#misteria esmund
So i did some hairstyle sketches on enki, esmund and menphia for the past (esmund may change alittle later on if i get a better vision of his hair in my head, may have to look at other hair again)
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Menphias hair length is a big thing btw, it being short in the beginning is important when it comes to it getting longer over time with her spending more time with Irene and with how her hair BEING her helmet
not too original i know but i just think its neat and i didnt like that all the divine warriors/gods were all fucking humans so i just made all of them be an sortment of races
Esmund is the only human
Enki is a Daemos (he has his horns hidden)
Menphia is a Meif'wa
Shad is a Fearolc (werewolf)
Kul'zak is a Elf
and Irene is...unknown...
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i think i have a problem
i like writing too much stuff for the divine gods
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i may like writing the divine gods alittle too much--馃挜馃挜馃拃馃挜
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Still thinking about how my friend thought esterose was a aphmau character originally and i had to tell them that hes a original character, they were mortified
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I keep saying big important facts about Misteria exclusively on discord that i need to post on here more often fr...
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I love making it be that the og backstory of irene and the divine warriors be untrue by history rewriting the story over and over again which makes the original story be forgotten and have all this false, complete made up and even misinformation be put in its place.
Like them being called warriors was just one of many things of changed history, they were actual gods that walked on the mortal plain, but overtime they have only been placed as warriors because of the disbelief of gods truely existing.
And the only one seen as a true real god is Irene
Irene the matron, goddess of life, praised and worshipped to this very day.
But the truth is that Irene isnt this holy being thats perfect and did no wrong, and Shad was never the villian, he wasnt the one who went and turned into a monsterous being and became some sort of shadow lord.
Irene was the one who turned into a such a being, becoming a entity of chaos and wrath, all because of how humanity and her own fello gods failing her and the titles they were supposed to represent, and especially the one who failed her was someone she saw as a good man, Esmund.
The only thing history could get right, was Esmunds betrayal of Shads trust.
But never made him the lustful and jealous ridden man he was those centuries ago.
And what history has done Shad, never even given an ounce of good to his name, and god there was never a shadow lord, thats just a place in that was filled by the centuries of old tall tales, calling him a shallow and insulting title.
Shad the Destroyer, it was, just pure insulting and what was worse is that it was also a way to point at who made such destruction on the day of the division, but really, what they don't understand, by maybe it being forgotten by time or it never being documented, what historians never knew was that.
Shad wasn't there. shad couldn't of been there.
Shad was dead, dead by Esmunds hands, the hands of the man he trusted with the lives he loved just as dearly as him, he was supposed to protect, all life, no matter what.
The crimson red blood that stained the snow that day was the first step into the true downfall of humanity in Irene's eyes
As she was forced to watch, unable to do anything, seeing the man she loved be bled to his last breath.
Irene has always been misunderstood, she wasn't this holy being...
She was a women driven to chaos out of how humanity abused the blessings she gave to them, mistreating them, they used her for their own selfish wants.
So truely it was never Shad, Irene was the one who brought the destruction apon the world on fated day of the division.
(But thats where i end that there, cause thats alittle too much to be spouting)
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Alright sooo, i did a little redesign work or did alittle touch ups on each symbols of each divine god for Misteria about a few weeks ago...
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i double checked at least a few times to be extra sure the symbols of each god at least looked like SOMETHING and so i came up with this!
kul'zak's is a tree (to represent him being the god of destruction and karma)
menphia's is a firey bolt (to represent her being the god of war and hope)
shad's looks like a torn apart heart (to represent him being the god of death and reanimation)
esmund's is a shield (to represent him being the god of protection and judgement)
enki's is shears (to represent him being the god of time and the space)
irenes is a sort of plant like it always has been, basically unchanged honestly (but its to represent her being the god of life)
also if you want to compare these with the og designs look no further! here they are for your eyes....
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Ask box is always open for questions on Misteria/my MCD+Mysteeet rewrite!
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OOOOOO my rewrite/misteria stuff has been brimming in my head for DAYS!!! 馃挜馃挜馃挜
esp with what ive done with the ro'meaves and their importance to the divide of both worlds, and i'll say, its all proubly not totally original esp with esmund proubly and most likely being a ro'meave and stuff but,
I'd say, what if the ro'meave's were put so high up in royality and such, for lets say their first born...esmund being the first human to be graced with godly hood?
now i'll explain alittle, Irene herself was made from the entity of what is, and always will be magicks, but the other divine gods were brought to where they are now because of their actions and their backgrounds, being that at least every divine god is a certain race from this magical world, and well, esmund was the first and only human to be a god, Esmund the god of protection, was his godly given title and such.
Now, how does this affect anything with the biggest mark of history for both worlds?--
(or well at least in Ru'aun, the modern world has vague mentioning of the divide in very very old books, esp when it comes to it being a bigger thing over in Ru'aun...)
Well, its mainly because of how out of all the gods, esmund was the most favoritive to his own people, especially when it came to his family and his brothers, and besides him being a god, esmund wasn't the only ro'meave who was special, he was the oldest of two younger brothers and here is where his middle brother, Esterose Ro'meave comes in, he was next in line to be lord to his kingdom, O'Khasis, but because of Esmund being a god and being immortal, he was never going to become lord without there being good reason for Esmund to give up his place for the role, so Esterose took his time to start a group, the council of four, people who he knew wanted a different vision for o'khasis like him, so they planned to strike esmunds most easiest pin points, his heart, his pride, and his devotion to protecting his people.
But to do that, Esterose needed to plant the seeds, and with that leads to our next introduction to a certain someone, someone who was the most wronged, but still has the most hope for humanity out of all the divine gods as a whole, Shad, but here, here he was known as a different title, he was a competely different god entirely before he became who he was today, Shad...was the god of seasons, the wild and nature itself was of his role to influence and control, and those who sight him or even cross his path, are graced with a healthy life and or harvest, he was even once known to have brought a lost child back their village, unharmed and competely healed of injury. But, out of no where, like a tidal wave or landslide, there has been sightings of him, and things said about him, that are truely not to believed, these lies that had been spread, from village all the way to kingdoms, were saying that Shad has no longer been seen as an omen of health and good harvest,
But now, was the omen of death and destruction
said that many have seen him at the scene of great recent deaths and pillages of towns, and even, was the reason of a recent lords death. And to those who were in O'Khasis? They believed every, single word, why? Because...
they're prophet...
they're second prince, and they're soon to be lord...
(To be continued in pt 2)
Esterose Ro'meave
Told them so...
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Part two to this post btw
So to continue where we left off!
esterose was the one spreading this filth about shad, but those who didnt know, the reasons of these pillages and attacks were all because of esterose, him and the council he ran in the shadows, specialized men were sent to those towns to frame shad in anyway possible, and to really make sure he shows? they made sure that anything of nature they could find was sent to ruin, causing wild fires, burning down crops to a crisp, killing packs of wild animals or just cattals of the villages they pillage.
Shad was only there because he sensed the pain of the forest and of its wild life and people.
But all the people saw was a man who arrived at the seen of the destruction and death of the people he once gave great fortune and greater lives to. It was all obvious that it was a lie, but people were too blinded by their fear and anger to believe a single ounce of it not being true.
Shads last hope of innocence was in the hands of one man, no other gods were around to say their word, they were in much greater duties to possibly put on hold, in which so, Esmund...the lord of O'Khasis, and the god of protection.
Was his only hope of savior.
And well, sadly, this would be the day that Shad would regret putting his faith into someone who he thought was his friend...
So basically, Esmund decided to take his brothers word that Shad was bad news....
....even though...he knew that it was all lies, and slander. But Esmund had his reasons! They were terrible reasons but they were reasons none the less.
(The Esmund loving Irene is still a point to his character, wooow--馃挜馃挜馃挜)
Short summary, Irene and Shad spent almost all their time together, as the god of life and the god of seasons, they had similar ground to walk on since they both delt with handling with mortals all the time, but as it is for told in the scrolls of self-entitlement and assholeiery, Esmund didn't like that Shad was so close to Irene, and that she'd prefur to spend more time with Shad, than with him, especially since Esmund thought Irene and him had a connection, being the god of protection meant he must be the other half to the god of life...right?
Well, As it is proubly noticeable, Esmund absolutely threw Shad under the bus, and did not have his back at all, even after years of Shad thinking they were friends...Esmund gave Shad a choice, banishment or death. Out of how Shad wanted no more conflict, he choice banishment, he was to be sent to Tu'la, where Kul'Zak, the god of wander and karma, would a company him on his transportation and give him new purpose on fresh land, but for Shad, this was so heartbreaking, seeing how much these lies have even effected the man he saw as his greater ally and almost closest friend, but he did not want to cause more trouble, so...he took his punishment.
But, this was only a second step to Esterose's plan, he can't just let Shad go, not without.....
....alittle souvenir...
(Continues in pt 3)
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Misteria animatic ideas im manifesting into my head to do cause i gotta stop JUST imagining them in my head oh my GOD
Menphia corrupts animatic with We don't talk anymore [remix] (slowed)
Irenes prison animatic with The Night Does Not Belong To Gods by Sleep Token
Zane and the jury of nine animatic with LOOKATME by Jann
Shads death animatic with Aphmau gets Shot son ost (CAUSE I SAID SO, I HAVE AWHOLE SCENE IN MY HEAD AND EVERYTHING)
Irene and Esterose animatic with Emperor's New Clothes by Jann
Zane and Vylad animatic with & by Tally Hall
Irene and Menphias love and past animatic with demo ver of At All Costs from Wish
Shad and Irenes reprise animatic with the offical ver of At All Costs from Wish
Dante's truth animatic with alarm call by The Correspondents
Irenes havoc on the gods animatic with The Code by Nemo
Irene x Shad animatic with We Become We from Journey To Bethleham (Milo Manheims voice just fits so well for my ver of shad its sickening)
Menphia and Irenes depart animatic with Burn For You from the Bridgerton musical (...the fucking "say my name say im yours, promise we won't be oceans apart" AAAAUGHHHH--)
Irenes release from her prison animatic with Wither and Decay from the Tangled series (god...the way i want her to look haunting and so horrifying from being used as a magical wall and barrier between worlds for DECADES)
Irenes nightmares animatic with O Superman by Laurie Anderson
Kims Destiny animatic with Circles
Esmunds Punishment animatic with Belle's Villian Song by Lydia the Bard
Irene vs Menphia animatic with The Red Knot by Ahn Ye Eun
Irene's memories animatic with Fish in a Birdcage
(I could littary keep going)
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I have a whole thing with aaron holding a shard of shads wilder relic/his old one before he died and manifested a new one, being the relic of death, the wilder relic shard is in a neckless aaron wears all the time and was passed down to him by his father, it being some what an heirloom
But it has side effects, being that it makes his emotions flare up and his eyes glow a peircing blood red, it honestly also seems to have given him forgotten wild magic that only documented ancient beastmen knew all the way back to even before the divine gods were even formed at all.
But given the whole thing with flaring up his emotions this magic kinda shoots out of him out of random and causes him to be more violent and easy to aggravate, which explains why he isn't exactly close to any people besides a handful of closer friends that knows about it from personal experiences.
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[Note for those below who have been keeping up with my posts with Misteria and updates] 猡碉笍
Aaron is still the holder of Esmunds false relic of judgement, I just wanted to somewhat include his mystreet verses powers without needing to keep all the werewolf ultimia shit since thats not a thing in Misteria and so it connects A LOT more to the divine gods lore I have.
Also...it's to not make it so werid that he isn't the holder of Shads present relic, being the relic of death, that relic is given to Kim after some heavy plot stuff happens :)
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AH-Hello its me...again, I have updated the character cast list for Misteria, again. If you want to know more on my project, you can ask me or comment here on the post. Thank you :)
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More info on the list of characters below!
Padian, Modern world Dimension A
[Those are from here are...]
Garroth, Zane, Vylad, Dante, Gavin, Zianna, Ein, Aaron, Michi, Gene, Travis, Noi, Kim and Nana
Ru'aun the world of Magicks, Dimension B
[Those are from here are...]
Teony, Janus, Lucinda, Nicole, Zoey, Lily, Cadenza, Lillian, Laurence, Ivan, Zenix, Sasha, Kenmur, Emmalyn, Brendan, Kiki, Ivy, Jeffery and Katelyn
Ashyn Dimension, Gods plain
[Those are from here are...]
Menphia, Kul'zak, Esmund, Enki and Irene
Abyss Inferno, The beginning and The End
[Those are from here are...]
Shad, Asch, Lloyd, Rhys, Zen and Pierce!
I suppose those are all of them!
Yup!, Totally...
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