#mlp nurse red heart
ace-s-fave-tv-shows · 3 months
Poor Nurse Red Heart.
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She made at least a cameo in like 90% of the infection aus that were going around, and she's barely tagged in any of them.
Even if she's the subject of the post and is dying a horrible brutal death.
Especially when it always happens when she's just trying to do her job.
Also the real world government made her change her cutie mark because her original cutie mark was apparently violating the Geneva Convention.
I'm using pictures of the toys because her new cutie mark is sometimes hard to see in the show screen shots I've been able to find.
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I just don't understand why they didn't have the cross be pink in the redesign?
I feel like that would have made it a lot more easy to see on her stark white coat, rather than just having the cross have just a pink outline.
Like the original caused problems because no one could easily see the light pink hearts in contrast with the red cross. Making it look like she had just the literal Red Cross symbol on her flank, which is what is illegal.
If they just made the hearts red in the original design, or had a pink heart in the middle of the cross originally, or had her coat color be something other than white (because it's the red cross on a white background), like that light seafoam or powder blue color that a lot of nurse scrubs are.
Like we already know from Minty that pink hair goes with a light blue/green coat color. Oh or maybe a really light purple, like a lavender color even paler than Twilight. Though her mane color might have needed to be darkened just a bit to keep the design balanced.
I wouldn't go for a yellow or pink though. Yellow would be too similar to Fluttershy who's hair is nearly the exact same shade, if not an exact match, for Red Heart's.
While a light pink wouldn't really work either as her mane color is already such a light shade of pink, not to mention it would mean pink-red would completely dominate her color pallet with only the blue of her eyes being the outlier.
But her canon design is extremely de saturated, like the brightest pop of color on her whole design is the red in her cutie mark, with either of the cutie mark designs.
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grim-shy · 1 year
grimdark fanfiction sketch
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So I've started reading more grimdark fanfiction and I've decided to draw some art based around two of my recent favorite fics.
Here are two fanfics btw
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blackestfang · 8 months
My mlp infection idea but it’s more so after the infection and a mystery.
- prankster wanted to put poison joke into the water at the ponyville day spa however there’s a problem.
- the prankster has tritanopia blue color blindness.
- instead getting green flowers that look like poison joke.
- the flowers are smashed up and put into the water before they open for the day.
- some ponies say the water looks a bit green but get in anyways.
- the next day the spa is closed as everyone who got in the water has a terrible rash on their body.
- no matter how much they itch it doesn’t stop the skin swells and blisters turning slightly green.
- it begins to get dangerous by night fall. Ponies are asking for help to reach the itch, rubbing on edges, or in worse case using sharp objects.
- fear erupts when the first pony says they no longer itch. The skin torn away and green flowers blossoming out from their body.
- the ones that helped their friends itch or touched what the infected touch begin to itch.
- the first fatality, more of the skin was ripped off showing more flowers, the roots digging in deep preventing the pony from moving and draining the nutrients out of the body.
- ponies are rushed to the hospital where nurse red heart, twilight and zecora find the cause.
- green parablooms. A flower that spreads its seed by little pricks in n the petals to put the seeds in the body of animals where they force out the body.
- all infected by the dayspa are far to gone to be saved, they are sent to the evergreen forest to die.
- those of the second wave are a bit better off, some are forced to leave while surgery can safely remove the plants before they do serious damage.
- a third wave did start but medication killed the plants before they could start blooming.
- a note in cut up letters appears while the infected are recoving saying “I’m sorry, it was suppose to be a harmless prank.”
- so the investigation begins on who caused the infection.
- aloe
- lotus
- bulk biceps
- octavia
- caramel apple
- daisy
- neonlights
- royal pin
- bonbon
Surgery required but alive
- rarity
- rose
- vinyl scratch
- derpy
- strawberry sunrise
- apple jack
So now with 10 bodies and 6 injured the culprit is now highly wanted for their crimes. Who did it though? Given how fast the spread was they must have either earn protection or be a unicorn, and since the colors got mixed they know they’re colorblind. Whoever did this though will suffer dire consequences
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outofworkderpy · 5 years
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Boomer Remover Remover
Nurse Red Heart is fighting the good fight along with all the other nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers.  They are selflessly helping the infected at risk of themselves as supplies and masks run low.  Give them your support!
Sorry no comic today.  Between getting prepared for potential lockdowns, exhaustion, and plain old frustration and writers block cause of this stupid virus, I didn’t have the time and needed to vent and draw something else.  I do like how it turned out though. :)
Stay Healthy everyone!  
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lunashy21 · 7 years
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Large twilight
Mayor mare- doctor, my assistant is flat as ever. Where are the new knockers the taxpayers paid for? Nurse Redheart- hmm. You’re right. That’s like flatsville. Then where did i put those implants? Twilight- ahhhh! What on earth have you done? My mcguppies became bazongas!
Spike- twilight, what happened? Your endownent’s bigger that harvard’s!
Large marge,simpsons
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WARNING: Although this particular chapter does not depict violence or cursing, future installments will. As this story is based on an adult parody of MLP called The Mentally Advanced Series. I would encourage that if you had not watched it to do so to get a grasp of the world in which this takes place. Many of the jokes, lore, and otherwise are in reference to MAS, not just simply My Little Pony. I have also made a supercut that includes every reference and appearance of Celestia in the series. In case watching the entire MAS series maybe too time consuming. If you find Celestia, or other canon characters, used in crude and unpleasant depictions offensive, this is your warning. However, I would appreciate that you take a look anyway with an open mind.
Celestia Supercut Link
< Previous ☼ Next > ???
  “And here’s your armor and weapons. You should be able to start working tomorrow, but take it easy when you can. Magic works wonders, but if you’re not careful you’ll black out from exhaustion.” The front desk nurse recommended sliding over Valiance her belongings.
  “I will. Thank you, ma’am. It feels great to stretch my legs after being in bed all week.” Valiance chuckled as she quickly put her body armor on, hooking her helmet and weapon onto her side.
  “I could only imagine.” the nurse smiled, “There’s a soldier waiting for you in the lobby. I’m sure it’s important, so I wish you luck.”
  Just as the nurse had instructed, a soldier in royal guard uniform awaited for Valiance at the medical bay’s entrance.
  “Valiance Ascalon?” he gruffly asked.
  “Yes, sir.”
  “Well come on, soldier. I’m here to take you to your quarters.” the soldier informed as he began leading away with Valiance in tow.
  The walk was mostly quiet, but in time, Valiance noticed the regality of her surroundings. Banners and painted glass of the sisters’ various achievements adorned the halls with very little modesty. As they continued, one photo in particular caught Valiance’s attention enough to stop in her tracks. The photo contained Celestia wearing a suit with a leather overcoat hanging from her shoulders.
   Valiance raised a brow dumbfoundedly. ‘Huh. Not the kind of attire I’d expect her to wear… but not bad at all.’ she thought to herself while gazing into the picture.
   “Come on, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the scenery on your days off. Don’t fall behind!” the soldier called from further down the hall.
   Snapping out of her trance, Valiance trotted back up to the soldier as they continued. Although, the scenery did spark some questions in her mind. After a moment, she finally decided to ask, “What does an acolyte do anyways?”
   “That’s just a fancy name for a personal assistant. Though, judging by your particular skills, my guess would be being a personal bodyguard and just generally following her whim.” the soldier pondered as they approached a door and unlocked it.
   Stepping into the room, Valiance softly muttered, “Wow, this is… lovely.” It was spacious with a large bed resting at its center, accompanied by a nightstand on each side. To the far left was a personal restroom along with a panoramic window with a beautiful view of Canterlot. To the right side of the bedroom rested her wardrobe and a bookshelf.
   “I’d say I’m jealous of you, but in reality I can’t.” the soldier commented while handing the keys over.
   “Why do you say that?”
   “Acolyte’s are hard to come by. The last one that worked here was before I was old enough to get a job. Let’s just say he didn’t have the heart for it.”
   Valiance was perplexed by the soldier’s warning. However, she knew that no matter the task, it would be done in Celestia’s name.
  Back at the medical bay, a small pink pony with a satchel and large tight curled hair briskly made her way to the front desk. In a soft spoken voice the little mare asks the front desk clerk, “Hello, Nurse Flatline.”
  “Hello, Mentee. Can I help you with something?”
   “Um, do you know of a large pale mare who was committed here recently after the attack? She wore a purple and gold set of armor, not like the castle guards.”
  “I'm sorry to say that the patient you're looking for was released earlier today.” The clerk replied, looking the pink horse up and down.
  “Oh, well, can you tell me where she is then?”
  “No Mentee, you know I’m not at liberty to release that information.”
  Mentee groaned, “Pleeease, I really have to talk to her. She saved my life during the changeling attack, can’t you just give me a hint where she might be?”
  The clerk pony pondered momentarily, letting out a deep sigh, before firmly answering, “If I give you a hint, you didn’t get it from me, is that clear?”
  Mentee eagerly nodded with a small smile as she leaned in closer.
  “She’s a castle employee as well, if you ask around you could probably find her.” Flatline whispered.
  Mentee gasped and shouted, “Thank you so much, Flatline!” Only to be shushed and shooed away.
  After asking around, Mentee had finally made her way to Valiance’s room. Her body began to rattle as she grew ever closer to the door. Closing her eyes to compose herself, she finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door… nothing. Maybe she just hadn’t heard the knock on the door. Mentee tried again, this time louder… still nothing. She pressed her ear up against the door only to find absolutely no noise on the other side.
  “No one is in there, miss. She left for a walk.” a disapproving voice slated.
  Mentee flinched and quickly spun around to see a blue coated maid sneering at her. Rather than attempt to explain herself, Mentee panicked and bolted.
  Sweat gathered on Mentee’s brow as she came to rest in an empty corridor. Running a cloven hoof through her bangs she uttered to herself, “This is ridiculous, I just wanted to thank her for saving me.” She glanced down to the satchel dejectedly, “Maybe I can find her tomorrow once my shift is over… I need to get some air.”
  The cool evening air was a blessing that gently kissed Mentee’s face. She had made her way to the castle courtyard and basked in its soft serenity. Plopping on a nearby bench next to a batch of daffodils, she gingerly took off her satchel to lean back and relax. Their light aroma invited Mentee into picking one and absentmindedly twirling it around. Taking a light whiff, she smiled and placed the flower in her hair. Stars twinkled in the strawberry sunset while a few ponies walked the courtyard to head home.
  ‘Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.’ Mentee thought, as she scanned her surroundings. Suddenly, a glint caught her eye. When she focused, she could swear her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Before her was her knight in shining armor, casually walking around the courtyard smelling flowers.
   Valiance took comfort in the beauty of the flowered and marbled plaza, having spent the entire day getting to know the castle’s layout better and what would be her new home. The giant fountain gently ran in the center, soothing all who heard it. Giant hedge sculptures, vivid red roses, and yellow daffodils were all perfectly nurtured to be a sight for even the sorest eyes.
   “E-excuse me.” a small yet eager voice called from behind. Valiance turned and was greeted by a small pink pony, with thick ringlets for hair, and spectacles. The mare shuffled slightly closer and gently continued, “Uh, h-hello. I don’t mean to disturb but… um, well, you probably don’t remember me but-”
   “Oh! You’re the mare that was almost carried off during the attack!” Valiance blurted out with a smile.
   The little unicorn blushed, surprised that Valiance had even remembered her at all, “Yes, that was me. M-my name is Mentee, Mentee Prim.”
   Valiance’s face softened further, “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mentee. My name’s Valiance Ascalon.”
   Valiance and Mentee were not alone, the God Princess, Celestia, too had wished to enjoy a stroll to revel over her recent success. True to her word, the Princess oversaw the remainder of the changeling hive eradicated and their maggots turned to fertilizer. With that, and the acquisition of a new acolyte, Celestia had almost considered relieving her favorite student of her friendship studies for the day. Almost.
   Voices had tickled at Celestia’s ear from the courtyard. Since the sun had set, most ponies would have gone on their way to the dining halls, barracks, or home at that point so she had a small interest to inquire the purpose of the conversation.
   It didn’t take long for Celestia to find the source of the whispers. She easily spotted her new acolyte talking to one of the castle’s library assistants, Mentee Prim. The conversation itself was harmless, with small talk abound and a few thanks sprinkled in. However, when Mentee pulled her gift out of her satchel, Celestia’s cold stare stabbed at Mentee’s glimmering eyes. Celestia scrutinized deep into Mentee’s heart, seeing through her feeble façade. This was no mere thanks, the pink mare’s soul pounded with infatuation. The way she kicked the dust and tugged at her hair all the while coyly glancing at Valiance left no doubt in the Princess’ mind; and it filled her with vile intrigue.
   “I, uh, wanted to let you know how thankful I am for saving me. I really thought that I was gonna be a goner until you came along.” Mentee said, rubbing her neck. She tapped her hooves together in thought then reached for her satchel, “This isn’t much, b-but I hope you still enjoy it well enough.” Encased in periwinkle blue magic, Mentee unlatched her satchel to reveal a small pink box tied in a red laced ribbon.
   “Oh! Well thank you, Mentee. You really didn’t have to do that.” Valiance assured, gently taking the gift.
   “You know, I’ve been working at the castle for a while now. There've been plenty of acquaintances I’ve made… but no one to really call my friend. I was just wondering… if you would… maybe…” Mentee sheepishly stalled.
   Valiance chuckled heartily, “Of course we can be friends. It’d be nice to have company with someone who knows their way around here, not to mention someone so sweet.”
   Mentee’s stomach twisted into a knot, her already flushed face was now blistering red. In an act of feverish joy, Mentee sputtered, “T-t-thank y-you! Y-you too!” With nothing holding her back she sprinted away, nearly tripping over herself as she spun around a corner and out of sight.
  Perplexity gripped Valiance’s thoughts, ‘I wonder where she ran off to, I hope I didn’t say anything stupid. That would be embarrassing.’  Turning her attention to the box, Valiance pulled the ribbon and peered inside. Her benign smile graced her lips again. Inside, were cookies in the shapes of flowers, hearts, and bunnies. Each one was carefully decorated in a shiny pastel colored frosting, some were adorned with cute smiles to top it off.
  As Valiance innocently popped one in her mouth, a sudden chill ran up her spine when she felt the looming presence of some wicked soul behind her. “And what have we here?”
  Valiance twisted around to see the owner staring down at her through biting amethyst eyes. The moon’s rays illuminated the roses in the garden, bathing Celestia in the color red. Although initially shocked, relief washed over Valiance as she sighed, “Oh, Princess Celestia, it’s you. This is just a little thank you gift from a friend I saved.” Valiance passed the gift box to her majesty to see personally.
  The Princess shook the box slightly with a sneer, and with her magic, pulled out a heart shaped cookie. “How sweet.” she hummed as she jaggedly pulled the cookie in half. Without giving Valiance time to think, Celestia jammed one of the halves into her acolyte’s mouth before turning and walking away.
  Bewildered by Celestia’s actions, Valiance chewed her half and absentmindedly reached for another cookie, but was only met with air. It was then that she snapped back to her senses, realizing that Celestia had taken the entire box for herself. Conflicted, Valiance chose to keep her mouth shut. It was Celestia’s will, after all. But that doesn’t mean that I’m happy about it.’ Valiance huffed to herself, having really wanted to enjoy her gift. “Forget it.” Valiance groaned, throwing her hooves into the air, “I’m just gonna go to bed.”
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Friday Night with the Holy Ghost
[More Sixcago]
“Wake up! Please wake up!”
“An ambulance is coming. Breath, hon.”
“She’s not moving!”
“Anne,” Parr says softly, “she’s going to be okay.”
“She’s bleeding!” Anne nearly wails, moving closer to Jane, hunching almost protectively over her.
“The ambulance is almost here,” Parr promises. “They’re going to take good care of her.”
Anne’s observations were correct, however. There was a small puddle of blood gathering behind Jane’s head, rested limply against the second step of the set, coming from a decent cut running just behind her ear.
“They’re here!” Aragon yells from backstage.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who ‘they’ are, as several men and women in paramedics uniforms storm the stage, pushing Anne away so they could better get to Jane.
“What happened?” One of the women asks in a soft, calm voice.
“S-she… during the show-”
“She fell about halfway through our show,” Parr takes the explanation, pulling the shaking Anne under her arm. “Tripped over her own feet, I think. Toppled on the steps.”
“And this cut?”
Parr points to the headpiece Jane usually wore, discarded by Maggie’s guitar setup. “Probably from that.”
“We’re going to take her to the hospital, just to watch over her,” the woman explains gently. “Are there any family members here?”
“Me,” Bo squeaks out, “please let me go with her.”
The woman opens her mouth to speak, but closes it again and nods instead. She gestures for Anne to follow as they fit Jane to a stretcher and carry her out the side door and into the ambulance.
The ride isn’t very long, but Anne can’t help but feel the icy fear gnawing at her heart as she fought down her worries for her mother, looking so pale and lifeless as she shakes in rhythm with the wheels of the ambulance.
The vehicle rushes to a stop a few moments later, and everything is a blur. Next thing Anne knows, she’s pacing the waiting room, fingers digging into her skull as she tries not to panic again.
How could she not, though? 
How was she just supposed to sit and wait as her mother potentially died on the other side of those doors?
‘Stop,’ Anne tells herself, ‘she’s not dying. She just fell. She’s going to be fine. She’s going to be fine. She’s going to be-’
“Miss Boleyn?”
Anne spins on her heels to face the nurse who called her name. “Yes?”
“Miss Seymour is awake.”
“Can I see her?”
The nurse nods and gestures for her to follow.
Again, the walk to Jane is short, only a few hallways between them, but her knees tremble and her lungs don’t take in enough air as she prepares herself for the worse.
But Jane doesn’t look all that bad when Anne finally reaches her. Sure, there’s a bandage on the spot behind her ear, and she looks a little pale, but for the most part, she just looks tired.
“I’ll give you two some alone time,” the nurse says. “I’ll wait for your friends to get here?”
“That would be nice, thank you,” Jane responds, and the nurse leaves them alone after that. Jane looks to Anne, fidgeting with her hands inside of her hoodie pocket (Jane’s hoodie, specifically, the one Anne stole during an impromptu sleepover and never returned). She looks worried, nearly afraid. 
“Bo?” Jane calls softly, and Anne comes blinking out of her reverie. She gives her daughter a soft smile. “I’m okay, sweetheart,” she promises. “They said I have a mild concussion and will be out of a few shows, but in a week I’ll be back to normal.”
“A week?” Anne squeaks - how is she supposed to go a whole week without Jane on stage with her?
Jane reaches a hand out for Anne, beckoning her closer. Anne takes it without a thought, perching on the edge of the bed. “And you,” Jane says, tapping Anne’s nose with the tip of her index finger, “can take care of me for that week. Movies, food, lots of cuddling.” She gives a lopsided grin as Anne giggles, as quiet as it is. 
When Anne sobers merely a moment later, looking to Jane with pleading, worried eyes, Jane simply opens her arms. She doesn’t have to wait long for Anne to fall into them, clinging to her mother as tears finally start to fall.
“I-I was so scared,” she mumbles into Jane’s shoulder. “I thought… I might lose you.”
Jane hushes her gently, kissing her head. “You’ll never lose me.” She pulls Anne away from her shoulder to cup her cheeks, a thumb catching a tear escaping across her cheekbone. “I love you, Bo. And I’m always going to be here for you,” she promises, looking right into Anne’s eyes and never looking away for a second.
Anne crumbles back into Jane’s arms after that. “I love you too, mom.”
When the others arrive about ten minutes later, traffic being a bear because of a Red Sox game, Aragon would later complain, they’d be escorted to the room by a nurse who would make sure to hush them before opening the door.
Anne is asleep, her head resting against Jane’s chest, curled tightly into her side. Jane holds her, even as she also sleeps, her chin protectively over the crown of Anne’s head.
The image brings a small smile to everyone’s face, and Parr can’t resist taking a picture (she knows Jane will want it later), before leaving mother and daughter to their slumber.
Anne gives the feeblest whimper, trapped in a dream, and clings tighter to her mom.
And even in sleep, Jane holds her closer, never letting go for the world.
tag list: @percabeth15 @kats-seymour @qualquercoisa945 @jane-fucking-seymour @a-slightly-cracked-egg @justqueentingz @annabanana2401 @wolfies-chew-toy @broad-way-13 @tvandmusicals @lailaliquorice @aimieallenatkinson @sweet-child-why03 @gaylinda-of-the-upper-uplands @funky-lesbians @thinkaboutitmaybe @haniawritesthings @messanaa @rigatoni-ravioli @prick-up-ur-ears @theartoflazy @justqueentwo @brother-orion @paleshadowofadragon @lafemmestars @beautifulashes17 @jarneiarichardnxel @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff @philopeanut @mixer1323 @boleynssixthfinger @aimieallen @elphiesdance @boleynthebunny @krystalhuntress @lupin-loves-chocolate @bellacardoza16 @bluify @katherines-choker @why-only-have-one-fandom @missmarvelmixer @le-mlp-nerd @0-hufflepuffle-0 @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces @lesbabe6 @wicked-books-101 @insertmusicaltheatrepunhere @toomanyfamdom @zoalis @rainbowmoose01 @broadwayqueer
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gonethroat-archived · 8 years
I WAS TAGGEDB Y @factkin and anothr by @girlicard
rules: tag 20 blogs 2 do this too
Nickname: jace or em ! or kin names ig Star Sign: taurus-gemini!!!!!!!!! Height: 5'8″ funk ya Time right now: 4:18 pm Last thing I googled: uhhhh i think mlp vore becaus my friend didnt know what vore waas Favorite Music Artists: UH childish gambino, bad suns, uhhhhh...ninja sex party Song stuck in head: peeeel the avocado GUACEMOLE GUA GUACEMOLE Last TV show watched: ive been hyperfocusing animal cops for 80 years What are you wearing right now: black leggings and a dark sweater thing When did you create your blog: i remade this a month or so ago. my last blog was from 9th grade and the one before from 7th (im in 12th) Do you have any other blogs: no this is my only one!! Do you get asks regularly: not really! Why did you choose your URL?: it means hard hearted. i have a squishly center so im trying to be stronger and make it represent me Gender: im a boy but im ok w they/them Favorite color: bluE!!! and yellow! Average hours of sleep: like...8....a night....im a good sleeper Lucky number(s): i dont have any?????
Favorite characters: lucina and robin!!!!!!!!! aaaaaa and yurio How many blankets do you sleep with: just my sheets and my comforter right now, but i can have anywhere to 5 because im sensitive to the cold Dream Job: a vet tech or a mental health nurse (if i manage my schizophrenia right) Following: 70
Name: emmett jace Height: 5′8 hell yeah Hogwarts House: GRYFFIDNOR!!!!! i used to be a hufflepuff but! idk. im kind of a mix even though im not always the ... bravest.....but yeah Go to SSBB character: link but only because hes cute and i suck at the game anyway??? ive only played like....twice.... Fictional Character I’d date: please impale me, robin Favorite Band/Artist:  mother mother...100%...i also like barnes courtney right now When did I make this blog: this blog itself isnt very old. my old old blog is...5 years old... How many blogs do I follow: 70 and itll probably go down Do I get asks on a regular basis: nope!! i dont really expect them. i get pms tho! Aesthetic: red/purple glow and dark stuff. my aesthetic reflects how im doing mentally and im. bad Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better:
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