#mlm hab series
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Boah okay, dann muss ich jetzt einfach mal loswerden, was ich schon die ganze Zeit loswerden wollte: (geht um Schloss Einstein)
Es nervt mich sehr, dass sie das Pacing der Beziehungsentwicklung zwischen Noah und Colin in der letzten Staffel so versaut haben.
Sie hatten ohnehin weniger Zeit, da die Staffel kürzer war als gewohnt, aber dann auch noch das Kennenlernen der beiden so ewig in die Länge zu ziehen nur um dann festzustellen, dass sie ja zum Ende hin plötzlich keine Zeit mehr hatten, und dann unbedingt noch einen (in meinen Augen völlig unnötigen) Drama/Plottwist Akt hinzugefügt haben, nervt mich unheimlich.
Mit dem haben sie sich keinen Gefallen getan, sondern die ganze Sache einfach verkompliziert.
Man hätte so schön auf die Gefühle der beiden aufbauen können und Noah hätte sich auch auf andere Art und Weise zurückziehen können, Colin einfach sagen können, dass er noch nicht bereit ist und dann in Staffel 27 realisieren, dass es doch ernst für ihn ist und die beiden hätten zusammenkommen können.
Aber nein, er lehnt ja seine Gefühle komplett ab. Wie genau stellen die sich bitte vor, wie das in Staffel 27 laufen soll?
Noah realisiert urplötzlich doch seine Gefühle für Colin, wirft seinen Charakter und seine Einstellung völlig über den Haufen und geht Colin seine Gefühle gestehen?
Ja super, mega Ende.
Einfach nur enttäuschend, dass mal wieder ein mlm pairing im öffentlich rechtlichen Fernsehen so in den Sand gesetzt wurde.
Und dann ist es auch noch das erste mlm Pairing von Schloss Einstein. Klasse.
Sorry für so viel Negativität aber das musste ich mal niederschreiben.
Gott, ja, schlechtes Pacing kann so viele gute Dinge ruinieren.
Nehmen wir z.B. Steins;Gate. Gilt als einer der besten Animes aller Zeiten, aber alle sind sich einig, dass er erst nach Folge 12 gut wird. Und da ist die Hälfte der Serie schon vorbei. Deswegen hab ich auch nur die erste Folge gesehen, denn ich hab einfach keinen Bock, mir 12 langweilige 22-minütige Folgen anzusehen. Das sind fast viereinhalb Stunden, die ich nie zurückbekommen werde.
Edit, weil es mir gerade eingefallen ist: Oder nehmen wir Ross und Rachel aus Friends. Damals das absolute Traumpaar der Serie, aber jetzt bevorzugen die meisten Monica und Chandler. Und wieso? Weil Ross und Rachel die ganzen 10 Staffeln über eine dramatische On-Off-Beziehung führen, während Monica und Chandler in nur sechs Staffeln zusammenkommen, heiraten und Zwillinge adoptieren.
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how Lukas Reichel is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Lukas is a really chill boyfriend
- like he cares about you but he’s not gonna make a big deal about his feelings
- for him it’s more about the time you spend together and not about grand romantic gestures
- that’s just what he’s like as a person and as a boyfriend
- he doesn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t love you just because he’s not screaming it from the rooftops
- but he’s open to coming out of his comfort zone for a bit if it would make you happy
- doesn’t really like to talk about feelings
- like you’re feeling things, he’s feeling things...
- that’s great
- but that’s about it
- if you need a lot of communication in a relationship you might have to force him a bit
- just trust him that if there are any big issues he can’t work out himself he’ll come and talk to you
- Lukas is still there for you to talk to him if you need to
- just not good at innitiating conversations himself
- he has other ways of showing his love though
- gets you matching boyfriend necklaces
- or like... hockey chains?
- he probably already has one
- but once you’re getting serious he goes and buys you one too as a gift
- thinks it’s cute that you’re matching
- he wouldn’t go full out matching his & his clothes though
- but he’s more than ready to share his hoodies and shirts
- would steal one of your shirts to sleep in
- because it’s soft and smells like you
- you will just come over to spend the night and ask if you can borrow something comfy to sleep in
- and he’ll say go for it
- so you open his closet and what do you find?
- his secret boyfriend shirt stash
- you can decide if you want to tell him you found his stolen collection or if you just want to wear them and put them back later when they smell like you again
- Lukas can get a bit cuddly when he’s sleepy
- likes to just lay his body across your legs and lay his head on your lap and have you run your fingers through his hair
- maybe talk about your day
- he just likes hearing your voice
- it calms him down
- Lukas is not a big planner
- he’s just really spontaneous
- not in the hey lets book a one way flight to spain and just figure things out when we get there way
- but in the hey i don’t feel like going home can i just stay here for like a week or two way
- he gets invited a lot of places
- has many friends so it’s no surprise
- whenever he can he definitely brings you along
- and whenever you’re at a party that’s boring you can just leave and do your own thing
- maybe drive to a nice lookout
- watch the stars
- make up stories and star signs
- point them out to each other and share your ideas and hold hands until the sun comes up
- he can get real romantic
- but only in private
- he doesn’t hide the fact that he loves you but he’s not a fan of pda
- maybe hold your hand or call you his boyfriend but he won’t full on make out with you with other people around
- definitely has a giant soft spot for you though
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Bruh, okay..
Hab heute KLEO fertig geschaut und obwohl ich mit der Erwartung eingestiegen bin, dass es sowieso keinen wlw content geben wird, war ich dann doch etwas angepisst.
Weils ja nur eine one-off Szene war ohne jeglichen Inhaltsbezug auf den eigentlichen Plot, werd ichs jetzt einmal als nicht so tragisch abschreiben. Der Fakt, dass die eine Lokalbesitzerin aber nicht mal einen Namen oder irgendeinen Satz hatte, es dann nur einen recht unnötigen Kuss gab und sie unmittelbar danach erschossen wurde ganz zu schweigen davon, dass sie eine Antagonistin in dem Moment war, warf mich grundsätzlich in die Zeit zurück als "bury your gays" ein sehr häufiger trope war.
Europäische Produktionen sind ja ansich immer etwas... expliziter. Schrecken nicht vor sexueller Offenheit zurück. Also wundert es mich, dass wir immer noch viel weiter hinten sind als die armies was Representation angeht.
Das diese Szene nur eine Kleinigkeit in KLEO ist, ist mir bewusst und darum geht es auch nicht. Die serie fand ich wirklich ganz gut. Es hat mich eben nur an genau dieses Phänomen erinnert.
Dass besonders deutsche und österreichische Medien selten LGBTQ Charaktere zeigen und wenn, dann häufig nur in einem Stereotypen Bild, oder sehr ausgewählt (sprich: oft nur mlm), steht nicht einmal zur Diskussion. Vielleicht bewege ich mich in den falschen Kreisen, aber bis jetzt kam mir niemand über den Weg, dem das aufgefallen wäre.
Das sind dann aber oft Leute, die stundenlang über amerikanische Produktionen reden und wie homophob es ist, dass dieses und jenes ship nicht canon wurde.
Alles ist selbstverständlich meine eigene Beobachtung. Und ich beziehe mich zum Großteil auf österreichische Serien und Filme.
Ich denke nur, dass, wenn wir schon einen Dreck drauf geben was andere über unsere Sex Szenen sagen, sollten wir auch einen Dreck drauf geben, was andere über LGBTQ Charaktere in Serien denken und auf derartige, unnötige clichés verzichten.
Und was Netflix betrifft...
das ist sowieso schon auf dünnem Eis.
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Ok jetzt hast du mich so weit.
Was zum Teufel geht bei den Einstein-Jungs ab? Ich hab die Sendung ehrlich gesagt schon als ich kleiner war nicht geschaut aber ich folg dir seit Monaten und irgendwie bin ich jetzt investiert. Gibt es neue Entwicklungen? Was ist der letzte Stand?
Noah und Colin sind die erste mlm Hauptcharaktere in der Serie (der neue Direktor ist zwar auch mit einem Mann verheiratet, sein Ehemann wurde aber bisher nur erwähnt). Da es drei Staffeln zuvor schon mal eine süße Liebesgeschichte zwischen zwei Mädchen gab, hatten wir eigentlich Hoffnungen.
Uns es lief auch recht gut - bis Folge 1049.
Colin und Noah werden Zimmernachbarn. Noah ist anfangs sehr distanziert und vertraut nur seinem Hund Freddy, den er heimlich im Wald versteckt hat, da seine Eltern ihn ins Tierheim geben wollten. Erst als Colin Noahs Geheimnis herausfindet und ihm anbietet, ihm zu helfen, beginnt Noah langsam, sich ihm gegenüber zu öffnen. Obwohl deutlich wird, dass er auch etwas für Colin empfindet, lässt er Colin nie zu nah an sich ran und macht immer wieder Rückzieher.
Die Situation eskaliert, als Colin Noah küsst. Noah rennt daraufhin weg und sagt ihm später, er wäre nicht in ihn verliebt. Auf einer Party in der letzten Folge der Staffel gesteht Colin Noah dann erneut seine Gefühle, geht jedoch weg, ohne Noahs Antwort abzuwarten. Noah folgt ihm nicht.
Ob sie nächste Staffel ihr Happy End kriegen, wissen wir noch nicht. Allerdings wird Colins Darsteller spätestens in der Mitte der Staffel aussteigen, da er ab Juli für einen Kinofilm vor der Kamera stand. Selbst wenn sie ihr Happy End bekommen sollten, werden sie also nicht viel Screentime als glückliches Paar haben.
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tatsächlich - ich hatte die videos bewusst nur mit #schlosseinstein getaggt und sonst nichts (wie #mlm etc.). irgendwann hat der algorithmus aber wohl gecheckt dass es sich bei den videos um ein mlm couple handelt, und dementsprechend waren meine likes und v.a. follower auf einmal voll mit personen, deren for you pages anscheinend mit solchem content gefüllt sind, d.h.: erwachsene (30-50 jährige) männer aus der ganzen welt. manche von denen sind sogar in meine dms geslidet (wahrscheinlich in der hoffnung, dass sich hinter meinem profil ein minderjähriger twink befindet und keine 23 jährige lesbe). das war so unfassbar weird und creepy und ganz ganz unangenehm und hat mich in meinem glauben an das internet ehrlich gesagt erschüttert lmao, deswegen hab ich die videos sofort gelöscht. die waren für schloss einstein fans gedacht und nicht für erwachsene männer, die gefallen an einem video über zwei teenager in einer kinderserie finden. vielleicht bin ich einfach nur zu sensibel und hab die dunklen seiten des internets (bzw. tiktoks) bisher nicht kennengelernt, aber ich hoffe, dass die personen, die immer mehr edits von den beiden machen, sich bewusst sind, dass sie damit diese serie einer gruppe von menschen eröffnen, die definitiv nicht die zielgruppe dafür ist
Yikes, ein weiterer Grund, warum ich mich nie auf TikTok anmelden werde (und hoffe, dass nie ein Anmeldezwang für die Desktop-Version kommt).
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feelings ist so gut btw!! es gibt zwar bisher nur 4 folgen aber das ist echt richtig richtig gut gemacht. queer kids auf dem dorf, familiengeheimnisse, übernatürliches, mobbing, mentale gesundheit/psychische erkrankungen. und das alles mit canon wlw im zentrum. schloss einstein could never apparently lmao (kann man natürlich nicht vergleichen, aber in meinen träumen haben noah und colin genau so ihre eigene serie wo es nur um sie geht und wo wir ein canon mlm ende bekommen. a girl can dream)
Ich hab heute die erste Folge gesehen, find ich bisher ganz gut. Und außerdem: Goth Girl Love Interest, das nicht das "Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend" Trope ist sondern tatsächlich Darkwave und The Cure erwähnt? New Wave im Soundtrack? Socially Awkward Main Character, der es schwer in der Schule hat aber vom Goth Girl akzeptiert wird? Netflix Dark Vibes? Ich fühle mich gesehen.
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Ich bin auch ehrlich gesagt immer noch nicht so ganz happy damit, wie die Geschichte (v.a. letzte Staffel) geschrieben war. Ich fand es (aus Storrytelling-Perspektive) nämlich erstmal ziemlich okay, dass Noah Colin gegenüber klar kommuniziert hat, dass er keine Gefühle für ihn hat. Auch das gehört zum Verliebt sein leider manchmal dazu und ich hab's ziemlich gefeiert, dass die beiden da normal drüber geredet haben (und Noah sogar gefragt hat, ob das für Colin okay ist 🥹). Das fand ich einen richtig schönen und einfühlsamen Umgang mit einer unerwiderten Liebe (auch wenn die Situation für Colin sicher alles andere als schön war).
Aber dass Colin dann in der letzten Folge nochmal drauf zurückkommt, obwohl Noah ihm schon gesagt hatte, dass das nix wird... ich weiß nicht. Ab dem Punkt hab ich sehr gehofft, dass Colin irgendwie weiß/spürt (??? kp wie sowas funktioniert tbh^^), dass Noah doch auch in ihn verliebt ist, das aber nicht zugeben kann. Ansonsten wär er einfach unnötig penetrant gewesen, er kann Noah ja nicht zwingen ihn zu lieben, indem er ihm immer wieder von seinen Gefühle erzählt. Und dass es "Noah ganz ähnlich geht" war ja irgendwie der einzige Hinweis in die Richtung (vllt hat Colin die Folgenbeschreibung gelesen? 🤔). Aber da hätte ich mir als Zuschauerin einfach mehr Einblicke in Noahs Gefühlswelt gewünscht (das erst eine Staffel später aufzugreifen ist mir bei der erste mlm Story dieser Serie einfach zu wenig).
Und vor dieser Finalfolge hatte ich immer die leise Hoffnung, dass Noah aspec ist und deshalb nicht mit Colins Liebesgeständnis umgehen kann (ehrlich gesagt bin ich immer noch bisschen traurig, dass das nicht der Grund war, weil die ganze "du machst alles kaputt mit deinem Gefühlsscheiß"-Unterhaltung? - ich fühls sehr). Das Thema hätte man mit den beiden auch so gut aufgreifen können. Noahs Verzweiflung, weil Colin Freundschaft nicht "reicht" und er Angst hat, ihn deshalb zu verlieren, aber seine romantischen Gefühle auch nicht erwidern kann? Hell yes, give me all the drama. Aber ehrlich gesagt hab ich das SE auch nicht ernsthaft zugetraut (leider).
Glaub das mit den queerbaiting Vorwürfen ist damals aus Frust heraus entstanden, weil die Serie sich wirklich 21 Folgen etwa Zeit genommen hat um die Beziehung zwischen den beiden aufzubauen (ich weiß noch wie gehypt ich damals war) und dann ist ja bis heute nichts draus geworden.
In dieser Staffel wurde wenigstens ein bisschen aufgeklärt wieso Noah so gehandelt hat auch wenn seitdem nicht weiter drauf eingegangen wird.
Und dann noch die Tatsache, dass die Folgenbeschreibungen uns dreist angelogen haben: "Noah geht es ganz ähnlich. Ist zwischen ihnen doch mehr als nur Freundschaft?"
#erster aspec character frühestens staffel 37#einige weirde writing choices bei der ganzen Geschichte tbh#get your shit together schloss einstein#rip aspec noah#schloss einstein#nolin
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how Matthew Tkachuk is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Matt just wants to be a good boyfriend
- his confidence isn’t always the best especially in relationships
- he’s trying real hard but often he feels like he can’t be the boyfriend you deserve
- you just need to hold him for a bit
- maybe tell him that he’s enough
- Matthew is bad at taking compliments though
- he’s not the most creative with date ideas or gifts but he tries asking the vets for tips and he’s also not above asking his parents for help
- maybe google a bit
- his ideal time spend together is just holed up at home or doing a fun activity together
- takes you on hikes and then when you can’t walk anymore because your legs are sore he’ll give you a piggyback ride
- because he’s a fool that would totally carry you until he can’t anymore
- and he gives the best piggyback rides
- especially if that means having you pressed against him for a while
- not the most romantic but he can try and bring home roses
- don’t let him try and cook you food because this boy burns water
- he can make a mean cereal tho
- Matthew absolutely loves it when you steal his stuff
- even though his first thought is always hey that fucker is wearing my hoodie
- before he realizes wait that fucker is my boyfriend, my boyfriend is wearing my hoodie
- queue soft Matty
- he gets really sweet about it like that’s his man, in his hoodie, wearing his numbers, showing off that he’s his
- also likes how your ass looks in his sweatpants
- when he has to get up early for morning skate or training he sometimes just takes a second to stay in bed and look at you
- not in a creepy way but like a little bit creepy
- he just thinks you look cute
- it also helps him get up in the morning because he’s just not a morning person
- and seeing you being all cute and sleepy helps him get some energy for the day
- if you like have facial hair he would always complain about it being scratchy when you kiss
- but if you tell him that his weird beard is scratchy too he’d get fake offended and purposefully rubs his face against yours just to spite you
- he’s always chewing on everything not just his mouthguard
- one christmas you get him a teething ring as a joke gift
- he always leaves love bites all over you
- maybe it’s just normal oral fixation
- maybe he has a thing for just marking you up and claiming you
- maybe it’s a mix of both
- who knows
- his family definitely always teases you
- especially his siblings
- Taryn and Brady definitely start a groupchat with you and you are always sending in blackmail material on Matthew to each other
- but that’s just something that he’ll have to deal with
- and you’re sure that nothing will ever break you two up not even some pictures of baby Chucky being weird
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how Moritz Seider is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- what are the chances somebody that understands german overhears him calling you Bärchen and teases him for it?
- or
- OR
- him just calling you english nicknames like babe
- but then you go and research cute german nicknames and call him Schatz and Moritz.exe just stops working
- he would totally try and teach you some words too but only if you want
- maybe just like Guten Tag for when he facetimes his parents and wants to introduce you
- soft grumbly german in the mornings when he doesn’t want to get up
- he will totally charm your parents tho
- soooo many cheek kisses and temple kisses and neck kisses
- likes it when you hug him from behind
- loves it when you play with his hair
- you could just lay down on a couch just hanging out and he’d take your hand and puts it on his head because he wants you to pet his hair
- also back scritches
- he can fall asleep anywhere
- but he especially loves falling asleep on you
- he likes sharing his clothes
- will probably also steal some of yours
- there’s a bunch of communal hoodies you can just choose from
- and he always has the softest sweatpants you can borrow
- loves how you look in his oversized clothes
- but he also loves that they smell like you when he gets them back
- because then he can take it on the road with him and has something that reminds him of you
- Moritz just really enjoys cuddling with you
- we can all agree he’s the little spoon right?
- he likes to sleep in when his schedule allows for it
- and he always sleeps better when you’re there with him
- maybe you can order some food and eat it in bed before going back to cuddling and watching shows on his laptop
- Moritz definitely has a shit ton of blankets to cuddle under
- i can’t decide if he keeps his place cold so that he has an excuse to bundle up under blankets or if he keeps it warm to be cozy
- okay, hear me out, matching loungewear
- definitely a lot of team stuff he can share with you
- he would probably take you to a lot of team hangouts with the guys so that you can befriend each other
- would move rather fast
- not in that way
- but he wants to call each other boyfriend really quick and meet each others parents and move in together
- he’s good about chores tho
- well most of them
- he can’t cook at all but it’s okay he is totally down to live off take out if you can’t cook either
- he’s bad at laundry too
- but he’s good at other things like cleaning or taking out the trash
- he’s just always happy to come home to you and spend time with you
- Moritz isn’t clingy so he totally understands it if you need some time to yourself or to just hang out with friends
- he’ll text you to check in with you and how you’re doing and if you need him to pick you up from time to time but otherwise just let’ you chill
- always wants a good morning and good night kiss and will get pouty if you don’t love him
- he just needs a bit of reassurance sometimes
- but it’s okay because he loves you a lot and you love him a lot
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how Nico Hischier is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Nico is a good wholesome boyfriend
- loves it when you play with his hair
- like if you’re just chilling on the couch he will sneak his way so his head is resting on your lap and you can just pet him
- like he’s not super needy or clingy but sometimes he just needs some contact
- especially when he’s moody from a game he just needs reassurance
- likes to be the little spoon
- because who doesn’t love a big man that likes to be held
- especially when you’re napping/sleeping
- i bet he snores a little bit
- you can steal so many of his hoodies
- because he’s got so many it’s not like he’d notice
- he’s actually really good at doing the laundry
- but he’s not that good at doing other chores
- but you work out a chore list and everything works well
- have you seen the video of him baking a pie?
- get
- yourself
- a
- man
- that
- bakes
- !!!
- good things about dating a swiss guy: you got a premium chocolate plug
- or cheese if you like that better
- no seriously swiss chocolate is so damn good
- and he can call you cute swiss german nicknames
- in german male friend and boyfriend is the same word
- no idea if it’s the same in swiss german but maybe?
- so you could have some fun with that information
- you two can visit switzerland together and he can introduce you to his family
- and just enjoy the beautiful scenery and have some relaxing couple time
- he says “i love you” first
- he’d be so nervous and a little blushy but also so exited to see your reaction
- you can help him film his little ads he always does
- he will get you your very own devils pride cap so you can match
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how Nicholas Robertson is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Nick tries really hard to be a good boyfriend
- but he also doesn’t want to rush things
- just because he wants to take things slow doesn’t mean that he’s not committed to you
- especially early on in your relationship he really values all your little firsts
- like first date, first kiss, etc.
- he wants to tell the boys but he’s also afraid that they’ll tease him about how much effort he’s putting into things
- probably has a few trusted teammates and friends he can ask for date ideas and stuff
- but otherwise he just looks up things online
- that’s how you end up on really cute really cliche dates
- like diner dates or movie dates
- but he really tries and you always have an awesome time
- he has the tendency to plan stuff so there’s rarely any bad surprises
- never any super super fancy ones but he treats you right
- even if you’re more of a stay at home date kind of guy he would still want to go out and have fun dates every once and a while
- loves movie nights
- especially because you can just curl up on the couch and cuddle
- with soft blankets and pillows and pillowforts
- there’s just something about the sweet nostalgia
- king of snacks
- Nick absolutely loves sleeping with you
- in the most innocent way possible
- likes just holding you in his arms or being held and napping together
- just spending time together in general is really nice
- hanging out in the same space just being in the same room doing your own things
- loves sharing his hoodies with you
- if there’s a height difference he will totally buy into that
- either you in his big hoodies
- or he in your big hoodies
- very much into it
- there’s that subtle possessiveness that comes with wearing each others clothes
- and it’s a nice way to feel connected to each other when he’s on the road
- will facetime you when he misses you
- even if the guys are around
- Nick isn’t that big into cute nicknames but he always calls you the boyf or maybe babe
- so many small kisses
- but especially temple and cheek kisses
- just very much loveydovey
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how Carter Hart is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- goalies...
- they’re weird
- and Carter is no exception
- he has his routine and sticks to it
- but maybe you can help him out a bit?
- like maybe nap with him before games
- just imagine curling up with Carter, his strong arms around you
- wow
- he’d enjoy spooning so much
- when he’s feeling very vulnerable you can be the big spoon
- like after losses or sad movies
- maybe pet his hair a little
- he’d go full on snuggle mode
- even if he’s taller than you he’d tuck his head into your chest and everything
- he likes forehead kisses and if you’re taller than him he just has to lean up no big deal
- giving and receiving
- you can go to wholefoods together
- in the video he did the baskets look awfully small so you each have a basket in one hand and maybe hold hands with the other
- (he just really likes holding hands)
- get all the goods and he can make you one of his three meals
- oh i completely forgot that he’s colorblind
- you can help him pick out outfits
- or at least suits
- and you can steal clothes from each other
- i don’t think he’s corny enough for matching boyfriend outfits
- but maybe matching pajamas
- you’re really scared to meet the team
- because Carter is the goalie and NOBODY messes with the goalie
- but as soon as the self appointed team dads and uncles approve of “the nice young man” everything is fine
- TK wants to be buddies straight away
- and Carter has to be like Nolan get your boy he’s trying to steal my boyfriend
- like he loves that you get along well with the team but he likes hanging out with you more
- because while he likes the team he really loves you
- and he wants to go home and tell you
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how Elvis Merzlikins is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Elvis is just... really good at relationships
- it just comes natural to him
- he’s very good at reading your emotions and all the little things
- knows when you’re not feeling well and does everything to make you feel better
- king of cuddles
- his love language is definitely touch and quality time
- you don’t need to do anything he just likes chilling together
- although he’d never complain if you wanna compliment him
- he compliments you too
- all the time
- just you’re already dating doesn’t mean he can’t woo his boyfriend
- very thoughtful and trying to make everything nice for the two of you
- has a lot of date ideas
- especially for outdoorsy adventure kind of dates
- loves to go hiking and take pictures
- likes to document the time you have together
- when he’s on the road he likes to call a lot
- he also gets you a few trinkets just because
- in his opinion the best thing about having a boyfriend is that he can just steal all your clothes
- it would be even better if you have similiar styles
- but being able to just throw your wadrobes together makes everything way easier
- especially laundry
- during the summer he loves to take you traveling
- *insert i can show you the world joke here*
- i bet at some point he’d get a tattoo for you
- or even matching tattoos
- i know you shouldn’t but... it would be hella cute
- he loves to show you off
- to the team or just in general
- very much into pda
- constantly holds your hand
- you can spend hours just making out without it leading to more
- at home he runs around shirtless a lot
- because he knows you’re watching
- and he wants to show off
- he’s definitely the one that remembers to water the plants
#hab series#mlm hab series#elvis merzlikins#hockey imagines#hockey imagine#nhl imagines#hockey player#thirst month
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how Anthony Beauvillier is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- he would be so fucking soft for you
- like heart eyes all day every day
- he just loves you so much
- Tito would be so needy for attention
- always wants kisses and hugs
- and always ready to give them out
- but when you’re cuddling he falls asleep really fast
- because he just feels so warm and safe in you arms how could he not fall asleep
- it doesn’t matter that he wanted to stay up late as soon as you’ll cuddle him he’s out
- this helps a lot when he can’t fall asleep because he’s too nervous or something like that
- he’s such a good cuddler though
- 10/10 would hold in my arms until the end of time
- and if he falls asleep on you well... at least you have a cute weighted blanket
- whenever he comes home he’d definitely yell “honey i’m home”
- and then he’ll find you and gives you a giant smooch
- there are always friends over at your place
- because he wants you to get along with his friends really well
- and obviously he’d try to befriend all of your friends
- you can drink some cheap wine (like yeah he’s got money now but cheap wine just hits different) and play board games
- and you can all laugh and have fun
- Anthony brings home food a lot
- just take out or fancy breakfast
- so he doesn’t have to cook
- he can talk that sexy sexy french to you
- maybe even try and teach you some words
- so many cute nicknames
- including his little cabbage
- iykyk
- when the team is on the road and they go out you can expect snaps from the guys of Tito justlooking lost and whining and saying “i miss my boyfriend”
- it’s cute
- but that happens most of the time
- it’s okay though because you miss him too
- and in the summer you can hang out at the beach house with the gang
#hab series#mlm hab series#anthony beauvillier#hockey imagine#hockey imagines#nhl imagines#hockey player
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how Leon Draisaitl is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Leon is a pretty chill dude
- he lets you set the pace for your relationship
- because he’s pretty much down for whatever you want
- but he doesn’t want to be the one to bring it up
- so you’ll have to decide
- he’s really good at assembling furniture so once you move in together that’s his job
- the fridge is always full with healthy things because even though every once in a while he would love to indulge he sticks to his plan
- his parents would send little care packets from Germany all the time
- and he’d share some of that good good chocolate with you
- he’d totally want to take you home during the summer and show you were he grew up and introduce you to his family
- so many cute german nicknames
- and trust me we can get so sappy and cheesy af
- but it’s also confusing because the word Freund can mean boyfriend but also boy friend
- Leon would get you little gifts from all over when he travels during the season
- like keychains or something like that
- bad at talking about feelings
- he’s very good and cuddling tho
- like those arms?
- 10/10 would want to be held by him while watching romcoms on the couch
- Leon wouldn’t go to the stores all that often because he probably gets meals delivered or online shops but when he does he picks up some snacks and flowers for you
- because he’s a good boyfriend and he loves you
- speaking about love
- he’ll probably say I love you wayyyyy quicker then he’ll say ich liebe dich
- will be all grumpy and cute in the mornings before coffee
- just ignore the German mumbling
- sooo many forehead kisses
- lowkey possessive
- he’ll get you tons of team gear and especially Draisaitl things
- because he loves his name written over your back
- he’s also got tons of comfy big sweaters and hoodies you can “borrow”
- they’ll probably just a tiny bit too big for you
- does that pouty thing when he wants a kiss
- but like who wouldn’t give in
- big fan of just coexisting
- you do your thing and he does his thing but you’re both in the same space just having you time
- always down for taking a bath together
- he has a giant tub that fits both of you well
- Leon is totally a blanket hog
- have your own blanket or prepare to fight
- he loves to take naps together on game days
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how Connor McDavid is like as a boyfriend (mlm)
- Connor tries to be the best boyfriend possible
- he’s also really freaking soft
- but he’s also kind of a mess
- absolutely adores backrubs
- or when you play with his hair
- especially now that he grew his hair out
- forehead kisses all day every day
- he’s the little spoon
- just a lil bit of warmth and protection
- generally lots of hugs and contact
- sometimes he just needs to be held by his big strong boyfriend
- or you can be held by your big strong boyfriend
- or make out a little bit
- because why not
- sometimes he has some problems sleeping so you just lay there and talk
- maybe get up and get a little not nutritionist approved late night snack
- but no eating in the bed because crumbs
- he’d be a lilbit uncomfortable with his status
- when people on the street ask him for a pic he doesn’t say no but he doesn’t want the power imbalance to impact your relationship
- he’s just Connor
- a lot of his time is spent training
- you can either join him or just watch your hot boyfriend work out
- he wants to be a good captain and take care of the guys but he’s still young so he can’t really be a father figure yet
- so he’ll be the best brother figure and you’ll have to help
- because dating the captain comes with the entire team
- so sometimes you have a teammate sleeping on the couch or cook for five grown men
- but the team love you so it’s okay
- just wait until he adopts a rookie
- Connor is really good about chores though
- he always gets them done quickly
- not because he wants to but because bla bla discipline
- which means you could be snuggled in a blanket burito that smells like Connor and he could wake you up by vacuuming at dawn
- he actualy has really nice date ideas and tries to switch things up and try new things
- good gift giver
- and he’s not just using his McMoney to buy things
- he actually puts a lot of thought into it and writes you cute little notes and crafts you stuff
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