroxas // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!!
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aminiatureworld · 2 years
It was like counting off of her fingers. Four, three, two, one. And then silence.
Once Gavin receded into the distance, disappearing as her body revolted against her mind, she knew that she had lost. All the tethers that once kept her sealed to this earth, they were all gone now, disappeared like so many traces of smoke.
Then Lucien had appeared, back in her life, only for a few tense moments, an argument, a resolution, a back alley that led nowhere and then home. If one could call it home, the feeling of waking up in a familiar location, unsure of how exactly one got there. Still, there was loss; perhaps not so much new loss as the reinforcement of an old defeat, but the pain was there nevertheless.
Gavin gone; Lucien, or rather Ares, out there for personal gain and no longer to be trusted; Victor stuck ten years into the future; Kiro… she could not finish that last sentence. What was the point anyways? The ritualistic counting down of fingers. What was done was done, there was no recovering from it.
Still, how could she recover from it? Find a way out of this darkness and into an ephemeral light that didn’t seem to exist. The future was secure, or so Victor said, but that didn’t help in the moment, as everything crumbled around her. She couldn’t accept the likelihood of what she had truly experienced, the death of more than one person close to her. She must cling to the shreds of hope that somehow things might change. A call perhaps, or maybe a text, maybe even, if she was really lucky, the appearance of someone at her doorstep. She would be in denial for a moment, of course, but then the happiness would overflow her and she would race into the arms of the people she missed so much. After all, that was how it replayed in her dreams; over and over again, only the faces changing. She wished she’d stop dreaming about such things.
At first she’d felt bad about blowing up Kiro and Gavin’s phones. If, when they came back, they’d surely find it very annoying. Yet the habit soothed her, as she poured out emotion after emotion into her phone, the only thing she could do at this point. To text Lucien would be unthinkable, the fear of him still pressed deep on her, mixing with anger sharpened to knife point, dulled by a grief the size of a tidal wave. As for Victor, well, who knew if his phone was still working, a chance she was not willing to take. Besides, she could talk to him. Spottily, yes, but talk nevertheless.
It was not the same thing.
She kept Gavin’s sweatshirt around, washing it once it began to smell faintly, treating it the same way a child might treat a treasured stuffed animal. She rarely went to sleep without wearing it. The gingko bracelet remained dutifully on her wrist. To do otherwise would be unforgivable.
For Kiro there was less, something that pained her greatly. Instead of objects she found him in the sweets she ended up buying, the candy, the chips, the fried food when she was too lazy to attempt any cooking. It hurt more in a way, as she could not avoid food the way she could theoretically avoid a piece of clothing, a metal bracelet. But to forget would be criminal.
She wondered if they ever thought of her, stupid line of thinking though that was. Hadn’t she gotten them into all this trouble in the first place? It’d be rather difficult for them to forget her in such a state. Still, it would be easier in a way if they somehow forgot her. She did not want anyone to feel as she did. She did not want the ones she loved carrying any guilt. Any burden. Not more than had already happened.
She knew that Victor could tell she was slipping away slightly. His conversations became more mundane, assurances that she was doing her work became more common. She wished he were next to her. It’d be easier that way, more pressing. She was living, yes, she refused to lay down and accept and existence in fear, one without any answers. But one did not have to be totally present to do such a thing. Sometimes it was nice to turn on the television and close her eyes, ignoring the fact it was only mid-afternoon, and let sleep wash over her. Sleep and dreams she’d rather forget.
Sometimes Lucien appeared in her dreams too, or was it Ares? She couldn’t really tell. He was always kind in her dreams; carrying her in his arms, a soft, sad smile on his face. A kiss on her forehead, a great green tree above her head. She asked him questions that she couldn’t remember, and he gave answers that calmed her heart, even as they evaporated into air. She hated those dreams most of all, the promise of something she could never have again.
Sometimes she’d wake up in the middle of the night. The cold, white ceiling stared impassively down at her. Reaching out her outstretched hand she began the ritual all over again, watching as the fingers slowly balled into a fist.
Four, three, two, one.
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kazuharem · 3 years
“It’s Been a Long Long Time” ↠ Lucien [ANGST]
This story contains possible triggering content. Read at your own risk.
Characters: Lucien and MC (Female)
Genre: Angst ツ, 100% ANGST ALL THE WAY
Word Count: 881
Warnings: spoiler warnings for Ch. 25 (some canon details), mentions of drug use (don’t do drugs, kids), some good ol’ Luci hallucinations
A/N: Well... I wasn’t gonna continue my “Super Angsty Series,” but here I am. Making my comeback with...you guessed it, ANGST. I received this anon request from a while back and I thought it ties in well with the “Super Angsty Series, so here you go. This continues right after “One Less Star.”
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Part I: here
Part II: here
Summary: Lucien gets one dance after he thought he lost everything
Story under the cut since it contains spoilers and possible triggering content
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“Lucien…” her voice is muffled by his shoulder.
Lucien doesn’t speak and holds her tighter. The relief flooding through him has a drugging effect, dulling all senses of the outside world save for the warm body in his arms.
“Lucien…” the girl tries again, causing Lucien to inhale slowly. Her sweet, familiar scent assaults his nose and it wipes all traces of rational thought.
“I…thought you were…gone,” Lucien’s admission is hushed, a quivering line of discernible fear clear as day in his voice. “I did everything I could to get you back, to see you…to hold you like this…It wasn’t enough…It wasn’t the real…you.”
The girl is silent, but Lucien can hear the quiet puffs of air that indicated she is breathing.
Taking her silence as courage, Lucien continued haltingly. “But that’s okay, I guess,” he sighed, “I’ll take you in any form I can get, even if you aren’t real.” The girl pushes softly against him then, peering into his eyes, a faint disappointment set in the crease of her brows.
“And what if I am real, Lucien?” She asks, voice honeyed and lilting. It spoke of promises made under camphor trees, wishes tucked in paper cranes.
Lucien laughs at that. The sound catches in his throat, and it comes out, strangled. His subconscious was getting better and better at conjuring all these scenarios, twisting his idea of reality. It was too late. He was too far gone anyway. He decides to humor the illusion he had conjured up.
“I would never let you go,” Lucien responds with finality, “I would tell you the things I didn’t say, do the things we didn’t do.”
She smiles, and Lucien’s heart lurches at the sight of it. “Like what? What would we do?” The girl stands up delicately. Lucien follows her, taking her hands into his with great care. He spins her into his arms.
Lucien savors the press of her body against hers before answering, “I would want to witness all your triumphs and setbacks. I would go with you to the ends of the earth. I would kiss you under the flickering light of fireflies. I would have a proper dance with you, surrounded by perfumed wisteria. Just you and me, with no one but the flowers to bear witness.”
“We can do that now,” the girl offers, guiding them to a beat only familiar to the two of them. She loops her arms around his neck as they swayed, “What did you want to say to me?”
There is the sound of stifled gasp. “I…want to apologize to you,” Lucien murmurs, “For not being able to protect you. For…betraying you...”
She studies him intently. “That’s all in the past, Lucien… What about now?” The girl closes her eyes and lays her head against his chest. Lucien rests his head gently on top of hers. “What about right now? In this moment?”
“Right now...” Lucien drifts off, “You’re...not real,” the words are listless. He has to take several gasping breaths before continuing, “But you’ll let me pretend, won’t you, Butterfly?”
“Kiss me once,” she commands softly, the words leaving her mouth in a soft puff of air.
Smiling, Lucien obeys, pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss.
“Then, kiss me twice,” she adds, a mischievous curl of her lips, “Then, kiss me once again,” she hums against his mouth.
Understanding the reference, Lucien utters the next lyrics, “Haven't felt like this, my dear, since can't remember when… It's been a long, long time.” The girl grins at him, pleased, and Lucien feels content for the first time in a while. The feeling is foreign. He can’t remember the last time he’s felt like this, but he didn’t want this illusion to go away, a beautiful trick of his broken mind.
The couple stays like this until Lucien could feel the effects of the drug disappearing, the fogginess of his mind slowly clearing up. Coldness is seeping steadily into the warmth he had felt earlier.
The girl gazes into his eyes, “It’s time, Lucien,” she announces.
Lucien grabs onto her a little tighter, “No, please,” he begs, “Just-just a little bit longer.”
She smiles sadly and Lucien panics, “No!” He holds onto her desperately. “No! Don’t go, please! I-I can’t lose you again!”
“Lucien,” she says and her voice is no longer sweet, but disembodied, haunting. “You’ll see me again,” there is a promise to her words, but it doesn’t sound as inviting.
The edges of her body starts to turn black little by little, and he holds her hand as if it’s a lifeline.
“No-don’t, you can’t…” The panic consumes him, until he can’t breathe and he chokes, bile rising in his throat. “I can’t lose you again!” He shouts as more of her fades into nothingness. “I can’t-” Lucien is frantic, grasping her dissolving hand. 
The last thing he feels before she’s completely gone is a ghostly touch, feather-light fingertips caressing his cheek. It may as well have been a kiss from the wind. 
“You will see me again. I promise.”
You'll never know How many dreams I dream about you Or just how empty they all seem without you
So, kiss me once Then, kiss me twice Kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time 
───── ⋆⋅ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ⋅⋆ ─────
A/N Part II: With that, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe it is the conclusion of “Super Angsty Series.” Watch I get another request and think “Ooh, that would be great.” I am finally back and kicking and my first comeback piece is angst, ofc.
Part I: here
Part II: here
For more of my work: 📖
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phairfantooooom · 4 years
Merry Christmas!!!! Secret Santa gift for @ellie-winthrope​. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you @ginkgowritings​ for hosting the MLQC Secret Santa!!!
Pairing: Lucien x Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness, Mentions of injection, Drugs
Word Count: ~2.2k Words
Synopsis: You had finally come home, and you had quelled Lucien’s worries. But now that snow has begun to fall once more, a grim possibility rears its head. Angst with a happy ending.
A lack of color.
That’s.... what had started all of this hadn’t it?
The gentle lulls of Ray Conniff and Frank Sinatra echoed quietly in the small apartment, a holiday tune being sung sweetly through the old speakers of the record player he owned. The cheery song was as stark a contrast to the cold expression he wore on his face as day was to night.
He silently maneuvered his way around the cluttered space, violet irises focused on you the entire time. So at ease, so peaceful..... He had lived in your apartment for so long he knew the area like the back of his hand.... for him it would be... it would be all too easy to just...
Gritting his teeth he dragged his gaze off your slumbering form, innocently resting the day away, oblivious to the fact that an all too familiar war was being waged inside him. 
His eyes caught on the glass balcony door, the root of his ire coating the ground in a crisp sheet of white. A reminder.... a memory of another world. Of a different time. The control he had so delicately crafted beginning to ebb and chip away.
Oh, how this covetous sin yearns to exist.
Your life was yours to live, no matter how he longed to lock you away somewhere nice and safe. To mute your senses and clip the wings of freedom you cherished so deeply.
My life has no meaning without you, after all...
You who had brought vibrant color to his world, and left desaturated hues in your sudden demise. All those shades of color that had blessed his vision had begun to fade back to into those familiar blacks, whites, and grays the longer your absence went on.
Life had become dull.
His gaze had wandered and he found himself staring at you again. The radiant and beautiful owner of his small little world. “My little fool...”
Reaching out he gently stroked the top of your head, his neutral expression collapsing and revealing a broken man underneath. A man that was steadily getting closer to the edge of his breaking point. A low husky whisper left him, and he found himself glad you were too deep in your sleep to hear his plea.
“I... I love you.” His voice shook to his dismay and he took a moment to steady himself before continuing. “I want you, in every aspect. I long to have you in your entirety. Your heart, your dreams, your very future. I am but a humble fire that burns for your very existence....”
He leaned down and placed a kiss atop the crown of your head, a solemn look of consideration crossing his face. “Yes... I am a blaze that will continue to burn... for you and you alone. Until all that remains of me are warm ashes...”
“Should I become an rampant inferno... I wonder if you would be able to forgive me...”
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It was like watching an old film.
The scene in front of you was colorless, the world was hazy around the edges of your vision as you took in the view of what laid in front of you.
It was a laboratory, with not much of note. The walls were cracked and peeling, and the linoleum floor was stained with splatters of black. The tables and cabinets were toppled over, the workspace in a state of disarray, save for the piece of equipment in the center of the room and the work table next to it.
A large tank stood from ceiling to floor, the inside of it was filled with water and an unconscious body. As the body shifted in its forced slumber, bubbles would occasionally rise from the bottom of the tank. Watching quietly the scene almost felt peaceful. The same type of peace one would feel when drowning and succumbing to the watery depths.
The serenity that only death could bring.
You felt yourself drift closer to the tank and a strange sensation filled you as you peered at the face of the slumbering person. A mask was pressed against their face, with a tube attached for oxygen while wires and smaller tubes were attached to their arms. Leaning closer you narrowed your eyes trying to figure out what exactly it was that you were seeing. After all it seemed almost as if...
Your eyes met those that resided inside the tank and you felt your stomach lurch slightly in fear and confusion as it dawned on you who it was. Their gaze wobbled as they weakly tried to move their body, shifting one of their hands to press against the glass.
To escape.
“Movement detected. Administering Midazolam and Propofol Ketamine... please stand by.”
An automated voice sounded from the machine in front of you and you watched as the body in the tank suddenly thrashed as fluids were injected into them. It was but a brief moment before you saw the dim light of consciousness in their eyes be once more snuffed out. The body once more floating stagnantly, limp and lifeless.
“My little fool...”
A familiar voice spoke behind you and you felt a chill race up your spine. Turning cautiously you looked at the man that spoke, but found his gaze was not on you but on the person in the tank.
For the person in the tank was you.
Lucien slowly strode up to the tank, his gaze focused on it like an artist admiring their work. The clothes he donned were unlike those he usually wore, the color of his current suit was light in its hue yet eerie all the same. It…. it reminded you of….
“A perfect world… just for the two of us…”
He lifted one of his hands and lightly pressed his palm against the glass, the glimmer of madness in his eyes erratic in a controlled way. 
“Evol detected. Analyzing… Welcome Back, Lucien.”
The automated voice spoke once more and Lucien hummed in response, not sparing a glance away from the sleeping body as he continued.
“Update me on her progress.”
There was a noise of a processor whirling briefly before the automated voice responded. “Evol extraction is at 71% and running smoothly, however an anomaly was detected approximately ten minutes ago. Signs of Evol fluctuation and burnout were registered and recorded with the times marked.”
Lucien’s brows drew together and he paused a moment before speaking. “How much longer till it is complete?”
“Estimated time remaining is thirty minutes.”
“.....and what of the Black Queen?”
Another low hum of machinery and a crackle of static before the automated voice responded.
“The autopsy report has revealed a genetic array that can be used in aiding Evol extraction.”
“Oh? Continue.”
“The deceased body of the Black Queen has provided the necessary replacement tissue and blood needed for Evol extraction. With the unique DNA her body has provided, the hypothetical Evol transfer is possible.”
“In what form?”
“A single injection with the Queen’s Evol will be all that is required. Once extraction is completed, the Evol and Queen’s gene will be compiled for use and record keeping.”
Lucien’s lips quirked up into a thin smile.
“Excellent. Inform me when it’s finished, as I will be the recipient of the injection…”
You shook slightly, the words and implication behind them making your heart sink. In this place, this world, this future… Lucien had killed the Black Queen… and confined you… and was going to take your Evol…?
Why had this happened?
You wanted to reach out to ask, but the man before you was someone that had given up hope and control. Someone that feared losing you so much that he snapped. The current situation would be frightening if it were not so completely tragic.
As you realized the cause of all of this your heart thudded with a singular goal in mind.
You’d save him. You’d save him from his worst enemy.
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Yet bittersweet.
As Lucien was going to stand up and leave you to sleep in peace he felt a gentle warmth wrap around his wrist, causing his eyes to instinctively flicker up to yours at the sudden movement.
For a brief moment you merely looked at him, your tired eyes looking into his. The emotion that swirled in their depths was easy to see and understand. The adoration and love he saw… it was almost a reflection of his own for you. 
His heart skipped as he watched you sit up and draw him close. Your touch was like a magical remedy, it pushed away the worries and concerns like the sun dispersing clouds on a hot summer day. It was only when you were away that the dark temptations were no longer held at bay. 
As you held him he held you in turn, his eyes falling shut as he laid his head on your shoulder. No longer was music playing in the apartment, only comfortable silence remained as you brushed away the demons that lurked in his head.
He felt his heart seize as you whispered his name. You sounded… somber. Reluctantly he pulled away, the ever familiar calm smile on his face as he replied. His mind on auto-pilot, pretending as if his mental tranquility had never been threatened by the very woman that sat in front of him.
“Yes? What can I do for my little fool?”
He held off the reflex to flinch, your tone slipping further from that familiar sweetness, to something forlorn. As if you knew something he didn’t want you to know. Few times had this occurred before but in every instance…
He didn’t respond this time, but held an even gaze as you looked at him with sympathy and melancholy. It made him frown, he hated to see you sad, even more so when he was the cause of it. You were an existence he wanted to protect from all that was wrong in the world.
...Including himself.
He blinked and watched as you shook your head. Had he accidently spoken that aloud? As he scrambled to make an excuse for himself he was caught off guard when you leaned up and embraced him once more. 
“Lucien, it’s okay. You don’t need to worry anymore. Everything is going to be okay… I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” You pulled him down slightly and laid his head over where your heart was. “Can you feel that? It’s my heart beating… Sometimes it slows down and other times it picks up speed…”
“Just because something behaves differently doesn’t mean that it’s no longer the same.”
He felt a strange ball of emotion swell in the back of his throat, and merely murmured in response, but didn’t miss the reassuring gaze you gave him. “The world may be harsh, but the very same world gave me you… and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. Not for peace nor power…”
A soft laugh that reminded him of the early mornings he’d spent with you rumbled in your chest and he couldn’t stop a small smile from gracing his face. “I suppose in that respect we both are quite selfish, aren’t we?” He lifted one of your hands, chastely kissing your wrist. “As I feel the same, I wouldn’t trade you for anything in this world or beyond…”
Lucien felt a weight lift off his shoulders at your words and his own. Communication was always an important thing…. when had he gotten so caught up in himself that he neglected how he appeared to you? This would need to be rectified immediately…
“My silly girl, what is your wish for Christmas?”
He watched your expression change as you thought it over, clearly you were taking it seriously which made him want to fill your wish all the more.
“I… I want you to promise me something.”
He rose a brow but nodded his head for you to continue.
“I… want you to promise not to lose faith in me. Or this world.”
It dawned on him what your words meant and he felt his heart waver. For you to say such a thing… you must have seen something in your dreams. A possible future perhaps… in which he…
Ah. He had done something, hadn’t he?
With a sigh he nodded his head, this being one of the few times where he’d struggled with your requests. “I promise you that I will never lose faith…”
You smiled and he felt his heart start to race. He would cherish you until the day he died, but he wouldn’t try to clip your beautiful wings, no matter how tempted he might become.
A promise is a promise after all.
“In return, Lucien, what would you like for Christmas?”
A calm sort of tranquility overcame him as he thought of his request. The desire to tease or be honest fighting on the tip of his tongue.
But in the end he lost to his heart.
“You. My silly girl… all I could ever want is you.”
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darling-dummy-blogs · 4 years
Butterflies- Lucien Xu
Summary: Lucien spends his birthday with MC for the first time as a couple and even though they’ve been dating for a few months, she still gives him all these warm feelings that he has never felt before. 
Paring: Lucien Xu X F!MC
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 656 words
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Notes: Happy Birthday to Professor Lucien Xu!  💜
November 15th. 
An important day that had been marked in the calendar months in advance; Lucien’s birthday. MC had wanted to prepare something special for him , especially considering that this was the first time they were spending as a couple. 
She wanted to make the most of his birthday, and she had planned to do all that by making him dinner and of course it isn’t a birthday without some cake. Which she had made and decorated all by herself. MC made sure everything was perfect
Now all she had to do was wait for Lucien to come home. 
To Lucien, his birthday never held much meaning. It felt as though it was just like any other ordinary day. As lonely as that had sounds, it was what got him through it all. He was okay with the concept of being alone. 
But, ever since she came into his life… She gave him a new meaning. A new perspective. 
And that is something he wouldn’t take for granted. She filled his once empty life with warmth, color and happiness that he had never felt before, she became his light in the darkness. A light that he never knew that he needed. 
Lucien wasn’t one for expressing his feelings. But whenever she was around, he often would find himself being open to her, and sharing everything with her. Those warm feelings felt like butterflies that fluttered within him. 
Those warm feelings, he never thought he’d feel for anyone. The warmth she brought with her smiles, her embraces, her kisses, everything. It only made those butterflies soar. 
She didn’t have to do much to make his heart pound within his chest. Everyday spent with her felt special. He wanted nothing more than to stay by her side. Lucien found himself wanting to spend every single moment with her, to learn more about her. 
Even though he knows very well that she shouldn’t be this close to him, that going down this path would be dangerous. She still chose him. She chose to stay by his side. And she chose to love him.
At times he felt undeserving of her love and kindness. But she always proved him wrong. Every time. The feeling of love that he didn’t understand only grew to be intense the more he spent time with her.  
For Lucien to come home seeing her waiting for him with open arms, filled him with those butterflies again. Those soft butterflies enveloping him just like her warm embrace as she greeted him, a smile on her face, her arms being wrapped around him. 
“Welcome home, Lucien. Happy birthday!” 
The growing smile on his face gave away the happiness that he felt. He wrapped his arms around her, reciprocating her affections. He placed a gentle kiss to her cheek. “Thank you MC. You didn’t have to do this for me.” 
“It’s your birthday Lucien, how could I not celebrate such an important day that means so much to me?” Her bright and loving smile made his heart race. But the smile on his face never went away. 
She blushed, but that smile never left. “We should eat dinner before it gets cold.” She tried to move away but he just held her in place. He held her in a warm embrace, his head gently resting on top of hers. 
“Lucien?” She asked, confused. “Are you okay?” Concern filled her voice. 
“I’m fine.” He spoke again. “Thank you… Thank you for coming into my life…” 
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otonymous · 5 years
Playing Doctor (MLQC Lucien drabble - NSFW)
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For @pickle-scribbles​, who didn’t really ask for this, per se, but I decided to give it to you anyways 🤣🤣🤣
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Character(s): Lucien x Female MC Rating: Explicit Warnings: hospitals, public sex, mild exhibitionism
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The finger at your mouth stopped you, long and firm, like the cock that pressed against your inner thigh — bare flesh scorching despite the paper-thin hospital gown draped over your body, naked save for the underwear your lover was already hooking to the side with an impatient thumb.
“We can’t…” was what you meant to say, peeking through the slim opening of the drawn curtain at your roommate and praying she would continue to sleep through her drug-induced haze as the professor’s shadow fell over you — muscular thighs on either side of your hips, and dark eyes gleaming to see you bite your lips despite yourself.
You couldn’t help it.  Hot and hard, the incessant tease of his cock at your entrance was enough to make you forget you were still lying on a hospital bed, so consumed were you by the thought of him filling your pussy, fast and deep and over and over again.
For Lucien was just as insatiable as you.
“You’re soaked already, my little fool.  Did you know I’d be visiting today?”  He whispers in your ear, savouring the arch of your back off the bed as he slowly sheathes himself to the hilt.  
“Or maybe, just maybe…”
His lips cover yours, tongue slipping past teeth to taste the inside of your mouth before he pulls back to continue.
“…you like it when I play doctor.”
And with that, he sweeps back the tail of his lab coat, hips snapping against yours with such force that the heart rate on the monitor by your bed starts to climb.  So fast, in fact, that the woman in blue scrubs at the nursing station furrows her brows at the sudden change, footsteps soft as she begins to make her way to your room.
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mlqcdrabbledabble · 4 years
MLQC - Main Guys x MC Drabble
Prompt: just some personal drabble
Warnings: making no sense
"I've loved her the longest."
"I've loved her the strongest."
"I've loved her the fondest."
"I've loved her the hardest."
"I don't love her."
"Just kidding."
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thenovelartist · 4 years
25 DoC - Day 2: Cookies
MLQC : Lucien
It was nothing out of the ordinary for me to feel a pair of eyes observing me. I’d grown accustomed to it by now. It was the least of my worries as I marched around the grocery store, filling a cart full of sugar cookie dough, icing, food coloring, and candies.
“Do you think we’ll have enough for everyone? The package says it makes 24 cookies each, but will that be enough? Should I get another pack or two?”
The smiling scientist took his eyes off me for a moment to assess the cart’s contents. “Accounting for the number of children that will be there as well as any unexpected children that will appear and any cookies that might get broken, I believe we have enough materials as is.”
“Perfect!” I looked down at the list in my hands, double checking it against the contents of the cart my companion was pushing along. “Then I think the only thing left to do will be grabbing plastic bowls to set out the candy in and a couple packs of napkins. Oh, and some cleaner so we can clean up after the activity is over. Kids will make a mess no matter how careful they are.” I turned my attention back towards Lucien, flashing him a sincere grin. “Thank you for coming with me today. I know today is your first day off in a while, but I appreciate the help.”
“I appreciate that you thought to ask me. Being together with you is quite an enjoyable use of my time.”
My cheeks warmed. It had been a while since I’d met him, yet I still wasn’t fully used to Lucien’s smoothly spoken sweet sayings. Particularly when paired with a gentle smile and playful gleam in his eyes. “But it was your idea to bring cookies to the orphanage for the children to decorate,” I countered. “And then I know something came up at your lab and you barely had time to fit this into your new schedule, so I really do appreciate you taking time to help me today.”
“I almost always can make time for you,” he cut in, grinning warmly all the while. But I spotted that teasing glint in his eye that always made me nervous and braced myself for whatever he had to say next.
He must have known I was steeling myself, too, because his sly smile suddenly doubled in size. “Particularly when it means I get to watch your ever-changing expressions and listen in to your mumblings as you flit like a butterfly around the store in deliberation over the best candies to get. The best word I can think to describe it is ‘adorable’.”
I couldn’t help but blush at that, causing him to chuckle before patting my head. Maybe I wasn’t as used to his constant observation of me as I had thought.
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astralhugs · 4 years
Hellooo. Could you write headcanon about MLQC boys thinking MC is cheating on them? Maybe a little angst :)?
When the MLQC boys think MC is cheating on them.
Hii!! sorry for accidentally posting the other day :(
But heres that :))
requests : open!
You’ve been going out more often because of a shooting and been going home later than usual.
Lucien didn’t think much about it at first because, he himself goes home late as well.
Until one day, he came to your place to pick you up when he saw that the guest and you were hugging.
He wouldn’t jump to conclusions right away but he just stood there and silently watched.
He saw how you were laughing and giggling with him.
“See you later, Axel.” you waved at the guy and went back to your seat and saw Lucien at the back of the room.
He was just standing there.
He exited the shooting room.
Since you were worried, you decide to follow him but you were called by Anna because of some shooting complications so you didn’t have time to check up on him.
By the time you finished, you were looking for him outside hoping he waited.
He didn’t.
So you went home.
In the living room, he was there, looking at a framed picture of the both of you in his hand while drinking hot tea.
“Yes, love?” he looked at you with icy cold eyes.
“Is there something wrong? Why did you just leave the shoot?” you asked.
“I don’t know, care to explain who is ‘Axel’?” he asked calmy.
“Axel?” You thought.
He got up from the couch, “Nevermind, seems like you don’t even care to explain to me, talk to me when you have an explanation.” he was heading towards the door.
“Lucien what do you mean?”
“I’m talking about how you’re so into the guy you called love! If you don’t like me or in fact love me anymore you can just say it, MC.” he said in a cold tone.
“Axel Axel...is...ohhh you mean Axel the guy just now?” You laughed.
“Whats so funny about you cheating on me?” He asked calmly.
“Lucien I’m not cheating on you, Axel is an idol and he was going to be starring in the new episodes of Miracle Finder”
Lucien tried to process this for a moment.
“Here I’ll show you.” you pulled out a video of Axel performing.
“Oh.” he nods.
Lucien smiled, “Okay, thats a relief that you’re not cheating on me.”
He hugged you tightly.
He’s kinda possesive but wouldn’t show it.
Who even would cheat on this man eye
Goldman and you were like bestbuds now.
Like yall text sometimes even when its not LFG related.
Goldman would sometimes send pictures of movies or shows and ask for your recommendation.
Well while you were in the shower, Victor heard a vibration from his desk, he thought it was his phone at first.
Since you both have the same phone.
“Watch later or now?”
Victor was confused so he only answered a ‘?’
“No? Isn’t this your favorite movie? Its going to be on tonight. We should watch later!” Goldman screenshotted a picture of the movie cover of *insert favorite movie*.
“Isn’t this MC’s...are they going to go out together tonight?” he furrowed his eyebrow.
When he saw you enter the room he just looked at you, “Well? Whats it like?” he asked in a monotone.
“What?” you were confused.
“Goldman and you? You’re going out with him tonight aren’t you?” he angrily said while glaring at you.
“Goldman? No, Victo-“
“Don’t talk to me anymore. Just. Get out.”
“No, Vic-“
“If you talk to me one more time, I’ll fire Goldman.”
“Wait don’t do tha-“
Goldman called you.
He rolled his eyes, “Pick it up right here, right now, put it on speaker.”
You were scared he’d do something so you picked it up, “Hey Goldman.”
“The movies. I sent you which one was better because tonight they’re premiering on Channel and was asking if it was worth to stay up.”
Victor made an ‘o’ with his mouth before searching the movie up.
It really was airing tonight and he was just asking you for recommendations.
“Both are cool. But I have to go, tell me if you liked it or not!” and with a click you ended the call.
“You can stay, I apologize, I thought you were cheating on me.” he got up and hugged you tightly.
“Why would I cheat on you?!” You kissed him on the lips for a long time before parting.
“I would never.” you smiled brightly.
“I guess I’m the dummy today.” he sighs and kisses you again.
This boy never really suspected anything.
Even when you go home late.
He trusts you.
A little too much sometimes.
But then one day, you were out with a guy friend and didn’t tell him because it was just business related stuff.
Gavin was patrolling in the sky when he saw the two of you.
He didn’t say anything and continued patrolling.
Once you got home he’d ask you who it was.
“MC, is there something you’d like to tell me?”
He sounded more cold this time, “Did something happen today?”
“Not anything important I guess?” You say.
“So...cheating on me isn’t important then?” he asks.
He knew that you probably didn’t cheat on him but it was a rough day at work and you acting ‘oh-so-innocent’ to him made him more mad.
“Cheating? Gavin I’m not-“
“Then who was the guy you were with at the cafe, MC?” he asks in a stern voice but there were a hint of hurt in them.
“T-the boy?” you looked worried at him before forming an ‘o’ shape with your voice.
Before you were able to explain yourself, he sighed.
“MC, if it makes you happy then I’m ok-“
“Nonono Gavin!” You hugged him and looked at him in the eye.
“I wasn’t cheating on you thats my friend who’s also my co worker. Its nothing like that.” You explained while hugging him tight.
“Well, I guess I’m happy that you’re not cheating on me.” He smiled lightly and hugged you back.
Thats how you lectured Gavin by saying its not okay for him to be cheated on.
And Gavin had to listen to the whole thing.
As an idol, you would sometimes follow him to his shoots and stuff.
Until, there was a new male idol he’ll be collabing, ‘Axel’.
You and him would get along well.
Too much to Kiro’s liking.
You started to hang out with him when they’re done shooting.
Well one day, you wanted to interview Love on Miracle Finder and asked him to meet after the shoot.
After he heard about that Kiro was down for the rest of the day.
He thought you guys were planning a date.
When you both get home he seemed a bit different, in a bad different.
He wasn’t the same cheerful self.
“Kiro, is there something wrong?” you asked worriedly.
“N-no, its nothing, don’t worry Miss Chips.” he kisses your forehead.
You would try to talk to him about it and one day he actually told you.
“Are you cheating on me with Axel?” Kiro asked.
“What?! No! Kiro, is that why you’ve been sad?”
Kiro has seen alot of idols cheating on each other so you can say he was kinda...worried
But you guys talked it out and he was back to the same Kiro again.
You tried to distance yourself from Axel which he completely understood why.
Axel and you remained friends and Kiro is still your boyfriend.
Everyones happy.
But i really hoped you enjoyed it :>
Done reading? Why not check out more at masterlist
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maddiethebull · 5 years
hi! are your requests still open? if yes, could you please, pleaseeee write prompt #17 for lucien? i've read the gavin one and it was so precious!!! i hope you will have a wonderful day ahead of you!! ✨💋
My requests are still open! Just eternally because I barely have a life! Thank you for complimenting my Gavin fanfic!! You’re so sweet! Thank you for making a request
Lucien (MLQC) - Prompt #17 - “You know what? Shut up. Kiss me.”
It had been a hard day at the office. Victor had been on your ass about all of the work that you needed to get done, it was majorly frustrating today, especially, because you were supposed to attend the lecture Lucien was giving that evening, but all you could think of was work work work. 
On the way from LFG to Loveland University, you were so distracted, thinking about how you could possibly get that report done in two days or less, that you nearly walked into traffic. ‘Just calm down, MC, no time to think about work right now. You get to see Lucien today.’ With that thought, you smiled, Lucien had always made you feel so comfortable and he never stressed you out like Victor and Gavin, and he was much more calm than Kiro. ‘Lucien is like the perfect porridge, no that’s weird’ you thought, ‘Lucien is like a good middle ground? Ugh whatever, Lucien’s nice to be around and I like him. That’s all that matters.’
You entered the large building, it was so full of students. It even brought back old memories of when you attended the same University you were in now. 
If only Lucien was a professor then! Talk about eye candy, am I right? Walking up and down the halls and stopping to look at a couple maps, you searched for the room Lucien was to be presenting in. 
When you finally found it and entered, you sat down in the crowded room with the students around you wondering who this new face was. There had been rumors that Lucien was seen going on dates with a certain person, a person who was described to look a lot like you. You were in the dark about the rumors, you didn’t hang around the Uni a lot and you didn’t talk to any of the students, really, so when you heard, 
“Is that who the Professor’s dating?” from behind you, you shrunk into your seat.
‘He’s dating someone?’ you thought. It made you feel even worse thinking about Lucien going on dates with someone, the guy you liked, liking someone else. But, you were his friend, so you couldn’t very well leave the lecture you promised to attend. The lights dimmed and he began, showing some fancy charts that you couldn’t understand that well and in about five minutes you were lost. Your thoughts once again ran around in your brain, and now adding on was the fact that Lucien was dating someone. You began nodding off in search for solace, you just needed some peace and quiet for a couple minutes. You were carried away while Lucien’s soft, deep voice echoed through the room. 
About an hour later, 
“MC?” Lucien was standing over you, everybody had already left the lecture room. You were fully asleep as Lucien nudged your shoulder, asking jokingly what you thought of his presentation. Once you awoke, you jolted up. You saw that the lecture hall was now empty and began furiously apologizing,
“I-I’m so sorry, I can’t believe I slept through it. Was it good? Of course it was good, that was a stupid question.”
Lucien only chuckled at you. How could you be so adorable? He never really cared when you wouldn’t grasp what he was talking about, it only mattered to him that you would show up. He spoke, 
“Why don’t we have a cup of tea at my place and I can fill you in on the details,” A sly smile crept up along with a mischievous tone, “a private lecture of sorts.” 
After a moment of thought, you gave in. You’d had a hard day, might as well go with him and see what would happen, even if nothing happened, you were still content with staring at him while listening to his smooth voice ramble on about whatever smart thing he had up his sleeve. He took your hand to help you up and the two of you began walking to his place.  
On the way, you stopped to get a snack, and Lucien asked you, 
“So, why is a certain little MC so sleepy today?”
You sighed, “It’s just work, I have so much to do, but I have almost no time to do it and I’m afraid of being told that my work isn’t good enough. I work so hard on all of the things I do, but they never seem to be up to Big Mr. Victor’s standards.”
He replied, “Don’t even get me started on Victor. He has, what we scientifically classify as, a stick up his ass.”
You almost choked on your food, you were laughing so hard. It felt so good to finally laugh that day, and while you knew Victor wasn’t actually as mean as he seemed, it was nice for someone to agree with you. Still laden with laughter, you glanced at Lucien. He was certainly the most interesting person you’d ever met. He was staring at you, a habit of his, and the way his dark eyes focused so intently on you, it made you feel special. Lucien as a whole made you feel special. You wanted to drink up his presence and never let him go. The way he could be so professional yet have such a lively sense of humor was just one of the traits you absolutely loved about him. But, with this news about him dating someone… it outright sucked. ‘Why can’t I be the one he’s dating?’ you thought. You were too shy to ask him about who it was his student’s said he was dating, not even really wanting to know the answer, you just pushed it to the back of your mind. 
“You almost finished eating?” he asked, with his eyes still only on you. He had a hint of a smile grazing his features. Every time he saw you, he felt the need to know more about you. He wanted to be able to ace a test on you, you were just so intriguing. You were so different from the people he’d come into contact with, you were like a flood of bright light on his otherwise dark world. He looked down at the table, letting out a sigh. He was conflicted about how he felt for you, he felt like he couldn’t just outright tell you, he likened it to running black paint over the Mona Lisa. The last thing he wanted was for you to change, for you to become like him, because he knew the extent of things he could never tell you. He knew that he was closer to a devil than an angel, and to him, you were the exact opposite. He never wanted to lose that bright light you gave him. 
“Yeah, I’m done now,” you said with a cheery expression. When Lucien was deep in thought, you always seemed to bring back his fading smiles. The two of you went on your way to his house, and by accident, you approached your own door. It dawned on you that you’d never actually been inside of his apartment before and by habit, you simply went your own way. ‘Today is different now’, you thought as you put your keys back into your pocket. 
He opened the door for you and took your jacket. The air of the room was sort of awkward, Lucien was excited to have you over for the first time, while you were thinking of how whoever he’s dating has probably been in his house a billion times. Distracting yourself, you looked at all of the paintings on his walls, and a certain one caught your eye. It was a man under the night sky, reaching up to the stars where an ethereal being reached down to the man. Their hands would never touch because of the distance between them, but they kept reaching for each other. 
“Who painted this?” you asked as you made your way to get a closer look.
“Oh, I did,” he replied casually, “I’m not the world’s best artist, but painting relaxes me.”
“You’re kidding! You painted this?” You eyed him and then the painting, “this is amazing, I couldn’t dream of doing this, don’t be so humble,” you chuckled out. 
Lucien approached you, he thought it fitting that you stood next to a painting inspired by you. ‘By far’, he wished he could say, ‘you’re more beautiful than anything I could ever make.’ He lifted his arm to put around you, but stopped himself. Pulling his arm back to his side, he gave a polite thank you and went to the kitchen to make some tea for the two of you.  
The both of you sat down and had a casual conversation, somehow making its way back to his presentation that you completely missed. You were in the middle of apologizing for the umpteenth time when Lucien’s suddenly found his mind cluttered with a billion things he wanted to say. The need to tell you his feelings, the need to kiss you, it ached deep in his heart and this never ending confliction, he thought, needs to come to an end. You were right there, and he knew that he loved you. He simply threw caution to the wind. 
You were still talking, saying, “I really do need to have a better sleep schedule, and I promise I won’t fall asleep in your lectures anymore. I know I’ve done it a couple times, but-”
An impish smirk grew on his lips, he stared at you intently, capturing your attention, and said, “You know what? It doesn’t matter if you never listen to any of my lectures, so shut up, only these moments matter to me. Kiss me.” He delivered it so smoothly that you felt like you were melting in your chair. 
You were taken aback, and certainly did shut up. You were blushing like mad, fumbling your hair and stuttering like crazy. 
“L-Lucien,” you said. That was all you could get out before he got closer to you, much closer. His face was only inches away from yours. You could feel his warm breath as he spoke with that smooth, deep voice, saying,
“Please, won’t you?” Those dark eyes flitting from your gaze to your lips and back. 
“But what about your, you know, your significant other…”
Pure confusion. Lucien looked like the meme with that lady surrounded by floating maths. 
“M-my what?” He began laughing, he had no clue what you were on about. He hoped that this was the only reason you seemed hesitant to kiss him.
“Your student’s were talking about you dating someone and I-”
“MC, they think I’m dating you,” 
Lucien’s laugh was bellowing through the room, while you, on the other hand, were wishing you could climb under a rock. Everything clicked in your head, the reason why you had no idea who he was dating, was because he wasn’t actually dating anyone. You were so embarrassed, but ultimately relieved.   
He stroked your cheek, moving himself closer to you as the laughs faded away. MC.exe stopped working. You froze while in your head you were screaming ‘Yes Please Sir!’ Unconsciously you were also moving closer. The fading sun trickled through the window shades, surrounding the two of you in flakes of golden light. Lucien took hold of your jaw. In his eyes you could see so many emotions, he was so complex, like a puzzle you couldn’t figure out. In this tender moment, you thought you saw regret in his eyes, regret and sorrow mixed together with passion and love, an intriguing cocktail of emotion. You knew that you might never get to know him fully, but this was good enough for you. In an opposite fashion of his brazenly asking you to kiss him, he cautiously moved forward, bridging the gap between your lips. Gently, he kissed you, he moved so softly, seemingly afraid of damaging you, damaging this moment. His mind was a hurricane of thoughts, but when you were there with him, it was silent. You gave him serenity. You gave him happiness. You gave him so many things that he was terrified to let go of. 
The two of you moved together, only breaking contact to take a breath. When you had finally separated, he pulled you into him. His slender arms holding you to his chest. You could hear his heart beating like a drum. ‘This moment should never end’ you thought, and, just for one night, neither of you would let it. The rest of the night carried on with you in his arms, both of you intertwined, so much so that your heartbeats seemed to merge together in this bliss and newfound passion. 
Hope you liked this story! I can’t say I’m super into lucien personality wise, but i cannot lie, he’s the sexiest of the boys lmao
My prompt requests are open, so feel free to leave an ask!
edit: real question, are my last few posts just like really bad? I noticed that my likes and reblogs went down tremendously, and I would like feedback about why. Don’t be afraid to give criticisms, I just want feedback. Thanks for reading and there’s more to come
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gotchagirl · 4 years
Accidental Confessions!
Mr. Love Queens Choice boys overhear your thoughts on them. 
You're out for dinner with Anna, Kiki, Willow and Minor and they begin to grill you on your ideal man.
Minor starts it off with, “so, your single and not even looking for a guy. What's up with that?”
Kiki grabs your phone and starts scrolling through your contacts. All you have are Gavin, Victor Lucien, Minor and Kiro. Everyone else is female and they begin guessing who you like. When you hastily grab your phone from her you accidentally hit the dial and as you put it down on the table it happened to dial him....
“Hello MC?”It's then he hears the sound of music and the voices of teasing. 
“Come on MC i’ll bet you go for the tall handsome type am I right?” You turn bright red. “Oooo she is totally blushing. Who do you like?,”Kiki giggles
Victor looks at the phone in his hand and thinks about hanging up but he just has to hear your answer.
“I really do like someone but I could never do anything about it. We work together so it's unprofessional of me to think that way.” 
Victor feels his ears heat up.
“Is it that sexy professor you have who consults on our show? “
 “Nope, it's definitely not Lucien. He’s too sweet to be my type,” you sigh.
“Oh my GOD Kiro, is it kIRO HE TOTALLY HAS THE HOTS FOR YOU ALWAYS SENDING YOU SWEETS AND CUTE THINGS?’”Kiki is practically bouncing in her seat.
Victor is surprised to hear this and bothered by it as well. 
He hears your laugh, “Nope, he’s older than me, not younger.”
Minor pipes up, “I know, It's your high school senior, the one and only Gavin who gave you that charm bracelet you never take off. I mean why else would you always wear jewelry unless it's from a guy you like.”
 Victor is squeezing his phone now angry with himself for not thinking of jewelry as a gift. How could someone else beat him to it. He gave you a camel, who's the idiot now he thinks.
Your frowning, “No, listen guys, it's not Gavin either and the bracelet is for my safety not for love. It has a tracker in it so if I get taken by BS the STF can come get me. It's his job.”
Anna walks in. “What's up?”
“We are trying to guess MC’s crush…”Willow smiles.
Anna pipes up laughing “...and you didn’t guess on the first try? It is obviously Mr. tall dark and handsome himself. Only one man can make her jump through hoops and piss her off all at the same time while she hopelessly pines for him. Duh, it's Victor.” 
Everyone goes quiet looking to you for confirmation and your bright red and not saying a word. 
Minor pipes up “Wow look at how red she is!” 
The girls all laugh,”So MC if you could have him all to yourself what would the first thing you'd want to do with him be?”
Victor smugly thinks she’ll want me to treat her to a date of course!
“I want to spoil him, I feel like he may be the boss and CEO but no one ever really gets close to him. I'd bake him a cake on his birthday or treat him to dinner. Or maybe just curl up on a couch and watch a movie together...you trail off.” 
Victor is bright red now she is way too observant, as he goes to rub his face he accidentally hung up the call. 
The next day he’d be asking you to go see a movie, just the two of you.
“Oh my God MC we all know you like older men…”Kiki teases.
You're shaking your head, “No guys I actually like someone closer to my age.”
Kiro is waiting with baited breath. 
Willow riles you up with, “Officer Gavin take me now…”
Kiros heart drops, he’s met your officer Gavin and he knows just how manly he is compared to himself. He’s feeling pretty defeated. 
You giggle, “Maybe for you Willow but sexy and blonde is more my speed. I am so in love with that sweet sweet voice and his deep ocean eyes, I just want to drown in him forever. The way he can shake his ass I want to grind that man on and off the dance floor. Kiro one hundred percent.”
Kiro had never heard you talk so dirty before he was on cloud 9.
“Ohhh spare some deets, We know you spent a whole week as his stand in manager, living together and all...so what happened?,” Minor pleaded.
You sigh wistfully, hand going to your new pendant. “We did kiss, but nothing else.”
 EEEEE all the girls squeal and Kiro drops his phone in shock hanging up. 
Tomorrow you get a surprise invite to a dessert shop from Kiro himself.
”Come on Kiro all the way,” yelled Kiki. 
“No. I am not actually sure he actually knows my real name and we've known each other for months and he still calls me Ms. Chips.” 
“Gavin because he was your highschool sweetheart right?,” pops Anna.
“God no he was so scary in school and he’s way too strict now. I need someone to treat me like a queen.” 
Lucien smiled at that thinking he knew just how you wanted to be spoiled. 
“Mr CEO himself could totally treat you right…”
Lucien thought he had this in the bag but he should not rule out Victor Li. 
“Yeah,” said Anna, “He does give you lots of presents and takes you out all the time. Dinner’ movies and even Paris, so romantic.”
Lucien had no idea Victor was pursuing you romantically. It made his fist clench and his demeanor crack. 
You scoffed at that, “He thinks i'm an idiot, not ever gonna happen.”
Kiki laughed, ”No guys, this girl likes to roleplay so who better than the illustrious Professor Lucien. I am sure he would play any games you asked him to MC.”
You gasped at Kiki’s blunt words, “Well…he will go comic shopping with me and take me to the most romantic getaways, he humors me all the time no matter how crazy or silly the request.” 
“What?,” Minor protested, “He's such a dork…”
You sighed, “but he's so good at teasing and subtlety and drawing out a slow burn, I want to know how that translates to physical intimacy with him.” 
Anna weighed in, “Teasing edging, maybe some kinky stuff…”
“Anna we are having dinner in public…”you chided.
“So,” Willow laughed. “If that's the case why don't you call him? See if he wants to play a little truth or dare? Maybe we can all go to your place after work. Ask him if he’ll play with us.”
Lucien abruptly hung up heart pounding a mile a minute waiting to see if you would call. 
About an hour later you were knocking on his door. He let you drag him to your place knowing you were putty in his hands as he joined you all for your silly little games.
“This is a prank call isn’t it?,” Gavin stated and when no one answered he was about to hang up but he heard Minor.
”MC we all know your dying to jump Gavin's bones, you can’t even look at him without thinking something dirty,”
Gavin gasped, turning red himself, helplessly listening for your response. 
Willow laughed, “Yup like the time you asked me if cops were allowed to take their handcuffs home.” 
Gavin's eyes went to his handcuffs and then his bed post, swallowing hard.
Kiki piped in “How about the time he saved you at the Kiro concert and you came back in a stupor and all you said was you wished you had the courage to tell him to take you right there?”
Gavin's jaw dropped. He had no idea you were thinking something so indecent.
Anna piped in with her own goofy memory, “or the time she fell asleep at her desk and started moaning his name….Gavin, oh Gavin please.”
God he was both dying inside and jumping for joy that she really liked him. 
Minor laughed “just jump his bones already so we don’t have to suffer with you two anymore.” 
Gavin was thankful he wasn’t there in person; he was dying on the inside. What he wouldn’t give to bury himself in your sweet hot….
Your sweet voice cut off his train of thought, “Gavin's really sweet and such a gentleman and he is so innocent I feel like I would really break him or at least his view on me if he knew I wasn’t so pure. I could never have the conversation with him about kinky sex or say stuff like Hey Gav will you **ck me in the ass tonight. 
Minor and Gavin choked at the same time and the girls giggled. 
“Usually when they are super sweet like that it hides a very different interior. Like you, maybe you're misjudging him before you give yourself the chance.” Anna mused.
Minor smiled “MC he’s so hot for you he would do literally anything you asked. He is already putty in your hands.”
Gavin was ready to throttle Minor so he hung up and dialed his phone. “Hey Minor what are you up to, I just got off shift and need to grab some eats, wanna grab a bite?
Minor laughed, “You got great timing man. Meet me at the hot pot stop.”
“Sure ‘ll be right over,” Gavin grabbed his coat and ran out the door thinking he needed to drag Minor away from you ASAP before he gave you any more crazy ideas. 
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hatedbyiife · 4 years
a whisper through the forest
*images are owned by Mr. Love Queen’s Choice! They are not mine!*
Imagine you're taking your morning walk through the forest. It's easily your favorite part of the day; nothing but silence, save for the occasional chirping or rustling of the leaves, and the crunch of a leaf from your steps. It's always been the same, day in, day out.
But today, something was different. 
An unfamiliar tune floats by your ear; you think it was just a buzz of a bee, or perhaps the wind passing through some bamboo, but then, you hear something unmistakable. A melody. It's coming from somewhere nearby. More importantly, it's drawing you in.
Your curiosity piques; it's not everyday that there's something different, much less someone. Without much thought, you begin to walk towards it; your usual path soon long forgotten. It pulls you in deeper and deeper into the forest, but it's not like you notice. 
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You finally find the source of the tune: high above a tree that spans wider than you've ever seen, sits a man in white. His long, dark hair sways gently in the breeze, the whistle from his flute following suit.
But perhaps the weirdest thing about him was the glowing, almost translucent butterflies surrounding him. 
He looks ethereal. Otherworldly. Like a creature of the fae. You can’t keep your eyes away from him.
And then he spots you peeking out from the clearing.
Your eyes lock, and your breath hitches. Only then do you remember, far too late, how far you've strayed from your path. 
You're lost, and he's found you. 
Your legs decide to make a break for it. You run as fast as you can, hoping you would find your way back to your path. But then it hits you. Rather, he hits you. You feel a strong yet gentle weight on the back of your shoulder, and you only have enough time to turn around before being pushed into a small pond right below.
(Is this it? Is this how I die?)
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You come face to face with the beautiful stranger, his eyes focused directly right into yours, his face so close you could feel his warm breath. Despite being scared, you feel... safe, as you look into those gently eyes. 
"It seems I have an audience today. Rather, had."
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I was just taking a walk, and I heard your flute and it was so pretty and一" You close your eyes, waiting for the final blow. But what does he do? He laughs. Slowly, you open one eye to peek, and instead of anger, he's smiling.
"Little fool. Did you think I would be angry? You are the silliest girl I've ever met." 
"Does that mean I'm not going to die?" 
He cocks his head sideways, confusion quickly morphing into amusement. "No. Would you rather I did?" There's a teasing tone to his voice.
"Call me, and I will always come and play for you." 
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kazuharem · 4 years
"Forever and Always” ↠ [FLUFF]
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, tiniest bit of angst
Pairing: Lucien x MC (Female)
Description: Lucien’s wedding day. That’s it
Summary: The happiest day of Lucien’s life.
Word Count: 2,008
Author’s Note: You guys requested for me to make Lucien happy and-
Oops my fingers slipped. So here’s happy Lucien 😊
Also, happy birthday to the love of my life. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever loved a 2D man as much as I do him, but here I am... ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ *puts on clown makeup*
Happy Birthday Lucien! 💜
[DISCLAIMER] I do not own the pictures, characters, or song. The only thing I own is the plot.
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You're the first face that I see And the last thing I think about You're the reason that I'm alive You're what I can't live without
You never give up When I'm falling apart Your arms are always open wide And you're quick to forgive When I make a mistake You love me in the blink of an eye
I don't deserve your love But you give it to me anyway Can't get enough You're everything I need And when I walk away You take off running and come right after me It's what you do And I don't deserve you
You're the light inside my eyes You give me a reason to keep trying You give me more than I could dream And you bring me to my knees You bring me to my knees
Your heart is gold and how am I the one That you've chosen to love I still can't believe that you're right next to me After all that I've done
I don't deserve a chance like this I don't deserve a love that gives me everything You're everything I want
“Don’t Deserve You” - Plumb
A figure in a light gray tuxedo examined his reflection silently as he adjusted his tie. He studied his fully dressed self in the mirror, making sure that not even a hair was out of place. When the man was finally satisfied, he met his reflection fully. Lavender met lavender. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
Lucien exhaled. He had never seen such a myriad of expressions on his face before. Apprehension, nervousness, happiness, and perhaps just a touch of excitement. Lucien smiled wryly. He looked like a fool stupidly in love.
What a seemingly absurd concept. Something he had never believed in. Until now. Until her.
He gazed at himself, eyes glimmering with faint excitement and he chuckled. “What have you become?” He asked himself quietly. “Look at you…believing in some crazy concept.” The tone in his voice was deprecating.
He could never imagine it. A beautiful woman in a white dress walking down the aisle. A pair of rings. Vows that spoke of forever. A companion for a lifetime. The sort of things he had never dared to want for himself.
And why should he?
Lucien had always been alone and quite frankly; it was easier this way. Doing the things he wanted to accomplish by himself. No one to argue with him. No one to get in his way. The research that spoke of advancement for the human race. Ever since the tender age of seven, he has always done things on his own. It was something he was familiar with, loneliness accepted as his way of life, and he was content to live with that fact.
Until he met her.
What was supposed to be a mere task of awakening the Queen’s powers morphed into cozy movie nights on his couch. Running for shelter from a surprise rainstorm. Sunny afternoons filled with delighted laughter. The anticipation of having someone wait for him.
Before long, she had replaced the emptiness inside him with a warmth that spread throughout him, spouting feelings of blossoming love that she had carefully sowed within him.
Lucien had found himself opening up to her. He had found himself wanting to know every little detail that made her so unique in his world.
And then there were the colors.
He had been thoroughly dazzled when he could see the prismatic colors of a rainbow for the first time. She had brought color into his bleak black-and-white world, something he had previously thought impossible. But she had accomplished the impossible. She had shown him a brand new world. And it was absolutely beautiful.
She had gone against his expectations. Gone against his point of view that humans were weak and only the strongest got to evolve. She had stood up to him, while holding her own ground.
Even after he had betrayed her, even after all the things he had done as Ares, she was still willing to welcome him into her arms. She was still able to see his side of things and yet, still loved him.
He remembered the moment she had stood up to him, defiant and strong.
“I wouldn’t. If I had the gift of prophecy and knew all kinds of secrets and knowledge…if I had faith to move mountains, but didn’t have love… Then none of it would count for anything. Even if the light’s source is put out, I’d still try to keep my own shining. No matter how difficult, or how dark it gets. Or how foolish or ridiculous.”
He could hear those very words.
“Silly girl,” Lucien murmured as he recalled the memory.
They had gone through all sorts of trials and tribulations and now they were here, at the cusp of a future Lucien had never thought he would achieve in this lifetime. But she had made it all possible.
After Black Swan had no more, there was one evening she had fallen asleep in his arms. And as Lucien gazed at the peacefully slumbering girl, he was struck with a desperate need to keep her in his arms, to want her to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up and the last thing he sees before going to sleep. The urge consumed him, until it was the only thing he could think of.
The next day, he had impulsively stepped into a jewelry shop. When he set his sights upon a pearlescent stone which scattered rainbows when met with light, he knew. That very night, he had knelt before her and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him.
Was he selfish?
Lucien frowned, and the face in the mirror mimicked him, brow scrunching up with distaste.
Don’t be foolish, Ares, look at all you have done. Do you think you deserve such happiness?
A voice, poisonous yet alluring, pricked at the back of his mind.
He watched himself as his hand curled slowly into a fist. Did he? Did he deserve to live this happy and loving life?
That is nothing but a distant pipedream, and you know it, the voice sneered. It taunted him, reminded him of all his faults.
His fist shook as his mouth parted, letting out a silent cry of pain.
Selfish. Foolish Ares. To think you are deserving of happiness-
A sudden knock at the door interrupted the drowning tirade.
And then-
Her voice, like a blessed rainstorm after a long drought, washed away the lingering traces of the poisonous voice.
“C-come in,” Lucien cleared his throat.
The door swung up open gently and all the toxic thoughts were immediately wiped from Lucien’s mind.
She walked into the room and the sight of her made Lucien’s entire being swell with a familiar warmth that he’s learned to associate with her.
She was breathtaking. And she looked the epitome of a dream Lucien didn’t dare dream. Didn’t dare hope for. But all the same, had desperately searched for.
“You-” Lucien exhaled and walked slowly towards her. “You are beautiful…” there was wonder laced in his voice. Her cheeks reddened prettily at his words. “You are so beautiful…” he whispered in awe.
He could feel the corners of his eyes prick.
He doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve her.
But that did not stop him from wanting to.
“The photographer is waiting for us to take our pictures before the ceremony,” She fidgeted nervously as she smiled shyly, and Lucien’s heart nearly threw itself against his chest at the sight. She finally looked him in the eye and tilted her head curiously. “Are you ready?”
Lucien did not speak, couldn’t speak as he tugged her gently into his arms.
“Lucien?” She asked, voice slightly muffled by his shoulder.
“Shhh…” he murmured, and his voice is raw, thick with unspoken emotion. He buried his nose into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent. “Let’s just-stay like this for a little bit…” His shoulders began to tremble, and she belatedly realized that Lucien was crying.
“Lucien-” she struggled to turn to look at him, but he firmly kept her head tucked under his chin.
The sight of her in the white wedding dress evoked faint memories that he thought he had long forgotten. The feeling of his mother’s hand as she petted him, calling him “My Little Prince.” The pooling of his father’s big lab coat around Lucien’s tiny frame as he read voraciously through a textbook, undoubtedly much too advanced for a five-year-old. Lucien remembered his father looking on proudly. He remembered the warm afternoons of relaxing in the park when his parents took the day off to spend with him.
Lucien remembered being loved.
He sucked in a shaky breath as he pressed soft kisses against the crown of her head. “Thank you,” he breathed, his words a gentle puff of air.
She didn’t question him and only wrapped her arms around him. Lucien felt warm all over.
The couple stayed in that position for several moments until Lucien broke away slightly, “Shall we?” He asked, “Isn’t the photographer waiting?”
She huffed at him and he smiled, tweaking her nose gently. Lucien pulled her close, his hands naturally finding purchase on her waist as he led her out the door. They walked down the path where weeping wisteria hung above their heads, creating a lilac, perfumed shelter.
Lucien could see their photographer waiting in the distance.
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He suddenly stopped and grabbed her wrist, spinning her into his arms.
“Lucien! People are waiting for us!” She cried out with surprise.
“They can wait a little longer,” Lucien declared, a hint of mischievous creeping into his voice. “It’s our wedding, after all.”
She pouted at him and Lucien grinned broadly. “I have something I want to say. And I want only you to hear these words,” Lucien started quietly, the teasing tone easing into one that was more serious.
She nodded and Lucien could see the blind trust and unconditional love in those beautiful eyes.
He took a deep breath, “When it comes to you, I seem to have planned many beginnings, but I can never predict the endings,” Lucien began, and her eyes widened.
Somewhere, a photographer was holding his camera anxiously, as he looked around for any sign of the couple.
Somewhere, a group of guests were sitting in confusion, wondering when the ceremony was going to begin.
Somewhere, a certain CEO was looking at his watch impatiently, brows furrowed in annoyance.
Somewhere, a certain police officer was bouncing his leg in anxiety, secretly wondering if anything had happened to the bride.
Somewhere, a certain idol was waiting restlessly on stage, ready to give the happy couple a wedding performance.
But all these people did not matter to Lucien as he continued.
“I purposely tried to distance myself from you. It’s not that you did anything wrong. It was…safer. For you. Before I met you, I disliked the idea of having a companion. We all have our own destinations, and if I had to match my steps with anyone else’s, I’d walk much slower. But as I walked my path alone, every time I turned around…I’d always find that you had caught up with me. This time is no different. You’re the only one in the world whom I’d gladly turn around for. Or…you’re the only one who could catch up to me and remain by my side. You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night. Thank you for bringing color into my world. Thank you for loving me. I promise to keep you safe, to keep you happy. I promise I will take your love to give me hope, give me joy, and make me a better man. So, from now on, I’ll never let go.”
Lucien paused, gazing into her now watery eyes. He leaned in closer until their noses touched and their breaths mingled.
“I love you, forever and always.”
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
The companion fic to his birthday karma “Cozy Day” will be coming soon!
I love this man so much, y’all don’t understand the amount of love I have for him, okay 😌 Paper Games, let my mans be happy for once pls
For more of my work: 📖
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
[DRABBLE] Reluctance
Rating: G Characters: Xu Mo/Reader Word Count: 100
Xu Mo walked you to your door after a pleasant night out. His eyes were tranquil as he tucked your hair behind an ear and gave you a light good night kiss. Just as he started to pull back he paused though.
The tip of your forefinger and thumb was pinching the edge of his lapel. The resistance from the gossamery pull was almost nonexistent but it stopped him from pulling back entirely.
There was a shadow of a smile against your lips as he kissed you again.
You could be greedy. You could be much more greedy with him.
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virsamin · 5 years
Our Floating Colors
Victor Drabble: Fluff
A/N: It's my idea of what should have happened in the doomsday date mixed with some of the city stroll events. It's not done, but let me know if any of you would be interested in seeing it finished 
*lines are from the actual date 
Loud claps of thunder blare as sirens go off outside of the hotel. The room itself was well lit in contrast to the sky outside, but each streak of lightning begs to differ as its light engulfs the entire room. Drops of rain pelt against the pane and gusts of wind pressing so hard against the window, it was as if its purpose was to break through the glass that separated the torrent from the two fragile people inside. The storm stays strong, with no intention of stopping.
The frail girl stands in safety behind the glass, her phone in hand as she watches the swirling clouds outside, shuddering at each clap of thunder. She pulls out her earbuds in haste and finds the pastel pink wires tangled from her rough packing earlier. Picking up one of the buds, she tucks it gently into her ear in an attempt to obstruct the raging storm from behind the windowpane.
"You don't want to talk to me?"*
In contrast to her frightened self, Victor sat calm and undisturbed on the freshly pressed sheets of her bed. His eyes wander over her petite body as she pulls out a small sketchbook with a matching set of color pencils from her bag. He tilts his head questioningly, a sense of offense lacing his tone.
"I didn't say that...The storm's just too loud. I just wanted to distract myself and shut the noise out."*
Her shoulders somewhat slump as she graces Victor with a sheepish smile. 
"Wanna listen?"*
Her extended hand shook slightly in an attempt to suppress the surprise in her features. Though her request was out of formality, he had accepted it.  Her light footstep are the only sound to rival the roar outside as she walks to the unoccupied side of the bed. His arm extends, and she delicately places the other supple bud into his hand.
"...Where's the music?"*
The phone fumbles out of her small hands as she scrambles to press the play button on the song.
"All I want is to keep it simple But I can tell you're still unimpressed. Just tryna make the best of these pieces But all you see is my broken mess."
The lyrics fall seamlessly from her mouth as she sways to the rhythmic beat of the song. His eyes wander down to the sketchbook that lay open in her lap as she splashed random colors on the empty pages.  
"Oh, I'm feeling fragile can't you tell Got my hands up in my pockets Tryna keep it to myself Oh, I'm feeling fragile can't you see Closed my heart up like a locket Now it's getting hard to breathe."
The instruments orchestrate as the melody changes as a new set of colors bear a different tone on the paper. He stares at her quietly, more attentive towards the soft singing from the sweet girl's voice than the actual song.  
"What do you think?"*
She looks up at his face, searching for something in his expression as she cast a smile on her own.
"Not bad."*
"Fragile, no tricks up my sleeve Fragile, just like fallen leaves When I get stepped on, I get lost in the breeze Fragile, I'm delicate, so please don't break me..."
She moves side to side slowly, her hands sweeping across the page in a steady rhythm. Victor's hands clasp around her arm, an effort to keep her from getting too far.
"Don't go too far, I won't be able to hear"*
He uses the short wire between them as an excuse to bring himself close to her warm body. Crimson washes over her face as heat rises from her collarbones in gentle waves. The last few notes fade out as silence resumes.
A little red light flashes in the corner of her phone as she looks down to see a warning displayed across the screen.
Less than 5 percent left, low power mode enabled.  
She tugs the little bud from her ear, and Victor does the same, placing it gingerly in her palm.
A/N (again): In this Doomsday AU, MC has Chromesthesia which is a type of synesthesia where she experiences colors when she hears sounds. I kinda switched it up to where this is her Evol and each person has their own color in her mind. Thought that this might be cool, *shrugs* idk you guys lemme know
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