#misstrixtin / kirstin
cornerdreams-txt 1 year
i got one more sorry hang on hang on h
fit being from 2b2t and having a second fucking sense for danger and immediately clocking phil as something more than just an avian. there's something in those eyes, in his builds, in how he weilds the weapons he fights with, in how he protects his children with an unhinged violence that almost matches the insanity of trolls and the guilds of 2b2t. he's more than just avian.
that should be a threat. it should mean danger. but the murder that follows phil is... friendly. phil talks to the crows, they talk to him. when phil is sleeping or not around, fit can't help but notice that some of them end up tailing him and hanging out with him instead. it takes a while, but the first time phil really goes for it - fights the code before fit's eyes, fury and protective rage, his crows cawing and causing a racket, swarming overhead, fit feels it. recognition. familiarity.
and in the middle of the aftermath, bloody, dirty, chest heaving when he thought no one was looking, fit watches a larger crow flap up onto phil's shoulder, and when the crow turns their head to him and they lock eyes, phil suddenly calming and relaxing under the pinch of a crow's talons on his shoulder, fit finally puts the pieces together with confidence.
no wonder phil feels familiar to fit. he knows that crow. he's met her before - it's just his first time meeting her angel.
fit and the goddess of death are not strangers.
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cornerdreams-txt 7 months
hear me out, okay.
[ qsmp characters; not the content creators ! ]
2b2t is a land of death and violence. those who are religious follow the goddess of death devotedly, hoping for safe passage for their respawn cycles, hoping for luck in their next respawn.
now fit, he's always been a bit of a skeptic. those stories of people being gathered by her are annoying to him, because why would a goddess bother collecting everyone individually? that'd be a waste of time, she could just get other people to do it for her, so why bother?
he gets proven right when he hears about a "new" form the goddess is taking on. massive dark wings, green and gold, long blonde hair. the goddess of death has never, ever, appeared to have blonde hair, or be dressed in green, in any of those confirmed appearances. and he knows that, because like many others on 2b2t, fit follows the goddess of death, though more loosely than others. he's the type to just ask for good luck on his next try. either way, this new "blonde form" of the goddess of death gets dubbed as the "angel of death," and fit thinks he's bullshit, and doesn't exist.
that is, until he meets the angel himself, and the angel is the one to escort him into his next respawn cycle. its also, in that brief time in the afterlife, fit catches a glimpse of what happens to the souls that don't get collected - they fade into nothingness.
he offers his thanks to the angel offhandedly once in a quick offering to the goddess of death, but over time, it kind of becomes a habit.
...my point is: fit being a follower of phil and kristin's, and worshipping both of them without realizing that's who is in front of him as him and phil raise their children side by side on a violent island.
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cornerdreams-txt 7 months
With your qFit worshiping the Goddess and Angel of Death - does he know the two entities he worships are married? And I assume qPhilza is fully aware that qFit worships him but also doesn't know it's him? I mean I'm imagining qPhilza flirting with qFit in full knowledge of qFit's worship and it's like returning the favour a little XD
hmm, good question
i think like. as "the angel of death" becomes more common and pops up more often here and there, people miiiight get some information about his and the goddess of death's relationship? i feel like as far as the general population of her followers know, the angel is just like. her favorite reaper or something lmao. because she very openly shows favoritism for him and hes very clearly quite close to her
so, does qfit know theyre married? no.
HOWEVER. i like the thought that qphil has NO FUCKING IDEA it's qfit that worships him until something tips him off (in a wip i have sitting in my folder, he sees qfit's altar for him and kristin) and he has to stand there for a minute and "AND IVE BEEN FLIRTING WITH HIM???" (he tells his wife and she laughs at him so hard she has to take over a full minute to catch her breath)
if people wanna take off and RUN with this concept though do whatever the fuck you want idm at all
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