#mlqc funny
laxmiree · 9 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien's "Wicked" Date English Translation (Part 2/2)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"MC, I want to be your husband, may I?"
"If you want to be my husband... you'll have to tell me what kind of husband you are, right?"
"I can understand her feelings, accompany her on her journey, and of course, I have a bit of a romantic streak."
Translation under the cut!
Previous Part-> [Here]
[Part 3]
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Host: Ladies and gentlemen, please cheer for everything amazing before your eyes-
Audience: Wow-
Applause rises like a tidal wave. Ribbons and petals float in this space, and the colorful lights reflect everything under the tent in a dazzling display.
Dressed in costumes, actors enter the stage surrounded by the audience.
Muscular acrobats, exaggeratedly painted clowns, and mysterious black-clad magicians…
I didn't expect that the place Lucien brought me for our date was a circus!
MC: It's so lively!
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Lucien: Haven't you seen a circus performance before?
MC: No. When I was in my… hometown, my fiancé wanted to take me to one, but I didn't go.
My enthusiasm is entirely focused on the performance in front of me. I casually answer Lucien's question, and he raises an eyebrow after he hears my answer.
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Lucien: Fiancé…?
MC: That foolish man doesn't matter; the wedding is off anyway.
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Lucien: Hahaha!
Lucien has always spoken gently since we met, yet now he laughs so joyfully for the first time. I can't help but turn to look at him.
MC: In our small rural area, discussions about weddings tend to happen early. Is there any problem?
Lucien: Mm, of course there's nothing wrong with what you did.
Lucien: Nowadays, girls shouldn't be confined by marriage too early.
Lucien: I'm honored that your first time watching a circus performance is with me.
My ears slightly warm up, but there's a small voice in my head murmuring—
Is he genuinely happy to watch the performance with me, or is this just a typical pick-up line?
...Sweet words that are said just to jolly a girl can't be trusted.
After the lively and adorable animal parade, we quickly move on to the acrobatics segment.
Actress: For today's show, we would like to invite two lucky guests to join us and participate in the performance together.
Actress: Let this bouquet of violets find the two lucky individuals!
The actress and her partner lift the bouquet of violets, mysteriously twirling them in the field.
Applause and cheers erupt from all directions as everyone hopes the lucky bouquet will land in their hands. I subconsciously widen my eyes and sit up a bit straighter.
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Lucien: Do you want it too?
MC: I... don't particularly want it.
Lucien: But Miss MC is gripping my sleeve tighter and tighter.
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MC: ….!
I just realized I was grabbing onto Lucien's clothes. Just as I am about to let go, Lucien turns his wrist and catches one of my fingers.
The actress has reached our seating area. Finally, she extends her hand and throws the bouquet. The crowd immediately surges, eager to snatch it.
At the same moment, Lucien stands up slightly, reaches out his hand, and with a swift motion, grabs the bouquet just before everyone's fingertips can touch the petals, firmly holding it in his hand.
MC: You got it so easily?!
Lucien: It's just a simple calculation of the parabola's trajectory, it's not difficult.
Lucien: So, does the "not particularly interested" Miss want to be a lucky audience member with the "particularly interested" me?
He utters these words while his other hand gently caresses my index finger.
It feels like some ambiguous suggestion, yet at the same time, it's as innocent as gently stroking a cat's fur.
I take a deep breath and smile at him.
MC: Of course, I want to.
After just a few short hours, I find myself standing on the stage in front of everyone again.
The performance is quite simple, requiring me to coordinate with the actions of the two actors and hand over the corresponding props as needed.
Despite being just a performance embellishment; I'm still nervous and my limbs feel a bit stiff.
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Lucien: (whispers comfortingly) Don't be nervous, we're not the focus of the show.
MC: But…
Lucien: The first key of being a wicked person is to keep your face straight no matter the situation.
Lucien's voice suddenly echoes from my side. I bite my lip and hand the green pom pom to him.
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MC: Like an actor?
Lucien: Yes, just like them.
I follow his gaze and look at the platform above my head.
The pair of actors stand on the narrow, isolated platform, yet their expressions remain confident and joyful.
With the rhythm of the music, they perform various breathtaking performances on the stage.
Lucien: For example, the two actors on the platform right now, I think they're probably more nervous than the both of us.
Lucien: But they have already adapted to this world.
Lucien says as he rings the bell and, in the next moment, the two leap down from the high platform—
Amid a chorus of gasps, the two spin and land on the cushion. However, the next moment, as the actress stands up, I notice a slight wobble in her posture.
Did she twist something?
—Even if injured, do you still have to adapt to this world?
I can't tell what emotions drive me, but I take big strides and grab the actress's hand, whispering something to her.
MC: You can lean on me.
Actress: ….! Thank you.
She obediently shifts her weight onto me, and in coordination, we perform the final bow together.
Thunderous applause fills the air.
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And the corner of my eye catches Lucien who is standing a few steps away, he's also applauding in my direction.
After the show, the actress calls out to me as she's supported by her partner.
Actress: I want to personally thank you, Miss.
Actress: If you hadn't supported me, I might not have been able to complete the final move. In that case, the performance might have…
MC: There's no need to go out of your way to thank me. I believe anyone would have lent you a hand in that situation.
Actress: No, if it wasn't for you… I'd probably be a laughing stock in tomorrow's paper.
MC: What do you mean?
I'm a bit stunned. The actress then turns to Lucien, giving him a slight bow.
Actress: Likewise, thank you very much for not stopping your female companion from helping me.
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Lucien: I just don't want the performance team I invested in to make such a trivial mistake and cause unnecessary gossip.
Lucien's tone remains indifferent; the actress smiles knowingly and doesn't say much more, then slowly turns to leave.
I look at Lucien, and he doesn't avoid my gaze.
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Lucien: Are you surprised? The changing times inevitably lead to the reversal of morality. Others' pain is just a sideshow in today's entertainment.
MC: I'm not surprised by that... Aren't you a scriptwriter?
MC: But then you just said you invested in this circus?!
Lucien: Is there any problem?
Lucien mimicked my tone and words from earlier and spread his hands.
Lucien: Here, whether man or woman, one can have many roles and do whatever they desire.
Lucien: Being a scriptwriter and an investor is just one of my many identities.
Lucien: Aren't you also seeking a new identity for yourself?
MC: Well, that's true…
Although I just caught a glimpse of the darker side of this city, I don't feel overly scared or disheartened.
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MC: Lucien, if I become "wicked", can I still help others as I did just now?
Lucien: Of course, you can.
Lucien: In fact, people who dare to do such things are the ones who can become winners in this era.
MC: Well, then I have plenty of courage in that regard!
His affirmative words ignite the almost extinguished flame as if something is about to sear through my heart.
MC: I want to spread my greater influence in this world. Which direction do you think I should strive towards?
MC: Becoming an actress seems a bit challenging... How about a business tycoon? Or maybe a poet? Or should I try my hand at directing?
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Lucien: (chuckles gently) They all sound suitable for you.
Lucien: I didn't expect you to have such grand ambitions.
MC: After all, as Victor Hugo put it, "The ideal applied to real facts is civilization".
The moment I blurt it out, my throat tightens. When I look up again, I inevitably meet Lucien's scrutinizing gaze that's tinged with a hint of a smile.
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Lucien: Does the waitress in the restaurant now also read "William Shakespeare"?
MC: Eh… I….
MC: It's getting late, I should go home now.
I don't know how to explain, so I abruptly changed the topic. Surprisingly, Lucien doesn't inquire further and just nods.
Lucien: Alright, I'll escort you home.
MC: No need, I'll take a taxi!
Lucien: (chuckles) Does the waitress have money for a taxi?
MC: I…
With things having come to this, I can only continue to stutter and tell lies.
MC: Actually, besides working in the restaurant, I also work as a maid in a villa on Long Island!
MC: Uh... they treat the servants really well in that house, so... so, I read my books there too!
After hearing my lame explanation, Lucien merely raises an eyebrow and then proceeds to open the car door for me once again.
Lucien: That's perfect, I live on Long Island too.
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Lucien: May I take you home now, Miss MC?
[Part 4]
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MC: Ah…
I pull the blanket down and roll over, allowing the morning sunlight to fall onto the business card in my hand.
There are only two short lines on it. "Lucien" and his phone number.
Fortunately, last night Lucien only dropped me off near the mansion. If he had taken me all the way to the doorstep, I would have probably been exposed instantly.
—With that cunning fox-like expression on his face, who knows, he might have already figured it out.
But why would he keep cooperating with me? Does he find it amusing?
He doesn't seem… that playful, does he?
All these random thoughts that I pondered before falling asleep still puzzle me when I wake up, and I can't come up with a definite conclusion.
The only evidence of my turmoil throughout the night is the business card with two creases in my hand.
MC: ...Until I figure things out, maybe it's best not to contact this person.
I tuck the business card into the pillow and am about to get up when the butler knocks on the door.
Butler: Miss, I have a letter of visit.
MC: A visit for me?
I take the letter with confusion, open it, and see a few lines of handwriting identical to the business card.
"Dear Miss MC, I hope to visit your residence at eleven o'clock this morning to sincerely discuss the unfinished topic from yesterday."
Signed, Your trustworthy "wicked" partner.
Besides that, there is another small line below.
—May I ask if you are currently cleaning the floor or reading?
Surely, Lucien has already found out!
Butler: …Miss?
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MC: Ask him to wait for me in the living room!
I quickly toss the visiting letter back onto the tray, stand up, and head towards the living room. The butler is hurriedly calling out to me.
Butler: Miss, you should go dress up in the dressing room first.
MC: There's no need for that with him.
He already saw my most embarrassing side yesterday anyway, and I don't want to pretend to be reserved anymore.
The butler hesitates for a moment upon hearing my words but surprisingly doesn't offer any further persuasion.
I reach the living room, and shortly after, a leisurely set of footsteps comes from the doorway.
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Lucien: (chuckles) It seems the rules in this mansion are indeed lax, even the maids can receive guests in their pajamas.
MC: Lucien!
I angrily pick up a cushion and throw it towards the man at the doorway. He extends his arm and catches it effortlessly, much like how he caught a bouquet yesterday.
Lucien has a different look today. Framed by his gold-rimmed monocle, he no longer resembles yesterday's trendy gentleman but rather a noble who has just inherited an age-old estate.
MC: When did you figure it out?
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Lucien: No need to figure out when you've never hidden it well.
I'm choked by his response and can only express my displeasure with a tone.
Lucien places the cushion back beside me and extends his hand towards me.
Lucien: Are you willing to let me get to know you again?
I adjust my pajamas and grasp his hand.
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MC: How do you want to get to know me?
Lucien: (chuckles) For example, how about starting with an introduction to your home?
Lucien: After all, I am here for a visit. Shouldn't you entertain me a bit?
MC: I abide by the rules, and here we only have juice and black tea, no alcohol.
Lucien: Juice is fine, I'm not fond of alcohol.
MC: There's no head of the household, so there are no cigars or playing cards either.
Lucien: No need for cigars and playing cards.
MC: There's no jazz on the records either.
Lucien: (chuckles) No problem. I also know a thing or two about European classical orchestras.
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I lead Lucien through this villa devoid of modern touch, and we eventually stop in the study.
MC: This is my home. For a nouveau riche like you, it must seem quite dull and boring, right?
Lucien: (chuckles) Quite the opposite.
Lucien gave me a negative response. His fingers brush over the thick volumes on the bookshelf, finally resting on the popular magazines on the sofa.
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Lucien: Here, I can sense a bird that's trying to break free from her shackles.
Lucien: She clumsily stretches her wings, wanting to soar higher than all of her kind…
Lucien: The cage can't imprison her.
Lucien speaks each word calmly but with a firm conviction.
Even though we just met yesterday, he seems to completely understand the troubles and struggles I've faced in these past few years.
My nose feels a bit sour, and I can't help but shake my head.
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MC: But after flying out, I still haven't found a direction.
Lucien: It's okay, I'll give you direction.
Lucien pulls me and we sit on the sofa. His hand sweeps over the strands of hair hanging on my shoulders.
Lucien: Do you have any activities you'd like to do today?
MC: I haven't thought of any big activities for now... I plan to change the color of my toenails first. What color do you think is good?
Lucien: How about purple?
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I nod. Lucien takes the nail polish from me, and without waiting for me to speak, he already lifts my calf.
The brush, dipped in color, carefully sweeps over my toenails. His movements are natural as if he has done this for me many times before.
Watching the purple gradually spread on my toenails, it feels as if my life is also being painted with new colors by the person in front of me.
I lower my eyes, making an effort to keep my voice steady.
MC: Oh, and I want to get my hair cut, my current hairstyle is no longer in fashion now…
Lucien: Shh…
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Lucien: You can change your hairstyle, but don't change it with the purpose of conforming to the idea of the era.
Lucien: Let the trends conform to you, MC. When you master the rules of the era, you'll naturally navigate life with ease.
MC: As adept as you?
Lucien: (chuckles) Why use me as an example?
MC: Because you are the most effortlessly adept person I've ever met.
MC: Sometimes you seem like those mysterious nouveau riche, but your demeanor is much more elegant than theirs…
MC: It's as if no matter how the world changes, you always manage to adapt seamlessly.
MC: I'm curious about how you manage to do that…
Lucien: (chuckles) Are you curious about me?
MC: Um, yes.
Lucien lifts his gaze, the gold chain beside his ear gently swaying. In the depths of his profound pupils, there's a hint of hidden emotions.
Lucien: I must remind you, Miss, in this era, expressing curiosity about the opposite sex often implies a desire for them to become one's lover.
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Lucien: Do you want me to be your lover?
I was stunned. Can mere curiosity lead to an intimate relationship?
Can I... develop that kind of relationship with Lucien?
My breath quickens under his gaze, and each blink of his eyes seems to urge my response. My lips falter, hesitating between opening and closing.
MC: If it's you... it's not entirely out of the question… um.
Before I finish my sentence, Lucien grabs my ankle.
His long fingers intimately caress and stroke my skin, and the freshly applied nail polish gradually solidifies in the proximity of his approach.
I hold my breath, watching Lucien approach closer and closer until his voice is just a hair's breadth away.
Lucien: (whispers seductively) Miss MC.
Lucien: (X2) The concept of "lover" is also a product of conforming to the era. Don't cater to it.
His voice is calm, almost causing my just-burning heart to cool down instantly. I stare at him in disbelief.
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MC: Th-then what do you mean? Do you actually not feel anything for me at all…
Lucien: (chuckles, then whispers) …Fool.
Lucien's expression becomes somewhat helpless, and he lets out a sigh.
Lucien: (continuing his whisper) I prefer traditional and older forms of address to trendy ones like 'lover'.
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Lucien: (X2) MC, I want to be your husband, may I?
In an instant, the chaotic flight finally finds its direction. My heart pounds erratically, but my lips still resist surrendering at this point.
MC: If you want to be my husband... you'll have to tell me what kind of husband you are, right?
Lucien: (chuckles) Well…
Lucien curves his eyes, carefully considers, and then speaks slowly.
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Lucien: I can understand her feelings, accompany her on her journey, and of course, I have a bit of a romantic streak.
Lucien: (whispers seductively) Miss MC, are you satisfied with this kind of husband? Would you like to continue dating me?
MC: So, should our dates be more romantic and special?
MC: Like taking me to the latest tech presentation? Or visiting an art exhibition?
MC: I am your "wicked" partner, and we promised to observe this era together.
Lucien smiles and agrees to each suggestion. After a pause, he adds one more sentence.
Lucien: Before our date, I thought of something important.
Lucien: Since Miss MC has now agreed to our spousal relationship, your foolish fiancé wants to talk to you again about our engagement.
Lucien: Can I talk to you now?
[Lux's rambles and sort-of-analysis(?)]
The twist can be seen from miles away, but yes! He's THE foolish fiancé that MC never saw before yet talked shit about 😂 EVERYTHING (like his eagerness to be with her, his sus behavior, and his relentless teasing) suddenly makes sense just with that twist. Just like MC, Lucien is also a European noble (with a ridiculously long noble name that MC couldn’t remember LOL), and possibly of German/Austrian origin because his before evolve art has a German sentence on it:
Dachte er,da alle diese vergänglichsten dinge mir wiederentglitten sind (He thought, all these fleeting things had slipped away from me again.)
That sentence possibly reflects Lucien's thoughts upon hearing the news of MC wanting to break off their engagement—before chasing after his fiancée who 'slipped away' from him thousands of miles away. Somehow, this impulsivity reminds me of the latest main story… I feel that Lucien is so forward on this date because he also fears that she will ‘slip away’ again if he doesn't act fast ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
Regardless of whether their first meeting as strangers was a coincidence or not- Lucien is already determined to seduce her slyly letting her know about him better. Then there's also his relentless teasing that comes from him knowing MC's real identity all along 😂
I really appreciate the subtle world-building too, besides the ones that I already mentioned in trivia and Lucien's perspective on the world, there's also the Director's prejudice toward waitresses (and possibly women in general), and one blink-and-you-miss-it line that I feel can be dug a bit deeper, the one line where the Actress thanked Lucien:
Actress: Likewise, thank you very much for not stopping your female companion from helping me.
I KNOW IT MIGHT NOT SEEM MUCH. But it paints a picture of that era, where women need permission from a man to do anything. This date explores women’s self-worth in that era. MC’s ‘worth’ was that a ‘tool’ for a political marriage, however, she refused this fate and tried to find her own value by going to NYC. Lucien showed up and besides seducing her tried to help her find herself bit by bit in his own way. I think he’s genuine in that regard, and by helping her find herself, he also knows about her better~
Then, this date also provides us with a unique definition for "The Wicked"/"Bad people"- that's basically people who can discern, adapt to, and control the era and can navigate the ever-changing feast of both righteousness and wickedness, reaping prosperity through opportunities. He grasps that her yearning is for freedom and the discovery of her intrinsic value. She doesn't need to cater to him or the expectations of that era. Rather, let the era itself cater to her, and he can help her to make it happen. The cage can't imprison her and he can make her soar even higher. This, again, is similar to his "kingmaker" (read: queenmaker) trope in the main story 👀. I'd love to see how things go from there but sadly the date gets cut short. Guess the rest is left to our imagination now 🤣
MC: Becoming an actress seems a bit challenging... How about a business tycoon? Or maybe a poet? Or should I try my hand at being a director? Lucien: They all sound suitable for you. I didn't expect you to have such grand ambitions. MC: After all, as Victor Hugo said, "The ideal applied to real facts is civilization".
A bit out of topic, but I really appreciate Lucien always respecting her ideas and giving her the freedom to follow her heart 🤧. People might think that those are too silly or too ambitious, but not him 🥺 what a supportive husband jsjsjdhdjd.
Anyway, back to the topic before I continue gushing about it- "The ideal applied to real facts is civilization." is a line from Victor's Hugo essay "William Shakespeare". The quote suggests that the ideal, or the highest standards of human thought and creativity, should be applied to real facts and experiences to achieve civilization. Although MC already sees the dark side™️ of the world, she is still firm in her ideal and wants to influence the world in her own way. By becoming something like a poet, director, and other identities that she had not yet discovered, she can apply her ideal to real things and bring change to the world.
About the ending... I like to think that what happened is they broke off the arranged and unfree marriage to renew it with the one that they agreed on🥺 . May our “wicked” couple live happily ever after in this one AU~
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sylvia-forest · 1 year
This call accompanies Shaw's Field Date!
Shaw: Hello, are you asleep? MC: Shaw! You scared me to death!! Shaw: What's with the reaction? Didn't you tell me to call you at this hour to remind you to go to bed early and work tomorrow? MC: I can't go to bed early. I can't even sleep at all now.  Shaw: What for? What did you do tonight? MC: I was deceived in the evening... Yue Yue told me it was just a slightly scary escape room with attractive people, so I agreed to accompany her. In reality, it was heavily scary! No, it was really, really scary! Shaw: So scary? How did they scare you? MC: They put Yueyue and me at opposite ends of a dark room and told us to find each other. MC: The key is, the key is - inside the escape room, those triggered mechanisms have absolutely no warning, and every now and then, there's a jump scare! Shaw: ... I feel like this level is still manageable? MC: ??It’s alright, isn’t this super scary? Shaw: Maybe our classification of horror levels is different. I think these kinds are more like mild horror to me. MC: What type of horror do you find frightening then? Shaw: The kind that leaves you thinking about it afterwards? The type that makes your scalp tingle upon later analysis? MC: The kind of horror you're talking about is advanced horror. You don't usually do that in a secret room, do you? Shaw: That's true. So, since you know that it's a man-made mechanism, just relax and solve it. Worst case, you can sing yourself a song to boost your courage. MC: Let's talk about it next time, sob. Next time, I'll definitely drag you along to the escape room with me. Shaw: Just make plans for next time. What are you doing tonight? Are you going to sleep or not? MC: Of course I'm going to ask you out tonight. Come on over and keep me company! Shaw: OK, but I have one thing to confirm with you. MC: What? Shaw: Are you sure who's calling you right now, Is — Shaw—? MC: !! Shaw you (@......&%¥)! Shaw: Hahaha, okay okay, I was wrong, I was wrong. Your courage is really like that of a rabbit, it breaks with just a little poke. Shaw: I'll go out as soon as I've changed.
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baiqi · 2 years
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“is there any trust left between people?” you literally tried to kill me 😭
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paradisekissmoon · 2 years
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cheesy09 · 8 months
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This is now going to be a Kiro AND Rafayel obsession blog. I mean...
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LOOK! AT! HIM!!!!! 😍 While his personality is quite different from that of Kiro's (MLQC) or Luke's (Tears of Themis), his dynamic with the MC is by far my favourite in the game, not to mention his super duper interesting backstory. Also, none of the other guys get me laughing the way Rafayel does 😂
I've only played the game for five days now, but from what I've read so far, Rafayel is a genius artist known throughout Linkon City. Even tho he possesses the Fire Evol, (without spoiling anything) he has a special connection to water. He's witty (annoyingly so), intelligent, passionate, funny, charming, shameless and will use any sort of ridiculous excuse to keep the MC close to him.
But under that playful and witty exterior he hides a past and a side to him as deep and mysterious as the fathomless oceans (see what I did there ;)). Like Kiro, there are a few moments where he gives off an uncanny aura of loneliness to the MC, and often engages in deep introspective moments with her.
Coming to his dynamic with the MC, y'all know I'm a sucker for the best friends turned lovers, and this is no different. While Zayne and the MC may be the childhood friends of the story (and yes, they do have quite amusing banter as well), their dynamic isn't as fiery or spirited as Raf and MC's. Both Rafayel and MC love messing with each other, especially Rafayel. And both of them take every opportunity they can to tease each other as much as possible.
Rafayel is also someone who desperately yearns for the MC's attention and is ready to go to ridiculous lengths to obtain it. And the MC reluctantly goes along with all of his whims. Their relationship also has an angsty side to it, shrouded in mystery, but I will go more in depth with that once I get more information. But from what I can tell, there are reasons behind literally all of his words and actions. Just like Kiro, he is an incredibly complex character with layers to be explored in the future.
So yeah, be prepared for content spam from this game, specifically this man here, because I'm addicted at this point :D
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acreattaviacco · 8 months
My MLQC Experience Log#1
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Welcome to my somewhat reaction, I just want to gush about this game. I didn't know anything about this game but I like the art and premise so yeah!
I am not gonna get attached to these characters real quick no I am not
First time doing this let's go
First things first, hello our cute MC❤️
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I must admit I did not expect we would run a company let alone our parents died???? But glad to know we have a backstory for ourselves
Another thing that surprised me was that they did voice acting in English!
Unfortunately, we didn't meet Victor in person but the first one we did meet was KIRO!...Oh no....I'm in trouble
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Sir you smell like sunshine and that innocent smile is making me melt
You are literally shinning aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh🔅
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Don't do this Kiro (Childhood) friends-to-lovers trope is my weakness so don't add more fuel to the fire but sure I can give the prize card inside the potato chips. He's so extroverted!! But he's so sweet 💕
After our separate ways, we try going back to our company and-
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Hello there Victor sudden entrance but thanks for saving me. (Wait what do you mean I am an Evol?) Sadly it was short but now it's Gavin!!!
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Wait!! Gavin!!...you just left
Okay new plan for the last episode of Miracle Finder instead of Kiro it's Lucien the Professor but
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Not only that he was really good at being cheeky and a tease I might have gone red from that conversation alone! Can you blame me? The man slowly whispered in our ear and hahahahahahaha😳
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Luckily He agreed to be on the show and I like this side of him as well
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aaaaawww 10/10 Domestic life Husband material
After finishing the last episode some good news!
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I didn't mention this earlier but the side characters have sprites, some even have voices which is really nice
Now we report the good news to our boss, negotiate and-
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Can we trick him with puppy eyes? Oh he's a cat person sadge : (
Okay, seriously both Lucien and Victor's voices are so soothing to hear can you record an audiobook for us? no wait I would sleep through it
Though this is funny
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I really like Victor, he's the right amount of tsundere that I like it's cute. Sadly he had the last laugh
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We are going through places so fast and this is chapter 2 But we get to meet Gavin now!
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You faced Victor you'll be fine...wait he works as a cop?
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But at the same time aaawww Gavin what happened? What blood-soaked letter? I need to know more!!! (Also that scar, he doesn't hide it)
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Hahahahahahaha I'm sorry why are you a lot cuter now? The fact we go to the same school and even after all these years? Shoot weren't we here on assignment?
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After that investigation, there is this
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It's sweet only to realize it's a tracker(Actually don't mind this, no I am not delulu) But hey the sentiment is there!
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Now to report to Victor! But if he was my boss in real life I swear to you unless he makes moves first I would just be talking business and nothing else
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I know we are in the entertainment industry but man our life is dramatic
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Dammit why do you have to be our boss, still would romance you though, and 0 to 100 real quick
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You call us from time to time and I wonder why Victor is so uh..."soft" to us. Don't stop though keep calling and texting even how much you deny it 💗
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After that Business deal, we went out and dun dun dun trouble
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Hooray! The sweet release of death! /j (Seriously I am joking but a lot of people want us dead)
Luckily Gavin (and Lucien's advice) saves the day!
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I know the main story is linear but I still feel spoiled by all these CGs it feels unreal
Also did not expect I would fall for Gavin this hard, look at that warm smile!!! :D
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It's nice to know we are still wearing our tracker, no I still don't mind this (Okay maybe I am a little delulu but let me have this)
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I will gush on you later my sweet Kiro for now I will add you to the list of my bundle of sunshine characters I love and adore(It's a small list but I adore them aahhhhh)
Chapter two is done!
That's about it I haven't even touched the dates and events heck there are so many I just wanted to focus on the main story, for now, I need to figure out the game mechanics and grind to level up my cards
I should have looked at a tutorial first but now I will!!
@jozhenji , @celiciaa must taggy tag you :D
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damatically · 3 months
Its funny that the MC of MLQC and LnD are both experimental subjects that are amnesiac. PG/Infold rlly like doing this in their otome games
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cigaretez · 4 months
I honestly think it's so funny that for like four years Victor from MLQC was my number one favourite character and then Gallagher shows up one day and skyrocketed to being at the same rank as Victor.
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And it's the fact that I didn't even like both of them that much when I first saw them, I dismissed Gallagher the most and was like, meh dilf. Wasn't until my friend pointed out that he was on a banner that I rushed onto HSR and pulled just to get him
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laxmiree · 11 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien's Through Thousands of Mirrors event translation (Day 5 - Monday)
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Through Thousands of Mirrors Event | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 (You're here!) | Day 6 | Day 7 | HS/Uni SSR Story: Monochrome Scenery
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special thanks to ivi (@ivioivioivi on twitter) for helping me with that last part 🫶
A perfect week starts with morning prepping.
Lucien opens the textbook and reads through all the content that will be covered today.
He closes the textbook, then mentally connects and integrates the knowledge.
Ok, it's time to go to class!
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In Dr. Lawson's neuroscience class, there are occasional pop quizzes.
The first question can be answered with common sense, the second question is doable if you've reviewed the textbook, and the third question covers the material from the previous class, so it's quite easy.
The final question: "Discuss in 20 words the correlation between the prefrontal cortex, human behavior, and choice patterns in stressful environments."
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"P.S. Just kidding. Draw a cat in the upper left corner of your answer sheet for bonus points."
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"P.P.S. It would be even better if it's a tabby cat. An extra point for those who draw a tabby cat."
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Lucien looks at the cognitive science lesson plan and has a sudden inspiration.
It would be interesting to research a method that makes the brain receive or process information in a fixed manner.
He thinks Dr. Lawson would refuse the project proposal due to ethical concerns.
And if BS were to propose this direction, his research freedom would be restricted.
You can't have your cake and eat it too*.
[T/N: "鱼和熊掌不可兼得" (yú hé xióng zhǎng bù kě jiān dé) (lit translated to: You can't have both fish and bear's paw) is a Chinese idioms that means you can't have both at the same time. It's similar to the English saying, "You can't have your cake and eat it too."]
When you have many classmates aspiring to become physicians around you, there is always a loving and friendly atmosphere in the biomedical classroom.
But when your classmates start discussing how to prevent hair loss, this atmosphere dissipates.
Lucien touches his own hair, there shouldn't be a problem.
Besides observing the passing students, Lucien also enjoys observing the small animals on campus.
Chickadees, crows, squirrels...
Lucien looks at his empty hands and understands why the squirrels on campus are particularly big and strong.
Lucien really likes his "workstation" in the laboratory.
The desk isn't large, but it's by the window, providing him with an environment where he won't be easily disturbed, and it just a bit sunny in the afternoon.
It's quite suitable for keeping some plants.
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The beauty of science lies in its rigor, in the certainty reached through numerous hypotheses and repeated proofs.
And perhaps it also lies in the uncertainty of all possibilities during the process and the journey of venturing into the vast unknown.
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Dr. Lawson treats people cordially and enjoys having open discussions with all kind of questions with students.
When facing Colt's statement that seems to come out of nowhere, "Capable people can be arrogant," Dr. Lawson also shares his own opinion.
"I think that arrogance should be directly proportional to one's achievements."
Lucien nods and says, “I also think we should always examine ourselves.”
Dr. Lawson raises his head with little cunning smile : “No, what I mean is for you to get a bit more achievements.”
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Lucien was choked.
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Hi. I was wondering if you could write a mlqc fic where mc accidently tells gavin over the phone that she used to have a massive crush on him in high school. Sfw or NSFW please. Thank you
Hi anon! Thank you for your request and patience~ I made it SFW, hope you like it💖
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I get a call from Gavin and the dreaded words I do not want to hear drifts over, immediately souring my mood. 
“You’re upset, I know,” Gavin says. 
“I’m not.” 
My words retain a calm, steady tone yet my feelings say otherwise. Annoyance runs through my veins, but the pain in having him away floats above all and threatens to make me cry. I miss him so much, it’s been a month. Now, he may be gone for two. He was supposed to be back last week, so I had everything planned out starting with him staying at home and catching on his sleep. 
It’s so late at night. It is perhaps why his voice sounds so hoarse, tiredness bleeding into it. A part of me feels so sad for him, and the other—the vixen can’t help but feel warm all over. My ears catch a soft chuckle and the annoyance bubbles over—this man has the audacity to find the situation funny. 
“Really?” He says. “So you’re not pouting on the bed wearing my hoodie preparing to eat Magnum Almond?” I hear the mirth clear in his tone.
Heat floods to my cheeks. Does he have super sonic evol ears now to hear the freezer opening, I think.
“Shut up, Gavin. And fyi I wear your hoodies all the time even when you’re here, so it doesn’t make a difference”, I shoot back. 
The sweet laughter he lets out—music to my ears, makes me laugh as well and my annoyance dissipates quickly. 
“It’s 1 AM. You know how susceptible you are to colds. Be good and keep that tub of ice cream for tomorrow, alright.” 
A few moments pass before I breathe a sigh conceding to his advice. “Okay,” I mumble cutely. I’m surprisingly malleable when it comes to that silky voice which he uses to persuade me away from poor habits. The reward I get is a virtual kiss and a “good girl” which makes me bite my lips in a smile. 
The kisses he gives over the phone soothe me but it also punctuates my longing for him because all I want is to snuggle closer into the safety of his arms and feel the warmth of his kisses suffuse into my body. I’m quiet as he talks, something Tang Chao did and how Gavin had to punish the whole squad due to his cheekiness. 
To his credit, Gavin quickly notices the lack of response and calls my attention, and the thought that plagues my mind crosses my lips. “Sometimes I wonder how our lives would be if you had not joined the STF, then you wouldn’t have to leave me off somewhere dangerous.”
I continue spilling the contents that live in the deepest parts of my mind ignoring the low hum I hear on the other side of the phone, one that tells me that Gavin’s deep in thought.
“Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we had never reunited at the police station, would I have spent my life never meeting you? Sometimes I wonder where our relationship would be now if I had only summoned the courage and confessed to you about the huge crush I had on you back in high school. There was nothing stopping me, no jobs, no responsibilities, except for my cowardice. I-I just want you here baby, I miss you so much…”
I heave a breath after spitting my innermost thoughts and am met with nothing. Silence. He says nothing to the barrage of words that tumbled out. Did I make him uncomfortable? Truly, I don’t know what I’m waiting for, maybe just a grunt for me to know that he heard it all, something to tell me that sharing my thoughts did not scare him or annoy him. 
Then I hear him draw a shaky breath, and I think he's definitely annoyed with me when I hear his sweet laugh once more. “Did you just say you had a huge crush on me since high school?” asks Gavin. It takes me a while to compute his question as my brain recovers from the silence so my first instinct is to deny, then ever so slowly it clicks. I slap both my palms to my face as everything I said comes to me, as if I’m rewinding a tape. All I want to do now is crawl into a hole and stay buried in it. 
“You know I won’t let you go until I have my answer”, Gavin says with a hint of cheeky authority. My face warms all over thinking about all the times I’ve dreamed of being Gavin Bai, the school’s infamous delinquent’s girlfriend, all the times I’ve passed by his class and saw him sleeping at his desk, just wanting to be next to him and brush the strands of chestnut hair from his eyes; all the times I’ve wished to bravely hold his hands and walk along the corridors.
Eat our lunches together, hang out in the music room as my fingers deftly glide over the keys with him gazing adoringly at me. To spend our evenings in the library as I secretly look over the cover of my Byron copy at him pretending to be interested in studying; and to look into his liquid golden eyes as I inch closer to meet his lips as the wind whips around us at the school balcony. 
I’m embarrassed with my naive misstep but I won’t deny him the truth. 
“Yes,” I say softly. 
I hear Gavin’s breathy laugh, then he says, “So we both had huge crushes on each other…”
Guilt rises up from the pit of my stomach, If only…I begin to think. 
“Stop.” Gavin’s strict tone resounds in my ear. “I know what you’re thinking. Yes we lost our time, and went our separate ways, but we’re here now, together. We are right where we need to be. Everyday I wake up grateful knowing that the woman I love now at 28 is the same kind, beautiful and hardworking woman I loved when I was sixteen. Only now I have the privilege of seeing all her sides that make her who she is, and if that meant us not having our time in high school then so be it. I would want to spend my whole life with you, than have our time end at one phase of our lives.” 
My heart flutters at his words, the guilt I feel washes away replaced with such giddiness, a big smile forms. I so want to kiss his lips. But I know I can’t, so I send my virtual kisses making sure I smack my lips so loud, he knows how much I appreciate his words—him mostly. We talk until the weight of both our jobs settles into our bodies, then we reluctantly say our goodbyes. 
Before he ends the call, he does comfort me, assuring me that he will come back as soon as he can, that he can’t stand the distance as well and that he loves me so much. I tell him to be careful, to take care of himself and that I love him so much. We’re both laughing into the receiver before I end the call and I think, as long as we have the air in our lungs, Gavin and I will always try to make up for lost time once we're together.
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arabella-77 · 1 year
Four Season Scenery Event [MLQC CN]
Recently MLQC China Server run a new event; online & offline in Four Seasons Village, China. And they released this cute and funny PV. So I & @putufelisia translated it.
Please enjoy! 💙❤️🧡💜💚
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archonfurina · 8 months
hey sofia!! i saw you were rbing love and deepspace content and was curious on your opinion on it?? im kinda confused whether or not the games actually outnow or its still in pre registration but id love to hear your thoughts on it :0c (was literally just looking into it right before seeing you rb it so the timing was funny haha)
Hi!! It's actually released tomorrow, but you can already customize your character in the game. I'm afraid I can't really give an opinion on it yet, since I didn't participate in the beta and I chose not to read/watch anything about it until recently, because otherwise I would've been too impatient or spoiled myself. I wanted to go into it with a fresh perspective. However, I've played MLQC and I think it's kinda similar to that? That's the vibes I'm expecting at least. I'm not a big fan of the gacha aspect, but we'll see how the gameplay is..
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trashlie · 1 year
I love how I am deep enough in my MLQC feels to, once again, see how MC and Kiro, like Nol and Shinae is just me beat for beat I am nothing but consistent I like what I like and I go for it and I will not stray bucihojohuf9j9gugoh lmaoooooooo I thought about this last year when I was in this state, too. How Nol is so alike Kiro in the type of characters who are haunted by loneliness who harbor something dark (in Nol's case, what he believes about himself). The lmao compartmentalizing of their identities?! How Kiro tried to hide Helios because he thought he could only show only his good and his bright side.
If Nol and Shinae ever give me pining and yearning and palpable want built so high they can see it from space I will COMBUST
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 2 months
coming soon…. i wonder who
RIGHT LIKE???? i was joking around going all oh itll be so funny if the coming soon is still there after the sylus update and then. and then it's for real ?!!😭
mlqc did have 5 main love interests, i wonder if papergames wants to follow that tradition...
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tartagilicious · 5 years
Victor: see you in hell
MC: ..Uh are you asking me on a date?
MC: I accept
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dingusdingusss · 4 years
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Suuuure... 🤦‍♀️
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