#kurta shal
Hunter x Hunter: Shalnark kurta theory part 2 i think
so as far as kurta attire goes we have some dubiously canon examples from the phantom rogue movie/volume 0 of hxh and of course kurapika himself.
and my questions are: are the robes shalnark wears actually kurtan and if so, what do the symbols mean?
here's a wide shot we get
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and here's a close up of a handful.
i am absolutely perplexed as to what each robe means.
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there are a couple of repeating patterns on each style of robe. the swirlies seem to be the most prominant and at first i thought it was significant of lineage. like the swirlies (circled in red) are one family and then the circle patterns (circled in blue) are another family and the multicolored stripes (circled in yellow) are another etc etc.
but the ones with the pointy symbols (green arrows) caught my eye because those are the same types of symbols kurapika's yorknew fit had. so for that at least i believe are kurtan battle robes.
so by that logic i can imagine that the rest of the patterns correlate with different roles in the tribe, with families usually occupying the same role so therefore wearing similar patterns on their clothes.
as for the style of clothing. i think that's entirely arbitrary. there is zero correlation to who wears what style no matter how i tried to slice it.
but for shalnark's style specifically.
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this is a fit we see him rock in one of the promotional posters for the phantom rogue. so it is just as dubiously canon as the rest of the kurtan attire.
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of the wide shot, i can pick out 3 that have a similar style.
so phantom rouge shal definitely fits the kurtan style with the exception of the pattern. what does the pattern actually mean? who the fuck knows but i have a theory.
so the kurtan shalnark theory gets fucking wild. because consider this: after the clan is massacred, shalnark believes he is the only one left. and he is proud of that fact because now he lives on as the legacy that the kurta clan would willingly push their own away. and as a child, he was given kurtan exile robes, marked with those two white stripes no matter what combination of colors were used for the rest of the tunic.
like he is still very kurtan: stubborn in his beliefs, holds grudges like no one's business and fiercely loyal. But applied differently.
This petty mf, either during or after the massacre, finds a stash of these exile robes and saves them for when he grows into them. he burns the rest. he's an exile and he's proud of it because that is what they did to him and probably several other mixed blood kurtans sent to die.
he was lucky, meteor city turned out to be a loving place where he found friends and made a new family.
the kurta abandoned him. so their legacy will die with him, the last exiled kurtan.
also in his current fit (the purple and green one) he just grew too damn tall XD. the fit was too short and only goes down to his thighs where it was supposed to go to his knees but shh its fine.
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masakuterarr · 9 days
Get yourself someone who looks at you like Shalnark looks at Uvogin
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Can you believe it? I am finishing an artwork for once, wow Yes I can actually do more than just stupid doodles :D
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yeonban · 3 months
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Send me ✔ and I’ll bold what my muse would do with/for yours.
@skarletchains asked: ✔ Shalnark (I just came to be a bother lol)
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hold the door for them | help them carry something | let them borrow something | let them use their phone | smile at them when passing in the streets | shake hands with them | flirt with them in a bar | share a taxi with them | give them a ride home | lend them money | sit next to them on public transportation | offer them some food | help them find something they lost
let them stay the night | listen to them complain at 4 am | help them get over a break up | go out shopping with them | pet sit for them | help them move houses | help them find a lost pet | go on vacation with them | stay up all night with them | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | take their side in a break up | talk about their future plans | be maid of honour/best man/etc. at their wedding | share food with them
let them stay after sex | gentle sex | rough sex | experiment | handcuffs | bdsm | whips | orgasm denial | aftercare | cuddles after sex | tea/coffee/etc. after sex | gentle kisses | rough kisses | passionate kisses | sloppy kisses | lazy kisses | hang out without sex | hide their relationship | cheat on them | cheat on someone else with them | dirty talk | loving talk | gentle touches | rough touches | nervous/shy touches | say “I love you”
take them on expensive dates | pay for dates | make them pay for dates | go to the movies | put out on the first date | get an arranged marriage | stay at home most nights | cuddle in front of the tv | propose first | drop hints until they propose | give a big/expensive/elaborate proposal | have a quiet proposal | say yes to a proposal from them | have a big wedding | have a small wedding | elope | get married in Vegas | go on an expensive honeymoon | go on a cheap honeymoon | have kids | get a pet | move in together | laugh during kisses | laugh during sex | tickle fights | fight over who’s cuter | make them sleep on the couch after fights | make up sex | angry sex | no sex | let their parents stay over | let their family visit often | tell them “I love you” every day
fight | hug | laugh at them when they get hurt | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | tell them they’re annoying at least once a day | share food with them | help them move houses | walk them down the isle | try to sell them online | set up an online dating account for them (to flood Kurapika's phone with useless messages that'll get in the way of him receiving important info) | set them up on blind dates | try to set them up with your friends | listen to their problems | help them cook | cook them food | make them watch shows they don’t like with them | tell them they’re an idiot/loser/dork/nerd affectionately
fight them | take petty revenge | kill them | try to smother them in their sleep | hire an assassin | work harder to beat them at something | follow their social media just to get mad about it | make passive aggressive remarks towards them | spread rumours about them | laugh at them when they get hurt | take pleasure from them being upset | ruin their life
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quwr0fwrlccywrlfh · 2 years
HxH Ch 395: Founding, Pt 1
My thoughts on some of the newest hxh chapters, bc I’m losing my mind and need a place to just spew out every rambly little thought going through my head.
Spoilers ahead ofc
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We’re staring at the beginning of the Meteor City flashback, bc tbh I’m not even caught up on the current arc yet, but everything pales in comparison to the momentousness of the PHANTOM TROUPE’S BACKSTORY. These sprawling panels alone already had me so emotional. This is a story decades years in the making: 20+ years ago, there was the *briefest* of scenes in the Yorknew arc of bb Chrollo playing catch with a VHS tape (it got like 1 panel in the manga and less than 10 seconds in the 2011 anime—even less in 1999). It’s one of my absolute favorite scenes in the series, and I even designed a big heckin enamel pin of little chrollo with the tape, but I was resigned to the likelihood that it would remain just that: a cryptic, wisp of a scene that would never be fully fleshed out or explained.
And tbh? I was totally fine with that. One of my favorite things about Chrollo and the troupe was how little we knew about them, how their characters and motives were presented by indirect information and impressions. The air of mystery made them more intriguing.
So when I saw this tape again, I had mixed feelings—I was excited beyond belief to get more spider content—and not only that, but have my pet favorite cryptic hxh scene CONTEXTUALIZED—but I was also a little apprehensive. I was worried I’d be let down by knowing the truth, that the spiders’ backstory would be hoaky. (Specifically, I was worried that their eventual genocide of the Kurta clan would attempt to be justified in some way—because, well, um, no.)
But wow was I wrong.
So that’s what this whole rambly, off-the-rails post is about: how wrong I was to worry that the spiders would LOSE their interest and appeal by getting a backstory. Bc they have only gained it, and once again, togashi is fuckign brilliant.
Also Meteor City is beautiful. Like yeah it’s a junkyard, but the vast expanse conveyed in this opening panel is breathtaking, and ever since first hearing of its existence in hxh Ive been fascinated by the concept of a wasteland city—it’s just so dystopian and unique—and now we finally get to SEE IT.
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Was definitely reading through tears when I saw these three—the BABIES. We now know the two other kids Chrollo was playing catch with way back in the Yorknew flashback was Franklin & Shalnark. It surprised me a bit at first, bc I never considered the possibility that practically the WHOLE troupe were childhood friends (I suspected a few of them were, but not the whole group)—but thinking about it more, it makes sense that these three were close right off the bat. Chrollo, Franklin, and Shal. They’re the cerebral & logic-driven spiders. The brainiacs, the nerds—and the weebs (Franklin: I hope it’s anime!). These panels already establish that hunting for tapes is their thing, even at risk of trespassing on another kid-gang’s territory.
Side notes: 1) shal’s little gap tooth smile!!! 2) they’re wary of Machi in particular--as they should be
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Here’s their rival kid-gang: Uvo & Machi (bb Machi!!! ;_;) Again, after a little thought, it made sense to me that those two were a team as well—they’re both instinct-driven and reliant on brute force and physical strength (Machi just happens to double as a healer). And what a cute little duo they make too: little Machi providing Uvo with ammo :’) The way Uvo calls it his “kingdom” is interesting as well, but more on that later.
Side note: Chrollo’s soft little “Ah! So soon?”
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Shal the smartass is rewarded with PAIN haha. Something that I LOVE about these chapters is how the troupe’s child selves are portrayed so consistently with their adult characters—it may seem obvious, but writing a consistent character is HARD, especially when their story spans 20+ years of real time and undergo massive amounts of life-altering development. Also, it’s cool to see that despite abandoning themselves to become hardened criminals, parts of the spiders’ personalities remain unchanged. For Shal specifically, bc we already knew he was a little psycho, so it makes perfect sense becoming a mass murderer didn’t do much to change who he is at the core: a smartass.
It also provides a neat little contrast to Chrollo, who DID change quite a bit—but we’ll get to that.
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SHAL IS STILL ROLLING XD Uvo’s “9 deaths left!” conveying that despite Shal’s snide comeback, he knows very much what he said—and meant it. He’s more than just your average meathead: he’s straightforward rather than simple, and he makes his own definitions.
Chrollo, Franklin, and Shal are clearly at odds with those definitions here—hence the conflict. Where Uvo sees his personal kingdom, the brainiacs see public property. This conflict might seem tense at first, but we soon see that it’s not:
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They’re grinning, clearly having some fun with this. It’s implied that this isn’t their first run-in, and it’s a repeated game for them. How else do kids stay occupied in a landfill?
It’s notable that Franklin steps forward to confront Uvo, since it implies leadership (to be fair, he’s also big, unlike Chrollo, and fully functional, unlike Shal). Franklin also delivers their scavenger group’s worldview: the harsh reality that they live in a junkyard full of discarded trash, and everyone has an equal right to it. During the conflict, Shal has only snarked, and Chrollo has only made quiet side comments—more to himself than anyone—but Franklin confronts their “enemy” directly and speaks for the group.
Uvo responds in the most Uvo way possible, and it’s a really touching line, honestly: “Only dumbasses let their surroundings define them! I’m wherever the hell I say I am!” His pride shines just as brightly as a kid as it does when he’s an adult, and it goes on to shape the whole troupe’s philosophy too: the underlying sense of pride they have at not letting their circumstances define them, and refusing to let the world silence them.
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Touching philosophy and fun games aside though, they still beat each other up haha.
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Enter: our third little gang! It was no surprise that Phinks and Feitan were a team, because they’ve remained close even as adults in the troupe, but what WAS a charming surprise is them bullying Chrollo. I had a pet theory that some of the troupe members used to bully him as kids—bc well, he’s a little nerd—and it was so gratifying to have it confirmed.
Notable that Phinks does all the talking—it’s consistent with the idea that Feitan may have been a newer resident of Meteor City at this point, and was still not confident enough to speak in the local language. It’s also so cute to think of Phinks stumbling upon a scared, shy little new kid and deciding to adopt him :3
Side notes: 1) the deliciously detailed shots of the junkyard meteor city rubble 2) phinks and feitan’s hairrrrrrrrr 3) phinks’s FACE 4) Chrollo being the cutest lil guy once again
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The sneaky little thiiiiief ahhh. Well, not a thief yet really, since Meteor City trash IS communal property, but I love how he pulled one over on Phinks. It reaffirms 1) how much of a lovable, gullible dumbass our resident tracksuited himbo was and is 2) how crafty Chrollo was even as a kid. Also love how Chrollo doesn’t say a word the whole time—he seems pretty reserved overall, saying very little, and when he does speak it’s often side comments to himself without any intended listener, more just a way to help him reason through a situation. For all the changes that happen to the poor little guy later, that’s consistent with his adult self haha.
Also going back to phinks’s “we’re not like that meanie Uvo”: it hints at an aversion to physical conflict when he can avoid it. The bike speaks to this as well: he’d rather zoom away from a problem, which is totally fine, especially when so many ‘problems’ in Meteor City are far too big for two kids to take on alone, and escape is a much wiser option. Feitan, however, is cruising for a bruising—just look at that bat.
Side note: another really pretty strip of sheer Meteor City setting detail ahhhh. It’s clear now that a lot of the residents live in hamlets or shacks, which is definitely what I pictured and makes sense.
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CHURCH BOY CHROLLO CONFIRMED!! It was so obvious I couldn’t believe it at first, but wow, there it is. A nice twist is the hodgepodge architecture of the building: it’s not just a traditional Catholic cathedral. It fits with how despite the endless jesus parallels and the louder elements of adult Chrollo’s character design (inverted cross, forehead tattoo), his shtick is more than just christian. His character has elements of Buddhism, Judaism, fatalism, etc. He’s a sampler of religion and schools of thought, not necessary an adherent to any particular one, in part because he grew up in a multifaith setting.
Philosophical and religious musings aside, this scene is so quietly touching and sad. Chrollo still has his little tape, but he’s got a basket of flowers as well, implying that he stopped to pick them before heading over to check the tape, and further implying that the flowers are even MORE important to him than the tape he and his friends risked bodily harm to collect. Looking closer we see why: the center lower panel is filled with little crosses. Graves. He laid flowers on gravestones.
It immediately brought Melody’s words about him in Yorknew to mind: “He walks with death every day of his life.”
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This scene established that Chrollo is indeed a frequent visitor of the church. It’s his sanctuary: a place for him to go and study. The church itself seems surprisingly nice and well-kept too: the only finished building we’ve seen in Meteor City so far, which implies it’s supported financially in some way, and is a priority in the community. They may not have houses, but they have a nice church. The how’s and why’s of this aren’t specified yet, but it makes me very curious about the structure of the city’s society.
Speaking of society: the priest sheds light on the graves outside: they’re children’s graves. Specifically, children who have been abducted. So the graves are meant to acknowledge the missing rather than the confirmed dead, which is almost worse. It’s also the first little hint of what we’ve all been looking for in this flashback: the probable reason behind the troupe’s anger and despair.
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The sheer weight of the information contained in these panels, wow.
Before getting into it though: we can see Chrollo’s flowers by all of the graves, and they’re nice big pretty flowers too. Zinnias, dahlias, maybe roses. He took time out of his very urgent tape mission to gather and leave those flowers. It’s heartbreaking.
Para 1: info we knew already. Meteor City residents are all unpersons, so the system doesn’t care what happens to them.
Para 2: more info we knew—MC struck a deal with the mob in exchange for protection—but then a new gut-wrenching detail that makes sense but makes it so much worse: the vast majority of the victims were kids.
Para 3: very fitting, since we already knew chrollo took one of his strongest known abilities, Sun and Moon, from a MC elder, and interesting that we now know that multiple such elders had similar powers.
Law of Retribution motto: the same as the note the spiders left behind at the Kurta massacre. There’s so much to say about it but I think I’ll save it for later, since this is meant to be a light little jaunt of note-taking lmao
Para 4: the wording confuses me a little—does it mean the troupe were literal babies when this system first started, meaning it had already been in place for a few years by the time they reached the ages they are in this chapter? Or is it more figurative timeline-wise: meaning it was still in development, and that’s why so many kids are still going missing. Togashi is occasionally very hyper-specific when it comes to timing, but most of the time he’s pretty fast and loose, so I’m guessing it’s the latter, the law of retribution is still in development--or it’s proving to not be very effective.
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It was a shock and also no shock at all that Chrollo and Pakunoda seemed to have a close friendship and aren’t surprised to run into each other at the church. Needless to say I think it’s the highlight of this chapter for me, not least of which because we already know full well how this story ends, and the flashback only makes it hurt that much more.
I’ve also seen this panel of Chrollo circulating around with the caption ‘He used to be so happy’--and yeah, yeah he was. This whole chapter is shaping up to deliver the resounding point that Chrollo used to be a bright, happy, normal (?) kid. I’ve also heard him described as having a mix of Gon’s boundless enthusiasm and Kurapika’s insatiable curiosity and intellect, and I think that really fits.
Side notes: 1) Chrollo’s “Yo!”, I cry ;_; 2) Paku’s HAIRCUT. Stranger Things inspired, perhaps? A nod to how both she and Eleven have psychic, memory-reading powers? Either way, the look is fire.
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They’re so cute I am in pain ;_;
Tiny Chrollo’s little meltdowns :’))) Once again showing how EMOTIVE he was as a kid, versus the cool and collected facade he keeps up as head of the spider. As a kid he had no qualms about letting his feelings show, which is extra endearing as a boy, who are often socialized from young ages to bury their emotions (but hey, maybe Meteor City is different).
“You read us like a book, Paku!” - clearly a nod to what Paku later develops as her hatsu: psychometry. Reading memories, and therefore people.
THE LITTLE GLANCE PAKU GIVES HIM. It’s everything to me tbh. I remember when my friend first started sending me leaks of this chapter, these tiny side panels were some of the first I saw. To me it confirms what I’d already suspected: Paku had deeper feelings for Chrollo. Whether she kept up the same childhood crush is up for debate, but either way, she cared about him a lot, and I’m connecting the dots that it’s why she was unable to sacrifice him for the sake of the spider in Yorknew.
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Paku’s shock at Chrollo being fluent in at least two foreign languages, paired with Rizol listening on thoughtfully, followed by a cut to what looks like some kind of MC council meeting. Chrollo is a prodigy, no doubt about it, and he’s getting noticed. What makes me pause is how they’re already pinning the hopes of an entire city on a child--it certainly adds to long list of christ figure elements of Chrollo’s character, but it’s like... are things really so desperate... that you’re going to burden a kid with this responsibility? Perhaps. Perhaps they’re looking more to the future, once Chrollo is allowed to grow up a little and rise to the role on his own, but either way, it’s clear the point of this scene is to cement Chrollo as his community’s genius golden boy, much like a certain Kurta.
We get more angles of the fascinating architecture of the church, as well as an interior that seems to be the council room. Chrollo’s penchant for burning candles on his pedestal? It was born here.
The fancy outfits of Rizol and the council member shed more light on Meteor City as well: it shows it has a distinct culture, which makes perfect sense and seems obvious in retrospect, but it’s yet another thing I didn’t really consciously think about when I used to imagine Meteor City. I didn’t picture it this organized. What bothers me though is how the priests and council members get nice, fancy outfits but the kids are running around with rags their feet instead of shoes.
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THE MYSTERY OF THE TAPE IS FINALLY SOLVED. I can’t quite describe the noise I made when I saw this for the first time, but it was definitely very loud and very exuberant. As a 90s kid, I was RAISED on the Power Rangers, and that’s clearly what the Clean-Up Rangers are parodying. What a fitting parody for a city fully of scrunkly street urchins too haha: the theme of cleanliness. (For the troupe in particular it has even greater thematic weight, but we can save that for later). But once again: I cannot believe the mysterious VHS tape people have been theorizing about for 20+ years turned out to be episodes of the Power Rangers. It’s better than anything I could have ever come up with.
Chrollo mentions “yesterday,” which means they left and came back at some point, and further cements that they hang out in the church together pretty regularly. It also implies that Chrollo was right in that no one ever guesses where he goes--at least not Phinks or Uvo--and he can keep it secret for at least a day longer.
Paku’s enthusiasm for getting everyone together to watch it is so heartwarming too--it speaks to a sense of community that looks past silly turf wars (depending on who she means by “everyone,” haha).
Lastly, Chrollo’s got a plan. His first of many:
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Paku and Chrollo’s interactions here are so quintessential “KID” it destroyed me :’))). First, Paku calling Chrollo ‘Li’l bro,’ - which you’d think might cancel out the romantic crush theory, but my read is it’s more along the lines of kids not fully grasping the nuances of different types of relationships yet--that or she’s in denial, which is also likely xD
Then Chrollo getting absolutely MIFFED about being called younger, when he is actually OLDER than Paku, thank you very much!! *huffy face emoji* It’s exactly what a kid would do, and once again it breaks my heart to see him be this cute and innocent and know what he becomes :’)
Paku’s “You don’t look it!” calling to mind all the other times in hxh when people have commented on Chrollo’s age vs appearance: such as Neon (a literal teenager lmao) being surprised that he was in his late 20s, and the mafia men who found Chrollo’s “body” being shocked that their forces were decimated by a “kid.” Chrollo is and always has been: baby.
They’re so adorable I just wanna dunk them in my coffee.
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I think it’s precious that these two babies find it very important that the three female characters in the Clean-Up Rangers get three distinct voices--because yeah, yeah it is important, good job kids (I just wanna pat their little heads ;_;) And not only that--once again we see Paku surmising Chrollo’s thoughts/actions without him needing to say anything, which attests both to her future nen abilities and to just how closely she pays attention to him.
100% became a core memory for this girl, and Chrollo has *zero* clue what the big deal is. It could just be childish innocence, but it could also be that Chrollo’s model for attraction doesn’t allow him to see the significance of telling a girl he loves her (*cough* ace *cough*). Because on the other hand - it shouldn’t  be any more significant than for two kids of the same gender, but since we live in a world still heavily influenced by the gender binary and heteronormativity... *sigh.*
(I can just picture adult paku thinking about this sometimes though... “when we were kids he told me he loved me...” no wonder she couldn’t let him die).
Chrollo insisting on his sincerity is so endlessly precious too--because he DOES mean it, just not in the way that Paku might be hoping for. If there’s any major, overarching takeaway from these chapters it’s that Chrollo loves his friends very, very deeply.
Side note: Chrollo surprised pikachu face.
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Enter: two more Chrollo friends! I love that his closest friends all seem to be girls :’) Their introduction comes with mixed emotions though, because we’ve seen Sheila before, in Kurapika’s backtory--and that’s a big shock--but we have not seen Sarasa anywhere, so... where did she go? Could she possibly be one of the unaccounted spiders: the original # 4 or # 8? Or could something else have happened to her?
Moving on past that thoughhhh - it’s neat how they have such vibrant personalities that we get a read on them right away: Sarasa is the spunky go-getter who loves trying new things, and Sheila is quietly curious, happy reading her favorite book over and over (”Your sound arguments won’t change my mind.” - I’m DED) Also love the detail that Sheila’s a bit of a klutz: she trips and falls over mid-book, and there was already a bandage on her leg before that.
Other great details: Their little nerd hideaway is called the “All Faiths Church,” confirming what was already implied with the mixed architecture. Just like Meteor City itself, the church is a bit of a hodgepodge.
“Don’t let Uvo and the guys find out!” - there’s a gender divide here, and it’s interesting how the line is drawn with Machi on the side of the “guys” and Chrollo on the side of the “girls.” (kindling for my own little theory that they’re both trans/non-binary and are most comfortable hanging out with a gender different than what they were assigned at birth).
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Chrollo being a little genius once again--verging on the unrealistic, because even if it took Paku a couple hours to find their friends, it’s a tall order for even an expert translator to write up an entire script. But it sure makes a point that this kid is SMART, and on top of it, he doesn’t seem to let the praise get to his head, breezing right past Paku’s shock--which is so so so precious. Modest little guy :3
“Huh? So you’re playing everyone else?” - the significance of this didn’t hit me at first, because I was too busy being distracted by all the CUTE, but this is clearly foreshadowing to Chrollo’s struggle with identity. Right now he’s just being an ambitious little actor (and a bit of a hog - the excuse not to let *anyone* else in seemed a little flimsy to me), but in retrospect it’s easy to make the connection: so good at playing other people that he forgets who HE is.
“No way was he born here.” - I have so many thoughts about Sheila’s comment. Might Chrollo have come from somewhere other than Meteor City initially? Or is she just referring to how gifted and charismatic he seems, how it’s hard to believe a kid like that could’ve come from a junkyard? It almost makes me wonder if she suspected there was something off about him, even while they were all still just sweet, innocent kids. I also think it’s an ironic statement, considering how Chrollo grows up to become the embodiment of Meteor City: taking everything, but having no identity of his own.
Side note: Sarasa and Chrollo dancing around all excited. The cutest.
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The cuteness sure gets dampened abruptly, though. Here we are: the last page of 395, and a very ominous hint once again at what might be the cause of the troupe’s rage and despair.
It’s redeemed a bit by the image of Chrollo and friends working on their dub though. Once again, never in a million years did I expect my beloved mystery VHS tape to be... Power Rangers haha. And never in a BILLION years did I expect it would lead to Chrollo forming his own dubbing company.
Final takeaways from this chapter: 1) the founding members of the troupe have ALL known each other since childhood (yeah nobu’s not here quite yet but I’m sure he’s... somewhere), and not only that, a lot of them were close friends 2) many of them seem to have retained a lot of their childhood personalities, with the notable exception of Chrollo and Paku, who are MUCH more full of life as kids than they’re ever shown as adults 3) Baby Chrollo in particular seems very different, in all the best of ways, and it makes me so incredibly sad. He lays flowers on graves, speaks at least two foreign languages and gets excited about the Power Rangers. Whatever happened to that sweet little kid? Or is he still there, somewhere?
Guess we’ll have to read the rest of the flashback.
Until next time!
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halt-kun · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 395 - Formation (1)
Well I didn’t get spoil but I saw people talking about the chapter and tried to avoid them like the pest. So let’s gooooo, it’s the first chapter of several one 
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Camcat proved useful. Well they were already aware of teleportation shenanigans but now they can analyze patterns and try and select areas to investigate
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Definitely not a secret passage 
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So they’ll track Billé and the enhancer that attacked Hinrigh ? 
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They are going to just go through it and kill everything in sight right ?
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Are you pretending to have prostitutes in there ????? Or is that the wrong door
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Well they’re smart but if it’s Bocconte’s door ability, it’s probably just the door that’s a trigger
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Nobunaga can’t swim for several weeks noted (we never know with HxH world)
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Best panel ever !
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even BETTER 
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NOTHING ?!? A fake lead ? 
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Because some are a bit smarter
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Nice little bit of characterization there
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FLASHBACK TIME in meteor city
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OH MY GOD BABY FRANKLIN, SHAL AND CHROLLO ! ! ! ! Yep Machi will beat you up even worse than Chrollo. I miss Shal, please don’t bring Paku, I’ll cry
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Machi best lil gremlin ! ! ! ! !
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GREMLIN FIGHT ! ! !! ! ! Uvo was already a good thrower
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We are missing Paku, Fei, Phinks and Nobu ? 
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MORE GREMLINS ! ! ! ! Fei looks amazing
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HaHa nice trick !
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Wait why is there a big synagoguechurchmosquetemple from all religions. It looks rich
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Fuck people 
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Is that how you learnt nen ? From the elders
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PAKUUUUUUU ! only Nobu left, she’s soooo cute
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Academics, good, Paku continues on being the best spider
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CUUUUUTE super sentai 
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Yeah paku, best translator around, that’s true anime culture
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DUUUUB even better, do it ! And bring you friends who probably died young and sent you on a rampage too
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THAT SHEILAAAAA, fuck is it why the troupe attacked the Kurtas ?!? NOOO She was fine there you fucker and Kurapika loved her with Pairo. I don’t recognize Sarasa. And Sheila’s book isn’t Don’s journey to the west or east.  
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Let’s gooooooo
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They’ll get kidnapped won’t they ? Well first chapter about the formation of the PT. Definitely wasn’t expecting it could be interesting and answer some question we had about the Kurta’s massacre. This won’t end well 
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clood · 2 years
NO NO WAIT. since i’m out here just spinning crackpot theories now. idc if i make a fool of myself once official stuff comes out.
sheila dies in the vicinity of the kurta people. complication of her injury, since kp and pairo aren’t doctors??? killed by a bandit or some other meaner in the woods??? kurta had actually continued to help her but she does anyway???
regardless. she dies. she has something on her person that indicates contact with the kurta people, either some bandaging that the boys gave her or something the other kurta people may have given her. spiders come across this. and fuck it, while we’re at it, let’s throw kurta shal into the mix. he recognizes the item. “the kurta killed sheila” is their obvious conclusion.
MASSACRE. the kurta clan took sheila from us, so this is the obvious answer.
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extrattart · 2 years
Y’all not to be an asshole but if y’all think the latest chapter confirmed that Chrollo is rich or that Kurta Shal is a thing….idk what to tell you. Maybe try reading it again
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maidengame · 3 years
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“Sometime you’re just in a silly goofy mood and you accidentally let your friends murder your entire clan. I’m so quirky like that. haha.”
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hadraws-11 · 4 years
Autor: Rouvere.
Traducción: Ha-Chan.
((Favor de no borrar la marca de agua. La traducción es original y con permiso de su autor))
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Ya había realizado ésta traducción, pero nunca la subí ya que en ése entonces no tenía un buen programa para usar y dejar el material en calidad. Me tardé una eternidad ;; lo siento. Sin embargo, me siento orgullosa del trabajo que finalmente he logrado.
((Todo se ha realizado con el permiso y consentimiento de su autor original, @rouvere​. Todos los créditos van a su persona <3))
Thanks for allowing me to translate this beautiful and tragic comic!
‘Liar’ ← Enlace al post original (?)
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moonbeemed · 7 years
i saw an edited version of chapter 357 that made the shading on shal’s and kortopi’s bodies look darker than it actually was and almost had a heart attack because it looked like shal’s eyes had been taken and my mind went ‘sHAL’S AFUCKING KURTA ANF HISOKA FUCKIGN KNWE AND TOOK HIS GODMN EYES’
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static-fanatic-1 · 4 years
 Prompt List
Hunter x Hunter:
Main Four:
Gon: Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Gon and Poly!Gon+Killua HC, Poly!Gon and Killua w/Escapist Darling, 
Killua: Drabbles | 2 |
Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Killua and Poly!Gon+Killua HC, Poly!Gon and Killua w/Escapist Darling, Killua w/Assassin Darling,
Leorio: Emotionless Daughter HC, Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Poly!Kurapika and Leorio w/Escapist Darling, Leorio and Poly!Kurapika+Leorio HC,  Poly!Kurapika Escapist S/O Now Nen User,
Kurapika: Drabbles | 13 | | Finds Darling at the Mall |
 Stronger Yandere Rival HC,  Darling Sends Nudes HC, Kurapika’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Kurta Survivor Darling, Emotionless Daughter HC, Annoyed Darling, Darling Having a Hysterectomy, Walks in on Darling, Poly!Illumi and Kurapika HC, Family HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Darling Disappears HC, Escapist Darling HC, Poly!Main Four HC, Poly!Kurapika and Leorio w/Escapist Darling, Kurapika and Poly!Kurapika+Leorio HC, Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Escapist Tricking Darling, Escapist Darling w/Youngest Child, Poly!Leorio Escapist S/O Now Nen User, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Kurapika w/Self-Harming Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, OG Spider Darling,
Adult Trio + Glitter Rat:
Hisoka: Drabbles | 13 | | 49 |
Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Hisoka’s Type, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Gullible Darling, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, Poly!Hisoka and Illumi w/Escapist Darling, Platonic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC, 
Illumi: Drabbles | 44 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Illumi’s Type,  Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Darling w/Small Hands, Poly!Illumi and Kurapika HC, Cuddle HC, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, Poly!Hisoka and Illumi w/Escapist Darling, Milluki and Illumi Sharing a Darling | Pt 2 HC | | Pt 3 |, Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Silva w/Illumi’s Darling, Plantoic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC,
Chrollo: Chrollo + PT | Teaser/Part 1 | Part 2 |
Drabbles | 27+32 | | 22 | | 40 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Darling w/Teleporting Nen, Chrollo’s Type, Darling Sad By Death, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Illiterate Darling HC, Escapist Darling w/Three y/o, Kurta Survivor Darling, Gullible Darling, Vampire Darling, Darling Being Cute, Darling Focusing On Kullato HC, Cuddle HC, Poly!Adult!Trio w/Escapist Darling, No Nut November HC, Little Sister (Platonic), Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Darling in a Bunny Costume, Omegaverse (ABO) General HC,
Pariston: Drabbles | 46 |
Silva: Silva’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, Darling w/Small Hands, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Kikyo+Silva Share a Darling, Silva w/Illumi’s Darling, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother, Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Kikyo: General HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Kikyo+Silva Share a Darling, Platonic HC, Platonic Reader Accidentally Says Mom/Dad/Big Brother,  Platonic Reader w/Southern Accent, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Milluki:  Darling w/Small Hands, Milluki and Illumi Sharing a Darling | Pt 2 HC | | Pt 3 |,  Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Kullato: General HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie
Alluka: Aged!Up General HC,
Greed Island:
Razor: Wearing Their Shirt HC, 
Bisky: Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Phantom Troupe:
Uvogin: Tatooed | Pt 1 | | Pt 2 |
Drabbles | 22 | | 22 | | 27 | | 2 | | 32 |
Husband HC, Uvogin’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Wearing Their Shirt HC, Darling w/Small Hands, Gullible Darling, Poly!Uvo and Shal w/Artist Darling, Cuddle HC, Little Sister (Platonic),
Phinks: Drabbles | 17+19 | | 6 | | 36 | 
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Blind Darling HC, Wearing Their Shirt HC,  Darling w/Small Hands, General HC, Phinks’Type, Ticklish s/o,
Feitan:  Drabbles | 39 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Feitan’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Blind Darling HC, General HC,  No Nut November HC, Darling w/Tickle Kink, Escapist Tricking Darling, Sadistic Darling Wants Therapy, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Ticklish s/o,
Shalnark: Drabbles | Random | | 12 |
Darling Sends Nudes HC, Shalnark’s Type, Small Boobs HC, Poly!Uvo and Shal w/Artist Darling, Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Escapist Tricking Darling,
Pakunoda:  Darling Sends Nudes HC, Blind Darling HC, Little Sister (Platonic), Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Franklin: Darling w/Small Hands
Shizuku: Shisuku’s Type
Machi: Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Little Sister (Platonic),
Nobunaga: Drabbles | 21+15 |
York New: 
Neon: Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Chimera Ants:
Meruem: Drabbles | 19 |
Dear Human | Pt 1 (NSFW)|
Would They Change Their Darling HC, Emotionless Daughter HC, Darling Disappears HC, Stronger Yandere Rival HC, Meruem HC, Extermination Team Darling
Shaiapouf: Shaia HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Darling w/Nen Wings, Poly!Pitou + Shaiapouf,
Methuthuyoupi: Darling w/Small Hands Youpi HC,
Neferpitou: Darling w/Small Hands, Pitou HC, Kidnapped (And Coming Along) Darling, Poly!Pitou + Shaiapouf,
Zazan: Zazan HC
Colt: Colt HC
Chimera Ant Queen: Chimera Ant Queen HC,  
My Hero Academia:
All For One: Sweet healer | Pt 1 (NSFW)|
League Of Villians: 
Dabi: Dabi’s Type, Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Shigaraki: No Nut November HC, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie, Darling in a Bunny Costume, 
Mr. Compress: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Kurogiri: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Shie Hassaikai:
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Hari Kurono (Chronostasis): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Toya Setsuno:  Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Clumsy Darling, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume, 
Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater): Kidnaped (Coming Around) Darling, No Nut November HC, Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Pro Heroes:
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor): Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead): Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
All Might (Toshinori Yagi): Darling in a Bunny Costume,
Hawks: Seeing Darling in Lingerie,
Class 1-A:
Kirishima: Kinks Secret and Lingerie
Shinsou: Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling, Biggest Kinks + Dirty Secret + Favorite Lingerie,
Class 1-B:
Monoma: Kinks Secret and Lingerie, Winter/Christmas/Other Holidays w/Darling,
Mortal Kombat:
Kotal Kahn: Memories of a Kahn, 
Shinnok: Then and Now,
Stand Alone Fan Fiction:
Stuck at a StandStill: 
Prologue (Before We Begin), Chapter 1 (Three, Two, One, Begin), Chapter 2 (Test to Stay), Chapter 3 (Day Two),
Q and A:
Alpha and Omega, What I Write/Don’t Write, How Did I Get Into HxH and Writing, Is There  Limit to The Amount Of Requests, Who is My Favorite HxH Character, Do I write LGBT+, Are Meek Readers Cliche, Want to Talk? Let’s Talk, Do I Write Character x Yandere!Reader, Do I write Au’s, A Little Writing Advice, How do I organize my asks, How far do I go with NSFW, What are my pronouns, What can you call me, Who I would probably befriend in HxH, 
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Hunter x Hunter: Specialist Scarlet Eyes idea 1.
@masakuterarr <- what have you done to me
long post ahead and a lot of copium.
so back on my kurta shal bullshit in the hypothetical that he does have full scarlet eyes. what does that mean? well ill tell you.
according to togashi the scarlet eyes give the user a massive boost in aura and kurapika created a condition called emperor time to make himself a specialist and give him control over all 6 categories of nen.
and guess who (in this scenario) has scarlet eyes and knows how kurapika works.
now this is assuming two things: one, pakunoda scanned killua and has the memory of kurapika's hatsu explanation in full detail, meaning she transferred it to shalnark and the other five founding members before she died. two, the scarlet eyes grant an equal amount of power to every kurtan who had them.
ok so. scarlet eyed kurta shalnark right.
he has never used his scarlet eyes for nen related purposes because he has conditioned himself to hide them by containing his emotions to such a degree its scary. he probably doesn't even know about the power boost until pakunoda memory bombs him.
that being said, before greed island is introduced, he begins to entertain the idea that he could possibly use the specialist's power. what for you might ask?
to bring back the dead :)
there are a lot of things shalnark can use this power for, but he's just come off of mourning uvo and then witnessing paku drop dead in front of him. and now chrollo is suspended by a nen curse.
so on one hand, he could move forward and develop an ability that could remove nen curses. become an exorcist type and use his power to outright crush the curse.
but on the other hand. he can go backwards and undo the mistakes of the yorknew and make things right by starting where they first went wrong.
and so he decides to be selfish.
first its a struggle to remember how to make his eyes go scarlet and then the practice of harnessing that excess aura to replicate kurapika's specialist typing.
the first step goes easily because despair is the best catalyst for powerful emotions and as i said above. he's fuckin depressed as hell. so for the first time in a long time, shalnark lets himself cry.
and it works, his eyes turn red and he's got a massive boost of aura and efficiency in all six nen categories. (he doesn't name it like kurapika because he puts more effort into the following hatsu)
life and death are very much within the specialist category (see 2nd prince Camilla) so he'd be tapping mostly into specialist abilities. however, he also borrows from conjuror, emitter and a little touch of transmutation. to bring someone back youd need a lot of things so he needs access to almost all at once.
now comes the conditions. he has three modifiers that could help make this process more efficient. Emotion and Time. and then the necessary Life. Life for life is the rule of nen, especially when working backwards.
so his first two conditions are:
The dead must have died six months ago. (exactly 180 days) the further away from the exact time and date the more aura he spends.
the dead has to have been mourned by 10 people or more. as in the living have to make a gesture to express the loss of said deceased. and all 10 have to still be alive.
these are weak conditions but they're a good start. the time gap is to make up for lost time. by the time he starts making this hatsu it's been a month since the two spiders died and by his estimate he will need at least three more to perfect this to maximum efficiency. that being said, making the time sink universal is good for simple consistency.
the mourning part is using external emotions and ensuring that the deceased is worthy of coming back to life. since life wouldn't be returning to him, he would require more people than just himself.
third and fourth conditions quickly follow:
3. the dead has to have an appearance detailed enough to reconstruct with conjuration.
4. the last person who saw the dead has to say their name within two hours of the resurrection.
the third condition is simply applying conjuration techniques. and since shalnark is a nerd he probably has a good knowledge of human anatomy stored somewhere and paired with nostalgia he can ensure he can visualize his targets.
the fourth has a double function. one, it sets a time limit and two it implies that the killer has to remember who they had killed. this one is the really powerful condition that grants him a hell of a lot of power from if he can pull it off.
however, it's not enough and he still has to address the last modifier: life
5. however long it takes to complete steps 2-4, shalnark sacrifices 1 hour from his lifespan for every minute it takes. therefore, he can sacrifice a maximum of 120 hours or 4 and a half days of his life every time he does this.
6. two people that meet requirement 2 must be killed by shalnark and the resulting residual aura will be channeled through black voice and into the target.
by sacrificing two lives and a part of his own, he now has the Life required to return life.
the reason he has all of these clumped together is so that he can simply pull one trigger when all requirements are met. its a lot of setup but it could work.
he bundles it all up nicely under a fully realized hatsu five and a half months after working on it: Bleeding Heart - the Six Amendments of Death.
and of course he gets mad eepy after using all this bcs even with all those restrictions he is not fit for this.
this is one idea of many. the possibilities are endless. this is a certified nen nerd post
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kaelicious · 4 years
‧⁺˚*・༓☾ iceskating date ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
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pairing - kurapika x reader, feitan x reader
warnings - 100% fluff 😌
@aly-kurta requested - Hey sweetie! I really hope you and Shal are doing amazing <3 Can I request Feitan and Kurapika having an ice-skating date with their s/o? Tysm 💜💜💜 (not me adding the hearts to fluster you)
a/n - we’re using hearts now? okay ❤️😘😍🥰💕♥️💖💙💗💜💞💓💛🖤💚❣️😻🧡💘💝👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💟💌 :) <33
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kurapika ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
• he’d be a little skeptical about this. don’t get me wrong, he loves the concept!!!! but he’s never skated before, let alone ice skated
• he’d make sure you were fully wrapped up in jumpers and coats, he doesn’t want you getting sick!! he’d even bring extra because, ‘(y/n)! what if you catch a cold? i don’t want that happening!’
• i’m not gonna sugarcoat it, he’s terrible at ice-skating when he first tries. he’s constantly wobbling on his feet and he’ll probably accidentally latch onto you, pulling you both on your ass
• - he will apologise profusely for that
• he is the type of person that wobbles one there feet for about 5 minutes before the topple over. it’s very funny. don’t tease him though, you’ll bring out pouty kurapika.
• once he gets the hang of it, he’s basically a figure skater. he’s such a fast learner and he’ll probably even be better than you
• he’d love to hold your hands and spin around with you. he’d have a little blush on his face and a warm smile 🥺 god hes so cute
• he would tease you a little bit if you fell, out of love 👀
• ‘aww, do you need some help, baby? it’s okay, skating isn’t for everyone..’ little shit
• being the literal parent he is, he definitely packed some hot cocoa for the two of you. when you get tired, he’ll just pull you on his lap and hand you a flask of warm hot chocolate 🥺
• overall, this is a 100/10 date for him. of course, he’ll be a bit embarrassed with his skills at first, but with your help and guidance he’ll be a ballerina on ice <33
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feitan ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
• good luck getting him anywhere near ice
• no seriously, you’ll need some good persuading to get him to think about it
• lets say you finally got him to do it, he’ll actually be pretty good at it. he won’t be as good as kurapika, but he won’t fall over.
• though if you fell over, he will laugh at you.
• ‘HAHA! seriously, you were the one that asked to do this and you can’t do it? you want some help?’
• cue him snickering every five minutes when he remembers about it. honestly he won’t let you forget for the rest of the day
• if you genuinely aren’t good at it, he’ll hold your hand and pull you around with him, giving you small tips along the way. i’m not a dog feitan
• being the lazy mf that doesn’t care about his health he is, he probably just came in his normal clothes. he says ‘pfft, i won’t get cold. i’ll be completely fine.’
• he’ll learn his lesson when he’s shivering and shyly asking if you have a spare coat. you’ll just chuckle and hand him a jacket, saying ‘i told you so~’
• don’t push it, he’ll ignore you if you tease him to much
• like kurapika, he’ll hold your hands and skate around with you. this is a date and despite him saying he doesn’t care, he wants to make the most of his time with you. he’d love pulling you around while your trailing behind him, your like his cute little pet following him around 🥺
• overall, a very nice and calm date. when your not teasing the shit out of each over, it’s super cute and fluffy, just how he likes it <33
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- all content belongs to @kaelicious , do not repost anywhere.
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yeonban · 9 months
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CHRISTMAS GIFTS 2023 : Shalnark & Chrollo, @deathfavor
Tahereh Mafi - Shatter Me | Marie Howe - Magdalene: Poems | ZeroTreze | GayArsonist - Tumblr | Jen Mazza - Peripety series, 2008: Oil on Linen | Kurt Vonnegut - A letter to Nanny Vonnegut
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shalnarkonice · 7 years
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Togashi: heres shals last name
Me: *holding up every kurta theory*
Togashi: its a spin off of meteor city
Me: so whats the truth
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halt-kun · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 397 - Foundation (3)
I came across a very early translation ! I’ll try to liveblog it before work 
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I feel bad already, Sarasa had a bad caretaker too ? I’m using past tense because it’s a flashback not because she’s dead (but we all know she probably is)
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Phinks looks so worried, noOOOOOOO ;_; 
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“Yeah, I can’t come to work today, a bunch of kid in need of help (and hugs) came by, they lost their friend and need help”
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Happiness no more
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They get it at least, now, make a search party !
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FUCK, someone, hug them 
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LEZGOOOOOOO (i’m dying inside)
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You know, it’s too bad Shizuku isn’t there because her power is the closer to a power cleaner among the troupe. She might have been a fan. Chrollo is so touched
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That bag is ominous FUCK FUCK 
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Chrollo, no, you’re too young, can anyone even read this language 
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Can you read it under the rain ?
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I winced 
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This is excruciating 
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What do you mean, there are two papers. You don’t need to know really 
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I doubt Uvo ever learnt what was written then 
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I think it’s the first time Machi sides with Chrollo over Uvo.
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NOW I’M UGLY CRYING, please they’re just kids. I don’t remember if Kurapika saw his whole clan dead too because someone else found them but he might have had it worse at the same age. FUCK, crying and sobbing
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Wow, you have a great mortician 
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Nice design of embalmer, was it nen ?
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Machi’s a nen genius ! That’s why she learnt sewing and made her ability into nen threads. Someone please hug her 
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Nen training time ???
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So Chrollo was 11, as old as Gon and Killua at the beginning of the series. Travelling the world is the only dream left to Chrollo. He was older than most kids of the troupe back then too
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Chrollo is an early 80s internet nerd 
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A snuff movie was made, who watched it later to get clues ? I don’t want to know 
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Oh no you created a website for snuff movies on the dark web
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And Sheila left while the troupe was assembling and getting ready for revenge  
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Of course, you need a way to deter future murders. Thus was born the “we will accept anything so don’t take anything from us” motto
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Definitely a lot of people. You’ll have to apologize 
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Well a legal system isn’t really there to punish people, Most offenders aren’t murderers or rapists and even most of those will get better from somthing tat isn’t just cruel to be cruel to “bad” people. Innocents can be convicted too. Anyway, this kind of person needs to be locked up but not for punishment but to protect people from them.   
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Uvo did that 
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9 members of the OG troupe 
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I was wondering the whole mini arc but that’s Chrollo at 14 then. Shalnark hair here wasn’t like that last time we saw this flashback. Machi too looked different. Feitan (what happened to your hair ?). Nobu hasn’t aged a day since then. Anyway, probably the end of the founding of the troupe, next time we’ll go back to Nobu, Phinks and Feitan vs the Heil-yi. Bye bye Paku, Shal and Uvo, I’m not religious but I hope you found Sarasa and are waiting for the others. Some might join you later. Kinda fucked up that they did the same thing to the Kurta. We’ll definitely get more on that later with Sheila    
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