#mk hsu hao
den-kunn · 2 months
Drawing Armageddon Roster
Pt. 29: Hsu Hao
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mugenfinder · 9 months
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This is pretty weak, he should've brought it back to Old Navy.
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guppyscolita · 5 months
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My fav Mortal Kombat men but with animal features(?
Just for the funsies
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shiresome · 8 months
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keppylo · 2 months
Hsu Hao sketch
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My favorite thing in any fandom is to pick the ugliest unknown bitch and prove to everyone how fucking great he really is
Guys, Hsu Hao is fucking great😭 I wish he is like, you know, exist in mk. His dead head in Erron's intro doesn't count😾
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cdr2002 · 30 days
hiiii I’m really new to this platform and I’m a fanfic writer and I wanted to post about my stuff cause I really hope people will read and enjoy it.
gonna start off with my longest passion project: for the past few years I’ve been working on a story called Mortal Kombat Requiem, a direct sequel to MKX ignoring MK11 entirely and aiming to fix a lot of my issues with the MK9 timeline and create a better follow-up to the plot points MKX established because quite frankly, side barring into nonsense time travel was not it for me.
I realize I don’t have the most popular takes in the mainstream MK fandom lmao but even still I truly and sincerely hope anyone who sees this post will give this story a chance and please feel free to tell me what you think, thank you. 😊
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maroonghost · 11 months
If Mortal Kombatants Had Silly Little Catchphrases; Mythologies-Deadly Alliance
Quan Chi: I spell trouble!
Fujin: Gusts and glory!
Sareena: Come Hell or high water!
Shinnok: Charmed and ready!
Jarek: Ax first, questions later!
Kai: Fan the flames!
Meat: The muscle of the group!
Reiko: Taking charge!
Tanya: I'll get a kick outta this!
Tremor: Quaking things up!
Kenshi: Mind over matter!
Blaze: Burn bright and burn out!
Bo' Rai Cho: Every last ounce!
Drahmin: Join the club.
Frost: Cold, but gold.
Hsu Hao: Laser focused!
Li Mei: Nothing to spear but spear itself.
Mavado: Gotcha hooked!
Mokap: Punching in!
Moloch: Having a ball!
Nitara: Put up a flight!
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gornnndon · 6 months
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why does everyone think hsu hao's outfit is ugly, even though kano is dressed literally the same?🤔
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ender-goo · 9 months
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Reptile was feeling a little silly
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jaydraw209 · 9 months
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And I got around to drawing my take on characters from Deadly Alliance. Not my best batch, at least I got a start for them.
Fun Facts:
I had the idea that Li Mei wears scar in her hair when later when she has her hair down, she wears the scarf on her head.
I'm not too pround Hsu Hao's design as much but I do like the idea of where Kano's Cybernetic Heart is something he could possibly take where Hao's Cybernetic Heart is fully attached to him.
I only gave Kenshi some facial hair because I think he looks good with it.
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the-bloonslayer · 4 months
But I'm not Done yet!
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Now with Kombat Kids and Obscure Characters
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mugenfinder · 8 months
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mklegends-smokescreen · 7 months
Requiem Mirror; Chapter 7: Midnight stroll
10 p.m., Billie sits near the bar at the Black Dragon fight club, sipping a drink while still shaken up after the event that took place a week or so ago. Soon enough, Kano comes in to check on his daughter. He pulls up a folding chair and sits by the dragoness.
Kano: Hey, you good, girl? Still shaken up about what happened in that arena?
Billie: Huh? Oh uh, yeah, thanks. I'm fine, don't worry.
Kano: Ya know, I went through something simmilar in my day.
Billie: When did ya become a gandpa?
Kano: (chuckles) I'm serious though. But hey, there's a reason I gave you that knife for keepsakes.
Billie: Thanks for lookin' out, pop.
Kano: It's aight. Now go to sleep, you need to rest.
She heads to her room and waits for a couple hours for it to be completely silent. She looked at her phone to see a message by the caped crusader that reads „Meet me @ the bridge near that fast food when u can“ she responded with an „OMW“ and climbed out of her window and went to the place they're ment to meet up. Sometime around midnight, Nico is leaning on the side of the bridge and notices Billie walking down and waving him hi.
Nico: Maybe you could have came over before the police hour?
Billie: Maybe I would've made it sooner if I didn't have to get here from 2 miles away.
Robin: Alright, sorry, no need to get your green steamed.
Billie: So, why'dya called me here for?
Robin: I, don't really know. Guess I want to know the other side a bit better. Plus, you didn't tell me everything.
Billie: Sure.
They walked down the street, with the city lights glimmering bellow them. The two spitball questions like „how's it going?“ and such, and it was like this for the fifteen minutes, but then bird man started asking more in-depth things.
Robin: So, is there something you didn't tell me the first time we talked properly?
Billie: I'm not getting into this scar on my neck. Not in a thousand years, ya bird-fucker.
Robin: Alright, playing hard to get i see... Hey how 'bout this? I tell you my story that i've never told anyone ever, and in exchange, you can consider telling me about that scar. Deal?
Billie seemed anoyed, but intereseted where this could go. She shrugged and responded.
Billie: Sure, shoot.
Robin: I, never really had someone to rely on. As a kid, my folks and I lived as slaves under Shao Kahn's iron fist. I managed to escape, but when i came back with these blades (tugs his jacket, revealing his two daggers), I was too late. They were killed and, my spirit was broken, and I slain every living man in that outpost. I've got my revenge, but at what cost?
Billie's eyes grew wider, as she didn't know this tragic story of her new found friend.
Nico: I started hunting and killing one or two crimminals, like a hyper-violant web slinger that  I almost completely am.
Billie: Jesus Christ... I'm, sorry I didn't...
Robin: Hey, don't worry about it. I let my almost childish nature take over, it dulls the stress. And helps me cope with how thing are currently.
Billie was shocked, as she didn't know someone like Robin could have such a dark past.
Billie: I... Never really gave much though to other's stories. I guess I've been blinded by my own demons that I didn't know how some people can be so scarred.
Robin: There's nothing wrong with not knowing those around you. It's wrong to judge by purely first impression. Or not asking without knowing someone in the first place. That was bassically our first meeting a year back.
Billie: Oh yeah, I forgot 'bout that whole fiasco. And uh, sorry I tried to kill you durring the whole other-world tournament thing.
Nico: Hey, i'm sorry you had to almost relive through the neck cutting thing, speaking of which...?
Nico said, as he gestured toward the scar on the dragonesses neck.
Billie: Alright... my pops, mum and I were on a mission, and during an intervention arc bullshit, was done by some Reiko bastard.
Robin: General Reiko? He's just a menace through and through, huh?
Billie: Don't worry about it. Decapitated him afterwards.
Robin: You?
Billie: Yep.
Robin: Killed Reiko?
Billie: Yeeep.
Robin: By decapitation.
Billie: With a spear I made up from blood magic.
Nico: I'm impressed. Even i didn't dare stand up to the likes of Shao and Reiko.
Billie: They really need to learn to stop jobbing.
Robin: Absolutely, they needed some new hobbies.
They lived and laughed as the snow started to fall down and the lights bellow shimmered. They even grabbed a coffee on the way back. Robin even explained Siris why Tremor and Kabal left the B.D.
Billie: so, what you're saying is: Tremor left because Smoke convinced him that he doesn't belong to me dad, and uncle Carlos dipped all those years back because he got fed up with doing crime and shit. Right?
Robin: Where theres Smoke, theres drama, and now they're both retired. Tremor went to find some place called „the Dream realm“ and Kabal has retired permanently. Who knows? Maybe be got married with the woman of his dreams and is living happily. But thats just a theory.
Billie: Kabal married? That's a mental image I never thought I needed.
Robin: May even sound dumber if he were married to a demon woman and got a puppy.
Billie: (laughing hysterically) I don't Know what's funnier, the fact you just said that, or the fact that i imagined him living in a highly weaponized mansion while monologuing...
The crusader laughed along, as he held onto the steel railing of the bridge. They exchange insults, as they deside to call it a night and say their goodbyes.
Billie: Hope to see ya again, ya red fuckwit!
Robin: You too, blood-bitch. Whoops, recycled jokes!
They wave goodbye and head back to their factions base's. Billie, not awakening anyone, heads back to bed. Robin, almost perfectly quietly sneaks back to the bedrooms through the lounge, but was eventually caught by Sonya.
Robin: (whispering) Do you ever go to sleep?
Sonya: (whispering back) Do you ever stop sneaking around? What were you doing out there?
Robin: (smirking) Just taking in the night air. You should try it sometime.
Sonya: (raising an eyebrow) You're up to something.
Robin: Just enjoying the peace and quiet. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got beauty sleep to catch up on--
Sonya: You're terrible at lying.
Robin: What do you mean?
Sonya: I've known you long enough to see when you're hiding something.
Robin: I've worked here for less than 5 months, the fuck you mean?
Sonya: You've got that look, like there's more going on in that head of yours than you let on.
Robin: (giggling) Maybe I'm just a mysterious guy.
Sonya: (rolling her eyes) Mysterious, my ass. Don't get into any trouble, or you answer to me.
Robin: (jokingly) Kinda doing that right now, and I'm losing minutes of sleep because of it.
Sonya: (unimpressed) You're always finding a way to test my patience, aren't you?
Robin: Part of my charm, captain of zero f's.
Robin went back to his room. Johnny eventually wakes up to this commotion, holding his pre-heated mug of coffee, looking higher than a kite.
Johnny: (yawning) What's going on? Did I miss something?
Sonya: Oh, nothing much. Just your protégé sneaking back in past curfew. You know, the usual.
Johnny: Which one, Cassie, Takeda or Robin?
Sonya: The outworld one.
Johnny, taking a sip of his coffee, raises an eyebrow.
Johnny: Oh, the new kid? What he do?
Sonya: He keeps sneaking out without anyone's permission, like some teen in a phase...
Johnny: Hey, reelaaax, hun. I'll talk to him when I can, you just go to sleep.
Sonya seems sceptical, but does trust her husband. She goes to sleep and Johnny finishes his coffee, as he heads to Robin's room.
Johnny knocks on Robin's door.
Johnny: Hey, Red! Mind if I come in?
Nico: Yeah?
there was a small pause, followed by light chuckles.
Nico: Sure, Mr. A-list, come on in.
Johnny walks in, looks around a bit before setting his gaze on Red Robin.
Johnny: So, the mysterious night wanderer, huh? What's the deal? I thought Sonya was the only one pulling late-night stunts around here.
Nico: Yeah, about that...
Nico looked around, making sure Sonya wasn't around, closing the door.
Nico: Mr. Cage, you've got to promise me you won't tell this to anyone.
Johnny, at first confused but interested, nodded.
Johnny: Sure, wassup?
Nico: Well, I might've had a little rendezvous with someone from the Black Dragon. You know, just an informal chat on a bridge.
Johnny raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
Johnny: Black Dragon, huh? What were you doing chatting with the enemy?
Nico: Relax, relax, it's not what you think. We just had a casual exchange of stories. You know, the typical hero and villain bonding over a juice kind of thing.
Johnny: Hero and villain bonding? Never thought I'd hear that one.
Nico smirks.
Nico: Yeah, well, sometimes the lines between hero and villain get a bit blurry.
Johnny chuckles.
Johnny: You're telling me, kid. So, what's the story? Bonding with the enemy?
Nico starts sharing the details of his conversation with Billie, including the exchange of personal stories and the deal about revealing secrets. Johnny listens, nodding at times.
Johnny: Well, well, well. You're playing the diplomat, huh? Just don't let Sonya catch you fraternizing with the enemy. You know how she is about protocol.
Nico: Trust me, I'm already on thin ice with her. I don't need more reasons for her to chew me out.
Johnny laughs.
Johnny: Good luck with that, Nico. Just be careful, okay? Not everyone in the Black Dragon is as friendly as the one you met on that bridge.
Nico: Thanks, Mr. Cage. I'll keep that in mind.
Johnny pats Nico on the shoulder.
Johnny: Alright, now get some sleep. We've got a world to save or something like that, right?
Nico grins.
Nico: Right, Mr. Cage. World-saving duty calls.
Johnny leaves the room, shaking his head with a smile, while Nico gets ready for some well-deserved rest.
Johnny, walking back to his room, he passes by Hsu Hao's cell. (Hey, remember that guy!?)
Hsu Hao: Hey, Cage.
Johnny: Hey, Hao.
Hsu Hao: You know, it's been ages since anyone acknowledged my existence. What's the occasion?
Johnny: Just doing my nightly stroll, you know, keeping an eye on things. How's the cell treating you?
Hsu Hao: Oh, you know, the usual. Cold, lonely, and the view sucks.
Johnny: Can't say I feel sorry for you, considering the stuff you pulled back in the day.
Hsu Hao: Fair enough. So, what's the gossip around here?
Johnny: Well, we've got a mysterious artifact causing chaos, and we're teaming up with the Black Dragon to sort it out. You'd love the drama.
Hsu Hao: Teaming up with the Black Dragon? Now that's a plot twist. What's the catch?
Johnny: You sound like my wife. Anyway, long story short, our kids got dragged into some interdimensional mess, and we're all trying to clean it up.
Hsu Hao: Intergenerational drama, huh? Classic Cage.
Johnny: You know it. Anyway, don't get too comfortable in there. I'm sure Sonya will find some mission for you sooner or later.
Hsu Hao: Oh, joy. Can't wait for that.
The night continues, Johnny goes to bed, and Hsu Hao looks up at the ceiling, falling asleep.
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shiresome · 5 months
I think Mavado should win Worst Boss Award he's earned it 💔
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mediocreshake08 · 9 months
Mktober day 11: alt timeline
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Maybe some day...
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scorpiyeux · 1 year
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