#mitsuhide angst
otomefoxystar · 2 months
Finding the Light - Chapter 12
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing Mistuhide X OC ( Evelyn)
TW: descriptions of being kidnapped
Everyone looked at Evelyn with worry, but they were all excited to see her nonetheless. She hugged each of them, but they were all gentle when they hugged her back. No one commented on her appearance, which was a nice reprieve. She was sure they were all questioning what happened and why she was so thin.
As soon as Nobunaga entered the room, everyone quieted down. “My lucky charm is back!” Nobunaga announced. She walked over to him, and he gathered her in his arms. “You’re too skinny. Has Mitsuhide been feeding you?” It was a nice reprieve until now. Of course, Nobunaga would say something. He always spoke his mind no matter who it would insult. “He’s been feeding me and taking really good care of me.”  Nobunaga’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you so nervous?” She cleared her throat. “It took a lot for me to come.” He looked her up and down, and she knew he wouldn’t let up. “You aren’t going to let me go until I tell you everything, are you?” A smile spread across his face. “Nope, so please do tell, why all the mystery? What’s going on with you?” 
Ieyasu cleared his throat. “Lord Nobunaga, maybe give her time to get settled.” Nobunaga chuckled. “She knows how I am. She should’ve expected that I would want answers.” Looking away from Ieyasu, she was met with crimson eyes surging with concern. “I can’t,” Nobunaga drew her into his strong arms. “You’re not sick; something happened, didn’t it?.” He squeezed her tighter. “I’ll tell you, just not here.” He pulled away and put his hand on her back.  “Okay” 
Nobunaga cleared his throat, and everyone’s attention turned to him. “Let’s start.” Evelyn sat in between Ieyasu and Masamune, and Ieyasu patted her head, then whispered in her ear, “You’re doing well.” She sighed, trying to relax. 
Nobunaga took his seat in facing them. “There’s a group of rebels terrorizing the townspeople. Masamune found where their camp is. We must go in there and persuade them to leave by any means necessary.” Nobunaga looked at Evelyn. “I think you should stay behind this time, Evelyn.” She gulped at the thought of being alone and clutched at the sleeves of her Kimono. Ieyasu grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly.
A knot formed in her stomach, making her feel sick.  “We’ll have dinner together, and in the morning, we’ll leave,” Nobunaga announced before he stood. Everyone stood along with him, and Nobunaga glanced over at Evelyn with a look of unease. “Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, I need you two in the tenshu,” Nobunaga said as his eyes left her. Mitsuhide looked over to Evelyn and gave her a smile and a nod before he left her behind as he followed Nobunaga obediently along with Hideyoshi. Ieyasu turned to her. “Come get me if you need anything, okay?” She nodded, “I will,” and she exited the room with everyone else.
Evelyn reminisced about living there. She walked the gardens and chatted with Masamune and Mitsunari. The worry was written on their faces the whole time she was with them. Mitsunari had excused himself so he could start planning for their mission. Masamune wanted to make dessert for dinner; he invited her to bake with him, but she turned him down. She wanted to be alone; she didn’t want to see him look at her with worry.
She found herself in her room, and as she looked around, she remembered the night Mitsuhuide discovered something was wrong. He sat with her and wouldn’t leave until she ate. The very next day, he dragged her to his manor.
She was in such a low state, the trauma of what happened still so fresh. Images climbed into her mind, images she would rather forget. A large, warm hand covered her mouth. A firm chest pressed against her back as they held her arms behind her, making it impossible for her to escape. He dragged her behind the building into the alleyway. A moment later, she was blindfolded. Her heart rate quickened, and her chest felt tight. She had to distract herself and get out of that room. Tears trickled down her face as she walked the halls briskly to seek out Ieyasu and quickly wiped them away.
She found him in the infirmary sorting through his herbs. “Ieyasu.” He placed a jar down, looked toward her, and raised his eyebrows, noticing her puffy eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. “Being here brings back the worst memories. I just need a distraction.”
Ieyasu grimaced at her explanation; he wished she didn’t have to suffer. “Come in; you can help me alphabetize these herbs. She nodded and took a jar off the shelf, then placed a different jar in its place. “I’m going to tell everyone tonight at dinner what happened to me.” She said as she worked.
Ieyasu moved another jar and looked over to her. “You don’t have to.” She was quiet for a moment before glancing at Ieyasu. “I need to. Nobunaga’s going to leave me here alone. I don’t know if I can handle that.” Ieyasu turned to face her. “And you’re hoping he’ll take pity on you and let you come?” Ieyasu narrowed his eyes, “Are you really afraid of being alone? Or are you afraid of being without Mitsuhide?” He asked curtly.
“Both?” She wasn’t entirely sure of the answer herself. Ieyasu sighed, “You’ll have to learn to be on your own eventually.” She knew that. She had been thinking that the moment Nobunaga told her she had to stay. “I know and don’t know how I will do that.” Ieyasu sighed, “You just do.” She glared at him. “You want me to be alone when I can’t even sleep through the night? When I can’t stop crying when unwanted thoughts enter my mind reminding me of what happened, of how pathetic I am?” Ieyasu saw the tears fill her eyes, took the jar out of her hand, and placed it back on the shelf. He pulled her into his arms. “I forget sometimes what happened to you. I’m sorry if I was hard on you.” She hugged him back, placing her hands on his back. The rest of the afternoon passed, with Evelyn helping Ieyasu sort his medical supplies. 
A dark curtain was cast over the sky, indicating night had fallen, and Ieyasu walked with Evelyn to the dining hall. Mitsuhide walked in just as she was sitting down. He smiled and sat beside her. She saw how tired he looked and looked at Hideyoshi, who looked just as exhausted. Nobunaga must’ve been going hard on them both.
After their meal and as the alcohol flowed, Nobunaga motioned to her, “Fireball, come here.” Nobunaga said. She walked up to Nobunaga and sat next to him. “My lucky charm” He drapped his arm over her shoulders. He looked at her. “You have this sad aura around you. I haven’t even seen you smile.” She looked down. “I smile…Sometimes.” Masamune looked over to her. “Lass, you smile about everything; you had such a drive for life. Now, you just seem miserable. What has Mitsuhide done to you?” He hoped his little joke would make her smile. Instead, she glanced towards Mitsuhide, who was teasing Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, rolled his eyes at their antics. She looked back to Masamune, “He hasn’t done anything, I’m more concerned about what I’ve done to him.” Masamune grimaced. “That’s not what I meant.” She sighed. “I know Masamune, and I appreciate you trying.”
She couldn’t stand how they were all looking at her. She was going to tell them tonight anyway. No time was better than now. “I’ll tell you all what happened.” Nobunaga moved his arm to wrap his hand around hers. He knew she was nervous; somehow, Nobunaga always picked up on these things. 
Their attention was on her, and it was so silent that the leaves blowing in the wind were heard. “I went shopping one evening, I’ve done it thousands of times, and nothing was different. Everything was fine until it wasn’t. My mouth was covered, and I was dragged towards an alley where I was blindfolded. Then I was carried to some sort of room or building I don’t really know.
” Tears formed in her eyes as she saw all their expressions. She took a deep breath, steeling herself. “My wrists were tied, and I couldn’t break free; I was blindfolded the whole time. Then they, I only know it was multiple men because of their voices. They…” Tears escaped her eyes, cascading down her cheeks. She wiped them away, and Nobunaga squeezed her hand. “They attacked me multiple times.” She wasn’t going to tell them how she was attacked, but she knew they all knew, but they all remained silent, even with the horror written on each of their faces. Even Mitsuhide and Ieyasu looked pained. Then she realized she had never told Mitsuhide how it happened and hadn’t told Ieyasu anything. 
She told Mitsuhide more personal details but never told him this part of the story. “They kept me till the morning; as they let me go, they told me, ‘Go back to your masters like the broken dog you are.’” The tears ran freely now, uncontrollable. Nobunaga shifted and took her in his arms, cocooning her safely into his chest as he rubbed her back soothingly. She cried, and everyone looked at them, stunned. Hideyoshi gave Mitsuhide a concerned look. Mitsuhide closed his eyes and nodded, showing Hideyoshi he knew what happened to her.
Finally, her tears dried, and she lifted her head from Nobunaga’s chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. “He shook his head. “No, don’t apologize, cry if you need to cry. No one’s judging you.”  She wiped all her tears away and nodded as she pressed her lips together. “I’m going to go to take a bath and get some sleep.” Nobunaga nodded, “Sleep well,” She mustered a small smile. “I’ll try.” As soon as she left the room, Nobunaga adjusted his Kimono and ran his fingers through his hair.
Nobunaga turned to Mitsuhide, “How was she when all this first happened? You’ve been alone with her for months.” He sighed, “I’ll admit it was touch and go there for a while. I had to move her into my room because I didn’t trust that she wouldn’t hurt herself. She would hardly eat; it’s just been in the last month or so that she’s been eating a healthy amount. She’s finally putting on some weight. The nightmares haven’t stopped. She wakes up screaming. She’s made a lot of progress, though I’m teaching her self-defense. She’s shown interest in sewing again.” Nobunaga nodded. Not all is lost. It comes in small strides.
“This was not only an attack on her. This was an attack on us; they used her to get to us.” Nobunaga said, and Mitsunari cleared his throat. “If I may?” Nobunaga motioned for him to continue. “Do you think that perhaps the rebels did this to her?” Nobunaga gave him a hard nod. “I was thinking the same thing. We need to strike them down.”
Hideyoshi sighed. “I couldn’t agree more, but how will we know who did it? She heard their voices. Only she will know who did it.” Nobunaga raised an eyebrow, “Fair point, but can she handle it?” Mitsuhide cleared his throat. “She’s stronger than you think; she can handle it. It’ll be hard, but she can handle it.” Nobunaga took a drink of his sake. “Good. Then she comes. I’ll tell her in the morning.” Mitsuhide stood up. “I’ll tell her I was going to see her anyways; somebody needs to be there when she wakes up from her nightmares.” Masamune had his arms crossed, and he looked up at Mitsuhide. “You got your hands full with that lass, don’t you? Good luck.”  
“Are you taking care of yourself too, Mitsuhide?” Hideyoshi asked with concern. Mitsuhide smiled. “Of course, I couldn’t very well take care of her if I wasn’t at my best.” He stood up and sauntered off to her room. 
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freya-remy · 7 months
"You've always told me to question everything. I never thought that would include you as well."
"A painful irony. My own lessons coming back to haunt me."
"So, what now? How do you plan to fix this? Because if I'm being completely honest, I don't know if you're capable of fixing this if you continue as you always have."
"By.. being honest with you.. no lies.. no tricks.. no deceit. Just complete and utter honesty from this moment forward. It's all that I can offer you."
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Mitsuhide Never 😡
For @nellzzz some Mitsuhide angst, because romancing the kitsune is never simple. Approx. 800 words of Never with our favorite foxy warlord.
Mitsuhide looked up from his work, a frown in place of his usual sharp smile. He hated being disturbed while he worked. There were few enough hours in the day to do all the things that needed doing. He readied a sharp comment that died on his lips as he looked up.
The chatelaine stood in the doorway, an uncertain expression on her pretty face. 
He felt his annoyance evaporate. A fluttery feeling replaced it in his gut, a warm, delicate affection that surprised him every time it struck. Mitsuhide was no blushing maiden nor virgin boy. But the chatelaine had this effect on him. He hid it behind his serpent’s smile. “Mai! What an unexpected pleasure.”
She took a step inside and looked around. It wasn’t her first time visiting his study but it seemed caution was her watchword where he was concerned. “Good evening.” Her eyes tracked around the room, looking anywhere but at him.
Mitsuhide stood and came around his desk. “Is there something you needed? Not that I mind you dropping in . . .” 
Mai startled as she realized he was closer. “I - I didn’t - I mean . . . I just stopped by to let you know . . .” 
He could see her struggling to tell him the lie she’d crafted before walking over. Knowing how ridiculous it would sound now that she was here and looking him in the eye. He let her flounder, his smile growing wider as she grasped for words.
“That is . . . tomorrow. Masamune is making lunch.”
Mitsuhide stepped closer yet. “He does that every day.”
“Mhmm. But! This one is special!” The words came out an adorable squeak. 
“Was that your excuse to come visit me? You wanted to see me so badly?” He chuckled. “You know you can come over anytime, Mai. And stay as long as you like.” His fingers stretched out to tuck a loose bit of hair back into her bun.
Her gaze snapped onto him as she slapped his hand away. “Hey!”
Mitsuhide laughed again. “It’s ok, Mai. You don’t need to pretend. No one is watching us here.” He leaned close, watching the way her eyes widened. The slight shift toward him as he body fought with her mind. 
“If you don’t care about the invitation, I can just go,” she replied, but her heart wasn’t in it.
“Do you want me to kiss you again, little mouse? Is that what brought you scurrying here, late at night and alone? If it was just an invitation to lunch, Masamune would have sent a servant.” The memory of their last shared kiss burned through him. A stolen moment after a feast, a dark hallway, the feel of her pressed against him. Breath coming in short gasps as lips parted and came together again. 
She looked away. “No.”
“I can tell when you’re lying.” He brushed against her cheek as he spoke, and felt a shiver pass through her.
Mitsuhide slid his hand from her shoulder down her arm. “Why don’t you stay the night, hm? It’s late. And you told no one where you were going. Not even Masamune.”
Mai inhaled sharply. “How . . . damn it. Stop reading my mind.”
“Can you imagine what it would be like to make love to a man who knows what you want?” His lips grazed her ear. “One who reads your mind so that you never need speak your desires aloud? Merely think of them, and I will give them to you.” 
Her skin was hot and flushed, heart racing. “That’s never going to happen.” The words lacked any conviction, coming as they did with a needy breath. 
Mitsuhide bowed his head to press a kiss to the sensitive spot on her neck, just below her ear. “All you need do is permit me, Mai. Say yes. No one will know what happened here tonight. No one but us.”
He could feel she was at the cusp of surrender. She wanted him as much as he did her. It was only pride that held her aloft. Mai pushed him away. “Never. I don’t . . . I don’t want you.”
The words cut more deeply than he would let her see. He turned his smile hard and sharp. “I see my teasing has more an effect than I expected. Interesting.” Mitsuhide sat back down at his desk and picked up a piece of correspondence. 
“Mitsuhide.” Her voice was thick with emotion, a tangle even she couldn’t see all the skeins of. 
“Go, Mai. I am bored with our game and quite busy. Your message was delivered and I want nothing else from you.” He glanced up. “And you want nothing else from me. So why do you linger?”
Hurt and anger flickered in her gaze. She turned and stalked away without another word.
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krys-loves-otome · 11 months
Trick or treat! Mostly treat, please!
Mostly a treat, you say? Which means there is a little room for trickery, yes?
And who is better at trickery than dearest Mitsuhide?
A while ago, I made an attempt of using clusters to try and map out my thinking process when it comes to fic writing, so I could try and visually see where ramblings could take me. Here's the IkeSen portion of that (admittedly quite large) clusterfuck of ideas, based on an idea from an old Fictober prompt: You Keep Me Warm
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So, based on this image and that Mitsuhide is at the forefront of this idea, let's go have a lil wip!
The road to recovery wasn't an easy one, Mitsuhide was quick to realize, when he had found you had thrown your blankets off, once again. Even wrapping you as if you were a small caterpillar in the chrysalis did little to deter you. Perhaps he should next seek out midwifes for advice on techniques swaddling fussy infants as clearly his method was lacking. With a sigh, he knelt beside your bed and corrected the sheets, pulling them over your shoulders. It eased his frayed nerves that you were steadily gaining your strength back, thankfully. What he didn't like was discovering your chilled limbs whenever he checked on your during the night. Doubly frustrating was finding other parts clammy with fever. He wiped your brow with a cool, damp cloth. "…Is cold." you whispered hoarsely, shivering. "You'd be warmer if you kept your blankets on." Heavens above, he was turning into Hideyoshi, he thought with a bitter laugh.
Askbox Trick or Treat!
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Second Chance Love Ch. 7
Chapter 7
Ava found herself sitting in between Mitsuhide and Ieyasu in one of the spare rooms of the castle. They were interviewing midwives. Ava couldn’t help but to keep looking down at her hands during the interview process. It felt so strange to have to interview midwives instead of back home meeting with a doctor…it felt even crueler that Hideyoshi wasn’t beside her.
Mitsuhide took notice of Ava’s behavior. He always took notice of everything, but he paid especially close attention to her. She seemed down, but also jumpy…especially jumpy when they brought up questions involving the midwives’ success rates if both mother and child living.
After what felt like the hundredth midwife to Ava, Mitsuhide was speaking up. “I think we should call an end to the interviews for today.” He said. “Come little mouse.”
“Where are you planning on taking me?” Ava asked him, looking at him suspiciously.
“I thought perhaps we could go out for a bite to eat. We do have to keep you and the little one fed.” Mitsuhide reminded her. 
“Well…food does sound nice.” Ava agreed. She was then looking over at Ieyasu. “You want to come with us?” She felt it was rude not to invite him. He had been helping with trying to find a midwife just as much as Mitsuhide had been.
Before Ieyasu could respond, Masamune was bursting in the room, his signature grin on his face. “Taking a break?” He asked.
“Yes, I was just about to take Ava into town to get something at one of the tea houses.” Mitsuhide answered.
Masamune nodded. “As you should.” He was then going over to Ieyasu and pulling him into a headlock. “And you’re coming with me. We haven’t had a good round of practice in a while.”
“Hey, let me go. You could just ask me to train with you like a normal person.” Ieyasu grumbled even as Masamune began to drag him off.
“Yeah, but you’d just tell me no. So I have to drag you off.” Masamune replied before the two disappeared.
Ava let out a small laugh. She was amused by Masamune and his antics.
Mitsuhide smiled. The sound of her laughter was like music. Even if it was a small laugh. He cherished the sound. Laughter meant happiness and healing. “I am glad to hear your laughter once again, little mouse.” He spoke aloud.
Ava turned to him, noticing how tender the look in his eyes was. She felt her cheek reddening. “Well…Masamune and Ieyasu are always entertaining. They’re like a comedy team.” She replied.
Mitsuhide was quickly turning his back to Ava and clearing his throat. “Yes…well come little mouse.” He informed her, his words short and clipped.
Ava followed him, her brow furrowed in confusion. There had been no teasing comment from Mitsuhide and if she was not mistaken…she thought she had seen a faint flush to his cheeks. 
Ava caught up to Mitsuhide and tried to look at his face. Whatever she had thought she’d seen must have quickly cleared up for now his teasing smile was in place. “Do you like my face, little one?”
Ava frowned. “I just…thought I’d…seen something.” She replied.
Mitsuhide was grinning devilishly as he came to a stop, turning to fully face Ava, his fingers going beneath her chin and tilting her face up so that her eyes met his. “Now, no need to be shy little mouse. If you like my face feel free to look at it all you wish. Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of whatever you thought you saw.” Teasing her like this was easier.
Ava wrenched her chin from his hand and then shoved him back. “Oh, just stop it!” She was then marching on out from the castle, her cheeks pink and her brows knit together in frustration.
Mitsuhide chuckled as his long legs allowed him to quickly catch up to her. He was happy to get these reactions from her. Her fire was one of the things he loved about her. He was glad to see it returning. “Such strength you are showing.” He told her his tone teasing, though his words were the truth. “Able to shove me back like that.”
“Oh like you couldn’t have stopped me.” Ava replied, not looking at him. “No need to patronize me.”
“Think whatever you like, little mouse.” Mitsuhide replied, patting her shoulder.
Ava shrugged him off. “Can we just go eat? I’m freaking hungry. I’m growing another person you know.”
“Then let us get you some nourishment.” Mitsuhide replied, directing her to a tea house. It was one they had been to previously. They sat down, Mitsuhide taking the seat across from Ava. “Have whatever you like, little mouse.” 
“I will.” She replied, fixing a glare at him before proceeding to order one of everything on the menu.
Mitsuhide chuckled, but was happy to pay such a bill. He was rather excited that her appetite was coming back. “I see your stomach must be feeling just fine today.”
Ava fought the urge to stick out her tongue at him. “You did say anything…and it all sounded good.”
Mitsuhide gave her a genuinely warm smile. “Then I am more than happy to make sure you are well fed.”
“I thought that was Masamune’s job.” Ava quipped.
“It may be his job with cooking for you, but it doesn’t mean he is the only one that can feed you.” Mitsuhide remarked.
The food was soon arriving, their little table being completely filled. Ava quickly began to dig into the food. Mitsuhide just sat there, happily watching her enjoy stuffing her cheeks. She was definitely seeming to return to her normal self and he was rather happy to see it.
“Do I have some food on my face?” Ava asked after a moment.
“No, why would you ask that, little mouse?” Mitsuhide replied.
“Because, you’re staring.” She answered. “Perhaps you’re the one who likes my face.” She decided to tease him.
Mitsuhide chuckled. He enjoyed their back and forth. “I was just thinking how much you really do look like a little mouse.” He teased. And how utterly adorable you are. He added mentally.
Ava made a face at him, but then went back to eating. “You know…I may have ordered all of this…and I may be eating for two… but there’s no way I can eat all of this by myself. You should eat something too.”
“But I am not hungry.” Mitsuhide replied.
“How can you not be hungry?” Ava asked. “It’s been just as long since your last meal as it has been mine.”
“As you mentioned however, you are eating for two. I am not.” Mitsuhide countered.
“Okay, but, not all of this food is stuff you eat because you’re hungry. Some of it you eat just for the enjoyment of the food. Just for the flavor.” Ava went on.
“Hmm…eating food for enjoyment.” Mitsuhide pondered. “One would have to be able to taste food for that to happen.”
Ava blinked. “You…you can’t taste? Well that would explain…your eating habits at the banquets.”
“But do not let that stop you from enjoying your meal.” Mitsuhide told her. “I am just glad to see you more relaxed now.”
Ava frowned. “You should still eat some of this. If nothing else, it doesn’t go to waste.”
“Alright.” Mitsuhide told her, before picking up chopsticks and going to take a bite of some of the food.
“But…what do you mean by you’re glad to see me more relaxed?” She asked. “Was I that obvious?”
“You did cringe quite often in the interviews.” Mitsuhide told her. “Did these questions we were asking never occur to you?”
Ava sighed as she set her chopsticks aside. She took a sip of her tea before answering. “It’s just… in my hometown…things are…different…a lot different.” She explained. “Those things are… they’re not things most pregnant women worry about.”
Mitsuhide blinked. He knew Ava was not capable of lying… yet how could a pregnant woman not have to worry about the potential death of herself or the child? Or both? Those were concerns for many of the women in these times. “Perhaps one of these days, you’ll have to tell me more about your hometown. Like where it is.” He spoke. With as open as Ava was, there was still a great mystery as to where she had come from. She clearly came from some place much more peaceful than what he was used to. She’d clearly never had to lie and deceive… and yet she kept this one secret.
Ava looked at him a moment. “You mean…you didn’t read…that letter? The one you made sure… HE got.”
“That was never my place.” Mitsuhide replied. “Only to ensure he got it before you had a chance to truly disappear.”
“Well…maybe one day I’ll tell you.” Ava replied, still shocked that he hadn’t read the letter.  
Mitsuhide smiled. “I look forward to one day then.” Normally, he would have pressed for such details…but with Ava he wouldn’t pry her secrets from her. He would only help her and hope that one day would come.
“Is that why you brought me here?” Ava asked after a moment.
“Hmm?” Mitsuhide replied. 
“To let me have a break.” Ava clarified. “You…you could sense that I was having a hard time…during the interviews.”
“Sometimes one needs a break.” Mitsuhide replied.
“Well…thank you.” Ava told him. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
“Just keeping Lord Nobunaga’s lucky charm in good spirits and good health.” He told her.
Ava nodded. “Well, whatever your reasons…still thank you.”
The pair sat and talked for a while. Ava eating most of the food and Mitsuhide even eating a few of the items as well. They were then returning to the castle. They were surprised when they saw an exhausted Ieyasu was talking to a young woman at the gate.
As they approached, they could hear the woman speaking. “I was told the Princess needed a midwife and I came here to apply for the job.”
“We ended things for the day. You can come back tomorrow.” Ieyasu told the woman.
“Look, I am not leaving until I see the Princess and have a chance to be her midwife. I want to make sure she is safe and well cared for. I want to help her.” The woman replied.
“Well, I am here so we might as well talk to you.” Ava said, something intriguing her about this woman. She appeared to be around the same age as Ava, with long dark hair she wore up in a simple ponytail and green eyes.
The woman smiled. She then seemed as if she was remembering herself and bowed. “I am honored to meet you Princess. My name is Akari and I would be honored if I could be your midwife.”
The group was soon sitting in the empty hall they had been in earlier. “So, what is your background?” Mistuhide asked.
“I have been a midwife for about the last ten years. I learned under my mother from the time I was a young girl.” Akari answered. “And not only did she teach me about properly caring for a woman during pregnancy and birth, but also supporting the mother after birth.”
Ava perked up. Akari was the first woman to mention such a thing. “Really?” She asked.
Akari nodded. “Yes, she taught me that some women can get rather melancholy after giving birth. She also taught me how to look out and protect the new mothers from infections.”
“Are you open to working under anyone else in caring for Ava?” Ieyasu asked.
Akari nodded. “Yes, I would consider it an honor to work under you Lord Ieyasu.”
“I didn’t say it would be me…” Ieyasu grumbled.
Akari smiled. “I just assumed since you are here now.”
Ieyasu seemed to grumble unintelligibly, but just nodded. Mitsuhide was fighting off a chuckle, though his eyes were looking over Akari, as if appraising her. “What makes you believe you are fit to treat our dear Princess?” He asked.
“As I’ve already said, I know how to care for her not only during pregnancy, but after as well.” Akari answered. “And I have not lost a mother or child.”
“Really?” Mitsuhide asked.
Akari nodded. “That’s right.”
“I like her.” Ava declared. She was then looking at Akari. “You’re my midwife.”
“Wait just a second, you can’t…” Ieyasu began.
Ava looked over at him. “But I like her…and I am the one having the baby.”
“If our little mouse is comfortable with her, then this is who we should choose.” Mitsuhide agreed…naturally he would be checking further into Akari’s background. But for now… he would just keep an eye on the midwife and be sure she truly kept Ava and her child safe.
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xxsycamore · 7 months
Congratulations on 1500 followers!!
Can I ask for platonic!Mitsuhide (ikesen) 🙏 please?
Thank you !!
cw: angst; mentions of blood and war
[🙏] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗…
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It's an early morning; so early that none of the troops are yet up and the camp is unusually quiet. Not wanting to disturb anyone, you cautiously make your way towards a nearby water source, enjoying the colors of the eastern sky over your head. Even in moments of fear, the world can be beautiful, but you're going to keep this thought to yourself.
You didn't expect to find Mitsuhide by the water.
He's seated close to the shore, perfectly still and gazing somewhere in the distance. They always compare him to a fox, but in this moment, he reminds you more of a crane.
Even though cranes do have a little bit of the color red on them - and by the end of today- well, you don't want to paint the rest of this metaphor in your head.
Despite your worries, Mitsuhide doesn't react badly to you disturbing his solitude. It's like he sensed you coming near him long before you could even make out his figure in the meek twilight.
Even if the sun comes out early this time of the year, the mornings could be very cold, and especially here by the river. You stare at Mitsuhide's flushed hands, and can't help but gather them together between yours, giving your warmth to him.
Mitsuhide is looking right at you instead of the place where your hands meet. Like he's trying to figure you out. Like he's moments away from asking if you'd still be gingerly and readily giving your warmth when those hands get covered in blood. He doesn't say anything, but his hands also don't get any warmer. You guess he just has a lower body temperature like that. It doesn't make you any less enthusiastic about warming his hands up; neither this, nor what the Mitsuhide in your head tells you.
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∎ Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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lorei-writes · 1 year
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»All the things we choose to share«
My heart is overfilled with warmth. Sometime when I wasn't looking, this blog has also passed 1 000 followers.
I'm so grateful for everything. This life, this living, is so lovely, even if bitter sometimes.
Let's celebrate.
Event Rules
Event Status: Closed
IkeSen Requests: Closed IkeVamp Requests: Closed IkePri Requests: Closed The Arcana Requests: Closed
Pick a prompt and a character from the lists below, and send me an ask.
1 prompt + 1 character = 1 request; 1 request per ask
You can submit up to 3 requests.
The requests will be written into x Reader drabbles. That being said, a longer fic may be written if circumstances allow.
[Optional] You can choose your own flavouring packet -- fluff / comfort, angst, or thrill.
Words / Silence.
Surprise [wild card for the writer].
All the above prompts work as umbrellas. For example, Touch prompt can mean things such as holding hands, cuddles, sharing the bed, etc.
Available Characters
IkeSen -- Kanetsugu, Kenshin, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Shingen
IkeVamp -- Arthur, Comte de Saint-Germain, Charles-Henri, Jean, Theodorus, Vlad
IkePri -- Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, Licht, Rio, Yves
The Arcana -- Asra
There isn't a set deadline for the event to close. Refer to this post for updates. Requests may close on fandom-by-fandom basis.
Please, feel free to reach out to me in case of any questions.
As always, boosting would be appreciated ♥
Event Masterlist
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the12thnightproject · 7 months
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Chapter 44: A Better Offer - The Winter’s Solstice brings with it a new offer for Katsuko.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
Warnings - M rated chapter, minors DNI
The weather forecasters were correct after all. When we left the hospital (after a very awkward conversation with the police – thankfully smoothed over by Shingen’s fast-talking), the early evening had ushered in a cold front and a thunder snow squall that was probably sending meteorologists into raptures across the country. By the time I returned to the Mikumos’ house, it was snowing pretty steadily.
Sasuke suggested I spend the night in his place, guessing accurately that I was upset, and inaccurately that I would want company. But with Aki once again AWOL (this time voluntarily) I had some decisions to make… but only after allowing myself an evening of indulgence that included putting the turquoise streaks back into my hair, eating an entire bag of potato sticks, then for the grand finale:
Solo K-Pop Dance Party.
The Mikumos might be thoroughly enmeshed in the past, but they did at least own a flat screened television (that I imagined was only used to watch serious academic documentaries, TED talks, and historical dramas that would be highly critiqued for inaccuracies). I felt no guilt over polluting it with K-pop videos. The bands had changed in the years I had been gone, and the dance steps had gotten more complicated (far beyond Gangnam style), but I’d spent seven years in the Sengoku honing my martial arts and parkour skills. I could manage a few dance steps, right?
And even if I couldn’t, no one would ever know.
Nearly an hour later, I’d taken out my filial angst on a makeshift dance floor, singing as loudly as possible (if I didn’t know the lyrics, I made them up), stomping my feet, whipping my newly dyed hair and –
Bang Bang Bang
Could my conception of ‘loud’ could be trusted after seven years in feudal Japan? As the pounding on the front door continued, I hurried to the entry, prepared to beg the pardon of an irate neighbor. With an apologetic smile already on my face and a concessions speech on my lips, I opened the do –
Mitsuhide stood before me, flakes of snow decorating his kimono, and his hair backlit by the neighbor’s Christmas lights.
What? How?
“How did you –“
He stopped my words with one finger pressed against my lips. “Let me go first.”
Like I could stop him. Since his finger was still warm on my mouth, I nodded.
“You were already there.”
Where? Is that supposed mean something?
He took my hand and placed it on his chest… over his heart. “You thought there was no room for you, but in fact you’d already moved in. You’d filled every chamber with your mouth and your rebellions and your passions until I couldn’t turn around without tripping over another thing that I loved about you.”
I couldn’t think of anything to say – which was probably for the best, because he crushed me to his chest in a hug so tight I thought we would fuse together. His fingers tangled in my hair, hair that was still damp from my post-dye shower, then he answered the question that had been in my head for the past month. “I believed I didn’t deserve-“
I pulled myself free. “Me? I ought to leave you out here to freeze for such a stupidly clichéd-“
“Deserve to be happy. Hideyoshi already gave me the self-sacrifice lecture, so you can spare your breath.” Then, as if he too had run out of words, he folded himself into me, his arms tight, his hands clutching my waist, breathing me in.
We stayed there, motionless, while once again, my brain struggled to compute the concept of a warlord where I had not expected a warlord to be, and my body opted out of the debate altogether and relaxed into his embrace, and heartbeat, and the scent of sandalwood and cinnamon. I was already there. I am already here.
Finally, the December wind that brought the snow and Mitsuhide to my door intruded with a gust that reminded me we were standing out in the open. I tugged him backward, into the shelter of the house, and secured the door behind him. “I have… many many questions.” Almost too many to organize my thoughts. And my body was just humming along, that prickly sensation of nerves now buzzing along, just overall basking in his presence.
“I expect you do, but again, Brat… Love, let me go first.” He waved his hand toward the back of the house, where the soundtrack of my prior mood played on. “What is that rather painful noise?”
Oh come on, it’s K-pop not death metal. “Music.”
Because at some point he had grabbed my hands, I let him keep them and led him into the living room.
He surveyed the television with curiosity, while I adjusted the volume to low… and after a moment of thought, changed to a satellite radio station that played Japanese classical music. “Better?”
“It will do. I imagine I shall find the progression of culture… interesting.” He took a cell phone out of his kimono, an unusually glittery pink one with a designer pattern on it. The charger cord dangled from the port. “Mai gave me this communication device, with detailed instructions on how to, er, charge and employ it.” He patted the front of his clothing and it crackled with the sound of paper. “And amongst your things, I found a note from Kenshin’s ninja with his ‘cell phone number’ on it and the time and location of the nearest wormhole.”
That’s right. Winter solstice. Honno-ji. Thundersnow.
Ah… I could figure out the rest. After landing in Honni-ji, he’d probably contacted Sasuke and… hm. I looked around the room, and located my own cell, which had been haphazardly flung into the sofa cushion during my dance party. Yep. Missed a text from Sasuke. It had only one word: Incoming. Followed by an eggplant emoji. “Why?”
“Surely you have worked that part out on your own.” He abandoned his examination of the room and pulled me back into his arms. “You are generally more perceptive than that.”
“I want to hear you say it.” I had not expected to hear an ‘I love you’ from him, but now that he was in front of me, I found those three words to be important.
His laugh warmed my ear. “If my memory serves me correctly, I have yet to hear an explicit declaration from you as well.”
“I didn’t think you wanted to hear that.” Not from me.
“As it happens, I find I do.” He tipped my chin up so that he could stare directly into my eyes, as if willing me to speak.
Are we actually arguing over who was going to say ‘I love you’ first?
I was about to offer a count of three simultaneous compromise when he laughed again. “You’re adorable when you’re being stubborn. I’m aware that there’s a part of you that would like me to suffer-“
“I didn’t say tha-“
“Do you still plan to argue with everything I say?”
I considered. “Possibly.”
“Then I’ll have to discover ways to keep your mouth better occupied. This should do it.” He swooped in for a hard and fast kiss, his behavior revealing the desperation I had never gotten from his spoken words. When I was breathless and holding onto him for balance, he whispered. “I love you. I must, for I’ve ceded the high ground and said it first.” He traced the outline of my lips with his finger.
“I love you.” Adding the ‘too’ seemed like it would cheapen my own response. “There is no high ground. Just…” I swirled my hand in the air. “This.”
There was absolutely high ground and we’d likely be jockeying for it for the rest of – “Er, what is next?” Had he come here to live with me in the modern world? Did he come here to take me to Azuchi? This time, I was not against the idea.
He dipped lower, and nibbled the corner of my mouth. “Hm, some of this.” I received another bone-melting kiss. “A bit of this as well.” His hand skimmed over my hip. “I don’t believe I’ll ever want to stop touching you.”
He hadn’t been this urgent, this – almost needy - that night in Sakai. If he had been holding back then, he was not doing so now. I could say that I was more than happy to put my thoughts away for the time being, but the truth of the matter was, they had already fled on their own accord, leaving the rest of me to enjoy the sensation of being sandwiched between Mitsuhide and the wall. “Don’t stop touching me.”
“Your time seems to require a rather excessive number of layers.” He snagged the top of the zipper of my hoodie, and easily figured out how to use it, pulling it down until the hollow of my throat was visible. “Ah, clever this…?”
“Zipper. And no one in this time is require to wear a sixteen layer court kimono.” Because he was taking too long with it, I shrugged out of my hoodie. All I had on underneath was a simple t-shirt and pajama pants that I had intended to sleep in.
“I wasn’t aware that you’d ever been required to wear an imperial kimono either, so the point is moot. And…” He dipped closer to whisper in my ear. “You are arguing again. I shall have to see if I can-“ he bit my earlobe, grazing it with both tongue and teeth, “do something about…” then a hard kiss just under my ear that coaxed a moan from my throat. “That will do nicely.”
He was doing it again. Falling into that pattern of controlled teasing. Granted, I was probably inviting it with my words. As much as I enjoyed these debates – this wasn’t how I wanted things now, not in this moment. I wanted him to lose control. To lose as much as I did.
So when he paused to breathe, while I still had the willpower to do so, I put my hand across his mouth, then ducked away. “Catch me!”
While he was processing that, I scooted past him, knowing that the surprise, my knowledge of the house’s layout, and speed would give me the advantage.
When he reached the bedroom, just a few seconds after me, I tackled him to the bed.
“I was under the impression that I was required to catch you.” He didn’t otherwise protest when I undid his obi and pushed his kimono aside. His body was no less beautiful for being nicked and scarred by various battles, all lean tight muscle that I’d not had a chance to admire last time.
“I lied.” Straddling him, I quickly yanked the shirt over my head, then grabbed his shoulders, hugging him, letting our bodies slide across each other. “Just so you know. This is where the begging starts.”
“You must be aware I could …. reverse this… situation in a moment, should I… desire.” His voice was huskier than normal, and the breathlessness between the words suggested he was ok with the way things were at the moment.
“I know.” I tugged on his hair, just a little. “So I am asking you to take everything you want, except – control.” Though I was still wearing pajama pants, I ground myself against him, and he hardened instantly.
Instead of fighting, or teasing, both of which I had expected him to do, he surprised me by holding me closer, hugging me to his chest. “It seems more apologies are in order.” For a long moment he was quiet, stroking me hair. It felt even more intimate than what we had been doing just a few seconds before. “That night in Sakai. I made you feel as if you were indeed the prostitute you were pretending to be. It was not intentional, but intentions don’t matter. Only the hurt.”
“You didn’t.” I angled my head to look at him directly. “You treated yourself like you were the prostitute.”
His eyes widened and I could see the moment my words registered as truth. He touched his forehead to mine. “I am not comfortable with seeking my own happiness.” His cheeks had reddened somewhat – that might have been the only tell that I had finally found an emotional core. “Knowing that I could bring you to pleasure was enough.”
“Can you credit that I might feel the same way? Or at least that I want things to be a little bit more,” I thought for a moment, trying to find the right word, “balanced.”
He took my hand in his, linking our fingers into a basket. “It seems I am still learning, or perhaps, understanding, more about you.”
“I’m not asking you to completely stop teasing me.” Left unsaid was the fact that I was unlikely to stop fighting with him either. “I can’t deny that it’s fun. Sometimes.”
My comment immediately brought back his smirk. “Hm, yes I did notice that at times you highly appreciate it. I was not aware your voice could reach that pitch.”
I let that one go – given that I’d basically thrown him a fast ball up the middle. “As long as you’re not using it to hide.”
“My automatic response would be to say fair enough.” He closed his eyes and was quite for a long moment. “However I have enough self-knowledge to admit it isn’t something I can easily stop.”
“Take it from someone who has acquired a fair number of physical skills. That, is why we practice.” Then I took the initiative to kiss him first again. We could just see where this ended up going.
Where it went was a short kiss that led to another tiny kiss. Kiss after kiss like a swarm of bright fireflies. Each a little slower and longer until they converged and extended into one deep kiss as he half rolled on top of me and fused his mouth to mine. Still, I was the one setting the pace. It was I who opened my mouth to him first, and my tongue that eagerly encouraged his.
Kissing, touching, we had given each other permission to explore our bodies. I wanted to map out every battle scar I found, pressing a light kiss on each one, knowing that the worst of them were invisible.
I traced a long slash that traveled down his hip, taking the opportunity to remove the rest of his clothes. “Katana?”
“Mm, yes. If I recall correctly, Kyubei half-carried me off the battlefield that afternoon.” When I made a move to kiss the wound, he stopped me. “Careful. I have no major objection to the direction this is taking, but right now I want your face next to mine. Please.”
Ok then. Since he had asked nicely, and since I did want to see his face too, I crawled back up his body. “Hello again.”
He rolled fully on top of me and I reveled in his hot weight pushing me down into the mattress as he poured his desire into a kiss. I don’t know what exactly was the key that had unlocked his desperation, but I rejoiced in the power of knowing that this, this at last, was for me. I wrapped my leg across his, trying to pull him closer. “I take it you approve, Brat?”
“Yes, please.” If that was begging, I didn’t care anymore. His need, the sharpness and frantic movements, yes please.
His sweat slick body glided over mine, as he settled between my legs, not to thrust inside, apparently not yet, but his erection sliding across me set those firefly sparks humming along every nerve ending.
“So perfectly formed.” His mouth latched onto my breast, sucking just hard enough that I shrieked and tugged his hair again.
Each tiny flick of his tongue had me arching against him. My hands, fingers, dug into his shoulders and he continued to lavish attention on my breasts. Each time I thought I’d hit the point where I couldn’t stand it any longer, he would switch to the other breast and the cycle would begin again.
“I could dine on you all day. And night.” His words were rough. Short. He’d lost that slightly removed from things smoothness that usually categorized his speech. I could believe that in this, he wasn’t trying to please me, he truly wanted to keep the taste of me in his mouth, on his tongue, a tongue that usually noticed no flavor.
If he did that, I’d probably pass out from overstimulation. I poked his forehead lightly and just pointed to my lips.
He laughed. “As you wish.” Then his mouth was on mine again.
As the infinite kiss continued, our bodies naturally came closer together, His hand rested on my hip, leisurely drifting to between my legs. I was so close…
“You did claim the high ground.” The murmur was soft in my ear, before he flipped onto his back, the movement carrying me over. In no time, he guided me on top of him. I was already so wet that it was easy to take his length inside.
For a moment, I didn’t move – I looked down at his face, those sharp cheekbones softened slightly by his blush, and that amber gaze warmed by affection, by love. That snarky knowing grin now replaced by a smile. Oh I knew that the wicked tease was still in there, and I knew there would be many times that I would welcome that man into me as well, just as I knew that there would be many times that he would purposefully bait my internal rebel.
But for the moment, both of those people had stepped aside – our worst impulses had been tamed, as we found a new rhythm, mutual sighs and groans signaling that we had tamed each other.
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I awoke from a semi-daze as something feathery tickled my nose. I opened my eyes to discover it was a lock of my own hair. “Oh. For an instant, I thought you had brought one of those peacock feathers through the wormhole.”
“I did not. However if that is something that would be of interest, I’m certain your time has birds, does it not?” From the expression on his face, I understood that to mean that if he could find a feather, he would tease me with it everywhere, and the thought made my nerves zing with a ‘sounds fun, let’s try that.’ He laughed. “I take it that’s a yes.”
“I could be persuaded.” I batted his hand away though when he swooped in with another tickle.
“Interesting shade your hair has become.” He held it up to the light, and the turquoise streaks looked brighter in the glow of the hundred watt bulb.
“It’s temporary. Should wash out in a couple of weeks.” I’d learned my lesson from the last time – even though there would no longer be a Fume ready to chop my hair off. Not everyone appreciates bright blue-green streaks. Which, reminded me… I still needed to clean up the bathroom. I’d left it looking like a slaughter on the Vulcan home world.
“It suits you somehow. Hints at a bit of chaos below the surface.” He linked his hand with mine, then lifted our hands up to the light. “Or more accurately, it warns of the chaos.”
“That’s not fair.” I poked him with my free hand. “I always had a reason and a logic behind everything that I did.” Even if sometimes that reason was to provoke him. Still counts, right?
“I stand corrected. I might not have always agreed with what that logic was, but I cannot claim you were completely heedless.” He was quiet a moment, long enough to pause for me to recognize he was holding something back.
Taking the opportunity to toss his favorite words at him, I asked, “What aren’t you telling me?”
“One of those dark moments of self-reflection – acknowledging that your calculated risks allow for a high degree of that risk to your person than I am comfortable with, because I don’t like seeing you in danger… which was followed by the knowledge that I have and likely will take greater chances with my own safety.”
“We could take them together.” Before he could immediate reject that, I added, “Remember, you got two for one with me. Well, now that you’ve taught me how to pick locks, you get a concubine, a spy and a thief all in one person. Really, I should ask for a raise.”
“If you move your hand a bit lower, you’ll find one.” While I was still deciding whether to react to the pun, he guided my hand to his shaft, and when I lightly stroked him, I received an enthusiastic twitch in response. I should have guessed that he’d have excellent powers of recovery. “In all seriousness am I to understand that you do wish to return the next time the wormhole makes it possible?”
“In about a month, it should be possible, and yes, I had planned to go back with… er, Sasuke.” Hm, perhaps not the best idea to mention that Shingen had offered me a job.
Of course Mitsuhide, being Mitsuhide, noticed my hesitation, and immediately rolled on top of me. With one hand, he easily pinned my wrists over my head. “You’re hiding something.”
“Many things, probably, but-“ my words ended on a squeak when he started nibbling on my throat playfully, then tickled inside of my elbow, the one place I am vulnerable. In moments, I was squirming and laughing hopelessly. “Stop. Stop. I swear if this is the secret of your interrogation techniques, then I want to watch the next time you – eek!” He’d swiped the spot with his tongue.
“I seem to recall you telling me that you’re not ticklish.”
“I lied about that too.”
No escape now. Even though I tried to roll away, he had me cornered. “I believe I have not yet received an explanation, Brat.”
“Oooh. Downgraded back to brat.” I didn’t actually mind the nickname, but there was no way I would let him know that.
“I do mean it in the most affectionate of ways. Now. Stop trying to divert my attention. What. Aren’t. You. Telling. Me?” Each word was punctuated by a kiss.
“So, um, well, Sasuke is actually here with Takeda Shingen.” There was no surprise on his face. Huh. I guess he’d already known that. “And he offered me a job. I was thinking of seeing if I could upgrade that to an apprenticeship, and then, at some point, when I think I am ready, I would take over Aki’s network.” I mean, he’s got a network in every timeline, I suppose, and I would be taking away some of his workload. Besides… technically, I stand to inherit the family business someday anyway.
Mitsuhide stared down at me. “You are a terrifying woman. If I didn’t love you so much, I would be thoroughly intimidated.” No he wouldn’t. But it was nice to hear him say it. “I do hope you have abandoned this idea.”
“Make me a better offer.” It was a bluff since I hadn’t really had a chance to counter-offer Shingen’s initial job offer, but I’m certain he would have agreed.
“I offer this…” He kissed me long and slow, powerfully moving his lips over mine, this time demanding a response. When I was gasping and breathless he continued, “And this –“
He brushed his hand down the side of my body, all the way past my hips. For one tantalizing moment, he kept it there, just long enough to warm my inner thigh…
… then he drifted upward, long, lazy strokes … he’d already learned my body so well that he knew just how much pressure and rhythm would have me arching off the bed and pressing up into him.
“But, most importantly, my love,” he gazed down at me, amber-gold eyes glistening with something I didn’t recognize, something I had never seen from him, “you may have my heart. All of it. To do with as you wish.”
I couldn’t speak – only nod, and he squeezed me tighter as he slowly pushed inside me again. Less frantic. More wondering… exploring this new world.
We moved together, reveling in each other’s touch, in that oh you are here… it’s you… it’s me… it’s us… something different.
Wait, who is crying? Were those tears? His tears were more frightening than his anger, frightening in a ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ kind of way, but I never planned to run from him again. I hadn’t thought it possible, but I loved him more in that moment than ever before.
It’s ok. I’m here.
Our extended, intimate embrace finally crested and crashed into the night, then softly drifted into a cozy warmth. We were home.
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The sound of snow against the window woke me just before sunrise. Mitsuhide was still asleep – not in that vampiric pose (I knew that had been just to freak me out), but on his side, arm flung over his face… oh, we never had managed to turn off the light. I got up and did so, not that it mattered as a soft glow from outside infused the room.
With a sudden urge for a glass of water, I pulled on my pajamas, then as I turned to leave the room, something crinkled under my foot. I had stepped on Mitsuhide’s kimono, which had somehow been flung to this side of the room.
What was crackling though? Sounded like paper. I knelt to see, and found Mai’s instructions. Curious to know what she would tell someone who was about to suddenly go into the future, I started to pick it up, then paused. Mitsuhide and I had both read each other’s mail before, and I doubted he would care if I read this letter. However, for my own sanity, I needed to stop being afraid of what Mai meant to him. I set it on the edge of the bed for him, then picked up his clothes, folded them, and put them on the bed too.
When I caught sight of the fat snowflakes swirling across the garden. I upgraded my plan for a cup of water to a cup of hot tea, and once it was ready, I settled on the couch to watch it pile up outside.
I could hear Mitsuhide padding around upstairs, but I figured if he needed help finding anything (or how to work them) he would call for me. I wasn’t ignoring him, or anything. It was just that I was pleasantly sore all over and at present too comfortable to move.
Indeed, when Mitsuhide did emerge, he was already dressed and holding the turquoise robe. “Yoshimoto gave me the things you’d left at Genba.” He smiled as I shrugged myself into it. “It pleases me to see you so happy in something I had made for you.”
“Do you want breakfast? Or tea?” There was still plenty of hot water in the kettle. But when I made a move to get up, he shook his head.
“Not at present.” He looked over the couch with the curious eye of someone cataloging the future, before scooting in behind me. In one fluid motion, he’d lifted me onto his lap, without spilling a drop of my tea.
We sat there, completely comfortable, watching the snow sweep through the garden. The neighbor’s Christmas lights were (of course) still on, glowing softly against the growing drifts. There would be things to figure out later, but for the moment it was to just sit here, and zen out at the sight and sound of snow, in the warmth of each other’s presence.
He put his hands on my feet. “You never remember your socks.”
“Well, I had meant to come back to bed after I got a cup of water, but- oh, you don’t have to do.” Too late to protest. He’d taken off his socks and put them on my feet.
“I told you before. I don’t feel cold like some people.” He gave my toes, now warming up in the soft material, a little tweak.
I wiggled my feet inside the socks. “Probably ought to at some point get you some modern clothing. Or at least a coat and boots.”
“Hm, that was in fact included on Mai’s list. She thought I should go shopping first and appear at your door dressed in a, hm, what did she call it, a nice designer suit.” He shifted around, then handed me the letter. “I must admit to some disappointment that you didn’t even attempt to read this one. Is the mystery already gone in our relationship?” He punctuated the teasing with a light kiss under my ear.
 “Um, technically, I read Aki’s mail, not yours, Mr. I-Kept-a-Letter-for-weeks.” Did I want to probe his feelings for Mai? Now? When we were feeling so cozy and relaxed?
“Your ability to rationalize matters never ceases to astound me.” His arms snaked around my waist as he held the letter open. Even without reading it, I could see that it was indeed a list of how-tos and instructions, complete with very detailed drawings. In her how to recharge the phone, she’d even drawn a map to where the most likely free outlets would be with little tab A/slot B arrows to demonstrate what went where.
There was even a little Sasuke chibi answering his phone, with his familiar expression of blank-face intent, but a thought bubble over his head revealing his inner fanboy was nerding out over a call from Mitsuhide.
Wow. I had known Mai was a good designer, but I had not been aware that translated so well to her drawing skills. “She’s very good.”
“Indeed. Were she not only the Azuchi chatelaine but also a seamstress, I could use her as a scout.” He set his chin on my shoulder.
“No, you wouldn’t endanger her like that. She’s too precious.” Easier to approach the question from the side.
“True. Hideyoshi would very likely dismantle me for the thought.”
Agreed, but that wasn’t what I meant. “To you.”
“My love, you may someday acquire the skills of a very good interrogator, but not yet, and for the purposes of this conversation, you will have better luck simply asking me what you want to know.” He softened the statement by pulling me backward until I was resting on his chest. He brought his hand up and began smoothing out my hair.
“Are you in love with her?” It seemed I had the ability to ask that after all.
“Dear me, haven’t I just spent the past night proving that it’s you I love?” That… didn’t exactly answer my question, something he must have immediately realized, for he continued, “Mai is very loveable and she awakened feelings I didn’t not know I was still capable of. I also believed that the Iife I led required a sacrifice. But in the end, I discovered that the person I could not sacrifice was you. I’d rather condemn my soul to darkness than give up even one more day with you.”
Where to begin to unpack that? I’d wished for reassurance, and gotten an entire monologue. “I don’t really agree that you’re the dark side, but thank you for being willing to face it.” I hoped he knew now that he’d never have to face it alone. It wouldn’t just be me helping him face it. It was clear that Hideyoshi and Mai would also be at his side.
Idly I flipped to the next page of Mai’s instructions, in which a cartoon labelled ‘Grand Romantic Gesture’ portrayed chibi Mitsuhide, wearing a modern suit, kneeling in front of a chibi version of myself. He held jewelry sized gift box in his hands. “She has very specific ideas about romance, but I’m more than happy with the lockpick set.” And with him. To punctuate that, I gave him a kiss.
“Dear me, that is rather a disappointment, for I do have another gift for you – however, it’s waiting in Sakai.” I caught a rather unusual amount of repressed emotion in his tone, and wondered at it.
I knew him well enough to know there was no use asking for details, although… “What would you have done if I’d said I planned to stay here?”
“Gone back in time to Sakai, picked up your present, and brought it to you at the next available opportunity.” He tapped on his lips with his finger. “Because it is a very good gift, if I do say so myself.”
Almost, I asked if it was a pony, but… that had been a private joke between myself and Aki. Which reminded me. “Aki’s gone again.” While I was safely cocooned in his arms, sheltered from my father’s actions, I brought Mitsuhide up to date with what had happened after I disappeared from Genba.
“When you and Iekane went over the edge-“ He trailed off, then rested his face on my shoulder. I could feel a tremor go through him, and that told me more than words could. That this man, known for his cool, dispassionate conversation, could be at a loss for words, was humbling. Maybe no words were necessary anyway. I closed my eyes and breathed him for a while.
Eventually he asked me. “Are you upset that he left you here?”
“More angry that he didn’t leave a note… but I sort of expected him to leave. It’s what he does.” And now that I knew there was only one of Aki, and he was trying to keep several Katsus alive, to prevent several Hikos from being murdered, to find several Toshiies and trying to keep an unknown number of timelines from crashing into each other… I understood.
But he still could have left me a damn note.
“I can’t promise that I’ll never have to leave you behind – temporarily – but I promise I will always come back.” His voice was so quiet I could barely hear him.
“You could always take Katsu with you.”
“We shall discuss that later.”
“Oh, you can be sure of that.”
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Artwork by Butterfly n'' Lace: https://www.facebook.com/butterflynlace
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@lorei-writes @selenacosmic @bestbryn @lyds323 @akitsuneswife @tele86
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art-of-love-and-war · 2 years
The s/o (reader) of Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide and Arthur of Ikevamp is going to die in a few years (put 4 or 5 years) and she know it. Thanks for your work and effort, I glad to see another writer here. 🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Characters: Oda Nobunaga | Date Masamune | Akechi Mitsuhide | Arthur Conan Doyle | x GN!Reader Rating: General. Word count: 1479 words Warning/s: Slight angst, mentions of illness and medication. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, but I'm so happy for this request, I hope it lived up to your expectations. Thank you for requesting for Arthur, it's my first time writing him.
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Traveling through time had never been in your plans. You had grown too used to the commodities of your life, knowing that you were living as best as you could before the tragic end would come.
Your plans had been to love freely, to live to your heart's content before everything came to an end. It was the least you could do despite knowing the end of your life was near. It was not your plan to find a love so strong you wished and begged destiny to stop the cruel punchline of the joke.
It was not your plan to be so madly in love you wished things were different to stop the wounds of your heart from making you bleed out on your lover’s hands.
[୨୧] — Nobunaga Oda
You and Nobunaga had danced around each other from the very start. Bumping heads as the woman who saved his life and the cruel conqueror who sought to claim each part of you little by little until you were nothing but his.
There was fire and passion at every moment, with you fighting the hard walls he built around his heart to pass as the heartless man who’d do anything to accomplish his goal. And him trying to shape you into a soul that belonged only to him.
Yet, the result was that his soul was stripped before you, heart laying in your hands to protect and help him grow and heal, while he shielded all of you from the dangers of the world while trusting your strength and convictions to survive.
Survive. What a funny word, right?
Having a relationship meant being honest, so you had to tell your lover about the condition that was going to cut your life short.
Your tale was welcomed with a hard stare, concerned, thoughtful. Knowing he was thinking of all the possible ways he could help you, but none came to mind.
He could assure you to put you under the best care, but the thought that you came from a time beyond, with lots of technology he still couldn’t entirely comprehend, and you still didn’t have hopes of living a long life.
How could he promise you something he wouldn’t be able to grant?...
Yet, he promised he wouldn’t leave, and he’d stay until your last breath, trying to keep you alive for the years you had ahead, and in history itself so the love promise wasn’t forgotten even in the centuries to come.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[୨୧] — Date Masamune
He was a hurricane, coming to sweep you off your feet by how strong he was, taking your breath away with the energy he carried.
He lived fast, too fast. Making sacrifices for the greater good that was to come, not minding if he got caught in the middle.
He looked forward and never stopped to look behind unless it was to honor those that made the future possible, but always looking at the new day that came.
Once he met you, he slowed his fast pace to backtrack and reflect on everything that had happened in his life, how he never gave his heart out unless it was to lose himself in the emotion and the throes of passion and fire.
But you had been different, stopping him in his tracks, making him hesitate about the next step and wonder about the life he was living.
You were a bright spark, a bright firework…that was going to extinguish sooner or later.
When he wanted to know about the future you came from, he was amazed by how the world moved on, by how it developed and advanced.
Until it came to your health. You had patiently explained that you had been ill for a long time, and your life expectancy was not greater than a few years, that even if the technology of your home was quite advanced, or at least much more than what they had in Sengoku period, your hopes for a long life were not in the picture.
He took it upon himself to show you how to live a wonderful life, a fast and beautiful one before the end came, and you gladly took his hand through it.
Masamune then slowed down later, when his heart ached inevitably whenever you shared your time, thinking that you were going to be gone and he’d have nothing but the memories.
If he was so used to moving on, why did the thought of moving on without you hurt so much?
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[୨୧] — Akechi Mitsuhide
This man can read you deeply like an open book even if you shut yourself with a lock and key. There’s nothing you can hide from him.
Not even when your origins are secret enough that he decides to look through your room and your belongings, finding your bag that carried your things from your time.
He immediately questioned the mysterious containers that were not made of glass nor clay but…something else, and colorful contents.
In his mind, it could be poison, which wouldn’t be rare, but combined with the other things he found he wasn’t happy about someone like you having so many interesting secrets he was yet to find out.
The interrogation wasn’t pretty. He was terrifying once he showed his bad side, and he was bad enough of a tease already, but this was meant to rip information out of you even if you didn’t have anything bad to hide.
You calmly took one of the pills, and swallowed it down, then calmly explain what it was, how you got it, and why did you need it.
His hard stare and cocky smile turned into one you couldn’t quite read.
He clicked his silver tongue, taking a seat right in front of you, hinting at you to continue your strange story, wanting to know more to determine if what you said was true or not.
Surprisingly, even for the expert liar that he was, you spoke nothing but the truth, he could clearly see it and piece together the puzzle of how you acted like you didn’t belong there at all, now knowing the reason.
After that, he decided not to pry too much into your life, unless you were willing to open up to him, which you were after you two had spent too much time together as mentor and apprentice, as a fake wife, and fake husband.
Mitsuhide didn’t want to admit that he was smitten with you, deciding to show his affection as the helpless teasing to the point of tears. He decided his heart had been closed off for too long, and when you came, he wanted to open up more than anything.
Until he remembered that there was a time limit to having you.
Maybe the only way he could treasure you as he wanted was by deciding to not have you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
He liked the little game you played together, he lived for the fun of just unwrapping every layer you had to offer until your soul laid bare for his curiosity to gobble you up.
Yet, he had his limitations once he realized you were too pure and bright, that your light was one too warm he craved in the unforgiving storm of the memories that still haunted him from his mortal life.
You were so, so warm. So full of life…
And he had fallen hard for you without noticing until his heart was so full of you and was spilling. So helplessly in love, wanting nothing but to give all of himself to you in exchange for a small bit of your affection.
It was so dark and so cold inside his mind, that you made him want nothing else but to give you his heart, and in exchange, he’d take care of your life and destiny for the years he had to come.
That is when after adventures solving “mysteries” downtown you decided you trusted him enough to tell you about the illness shortening your life, and how you had traveled to Paris as part of your idea of traveling before it came to an end.
He stood quiet the whole time, face turning into one of deep regret and melancholy. Memories of all that he had lost­-- All he couldn’t save.
And you… You were innocent, pure, bright light. A warm fire. And even without having you, you were going to be ripped away and become one more of the many losses. Another beautiful soul with their lives cut short.
Arthur once again couldn’t do anything to stop that dreadful thing from happening. No matter how much he loved you, he was still doomed to lose you…
Or not.
He just hoped you could agree to share eternity with him, and maybe you and he would have to ask Comte for a not-so-small favor.
But the fear of loss still wouldn’t leave as easily.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
(No, you didn't see me confuse the Follow-Unfollow button with the Ask button on desktop. Not at all. Totally didn't happen because I was rushing -- )
Hello and congratulations! :D
Could I perhaps request Their unconventional pet peeves + Masamune? Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, anything works with me! >:3 Thank you so much in advance!
Oh my goodness Lorei. You're too cute. Okay. Here we go! Thanks for being a friend 💕 Thanks for the request! I hope you enjoy.
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Masamune Date: Pet Peeves
Masamune doesn't like when doors are left ajar. If they're more than 50% open? Fine. Anything less than what someone could reasonably squeeze through is ridiculous.
One of his biggest pet peeves is people who add anything to the food they're eating before tasting the food as it was meant to be enjoyed, whether it's his cooking or someone else's. (Mitsuhide says it doesn't matter. He's wrong.)
A pet peeve he gets teased for regularly by those who know about it is when people bite their nails. He knows it's none of his business but the idea of it and especially the sound of it gross him out.
Surprisingly, no misophonia when it comes to people eating. Just nail biting. However, if he were in modern times, gum chewing would be one as well.
Another pet peeve of his is when someone is clearly expressing a desire to talk about something important but won't come right out and say something is bothering him.
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otomefoxystar · 8 months
Finding the Light - Chapter 8
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing : Mitsuhide X OC (Evelyn)
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Mitsuhide took Evelyn to town. It was a warm sunny day, and Mitsuhide was hopeful that they could find her some decent clothes to fight in. They came to a small restaurant. I've been told there is excellent food here. When she didn't answer, Mitsuhude looked at her, waiting for a reply. "Never mind," he said when she seemed so disinterested. "Are you hungry, Mitsuhide? If you're hungry, we can go." He raised his eyebrows, "What about you, Evelyn? Are you hungry?" She swallowed. "I will do my best to eat." He cocked his head to the side, "What, no arguing?" She shook her head, "Not today." She didn't want to ruin the day, not when he seemed so happy to take her shopping. He was in a good mood, and she didn't want to ruin it. He smiled and held out his arm for her to take, "Shall we?" She hooked her arm in his and nodded.
Once they were seated, she looked around nervously. "What is it?" She breathed out nervously. "This is the first time I've been in town since…" He nodded, understanding what she was saying. She was scared of seeing her attackers. "You're safe with me. They wouldn't dare encounter you when you're with me, and if they do? That'd be a mistake. I'll always protect you, little mouse." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "I know, but I'm still freaking out a bit." Mitsuhide took her clenched hand. "Relax, I'm here." She unclenched her hand, and he cupped his hand around hers. Finally, she relaxed as Mitsuhide rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb.
She ordered soup, hoping it'd be easier to eat. "What are we getting today?" She asked with a curious edge to her voice. He cleared his throat from drinking a sip of water. "Well, you need pants and a shirt that are easier to move in." A twinkle lit in her eye. "What? "He paused as he took her in, but it wasn't worry or fear. It was a different emotion, one he hadn't seen from her in weeks. It was excitement, and he wanted to sigh at how good it felt to see a glimmer of her old self, but he restrained himself. "I could make that! All I need is some supplies, and I can make myself some clothes." Mitsuhide smiled. "You don't have to; I was going to have someone make them for you, but if that's what you want to do." She looked at him excitedly, "It is!" He chuckled, happy to see her face light up. He had no problem buying her what she needed if she was that excited by it.
When the food arrived, she took the spoon and stirred it. "I can do this," she whispered so quietly that Mitsuhide didn't hear. He was busy scooping up his food. Evelyn dipped the spoon into the liquid, raised it to her lips, and blew on it. Mitsuhide tried to ignore her but couldn't help but watch her.
Mitsuhide was finished quickly but patiently waited as she ate slowly and meticulously. he was in no hurry, and he wasn't about to rush her. Not when she was finally eating. "We can go." Mitsuhide shook his head. "Not a chance. I will wait until you have finished." He watched her pleased, but she put her spoon down. "I can't eat anymore."
"Are you full or just tired of eating? "I'm full enough; I don't want to push it." Mitsuhide smiled. "Probably wise, how do you feel?" Her lips turned up slightly, almost a smile, but not quite. It was close enough to a smile for Mitsuhide. "Better than how I've been feeling." She hadn't eaten much, but Mitsuhide was pleased nonetheless. Mitsuhide was about to praise her when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man in green walking past.
"I'll be right back. I just saw someone I know." She got up and scurried off. She grabbed the man's shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw his friend, but she didn't look how she looked when he last saw her. "Evelyn? Where have you been? I've been worried." She hugged him, and he noticed how frail she felt. When she released him, he took a long look at her. "You look terrible," Evelyn shifted nervously. She wasn't ready to tell her best friend about what happened. "Are you sick?" She was about to speak when Mitsuhide walked up and stood next to her. Sasuke wanted to question her more about her health, but the sudden interruption had distracted him.
"Who is this?" Mitsuhide asked protectively, "I'm Sasuke. Evelyn and I are from the same town." Mitsuhide nodded, "Ah, I see." Mitsuhide now understood the connection between them. If they were from the same town, then they must be close. Sasuke bowed, and Mitsuhide returned the gesture. "Mitsuhide Akechi." Sasuke gave a knowing look. The traitor Mitsuhide Akechi is all Sasuke kept thinking. He had to remind himself that they had significantly altered the timeline, so he needed to stop worrying. It didn't stop him from planning to check on her, though.
Sasuke pushed up his glasses and looked at Evelyn, worry written on his face. You would have to be an idiot not to realize his thoughts. He put his hand on her arm, "Evelyn, can we speak alone for a moment?" Sasuke glanced at Mitsuhide as he said so. "Uh, yeah, I suppose." Mitsuhide squeezed her wrist to let her know she wasn't alone. She looked up at Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide granted her the privacy to speak with her friend. He stayed close by; he wanted to keep his word that he would protect her. He had no idea who this man was and if he was capable of protecting her or not.
"Is everything okay? I came to see you, and you were gone." She shook her head, "I'm not staying with Nobunaga right now. I'm staying with Mitsuhide at his manor." Sasuke eyed her carefully. "Are you safe?" She nodded, "I'm safe, Sasuke; I've been going through some stuff and needed to get away." Sasuke gave her a concerned look, "If you change your mind and decide you want to go back, I can figure it out. The most important thing is your health and well-being; I can tell you aren't doing well just by looking at you." She glanced down, then back up at her friend. "You know me too well." Sasuke shook his head, "it's not that. Something has changed in you. You're different somehow. It's not just your appearance. It's like the light you carry has been extinguished ."
She wondered how he could tell all that just by looking at her. He wasn't wrong; she had lost so much of her passion for life. She couldn't even get through the night without Mitsuhide being near. "I'll tell you, Sasuke. I promise I will, but right now, I can't. I've barely come to terms with what's happened myself." He pulled her in for a hug. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything if you aren't ready. I'll always be here for you. I just need to know you're safe." He stepped back, looking her in the eyes. "I'm safe." He smiled tenderly, "Good. That's all I need to know to put my heart at peace. Can I come see you sometime?" She nodded, "Yes, I only ask that you let me know beforehand."
Sasuke was shocked; she must be going through a lot. She would never have asked for him to schedule his visits before. If anything, she seemed appreciative of his visits; of course, he would comply. He just wanted her to be happy. He smiled at her again, "I can do that." He gave her another hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you soon," he said, turning to leave, waving goodbye as he walked away.
Evelyn just stood there, tears prickling in her eyes. Mitsuhide walked back over to her as soon as Sasuke walked away. "None of that. We're having a good time, right? No crying." Evelyn looked at Mitsuhide, trying to will the tears away, "He's really worried, and I couldn't tell him anything." Mitsuhide patted her head, "You are not ready, and that's okay. One day, you will be. I'm sure he understands that." Evelyn watched as Sasuke walked away. "I hope so."
"Come." He took her hand, and they bought fabrics and supplies she needed to make some clothes for herself. Seeing her interested in sewing again was a good thing; that is not something he would take away from her, so he could be patient and wait to train her. After a full day, Mitsuhide took her home, carrying the supplies for her as they walked back to his manor.
After arriving home, he placed everything they bought in the corner of his room and began doing some work he had neglected. Paperwork was tedious, but if this was what he had to do to help Evelyn, he wouldn't complain...Too much. Meanwhile, Evelyn had gotten into Mitsuhide's alcohol, exhausted and overwhelmed by everything from the day. It felt like too much stimulation in one day. However, she seldom drank by herself. She had always been a social drinker. She put two cups, a bottle of sake on a serving tray and an assortment of snacks for them to share. Although she wasn't entirely sure she would eat them, at least she had the option to eat if she needed to.
Next Chapter
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Voyager - Four
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
Previous Chapter (Three): Lucky Charm | Next Chapter (Five): The Chatelaine of Azuchi
Chapter Masterlist
"Have you any experience managing a household?"
"Lots," she says confidently. "I've been managing my own household for years now."
"And your husband?"
The question catches her off-guard. The bowl of broth in her hand slips slightly. She catches it, setting it down on the table. "I don't have a husband."
Read on AO3
Chapter Four: Journey to Azuchi
The next two days are two of the hardest days of Eri’s life. 
She has never ridden a horse before now, and being thrust into it without any preamble is jarring. She rides with Nobunaga, and even though her only job is to hold on to him to keep from falling, she is always exhausted and sore whenever they stop riding for the night. 
Date Masamune is the name of the warlord who cooks, Eri has discovered. He is a jovial man, devastatingly handsome with a dashing air that makes Eri think of a Disney prince. There is always an eyepatch covering his right eye, but the remaining, uncovered blue eye is bright with mischief and amusement. 
“Well, I don’t really need the help,” he tells Eri, when she offers to assist him in cooking for the camp that night. “But I won’t turn down an extra set of hands if you’re willing.” 
Gratefully, she nods at him. “I can’t fight,” she explains, “and I can barely even stay on a horse even when I’m not the one doing the work. If you let me help you, it will make me feel less useless.”
“Everyone has their value, Lass,” he says, flashing her a sympathetic smile. “If it weren’t for you saving the Lord’s life, our little caravan would be very different right now. But if helping me cook will make you feel better,” he goes on, “who am I to deny you?”
For the most part, Eri really is just a second set of hands for him. He’s like a whirling dervish as he spins from place to place, stirring a pot here, adding a spice there, frequently checking the soup to make sure it doesn’t boil over or burn. He has a comfortable, easy going way of chatting with her that doesn’t make her feel like she’s being put on the spot. She contemplates this deeply as she helps him distribute the food among the tents. I expected more of them to be weirded out by me, she thinks. But maybe Yasuke-San being here sort of paved the way for them to more willingly accept someone who looks like me without question. 
In truth, it seems most are confused, not about her skin color, but about her motives. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the warlord with the green armor, has made it abundantly clear that he still does not trust her and he thinks she has some ulterior motive for attaching herself to his Lord. Akechi Mitsuhide - the oily warlord with the golden eyes and white hair - frightens Eri and puts her on edge; he strikes her as the sort of man who is always up to no good. She tries to steer clear of him. 
The absent-minded and studious Ishida Mitsunari is always pleasant to her whenever they interact, but he is often absorbed in various reading material and rarely even notices her. Yasuke is kind and gentle, but very reserved, and a man of few words. 
Even Lord Oda himself has been surprisingly aloof.
She’d worried, the first night he’d summoned her to his tent, when he declared that she would be under his protection. He’d advised her to sleep in his tent that night, and Eri had been terrified that it meant he wanted something physical in return for his protection. She wasn’t sure how long she’d lain there in the corner of his tent, curled into a ball frozen with fear, before he spoke to her. 
“I do not wish to harm you,” he’d said, slight annoyance lacing his voice. “And forcing you would bring me no pleasure.” 
She’d breathed a sigh of relief then, hot tears clinging to her lashes as she closed her eyes. 
Still, traveling this way is unbelievably hard. She is tired from lack of sleep, sore from the riding, and filthy from the dust and dirt they’ve picked up along the roads they’ve ridden. I would sell half my soul right now for a hot bath and a warm, soft bed. 
“Date-San,” she starts, watching him ladle soup into a bowl and place it on a tray for Lord Oda, “how far are we from Azuchi now?” 
The one eyed man considers her question thoughtfully, and she can see him working out time frames in his mind. “I would say perhaps a half-day’s ride,” he answers finally. “If we leave at dawn tomorrow, it’s very likely we’ll reach home before the sun is too high in the sky.”
Relieved at the news, Eri flashes her first genuine smile in days. 
“Well, isn’t that like a ray of sunshine,” Date Masamune chuckles as he finishes arranging the tray of food. “Be careful with this, Lass,” he warns her. “Not only is it hot, but it’s heavy - I’ve got food for both you and Oda-Sama on there.”
She nods, carefully picking up the tray and balancing it in her arms. “Thank you,” she tells him quietly, sincerely. “For the food… and for letting me help.”
“Anytime, Kitten,” he smiles at her. “It’s nice to have the company while I work.” 
“Oda-Sama,” she calls at the entrance of the tent. The flap is open. “Excuse me, I’m coming in,” she adds, before ducking into the tent. 
He’s where he usually is at this time of day: reclining on his cushions with parchment spread around him, thoroughly engrossed in reading what’s written on the thin, yellowed pieces of paper. 
“I have food for you,” she offers hesitantly. 
“Yes, I see,” he replies, without looking up. “You may set it on the table there.”
She obliges him, then stands off to the side, waiting. 
Sensing her hovering presence, he looks up at her. “Is there something you’re waiting for?”
She shifts from one foot to the other. “Well, it just seems rude to start eating without you,” she starts. “And you should eat while it’s still warm.”
He raises one dark eyebrow at her, but says nothing, instead turning his attention back to the document in his hand. 
“Fine,” she mumbles, moving over to the table to sit. “Itadakimasu,” she says softly, before separating the food on the tray.
She is halfway through her meal when he seats himself across from her at the table. Surprised, Eri looks up at him. 
“Perhaps it’s still a little warm… hm?” He isn’t smiling as he looks at her, but the usual harshness with which he speaks to her is gone. He clasps his hands together. “Itadakimasu.”
They eat together in silence for a few minutes. Eri sneaks glances at him every once in a while, trying to guess what he’s thinking. 
“Valerie.” His voice startles her, and she jumps. 
“Yes,” she says uncertainly, looking up at him. 
He seems to be contemplating her. “What sort of skills do you have?”
What kind of question is that? 
“Skills?” She shakes her head. “Well, back home… where I’m from, I’m a teacher. I teach small children to read and write. I teach them about shapes and colors, and animals as well.” 
He looks at her with interest. “Is that so? Do you enjoy it?”
“Very much,” she answers immediately. “I’m not… exceptionally skilled at a lot of things. Just average at most things. But I enjoy what I do, and I love the children that I work with.”
He accepts this quietly with a nod. “Have you any experience managing a household?”
“Lots,” she says confidently. “I’ve been managing my own household for years now.”
“And your husband?”
The question catches her off-guard. The bowl of broth in her hand slips slightly. She catches it, setting it down on the table. “I don’t have a husband.”
Curiously, he stares openly at her. “Are you not of childbearing age?”
Heat flares in her chest. “Isn’t that an inappropriate thing to ask?” The question comes out sharper than she intends. 
Her question - and her obvious anger - seem to confuse him. “I merely wish to understand,” he tells her with a shrug. “I know nothing of the customs where you’re from. It occurred to me that perhaps the reason you were in the temple at Honno-ji was to escape some fate that you were not happy with.”
The statement makes her hesitate. “I don’t have a husband,” she repeats firmly, after a few seconds have passed. 
He looks as though he wants to press the issue more. He opens his mouth to speak again, but seems to change his mind. 
“I’m not exceptionally skilled at many things,” Eri says again, her eyes on her bowl and her hands folded in her lap. “But I’m a hard worker, and a fast learner.”
He nods. “When we arrive at Azuchi castle, I plan to make you my chatelaine.” 
What the hell is a chatelaine? Briefly, she looks away, her eyes searching for her purse. A quick Google search will tell me— The train of thought stops in its tracks when she remembers that her cell phone will most certainly not work in Sengoku Japan. 
She sighs. 
“Does the thought displease you that much?” He’s raising those dark eyebrows at her again, a challenge in his tone. 
“It isn’t that,” she admits. “I’m just not quite sure what a chatelaine is.”
“The Lady of the house,” he tells her. “Azuchi has not had one in many, many years.”
Confused, she shakes her head. “Isn’t that the sort of responsibility the actual Lady of the house would get?”
“I have no wife,” Lord Oda says simply. “And I have no plans to take one anytime soon. You will be the chatelaine of Azuchi castle. I will have Mitsunari explain to you what that entails.” That air of finality is in his voice again, and Eri bites back another sigh. 
She isn’t sure what kind of misalignment to the stars caused her current predicament. And she isn’t sure those same stars have any plans to re-align themselves and set things right so she can get back home. As much as she would like to protest this decision of the stern, cold warlord in front of her, she remembers that she is essentially at his mercy. 
At least until I can figure out what happened and whether or not there’s a possibility I’ll get sent back to my time. For now, being the chatelaine of Oda Nobunaga’s castle at Azuchi is my safest bet. 
“Alright,” she says finally. “Understood.”
True to Date Masamune’s words, the caravan arrives at Azuchi castle town in less than a half-day’s ride. There is a welcoming party at the gates of the castle, waiting to bestow well-wishes on Lord Oda and his vassals. Eri notes with interest the crowd of women that gather around and fawn over Toyotomi-San. He seems to be quite popular with the ladies. 
“Mitsunari will have a room prepared for you,” the Lord of Azuchi castle tells her as they dismount. “See him for your needs.” 
It’s as much of a dismissal as any, and as he turns away from her, Eri looks around for the warlord in question. She finds him near Toyotomi-San, in the thick of the crowd of admirers cooing over the tall warlord in green. Eri stands off to the side, unwilling to insert herself into the chaos. 
“There’s always a crowd of hens around that one, waiting their turn to peck at him.” The voice in her ear startles her, and she whirls around to find herself face-to-face with Akechi Mitsuhide. “If you want to talk to them, you’ll have to push your way in.” 
She looks up at him, trying to keep her face schooled into a neutral expression. This may be unfair of me, she thinks to herself, but the man makes me uncomfortable. “Thank you, Akechi-San,” she offers politely, bowing and turning slightly away from him, hoping her body language conveys her desire for him to keep moving and not try to prolong conversation with her. 
“Anything for the savior of my Liege Lord.” He flashes her a cryptic smile, and much to her relief, moves on. 
“My lady, is there something you need?” Yasuke-San has materialized in front of her, his kind face a welcome sight. 
“I was just… waiting to talk to Ishida-San,” she tells the quiet man, her eyes on the scene in front of her. “But it seems like he’s busy,” she adds with a laugh. She turns to look back at him. “Do all of the warlords live at Azuchi?” 
“Oh, no.” He shakes his head. “Most have their own, smaller estates nearby. Close enough to be present at Azuchi for Oda-Sama’s daily councils, but far enough to have their own households.”
Eri nods, looking up at the gorgeous castle in front of them. “It’s a beautiful place,” she remarks. 
“That it is.” He pauses for a moment, seeming to contemplate something. “Oda-Sama may seem like a cold, unfeeling man,” he says quietly, “but he is a good man and a fair Lord. You have nothing to fear under his care.” 
She absorbs his words, chewing on her lower lip thoughtfully. “If you don’t mind me asking,” she starts, “what is it like living in this place, with the color of your skin being different from everyone else’s?”
The question seems to surprise him, and she can see that he’s taking a minute to really and truly consider it. “I came to Azuchi three years ago,” he tells her. “No one was used to seeing people with my skin color here. When I arrived, it caused quite a spectacle. People crowded around to see the tall, dark-skinned samurai. I felt like traveling entertainment. Even now,” he goes on thoughtfully, “I think some don’t know what to make of me. They’ve gotten used to seeing me around, and they respect that I’m in Oda-Sama’s service, but they are still curious. They still stare, and some still ask intrusive, uncomfortable questions.”
Eri nods, understanding exactly how he feels. “And what about the other warlords? Do they treat you any differently?”
“No,” he answers immediately, flashing her a kind smile. “Oda-Sama is a fair, reasonable man. As such, he has chosen fair, reasonable men to be in his service. Toyotomi-San was suspicious of me at first, much as he has been of you… but that comes from his undying loyalty to his Lord, and does not reflect on you as a person. He will warm up to you once he sees you mean his Lord no harm.” 
She breathes a sigh of relief. “That makes me feel much better.”
He nods at her. “When you’ve been settled in Azuchi,” he starts, “please send word. My wife is foreign as well, and would love to entertain the company of another lady. I’m sure she would enjoy having you over for tea.”
“I would like that,” Eri smiles back. 
He bows to her politely before taking his leave, and as she watches him go, Eri thinks to herself that she may have just made her first friend in the Sengoku period.
Previous Chapter (Three): Lucky Charm | Next Chapter (Five): The Chatelaine of Azuchi
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Can I request a hurt/comfort Mitsuhide fic? I can provide a scenario if needed.
A little sweetness and a little angst with Mitsuhide and his little mouse. Approx. 1200 words of hurting and comfort. TW for implied depression
Mitsuhide found her in a narrow alley. His little mouse, her cheeks tear stained. Sorrow darkened her gaze as she looked up at him. 
“Go away.” Her voice was thick and low. She wiped a hand across her face, smearing dirt into the tracks of the tears. 
He stopped where he stood, rooted to the spot. “Little one -”
“Go! I don’t want - want-” Her voice cracked and she struggled not to cry, her breath coming in gasps.
It physically hurt him not to touch her, to offer what comfort he could. He looked aside, letting his eyes travel along the plain length of the wall. “When you disappeared from camp, I didn’t expect to find you wandering in town.” He kept his voice conversational, his tone light.
She took a sharp breath, then the tears came back anew. Choked, muffled sounds as she buried her face in her sleeve.
Mitsuhide edged a little closer, still not looking at her. “I thought you might have gone to visit the river. The villagers say it is beautiful at sunset.”
More sniffling and ragged breath. 
“I can’t imagine what brought you here, though. My little mouse.” A little closer now. If he reached out an arm, Mitsuhide thought, he might brush the edge of her kimono.
“I-I wanted to be alone . . .” She tried to stop her tears again, wiping furiously at her face, her breath coming in short, panting gasps. “I - I thought - I thought if I could just . . .  I don’t know. Cry it out here. Then I could - s-smile for you.” She covered her face with her hands. “It’s so s-stupid! I d-don’t even know why I feel so - so -”
He nodded, understanding coming all at once. It was no wonder, then, that she didn’t want his presence. Despite all they went through together, there were still parts of her heart that she kept well hidden, as if to admit to them would somehow cheapen the life they now shared. This sadness she held, an exhaustion that haunted her sometimes, was one of those things. “You don’t have to always smile for me, little one.” 
The chatelaine hugged herself tightly. “I didn’t want you to - to see me like this.” She took a deep, trembling breath. 
Mitsuhide’s chest tightened to see her like this. Her pain was his own, her sorrow hurt his heart. Though she’d rejected him once already, he held his arms open to her. “Little mouse.”
This time she didn’t refuse his comfort. She fell against him and buried her face against his chest. 
He held her, stroking her back as she quietly cried. Mitsuhide did not offer her useless platitudes. No advice to cheer up, no comparisons to how much worse others might have it, no vague reassurance that everything would be alright. The only thing he could offer was himself, and he wanted her to know that she had him - whatever she needed, as long as she needed. His love would not waver nor fade.
“I - I know I don’t have anything to cry about,” she mumbled after a bit. She nestled against his shoulder, peering up at him with red-rimmed eyes. “It’s stupid. I’m stupid.”
Mitsuhide gently brushed her hair away from her face, studying her expression. “You are anything but, my little mouse. I find you clever, intelligent, and kind.”
She scowled, chewing at her lower lip. “You don’t have to say nice things about me. I know I’m not very . . . useful. I don’t know how to do things. I’m weak. Uneducated. I’m not even pretty. N-not compared to real princesses.” She crossed her arms. 
He smiled and gently poked her forehead. “Is it alright if I like you, even when you don’t like yourself? Because I know you like me, despite what I think about myself.”
“What? But . . . you’re - you - it’s different! You’re THE Mitsuhide Akechi. A warlord. Literally a legend. I’m nothing. I wouldn’t even get an honorable mention.” 
“And you are THE woman Mitsuhide Akechi loves above all else. Who cares what people remember of us 500 years from now?” He tilted his head. 
The chatelaine gave a slight shrug. “I - I don’t know. I don’t have the energy to argue with you. You’ll win anyway. You always do.” 
This despair that took her sometimes frightened him. He saw in her gaze an emptiness that spoke of endings. Of loss and hopelessness. Mitsuhide did not know how to bring that spark back. Only that each time she fell into this morass, he feared she would not come back to him from it. It was a sickness of the heart and he did not know how to heal it.
She pushed away from him, though he did not let her go. “You should get back to camp. You have important things to do. And look -” The chatelaine gave him a ghastly smile so patently false that it hurt him. “I’m not crying now see? All better.”
He traced a line across her cheek with a fingertip. “I would rather see your tears than this false cheer. Didn’t we promise to be honest with each other?”
Her lip trembled. 
“I love you, little one. I love you through your sadness and your tears as much as through your smiles. There is nothing more important to me than you. So unless you tell me honestly that you do not want me, I am going nowhere without you.” 
The chatelaine crumbled. Her smile fell away as if it had never been. She collapsed into him again, not crying this time, only clinging to him like a drowning man to a life line. 
Mitsuhide pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Tell me, next time. Tell me when you don’t feel pretty and I will kiss you until you feel as beautiful as you are to me. Tell me when you feel useless and I will sing your praises until you believe in them too -”
“Don’t,” she sighed. “I don’t deserve that from you.”
He wanted to tell her that it was he that didn’t deserve her. With his bloodstained hands and his hardened heart. The death and suffering he caused in service to his ideals, the things he knew he would do if needed . . . a man such as he never should have found a love as precious as hers. But his throat closed over the words and a tear escaped his fluttering lashes to spill down his cheek. 
Her eyes widened. “I - I didn’t mean to make you cry too!” She wiped the tear from his face and the ones that followed it. A sad little half smile turned up the corners of her lips. “Maybe we do deserve each other. One hot mess to another.”
“I could never deserve you, little one. But I will never let you go. Not even to your own sorrows. Please. Don’t ask me to.”
She pulled his face closer to hers and brushed a kiss as gentle and sweet as spring across his lips. “I promise.”
“Good.” Mitsuhide kissed her once, twice, the warmth of her lips a reassurance. 
They did not return to camp that night, but found a room at the inn beside the alleyway. A quiet place to hold each other, reminding one another that love was not a thing deserved or earned, but a gift freely given.
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(stuff from motonari's route)
Actually it's kind of amusing when you're burnt out like me and you read a route super slowly. It's been more than an year now but im still on chapter 5 of motonari's route, so in my head I've been his prisoner for that long. When they had a war council now, i was like "oh. Mitsuhide will finally get suspicious of him. I believe in him. Cmon, it's been so long you gotta be noticing something isn't right!!" LMAO it's funny, it's almost as if im stuck with motonari and we're just living together but without the crazy angst and things happening all the time. It's like we're bored out of our minds in the moments when he's not acting upon his evil plots and we're playing silly sleepover games together to pass the time (it's funny because I'm having the prisoner collar on the whole time)
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Hiiii Aqua!! So so excited for your request event 💕
Would you please consider writing Hideyoshi + harvest moon + fluff? I’m hopelessly in love with him lately, and I just know you’re the kind of person to do him justice 🥰 so so excited to see what you come up with!
Hiiii @jozhenji, so nice to see you in my inbox! I hope you enjoy this fic, but a word of warning - I have never read his route. I've read Keiji, Masamune and Mitsuhide (all troublemakers!) so if my perception of him is a bit skewed, don't hold that against me 😂
Harvest Moon - Hideyoshi Toyotomi x Reader (Ikesen Sengoku)
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A/N: Part of the Fall Fluff/Autumn Angst CCC hosted by myself and @violettduchess
Pairing: Hideyoshi Toyotomi x Reader
Prompt: Harvest Moon
Tags: fluff
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His whispered words were warm against your ear as he wrapped his arms around your body, his hand tickling your waist as he reached for the floral hairpin resting on the vanity. Picking it up, he weaved it through your hair, pinning it above your ear.
His head next to yours, his hands on your shoulders, he gazed at you adoringly in the mirror. “You are so beautiful.”
Your breath hitched as you gazed at your reflection. Dressed in a gorgeous red kimono with pale gold embroidery  on the sleeves and hem, the fabric felt luxurious against your skin; around your waist, an ornate obi was tied, its golden silk ties cinching your waist.
He turned his head, his attention solely on you; he nibbled the rim of your ear, your eyes drifting closed as his tongue distracted you, his fingers grazing your neck.
“Can’t have anyone staring.” His fingers moved swiftly as he adjusted the collar of your kimono, hiding the lovebites he left on you earlier that evening.
The sky was dark, and the moon was high as you took in the sights and sounds of the Harvest Moon festival. The streets were lined with numerous vendors, many selling special treats for the occasion. Weaving your way through the crowds, Hideyoshi held your hand tightly, warning you to stay close to his side.
“There’s a lot of people here; I don’t want you getting lost in the crowds,” he said sternly, keeping his eyes on you.
Your cheeks flushed pink; you were used to his protective side by now, and somehow, it still did things to you. Nodding, you squeezed his hand, a silent sign of acknowledgment. 
Hideyoshi expertly guided you through the maze of stalls, encouraging you to stop and shop at whatever caught your eye. After purchasing you a rabbit pin–he absolutely insisted when he saw how your face lit up when you walked past the display, he took you to his favorite tea house.
A bottle of sake between you, a tray of rice dumplings was placed on your table by the waiter. Mouth watering, you reached out to grab a sweet treat.
"No, no, no," he teased playfully. His hand held your wrist, gently but firmly, as he proceeded to pick up a dumpling and dangle it by your lips. His smile encouraged you to open your mouth and take a bite; it was warm and delicious... 
Just like the man next to you.
Bellies full and hearts warm, Hideyoshi suggested  it was time to head back to the castle. 
Just before you reached the castle gates, he stopped, and pulled you close in a warm embrace. Your chest against his back, you stole a quiet moment to gaze at the autumn sky together.
Away from the crowds and wrapped in your love’s arms, your body relaxed, melting into his. Sighing, you intertwined your fingers with his, in awe of the beauty of the full moon above surrounded by a sky full of twinkling stars. This was the same moon you had viewed so many times in your life, but being here, being here with him, made it all different somehow. Better.
He leaned closer to you, brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear, his touch sending a slight shiver up your spine. 
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”
Tilting your face to his, you saw that he wasn’t looking at the moon but straight at you. Your heart warmed at the tenderness reflected in his eyes. Smiling at him, you pressed your palm against his cheek, his skin warming under your touch. Standing on tiptoes, you kissed him, your kiss conveying more than mere words ever could. 
I love you, too.
Tagging: @violettduchess @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @redheadkittys @atelieredux @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @bellerose-arcana @scorchieart @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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Here you can find all the works created for this challenge hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me! (Link to the challenge)
I'll be updating this masterlist gradually as the challenge progresses! (If you've created a work in the duration of this challenge and before the deadline - July 15th - and you can't find it here, don't hesitate to let me know!)
legend: 💝 - fluff; 🔞 - smut; 💔 - angst; 🎨 - art
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█ DAY 1, June 19th - Bodyguard AU | Mafia AU
Ikemen Vampire
🎨 Mafia AU - Theo & OC - @krys-loves-otome
💔 Worth Protecting - Napoleon x OC - @fang-and-feather
Quello che vuoi, lo ottieni - Napoleon x Wellington - @xxsycamore
🎨 Mafia AU - Dazai - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Prince
💝🔞💔 Captive Heart - Silvio x f!Reader - @nightghoul381
💔 Overture - Nokto x Adam (OC) (cw: near-death experience; poison) -@naresnani
Ikemen Sengoku
💝 Miss Fortune - Mitsuhide x MC (cw: gun mention, blood mention) - @lorei-writes
█ DAY 2, June 20th - Angels and Demons AU | Pirate/Mermaid AU
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Angels and Demons AU (cw:blood) - Harr x OC - @krys-loves-otome
🎨 Angels and Demons AU - Seth - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Vampire
💔💝 Back to You - Mozart x Mermaid OC - @fang-and-feather
💔 Between Good & Evil - Shakespeare x Theo - @xxsycamore
💔 Treasure - Jean x Napoleon - @xxsycamore
Ikemen Prince
Different; Similiar - Chevalier & Gilbert - @lorei-writes
█ DAY 3, June 21st - Social Media AU |Coffee/Flower shop AU
Ikemen Vampire
💝 Hope - Isaac x Reader - @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Flower Shop AU - Sirius x Lancelot - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Coffee/Flower Shop AU - Kennyo x OC - @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Prince
🎨 Flower Shop AU - Leon - @nightghoul381
█ DAY 4, June 22nd - Celebrity AU | Bookstore AU
Ikemen Vampire
💔💝 Now and Forever (+ Soulmates AU) - Leonardo x f!Reader - @violettduchess
The Doors that Connect & Divide - Entrance: Arthur (cw:blood) (+ Magic AU) - Arthur x Reader - @lorei-writes
Ikemen Sengoku
🎨 Bookstore AU - Mitsunari x OC - @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Villains
Celebrity AU - Elbert x Kate - @atelier-the-atelier
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Bookstore AU - Seth & Nodisha - @badass-at-fandoming
Ikemen Prince
🔞 The Silvio Cinematic Universe - Silvio - @atelier-the-atelier
🔞 Bad Romance - Gilbert - @aquagirl1978
💝 Love on Set - Yves x Reader - @fang-and-feather
█ DAY 5, June 23rd - Forbidden love AU | Soulmates AU
Ikemen Prince
🎨 Soulmates AU - Nokto x OC - @krys-loves-otome
💔 However, he is... Leon - Leon x MC (cw: implied mutilation) - @lorei-writes
Ikemen Vampire
💝 Bonds of Fate, Bonds of Love - Jean x OC - @fang-and-feather
💝 Soulmates AU (+ Bookstore AU + Coffee Shop AU) - Comte x f!reader - @violettduchess
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Forbidden Love AU - Seth x Zero - @badass-at-fandoming
█ DAY 6, June 24th - Office AU | Circus/Magic AU
Ikemen Prince
💝 Illusion of Grandeur [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] - Clavis x Reader - @claviscollections
Ikemen Vampire
Wings of Freedom - Napoleon x Genderbent!MC - @xxsycamore
💔 Fake Promises, True Dreams (+ Arranged Marriage AU) - Leonardo x MC - @fang-and-feather
🎨 Magic AU - Vincent x OC - @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Revolution
Office AU - Seth & Edgar - @badass-at-fandoming
█ DAY 7, June 25th - FREE DAY ( an AU of your choice!)
Ikemen Prince
💔 Memories That Lived - Chevalier x Reader - @princesspraya
💔 Teenage Love - Silvio x OC - @ikemen-writer
Negotiation - Gilbert x f!Reader - @violettduchess
💝 It Was You - Chevalier x Reader - @aquagirl1978
Into the -BertVerse - Gilbert (x Reader?) - @lorei-writes
Ikemen Revolution
🎨 Kagema AU - Seth x Sirius - @badass-at-fandoming
Obey me!!
🎨 Free Day - Lucifer x MC - @krys-loves-otome
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