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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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If you are tired, troubled, or just weak–emotional, spiritual or physical–THE LORD is your SHIELD and your HIDING PLACE. The Sovereign LORD of the universe cares about you, His love never fails those who trust and depend on Him. So I encourage whoever is reading this. COME TO THE LORD, and surrender to Him whatever is troubling you. Because our God is Faithful. He will hide you under His wings and You will be safe in His care. No trouble will overcome you because He is with you. All Glory be to God! #Encouragement #MJWC #Jesus #VerseOfTheDay #BibleVerse #Verse #Nov30 #Instagram #ShareToMinister #Followformore https://www.instagram.com/p/Clkq_PnP3C0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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circuitodenoticiasoficial · 4 years ago
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Quer dicas sobre alimentação e saber mais sobre o Slim, projeto que no Estado de São Paulo você encontra em Serra Negra. Ouça a conversa com a nutricionista Ana Beatriz Guidetti ==▶ https://n8qhg.app.goo.gl/mjwc #serranegra #nutrição #alimentação #podcast #circuitodenoticias
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garnethouseinteriors · 5 years ago
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It’s with a heavy heart that as from today these will be the last pair of bespoke curtains I do for a while. I will clearly now have the opportunity to fill my own house with curtains, so I will still be posting. Don’t forget us when this is all over and most importantly Stay Home, Stay Safe. ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HLm-mjwc-/?igshid=g0o3pp6qwara
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webpuzzlemaster · 8 years ago
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Let's Meditate God's word ♥️ Love is the most used word today. We use it to tell someone our feelings, sometimes we say it only because we think it's the right response or the right words to say. We also use it to say that we like something, like "I like McDonald's" or "I like these shoes." It is used too often that it loses its value. Sometimes we just say it without really meaning it. I'm not saying it's wrong to tell someone you love them, but imagine someone telling you they love you only because you need to hear it, but they don't show it in anyway at all. Doesn't seem right isn't it? That's why apostle John says "Love not just with words but with actions." Because action speaks for itself. And as Christians, we are to love one another just as Christ loved us. And you know that Christ didn't just say it. He did it right there, 2000 years ago. On the cross of Calvary. He love us so much that He died for you and me so we can be free from depth of sin. And that we may be called Children of the Most High. So... How can you show love to others today? What gestures can you do to say"I love you." #MJWC #TodaysWord #MeditateOnTheseThings #Jesus #Encouragement https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnk-yimvm3F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Share your #HugotsaLord quotes! Send them on our page, and we will post them after screening ❤ Stay strong in Faith mga ka-Journey! #GodIs #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/CnIfGP4SUyv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Share your #HugotsaLord quotes! Send them on our page, and we will post them after screening ❤ Stay strong in Faith mga ka-Journey! #GodIs #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/CnGGyrTP-uz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Share your #HugotsaLord quotes! Send them on our page, and we will post them after screening ❤ Stay strong in Faith mga ka-Journey! #GodIs #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBJ2TdveAT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Share your #HugotsaLord quotes! Send them on our page, and we will post them after screening ❤ Stay strong in Faith mga ka-Journey! #GodIs #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-YYOtvgYo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Share your #HugotsaLord quotes! Send them on our page, and we will post them after screening ❤ Stay strong in Faith mga ka-Journey! #GodIs #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8CSIgvAob/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Share your #HugotsaLord quotes! Send them on our FB page or IG account and we will post them after screening ❤ Stay strong in Faith mga ka-Journey! #GodIsConsistent #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm504Jpv4Ct/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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We receive the gift of salvation by Grace through Faith, and it is also by Grace through Faith that we continue living and believing in what Jesus did for us. Not by works but by the grace of God. Jesus was made sin so that we may be made righteous. He became poor, so we may become rich. He was broken so we may become whole. When we believe in Jesus. His blood–that was applied to us–made us righteous. It is His blood that made us pure in the Father's sight. And by GRACE through FAITH, we receive it. And by Grace through Faith, we continue to LIVE in the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. It is by GRACE through FAITH that we BEGIN to believe. And by GRACE through FAITH that we KEEP GOING. – Hold on to that Faith. #ByGracethroughFaith #MJWC #GloryToGod #VerseOfTheDay #verse #DailyBibleVerse #ShareToMinister #ShareGodsLove https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxJj0IvKhp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Today, many people help others, they donate to the victims of typhoons, earthquakes and other crisis, but then, later post them to social media to display their good works. So now, we can't really tell who is truly helping and who is just doing it for the sake of public praise, fame, or appreciation. But God knows. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He sees the inner thoughts of our hearts and minds. He knows our motives. As Christians, we are called to do differently. We are called to help those in need without broadcasting our good deeds. We are called to give not just because it is the right thing to do but because we know that whatever is ours is the LORD's, and we–His stewards–should be a channel of blessing, knowing that our God will supply our need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19) So today, I encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to help others in need without expecting something in return. Let's do this because we are called to be like Christ. Let's do this because this is our new nature. Let's do this for the GLORY of God. CHALLENGE: Give to someone without letting the person know that it's from you. Don't tell anyone but the Lord. Leave a message saying... "God Loves You and knows your needs." Make sure to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance as you do this. Behold, the Lord is going to use you today to bless someone. All Glory and Honor to God! #ChristianGoal #BeLikeChrist #blessedtobeablessing Blessing #MJWC #Jesus #Challenge #ShareToMinister #ChristianLife https://www.instagram.com/p/ClbJlO4Pp5p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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People who knew me personally kept asking me "What happen?", "How is this possible?", "Is this for real?". Many believers will be able to relate to this. Because God works in ways people do not expect. That's how we know that God is good. HE IS REAL. He is GOOD, He is FAITHFUL, His LOVE is unfailing and His GRACE is abundant. Jesus didn't come for the righteous. He didn't come to judge the sinners. Instead, He came for the sinners, the poor in spirit, the broken, and the lost. I, personally, experience His goodness, mercy, and grace. I was beyond repair, a lost cause. I lost all hope and just accepted my fate. But one night, I prayed to God and asked Him for one last mercy. I said "When I die, Please, just wipe me out of existence. Don't let me suffer for eternity." But God is so good. When I asked for mercy, He gave me grace, unfailing love, and Jesus. Today, I can attest to everyone that He changed me from head to foot. from inside-out. God's LOVE for me, changed me. The thing that I tried to take away by myself for 18 years, was removed instantly by His grace. The person I was which controlled me, enslaved me, condemned me, and became my jail for 31 years, died. And God released me from that jail in a blink of an eye. He gave me a new identity, and I was never the same. I am not perfect; I still make mistakes, but every day, God's love continues to change me from glory to glory. IF YOU HAVEN'T CAUGHT THIS. There is NO ONE too far from God. No one is beyond repair, and No one is beyond help. WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. If you are reading this right now and you haven't received Jesus, as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to pray with me. Let's pray. "Lord Jesus. I need you. I believe that you alone can help me. Even though I failed you, you loved me anyway. Please come into my life, and be my LORD and Savior. In Jesus' Name. Amen." If you read this prayer and accept it as your own, You have given God authority over your life. You are now a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come. (2 Cor. 5:17) ALL GLORY TO GOD. #JESUS #MJWC #SharetoMinister #SalvationforALL #ReachForChrist #SharetheGospel #ForJesus #GlorytoGOD https://www.instagram.com/p/ClT2gD_vqIr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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Have you ever received a direct message from the Lord? An instruction of what He wants you to do in the future or perhaps a glimpse of God's purpose for you? After Moses died, Joshua became the leader of Israel. He had to lead the Israelites into the promised land to conquer the land of the Canaanites. The Lord kept reminding him to be strong and courageous because He will be with him as Joshua led the Israelites in the promised land. In the end, Joshua, along with the twelve tribes of Israel conquer Canaan and win battles after battles with the help of the Lord. The God who stayed with Joshua as he conquered the land of the Canaanites is the same God who will help you and lead you on accomplishing His greater purpose for you. Do not be afraid nor be discouraged. The LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will remove every obstacle in your path, He will guide you every step of the way. He will never fail you nor abandon you. And you can rely on His promise. Because our God CANNOT lie. Lord, lead us, teach us and equip us for the glory of Your name. Give us wisdom on how to start the work. And strength with perseverance to continue each and everyday. In Jesus' Name. Amen. #ChristforYou #CbristianLife #ChristianGoal #Encouragement #VerseOfTheDay #bibleverses #Jesus #Faith #Instagram #gospel #ShareToMinister #MJWC https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRZp-vPYtS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mjwc-devotional · 2 years ago
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TRIALS are part of Christian Life. These trials are not here to discourage us but to develop our endurance and at the same time, prove us that our faith "Authored by Jesus" is Genuine. Notice that the word used in " These trials will show THAT your faith is genuine" uses the word " that"and not "if". Because it is guaranteed that your faith–which is Authored by Christ– is genuine. Though there are times we still fail, God is faithful and His grace will bring us back to Him. Because God chose you a long time ago. And His Spirit has made you holy, just as God–who chose you –is Holy. LORD, Holy Spirit, Please remind us each and everyday, and in every trial of our lives that Jesus–the Author and finisher of our faith–has already won the battle a long time ago. So we are living victoriously today through Christ Jesus, Our LORD and Savior. Amen. #ChristianLife #ChristianGoal #Faith #VictoriousInJesus #ShareToMinister #MJWC #Trials #Encouragement #GloryToGod #VerseOfTheDay #BibleVerse #Verse https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQLoZZvMkY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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