#misster legends
misstergrayson · 4 months
Little homeless Billy sitting in his trash heap home whyyyyyyyyyyyy
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rexscelestus · 6 years
Play with Fire
Kingpin Last Sunday at 3:23 PM
> You arrive at the cafe long before the time you gave him. Enough time to secure the same table the two of you had last time, get comfy, place your order and set up a chess board. It's nice to have a moment to think about what to tell him while you play a session or two against yourself to warm up. You have no doubt that he will come, despite his lack of response. Despite seeming like a pushover, he's shown to be anything but a coward, and you don't expect him to let you down now. He better not.
PI Last Sunday at 9:46 PM
You aren't sure what is more frustrating, the fact he was so bastardly bold to just out and demand a meeting right after all that happened, or the fact you are actually on your way to attending like a ruddy fool.  Ugh. Damn him back to hell.   This time you are not arriving early, you had hoped even traffic would be slow to cause you to show up late and make him question if you were even showing...but no. Clear traffic and now you're just sitting in your parked car trying to stay warm because some blasted grey faces decided the middle of Derse's winter was the perfect shorts weather. You end up abandoning your wait in the car till just on time plan and end up coming in a couple minutes early anyways because even your car doesn't do that much against keeping the chill out.  Stepping in, there's a glance around to see him at the same table as last time and looking at smug and cozy.  The board surprises you. Was he...was this going to be some casual social?  Ugh, you definitely should have stood him up.
But you're in the cafe now, and would just look like a fool for turning around now.  So instead you make your way to the table as you remove your coat.  "Evening Misster Kingsley." is all the greeting you offer.
February 11, 2019
Kingpin Yesterday at 1:34 AM
You're frankly more disgruntled than smug, but that quickly changes when your eyes fall on him. He's trying to hide it, but you can very well see his black eye. The bruise on your own face may be not so easily visible either, but it's certainly there. But that was easily forgotten once he takes off his coat. You can't help but admire his outfit of choice. In fact, you hook your leg around the chair opposite of you to pull it closer and put your foot on it to explicitly keep him from sitting down and force him to keep standing around for a bit longer. "Good day, Ingleton. That look suits you. A bit cold for the season though." You look down at his legs, then back up at his face. Yep, now you're definitely feeling smug and cozy.
PI Yesterday at 2:09 AM
"Yes. It is."  you grimace as your self consciousness skyrockets.   A nervous shift of your feet until you catch yourself doing it and straighten up, making a soft scoff in regards to his feet deliberately blocking your ability to sit down.  .  "Grey magic is. Not exactly thoughtful when it comes to. Seasons."
Ughh god damnit you can feel your cheeks heating up.  This was the last person you wanted to look embarrassed in front of and yet you walked right into this like a short sighted fool.   You hate this, you hate him, and you wish you could go back to just worrying his wife would manifest behind you to take your head off.  It actually feels like a mercy right now. Another nervous shift, this time you fold you arms (and coat) in front of you defensively.  "So. Is there a reason you called me out, or are you just in the mood for fashion critiques today."
Kingpin Yesterday at 2:17 AM
Ah, you might be quite a hypocrite. You know from first-hand experience how unpleasant even the smallest greyface jokes can be, but you can't help but be amused at his discomfort. Eventually, you decide to release him. With a little shove of your foot, you send the chair back his way. "Sit." As if you suddenly lost interest in his looks, you sign the waiter to bring PI whatever he'd enjoy and start disassembling your solo game to set up the board for a fresh start. You indeed have a reason for ordering him here and it's not a matter you want to discuss in passing.
PI Yesterday at 2:38 AM
An obvious roll of the eyes, but you may as well comply. If only because you are curious...you had expected after the last encounter to hear from him....well truth be you weren't even sure if you'd hear from him at all.  But certainly not so soon after. Also it's cold outside, and there isn't any ground to gain from refusing.  You sit and order your usual caramel latte with white chocolate chips on top of whipped cream.  And a couple sugar cookies please.  As the waiter walks away with your order, the pleasantness of your expression fades as you lean back in your chair to finally take a good look at him.  Back to...well you guess technically he was back to his normal size the last time you met him. But back to the height he keeps in public...part of you wonders how much energy that must be to maintain such a strong glamour to actually reduce one's height in such a dramatic way.  Impressive really.
You're not quite sure if the darkened parts on his face is bruising or just your wishful thinking as you gently bite your lower lip to run your teeth ever so slightly across the still healing scab on your lip from where it was split prior.  Inwardly you begin to die as you realize you have nothing to say so the silence begins to creep as he arranges the pieces.
Kingpin Yesterday at 8:37 AM
You notice the tense silence and frankly you enjoy it, knowing how uncomfortable it must make him. You may just drag that out even longer and start the game  without a word, making your opening move and expecting him to follow suit. You don't expect a spectacular game, just something to keep the both of you busy as you chat. You lean back and look him in the face. "So, Ingleton. What is it you exactly expect out of this?"
PI Yesterday at 8:50 AM
The silence is deafening, with each little clack of the pieces feeling like a noose tightening as you try to figure out something feasible to break the ice.  Weather? Pleasantries? Ughh....those are are awful and would only betray your complete lack of social graces right now.
He makes his opening move without word, only adding to the tension. Is he going to play the entire game wordlessly? On one hand, masterful creativity in regards to torture there because damn.  That is something you never considered dreadful until just now. As he speaks, you feel a spark of gratefulness...that is quickly snuffed out as you find yourself suddenly longing for silence again.  "Expect out of this....game?" you reply back, knowing likely what he is referring to but looking to dodge the answer if only for enough time to gain your focus back.  "Well, I expect I'm going to do poorly. My focus seems to be a bit scattered.  So I hope you don't have high hopes."  Glancing at the board, you consider your options and tactics before moving a piece.
Kingpin Yesterday at 9:34 AM
"No. I mean, a curious answer, but not what I was looking for." You move your piece, hardly taking your eyes off him. "Back at the book club, you told me it wasn't personal. But I seem to have caught your interest since then. And frankly, you may have piqued mine. And yet... You got the got the guts to spit into a King's face, but now you're too much of a pussy to go all the way? ..What a let down."
PI Yesterday at 9:53 AM
"Go all the..." your eyes narrow as your cheeks grow hot.  "What? Were you expecting me to just crawl across this table right here in this cafe or something?  And don't start to speak of let downs, what with you pulling disinterest back there and just..." there is some agitated hand gestures made before you play your next piece as your coffee arrives. "As for the book club, it wasn't personal. Then. You were barely more than a myth, a figure of legend and lore.  Realizing who you were in the middle of talking about romantic stories was perhaps the most surreal experience imaginable, crippling in its harsh reality that you were well...something else. Somebody. Nuanced with depths.  Intriguing and vexing in all the most frustrating ways." You say with a huff as you reach for your coffee.
Kingpin Yesterday at 10:44 AM
"Hm. You crawling over this table? Would be quite the display, I'm not gonna say no." You scoff. "Me? Pulling disinterest? When it was you who made it so very clear that the game we had was most definitely not a date? When it is you who's trying his damnedest to not admit he couldn't resist me all up and close?" You make your move, though you hardly care about the result, then shift in your seat and lean back. As much as you hate letting on that any of that actually bothered you... how dare he say he feels rejected. Though, his little confession is music to your ears. More of that, please. "Listen, I'm not one to play games of will-they-won't-they. Nor will I be a dirty secret you're too ashamed of to admit. If you're genuinely interested.. your chances to prove it are running out."
PI Yesterday at 10:57 AM
He has you there, and your poker face is too poor to really hide that fact as you pause in your reach.  You did make a somewhat big fuss about the lack of date...which was possibly what also caused the whole awful frog fiasco to begin with.  You'd like to focus on the small flickering of pride over the idea that it was something he actually cared about, but you're a bit focused on the table that has been turned to you. You set the mug down, move a piece, and lean back.  "Very well then.  Here's a bit of something to chew on, if you are genuinely considering.  This? This here?" you gesture up and down yourself.  "A glamour. I'll give you two guesses what is underneath, but I expect you'd only need the one."  As much as everything sensible was reminding you it was a bad idea to reveal your cover to not only the enemy but him in particular...It was inevitable if things were to continue, he'd find out.  A fact that had been bothering you since the start.  In a way you expect that this is the end of it all, perhaps that’s why it had been bothering you.
Kingpin Yesterday at 11:56 AM
It is not something you expected to deal with right in this moment, but well, fine. You're chewing on it, while you pick off a piece of your own cake to literally chew on. The revelation hardly comes as a surprise. Probably a good half of the people running around with a human face are actually glamoured and you've long come to terms with the fact that a large portion of that might be Prospitians. You still prefer those trying to blend in and just living their life over those that make no secret of what an invasive species they are. Part of you is astounded how easy you find it to brush this off. But honestly, he already looks like a Prospitian with how spindly and weak is. "So what? Are you going to undress down to your shell here? If it's any consolation, I find you more infuriating for your total disregard of common sense than whatever color you hide under your skin. In fact, a Dersite treating me with such blatant disrespect despite knowing better would be far more unforgivable." You play your piece and direct your attention back at him. "While we're sharing secrets. I'm in glamour too. I know. Shocking."
PI Yesterday at 12:09 PM
"Tch." You roll your eyes as you finally take a drink from your cup. It's quite amazing, how time and time again he manages to say things in such a way that when you should feel some sort of relief it only results in pushing your buttons further.  Insufferable. Setting the mug down, you take a moment actually enjoying the silence as you contemplate your next move...not that you're really paying all that mind to tactics right now but may as well put up some pretense of skill here.  The piece is set and you look at him. "So. You're serious about this."  less a statement and more a question.
Kingpin Yesterday at 12:31 PM
"I am seriously considering it." You take a sip of your own drink and answer with your own move. "I know, I can hardly believe it myself." Your eyes meet his. A merciless stare. You got him where you want him now. Maybe not in the game, but definitely here at the table. It all depends on his answer now. He still has the chance to back out, but you doubt he will.
PI Yesterday at 12:43 PM
You match his stare for a few seconds before you lean back and pull out your phone, flipping it open.  You take a moment typing something in before closing it and pocketing it away.  With your now free hand you pick up your cup to take another sip as you calmly move your next piece without a word. [https://dilldaydreamer.tumblr.com/post/182732779617]
Well, mostly calm. There is a slight shake to your hand as it moves. "Had one asked me a year ago if I'd be here and now, I'd have laughed in their face."
Kingpin Yesterday at 1:20 PM
You're curious about what may be important enough to interrupt with his phone, but you're not going to bother asking. You look at the board and for the first time in this game, you pause to contemplate. Maybe about your next move, maybe about something else. "It's interesting, isn't it? The places we end up in."
PI Yesterday at 1:38 PM
He'll see what you did soon enough, you have no doubt on that.  It was for all intents, a move a few steps ahead that you seem to be fond of.
"It is." you agree as you look between the contents of your mug and the board.  "For so many intents and purposes this was not a place I should have ever been in.  And yet, hard to imagine a place other."  There's almost a laugh at the end of that sentence.  You can't imagine it's the same for him in any way.  It wouldn't surprise you if Derse was essentially in his veins. "Life's funny like that at times."
Kingpin Yesterday at 11:05 PM
You'd definitely say Derse is in your veins. And yet, this place and life are so far removed from anything you've known. Too much change for an old King like you. To also date a Prospitian is a fairly small step in comparison. Honestly, you had your fair share of flings on either side over centuries of war. "It sure is." Well, you said all you wanted to. Kind of still waiting for his answer, but if he needs time to think about it... disappointing, but you're willing to give it to him. All that seems to be left for now is to finish the game with delicious awkward silence. You finally move your piece. Not a grand game, as you take notice, but not nearly as abysmal as the previous ones against him despite all the distraction.
PI Yesterday at 11:31 PM
That awkward silence does creep in, as you find yourself unable to think of anything to add to the conversation.  If only because your head is inwardly spinning and screeching its protests over the possible repercussions of what you posted.  That horrible whirling machination of what-ifs and what will people say and oh god Sleuth is going to have a damn field day.  You can already hear Ace getting ready to sass you...and that's if you are fortunate.
So you try to distract yourself with the game, get your mind off that future problem, and with how jittery you feel perhaps its best to switch to tea.  Between moves, you watch the server and try to lift you hand to flag them when they make a round but...no luck.  Hnhnghn...curse your skills of unassuming nature working against you.
You play a piece, and study the board.  "Pardon me." is all you say as you rise to your feet to make your way to the counter...not really overly concerned with the possibility of him cheating so much once again feeling self conscious of how astoundingly cold it is everywhere because of STUPID SHORTS.  Ughhghgh...focus on getting tea.
Kingpin Today at 12:24 AM
Look at him struggle. This alone almost made the whole meeting worth it. You look after him for a bit, then pull your phone out to check if you missed any important messages. You're a busy man after all. After that, you notice that there's been a post on his blog. (Not that you subscribed to notifications to it or anything. That would be silly. No, you had time and checked it. In case.) What you read honestly leaves you a bit speechless. That is an answer. More than you expected, faster than you expected, yet he didn't give it to you face to face, that god damn pissant. You're.. honestly impressed and mildly amused, mixed in with what can be best expressed as the blinking guy gif. That accusation though, how dare he. You had your plans, and now it's going to look like you're only doing it because he challenged you. And you can't NOT do it or you're proving his point. God. You hate moments like this. Fuck him. But fine, you can play this game. You put your phone away and sip on the rest of your sweet milky coffee as wait for him to return.
PI Today at 12:40 AM
You order tea, and are momentarily distracted by the pastry display...a nice diversion from your own headspace really.  Though the temptation for cookies is strong, you probably don't need anymore sugar right now as you're still feeling the jitters.  With tea ordered, you return to the chair to give a glance at the board.  None of the pieces seem to have moved at least to your recollection.  So either he moved very subtly or indeed is not a cheater. And that's when you remember the awkward silence part of things.  Hngnh...leaning back you debate if you should remind him it's his turn or just sit awkwardly for your tea to arrive and hope he does it unprompted.  Ehhhhnn....fine. "Your move." you gesture to the board as you try to consider any possible tactics or moves to play...oof. You really didn't put any planning into this game.
Kingpin Today at 1:19 AM
You stare at the board long and hard, still contemplating your next move, the muscles in your jaw tensing notably. Not that the board offers a lot of complex strategies going forward. Eventually you just shrug. "Hm. I'm bored of it. You win this one." You set your cup aside and check that all your belongings are still present by pulling them out, then putting them back again. Phone, check. Keys, check. Wallet, check (taking out the payment for the day, while at it). His glasses - oh yeah, keeping those. Then you lift yourself up from your seat. "It was nice, despite all. Thank you for the game."
PI Today at 1:38 AM
Glancing between the board and him, you contemplate which possible moves he may make...only for your brows to instinctively go up as he declares bored defeat.  Granted you can't deny this is a rather mediocre game, but even so you feel a bit insulted since once again you've turned the move over to him and he just disengages now bored.  How frustratingly fickle. It's hard not to pay attention to him sifting his belongings, though your eyes narrow as you recognize your glasses.  That absolute ass.  Your fingers twitch as for a second you debate trying to snatch them out of his hands but decide better, turning your head to feign indifference.  "It was.  Same to you.  Perhaps another time, hopefully you won't get bored so quickly."
Kingpin Today at 2:14 AM
You straighten your sleeves some as you stare down at him, still contemplating, though you're already set on your next move. "Oh, surely. Might just be the game. Ah, let me try a thing." You reach down, but not for one of the figures, no. You grab him by the collar and with a mighty pull you drag him halfway across the table, no regard for any pieces or cups that clatter to the ground. It might be turning a few heads, but you made sure the tip will cover the trouble. He doesn't like public arenas? Too bad. Before he has any chance to react, you lean down and violently press your lips on his. And you're definitely making sure his healing lip is gonna be bleeding again when you're done. "Thought so. Quite a delicious display." You release him fairly quickly, more than satisfied with your work as your smug face betrays. "Check."
PI Today at 4:05 AM
His movement catches the corner of your eye, but it isn't until you feel the grasp on your collar that you realize he wasn't picking up the chess pieces.  Your attempts to sputter out in surprise are stopped short as you're pulled into a kiss.  The sound of errant chess pieces and at least one cup with saucer shattering ring in your ears as you feel your face turn hot.
You weren't expecting this, and in hindsight you should have which only makes this even more on you as you feel like every eye in the cafe is probably staring now. As he pulls away, you already know your lip is back to bleeding from the sting as your cheeks are probably scarlet red...and the look on his face.  You sputter, stammer, inwardly a part of you knows you're going to be fuming mad once it fully sinks in that he got you at a loss of words where all you can do is flounder. And then...he uses the same single word on you that you used prior and your eyes narrow. That arrogant son of a....you have half a mind to try to throw the chessboard directly in his face.  The other half is reminding you that you don't want to get kicked out of this cafe.  But the idea of him walking out and leaving you in front of all these people...no! Oh no he doesn't. "Y-you. Yooooou." is all you manage to spit out as you reach into your wallet to pull out some cash to throw onto the table, not caring if it's more than what was needed for your cost.  You don't care if this looks like a retreat, damn it, damnit all.  With a quick gesture you snatch your own coat up and start to make your departure with haste.  You're just mad, and you can't even think of words right now and that is only making you more upset because he's probably going to have a right chuckle and just. UGH.(edited)
Kingpin Today at 8:23 AM
Oh god are you smug. You didn't expect him to flee the scene this quick, but it's just what he deserves for that little stunt he pulled. You're oh so tempted to call a 'Checkmate.' after him, but you've already made a scene as is, so the thought is dropped quickly - at least for now. You collect what is left of the board and handle the payment for the orders and apologize for the mess you caused. Though frankly, random bouts of pitch should be expected in this city. Once that is done, you take your leave with all the calm and satisfaction in the world.
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misstergrayson · 3 months
“He’s had his moments” 😭😭😭
Like first of all Jay didn’t screw up Bruce left him to get beat to near death by a mob, but that last snide comment down there got me so ready throw hands with Bruce😡
I forget how much of a jerk they made him be in the late 80s
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22 notes · View notes
misstergrayson · 3 months
Lookout Harley Quinn, it’s Fungus Soufflé 😭😭😭
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15 notes · View notes
misstergrayson · 4 months
Throwback to when Jason was nearly killed by an angry mob and Bruce slipped away while Jason took all the heat to recover, and didn’t even return to help him, he was found by the police many hours later
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misstergrayson · 3 months
Ad for Batman
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6 notes · View notes
misstergrayson · 4 months
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11 notes · View notes
misstergrayson · 3 months
Started taking screenshots every time I see someone quote Andy Warhol because why are they all doin it
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misstergrayson · 3 months
Blue Beetle after getting shot in the arm dares a few criminals he could take them with his arms tied to not only show off but avoid using his injured arm
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misstergrayson · 3 months
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misstergrayson · 3 months
Suicide Squad’s first mission, including Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, and Blockbuster
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misstergrayson · 3 months
On a much lighter note, badass Wally West and Garfield Logan
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misstergrayson · 4 months
Right after the crisis they completely undid the origins of the crisis they spent so long building but at least I know where Phantom Stranger came from now
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misstergrayson · 4 months
A bit too late for that, Hal
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Man, I hope DC has completely scrubbed this from their history, this is so nasty
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misstergrayson · 3 months
Steel dies saving cops who tried to kill him, we also learn just how much of his body was replaced with cybernetics by his grandfather in Crisis on Infinite Earths
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misstergrayson · 3 months
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