coolmcq Ā· 5 days
Being Misty Quigley's Girlfriend Headcanons (Pre-Crash) [Part 1]
A/N: Ignoring Misty being absolutely "boy-crazy" with Coach Ben almost to the point of obsession, I'm making you her object of love instead! Devour and enjoy, my fellow Misty enthusiasts.
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Misty is absolutely devoted to you. Like in the original story, being anyone's girlfriend (especially the person she loves) means the world to her. The girl goes above and beyond to make you feel loved, sometimes even to the point of it being overwhelming. You don't want to know the lengths she'll go to just for you.
Misty showers you with affection through small but intense gestures like leaving notes in your locker, crafting handmade gifts, or constantly checking in on you to make sure you're okay. For Misty, your happiness means everything.
To your surprise, Misty is strangely confident in your relationship. Of course, that doesn't mean all is well with her. Misty is pretty insecure, especially about her place in your life. Sure, you love her now, but will you still love her after a few years? She constantly worries that she's not good enough for you or that you might leave her for someone else.
Because of this, she tends to ask if she's doing enough to make you happy or if you still love her. You always have to remind her from time to time that you're with her because you want to be, not out of pity or obligation, as she sometimes thinks. While her insecurity can be a bit too much, you understand her and always reassure her.
Misty is your personal cheerleader and your number-one fan. It doesn't matter if you're just participating in a school event, studying for a big test, or even having a rough day! Sheā€™s always there to support you (over-enthusiastically). She'll bring you snacks, shower you with praise, and offer to help with anything you need. Again, it can be overwhelming at times, but you appreciate whatever she does for you no matter what.
Knowing this girl? There is no doubt she has trouble understanding boundaries, especially yours. She often wants to be around you 24/7, and if she feels like you're pulling away, even just a little. She will get anxious, extremely anxious. You have to gently remind her occasionally that you're your own person, you have your own space that you need which she invades intentionally or unintentionally habitually. And while she struggles with the concept at first (she believes in that whole thing about couples being one when in love), she does try her best to respect it. Of course, the fact she never fully relaxes unless she's near you is an entirely different matter for another time.
If it wasn't obvious already, Misty absolutely loves doing things for you. It doesn't matter if she's helping you with your homework, making you lunch, running errands for you, or whatever; this girl will go out of her way to prove just how loyal and devoted she is. Aside from words of affirmation, acts of service are her way of showing how much she cares about you. You're the treasure she wants to keep all to herself, the jewelry she values more than anythi-
And of course with Misty being Misty, she'll sometimes go overboard with it. Doing things you didn't ask forā€”like organizing your locker or buying you things you donā€™t need, just because she thinks theyā€™ll make you happy. Do you hate it? No, but it can be annoying and even frustrating at times. Again, you love her, but sometimes her love for you can be suffocating.
Misty is extremely protective of you (similar to a poodle dog). She can't stand the absolute idea of anyone hurting or even slightly upsetting you. Just like I've said before, this girl will go to great lengths for you. Especially if it's to ensure you're safe and happy. This girl won't hesitate to jump up to your defense if anyone says anything negative about you. She'll be quick with it too regardless if it was someone close to you or not.
You can bet Misty's protectiveness verges on possessiveness sometimes. Yeah, she loves you, but she doesn't want anyone else other than her getting way too close to you. Once again, you're nevertheless any smarter about it. Excusing her behavior again and again after the other.
Misty is hella big on physical affection. She's always eager to hold your hand, hug you, or kiss you in public. She doesn't care what other people think, none of them matter when she has you with her. And besides! Being affectionate with you is her way of showing the world that you're hers.
While you absolutely enjoy it, once again, it can be a bit too much. Especially in public spaces. Every once in a while, you have to remind her to tone it down in front of others. I mean, with the way Misty is towards you, you guys could be mistaken as two horny hormonal teenagers. (Jackie even made a few jokes about it, saying you guys were practically devouring each other's faces. You made no comment about it even after Natalie casually stated she caught you two getting heated in the janitor's closet.)
Misty is a quick victim of jealousy. She gets easily jealous of anyone, especially your friends if she feels like they're taking up too much of your time. She'll ask a lot of questions (practically interrogating you) about your plans with them and sometimes even try to insert herself into your friend group.
While she'll never openly admit it, it's obvious she fears being replaced. So you have to reassure her every now and then that your friendships with other people won't diminish your love for her.
You can guarantee Misty rambling on and on about her interests from minor things such as obscure trivia to major things like her passion for becoming a nurse one day. She is incredibly eager to talk your ear off about anything and everything she can, to show you whatever. You're always interested in what she has to say, but her certain ardor for macabre stuff is something else and you won't lie that you don't find it a little unsettling. But this is Misty! Your weird yet completely wonderful girlfriend so you don't mind it that much. It's not like Misty would do anything about her knowledge of those things immorally, right..?
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coolmcq Ā· 9 days
My first request! Have some Misty, being *super* creepy!
It starts out with a dinner invitation.
"What with the holidays coming up, all the restaurants are having specials," Misty says to you in the break room, & she's smiling in that way that's just a little too wide, pushing her glasses up. "There's a nice place near me that I've been wanting to try, & I know that you've mentioned that your oven isn't workingā€¦"
Have you mentioned that your oven isn't working? It doesn't feel like the sort of thing you'd mention at work, but then again, you don't really talk much about your life at work.
It isn't like anyone even cares, anyway.
Apart from Misty.
There's something unsettling about the way she's smiling at you, & you know the way the other aides talk about her. You've heard a few rumors, butā€¦ this is a certified establishment! It isn't as if they'd let anything untoward happen, would they?
"I know that your day off is tomorrow as well," she adds, & the lights are reflecting off of her glasses, & you can't see her eyes.
There's a shiver down your back, & you don't know what to do with that.
"I know that paying for fixing your oven will put you back," she adds, as if as an afterthought, "so consider it my treat!"
You really can't say no to that, can you? It would be a waste of free food.
"Thanks," you say to her, & you give what you hope is a sincere smile. You almost believe yourself. "I'll see you at the end of my shift, then."
"Lookin' forward to it!" A wide smile from Misty, & then she's turning on her heel, walking out the door with a spring in her step.
You're not sure why you're soā€¦ nervous when you see her waiting at the staff entrance, her umbrella tucked under her arm. She smiles at you, & there's more of that trepidation in your stomach.
"We'll take my car," she says. "This place has a tiny lot, both our cars might not fit." But wait a second - how are you going to get back?
"I could follow you in mine?" You suggest, aware that you sound awkward.
Misty's face falls. "Do you think there's something wrong with my car?"
"No," you say quickly. "No, I justā€¦ don't want to put you out, y'know? Driving me back to get to my car."
She brightens up immediately - it's honestly a little bit disconcerting, the way she bounces back so quickly. She opens the door for you, & then she's leaning over, buckling you in before you can stop her.
"Safety first," she chirps, & it feels alarmingly like being tied down.
You don't love this.
The car smells like air freshener & whatever it is that she uses in her hair, & in the close quarters it's a little overwhelming. Then she's sliding into the driver's side, & the car sputters to life.
Music starts playing - it sounds like Sondheim, although you're not a big fan of musicals.
"I absolutely love Into the Woods, don't you?" She gushes as she clips her seatbelt into place.
"I liked the movie?" You offer, although you don't really have opinions in one direction or another.
A frown momentarily slides across her face. "They absolutely butchered it," she says, & then you're on your way.
The ride isā€¦ tense, in a way that you can't put your finger on. There's something uncomfortable about the way Misty keeps looking at you - a brightness to her eyes, a whiteness to her teeth when she flashes you smiles. It's sending warning signs through your whole body, but you can't for the life of you tell what the warning is for.
It's justā€¦ Misty.
The kind of pathetic aide that everyone else avoids forā€¦ some reason.
She's still talking, as she pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant, & it isn't actually that small? You can see plenty of empty seats.
"ā€¦ so of course, when I saw the revival I had some things to say about the costume change," she's saying, & you hope you're nodding along at the right points. "Here we are!" She shoots you a pleased smile, & then she's reaching over, unclipping your seatbelt.
Her hand rests on your leg for a millisecond too long, & every instinct in you is telling you to get the fuck away.
But it's just Misty. What are you so worried about?
"I'm surprised they're open so late," you say.
"Oh, they're twenty four hours," she says. She shoots you a look you can't entirely interpret, with the light off her glasses as you open the car door. "They do breakfast, too!"
"That's, uh. That's neat," you say.
Which is not a very clever thing to say, actually, but you're still on edge.
But why are you so nervous?
It's just Misty.
The restaurant is. Fine.
The two of you sit here in your aide's clothes, & the other people around the place look like other later shift workers. It's quiet, the way all restaurants are quiet at this time of night. The light makes her look a little ghoulish - the pits of her eyes like skulls, her cheeks almost hollow.
She's the one who hands you the napkin, & she's watching you expectantly as you look at the menu. You're not sure what sheā€¦ wants, but there's some kind of expectation hanging over the two of you that's putting your teeth on edge.
Every time you glance up at her, she's smiling a little wider. You'd think she'd run out of face by now.
She's talking to you - you're not really paying attention, trying to concentrate on the appeal of the free food.
And then Misty orders for you. She justā€¦ orders for you, before you have a chance to say anything.
You'd argue, but the waiter has already gone, & when Misty smiles at youā€¦ & what do you even say? There isn't really a way to respond that won't make you look weird, & she was your ride so you'd have to get an Uber to get back, &ā€¦
You give her an awkward smile, rest your chin on your hand, & she's talking again, something about how much she likes their chicken parmigiana, & have you ever had authentic Jersey chicken parmigiana, because a friend of hers has recommended a placeā€¦
You spill a bit of your dinner on yourself - you don't mean to, but you're trying to keep up with whatever it is that Misty is saying, because she's already leaning forward, dipping her napkin in her water glass to dab at the stain at the front of her shirt.
"Oops!" The water is cold through your shirt, & you really wish she wouldn't do that. "Don't worry, it happens to everyone!" A wink. "Maybe I should have put a bib on you."
You stutter outā€¦ something, your face hot, & you really don't want her to notice that, because this is too damn embarrassing & weird. What are you supposed to do with all of this?
"You know," she says, & she's smiling at you in a way that you might describe as "coquettishly", if you were the tyope of person to use that word, "the food here is pretty good, butā€¦ I've got better desserts at my place."
"I really wouldn't want to keep you," you say weakly.
Is this what it feels like, to be a mouse backed into a corner by a cat?
"Oh, I insist," she says cheerfully. "You can meet Caligula!"
"I should be getting back home," you say. "Since it's getting late."
"C'mon, live a little," she says, & she winks. "Anyway, it's your day off tomorrow!"
"It is," you have to admit, & why did she have to memorize your schedule?
Why is she like this?
"Unlessā€¦" She trails off, & she looks down at her hands, then looks back up at you, looking sad. "Do you really dislike me that much?"
"I don't dislike you," you say quickly. "I just, uh. I don't want to be an inconvenience. Since I still need to get to my car, to get home."
"Luckily you don't have to worry about any pets," she says cheerfully, & she's already indicating for the check. "And you've been good," she adds. "You definitely deserve a treat."
Why are you blushing at that?
After all, it is just Misty. What's there to worry about?
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coolmcq Ā· 9 days
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coolmcq Ā· 9 days
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Love this thing! The squigley <3
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coolmcq Ā· 12 days
Mary Katherine Gallagher from superstar
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coolmcq Ā· 12 days
Very pro weird girl. Not budging on that.
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coolmcq Ā· 13 days
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Every single outfit worn by Emily Sanderson in A Night at the Roxbury (1999) - a short gifset with written essay as a part of something I would like to call "Underrated Fashion Moments"
aka "molly shannon is such a bae in this movie even when she was poised to be annoying, and that's thanks to her beauty and fashion fr"
In all seriousness, I felt that the film was so underrated that its excellent costume design tend to go unnoticed. You have the Butabi brothers wear their famed suits and complementary-yet-matching shirts and then the girls they were interested in have sleek and sexy black metallic numbers, and then you have Emily (played by Molly Shannon) who stands out with her choice of outfits.
A little intro to who Emily is: she's the college-aged daughter of a lamp store businessman who's very attracted to Steve Butabi (one of two sons of a fake flower store salesman), who in return wasn't totally into her. Their respective parents want to have them married so that their businesses would merge into "the first plant-lamp emporium". Now, Steve and his brother Doug want to party, get with hot women, and go inside the hottest club - The Roxbury - and matters like Emily are a detriment to their plan. Oh, about Emily - she may be a sweet girl-next-door-type, but she's very horny. And also controlling then too focused on business and appearances. Oh well...
The important thing to know is that she wasn't in the proximity of a club, so her outfits tended to be plainer than what the other ladies in the film would wear in places like the Roxbury. However, her various outfits give out cues to what her character is like: she usually wears black with hints of white and red, but whenever she works at the lamp store, she wears yellow dresses and accessories. A ray of sunshine with a hidden desire and darkness kinda gal. Also, when she was actively pining for Steve before they were eventually forced to be wed, she would wear outfits with hints of flowers as seen in the first three frames as a nod to the Butabi business. The only time she wore another color was when she had her wedding (which went haywire to say the least), and that was it I guess. Also, she did wear some silver jewelry all throughout - pretty understated compared to others. It's interesting to see how these present her eventual nature once we see her settle within the film's narrative... when you get to it.
Making this gifset has made me realize the genius behind these clothes and how they could tell subtle hints (at least I'm aware of). I didn't even realize that Mona May, who is most well-known for her work in Clueless, handled costume design for this movie until recently! Hopefully, you can consider this study on an underrated part of May's repertoire and probably as future inspiration for some cute outfits at least. And when I have more time, I could go into some more specifics for each outfit...
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coolmcq Ā· 16 days
TRANS MISTY QUIGLEY ā¤ļøā¤ļø transfem misty quigley ā¤ļø transmasc misty quigley ā¤ļø non-binary misty quigley ā¤ļø just trans misty quigley in general ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
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coolmcq Ā· 16 days
How it feels seeing the Yellowjackets TikTok use the mistynat hastag
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coolmcq Ā· 20 days
hi i don't know if this is something you could find, but if not don't worry!!! in the scene where jackie and shauna are driving to school i've always wondered what kind of car shauna is driving because it's so cutiešŸ˜­šŸ™
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Based on my research I believe it is a 1993 Ford Fiesta. It could be a different year (as sometimes the ones made around the same time look similar) but the specific one I found that looked the most like the one in the show was from 1993.
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coolmcq Ā· 21 days
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shaunanat ! (in the lottie dream sequence outfits)
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coolmcq Ā· 21 days
OK my yellowjackets hyperfix died. But have you considered werewolf misty..... bonus points if nats just Normal and has this bigass dog whos also her girlfriend sometimes
This ask has CONSUMED my thoughts last night,, Iā€™m specifically thinking of Trueblood werewolf! Misty mostly!! Because the werewolves in that lore consider hunting/eating together a very intimate thing you only do with the pack/someone you love,,,
Iā€™m imaginging Misty, packless, eating by herself most days,,, hunting in the dead of night only to fail most of the time because she never had someone to reach her how to hunt,,, then in comes this human who stinks of cigarettes and faked nihilism and bleachā€¦ but thereā€™s something under it all that feels warm and real and smells like warmed blankets.
Before Misty knows it, sheā€™s curled up in Natalieā€™s lap, sniffling as the moon starts to rise cause she knows she will have to go hunt alone, only for Natalie to offer to go with her. Nat thinks it doesnā€™t mean much, especially since she didnā€™t have plans in the first place and watching a werewolf hunt seems like a once in a lifetime chance, but Misty literally feels like her whole life has changed. Like she!! Has to hide her true reaction because no one has ever offered to eat/hunt with her let alone a human,,,
Puppygirl Misty is also just my truth in life so yes,,, like her having to stop herself from sniffing Natalieā€™s neck everytime they hug because she just smells!!! Like home and sweet under the menthol stink,,,
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coolmcq Ā· 22 days
jackie taylor - i want you to love me (fiona apple)
can't post it on tiktok bcs it keeps getting muted
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coolmcq Ā· 23 days
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LONGLEGS (Directed by Osgood Perkins, 2024) x The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (Written by Jennifer Lynch, 1990)
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coolmcq Ā· 27 days
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Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks) // Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
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coolmcq Ā· 27 days
I want to kiss her so bad
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coolmcq Ā· 27 days
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TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME (1992) dir. David Lynch
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