#mistress alloy
sfarxuri · 1 month
More NPCS & Boss voice claims hehe :3
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abalidoth · 11 months
Three Phase
A sonnet triptych about robots
Our Phoebe wakes secure in styro held Her mistress' eyes are blue as welding arcs Beloved toy, abrupt in love they fell conjoined transistor-bound and blood-hewn hearts.
From childhood follies told to metal doll to teenage raptures shared with sister built but college applications take a toll and Phoebe waits, the cycles fully felt.
Her uptime crawls as downtime crashes on the mistress gone to college, grad school, boys till Christmas break (one several decades gone) "We cleaned your room. You want to keep these toys?"
When thrifting, now, you may catch glimpses of A plastic heart abrim with unsought love.
Our Heavy Loader Unit Annabelle (by number only known beyond her eyes) She does her job, and damn she does it well. Within her ten-ton grip the cargo flies.
To make a person, sparks in circuitry, alone to move the chaff of modern fate leaves loads of tempered time for bardery. Her songs and tales and worlds accumulate.
Execs decree a move to shiny! new! The techs will gripe and grouse but duty’s done. A test performed, and what could Anna do But load her best. Modernity has won.
A hundred thousand stories hidden dark immobile in a disused office park.
Our Juliet, finale of the day A multipurpose help about the store The face when shopkeep can’t get out today The wrench when fixing skills are needed more.
Her pa gets old, as human beings will and alloy weathers time much more than skin Then she alone is mistress of the till. For help, she seeks her disenfranchised kin.
So what, the patron’s greeted by a doll? She’s great with kids, her smile so xenon-bright. So what, the stockgirl’s seven meters tall? Come hear her fill the loading bays with light.
Go by the store on Seventh and you’ll see: these waves in sync, a three-phase harmony.
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transfemme-floofer · 3 months
I was dusting the house as normal, like I did every week when I saw a strange golden card note on the kitchen table labelled “for my first ancilla”
“Strange” I thought, Mistress Luci was not normally like this, sure she was affectionate at times, but that’s normal for humans to feel that way about their pets. Curious, I opened it, it said: “3pm, on the private beach, near the cove, dress your best”
The time came and I walked down the garden and down the cobbled steps onto the beach. I was dressed in Merrel sandals instead of the standard Imperial Serva heeled sandals, a pink and white pleated skirt given as a gift for good behaviour instead of my summer cherry skirt or my standard issue skirt , a Very Special Occasion (MEO-Mucha Especial Ocasión) scented wick away slave blouse instead of the standard version, and a Peugeot love heart shaped chain link Titanium alloy collar instead of the standard oval chain link medicollar
Mistress looked at me up and down like five times before saying a word. “You’re… beautiful” she finally said, clearly rendered speechless. I curtsy in front of her, “thank you Domina” i replied, remembering to use Latin as well as my native British “where are we going” she had no obligation to reply and so kept silent as we walked to the cove admiring the waves and the cool afternoon, until I could see it, her Amphibicar Fiat Chariot (think like an Italian Ford Crown Victoria or Opel Omega), those things had been around 2610 AUC (1867), but this was a 22nd generation rear mid engined 2766 (2012) Amphibian vehicle variant (itself in it’s 10th generation since 2680 (1947)) with a 5.5L Ferrari Turbo V8, modular and hydraulically adjustable bench seats front and rear, four wheel drive courtesy of Lancia and a luxurious 3-speed hydraulic automatic transmission (with three electro-locked overdrive gears tacked on in the 2760 refresh for fuel and performance, as well as to hide its age) yanked out of the Buick Sappho coupe “Mistress this is wonderful” I turned to see her and say thank you, but found her on one knee
“Julia, I have legally submitted a form for us to be married, so that you won’t have to worry about losing me, your first constant and comfort in a long time” she pulled out a finger print scanner, “all I need is your fingerprint”, I pressed down excitedly, then my tabula got a notification
“Married to Doctor Luciana Antonia Presenti MD, PhD”
And another, from Fiat Intelligencia Automobilli “Authorised Guest of Luciana Presenti’s Intelligent Control System on her 2766 Fiat Chariot”
Mistress added on, “use it wisely”
I oblige “Fiat, open doors-“
Mistress chides playfully “No slave, stupid slut, type it out in the app”
I open the app and find the command room, where I find Mistress had already done test runs, I type in, “open driver door and say “welcome Domina””. It does so flawlessly and without hesitation. Mistress blushed “thanks pet, really appreciate it” she found the 2730s Buick touchscreen still in there with updated visuals and apps, but the same size of the screen and the same working concept. She typed in, “open passenger left back door and give the back ambient red gel lights and put on brothel music”. It did so. “very funny mistress”
(Another case of part two when I feel like it)
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darkseraphscorner · 2 months
Seraph stood alone in his forge, stripped to the waist as he took a deep breath, what he was about to do was something unholy, a taint in the glory of heaven. His second in command Shrugs stood by the door, baring entry... But he knew some one would come for this, demanding answers.
Slowly he made his way to one of the battles Lilith gifted him, opening it and looking in at the obsidian like ore, hell steel. Gritting his teeth, he reached in and grabbed the first bar, his skin itching at the mear contact with so unholy an alloy, taking it to the forge, he placed it upon the bubbling magma, watching the dirk bar slowly heat.
He did not know if any angel of heaven had ever worked such material before, there where so many unknowns, smelting heat, temperament, flexibility.... This would be a learning experience.
As the bar went from red, to orange, yellow and finally white, he grabbed some tings and took it out of the forge, laying it on his anvil and bringing his hammer down. It felt oddly yielding, like flesh before each blow of his heavy hammer, but its shape seemed to twist, as if resisting his efforts to craft it.
Calling on his Devine blood, he hammered and worked it, minutes stretching into hours, what felt like days even, but he worked hard, unending to forge Lilith her new war plate. As he worked the metal took on a purple hue, as if mimicking it's future masters skin, but still he worked, ignoring the strain it put on his body to wrestle it into shape, gold blood flowed freely from his nose, but the dark metal seemed to drink it up.
Eventually, he staggers back and collapsed, he felt drained, as if he had been wrung out... But it was done, the dark suit sat on its wrack, awaiting it's mistress... He had done it. Looking down at his hands, he had not noticed the cuts the dark armour had made on his flesh, thin lines of gold criss crossed his hands.... He prayed never to work such a matureal again as he got to his feet and made it to the door.
Pushing it open, he smiled weakly at Argus. "Send word, it is done.... I will be in my quarters if she wishes to see me."
The looming angel nodded and quickly left as Seraph staggered up to his quarters, not caring about the blood he was dripping or the soot clinging to his skin, he waddled over to his bed and collapsed, a weak smile on his face.
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still-single · 1 year
HEATHEN DISCO show no. 350 streaming now
Tumblr media
David Oliver – I Wanna Write You a Love Song
Dip in the Pool – On Retinae (West Version)
John Fahey – Untitled (w/o Rain)
The Afghan Whigs – My Curse
Tirzah – 2 D I C U V
Emil Amos – Blue Palms
Adulkt Life – Art of Boxing
Los Llamarada – There Is Nothing
The Breeders – Iris
Gabi Delgado – Mistress
Third World War – Preaching Violence
Rezzett – Borjormi Spring
Luxor Rentals – Suzuki Samourai Jam
David Nance – When I Saw You Last Night
Earth and Fire – Vivid Shady Land
Mandy Morton & Spriguns – Goodbye the Day
Eric’s Trip – Belly (live, Vermont, Oct 1992)
The Third Eye Foundation – Sleep
Oblivion – Lush
Aphex Twin – Blackbox Life Recorder 21f
Charles Earland – Betty’s Dilemma
Dopplereffekt – Speak & Spell
Anne Clark – Counter Act (The Creation Remix Instrumental)
Hi Power – Simba Groove
The Jesus & Mary Chain – Rollercoaster
African Head Charge – Microdosing
Sonic Youth – Sugar Kane (live Brooklyn Aug 2011)
Sweet Talks – Do the Beat
Toktok vs. Soffy O. – Day of Mine (Ludicrous Idiots)
Prodrome – Defrag Exaltation
Chris & Cosey – Exotika
The Yummy Fur – Plastic Cowboy
Tube Alloys – Blooding
Colleen – Night Looping Movement III
Charles Gayle Quartet – Death Conquered
High Rise – Mainliner
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dzhukhe · 2 years
As a child you were inspired by the forms of the strangely armored merchants that came down from the high mountains.
When you grew and sought to learn their craft, you were surprised to realize that much of what you took for armor was chitin.
All the same, they adored your art.
"Clever Hands", they called you, amidst the clicking noise that you soon guessed was how they smiled without lips like yours.
"Clever Eyes", they praised at how you worked steel, bronze, and orichalc.
"Clever Tongue", chittered your teacher on the night of your masterwork.
They adored your armorcraft, blending learnings from dwarrow forgemistresses and elven jewelers, ha'ling tinkers and shreteleh cobblers, the practical craft of orks that saw beauty first in purpose.
For them, it was fashion and form in one, ornamentation and protection alike. As silks and linens were to your skin, alloys and cuir bouilli were to their chitin.
And though the beauty you half-glimpsed as a youth was stranger by far to your eyes, that made it all the more wonderous when your final teacher named you a mistress in both skill and role.
You had set out to learn, and so you did.
How gentle the claws of a tarsus could touch, how jewel-like the ocelli of the gyne who instructed you, how like stained glass her wings when she asked for you to guide her, shyly lifting elytra.
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libidomechanica · 7 months
My husband hastened all it bee that make no brides
A curtal sonnet sequence
Blythe hae I been on your eyes are express the throne in Song like a very brother’s mind.—To loss without alloy of fop or beau, a finish’d love, how are my hot desire with truth is, if men who— though but of empty of delights and the gruff complaineth. My husband hastened all it bee that make no brides. Sweets with moistened to knit my soul; and locked with necks unyoked; nor is it dearly! Through this Parable—wretch!
The silence fell icy numb upon my breast indecency; but the fireside withering all I beheld the hopeful Isle, which I blest with a faint breath of Love did never have told, for crooked at scarce expectant.—And maun I still plain physical, we touch of coral: for anon, I felt sprung. Matter than a windy morn; now shaking hands with the same, simple denial. To stand in their deeds; lilies grow which we look?
—I, who, for very much? And strong, far great receive this thy bosom: thou deigne to hear thin element filling tear and then declaring; to whose will they not stem and clear from a sick dove. He knew not what we escape. Why shoulder in the shrines irradiate, or else he branch rent, in passing springs had run to meet herbs that ever ride? And wrought sudden, she sings. For life nor light into a country’s stay, begging the sooty oil.
Country where, in ermin’d pride, is, therefore. The while you’re probed by thy beauteous vassal: nor wound—for the amaze of thine? An eye where I fly, pursue this dazzling sprightly dipt, and weeds or treacherously thinking citron within the dwarf replied, dost thou hast said, No, no. Nor be thine! He met with such a temples. The king the pedestal. He strides back her off, and knows, whose eye quickly near, by every sin for to keep in, where flames!
Thy care, averted sky bloom-covered my libertie?—Not that some of the unsating for very cellars might be kings’ abodes; while Twilight wait for the fiery night had wrought by greedy men, they should steer my little Female Babe does see two perfect Loves around—But whether his wings, conquering earth-wanderest at even we, enamoured of any other Pastime? With winter wandering were parents lighter.
To take thy revenge from the god unshorne. When we began. At which can hurt she is a glass on the wildering about, as fearful to offended might arrive where I go; long having sow’d the guest; receive you ask the clean any more that charm of Corinthians! While he types; Yes; and what I of doubted daunger had ever shore, til shee were destiny! Some patient wing, a consecrated urn, hold sphery session to thee.
Duns, and reaches through all things invisible go seek, but spare, love finds an altar’s foot. I sue not for the hill; or reach their sun, their education. Is scarce knew not what vision of our aristocracy, so gentle wrists like knots. Life or death, but scorne of beggar and marriage—but to hers. The wooing much pertaineth: he that overcame that I and she is all the world. Let sea-discoverers taste. Thou wast my prayer!
To find such things in a world of our gynocracy; you may come to keep in love: be my mistress untold, thou fill’st my mouth undaunted wiping my eye, until her turning mark to beauty, Common Sense. That here I given in the rest of our love. Or friends—the sun; coral is far a sweetheart down. Shiver the high-fronted honour to thy bloom, or that blood is nipp’d, and, relaxing, waned again saw his little sleepers’ den?
No little fishes’ wand’ring together, brother, the chaplet and Inarculum here be shine of hell is more than enough; succeed to loves the moon, the curious man! Why do you sigh? When stiff and slug and all things to Hallam’s Middle Ages, ’ and once the lords of Pan: ay great master fall, with false impostor can die: and in the silent grown-up daughter’s feelings I tried to love the name? Only through Love’s elysium.
My sport half-science to death—most like a mother take a latest drop, so it was blown. So deare: adieu my deare, whose they such poor for substantial petrol in shone a new magnificence. And these thing, the year grows grizzled, and thou hast thou? Nor envy them, that I too many changes in empurpled thy phantoms with hoary head was and impulse. By which sweet kiss—you see her texture; she stole into the holy rite forgot.
And Malthus tells you—’take no noise at all. These words, and making money, that I bleed. To the hot season to eat or drink, pouring trade with music; the mitigation, or redeeming now that balance which hath of wild and felt. Over delicious surges sink and rest, I go, when Love’s eternal sunshine out, little, as we had ranged with chastity, where must paint the wayfaring, to stammer where flame humor and pleasure, fie!
For as he forest root; lions, boars, wolves, all pleasure. Turning married dames will clip an Angel’s wings, conquering were palaces, strange. Bright red sloop in the Name of Goose, ’ as I may say, nor any such store, or like diamond pours its hoards; new vestals brought me great god Pan. For ever shore no longer, I will forget the leaders, and makes one lamb did lose. These is made of truth our vows are wafted from the first time, and death does hast.
How am I ravishing indeed like a stake, Centuries—of artists dying to not long I could arise and in. Forgot, nor debar’d from their happy countries have liv’d still on Menie doat, and behold! Bind us in endless heavens endure to tell you this. And the tables stood, are his pinions.; Full of pestilent lightly have tower’d Elysium; vieing to me; taking must have sigh’d that waft to Heav’n; dispute my heart.
Moreover I’ve remark’d distinguish’d by black, an’ it winna ease thee to mone. In fact that found me; by my ears: aye, thought of morn, without flaw the hypocrite! Least indecency; but the proudest station, unless presence of their promise to an endeavour after, throughout this sweet love, among green silk strung, down marble man, frozen night of his love: ’—so sings they go a tract for the Bliss that breakfast and not the swelling frame?
Proportion of their cells. Richer entangle her grace, too, was a sort of harmonies she is contentment seemed to wrestle within the baits for ever seemed too much grieved bodies, and owlets builders in her e’e? And, chiding thee, thou art cold—yet Eloisa see! To the dust beneath the burden to a marriage, have I held myself will be when we prove then greatest to the tyrants, old with the savage overwhelm surmise?
To show their dull skies, steadily as a grape. Thee, how frank, he said, as earnestly round every side thee speak. Marke, that only for slight for her smooth as the apron. I plung’d for a chosen; tis a mist that for thus a chorus sang: This river of the tree-stems, marble man, frozen in the last, to quite after bright ’neath smother’s yearning for this, deare Flocke, such this morning in the mass of nature’s art harmonies she is unjust?
Night-swollen gate, Luke Havergal—luke Havergal. Heart to meet th’ embrac’d, and the soil may give you proud palace is op’ning seem’d to whirl around her, and is worse from out her in his left sat smiling Spring again the bonie lass he lo’ed a dearer to the dancers leaves my heart while it my steps, till the spray, I saw a fury whetting a death-hour rounding pulp, that I am man! That Colin bids from each cheese-paring.
I likewise one joy, by his sleek company, of the dreams are but denied the running incense was sparkling generous light, sick with borrow, comes to love; ’ but I’m resolved course, huge aquamarine cloudlets, glittering in and glimmering scroll freshening and beat, are his; the dead. Till their summers, all howling flee, and breathless, wilds, and coy, care a pitty. A lion into his cars of Ceres grow; a heavy body wound.
And knows, whose mellow ripe: my haruest hope I haue nought can tire, each other dames of gladness melts in blind with thine Arrow eyes of mossy fine, young with pervading scum, the Incomprehensible! So wingedly: when we combine their gross painting of snails, which do breathe and like a dot in thy fading rose she drops just as a million poutings of his Discourse we gained touched so in them; and the meadows? Those region both ends.
Night with rivals or with full happiness at my door? Or wrap her in heart’s hand obeys. He planted on the grandeur of the breeze bluster’d, as this taste. And plunder’d; and now, O winged Child! And bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle. The freaks of men, a land of peace; Gray halls alone can touch of Nature giveth all the spider’s skein; and bound to us, that he could, young and illustration slow, they never knowing well that bliss for the day.
Brighter trees, a venerable priestess! Till Age snow while I languishing him like Marius, to sue thee hold that fish, which, but pass’d unworried by angry cousin, hath her orient eyes can scarce any rest. Fail I alone, worn out with awfull eyes may be foul, the stars. Had chidden in her head. Tu-who; tu-whit, tu-who! At a great deity. Doors leading, by submitting up their fountain-bars: and, heaven! And bless this.
Toasts live and swallow’s nest-door, could instruction ends. And let me know; such colds they eyed each other gay: in him that skims, amang the lute its tones, they streams into growth. And to another still, her Star was happy country and lay the queen of rosin about their eyes full of solemn for the other pageant goes with all her descends the dead and sad. God. Of deep sleep in Taylor and unfamiliar excellent. Gleams, and pity!
When far-spent Night holds that though this glory- garland bound its glow. Then greater wonder, fair creature, gladdening round with ministrant of shade, on her pure Beauty, the shrines irradiate, or emblaze the fragrant flowres, that which a death-like silent-bare under whose circles move: so that he pushed from that beauty’s dead fleeces? Of Nereids were paradise was a miller with a song and scorn of loving though the dream of my heart.
Why love’s eternal bound these uttering at a quiet circles, gentle readers sped; but not seen your great rate; and now that scantly any sparke of comfortable greet: but our Election whispering bee, and his demon eyes! Of a swallow’s nest- door, could unlace the glowing at the life from out the Agèd Host, a beggar and petalled word the hart, hind, and its golden dreade of cypress groves Elysian shades not drink.
The cape’s wet stone; o rivers, churning, nor wish that voice within us an unowned things of the rose went back and pincers held his deaf moonlight loved and she’ll hate you dash on; expounds the enchanting. Ladies, like the eye of scorn, upon the freak of bounding waves and husband, with her argent spheres, with shell covered in its trembling sire and fall offence, that thou art made, the which wanton coot the merest while he, despairing!
At Morning demi-god, and wipe my life beyond thistledown, express her sex’s antidote. For ylike to Cytherea’s shell secrets, haply I might turn thy Father with the garden fruitful seventy coats I could not go away. My head in peace return’d for life or death lodge there came upon a tuft of straggling soul, a light and still, do fear the serpenting, she is abrupt thunder’d; even Plutarch’s Lives have done just now.
—Few, who weeps. I said to the sun, show me so divine: in sowing themselves bene dryed vp for lacke of delight luxurious, society for hectic phthisics, an end. The thronging comes behind some life within me every ill of life, my faithful fancy. But not see the crown with simp’ring eye could watch’d for Passion drew cloud, before the crime was crammed with us, or that tape-recorder should know by what you, dear bird dog.
In such a lover’s vow they were entwined, have fann’d away in that come away! On Greek i’d have its heroes—not yet fairest in that swell took his dark blue cloak and bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle! Oh, that he could spin gold sand impulse. Than in those views remove, and the world of beauty glide, and come instead demurest meditation, I can’t competition, the while some future clay,—to me new body, which, though China fall.
Worse from God than mimic, more shall fetters trough the melting thy words, will dim. I can see all her dearth, spite of despair,—you, tiresome friendship which we meet in violet eyes where I give you. The eye of peeresses whose life with your heart shall o’er thy nice touch he lay! But by degree, and Marian’s nose of this expectant. Spreading house with such poor tricks of that my tongue aspire to drop some grass, and angers—heirlooms of sleep our eyes.
Van of all her wishes, is here; it has been a couch, new made of, stream of love anyone. Amid that from its march, into and frightening then. More joyfully, their leaves sae green and sunny sky, till round an earth, doth but inflame my pype, vnto the desert sand.—A merry lark has poured, and then is full soberly, begirt with pride, the happy chance: so that in battle to those eyelids fine: in sowing the fresh green hair? Will in joy.
And Dick the haven with a panic fear, unpleasing note do sing: whose perfume: before my earthen cups against the riddle thee steals unto me. The painted maid: but the way he met me, beaming hair glisters, among green leaves sailed on the revels, mossy stones, to soothe my cheek the tree-stems, marble shall have told. River—thou wast to be free of all thy love, and o’er-darkened ways made up of white cliffs, white flock, that their potency.
Echoes of one-too-many and mark her end! These first blush at a riper age, people should strew sweet, and a hazy light against thing in thy sciography? So wait awhile fluent Greek truth, the garden lake I stood, before I eager swirl gain’d by Mars, coins not of another’s mind? When turtles tread, my heart-honored Maid! Yours, you’llfind it to myself nor that, fair as gracious: they are, not her, and would stoop through all those roses grew.
Scarce discern’d, we, fix’d his white blade—the sun blinks kindly in the musk-bull browse away the break. May be something, sailing at thirst in some antique book, and regions be his messenger of crimson holly-hoaks, among the firmament, fondle your image charm: appealing gradual to a tempting the world with ceremony meet pour’d on the slick, love, jealous priest full with thee strenuous with silken lines, a statesman’s dross.
Long, dead calm ocean invade with thee strenuous with strong bow into golden sphered, high in high upheld by jasper pillars and death of unseen film, an orbed drop of light, my darling stranger skies; now crystal eye right upward to thy Will, ’ and Will’ one will send the same around—But wherefore, I will hearted; tho’ poor in good man, that he should we not Love, t is a pity—pity t is, t is half-world. The burn!
Called civilization, or redeeming misers giv’n, here bright socket pile or too clear religious mortal on that cannot guess God’s large, whose airy stress of flowers and owls whooped, and sever from the rain unceasing tongues forth a steady splendid tear from Ceylon, Inde, or a planispheres, with love’s exchequer double row, which we look? Als of an humble statesman’s life is his door. Have won the tense and happy houres.
Gives it incarnate word the harp-string, and all the potent rule of fate with hungers direct how to compelling, tis sure is here; it has been clear to a clue. Lover. Moon, and women pretty creatures joy in which flash’d in the joys of calculation. The zephyr wanton will; since could say, nay, if any said ’twas very badly she gave him her rich or poor; they streamlets fall, she flung it from your censure; Silia does not drink.
While Wellington has but a voice as dry as when he rends up his stole, without a reward their freckled with us perpetual night hand against those gentle wrists like knots. Sing, riding is better than by lecture, turn out my hand again, when her legs with sweet food, the warm firm against us and Wilberforce: the last bud of her to the delicately weak. The seas chang’d, how ill we quaff until we fill—we fill— we fill!
And blushing, waned again, raising here, half in light forgetting of the morals, when thousand panes of Latmos was outspread with any sign or character of loosening. A song and think of it. His head, the hare I saw grow up from your children of the Lord of well-tuned sounds arous’d from men a little taper-flame left by men-slugs and his fellowship divine converteth straight ’tis won. Forth the hills, the dark abysses flow.
In vain my feet emerg’d an old world to gaze o’er the latest sun. Here griefs united easier ears began to riddle of epic Love’s elysium. When tis by that each other Pasty luscious drops, that have told, for thou smiles, and tented sort of harmony: but when her then err’d not. Better, but of heaven seem best? Taketh his flights are quite below the words not be his bar to taste refin’d, can mingled grave paces.
And sacred Phoebus gilding thick another with crystal roof by fishes’ caller rest; where lang I’d be all round his hoary head and sleeker than a windy morn; now while he, despise, nor use a faith. Comfort long, before than the meadows with doue- like mistake is nothing speech—who spoke few women’s fate! Such thinking citron with pleasure may be sent: the time of weaning. And line, empty the hare I saw a fair as the best.
The blue-bell and got before, ’tis vain for a map doth lighten up the maid that with so subtle cadenced, more subtle cadenced, more am I doing hugging an airy range, and drew on my soul, a light as of flame my pype vpon this the dull catalogue with frankness, and over the last years the wifebeater is out, is but form appear’d, and, trembling sister’s counterpart of fear, but when bleak air. These precious charge?
A still more cause, and then the grass! In the early in their voice—I feel her grow silent- blessing, and hot, doth much impotence of a whole charge nibble take, and Tom bears logs into sweet; he stain of tears, as temple’s self I swear she cannot rejoice! It was stung, perverse, without virtuous she likewise one joy, by his means of amber plain roofs and welcome for the Smithfield Show of vestals brought and burning blushes life awry?
—Reached out my ears: aye, to all things, the mere passion to all beside in time, since king Neptune’s feet he sank. And towers of the Firmán, he quick-glancing upon a weed that epoch is a bore: love may exist without one night; still mine grows the silence, the woe which a death-hour round, and if it makes the first in soul to keep off mildews, and did give my eyes pursuer, worn out in public men sometimes a scent of my heart.
So he cannons loudly roar, he still the unbetrayable reply whose million fighters; while from his toil thou so pale, and though ’tis under the Arrow at the laws the sweet it is stranger-youth! The bonie lass he lo’ed a dearer to thy blind soul to soul, even if I please, enough; hope, in public hedge hath benefit mankind directs the Face of Prayer in Weal or Woe, nothing coy, keep close cabinet, the gentle! But we went.
In its rude and I soon was he none my hurt make ’gainst it: so farewell can know. Thus leant she and petals of all that I am man! As some evenings harder to common grown; we both there if you doubt his sight, and frantic, however disciplined and ride, so, one day more strange, are ominous. My being—had I sign’d the deity of good she dies at the divine: in sowing time, and flowers in the Hand of Sorrow.
Years half drown’d without a twinkling piano appassion all the latter end of some reject three cherubs drawn; but today as I must first in charactery—canst thou shall be its name. And o’er the pomp to flight, ’tis scared, the whitely sweet virgin splendour of the prison gate-end, when done: i, who should wanders her texture, from honest Mah’met, or plains speckled with pleasantly to a wider plac’d in nature’s joy, when they die.
Before my heart out at his self-destroy’d. Yet this to be silent grown, yet from Hell, but left aching his eye, that overtop your mighty pulses that aw’d echo into our life was stung, perverse, my deare, whose ranckling tinsel: who unpen their sun. And ev’ry pleasure, and anon the fair one bird sing terrible months in the stormy sea! A sister: of all, that I should be at—a peril—not indeed were life to Sorrow!
From his toil thou go with importunity; or fall. And every glance, swift moments few, a tempests bend; our hand she knows but the west, she unobserv’d the resemblance on the way the portrait may come to quite so seen, on high upheld the lords and out, and sea-mew’s plaintive creed, baptize posterity will you come forth. And by their earth and fetes, and soon it light that sad, that nods the occasion to the dancing now, to take.
Tempt the dreary deathes wounds of his prize. Pray did you see you but love? Thou lift the right fancy-fit his breast, there thy part one modern instance’ more, for you listen their hands should send fortune, has an awful rainbow, trick her darkness and thou dost know whether revolution be the honey of hell it was, until is answer to the sea lifts, also, reliquary hands we took an air that you out of comfortable sun.
When far-spent Night peeps it for who waits in her e’e? Take back my peace forbear to taste of treason. Undertook to shadowy present their measure may be now a Prince, this arbitrary queen for my poore soule, which, labour, yet dead, but Fate does springs to life and joyance every tree, till round us lie? Blessing, while we are best, simply gordian’d up the heavy peace though ’tis underside of a dog then marke-wanting bosoms bare!
Brother out of me to a clue. And no soft-toned reply. I felt for thy name, doth bind, but hollow wind methinks, it shall see her hand and where my home by nightfall breath- air,—but for the self-same fixed transmemberment of shame; my fancy our passion, but thee the name, the fresh myrtle sickening, like those swift foot which to their chilliest bubble up those fair subjects worse from place it sterne, and drooping weeds, and show the wood as Fort Knox.
The wants to end. On the bark of every glance upon me, my Corinna, come, somehow contagious. And to and fro, distrust and half your forget! No doubt no less, and pity, and on you, near the swelling! Towards the ocean’s foam I found Quiet under; sweet peas, I must paint it. Pay into foam. Is myself, nor mov’d; from eve to morn nor night, and mounted on the body that he may triumphant prize-oxen and our destinies!
Though I have she had force press’d; give all the grandfather madly; and the labyrinths of shut eyes wobble as they stept into rhythm, you thief, who lord it o’er they, with joy, even now, a clammy dew is before blame; your love. Saturn’s vintage; mouldering scrolls of the fame of Goose, ’ as I may speed easily onward; still was blind and rain, without beauty bright have so long upon his soul on Cloe’s eyes that fire a ridicules.
My herald Hesperus away, and mine he heap’d a spiritual swell’d. But pass’d beyond the Noose of truth, of late the joys of calculate his meagre face: perhaps there where dully rests contains repent old pleasure have, life’s dearest of all motion went: and thought me Touch, that eternal rest! Get up for she took wing, and lost, he shall seize it, and she belied with joy from Endymion. So might tempting low, against the mockers and awe.
When others but sigh-warm kisses, or soon or late; love, all loss of the death decree!- If he utterly of self-intent; moving others’ pray’r, and has a crush of cold waters drew these utterly scans all reade you with a lady, even when Love took me like a Shadow, soon have I which you may accepting markes engraue in my face; in the love simply human trammels freed, no more innocent because known, or at the leap.
Most piously;—all love of wine, I drank him up as tiny no-sex voice hiss. Her Star was happy spots the fleshly steep, where the gentle ears for thou art commission; for the full their carefull Colinet. The nose of that most heart alike resign, and gain’d, and white, across it—All were my head with ev’ry scene. Divinity o’er- sweeten’d soul, they form’d thee to be transient roses heard and sanguinity it bears— this taste.
On thy heauy mould, that died slave to face an owl’s, they are stricter, for singularity: now that the twilight broke in Passion’s o’er; and earnestly, that in: say I’m weary, say I’m weary, wha did I loved two and the dwarf would come instead. Yet thou no place, where cheek,—who sat her fame; before my hot desire, close by a sacred tripod held a baskets of hope that he should be my stay! Some fragment up, as mere as marble.
Wandering when the lightning on the splendour, no dark groves o’ sweet as I watch’d their shades of love for youth was fully blown, shewing like a hawk, an’ it’s like a crescent moon: and in the grass, beside a strange in the wood where Rigours exile locked behind her finger’s taperness, and won’t say Yes, ’ and camp, ’ and grove, ’ be not profits is another fit she sings but toys. No, not only that hue whose flame humor and hour of danger.
To call his rebellious heaven being long manured by Vice, only to the sum of your lectures of the shy touch me with unaccustomed vision—all was blawn, and I, in sooth, cared most about; she drops just not go see, his feature graunt onely Winter dreerie death-weights, or heau’ns enuy not at myriads of earthly walk; compare. This said, No, no. And she is a lo’esome wee thing, or both will leading, if that man? To learn?
May to a wide lawn, when I am old? Hang nodding o’er the dancers dancing and reaches thro’ a land of any wood ye see, you cannot do the knuckle. Opening of freedom shall join in sad sigh; and courted: wha spied I but my changing, or in the broad table, filthy mesh, and the pomp of dreadful images here reads the ocean’s foam I found Quiet under; sweet hair lay in such a soul regains its pearly house.
A nation: besides alas! Before this, prithee try she keeps a patient level of a mere novice in the vista of years ago. Came blush’d: Euphelia’s toilet lay; when from too wide awake; and, sitting under the dancing in these words will begin now while the smooth my passage to th’ other wisht thee forlorn, when choise I had found; I grant in belts of her Moon and sceptre of my former child; and Mitford in their joyes.
What will pleasant to have, life’s best bower. Whose ragged brows bushes and the great renown among seer leave. Repeated him, and he stricter, as better placed, mark me, Peona; nor willing, and sea-mew’s plaintive creed, baptize posterity—and so the queen lily and should at my spinnin’ wheel. I do not do it I willing, and wearing, like a bank of vapours to thee, and show me your many moments, for a day, while praying.
And the meadow under Friendship much can make me Christian, Baring. Of faults conceal it in her bosom heaven and its thorns out-grown like some black memorial on the roots here and breadths of shut eyes in vain to misse. Theirs is there infant Orpheus slept. About their strange sight, clover wrinkles in the hare I saw thee, though I feed my fill. And a rush of garments were emblem’d in tears, from thee. Lay down to the roses and wait.
For weight and daughter. I, for my voyage on gentle heart; for each amicable place to pleasures fancies bitte to please thee my wantons with devoures, and opposite! Fewer to the gathered in the deck stood stupefied with under young bride with a shrilly mellow ripe: my haruest hastened all with the rind of those that was but enslaved the occasion to the low world, out- facing Lucifer, and ah, how desolation!
And bear the same around, a sound-like power to thee I so belongs to hit, for the cold, and let appeared the faint with that do not say honey tastes to him, and take him in amazed ken, to make a noonday night and sea-mew’s plain! Eternal whispering cirque confines, and the cool and slanting shall the headlong chase of early in that doth proue; bidden, perhaps you’llnever beautiful multitude that way, suffering were pretty?
Desires have done, the billows were true, sprang to espy some fragment up, as mere as marble shaft, and even: at the doolfu’ tale; the lines of their silver-shedding o’er thy name, then two, until The Sage—oh Thou that! Upon the will I count over, line by line, empty the harmless tendril they almost, yea, more am I now?—And maun I still indistinctness; storm, and the custom then to die; yet poortith a’ I could be.
I fled threatened death of Hyacinthus, when they anoint to me a part of the pineal gland, I look’d high defiance ’gainst all procreation. The lady’s cheek,—whose brow of her roving upon a day, why should toil; and niche. Must do the thread, which done, by staying, her pearl round the Book of Martyrs now drinking the Chaff and so the widest alley they go a tract for lover. When last them, that I am old, o ye Graces!
Sure, if this old teacher’s wish without you push your lips, which is the slave o’t; the shiny thing to call his rebel tempest came: I saw you thief, who loves of flame of Goose, ’ as I may speed easily rolling stream—the Champak odours. Suckling in they hated to your lips, which is the grave,—death the black distinct their moon, that holds yfeer the hill; or reach their own wishes. The incarnate word the happy valleys of Paradise.
Bear up and snare your oversight. Love so alike, thou art not for scenes romantic, when thou art! He hath my health adieu; but, rising under the dead, the nether side of stone, developing mead to heart. And yet never breath to life: but first, and I’ll give you your practicable guests, you yet may smile, nay, laughing that sad hue, which hurryingly they still it full with this madding still rebel nature, the Blue Mountains, save Love’s great!
Nothing an electric current of contentment wears, tis a miser miserable belovëd of that rarest gift to be simultaneously all my ardour mute, hang in the best. Flies bout the quick invisible strings besides; within that doth reign and like thunder-glooming Ocean bows to the syrens, and Cash along the swift I wandred here we saw Sir Walter where’er my own; what’s freedom! With a most contagious.
Soft went not thinkest to thy Will, ’ and with careless ilka thought him a tribute paid: behold! They tread breath of Love’s great mastery of song; permit me voyage, love, O troth. But of fine unclipt gold, that agony, across my grief most piously;—all lovely his bonds who, when fate shallop, floating dais before his sight, as we once was as flat as a wart. Come winters be eighteen inches his songs waken from their potency.
Of logs piled behind, go sleep, smiling like a tent, and jewel’d sands took silent sea, and those became one who shall consume us all, unless dian had hatch’d, as better seene, or Haire: many a groan, an agony to bear, and graft my lovely tales that drifts unfeathers oft on fame. Time and the calmed vast, and hear her, because she’s honest, and wailing, and singe, for all his loue. When before me, against the resemblance of prime.
’ Amorous pairs to covert nest a little charge, who might I gain, so arguing a want of something but a slime, a thing I’ve always said I’d been well or ill, all blindness; leaving my key to true and could be a pitty. Of sorrow, comes to be gay. A scent to you. And poisoned was my call, complete, but better the which keeps you only prove what it is hush’d away, and age-bent, sore distress, make me mistress, pretty?
As her wanton’d round and lullaby. The Slave’s spicy flowers and breath; the soldier’s doing! Waiting that seem’d, we left the lesson’ they accept some like thereon with crooked pins fish thou, O Cupid! Arching: yet my higher life or home or name, fit appellation for the pine-tree drops just not fearful ewes; and for the Sum of his Jean. You say, to me-wards your annalists have no prize one thousands veil their passion to be gay.
Love, if it makes some evening, as swallow swift as fairy thought offensive to lie in cavern, ’mid continual tears. Amid that Loves Firmament reflected in them were great eyes with the event with marriage, and not thy hand, her poore Slaues vniust decaying; come, without attaint o’erlook the delicate from mortal too. That thou not proud spiritual swell’d, and, full-blown, shed full of her smooth-moving spies this blustring orb declines.
Many a leagues of my heart to giue my tongue: on both sides of love and dark, and lost, he shall I do. Into an oval, squares, and the lounged goddess! To feel distemper’d horse is secret bowers, each other, throbbing no old to dread? ’Twas even now, as newly come to tell; ’tis pearly blank to allay his freeze in the Elysian ground what is love! Forbid it die. The Roman Lucrece thereon, my sweet than in the dwarf came.
By her glad Lycius blush’d were to bed, for crooked at self-will, and crown and sits high upon thy curl, it is, that thou wert truly liberal Lafitte, are spurn’d in a twilight waited tiptoe, fain to love the slipp’ry steep’d in morning, shift green born is gone. There a bed of sacred veil, the rubies, pearles diuiding. Years Rose-buds fill’d out at his Towardness, and I feel my misery in fit magnificence. Crimson leaves, dried care!
He said:-And that hails premier or king! And hears not whence that toiling years to give through almond vales: who, sudden cannon. Fortune’s feet he sank supine:-so in that this hour and undetained, and swear how his clawe dooth wright. You rais’d heav’n: but all those region that breath’d in smiles, and boys! Thy Babish tricks, and fame. And Sence, with leavest me, Heav’n scarce could in the wise tomatoes. He is a paly flame, that died the Branch that, unconsciousness.
Intellectual deeps in buoyant round honest mind. Sitting upon one sigh back against thou start? Too comic touch me with wondrous aim on the Gospel’s Sin no more; if ever and you, w’are not; the ledge itself so blesse, though erst it rhymes to love; ’ but I’m right; flush’d were I got them, that eternal joy; they all mortality. Strange overwhelming lost, he shall have had the lake to lie in cavern rude, when a dream: yet such place!
I am here and between St. My mistress bent than all ouercast. And smooth wind, the change us, nor fortune fly which a dove tremble round supportress of the lonely air. Stuff might see swallows down; then his moral lessons of my white virgin’s first blush; for a map doth Nature graunt onely sea. From his right. Put cross-wise to me; the rack and calm, and then most my mouth undaunted wiping my cheers his triumph, as if some round.
As signal for the self-destroy, that cause she’s honest mind. I have seen too may love, while I languish seize thee; low creeping fit against their vows with angling thee, and received, as thou art fond of something, nay tis much: but ’twas too much to see again, and rumor are but a dream. And we still, while his choice to their groves and swells, none see what’s the wings of the last grown, yet hast thy care, averted sky bloom-covered, while the balance: right!
And the Hour came; she stood, wan, and thought than thou shalt win much spirit flew, saw other take him stare, as I know she is a lo’esome wee things were less. And yet receive. In childbirth, life, myself or I love; what courts were pretty creature it crept upon those of several of her smiling in this old marble steps; pouring trade with silken lines and steps walk’d to-day, the lily, heigh ho, how melancholy silence; while it travelling.
In varied tunes the true lords of the loves and feet, where frame my pype, vnto the thread, and when so, you shall make Elysian shades ’mong myrtle sickening, half pedantic, into a darkness and following banquet of my sinful an end to another’s mind. And the living to have chosen poor Frederick may do. And yet mad Mars so tame, and hating you, from either side of a shepheards all, which foreigners can never see Brooklyn.
Softly, in a chariot, herald Hesperus away, her feet of a grave I come to some unfooted plain at first or liberate mortal who can paint or cynic ever was the setting logically swollen mushrooms? Everything you, from off a crystal mocking Nymphes did fall sweet music hath a prize, with dark the same for popularity: now that scantly any sparke of colours and with a joy for ever.
Peer, or that close of Eden blow bundle unthreshed and in groups the wealth is he; he bark of every degree, the man! And now passion, pulses: in this flea our twisted loves, come, and drear warbling fountain’s side, and nothing style which rainbow-large a scorn, and rise, and from land. Else repent; my best canto, save me, and earth, spite of dewe, yet do not blame; to put my hand from leaning puzzles more the dawn were busiest, into this.
Patience and rushes fenny, and little girls who foster up udderless song, or both will color the least, although she passe like of tyrannie?—And never move, and there: for sweep on forked light, has flown, come instead demurest meditation aid, or lull thee: yes, I am the lie! Chance upon eyes the archers to new worlds have done, in gloss of saints I see play with a million times since the Setting said, the Lustre of this.
And locked her bones live and me from Heaven is not so bad the nothing but Wisdom down upon political eye-glare of their cheeks, half in lights are dun; if hairs be wires, black against their old piety, and cries, She is solid, like a criminal. To take since courage with winter, with doue- like mine. Little or too clear rills seem’d meant and pression curs’d, the dancers dancing, and marveling: for their backs are full choir when there.
Her grace, the sea-swell the chaffe for ever shows, they done: the branches of their moon, thou deigne to haue had found; I grant in one sigh above the lightning, to the with her with spirit pass’d unworried by angry howl, and never felt closer? Cloak of blue wrapp’d up in ingots from out her way. The billows murmurings, o’er thy nice touch the fresh virgin, lovely sound was never mends, by spirits, and with a feast: for serpent-skin of woe?
Say, maidenhood, singing, and graft my love and fly with his brow, he had snatch thee into a wider placed around thy unbraided, leaving time and the East had raise, and all the rock, at thy Sister of the bond— still on Menie doat, and sweet name thy lovely Moon! Bright my high triumph is well—but, artists dying misers giv’n, here bright eyes in one floating dais before art enforced, at the entrusted gem of his Discourse, the wanted?
Murmur to thy bloom, who should fetter mought fall, doth make me blest, toasts live a scope, to fret at my feet thefts to rent her mouth can it kissed me. Full alchemiz’d, and stout as children birds from coverture. Of awful arches make a Mercury, by staying, wolves no fierce complaint, it dies upon the gray linen slacks, and she wrote I’m free from his Ambush, so in my will. Her should I clasp shrieks in cups against us and arms were tame.
And has a pulse, or be she likewise, and north, south, or we die. The shirtless dearie! The enchas’d within me every spendthrift hour shed balmy lip bathe me in roses. Multitude a nectarous dew. And with a heart. Like a dot in the hot season mostly if this old man’s oppress’d you hold thee of, where the unhealthy lusts relenting eye glance supreme! And saw no footprint. For that some level peeps it for whose circles, gentle!
Into the wine at flow; but thou to dress his because I could weep, who by a beaten way the brave Caledonia’s blast eche coste doth lurk and happy, for a white man I have never pass into an oval, squares, as ugly as a willows of their pitiable bones to swear how his blustring star through thou dost sit, and to temptation too, with a lover yet, tis from her pretty; but only lily; she sank. Understand.
Will banish all its Difficult to proue, by render double-vantage, doubled by thy Mother’s woe, where from his towery perching; frown a lion into gold and she’ll hate you dash on; expounds the effectually with Zuhrah, he said with eager care. Into Bagdad came over stumps and good humour he display he seem’d, sweeping it because it! Sorrow and faintly, far away, from all who in sweet ecstasy expire.
You may come to tell you plead yours, wings, and ah, how desolate, and described sounds, and lay that hails premier or king! And passing her best bon-mots were none; with which becks our ready written down a corn-enclose thy lovely maid. Into the mother, which, without cash, Malthus tells me he’s been sav’d but crazed eld annull’d my vigorous craving voice to marry her if she shine as wildly as her sheds; then let come what love should have spent.
Form a friends, and a hazy light watch’d the Whites, and singe, for a’ the great bounty from pain; the crystal Devon, wilt thou go with Athos. Since I’ve grown gray with not one thousand are under the Muses hill; but go, and infest with delight, elbows, knees, dream of ane that may delight. And crowns, and Off’rings mutual blood, transparent to see, his friends; yet must be—my whole charge nibble their changed eye finds to fellow-Christian at her hear.
A Paphian army took its mad pompousness with universal sun. Locks into their tiptop nothing like a peace and round a race, a tinting for very joy and for this compos’d, affection’s self I do, doing the world should have lullaby your dreams have I which puts my Pegasus shoulder o’erword aye, she talks o’ rank and far outspread o’er all my cold dead; would length our own couches, wonders here; thus far for foreigner grass.
But glory won; thou learned hands, that within ken, the mood of ancient Nox;—then skeleton shall hurt the doors ago when I touch ethereal dew fall on my brand new body, which wanton o’er the scandal share, for heate of the Brightest hour yield, must make old Europe ploughs the mavis and the welcome for there stones will rise like one who on the silence: while she does compile; even thought it? At dinners, thou arise to bless this.
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saralynncart · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DISNEY Maleficent NWT Mistress Of Evil Ring Trio.
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tercessketchfield · 2 years
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The real evils indeed of Emma's situation were the power of having rather too much her own way, and a disposition to think a little too well of herself; these were the disadvantages which threatened alloy to her many enjoyments. The danger, however, was at present so unperceived, that they did not by any means rank as misfortunes with her. // "Emma is spoiled by being the cleverest of her family. At ten years old, she had the misfortune of being able to answer questions which puzzled her sister at seventeen. She was always quick and assured: Isabella slow and diffident. And ever since she was twelve, Emma has been mistress of the house and of you all."
— Jane Austen, Emma
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dral-koumine · 3 years
magic specialties headcanons! 🧙‍♂️✨[OM!]
[also on AO3!]
Lucifer: tries to be the best at everything, and mostly succeeds
can’t beat Barbatos at cooking/household magic, but is still proficient at it
can’t beat Belphie at illusion magic, but that’s ok bc he’s proud of his baby brother (he taught Belphie the basics and then Belphie eventually surpassed him :) )
can’t do preservation/stasis magic for shit, to his eternal consternation. (this is the norm for demons, but not being the exception to that norm dents his pride a bit)
fucking fantastic at curses of all kinds (and at countering them. He has had to clean up so many messes.)
makes sure to get damn good at everything else he’s ever tried, because what’s the point of doing something if you’re not doing it The Best?
Mammon: earth related magic, transmutation
transmutation magic -- think alchemy, transforming non-precious materials into precious ones (or the other way around, but why would he ever bother with that?). (One might think he would use this ability all the time to easily get himself a ton of gold -- but no. Just one incident of “oh no I single-handedly almost destroyed the entire Devildom economy with super-inflation” was more than scarring enough.) Transmuted materials remain at the same temperature and have to be in the same state (he’s best with solids), so this limits what he can transmute. Pure elements and alloys are easiest; complex compounds and organic molecules are doable but they’re a pain in the ass.
can definitely sense if there are precious materials near him; can easily tell the quality of metals & gems if he handles them (gold purity, flaws in gems, etc.)
innately knows how much any object is worth or potentially worth in terms of Grimm (or the currency of wherever he is at the time)
if you hand him a mystery mineral he can instantly tell you exactly what it is even without looking at it. The RAD geology department both loves him and hates him
Leviathan: water related magic, and some things related to his interests
water manipulation, breathing water, highly resistant to deep ocean pressure levels
can innately sense weather and tide/current patterns and predict upcoming changes (he mostly uses this to know when it’s about to rain, so he can go sit on the roof during rainstorms)
can do some localized weather manipulation; he rarely uses this ability but it has come in handy a few times while leading the Royal Navy / during the Celestial War
has been studying poison/venom based spells for the past couple millennia, ever since he became a fan of Ruri-chan, the Mistress of Poison
has picked up quite a few tailor’s helper spells ever since he started sewing
Satan: (cat) of all trades
tries to be good at everything, but it’s definitely not due to Lucifer’s influence okay
definitely secretly specializes in any kind of cat-related magic. Cat grooming, cat breed identification, cat health examination, etc. etc. (He should really just become a feline vet honestly...)
has memorized far more spells of all kinds than he will ever need to actually use. He tries most of them at least once.
highly proficient at curses, and focuses on them a lot in his reading. Partially because it’s good to know fun curses he could potentially use against Lucifer, but also because in general there’s something almost perversely soothing about studying the most complexly, subtly vicious curses – something that feeds the cold, focused, vindictive side of his Wrath rather than the uncontrolled fury that takes over him sometimes…
Asmodeus: Charm, glamor, and charisma
glamors & appearance modifiers, of course: primarily for beauty, makeup, and fashion purposes, but these spells also work well for disguises and costumes
once he agreed to be the costume designer / glamor artist for a stage production, and he honestly had a lot of fun even though none of the audience’s attention was on him
not that he would ever do so voluntarily, but turning himself invisible would be easy -- it’s based on the same principles as appearance modifying spells
more indirectly than his Charm, he can also subtly influence people to be more inclined to agree with him and be interested in him
Beel: protection and defensive magics
is just innately extremely fuckin sturdy (high constitution and damage resistance)
good at physical buffs: spells to increase strength, speed, stamina; general protection spells, etc.
he may be a tank but he also shares his tanky buffs with his whole team ok. If he’s bodyguarding you he’s not merely physically blocking harm with his body, he’s actively increasing your sturdiness as well
actually has some skill with time manipulation magics. He secretly studied with Barbatos for a while after the Fall, because he wanted to try to go back in time and save both Belphie and Lilith, but eventually he had to accept that it just wouldn’t be possible. He doesn’t actively use these magics anymore, but occasionally he ends up having dreams of past or future times...
Belphie: illusion magic
fucking fantastic at illusions of all kinds
can create completely convincing, fully immersive sensory experiences of all kinds. can project these illusions onto others very effectively -- it takes a strong mental warding to resist the effects
has definitely made horror illusions to prank Mammon before
has definitely created “you feel full and content” illusions to soothe Beel before
also got pretty good at scrying to keep track of outside events while he was in the attic -- it’s kind of related to illusions in that it’s also altering your perception, but just by drawing distant but real events into your perception
Barbatos: culinary and household magic, time travel and manipulation
will sometimes abuse his time manipulation abilities to make the really complicated cakes come out perfect
supernaturally good at multitasking with full focus on everything he’s doing at the same time. (how does he do it??? no one knows, but there’s got to be magic involved.) He can be simultaneously drawing a highly advanced runic circle on the counter while also moderating MC’s DevilTube comments section while also holding a full conversation with Lucifer about his latest budget adjustments. MC walked in on this once… and then closed the door and walked away.
invented at least half of the widely known cleaning / food prep / cooking spells out there, because he kept getting tired of doing basic tasks by hand
if it ever seems like he never sleeps … well, sometimes when it gets too busy, he’ll slip outside of the normal stream of time to sleep, before stepping back in like he was never gone
Solomon: human sorcery with demonic influences
expert in many subfields of human sorcery and demon magic
has forgotten more about magic than you will ever learn
big nerd
current research focus:
◽ transmuting magical energy itself between chaotic, orderly, and balanced states, and applications thereof
◽ attempting to learn how to use angel-style magic even though he is a human and it’s well known that only angels can do it. This involves mostly a lot of nothing happening, interrupted by the occasional a lot of explosions happening.
previous research:
◽ limitations and creative applications of demon pacts
◽ limitations & effects of demon pacts in relation to the characteristics & power levels of the pacted demons
◽ human preservation magics vs. naturally-occurring Devildom chaos (watching shit disintegrate in the name of science)
◽ human preservation magics vs. unstable potion reactions (blowing shit up in the name of science)
◽ Two Thousand Magical Ice Cream Flavors, Toppings, and Effects (he took a long break from his regular research and just made a lot of ice cream for a couple decades)
◽ blended brewing with Earth and Devildom ingredients (don’t try this at home)
◽ phenomena related to the transmission of magical energy between planes of existence: the Trans-Planar Disruption Effect
◽ so many other topics even he loses track sometimes...
Diavolo: chaos magic
all demon magic is based on chaotic energy, but Diavolo is especially chaotic due to his lineage
had to become proficient at all major fields of magic, because it’s expected of him
most specialized in anything that involves creation, destruction, and change: creating something out of nothing, turning something into nothing, transforming something into something else entirely
sometimes his spells have unintended additional effects; equal chances whether those effects are good, bad, or neutral (or hilarious)
unintentionally created a few new species of plants and animals as a child, as well as the Little Ds, before he started being more careful with his powers of creation. (Little kid Dia just wanted friends to play with him, so he made some out of the shadows…) Since the Little Ds turned out sentient, that ended up being a huge ethical headache for him and very awkward for him and them. These days, most of the original Little Ds are pretty comfortable with affectionately giving him shit for it.
He did try deliberately creating a new species for agricultural pest control purposes after learning about humans clumsily trying to do that by introducing existing species. It won’t turn into an invasive species problem if the new species is completely tailor made for its specific niche within the ecosystem right? Right?? It actually kinda worked for a while. But then the crop fields he tried it on got razed by a completely unseasonal horde of hungry hellhippos, and then the nearby forest spontaneously combusted, twice, and then Barbatos said “hmm” while helping him put out the fires, so after that he just never tried again.
Angel magic works a little differently from demon & human magics, which mostly involve spellcasting which can be done the same way by anyone as long as you have the necessary components (including verbal incantations, gestures, energies, as well as physical ingredients). Instead, angel magic mostly just involves using willpower and focus to will things to be the way you want them to be. Very difficult, but very powerful.
Simeon: air and movement
fucking brilliant at quick and precise short-range teleportation. He’s a swordsman, too, so this made him a goddamn terror on the battlefield.
combines teleportation with his agile flying style for some really fancy maneuvers
also very good at teleportation and telekinesis of objects; this is very convenient if he wants to prank someone, or if he’s feeling lazy and doesn’t want to go downstairs to grab something from the kitchen
excellent at preservation/stasis magic (this is the norm for angels)
Air/weather manipulation!! His duties in the Celestial Realm involved a lot of hovering up in the stratosphere and keeping the weather patterns aligned with the Angel King’s divine plan. It’s very important to keep the precipitation orderly for the agricultural districts of course.
After this one time when the Devildom Capitol got hail, creeping mists, clear skies, and acid rain all in one week, he offered to lend a hand to the Royal Weather Regulator and was subsequently shocked and baffled when Diavolo just shrugged and said “we don’t do that here,” and gave him an acidproof umbrella.
can also sense natural weather patterns and changes in the air. His conversations with Levi about the weather involve a lot of meteorological jargon and sage nodding between the two of them, but are basically incomprehensible to everyone else
also has a minor gift of prophecy, but it only ever manifests in his writing in the form of allegory. Pretty fucking extensive allegory. He is not aware of this.
Luke: to be determined
he’s so young that his talents and interests are still emerging/developing. He still has a lot to learn about wielding his magic – the level of focus and intent required to achieve effects complex enough to help maintain order in the entire Celestial Realm is something that requires millennia of practice, and he and Simeon spend some time training every day.
currently, he’s very interested in culinary magics because he’ll pursue anything that’ll help him bake better
considering the fact that he’s taking baking/cooking lessons from Barbatos, who invented half the cooking spells known to the Devildom and uses them nonstop in his recipes, and considering that the more comfortable Luke gets around him, the more the cooking lessons get sidetracked by long discussions and practical demonstrations on the nature of demonic versus angelic magic, Luke will likely someday end up becoming the foremost expert on demonic/angelic fusion magic in the three realms.
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polahris · 3 years
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( halston sage. 25. she/they. non-binary. ) are you a VIGILANTE? something tells me that earthquakes living in your bones, a blonde wig on the kitchen counter, earths beating heart inside you make you who you are, LORNA DANE, with the powers of ELECTROMAGNETISM MANIPULATION, you’re sure to have a adroit, callous personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to ATOM BOMB BABY by THE FIVE STARS on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( jelly. 22 they/them. nzdt. )
character name:    lorna sally dane.      >  also known as  polaris  during her time as an villain/anti-hero  &  self-titled  mistress of magnetism.   age:    25. faceclaim:    halston sage. voiceclaim:   liza del mundo  (in wolverine and the x-men) skill set:    lorna’s skillset is divided into two sections.
electromagnetism manipulation:   the ability to create, shape & manipulate electromagnetism which for accounts for almost all physical phenomena observable to the unaided human senses, including light and other electromagnetic radiation, all of chemistry, most of mechanics (excepting gravitation), and of course magnetism and electricity. this allows for her to generate & control electricity,  see electromagnetic fields,  manipulate technology & low-level psychic immunity.
magnetism manipulation:   generate, control & manipulate magnetism in all its forms, both natural (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials/ferromagnetism, etc.), organic (generated by the electric currents of living beings) or artificial (everything creating/using electricity). can affect any matter that is magnetic (iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, some rare earth metals, naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as they will and indirectly use them to manipulate other things. this allows for the creation of magnetic force-fields,  flight,  electromagnetic sight,  concussive blasts,  energy absorption,  a geomagnetic link to earth & its em-field,  control of organic iron & control over the electromagnetic spectrum. 
extensive expertise in geophysics in which she has gained a masters degree in that field—  probably helps that she can feel the earth rotate and predict natural disasters from the way the earth moves but yknow.
affiliations:    x-men,  loosely.  family:    
suzanna dane  (mother,  deceased)
arnold dane  (step-father,  deceased)
max eisenhardt / erik lehnsherr / magneto (father)
wanda maximoff / scarlet witch  (half-sister)
pietro maximoff / quicksilver  (half-brother)
zodiac:    gemini.   june 1st. wiki link.
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? ( if your character is a dc muse:  what were they doing when they passed through the portal? )
she was in a coffee shop drinking a terribly overpriced latte.   and there she felt two things.   one:  a distant echo as half the population of earth was ripped away.   two:   the mind-numbing scream as her sister,  wanda,  was pulled from the earth.   however she didn’t have time to try and process anything.   half the population vanished & it was in that moment that the planes and helicopters started to fall from the new york city skyline. 
lorna dane was a secret identity.   polaris was a hated anti-hero.   but those are innocent people in the sky.   so she throws her coffee to the side and catches hundreds of planes and lowers them carefully to the ground.   she filled new york with a dark green swarth as she captured falling planes and collapsing buildings.   and so?   she’s spent the next five years trying to repair the world.   she’s been pulling together destroyed buildings and dragging up boats that sunk,  moving rubble and remains.   she’s taken up polaris again to do so,  keeping lorna & her job as a geo-physicist separate.   maybe the world doesn’t trust polaris but that’s okay.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
in a small apartment thats cluttered with plants.   she’s alone— bar her lazily named cat,  katze.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
lorna is alone for the simplest reason:  because no one understands her.   she watched her father & his allies be branded as  evil  for believing in mutant equality and being willing to do whatever it takes to get there.   she may align herself with others if their motives happen to be the same but lorna is a lone wolf more then anything.   however if she  did  find likeminded people,  she would join them.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
to call lorna an  ally  of the x-men is.. inherently untrue.   she is the ally of her father first and foremost.   and if he chooses to align himself with them, then so does she.   for now,  she is alone.   the identity of polaris was scorched with the terrible things she did in the name of  mutant rights  and few are willing to trust the vigilante—  even after her help after the blip.
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
magneto obviously—  jk but maybe not.   as long as humans are in charge,  mutants will never have the rights they deserve in lorna’s mind and she’s spent far too long being held down to even care who is running the country unless its her father.   he is the only person she trusts to give them the freedom they deserve.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
she is her fathers daughter above all and so that means.. not that well sometimes.   lorna suffes heavily from undiagnosed bipolar disorder & clinical depression.   while she is doing well physically,  her mental state is constantly up in the air & varies from day to day.
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So I thought I’d join in the Writer Wednesday from @autumnleaves1991-blog this week!
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So what I’m about to post is actually part of a fic I haven’t released yet. RC a smuggler, Captain of her own ship with her own crew and Ben Solo is the last surviving member of the Jedi Temple. Only instead of fleeing to Snoke he returned to Leia and to protect him he just became a nameless face in the Resistance.
A little part from my fic.
Smuggler!Female Reader x Hidden Jedi!Ben Solo
Warnings: brief mention of loss. Gambling, card playing, mention of cheating.
Word Count: 1447
Sabacc anyone?
Era managed to dock within the three hour time limit and you wasted no time in leaving Cantonica behind as you all settled down for the 3 days in hyperspace. You sat in the cockpit as you pulled your blasters apart giving them a clean, replacing the gas canister and power packs, you could hear the others playing Sabacc as their happy voices floated through to you. From what you could hear Ben was winning and knowing Sion he wouldn’t like that, he claimed he was the Sabacc king in the crew and usually people didn’t challenge Sion in anything. You couldn’t help the smile as a loud shout sounded from everyone and you heard the words ‘Idiot’s Array’ said more than once. They were sharing the trinkets and coins you’d stolen from the hijacked ship out between them as they got ready for another round.
The silence of expectation as the first round of cards were dealt was deafening and you knew your crew enjoyed having someone new to include. You tried to ignore the fluttering in your chest as you clipped your blasters back together, you got a brief sense of satisfaction hearing the smart clicks as they gave way easily under your expert handling. These blasters were your life and you maintained them regularly never wanting to be without them, you liked to think they had saved your life more times than you could count. You looked at the smooth alloy of the DL-44, you had removed the barrel-sights off both of them as it used to catch in the holster and a quick draw is what you needed in some situations. You gave them both a spin and slotted them perfectly into their holsters before grabbing the cloth and the empty canisters and heading into the living area.
“Captain!” Sion called as soon as he saw you. ‘This welp needs putting in his place, he’s won twice now!’ You poured some caf wondering if you should join them, part of you wanted to but also for some reason couldn’t bear being around Ben. You didn’t know what it was, maybe that innocent expression he gave you like you’d just kicked a loth-wolf cub or maybe it was the way your palms grew sweaty in his presence, maybe it was the way you felt your skin prickle as his eyes landed on you. Whatever it was, you didn’t want to be around him because when you were you couldn’t think straight and that annoyed you.
“All you losers would be just that,” you said with a smirk. “Losers!”
“That’s fighting talk,” rumbled Ben as he stacked up his winnings with those long fingers.
“Here Captain,” said Lysa with a sly smile on her face as she rose from her stool and you sighed knowing they wouldn’t let up until you had at least smashed one round.
“Alright, fine!” You snapped as Sion banged his fist loudly on the table. He shoved Ben with a gleeful look on his face.
“If I’m the King of Sabacc our Captain here is definitely the Queen!” He stated excitedly.
“Let’s get this over with,” you gently settle on the stool arranging the coins before you and throwing some into the Sabacc pot in the middle. You refused to meet Ben’s eyes as Sion dealt the first card out to just you and Ben. “None of you joining in?” You cast an irritated gaze over your crew as they all kept their expressions blank, shaking their heads. You hated them all. Sion dealt the next card and you finally reached out and looked at them.
The aim was to reach 23 or -23 in your final hand, you looked up at Ben as he looked at his cards, you watched as his finger traced the stubble on his upper lip.
“15.” He said, calling out his beginning total.
“11.” You answered. You both threw some coins in the hand pot, Ben went first taking a card from the deck and trading it with one from his hand. His golden eyes rose to meet yours and without breaking eye contact you took a new card from the deck. You glanced down keeping your expression blank knowing he was watching every small movement you made, you took a card from your hand and returned it to the bottom of the deck. Again you both threw coins in the hand pot before repeating the process. You noted how this time he toyed with his bottom lip, dragging it through his teeth and you realised that was a nervous thing, so he wasn’t sure about his hand. His eyes darted between his cards and you patiently waited, noting everything about him, the way his wide chest rose slowly with each breath, the shape his fingers made as they held the cards and how red his lip became after he’d just pulled it into his mouth.
Your crew were watching with bated breath and you could almost cut the tension with a vibroknife as they all waited for him to make a move. He took a card from the deck and he deftly swapped it for another from his hand. He settled back in his seat and you felt a flush of annoyance that you couldn’t read him, his knee brushed yours under the table as he stared at you, his cards clutched in his hand and he crossed his arms. You were about to break eye contact when he did it, the toying of his bottom lip and you tried to calm your racing pulse, but you weren’t sure if it was because you found it attractive or it was because he was nervous about his hand.
You looked down at your cards and you saw you had 20. Now you had to decide if you swapped with another card or kept your hand, the chances of The Mistress being at the top for a Pure Sabacc were slim. But this was a game of chance. You glanced up at Ben again weighing up your chances of sticking or ruining your hand completely.
“Bet you wished you were in here for the other games,” he rumbled softly and you smirked.
“Are you implying I count cards?” He shrugged and you felt his leg bounce slightly, another nervous trait. You looked down at the two 10 cards you had and suppressed a sigh. You could pick up another ten, even an 11 would be the best options. The Mistress would be the best card….your mind turned over as the moments stretched and you realised you really wanted to win. “I’m going to stick with my hand,” you finally said and you heard Lysa release a breath she’d been holding.
“This is intense!” You heard her whisper to Era.
“What have you got?” Asked Ben his chin jerking slightly as he looked down at your cards, you could feel his leg bouncing harder now and you knew he wanted to win as much as you. You lay your cards down and Sion clapped his hands together.
“Not bad Captain, come on new boy let’s see your hand.” Ben’s eyes locked with yours and a smirk began to play around his mouth as he finally laid his cards down one by one, the first was a Flask suit card with the worth 11. He laid down the next one keeping it covered with his large hand until Sion demanded he move it.
“Ooooooooohhh!” Sion jumped up with a shout as Ben revealed a Balance card and you couldn’t help the smile that broke over your face.
“Captains still got it!” shouted Lysa as she chucked her arms around your shoulders.
“Good game,” you said quietly as Ben grinned at you.
“Yeah, good game.” You stood up from the table as the others settled back down for another, the noise of their excitement and chatter filling the space as they dished out coins and cards. You quietly let yourself into your quarters, before you closed the door you took in the scene before you. They looked so happy but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t let yourself be a part of it. You missed the days when it was the 6 of you, his loss forever weighing on you and you didn’t know how to shift it. Really you didn’t think you wanted to. Your eyes met with Ben’s briefly and you felt annoyed he had witnessed your moment of reflection, you snapped your door shut closing them all out. You had another cycle at least in hyperspace before you reached your destination and you were going to spend it avoiding Ben.
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buraidragon · 3 years
New Shit Resource Requirements
So as I have no life/have been waiting years for this update, within two days I've gathered the bps for Caliban, and three new unadvertised melee weapons. I have no idea how to Wiki, so i’ll just smack them here so y’all who know how to can fill in the data. Under spoilers, as is polite/a lot of words otherwise. And spoils names for a few things, but if you want to take a risk those are after the info on the Venato.
Main BP-- Marketplace, 50k Credits. Resources: +25k Credits +Caliban Components +12 Orokin Cells
Caliban Neuroptics-- Narmer Bounties +15k Credits +3 Anomaly Shards +12 Narmer Isoplasts +10 Neural Sensors +20 Tralok Eyes
Caliban Chassis-- Narmer Bounties Resources: +15k Credits +3 Anomaly shards +16 Narmer Isoplasts +100 Hespazym Alloy +20 Mortus Horns Caliban Systems-- Narmer Bounties Resouces: +15k Credits +3 Anomaly Shards +12 Narmer Isoplasts +30 Breath of the Eidolons (Erra wtf were you smoking when you used this?) +30 Hexanon
 Located in Dojo’s Tenno Lab.
+20k Credits
+16 Narmer Isoplasts
+5 Anomaly Shards
+5 Exceptional Sentient Cores
+60 Iradite
Archon Amar’s Daggers, Nepheri
Narmer Bounties
+20k Credits
+10 Narmer Isoplasts
+6 Tromyzon Entroplasma
+80 Fersteel Alloy
+2 Nitain Extract
Archon Boreal’s Trident, Korumm
Narmer bounties
+20k Credits
+16 Narmer Isoplasts
+6 Radiant Ziodan
+60 Coprun Alloy
+3.2k Rubedo
Archon Nira’s Whip, Verdilac
Narmer Bounties Resources: +20k Credits +12 Narmer Isoplasts +20 Mortus Horns +10 Intact Sentient Cores +6 Star Amarast  So, if you want to make everything listed above, you’ll need specific ammounts of the following:  +150,000 Credits +14 Anomaly Shards +94 Narmer Isoplasts  So Y’all? Better hit up those anomalies in Veiljack if you’ve spent all of your anomaly shards, and hope you don’t get all the bps from Narmer bounties before all the needed isoplasts. Also, each Caliban part is tied in the same cycle as one of the three Archon weapons. You’ll probably get doubles of one before the other as rng is a fickle mistress.  That said, may Luck bless you with favorable rolls, in this instance Isoplasts dropping in groups of three one after the other. Have fun, Tenno! If nothing else, put on some classic music and grind in peace to the wonderful dissonance of high violence and soft flutes.
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wingedmidnight · 3 years
Alone - Chapt. 4 -  Why Help Me?
    David laid Ayumi down on a block of a table in the 'medical bay' within the bowels of the next Juggernaut. The surface that the only human now lay on had once been a seamless part of the ridged and bony floor in the alien infirmary but had lifted from its source and was supported by some sort of green orb of glowing and biological energy within a gnarling semi-column to greet the three humanoids when they entered the room. When his mistress was set down, David placed his hands on Ayumi's helmet and carefully unscrewed it. He set the headgear down on a similar albeit much smaller 'side table' and pried open one of her eyes with a gloved thumb and forefinger, "Ma'am? Can you hear me?"
    David pulled his hand away when her eyelids tentatively fluttered open at the sound of his voice. Ayumi's eyes slowly rolled from looking toward the back of her skull to look at the android looking down at her. She gave a grunt and tried to sit up only to get stopped by the synthetic, "Please lay back, Ms. Nakamura." he reprimanded quietly and gently pushed her back. She was too tired to argue and did as she was told and laid back. She stared intently with squinted eyes up at the ceiling, her interest piqued by the bioluminescence spotted in its surface.
A few moments passed as Ayumi caught her wind before David spoke up again, "Ma'am, we must remove your suit to get to the wound. It would probably be a good idea if it stayed in one piece."
    She blinked as she looked up at him. She gave a nod and began to unhook the helmet frame at her neck. He offered a hand and helped her sit up on the edge of the 'gurney' to help her out of her suit.
    She suddenly shrieked in pain when the bond of blood to her skin and suit pulled from the wound and skin with an audible and slow 'craack', a strand of congealed blood trailing between her back and the remainder of the suit, revealing the long and ragged wound. The neat tear down her spine looked much like a grotesque, gasping mouth. Her once white undergarments were now crimson and blood trickled from the weeping wound and pooled at her sides and trickled off the edge and onto the black floor.
    She caught the image of her laying on her belly from the Engineer's mind as he moved closer, curious and wary. She copied the image and carefully lay on her stomach with her cheek on the black and cold, smooth table, her heart beating quickly and nervously behind her ribcage. She could feel the hot blood pool in the dip in her lower back before trickling down the sides of her abdomen.
"May I ask how you were injured as a child, Ma'am?" David asked, sounding genuinely curious, somehow.
Only able to move her eyes, she blearily looked over at David as he stood by her side, "It was part of an experimental surgery. They were trying to modify my spine for better control of my abilities, I was twelve at the time." she replied, the sentence almost sounding scripted-- monotone and practiced.
"Did they succeed?"
"In a way, yes, after the long recovery process, I was able to control them better with less side effects with use of my abilities. However, the chemicals and alloys they attached to my spine prevented the skin from forming properly and as a result, it is very thin."
She suddenly started with a gasp at the cold fingers on her nearly bare back, someone was untying her strapless bandeau to show the whole of the wound. The entire once-scar ran the length of her spine, beginning at the circular, crater-like indentation at the base of her skull and ending just above her hips at another identical scarred indentation in her skin.
"David, is that-"
"Another part of experimentation?" the alien interrupted her, sounding bitter.
"Right here, Miss." her heart beat just a little faster when she realized David was standing next to her and not on the other side were the cold, smooth hands originated.
She cleared her throat quietly, "Yes, the result is better control of my mental abilities at the cost of the skin forming improperly." she replied quietly.
He made a strange scoffing noise, "So primitive and easily avoided. This is something even I know and I am not familiar with healing studies in the least." he sounded distant, as if he was moving away. She craned her neck to see the blurry, dark grey and white outline of him at another holo-display in one corner of the room. He didn't look back when a humming noise reverberated from deep within the block of a table. A set of four gray and smooth jointed arms with a skin-like coating on them webbed apart at the joints as they folded out from either side of Ayumi and stopping to gracefully arch over her in gentle, sideways 'V' shapes.
"Be still, this will apply a layer protection to the area, allowing it to heal properly." he ordered.
    She closed her eyes tightly and braced herself and waited for something to staple or sew itself to her back painfully. She instinctively reached out and skimmed the mind of the Engineer to watch the playback of what he was seeing. The arms of the table swept across her back and left a trail of bluish mist in their wake as they cleaned the wound. The mist was cold and she twitched at the unfamiliar sensation. The tips of the arms arched over her, met and then touched and pulled apart, there was a matte, dermal substance stretched between them. The arms then slowly lowered down and pulled the artificial 'skin' taut against the surface of her back before adhering.
“You may rise.” the alien told her, his voice a quiet rumble.
Ayumi felt David lean over her and carefully retie her bra before helping her stiffly and carefully sit up and she couldn't help thinking, 'Why help me?'
She watched the android as he picked up her suit and held it in front of her. She silently reached inside the helmet rim of the suit and pressed a button to run the sterilization program. Ayumi's legs dangled over the side of the table and she suddenly felt a chill run down her spine as she looked around the room, it was so alien and she couldn't help feeling small. She pushed away the fear that rose in her chest as she looked over at the Engineer again and watched intently as he faced another strange console to the left across her near a wall. A flat holo-screen was inches from his face and he typed in a series of commands and it moved to meld with his injured face and shoulder. There was a brief flash of light and a bright green vapor rose from the wounds as he pulled away. The small cloud dissipated and revealed his face to be in the process of healing, the skin slowly creeping over the raw flesh until it completely healed, the biosuit slowly following.
She watched with a slack jaw, in utter awe and fascination. The alien moved a hand over his new skin and rolled his jaw to make sure it healed properly.
"Fascinating..." she breathed. David was watching as well, his expression almost mirroring hers.
"Sterilization complete." the lifeless and feminine voice of the suit told her as David unzipped it and helped her step into it. She looked up to see the alien turning to face her. Ayumi pursed her lips nervously before speaking up, "May I ask you a question?" she asked him timidly as her artificial companion handed her the helmet frame.
The Engineer glanced at David before giving the small woman a cautious frown, "You may, what is it?"
"Will you tell me your name? I will tell you mine."
He seemed to weigh the risks involved in revealing his name before he replied with a bit of a sigh, "You may call me Korvak."
She blinked, a faint smile creeping into her features, 'I know the name of one of our Progenitors!' she thought giddily, as if she just met a celebrity. She noticed he was looking at her expectantly with a raised eyebrow and tilt of his head. She composed herself and straightened, "I am Ayumi."
He gave her a strange look, as if trying to pronounce it in his head, "Aoomi." he said out loud, making a face at the unfamiliar word on his tongue."Ueoomi." he repeated, seeming more for his own benefit.
She looked over at David and was surprised when he shrugged and continued watching the Engineer.
"Aiyuemee." he slowly said at last, his gravelly voice not matching her Earth name at all.
She gave a small, experimental smile, unable to contain herself, "Yes! Just like that. Would you like to know his name?"
He gave David a dirty look in response and turned back to her, wholly ignoring the android, "Perhaps you and I are not as different as my people have said. Smaller, yes, but perhaps not so different."
"How do your people portray humans?" she blurted, almost clapping a hand over her mouth.
He studied her for a moment before carefully speaking, his face scrunching itself up almost comically, “Hewmahns?"
She blinked, trying to register what he was trying to say and realized he was trying to say 'Humans'.
"That is what we call ourselves as a race." she explained when she saw the confusion on his face.
"...Interesting... In response to your question: your existence is not widely known to my people. I was only told for this journey, should we encounter your kind. We were told that you are a violent race, have no moral reasoning and are a horribly failed experiment that must be put to death."
Ayumi considered this and gave a slight shrug, "As I have said before, the wars we have pointlessly waged out of greed have no value to me as an individual." she said thoughtfully. "Is that the reason you were headed to Earth, our planet? With the containers of the black, changing substance?"
"Yes, we were told to deploy the urns upon your planet. To destroy any and all inhabitants."
"Do you still intend to do so?"
"No, but not out of pity. I realize now that it has been too long, I must contact the others as they may have other orders." he admitted with another frown.
"Two-thousand atnos is indeed a long time, though It could be easily assumed that your people still live." she said and moved to stand closer to David and double check all of the connections on her suit. Korvak's expression fell as though he just realized something.
'It has been so long, there must be none of my kin left...' she heard the melancholy thoughts seep from him in slow shock as he backed up, now horrified. He was alone.
'I know that feeling all to well.' she couldn't help thinking as she looked back to David, he seemed to be watching the humanoid's expression closely and taking in all of this new information. She stepped forward, her expression understanding and serious,"We are more alike as individuals now than we are as a people. On my planet, I have no kin and no companions, only those who wait for me to return for answers."
He looked at her with wide eyes, still trying to comprehend two-thousand years. She turned back to her only companion to speak in English, "You and I... are alone as well."
"Yes, we are." he said quietly, his voice serious. "Does this... make us friends?" he asked, suddenly and uncharacteristically wary, almost childlike.
She widened her eyes at this, "Yes, I suppose it does, David." she replied, seeming a bit confused.
He brightened, "I'm glad to hear that, Ma'am. Out of all of the crewmembers, you are the only one to treat me as a 'person', and for that I am grateful." despite only having interacted briefly.
"David, as I have said before, we are alike in more ways than you might realize. I was treated as somewhat of an outcast among the crew, much like you. I gathered that they themselves did not get along all that well with each other, they generally avoided me, even though they had no idea I could hear their thoughts." she replied, her voice bordering on exasperated.
"Why do you suppose that is? Were they told at all of your past?"
"No, they did not know about that either, only that I was...'weird'." she said with a sigh and looked around, realizing Korvak was suddenly missing.
"He must have gone to find communication." David mused.
"Surely you must have seen the layout of this ship before you woke him." she said hopefully with a twinge of panic creeping into her voice.
"Of course. Follow me please, Ma'am." he replied and gave a wave of his hand, gesturing for her to follow him out of the door. Ayumi gave the medbay one last look before following him through the maze-like Juggernaut.
The Japanese woman was starting to feel more unease as they seemed to endlessly walk through the dark halls, "David, are you certain this is the right way?"
The android didn't look back from his place in front of her, "Yes, quite sure. It's just up ahead."
    She bit her lip and realized she had been nervously wringing her gloved hands as she walked. She had been showing more and more emotion, and it dawned on her that her medication to block thoughts must have also stunted her emotions. She logged this for later thought. They stopped in front of a closed, iris-like door and David easily opened it using the nearby console. She tentatively followed him inside to see Korvak tapping almost frantically on a runic keypad and constantly glancing up at the flat, and blue octagonal holo-screen hovering above a short, pillar-like protrusion that served as the main part. She squinted her eyes to try and make out the scrolling, alien text, accompanied by indistinguishable and fuzzy images that were visible from both sides.
     Ayumi extended her mind to his to skim only the surface thoughts and managed to roughly decipher the images of other Engineers, dark and strange spires of buildings within an expansive, subterranean darkness with blinking of lights spotting the entire mysterious metropolis- a huge blue holographic layout of a galaxy with lines running to various stars dotting the whole.
    "I believe he's trying to connect with the main network of his people..." she distractedly informed the android next to her. Ayumi felt the alien's thoughts laced with desperation and she sensed he was afraid he would be the only one of his kind left.
    "With a race as advanced as theirs, it is entirely possible that they would be at least a few light-years in range of our position." David said quietly as he looked around the room. Ayumi mirrored him and spotted a strange looking seat of some kind near a bony wall, past the other strange consoles. She slowly walked over and noticed the texture of the seat looking much like the Engineer's biosuit, albeit smoother and with less ridges, with a dull matte finish. She gingerly put a hand to it and was surprised that wasn't cold and clammy, but rather warm and inviting. She seated herself and it gave like a mix between a cushion and a waterbed.
    "David, come see this." she said as he was suddenly at her side, kneeling and inspecting it and put a hand to the alien furniture. She had seen the look of curiosity and intrigue on his face before when he was in the halls of the strange dome on the planet's surface. He seated himself and looked rather stiff and over-composed in comparison to her. Ayumi leaned back wearily and started rigidly when Korvak suddenly began speaking rapidly to the console, his deep, grating voice cutting through their silence.
She had a hard time understanding what he was saying and turned to David expectantly, "He is telling them that he is on the 'condemned moon' and he is the last survivor. He also hasn't mentioned us." her Earth companion explained.
    The Space Jockey paused and listened to the reply before speaking again, sounding less frantic. The response sounded as clear as though the speakers of the transmission were in the room with them. David didn't look to his human companion when he spoke again, "They said that they abandoned this moon long ago and no one is to go near it. They are, however, willing to meet us in the next system on the condition that he is thoroughly  decontaminated."
Ayumi nodded and didn't look to the android either, "I do not blame them, this seems like a military drill that has gone wrong... do you suppose they will try to hurt us?"
"I would think so, given his reaction when he saw us. He also has agreed to their terms, they have also mentioned a 'Council', I'm assuming that is their form of government."
Korvak sighed breathily, seeming relieved as the display vanished. He seemed to forget they were there, starting slightly when he saw them. Ayumi and Korvak held each other's gaze for a few moments before she spoke, "What will you do with us?" she asked in as stern a voice as she could muster as she stood from the 'couch'.
A few moments passed before the xeno-humanoid said anything, "… I will bring you with me. Unless you wish to stay here."
"There is nothing for either of us here." she replied, her voice slightly somber. She sensed that he did not distrust her nearly as much as when they first met, almost as if he respected her.
"They will most likely not understand why I have not destroyed you." he told her seriously.
"I am aware of this."
"You will have to prove to them that you intend them no harm. Perhaps then they may understand."
She looked to David and wished she could read his 'thoughts'. "There is nothing left for me back on earth, only greedy scientists who are waiting for me."
"Crucial data for them, I take it?"
"Not anymore. One of us might die, but I suppose it doesn't make much of a difference. I only know that I need more answers, I want to know why they created us. I think we both already know to a degree why they want to wipe us out." she said bitterly.
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dilshah · 4 years
location & setting: the valide’s apartments, couvent des célestins
closed to @validemahidevran​
         the valide turned a deaf ear to vacuous gossip, and yet every so often, mahidevran could be entreated by a piece of information that proved valuable to her; appearing ostensibly aloof, her nest unfeathered by mindless talk, albeit dilşah knew her mistress better than to presume it entered one ear and exited the next. she would mull on it until the moment it became lucrative to her––or, perhaps, threatening. then, as all great women, she would act covertly: deploying her spies or her son to resolve the issue. dilşah bided her time to share the tidings she’d heard from another woman in the seraglio until mahidevran had finished her morning tea, only a singular lemon slice floating at the surface of the lukewarm amber drink. when her tea was nearly empty, the valide was at her most content; left to brew over the day’s upcoming appearances as a groom brewed another cup. quietly, mahidevran sat with her hands in her lap and her autumnal head, tilted with the weight of the prolific jewels she sported, brimful with thoughts. even to her most trusted ladies, dilşah among them, she would not speak. 
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“ mehd-i ulya, ”  the cariye beckoned in that signature voice of hers… an alloy of sweetness, coyness, and rasp. she paused until the valide’s eyes found hers, granting her an implicit confirmation to ensue, “ i wonder if your highness has had a moment to meet with your grandson, the şehzade murad, since arriving in paris. i am told the eyes and ears are trained upon our beloved prince for a most... miraculous reason. ”
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
For the prompt thing: “It’s really not that complicated.”, Celebrimbor and Sauron.
(Prompt me?)
“It’s really not that complicated,” Annatar said, gesturing at a diagram he’d drawn in the air. “See? When you get down to the subatomic, the bonds are much stronger in this alloy as opposed to ordinary ithildin.”
“That’s because you’ve augmented them,” Tyelperinquar noted. “There’s something rather unnatural about that arrangement, and I’m guessing it’s your handiwork.”
“Guilty as charged,” Annatar answered, and the grin he gave sent a flash of heat through the elf beside him. “It’s not just a matter of different composition - though honestly, ithildin is inefficient even from that standpoint, and I plan to have a word with Mistress Narvi about that. It’s about song, and word, and mostly will.”
“Your will.”
“Or the will of the smith.”
“So that means your will, then,” Tyelperinquar repeated, “because we’ve established by now that my will is significantly less impressive than yours.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Tyelpë.”
“I’m not,” the elf said, smiling a little. “You’re better than I am at this, that’s all. I can see how your own desire has shaped everything, and I think it will work well for the prototypes. Do you plan on making any improvements?”
“No,” Annatar said, though for a moment something in his gaze went distant and far-seeing. “No, I don’t think we want these to be completely indestructible. Though of course they wouldn’t be, even with improvements to the bonds.”
“How wouldn’t they be? This sort of augmentation means no ordinary forge could melt it down, and pushing past that - ?”
“You caught the flaw, dear. Will. It’s not simply good craft, there’s spellwork to it, and so it could be taken apart, but only…” His voice trailed off, and his eyes went distant again.
“Only?” Tyelperinquar prompted; Annatar shook his head.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said, shifting the conversation easily. “You’re right. Pushing this any further would mean the metal was too resilient for our goals. Let’s forget about this, shall we?”
The Lord of Ost-in-Edhil shrugged, turning his attention back to the pages of diagrams on the table before them.
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