#mlp caballeron
sud-scribbles · 9 days
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another wide range of fun expressions!
i believe Twilight was the last one from the Mane 6 and Scootaloo was the last from the CMC i needed to draw, so funny getting them both here!
also Bulk Biceps was a really interesting one to draw because his proportions are so wild
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dstears · 2 years
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Time to check in with Rainbow Dash to see how she's been spending her time.
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 6 months
And the way awhuizotl and garble were redeemed in season 9 didn't make any sense at all, since it contradicts things from the previous seasons
Oh yeah, that too. Just more to add to the pile, haha 😄 
I don't hate the idea of Garble being reformed, I just hate the execution. It was weird… I actually really like the idea of Garble and Spike being friends again :)
They said that he acted like a delinquent so he wouldn't get bullied by his friends, and he was peer pressured into it. You can say that about teenagers in real life.
I think it was supposed to be a contrast to Spike's character, because in Dragon Quest Spike almost succumbed to the same peer pressure but decided to be better, because of the positive influence his pony friends had on him.
The implication being that Garble succumbed to peer pressure because unlike Spike, he didn't have any positive influences at all, whether it be family, friends, etc.
But he has a really good relationship with Smolder, who never judged him or treated him harshly for being soft. So Smolder's existence as his supportive sibling doesn't make any sense when you think of the way he's acted the entire show.
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I think a better idea for Garble's redemption is that it could've been a Cutie Map mission. Fluttershy and Spike could've been called to the Dragon Lands to solve a friendship problem that involved Garble. Not only because Spike and Fluttershy were the two main characters involved in that episode, but because it makes sense for it to be them.
Spike because he has more of a personal relationship with Garble than any of the others. Also Garble is technically the first dragon friend Spike ever made (until they fought), so wouldn't it be a fitting bookend for Spike to help turn Garble around and the two can be proper friends again?
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Fluttershy because before she hated dragons (specifically older ones), but she learned to not be afraid of them. Garble hated ponies, so Fluttershy would've been a perfect 2nd choice to help redeem him.
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I'm just throwing out ideas lol
The Ahuizotl one made less sense to me, because again they retconned what we've seen of the character in order to make him a misunderstood character. They said that Ahuizotl was protecting the artifacts of his forest from being stolen from Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron.
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I actually like the idea of Daring Do taking the artifacts to be put in a museum being seen as bad by the jungle inhabitants, and I like the idea of Ahuizotl having more to him. But retconning Ahuizotl's character doesn't make much sense. 
In one episode, Ahuizotl tried to use the artifacts to cause a heatwave in the jungle for eight hundred years. Seems pretty evil. Maybe because he was created to make sure the artifacts stay in their place and do their intended job, he didn't see a problem with it? Idk.
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Maybe they could've said that Ahuizotl was preprogrammed to act in this way? Idk
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Cuz they went from mortal enemies to friends to actually adorable ✨
Daring Do & Dr. Caballeron from My Little Pony
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misterrttegrimborn · 4 months
Dr. Caballeron☆
(my edit)
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🤎Ahuizotl x Daring Do x Dr. Caballeron🤎
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99raritah · 2 years
hi dr caballeron nation
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I had this idea that the Daring Do books are toned down, and the actual events are more serious and dark.
Makes sense to an extent.
I think it depends on like. The kind of energy Daring wanted when she wrote the books. Are they aimed at kids or adults? If the former than yeah tone it down, if the latter then still tone it down but still include some stuff.
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hiimalex · 3 days
I- I may have a new MLP ship
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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Is Ahuizotl truly a good guy or a villain?
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We at the court are here to decide the Case of Ahuizotl if he was truly a good guy in disguise or a villain the MLP Writers wanted you to forget. So let us take a look at his appearances in order by date.
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Read It and Weep
His first appearance where we established he is a villain. Pretty clear cut, right? But there are two things to note: First, at this point of time we were to believe the Stories of Daring Do are fictional. It was even theorized at the time A.K. Yearling was Twilight’s Mother, thus her excitement to spread her mother’s work around. And Second…
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Daring Don't
Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle: A.K. Yearling is Daring Do! 
Thus at this point of time, we are to believe Ahuizotl is the villain because Daring Do said so. So let us take a closer look at this episode and see what Villainous Traits he had.
Daring Do: So let me guess: Ahuizotl has put you up to this? You're stealing the ring to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talacon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by prophecy!
Dr. Caballeron: Close, but... no. I'm going to sell this to him, make a bundle, and retire from archaeology in splendor.
Daring Do: [grunting] Caballeron, you fool! You're dooming the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat!
Key things to note: First, the Fortress of Talacon and the valley would endure eight centuries of unrelenting heat. Now exactly how big is this valley and how much of an effect it would even realistically have? The Largest Valley (according to Wikipedia) is the Great Rift Valley which is 6,000 km (3,700 mi) long but 220 km (140 mi) wide. And since we’re comparing the greatest valley, surely it's fair to compare the greatest jungle: the Amazon. It has 12 Billion Acres or 1,875,000 Square miles. Heck, the Tongass National Forest covers 17,702.784KM (11,000 miles) of coastline which is still over half of the Length of the Great Rift Valley, and that’s assuming the Fortress of Talacon’s valley is even that big,
Going back to the quote above, he is also willing to buy the artifact from Dr. Caballeron. Enough money to make him retire from archaeology, thus no longer a thorn in his side. If he was a straight up villain, he would have just killed him.
Rainbow Dash: How can we just stand by and do nothing? You know what's at stake here! Ahuizotl has sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin since book three!
So what is the Tenochtitlan Basin? Well, Tenochtitlan is the capital of the Aztec empire while a basin is a depression, or dip, in the Earth's surface. So he’s basically trying to get a city that was sunken. Or maybe it's a fancy way to say valley. Well, if it's a Valley the size of Tenochtitlan, that would make it five square miles (or a little over 8 square kilometers). I doubt that an average sized jungle would be affected by a lot of heat in such a small area. 
Ahuizotl: [laughs] Oh, Daring Do, I will so miss your amusing laughter-jokes. Now, I must leave to commence the ring-placing ceremony to unleash eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat!
Now as we have proven size matters, let’s actually talk about what sweltering heat means. Sweltering, according to google, is extremely and uncomfortably hot. Now the average temperature in tropical rainforests (according to Google) ranges from 70 to 85°F (21 to 30°C). 85°F is considered uncomfortable. With 15 degrees more being considered extreme. Doesn’t seem to be too big of a deal for the forest, especially for an area so small. The only thing that would be affected by such a heat would be visitors.
Big combat scene
Pretty action packed, right? Ahuizotl with his 8 to 10 minions Vs the Mane Six and Daring Do. Wait, why does he have ponies helping him if it means sweltering heat for 8 hundred years? Can’t be that extreme if they’re cool with it. And let us not forget when they took the rings out of the altar it destroyed the ancient temple. An ancient building that has been standing there for who knows how long, destroyed. Wasn’t that an issue in a different episode?
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Daring Done?
Pinkie Pie: [reading] "Wake Of Destruction: Daring Do Ruins Entire Village Marketplace!"
Rainbow Dash: [reading] "Dare Or Scare: Local Rogue Daring Do Involved In Frightful Fiasco"?
Pinkie Pie: [reading] "Daring Do Leads Bull Into China Shop During High-Speed Chase—"
A. K. Yearling: That's enough! [sighs] Everypony I tried to help is mad at me.
This does seem to be a trend with Daring Do. Even if her cause is good, she leaves a lot of mess in her wake. So what did she do in Somnambula?
Rainbow Dash: Daring Do thwarts Ahuizotl's evil plot to separate the Sister Crown Relics. And if it wasn't for her, the region would be cursed with eternal night, and the entire town of Somnambula would have sunk into the ground!
Sister Crown Relics? Eternal Night? Sunk to the Ground? This sort of sounds like it's related to the Princesses. Exactly how would separating them cause eternal night when you have a Princess able to move the sun around? In fact, prior to that…
Rainbow Dash: [squealing] This is so cool! It looks just like that village in your last book where Daring Do recovers the Doomed Diadem from the Wild Bunch Gang who chase after her through the desert!
So Ahuizotl hired a bunch of other people to get him artifacts. Which leads to my next point…
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Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Ahuizotl does not go to the same lengths as Dr. Caballeron does to get revenge. There are two out of 4 Daring Do episodes where Caballeron was the main villain. And honestly 3 if you count…
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Daring Doubt
This is the episode where it is revealed Ahuizotl was simply a guardian protecting the artifacts Daring Do and Caballeron were basically stealing. And considering he isn’t actively trying to ruin Daring Do on the same level as Caballeron and has been trying to find ways to keep her out, it is pretty believable. But let’s continue with…
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Friends Forever #32
This is definitely his most villainous as he did boast about stealing the artifacts. But this is IDW whose track record for being in line with the original series is spotty at best. But there’s one more piece of evidence to bring up...
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Ahuizotl in Mythology
The ahuizotl is a legendary creature in Aztec mythology. It is said to lure people to their deaths. Sounds villainous, right? But look at what Wikipedia says about its behavior... "The ahuizotl was the guardian of lakes, whose purpose was to protect the fish therein." "It was sent by the gods Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue to collect the souls of mortals they liked." "Victims of the ahuizotl were said to be destined for the paradise of the god Tlaloc." A guardian? Chosen by the deities and those it takes are destined for paradise? Sounds to me there is a good guy in these stories. And two of those traits do match Ahuizotl.
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Looking at the evidence presented, the lack of Ahuizotl perspective, the fact Daring Do can be seen as villainous to those who do not understand her reasons for doing why, and the fact he doesn’t actively try to ruin her like Callaberon, I find Ahuizotl being revealed as a good guy all along believable. Heck, if Discord can be considered a good guy why can’t Ahuizotl?
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ponydoodles · 3 years
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Co-Owners of the official Rainbow Dash hate discord
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drivelndrool · 3 years
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Part 2 of the grid adopts!!
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ask-the-barkerverse · 3 years
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Designed for me by Tragedy-Kaz (Original image)
Name: Bold Traverse Nickname(s): Bold, Boldie (by Tayanna) Age: 23 years Gender: Stallion Species: Pegasus Parents: Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron General Info: Bold Traverse is the only child of the now retired former adveturer Daring Do and her former foe Dr. Caballeron. He grew up on stories of his parents' exploits, which inspired him to become a treasure-hunting adventurer himself. He's suave, confident and determined, but can sometimes be a little too confident which has gotten him into some sticky situations a few times. But he always manages to slip away without harm. Relationships: Bold is rivals with Tayanna, the daughter of his mother's old adversary Ahuizotl. He frequently visits the Tenochtitlan Basin in the hopes of finding treasure and is often thwarted by her, keen on protecting its artifacts from potential thieves. However, there have been a few times where Bold wins, much to her chagrin. Cutie Mark: Bold's cutie mark is a map to buried treasure, representing his talent of treasure hunting.
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miniaturecanvas · 3 years
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A half finished mlp crackship. I might finish this one day, but it's been sitting like this in my files since January, so...
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justlyubov · 4 years
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You can bet this idea came to me after “Daring Doubt”.
I don’t like that Daring and Rainbow have same hairstyle so I’ve changed it.
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enigmadoodles · 5 years
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The struggles of co-authoring with your former enemy
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