#mixed roofing material
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Hip in DC Metro Exterior view of a large, white, two-story wood farmhouse with a hip roof and a roof made of a variety of materials.
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Atlanta Siding Exterior An enormous two-story, multicolored transitional exterior home design example with a mixed-material roof.
#standing seam roof#black and white#traditional#stone chimney#shingle roof#wooded area#mixed material roof
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Traditional Exterior Mid-sized traditional white one-story brick house exterior idea with a shingle roof and a hip roof
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San Francisco Siding Inspiration for a mid-sized, two-story, mixed-siding house with a hip roof and a shingle roof that is timeless blue.
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Exterior - Brick Example of a large french country red two-story brick house exterior design with a hip roof, a mixed material roof and a gray roof
#mixed material roof#beige stucco#new home goals#french country home#new home design ideas#front porch with columns
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Roofing Boise Idea for a large, white, two-story cottage with a hip roof and a metal roof.
#modern house numbers#board and batten ideas#wooden accents#mixed materials#cultured stone#roofing#grey river rocks
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Traditional Landscape An example of a large traditional shade front yard garden path in spring.
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Roofing Boise An illustration of a large, white, two-story wood farmhouse with a hip roof and a metal roof
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Foam Concrete: A Comprehensive Guide to Production and Application
Foam concrete, also known as cellular concrete or lightweight concrete, is a versatile construction material that has gained popularity due to its unique properties and applications. This innovative material is made by mixing a cementitious paste with a stable foam, resulting in a lightweight, highly workable concrete with excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties. In this article, we…

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#acoustic insulation#casting foam concrete#cellular concrete#cement paste#curing foam concrete#Foam concrete#foam concrete advantages#foam concrete applications#foam concrete production#foam generator#foam stabilizer#geotechnical applications#insulating fill#lightweight concrete#lightweight construction material#mixing process#precast elements#roof insulation#sustainable building practices#Thermal Insulation#void filling#workable concrete
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Siding - Exterior Typical exterior of a large, modern, three-story mixed siding house with a hip roof, a mixed-material roof, and a black roof.
#hip roof#modern architecture#mixed materials#three story#frosted glass#floor-to-ceiling windows ideas
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Exterior - Siding

Ideas for a large, two-story, mixed-siding, craftsman-style home with a shed roof and metal roof.
#mixed siding materials#mixed material siding#modern craftsman house#metal shed roof#wood stone exterior#modern craftsman design
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Exterior Wood in San Francisco Large trendy white one-story wood exterior home photo with a shed roof
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Part 4 of Men at Work!
Just a note, I know I mix phonetic and Cyrillic spellings of Russian in this. Mostly it's so that people can easily translate the more complex words directly.
Content: Masturbation, very mild protective/possessive behavior
It’s becoming a problem.
You think this from the overstuffed daybed recently purchased for the explicit purpose of feeding into aforementioned problem. Not that the porch is the problem, heavens no. If so much as a nail came loose, there’s a trio of men across the street all too eager to lend their hammers and bulging, glistening muscles to fix it.
Which, conveniently, is the problem.
Their muscles, that is. And how magnanimous they are with them.
Your house is nice. New. It took them three days to fix all the issues you’d been putting off for a day you were non-reclusive enough to schedule a handyman.
Your house is too nice and too new.
You’re feeding a Vegas buffet’s worth of appetites raised on old world sensibilities with no outlet for them to be expressed. There aren’t enough squeaky hinges, crooked cabinets, stuck windows, or leaky faucets in your two-bedroom for all that… chivalry. (Or whatever Krueger has that passes for chivalry’s surly cousin.)
They’ve taken to invading earlier in the evening for busy work before dinner. Cutting vegetables, tenderizing meat, cleaning dishes, setting the goddamn table.
Like, sirs, you’re a single woman with three cats and a sham of a personal life – the last time you saw a centerpiece on a domestic dining table was Christmas at your nana’s.
Until Konig shuffled in with a fistful of sunflowers and zinnias, promising that he double-checked that they’re non-toxic to cats. You didn’t have a vase, so you had to make do with an empty mason jar you were keeping for ostensible aesthetic reasons.
Now you’ve got an ongoing bouquet, kitschy salt-and-pepper shakers shaped like lemons that no one ever uses (as if your seasoning decisions are as good as god) and are contemplating cloth napkins like some kind of… of…
“Socialite?” you muse aloud. You glance at Rasputin. He blinks slowly. “Hostess? Woman of the night?”
You’re pretty sure Agatha didn’t mean that as a compliment when you overheard her gossiping to Margot yesterday. (She should really remember that if she can eavesdrop on you from her backyard, the same is true the other way around.)
You’re toying with an idea for a new series with your last one wrapping up and your solo-novel due for release come fall. Something about a rich young woman with a wild streak and her fantastically wealthy gentlemen callers…
“Scarlet woman,” you murmur aloud, eyes on the reason for your recent porch décor purchase.
Krueger is on the roof, cloth around his head to stave off the summer heat. Doing… something with shingles and a nail gun. Your face flushes with each flex of hard muscle, jump of thick tendons. The grip he has on that thing…
As inspiring as your neighbors are, they are also a huge (in many, many ways) distraction. Hence, they are a Problem.
And not just for you. On your right, you catch the flutter of curtains from your peripheral. Lisa taking another peek – to be properly scandalized, probably. (You’re not really sure what the neighborhood biddies tell themselves when they decide something is Simply Not Proper.)
“We’ll have to start charging admission,” you muse, sipping a strawberry mojito.
Curled up far too close for the weather, Little Guy chuffs and stretches. You smooth a fingertip up his little nose, between his eyes, and over the crest of his empty head.
“Jezebel,” you mumble. He yawns, tongue curling and pearly fangs gleaming. “Trollop.”
An annoyed grunt pulls your eyes forward again. Nikto is standing halfway up the porch, one foot planted on the last step like a sexy Russian Captain Morgan. His thighs stretch his workpants oh-so-nicely. There’s a smear of white paste across the material – caulking, maybe?
(You could do with a caulking too.)
“Has someone called you these?” he asks. “Who?”
You laugh. What would he even do if someone had?
“No – well, not to my face, anyway.”
He snorts, shoots a withering scowl at Agatha’s property anyway. You spin your pen around your fingers and try not to bite your lip at the way his shirt is clinging from sweat.
“Aren’t you hot?” you fuss. “You’re going to pass out.”
“Nyet, we have been in worse,” he replies, finishing the short journey up the porch. He pauses in front of you, taking in the sight of you and your cats. What does he think, seeing you lounging about all day while he and his friends(?) are working so hard? If it’s something negative, he’s never let on.
“Still,” you insist, “have you been hydrating?”
“Da, the water runs.”
You blink, put together pieces to assume he and the others are chugging tap water (probably right from the faucet) when necessary. Well, that just won’t do now, will it?
“No, no. Hold on. Rasputin, hold him hostage.”
And like the little angel he is, Ras gets up, stretches out, and begins rubbing his face all over Nikto’s pants. With him distracted, you hop to your feet and scurry inside. The house is almost uncomfortably cool after most of your morning spent outside, but you’ll only be a moment.
There’s a large ruby pitcher waiting in the fridge from last night, complete with various berries floating at the top. You use two hands to heft it out, set it on the counter, then flit to your cabinets for the travel cups you invested in for on-the-go wine sipping. Nice and insulated.
You pour a cup for each of them, stow the pitcher away again, and carry all three in triangle-formation back outside. (Maybe you should get a tray? The antique store in town probably has something pretty and lemon-themed to match the salt and pepper shakers…)
Nikto hurries to help as soon as he sees you, plucking the extra cup from your hands.
“I saw this recipe and wanted to try it since it’s been getting hotter.”
He blinks at you, then the juice.
“You don’t have to try it now, I just thought—”
Your voice abandons you as Nikto tugs his filtration mask down. The skin beneath is warped and scarred, discolored in some places. When he raises the edge of the cup to his mouth, the skin of one cheek stretches distressingly thin. You can see the individual indents of his back molars pressing against the flesh as he drinks.
You understand why he’s been hesitant to show you; it’s not easy to look at. Which makes you all the more determined to flick your eyes back to his and ask, eagerly, “What do you think? Too sweet?”
As he swallows, throat clicking, you think you hear him grunt something.
“Nyet. Not too sweet. Is good, пчела.”
You grin even though you’re not sure what it means. All three of them have some nickname in their mother tongue that you can only hope is complimentary and not because they forgot your actual name.
“Good, then I can bring some to K and K while you help me with lunch. That’s why you came by, right?”
He nods. “Nearly noon.”
“That late already!” you say. Wow, staring at hot, sweaty men really makes time fly. “Alright, I was going to make chicken wraps and latkes. Could you start peeling potatoes? You know where everything is, da?”
“Da.” He clicks his tongue, luring Rasputin in and stirring Guy awake. “Come, малышу, before we leave you out here for vultures.”
“Nikto!” you scold. “Don’t threaten him.”
“I do not threaten. It is what will happen.”
You swat at his arm, but at least Little Guy has been lured into Nikto’s reach – if by nothing else than a hand has been offered and cats are helpless to resist a good sniff. Nikto scoops him up while you turn to flounce down the stairs.
“Make sure Susan doesn’t get out!” you call over your shoulder.
She was roused by your quick turnaround to get the juice cups and will certainly be stalking the door now.
Sure enough, you faintly hear him cursing in Russian as you reach the end of the yard. Luckily, you see him closing the door with all three of your demons inside, so you continue across the street.
Krueger hasn’t noticed your approach, his back to you, so you stop at the edge of the property to watch for a moment. Yep, just as good this close, too.
“Krueger!” you call. He doesn’t turn. You huff and try again. Nothing. Christ, you’re starting to think he’s ignoring you on purpose. “Sebastian!”
His head whips around alarmingly fast and finds you right there on the ground. No need to look around at all – sometimes they remind you of their profession in the oddest ways.
“Ja, ja, no need to shout,” he replies.
You open your mouth to do just that, but he’s already scaling down from the roof. You’re stunned into silence as he slides down to the edge of the roof, catches the edge, and swings down to the ground. Lands with barely more noise than one of your footsteps. It’s quick yet so graceful.
You stare (gawk, more accurately) as he saunters up, pants sinfully low on his narrow hips.
“What did you need, bienchen?” he asks. “It is too early for lunch.”
You stutter for a second before your brain reboots.
“What was that?!” you demand, a little shriller than necessary. If you don’t shriek about this, you’re going to shriek about that gorgeous chest and the tattoos and the everything else, and you absolutely cannot do that. “That was so dangerous! You’re going to break a leg!”
“You worry,” he scoffs. He shakes his head, but there’s a wicked, knowing grin at the corners of his mouth and his eyes are far too bright. “That was a little jump.”
“It was not!”
“It only seemed big because you are so little, but it was nothing for me.”
“You’re not that much taller!”
“It is sweet to worry,” he coos, “but it is too hot for it, yes?”
You scrunch your nose at him, not sure if you’re annoyed or turned on or both. (Probably both. It’s annoying how hot he is. And how hot he knows he is.)
“If it’s so hot, then here.”
You all but shove the cup at him. He takes it with a flicker of genuine surprise, sniffs at the liquid, then takes a sip. A pleased hum rumbles in his chest, raises the temperature another few degrees.
“My mother used to make something like this,” he muses, expression softening. You blink, lean in automatically for a peck to your cheek. “Danke schön.”
“Bitte,” you mumble, mouth drier than Reggie’s garden.
His eyes crinkle, mouth hidden by the edge of the cup as he proceeds to chug the rest of it. A droplet slips down his jaw and skips down to his collarbone. You force your eyes away before you’re driven to do something irreparable by thirst.
“Is Konig inside?” you ask. “I have a cup for him, too.”
He grunts confirmation, tongue curling around a blueberry to coax it into his mouth.
Yep, alright, that’s about as much as you can take.
“Scooch, before the punch goes warm.”
“Punch?” he repeats, arching an eyebrow at you.
“That’s what it’s called in English. Punch.”
“That seems like it would cause misunderstanding.” Except he’s grinning as he says it, like he cherishes the idea of someone confusing the two words and starting a fight. Considering how often you catch him and Konig smacking at each other, that’s probably not a stretch.
“Just please don’t swing on anyone, yeah?”
“Only because you ask so nicely,” he croons.
You click your tongue at him. “Wipe off before going in, I don’t want Shithead to stink after crawling on you.”
He barks out his usual sharp laugh and tugs the cloth – his own t-shirt – off his head to mop up his sweat. You make a mental note to tease him about sunburn later as you slip past him.
You can hear Konig singing off-key upstairs when you open the door. The house is sweltering, only mildly cooler than outside with none of the fresh air. You grimace as you pause at the bottom of the stairs; the boys have warned you that it’s dangerous up there and it’s best not to go wandering.
Thankfully, it doesn’t sound like he’s using power tools at the moment.
“Konig!” you call.
“Is that you, biene?” he calls back.
You grin. “Who else would it be, huh?”
You hear his footsteps right over your head, track his gait until the first heavy boot on the stairs. He meets you at the bottom with his usual ventilator on, but he tugs it down when he sees the cup in your hand.
“Is this for me?” he asks eagerly.
“Yep! Tell me what you think!”
With none of Nikto or Kreuger’s hesitation, he knocks back a big mouthful. Licks his full lips as he lowers it, eyes bright as they land on yours.
“This is perfect,” he chirps, “so refreshing! Thank you, biene!”
You beam right back, flushed with pride that all three of them liked the recipe you “happened to find” when you saw the temperature projections for today.
“There’s more back home,” you offer, “come out of the heat.”
“Okay, okay,” he chuckles. “I will wipe off first.”
You hum agreeably, watching him slip back upstairs with great enthusiasm. Konig in a tank top and those tight cargos… summer really is delivering this year.
That evening, you sigh as you recline across your huge bed, naked and cooling off with the night breeze rolling through your window. Ras and Shithead are happily distracted wrestling each other in your forgotten towel, and Little Guy is snoozing on his personal pillow.
You stretch out, feeling a bit decadent and indulgent with moonlight spilling over your body, and let your hands wander. It’s not the high-efficiency sleep-oriented wank you usually rush through, not this time.
You unspool memories of the day with each brush of your fingertips over moisturized skin. You hum as your skin tingles, imagining Konig’s calloused palms in place of yours. He’d be so surprisingly gentle, you’re sure. Big, strong hands but he’d play with you like a precious toy. Plucking your nipples and scratching his blunt nails over the plush of your hips.
As your breathing picks up, you see Krueger’s broad shoulders flexing behind your eyelids. Imagine them bullying between your thighs, hooking your knees over. That bright glint in his eye as he smirks against your cunt. Can practically feel the curl of his tongue around your clit, eating you out messy and mean.
You’re already halfway there when you curl two fingers into your pussy. You’re so wet that your fingers slip and slide, squelch lewdly as you rock your hips, trying to find just the right angle.
You imagine Nikto clicking his tongue at your struggle. Almost hear his low, hoarse voice chiding you for doing his job while he takes over. His fingers are so much thicker than yours, you have to press a third in just to maintain the fantasy.
You want to lean back against his broad chest while he strokes your walls, listen to him and Krueger and Konig talk about you like you’re not even there, debating if you should come. Ignore you as you beg and whimper, big hands pinning you down while they draw it out.
Please, please, please…
You clap a hand over your mouth just in time, hips jerking so hard that it makes your wrist ache.
Well, you doubt anyone heard. It’s pretty late, and you’re on the second story anyway.
Already sleepy, you’re too lazy to close the window after a pre-bed stop in the restroom. It’s such a nice night, after all.
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#men at work fic#nikto cod#cod#my writing#fanfiction#reader fic#grey fic because it's not that dark i swear#cod krueger#cod konig
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#sky#building#wood#facade#tintsandshades#composite material#fixture#shade#city#urbandesign#commercial building#roof#headquarters#glass#metal#mixed use#day lighting#corporate headquarters#concrete#symmetry#cloud#photography#aesthetic
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Hip - Traditional Exterior Image of the exterior of a medium-sized, elegant, two-story mixed-siding home with a hip roof and shingles.
#roofing#front yard landscape#painted vinyl siding#front entry path#transitional exterior#mixed material siding#dormer windows
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Siding in Boston Ideas for a substantial craftsman-style brown three-story mixed siding and gable roof renovation
#raised deck#mixed siding materials#gable roof design#exterior stone accent#gable roof detail#side by side windows
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