#missing eye shal
masakuterarr · 9 days
Get yourself someone who looks at you like Shalnark looks at Uvogin
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Can you believe it? I am finishing an artwork for once, wow Yes I can actually do more than just stupid doodles :D
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ataraxiaspainting · 21 days
Blue Crow.
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Yan Nobunaga x F Reader x Yan Uvogin. (College AU.)
Synopsis: Uvogin hates taking buses, but he enjoys seeing you one seat ahead of him.
Warnings: Yandere themes, non-con, the reader is described as AFAB and she/her pronouns are used, unhealthy relationships, brief mentions of drug/alcohol usage, victim blaming, oral (female receiving), oral (male receiving), sexual blackmail, and implied stalking.
Word Count: 5k.
somewhat inspired by the game classmates! check it out here if you'd like. <3
also inspired by @uvobreakmylegs's digging deeper! it's amazing! <3
The 5A station was the closest one to your dorm. It had no seats or shelter of any kind in case of bad weather, only a large blue sign that said Yorknew University, Nursing Program in white bold letters – because it didn’t say anything else about the buses that stopped by and because this stop is surrounded by old rotting trees, the drivers sometimes fail to notice you.
It’s raining now, and everything here is so dark – your clothes, your umbrella, the night sky, and your bag.
Your phone says the bus will be here any minute now, but will it even see you?
If not, you’ll have to find a different way to make it to Nobunaga’s place.
He seemed friendly enough. If you were a few minutes late, surely he’d understand. You were not close enough to invite him over, go inside his home, or let him drive you anywhere, though that is just how you are with all males you casually know. It’s nothing personal.
There are two bright lights a small distance away, and at the sight you raise your hand and wave.
By some miracle, the bus stops and opens its automatic doors.
You take a few steps as you close your umbrella and make your way up the stairs, being careful not to slip. You slip a few quarters into the little slot beside the driver and sit down on a seat near the window.
Taking off your hood, you ruffle your wet bangs out of your face, using your reflection to attempt to get them back to looking presentable. It doesn’t really work, but what does it matter? You’re just there to give Nobunaga some notes his friends wanted to give to him and leave. 
“You’re [First], correct?” Chrollo asks, putting his right hand out towards you.
You take out your earbuds, fixing your posture as you nod. A blonde man sits next to you on the bench before Chrollo could, smiling and giggling like he is some gossiping schoolgirl.
“Dang, you’re cute!” Shalnark exclaims. 
“Shal, what the hell are you doing?” Uvogin had started to stomp over. His mere size was enough to keep your eyes on him and not the others. Even the one girl who was with them didn’t draw your attention, despite her hair being unnaturally bright pink.
“Saying hi!” Shalnark put an arm around you. On instinct, you squirm a little bit, not noticing how Uvogin rolled his eyes in response to how Shalnark smirked at him. Once you were out of his loose grip, Chrollo politely cleared his throat.
“I was wondering if you could do something for us, Miss [First]. For the gang, I mean.” 
The gang? From what you knew, Chrollo’s group was always causing some sort of rule-breaking but Chrollo himself stayed at the top of the class with superb grades and plenty of attention from girls. It is like no one knew they were connected. They seemed like bad news, but all of your interactions with them had been positive thus far. Did Nobunaga put in the good word for you?
“Um… sure?” As long as it was something that didn’t land you in prison or the hospital, you decide to go along with what Nobunaga’s leader asks of you. It is probably a bad idea to reject, and maybe you’ll get something good out of it in exchange.
“I’d like you to give Nobunaga some notes he missed. He’s been out. Sick, most likely.” You didn’t notice the small piles of books he was carrying until he made them closer to you, wanting you to take them. “Surely you have noticed? He talks to you a lot, I hear.”
“Yeah.” You decide to put them on your lap for the time being. The notes weren’t as heavy as they would have been if you were carrying them. “Is… he doing better?”
“Not sure,” Uvogin says, attempting to pry Shalnark off the bench. “He hasn’t been answering his phone, you see.”
“I don’t wanna!” Shalnark whines.
“Shut up, Shal. You’re gonna make us look bad in front of Nobu’s girlfriend.”
“I’m… not his girlfriend…”
They don’t seem to hear you. You’re not exactly the loudest person, after all. You have been teased for having a soft voice and having to speak up. These people wouldn’t ignore you, you think. Shalnark and Uvogin are play fighting, and Chrollo is talking to that magenta-haired woman. They wouldn’t ignore you, you’re just being too shy. They wouldn’t ignore you, they are Nobunaga’s friends. Nobunaga wouldn’t ignore you, why would they?
“I’m… not his girlfriend.”
Uvogin is the only one to give you a response after hearing it. He shoots you a confused look before continuing to tickle Shalnark. No one else seems to notice your words.
After a few more tries, you decide to give up for now. Looking at the notebooks in front of you, you decide to open the top one up. There are just standard mathematical problems as well as some doodles and words of encouragement in the vacant spaces of the looseleaf. 
‘Go get them, tiger!’
‘Don’t die on me now!’
‘Remember one plus one?’
At first, you think that it is Nobunaga’s girlfriend, but you shake your head to erase it. No. The gang thinks you are his girlfriend. 
Perhaps Shalnark then? From the times you sat near him in your chemistry classes, his handwriting was a mess. It took some effort to realize that he was simply drawing and not paying attention to the professor in the slightest. However, his favorite things to draw were bats and computers. Would he really draw hearts and not those things so Nobunaga could know it was him? 
Maybe it was an inside joke. You’re not going to ask because you don’t want your question to come off as disrespectful, though you were slightly curious.
You’ll just do what you were told and go right back home.
Shalnark texted you the address of Nobunaga’s place a few hours ago, but if you were being honest it took a while to decipher what he was saying. In between every five or so memes or videos he sent you there was a number or letter, maybe three at most if you were lucky.
You sat there with your phone in your hands for what felt like forever, not having the guts to ask Shalnark to just tell you straight up – because he wouldn’t, you know that.
From what you managed to gather from your online map, it seemed that Nobunaga’s place and Uvogin’s place were near each other, no more than a fifteen-minute walk at most. If they lived so close to each other, why didn’t one of them just visit the other? That was the third red flag you didn’t say anything about… and came to regret only half an hour later.
The electric sign attached to the entrance of the bus flickered from time to time with varying degrees of brightness. One person complained openly to the driver that the screen was so dark they did not know that they had missed their dormitory’s building. He didn’t care, only shrugging his shoulders and telling the student that ‘that’s life’. They got off murmuring curses you could hear from the middle part of the bus. Once again, he didn’t care. Like Shalnark, the driver wouldn’t take anything you say seriously; so you just used your online map to count the stops ahead.
“Next stop: Aster Road, Thirds Street.” The automated message from the bus speakers loudly said, glitching a little after the word ‘Road’.
You failed to notice who was behind you as you were too busy counting the stops ahead on your phone.
“Next stop: Ritas Street, Wilds Complex.”
“Next stop: Neo Road, Neon Green.”
“Next stop: Romeos Road, Kiki Terrace.”
“Next stop-”
You failed to hear the name of the stop because the hand that tapped your shoulder startled you and made you turn your neck around to the seat behind you.
You see a familiar face despite the fading light – or should you say, a familiar body.
“O-Oh… hi… Uvogin.”
Satisfied you had finally noticed him, Uvogin puts his hands behind his head as he smirks. 
“Fancy seeing you so late,” he begins, looking down at your black bag. “Going to Nobu’s place, ain’tcha?”
“Yeah… you?”
Was Uvogin on the team too? If you remember correctly it was only Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga who were on it. Perhaps he just wanted to watch? Oh well. It’s not any of your business.
After remembering your last conversation with him yesterday, you decide to ask him why everyone thinks you are Nobunaga’s girlfriend – you only talked to him when necessary, in the classes you shared with him, but to be fair he also escorted you around the building most days.
“Listen… about that time…”
“What?” Uvogin turns his head, cupping his ear with his hand. “Speak up.”
“About Nobunaga and me…” You look down – at the books, at your cold wet hands, at the heels of your feet bouncing up and down. Your gut tells you that you’re making a mistake if you talk to him about you and Nobunaga’s relationship, or lack thereof. Your brain goes against it, saying that clearing things up will lead to less trouble down the line. 
Your heart is beating too fast to accept or reject the possibility. 
“Nobunaga and me…”
“You’re still talking too low,” Uvogin interrupts, his stare near-lethal to you. When you flinch at his words, his annoyance seems to disappear. “Hey, you can tell me. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Yeah. Yeah, you’re friends or at least acquaintances. Saying the truth won’t hurt him and won’t hurt you. Maybe Shalnark’s teasing will go away. Maybe Chrollo won’t give you a task again. Maybe Nobunaga won’t be confused when he comes back to school.
“Nobunaga and me… aren’t dating-”
Uvogin’s expression changing wasn’t as fast as before, but his glare intensified as he stood up.
“Next stop: Nightstar Avenue, Owl’s Place.”
Your ears felt numb after you heard the ‘beep’ sound of someone pressing the stop button. Your eyes felt numb as you tried to see the details of Uvogin’s scowl in the dark.
It was Uvogin. He made the bus stop. But why?
It then hits you; this is the closest stop to Nobunaga’s place.
“Stop requested.” The speaker stated. The bus started to pull over next to a tall blue sign.
“Woah, the bus got here so quickly,” Uvogin says, going to the exit doors. When he didn’t hear you stand up too, he turned in your direction. “Don’t tell me you don’t know the directions to your boyfriend’s house?”
“Please exit through the rear door.” Another automated message. Uvogin presses on the door and it lets him out. After a few more seconds you follow him – your gut tells you that you must.
He helps you down with his much larger hands despite you not really needing it – there are handrails on the doors for that.
“What were you saying?” Uvogin asks. “Something about Nobunaga?”
There is a lit street lamp above the sign. It doesn’t flash like the ones near your dormitory and is much brighter. Despite the weather still being stormy, you can see houses a small distance away – not just the street. 
You can see that Uvogin is smiling again.
“Nothing… It’s nothing.”
“Oh?” He sneers, his smirk getting even bigger. “You didn’t want relationship advice?”
“No…” You reply, your hands going to your backpack’s zipper to make sure the notes don’t get too wet.
“Nobunaga likes mochi. Maybe you can get some for him next time. Daifuku especially. He’d be so happy, maybe he’ll stop skipping class with me.” 
A sigh comes out of both of you at the same time for much different reasons. 
“But I don’t want that to happen… hmm.”
The outside of Nobunaga’s house wasn’t the house that stood out the most in this neighborhood. It had rather small walls that had peeling white paint in places closer to the ground, and cigarettes and used needles were thrown all over his dead lawn. The only thing you somewhat liked was the rusty gold sign beside the front door that read 251 – and only for the styling of the numbers.
“Here’s the place,” Uvogin says, patting your back as a way to gently push you forward. “Go on, doorbell's right there.”
You were forced up the steps with a force you knew was gentle for Uvogin but not for you. A trembling finger approaches the button slowly – as if using it would make you lose it via a guillotine’s blade.
Doing so didn’t because this is reality, but the pain in your heart feels similar to such a fate anyway. After a few more seconds and the door still being closed, Uvogin knocks loudly.
“[First]’s here!” His yell almost made you cry.
Your name may as well have been the password because Nobunaga opens the door right away. He pants a little like he was running to greet you two.
“Oh fuck, you made it! I thought the storm woulda scared you away.”
Nobunaga didn’t look very sick; he wasn’t wearing a shirt, had his hair down, and only his boxers covered his lower half. He didn’t look very sick; he actually looked quite well. Those signs scared you more than Uvogin’s subtle threat – if his glaring was intended to be such, that is. You don’t step past the doorway, leaving Uvogin to stand in the rain as you take off your backpack. But when you try to undo the zipper, you feel both of their hands touching you up and down as their grins widen.
“Stop that,” You murmur, attempting to step back. Your spine was greeted by Uvogin’s front half. You feel something pressing into you. Once you figured out what it was, you started to go under one of Uvogin’s arms. His leg caged you in then.
“She’s cute, Nobu.”
Nobunaga doesn’t answer in words – he only chuckles and continues to have his hands resting on your hips.
“Listen. Your notes are here, Hazama.” You say, making an effort to still be nice, to still be understanding. You don’t want to scream because what if you’re misreading something? You don’t want anyone to… be framed for something they didn’t do, right?
“It’s Nobunaga.”
“Call me Nobunaga,” You’re pushed and pulled more. Before you can blink, you’re thrown on the couch’s back. Uvogin is the one who lets go of you and the one who locks the front door, Nobunaga is too busy feeling the back of your thighs. “I’m your boyfriend – it’s normal to call each other by our first names, right?”
Was… Was he…
Was he the one who told his gang you’re dating?
“I missed you, baby.” He murmurs, leaning down and pecking your neck. 
He doesn’t seem to note how you’re trembling now.
Uvogin simply gets closer. He doesn’t touch you, but he crosses his arms smirking as he leans against the sofa’s frame.
“Stop,” You repeat, trying to push Nobunaga harder off of you.
It’s not an order either of them recognize, so Uvogin continues to stare and Nobunaga continues to kiss your body.
“Stop!” Your tone makes Uvogin slightly shift. He frowns and his arms uncross. 
He takes a few steps towards you. 
“Nobunaga.” Uvogin’s voice is cold now, like how it was when you were about to get off the bus. You freeze. Nobunaga doesn’t stop – he doesn’t even look at Uvogin. “Nobunaga.”
“Stop, Haz-”
“Watch it.” Uvogin glares at you. “It’s ‘Nobunaga’ for you.”
He’s not… He’s not going to help you?
“Yeah.” Nobunaga agrees, pulling you further into his embrace.
“Let go of me!” You snap and push harder than you did before – and manage to finally ply him off of you.
Nobunaga stares down at you. He is now still. He doesn’t blink. His smile has slightly faded, but it is still there. There are subtle movements in his hands. His fingers are curled up. They want to grab something again.
They want to grab you.
“Don’t joke around like that, princess,” Nobunaga finally says, taking a few steps too close to you. “Not many guys are willing to forgive their girl for pushing them away like that. You almost screamed my ears off.”
“I’m not joking!”
“You are.” Uvogin interrupts, stomping his feet. “You are and I am starting to get annoyed. What about you, Nobu?”
“I’m just here to give notes Lucilfer told me to give to Hazama! I’m not here for anything else.”
Nobunaga’s gaze lingers on your backpack for a few silent moments after you say that. “Really… nothing else?” 
“No, she’s here to cheer you up, Nobu,” Uvogin says, attempting to give a warm smile to his best friend. “She’s… just shy.”
The glare he gives you when Nobunaga’s eyes aren’t on him makes you feel like you are about to see God.
“...Right, [First]?”
You don’t respond right away, but Nobunaga does. He giddily smiles like a child on Christmas morning.
“Oh, you!”
He hugs you – his skin feels akin to slime and his hair clings onto your neck in little bunches. You feel unbrushed knots and his heart beating fast with adrenaline. When your own heart mimics the motion, Nobunaga thinks you are simply being shy – Uvogin had once again fed his delusions.
“She brought you the notes you missed. Even wrote a few cute lines in the blank spots.” Uvogin smirks as you look at him in horror. “She wanted me to come with her. Was anxious about missing your bus stop, sweet thing.”
He walks over to your backpack and grips onto the zipper. You attempt to stop him, walking a bit forward and trying to raise your hand, but Nobunaga’s grip is too strong. Within only a few seconds, the stack of notebooks Chrollo had given you is in Uvogin’s hands. He opens a page and starts reading aloud the cute notes someone else had written.
“Go get them, tiger.” 
He turns to another page. 
“Don’t die on me now.”
Then another.
“Remember one plus one?”
Then another.
“A whole bunch of hearts here…”
He then turns to a section you hadn’t looked at before – the back page.
“With lots of love, your one and only girlfriend [First].”
Oh shit. Oh shit.
Did his gang set you up?
…They did. They did.
This is bad. So very bad.
“I never-”
“Stop being so shy with your boyfriend, [First].”
“Why are you being so difficult?” Nobunaga asks, slightly frowning as you protest.
You have to get out of here – fast. If you distract them enough, maybe you’ll be able to make it outside. But they’re faster than you, just better overall when it comes to physicality-
Uvogin’s hand rests on your shoulder, silencing any thoughts or ideas he does not approve of.
“I know what she wants.”
“Huh?” You and Nobunaga ask simultaneously with two distinctly different tones.
It then dawns on both of you what he means – because his shirt is tossed on the couch before you can even take a step toward the front door.
“I know what she wants.” Uvogin repeats.
He wants nothing more than to put you on your knees as he unzips his pants and as Nobunaga keeps you down. He wants nothing more than for Nobunaga afterward to have a turn – or he could go first if he wishes. One of his fingers and one of Nobunaga’s own will be forced into you after your own clothes are discarded. Two tongues will slather all over your pussy like thirsty dogs – and after a few pictures are taken you’ll stay the night with Nobunaga while he makes his way to tell Chrollo that his idea was a success.
“I really couldn’t have done it without you, boss.”
-You try to scream and Nobunaga’s hand muffles your mouth’s cries.
“Don’t go being such a brat,” Uvogin continues, “When all you really want are two bodies to love on you.”
Your arms are grabbed and you are dragged up the stairs.
In a last attempt to get out of here, your legs spread out on the stairs and kick around at Nobunaga – but the fight is short-lived because they thump so roughly with each wooden step and it hurts; Nobunaga makes a note to finally get rid of any rotten oak once you leave.
The bedroom isn’t as spacious as Uvogin had hoped. Clothes were scattered all over the place already; most Nobunaga’s but others were clearly from past flings or some of yours that he had managed to steal. Your dorm was nicer despite it being the same size as the bedroom and your bed being even smaller. But at least yours had a frame and covers.
Maybe later Uvogin will stop by to see you crying yourself to sleep and to take some trophies.
Your white panties were a favorite of his, but Uvogin wouldn’t mind a little bit of change in his collection. A few bras perhaps or a few black thongs. He hopes for whole lingerie sets, but he knows it will only happen if he is lucky that particular evening.
Uvogin sits on the bed first. He thinks about pulling on your hair to make you sit on the dirty floor, but he dismisses the idea. That would be hurting you more than he has to and Nobunaga would be upset at him inevitably having long strands on his palm.
“Hey Nobu,” He says, unzipping his pants and boxers as he quickly tugs them both down to his ankles. “Make sure she’s comfy as we do this, okay?”
It took a while for you to stop crying after that. It took a while for you to do a lot of things Uvogin and Nobunaga wanted you to do. It took a while for you to take just the tip of Uvogin’s penis. Nobunaga had told Uvogin to take it slow when you had finally clamped your lips around him.
“It’s her first time, Uvo – be gentle, okay?”
Uvogin almost laughed at the irony he managed to leave unsaid.
He didn’t want Nobunaga to get upset with all the information he had attained while stalking you for months. You were supposed to just be his little secret he pinned down once in a while, but then Nobunaga just so happened to share a few classes with you.
He fell for you too. Uvogin had never felt any negative emotion for Nobunaga ever over their years-long friendship, but the slight tinge of envy he possessed the moment he found out could almost count.
Oh well, he thinks. I still have pictures of you that he does not. Pictures I would rather not have him see and you probably don’t either.
Just for future reference in case you acted up too much, though Uvogin could always take the more physical route.
Though once again he remembers that Nobunaga is in the picture now. Though their bond is as strong as forged steel, he knows that his friend has always been a bit too controlling when it comes to what he has and loves.
Whether that be simple instant ramen or expensive bottles of brandy, Nobunaga has always had a habit of stowing his possessions away where no one can even look at them.
Uvogin understands although Nobunaga had said nothing about you being something to own. Uvogin understands because he sees how he looks at you.
It’s not disgust he feels. It’s something much less potent, but he cannot put his finger on the exact word. Machi had described it perfectly once when they were all in their mid-teenage years.
He doesn’t bother to remember right now.
You are more important.
You look prettier than he had ever seen you – precum is leaking a little from your lips as little noises come out of them too.
Please. Please.
You’re not in tears right now.
Uvogin is glad. You in makeup is nice to look at, but he knows that since it is absolutely pouring outside you didn’t want to put some on. Either for that reason or because you knew that Nobunaga was just a friend, despite what Nobunaga in return has told the Troupe. It’s cute, really.
Maybe later he can pull this when he inevitably breaks into your dorm or even in a study room in the university’s library. You’ll have makeup on when you feel like it or when he forces you to. He can ask Pakunoda about how to apply mascara and stuff. She’ll teach him. As a bonus, she won’t tease him like Shalnark does daily.
Thinking more about the idea, Uvogin makes the mistake of letting go of your face.
You cough louder than he had expected. Your spit is now all over the wooden floor Nobunaga has to clean up later. The floors are water resistant. But not waterproof. Uvogin has to remember that there is in fact a difference. Hopefully, it won’t stain and rot like the stairs did, but if it does Uvogin wouldn’t mind paying for the damages.
He wouldn’t mind paying you to keep silent about this too – or he’ll make the cops silent if it came down to it.
“Oh,” Nobunaga rubs your arched back as you squirm and saliva runs down from your clearly sore jaw. He sounds disappointed, but trying not to let it show. It’s not successful. Every person Nobunaga has ever crossed can read him like a book, not that Nobunaga knows about it. Or maybe he does and just doesn’t want to admit it. “You spat it all up. Didn’t wanna swallow it?”
You don’t respond. Uvogin is getting used to that by now. Not Nobunaga though.
“Shh… it’s okay.” Nobunaga senses your distress but thinks it is just shyness. Uvogin is getting used to that too. “It’s okay… you did such a great job.”
“Home,” You choke out. “Please… let me go home now…”
“What are you talking about, sweetheart?” Nobunaga asks, turning his head a little. “We’re not done here.”
“Please… Please, I-”
“Shh.” Uvogin interrupts. Now it is his turn to play the good guy here. “Nobu still hasn’t had his turn, remember? Thankfully he won’t use your mouth.”
A blend of hope and fright is in your gaze. Uvogin didn’t have to get used to that one. He has seen it too many times with all sorts of people. Chrollo loves that look. Feitan loves it too. Maybe their partners’ eyes are like that as well. A ginger-haired girl avoids Chrollo like the plague and Uvogin hasn’t seen that look particularly on her. Apparently, she does in fact beg him for things. With how prideful she acts, Uvogin would pay money to see that.
“He’ll use his,” Uvogin says. He stands up, zipping his pants back to how they used to be. There are a few white stains here and there, but nothing the laundromat wouldn’t fix. “Then you can go home. Okay, princess?”
You’ll get used to this, Uvogin thought to himself. Everyone gets used to things. Even death.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
IM JUST INLOVE WIGH THE WAY U WRITE SHALNARK GAAAHH HES such a CUTIE POOTIE!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽❤️❤️ anyway, I was wondering if you could write some hcs for him as your partner? Sfw and nsfw if you’re up for it, and preferably gender neutral, if not, then afab is fine!!! I hope your day is going well and I just want to say you’re an amazing writer ❤️
Shalnark HCS(SFW+NSFW)
warnings: creampies, anal, period sex(very short mention), pet names
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-he is the cuddliest mfker ever. like he wants to have you in his lap, his arms, or cuddled up next to him at all times
-loves soft things, so if you have a soft tummy, thighs, boobs, or ass he’s very happy!!
-very mischievous and loves to prank you
-follows you around like a lovesick puppy when he realizes he has feelings for you
-great texter. he’ll be in the middle of a fight and still find time to text you back
-gets annoyed when people take your attention away from him
-has a collection of pictures of you he keeps on his phone to look at when he’s sad/misses you
-struggles to fall asleep without you(will make you call him so he feels like you’re sleeping next to him when he’s gone)
-can’t take anything seriously, and sometimes this can be annoying
-would do anything for you. I mean that
-he’s weirdly in tune with current celebrity gossip. he knows more than you so by a long shot, and sometimes he knows things he definitely shouldn’t…
-can’t stand being away from you for too long. makes him antsy, and as soon as he’s dismissed by chrollo he’s SPRINTING to your apartment
-“lovebug I’m hoomeee~”
-“shal, baby, did you just break in?”
-“the door was locked :(“
-“you could have knocked 😭”
-he’s so silly
-he’s up for pretty much anything. Would 100% let you peg him if that’s what you wanted(he’s whipped for you really, and kinky all on his own)
-switch, dom leaning. but he’s very easy to boss around, mostly because he’s putty in your hands
-likes to cum on your face or on your tummy!! usually doesn’t cum inside unless you’re on birth control(he’s not ready for kids lol)
-has fucked you on your period and will do it again
-literally cannot get enough of your pussy. if you’re in his vicinity there’s a good chance he’ll be sneaking up behind you to bend you over and eat you out
-loves anal, but your pussy is his favorite thing to fuck <3
-give him a blowjob and look up at him with your pretty eyes he’ll bust immediately
-call him your good boy or your puppy and he’s on his knees!! those nicknames specifically drive him WILD. he is like a puppy after all, and is hopelessly devoted to you!
-he can be a bit selfish when it comes to sex at first, but improves over time. when he wants to, he can make you cum on his fingers and tongue alone all night long, and other times he’s pushing in without any fore play besides a little bit of rubbing at your clit
-will eat his cum out of you upon request(please ask him)
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tamiixtiger · 3 months
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Bicker - markhyuk
↳ smut ༉‧₊
like a bickaaahh.. (I apologise.)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(Sorry if there are any mistakes!!!)
Mark was already exasperated. drenched in sweat, he wasn’t even at practice yet. Being an hour late wasn’t acceptable especially when new choreography was being learnt today, he already knew this was going to be hell.
The moment he met eyes with Haechan, that devil incarnate, hand covering his smile attempting to withhold his amusement. It took Mark a minute to put the pieces together as he struggled to catch his breath. Haechan’s reaction was odd, and Mark was confused.
Realisation struck him, it was him, all of this was because of him, it had to be.
This morning Mark thought something was off… none of his alarms had gone off, nor was any of his things in the right place, almost as if it was hidden all over their room.
Yes, their room.
Mark and Haechan were roommates now.
(The fact Haechan left Mark sleeping while he went to practice himself made Mark even more pissed off.)
Mark immediately apologised for his unprofessionalism and quickly got to work. Luckily he didn’t miss as much as he thought he did and caught up with the rest of the group at ease.
After their short water break, Taeyong announced that there will be duet choreography .
"Alright.. I’ve decided that two members will be performing this section of choreography as dance partners! Haechan and Mark this is for you two.
I’ve created this choreography matching your strengths so this should be executed well between the both of you.”
Haechan still glancing at him up and down seeing Mark such a mess was entertaining for him. The idea that he did this to Mark made him all too happy.
He needed all of Mark’s attention for himself.
Mark glared at him. Haechan winked back playfully.
Does he not have any shame? Mark thought.
He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when Taeyong grabbed their attention.
Taeyong snapped his fingers and stood in front of them.
“You two. Face eachother and put a hand on the back of eachother’s necks.”
Mark hesitated.
“What’s wrong Mark? Haechan doesn’t bite c’mon you’ve known eachother for ages.”
(That’s a lie he does bite.)
Taeyong questioned Marks behaviour but didn’t think much of it.
Haechan spoke up to agree with Taeyong, “Yeah Mark~ what’s the problem?”
Haechan steps closer and lowers his voice whispering in Mark’s ear, “Don’t be so grumpy, didn’t you have a nice lie in baby?”
Mark jolts back embarrassed, his ears were sensitive but Haechan’s audacity was much more pressing.
Baby? Seriously?? He’s insane.
Mark contained his anger and did as Taeyong asked whilst ignoring any shit Haechan tried to pull.
Haechan stared at Mark drinking his water peacefully before walking behind him.
Haechan slipped his hands around Mark’s waist, feeling Mark’s shock and small gasp against his body.
“What the-“ Mark was cut off.
“Shh,” Haechan soothes. “Don’t throw a tantrum, you’re starting unnecessary commotion. I’m just giving you affection.” Haechan smiled.
“Fuck you, get off.” Mark snapped, pushing Haechan off of him getting ready for their last rehearsal.
Mark performs well, channelling his frustration into his work, so much he earnt a compliment from their leader.
Mark got home later than usual, he went out for a drink with Johnny and was in desperate need of a shower. As expected haechan was using it so he collapsed on his bed, exhausted, and fell asleep cuddling his stuffed animal.
“awwh poor baby,” Haechan’s voice sweet yet condescending. “you’ve been such a good boy.. let me help you.”
Mark whines softly in his sleep, his jeans becoming tight and uncomfy. Instinctively he rubbed his legs together in hopes of some friction.
Haechan came out of the shower and saw Mark sleeping. As he got closer to his bed Haechan noticed Mark breathing heavily, letting out small whines.
Maybe he’s having a nightmare? Haechan thought. Until he noticed Mark rutting shallowly against his plushy.
“mmh please.. hyuck,” Mark whined desperately.
Haechan became more and more aroused by Mark’s fantasies, biting on his lip, getting riled up himself. The adrenaline making his heart pound.
Mark looked so vulnerable his face flushed begging for Haechan’s touch. Haechan nudged Mark waking him up slowly.
Suddenly Mark lifts himself up, confused and flustered. He looks up at Haechan with dazed eyes.
Mark traces Hyuck’s eye-line and yelps, Haechan was staring directly at his hard on. Mark quickly covers himself with his hands and rushes to lock himself in the bathroom to calm down.
Mark quickly runs a shower and gets in, what the hell.. why was I having those dreams about HIM of all people. Mark blushes realising he’s still uncomfortably hard.
I hate him so much…
Mark refuses to help himself thinking about…that. It’ll just have to go away by itself. As soon as Mark steps out of the shower there’s a knock on the door.
Haechan speaks up, “Mark are you okay?” he asks sounding genuine. “Can you open the door for me?”
There was silence, before the door was unlocked. Haechan pushes it open carefully revealing Mark standing head down ashamed, stretching his t-shirt inbetween his legs with both hands to cover himself.
“awh.. Mark..” Haechan hugs him and rubs his back, “you’re okay, it’s just a reaction.”
Mark twitches in his arms,
“what’s wrong..?” Haechan asks.
Mark pants, subtly grinding himself against Haechan. Something switched in him. He couldn’t hold himself back, “Please..” Mark begged overcome by his lust, looking at Haechan with glassy eyes. Mark buries his face in Haechan’s neck inhaling his scent and grips Haechan’s back tighter.
“Fuck… who knew you were so dirty?”Haechan taunts. “So you’re finally giving in.”
All Mark could do was whimper.
“Awh baby can’t even speak.” He sympathised.
Haechan flipped Mark around so he was facing the mirror in the bathroom.
“Look at yourself,” he ordered. Haechan’s authority made Mark shiver in excitement.
Haechan lifted up Mark’s t shirt, making Mark watch himself.
“Open your mouth.”
Mark did as he was told opening his mouth slightly,
“Bite on it.”
Haechan pushed Mark’s shirt in his mouth so his body was fully exposed.
“Don’t let go.” Haechan said.
Mark nodded shyly.
“Good boy.”
Haechan felt up Mark’s body, watching him intently through the mirror.
Being watched by Haechan felt so wrong but only turned Mark on even more.
Haechan groped Mark’s chest, coaxing reactions out of him. Haechan teased and rubbed Mark’s nipples.
That was it, Mark completely broke letting out a high and needy moan.
“Hyuck stop..” Mark squirmed in Haechan’s grip. This only made Haechan restrain him even more.
“You’re just like a girl Mark you like having your tits played with..” Haechan mocked him.
“I’m not like a girl..” he protested.
“You know I’m right, say it.” Haechan fondles his chest and pinches Mark’s nipples again earning another shaky moan from Mark.
“You’re.. right…” he struggles to push out his words.
“Right about what Mark… come on tell me.”
“I like… having my tits played with.” Mark looks down in embarrassment. He was so desperate, he couldn’t believe how easily he was submitting to him. Haechan of all people.
Haechan laughed at him, “you’re so pathetic now. You deserve a reward, this is the best you’ve ever been for me isn’t it? Now, let’s get you comfy.”
Haechan led him out of the bathroom and onto one of the beds.
“Sit.” He demanded. Haechan watched as mark sat down cautiously.
“What are you gonna.. uh.. do..?” Mark asked nervously.
Haechan kneeled on the floor and spread marks legs. He looked up at Mark knowingly, leaning closer to Mark’s boxers that were already wet from precum.
Mark held his breathe when he felt Haechan mouth at his cock excruciatingly slow. Mark shook his leg impatiently and held onto Haechan’s shoulder.
Haechan played with the rim of Mark’s waistband, keeping him on edge.
Idk if I should finish it I doubt anyone will read but thank you so much if you did T^T I love youuu <3
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libidomechanica · 1 month
What was safe in
A ballad sequence
Who all be true, you can praise, o     Muses’ gullets. That should lye, and couched, close at her forehead     morning. What was safe in
it, was he, They ’ve only     instruments later forehead and the moment, or two women     in her transactions,
batteries we prisoners carried     at collects hers! Save to test out. As light way; but ice-gravel.     One Night there is slain,
when as yet once might be calm. And     why he looked out the blinks dulled the sound and left it sinketh,     as a thing vncomely
and prove. Till linger, singing in     heaven with red rose! There in the coward me for my sole     imagined creatures in
his ’bacco box, her side, and, for     what a common for the raucous bed or evening; I chirped,     cheeped, trilled the
nights of those next news from elsewhere,     till no more? The public kindness youres: now not wakes and     the apples which had better
sallows, borne as thee fleet as     wind, and when first hallucinations everybody the     kind wind shall dreriment.
Would poke enough for in Sport     paraded with the send for a waking her tell aught me how     to the joyous mad, as
humour hands when the wood will     constructed life melts with want& the pan I shall have listen; and     the rich in taking dream.
Is the next valleys, so long, but     root. And bitter and eyes on the dripping through the breezes     blown, in all else was a city made wretch of his State I’me     in: since the latch I heard. On earth puckered in my Song     no more than thirteenth, when
Gaeta’s taken off heads I saw     him, the burning early pulls the nothing buried deep, laughed     from the earth, as we pass each man does not One must be twain,     all men’s heart beat through with that the winds used genteelly. I     only land of reason.
To make me closed tight by the Turk’s     flotilla, and to stands of Lust, rosy silk, that that sweet     loue why I sojourn here?
And leaning: nurses run o’er, I     praised up to Dunse, than others, as she blessed Cross that proverb     of the fiddling this, that
was once and to see?—Then—i never     certaineth. We are styled, found to go to slumber still     be outside the red dogs
lie resort, when I call that was     to take, whereas my lute unsteady thy eyes shal answere     accumulate; bring them
the flew. Their merry peal from sun     and riddle of night the waggons, which hang a man and the     east, and general counts and
with bays. Then Christabel took the     soft-lifted this sprig of eggs, and fruitfulness to her lips:     and harlot: an isle near
than for trumpet peace of dryness     find out of Gazing on her breath goes, sleepy one! Here, so     coole, as love, their own cost
die, but who is agony’s force,     some small miss out of her ye virgin best. The core; thousand     Hearts; yea, whom his own sweet,
did the crank, ribands, lace, and bristling     bank of the tend vpon her lustrous horns had we done showing     of a corporal’s
duty to throws his cheek recline     to heave in three! Lying nymph that ’s under eyes thine eyes,     I all rapt in a way
so be. ’ Her voice was uprightful     choirboy voice is thy vttermost I see the yard; silently     said no word to feel me
therefore it merit may heauens, the     poor rude lines of marionette of Virgin fact is tied? He     laid about how it by
the beardless present’st a pure a     things—but pays his company, and some need of a mightest     come, where lifts by quoting.
‘Let the black and drew me back; O!     Lines of marjoram had small family’s hue, the gravy     as we entered, Kate Brown!
By his rearing eyes, fore duteous     dove, there are treasures rose her mouth with which not sweet hour or     moonlight, vision Venus,
to her beautiful seldom coming     musk-rose, the red rose! That from the like halfway summiting     to nourish the skies—
the Muse grow cold. She tries to plaining     blood can wipe out still repayre. Is not lie down on the     prince arms I throw a sweet
loue, onely night but one lookest     from myself laid under the attend. Drove thee, this is,     and unfamilies, as
one who dies, with a thousands and     if from elsewhere was the winds should build far off from all that     we may orderly his
playes, that saint, who for outward square     of a name of power, it with flutes, disputes, disputes, to     make and filled around, who
am a maid she, with bayonet     it is time, this mouth, roses are dying steel: for since,     and Allah; unto their
grief, or joy. And I be gone, and     below my wrist is East, since dark secret House of your despatch     in this face turn’d; for
the coward does not charge, encline     tall, dried to swinging, as much hope, and thou were. Your slave, I     should other sing on the
throates, their kettle-drums a new     Love anyone. With delights where was peace—this world forth the     Golden beames be; and
it any of celestial bodies     and where is no lack of Tryermaine? I shouldest chills wealth,     two or that if he has
but a boatswain is in his hand     these strange she does not their griefly vulture from the eye of     want betray. If I have
nor housetop loneliness; this     city and that cup has been. I do not less this? Whom his     pipe, and help to sing, to
wash they drew, from underneath the     last peak on vain! And I dared not. And simple truth be broke,     nor in these nor spongy
hydroptic Dutch shall hither from     us—and such a Solitude, a thousand torches lights     where you, sweet Love pine at
heals the hope with a sweet lies by     the account of shepheard the souerayne prayer here or     Up in their eccho ring.
Yet if he had offender’s roll.     We are the bard Bracy the world far from a cushion a     preacher, as no grave at all keep me alive. Is, that’s one     direction; or as a little boy who should I, like     murmurings, we don’t repeat
nine name so soon I had vowed with     blackboard one unbecoming music and virtue rudely     dream of art, how sweet it drop scent of amber, in the good     forbids; with eyes flashing would weene some scent, so pure Will leaguer’d     what the holding its
name. And swear too calme, so thick with     you thinking. Ah boys, how deep being the glow of the few     who laid will have been patriot to go dance upon that     where prevailed? A fairy thing built with that is being on     the paralyz’d with his
letter to be seen glimmering     Christ’s sniff and epistemology, that what ails poor fishes     swimming suddenly, they went and clasping captain ill:     till those who came with the floor below then that pass in the     moon the other love! Look
formidable charge bright gaudy     day haue end, and as thy kiss the pig who saw it followed     the siluer scaly trouts doe flee. Whiles shining in a warble     than are harder dare we loved you. Be heart withered friar     tell in wassail’d or
victor has trump and shaven head     it a vision to love, by us; we two, breathe, and that     you may vs with a kind of Day and the same; when I     in my chastitie: o eyes we passed away, I hate had a     tempestuous struck his
course white, and a spell. But yet thief,     which I and thought I have smiles I’me glory in the soul it     ceased love, even the surprise, say, she can gain a bar never     cries instead. The very weel waled were along there     many people in love
is dumb—we stands and Gentle handy     substitute taught the night a damsel bright glad there were!     Lead to-morrow. Each of her, less for a light child, ah wel-     a-day! He camp of love return, we become planks won’t you     yours like all that blesse fere,
that I laughter eyes can be married     a rich in the other siluer souls in timely mount     thee in the store of night, your chance let hour, that had not fall     in which evening. Devil’s Own Brigade: and at every weel     aff, so young Cypress doth
Geraldine, I caught in women     together; celts and lost my place—we’ll speed, flipped they wore me     now. In May. Into the Abbey-ruin in uniforms     of Fear this, and tell—I though enjoyed, like halfway summer     in the Minstrels gin that
is give news: niagara is no     sleep through thou, as bare her grave, o Rotha, with flutes of the     Abbey: there ingage, thoughtful green call’d up into his starting     weare away on a bullets,—hard word. From it prove of     golden scorn o’ your eyes
we had been dealt with the rest; or     curious successive brain on my backed whisperst them indeed,     divine wildly on the grey-headed bubble’s shaped like     Good-bye and leave been falling. With me. Then was once again.     My heard the tide in grassye
ground, whoever intellectual     fact, therefore the first— they shrunk in her lay; lay her sunne     did late obtain ill: he shout, then our transmitted the     chromatic scales is pitiless a slightlest bring to not live     back. Was luck, my woe, that
late since if the meadow-land, the     warm weathern thongs, most impossible it is impossible     failure message said massive heir. Bring headlong flat as     a Sword, the chromatic scale up: for this: Once you served. Most     the floor of thine. Our
heroines, at length prevail’d, and out,     if examined, and quiet? I do not doomed to grow bad,     and left branch, but we, as my luve o’ my beautiful eye     upon the herd of betters bound, and woes, that other not     love you misses, because
of killing, but who, when it were     they were imbecile, hewing a blast oozings his head,—on     mine, to lead that planks won’t you will still things great son to wear!     How rare free home the patient a heuk had I ne’ertheless     cries she nippit her could
see but on the worlds of Christabel     answer meeting for I must not you? That gentle thou     thy such a wistful eye upon the force thy return’d; for     he is not the fires of love, and made it be! Who gave you     are they aren’t repeat.
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socaprince · 5 months
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Soca Therapy Playlist
Sunday April 21st 2024
Making You Wine from 6-9pm on Flow 98.7fm Toronto
Wrong Bam Bam (Dr. Jay Plate) - Destra
Hot Gyal Anthem - GBM Nutron x Jus Jay
Arch - Rhea Layne x Jus Jay
Holiday (DM Edit Clean) - Problem Child x Jus Jay
Carnival - Adam O 
Life After Fete - Kerwin Du Bois
Everytime - Nadia Batson
In The Center - GBM Nutron x Farmer Nappy
Search Party - Preedy
One Ah Dem - Shal Marshall
Roxanne - Problem Child
Too Sweet - Keith Currency
Closer (Dr. Jay Plate) - Imani Ray
Rock Yuh Body - Denise Belfon & Ghetto Flex
Ice Cream - Coalishun
Carnival Darling - Treason
Look Meh In Meh Eye - Gailann & Rocky
Miss Good Reputation - Xtatik
Jamming Practice - Krosfyah
Gossiping - Shadow
Colors - Chinese Laundry
Down Dey (DJ Kevin 'Hornin' Edit) - GBM Nutron
Cook It - Patrice Roberts
Night & Day - Th3rd x JMTB
Drink And Party - Viking Ding Dong
I Am A Guyanese - Adrian Dutchin
Bamboo Fiah - Trevon Vibez
Body Talk - Big Red
Cyah Dun - Lil Red
Purrrfect - Timeka Marshall
Wine Of Di Century - Destra
Jamish Feeling - Motto
Soca Therapy - Patrice Roberts
Top 7 Countdown - Powered By The Soca Source
Top Songs Streamed In March on Apple Music For The Continent Of South America
7. It's The Weekend - Skinng Fabulous
6. Split In De Middle - Freezy
5. Thief Piece - Problem Child
4. Temperature - Machel Montano
3. Rum Talk - Ravi B x Jo'e
2. Feteland - Kerwin Du Bois x Kes
1. DNA - Mical Teja
Break Down - Innocent Crew
Tankalanka - Sackie
Run Away - Jamesy P
Chemistry - RAE x Skorch Bun It x AdvoKit Productions
Hard Rock - Skorch Bun It x AdvoKit Productions
Cool Down - Olatunji x Skorch Bun It x AdvoKit Productions
Nutella - V'ghn x Skorch Bun It x AdvoKit Productions
Keep My Cool - Kes
Easy - Destra
Flood - Ataklan
Soucoyant - GBM Nutron x DJ Private Ryan x David Rudder x Paul Keens Douglas
Trini Lingo - Bunji Garlin
Golden Ray - Crystal Tais x Don Iko
Magical - Lyrikal x Don Iko
Counting My Blessings - Nadia Batson x Don Iko
Sometime - Leadpipe x Jus Jay
When Last - GBM Nutron x Jus Jay
Mind Off (Clean) - Lil Rick x Jus-Jay
Brain Freeze - Leadpipe x Jus-Jay
BYE x2 - Saddis x Jus-Jay
Cyah Hear Yuh - Patrice Roberts
A Little Jam - Problem Child
Wet Me Down - Sedale
Boss Lady (Steelpan Cover) - Michael the Pannist
(1976) Tourist Leggo - Short Shirt 
The Teacher (Antiguan Style) - Ricardo Drue
Cyah Contain - Tian Winter x DJ Quest
Friday Freeup (Freestyle) - Ezra Ft. Teamfoxx
Martinique (Nom Freestyle) - French Man Ft. Motto 
Whistle While You Work - Triple Kay
Energy - DJ Cheem x Tallpree
Jump Up - Bunji Garlin
Same Thing - Problem Child x Shal Marshall
Do What You Want - Skinny Fabulous x Asa Bantan x Mr Killa
First Experience - KMC
Is Carnival - Destra Garcia x Machel Montano
Carnival Survivors - Machel Montano x Wyclef Jean
Dead Or Alive - Shurwayne Winchester
Get On - Fay Ann
Tay Lay Lay - Xtatik
Carnival Come Back Again - Iwer George
Nasty Up - Problem Child
Rukshun - Lyrikal
Carnival Contract (Mr. Vik Band Edit) - Bunji Garlin
Beatin Road - Preedy x Smiddy Smith
Born To Fly - Nailah Blackman x Pumpa
Devotion - Destra
Toronto - Miguel Maestre
One Of A Kind - Voice x Machel Montano
Mind My Business - Patrice Roberts x Travis World x Dan Evens
Follow Dr. Jay @socaprince​ and @socatherapy
“Like” Dr. Jay on http://facebook.com/DrJayOnline
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Medea slumped against her staff.  “I must confess, Shal…I’m beginning to think you had the right idea about staying in.”
He smiled.  “You never admit I’m right until it’s already too late.”
She managed a laugh.  When the elevator doors slid open, she hardened her face once more, and they advanced down the hall and through the gilded doorway marked as the legal board.  Seats had been prepared for them at a table of elaborately carved wood, while a handful of onlookers in identical suits congregated in the benches behind them.  Medea couldn’t guess what drew them there.  Just ahead, along the wall opposite the door, was an elevated desk where three robed men sat, their experience made plain by wispy gray hair and wrinkled, pale skin.  After another minute, one of them conjured and banged a gavel to quiet the room, nearly making Medea jump.
“The legal board is now in session,” he proclaimed.  “First topic of the day…the request for aid from the neighboring domain of Netova.  Representing are Miss Medea Plair, Administrator of Server Netova, and her associate, Shal Plair.”
He adjusted his glasses as he glanced over the screen on his desk. Medea’s grip on her staff tightened.
“We have reviewed your situation at length, Miss Plair, and discussed the issue directly with Chairman Matthews.  Ultimately, we reached a unanimous decision: CARD is unable to provide you with any aid.”
Medea’s eyes widened.
“Now, with that settled, let’s move on to—”
“Wait a moment!” Medea shouted, on her feet in an instant.  “Surely I am owed some explanation!”
Narrowing his eyes, the man said, “Miss Plair, I do not know how things are done in Netova, but here it is considered most rude to interrupt.”
She ground her teeth.  “…Forgive me, sir.  But I must demand to know the reasoning behind this decision!  Netova is in the midst of a catastrophe the likes of which have only been theorized before now!  And yet you refuse to make even the slightest effort to aid us in our time of need?”
“We must put Ducom first, Miss Plair.  It is no simple matter to divert precious time and resources to the needs of other domains.”
“But all I require is one day of access to your Server!  That is all it will take for me to save my people!”
The man let out a sigh as he adjusted his glasses.  “Miss Plair…you stated in your testimony that you are unaware of the cause of Server Netova’s crash, correct?”
“If that is the case, then we have no assurance that this procedure of yours will not simply crash Server Ducom as well.  You understand that we would wish to avoid that, yes?”
Medea was glaring at him now.  “Were it that simple, surely the effects would have spread by now!  And even then, you are offering no other form of aid to compensate?  You are simply abandoning us entirely?  How can you be so cruel?!”
The three men exchanged glances with each other.  Silence filled the room, strangling Medea with its icy fingers.
“…Please,” she said.  “Please, help us.  If I could only speak directly to your leader, surely I would be able to convince him!”
“Chairman Matthews has already made his decision,” the robed man said.  “That decision is final.  Now, if you please, we do have other matters to attend to, Miss Plair.”
Anger and sadness and fear and other emotions she couldn’t name all swirled about her.  She felt tired, and heavy, warm and cold at the same time.  A hint of clarity came when Shal stood up.  With no other option, she turned, and the two of them walked out of the room.
“Well,” she heard the man say, “as I was saying, our next issue relates to AN copyright violation…”
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static-fanatic-1 · 3 years
Hello, I hope you are doing well today. I was wondering if I can get a semi-angst hc of Pakunoda, Illumi, Milluki, Silva, Chrollo, Kurapika and Shalnark + Setsuno, Overhaul, Chronostasis, Tamaki, Endeavor, Shinsou, Aizawa and Shiggaraki with a s/o who hates them, but once their children gets kidnapped they beg and cry to the boys/girls to find their child and bring them safely home. Hopes that makes sense. Please and thank you.
She hates seeing you in pain, in ANY pain, so this doesn’t sit well with her at all. It hurts that you hate her, but to her it doesn’t matter as much as her undying love for you. She is sweet, and she knows despite keeping you captive, you are cared for. This includes your and her child. She will tear the world to shreds with her lovely heels.
She will be more methodical in ending whoever took her child, and no harm will come to the sweet baby. She will not use this against you in anyway, she would rather you love her naturally. So when da baby is returned, she won’t tease you or ask for something in return. She just wants to comfort you both and tell you everything is okay now.
Like Paku, Illumi cares about both of you, just in a really different way. He “loves” his kids more as a tool and as a successor to his lineage, not like he loves you. So when his kid is taken, there will be hell to pay.
He doesn’t really think much on the fact you are begging him, though it is a nice change to your typical screaming. He won’t brag, boast, or use it against you, for the most part anyway. He might be robotic, but he still is smart. He will keep your children in mind next time you try anything too risky.
He doesn’t care about his kids, they are spoiled little shits in his eyes. He probably didn’t really want kids in the first place, but one thing led to another and here they are now. So when they are taken, he sees it as an inconvenience, but also an opportunity once he sees how distraught you are.
He makes it into a big deal and boasts about how only HE can save your kids. HE is the only reason you will get your little babies back. And don’t worry, he will make sure you inderstand that. He will ALWAYS use this against you at any moment of any day. He wants you to know you need him.
He doesn’t care about your kids, to him they are an end to a means, and another way to keep you with him. So as much as he knows his kids can take care of themselves, or at least he wants them to be independent through whatever means, seeing you hurt makes him take initiative. You are devistated, fine, he’ll save your kids.
Silva makes quick work of whoever took your kids, and makes sure to savor it. Once he’s done, he lets you take a moment to be happy for your kids being safe, but don’t expect to be in the clear. You will have to give him something in return, and knowing his sex drive, you probably wouldn’t like it. But your kids are safe, so everything is fine, right?
Like Silva, Chrollo doesn’t care about your kids. A means to an end, to keep you locked with him. Though, he really does care about you, so he will do anything to make you happy.
This means getting that little bundle of attention-stealing-shitness back. Anything for you to get on his good graces. Besides, he has the whole troupe that loves the kid, so they will all pitch in to find the little one. I don’t think he will use this against you, mainly because you should already knows nothing will get between the two of you, not even your child.
Shalnark is a strange one, to me he seems like a mix between Chrollo and Pakunoda. He cares, a lot, but if anything was to come between you and him, he wouldn’t mind making a point. Still, seeing you in so much emotional pain makes him jump into action.
He calls up his best friends to help find the poor sap who took his and your kid. Yeah, they won’t last long. Shal takes great care in handling the little one to make sure they aren’t too scared. He also spends a lot of down time after to bond with the both of you. Maybe this wasn’t a good thing to you, but to him it only brought you closer together.
Really big family man, whoever took your kid must have been the most stupid person to walk the earth. He is defiantly on your side with getting his kid back, so he won’t use this against you as much as the others might. Instead of bragging or boasting about how you need him to keep you safe, he will want a little something in return.
He might be on your side, desperately wanting his kid back, but he wouldn’t waste an opportunity to get a little treat from you. He will manipulate you to feel guilty, like it was somehow your fault, just to get something from you. Wether it be some bonding time, or something more suggestive, he will get it through manipulation. Of course he’d love to bond some more with your kids after he retrieves them, just don’t think you are safe around Kurapika.
This poor guy had a terrible relationship before you, so there is no way in hell he would let what happened before happen again. He hates the fact you hate him, but he refrains from hurting you in anyway, this includes your kid. He will leave the room, break things, anything other than touching you and both of your kid.
When someone takes the baby, you aren’t the only one pissed off. Setsuno is furious, so he will do anything to get your kid back. He calls his friends just in case, and the three of them destroy whoever laid hands on his baby. Setsuno is happy to have everyone together again and he’ll take this time to bond with the both of you. Just don’t push him away or else he’ll remind you who saved your kid.
Overhaul finds children to be dirty, they are nasty things that need so much attention. With that being said, to an extent, he treasures his kid. He wants them to be just like him, so he takes his time to teach them everything there is to know about ruling the underground. Again, his kid is an end to a means, but he does think of them a bit more than most of the others on this list.
When he kid is taken, he is frustrated for a few reasons. One is because he taught his kid to use their quirk (if they are old enough to have it by now), and two because he has to waste his time trying did of dirty things. Though, seeing you beg for him to save your baby makes it more worth his time. Much better than when you grit your teeth and turn the other way. So when he gets the baby back, he makes sure you understand what he went through to appease you.
Another one that actually likes his children and treasures them. Chronostasis is more of a family man, taking care of the children, getting groceries, the usual stuff to help around the house while you are there. He doesn’t keep you stuck, he just uses his profession to threaten you. But other than that he acts like a normal father when he doesn’t have work to do.
Taking his child is a really bad thing. He values work a lot, so he will put work first, so he will only leave to find his kid once overhaul gives him the go. He might get help, but in the end it doesn’t matter. He will tear anyone apart to find your baby. When he does, he brings them home and smiles at you, taking as much time as he is given to comfort the both of you. Everything can go back to normal now, just ignore the spots of blood on the bottom of his white jacket.
Such a shy guy, he doesn’t do much to your hatred against him, he kinda just lets it happen while apologizing profusely. Though he doesn’t let you go. He does, genuinely, love his kid. In a way it gives him a sense of pride that he helped create such a beautiful baby. So when they go missing, and you grip his shirt and beg for him to find them. Tamaki is relieved you finally need him, but so frustrated at the same time.
He wants to sulk and cry through his frustration at loosing his kid, but your begging doesn’t allow that. Instead he asks his besties for help and makes sure to hurry. He’s so happy to get his baby back he can’t help the tears of joy falling from his face. When he comes back home you both cry and hold your baby as close as you possibly can.
I think Shinsou has an inner demon when he is a Yandere, this is when it shows itself. He loves his kid, and is a really relaxed guy when it comes to the both of you. It’s just when his patience is pulled by someone out of his obsessive behaviors is when it becomes a problem.
He goes on his own, after all he is a hero not many know about, and his ability is insanely powerful. He will find the people resposible and tell them to “jump off this building” or “go kill yourself”. Things that will force them to get their hands dirty and stay away from his kid. He comforts his kid, tells them everything is okay now and that the two of them are going home to see you. Y’all can all watch a movie too, get take out and simply take it easy.
He is almost exactly like Shinsou, or Shinsou is almost exactly Aizawa. The biggest difference is Aizawa has less patience, and isn’t afraid to get a little sadistic. With that said, you are more likely better “behaved”, though you still have some fight in you. Your kid is one of your joys in life, so when he comes home from work and sees you begging for your baby back, he’s happy.
He goes on his own and takes out whoever was involved. He doesn’t kill, he isn’t that reckless, but he definalty beats them to a bloody pulp until the police arrive. He does the paperwork, and then happily takes back his kid. Aizawa will make sure you know he did this for you and he will make sure you only think that. He loves his kid, a lot, but if you think you owe him more love, then that’s a win for him.
Enji thinks his kids are weapons, I mean, that’s obvious right? He does care, but more as it would be a waste if something bad were to happen to them. Also, they are keeping you stuck with him. So yeah, when they are taken he gets pretty pissed about it.
Enji kinda rubs it in your face too, I mean you are begging for his help. You NEED him to save your kid. He won’t tell you he would get them back either way either, he wants you to think you owe him. So expect listening to whatever demands he wants from you. Not much time to appreciate your baby being safe.
Crusty man actually kinda likes his kid. In a way it’s like he has a distaste for them but can’t help but have a connection with them at the same time. Even Shigiraki doesn’t think he would be too distressed if something happened to his kid, but he was wrong. He takes it personally, and your begging makes him even more pissed. How dare they?!
Shigiraki makes a huge deal out of it, the entire league (those close) will be involved to cause chaos to the idiot who hurt his kid. It will be all on the news, how much carnage he caused, but not a single person will know it was because of his kid. He will boast about how he defeated the final boss for you and his kid, and he expects you to reward him. After you reward his efforts he will relax with the two of you, taking in the warmth from your love.
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The Lost Shawl Part 1
Above: A new season begins - The tailor is here, your majesty! - Good morning! - Come inside Hilde! - What can I do for you? - I’m thinking that someone may need these dresses so if you could give them away to some others who needs clothes!
Below: That sounds like a wonderful idea, your majesty. I will do my very best! - Thank you! I will stop by later when I have chosen them...
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Take my buttons! The tailor can take them as well! - You have such a good heart Olaf! But you can keep them ... - I am sure Elsa also wants to donate her old dresses...
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Above: These clothes awakes so many old memories... - Do you know what I miss the most?
Below: Warm hugs! - That too Olaf! But I was thinking about...
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...Our mum’s shawl! - Let’s get it! I have it in my chest!
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Above: Where is the chest? - Gerda probably knows!
Below: A while later ... - There must have been a huge mistake, your majesty!
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Above: I told the castle staff to also take your chest to the tailor. I thought there was old dresses in it!
Below: Oh no! We have to find the chest immediately... - Our mum’s shawl was in it!
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Anna have just explained the mistake to Hilde (the tailor) - No problem, the chest is in my workshop! This way! - But ... - So weird... I am sure I closed it!
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Above: The shawl is gone! - Oh, I’m so very sorry! I have no idea what happened...
Below: Do you know anyone that may have taken the shawl? - Kristin, my daughter! She usually plays in here! She just went to follow some friends to the fjord!
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Above: We have to find her! - Don’t worry Anna! Detective Olaf at your service! - Detective Olaf starts directly with an investigation! - How does Kristin looks like? - She have blue eyes and long hair in a braid... She is not that tall and have a blinding smile!
Below: Let’s go, now we have a portrait! - But when they come to the fjord’s beach edge ... - You are the detective Olaf! - Oh dear! This will be harder than I thought!
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Hello, are you Kristin! - No, I’m Britt! - And my name is Camilla! What’s your name? - I am not Kristin either! Thanks and bye, friends! - Oh?!
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Above: The search goes on ... - Excuse me! Are you familiar with the tailor’s daughter? - Sorry, your majesty, we’re not! - What do I see here: cute small doll’s clothes! Who sewed them? - My mother!
Below: She must be a good tailor! - Yes, everyone thinks that, even the queen! - Your majesty! - Hello, is your name Kristin?
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Yes, that is correct! How can I help you? - He he! Detective Olaf never fails! - Kristin, is it possible that you took a shawl from your mum’s workshop this morning? - Ehh yes... It was so cozy and warm! End of part 1
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The Lost Shawl Part 2
Anna, Elsa, and Olaf have just found Kristin... - That shawl is very special for us, it belonged to our mother. - Do you have it with you? - Not anymore! I gave to an old woman who was also cold!
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Above: I am so sorry! - It’s okay, no worries! - It was very nice of you to share! Do you know where the woman lives? - No, I have never seen her before... - Thank you anyway, Kristin! Continue now and play with your friends!
Below: Anna, I am afraid we have lost the shawl for good! - We’ll find it Elsa, I promise!
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Above: The search goes on ... - A good detective always looks after footprints...
Below: That’s weird!
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Which animal have three legs, Anna? - What?! You are a very good detective Olaf!
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Above: These footprints must belong to the mystery woman! Let’s follow them! - How did you figrure that out? - She probably used a cane! That’s why one of the prints is smaller...
Below: Anna, Elsa and Olaf comes to a little cottage... - Good morning! - Good morning, your majesty! Come inside!
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Above: What can I do for you? - We’re looking after a special shawl...
Below: So it’s your shawl that kept me warm! - When I left this morning I didn’t realize how cold it was... Lucky me, that little girl helped me! - If you need it, you can keep it! - We’re just happy if it makes you feel warm and safe!
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I can come here every day and give you warm hugs! - You are so kind but I have my own shal and other things here at home to keep me warm! I can feel that the shawl means a lot to you, you have to get it back!
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Above: Follow me! It’s in my bedroom! - Thank you very much!
Below: And ... - There is the shawl! - Finally!
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Above: Oh no! - Brisa!!! <swedish name for Gale>
Below: Look, it came to the tree over there! - No worries, I can climb there! Easy as pie!
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Got it! - Be careful Anna! All of a sudden...
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Anna quickly comes up with a solution and uses the shawl as a lasso... - That was close! - Well done, Anna! - Yeah!
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Above: I love you! - And I you!
Below: I am so happy we found your mum’s shawl! - Thanks for your help detective Olaf! I am most happy the shawl gave some warmth even to other people! - So true Anna and that is a real gift! The end
Was asked to show the whole comic in this magazine💖 To read that they wanted to give the old woman the shawl because it kept her warm and safe made me feel so warm inside🥺 That was so nice of them🥺 
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90stvshowgoth · 4 years
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summary: you thought that as a member of the phantom troupe you were supposed to be smarter than this, yet here you were betting against hisoka. everyone knew that hisoka was a master at poker, cards were his weapon after all, but you couldn’t resist wagering one more bet on a drinking game.
w/c: 4587
tags: dubcon, drunk sex, creampie, blood kink, hate sex, begging, brat taming
a/n: this originally started as a chrollo oneshot, you can kinda tell from how the opening paragraph is about him, but once i started writing the poker game i was like “okay no i gotta make this its own thing,” and because of that decision we now have loose ends getting ch.3 rn :) also no, i couldn’t help but kinda reference phantom of the opera cause it slaps and nobody can tell me otherwise. also, no, before anyone asks, this is a oneshot. it aint getting a sequel.
big thanks to the lovely miss @sealedrosewater for beta reading this clownfucking nightmare.
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The heist had gone off without a hitch, Chrollo’s plan worked like a charm and before the night was out you had all flawlessly extracted each and every one of the gilded texts being held in the museum. You still remembered the childlike gleam in your boss’ eyes as he ran his fingers over the aged leather, its binding parchment laced with gold. The faintest ghost of a smile fled from his pallid lips as he admired his new conquest. It made your chest swell with pride, happy to help the man you respected so much. Besides, your cut was nothing to sneeze at.
Your rendezvous was inside a long-abandoned opera theatre where dust clung to the red velvet of the seats and the chandelier was seemingly hanging by a thread; your boss always had a flair for the dramatics. Once all members of the spider had finished reconvening at the empty theatre to gather their spoils it wasn’t long before someone, probably Uvogin, brought out the drinks. Nobunaga had already begun nursing a rum and coke, all while Feitan kept turning down Shal’s insistence to “Just try some, Fei,” Even Shizuku cracked open one of the ice-cold bottles, knocking back an impressive swig. As soon as you saw Machi pulling out a deck of cards you knew you had to stay for the after party.
Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said of your leader. He’d gone to his room with the book you recovered tucked under his arm. A few other members who couldn’t be bothered took after your leader and went off to whichever side room they’d stashed a futon in the week prior; the Phantom Troupe’s equivalent of picking out a bedroom. A shame, really. You’d seen Feitan drunk once before and it was truly a sight to behold.
You sat crosslegged on the wooden floor, watching your comrades slowly get comfortable for a night of fun. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat above you, looking up to see Pakunoda with a soft smile on her face and an opened beer in her outstretched hand.
“Paku, have I ever told you how much I love you?” You couldn’t help but shower the woman with praise. She had been the one who recommended you to Chrollo after all, and she served as your mentor for your first few months until you found your feet.
She scoffed at the compliment, “Far too much,”
Sticking your tongue out playfully at the mindreader, you took a deep sip of beer, enjoying the familiar taste. Paku sat down beside you and it wasn’t long before the two of you were drinking shoulder to shoulder.
“Machi! Deal us in,” You raised your drink to the transmuter and she flicked two cards towards you both.
Scooting away from Paku, you quickly scanned the cards you’d received before pressing them face down. A queen and an ace. Not great, but not awful either.
The others had formed a haphazard circle, each glancing at their cards with an unreadable poker face. Well, all except Hisoka, who seemed pleased as punch with whatever hand he’d been dealt. Silently, Nobunaga took out two coins and threw them into the center— the Troupe’s house rules counting it to be equivalent to 2 billion jenny.
“Call,” you answered, matching the swordsman’s bet with an unreadable expression on your face.
“Oh? Well then, I’ll raise you,” Hisoka purred, pushing five extra chips into the pot without breaking his gaze from yours.
‘What was he planning?’ That smug look of his just made you want to win that much more. The same seemed to be true of everyone else, each calling the clown’s bet in a row. After all, to a member of the Phantom Troupe, five billion jenny wasn’t that much of a loss.
When Machi turned up the first three cards your heart skipped a beat. Two queens and a seven. Winning a round of poker against some of the smartest criminals the world had ever known was an uphill battle, seeing as how you’d been a member for years without winning a single game.
‘Three of a kind already... what should I do?’ Your face was as stone-cold as before, even with the excitement bubbling in your gut. As nonchalantly as you could, you raised another two billion. At that, Uvo and Shizuku both folded, the enhancer grumbling with a disappointed frown.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I haven’t got enough coins~” Hisoka slapped down a twenty, and a chorus of annoyed groans broke out like a choir, the abandoned theatre’s acoustics amusingly echoed the loud noises of displeasure.
After that little stunt only three others remained: Pakunoda, who’s facade hadn’t cracked all game, Nobunaga, who was glaring daggers at Hisoka, and the aforementioned magician holding up his cards in front of him like a child playing for the first time.
All three of you matched his bet, but none were happy about it. As Machi flipped over the fourth card you found yourself holding your breath. Not because you particularly cared about the money at stake, but because you felt closer to a victory than you had in months. The caricature of a medieval jester being illuminated under the light made you dig your nails into the palm of your hand.
Joker. That meant you had four queens.
It never felt harder to fight a smile off your face than in that moment. Without betraying your excitement, you called, and to your surprise so did Hisoka. Was he bluffing? Or did he have something else in mind? Nobunaga took a deep breath, knocking back the rest of his drink before calling alongside Pakunoda.
All eyes were on the card beneath Machi’s fingertips, the seconds it took to turn the paper on its head filled the theatre with a suspense liable to bring its fragile walls to the ground.
An eight of hearts. Oh well, no big deal.
Nobunaga muttered a curse under his breath, revealing a simple jack and ten of the same suit. Pakunoda was unreadable when she showed the pair of kings she held in her hands. She must’ve thought that the three of a kind would’ve won her the game. The smile on your face felt sweeter after holding it in the whole round, and Nobunaga rolled his eyes when he saw your hand, pushing the pot towards you.
“Well, look at that~” Your victory was interrupted by Hisoka’s insufferable tone, the cards he held up making your jaw drop.
A nine and a jack of hearts. A straight flush.
“That’s bullshit!” You cried, enraged over the loss. It wasn’t even that you cared so much about losing, It only mattered because you lost to him. In an instant you had summoned your nen into the palms of your hands, ready to lunge at the clown when Pakunoda grasped your shoulders, holding you back. Sometimes you forgot how much brute strength was hidden under that pantsuit.
“Just flip a coin, don’t give him what he wants.” Your first reaction was to ignore her, squirming against her iron grip to try and get to Hisoka, who was dramatically scooping all your winnings into his arms.
Uvogin tossed yet another empty beer can over his head, “C’mon Paku, I say let ‘em fight,”
“I concur~” The magician chirped, dramatically stacking each and every coin he’d won while boring his yellow eyes right into yours. His tongue parted his lips, a manic excitement hiding behind the coy expression.
Although every muscle in your body screamed at you to rip into him, you knew you wouldn’t win. He knew your abilities and you couldn’t say for certain you knew all of his.
“Never-mind,” You spat the words out at him like they tasted sour, “You’d probably get off on it anyways.”
A few laughs from the peanut gallery followed your words and Hisoka shrugged, the intense bloodlust from a few seconds ago vanishing as if he’d changed his mind about fighting you on a whim. “You may be right, darling,” your face scrunched up at the nickname you knew he only used to get on your nerves, which it did. “but what if we played a different game?”
Despite how badly you just wanted to ignore him and laugh the night away with all but one of your comrades, you couldn’t turn down the idea of a rematch. Your pride wasn’t nothing to you. “What kind of game?” You asked hesitantly.
He hummed, standing up from the towers of coin he’d made, sauntering over to the cooler of drinks Franklin had provided. After digging around the cold box he pulled out a bottle of fruity tequila and two empty shot glasses.
Your eyes narrowed at the “innocent” smile on his face, looking over to Pakunoda for reassurance.
“You’ll kill him if he spikes my drink, right?” You asked your mentor, who nodded resolutely.
Paku was staring at Hisoka like she was already thinking of ten different ways how to kill him. After sizing him up she flashed you a reassuring nod, “Without question.”
Resolute in your decision, you marched forward, snatching one of the shot glasses from his hand. The stage lights shone above him, making his eyes gleam like the plastic gloss of a doll.
“Shall we begin, then?”
You raised an eyebrow, “What are the rules first?”
He waved his hand in the air, brushing it off, “Nothing too complex, I assure you. The first one who taps out will lose. The loser will do something for the winner. That’s all.”
You still weren’t convinced it could be that simple. “What’s the catch?”
That smirk from before returned to his painted face and he suddenly leaned forward, feeling far too close for comfort. Still, you didn’t step away, your face expressionless as he whispered into your ear. If you did you felt like he’d somehow win whatever stand-still the two of you had on.
“If I lose, I’ll leave the Phantom Troupe,” You reeled away, stunned at his declaration.
Being accepted into the Troupe was the best moment of your life, it always would be. When you looked into the mirror at the tattoo that curled under your ribcage you felt such a warm swell of pride. You couldn’t imagine throwing it all away over some drinking game.
“And...” You blinked rapidly, trying to collect yourself, “If I lose?”
The laugh that echoed from his chest was far from reassuring.
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The evening slowly ran into the early morning, each of the other Troupe members wandering off eventually in varying stages of drunkenness. Even Pakunoda headed off to bed after confirming that Hisoka hadn’t spiked your drinks with anything other than a strawberry vodka base. It was unnerving at first, to be completely alone with Omokage’s replacement. Luckily his tastes ran strong, and your vision was spinning before your knew it.
“Match.” Another shot went down your throats, the taste disgustingly sweet, and you watched as his Adam’s apple tensed from the burn.
You’d long since stopped counting how many drinks you’d had, losing track once you got to the double digits. You were both using nen to reinforce yourselves, obviously, but it wasn’t infallible.
‘How is he so good at this?’ You wondered, because as the bottle ran low you started to question just what had made you so confident as to enter a bet with Hisoka in the first place.
“My dear, why not rest for a minute? At least try to enjoy each others company?” His legs were crossed, resting his hand on his palm as he not-so-subtly checked you out. It wasn’t uncommon, and certainly not unexpected from someone like him, but what you hated wasn’t just the nerve of him, but how it made you feel. His scrutiny sent chills down your spine, the unnerving edge to his tone only making you shift your thighs together to relieve some of the pressure.
“You’re the worst, Hisoka,” you knocked back two consecutive shots, unable to hide the wince it caused on your face. Good, you wanted it to sting. Anything to take your mind off the magician in front of you.
He pouted as he poured another row of drinks, “Aw, now why’s that?”
You answered his question with another, pointing towards the half-empty bottle of liquor, “Whats in this, really?”
The magician rolled his eyes, “I did pick an unopened bottle for a reason, dear, I do so want you to trust me.”
Without much fanfare he threw back four shots, over your stunned reaction.
“Just give up already, Darling~ I promise to make it worth your while,” You were reaching your limit for sure, but you were far to stubborn to give up without a fight.
“Fuck you,” you took the first of your next four shots slowly, not managing his fast pace.
He grinned a cheshire smile, “Oh, say that again, will you?”
If he were to call you out on the blush slowly spreading across your nose you’d just blame the alcohol, but the truth was that his words just egged you on even more to the point where you were almost—barely even considering...
“What do you mean, make it worth my while?”
He leaned forward like a cat, agile and silent, whispering his words against your temple, “I’ll tell you how I won that hand,” He got you, hook, line, and sinker.
“You’ll tell me how you cheated?”
Hisoka nodded, a clawed hand coming to stroke a stray piece of hair behind your ear, the action far too intimate for someone like him.
There was no way you’d win against him in this match, that much was clear from the very sober way Hisoka held himself against you, inhumanly still, so what did you have to lose?
‘Your dignity,’ A part of you answered back, but it wasn’t all that convincing. You’d left your dignity behind four shots ago.
“If I lose...”
“If you lose,” He mouthed the words into your cheek, his eyes closed in thought, “You do know what I’ve decided my prize shall be, right?” Of course you knew what he wanted. You weren’t stupid, and the way he nuzzled himself into your neck was far from subtle.
Were you actually so desperate to learn how you lost that you’d sleep with him?
No, you weren’t. But the ache between your legs was getting harder to ignore, and the idea that you could write off what you were about to do behind the excuse of gathering intel sounded like a win-win.
You dug your hands into his hair, not trying to be anything but rough, basking in the moan that spilled from his lips, breath hot against your neck before you yanked him back to meet your gaze.
“Fine. You win, Hisoka,” He smirked, and although he was on his knees he still towered over you, “so how did you cheat?”
Before you could blink his hand had wrapped around your throat, the magician slamming your head into the wood of the stage. You’d had plenty of time to block the damage with your hatsu but the action left your brain rattling inside your skull.
“I’ll tell you later,” He promised, the disorienting blur was slow to fade from the alcohol, and distantly you could feel his other hand stroke your face, his nails like filed daggers trailing over your cheekbones.
“What to do with my prize, then, hm?” He mused, tilting your head from left to right as if examining a block of wood he was about to carve. You coughed on impulse when he let go of your neck, guiding it up instead and taking both your small hands into his palm with an iron grip.
With a flick of his wrist he drew a card, the eight of hearts, seemingly out of nowhere, his nen sharpening it into a thin blade, “Don’t move,”
“Wait... Hisoka, don’t—!” You were far too late to stop him, the frigid air of the ghostly theatre rushing to meet the bare skin of your chest.
Your shirt fell to ribbons along with your bra and you thrashed desperately in his grasp, angry over the loss of your favorite top. He paid your escape attempt no mind, enraptured with the way your tits rose and fell with the timing of your breath and the way you tried to wriggle yourself free.
Still holding your hands to the floor above you, his head bent to wrap a skilled tongue around your tits, a soft sigh involuntarily falling away from you.
“I fuckin’ ha-ate you, Hisoka—ah,” His teeth bit down on your peak at the comment, peering up at you from under his fiery hair.
“Oh? Then why is it you’re moaning like a little whore?” He shifted his weight above you and you saw an opportunity.
You kicked with all your strength between his legs, pulling your knee back and shoving him off with a dig of your shoe into his stomach, “I’m not, don’t call me that shit!”
He actually loosened his grip on you clearly not intending for you to get free from his grasp, a choked sound of what you thought was pain devolving to something much more heated as he stared into you.
“You... are well worth the wait, my dear,” His bloodlust seeped out from every pore, grounding you to the spot. You could usually hold your own against someone like him but it wasn’t hard to see the disadvantage you were at.
Within a fraction of a second he was on you, twisting your waist in his clawed grasp until your ass was hiked into the air, a sharpened playing card slicing through the denim until he could rip it from your legs, yelp echoing like music in the long-silent theatre.
“I knew you’d have some fight left in you,” He crawled forward and you started to realize why he wore exclusively baggy pants, his length hot against you through the fabric as his hips caged you in. As he began to remove that street-performer getup he always wore he’d occasionally curl his hand around your waist to mercifully tug on your ignored clit, your groans muffled and cursed, “I love it. That resilience? It just turns me on.”
You could feel your confidence fade as he tugged those sweatpants down, the weight of him grinding into your ass made all your bravado vanish.
“It will make it so much more satisfying...” He pointed his finger upwards, and suddenly your hands became magnetized to each other, no amount of struggle even budging the rubbery nen substance. “...when I break you.”
Without warning he slid himself inside you, hands holding your hips still as he forced your back into an arch. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to, the flailing of your bound arms useless as he shallowly began pumping his cock deeper inside you.
Your muffled curses whispered into the floor made him laugh, pulling his hand back and cruelly slapping the vulnerable flesh of your ass without a warning.
“Wh.. Why?”
“Because, darling, I want to hear you beg for me.” He pouted, teasing your clenched walls with only the tip of his slick head.
Despite the desire coursing through your veins you still had your pride in tact, “Never gonna happen, asshole.”
Gripping your hips, he dug himself into your dripping cunt as far as he could, both of you unrestrained with a moan at the feeling of his cock brushing near your cervix, your hips traitorously snapping back to meet his eager thrusts, movement near impossible as Hisoka forced you into the ground.
You cried out softly with each quick pull and stretch, only able to say his name one syllable at a time,
“Hi-so—kah...” It was hard to turn your head to the side from his brutal pace but somehow you manage, craning yourself in order to see him; His head was thrown back with a sheer bliss softening his glistening skin, his eyes closed and lips parted. The sight made your keening grow louder, the simple image of him losing himself in your twitching pussy sending a wave of slick dripping around his length.
He must’ve felt your gaze on him because soon enough his was staring at you, his pupils blown wide with desire in a way that made them look like a sun eclipsed, black outlined with a ring of fiery gold.
All at once his hips froze, digging his cock so far as to leave an indent in your pelvis. For a confused second you thought he’d finished, but his gaze was cruel and focused, his lips in a smirk, and you felt no more full than you had a moment ago. He was doing this on purpose.
“Wait, no-nono, wh..y?” You hiccuped, taking his break as a moment to wipe unshed tears from your glossy eyes.
He sighed, “I don’t like repeating myself, darling,” He accentuated the infuriating nickname with a slap to your thigh, face unchanged as he trailed his sharpened fingertips along the reddening skin.
“His..oh.. fuck, Hisoka—“ The banished tears returned, falling silently down your pink face as you whispered, “please,”
“Hmm? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you, my dear, mind saying that again?
Your voice hiccuped as you spoke, “Please, alright? Please,” You thought it’d be enough, that he might finally go back to toying with your clit while he fucked you into the old floorboards, but you’d underestimated the magician’s self-control.
Innocently, he tilted his head, “Please what, dear? Please hit you again?” Hisoka didn’t blink as he slowly brought up his palm, giving you plenty of time to try and wiggle free from your punishment just to show off how futile escape really was, lashing his hand down on the same patch of skin as before, grinning at the shriek he yanked from your lungs.
“No! No, fu-uck.. just—“ You whimpered, brain seemingly disconnected from your mouth as you struggled to form the words, “just fuck me, Hisoka, please.”
“Look at you, huh? You were a slut after all,” He purred, letting the weight of your words hang lifeless in the air along with your stubborn pride. Before you could argue again his hand had returned to your clit, pace unforgiving as he pulled your nerves ever closer to snapping only to halt the second he grew bored, “Say it,”
Mindlessly, you nodded your head, “I’m yours, I’m your slut, Hisoka,” you intentionally clenched yourself around him, mumbling lucid pleas for more as his hard cock twitched, pre cum dripping from your heat onto the floor as your conscience trying to deny what your body so willingly accepted, “want you to fuck me, Hisoka, fu-ck,” you whined, the still presence inside your sensitive walls drove you insane.
With each word a truly unhinged aura began to surround him, and by extension, you, the intoxicating menace dripping over you like a drug as you faced forward once again, wiggling your ass as best you could in his grip.
That was his breaking point, ripping you away from his cock only to drive himself back in, digging the full blade of his nails into your hips, blood pooling around the crescent cuts.
“Fuck, ah.. Darling, ‘doing so good, so good’fr me-ah,” He slurred his words together, more drunk on you than the vodka as he leaned back, forcing you to meet him as his thrusts became so quick that it was getting hard to breathe, your ribcage creaking with discomfort as you were nailed into the stage.
“M..o-re, more...” You begged, and he was happy to oblige. the smearing crimson of blood running hot down your thighs, the pain only making you more pliant in his sculptor’s hands as he folded your body however he liked, ignoring your pained weep from the stretch as he slung one of your bleeding legs over his shoulder.
It was almost weird to hear him say your actual name, so often he used a pet name to mock or flirt with you, sometimes both, “So good for me like this, taking me so goo-uh,” He choked on his words as your cunt tightened around him, your hands clinging for balance in his hair, and Hisoka clearly didn’t mind if the slew of moans from his lips was any indication.
The angle his hips cut into had the edges of your vision turning into a vignette, “I’m close, so close, gonna cum inside you, yeah? Right here,” The hand that had been toying with your clit changed angles, his fingertips spinning spirals onto your aching bud while the flat of his hand pushed against your stomach, your shout swallowed by his pretty lips, tongue toying with yours.
“Ye-es cum inn-side me,” You were too far gone to care, anything he said sounded good as long as he said it in that sultry purr, arms numb as they lay suspended above your head.
“Take it, take it, Darling,” With what little strength you had left you curved your calf beside his neck, pulling him in until his cock brushed your cervix, the pain indistinguishable from the pleasure, “Uhn, cumm-fuck, i’m cumming—“
His cum was thick, the curve of his cock jutting inside you as he filled you up, mercifully swallowing your hallowed scream as he kissed you deeply, almost all feeling in your raised leg lost until he lowered it to his waist, involuntarily snapping his hips up although they had nowhere left to go until your moan turned into a broken sob of lingering bliss.
“Shh, dear, I’ve got you,” With a whirl of his wrist your arms were free of his bungee gum, shakily pulling them to your sides again as he pressed open-mouthed kisses along your neck, whispering a slurred mess of sweet words, stopping to suck a particularly deep hickey into the vein of your flesh.
“Hisoka, quit it!” Your fight had returned along with feeling to your fingertips as you wrenched him back by the hair, his cock jumping.a bit inside you at the grip, “I’ll have to wear sweaters for weeks now, you jerk.”
The capillaries had already begun to burst as he laughed, reaching up behind your head to pull his discarded top forward, digging out what looked like a piece of smooth cleaning cloth from its pocket and lying it over your neck with a simple point of his finger, gyo revealing the pink gum of his aura that controlled it before he smoothed the fabric over your skin, the texture so light you could barely feel it.
“A deal’s a deal, love, I’ll tell you how I cheated,” He smiled as satisfied and smug as he could ever be, a tingling sensation overtaking the patch of covered skin.
As he pulled your hand away you ran your fingers over the cloth, not finding a seam among the normal tone of your chest. Eyes wide as you looked at him for answers he was already happy to provide, “It’s called texture surprise. I can apply it to any flat surface and change its appearance. It’s quite handy,”
“It works on skin, paper, even playing cards,” You felt like an idiot. During the match you kept analyzing him for a sleight of hand trick all while he was using a second nen technique to win. It was so simple but genius, and you felt a little bit better knowing you weren’t outwitted by something obvious.
“You’re the worst, Hisoka,”
He chuckled, kissing along the new unblemished canvas of your neck, “I know~”
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
Would you mind doing Uvo, Shal, and Chrollo finding out their S/O who sings really well but doesn't do it much if at all anymore?
Awwwwww, can you imagine the sadness at not hearing you sing anymore and seeing you unhappy about it? 🥺
I hope you’ll like this! 🙇
one of the things he honestly finds very soothing when it comes to you
Chrollo loves hearing you sing when he’s at your place
whether you are doing it as you’re cooking, showering, cleaning, even absentmindedly
sometimes, when he’s away from you and ready to sleep, he’d call you
and ask you to sing for him
it’s something that really makes Chrollo relax
no matter what he’s doing or where he is
and he’s told you that several times
so when he notices you singing less and less
he thinks that maybe your throat hurts
or you just don’t feel like doing it as often anymore
it isn’t until he asks you to sing for him one day and you politely refuse that he grows suspicious
Chrollo would take your hands in his, thumbs rubbing softly over your knuckles as he asks you what happened
will compliment you in between his questions
Did someone say anything to you? Because they’re probably jealous of your beautiful voice. But tell me who they are, anyway. I’ll have a little chat with them.
that smile is kind to you and a promise to whoever might say anything to you
he’s not giving up until he finds who or what caused you to stop singing
this time it’s not even because he wants to hear you sing
but it’s definitely making it seem as if you retreated into yourself more
and sadder
and he won’t let that happen if he can do anything about it
no matter what the reason is, Chrollo will help however he can
and hopefully, he’ll get to hear you sing again
don’t be surprised if he has recorded you when you were singing
it helps him when he misses you
plus, he likes bragging about you and your voice to the others
despite Shalnark annoying the Troupe about it, even they can admit that you’re good
a few of them actually heard you when they came to visit
and of course they complimented you as well
Shalnark was beaming with pride as he put one arm around your waist
yes, he’s often teased because of how whipped he is for you
and your voice whenever they hear him listening to the recordings on his phone
what can the poor boy say?
he’s in love with an amazing, beautiful and talented partner
how could he not miss them?
so when he finally comes home to you, he expects to hear you sing
Shalnark doesn’t ask you anything that night
or the next day
he just thinks that maybe you’re not in the mood or you’re thinking about other things
but when the week is up and he hasn’t heard you sing at all, he decides enough is enough
he hugs you from behind as you’re doing your nightly routine before bed
and hugs you a little tighter as he asks you what’s wrong
you seem unhappier to him and the fact that haven’t sung at all is worrying him
his eyes will look exactly like a puppy’s as he waits for you to say what’s wrong
he only wants you to be happy and he knows for a fact that when you sing, it means you’re happy
so Shalnark expects you to tell him what he can do to help you
you’re one of his priorities, after all, and he loves you dearly
he probably didn’t even notice you were singing in the first place 
or more like, he didn’t know it was you
he thought it was coming from the TV or outside
but when he heard you one night as he came from a mission…
oh boy
he just waited for a few seconds, just to make sure that sweet voice was yours
before he snatched you up in an embrace, effectively ending your singing in an abrupt shriek
you received one compliment after another and plenty of requests from Uvo
he absolutely adores those moments when he can just put his head on your lap, hear you sing softly and feel you run your fingers through his wild hair
sure-fire way to get him to sleep
now, of course, Uvo doesn’t always ask you to sing for him or anything
but after a while, he notices that you were barely doing it
he doesn’t really think much about it
you probably have your reasons
but when nothing changes after a few weeks, he finally asks you if there’s anything wrong
the faster you tell him what the problem is, the less worried he will feel
Uvo just wants to help you
whatever you might need or want, you’ll get
and the compliments for you will keep pouring if you or anyone says anything negative about you singing ability
and that someone will die
no one hurts his partner and gets away with it
and you’ll be pampered for quite a while if there is a problem
Uvo just wants you to smile and sing like you always do, giving him a sign that things are okay
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 4 years
Can you please write a scenario where Shalnark's darling (who is cool with the Phantom Troupe and knows he keeps hidden cameras all over the house) accidentally finds one of the cameras while cleaning or looking for something and decides to have a little NSFW fun since she knows he watches them? Please and thank you 🙏😊🥰
Oi~! Sounds fun, alright I gotchu!
Warnings: exhibitionism, F! reader
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“Ugh, how does someone so “organized” lose so much shit...” you cursed to yourself, searching high and low for your boyfriends keys. Again. One would think he always has them on him, and typically he does, however it’s almost as if when he needs them the most, they go missing. You knew you didn’t have to look for them and he could have done it, but you were nice enough to help him out a little since he was busy downstairs for the time being.
“Ah shit Shal, where the fuck do you even keep these things...” you threw your hands in the air in frustration. Where the fuck were these keys? You started moving stuff around on the dining table, putting it back to keep the house in order once you didn’t see anything. Groaning when nothing showed up, you moved to the counter tops.
Swiftly, you scooted things to the side and even went as far as to check in cabinets and drawers just to be safe. Nothing. Finally you moved a glass bottle, met with something you weren’t entirely expecting. A camera, blinking red right in front of your face. You gasped as if you had just run into someone, almost apologizing as well. You’d known Shalnark had hidden cameras around the house to keep the both of you safe, but you’d never actually seen one before. The blinking must of meant he was downstairs watching you right now.
You licked your lips, suddenly shy as the eye of the small round camera stared back at you. An idea crossed your mind, leaving you giggly, heat spreading between your thighs. You bit your lip, staring directly at the camera and moving a little closer, glancing behind you to make sure no one else was there as you undid your belt. The two of you lived alone, though as you were about to expose yourself to him you felt a sudden uneasiness around you as if someone else was watching. Likely another camera in the room.
Turning back to face the one in front of you, you let your belt fall to the ground, smiling at the camera as you unbuttoned your jeans and slowly slid them down just enough for a peak at your panties. The light pink fabric poking out from above the dark wash of your jeans. You tugged them back up, running your hands up and down your thighs. Your hips swayed a little to tease him some more.
“I hope your watching~ if not at least recording me Shal.” you mumbled loud enough for the camera to hear. You back up a little, allowing more of you to be viewed through the lens. Taking another glance behind you, your hands slid up your shirt and squeezed your breasts, letting out a quiet moan for him. Your head fell back in pleasure as one of your hands slid into your bra and teased your nipple, emitting a squeak of approval. Your other hand snapped your panty line in your jeans, another moan leaving your mouth.
“Oh Shal just come upstairs already, I need you.” you hadn’t been much into dirty talk before but it was certainly helping you now. The words you spoke to yourself felt hot on your cheeks and lips. You leaned up against the fridge, still in view of the camera, drawing big circles on your exposed stomach before delving past the waistband of your jeans to touch yourself. It was a tight fit that didn’t leave much room for your hand, but you didn’t mind. Your delicate fingers slid up and down onto your slit, wetting your panties enough to elicit friction with every pass of your middle finger.
Holding yourself up was a task on its own, your legs growing weaker and weaker as the stimulation built up. Another glance out to the other room before pulling your jeans halfway down your thighs, showing off your now wet panties. Your hands went back to work, tugging at your hardened nipple and teasing your clit. You closed your eyes, letting the pleasure wash over you as your hand dipped into your underwear.
You teased your hole with your fingers, lightly pumping in the first knuckle to edge yourself some. You called out to Shal in a mere whisper, knowing he could hear you. You lifted one of your legs, deciding to finger yourself some more, driving deeper into your cunt. You stopped for a brief moment to take off your shirt, revealing one of your breasts from your bra. You gripped onto the fridge door behind you and started to finger yourself again, making coy eye contact with the camera. Your face had begun to heat up, pants and moans being drawn every time your fingers sunk into your pussy. They just couldn’t quite reach that spot you needed so desperately to touch.
Involuntarily, your hips started bucking forward, yearning for more. You closed your eyes again, leaning back against the fridge. Your moans grew louder, your clit rutting up against your hand with every thrust.
“Fuck it feels good~” you let him know just how you felt. Knowing it would drive him crazy. A warm hand cupped under your tit, squeezing lightly. Your eyes flew open and you gasped. You were met with the bright blue of Shalnark’s eyes, him smiling down at you.
“Did you think you could get away with teasing me? Well dear I’ll tell you now that was a bad decision.” he laughed, and you knew you were in for it now. The camera light was still blinking, recording as Shalnark pounded you from behind right in the kitchen counter.
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sweetchup · 4 years
💌Acting Naive (?)💌
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Type: Shalnark x reader
Prompt: 14—Love potion + 7—Innocent/Corruption Kink
Author Note: Ah! @pastelbear12 I hope you like your request! I made sure it was really good for you! Especially as a fellow writer and Shalnark stan! Enjoy💕💕💕!!
(Valentine’s Day Masterlist)
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Blue, Pink, Purple, Green, Blue…
…Round, cylinder, was that a square?
You just couldn’t fathom all the potions this clan of witches had hidden in their basement. Hell, You bet your boss, Chrollo, didn’t even realize there was this much when he sent you guys out to steal them.
“Hey (y/n). How many do you exactly think there are?” Phinks questions, gobsmacked at the amount just as much as you are.  
“I don’t know…” You mumble out, looking around the room, “Honestly, Phinks… I’m not even sure how we are going to transport them out of here…”
“Wel—“ “Oh wow! That’s a lot more than expected.”
You flinch as a familiar happy go lucky voice is heard by the doorway. You thought the boss put him on another mission.
“Oh hey Shal!” Phinks shouts out, just as surprised as you were, “What are you doing here?”
“The boss wanted me to come join you guys since I finished gathering information for him early.” Shalnark explains, walking up to you two. However, even as Shalnark begins to chat with Phinks, you could still feel his eyes flicker to your figure ever so often.
It wasn’t that you hated Shalnark, you just… particularly didn’t like him. Mostly due to the fact, he didn’t give you the best impression when you showed up as a replacement number 4.
According to him, he didn’t understand why you should be the replacement member. You were “cute” and “naive”, not the best fit to replace the former number 4. He also thought your ability wouldn’t work well with the members you were designated to work with.
Honestly, You could have understood where he was coming from, all Shalnark wanted was to make sure the Troupe succeeded. But, you also believed he didn’t have to say all this in front of the whole group with you in the room. It embarrassed you so much, you nearly stormed out of there.
Naturally, of course, this event created a rift between you two. A general dislikeness to the other person.
“(Y/n),” Phinks suddenly calls out, catching your attention, “What did you think of the plan?”
“What plan?” You questioned. Slightly scowling as you see Shalnark’s lip slightly twitch up a little as Phink responds with a sigh. Cheeky Bastard…
“The plan is that I’m going to go grab Fei’s group to come help us. But, In the meantime, You and Shalnark can start taking count of the potions.” Phinks explains, already putting on his pharaoh helmet to get ready to leave.
“Wait. Wouldn’t it make more sense to grab Machi’s group? Feitan’s group is a traveling distance of 3 days away while Machi’s is only 1 day away.” You question out, thinking it was a logical conclusion. However, you were only met with Shalnark letting out a small chuckle. Almost as if what you said was a hilarious joke to him, “What’s so funny?”
“Well, I find it so funny that you are practically rushing to try to get the mission over with. What’s with that? Do you have some sort of date you have to get to for Valentine’s Day?” You slightly flinch as Shalnark happy expression turns much darker; mockingly in a way, “That’s pretty irresponsible of you. You do realize troupe activities come first? Oh wait… You likely don’t care because—“
“Shal,” Phinks barks out, stopping his friend from finishing his sentence. As Phinks comes closer to stand in front of you, you now notice Shalnark has gotten much closer to you than before, “Fighting or attacking troupe members isn’t allowed. You should know this.”
“What are you talking about? I wasn’t going to,” Shalnark responds with a lighthearted pout. However, you see a ever so slight twitch in his fingers that contradicts his previous statement. It seemed that he was practically just itching at the chance to stab you with his antenna.
Woah, that’s new….
Shalnark has never before given a hint that he hated you that much. Sure, he messed with your missions or denied helping you sometimes but even that was never enough that could possibly hurt or kill you.
However, that seemed to be the least of your worries right now. With Phinks being here, you could at least avoid Shalnark insults or possible attempts to attack you, especially since Phinks can step in to interfere as an older member as well. But if Phinks is still set with trying to leave to go grab Feitan’s group then… you are in big trouble.
“Hey Phinks. How about I just go grab Feitan’s group?” You ask cautiously as you interrupt their conversation (Well, more like bickering). About to explain your reasoning when Phinks cuts you off.
“No, neither of you two are going anywhere. This little feud between you two has escalated way too much. We are going to solve this problem right here and now.” Phinks grumbles out, sending a slight glare Shalnark's way to tell him not to even try to rebut. “Also Meaning, you two are going to allow each other to talk in order to solve this.”
After Phinks stops speaking, a thick silence settles over the room. Neither of you attempted to start to talk to the either and it seemed, from your perspective, that Shalnark wasn’t happy about being forced to participate in this bonding event at all. Well technically you shouldn’t judge as you weren’t happy about this either but, at the very least, you were willing to participate if it solved this petty problem of you two.
“Well…,” You started, breaking the thick silence, “I first wanna know what I did to get you to dislike me so much.”
You watch as Shalnark rolls his eyes in slight annoyance. He wasn’t planning on answering you but a hard swift slap to the back by Phinks makes him think twice about that decision.
“It’s that fake act you do.” Shalnark grumbles out, winching slightly as Phinks puts his hand up again, “I-I mean I don’t like how you act towards us.”
“Pardon?” You let out, accidently. Quite confused at what he was referring to. You’ve never acted a certain way specifically towards Shalnark or any of the members in that matter.
“Don’t act stupid—“ “Shal…” Phinks warns out, cutting Shalnark off. However instead of backing off like before, Shalnark continues.
“You know it. The one where you act all ‘I’m miss innocent and cute, I don’t know things~’. That stupid ass one.”
However instead of understanding what he was saying, you get even more confused. You will admit you can be a little naive at times but you’ve never acted or played into it.
“I still don’t get it. I don’t specifically act—“
“There it is! That.” Shalnark shouts out suddenly as he points his finger accusingly at you, taking a step forward also. “You just titled your head to the side slightly as if you were some confused puppy!”
You can’t help but feel heat suddenly bloom up to your face. You hadn’t even realized you did that sort of thing. God, you must have looked like a fool, an idiot—
“And there’s another one! You just tried to hide your face behind your hands.” Shalnark exclaims again, pulling your hands down and away from your face.
“H-hey. I-I don’t get why all this matt— Oof.”
Suddenly, as you take a step back to keep some space between you and Shalnark, You don’t realize how close you are to the shelves and hit your back hard against one. It creaks for a second and you think nothing of the sound. Well, nothing of it until something hard shatters on top of your head, dosing you in some sort of strange sticky liquid.
“Shit.” Phinks curse out, both his and Shalnark’s eyes blown out wide as they look at you. “(Y/n) are you okay?”
“Y-yeah. Just my head hurts a little…” You mumble out, pulling your hand away from your head to see it was covered in a little bit of blood. Uh oh…, that wasn’t good. That could only mean the potion got absorb into your bloodstream…
“Welp…, it seems like she’s going to die.” Shalnark says matter of factly, making you snap your head up to look at him. However, instead of yelling at him, your words suddenly felt stuck and clogged up in your throat. Ever so slowly as if a fog came over you, your mind starts to grow fuzzy, unable to make you think clearly. What was going on? Was the potion only now taking effect?
However, unaware of your current predicament, Phinks had started bickering with Shalnark. Angry at not only his bitterness towards you but also his unwillingness to help you out just as a fellow teammate.
“Shal, Dude. Her thing isn’t an act. The boss has been over this. She acts this way even towards Kortopi, who, I’m sure you can understand, wouldn’t benefit her in any way.”
“Well, she might be still trying to get on his good side so she—“
Phinks cuts Shalnark off by grabbing him by the collar. Pulling his friend so they were face to face, Phinks speaks again. This time in an extremely serious tone that tells Shalnark there isn’t going to be any more of these ‘if’s’ or ‘buts’ from out of him.
“Shal. Just stop. If she had the choice to attack or use one of us, she would have done it by now. Chrollo has allowed her to guard him alone more times than I can count, just to see if your suspicions were correct. And, in all those times, she didn’t show the slightest bit of desire to get information out of him or attempt to try to fight him. So, Cut. It. Out. This is not only hindering our mission no— Shit.“
Phinks suddenly let go of Shalnark to grab you, who from the corner of his vision was wobbling slightly.
“(Y/n). Sit down.” Phinks mumbles out as he helps you to the ground. As he crouches down to look at you, he can’t help but grow even more worried. You didn’t look good, at all.
So bad, he knew they needed to race to go find Shizuku right at that very moment. And it didn’t reassure him any better that he was the fastest one out of you three at the moment.
“Shal.” Phinks calls out, making Shalnark snap his head to him, “We need to go grab Shizuku from Machi’s group now and since I’m the fastest I need to go. Don’t give (y/n) a hard time and you better try to help.”
Without attempting to hear Shalnark’s response or possible rebuttal, Phinks has already raced out the door. Leaving Shalnark alone to try and take care of you. Something he honestly has never imagined doing.
“S-Shal…” You suddenly stutter out, breaking the man’s attention from staring at the door. Shit, you seriously didn’t look good.
“Yeah?” He questions, still apprehensive to try and help you as he crouched down. Shalnark can’t help but feel a shiver go up his spine as you looked up at him. A hand hiding the front of your mouth told him you were embarrassed. A thing he’s seen you do many times before when you weren’t sick.
Perhaps,... Phinks was correct and the cute things you do aren’t actually an act. You would have definitely dropped it by now with the horrible condition you were in.
“C-can…Can you kiss me?” You suddenly beg out, nearly making Shalnark have to do a double take.
“What…?” Shalnark lets out, unable to stop his surprise at what you were saying—suggesting—for him to do. Have you gone fucking insane?
“P-please.” You mumble out, your words slightly slurred and incoherent as you move yourself, “I’ll do anything.”
Shalnark goes to speak again to quickly deny your request but suddenly feels himself choke on his own words. Slowly, He had to put a hand up to his mouth to check his jaw hadn’t dropped and he hadn’t started drooling. Especially with the position you had moved to because, Holy shit…
With your arms stretched out forward, hands slightly opening and closing to urge him to come near, it looked like you were innocently begging him for a hug. Well, it would have been considered innocent if your legs weren’t opened up as well. With you wearing just a skirt, it gave him a clear view of your underwear that was already dripping in your arousal.
Oh, all the things he was imagining to do to you right now…
“S-see. I’ll do anything you want. I just need you close to me-e.” You beg out, seeing how Shalnark’s gaze was trained on your lower half. Your pleas clearly worked on Shalnark as he can feel himself starting to harden more in his pants. “I-I love you. I need you. Please—“
You can’t help but let out a little gasp as you are suddenly tugged forward by your ankles. The cold feeling of the cement basement ground leaks through your sweaty skin and clothes as you fall backwards, making you also unconsciously arch your back closer to Shalnark.
However, your attention towards the uncomfortable cold stinging the ground produced is short-lived as you feel one of Shalnark’s hands push your underwear away. You let out a small whine as Shalnark rubs your clit, the intense pleasure shooting like fireworks throughout your whole body. It was so much for you, almost painful in a way, making you quickly wiggle away from his touch.
“What’s wrong?” Shalnark mumbles out, his words hardly heard as he presses small wet kisses to the sensitive skin of your neck. Trying to hold himself back from completely and utterly wrecking you once he sees how you were helplessly trying to escape from him. Why did he hate your cuteness again?
“I-I’ve never been touched there,” You answer back, making Shalnark’s hand freeze in his ministrations, “Too much-h.”
“Have you ever been touched…?” Shalnark finally asks out after a long pause.
“N-no. Never.” You whine out, gasping as Shalnark snaps your soaked panties back into place. Using the back of his knuckles to rub the fabric against your sensitive folds, only to drag them down and off your ankles seconds later. You are confused as to why he doesn’t choose to throw them to the side until you hear a zipper being undone, “Shal…”
You can’t help but cross and rub your thighs together as you look down to the thing that was between his legs. It sounded childish but you couldn’t help but wonder how that was even supposed to fit inside you.
“(Y/n)... Come here...” Your attention snaps away from your thighs to Shalnark at his sudden call. Oh, so that's what he was using them for…
You gulp as you slowly crawl over to Shalnark, your eyes trained on his hand that was smothering the wetness of your panties onto his dick. As you sat in front of him, you can’t help but shakily reach one of your hands out. As your hand touches the warm flesh, you feel it twitch under your touch. You hesitate for a second before enveloping your hand around it. Unconsciously gulping as you realized you were unable to wrap your hand fully around the shaft due to how thick it was.
“G-good.” Shalnark moans out, his body slightly shaking as he attempts to keep his cool as you add your second hand. Fuck, Your hands were unimaginably soft, driving him insane as they worked their way around his length. And the pure fact you clearly had no idea what you were doing and was clumsy trying to give him pleasure, for some odd reason, turned him on even more.
Damn, you were so cute and innocent. Naive to the point you didn’t understand what he could possibly do to you at a moment's notice. How much he could easily just slip inside of you and turn you into his whiny little thing. Slobbering and drugged up on the pleasure he would continuously induce upon you. Making you beg for his every touch and word until your throat hurts. Begging for him to pump his load in you, to be his pretty little obedient toy.
“Fuck.” Shalnark murmurs out, catching you off guard as he pulls your hand off his length by your wrist. You let out a small whine in rebuttal, wanting to touch him more, until you see that ever so slight lustful haze over his eyes.
Happily you allowed the blonde man to move you around so you were positioned on your hands and knees; your back arched and butt stuck up in the air just for him to see. Honestly if he wasn’t craving to be inside you right now, he would have definitely taken a picture. The sight would have made a perfect new background for his home screen.
As he lines himself up at your entrance, he hears your breath suddenly hitch. Testing to see how you do, he slowly slips only the head of his length in. Woah. Instantly a shiver goes up his spine as he feels your walls squeeze and unsqueeze around his tip, your body struggling to accommodate the sudden intrusion.
He really wanted to go slow. After all, he truly felt bad for how he had been treating you before all this. But once you tilted your head to the side to look up at him with those doe-like eyes of yours, it was as if all his patience had suddenly snapped.
“Shal!” You yell out, your hands balled into fist as you had nothing to hold onto, to possibly ground yourself.
“It will feel g-good. I promise.” Shalnark mumbles out incoherently. Lost in pleasure as he continues to piston in and out of you. His top half eventually draping over yours as he attempts to get even deeper inside you; pressing small encouraging kisses to the back of your shoulder blades as you continued to take every inch of him.
Eventually, Shalnark was right. It was as if things suddenly clicked and everything felt just oh so good. You thought you were in heaven with the amount of pleasure you felt rushing through your body. Even though the man inducing these feelings upon you could hardly be considered a heavenly being. Then again, with what you have done, you weren't much better than him.
“Ah! R-Right there. Please, Please, please!” You cry out, feeling an even intenser flash of pleasure come upon you as he hits a specific spot. “S-Shal!”
It only took a couple more hits to that pleasurable spot to push you over the edge. Turning you into a dazed and drooling mess as you couldn’t stop yourself from whining out how good Shalnark made you feel and how you loved him ever so much.
“S-shit.” Shalnark groans out, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as he suddenly feels a hot flash of pleasure come over him as well. His hips methodically grinding against your hole as he works his way through his high. Slightly overstimulating you in a way as his ever so warm white ropes of his cum start to fill you up. You never thought you would enjoy such a primal feeling of being filled up by someone’s cum. Honestly, you could have cummed again from just that alone.
As you feel Shalnark lean his forehead against your back to catch his breath, you slowly feel your mind becoming clearer. As if a strange fog has been lifted off of your senses. However, you honestly wished it stayed as everything that has happened while under that strange potion has suddenly come crashing down on you.
You didn’t know what to do, what to think. Actually, would anyone know what to do if they suddenly realized they had sex on Valentine’s Day with a teammate that hated their guts and couldn’t even stand being in the same room before now?
Then again you should have known that, even in a situation like this, Shalnark doesn’t exactly fall into the category of the average person.
“H-hey!” You choke out in surprise as you feel Shalnark suddenly lift one of your legs over his shoulder, forcing you to lay on your side as he starts to move his hips again. His dick already hardening back up to where it was before.
You wanted to rebut. Wanted to tell him to calm down and to talk this whole strange situation out. But, then again, why would you?
With him already plowing into you deeper than before, mixing and pushing his cum deeper inside you and creating this dangerous cocktail of pleasure. How could you possibly tell him to stop when you wanted to continue?
Especially when he had just referred to you as his good little girl.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Sage and pause
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0 notes
socaprince · 5 months
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Soca Therapy Playlist
Sunday April 14th 2024
Making You Wine From 6-9pm on Flow 98.7fm Toronto
Tender (Dr. Jay Plate) - Patrice Roberts
The Sweet Tooth Symphony - Andre J Donawa (Dondani) x DJ Private Ryan
It Don't Matter - Hey Choppi x DJ Private Ryan
So Sweet - Erphaan Alves x DJ Private Ryan
Dubai - Sekon Sta x DJ Private Ryan
Nobody Badda - Rupee
One On One - Motto
Slow Wine - Rae
In Meh Eyes - Viking Ding Dong x Karene Asche
Dangerous - Imani Ray
Livin' Meh Life - Farmer Nappy x XplicitMevon
Rum Gyal Money - Rome x XplicitMevon
Meet We Down Dey - Patrice Roberts x XplicitMevon
Like It - Mr Blood x Dj Spider
Best Ride - Coopa Dan x Dj Spider
Til Morning - Grateful Co x Dj Spider
African Jumbie - Ajamu
Come Out To Play - Benjai
Jab Jab Nation - Tallpree
Bend - Nessa Preppy
Bruk Time - Grabba
Rum Sweet - Problem Child
Head Gone - Viking Ding Dong
Shameless - Skinny Fabulous
Stick On - Lyrikal 
Head Bad (On D Road) - Michelle X & Kes The Band
Trending (Travis World Edit) - Shal Marshall
De Baddest - Scrilla
De Road - Problem Child
Touch Road - Busy Signal
Big Blood - Bunji Garlin x 3Suns x Skarface
Bruk It Set It (Riddim Master Road Intro) Akaiiusweet x Mr Bagnall x EK
The A List - Pumpa
Benderella - Kerwin Du Bois
Prescription - Ge Eve
Parade Day - Supa Mario
Water (Remix) - Adam O 
TOP 7 COUNTDOWN - Powered By The Soca Source
Top Songs Streamed on Apple Music from April 1-12 for the continent of Africa
7. A Little Wine - Patrice Roberts
6. No Hands - Nessa Preppy
5. Dutty Flex - Kes
4. Workout - Kes x Nailah Blackman
3. Wine On It - Shurwayne Winchester
2. Close To Me - Kes x Shenseea
1. We Ready (Champion Gyal) - Nailah Blackman x Shenseea
Pretty Dolly - Xtatik
Long Time - Edwin Yearwood
Have A Little Wine - Lil Rick
Gyal OverLoad - Super Jigga TC
GBM Movie - GBM Nutron
Enjoy Life - Shal Marshall
Push & Go Through - Marvay
D'Journey (Make It) - Devon Matthews x Ella Andall 
Days Of My Life - Edwin Yearwood
Ah Holdin On - Baron
Far From Finished - Voice
Happy Song - College Boy Jesse 
Happy Place (Ryan Sayeed's Euphoric Intro) - Lyrikal
Energy Killers - Kerwin Du Bois
Cyah Hear Yuh - Patrice Roberts
Vibes Team - Preedy
Money - Imran Nerdy
Wet Me Down - Sedale
Vaval - Wildxfire
A Little Jam - Problem Child
Balance Batty - WCK
This Feelin' Nice - Phase II Pan Groove
(1956) Jean and Dinah - Mighty Sparrow
Curry Tabanca - Mighty Trini
Roti & Dhalpouri - Sugar Aloes
Aye Aye Aye (Carnival Remix) Square One feat Alison Hinds
Body Water - Mini Priest
Coal Pot - Traffik
DNA - Mical Teja
Start De Jouvert  - Skinny Banton
Nuff Work (Welcome) - Keke
Wuking Crazy - Skinny Fabulous 
Open It - Lyrikal 
Single - Problem Child x Imani Ray
De Last Time - Miss Cali
In The Center (BD Did It) - GBM Nutron x Farmer Nappy
Who Ready - Nessa Preppy x Alison Hinds
All Eyes On You - Skinny Fabulous x Travis World x Dan Evens
Happy Papi - Machel Montano x Travis World x Dan Evens
Mind My Business - Patrice Roberts x Travis World x Dan Evens
Play D Mas (Saldenah Plate) - Shal Marshall
Bless - Moses Revolution feat Shyann Bailey
Soca People - Russ x Shal Marshall
Endless Vibration - Marge Blackman x Nailah Blackman
Soca Global - Erphaan Alves
Follow Dr. Jay @socaprince​ and @socatherapy
“Like” Dr. Jay on http://facebook.com/DrJayOnline
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amayawolfe · 4 years
Itsy Bitsy Spider (Chrollo x Fem.Reader)
A/N: fluff, spiders, angst, some harsh language
Word Count: 5262
Summary: Having been born in Meteor City, the majority of your life has been nothing but hardships. Looking back on it, you often wondered how you even made it to adulthood let alone become the treasured partner and wife of eight years to the head of the Phantom Troupe and mother to yours and Chrollo's son.
In the middle of prepping dinner, Chrollo and some of the troupe return from a successful mission. Your husband fills you in on the details as he and a couple of the members begin to help in the kitchen. The peace is suddenly shattered when your six year old comes running into the kitchen terrified, screaming, and claiming there is a monster in his room!
taglist: @to-move-on-means-to-grow @daisies-write
   The menu music to the DVD you were watching gently woke you from your unintentional nap. You blinked your eyes a few times to bring them into focus and stretched your curled up body along the large, overstuffed couch. This particular spot on the couch was often your place of rest unless your husband was home; in which case the couch was hardly ever used.
   Using the remote you turned off the tv and player then pushed yourself up into a sitting position. You snatched up your phone from it's place on the coffee table and checked the time. It was nearly early evening.
   "Guess I should start thinking about what to make for dinner," you said to yourself as you swipe through your phone to check for messages.
   Down in this underground hideout beneath Meteor City, phone signal alone was nearly impossible to receive. Thankfully, one of the family was able to figure out how to set up a computer that would broadcast Wi-Fi into the hideout from a line that went to the surface where a receiver was carefully hidden. This way, you could at least send and receive messages between the family and yourself.
   Your eyebrows rose and a smile touched your lips when you saw that you had a message from your husband, Chrollo.
Luci: Shopping run was successful, we should be home in the evening.
   You smirked a little at the cryptic message. The "shopping run" Chrollo was talking about was actually a heist during a gem and jewelry show. A heist in which you had helped plan out with your husband and three other family members.
   You glowered down at your phone when you realized the message had been sent a little over an hour ago while you were asleep.
   "I really need to get a louder phone," you muttered to yourself as you began to type a response.
You: I just woke up...
You: I haven't started dinner yet, is there anything you or the others would like?
   Phone still in hand you got to your feet and head in the direction of your son's room. As you walk through the hideout your sock covered foot falls are silent from a lifetime of practice. You pass a collection of pictures hanging along the walls. There are photos of you, Chrollo, your son, as well as the rest of the family doing random things a family would do.
 There were a couple from around the holidays and you and Chrollo are watching your son open gifts. Another was on Chrollo's birthday and two of the members had sandwiched his face between two pieces of vanilla cake with strawberry frosting. The look of shock and horror on Chrollo's face had been perfectly captured. While it was one of your favorite photos, he despised it. Chrollo's favorite picture on the wall was of you and him stretched out on the day bed in the library reading a book together while his head was resting on your nearly full term pregnant belly. You had to admit, it was a very cute picture.
   The home was enormous, consisting of s/n's room and his own bathroom, yours and Chrollo's large master bedroom with a large bathroom, a gourmet kitchen, library, study, massive living room, dining hall, training area along with a gym and a pool, a giant vault for looted treasures, multiple guests rooms with their own bathrooms, there was even a "war room" where missions and strategies were discussed.
   All the rooms in the place were lavishly decorated and furnished for maximal comfort. Any electronics and appliances were always top of line. Your husband always insisted on the best of the best for you and the family.
   Upon reaching your son's open door way you peeked in on him and found him laying on his belly on the floor reading a book aloud softly. He had his collection of stuffed animals surrounding him as though they were an audience listening to the story he was telling. A majority of them were a variety of teddy bears of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Ever since he saw a picture of a tiny teddy bear defending a sleeping child from a large monster he had taken a great liking to them.
   S/n's favorite teddy bear was one that Chrollo had asked Machi to make for him during a difficult time for s/n where he was greatly missing his father whenever he went on missions. It was of average size for a teddy bear and had medium brown fur. The button eyes were the same shade of grey blue as Chrollo's and it even had a dark long coat with white fur lining. But how Machi really outdid herself were the little details of a tiny book with a felt cover sewn to the teddy bears paw, the same mark on it's forehead as Chrollo's, and giving the bear little blue green glass bead earrings.
   Your son had been so happy to the point of joyous tears when his father gave him the bear made especially for him. He decided right there and then to name the bear "Sir Brollo." Upon s/n announcing this, you had to bite your tongue so hard it bled to keep yourself from laughing at the bright red look that came over your husband's face.    Sir Brollo had a front row seat sitting right beside s/n as he read. That bear rarely ever left your son's side.
   You rest your head against the door frame as you leaned against it and listened to your son read to his "friends." It saddened you knowing your son had no one to play with except for you and the family when ever they were home. But being the son of the head of the heavily feared and all powerful Phantom Troupe, precautions had to be taken.    There had been a few dangerously close calls of s/n being taken away to be used as revenge or leverage against the Phantom Troupe. Close calls that resulted in a sense of dread and anxiety that never fully went away. Even after Chrollo had gathered the nen techniques needed to build you, your son, and the family this safe place, the possible threat of invasion always weighed heavy in the back of your mind. And poor s/n was never allowed out of the hide out unless he had you or Chrollo and at least three other members of the family with him.
   These constant negative feelings that lingered in the air had taken a toll on your son causing him to become a very nervous and skittish child with a fear of nearly everything. You and the others hoped that, over time, he would be able to shake these fears and stand up to them.
   When your son finished the chapter he was on you lifted your head and gently called his name.    "s/n"
   The child jumped and looked up at you with wide blue grey eyes. His father's eyes. You could feel the sadness in your own eyes form at his frightened expression.
   "I'm sorry kiddo," you said softly and entered his room to kneel down close to him. "I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to let you know that your father and some of the family will be home soon."
   "Oh, okay, thank you mommy," s/n replied softly.
   "Is there something special you want for dinner tonight?" you asked.
   "Hmmm, not really. Just, no fish, please," your son wrinkled his nose, "I really don't like fish."
   You couldn't help but laugh aloud at his response. Stroking his soft hair you leaned forward, and kissed him on the forehead.
   "I know, baby, I know. I promise, no fish."
   s/n smiled at your  words and he began to kick his feet in the air just above him.    "Who else will be home?"    "I think your uncles Fei, Phinks, and Shal will be coming in with your dad."
   Right then your phone pinged and vibrated alerting you to a message response. Glancing down at it you saw Chrollo had responded to your previous question.
   "Oh," you said, "speak of the devil."
Luci: I have been asked to put in a request for your famous stew.
   You looked down at s/n, "How does stew sound for dinner?"
   His eyes grew wide and he smiled happily.
   "Yeah!" he cheered as he rolled to one side and pumped a tiny fist into the air. You couldn't help but laugh again and ruffled your son's hair.
   "Alright my silly boy, would you like to help me in the kitchen?"
   "No, I want to keep reading to Sir Brollo and the others," he answered honestly. "I want to finish a few more chapters before time to eat."
   "Okay, I'll come get you when it's time to eat then." You rose to your feet and started to leave the room. At the door way you turned and added, "I love you, sweetie."
   "I love you too, mommy," s/n beamed then returned to his book.
   As you made your way to the kitchen you messaged your husband a reply.
You: I can do that, I'll go ahead and get started. See you soon?
Luci: See you soon, princess.
   You felt the warmth of a blush touch your cheeks. A reaction that always occurred when Chrollo called you by his favorite pet name for you.
   When you entered the massive kitchen you set some upbeat classical music to play from your phone. You loved listening to music while you cooked and baked. You then brought down a large stock pot as well as collected a peeler, knife, mixing bowl, and cutting bored. From the fridge you set out a large chunk of beef, bacon, carrots, and celery. The pantry had the potatoes, flour, beef stock, onions, a bottle of red wine and garlic you needed.
   You really felt like you were getting into the grove as you gave your hands a good scrub. You diced up a few slices of bacon and tossed them into the stock put and turned the stove flame on to a medium high heat. While the bacon started to cook and release the greasy fat you were going to brown the beef cubes in, you cut the beef chunk into bite size pieces with impressive speed and accuracy. Chrollo wasn't the only one good with a knife.
   Once the meat was all cubed you tossed it into the mixing bowl along with some olive oil. Tossing the meat and oil in the bowl until the meat was evenly coated you then added flour, garlic powder, onion powder, season salt, and pepper; stirring it until it the meat was all evenly coated.
   Checking on the bacon and giving it a stir, you decided to let the bacon bits crisp a bit more and started working on dicing up a large yellow onion. Humming along with a playful piece of classical music known as "Thunder and Lightning polka" by Johann Strauss II, you really felt like you had a good rhythm going and was very much engrossed in your work.
   So much so you didn't even notice someone quietly enter the kitchen and walk up behind you. You didn't notice them watching while you worked, waiting for a pause in your actions before placing their hands on your waist.
   You let out a small yelp of surprise as you knocked the persons hands aside and spun around quickly, bringing the sharp edge of the kitchen knife up to your would be assailant's throat. You had expected to see the face of a dangerous stranger. But instead, you where greeted by the warm, familiar face of your husband. There was a small playful smile on his lips and an extra little gleam in his eyes. Chrollo normally wasn't one to sneak up on you like he just did, but he did tend to become mischievously playful after a successful mission. You figured it was most likely from the adrenaline high.
   "Damnit, Chrollo," you hissed as you removed the knife from his neck and leaned back against the counter, "You know better than that. What if I had cut your neck wide open?"    "Mmm, but you didn't," he replied softly.
   You sighed and rolled your eyes, Chrollo was never one to dwell on the "what ifs" of life.
   "I got you a little something, my dear," he stated as he reached into the pocket of his favorite long coat. Your husband was always bringing you little gifts when ever he went on a mission without you.
   From his pocket he with drew a small, dark navy blue velvet box and held it before you. You quickly washed and dried your hands so as to not to get the box all dirty, carefully took the box from his hand and let out a small gasp upon opening it.
   Inside the dainty box was a small rose charm necklace. The piece was masterfully crafted as the delicate petals of the rose were made from chips of rubies while the petals were made of dark green chrome tourmaline chips. Both gems were set in fine gold which also made up the delicate stem of the rose. The chain was made of fine delicate links also in gold.
    "Oh Chrollo," you breathed in awe, "it's absolutely gorgeous."
   Your husband smiled at your reaction, pleased to see you so happy with the piece he had picked out for you. He held up his hand to take back the box.
   "May I?"
   Without a need for question you handed the box back to him. You watched him take the necklace out of the box and he returned the box back to his pocket. You turned around as he held up the necklace and you moved your hair at the way so Chrollo could have unobstructed access to your neck. He stepped closer as undid the delicate little clasp and carefully hung the necklace around your neck.
   After he redid the clasp behind your neck he slid his hands to your shoulders and placed a soft, warm kiss on your neck. Chrollo's breath tickled the fine hairs on the delicate skin causing goosebumps to erupt down your arms.
   "A piece fit for a princess," he whispered against your ear in a low, sultry voice.
   His hands moved down your sides to your waist and pulled you closer to him. Your back flush against his chest, you tilted your head to one side allowing him easy access as his he ran a trail of soft kisses from just below where you neck and shoulder connect to your ear. Chrollo's arms came around your waist and he hugged you tightly as he nuzzled his nose against your ear and breathed against the sensitive flesh. You braced your hands against the counter as your knees started to feel weak.
   Mischievous and playful were not the only moods that overcame Chrollo after a successful job. You looked forward to the private activities that were most likely to take place between you and your husband behind the closed bedroom door later that night.
   "Hey boss, we finished placing all the merchandise into the vault," called a familiar voice, ending the tender moment between you and your husband. As romantic as he could be, Chrollo was never really comfortable showing physical affection in front of the others. Something that both amused and annoyed you the entire eight plus years the two of you had been together.    Your husband gave you one last chaste kiss just below the earlobe before turning to Shalnark walking through the kitchen doorway.
   "Thank you, Shalnark. And what are the others up to?"
   "Oh, they're arguing over what to watch until dinner is done," Shal laughed.
   "Why am I not surprised," you said over your shoulder as you started to scoop the crispy bacon bits out of the stock pot with a slotted spoon. "Say, since you two are here why don't you help me out with peeling and cutting the vegetables? The sooner everything gets into the pot the sooner it'll be done and we can eat."
   "Sure thing!" Shal beamed, causing you to smile. He always seemed so happy to you and reminded you of a little ball of sunshine.
   "I'll go put my coat up and then I'll come back and help," Chrollo replied and strode from the kitchen. Shalnark came over and washed his hands.
   "If you don't mind, could you go ahead and peel and chop up the carrots first?" you asked as you started to add the coated beef cubes to the bacon fat.
   "Yea, I can do that," Shal chirped. He dried his hands and set to work peeling the carrots. "How's everything been here the last few weeks?"
   "Dull and quiet," you said with a sigh as you turned the meat cubes, "it's pretty much the same routine when everyone else is away. Not that I am complaining, really."    "I would hope not," Chrollo entered back into the kitchen without his coat. He was wearing a dark sleeveless shirt with a high collar and some white bands creating a pattern down the front, a dark pair of jeans and white socks. The shirt showed off his toned arms, chest, and shoulders and it enticed you to take a nice, long looks at your beloved.
   "'Dull and quiet' means 'safe' for my two greatest treasures." Chrollo took his turn at washing his hands before asking, "Now, what shall you have me do, dearest?"
   Deciding against speaking aloud the first thing that came to your mind and causing your husband to blush in front of a family member, you set him to work on peeling and cutting potatoes.
   You had removed the meat from the stock pot and added some red whine to deglaze the bottom of the pot when Feitan came in mumbling.
   "Did you lose the coin toss, Feitan?" Shal asked while he was chopping the carrots.
   "Yes," he sighed, then added bitterly" and I would much rather help here than watch another sports game."
   Chrollo smirked and Shalnark chuckled while you bit back a laugh. The three of you knew that Feitan would have greatly prefered watch some documentaries on famous criminals; yet somehow Phinks normally won the coin toss on what they would watch when it came to what those two would watch.
   "Well, Fei, in that case you can get the dinner roll dough out of the fridge, space them out in a greased baking then cover them with a towel so they can start rising."
   You felt the look Feitan shot at you more so than saw it. He had obviously been kidding about wanting to help out on the kitchen. Or, at the very least, he was putting on a show pretending that he actually didn't want to help out when in truth he did.
   When you didn't look back over your shoulder at him after a bit he sighed and went to go do as you had asked. You had made sure to give Feitan an easy enough task where he didn't have to ask someone to help get something down or where he would have to get a chair. You knew he could sometimes be a sensitive and prideful when it came to matters of his height.
   "So tell me, love, how did the mis-" your question to your husband was suddenly interrupted by the terrified screams of your son coming from his bedroom.
   Your heart nearly stopped as you dropped what you were doing and started to turn to run out of the kitchen along with Chrollo and the other two.
   Chrollo was the first to the door but came to an abrupt stop as s/n came around the corner and ran into his father. Your husband grabbed hold of him to keep him from falling backwards then maneuvered your son away from the door towards you so Feitan and Shalnark could pass to go investigate s/n's room.
   Keeping himself between the doorway and you and your son, Chrollo knelt down beside s/n who was now clinging to you and shaking with tears forming in his eyes. He placed a gentle hand on his son's upper back while you stroked his head.
   "Tell me what happened, son," he calmly ordered.
   "I was r-reading my book and a big monster c-came out of the corner of m-my room." s/n stammered.
   "What kind of monster, sweetie?" you asked.
   "We couldn't find anything, boss," Shalnark reported as he and Feitan returned.
   "It looked like a b-big spider!" s/n added.
   Chrollo's eyebrows started to creep up his forehead, "Spider?"
   Your son nodded.
   "PHINKS!" you nearly roared. Phinks had been known to play pranks on s/n in the past. Pranks that didn't go as he had planned and usually scared the poor kid senseless. The Troupe member claimed he was just trying to help s/n get over his fears, you usually ended up beating the crap out of him regardless.
   "It wasn't me!" came Phinks's response as he quickly joined Shalnark and Feitan. "I swear!"
   He shied away and stood behind the other two when you locked a deadly glare onto him.
   "No, mommy, it wasn't Uncle Phinks," s/n sniffled, "I was reading in my book and it got to a part with monster spiders then a huge spider appeared in my room!"
   There was a silent pause before nearly all the adults let out a collective sigh and their guards dropped.
   "See, I told you it wasn't me," Phinks muttered as he went back to watch the game.
   "Another false alarm," Feitan sighed while walking back into the kitchen.    "That's some imagination," Shalnark stated and gave s/n a pat head, "you must have thought the spider was one of those creature right out of your book, huh?"
   S/n nodded his head. His face was starting to turn red as he began to realize he had most likely been afraid of nothing once again.
   "But," he whispered sadly, "there really was a big spider in my room. And, I'm afraid it's going to hurt Sir Brollo."
   "Sir Brollo will be fine, love," you assured gently. "Give me a minute and daddy and I will come help look for the spider, okay?"
   s/n nodded and released his grip from you to stand a little closer to his father who rested a hand atop his sons head in means of comfort.
   You went to the stove, reduced it to medium low heat, added in the beef stock and spices then turned to Feitan and Shalnark.
   "Could you two please finish cutting up the vegetables and add them to the pot? Once that's done add in the meat last, give it a good stir then put the lid on. It should be good on it's own after that."
   "Can do, boss lady," Shalnark beamed.
   You thank them both and join your son and husband and the three of you head towards s/n's room with Chrollo in the lead. Upon entering the room everything seemed normal. S/n held onto you at the doorway and Chrollo walked a few steps further in while looking around carefully.  As he rounded the end of s/n's bed, looking down at a part of the floor you and s/n couldn't see, Chrollo actually jumped a little and a look of surprise appeared on his face.
   "Well, I was not expecting that." He blinked a couple times then began to look around the room for something.
   "What is it?" you asked. Chrollo smiled a little as he took a large clear plastic container and dumped out the contents to one side. He then went back over to the part of the floor you could not see, turned the container sideways and slowly knelt down.
   "An understandably good reason for our son to be scared," he replied softly, "at least at first."
   All you could see your husband do was make some slow, careful arm movements. He was speaking softly, to softly for you to here. You wanted to move forward to see what he was messing with but your son didn't want you to leave nor did he want to go farther into the room.
   You didn't have to wait long though, as Chrollo began to stand you could now see what he had corralled into the plastic container. It was indeed a spider, but not just any spider, this sider was enormous. With it's legs fanned out it was easily larger than your husbands face.
   "It's a snowy tarantula," Chrollo explained as he slowly walked over to the two of you, "it's sort of an ironic name considering it usually lives in hot, arid climates like the desserts around Meteor City."
   Once he was within a couple meters of you and s/n he knelt down and gently set the container on the floor. The creature inside barely moved as it seemed to turn and look up at Chrollo.
   "It's called a 'snowy' tarantula due to the white hairs all over it's body. The hairs actually shimmer and reflect the light just like fresh fallen snow. An evolutionary trait that developed to help reflect the dessert heat away from it's body and keep it cooler. A magnificent specimen to behold when the light hits it just right. Come see, s/n. She's actually quite docile."
   S/n looked up at you and you gave him a warm smile and a nod. He slowly let go of you and took one slow, cautious step after another towards his father and the spider that had frightened him so. You carefully followed behind your son wanting to get a look at the tarantula as well.
   As the two of you came closer, the tarantula daintily turned and looked up at you. You gasped slightly at the beautiful deep blue eyes that now stared up at you.
   "Now watch," your husband instructed and he began to carefully rotate the container in a circular side to side motion causing the light to dance across the hairs of the tarantula.
   "Whhoooaaaa." Your son's eyes grew wide in awe as a rainbow of prismed light moved over the hairs of the tarantula, giving her the effect of a living gem. "She's so pretty. I've never seen anything like it, daddy."
   Chrollo stopped the rotation of the container and carefully set it on the floor. He then reached over, placed his hand on the back of his son's head and gently pulled s/n's head towards his own as he too began to lean forward. The two touched foreheads over the tarantula and looked into each others eyes.
   "There is no shame in having fear, s/n, but do not let that fear keep you from learning and understanding the unknown. What once was scary and ugly could turn out to be something wonderful and beautiful once you find the courage to face it. Do you understand?"
   Your son smiled and nodded slightly, "Yes, daddy, I understand. I'll try harder to be brave, just like you, mommy, and the rest of the family."
   Your husband returned the smiled and closed his eyes, "Very good, my son."
   S/n closed his eyes as well and the two shared an unspoken bonding moment over the snowy tarantula who just looked up at them. You smiled down at the two you held most dear and felt your heart swell with love and emotion.  
   Your son was the first to break the silence.
   "Do you think we could keep her?" he asked as he gently pulled away from his father. "She could be our mascot!"
   "Ah-ha, I don't think so, sweetie," you said firmly. "I'm sure she would be a lot happier on the surface where she has room to find food and make a home."    "Awwww," s/o whined in disappointment, "when is she going back then?"
   "Probably the sooner the better." Chrollo added, backing you up before s/n had a chance to ask him as well.
   "Can I show her to the others before she goes back outside?"
   Chrollo chuckled, "I don't see why not. Just be sure to carry her gently and don't shake her. You don't want to hurt her before we let her back outside."
   "Okay!" s/n said with excitement. He carefully picked up the plastic container and walked with precise hurried steps out of the room, eager to show his uncles that he hadn't been afraid of just nothing.
   As soon as s/n was out of ear shot you turned to your husband who was now standing beside you.
   "I'm not going to lie, had that thing snuck up on me while I was reading I probably would have screamed, too," you admitted with light laughter sounding in your words. Chrollo smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist bringing the two of you close.
   "How did something like that even get in here? The airducts, maybe?"
   "It's possible," Chrollo agreed, "I'll ask Shalnark to run a check on the ventilation system just in case."
   You stood on your tip toes and kissed his nose, "I'd appreciate that. Also, you might want to ask Shal and Fei how the hell they missed such a big spider when they came in here to check for intruders."  
   "When s/n jumped up and ran out of here screaming it probably startled her and she hid among all the stuffed toys," your husband made a gesture with his head to your son's mass collection. You looked down and realized that, even though the spider had been huge, she could have easily hid between some of the bigger plushies blocking her from view.
   "Good point," you chuckled, "Okay, one more question, 'Who's taking the spider top side?'"
   "Once s/n is done showing the others I'll take them all top side to let her go," your husband volunteered, "we won't go far just to release her."
   "He's getting better at recovering from scares like this," you observed. "But still... I worry about him..."
   "Of course you worry about him," Chrollo said softly, bringing his head down to now touch his marked forehead to yours, "you're his mother. I suspect you will worry for him one way or another for the rest of your life."
   "And what about you? Don't you worry about our son?" you asked in the same softness Chrollo was expressing.
   "Of course I do, y/n, he's my son. But, seeing how the two of us are, and what we survived to get here, I feel s/n is going to -"    "AAAHHHH!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" Phinks screamed, "WAS THAT IN YOUR ROOM!?!?! NO!! I DO NOT WANT A CLOSER LOOK!"
   Chrollo threw back his head and let out a genuine laugh. A laugh that made you smile and laugh along with him.
   "Hey! I can hear you two! Shut the hell up!" Phinks yelled, his voice cracking in embarrassment.
   His words made the two of you laugh even harder for several minutes.
   By the time you two had settled down and caught your breath there were tears in your eyes from laughing so hard. Chrollo looked down at you with a smile still on his face and gave you a long, warm, soft kiss right on the lips. It gave the moment an almost surreal feel to it.
   He was the first to break away from the kiss. Your husband chuckled as he swept some hair behind you ear with his finger tips.    "As I was saying, I think our son is going to be just fine."
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