#mk1 reader intros
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that-777 · 1 year ago
MK1 intros
Content: Fem!reader, banter, slight nsfw, ft.Bi Han, Kuai Liang, Liu Kang.
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✧-✧-✧-✧ Bi Han
Bi Han: You are no match for the Lin Kuei.
Reader: You're right... I'm better.
Reader: We meet again, Snowflake.
Bi Han: I will pound you to the floor, you snake!
Reader: Pfft-is that a promise?
✧-✧-✧-✧ Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang: Is the only thing you're mouth does is get you in trouble?
Reader: I can show you what else it does.
Kuai Liang: if it shuts you up.
Reader: If you're not careful, I might slip away, love.
Kuai Liang: Like when you slipped on the-
Reader: it was one time! Let it go, fireboy!
✧-✧-✧-✧ Liu Kang
Reader: I can take you, old man!!
Liu Kang: In a fight, right?
Reader: I can do that too!
Liu Kang: Even in other timelines, it wasn't hard to put you-
Reader: Down? As if you could.
Liu Kang: -on my knees.
Reader: What.
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edenianprincess · 1 year ago
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                              Dialogues Intros .ᐟ
Dialogues intros about characters’ relationships with a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Johnny, Bi-Han, Kenshi and Kitana. Content warning: very slight suggestive theme in 2 dialogues. There’s a small bonus angst part for Bi-han but the rest of his dialogues is taking place in a world where he didn’t betray his brothers. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Johnny ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Two of us? There can only be one. You: Yeah, if Johnny see this he’ll go nuts.
You: Jo-Johnny?! But how?! You: Hollywood makeup, darling.
Johnny: Let’s be real, Y/n would totally prefer me. Johnny: You got balls to say this as a copycat.
Johnny ! At each other
You: Are you ready to show me off your skills in kombat? Johnny: Real question is, are YOU ready to be impressed by my skills?
You: Just because I’m your partner doesn’t mean I have to watch every of your movies. Johnny: Who said the only thing we were going to do is watch?
You: The model who talked to you, she wanted what? Johnny: Who cares, is someone jealous?
Johnny: Win this, Doll, and I’ll show my biiiig surprise for you. You: Let’s not waste time then, and just show me it now.
Johnny: I’ve got to say, I never went on a date as odd as this one. You: Could you please focus, Johnny.
Johnny: I may be the outlaw, darling. But you're the one stealing my heart. You: From which movie did you steal the line this time?
Johnny ! With other characters
Mileena: How can you have a partner with your pride is beyond me. Johnny: You know how many people wish to be at their place?
You: Why do you want to train with me that much? It has been a week now. Smoke: I just need to work on my technique, and you’re the best fighting partner!
Smoke: I don’t think I can hold on much longer, they’re starting to doubt something. Johnny: Please Smoke, my man, I just need a bit more time.
You: How is working with Johnny? Kenshi: Even the Yakuza didn’t make me work that much.
Johnny: Will you accept to be my best man for the wedding if Y/n says yes? Kenshi: It would be an honor.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu are in need of members. You: I can advise you Johnny’s paparazzis, they sneak into your privacy without your knowing.
Liu Kang: I’m glad to see your heart has open again. Johnny: I’m thankful for what Cris taught me but Y/n is without a doubt my soulmate.
Kung Lao: How is it like to live in a big celebrity’s house? You: Depends which house are we talking about.
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Bi-Han ! Mirror Dialogues
You: There’s still a chance of redemption for your Bi-Han. You: Wait, what happened to yours?
You: Bi-Han wouldn’t be able to handle two of us. You: That’s why there should only be one left.
Sub-Zero: Y/n made you soft. Sub-Zero: We’ll see who is soft when your face meets my cold fist.
Bi-Han ! At each other
You: I don’t ask you to abandon your duties, just show that you care for me. Sub-Zero: Everything I do is for the Lin Kuei and you.
You: Do we really need to fight? I wouldn’t want to ruin that handso- Sub-Zero: Not in front of the new recruits.
You: Do I really need to train that much? Sub-Zero: I won’t gamble on your life to know the answer.
Sub-Zero: You’re spending too much time with the actor. You: You know he isn’t cooler than you.
Sub-Zero: You’re not my Y/n. You: I’m here to stop you before the shadows take over you.
Sub-Zero: How dare you call me with your foolish names in front of the champions?! You: *laughs* Let it go, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han ! With other characters
Kung Lao: Should I go easy on Babi Han? Sub-Zero: I’ll put your head on an ice stake!
Johnny: Seriously, him?! What does he has that I don’t? You: It’s more about what you have that he doesn’t.
Raiden: You… having a partner. That’s quite the amazement. Sub-Zero: And what is that supposed to mean?
Smoke: He didn’t even yell this time, how did you pacify him? You: A magician never reveals their secret.
Kitana: I see that this cold heart has finally melt. Sub-Zero: Don’t think this made me weak.
Liu Kang: You kept Bi-Han away to deflect towards the wrong path. You: I’m always looking out for him.
Scorpion: I’m really happy for you to have found your one, brother. Sub-Zero: With them by my side, the Lin Kuei can only flourish.
You: I am concerned for Bi-Han, do you think he’ll stay stable? Geras: This will depend on your actions.
Bi-Han ! Angst part
You: How could I feel a part of the Lin Kuei, when you reject your own brother? Sub-Zero: Tomas won’t be the one to insure the clan’s future.
You: You put more trust in this sorcerer than in me. Sub-Zero: It’s not about trust, it’s about glory.
Sub-Zero: We could have ruled together. You: Indeed, and you ruined everything.
Scorpion: You were lucky to have found someone like them, and you had to crush their feelings. Sub-Zero: They were lucky I deemed them as worthy.
You: I'm sorry for his words, I'm trying to resonate with him. Smoke: I've stopped caring about what he says a long time ago.
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Kenshi ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you think if we switch places he’ll notice? You: We have to try that!
You: Your Kenshi has lost his sight too? You: This man really should try to protect his eyes better.
Kenshi: My Y/n died in my timeline. Kenshi: And you think I’ll let you this one?
Kenshi ! At each other
You: You may have lost the tournament but you’re the champion of my heart. Kenshi: *laughs* Since when did you become that cheesy?
You: Here comes the man in black. Kenshi: I know you love it when I wear that suit.
You: I wish I could have been here to protect you. Kenshi: You already do a lot for me, and I can’t be more grateful.
Kenshi: Wait, it’s not Johnny who told everyone I’m the best swordsman in Earthrealm? You: I’m simply sharing my honest opinion.
Kenshi: Don’t go easy on me. You: So, just like last night?
Kenshi: I feel like my past with the Yakuza is haunting me again. You: This time, we will fight together against them, mentally or physically.
Kenshi ! With other characters
Johnny: Have you seen the new hottie? Totally would sm- Kenshi: You don’t want to finish that sentence.
Kung Lao: So, I conclude it wasn’t love at first sight with Kenshi, eh? You: Very funny, Kung Lao.
Johnny: I swear, I didn’t know they were your spouse. Kenshi: Hmp.. as if you care for that.
You: Are you sure you’re up to fight? I wouldn’t want to match my husband. Mileena: Why, wouldn’t that be adorable?
Reiko: Should I steal your magic sword to see how quick you’d die? Kenshi: An angry spouse is deadlier than Sento and believe me, you don’t want that.
You: You’ll pay for what you did. Shang Tsung: I wasn’t the one to blind your lover.
Ashrah: I can only sense sincerity in your lover’s heart. Kenshi: They have helped me in many ways.
General Shao: Once I find your partner, he’ll lose more than his sight. You: Too bad you’ll have to pass over my dead body first.
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Kitana ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you really think Kitana would fall for your tricks, Shang Tsung? You: I just need to make sure I’m the only one remaining, first.
You: I don’t think I want to share Kitana even with another me. You: How strange, I was thinking the same thing.
Kitana: Y/n doesn’t exist my timeline. Kitana: I wouldn’t be able to imagine a life without them.
Kitana ! At each other
You: How about we go at Madam Bo’s after this fight? Kitana: It will be a pleasure to go with you. I’ve heard only great things.
You: Your fighting is just as graceful as your look. Kitana: Flattery will get you nowhere, beloved.
You: How about a double date with Mileena and Tanya after this fight? Kitana: Are you suggesting that I should date my sister and her lover..?
Kitana: I have lost sight of you in the fight against the titans. You: Don’t worry, we can’t get rid of me that easily.
Kitana: Leading the army can sometime become overwhelming. You: Rest is important even for someone as competent as you.
Kitana: *laughs* Do not fret, my sister does not bite. You: Yes, she does.
Kitana ! With other characters
Mileena: While I respect you if I learn that you’re toying with my sister, I’ll- You: Rip my face apart?
Kitana: Sister, please, trust my judgment on Y/n. Mileena: I’m just making sure of that.
You: Your daughter is truly a wonder. Sindel: She takes a lot from her mother.
Sindel: Is this lover of yours worthy to be by your side? Kitana: I deem them as so, mother.
Raiden: I’m really happy for you and the Princess. You: Is that so? Why do I hear disappointment in your voice.
General Shao: I’ll exploit you and your partner’s weaknesses that is you both. Kitana: You cannot be more wrong, General. We are each other’s strength.
You: Sorry, Cage. Kitana is off limits. Johnny: Not even a small place for a third person?
Kitana: Should I thank you for putting me with Y/n in this timeline? Liu Kang: I did nothing, it was you both who found each other.
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moronkombat · 1 year ago
Havik, Kenshi, Smoke and Johnny with reader intros? (they arent dating yet just crushing)
YESSS I shall try to deliver
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"You giving me the bird, Johnny?"
"What? Come on, babycakes, you know I'd give you something much better."
"I really wonder what that could be..."
"You here to learn moves from the best?"
"Maybe I can teach you a few things, Cage"
"Oho! Let's call it a date."
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"Where there is Smoke there is-"
"Fire, yes, I know"
"I was going to say you having a great time." he's shameless im sorry
"You know, Madame Bo makes great tea."
"Is that an invitation, Tomas?"
"Do you want it to be?"
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"You saw me coming, Kenshi?"
"You are not a sight I can ignore."
"If we weren't about to fight, I'd think you were coming onto me"
"Perhaps after this we can spend some time...discussing new techniques"
"Oh? Can't we show each other?"
"How about both?"
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"Just the person I've been looking for."
"You seeking out a fight, Havik?"
"No, something much better."
"You really want to do this, Havik?"
"To receive your blade would be a joy."
"I'll be sure to give you plenty then."
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These were super fun to do! Thankies!!!
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restinslices · 1 year ago
Lin Kuei Bros x Reader MK1 Intro
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Idk what’s gotten into me but they’re all I think about. Concept is you two are married but you make a lot of terrible jokes. Possibly OOC but after Netflix canceled S&B AND the SOC spin-off, I need a laugh. Y’all will be aight.
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(I know Bi-Han was mad asf he couldn’t kill him-)
Y/N: Think I need someone older ♫ Just a little bit- finish the lyrics 
Bi-Han: No
Y/N: Ice to meet you!
Bi-Han: You are infuriating 
Y/N: Why so cold man?
Bi-Han: You keep talking 
Y/N: Can't you laugh at one of my puns?
Bi-Han: Ha… ha… ha… *said with the angriest face imaginable*
Y/N: I’d say it was love at frost sight!
Bi-Han: Take off your ring 
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Y/N: *gasp* It’s the Ghost of Tsushima!
Kuai Liang: I wish you'd stop bringing him up
Y/N: You gonna sting me?
Kuai Liang: Probably not in the way you're hoping
Kuai Liang: That only works if they're far away…
Y/N: Nothing can extinguish my love for you 
Kuai Liang: *deep “why are we married” sigh* I'll accept that one
Y/N: What did the flame say to his buddies after he fell in love?
Kuai Liang: They keep telling terrible jokes?
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Y/N: Don't you know smoking will kill you?
Tomas: That's not… was that a pun?
Y/N: Where there is smoke, there is fire!
Tomas: You're getting pretty good at that!
Y/N: Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can ♫ 
Tomas: We do not sound that similar
Y/N: What did the cigarette say to the smoker?
Tomas: I'm burning for you
Y/N: Don't lie. You like my puns
Tomas: I love you so I let it go
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mi-dori · 6 months ago
☆Intros with Mk characters about Kitana and Reader's relationship☆
●Prompt: Intros between reader and characters, Kitana and characters and reader and Kitana about their relationship
●Warnings: flirting, Slight possessive Kitana.
●Featuring: Raiden, Liu Kang, Sindel, Mileena, Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang
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Johnny Cage and Y/n
♡Johnny: "You know... Raiden has a crush on Kitana. You better make your move"
Y/n: "Why would I when I already have her?"
♡Y/n: "You need to stop asking Kitana those inappropriate questions Cage"
Johnny: "Come on, I really wanna know who's top and who's bottom"
♡Y/n: "If you weren't so insufferable, you'd be able to find someone"
Johnny: "that's just my charm sweetness"
Johnny Cage and Kitana
♡Kitana: "What kind of gifts to y/n like?"
Johnny: "the best person to ask that is y/n herself"
♡Johnny: "You know, if you're up for it-"
Kitana: "We are not having a threesome Cage!"
♡Johnny: "I may have known her for a few months but if you're playing with y/n's heart, I'll royally kick your ass"
Kitana: "Relax Cage, there's nothing to worry about"
Raiden and Y/n
♤Raiden: "If I had known you and Kitana were together, I wouldn't have tried anything"
Y/n: "Don't worry I understand why you did that. She truly is a sight to behold"
♤Y/n: "Lord Liu Kang made the right decision choosing you as Earthrealm's champion"
Raiden: "I do hope I can live up to the title"
♤Raiden: "If you don't mind me asking, how are you managing a long distance relationship? With you being from earthrealm and Princess Kitana being from Outworld"
Y/n: "the distance is indeed hard Raiden but it makes our relationship grow stronger"
Raiden and Kitana
♤Raiden: "I didn't know you weren't straight.."
Kitana: "You sound disappointed Raiden"
♤Kitana: "Will you watch over y/n for me? I know how hard long distance relationships are"
Raiden: "You have my word, Princess"
♤Raiden: "Congratulations on becoming supreme commander. Y/n must be so proud"
Kitana: "She is! Though I hope I can live up to the task"
Liu Kang and Y/n
♧Liu Kang: "Kitana and you were destined to be together"
Y/n: "Are we also destined to be separated for so long?"
♧Y/n: "What was I like in your timeline?"
Liu Kang: "You were Kitana's childhood friend, only you understood her"
♧Liu Kang: "I must warn you, there are many who wish your and Kitana's downfall"
Y/n: "let them wish as much as they want. Kitana and I will overcome any obstacles"
Liu Kang and Kitana
♧Liu Kang: "As much as I am happy for you both, please do not distract y/n from her duties"
Kitana: "You think I'm a distraction to my consort?"
♧Kitana: "Was Y/n and I together in your timeline?"
Liu Kang: "I will not answer that"
♧Kitana: "Y/n is my everything"
Liu Kang: "then prove to me that you'll protect everything you have"
Sindel and Y/n
◇Sindel: "An earthrealmer with my daughter?"
Y/n: "I sense a great amount of dissatisfaction"
◇Sindel: "If you are to marry my daughter, it means you marry all of Outworld's customs and traditions"
Y/n: "Woah there empress, I think you're getting ahead of yourself"
◇Y/n: "what will it take for you to accept me?'
Sindel: "Alot which I know you don't have"
Sindel and Kitana
◇Sindel: "Does any of my children like men?"
Kitana: "Your children chose their happiness not a gender"
◇Kitana: "Mother, you're being too harsh with Y/n"
Sindel: "She is an earthrealmer. If outworlders come to learn of your relationship, you'll bring disgrace to the Royal family!"
◇Sindel: "How would you produce an heir for the royal army?"
Kitana: "We will find a way mother"
Mileena and Y/n
~Mileena: "My sister is no easy person to please"
Y/n: "I am up for that challenge, Empress"
~Y/n: "Outworld has an amazing Empress"
Mileena: "And my sister has a wonderful partner"
~Mileena: "Will you defend my sister tirelessly as you've defended me?"
Y/n: "I will give my life for her"
Mileena and Kitana
~Kitana: "Johnny is saying that you and Tanya can come on a double date with me and y/n"
Mileena: "what even is a double date?"
~Mileena: "Sister, if you're going to have company over, be quiet"
Kitana: "By the gods... you heard didn't you?'
~Kitana: "Mother doesn't accept y/n"
Mileena: "She's just looking out for you, sister"
Bi-han and Y/n
¤Bi-han: "the lin kuei will welcome you"
Y/n: "After you betrayed earthrealm you think I'd join you?!"
¤Bi-Han: "You have wasted potential. Just think of all the realms the two of us could rule"
Y/n: "First of all, my potential goes for a good cause which is the protection of my realm. Secondly, I'm not even into you!"
¤Y/n: "Because of you, we nearly lost Empress Mileena!"
Bi-han: "and now you're gonna lose your Princess"
Bi-Han and Kitana
¤Kitana: "My y/n will not fall for your wicked schemes"
Bi-Han: "I will make her realise how powerful she can be"
¤Bi-Han: "I don't understand why y/n would settle for someone like you when she could have someone like me"
Kitana: "I don't understand why anyone would ever think of you as an option of settling down"
¤Bi-Han: "soon, your precious y/n will be mine"
Kitana: "If you hurt a single strand of hair on her head, I will make sure you pay"
Kuai Liang and Y/n
×Y/n: "I wish you and Harumi the best in life"
Kaui Liang: "As do I to you and princess Kitana'
×Kaui Liang: "The Shirai Ryu is hoping you'd join us"
Y/n: "Joining a clan sounds amazing. I'm in!"
×Y/n: "My Kitana is just like your Harumi'
Kuai Liang: "Then we both have excellent taste"
Kuai Liang and Kitana
×Kitana: "Y/n speaks very highly of you"
Kuai Liang: "She is an honored member of the Shirai Ryu"
×Kaui Liang: "I see y/n is completely smitten by you"
Kitana: "Oh my sweet y/n, she can be adorable yet clueless at times"
×Kuai Liang: "I hope to see you at my wedding"
Kitana: "You'll be seeing me as Y/n's plus one"
Kitana and Y/n
❤️Kitana: "Please do not fall for Bi-Han's schemes. He's trying to corrupt you"
Y/n: "let him try. He'll only prove unsuccessful every time"
❤️Y/n: "Raiden has a crush on you"
Kitana: "Oh? I think he knows I belong to only you"
❤️Kitana: "what business does Cage have with you? He's getting extremely close"
Y/n: "he's like a brother, nothing more"
❤️Kitana: "So you're a member of the Shirai Ryu?"
Y/n: "I couldn't refuse Kaui's offer"
❤️Y/n: "I think Nitara is stalking me"
Kitana: "shall I mark you up to show everyone that you're mine?"
❤️Y/n: "Your mother doesn't seem to like me very much"
Kitana: "Do not worry about her. She's overprotective of me"
❤️Y/n: "Lord Liu Kang warned me that they'll be trouble along the way"
Kitana: "whatever they may be, let us face it together"
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swetearss · 8 months ago
they are so cruel for making my man the last character in the kombat pack
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months ago
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros Part IV
A/N: I'm a fan of The Boys and have been watching the newest episodes of season 4. Of course, I love to hate Homelander, and it's satisfying to watch fatalities performed on him in Mortal Kombat 1 after watching him perform heinous crap. This led me to watch his intros and then other Mortal Kombat character intros, and inspiration hit! So I hope y'all like this.😁
Oh! And for those of you that are new, the reader here is a Gorgon, meaning snake hair and wears a mask since they can turn people into stone. They also happen to be an Imperial Healer with a bit of a dark side. Hope that helps!😁
Batch I
Batch II
Batch III
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Y/N: You are not a god. You’re simply, bad product.
Homelander: You’ll be praying to me for mercy soon enough.
Y/N: Why should I give you respect when it’ll only go to the bottomless gaping pit of insecurity you call a soul?
Homelander shivers sarcastically: Should I be intimidated by you?
Y/N thoughtfully: Perhaps a virus is in order...
Homelander scoffs: A God is above something so insignificant to him.
Homelander: What's with the ridiculous mask? Are you trying to cosplay as some D-List Supe?
Y/N: Why don't you take it off and find out?
Homelander: Pray to all the “gods” you want, you won’t survive against me.
Y/N: Why assume that I pray to any of them?
Homelander incredulously: You actually want to fuck that disgusting freak?!
Y/N with snakes out ready to bite: Unlike you, Baraka doessssn't fill me with revulsion at the sight of him!
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Y/N: One look and this should be over, fast.
Omni-Man: I'll break your neck before you can even get a peek at me.
Y/N: Having been betrayed by a cccccharlatan lover before, I know your wife would want you dead.
Omni-Man angrily: You're not her, so your point means nothing.
Y/N cautiously: Your medicine could treat Tarkat?
Omni-Man: If you comply and pledge your allegiance to the Empire, all your patients may receive Viltrum care.
Omni-Man: You have stupidly condemned your patients to death!
Y/N: I would rather have my heart ripped out than be fooled twiccccce by a charlatan!
Omni-Man: Think it over; what will you have serving a diseased ruler and others with her plague for 500 years?
Y/N: I will have no regrets pursuing my lifelong dream.
Omni-Man: I'll rip your damn head off in under a minute.
Y/N ominously: Rest assured, this fight will be a real Scourge.
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Y/N: Are you aware that Madam Bo's special tea is local around my canton?
Raiden: How in the world did she acquire it then?
Y/N: I would’ve paid all the koins in Outworld to have seen you absolutely humiliate Shao.
Raiden: I sense you and him never got along.
Y/N: I can confidently say that you’re healing up nicely since we fought the Dragon Army.
Raiden: I’m not sure I would’ve survived without your medical care.
Raiden: It must be hard being The Colony's lead Healer.
Y/N: Everyone who dies under my care is a blow to my soul.
Raiden: Why is there a statue of Kung Lao in the Wu Shi’s Courtyard?
Y/N shrugs: Kung Lao mentioned how he always wanted a statue of himself.
Raiden: You’re very different from how your Titan self acts.
Y/N shivers in disgust: I should thank Liu Kang for not having me predestined for Shang Tsung.
Raiden: You only have yourself to blame for missing your chance with Y/N.
Shang Tsung chuckles: You say that as if I don’t still have a chance to win them back.
Kung Lao
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Y/N: So far, I don’t see any signs of Tarkat but there’s still a chance you could spread it without apparent symptoms.
Kung Lao: You are not putting my mind at ease, at all.
Y/N: You’re inviting me? I don’t even know if I’m able to stomach regular food anymore.
Kung Lao: It would be a crime if you didn’t get to try Madam Bo’s cooking at least once!
Y/N: How did you not loose any fingers when you first made that hat???
Kung Lao smugly: Through much practice and much skill
Kung Lao: I beaten you in our last fight, so what will change here?
Y/N mischievously: This time, I’m not holding back.
Kung Lao: Can you believe that the Wu Shi have a trap dungeon?
Y/N hisses in amusement: Who knew the Shaolin were so diabolical?
Kung Lao: You and Baraka aren’t a couple???
Y/N sighs wistfully: How I wish that to be true…
Baraka: I don’t always understand what Y/N sees in me.
Kung Lao: You definitely have something more than Shang Tsung.
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Y/N: I am sorry I couldn't have saved your sight.
Kenshi: You did the best anyone could in that situation.
Y/N: What is it like using Sento to see?
Kenshi: It’s like when you stare at a flame and look away, you see the light of the flame even though it’s gone.
Y/N: According to Earthrealm myths, the closest to describing my current form is a “Gorgon”.
Kenshi: Perhaps that’s because there have been other gorgons before.
Kenshi: I don’t know Y/N, that seems a bit excessive even by the Yakuza’s standards.
Y/N: You and Kitana think a bit of food tampering is too much.
Kenshi in surprise: You and Shang Tsung weren’t just lab partners?
Y/N angrily: I was a fool to fall for his charmssss in the first place!
Kenshi: Given how you both act around one another, I'm surprised you and Baraka aren't together.
Y/N: I'm grateful to have him in my life.
Kenshi: The Colony is fortunate to have you and Y/N.
Baraka: I thank Deliah every day for sending them my way.
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divine-hugs · 1 year ago
Mk1 men x Multiversal Skirmisher-Reader
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Johnny Cage
> So I heard from Liu Kang that you're one of a kind? We have some things in comman.
< You and I must have different definitions of 'one of a kind'.
> I'm not like the other Johnny's, I'm better.
< Prove it.
> You have to take me on a joyride to another timeline, I'd love to team up with another Cage.
< I can barely keep up with one of you.
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Bi Han
> You are mearly an anomaly.
< I am beyond your comprehension, Cryomancer.
> You have such power and use it for what? Galloping around like a fool, what a waste of potential.
< The multiverse is better off with someone like me protecting it, not destroying it.
< You can still redeem yourself. I've seen you take the right path.
> I make my own path.
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Tomas Vrbada
> You're pretty fascinating.
< You're pretty intriguing yourself.
< My mission is to try madam bo's cooking in every timeline.
> Then let me recommend the finest.
> Are you staying for long? I could show you around, if you'd like.
< Your company is most appreciated, Tomas.
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Kuai Liang
> You've travelled through many timelines, I must know what you've seen.
< I have many stories to share, soon.
> Is there a timeline where Bi Han is good...
< I'm sure there's a timeline where he's better, I only wish it was this one.
> You're saying there's a timeline where I'm Sub-Zero? How is this even possible.
< The universe is vast, beyond our comprehension.
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Kenshi Takahashi
> Why come here?
< Where you are, I follow.
< This isn't really a 1v1.
> I could beat you without Sento.
> My ancestors fight beside me.
< Weird way to meet your family, but I'll take it.
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Shang Tsung
> I need to get my hands on you, such a fine specimen.
< You're not the first Shang Tsung I've put in his place, and you won't be the last.
> We could take over the world, I would glady stand by your side.
< I will not be led astray.
< You think you can take me?
> In more ways then one, my dear
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Liu Kang
> I humbly welcome you to our timeline.
< Thank you, It's an honour to meet you.
> We could use an ally like you.
< You can trust me.
> It must be lonely travelling through timelines as you do, I could...
< Are you offering your company?
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sundo-li · 1 year ago
Intro Dialogue ❥ Flirty | 1 [Royalty]
I'm new to the fandom so don't be too hard on me. Raiden, Liu Kang, the Lin Kuei and the Royal family has my heart. Anyway, I wanted to start writing for them and this is the start of that. Enjoy! xoxo [In the future, if people want male reader content I can do that as well].
❥ female reader x the royal family + li mei ❥ intro dialogue
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──── · · · ❥ SINDEL
❥ | Who's your queen? ❥ | You are, my love. Always and Forever.
❥ | Who would have thought I would have fallen for someone after Jerrod. ❥ | No one but us, my Queen.
❥ | Do you think my daughter will flourish as ruler of outworld? ❥ | If they are as strong minded as you, I know they will, my queen.
❥ | From paramour to being your equal. ❥ | What can I say, you made quite the impression on me.
❥ | Your beauty is unmatched. ❥ | You flatter me, my beloved.
❥ | You’ve made quite an impression on the Royal court. ❥ | *Laughs* I'm only concerned with impressing you.
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──── · · · ❥ MILEENA
❥ | Even with the Tarkat disease, you're beautiful. ❥ | Flattery will get you no where, Queen.
❥ | You don't think I would make a excellent Queen alongside you? ❥ | *Sigh* By the gods-
❥ | You're not disgusted by my disease? ❥ | Heaven's no. Mildly intrigued.
❥ | Empress, do you want to see if I'll bite? ❥ | Is that a promise?
❥ | Are you going to fight me for my throne? ❥ | I'm going to fight for you love.
❥ | Am I to fight Tanya for your love? ❥ | Best you win, Empress.
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──── · · · ❥ KATANA
❥ | Do you have eyes for me, Queen? ❥ | Of course.
❥ | How would you serve by my side, Princess? ❥ | With a iron fist. Let me show you.
❥ | There’s a fire about you that has enchanted me. ❥ | Let me put a spell on you.
❥ | My heart burns for you. ❥ | By the gods, have you been hanging out with Johnny?
❥ | How are you this stunning, Princess? ❥ | Simple. My mother.
❥ | Enchanting is the word you used for me, yes? ❥ | Enchanting. Beautiful. Gorgeous. All the above.
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──── · · · ❥ LI MEI
❥ | You trust me, Queen? ❥ | With my life.
❥ | What role would I have in your kingdom, Empress? ❥ | With me, you won't have to worry about such trivial matters.
❥ | Come be my queen. ❥ | I-I’m flattered but I belong in Sun Do.
❥ | You deserve to be treated with respect and loved with a passionate fire. ❥ | I deserve this for letting Jerrod die. Though I’m flattered.
❥ | Are all Constables as stunning as you? ❥ | *flustered* I-I don’t know. Beauty is subjective.
❥ | What will it take for you to accept me? ❥ | Beat me in combat and we’ll see where it goes.
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© 2023 › SunDo-Li || All Rights Reserved. 🐰 DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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lu-dao-writes · 1 year ago
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— 𝐌𝐊 𝟏 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 (𝙇𝙞𝙣 𝙆𝙪𝙚𝙞 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙤)
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🥷જ⁀➴ 𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨 Family Drama.
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) Angst, family problems, spoilers if you haven’t played/watched the game, gn!reader, reader is their sibling (you decide how they’re related).
𝘼/𝙉 I forgot I had this written in my journal lol. But this is something short and simple, and I love mk1 and the Lin Kuei trio lmaoo. ೋ
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Y/N: “How could you be so cruel and bull headed, Bi Han!?”
Bi Han: “You have no idea of the weight I carry! I do this for the great of the Lin Kuei!”
Y/N: “Mother would be so disappointed in you…”
Bi Han: “…”
Bi Han: “You are too brazen for your own good!”
Y/N: “Thank heavens that I am. People like you need to get challenged.”
Y/N: “Pummeling our brother is something I have no problem with. But… I don’t think I could kill him.”
Kuai Liang: “And there’s nothing wrong with that. Let’s hope that it doesn’t come down to that…”
Tomas Vrbada: “I always appreciated you getting onto Bi Han when he was cruel to me…”
Y/N: “Of course, no need to thank me! But between you, me, and Kuai Liang, I think he’s jealous of you.”
Y/N: “Kuai Liang…? Do you think we could have stopped him from becoming like this…?
Kuai Liang: “I… Do not know. I think about that too often then I’d like..”
Y/N: “How does it feel to be alone now? We all used to be a family even though we could be mean to each other and fight sometimes..”
Bi Han: “Such an emotional thought process. I have better things to think about than dead memories!”
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nachofuck3r · 1 year ago
Outworld! Reader with Mk1 characters intros
You: Are you the reason for my position in the royal court?
Liu Kang: Your achievements are your own, I merely made the time line, not your unwavering determination.
Raiden: It was an honor fighting with you. I couldn’t have possibly aske-
You: You won. There is no need for all this useless blabber, protecter of earthrealm.
Raiden: I didn’t mean to offend you, I am genuinely honored to be in your presence.
You: Boasting will not earn you my favor, farm boy.
Li mei: You have fought excellently, you truly are worth of a champion title
You: I have still failed you, I shall never do so again
You: You and Tanya’s relationship may have been predetermined.
Mileena: That may be so, but our feelings are no less true.
Kitana: I hear you’ve been eyeing up one of the Earthrealmers.
You: Madame Bo absolutely loves the idea of me and the Theater guy.
Kitana: He absolutely loves the idea as well, I reckon.
You: Do you take sento to bed with you?
Kenshi: Excuse me?
You: Is it like, one of those whale shaped things that Johnny showed me?
Kenshi: Wha- whale shaped? – wait are you talking about nightlights?
You: Let’s see how you handle these fists, boy
Kung lao: I’ve packed more than a few punches training with Madame Bo.
You: How come you are the only Zeterran possessing such unique power?
Syzoth: I imagine the same way you are one of Sindels choosen, Fate.
Sub-Zero: If only you had been the one to play thug at the Tea house
You: I imagine Tomas doesn’t make for the most convincing brute
Sub-Zero: It was to our benefit that the farmers were so gullible
You: If I hear you using that dirty mouth around the princesses again, I’ll cut out your tongue
Johnny: Only if you can put it to better use
You: You and Syzoth make for a fine, strong couple.
Ashrah: I couldn’t have asked for a finer partner
You: My blessings are with you
Sindel: The Earthrealmer won’t stop pestering me for Kitana
You: With all due respect your majesty, with that man it’s every person for themselves
Johnny: So how many children are we talking?
You: As the queens direct champion, I can not get distra-
You: By the elder gods- NO
You: You are in high damand, your highness
Kitana: As amusing as these Earthrealmers are, they get in over their head too easily
You: Raiden, I've been meaning to apologize. I now know that it was not your intention to boast about your victory over me. You won, with great honor.
Raiden: There is nothing to apologize for, I am still as honored as the first time.
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edenianprincess · 1 year ago
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                               Dialogues Intros .ᐟ
Dialogues intros about characters’ relationships with a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Reptile, Liu Kang, Mileena and Kung Lao. Content warning: Slight suggestive theme in Kung Lao’s and one in Mileena. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Syzoth ! Mirror dialogues You: There's no way I have a clone. You: I'm here to bring Reptile back to Shang Tsung.
You: So, you’re the shape shifter? You: It was difficult to accept my two forms, but Syzoth helped me.
Reptile: How can you move on from your dead family so easily? Reptile: Stop plaguing my mind! I have to fight these thoughts.
Syzoth ! At each other
You: Do you think you can beat me without using your other form? Reptile: With you? I don’t think I can contain the beast within me.
You: Why is your tail wiggling? Reptile: I don't know what are you talking about, my dear.
You: Do you need my aid to end the Zaterrans' conspiracy? Reptile: I appreciate the thought, but only I can infiltrate them.
Reptile: Is this warm bloods’ way of courting? You: No, I just want to spend time with you.
Reptile: Zaterra isn’t a place for you to visit. You: I want to visit your bullies not the place.
Reptile: If I had known I was going to fight you, I would have been more worried. You: By you hurting me or because you know I’m going to win?
Syzoth ! With other characters
General Shao: A warm blood and a Zaterran? How amusing. Reptile: Do you feel envy because nobody wants you, General?
You: I’ll gift your head to Syzoth. Shang Tsung: If it weren’t for me, he would still be with his wife.
Shang Tsung: I see that you have a new partner, if only I- Reptile: You will die before threatening me again!
You: Thank you for Syzoth’s promotion, Empress. Mileena: Now, can you stop harassing me with that?
Johnny: Imagine a movie about you and Y/n, a Beauty and the Beast type of story. Reptile: What is this story about, Johnny?
Kenshi: You kiss a guy who eats bugs? You: Never after dinner.
Kung Lao: No other’s skills will impress you more than mine. Reptile: Sorry, Kung Lao, but I do not think you can beat Y/n on that.
Kung Lao: Syzoth told me that I wouldn’t be able to beat you in a fight. You: And still you didn’t listen?
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Liu Kang ! Mirror dialogues
You: You’re not with Liu Kang in your timeline? You: His heart is only dedicated to Kitana.
You: For Liu Kang’s sake! Who are you? You: You should go ask him.
Liu Kang: We can’t both exist in a singular timeline. Liu Kang: Y/n would beg to differ.
Liu Kang ! At each other
You: I’m going to make you fall on your knees, this time. Liu Kang: I have no doubt about this, dearest.
You: You know you can’t blame yourself for every tragedy. Liu Kang: It still hurts me when they happen.
You: How am I supposed to win against you? Liu Kang: By exploiting my weaknesses, you know them very well.
Liu Kang: There's no need to push yourself beyond your limits. You: Just one more round, okay?
Liu Kang: You shall be rewarded after this fight. You: Is it what I have in mind?
Liu Kang: We need to be prepared if we interfere with another timeline again. You: No need to hide that you want to spend some time together.
Liu Kang ! With other characters
Geras: Your relationship with Y/n was unexpected. Liu Kang: Even I couldn’t help but fall for their charms.
You: C’mon Geras, you know him more than me. Geras: I do not know what Liu Kang wants for his birthday.
Kitana: I didn’t think of you wanting someone after centuries of being alone. Liu Kang: Love can change greatly one’s perspective.
Kitana: Liu Kang is a very mysterious man. You: Makes him hot, doesn’t it?
General Shao: Your love for weaklings like your champions and partner is utterly pathetic. Liu Kang: Your lack of strong bonds is why you lose every time.
Shang Tsung: How can you be so sure Liu Kang isn’t manipulating you for his own interest? You: You mean, just like what you’re doing right now?
Johnny: A demi-God? Damn, Y/n hit the jackpot. Liu Kang: I would say I am the one who did.
Kung Lao: You’re wayyyyy out of Lord Liu Kang’s league. You: Are you somehow jealous?
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Mileena ! Mirror dialogues
You: Your Mileena is a clone? You: If you mean an abomination then yes.
You: I’ll kill you slowly then I’ll replace you. You: You won’t infiltrate the court again, Shang Tsung!
Mileena: I can spoil Y/n more than you. Mileena: Spoil them with your death!
Mileena ! At each other
You: You're the strongest princess l've ever seen. Mileena: Are you implying you have met others?
You: What a killer smile you have. Mileena: All the better to kiss you with.
You: Your mother won’t let you a moment to breath. Mileena: That’s why I’m happy when I’m with you.
Mileena: Urg.. Why do we have to fight more? You: We can take this fight somewhere else if you wish.
Mileena: I don’t want to hurt you if I lose control. You: You won’t, I know you can control it.
Mileena: You will fall head over heels for me again! You: Challenge accepted.
Mileena ! With other characters
Kitana: I know you love them, but you need to think of your imperial duties first. Mileena: I can handle more things at once than you think.
Kitana: Tarkat is taking over my sister more and more. You: We will fight it together with her.
Sindel: Did you think I wouldn't know about you sneaking out with Y/n? Mileena: These treacherous guards, I'll have their heads!
You: Is this fight necessary, Empress? Sindel: To test if you're worth my daughter.
Mileena: I entrust you for the security of the royal wedding. Li Mei: As Sun Do's First Constable and a friend, I can’t feel more honored.
Li Mei: You must be ready to protect the Empress. You: Are you doubting me, Li Mei?
Baraka: Don’t let your lover be inflicted with Tarkat. Mileena: Never in my life will I let them be inflicted with this pain!
General Shao: I’ll take rightfully the throne from Mileena. You: You can steal the throne but, you can’t steal her ruling competence.
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Kung Lao ! Mirror dialogues
You: Is this a nightmare? You: No, this is Kung Lao’s dream.
You: So your Kung Lao disappeared just in a snap? You: You can say that.. yes.
Kung Lao: The man who wins gets to date Y/n. Kung Lao: Can’t we let them choose? Or are you afraid because I’m the most handsome?
Kung Lao ! At each other
You: Someone should put you in your place. Kung Lao: I wouldn’t mind, but only if you’re the one doing it.
You: You need to train harder if you want to be the champion. Kung Lao: If it means that I’ll win with you below me, then I agree.
You: Is this a date? Kung Lao: Only if you wish it to be.
Kung Lao: Don’t get too distracted by my face while fighting. You: It will be my first target.
Kung Lao: So, what should we dare? You: I’m sure you have plenty of ideas.
Kung Lao: Don’t you feel a certain tension between us? You: I would, if it weren’t for the monks watching us.
Kung Lao ! With other characters
Kung Lao: Told you, I’ll get them for a date. Raiden: I couldn’t be happier for you.
You: You got a crush on Outworld’s Princess and you didn’t tell me! Raiden: Kung Lao told my secret to everyone, didn’t he.
Raiden: The monks said you shouldn't let your dating life distract you from training. Kung Lao: Pff.. What do they know about love?
Sub-Zero: Your weak lover would have died if I didn't hold back. You: Call him weak all you want, but at least he can admit defeat without whining.
Kung Lao: Y/n is watching us, time to show them what I can do. Johnny: It’s going to be hilarious when I beat you.
You: Do you think Kung Lao will one day become champion? Liu Kang: If he continues to do well, plus with you by his side, I have no doubts.
Kenshi: I can’t believe there is someone that you love more than yourself. Kung Lao: If you were to meet them, you’d understand.
Reptile: Kung Lao wanted me to scare you off with my invisibility. You: He probably thought that I’d jump into his arms and ask for his protection.
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‘𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓔𝐍𝐃  Please don’t copy/translate and don’t reblog if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account, or you’ll be blocked. Besides that, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated.  For those who don’t get the second mirror dialogue for Kung Lao, he died in the previous timeline by getting his neck snapped.
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moronkombat · 1 year ago
Can you write something for Havik, Reilo, General Shao and Rain being interested in the earthrealm reader but they arent interested in them? (Maybe bc they are already taken or into someone) You can make it into hc or intro lines, whatever you prefer :D
ohhh these type of requests make me go feralllll. gimme gimme more unrequited obsessionsssss
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If Havik is interested in someone, that interest is quick to become obsession and once that has started he will never let you go
It doesn't matter if you are not interested in him, he'll make you interested in him. He only needs to catch you which he will do everything within him to accomplish
If the person he is interested in happens to be with another, his obsession with you turns to your partner. Your lover is what's keeping you from him so they will be eliminated but not without you being there. No, he'll make you watch as he kills them slowly
It's only right for you to see just how much he is willing to go through for you, his very special person so near and dear to him
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"Found you at last..."
"Get away from me, Havik"
"Oh I'll show you how much you need me, don't you worry"
"It's time to come home little pet"
"Earthrealm is my home!"
"Not for much longer"
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Reiko's interest in you is slow building but once it's reached it's height there is no descent
You are his prize, his spoils from a warrior's endeavor. You belong to him and no one else
The problem is, you're from a place so different and are in the arms of enough
Reiko will not tolerate this and he will rectify your poor decision making
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"I've told you I'm not interested, Reiko"
"And I am here to sway your opinion"
"You will do no such thing!"
"Your lover is a pretender"
"There is no better man than him"
"Let's see if that's true after I cut his throat"
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General Shao despises Earthrealm. They're weak and vile but not you. No, you are something different. You are someone special
He can make you stronger. If you were with him, you'd be so much more than just an Earthrealmer
Your lack of interest in his offer to keep you by his side is enraging and he will try everything to change that opinion of yours
He is a proud and stubborn man. He isn't going to stop unless he is stopped
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"I can make you stronger than ever before"
"Through torture and punishment?"
"No, I have something much more special planned for you"
"Earthrealm holds you back"
"And you will oppress me"
"No, I shall free you"
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Rain's obsession with you started as soon as you met. Earthrealm is so foreign to him but he wants to be familiar
However, you arrived already entangled with someone else but that didn't deter him from pursuing you
Your partner was quick to shield you from Rain's attempt much to his frustration
This person doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who can keep you safe and provide for you. You need him
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"I can treat you so much better than he can"
"I don't want you, Rain"
"You will very soon"
"Your lover won't be breathing for much longer"
"Don't you dare touch him"
"You won't stop me from getting what I want"
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restinslices · 1 year ago
Bi-Han x Reader MK1 Intros
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You’d think Bi-Han’s my favorite brother with the way I’m always talking about him. He’s actually not. My favorite is Kuai Liang, but moving on-. I’ve seen multiple people do this and I love a trend. Concept is you are his partner but don’t agree with his whole murdering his father and betraying his brothers thing😃. We’re gonna put on our delulu goggles and say he actually loves you and wants you by him.
Y/N: you broke your brothers' hearts Bi-Han
Bi-Han: You have always cared for them more 
Bi-Han: A good partner would be loyal
Y/N: A better husband would deserve it
Y/N: You made vows to me!
Bi-Han: And I made oaths to my clan
Y/N: I thought our vows meant something 
Bi-Han: compared to the ones I made to my clan, they are meaningless 
Bi-Han: Stay by my side 
Y/N: I want to, but I can't 
Y/N: Stop this meaningless violence 
Bi-Han: All of this is for my clan 
Bi-Han: Don't make me hurt you
Y/N: You already have Bi-Han
Y/N: You let your father die?
Bi-Han: He was leading the Lin Kuei to ruin!
Y/N: If you would let your father die, what would you do to me?
Bi-Han: Your faith in me is that little?
Y/N: I love you
Bi-Han: Then stay beside me 
Bi-Han: I'm doing this us
Y/N: You're doing this out of greed 
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abl3th3himb0 · 16 days ago
𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘵 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘋𝘢𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Characters included; kitana, mileena, johnny cage, kenshi, sindel
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Kitana vs [reader]
[reader]: you know Kitana, you would match the rest of my bunnies~
Kitana: as if I would join you and that pathetic concubine idea
[reader]: just give it a shot princess
Kitana: god, you’re somewhat better than cage.
[reader]: *eyes widen* does that mean I have a chance?
Kitana: not a chance grandma
[reader]: you know if you join me then maybe I can help train you to be the best empress than that freaky sister
Kitana: *clearly pissed* insult her one more time and I swear I’ll send your body back to your minions
[reader]: *stares lovingly* I love my girls to be feisty~
Mileena vs [reader]
[reader]: despite that mouth we could be such a wonderful couple
mileena: ugh, you’re not my type
[reader]: *obviously annoyed* I’m everyone’s type!
mileena: must I remind you I have a girlfriend?!
[reader]: but she’s not as good as me!
mileena: at least Tanya doesn’t have your huge of an ego
[reader]: why not let me be a guard? my dear bunnies would work wonders for you~
mileena: *scoffs* I’m not falling for that!
[reader]: cmon! I can out do that loser!
Johnny cage vs [reader]
johnny: I’m sorry, you’re over fifty!
[reader]: *chuckles* of course, avoiding cheap champagne makes you look younger
johnny: then let me take you on a date with good champagne~
[reader]: you know I often have female bunnies but you’d be a perfect male bunny~
johnny: *raises an eyebrow* what’s the uniform looking like?
[reader]: short, tight and something meant for my eyes only..
[reader]: we could be the best couple in of all Hollywood~
johnny: definitely doll face~
[reader]: *smirks* I love stroking your ego, Cage
Kenshi vs [reader]
[reader]: *clearly exhausted* Jesus, even for a blind man I bet you know a good looking woman~
kenshi: don’t need eyes to tell your obsessed with yourself
[reader]: *offended* excuse me you blind bastard!
kenshi: you stole sento and sent it to Johnny, so you planned my family’s name to be hated!
[reader]: *chuckles while winking* well I’m obviously not a good guy, what were you expecting? You should thank me, now you have a great friend.
kenshi: you’re so similar to the yakuza, a blood thirsty freak of nature.
[reader]: you know kenshi, I could make Takeda be blind to match his cousin~
kenshi: don’t you dare you sociopath!
Sindel vs [reader]
[reader]: *flirts* I thought I was aging like fine wine
sindel: no flirting will save you from insulting my daughters!
[reader]: *sarcastic* oh, my dear sindel! I’m so sorry for insult those girls
[reader]: you know what if I give you a discount? two of your daughter killed for free?
sindel: as if I would even let me be alone with you!
[reader]: *laughs* that’s what ever mother says
sindel: *rolls eyes* you and Shao khan would be perfect with those egos
[reader]: *blows kiss* I prefer you instead of that giant~
sindel: and I prefer jerrod but we don’t always get what we want
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A/n: this is ass but y’all I used to write on my old account that’s gone and I’m trying to get used to doing this again 😭
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swetearss · 8 months ago
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