#misty quigley for life
Some of my favourite pictures of Teen Misty, cause look at her. She’s a cutie.
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PT 2
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lunarzomb · 3 months
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this came to me in a vision
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lesbianlotties · 2 months
"we need more unlikeable female characters. more complex female characters. more toxic yuri. we love insane women" yeah right i'm still not over the fact that some of you couldn't even handle misty quigley. rip you cowards but i literally can't relate. there's not a single thing that woman has made on this show that i haven't enthusiastically clapped and cheered for!!!
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honeycrispjamz · 4 months
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so what do we think the sleeping arrangements are according to these two pics
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rougeclasslover · 4 months
*crawls out from the woodwork on all fours*
psst hey.
I wanna show you something, but you can’t tell my parole officer.
*I lead you to a sink in the forest* *I open the drawer*
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Misty shrine
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thinking of taxidermist misty and nat who hunts animals for her to stuff
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bugisawesomeasf · 8 months
the characters have always been dead, i think thats the whole point of the show. they didn’t die when the wilderness took them they didnt die when the real world ate them. they were already dead long before they got on the plane. i guess in a way it gave them a chance to become something greater something primordial and those who couldn’t adapt who couldn’t change they had no place there (maybe they could’ve been smth in the real world but this is the wilderness. adapt or die) but the others aren’t any better they’re living on borrowed time and sooner or later the wilderness is gonna want it back. they left it and took its secrets. thats not fair it told you those secrets so you could live and thrive in it, so you wouldnt die and leave it all alone again but you did and now it wants everything back
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coolmcq · 2 months
That's Life - Misty edit
Haiii idk if people post edits like this to Tumblr but I am hoping y'all might like them and I will post them here This was my first one :D
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
the way that adult Natalie is cold toward Misty & keeps her at arm’s length & adult Misty’s obsessive desire to protect Natalie at all costs is put into such a new context when you understand that Natalie resents Misty not for trapping them in the wilderness not for being “weird” or “crazy” but because Misty SAVED her.
adult Natalie in season 2 repeatedly states that she is a bad & toxic person while demonstrating the opposite. According to her, she hurts everyone around her but in reality she can’t even kill a goldfish when she tries. I think that what we clearly see in the last episode is that Natalie hates herself for living.
Natalie will never forgive herself for the moment she stopped trying to save Javi - an innocent child she’s spent months searching for - her friend - her lover’s only family - the ONLY person willing to selflessly fight to save her.
Natalie Scatorccio is broken by the end of season 1. She’s holding a gun to her mouth. But season 2 shows us how & why she broke. It’s not because everyone turned against her & her friend held a knife to her throat. It’s because she hates herself for the selfish choice to survive & WHO PUSHED HER to make that choice? Who held her back & begged her to stop trying to save Javi? Misty.
this show is actually brilliant in how new information gives new context. season 1 would have you believe mistynat is a fun investigative duo. a wacky perky “crazy” girl & her goth partner who keeps her distance emotionally but has a good heart. season 2 shows us that EVERYTHING goes back to the moment that Misty saved Natalie’s life at the cost of Javi’s life. Natalie will never forgive herself for that & she’ll never forgive Misty & they are forever intertwined because of it. hand in unlovable fucking HAND do you understand
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
ok not only was this just a bad narrative choice for the show in general and natalie's character, this was also such a WEAK narrative choice for misty, too.
christina has talked about how something happens at the end of the season that "changes" misty. but the thing is, this has happened before. to her. same circumstances. this is the opposite of something that should change her, because it's exactly what happened with crystal!
both times misty found a friend when she was desperately alone, she clung to that friend and put everything into the relationship. and then, due to the intensity of her relationship—sharing everything with crystal, wanting to protect natalie—she caused the death of the person she loved.
there is nothing i love more than parallels, but for a parallel to be narratively meaningful, there needs to be a purpose to it. you need to use it to highlight differences, or show a progression. there is no progression for misty here. this is just history repeating itself. if misty didn't change after crystal died, and nothing has changed between then and now for misty, then WHY does this change her? she just needed it to happen twice??
killing natalie was a disgusting choice, and if we're supposed to believe that it was necessary for misty's character growth, with absolutely no narrative justification for it to be, then—beyond it just being awful—it is an entirely lower level of bad storytelling.
i am all for a story where these women continue to (figuratively) cannibalize each other as adults; i signed up for a dark show about women making bad choices. but 1) this wasn't a choice. this was, once again, an accident. i signed up for a show about women with agency, and making everything around them an accident or an unintended consequence is absolutely spitting in the face of that (presumably to make them more ~sympathetic, and i hate it).
and 2) there are other ways for them to hurt each other without death being a factor. this show is supposed to be about struggling with trauma, and you can't struggle with trauma when you're dead. the far more interesting story is one where the past is well and truly saturated with conflict—with characters you know are doomed and you still learn to love, and with characters you know survive and you have to continually struggle to forgive and understand.
i had so, so much love for season one because that's what i thought we were getting. i thought we were getting a bittersweet love story about the complexity of women, the complexity of trauma, the complexity of survival.
instead, this is becoming yet another show where things happen to women. where, to make them sympathetic—as more palatable to mainstream (cough male cough) audiences—they need to write women as victims of circumstance, as victims of their pasts, as victims of their own actions.
this is becoming a show where women who make bad choices are not allowed to stand behind them. who must be out of control (shauna, lottie, tai), or must be punished for the unintended consequences (misty), or must die (nat, van potentially).
and now, with natalie the antler queen in the past, and a character we no longer have in the present, i wonder how long it will be until she becomes the scapegoat for the surviving characters. how long until the worst actions in the wilderness are put upon natalie's shoulders, to lighten the load from the surviving women. how long until the only characters allowed to have agency, allowed to be complex and make disagreeable choices that they intend to make, are ones who die.
how long until our beautiful, complex, surviving characters are washed down to nothing, to shells of themselves in the name of making them more sympathetic. more palatable. how long until this is just another shallow mystery, without the beating heart of the first season.
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mariej0rdans · 3 months
wdym it’s officially been one year since i started watching yellowjackets
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Inspired by @lunarzomb’s newest Art
Fav Teen Misty Photos PT1, PT2
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vancula · 6 months
going thru mistys tag and ive seen 0 fake deep posts about how the phantom of the opera being her fave musical is so real bc its about a man who doesnt fit in, who cant ever fit in. doomed to be an outsider just bc of who he is. who finds solace in unconventional things. and the only time he meets someone who listens, and shares every part of himself with her, she doesnt want it. she doesnt understand it. and she never could, bc in the end, no matter how much he wants them to be, they arent the same.
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warningsine · 1 year
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#what getting pussy from the ex will do to a motherfucker
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honeycrispjamz · 2 months
➶➴➵➶➴➵➶Shauna & Misty’s friendship➴➵➶➴➵➶➴
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➴ Before the crash, Shauna and Misty had english class together and were constantly competing for the best grade/mark. It was an unacknowledged competition, but a competition no less.
➶ Shauna lets Misty help her in the meat shack— dividing rations, cleaning/sharping Shauna’s knife in between uses, etc— despite everyone else’s (Mari’s) objections. Misty’s rambling can be almost meditative to zone out on, even if it can get a bit annoying at times.
➴ Misty figures out how to make (shitty) coffee using just ground up coffee beans from the cabin pantry and hot water. So, every morning, before the other girls wake up, Misty makes Shauna and herself a cup of coffee to share while they watch the sun rise.
➶ Misty teaches Shauna how to make origami animals out of her journal pages, and Shauna teaches Misty how to make a friendship bracelet (using whatever scrap of fabric and string she can get her hands on.) She teaches Misty the exact same way Jackie taught her years ago.
➴ Even though it takes a bit of convincing, Misty helps Shauna do morning, afternoon, and bedtime stretches/exercises throughout her pregnancy. At first it felt like torture, having to contort her already aching body 5 billion different ways with Misty yapping in her ear while she does so, but after a week of constant stretching she does notice a difference and (begrudgingly) keeps it up.
➶ Misty was one of the only people brave enough— besides Taissa— to go check on Shauna while she was out in the meat shed with Jackie’s corpse, even though Shauna never let her in. That didn’t stop her, though, from sitting outside with her back pressed against door, talking to Shauna through it about anything and everything. She always ended up getting ran off after a few minutes, of course, but that never deterred her from checking on Shauna.
➴ Shauna thinks it’s cute how much her dry-pan humor makes Misty laugh. Jokes that usually never land with the other girls— or jokes that were deemed ‘too mean’ by Jackie long before the crash— never fail to make Misty giggle, even if she doesn’t fully understand all of them.
➶ Unlike other people, when Shauna flips out on Misty, Misty never seems to hold a grudge for every long like she does with other people who are mean to her. She’s always back a few hours later, mug in hand, with a smile on her face as she makes a place for herself in Shauna’s vicinity. Sometimes, it makes Shauna feel powerless, but most times it makes her feel accepted.
➴ After Shauna’s miscarriage, Misty and Taissa team up to make her healing process as comfortable and easy as possible. Taissa focuses more on keeping Shauna mentally active— making conversation, getting her to start up journaling again, etc— while Misty focuses on keeping Shauna physically clean/healthy. She washes all of Shauna’s clothes by herself, braids Shauna’s hair while she’s bedridden so it doesn’t get matted, even washes her face every morning for her so Shauna doesn’t have to worry about doing it/can feel somewhat clean while she gets better.
➶ They wear each other’s socks constantly out in the wilderness, more than they do with the other girls. Misty just always ends up in a pair of Shauna’s black crew socks, while Shauna sneakily wears Misty’s fuzzy pink ones around the cabin.
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rougeclasslover · 4 months
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