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Seven Ways to Discipline Your Child | MisterEpicMann
This was made 10 years ago, and it's still funny
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this never gets old
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I don't care what cringe culture says "how animals eat their food" by misterepicmann literally never gets old and is still and will forever be absolutely fucking hilarious
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Patience Test: Part 2 | MisterEpicMann
Dash’s attempts at distracting Violet from studying, but instead of a laptop, she’s got an old-fashioned notebook or maybe even a typewriter.
Voyd would do this too.
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How Animals Eat Their Food | MisterEpicMann BLOOPERS: Patreon: #surnativa #alligator #bestpranks #briefmoments #college #dormroom #epicdood #epicdude #epicfilms #epicguy #epicman #epicmann #epicpranks #flamingo #howanimalseattheirfood #howto #lizard #lostlightfilms #m.e.m. #misterepicmann #misterepicman #misterepicmann #mrepicmann #nicksjolinder #oneofkind #prankcalls #pranks #pushingthelimit #quickfilms #rhino #shortfilms #sketches #t-rex #themostepicpranks #toppranks #whale Source: https://surnativa.com/how-animals-eat-their-food-misterepicmann/?feed_id=14644&_unique_id=5f3a6f535285f
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Liked on YouTube: "How Animals Eat Their Food | MisterEpicMann" https://youtu.be/qnydFmqHuVo
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Yo does anyone remember MisterEpicMann?? That was the funniest shit back in 2013
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How Animals Eat Their Food | MisterEpicMann
How Animals Eat Their Food | MisterEpicMann http://ift.tt/2qh03fK
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7 ways to punish the child if he is guilty
Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to do without punishment, as if you did not want. But what penalties may be considered acceptable? What benefit will bring the child, and what - only harmful?
Modern psychologists say that physical punishment is unacceptable in any form.
Even a light slap on the pope - is unacceptable. How would you have liked to sometimes use force to your child, remember that it is - a categorical taboo. Even if you are a child spanking punished by their parents - that's no reason to just behave with your children.
So, physical punishment - a categorical prohibition. Then what kind of punishment may be used if the child is at fault?
I suggest a few options that may be appropriate in the event that the child's fault is large enough (in fact if it is not, the punishment does not need to - in these cases, you can do extremely educational conversation).
1. Deprivation favorite entertainment. It can be cartoons, computer, favorite toys. Stipulate the period for which you deprive a child of joy - it must match the seriousness of the offense.
7 Ways to Stop a Burglar | MisterEpicMann
2. Time-out. Such a punishment well sobering, if the child is too dispersed - in this case, it can be sent to sit in a quiet room alone to think about their behavior.
3. Deprivation of walks on the agreed time. This is a variation of the first embodiment.
Five Ways to Dominate Your Child | MisterEpicMann
4. Deprivation of pleasure: it can be planned in advance going to the movies, or an amusement park.
5. Deprivation of parental position to remedy the situation. This penalty can be very difficult for the child, because parental love and pride for the child - the most important thing he needs from his parents. Therefore, this method can be used only if the offense is really high.
6. "The arrest of the property." This can be a phone, a favorite dress, roller skates, bicycle. The arrest also applied for a certain time - proportionate to the gravity of the offense.
7. The description of the offense in writing. Ask your child to write what he did wrong, and to finish his promise not to do more so. This method is suitable for children who already know how to write well and express their thoughts. For a child who is not able to write, it will be enough to ask all say it out loud.
Remember that the penalty should not be too heavy and uncomfortable. Be consistent in their demands. Negotiate in advance with your child all the "sanctions", which you can apply in relation to him in case of violation of the rules known to him. The child must know in advance that it will be applied to it as a punishment in the case of a misdemeanor.
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10 PRACTICAL ways to educate children to autonomy
"To educate is to provide early child maximum of autonomy," says Jaquelin Bickel, an expert on language and children's learning and co-author along with Graziella Baracchini Muratorio the book 'How to educate their children quickly and well' (Books Company).
Seven Ways to Discipline Your Child | MisterEpicMann
"Teaching a child to do alone and to play small domestic tasks not only means making more sure of himself and increase his self-esteem, but also helps to develop his intelligence and to lay the foundations for good academic results and its future work .
"Activities practices like tidying, sweeping, drying clothes, eat alone ... are in fact more related than you think to the tasks requested by the school," says Bickel.
1) As the child does something alone, you "do the commentary", so will learn to speak well
To develop linguistic intelligence is not enough to talk a lot to the child (which still serves), but even more useful and a parent who says in words what the child is doing, that way you have the opportunity to tie to the thoughts of the child , yet abstract, the lexicon (words) and syntax (how to build a sentence) of the Italian language.
For example you should leave a small open alone on the water tap, and while it does a parent tells him (enunciating the words, so that it is clear the relationship between the action and the object name) “raise your handles! ... comes hot water ... now you wash your hands with a little 'soap ...”. It must be repeated as often as the child should wash his hands, so he can make sure you know the sequence of words.
2) Abituatelo to eat alone as soon as possible
The first autonomy that is taught to a child and to eat alone. It starts during weaning putting small pieces of food in the dish, so if you take them alone at the mouth, (while performing these actions do not forget the "commentary" to help language development).
Just more big boy is continued using spoon and fork, until the knife to cut the most soft foods such as potatoes, bananas and smear jam or cheese. At the same time we must teach him to bring the glass to his mouth and wipe alone with her napkin. And 'also useful to involve small to make cakes and biscuits.
All these activities develop the crafts and learn to handle the cutlery, as adults, increases self-image and self-esteem.
Read also: HOW TO EDUCATE CHILDREN autonomy
3) Let them set the table, and will learn to count
The time of dinner and also great for teaching practical activities that will be useful for when you will go to school. For example, ask him to put on the table a plate for mom, one for papa, one for the little brother, develops fail to see to count: 'we are four, four serving plates'.
Empty the dishwasher and put the cutlery in the drawers forks with forks, spoons with spoons ... is a first activity classification.
Also requires knowing how to set the table to be able to line up the plates on the table edge, standing next to a knife and fork, so that the child is exercised in an activity of pre-writing: and how to draw on a round sheet (plates), sticks (cutlery) dots (glasses).
4) Abituatelo tidying up the games and will be facilitated in the study
Parents should teach right away to let him replace the games and in general to keep in order and take care of his things. "The habit practical order," says the expert "will be useful when the child will go to school, and in fact the logical prerequisite of the order, ie the ability to bring order among the knowledge." If you will want to facilitate the ability of study with logical order, will therefore vital early accustom practical order.
5) To prepare for writing abandoned pencils and give him a broom or a rake
To learn to write well and very important to put the baby to the use of the whole arm. So it's best to avoid, at least up to three years, to hold pens and pencils, exercising only the tips of the fingers, but give it more coarse in hand tools such as broom or rake involving all the muscles of the arm.
Dusting, sweeping a room, raking leaves in the garden ...
Seven Ways to Discipline Your Child | MisterEpicMann
are activities that exercise positively in the small tasks of pre-writing practice and help prevent, once in school, problems of illegible handwriting or dysgraphia.
6) Jumping rope, bounce the ball against a wall ... are games that develop musical intelligence
The musical intelligence has its deepest roots in all activities rhythmic. Typical games that they once did in the yard are marked by rhythms that develop musical intelligence: The game of bells, where you go jumping with one foot from one box to another, the bounce game against a wall, the jump rope, often associated with songs and rhymes, a habit to count.
Encourage children to make these "past games" and develop his musical intelligence. Also read children's music, a pleasure without obligations
7) Learn to read and write: make the booklet with the labels of her favorite foods
The relationship between oral and written can be prematurely brought out from the inscriptions that children see on the packaging of their favorite foods: juices, milk, biscuits. A useful exercise is to remove the most known labels from small and stick them on card stock and make booklets to browse together.
In addition to begin a good relationship with the written and important language that parents devote themselves to read books. 15 books might interest bait to encourage children to read
"Typically," says the expert "and should always propose the same book so that the child has the opportunity to take ownership of the developed language. And every now connect the oral with written following the line with his finger and words that are read, indicating the names of the main characters, asking the child to name the words that begin to recognize or even just a few letters.
8) Abituatelo to do homework alone
If you always do homework with their child instead of helping you run the risk of impigrirlo also the child ceases to be convinced of being unable to work alone, so it decreases their self-esteem.
The responsibility to carry out these tasks is part of the autonomy logic, ie autonomy in school learning. Of course the parents do not have to ignore the tasks, can be at the disposal of the small but only for occasional aid.
9) The extracurricular activities should be pursued with unwavering commitment
"Cultivate perseverance in practical activities and a prerequisite to continued towards future intellectual tasks" explains the expert. "For example they observe children who opt for recreational purposes extracurricular activities, sports or music, and leave at the first frustration or the request for a more intense participation.
And parents in the name of freedom of choice of the small condescend to these waivers, helping to increase the insecurity and lack of confidence of the child. "Parents should work to encourage and guide their children in keeping their commitments into practical tasks of school.
10) Help them to verbalize feelings and will learn self-control
Another important education and the emotional intelligence and it must be made by six years and not before. It means that the parent must educate the child to verbalize their emotions: joy, enthusiasm, but above all fear, anger and sadness. Especially verbalizing the negative emotions the child will know to contain the violent and impulsive behavior.
To teach to name the negative emotions the parent must catch the right moment: close to the explosion of anger, but not simultaneously.
So we have to wait that little has calmed down, and immediately face the dialogue with words like: "You're just angry ..." You feel sad ... "and throw the message and normal to feel those feelings and that you it happens. The examples provided by parents are very useful to get used to self.
Read what they write in our FORUM other parents on the education of their children
10 household tasks that can make babies
Teaching Children Self Control
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This is some good quality shit.
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The newspaper with your child
My daughter and I very much like to create different newspapers, magazines, etc. So we decided to tell you about how to create their own newspaper. The case is interesting - we have begun to produce their own newspapers 4 years ago.
This idea came to my mind when daughters in school are having problems with the Russian language.
Since just deal calligraphy they were not interested, I figured out that it is possible to produce their own newspapers. The girls liked the idea.
We have long pondered the name and decided that it would be "the newspaper of our yard." The yard we have a large, and a large family. And two or three times a week, the news going. In the state of the journalists I Alina - the editor in chief, and yang - assistant editor, photographer. As an assistant, this time went to the grandmother, we decided to make a new issue of its own.
The Tokyo Shimbun "Share the Newspaper with Children"
To begin to gather news and incident, and then think about the titles and the material presented in them. We got the 5. You can paste the photo at the bottom of the article, and it is possible to draw - we have done so.
So we painted the first page and it looks like this:
Daughter happy to work!
Then write all the articles on the separate pieces and sealed. It turns out a very interesting paper, which can be read to give to friends and relatives. My daughter and I are very fond of such articles to write.
Seven Ways to Discipline Your Child | MisterEpicMann
We wish you to be good journalists, and to create interesting works! Good luck!
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Zodiacs as animals eating their food (PART 2):
Antelope: Cancer
Lion: Aries
Bunny: Taurus
Cheetah: Scorpio
Meerkats: Gemini
Llama: Virgo
Fruit Fly: Capricorn (sorry)
Horse: Leo
Stampede: Sagittarius
Hawk: Libra
Fish: Pisces
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I am fucking crying.
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