satanic-teenager · 9 years
Sure thing...uh, where are you gonna go on the bus? I can give you a ride you know, I have a car.
hahah! I doubt that but thanks… 
*glances at the time* hey I gotta go to catch a bus in time *stands up* but it was really good catching up like this, mind if I come by again sometime?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
-smiles at him-
Nah, I wasn’t so cool either. I’m not upset or anything either, you’re like... a saint compared to me, haha. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with being young.
Oh, wow sounds like I was kind of a piece of shit back then *frowns* if it means anything I’m really sorry about how badly I handled anything in my past, or for treating you poorly, I was really young and stupid from the sound of it
… *pats his shoulder*
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
-stares at the wall-
Uh..I’m not good with violence, and I thought over it a bit, like, when people get violently upset I can’t manage that well because of my mom.... But you flipped out over something during the summer where I was staying with you..and I didn’t handle it good and you were hurt by it... And we broke up, cause I wasn’t doing too good anyways with handling a..death in the family.
-looks at his hands in his lap soulfully-
Anyways, I’m pretty sure you cheated on me with a few times with him though, with Liam.
*sits quietly and listens*
So I had friends…that’s good, that’s good to know. Wait, me and you had dated?? But it ended badly?
Well that’s a shame *frowns* - you know I met that Liam guy, he said he’d been in love with me once, was he what split us up?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
-sits on the couch and pats next to himself-
Oh, well we were very close-I mean...oh that’s sad. Now I’m sad. I think you had a friend Layla once or something, I didn’t know her that well, you...weren’t that close to Pillow or Luci either, were you?
-pauses and frowns-
I don’t think I know where Liam ran off to, and I’m not sure I knew a lot of your friends? Or maybe I’m just forgetting if you knew people I knew too. My memory’s not too good.
Now I feel really bad, but I swear we were close, haha, I met your mom once or twice I think, I don’t really like her too much, she was a little scary...like strict wise from things you told me? You had a brother too--one that got around...I don’t think I really met him once. Oh-! Oh yeah, I think you were friends with Lucas too, I think that’s how we met each other, because he thought I was trash after when you and I broke up and whatever he had heard from you back then--
Oh my god *laughs*
ugh now I’m nervous *places hand on his own stomach* yeah I’ll sit
*walks to the couch*
Um, like how close were we, and did I have any other friends you can remember? Also did you ever meet my family? What were they like?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
Ah-well, I mean, yeah, I watch TV stuff, but that’s not....it’s not something I remember on the top of my head about. I just mean, like I don’t have a job, so all the time is actually freetime. I have shit to do, I just....
-shrugs and pats his head-
What do you wanna hear? Do you wanna sit down? I don’t know if you’d wanna hear some of it.
that sounds… uh… invigorating… do you play video games or watch anything? There’s a lot of good shows on netflix and like… hulu, and stuff
Anyway I really just came over to say hi though and also ask how much you actually remember about me? To maybe jog my memory a bit
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
-brushes a hand through his ponytail-
Haha, uh...cook, or pretend to be busy, or play with my hair.. Ya know, considering how much there is.
*steps inside*
much obliged *smiles* coconut ones it is… Oh? What do you usually do in your free time?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
Whoops-yeah, that was my bad. I forgot your hair was blonde, and long, though I really don’t mind. I do have a thing for blondes, after all.
-steps back and opens the door wider-
The coconut ones, really, even if they have caramel in it, my god I would never trade it for anything else. You’re lucky you came at my perfect freetime time for the day, are you gonna stand there or come in? 
Um, okay *snickers* you didn’t exactly seem to recognise me a second ago though
*shifts from one foot to the other*
Yeah sorry about that, I’ll remember cookies next time, like the little caramel and coconut ones, those are the best, or do you rather thin mints?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
-nervously smiles-
No, I wasn’t doing anything....and...but of course, I remember you. I could never forget your face. Haha, if you brought cookies along too, I’d be even more obliged to invite you in... Gosh, you really took a while to call, didn’t you?
-smiles more confidently and pulls his sweater sleeves down more over his hands-
I just… remember you differently is all///
sorry, um I’m Whispy? I don’t know if you recognize me but I’m pretty sure we used to know each other, and like a year ago you told me to meet up with you so we could talk sometime, but that was like a long time back so I hope I’m not interrupting anything?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
teenagedwhispers replied to your post:[knock, knock] Hello?
I think- I think I have the wrong residence *turns to leave* *pauses* *turns back around* does a uh, Satan by chance live here?
.....Ha? Well yeah, you’re looking at him.
-raises an eyebrow and snorts-
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
[knock, knock] Hello?
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Hmmmhmm.. If they…hmm…sweet little yooou.. ♪–
-knock knock-
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…? Who could that..oh-oh god, I hope it’s girl scouts, are girl scouts still selling their cookies?
-puts down the cake decorating stuff-
-shuffles to the front door and opens it-
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Please tell me I could order like twenty boxes of the coconut on–
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You’re….not girl scouts..
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
I keep hearing about birthdays.
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
--- [18 minutes later]
[distant shouting off from the side]
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
[TXT@Sno White] Damn straight I don’t, but good thing I have a GPS B)
[TXT@Sno White] I’ll be there in like...5 years(not really).
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
[TXT@Sno White] What? Nooo, don’t, I’m fragile~
[TXT@Sno White] Where’re you though? Punching me virtually won’t be as effective as in person uvu
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
[TXT@Sno White] I’m visiting my Mom’s grave for like...a minute or two atm, but ayyy at least I came back at all. Did you miss me?
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
On Behalf of Mothers Day, Ask my Muse about their Mother!
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satanic-teenager · 9 years
Your problematic fave: Spongebob
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