zznilz · 2 years
Imani with black hair with blue eyes or Imani with blonde hair and dark brown eyes????
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auburnitzy · 1 year
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Qi Haoran (齐浩然) / Crisostomo REFERENCE JULY 2023
Age: 18-19 years old
Height 6'0 feet
Pronouns: He/They
Personality: Charming and kind in public, but pessimistic and grumpy in private. Haoran wants to live up to his family's name and reputation, and has high expectations for himself. His parents weren't the one to instill this into him, it was more the attention he received in childhood as the son of Megapolis' hero, MK.
- He's called 'Cris' for short.
- He's the eldest child of the Qi family.
- Despises his sister's pranks and finds her quite annoying (and suspicious). They used to get along as children, but Haoran's perfectionism developed.
- Has perfect grades in school.
- Has powers, but only limited to the dragon ones from his mom.
- He currently wears the amulet because he has issues, and Nawa doesn't want a repeat of "last time".
#ocxcanon #monkiekid #monkiekidoc #legomonkiekid #mkxoc #lmkselfinsert #lmkocxcanon #monkiekidocxcanon #digitalartdrawings #selfinsert #selfinsertoc #lmkoc #mkxoc #qixiaotianxoc #legomonkiekidselfshipping #legomonkiekidoc #legomonkiekidocart #qixiaotian #lunarnoodles
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Monkey Cop: K9 Unit AU (Basically)
Monkey Cop: K9 Unit is a show about a K9 officer and a detective becoming partners and solving many different crimes. This is based off of the show "Hudson and Rex" and a bit of that "NCIS" chaos so their will be many different variety of crime and interesting side stories..... *wink wink*
Always the setting is around Megapolis, the characters all have an important part to play in the show. So lets get into each character shall we?
Sun Wukong is an immortal actor who is very powerful and very skilled, both in acting and being a retired officer of the law himself. He keeps his personality but his powers are a bit down scaled. He is one of the main characters of the show (and Fanfic) and the detective of the show.
Macaque is another immortal actor who is also powerful and skilled in the arts of science and acting. He takes on the role of the detective's forensics team, who works really closely with the detective. His personality is much more open and he gets really eager in some aspects of the show. Over all takes care of the team with his "mom" energy.
MK is a dog trainer to the K9 officer/actor in the show. He is a bit more shy and timid but is much more open to the immortal monkeys and the dog. He helps around in the background and helps the actors with their lines. He is overall a helpful eighteen year old kid who is excited to meet his favorite two actors.
Mei is one of our tech members of the department and an actor. She helps with the cameras and following the digital foot trail of the victims. She is very handy with fixing and following them. She is also one of those badass officers and is overall a bubbly person unless you piss her off.
Red Son is the other tech member of the team and an actor as well. He pushes the team into different leads and thinks outside of the box a ton. He is a strategist at heart and it shows in his acting. He always pushes the thread as to how far he can push the directors.
Pigsy is the captain of the department and an actor. He is a stern actor though and most of the time, he isn't really acting just being himself. He does loosen up but very rarely. Hopefully that might change.
Sandy is part of the forensic scientists team and an actor, helping document and move things as well as give the main team help. He doesn't get a big part in the show but is often helpful off the camera.
Tang is a part of the forensic scientist team and an actor, he does what Sandy does too but also helps with the more historical side of it. He is full of stories and I kinda push the more "NCIS character Ducky" attitude with him.
Now for the OC's of the show/gang:
The K9 Officer: A dog shapeshifter who became friends with MK. Her name is Luna and she was moved from America to China due to a high demand of show dogs for movies. She was moved when she was fourteen and met MK when he was 15.
The Autopsy Personel/Actor: A human named Chan, who is a hard worker. Her eyes are a greyish blue and she became an actor after working in the medical field after two years. She is skilled and can help the audience with explaining what happened.
Also to add more spice to this AU. Their are also show ships and ships in general:
Shadowpeach: The show ships them hard and so does the general public.
Freenoodles: The show ship that also became a general ship.
DragonFruit: A ship in general that became another ship on the show.
MKxOC: Ship in general (never appears in the show)
Now with all of this together, I would like to add that these are also featured in the AU and fanfic:
MK is trans.
The Celestial Realm and some of the demons in the original show work as the production company.
Nezha is the vice director of the show.
Gore and Violence
And Honest to god just so much goodness in the show and off the show.
There you have it. The AU idea is finished. Fanfic will come soon as well as a master list! Thanks!
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tensaiproductionz · 1 year
MK OC Redone
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Reposted from my DA
Originally tied to a friend’s character to theme the idea of making powerful weapons, I’m changing it up to have her be an Oni spawn that had been taken from Netherrealm (possibly as another result of Red Dragon experimenting, or from another group trying their hands). Though she was rescued, and adopted by another OC of mine, it quickly became clear that the child had something off to them. They acted violent around another OC of mine, threatening and spitting curses (all while talking backwards since apparently Oni in the Netherrealm can do this.) Stealing certain objects, being reckless, lying, manipulating, not knowing right from wrong, lacking guilt, it became apparent that she harbored no sympathy and struggled to emotionally open up with others - however, Damion wasn’t deterred by all this, and went about helping the girl as best he could. He gave her therapy and teachings to understand empathy, being slow and consistent, with them realizing that her torture from others - of abuse and lack of human emotion and witnessing cruelty - and slowly it helped her socialize better with others. Of course she was still a cruel person that liked to brutally tease people while keeping up her charisma, but when she wanted to fully hurt someone she would use strength and brutality, having a sick sense of pleasure from crushing the weak before her feet. She still steals and lies and manipulates others where she finds it favorable. Yet despite her evil, she was still part human and subconsciously wished for platonic love, and did care for those that she was close to especially her adopted father Damion. She knew when to throw her punches and insults and knows when to give her attempts at empathy to other humans (she’ll say its to gain allies and use them later when she needs a favor) and realizing a little better the difference between moral right or wrong. She also learned to be more self aware of social cues, as she was intelligently smart to quickly learn certain things when talking to others. However, remember she is still a lying, scheming emotionally stunted individual that prefers to use people to her liking, and has a low empathy for others, and will take what she deems as hers or interesting.
She suffers from vitiligo, a skin condition that has patches of skin and hair to be without pigment, and sometimes its a slow process that slowly grows as the person gets older. When she shifts into her more Oni form, her hair completely goes white and her skin seems to pale, so its not fully sure if the condition is tied to the Oni heritage in her.
She’s apparently half human (Earthrealmer, Outworlder, many aren’t sure) and half Oni of Netherrealmer
Thinking of the nickname of Obsidian, Oni, Ma (shortened from the word Akuma)
Atm she still sides with Earthrealm
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